[12:37] hi, I'm Raul Dipeas from Brazil, (algum brasileiro ae?) [12:53] hi rauldipeas. Just english here Im afraid [12:54] hehe, OK [12:54] my english is bad :S === lameiro_ is now known as rlameiro === lameiro_ is now known as rlameiro === wdreamer is now known as wirelessdreamer [21:20] * sobukus is desperate [21:20] I really need to add the install DVD as source medium because mz internets is slow [21:20] but that ******* system seems to be broken [21:21] I remember a popup after inserting the dvd that prompts me to use it with synaptic, but that does not come anymore [21:21] and any other way to use the dvd seems to be doomed [21:21] I cannot add it as cdrom source [21:21] Is there a foolproof way to get that damned pool on the dvd into apt? [21:23] could it be that the system is totally confused between my two DVD drives and teh fact taht I installed from the ubuntu ludic live cd, then added stuff from the ubuntustudio lucid dvd? [21:24] You see, the initial package adding worked with the dvd... [21:31] Aha, managed to fool apt into using a custom mount of the DVD as a file source [21:31] The cdrom stuff in apt seems to be broken with ubuntu (studio= [21:31] Perhaps I can isntall the stuff now [21:32] but I guess this error will persist: [21:32] * holstein reading [21:32] dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme (--configure): Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 2 zurück [21:32] (ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme fails to configure ... does that matter when plymouth crashes anyway after boot?) [21:33] sobukus: just dont install the theme [21:33] ubuntustudio-theme [21:33] you dont need that part [21:34] when I uninstall it, ubuntustudio-desktop is uninstalled IMHO [21:34] yup [21:34] and thats fine too [21:34] * sobukus is relieved that synaptic now installes from the DVD when tricked into it not being a DVD [21:35] hm [21:35] So I suppose it's a known bug that is being fixed? [21:35] ubuntustudio-desktop ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics ubuntustudio-video linux-rt [21:35] those are all the studio meta-packages [21:35] I have to sort out my memories from today to figure out how manz bug reports I should try to do [21:36] I'm installing most of them now ... linux-rt is already there... [21:36] -desktop is not really necessary [21:36] ok [21:36] you can pick and choose [21:36] OR [21:36] you can install what you need [21:36] LIKE [21:36] you dont have to install ubuntustudio-audio [21:37] Btw... the most blatant bug I experienced... [21:37] if all your going to use is JACK and ardor [21:37] ardour* [21:37] reason for my curretn rage and that I'm still not at home where I should be sleeping now ... [21:37] you can always just get what you need from the repo [21:37] I thought that plymouth is unneeded clutter... [21:37] tried to remove it [21:37] in the software center [21:37] nah [21:37] I also removed plymouth-shared-lib [21:38] i think plymouth is a new thing [21:38] and then... suddenly WITHOUT A WARNING [21:38] X vanishes [21:38] yup [21:38] its needed now [21:38] switching to the console... [21:38] and about EVERYTHING has been silently removed [21:38] hmmm [21:38] like, /bin/ls is not there anymore [21:38] or hal, or reboot [21:38] or shutdown [21:38] thats strange [21:39] are you SU [21:39] it reaped the whole system [21:39] or sudo? [21:39] I was, yes [21:39] sudo su [21:39] interesting [21:39] i guess that all could be a plymouth bug [21:39] the software center was ran as normal user [21:39] this is lucid? [21:39] right? [21:39] yes [21:39] hmmm [21:39] i suppose that could be the deal [21:40] you might want to try #ubuntu+1 [21:40] and see if thats a bug or whatever [21:40] What I don't get: synaptic warns you about stuff that gets removed because you are removing a dependency. [21:40] im not sure [21:40] sobukus: you would think [21:40] it should [21:40] but the software center is supposed to rip the whole system apart without a warning? [21:40] im not sure [21:40] i havent used it yet [21:41] I won't use it again that soon, too [21:41] lol [21:41] yeah, im just use to synaptic [21:41] so... should I jump over launchpad for this? [21:41] you could try [21:41] or yel in that other channel? [21:42] Well.. I really hope that the trouble stops after installing [21:42] someone should be aware of what happened by removing plymouth in the software center [21:42] btw... are you successful in configuring the system to route all audio to jack? [21:42] there is both pulse jack plugin and alsa jack plugin [21:44] * sobukus actually would like jack to be started and used automatically with the firwire audio [21:44] sobukus: JACK turns pulse off [21:44] when im ready to track or mix [21:44] and thats enough for me [21:44] also in lucid? [21:44] ah, in your setup [21:44] i have a seperate studio box [21:44] and i dont even have flash installed on it [21:45] sobukus: i have not updated to lucid yet [21:45] well, people tend to want to peek into the internet on the only box that's here [21:45] when showing you some song they found... it has to be a video on youtube:-/ [21:46] holstein: what about when you have 2 soundcards and want jack to run one and pulse to run the other? [21:47] Ehw... ubuntustudio-audio depends on mpg321 [21:48] why not mpg123, that's faster and currently maintained [21:48] * sobukus happens to maintain it;-) [21:48] wirelessdreamer: w0w [21:48] does that work for you? [21:49] nope, I tried with 10.4 for a week or so [21:49] using gentoo on my pro audio box [21:49] for me, as long as pulse gets out of the way [21:49] have ubuntu on my non audio boxes so thought i'd give it a try [21:49] and my firewire device works [21:49] im happy [21:49] BUT i can see the appeal [21:49] all ubuntu studio boxes with rt kernels i've tried don't behave for me with zynaddsubfx [21:50] wirelessdreamer: there was an issue [21:50] route headphone out on proaudio card to line on on pulse card out to bt headphones [21:50] the new package is called yoshimi? [21:50] yea i've been using yoshimi and another fork on and off [21:51] OH ok [21:51] sobukus: you should join the dev mailinglist [21:51] and shout out about mpg123 [21:51] there is a lot to keep track of up and down stream i bet [21:53] yeah... but now I need to care about my stream carrying me home from teh stdudio