
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
* thumper screams at the horridness of some integration tests00:47
* thumper facepalms01:21
* thumper afk for lunch01:33
wgrantsinzui: Was there a reason that you landed my sampledata branch to db-devel rather than devel?01:53
sinzuiwgrant, I do not think pqm will permit sample data changes to be made to devel01:54
wgrantsinzui: As I mentioned in the MP, I have had sampledata changes landed to devel before.01:54
wgrantI remember because people complained that I had broken their local test suite.01:54
wgrantBut this doesn't affect the test data, so it should be fine.01:55
sinzuiwgrant, sorry, that was not my understanding01:55
wgrantsinzui: Well, nothing seems to actually make it clear what can go where.01:55
sinzuiafter several botched landings, a checker was added to PQM landings to ensure no db changes could be merged in devel. My understanding wad no changes in the database part of tree01:57
sinzuiThat may only be the schema directory01:57
wgrantI touched current.sql in devel in January.01:57
sinzuiThe checker is not smart. it will let you land a new enum on edge. Those are fun oopses to read on lpnet01:57
wgrantYeah :(01:58
sinzuiwgrant, the rule is in Makefile check_merge01:59
sinzuiyour change were definitely landable in devel01:59
wgrantsinzui: Ah! I didn't know it was public.02:00
wgrantGood find.02:00
wgrantEven security changes can. Excellent.02:00
sinzuiI can land you branch in devel now02:01
wgrantThat would be wonderful. Thanks.02:01
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
thumpersinzui: sample data can land in devel02:09
thumpersinzui: as can security.cfg changes02:09
thumpersinzui: just no patches02:09
sinzuithumper, I do not think security.cfg can land.02:10
thumpersinzui: I think it can02:11
wgrantThey can.02:11
wgrantIt greps out security.cfg.02:11
sinzuioh, read that the wrong way02:11
thumpersinzui: LibraryFileAlias:StreamOrRedirectLibraryFileAliasView02:12
thumpersinzui: timing out a lot02:13
thumperdo you know why?02:13
wgrantI saw recent talk about making it handle offline librarians better. Could that be related?02:13
thumperI don't think so wgrant02:17
thumperit seems to be load dependant02:17
thumpersometimes it just doesn't respond02:17
thumpersinzui: got a minute?02:23
thumpersinzui: I have a failure with test_notifications (lp.registry.tests.test_mlists.TestMailingListImportScript)02:23
thumpersinzui: mail it being delivered locally instead of being caught in the test mailer02:23
sinzuiI did not know that was in the tree02:23
thumpersinzui: what was in the tree?02:24
sinzuithumper, I do not know anything about that test. I thought the import script was added to the tree as a convenience to losas02:25
thumpersinzui: is it barry?02:25
* sinzui thinks we are talking about the mbox archive importer02:25
sinzuibarry, certainly knows that best02:26
* thumper stabby02:26
wgrantthumper: This is with your branch that suspiciously simplifies the Zopeless mailer?02:28
thumperwgrant: why yes02:28
wgrantI thought that was too easy.02:28
thumperwgrant: I found one bug in the sendmail simplification02:29
thumperwgrant: and this one02:29
thumperwgrant: that's it02:29
thumperfound it02:31
thumperalthough it is FUCKING INSANE!02:32
thumperabout to ec2 land the big branch \o/02:42
wgrantsinzui: Did you send my branch off to PQM?02:43
wgrantI don't see it yet.02:44
sinzuiwgrant, ec2. pqm was being a bitch to me02:44
wgrantsinzui: Ah, that would do it. Thanks.02:44
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
thumper'ec2 land' isn't working for me04:17
thumperSFTPError: Garbage packet received04:17
thumperothers getting this?04:17
wgrantthumper: Merge devel, apparently.04:18
wgrantHow would I go about getting a cron.publish-ftpmaster log or two? Do I need to talk to $REAL_SOYUZ_PERSON, or can somebody else see them?04:24
wgrantspm, maybe? ^^04:25
spmwgrant: getting may be difficult in a policy sense; what are you after in particular?04:27
wgrantspm: Well, all the data processed by them is public. But I'm mostly interested in the more detailed timestamps that jpds introduced in 10.03.04:28
spmhrm. looks like someone has got shell debug mode on in that script...04:34
spmawesome. 2 differeing sets of time/date logging in the same logfile.04:35
spm2010-04-05 23:27:54 DEBUG   Skipping release files for warty/PROPOSED04:35
spmTue, 06 Apr 2010 00:28:00 +0100: Not re-signing /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/dists.new/karmic/Release04:35
wgrantYeah. Some is probably from cron.publish-ftpmaster, some will be from publish-distro.py (inside c.p-f), and some from apt-ftparchive (inside p-d)04:36
spmfwiw, fyi et al, the first +TZ is preferred over the 2nd.04:36
wgrantYeah, much more sortable.04:37
wgrantAnd readable.04:37
spmheh; yes; but more importantly. standardised and accepted. :-)04:37
spmTue, 06 Apr 2010 <== looks quite differnet in a diff lang setting :-)04:37
lifelessspm: subunit?05:19
spmlifeless: yarp - aware of. haven't look at yet...05:20
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
wgrantspm: Are edge updates coming back at some point soon?07:01
spmwgrant: they're actually back atm - I gather they were re-enabled overnight last night our time07:01
wgrantspm: Ah, so it should update in a few hours. Thanks.07:01
spm1 hour I believe is when it kicks off - 0800 BST; takes about 45-50 mins to run.07:02
wgrantIs the S there Standard or Summer?07:14
lifelessI think the answer is 'yes'07:17
lifelessthat is, that BST refers to the normal and daylight savings offsets07:17
wgrantThat's about as bad as sites (eg. LP) calling Australian Eastern Standard Time 'EST'.07:18
spmwgrant: I don't see the problem with 'EST'? Surely everyone is totally Australian Centric such that no one else would ever confuse us by also using 'EST' !?!?!?07:31
wgrantspm: I found a similar case last night while watching the STS-131 launch blog... it quoted times in EST. Now, public NASA times are traditionally given in US Eastern time. But it turns out the website had detected my location and was in fact talking about AEST.07:33
wgrant*That* was confusing for a while.07:33
spmhahahaha I'll bet!07:33
adeuringgood morning08:19
spmwgrant: edge rollout failed spectacularly. fyi.08:40
wgrantspm: YAY08:40
wgrantI guess there were some pretty big cullings over night.08:40
wgrant(auth DB, and a whole lot of code)08:41
spmI believe so. this looks like a configs mess from a Q&D looky08:41
wgrantDo we have any Soyuz people today?09:45
wgrantIf so, #launchpad.09:46
wgrantIt looks like cron.publish-ppa's process-accepted.py is not running properly.09:49
wgrantOr possibly ppa:hakaishi/qshutdown's publish flag is off, but I don't think that's it.09:49
wgrantStill no Soyuz people alive?11:24
james_wwgrant: jelmer is your best bet today11:25
wgrantWell, there is an operational issue. Somebody probably needs to inspect cron.publish-ppa logs and work out why https://edge.launchpad.net/~hakaishi/+archive/qshutdown/+build/1627084 isn't published yet.11:28
wgrant(process-accepted.py appears to have skipped it)11:29
jelmerwgrant: hi11:35
wgrantMorning jelmer.11:36
wgrantjelmer: Can you see the relevant log, or does that need a LOSA?11:53
jelmerwgrant: I don't think I can see the relevant log, at least I wouldn't know where to look11:58
* jml sniffles his way into #launchpad-dev12:04
wgrantMorning jml.12:05
jmlactually, I'm calling it quits on today12:28
jelmernot feeling well ? :-(12:29
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
leonardrsalgado, who can i direct to look at OOPS-1556K2375? it looks like an OpenID data problem14:05
salgadoleonardr, that'd be myself14:08
leonardrsalgado: let me forward you the guy's email14:08
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=== emacs is now known as kfogel
salgadoleonardr, did you forward it to me?14:43
leonardrsalgado: i cced you on my reply14:46
leonardri can forward if you didn't get it14:47
salgadoleonardr, please. I didn't get it14:51
leonardrsalgado, done14:55
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
salgadoleonardr, still haven't gotten it.  to what address are you sending?15:01
leonardrsalgado: salgado@canonical.com, which is what my address book has for you15:02
leonardris it your full name@canonical?15:02
salgadothat should work15:02
leonardrsalgado: should i try your full.name@?15:03
salgadoleonardr, no need to.  it should reach me at some point15:04
leonardrsalgado: doh, i never *sent* the email. it was in my outbox15:04
deryckgary_poster, hi.  Concerning the general problem nature of that ajax-form bug...15:06
gary_posterderyck: hey, yeah15:07
deryckgary_poster, we need a general solution for history when writing ajax apps.  Perhaps yui3 already provides us with all we need?15:07
gary_posterah.  yeah, it is supposed to, IIRC.15:07
gary_posterderyck: mars is out right now, but I'd ask him when he returns.  other YUI3 people could probably confirm as well15:08
gary_posterderyck: do you want to push that back to foundations to document the approach, and then I'll push it back to malone for the changes to that particular form?15:08
gary_poster("document the approach" I hope will be a wiki page link to YUI docs somewhere)15:09
deryckgary_poster, I don't think we need to do that yet.  I'll follow up with mars to make sure we have everything we need.  we can document as we fix it if so.15:09
gary_posterderyck: awesome thank you.  feel free to push back over here if you think it's appropriate though15:09
deryckgary_poster, cool.  will do.  thanks.15:10
gary_posterderyck: are you guys the lucky stiffs in charge of hwdb?  If so, did you see my comment to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/checkbox/+bug/550973 and are you OK with it?  Are you further ok with me assigning it to malone, or is there something else more appropriate I should do with it?15:13
mupBug #550973: checkbox should send a referer header when it POSTs data to Launchpad. <checkbox:In Progress by cr3> <Launchpad Foundations:New for adeuring> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/550973>15:14
* deryck looks again....15:14
deryckgary_poster, yes, we can target this at malone.  however... are you saying that the exemption for checkbox should *not* be added?  adeuring already has a branch for this.15:16
gary_posterderyck: no, I'm saying it *should* be added, permanently.  The only difference, I think, between what adeuring has done and what I'm suggesting is that we should include an explanation of this exception along with the others in the comments for that part of the code.15:17
gary_posterI'll clarify that in the bug15:18
deryckah, gotcha.15:18
deryckgary_poster, super.  So definitely re-target to us, too.15:18
gary_posterderyck: ack thank you will do15:18
deryckadeuring, since you've already started work on the above bug 550973, we need to get a card on the board for it, too.15:19
mupBug #550973: checkbox should send a referer header when it POSTs data to Launchpad. <checkbox:In Progress by cr3> <Launchpad Foundations:New for adeuring> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/550973>15:19
dhastha_danilos, I've got an error Unable to install launchpad-developer-dependencies after ./rocketfuel-setup15:20
danilosdhastha_, you need to run it with sudo, have you done that?15:26
adeuringderyck: done. Though I did not rally start any work on that bug.15:26
danilosdhastha_, btw, you are using Ubuntu, right? 9.10?15:26
deryckadeuring, ah, ok.  I saw a linked branch.15:27
deryckadeuring, simple to fix, though, right?15:27
dhastha_danilos, no am using 10.04 beta version15:27
adeuringderyck: well.... I am not how exactly the "precise specs" should look like... Sure, I can add the referer header stuff, but I am not sure if gary_poster has anything else in his mind.15:28
adeuringderyck: also; i wonder if should alternatively switch the submission HWDB report to the webservice API15:28
dhastha_danilos, no problem i installed with sudo apt-get15:29
danilosdhastha_, right, so, can you check if you have Launchpad PPA in your "Software Sources" (go to System -> Administration menu)15:29
adeuringthat way, we would use a alraedy more os less well defined interface15:29
danilosdhastha_, right, then that part should be fine, you should be able to re-run rocketfuel-setup and it should complete everything it needs to do15:29
dhastha_while re run rocketfuel-setup   downloadings are going there15:34
gary_posteradeuring, deryck: I tried to clarify my suggestion in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/550973 .  I'm vaguely +0 on switching to the webservice, but that's not up to me.15:37
mupBug #550973: checkbox should send a referer header when it POSTs data to Launchpad. <checkbox:In Progress by cr3> <Launchpad Foundations:Invalid by adeuring> <Launchpad Bugs:New for adeuring> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/550973>15:37
deryckgary_poster, ack.  thanks15:41
adeuringgary_poster: ah, right... I added such a cimment only the test...15:41
adeuringto the test..15:41
gary_posteradeuring: cool.  yeah, I suppose you could refer to the test instead.  I just want to be able to read the code and know what's going on from there, directly or indirectly15:45
adeuringgary_poster: sure. I'll add such a comment. We can't get rid of this sort of special handling of the +hwdb/+submit URL for at least one year in order to support older HWDB client versions, so an API method wouldn't make this comment obsolete15:46
gary_posteradeuring: cool15:47
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
salgadoleonardr, still haven't gotten that email.  has it gone out this time?15:51
leonardrsalgado: i guess not... my email client is acting up15:52
leonardrsalgado: ok, now it's sent for sure15:53
salgadoleonardr, cool, thanks15:54
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
rockstarbac, my branch landed yesterday about time for your EOD.  I thought I should just let you know.16:35
bacrockstar: i did see it and my follow up branch landed as well16:35
bacthanks for the note16:35
rockstarbac, niiiice</borat>16:35
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=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
rockstarsinzui, can you explain to what's going on with the stylesheets currently?  I don't see a style-3-0.css but I do see a style-3-0.css.in which I would assume buildout would use to make the stylesheet.17:30
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs, modified it so that it can be regenerated when the sprites change17:31
sinzuirockstar, ^17:31
rockstarsinzui, so I need to edit the .in file and re-run make?17:32
EdwinGrubbsrockstar: yes, you can just run "make combine-css".17:32
sinzuirockstar, It is the first thing I would try. combine css may be the real command since that is how I get my changes uncached17:33
rockstarEdwinGrubbs, I think I remember reviewing this, but now I see it makes me a sad panda.17:33
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: PPAs are not being published: working on a fix | Launchpad Development Channel | Week 0 of 10.04 | PQM is open | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
EdwinGrubbsrockstar: if you are just testing changes and don't want to run make after each edit, you could edit lib/c/l/icing/build/combo.css directly, which is what combine-css creates.17:39
rockstarEdwinGrubbs, well, it's not really that bad.  I just use Firebug a lot more before I edit the stylesheet.17:40
rockstarEdwinGrubbs, I'm just bitching because I'm a bitch.  :)17:40
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
deryckkfogel, ping18:22
kfogelderyck: hey18:22
kfogelderyck: what's up?18:22
deryckkfogel, you've got two branches hanging 'round the kanban board.  Did these land yet?  I can move them if so.18:23
kfogelderyck: hunh, sorry.  let me take a look18:23
kfogelderyck: moved them to landed lane; let me see if they're live yet18:25
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
kfogelderyck: so at least the fix in bug #538219 does not appear to be live on edge yet.  Is that expected?18:30
deryckkfogel, I think we've got some issues updating staging and edge after rollout.  So yes, not unexpected.18:31
kfogelderyck: that's the one where a file ending in ".debdiff" was not believed to be a patch by Launchpad, forcing the user to confirm it.18:31
kfogelderyck: ok, won't worry then.  For now, they're in landed lane; I can QA them both when edge or staging is updated.18:31
deryckkfogel, cool, sounds good.  I thought they were landed but didn't want to move them without asking.18:31
leonardrbarry, do you know much about python pickling?18:35
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
maxbI seem to remember there being some public documentation for what vcs-imports reviewers are looking for when reviewing, but I can't find it. Can anyone point me?18:43
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
kfogelmaxb: besides https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImports ?18:53
maxbkfogel: I seem to remember reading something more reviewer-oriented. I think it even mentioned not doing vcs-imports from sourceforge?18:55
kfogelmaxb: hunh, no that I don't remember18:55
kfogelI mean, we check to make sure the source repository is real and that it's trunk not branch (if svn).18:55
kfogelNot sure why we'd leave out sourceforge... I think we may have suspended for a time due to some kind of perf issue on our end or their end, but I thought that got fixed.18:56
maxbthat's what I was after18:56
kfogelmaxb: ah, yes -- and it's apache.org, and the issue is apparently still current18:56
bdmurraybac: just to confirm you are going test / land those branches right?19:24
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-lunch
bacbdmurray: yes, i will19:29
bdmurraybac: cool, thanks!19:30
barryleonardr-lunch: hi.  still need to know about pickling?  yeah, i know something about it :)20:00
=== leonardr-lunch is now known as leonardr
leonardrbarry: thanks, but the problem is now moot20:36
barryleonardr: cool20:36
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
marsrockstar, ping, do you have a moment to help test something on launchpad.dev in FF3.6 Lucid?22:15
rockstarmars, I can as soon as I'm off the phone here (and possibly picked up my wife, depending on how long this call goes)22:16
marsrockstar, ok, thanks.22:18
rockstarmars, is it something you can give me details to and I can just fire the deferred when its done?22:18
marsrockstar, simple: try the "Choose..." link on https://bugs.launchpad.dev/jokosher/+bug/12/+addbranch, using trunk/.  It should open a person picker.  For me, it does not.22:19
mupBug #12: "Next 10 messages" changes Display Settings <Launchpad Translations:Fix Released by daf> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/12>22:19
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
mars^ That is a DailyWTF bug title if I ever saw one22:21
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 0 of 10.04 | PQM is open | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
ubuntujenkinshello i am trying to get the launchpad code as per https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting . how ever I am being asked to install the texlive packages. I have the texlive as per http://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html which is required by the ubuntu-manual project. will launchpad work with this version of tex live?22:32
ubuntujenkinsits not the texlive packages22:32
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
marsubuntujenkins, assuming that there is no massive difference between the tug version and the main repositories, then I would think it should work.  Personally, I would just try it and see :)22:42
ubuntujenkinsmars:  the tug version is better than the repo it has more of tex live in it but how do i stop it installing by the script?22:43
marsubuntujenkins, that I do not know.  Someone who knows apt well would be able to tell you.22:44
marsI've never tried to install something with apt while forcing it to skipping a package dependency.22:45
ubuntujenkinsthe script only asks for "launchpad-developer-dependencies apache2 apache2-mpm-worker" but launchpad-developer....... depends on tex live22:46
ubuntujenkinsthanks mars I will see if anyone knows22:46
mwhudsonthat seems a bit odd, for launchpad to depend on texlive22:53
ubuntujenkinsI am trying installing it in synaptic I unmarked the texlive stuff before i did the install22:54
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
marsmwhudson, I think it is a dependency of a dependency22:58
ubuntujenkinsI think so as well22:59
marsubuntujenkins, found one path: use equivs to create a dummy package: http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-users/2010-02/msg02052.html and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72631723:06
marsanyway, I'll wait and see what an expert says :)23:07
ubuntujenkinsthanks mars I am getting somewhere but we will see when it is finished23:07
wgrantubuntujenkins: Why does the manual project not use the system LaTeX?23:10
wgrantThat's pretty hostile to development.23:10
marsor at least, why haven't they packaged the TUG version into a PPA or something23:11
ubuntujenkinsI am not 100% sure but there isn't enough in the packages for our stuff to work. We have a great guy working on the laytex stuff.23:11
ubuntujenkinsthats a though mars23:11
wgrantubuntujenkins: Has a bug been filed?23:11
ubuntujenkinsI don't know wgrant i will ask23:12
wgrantIf you can't develop a manual for Ubuntu without using non-packaged LaTeX, one of us has a problem that should be fixed.23:12
ubuntujenkinswe are using 2009 which is only packaged in lucid, but you are right it should be fixed23:13
ubuntujenkinsapparently there isn't a bug that has been filled, as he is not sure on what the exact stauts of the packages is. They fail to work for our needs and are about 1gb smaller is size23:14
marsubuntujenkins, that should just be a backport then, not a big deal from what I hear.  Especially if you use a PPA to build for karmic.23:15
ubuntujenkinsmars:  I have just realised a ppa for text live is harder than, you may think there is a script included that means you can install stuff with out using synaptic etc23:18
ubuntujenkinshow big is the launchpad source these days?23:24
mars~/canonical/lp-branches/fix-ie-caching$ du -sh .23:24
lifelessincluding pyc files23:26
* mars *shrug*23:26
wgrantPlus all the deps.23:26
marsdoes du follow symlinks?23:26
ubuntujenkinsI have no clue how i am going to understand all of this stuff23:27
lifelessfollow the guide :P23:29
marsubuntujenkins, "this stuff" is pretty broad :)23:30
marsIf you listed all of the topic areas that a software engineer experienced with this particular project was functional in, I wonder how many you would get23:31
ubuntujenkinsonce i get it set up i will start poking around. I need to work out which bits i need to look at, and understand it all in general23:31
marsubuntujenkins, when you know what you want to fix, give us a shout in this channel.  We can show you a path to get it done.23:33
marsAnd trust me, you will learn a lot just fixing one tiny little bug.23:34
ubuntujenkinsthanks mars i think i will be, i have been asked to look into adding a feature to rosseta/launchpad translations. I am sure i will learn a lot. I started a manual sub project as a "tester" and now I am one of the devels23:35
ubuntujenkinsit is to do with how launchpad deals with fuzzy translations, it was removed a while ago but. the team would like it improved and hopefully implemented as an option for translations. I think thats it anyway23:36
ubuntujenkinsthis is what i was told "It'd not just a matter of allowing fuzzy translations.  We also want to highlight the differences between the original English string and the current English string and the original (fuzzy match) translation, so the translators can easily see what's changed and adjust the translation accordingly."23:37
marsubuntujenkins, have you thought about sending a mail to the lp-dev list, and CC'ing the rosetta team?23:37
ubuntujenkinsnot yet i will do, when i have some more time and a bit of an understanding of launchpad i am rather clueless at the moment.23:38

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