
telexlhello room.  I've just booted the Xubuntu 9.10 live CD on my Compaq Presario notebook.  I needed to boot with 'safe graphics mode', or nothing appeared on the screen.  I've got a login prompt, which surprises me.  What do I login as?01:07
hatake_kakashitry ubuntu or live01:08
telexlhatake_kakashi: thanks.  i'll try it now.01:08
telexlit's rather slow - it's got a 500 MHz Celeron and 192MB RAM - takes a long time.01:09
hatake_kakashiyeah you do realise you are somewhat pushing the limits01:10
hatake_kakashibut probably the biggest bottleneck would be going through cd01:10
telexlhatake_kakashi: yes - it's quite slow.  I've tried various combinations of 'ubuntu' and 'live' as the username and password, and it's not accepting it.  I think something else is going on here.01:14
telexlMaybe I should try something 'leaner', such as Slackware?01:14
hatake_kakashithat or maybe something like puppylinux01:18
telexlhatake_kakashi: :)  Actually I have Puppy installed, but I needed a live environment to flash the firmware of a prism2 CF wireless card that is from a Zaurus SL-5500.  It's all got quite complicated.01:19
telexlthanks.  logging out01:30
bearodactylanyone know how to adjust mouse DPI or otherwise lower the sensitivity in xfce?02:45
bearodactylits killing me.  so sensitive02:45
hatake_kakashiApplications > Settings > Mouse02:45
bearodactylStill crazy fast, I tried that two days ago lol.  xset m blah/blah has almost no effect even at crazy settings.  razertool-gtk doesn't work either.02:49
bearodactylhang though, i think I found something o nthe forums...02:49
hatake_kakashiwhat, even at the lowest setting?02:50
el3menthey :P02:50
bearodactylhatake_kakashi: yes, it does make a difference, but its still outrageously fast02:52
el3menti have a question - where can download ubuntu x64 cuz in official site is only x8602:52
hatake_kakashibearodactyl, and you have a razor mouse? isn't there a profile setting on the bottom of the mouse which can be switched on the dial02:52
hatake_kakashiel3ment, its called amd6402:52
bearodactylhatake_kakashi: not on the one I have02:54
el3menthatake_kakashi can u give me a link to this 64 bit distribution cant find it02:54
bearodactyloops* lol02:55
hatake_kakashibearodactyl, weird, older mouse I gather? the one I had was copperhead02:55
hatake_kakashiel3ment, you can't see amd64?02:55
bearodactylyeah, its a razer pro|click, which is basically a white copperhead marketed at mac users.  few years old.02:56
el3mentnope oly lin 9.10 32 bit02:56
el3mentnope oly link 9.10 32 bit02:56
bearodactylI have a ps/2 ball mouse that works fine...but its a freaking ball mouse.02:56
bearodactyldon't want to use it02:56
hatake_kakashihumm don't have that mouse but on mine its on the bottom of the mouse, there's a button on there02:56
el3menthatake_kakashi see --> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download02:57
el3mentonly 32 bit version02:57
hatake_kakashiel3ment, I can see 64 bit version for download, maybe you forgot to select advanced options or something02:59
el3mentim want to run home desktop ubuntu not server :)02:59
el3mentadvanced option hmm02:59
el3mentnot see any kind of option link on the page :)03:00
hatake_kakashiits on there, look for it or something similar03:01
el3mentim stupid or this site is one big mess :D03:02
hatake_kakashisee alternative download options03:02
el3mentohh im find it :)03:03
el3mentty :D03:03
bearodactylhmmm, xinput list shows it as a diamondback03:03
bearodactylwith 15 buttons, loll03:03
hatake_kakashigotta love autoprobe03:04
bearodactylhaha, it also thinks my usb headset is a keyboard...wtf03:05
el3mentcan i run kde 4.0 on this ubuntu ? :)03:07
el3mentsry for my noobish questions :)03:07
hatake_kakashiits called kubuntu03:07
bearodactylIf you're into that sort of thing.  Best thing I ever did with KDE was "apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop && apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"03:08
el3mentthis is part from original 64bit.ubuntu.iso or i must download kubuntu verion specificaly ?03:08
bearodactylIf there's not a version for download, just get whatever is there and you can change it later03:08
el3mentwhats the diferents ?03:08
hatake_kakashidifferent frontend03:08
bearodactyldifferent desktop environments03:08
bearodactylJust preference mostly.  XFCE (xubuntu) is very lightweight, Gnome and KDE are a little more full featured.03:09
bearodactylA lot of people don't like KDE4 though.03:09
bearodactyl3 was usable.  4 makes me want to throw up on my computer03:10
el3mentwhy cuz everything is shiny in kde 4 ?03:10
hatake_kakashithere's lxde which to me looks similar to kde3 but someone else said more like kde203:10
el3mentand cartoon ? :)03:10
hatake_kakashidifferent people different tastes03:10
el3mentyea thats true03:10
el3menti will install ubuntu with windows installer and i see only ubuntu Graphic environments03:13
el3mentcan i change this late with kde4 ?03:13
hatake_kakashiits called kubuntu-desktop, you have to download and install it, similar to what bearodactyl said03:14
el3mentthis is after im install ubuntu with defoult desktop03:15
hatake_kakashior you could have simply downloaded kubuntu03:15
hatake_kakashiand seriously why aren't you asking these questions in #kubuntu? why here when its not really related to xfce?03:16
el3mentsry im new ind this area and asking questions everywhere :)03:18
bearodactylif you have default, you can do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop && apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop03:19
bearodactylbest bet is to just download the one you want to begin with03:19
bearodactylso long as it is available03:19
el3mentok ty :)03:19
el3menti will try first kubuntu :) then others :)03:20
bearodactylok.  Personally I use the minimal iso.  That way you can pick and choose what you want while installing03:21
bearodactylplus it saves time on updating everything after the install is finished03:22
bearodactyland your disc is always up to date03:22
el3mentwhat i must choose for instalation size there have option between 5 and 20 GB03:25
bearodactylare you using the windows installer?03:28
hatake_kakashihe left03:29
bearodactyloh yeah lol.  I didn't look that closely03:30
robertzaccourthinkin about the xfce switch. any pros or cons compared to gnome?04:09
robertzaccouranyone here?04:26
Balsaqgood morning...Lords of the Qode.06:10
moetunesis there an preferred method of adding to the application menu?06:20
Balsaqplease elaborate moetunes06:21
moetunesI just installed xvnc4viewer and didn't end up with a menu entry for it in network or anywhere - I want one06:22
moetunesso I figured I would add it06:22
Balsaq-FoogatzPipe- if you are good we may be able to use you...but i have a funny feeling you are a numbskull :(07:56
_Techie_umm, bal wrong channel08:03
moetunesI had to check my ignore page...08:03
moetuneshow do I get a static ip address on my lan - there's no option in network manager08:35
hatake_kakashiunder IPv4 settings08:36
hatake_kakashiand no you can't get one, you must set one, to get one you need to configure your router to lease you a static type IP08:37
moetunesI've always set one in /etc/network/interfaces08:38
moetunescan I remove network manager since it is so limited08:38
hatake_kakashiyeah you could still probably do it the old fashioned way, just remove network manager08:38
hatake_kakashiprobably could or better yet make it not manage any device08:39
moetunesI'll try that thnx08:39
moetuneswoot! - static ip for me :)08:49
_Techie_moetunes, good to see another user sticking to the good ol' config files10:45
_Techie_how can i pull cpu information from command line, information such as FSB clock speed, L2 cache size12:22
Sysicat /proc/cpuinfo ?12:23
_Techie_works a charm12:24
_Techie_once again you save my hide12:24
_Techie_however not my sanity12:25
_Techie_does anyone have any spare CPU's about?12:27
_Techie_most likely someone whose upgraded from a p4 to a dual core of the same socket type12:27
IlmariLwin 813:25
IlmariLsorry :)13:25
Sysiluckily not win 7 :P13:27
moetunesI just installed 9.10 alongside a dapper server based install - vlc in 9.10 uses 40% cpu to play an avi and vlc on dapper uses 0-1% to play the same file?13:39
xubuntu278I have just tried installing xubuntu 10.4 beta 1. But on rebooting grub couldn't find the primary hard disk. Anything I could do?14:31
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:31
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:01
Arpad2ok, thx!15:02
Arpad2can I add a program icon to my xubuntu desktop, for instance the icon of the opera browser?15:02
charlie-tcasure, but if you want to run opera from the desktop, you need to add a launcher15:03
Arpad2thx, and how can I get the launcher?15:03
charlie-tcajust right click the desktop, left click create launcher15:03
Arpad2ok , I will try this, Thx!:)15:04
Sysibtw. it's fun that xfce is "wiser" adding launchers to desktop than panel15:04
* charlie-tca thinks adding to the panel was an after the facts thing15:05
Arpad2I did it ! it works ! thank you charlie-tca!15:06
Sysicharlie-tca: but on desktop you get suggestions while starting to type15:06
charlie-tcaArpad2: You are welcome15:06
Arpad2next question. How can I play mp3 files without converting them to ogg files?15:07
charlie-tcaSysi: you do? I have not used that in a very long time15:07
charlie-tcaArpad2: should be able to use exaile15:07
Arpad2but it doesnt like mp315:07
Sysiinstall xubuntu-restricted-extras (which also contais other useful stuff)15:08
Arpad2ok, where can I fins these xtras?15:08
Arpad2sorry, Im barely I week old linus user15:09
Arpad2i look into it15:09
Sysiin menu under system15:09
moetunesg++ doesn't support shared libraries - what am I missing pls?15:11
Arpad2can I copy files from Drive C on which is XP, to drive E on which is xubuntu, the file manager doest see the drive c nor d15:55
charlie-tcayes, you should be able to, if you can see the files already on E15:56
moetunesArpad2: those drives prob aren't mounted in xubuntu15:56
Arpad2which means what exactly? i installed the linux on on drive e15:57
Arpad2drives c and d are still left for microsoft15:57
Sysidid you use wubi?15:58
moetunesthe file manager doesn't see the drive c nor d - is that what you meant?15:58
Arpad2but i didnt use wubi15:59
Arpad2should I try?15:59
moetunesno you did a better thing installing to a partition15:59
moetunesare the windows partitions ntfs?16:00
Arpad2interesting that neither the xp sees now the drive e16:00
moetuneswindows never sees the linux partitions16:01
Arpad2hello moetunes16:01
moetuneshi there Arpad216:01
Arpad2what is ntfs?16:01
moetunesa choice of file system for windows - it's the default16:01
moetunesmost linux is on ext3 filesystem16:02
Arpad2sorry I dont know the answer, which kind of filesystem the OS is using16:03
moetunesmore than likely it is ntfs - I have never used ntfs so maybe someone with windows experience will speak up...16:03
Arpad2interestingly if i search for files than the two windows drives appear16:05
moetunesbe interesting to know if your /etc/fstab file shows those drives16:06
charlie-tcaI would guess xp and vista will be ntfs16:06
charlie-tcaThat is what they default to16:07
Arpad2no fstab folder16:08
moetunesisn't ntfs-3g needed then?16:08
moetunesfstab is a file in /etc16:08
moetunesfurther down16:08
Arpad2# /etc/fstab: static file system information.16:09
Arpad2# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier16:09
Arpad2# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name16:09
Arpad2# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).16:09
Arpad2# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>16:09
Arpad2proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       016:09
Arpad2# / was on /dev/sdb1 during installation16:09
Arpad2UUID=5dc16851-0f57-4645-88e1-94a3d3d20714 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       116:09
Arpad2# swap was on /dev/sdb5 during installation16:09
Arpad2UUID=10b52446-4652-4366-86de-251582d21d5d none            swap    sw              0       016:09
Arpad2/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       016:09
Arpad2/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       016:09
Arpad2this is it :)16:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:10
moetuneshehe - doesn't seem like they are16:10
moetunesisn't ntfs-3g needed then? - charlie-tca16:10
charlie-tcaIt is needed in the mount command, yes16:10
charlie-tcasomething like 'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/??? /media/???16:11
moetunesbe good to put it in fstab for Arpad216:12
charlie-tcaor in fstab "/dev/sd? /media/window-c ntfs-3g,user,auto     0     016:12
moetunesthnx :)16:12
charlie-tcawithout the quotes16:12
charlie-tcaYou also have to create the directories to mount in /media16:13
Arpad2i should type sth in the terminal?16:13
charlie-tcaWindows should be on sda116:13
charlie-tcain terminal, type    sudo mkdir /media/windows-c16:14
charlie-tcaThen type       sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/windows-c16:14
charlie-tcathen try to look at the drive in thunar16:15
charlie-tcanow that I think of it, you could use gigolo to see the windows drives, too16:15
charlie-tcaApplications -> system -> shared drives  or  Gigolo ?16:16
Arpad2i did the two sudo commands16:16
charlie-tcaany errors?16:17
MisioHello to everyone and happy easter16:17
Arpad2arpad@arpad-desktop:~/Desktop$  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/windows-cThe disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).16:17
Arpad2The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.16:17
charlie-tca!hi | Misio16:17
ubottuMisio: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:17
MisioI don't know if this is the right place but I wish to understand why 3D acceleration doesn't seems to work for me16:18
charlie-tcaArpad2: you should be able to see the windows files in the file manager now16:18
MisioCould anyone help me?16:18
charlie-tcaMisio: what kind of video card?16:18
charlie-tcaDid you install the hardware drivers?16:19
MisioI've a ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x16:19
MisioIt should use the Mesa drivers, already installed16:19
charlie-tcaHardware drivers installed? applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers16:19
Misionone listed16:20
MisioI don't understand that application... there is nothing listed...16:20
charlie-tcaThat is why you don't have 3d16:20
charlie-tcaIt doesn't see any ati specific hardware drivers for that card. It may be too old now16:21
moetunesI thought the 2x meant agp at 2x - too slow for dri16:21
charlie-tcaati mobility is quite an old card16:21
charlie-tcano, ati rage16:21
Misioglxinfo reports direct rendering enabled however16:22
charlie-tcahardware or software?16:22
charlie-tcadoesn't matter16:22
charlie-tcayou can have software direct rendering enabled without having 3d support16:22
Arpad2charlie-tca: I have shared folder only, not shared drives, and it says sharing services are not installed16:22
Misioso... there is nothing to do?16:22
charlie-tcaArpad2: doesn't it ask if you want to install them?16:23
Arpad2i does16:23
charlie-tcaMisio: I don't have answers for ati, all my cards are nvidia16:23
charlie-tca!ati | Misio16:23
ubottuMisio: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:23
Arpad2it does16:23
Misiooh... thank you ubottu16:23
charlie-tcaArpad2: install samba16:24
charlie-tcaubottu is a robot16:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:24
charlie-tcaubottu, tell Misio about yourself16:24
ubottuMisio, please see my private message16:24
Misiooh... :D16:25
Arpad2charlie-tca: samba has been installed16:29
charlie-tcaokay. I think you can use the drive now, but if you want it permanent, you should add the mount to /etc/fstab16:30
charlie-tcaI don't really use windows at all. Have not had a copy since windows 3.116:31
Arpad2I have some password in keepass on windows16:31
charlie-tcabeen a year or two, I guess16:31
Arpad2is it possible to retrieve these from linux?16:32
charlie-tcaI believe keepassx is compatible in ubuntu16:32
charlie-tcabroke it16:32
charlie-tca!info keepassx16:32
ubottukeepassx (source: keepassx): Cross Platform Password Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-1 (karmic), package size 924 kB, installed size 2704 kB16:32
charlie-tcaThere is some documentation in /usr/share/doc/keepassx after you install it16:33
Arpad2ok, thank you!16:33
charlie-tcaYou should be able to use the same password file in both Xubuntu and Windows16:33
Arpad2the exaile now plas the mp3s:), but file manager doest see the win16:44
MisioIt seems that I'm unlucky16:45
MisioI already should have the best driver installed16:46
charlie-tca!gigolo | Arpad216:52
charlie-tca!samba | Arpad216:52
ubottuArpad2: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:52
Arpad2thank you charlie-tca16:54
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:55
Arpad2where can I find gigolo?16:56
Arpad2 :(16:57
charlie-tcaapplications -> System -> Gigolo  or  Applications -> System -> Shared ...16:57
schlaftierApplications -> System -> Remote Filesystems16:59
charlie-tcathat too17:00
Arpad2in remote is the gigolo:)17:06
Arpad2however it sees c only17:07
charlie-tcaYou never mounted d:17:07
Arpad2which means?17:07
Arpad2im still dummy... :(17:08
charlie-tcayou created a directory in /media called windows-c, and then mounted it with sudo mount ...17:08
charlie-tcaWhat drive is d: ? sda?17:08
charlie-tcamaybe that is sda217:08
Misiojust another question... is it possible to configure HAL to force Xorg to load a specific driver?17:08
MisioI see that Xorg uses MATCH6417:09
Misiobut it should use Rage12817:09
charlie-tcain terminal, type    sudo mkdir /media/windows-d17:09
Arpad2this i understand:)17:09
charlie-tcaThen type       sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/windows-d17:09
MisioI don't think that it will help but it's just to try17:10
charlie-tcaMisio: I think it can be done using /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:10
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:10
charlie-tcaMisio: or maybe google to find an example17:11
MisioYes, I know but I've no xorg.conf because I use HAL17:11
charlie-tcaYou can create one17:11
MisioYes charlie-tca... I was just wandering if it is possibile through HAL17:11
charlie-tcaYes, you can create it and it will work17:12
Arpad2arpad@arpad-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/windows-d17:13
Arpad2NTFS signature is missing.17:13
Arpad2Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Invalid argument17:13
Arpad2The device '/dev/sda2' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.17:13
Arpad2Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a17:13
Arpad2partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?17:13
charlie-tcaokay, that is not the right number17:14
charlie-tcahow many hard drives do you have?17:14
Arpad2i thought so17:14
Misiowell.. thank you charlie, happy easter to all... see you17:14
charlie-tcaand Xubuntu is on ?17:15
Arpad2two partitions( c,d) on one drive17:15
Arpad2on the second drive17:15
Arpad2drive E17:15
Arpad2that has ubuntu17:16
charlie-tcaWhat is the third drive?17:16
charlie-tcatwo drives17:16
Arpad2I think im confusing the terms17:16
Arpad2i have two psisical HDD s17:16
Arpad2and one hdd has two partitions  ie c and d17:17
Arpad2and the other hdd has xubuntu17:17
charlie-tcago to /dev/disk/by-id and look at them17:19
charlie-tcaif you right click, left click properties, you can see the sd?? numbers17:19
charlie-tcawhat is there besides sda1 and sdb1  ?17:19
Arpad2just a sec17:19
Arpad2there is no mention of sda at all17:22
charlie-tcalook at each one, in properties will be 'Link Target: ../../sd?17:23
charlie-tcaevery drive and partition should be listed17:24
Arpad2for first folder is sdb17:25
Arpad2but there are 16 folders17:25
Arpad2in by-id17:25
charlie-tcagot to look at each one17:26
Arpad2in 2nd sdb117:26
Arpad2shell i look into all 16?17:28
charlie-tcathere will be sda, sda1, sdb, sdb1, sdb217:28
charlie-tcaeach one is different17:28
Arpad2what are these files?17:29
Arpad2(too comlicated?)17:29
charlie-tcayou hard drives are sda and sdb17:29
charlie-tcayour partitions are the sdb1, sda1, etc17:29
charlie-tcain linux, you will have a designator for each hard drive and for each partition and for each usb drive and each cd/dvd drive17:30
Arpad2I have cd in my odd at the moment:)17:31
charlie-tcasda1 will be the first partition of the first hard drive17:31
charlie-tcasdb1 is the first partition of the second hard drive17:31
charlie-tcamaybe you have sda1, sda2, sda317:32
charlie-tcafor windows?17:32
charlie-tcawindows creates partitions you don't always know about17:32
charlie-tcaso, in the terminal, an up arrow will show the last commands, go up and change the sda2 to sda317:33
Arpad2is seems i dont have sda317:36
charlie-tcasudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/windows-d17:37
charlie-tcait isn't ntfs, maybe17:38
Arpad2 you must specify the filesystem type17:39
charlie-tcaI don't know  the filesystem type. I am at a loss now17:39
Arpad2im sorry17:39
Arpad2i didnt want to confuse you17:40
charlie-tcaanyone else know how to mount the windows drives?17:40
charlie-tcadoesn't confuse me, I just don't have the knowledge17:40
Sysii think it should work without specifing17:41
charlie-tcaI haven't used windows since 200017:41
Sysieasiest is to use nautilus :S17:41
craigbass1976I'm running xub alongside an xp box and using an usb kvm switch.  XP can't seem to figure out how to work correctly with this setup by default, but I've managed to get it so that both computers consistently use the same resolution.  Windows is kicked over to the left about a half an inch in relation to xubuntu though.  Is there a way to adjust this in xfce?19:55
craigbass1976I worry that trying to fix it in windows will break stuff... typical windows scenario19:55
charlie-tcaDon't know any way in Xubuntu19:56
charlie-tcaMy monitors have a one-button alignment; push the button and the screen redraws to fit19:57
craigbass1976If I hit the auto button (on the monitor) everything is fine in linux.  Hit it when I'm lokoing at windows though, and everything kicks over about six inches19:58
charlie-tcaweird. Gotta be something windows does wrong19:58
craigbass1976Are you kidding me?  Windows is perfect in every way.19:58
charlie-tcaIsn't there a windows channel? like ##windows?19:59
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:00
charlie-tcaThat's the one. Thanks, Sysi20:01
Sysii haven't tried that one but commonly it's very hard to get good help with windows.20:02
craigbass1976Lost cause.  If I could get a kitchen design program for linux, I'd not be needing this kvm switch in the first place20:03
charlie-tcalike this? http://www.isoftwarereviews.com/interior-design-software-free-and-paid-solution/20:04
charlie-tcaor maybe this: http://groups.google.fr/group/z1IiwS/web/free-kitchen-design-software20:06
craigbass1976No, like those on steroids.  It needs to have the different manufacturers spec books and prices.  I ofund one that's written in java, and so might work, but I haven't tried it out yet.20:07
zoredacheon some systems if you press alt-f2 a dialog box will come up and you can enter a command to be ran?  What is path to the program that displays that box?  Is that part of the windows manager, or is it a seperate program?20:35
craigbass1976zoredache,  xfrun4 I think20:38
charlie-tcawhich is part of xfce4-utils20:39
zoredachecraigbass1976, excelent, thanks.  I was trying to make a launcher to it20:40
charlie-tcazoredache: for xfce it is a separate module20:40
craigbass1976zoredache, why not just make a keyboard shortcut for a terminal?20:41
zoredachecraigbass1976: because I am doing something very weird and keyboard shortcuts doesn't work with my setup20:41
craigbass1976Ctrl+k on my box opens up xfce4-terminal20:41
Sysiin xubuntu alt+f2 works by default20:41
craigbass1976zoredache, ok, well just stop being so weird.  ;)20:42
knomehello people.20:42
Sysihello knome20:42
zoredacheI would love to, but the requiments of my job make it necessary20:42
kewkiesHey everyone21:40
Sysio hai21:40
ramierim on xubuntu, and recently, i don't know how, but two volume controls appear in the panel, and my sound is having issues22:29
ramiertwo speaker like things, that look different, a new one just appeared recently22:30

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