
yofelred: ls -ld shows?00:00
LinuxGuy200949sec boot time sound pretty bad? Others getting any faster?00:00
reddrwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4280 2010-04-06 01:15 .00:00
reddrwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4280 2010-04-06 01:15 .00:00
reddrwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4280 2010-04-06 01:15 .00:00
reddrwxr-xr-t 2 root root 40 2010-04-06 01:53 .00:00
redlatter one from shm00:00
redfirst was dev accidently00:00
yofelstill wrong, should be drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 160 2010-04-06 00:38 /dev/shm/00:00
yofelmaybe some udev rule that has to set the permissions failed?00:01
avisis linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.32 contained in universe or multiverse ?00:10
crimsunavis: neither, it's from a ppa.00:10
aviscrimsun, when i did a dist-upgrade earlier, it was redownloaded, i though from the ubuntu server, and my soundcard stopped functioning00:10
avisi do not know how to give your PPA priority over the ubuntu ones00:11
crimsunavis: it shouldn't have been from the repo proper. just use apt-cache policy linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)00:11
avisi need not do that now, i removed it and reinstalled yours00:11
DanaGEvolution fail: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/Screenshot-New%20Calendar.png00:12
LinuxGuy2009I just tried to install the nvidia driver than I downloaded from nvidias website and didnt go so smooth. Do we have to wait for a compatible driver?00:12
crimsunavis: what do you mean by "yours"?00:12
avisyour ppa.  i already had it installed, yet it seemed like the same update which had previously been installed for 32-19-pae was applied to my system, and it broken my sound00:12
LinuxGuy2009Man lucid feels fast00:13
yofelLinuxGuy2009: we don't support installing the driver from the nvidia site00:13
BUGabundoLinuxGuy2009: please avoid the blob from nvidia site00:13
avisi've disabled all the ubuntu repos.  i dont wish to lose sound00:13
LinuxGuy2009Yeah I know its not supported. Thats not what I asked.00:14
BUGabundoavis: doesn't what ever we have in archive work for you ?00:14
LinuxGuy2009Why avoid it?00:14
LinuxGuy2009Ive used the official drivers for many releases00:14
yofelLinuxGuy2009: it doesn't work smooth together with the debian package system00:14
kklimonda|G1lasby not supported we mean don't ask us when it goes wrong ;)00:14
DanaGstupid Evolution.00:14
DanaG"On The Web" calendar -- no place for a URL.00:14
kklimonda|G1LinuxGuy2009: by supported...00:14
DanaGSame for CalDAV.00:14
LinuxGuy2009K I guess Ill use the one in the repos for now00:15
kklimonda|G1stupid phone keyboard00:15
arandLinuxGuy2009: Last time I checked the jockey blob worked reasonably...00:15
yofelLinuxGuy2009: might be, but it will work even worse now, unless you know what to fix, and what's wrong with the ubuntu package?00:15
LinuxGuy2009Ubuntu nvidia drivers are usually older than dirt.00:15
yofelbut work fine unless you need some bleeding edge features00:16
LinuxGuy2009Ok Ill try it00:16
yofeland right now the drivers are up to date00:16
BUGabundokklimonda|G1: :P00:16
LinuxGuy2009I see driver 173 and one that says recomended but doesnt list the version number.00:16
Leathani had to install the 8000 series nvidia, no problems here, dual screen working fine... .but thats not helping so ill shut up dagain00:16
kklimonda|G1LinuxGuy2009: the -current is one of the latest00:17
BUGabundoLinuxGuy2009: and since you been using it for several releases, I bet you don't have a cutting edge card00:17
LinuxGuy2009Leathan: You got your 8 series working with the nvidia.com driver?00:17
yofelLinuxGuy2009: current is 19500:17
Leathanyeah, installed 9.1 last week couldnt get dual screen to work (with different rez on each screen) so downloaded the nvidia driver... then upgraded to ubuntu 10 yesterday00:17
LinuxGuy2009I have an 9800 GTX+00:18
alesananybody knows if now it is possible to compile loop-aes modules ?00:18
BUGabundoLeathan: if you mean ubuntu 9.10, please refer to #ubuntu channel00:18
yofeland I have a 250GTS that works perfectly fine with 195 from the ubuntu repository00:18
Yfrwlfit's safe to upgrade?  yaaaaaaay00:18
BUGabundoohh miss read00:18
* BUGabundo blinks blinks 00:18
yofelYfrwlf: safer than a week ago yes, safe: no00:19
LinuxGuy2009How am i supposed to know which version driver the recomended one is without it saying?00:19
BUGabundoYfrwlf: its never safe, unless you know what you are donig :D00:19
yofelLinuxGuy2009: just use it, current is 195 at the moment00:19
LinuxGuy2009Oh ok thats not bad.00:19
yofelLinuxGuy2009: 195.36.1500:19
BUGabundoLinuxGuy2009: jokey knows it for you00:19
Yfrwlflol nnuuuuuuu00:19
arandLinuxGuy2009: jockey should say both current and recommended I think00:19
Yfrwlfwell the upgrade a week ago broke things so that's why I was wondering ^^00:20
Leathanlooking at mine, im on 195.36.15 too00:21
LinuxGuy2009Are the nvidia drivers in teh repos just repackaged ones frok nvidia?00:21
Yfrwlfj/k :P00:22
yofelLinuxGuy2009: pretty much yes, leaving the details aside00:22
BUGabundoYfrwlf: not very far00:22
Yfrwlfseriously tho, go Nouveau and whatever the leading ATI driver is. :P00:22
crimsunavis: the builds are daily00:22
BUGabundothe current nouveua with 3D support is pretty sweet00:22
Yfrwlfthe ATI open source driver is rocking ^^00:22
BUGabundoa tad slow00:22
crimsunavis: are you saying the current ones are broken?00:23
YfrwlfBUGabundo: haven't tried it yet, can't wait to though ^^00:23
* fagan hasnt got 3d working yet :/00:23
fagan2d and my computer fan goes crazy00:23
BUGabundofagan: on what GPU and drivers?00:24
Yfrwlffagain: ATI or Nvidia?00:24
BUGabundo3D is only on the PPA00:24
faganNouveau drivers00:24
Yfrwlfdun have any experience yet sorry00:24
faganyeah I gave then a spin but my card is newish00:24
bjsnidercrimsun, is the transit going to work as well as it could with pulse with the default installation settings or is there something i should be tweaking?00:24
aviscrimsun, yes it lacks support for oxygen hd00:24
Yfrwlfbut the ATI driver sadly doesn't throttle my GPU fan speed like it should is the only thing holding me back now00:24
faganso its still doesnt have a lot of the support thats needed00:24
Drew_Hi all.  Trying to install 10.04 and it is stuck at 55%  I have vista already installed in another partition, I selected to install with the largest free space (This is about 40GB).  Any ideas?  Not sure what would happen if I do a reset...00:25
kklimonda|G1BUGabundo: you are using nouveau with 3d now? how stable the driver is? i had to revert to the one from normal repository some time ago00:25
aviscrimsun, i have not rebooted since the last installation00:25
LinuxGuy2009Im thinking of sticking with this LTS for the long haul but dont know if I can take it, letting two new releases slide by without using them. hehe00:25
avisi will do that now00:25
BUGabundoDrew_: I think that's download of languages00:25
BUGabundokklimonda|G1: blob here00:25
histoDrew_: are you using the gui installer or the text based installer?00:26
faganDrew_: BUGabundo's right thats about the time in the install when the lang packs are downloaded00:26
kklimonda|G1BUGabundo: yuck!00:26
toh192Linux guy, you should only use the lts if you need a stable production env!00:26
LinuxGuy2009Installation of the driver failed. Nice00:26
BUGabundoLinuxGuy2009: LOL00:26
crimsunbjsnider: I'm not at all sure what you mean. Is it broken somehow?00:26
yofelLinuxGuy2009: known, run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' from  a terminal and the driver will work00:27
bjsnidercrimsun, i'm not sure if it is or not. could be the disk. but i get dropouts during music playback at times00:27
YfrwlfDrew_: If it definitely is not progressing, perhaps you should try a different daily build or something?00:27
yofelLinuxGuy2009: if you have a xorg.conf now then it should be fine00:28
Yfrwlfcheck System Monitor to see if it's downloading anything if it doesn't say that it is :P00:28
yofelLinuxGuy2009: jockey is a bit broken at the moment00:28
toh192did you update it?00:28
LinuxGuy2009think ill reboot00:29
toh192Jockey is working fine for me, at least since the update00:29
Yfrwlfrebooting is for Windows :P00:29
aviscrimsun, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=1b6143c0a2da43008011d93e7f9b352701f7e43a00:29
avisoxygen hd is not now functional00:29
Drew_Yfrwlf: at the moment I can't do anything.  What would happen if I just reset the pc?  No idea why I thought I'd try out the beta! :)00:30
DanaGYfrwlf: there's experimental radeon KMS power-management support in these kernels:00:30
BUGabundoDrew_: you can "kill" the installer00:31
YfrwlfDanaG: Oh?  Well I guess then I can report it and/or check back later if it's still not throttling it yet, thanks.00:31
BUGabundoI think that's some part of it that dies and lock00:31
BUGabundoyou kill it, and it carries on00:31
BUGabundoor, as I said, it could be the downloads that are slow00:31
DanaGThough, be aware that those kernels are missing whatever Ubuntu "sauce" is is that makes ureadahead work.00:32
LinuxGuy2009nvidia glx 185 thats the one I need right? Ill try to manually install it I think.00:32
Drew_any ideas how to kill it?  Been stuck for over an hour now and I have a 20mbit connection00:32
crimsunbjsnider: can you get a verbose PA log? that symptom is reminiscent of a broken usb-audio driver00:32
BUGabundoDrew_: $ ps auxw00:33
Drew_When I said I was installed wth GUI....just to be clear I booted from a CD on powering the computer00:33
BUGabundosee its name, pkill the process00:33
bjsnidercrimsun, provide instructions and i will00:33
YfrwlfDrew_: It has already created the new partition, and if it put it after the Vista partition, it may try to boot to the 1/2 done Ubuntu partition and thus will not boot as I don't think Grub is installed yet at that point in the install process.  One option is to either install Grub manually, another is to just do a Ubuntu install of a different version or daily build, and select manual partitioning and overwrite the old Ub00:33
bjsniderbut how can it be broken for me and not you?00:33
DanaGor, just killall name00:33
DanaGwhere name is whatever name it is.00:33
crimsunbjsnider: I use daily snaps00:33
crimsunbjsnider: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log00:34
LinuxGuy2009ah NM worked after reboot.00:34
YfrwlfDrew_: You can kill any GUI program also by right clicking on the Gnome panel, adding "Force Quit", and using it on it.00:34
crimsunbjsnider: also, I'm pretty sure my hardware is different from yours. This is Intel logic.00:34
toh192is there a better chat program to use other than xchat?00:35
Drew_strangely enough...the mouse is unresponsive too :(00:35
kklimonda|G1toh192: weechat but it's text only00:35
faganDrew_: sounds like a crash00:35
toh192Isnt all of irc text only?00:36
kklimonda|G1tehbaut: and define "better"00:36
toh192other than dcc00:36
kklimonda|G1toh192: ^00:36
YfrwlfDrew_: I take it you're not chatting on this same device you're installing it on :D00:36
yofelLinuxGuy2009: what happened?00:36
fagantoh192: irssi is fairly good but im using empathy at the moment00:36
kklimonda|G1toh192: weechat is terminal based, no gui00:36
toh192thanks ill look at weechat00:36
YfrwlfDrew_: That would explain it being stopped at 55% lol00:36
faganDrew_: turn it off and back on again and try again00:37
nishanthmy computer freezes in between stuff for no reason and i have to hard boot it to get it back to work00:38
nishanthcan anyone help me with issue?00:38
Drew_The thing is, I don't see anything that I could do even if the mouse was responsive as I started the install without booting into another OS.  I booted from CD and went straight into install00:38
fagannishanth: go to #ubuntu00:38
faganthis is a support channel for 10.0400:38
Drew_Resetting the computer is the way forward then? Then trying again (with 9.1...lol)00:38
nishanthfagan: i am using 10.0400:39
faganoh well that isnt a known issue00:39
cpunkHi I am having trouble installing intel 2.4 graphics drivers on my macbook00:39
YfrwlfDrew_: If the mouse and keyboard are both unresponsive you need to reboot, but if you can still use the keyboard you may be able to kill the installer.00:39
faganis it a fresh install or have you installed some packages on it nishanth00:39
yofelcpunk: what drivers? graphics? lucid uses 2.900:40
kklimonda|G1cpunk: why installing them by hand and not using what is in repo?00:40
Yfrwlfnishanth: Is it really totally random, or is there anything whatsoever which seems to be causing it, like moving or switching windows or anything?00:40
cpunkWhen I go to enable graphic effects in 'Appearance', it says they cannot be enabled00:40
cpunkI read that I had to revert to the 2.4 drivers00:41
Drew_completely fubared!  Thx anyways everyone. Going to reset the box and pray I can still get into vista.  WIll try again tomorrow!00:41
histonishanth: I would try booting with acpi=off on your kernel line00:41
YfrwlfDrew_: If you can't, you may need to install some other Ubuntu version instead.00:41
bjsnidercrimsun, E: alsa-sink.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_usb_audio'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.00:42
YfrwlfDrew_: Or some other Linux. :P00:42
Drew_Yup.......that's what I am going to do methinks (another version of ubuntu)....going through CDs like nobodies business...00:42
cpunkis there some other way to install the intel graphics drivers besides apt-get?00:43
YfrwlfDrew_: If you have a USB stick with 1GB or more laying around, it's far faster and you don't have to waste CDs ^^00:43
faganDrew_: more than likely it will work the second time00:43
faganbut if it doesnt report a bug00:43
yofelcpunk: what does 'glxinfo | grep render' tell you?00:43
faganand see if it can be fixed00:43
Drew_Will do Fagan.  Cheers. NN all.00:44
nishanth_fagan:oops just got disconnected00:44
histonishanth: edit /etc/default/grub and the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  try chagning to "quiet splash acpi=off"   and see how it runs00:44
histonishanth: after reboot ofcourse00:44
BUGabundotoh192: I like pidgin00:44
* BUGabundo ducks00:44
cpunkglxinfo not currently installed00:44
histonishanth: just to make sure its not a power issue00:44
* kklimonda|G1 throws a brick at BUGabundo00:44
YfrwlfPidgin is the roxxors, tho I'm not sure which one is better for Jabber video00:45
yofelcpunk: hm, are you sure the not-activating isn't a bug in compiz? did you check your xorg log?00:45
nishanth_histo : i just got disconnected could you plz sedn me the earlier msgs once  more?00:45
BUGabundonishanth_: did you run a memory test and fsdk to your disks?00:45
histonishanth: just to make sure its not a power issue00:45
cpunkyofel: no idea how to do that00:45
histonishanth: after reboot ofcourse00:45
bjsniderkklimonda|G1, no more brick throwing00:45
histonishanth_: : edit /etc/default/grub and the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  try chagning to "quiet splash acpi=off"   and see how it runs00:45
nishanth_BUGabundo: nah not yet00:46
cpunkglxinfo : direct rendering: Yes00:46
cpunkOpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer00:46
histonishanth_: there try that00:46
Yfrwlfat least Pidgin sounds aren't crackling as often as they used to....as often being the key words00:46
crimsunbjsnider: yes, I did mention that it's a broken driver00:46
nishanth_should i just type  that in terminal00:46
yofelcpunk: ok, opengl doesn't work right for you00:46
yofelcpunk: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?00:46
yofel!paste > cpunk00:46
ubottucpunk, please see my private message00:46
nishanth_histo: should i just type  that in terminal00:47
nishanth_histo: is that a terminal thingy?00:47
bjsnidercrimsun, how do you want this og? it's getting pretty large00:47
BUGabundoYfrwlf: pidgin as a lever to control that00:47
histonishanth_: gksu gedit /etc/default/grub00:47
crimsunbjsnider: as long as it takes to reproduce the symptom00:47
crimsunyou can stop it afterward00:47
histonishanth_: in a terminal will bring up an editor and change the line I told you save the file and reboot see if that helps the random freezing00:48
YfrwlfBUGabundo: A lever that says "crackly sounds" on one side and "smooth nice sounds" on the other? :D00:48
* BUGabundo wonders when did this # go from +1 support to support anything00:48
BUGabundoYfrwlf: kinda00:48
BUGabundomore like HEI YOU, LOOK AT ME00:48
nishanth_histo : this does not always happen but maybe once or twice every two day00:48
BUGabundoto shiu I'm sleeping00:48
bjsnidercrimsun, in this log is recorded the name of the song i'm playing. how does pulse know that?00:49
crimsunbjsnider: the app passes that as part of the stream property00:49
yofelnishanth_: first run 'update-grub' after saving before rebooting00:49
cpunkHere is my Xorg.0.log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/409761/00:49
yofelcpunk: thanks, looking00:49
histonishanth_: yeah also run sudo update-grub  before rebooting sry forgot about that.00:50
nishanth_ok did that00:50
bisbyso my apt-get and recovery mode are pretty insistent on trying to install fglxr and wont let me use apt-get for anything else until it installs. except everytime it get an error00:50
nishanth_off to reboot00:50
Yfrwlfrecovery mode works now? oooooo00:51
kklimonda|G1ok, time for me - g'night all00:51
BUGabundobye kklimonda|G100:51
bisbynot for my problem. but it was running and gave me a prompt anyway00:51
mawstDoes lucid come with gnome shell?00:52
yofelcpunk: you have drm errors in there, not sure where they come from though00:52
mawstIS that default gnome now?00:52
toh192er, gdm if thats what you mean00:52
yofelcpunk: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf?00:53
mawstNo toh19200:53
mawstGnome Shell is different than GDM00:53
bjsnidercrimsun, http://pastebin.com/jxTG65GS00:53
bjsnideryou can see it just says underrun00:53
crimsunbjsnider: a bug report against alsa-driver, please00:53
yofelcpunk: btw, is there are reason why you're running kernel 2.6.32-16? current is -1900:53
cpunkI just downloaded the beta iso from the ubuntu website00:54
* toh192 googley googley googleing00:54
BUGabundocpunk: beta is OLD00:54
yofelcpunk: ah, yeah, beta1 had -1600:54
BUGabundoplease upgrade00:54
BUGabundoopen update manager and go from there00:54
yofelas BUGabundo said, please update00:55
cpunkoh OK thanks00:55
cpunkwill do00:55
BUGabundoare we in freeze?00:55
BUGabundoI'm not getting anything new00:55
yofelBUGabundo: beta2 freeze yes00:55
bjsnidercrimsun, audio dev ppa would work better?00:55
BUGabundothis week already?00:55
bisbyhow would i go about making apt-get not worry about fglxr and swap to the open source ati driver?00:55
BUGabundoman, we are moving FAST00:55
crimsunbjsnider: it works better for me; I can't predict your success00:55
yofelBUGabundo: beta2 is due thursday ;P00:55
BUGabundooh man00:56
BUGabundomore noobs^Wusers00:56
yofelyep -.-00:56
cpunkin update manager where will it tell me what version it's updating to? All it has is a list of packages00:56
* BUGabundo puts fake smile00:57
BUGabundocpunk: I _think_ you can expand it00:57
BUGabundoor you can do the cli version00:57
BUGabundo$ sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade00:57
BUGabundocpunk: FYI apt-cache policy PACKAGE00:57
BUGabundowill show you the version installed, available , and repo used00:58
cpunkAlright, ran safe-upgrade, will that get me to -19?01:00
BUGabundois it available for you , on your mirror ?01:00
cpunkI have absolutly no idea sorry01:01
aviscrimsun, i apologize to you and the channel, my sound card wasn't flush01:04
avisoxygen hd is back with your ppa01:05
kjelecpunk: If you try the main server you will get it01:20
cpunkI just did aptitude safe-upgrade, it's running right now. Not sure what server its coming from01:21
kjelecpunk: just read from the console?01:22
kjelecpunk: Or a read from /etc/apt/source.list01:22
cpunkdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted01:24
cpunkdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted01:24
cpunkAre the first two?01:24
cpunksources listed in source.list01:25
kjelecpunk: Should get it then.01:26
toh1922nd crash since upgrade (last night).  still beats windows01:28
BUGabundoother then chromium moving tabs01:29
toh192program crashes that is01:29
BUGabundoor FF with flash01:29
BUGabundoI almost ever get a crash01:29
* BUGabundo blantly discarts kmail from that list01:29
toh192xchat did and the other one was alsa i belive01:29
toh192I was playing a fatboy slim flac file in whatever the generic player is01:30
cpunkSo I just finished the upgrade01:32
cpunkOnce I restart how do I check my kernel version?01:32
BUGabundouname -a01:32
shakeukhi i just installed ubuntu 10.04 (my first ever time installing linux) but my cdrom is not found after installation01:52
shakeukanyone know what i could do?01:52
shakeukanyone in here?01:54
sharkyubuntu 10.04 beta is for testing not the best way to start01:55
=== uRock is now known as running_rabbit07
DanaGargh, one of my media-keys on my keyboard reports scancode 0x0 and keycode 358.02:12
DanaGweird... my mute key sometimes transmits keycodes... and other times, it doesn't.02:25
myk_robinsonEvening, all02:28
myk_robinsonIn Brasero, how do I prevent it from adding two second gaps between tracks on audio cds?02:28
BUGabundocan't help you much02:31
frewsxcvis there a java plugin in the repos in 10.4? i can't find one02:32
myk_robinsonno prob, just didnt see any activity, was wondering if I was connected :)02:32
myk_robinsonfrewsxcv: did you enable the universe and multiverse repositories? Its in there02:33
frewsxcvmyk_robinson, not icedtea, java plugin02:33
myk_robinsonfrewsxcv: yup, sun-java6-bin, etc02:33
austinubuntu 10.04 has so many restriction im starting to hate ubuntu.... ubuntu is starting to be like Windows02:33
frewsxcvmyk_robinson, i guess i'll check again02:34
myk_robinsonfrewsxcv: be sure to enable all the repositories, its also not a bad idea top add medibuntu repositories02:34
austinwhy did they take away alot in ccsm02:35
EdgEyaustin that's something i'm noticing lately actually02:36
EdgEyno idea why options are being removed everywhere02:36
austinya like whats going on here ya know they talk about freedom but yet they take some features away02:37
macoyou are free to put them back... just hack the source..02:38
macoso technically, no loss of freedom02:38
macobit of a fail at trusting the user though02:38
myk_robinsonaustin: what do you mean about ccsm? Everything seems to be there. Did you install the additional compiz packages?02:38
austinwhat are they02:39
austincan u name them02:39
myk_robinsonaustin: just a sec..02:39
macocompiz-fusion-plugins-extra ?02:39
austinyep thats it i think02:40
myk_robinsonaustin: compiz, compiz-core, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-plugins-fusion-main, compiz-gnome, compiz-plugins, compizconfig-backend-gconf,02:40
austinyep maco is right02:41
tilgoviAnyone using lucid with kde? I'm having an issue I'd like to confirm before filing a report.02:47
yofeltilgovi: just fire away02:48
tilgoviwhen I remove the old network-manager-kde applet from the systray by deselecting the systray option in the network management dialog, then I get disconnect and can no longer connect with the new plasma-widget-networkmanagement02:48
tilgoviso I have this spiffy new network management widget but it requires the old one to be there too...seems silly02:49
yofeloh that02:50
yofelit's not that it requires the old one to be running02:51
yofelbut the kde devs think the management module of the plasma applet is still experimental so it's not loaded by default02:51
yofelrunning 'qdbus org.kde.kded /kded org.kde.kded.loadModule networkmanagement' will get the plasma applet to work without knetworkmanager02:51
yofeltilgovi: ^02:52
tilgoviyofel: awesome. thanks. if I decide this is bad news how can I turn it off?02:52
rebecca_Just  did the upgrade and I get a grub recovery when I restarted... A little help?02:53
yofeljust restart KDE I think should be fine, you'll need to load that every time you want to use the plasma applet after login actually02:53
BUGabundonight guys02:53
BUGabundoand you too yofel. go to bed!02:54
yofelnight BUGabundo02:54
yofelheh, just wanted to say that I'm going in a moment too ^^02:54
tilgoviyofel: ok. I'm not going to worry about it, then. As long as it's intended behavior, that's cool. I understand and I won't report it as a bug.02:55
randomusris it possible to su?02:57
arandrebecca_: I would reinstall grub.02:57
yofelrandomusr: sure, but there's no root password by default, rather use 'sudo -i'02:58
arandrebecca_: Are you using something upgraded from jaunty?02:58
arand!root > randomusr02:58
ubotturandomusr, please see my private message02:58
rebecca_how do I resinstall grub if I can02:59
rebecca_cant boot02:59
randomusrrebecca, use the livecd tools03:00
arandrebecca_: boot from a liveCD and reinstall from there.03:00
randomusrarand, isn't that a bit insecure to not use a root password?03:00
arandrebecca_: You can always try to boot from the grub rescue, however it is ususally more tricky.03:01
arandrandomusr: the whole account is deactivated per default.03:01
rebecca_not sure how  to do that arand03:01
randomusrarand: what was the thinking behind this?03:02
arandrebecca_: So you don't have a liveCD handy?03:02
rebecca_not for lucid03:02
rebecca_for 9.1003:02
arandrandomusr: read the !root factoid I sent you, it probably explains better that I can.03:03
sahakhow can I prevent synaptics from asking me system administrator's password each time I launch it?03:04
rebecca_if I use the livecd method do I have to chroot and all that stuff03:05
arandrebecca_: I think 9.10 will do just as well, yes chroot is probably the best way, but it is not overly complicated.03:05
bbordwellsahak, The only way to do that would to be to run as root, which you should never due. It is on purpose for security reasons03:05
rebecca_I will do some digging03:06
arandrebecca_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD it's detailed here, section 3.03:07
rebecca_thanks arand03:08
arandrebecca_: I would follow the chroot instructions but skip the mounting of /usr, thus using the grub utilities from your current install rather than from the liveCD (I'm not actually sure if it makes a difference, installing .97 or .98 version of grub, but just to be sure).03:09
sahakbbordwell, thanks for the answer. but this password prompt is worse than Windows UAC prompts, because those you can at least disable.03:14
bbordwellsahak, http://www.osnews.com/story/23088/64_of_MS_Vulnerabilities_Mitigated_by_Removing_Admin_Rights03:15
bbordwellsahak, linux uses a model that makes no one an administrator, it is one of the reasons it is considered secure03:16
sahakbbordwell, asking administrator's password every time one wants to launch a program is not a sign of security. it is poor design. If I authenticate once, then I clearly know the password, asking me the same password 100 times does not make it secure. it makes software more annoying.03:17
sahakPolicyKit was supposed to solve this poor security choices of asking root password all the time, but I guess they did not bother to implement policykit for synaptics03:18
bbordwellsahak, those vulnerabilites in that article happen AFTER windows asks you for your login psswd03:19
sahakbbordwell, I have a gPhone, and I installed hundreds of apps on that phone. That phone is secure. But if it asked a password prompt every time I wanted to install a new program, nobody would use it. To be a secure platform, you don't have to ask root password all the time.03:20
bbordwellsahak, I am not a security expert but most major viruses need administrator access to run, Windows adopted a similar policy with the pop ups in vista requiring at least some user interaction. I am sure they would not do this without reason.03:24
arandsahak: It is simply the way GNU/Linux, and hence Ubuntu, works. It is not likely to change, and most people seem to think it's a good design, including me. If you want things differently you might have to start developing the alternative yourself ;)03:27
leagrisrebecca_, did you try editing sudoers with a line like %admin ALL=NOEXEC: /usr/sbin/synaptic, /usr/bin/update-manager03:27
kjelesahak: fedora let normal user to install without password. The only thing that is needed is the package has to be signed. You think that is great?03:28
arandleagris: wrong user I think...03:28
arandkjele: Wasn't that removed in final release?03:28
leagrissahak, did you try editing sudoers with a line like %admin ALL=NOEXEC: /usr/sbin/synaptic, /usr/bin/update-manager03:29
kjelearand: It says so in the final release note.03:29
rebecca_leagris, no03:29
kjelearand: It is subject to discussion03:30
sahakarand, this is not how Linux works. PolicyKit (which is part of Linux) does not work that way.03:30
rebecca_just finished grabbing the lucid livecd about to try recovery03:30
sahakkjele, yes I think Fedora's policy made a lot more sense.03:30
leagrissahak, not tested though. In theory if syntax correct this would allow members of the admin group to use synaptic or update-manager without entering a password03:31
sahakarand, most people don't think that Linux security design is "a good design". In fact it is awfully insecure. That is why a lot of work is underway (SELinux, PolicyKit,...) to fix the broken Linux security (root or nothing) security model.03:32
sahakleagris, thanks for the sudoers tip03:33
arandsahak: Hmm, fair point, I got the wrong impression of your argument, sorry.03:34
sahakAndroid OS is more secure than Linux. Yet it lets you install software without entering any passwords.03:37
bbordwellsahak, Android is linux right?03:37
sahakbbordwell, yes it is Linux, but it uses a different security model.03:37
jmcantrellthe us english spell checking is missing from empathy. what's going on?03:40
randomusrhow is one to log in to Swat if the root account is disabled?03:42
randomusrthis is about lame03:42
yofelrandomusr: what's swat?03:43
randomusrsamba web administration tool03:43
randomusrit's web based and maps the admin user to the local root account03:43
yofelyou can't run it as 'sudo ...' ?03:43
randomusrnot so much03:43
yofelah, hm03:44
randomusrthis isn't an issue for cups as it mapped to my user account03:44
arandrandomusr: or simulate a root login by "sudo -i" (don't know much about swat, I'm afraid)?03:45
yofelyeah, but you can't run sudo from firefoox03:45
randomusrexactly even03:45
randomusrso now on to the real question.... how to enable root03:45
yofelwell, as long as you know the risk you can enable the root account03:46
randomusrno I'm slow03:46
yofelthat should be as easy as getting into a root shell with sudo -i and setting a new root password03:46
happyfaceI can connect to my wifi and get a dhcp address, but can't connect to anything or even ping my router (but can connect to open networks)03:47
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:47
randomusryea yea yes03:47
arandrandomusr: The link there details how to do it ↑↑03:48
randomusrDone already03:48
randomusrarand: maybe someone could describe this subtlety about swat and possibly webmin as I believe that they both map to root03:49
randomusrusers cold easily configure their setup and then disable the root account again03:50
arandrandomusr: Ubuntu is meant to never require enabling root, and I don't know how it's meant to work is it doesn't properly with "recommended" methods. Also, it may be a simple matter of swat being deprecated and ignored, thus no work is done to simplyfy it's usage.03:52
LeifI've been typing up a document in Ubuntu's version of Open office, and all of the sudden, all of the Open Office Math segmants were broken.  Comming up saying "Object N" where N is increasing...03:53
LeifHas anyone had this problem, and more importantly, how can I get it to work again.03:53
randomusrarand, then what about webmin? that's a current tool03:53
LeifAlso, going back to old copies of the document in 10.04 doesn't seem to be helping.03:53
yofelarand: it might just be that they don't hold it important enough to make it compatible to the ubuntu non-root policy, fedora etc. all have a root login03:53
arandrandomusr: Again, I have no experience with those tools, so I'm afraid I really have no idea.03:54
LeifAlso, how can I prevent this from happening again?03:54
benkay86Booting lucid x86 server hangs at (when booting without "quiet): "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...\nDone."03:55
benkay86It seems a lot of people have had this problem, but for different reasons.03:55
benkay86Is there a way to get some more verbose boot output that might help diagnose the underlying issue?03:55
yofelbenkay86: sure, use --verbose or --debug instead of quiet03:55
yofelthat will make upstart talk a bit more03:56
arandLeif: I have not seen the problem, nor know how to recover, but as for avoiding it happening again, write a really good bug so that it can be triaged and patched quickly, all I can say I'm afraid.03:56
* arand seems to only be able to give ultra-generic advice at the moment03:58
Leifarand: Darn it, okay.  The only problem, I have no idea how to replicate it...03:58
benkay86yofel: Excellent idea. Let me do that on a serial console so that I can scroll through the output.03:58
LeifIt just, sort of, happened.03:58
Berzerkerdoes there exist an RSS reader that syncs (I mean syncs, not import) with google reader?04:00
arandLeif: screenshots, description of workflow, "apport-cli --pid=#####" of the funked-up process... *might* be releavant.04:02
Leifarand: Okay, thank you.04:03
benkay86yofel: And here we go: http://pastebin.com/PQDzJXFw04:07
benkay86Something about a broken pipe, but I still don't know which init task is causing it.04:08
yofelI'm guessing here, but thinking of how many issues we had in the near past, it could be mountall messing something up. We have issues with boot stopping on wrong fstab lines or just on regular fsck runs...04:09
benkay86yofel: It's a fresh install... anyway, an issue with mountall sounds plausible. Any tips on how I might fix it myself?04:10
benkay86yofel: Or, if I file a bug, would you happen to know what package I should file against?04:10
arandLeif: is Bug #501030 your bug (absolutely no help there, but at least confirm-able).04:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501030 in openoffice.org ""Object 1,2,3,..." instead of my formulas" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50103004:12
yofelI'm not sure how to fix it, you could try if you get a console with sysrq+i (should kill the stuck mountall process), or try to use init=/bin/bash in the grub kernel line to get a root shell and then checking your fstab, but like I said, I'm guessing here04:13
yofelabout the package, I would file it against mountall, it will be reassigned if it's wrong04:13
Berzerkeryofel: do you know of anything?04:13
Leifarand: Other than I'm using 10.04, rather than 9.10, yup.04:13
Berzerkeryofel: RSS reader that syncs with google reader04:13
arandLeif: Maybe more info: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/1846104:13
LeifLet me confrim it...04:13
arandLeif: it may be an old but seldomly re-occuring bug..04:14
yofelBerzerker: not really, I once searched for one too, but I think I found one that had imcomplete sync support and it was dropped from others :/04:14
LeifOh, and I'm also using 3.2, rather than 3.0 and 3.104:14
Berzerkeryofel: the closest thing I found was liferea that just imported04:14
arandLeif: and maybe as well: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10023004:15
ubottuOpenOffice.org bug 100230 in Word processor "formulas missing when file reopened 'cause MacOS automatically cleans tmp folder" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed: ]04:15
JohnFluxdo other people find that firefox crashes all the time?04:15
Berzerkerit hasn't crashed once for me04:16
JohnFluxBerzerker: thanks04:16
Berzerkerlol np04:16
arandLeif: arch report mentions
yofelfor me neither, but I have heard that it likes to crash in some setups. Can't remember how that looked like though04:17
LeifHmm...that's also a good description of the problem.04:17
Berzerkeryofel: I think I'm just an idiot04:19
Berzerkeryofel: liferea appears to sync with google reader04:19
EruditeHermitis there a workaround for the dependency cycle bug when upgrading?04:19
Some_PersonMy audio breaks after Suspend04:32
crimsunSome_Person: how so?04:38
Some_Personcrimsun: nothing plays04:38
benkay86yofel: Tada! Bug #55618404:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556184 in mountall "lucid boot hangs while init is running mountall, "could not write bytes: Broken pipe"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55618404:38
crimsunSome_Person: that's still quite vague. Do you mean that literally apps hang, or do you mean that apps appear to be playing audio but the audio is inaudible?04:39
* benkay86 Has a quiz in 8 hours 20 minutes, going to bed!04:41
Some_Personapps appear to be playing but nothing is audible04:41
mawstHow might I go about changing the window icons to the right side instead of the new left side in lucid?04:41
Some_PersonA reboot is needed to restore04:41
crimsunSome_Person: reproduce the symptom and use http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh04:42
* arand dislikes unverbose changelogs..04:43
SecretofManamawst:  http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2010/03/21/ubuntu-10-04-window-controls/04:46
SecretofManaThere's no "easy" option, it seems; you have to use gconf-editor04:47
arandmawst: Either choose another theme, hack gconf, or install modified theme from PPA.04:49
mawstheh well gconf is easy enough.04:49
mawstThanks SecretofMana04:49
Some_Personmawst: Are you saying you want the old button positions? If so, the PPA is closed. Just use gconf04:49
mawstAnd thanks arand for helping me recover my install (I was on as rebecca earlier).04:50
mawstI'm all set with the buttons now Some_Person04:50
mawstDid the gconf thing04:50
arandmawst: Glad to help :)04:51
crimsunSome_Person: err, the option that you need isn't enabled04:53
Some_Personcrimsun: Is this related to the problem I had when I first had lucid installed on a flash drive?04:55
arandSome_Person: Hmm, so the theme-dependency introduced broke your packages?04:56
Some_Personarand: The what?04:56
crimsunSome_Person: bug 538918, which I fixed, yes04:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538918 in alsa-driver "No sound" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53891804:56
crimsunSome_Person: it landed in and will be merged into Ubuntu's kernel source shortly.04:57
Some_PersonSo should I add "options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1" to alsa-base.conf again?04:57
crimsunSome_Person: it seems rather smart to do so if you want audible sound04:57
Some_PersonThis is an upgraded karmic install (unlike the clean install under which I reported that bug), and sound seems to work until you suspend04:57
Some_PersonI've been using it this way for weeks04:58
arandSome_Person: That was why you removed the PPA?04:58
Some_Personarand: I removed it because there's no point any more. The only reason I made it was the graphical flaw when moving the buttons, which was fixed in the main package04:58
arandSome_Person: Ah, fair enough, I though you partly had it to move them back as well..04:59
Some_Personarand: I did, but gconf does that just as well04:59
crimsunSome_Person: but, something you should check is that 'Speaker' is set to 0%04:59
crimsunSome_Person: -48.00 dB, rather, which, unless you have bat hearing, is rather ... quiet.05:00
Some_Personcrimsun: I don't even know what that so-called "Speaker" is. The "Headphone" control seems to control both my speakers and my headphones (depending on whether or not headphones are plugged in)05:01
crimsunSome_Person: see your Connector dropdown in GNOME sound preferences > output05:02
Some_Person"Analog Output"05:02
crimsunSome_Person: which other option(s) do you have?05:02
crimsun(you should have 2)05:03
Some_Person"Analog Headphones" or "Analog Speakers"05:03
crimsunright, so which ones do you want to use, headphones or speakers?05:03
Some_PersonI use both depending on what I'm doing05:03
Semitoneshey there05:03
Some_PersonThe way it works now is that if I want to use the speakers, I yank out the headphone plug05:03
crimsunright, but in this case, I don't think it's a bug at all05:03
crimsunI think it's because the mixer is set to -48.00 dB05:04
Some_PersonI tried turning it up, and still no sound right now05:04
Some_Person(in alsamixer)05:04
crimsunis it set to Analog Speakers?05:04
Some_PersonIt's currently set to "analog output"05:04
crimsunset it to Analog Speakers05:04
SemitonesCould any of you help me test why my videocard is not working very well? I get 0.3 fps in etracer.05:04
Some_PersonRemember, on a cold boot, this setup *does* work05:04
crimsunSome_Person: that's a separate bug05:05
rshakinhey whats the kernel build in current ubuntu lucid05:05
Some_Personcrimsun: nope, still no sound05:05
Semitoneslspci: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44 [GeForce 6200 A-LE] (rev a1)05:05
crimsunrshakin: with DRM from
crimsunSome_Person: so add the parameter05:05
crimsunSome_Person: seriously, I expected you to test this before actually filing the bug...05:05
Some_PersonWhat's the path to alsa-base.conf?05:05
Some_Personnevermind, found it05:08
Some_Personnow should I reboot and try to reproduce?05:09
Some_Personcrimsun: ^05:10
Berzerkeryofel: yup, liferea syncs up with google reader05:15
Berzerkeryofel: check it out if you're still interested05:15
rshakinhey is there any working going to be done on the rtl8111 ethernet chipset drivers cause they dont work there is a miss match of drivers from realtek and what the system determines05:16
Some_Personcrimsun: Even after rebooting with the line in place, I am able to reproduce it05:19
Some_PersonSomehow the suspend breaks the sound05:20
Semitonesare there any known issues with nouveau05:21
crimsunSome_Person: then that's a linux issue in general and unrelated05:21
crimsunSome_Person: please follow up with linux05:21
Some_Personhang on, let me reboot to get my sound back05:22
billy2007hey guys does anyone know why my sound would just stop working after a reboot?? im using 10.0405:23
Some_Personconsidering that my screen looks like this though, I think sound is the least of my problems: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/6386/0000121.jpg05:24
voss74910.04 looks more stable at beta 1 than 9.10 looks now ;-)05:30
SemitonesI need help troubleshooting my video card05:31
SemitonesIt gets very bad fps using nouveau - would that be called a regression?05:31
robin0800Semitones: there is no 3d support yet in the nouveau driver if thats what you mean05:34
Semitonesrobin0800, I guess that would explain it. I get ~200 frames /5s in glxgears05:35
billy2007whats the bot channe again?05:35
billy2007wrong room sorry05:36
voss749Does noveau replace the nvidia driver on upgrades?05:36
Some_PersonIs there a way I can cut power to my laptop screen without stopping any processes, and maybe have a keystroke to turn the monitor back on?05:36
billy2007hey guys does anyone know why my sound would just stop working after a reboot?? im using 10.0405:39
Berzerkerargh I'm so close lol05:39
tiger2wanderhi there05:43
DanaGSome_Person: xset dpms force off05:43
DanaGbut it'll only stay black until you move the mouse.05:43
kn100I have xubuntu Lucid, my ntfs drive mounts as it should with lucid, but I can't change the owner of the drive with nautilus05:43
kn100it just is stuck at root05:43
kn100so transmission can't download to it05:44
tiger2wanderIs Lucid Lynx ready for video driver ATI Radeon HD3200?05:44
Some_PersonDanaG: Thanks. That's perfect!05:44
tiger2wanderI tried a few days ago but no luck :(05:44
Some_PersonNow I don't have to close my laptop (not a good idea in this state)05:45
DanaG"formulas missing when file reopened 'cause MacOS automatically cleans tmp folder"05:45
DanaGlemme' reinterpret that...05:45
DanaG"formulas missing when file reopened cause MacOS automatically cleans tmp folder"05:45
DanaG... broken grammar that way.05:45
Semitonesvoss749, this is a fresh install of lubuntu, so I can't say what normal graphic driver behavior is05:47
maccam94does anyone know why some programs like VLC refuse to show gvfs locations in the bookmarks sidebar?05:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 516825 in plymouth "plymouth doesnt show any splash as soon as a console= commandline option is used on boot" [Medium,Fix released]05:52
Mocisn't there was a Music folder by default in ubuntu ?05:53
Mocha it just isn't in the quick access list05:53
Mocnormal the ubuntu music store is in euro only ?05:55
billy2007hey guys does anyone know why my sound would just stop working after a reboot?? im using 10.0406:04
billy2007does ANYONE know why my sound would just stop working after a reboot?? im using 10.0406:10
SwedeMikebilly2007: 6 minutes and 5 lines is WAY too short to time/lines to start repeating yourself.06:13
billy2007SwedeMike, no it aint people have joined since then06:15
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
bbordwellbilly2007, have you looked at your alsamixer?06:16
billy2007i got it working now my speakers were off06:17
billy2007*hides in shame06:17
bbordwelleveryone does it sometimes...06:17
timboywhy is my plymouth ugly?06:19
bbordwelltimboy, ?06:19
bbordwellhow exactly is it ugly?06:19
maccam94timboy: nvidia?06:19
maccam94if you're using binary drivers it probably won't look good06:20
timboymaccam94, nvidia on my laptop and ati on my desktop plymouth is ugly on both. (just moved to ati on desktop from nvidia had 10.04 before the upgrade)06:20
timboyah both use binary drivers06:21
maccam94yeah that'd do it06:21
timboyis there a bug for this?06:21
DanaGI get no plymouth even with open-source ATI drivers.06:21
DanaGIt just explicitly disables splash, since I happen to have a serial console.06:21
bbordwelltimboy, no it is a limitation with the drivers06:21
DanaGThat's stupid.06:21
DanaGIt should show the splash on local, but not on serial console.06:21
Berzerkerfinally. finally. FINALLY got rhythmbox reporting to the G15 LCD06:22
gatlinhey arand, has anything more come up on plymouth issues regarding nforce and multiple monitors (we spoke some last week)06:22
gatlinI have been trying to keep up with development and mailing lists but it's all such a flood06:22
bbordwellgatlin, That was my bug report!06:22
timboyvery dumb. definitely a step down visually06:22
gatlinbbordwell, you are my hero06:22
gatlinwhat exactly was in your report, because I'd love to second it06:22
bbordwelltimboy, looks good on opensource drivers06:22
gatlinbetter yet, link me :P06:23
arandgatlin: Hmm, not that I know of specifically no...06:23
bbordwellgatlin, just a sec06:23
timboybbordwell, if I go to open source drivers will it start working?06:23
bbordwellgatlin, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/53313506:23
arandBut as it would seem, you've found the right person to talk to instead ;)06:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 533135 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth installed (nouveau driver with >1 display)" [Medium,Triaged]06:23
bbordwelltimboy, it should, but they are not as good06:23
bbordwelltimboy, no 3d accel with open source nvidia, I am not sure about the open source ati driver but it should be a bit better06:24
timboyso i'm screwed either way...06:24
gatlinbbordwell, how can I not install plymouth but upgrade the rest of my karmic system?06:24
bbordwellgatlin, i would just upgrade, then remove plymouth06:24
bisbywhats the package for the open source ati driver? and if my system keeps using fglxr and failing, how do i force it to use the open source one instead?06:24
bbordwellbisby, use jocky06:25
bisbybbordwell that works from the prompt right?06:25
gatlinah, remove plymouth before rebooting?06:25
bbordwellbisby, system>administration>hardware drivers06:25
timboydoes the open source ati driver actually save monitor configurations? currently binary ati amdcccle doesn't modify xorg...06:25
gatlinlet us assume for a moment that I am a stupid man - is there any chance that because of dependencies that I won't be able to undo installing plymouth?06:25
bbordwellgatlin, it only has 2 deps06:26
gatlincool.  I really appreciate the insight.06:26
bisbyI cant see my screen. the fglxr doesnt load the window (and alt-control-F# doesnt work). my only option is to boot to recovery mode terminal... and aptitude is stuck trying to find fglxr whihc it cant06:26
bbordwellgatlin, hmm just a min06:26
bbordwellgatlin, they changed it, it seems that it is now more difficult to remove06:27
ircrobdid a CLI install, only some small bug in motd06:28
bbordwellgatlin, you could use the text theme though?06:28
gatlinMy issues were as follows: on your same platform, it does the purple Ubuntu screen with the moving dots ... forever.  5+ hours for me06:29
bbordwellgatlin, what happens if you do alt+sysrq+k06:29
gatlinhonestly, I need to restart and try that06:29
gatlinwhat should that do?06:29
bbordwellgatlin, well it basicly kill various processes (including plymouth) and takes you to the login screen, you can use it now if you want, it will take you to the log in screen06:30
gatlinI always wondered when I'd get to use sysrq06:30
gatlinwill get the live cd and try again, and report my findings.  If your ticket encompasses me, then I must know: is this something likely to be fixed before release?06:31
bbordwellgatlin, the dual monitor problem?06:32
pepeeI'm having this issue when I try to run a gnome app in KDE:06:32
bbordwellgatlin, well it is marked as medium and it is getting alot of heat, also one of the lead plymouth developers has looked at so i would hope so06:32
gatlinalright, brb06:33
pepeethe error is only for that app, all other gnome apps are fine06:33
mpontillopepee: maybe a dependency problem. image-missing.png exists in 3 packages on my system, humanity-icon-theme, oxygen-icon-theme, and gnome-icon-theme. are any of those installed on your system?06:36
pepeeat least, gnome-icon-theme is installed06:37
pepeeoxygen-icon-theme is there too06:37
gatlinbbordwell: I rebooted with a live image slightly newer than the beta 1, did alt + sysrq + k, and my two monitors are frozen on a black screen with the following writing:06:40
gatlinGLib-Warning: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)06:40
gatlinor similar06:40
bbordwellgatlin, hmm unknown user id, maybe cuz the livecd has no user set up?06:41
bbordwelland alt+sysrq+k takes you to the login...06:41
bbordwellThat is a bad deal06:42
gatlinI'm just afraid that I'll upgrade my existing install and then not be able to circumvent this06:42
bbordwellIt worked for me when i tried it but that was pre-beta one06:42
gatlinalpha3 worked beautifully for me06:42
gatlinno bugs06:42
gatlinthen I upgraded and ... no boot06:42
bbordwellgatlin, you could always unplug your second monitor.....06:43
bbordwellthen after boot install the proprietary drivers and it will work06:43
gatlinI will experiment with that though I have tried before06:43
frewsxcvcan empathy connect to any windows webcam software?06:43
gatlinusing only one monitor doesn't fix it, either06:46
gatlinnumber of monitors doesn't work.  AWESOME06:46
bbordwellgatlin, that is a different bug then06:46
bbordwellgatlin, I was wondering because on mine the dots stop06:47
gatlinthough if I upgrade, I already have the proprietary drivers installed06:47
gatlinah, see, mine go on forever06:47
Berzerkeranyone notice the background for the alltray apps is wrong?06:48
Berzerkerit looks like it's using the old default theme and not adapting to ambiance06:48
bbordwellBerzerker, yep06:48
Berzerkerany fix?06:48
Berzerkeror any way to make evolution exit while staying open? :P06:48
bbordwellBerzerker, not that i know of06:48
Berzerkerseems silly that it's the only app in the mail drop-down that doesn't do it06:48
bbordwellgatlin, I am not sure how, but have you tried booting with the no-splash option?06:49
gatlinI have not.  --boot=no-splash?06:49
bbordwellgatlin, looks right06:49
gatliner, --boot=otherthings,blah,no-splash (to ensure I have the right syntax in mind)06:50
bbordwellgatlin, nosplash06:53
gatlinI actually see, by itself with no --boot= in front of it, a "splash" option06:53
gatlinso I presume I should just modify that to say "nosplash"06:53
mpontillopepee: hmm, I'm stretching here, but maybe you could try the following to see what it prints for you: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/409868/06:54
bbordwellgatlin, ya i guess thats what it says in the wiki06:54
pepeethanks mpontillo06:54
pepeempontillo, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/409869/06:59
Moc I've never seen as much crash report as in ubuntu 10.04 beta 1... but I never tried beta before07:04
bbordwellMoc, are you talking about apport bothering you?07:05
Mocbbordwell: well it doesn't bother me, the crash bother me alittle more hehe07:06
Berzerkeris there like some test version of keyring I can install to fix the gwibber bug? :P07:06
MocBerzerker: the 100% cpu usage bug ?07:06
MocI keep killing the service every time I boot07:07
bbordwellMoc, well sometimes those come up with no visable effect, happens in other releases as well i would assumme, but they disable the apport notifications for final releases07:07
DanaGfor me, ubuntuone is what hammers my cpu at login.07:08
MocI'm not sure how in 20 days they can make this beta usable...  unless they don't push the package for the fixes and will get a RC out with most of the bugs I'm having fixed07:09
Moc2 bug that been there for a few release.  Language switch both-ALT doesn't work.  Also the Alt-Shift-Tab doesn't work by default either07:10
MocRympth title in proprety is too small07:13
Mocwill show only the first 48 caractere07:13
pepeempontillo, backtrace: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/409874/07:13
Mocanyway, I wish I had a direct simple line to report bugs and gettings fixed..07:13
demonsporkMoc, that is the incentive that got me to start learning to program,  so that rather than just reporting bugs and hoping that they get fixed, I could actually fix them myself07:15
mpontillopepee: thanks, I'm looking at the code to try to figure out how this can happen. it first calls gdk_screen_get_default() and uses that to call gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen(), then calls gtk_icon_theme_load_icon() specifying the theme and icon name. there is no error checking on the first two calls, so it's hard to tell where it's going wrong07:15
pepeempontillo, this is an old version, and my machine has been upgraded, IIRC, since jaunty07:20
pepee* old version of gupnp, it seems like no one has updated it in the repos07:21
pepeeahh, nah, my bad, it is the latest version07:21
mpontillopepee: oh okay, I was going to suggest building the latest from source but never mind07:22
pepeeanyway, thanks for your help07:22
mpontillopepee: no prob; you should file a bug in launchpad if there isn't one already07:23
pepeeok, thanks07:23
Mocdemonspork: I fix ennuf bugs in differnents projects07:24
Mocdemonspork: got like 38 patch waiting to be applied in freeswitch, about 3 in scribus07:24
Mocscribus people are very quick though07:25
Mocfreeswitch, well they are overloaded07:25
Mocand all near a burn out hehe, amazing voip switch though07:25
Mocmost of my patch are feature enhancement07:25
MocI wish there were some kind of universal commit access.07:27
lettermanso what's the general consensus on the new beta?07:27
Mocso I could commit fixed for any project I find bug in07:27
Mocletterman: work in progress07:27
lettermanMoc: The very definition of the word Beta I see :)07:27
MocI'm running it for 2 days, and it work, but alot of stupid little problems07:29
lettermanok, I'm having a bunch of stupid problems getting it installed so there's no sunshine at the end of the tunnel I guess07:30
Mochavent had issues installing it07:30
DarkwingLaptopletterman: what issues and what verity?07:30
Mocgwibber is extreamly bugg07:30
DanaGyeah, for me, it doesn't even open.07:31
DanaGIt tries to interpret my font size (8.5) as an int... and dies.07:32
lettermanin one instance it exited after a long wait at it couldn't create a ramfs07:32
lettermanin this instance, it's just stuck at a blank screen07:33
MocI must say the initial boot of the install cd was very long07:33
lettermaneither time, I couldn't get past from the ubuntu . . . . screen to the first installer screen07:33
Moconly reason I knew everything was still working, was the CD reading07:33
Mocletterman: yea, let it go07:33
Moctook over 10min on my end, you see the cd keep reading07:33
MocI was about to give up when I saw the drive was reading data07:34
lettermanwell I'm going to catch up on my morning emails and have breakfast and if it's still a black screen when I'm done I think I'm going to stick in my 9 cd07:35
Mocletterman: usb install might be faster..07:35
hellyeahtwo problems here07:36
hellyeahyofel, are you there07:37
Mocthunderbird firefox integration doesn't exist07:37
hellyeahin the live session nvidia-xconfig works but after installation it doesnt work in fact there is no package nvidia-xconfig07:37
hellyeahtrying to isntall nvidia driver, breaks X07:38
Mochellyeah: got the nvidia stuff installed no problem07:38
hellyeahi saw only black screen07:38
Mocthe nvidia-xconfig get installed automaticly when you install the closed source drivers using the default ubuntu notify07:38
Mocthe default Xorg.conf even work fine07:39
Mocthe Fn key on my laptop doesn't work though07:39
hellyeahwhy i see black screen after making X -configure07:39
hellyeahi cant find unofficial guide for ubuntu lucid07:42
hellyeahwhy it doesnt exist yet07:42
Mochellyeah: it install natively using the restricted driver stuff07:43
hellyeahi know07:43
hellyeahi install using restricted hardware on desktop07:43
Mocthat worked fine for key07:43
hellyeahitt doesnt work for me07:44
hellyeahnormally it give installation failed when i reboot system. System is opened with low graphical mode07:44
Mochellyeah: atless it work for someone07:44
hellyeahit doesnt mean so much thing to me07:45
hellyeahwhere is the whole ubuntu lucid repo list07:45
Mocwell I got my own problems ;)07:45
hellyeahwhat is that :D07:46
lettermanuhmm.. I think my computer has gone into standby07:46
lettermanthe video was gone, I pressed space and it's back to a blank screen07:46
lettermanbut at least we get signal07:47
hellyeahi want to ue broffice.org07:47
lettermanI just want the main screen turn on07:47
hellyeahbut ubuntu install software that i dont want to use07:47
bisbyonce i got fglrx out of the way, how do i make it use the open source one?07:48
hellyeahit must be possible to select software when you install ubuntu07:48
randomusranyone know why Remote desktop client performance would be slow despite being on the local network?07:49
chandru_inFor quite sometime the boot splash screen has a smudged look07:55
chandru_inis this a known issue which would be fixed in updates before release?07:55
bbordwell chandru_in, are you using the nvidia proprietary drivers?07:58
chandru_inbbordwell: yup07:58
chandru_inFrom ubuntu's repos not from nVidia site07:58
bbordwellchandru_in, It is a limitation with the driver so no it will not be fixed07:58
chandru_inoh ok07:58
chandru_inJust out of interest is there any place I can read up abt the exact issue?07:59
bbordwellchandru_in, If you do not require 3d acceleration you can use nouveau and it will work then07:59
chandru_inI don't want to miss the compiz just for the boot screen which goes off in few secs :)07:59
bbordwellchandru_in, I am not sure whre you can read about it, but basicly the driver has to support KMS to do the pretty plymouth boot screen, this is what all open source drivers are moving to but the proprietary ones so far are not08:01
chandru_inbbordwell: I'm planning to install Lucid on a bunch of Intel GPU laptops doesn't this issue occur with Intel drivers?08:03
bbordwellchandru_in, Should work with intel08:03
chandru_inThanks for the clarification bbordwell08:04
Mocgot about 14 comments about beta 108:07
randomusranyone know why Remote desktop client performance would be slow despite being on the local network?08:11
blue102what is plymouth for I just did a update on lucid08:12
null!info plymouth08:12
nullguess not...08:13
null!info irssi08:13
ubottuplymouth (source: plymouth): graphical boot animation and logger - main package. In component main, is required. Version 0.8.1-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 107 kB, installed size 440 kB08:13
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.14-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 1061 kB, installed size 2872 kB08:13
blue102is it worthwile having ?08:14
bbordwellblue102, It is just the splash screen at boot08:14
bbordwellblue102, I think they made it rather difficult to remove a few updates ago08:14
blue102can do without that08:15
blue102what does xfce4 stand for may be a stupid question but hey I'm an oldy08:16
randomusris it normal for the system to check filesystem often?08:16
lettermanhow do I zoom in or change the screen resolution from the graphic installer?08:17
lettermanis tehre some kind of accessibility options?08:17
lettermanI can't read the text it is way too tiny.. on a 50" HDTV08:17
Mocletterman: Win+scroll  I think08:17
blue102under settings08:18
Mocletterman: working off my 46" monitor rightnow08:18
randomusrhow can I allow ssh from a windows machine?08:18
lettermanwhere's settings? I can't read anything but I'm at the drive partitioning screen and I can't do a damn thing08:18
lettermanoh man, I'm not in a desktop environment08:19
lettermanI'm in the 9.10 installer08:19
lettermanso there's nothing in 9.10 for that?08:20
Mocletterman, you can change font size08:20
Mocyou can also zoom in using win key + scroll in xgl I thino08:20
Mocor win key and numbers08:20
lettermanby scroll you mean pgup pgdn or up and down arrow?08:21
Mocletterman: it just zoom a section of your screen08:21
lettermanI don't have a menu08:21
lettermanit's a blue background and a window08:22
lettermanthat is asking me to partition one of my 4 drives08:22
lettermanand if I pick the wrong one that's 1.5 TB of data lost08:22
Mocwell get closer to the screen08:22
lettermandude I am face to face with it08:22
lettermanthe text is literally 2mm high08:22
Mocwell no idea, work fine on my screen08:23
blue102could you start again with a other monitor08:23
Mocletterman: ha you know what..08:24
Mocletterman: check the remote of your hd monitor, and play with the aspect ratio08:24
MocP.Size on my Samsung08:24
blue102thats a good idea08:24
Mocby default, I lose part of my screen08:25
lettermannew monitor no improvement08:25
lettermanI just pulled out a 24" widescreen and it's still tiny08:25
blue102no resolution changes08:25
Mocletterman: you rebooted ?08:25
lettermanno I just switched monitors08:25
blue102you have to reboot I believe08:26
lettermanwait, let me try not using hdmi08:26
Mocmight push a higher rez than supported by your scren08:26
Mocletterman: I use DVI but converted to hdmi to my screen08:26
blue102could be the card as well08:26
MocI've pretty much finish my personal wiki of 10.04 issue list hehe08:26
Moc19 issue08:27
blue102not bad for beta 108:27
Mocthose are the quick one I saw08:27
lettermanwell, this is embarassing08:29
lettermanI apparently no longer own a vga cable08:29
lettermanI had a half a dozen of them two months ago when I was cleaning out my office08:29
Mocletterman: windex sometime help to make letter more readable ;)08:30
lettermanand I SWEAR I ket one08:30
MocWe need in ubuntu an contact integration like we have in Android08:30
Mocwould need a huge collaboration work to get it to link with thunderbird, empathy, gwibber and evolution08:31
MocI'm waiting for a dual screen docking station for my nexus one ;)08:32
randomusrwhy is it that root can log in via ssh, but the regular user can't?08:32
Mocrandomusr: ???08:32
randomusrusing Putty from a windows machine08:33
Mocrandomusr: unless you set a password to root, you can't ssh login directly to it08:33
randomusrMoc, My root user can log in after I enabled it of course08:33
randomusrwhy can't the regular user log in?08:33
lettermanwhy can you ssh as root?08:33
lettermanthat should be disabled08:34
MocI just ssh in with my user08:34
randomusrmy user can't ssh... why?08:34
Mocrandomusr: not sure, work here08:34
Mocdo you have auto login enabled for your user08:34
Mocand you forgot your user password08:34
randomusrlikely no08:35
randomusrI know my password though08:35
lettermanrandomusr make sure the user has a password, a valid home path, and a valid login environment08:35
randomusrletterman, all that is confirmed08:35
lettermanthen I'm stumped unless you've added additional restrictions on ssh logins08:35
randomusrnone that I'm aware of08:36
lettermanwhat does your log tell you?08:36
randomusrhmm, well I don't know where to look for the log. Right now I'm just messing around. Where is it located?08:37
lettermanyou're using 10 beta?08:37
randomusris that it?08:38
lettermanI haven't used it yet.. but typically it's under /var/log08:38
randomusrwhat's the name of the log?08:39
Mocrandomusr: check a few of them08:39
Mocyou can check the date of the file modified right after you try to login08:40
Mocany one had problem with 9.10 also that when you try to select the top bar of a window and move, it select the window under08:41
Mocmight occur more often when using 2 monitor08:42
randomusrcrap, nothing08:43
randomusrI'm not sure that logging is enabled for anything08:47
blue102I can ssh as user as wel08:48
randomusrblue102, can or can't?08:48
Genethe new ubuntu 10.04 won't play a harry potter movie for candi, it says that it doesn't have the needed plugins,  suggestions?08:48
randomusrGene, ffmpeg?08:49
Genenormal harry potter dvd08:49
Genefactory made08:49
Genehd probably08:49
Genemovie player08:49
randomusrit's beta software?08:49
Genei guess, 10.0408:49
Ryan1Can someone tell me why my laptop takes over a minute to boot? Bootchart: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5119/laptoplucid201004061.png08:50
Ryan1Also, I never see the splash screen08:50
MocRyan1: sweet, how did you made that output ?08:51
Ryan1apt-get install bootchart08:51
Ryan1Then reboot and look in /var/log/bootchart/08:51
blue102thanks Ryan108:53
blue102installing it now08:53
Moc16.09second here08:54
Ryan1I note there are a few sleep processes near the end of my bootchart08:55
Ryan1And also preload has high CPU or disk usage08:56
MocRyan1: tmp/mochouinard-laptop-lucid-20100406-1.png08:56
Mocif you want to compare08:56
Ryan1Hmm, my I/O wait is through the roof compared to yours08:57
MocRyan1: I/O wait will kill your box yes08:57
MocRyan1: how much ram ?08:58
Ryan1It's booted on Karmic in about 20 seconds before08:59
Mocrunning in IDE compability mode or something08:59
joppanbugs beta 1 lucid lynx09:00
blue102compaq armada e 500 laptop 340 meg ram 1.12 min.09:01
Moc147MB/sec on my side... SSD at it best09:01
hpnc6400hi can anybody help me with a power management issue09:01
randomusrmeh, access denied for user ssh login using putty... what gives?09:05
Genethe new ubuntu 10.04 won't play a harry potter movie for candi, it says that it doesn't have the needed plugins,  suggestions?09:08
blue102try vlc09:08
blue102media player09:09
Mocvlc should be the default player in my view09:10
Genewill try09:11
blue102its not really I had to download it as well09:11
blue102and all is sweet09:11
om26erflash vides leave fullscreen when notfy-osd shows did this problem exist in karmic?09:16
randomusrfound the issue with my logging in with ssh. apparently it don't like the number pad09:19
blue102there you go09:20
randomusrI can log in using the standard numbers..... that's dumb09:20
blue102it is probably has to do with ascii codes09:20
randomusrit's still dumb09:21
randomusrretarded even09:21
blue102ha ha aha09:21
blue102nevermind it is solved09:21
randomusrthey have a fix for other known issues, why wouldn't that be included?09:21
blue102tell them09:22
randomusrgood point09:22
randomusrpiece out I need a nap09:22
blue102ok have to go CU l8ter09:22
Mike1good Morning!09:29
Mike1How can I add applets to my gnome-panel? With Lucid (UNE) I somehow see no way to customize it anymore09:30
om26erMike1, you cant, logout and select gnome session in the session and make it like netbook session. I am searching that link wait09:31
pepeeI need to know if a gnome app is running fine in kubuntu lucid09:31
pepeeI just need someone to install: gupnp-tools   and then run: gupnp-universal-cp09:32
om26erMike1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuNetbookEdition/ConvertGnomeSession09:32
Mike1om26er: What the heck? Why did those <insert swearword here> break it?!09:34
Mike1I got only one session to chose in GDM09:35
Mike1they speak of three there oO09:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 550040 in ubuntu "Don't work CPU fan cooling at TOSHIBA satellite U505-S2925BN in the Ubuntu 10.04 beta1" [Undecided,New]09:36
kklimonda|G1shabgard: did it work in 9.10?09:37
shabgardi'm waiting09:44
PolitikerNEUHello everyone, is fglrx working properly for you? I had to extract a driver and copy all files of /etc into my rootdirectory09:48
PolitikerNEUUsing Radeon HD 385009:49
jackhighPolitikerNEU: after alot of messing i got mine to install ok using yesterdays daily build a fresh install jockey just installed it and i just did aticonfig --initial09:51
PolitikerNEUyeah, I tried that too but then I got: /etc/ati/control missing09:51
PolitikerNEUand if I just copy this, many other necessary files are missing09:51
Mike1is there a way to get rid of the damn envelope-icon in the indicator applet?09:52
jackhighthat happened to me too but when i did the reinstall it worked ok09:52
PolitikerNEUso I copied the whol /etc-directory of fglrx, then it worked09:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 550040 in ubuntu "Don't work CPU fan cooling at TOSHIBA satellite U505-S2925BN in the Ubuntu 10.04 beta1" [Undecided,New]09:52
jackhighno idea why tho09:52
PolitikerNEUI tried a reinstall too, didn't help09:52
jackhighvery strange09:52
PolitikerNEUdo you mean reinstalling the driver or the whole system?09:52
shabgardpls get me answer09:52
jackhighthe whole system i used yesterdays daily build09:52
PolitikerNEUah, ok, I just reinstalled the driver09:53
PolitikerNEUmaybe I should reinstall the system when the final version is out09:53
geekphreakhello all09:53
geekphreakanyone else getting rookit warning on new ubuntu?09:53
jackhighyea i prolly will too09:53
PolitikerNEUI didn't know something like "rootkit checking" even exists in ubuntu (so: no)09:54
geekphreakPolitikerNEU:  apt-get install rkhunter09:54
PolitikerNEUdo I have to reboot then?09:55
geekphreakwhen i ran rkhunter scan, it says i got a rootkit09:55
geekphreakno you dont have to reboot09:55
PolitikerNEUok, will try that as soon as I have installed it09:55
geekphreakjust update rkhunter, after install, then run scan09:55
geekphreakit takes 2/3 minutes09:55
jackhighim not important or paranoid enuff to scan for rootkits :)09:55
geekphreaklol ok09:55
geekphreakjackhigh: agreed, but why take a chance :)09:56
jackhighif someone wants to root my puter be my guest ill they will get is my porn stash :)09:56
PolitikerNEUsudo rkhunter update09:57
PolitikerNEUInvalid option specified: update09:57
geekphreakjackhigh: lol09:57
geekphreakPolitikerNEU: sudo rkhunter --update09:57
PolitikerNEUsudo rkhunter --update09:57
PolitikerNEUUnable to find configuration file: /usr/local/etc/rkhunter.conf09:57
geekphreakworks here :)09:57
PolitikerNEUhmm ... I got dependency problems09:58
PolitikerNEUuseradd: /etc/shadow konnte nicht gesperrt werden; versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. (useradd: /etc/shadow could not be locked; try it again later)09:58
geekphreakis that german?09:59
PolitikerNEUI head a reboot is said to work, but it didn't (yes, it is german)09:59
geekphreakPolitikerNEU: try this , if u do ls /etc see rkhunter.conf there?09:59
geekphreakPolitikerNEU: it aint windows :)09:59
PolitikerNEUls /etc/rkhunter*09:59
Mike1geekphreak: but it’s getting closer and closer to windows10:00
geekphreakPolitikerNEU: well you can use rkhunter --configfile /path/configfile --update10:00
geekphreakPolitikerNEU:  but i wont worry bout it10:01
PolitikerNEUwell - I just did a sudo /etc/rkhunter.conf.dpkg-new /etc/rkhunter.conf :-)10:01
geekphreakthat did not throw error?10:01
PolitikerNEUit didn't10:01
geekphreakok :)10:02
geekphreaknormallly sudo is follwed by command :)10:02
PolitikerNEUsudo mv ...10:02
PolitikerNEUI copied it by hand :-)10:02
PolitikerNEUI get a warning for prerequisites10:03
geekphreakdid you run an update?10:03
PolitikerNEU    Checking for possible rootkit strings                    [ Warning ]10:04
geekphreakthats what i get10:04
PolitikerNEUI'll pastebin the log10:04
geekphreakit thorws a warning for hidden files and rookit warning10:06
geekphreakok so i am not the only one10:07
PolitikerNEUok - so chances might be it is a bogus (?) warning10:07
geekphreakPolitikerNEU: prob. a bug10:07
geekphreakother scan comes ok10:07
PolitikerNEU(and bogus seems to be the wrong word, sorry)10:08
geekphreakits all good, thansk again mate :)10:08
geekphreakMike1: in some ways yes10:08
geekphreakMike1:  i know its streching a bit, but new ubuntu actually gave me feeling of mac :)10:09
redhmmh, I just booted up and a lot of icons from my panel are missing but there "invisibly", my chrome theme had reset and the bookmark bar fonts are not from system font anymore10:10
redtheme reset aswell10:10
PolitikerNEUyeah, thats what MS wants10:10
PolitikerNEUbut actually I don't like mac10:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 550040 in ubuntu "Don't work CPU fan cooling at TOSHIBA satellite U505-S2925BN in the Ubuntu 10.04 beta1" [Undecided,New]10:10
m44mirii'm waiting for answer10:11
Mike1geekphreak: the “why can I not change this crap?!”-experience gives me a feeling of Windows10:17
m44miri,I didn't gove noting answer10:19
m44miriis this problem  able fix?10:21
geekphreakMike1: heh10:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 550040 in ubuntu "Don't work CPU fan cooling at TOSHIBA satellite U505-S2925BN in the Ubuntu 10.04 beta1" [Undecided,New]10:26
blue102how does one setup vnc10:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 550040 in ubuntu "Don't work CPU fan cooling at TOSHIBA satellite U505-S2925BN in the Ubuntu 10.04 beta1" [Undecided,New]10:28
kklimonda|G1m44miri: if you are not getting an answer that's because no one knows it10:28
kklimonda|G1m44miri: flooding channel with the bug link and description doesn't help10:28
geekphreakblah got disconnected10:29
m44miriReally Cheers10:29
hceylanhello there, is there a way to disable plymouth in lucid as it has problems with the latest kernel and nvidia blob installed systems10:30
blue102uninstall it10:30
hceylanblue102: it has hell a lot of packages dependent on it, that will remove a lot including X10:32
blue102oh boy am I pleased i did not install it10:32
hceylancan you do a "dpkg --list | grep -i plymouth" for me pls10:33
blue102I see what you mean10:35
hceylandid it produce anything?10:37
blue102it gave me a lot of files10:37
blue1028 I Think10:38
hceylanI thought so... It is installed by default but as it is broken with the lastes kernel you just don't see it working10:38
blue102oh I see10:39
hceylanDo you notice sth like "plymouth main process killed by KILL signal" during the boot10:39
blue102I dont use a splash screen10:39
hceylansorry was disconnected, did you post anything?10:41
blue102I just typed apt-get remove plymouth10:42
blue102a lot of files10:42
blue102I said NO10:42
hceylanOK, thx for your time...10:42
hceylanAnyone experiencing lock up during initrd with the lates kernel as well?10:43
Rods_Tigeris there anything funny occurring with the startup applications in gnome in lucid? There's a line that used to work fine in 9.10 that doesn't any more.10:52
kklimonda|G1that question is too vague10:53
BadElvisi have the lucid lynx beta, how can i enable this gnome-desktop-overview-zoom-out feature?10:56
EmryI have a question.  If the wallet does not come up like right away and get a password right away, then the couche-db client crashes.  Is there a bug report for this already?11:01
blue102is there a chat program with webcam in lucid like msn live11:12
blue102I want to chat with fam in nl11:13
blue102ok no one knows cheers11:16
coc0nutHi. Has anyone else come across Python 3.1 issue 3770 on Lucid?11:17
Ian_Corneaaaand, i'm back in safe grafiscs mode :(11:20
Ian_Corneanyone know why, when I'm using the radeon driver11:33
Ian_CornelibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/fglrx/dri/tls/r600_dri.so11:33
Ian_Cornecomes up?11:33
Ian_Corneaha https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/55290311:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 552903 in jockey "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH wrong after deactivating and restarting computer" [Undecided,New]11:40
redany ideas - my chromium isn't suddenly respecting system font size? theme had reset aswell11:44
redjust reapplied theme from google themes fixed that, but bookmark bar text still is like 12px even tho sysfont is 8px11:44
redoh and extensions disappeared :p11:45
EmryHmmm....  Upgrading to beta apparently uninstalls the sun JRE... But none of the apps that need Java really work without it. ^^;;11:48
maxbEmry: You may find the Sun JDK in the 'partner' repository in lucid11:49
EmryAh, it is easy to install, I just find the fact that it is no longer the default kind of interesting. hehehehe :)11:50
EmryI came across the issue when trying to run eclipse. hehehe ^_^11:51
maxbI expect it's all about making people opt-in to closed source software11:51
AscavasaionI can view shared on my old Windows machine, but cannot view the Linux machine via Samba.  I can ping the Linux machine.  any ideas?11:51
kklimonda|G1Emry: eclipse should work with openjdk actually - it does here11:52
Emry:P I may need to just reinstall the eclipse package then. ^^;11:52
AscavasaionI know what it is... firewall.  what are the Ports I need to open for SMB connections from Windows machines?11:54
EmryHmmm.  default-jdk and default-jre are not super intuitive names. :P11:55
* Emry is guessing that those are openjdk ^^;;11:55
EmryI think my Eclipse install is just hosed. ^^;11:56
joppanWELCOME ALL11:57
joppananyone testing 10.04 BETA111:58
Ian_CorneI'd think almost everyone is11:59
Ian_CorneWho's in here11:59
joppanIan_Corne i was just welcoming that is all11:59
Ian_CorneBut it is wierd that you welcome me, while i've been here and you only just entered12:00
Emry:) Ok...  Removed my .eclipse folder, and that did the trick.12:00
joppanCAN SOMBODY SAY about update-rc.d and invoke-rd.d12:05
yofel!caps | joppan12:05
ubottujoppan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:05
kklimonda|G1joppan: say what?12:06
Rods_TigerI had "feh" in my startup applications in 9.10 but the same line doesn't work any more in Lucid - has startup applications changed in any way that might affect this?12:07
yofeljoppan: if you come from hardy and it doesn't behave the way you expected blame upstart12:07
joppankklimonda|G1 hi i wanted to know about what is update-rc.d and invoke-rc.d executeable and what is their purpose12:08
yofeljoppan: read the manpage?12:09
joppanubottu okay kutta12:09
joppanyofel okay ..can u tell me about bash specail characters12:10
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
yofelhey BUGa_vacations12:11
joppanyofel hey yofel12:11
BUGa_vacationsyofel: put me up to date! everything calm ?12:12
yofelBUGa_vacations: can't say, I got to my PC a minute before you joined ;P12:12
fabio333not ubuntu related .... but google has changed12:13
aoupihi, is there any way to have empathy prompt for password and not remember them?12:13
waschtlHi all ...12:30
waschtlI've been getting the impression that ubuntu isn't as concerned about the server platform as it once was.12:31
bazhangwaschtl, have a support issue? or just wish to chit chat12:32
waschtlbazhang: I'm trying to get a feel for where ubuntu is going12:32
waschtlbazhang: because we use it in our server environment quite extensively.12:32
bazhangwaschtl, such meta-discussions belong in #ubuntu-offtopic12:32
waschtlbazhang: ah -- I'll go there, thanks.12:33
ryehas anybody got such condition that when you start dragging one window completely different one starts dragging instead?12:37
ryeand another thing, anybody got lucid running in lxc ?12:37
Dr_Willislxc ?12:38
ryelinux containers12:40
Dr_Willisan answer that dosent clarify anything. :)12:40
ryeDr_Willis, I believe it is something like Chroot Jails in FreeBSD. Or something that will replace OpenVZ, since lxc support is already in mainline kernel12:42
ryewell, it is there, but I am not really sure that my debootstrapped rootfs can be booted...12:42
Dr_Willisdebootstrap - fancy :)12:44
Dr_Willisone of the many things i never want to be forced into using12:45
ryeI was all for UML until I tried to compile things under that, KVM seems to be much much much faster. And lxc is using host kernel for execution, so basically it is native performance12:45
ryewhen I get it to actually perform at least something12:45
Dr_WillisOff to test Jolicloud on my netbook. :)12:45
ryehmmm lxc_start - '/sbin/init' started with pid '15306' - maybe it IS starting...12:47
vinylfreak89i just upgraded my copy of Karmic to12:59
vinylfreak89Lucid and now when I open an ssh i get this error12:59
vinylfreak89/usr/bin/byobu-janitor: 63: cannot create /root/.byobu/color: Read-only file system12:59
Dr_Willissounds like you ran byobu as root when you shouldent have.12:59
vinylfreak89i've tried changing the permissions and I get the same error12:59
Dr_Willisor the fs is some how getting mounted read only...12:59
vinylfreak89also my VNC no longer auto starts12:59
Dr_Willischeck the output of mount see how / is mounted13:00
Dr_Willisread only fs can cause all sorts of issues.13:00
vinylfreak89whats a good pastebin or here?13:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:01
vinylfreak89thank ya13:02
vinylfreak89says its rw13:02
vinylfreak89but at the same time it says its read only13:02
vinylfreak89i will note13:02
vinylfreak89this is a softraid1 filesystem13:03
vinylfreak89(thank my stupid DC)13:03
vinylfreak89and i remember reading something about lucid having issues with raid113:03
coc0nutPython 3.1 multiprocessing seems to crap itself in Lucid...13:04
yofelvinylfreak89: and as mount says at the end, mtab may be out of date, so it might be read only after ll13:04
vinylfreak89ok so how do i fix this13:04
yofelvinylfreak89: ok, can you check the output of 'dmesg' if you had any filesystem errors?13:04
vinylfreak89thanks for your help btw guys13:05
Dr_Willisstep 2 perhaps reboot live cd.. and  fsck thefilesystem.13:05
yofelit seems as it was writable once but then remounted ro13:05
Dr_Willisstep 1 - check dmesg like suggested. :013:05
Dr_Willisif filesystem errors/issues are found it kicks in a RO mode for safty13:05
Dr_Willissort of a handy feature.. but it would be nice if there was some sort of alert/notice about it doingit.13:05
vinylfreak89i just tried to dump dmsg to file13:07
vinylfreak89then i remembered.... read only filesystem... loool13:07
vinylfreak89sorry for the delay13:15
vinylfreak89heres my dmesg output13:15
yofelodd, it seams to recover the journal, cleaning up and trying to remount the fs RW, but then "VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) readonly."13:17
vinylfreak89yofel are u a dev?13:18
yofelvinylfreak89: nope, but I had my share of file system issues in the past...13:18
vinylfreak89thanks for your help btw13:18
vinylfreak89so any ideas13:18
vinylfreak89or should i submit a bug report?13:18
yofelyou should try to fsck the filesystem from a live disk13:18
vinylfreak89fsck -l right?13:19
vinylfreak89on /13:19
yofelfsck.ext3 on / yes, can't remember what flags you need anymore though13:19
nathanbrauerAH!  I just installed updates to my computer, restarted, and now my computer won't boot! It won't even load GRUB. It won't even boot off a CD!13:20
vinylfreak89time to wait for my fricken DC to switch to vKVM mode13:20
yofelnathanbrauer: o.O? not even from a cd? did that cd boot before?13:21
nathanbrauerYes, it's the same CD I used to install Ubuntu in the first place13:21
vinylfreak89u know it might help just slightly if i hit reboot13:23
nathanbrauervinylfreak89, if you're talking to me, I've tried rebooting a few times to no avail13:23
vinylfreak89nope talking to myself13:24
nathanbrauerI'm about to ram my head in a concrete wall...13:24
vinylfreak89its early in the morning... im aloud :P13:24
vinylfreak89whats wrong dude13:24
yofelvinylfreak89: not sure, as you have that message at least twice in your kernel log, it might fail again. Rather try to fsck it by hand13:24
vinylfreak89yofel: ok13:24
nathanbrauervinylfreak89, I just installed updates to my computer, restarted, and now my computer won't boot! It won't load GRUB and it won't even boot off a CD.13:25
vinylfreak89does the bios screen load?13:25
vinylfreak89grub aside13:25
vinylfreak89and if u manually seelct boot from CD does that work/13:25
nathanbrauerAnd there's disk activity going on13:25
nathanbrauerlet me try13:25
nathanbrauervinylfreak89, seems my boot sequance got mixed up.  I don't know why though, I never changed it and I'm the only one who uses it.  I can boot from CD now, but grub still won't load13:28
vinylfreak89ok reboot using the live cd13:28
vinylfreak89and reconfigure ur grub13:28
vinylfreak89maybe the mbr got screwed13:28
mawstAny nvidia guide for lucid?13:28
nathanbrauervinylfreak89, got it working.  How the h*** did my boot sequence get changed??  Does the OS have access to that?!13:30
yofelit shouldn't ...13:30
vinylfreak89no... did u do a bios update?13:30
nathanbrauernope i didn't.13:30
vinylfreak89glad to hear its working13:30
nathanbrauerAnd I've never had my boot sequence changed ever without going into bios myself.13:31
nathanbrauervinylfreak89, thanks a ton13:31
vinylfreak89any time13:31
vinylfreak89that is rather perpleing tho13:31
nathanbrauerthat scared the crap out of me.13:31
nathanbrauerwelcome back Oxymoron13:31
nathanbraueris coz_ here?13:31
yofelmawst: try to install the recommended driver from hardware drivers, and come back if it fails, we're having some issues with that at the moment13:32
nathanbrauermawst, what problem are you having?13:32
mawstglx is loaded according to /var/log/Xorg.0.log but I can't get glxgears open.13:32
yofelnot again...13:32
mawstError: glXCreateContext failed13:33
Oxymoronnathanbrauer: Thanks :)13:33
nathanbrauer@_@ ya, that's way above my head....sorry! haha  I had some issues with nvidia but not that complex....13:33
coc0nutglxgears works ok for me..13:33
yofelmawst: what does glxinfo | grep render say?13:33
coc0nutUsing Intel though13:33
OxymoronHow to change back from low graphics mode to high graphicns mode?13:34
mawstyofel: Error: glXCreateContext failed (the same)13:34
yofelcoc0nut: the nvidia driver seems to mess up the opengl configuration in some rare cases, don't ask me why13:34
yofelmawst: ok...13:34
aviscrimsun on amd64 now and all is working well with your ppa including 8788 chipset card13:35
mawstI did a reinstall of the drivers when I first got into lucid because things weren't working.13:35
avishi mawst13:35
mawstHello avis13:35
aviswhat drivers might that be ?13:35
avisi'd like to help if i can13:36
yofelmawst: are all libGL* symlinks in /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ correct?13:36
yofelavis: nvidia13:36
yofelError: glXCreateContext failed13:36
yofelwhen trying to open glxgears or glxinfo13:36
mawstThey look like the 195 version13:37
yofelmawst: and no one of the is broken? ok13:37
avisi could not get the restricted drivers to be applied until i made changes to by boot grub entry.  i was trying to find a solution, and i don't have a url, i imagine at this point such issues might be resolved.  mawst have you considered reinstalling from todays daily build ?13:37
yofelmawst: where does /etc/alternatives/gl_conf point to?13:37
yofelthat seems ok13:38
mawstlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 2010-04-05 20:06 /etc/alternatives/gl_conf -> /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ld.so.conf13:38
avisare the restricted nvidia (recommended drivers) working under amd64 without any tweaking ?13:39
bjsniderfor me they are13:39
avisthanks bjsnider13:39
yofelmawst: and where does /etc/ld.so.conf.d/GL.conf point to?13:39
mawst/etc/ld.so.conf.d/GL.conf -> /etc/alternatives/gl_conf13:39
yofelbjsnider: do you have an idea what might cause Error: glXCreateContext failed ? broken opengl setup?13:40
bjsniderbroken alternatives certainly would13:40
avisat what point will official nvidia installers be able to be applied to lucid ?  safe to say around the final release date ?13:40
yofelmawst: that seems fine too...13:40
bjsniderthat has been disabled permanently13:40
avisoh wow bjsnider i'm sorry nvidia would do such a thing13:41
bjsnidernvidia hasn't done it13:41
bjsniderthe nvidia-installer is not compatible with the xorg/mesa system in lucid13:41
yofelmawst: can you try to run 'sudo ldconfig' maybe and try glxgears again?13:42
avisand they wont make one that will be ? :/13:42
bjsniderif you are able to install it you're going to bork your system13:42
avisbjsnider, i wont take my chances13:42
mawstsure yofel  sec13:42
mawstYep no luck.13:42
Ian_CorneIf a program crashes but apport won't report it, what can I do?13:42
coc0nutLaunchpad bug report?13:43
mawstMaybe something in my xorg.conf is conflicting13:44
yofelmawst: if you have the default nvidia setup it should only contain the section that tells X to use the nvidia driver13:44
bjsnideravis, the nvidia-installer's strategy has always been a scorched-earth attempt to overwrite anything that gets in its way, in an effort to replace mesa, so it was never a good option13:45
bjsnidernot that mesa doesn't deserve to be replaced13:45
avisi just installed nvidia (recommended) on a fresh daily build of lucid and it while there is a restart indicator it told me there was a error in /var/log/jockey.log.  i'll reboot anyway, and hope its ok to ignore the error.  http://pastebin.com/zGe5YtEh13:45
avisbjsnider, i understand now13:45
mawstyofel: right well I'm not sure. I came from 9.10 so... I'm not sure if anything carried over or what13:45
yofelIan_Corne: you could try to file a bug on launchpad directly, but please try to get a backtrace of the crash then13:45
yofel!backtrace | Ian_Corne13:45
ubottuIan_Corne: To get a backtrace of a failing application please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace13:45
yofelmawst: it should work fine, odd thing is I remember someone having the same issue a while ago...13:46
avismawst, best results are always had on a fresh install.  i recommend the daily live build, for less updating, and more things working as is13:46
yofelmawst: maybe try to completely remove the nvidia driver, reboot, install it again, reboot again13:47
mawstbjsnider: any chance I could get you to pastebin your module section for me?13:47
avisi will reboot despite my pastebin.com jocket.log i can't really make sense of it13:47
mawstI may have to try that yofel13:47
bjsnideravis, it's safe to reboot13:47
bjsnidermawst, module section of what?13:47
bjsniderjust let jockey create that file and you'll be fine13:48
avisthank you13:48
avisnvidia working fine despite jockey.log error13:52
jason_I did the updates recently and now my lenovo laptop mouse is broken?13:53
jason_any external mouse works fine though13:53
=== sholden_ is now known as sholden
avisi tried to use getlibs-all.deb to install the dependancies needed to run amazonmp3.com downloader.  i'm not sure why, but it seems to kill itself13:53
platiusBluesKaj,   #ubuntu-texan14:00
BluesKajplatius, howdy isn't texan , it's everywhere, don't believe everything you see in the movies :)14:02
bjsnideravis, are you there?14:02
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  but everything IS bigger in Texas :)14:02
platiusBluesKaj,   hot-dang, you all are right14:02
BluesKajDr_Willis, not as big as Ontario :)14:02
avisyes bjorn14:03
avissorry bjsnider14:03
avisTexans will kill you in your sleep on christmas eve14:03
bjsnideravis run this command: update-alternatives --display gl_conf14:03
avisok.  one sec14:04
jason_whats the link to reporting bugs in lucid?14:04
BluesKajOntario can swallow up texas and oklahoma without a trace14:04
Nece228anobody resolved the issue that evince forgets that i disabled sidebar14:04
avisbjsnider, i should make a note of that, is that to avoid the problems when the nvidia installed ?14:04
Nece228is there something in gconf?14:04
bjsnideravis, no14:05
aviswhat i just do ? :)14:05
avisbjsnider, thank you for whatever you just fixed14:06
bjsnideravis, also run ldconfig -p | grep GL14:06
avisamazonmp3.deb was not a success with getlibs installed and fetching missing dependancies14:07
bjsnidertake the result of both commands and pastebin them please14:07
shadeslayerhi i want to have 2 entries in my grub menu : 1> Ubuntu+nouveau drivers and 2> Ubuntu+nvidia drivers : is this possible?14:07
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  proberly not.14:08
Dr_Willisunless you somehow did some scriping to check the arguments and use one or the other via some scripts yourself14:08
avisbjsnider happen to know the syntax to get pastebinit to report the results of those two commands ?14:08
subcheeis here somebody who's using acerhk module on Lucid (i386)?14:09
yofelavis: command | pastebinit14:09
avisi tried a pipe after the first one you had me try but it seems to have stalled and not return me to bash14:09
avisooh ok got it backwards14:09
avisthank you14:09
avisbjsnider, first command http://pastebin.com/eEYhGfWz14:10
bjsnidercan you put them both into the same pastebin please14:10
shadeslayerDr_Willis: :P14:10
avisbjsnider, here is my update-alternatives http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=DBwReQAV14:11
avisoh same pastebin  ok14:11
ignatiusWhat's the apt-get install to install the nvidia driver?14:14
=== ignatius is now known as Guest72984
Guest72984I removed and rebooted now I can't use synaptic14:14
=== Guest72984 is now known as mawst
avisbjsnider, here you go all in one http://pastebin.com/GQJrDeJz14:15
avisyou can do that through admistration14:15
avishardware drivers its called14:15
xerophytehow can i install firefox java pluin in 10.04?14:16
xerophytewhen i do this  apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts14:17
xerophytei get packages not found14:17
yofelmawst: if you need the command line it's apt-get install nvidia-current, but you'll have to create the xorg.conf yourself14:17
Dr_Willisxerophyte:  i think sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will pull in the proper java.14:17
Dr_Willisbut i forget the exact package name.14:17
mawsthmm ok14:18
BluesKaj Grub2 lists 3 old kernels that I'd like to delete from the list but synaptic doesn't list them and using the cli to remove them doesn't work either , any suggestions ?14:18
Dr_Willisapt-cache search java    perhaps. - i think it has icedtea in the name14:18
mawstI did that (installed current) must have to recreate the xorg.conf14:18
yofelmawst: or run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig'14:18
yofelmawst: but that creates a xorg.conf with a lot of redundant and sometimes  wrong settings14:18
Dr_Willismy nvidia machines can run with no xorg.conf14:18
Dr_Willisbut if i wnt to use twinview - the nvidia-settings tool makes one.14:18
avisdoes anyone have an older deb of amazonmp3.deb (amazon mp3 downloader)14:19
conb123So does lucid not support Radeon HD 5xxx cards yet? At the moment my 5750 won't go past 1360x76814:19
mawstThat did the trick.14:20
mawstGot working glxgears now14:20
mawstThanks all14:20
Michalxohello guys! Can anyone on firefox 3.6.3 (oficial) test this video for me? http://tv.sme.sk/v/14736/dlhodoby-test-peugeot-308-sw-po-roku.html14:20
Michalxoor any from this server. I get no audio from it14:20
Ian_Cornetryuing it Michalxo14:20
avisanyone have a preference in terms of screen rendering between nvidia and ATI ?  i know ati has had its own issues that often have taken time to be fixed.14:20
xerophyteDr_Willis: thanks that worked14:20
Ian_CorneCan't really understand the sit tho14:20
bjsnideravis, are you kidding me?14:21
Ian_CorneVo vasom prehliadaci chýba14:21
Ian_Corneflash player, ktorý treba k prehratiu videa14:21
Ian_Cornekliknite a nainstalujte si ho14:21
Ian_CorneCítajte viac: http://tv.sme.sk/v/14736/dlhodoby-test-peugeot-308-sw-po-roku.html#ixzz0kKGvGioG14:21
Ian_Cornewhat does that mean?14:21
avisbjsnider, i don't claim to know it all :)14:21
willyg_cosBluesKaj - sudo apt-get autoclean  or sudo apt-get autoremove ??14:21
MichalxoIan_Corne you don't have flashplayer :-)14:21
bjsniderati isn't even in the game14:21
avisnvidia ok thats nice to know14:21
KorciaI have audio in that video14:21
Michalxodamn :-/14:22
Ian_CorneBut I do :p14:22
MichalxoKorcia what is your firefox please? and flash14:22
Ian_Corneor I don't?14:22
MichalxoIan_Corne try youtube =)14:22
Ian_CorneI get sound in chrome14:22
aviswhat future nvidia technologies will be utilized for flash video in this release and in the future ?14:22
Korciamy firefox es 3.6.314:22
conb123So does anyone know if there are any drivers for ATI Radeon HD 5750 cards in Lucid yet?14:22
willyg_cosBluesKaj - or, on rereading the question, maybe update-grub or update-grub2 ???14:22
Michalxoon other vids, I have no problems at all, but on this server it's crazy :-( dunno where is a bug14:22
avisi've had a hang up about flash ever since i had a underpowered mac.14:22
Korciathe system is lucid14:23
Korcialucid 6414:23
MichalxoKorcia please, about:plugins in firefox14:23
Michalxo    Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45 _14:23
BluesKajwillyg_cos, nope, tried all those commands , for some reason grub.cfg lists the kernels , but the package managers and apt /aptitude don't see them14:24
Korciaok, I'tell you right now14:24
MichalxoBluesKaj try dpkg -l |grep linux14:24
Korciashockwave flash 10.0 r4514:25
MichalxoKorcia thanks ;-(14:25
willyg_cosBluesKaj - was grub.cfg edited manually ???14:26
BluesKajMichalxo, what about it , it just the kernels in use14:26
MichalxoBluesKaj no, it's a list of all installed kernels ;-)14:27
BluesKaji'm trying rid grub of kernels that are longer of any use14:27
MichalxoBluesKaj yeah I do the same.. remove all linux-image-xx (unwanted(14:27
Michalxosome linux-headers14:28
BluesKajMichalxo, sry wrong choice of words in use = installed14:28
Michalxoprobably you would have to use dpkg -r instead of aptitude remove14:28
BluesKajMichalxo, did you read my question ?14:28
conb123Are radeon hd 5xxx cards supported in lucid?14:29
MichalxoBluesKaj yes, and that is the way ;-) to remove all kernels you don't want ;-)14:29
Michalxoafter that, you will do sudo update-grub or update-grub214:29
geniiBluesKaj: Even after you do something like autoremove old kernels, need to run the grub update utility14:29
BluesKajyeah i did14:30
MichalxoBluesKaj so you should be fine then14:30
BluesKajMichalxo, update-grub still lists the old kernels even after trying to edit grub.cfg14:31
Michalxoyou DON"T edit grub.cfg!!!14:31
Michalxoremove kernels via apt or dpkg14:31
Michalxoyou are using GRUB2 not grub-legacy14:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:32
BUGabundoBluesKaj: hi14:32
BUGabundoBluesKaj: yofel: kklimonda|G1: bjsnider: is there any wiki that lets us follow on the current state of which drivers work for which GPU?14:33
yofelthat would be interesting indeed14:33
BluesKajapt doesn't remove the old kernels .... Michalxo , i won't repeat it again ...I wish ppl would read my question more thoroughly14:34
yofelBluesKaj: autoremove won't remove them, you have to tell apt to remove them14:35
joaopintoBluesKaj, apt does remove the old kernels from the list, but you need to explicitely remove the kernel packages14:35
BluesKajyofel, i did14:35
yofelBluesKaj: and apt-cache policy lists the images as installed or not?14:35
BluesKajjoaopinto, ok explain the explicitly the comand that will work14:36
MichalxoBluesKaj please, show us the command you've used to "remove" you kernel(s)14:36
BUGabundodoesn't apt remove old kernels above 3 versions??14:36
joaopintocheck for installed images with: dpkg -l linux-image | grep ^ii14:36
joaopintoBUGabundo, not that I am aware off14:36
robin0800Michalxo: you can use ubuntu tweak to do that if you wish14:36
Michalxorobin0800 we're helping BluesKaj ;-)14:37
Dr_Willisubuntu-tweak is handy14:37
BluesKajMichalxo, sudo aptitude remove linux-image-2.6.32-16-generic linux-image-2.6.32-11-generic linux-image-2.6.31-9-rt linux-image-2.6.32-17-generic14:37
yofelBUGabundo: aptitude lists them as obsolete then, but doesn't remove them14:37
BUGabundocomputer janitor for the win then !14:37
Dr_WillisThat computer-janitor used to clean them out.. but ive had it clean outthekernels i was using also....14:37
Dr_Willisso computer-janitor for the potential BIG FAIL.14:38
BUGabundoDr_Willis: in use?? that's insane14:38
joaopintoand its ugly :P14:38
BUGabundowhen was that?14:38
Dr_WillisBUGabundo:  its proberly been fixed.. I hope...14:38
BUGabundoI know it was buggy to cycles ago14:38
BUGabundomuch better last cycle14:38
MichalxoI have to run BluesKaj that command looks very OK. Try sudo update-grub now :-/ 31-9 and 32-16 should be removed by now :-/14:38
BUGabundoand super nice in the current14:38
BUGabundoso nice, I doesn't remove anything14:38
Dr_WillisIts also an annoying app - it has a lot of other issues. :)14:38
BluesKajBUGabundo, the package manager synaptic , doesn't list the kernels that I'm trying delete14:39
Dr_Willisits defaulting here to select/clean out ALL the stuff ive installed by hand..  thats.. not a good default14:39
Dr_Willisits also suggesting kenrnel -16, -17 and -18 it seems14:40
Dr_Willisat least it dident suggest -19 :)14:40
BUGabundoDr_Willis: it's a clean tool. if it doesn't remove anything, then its useless14:41
BUGabundoBluesKaj: manyally delete it from the disk ? :p14:41
Dr_WillisIts wanting to remove stuff i am using right now.. :)14:41
MichalxoBluesKaj try removing via sudo dpkg -r linux-image-xx14:41
Dr_WillisI really should catagorize things better.14:42
SandGorgondoes anybody know how to debug ubiquity - do I have to pass "debug=" flag to the boot parameters of the livecd and then run "ubiquity -d".. I am not clear on this part14:42
Michalxoor aptitude purge linux-... BluesKaj now I am really off14:42
Michalxolater guys14:42
markl_where does Network Manager store its info?  I'm trying to import my network settings (wpa2 in particular) from a 9.10 install and I'm not having any luck14:51
markl_it seems that some is in .gconf, some is in .gnome2/keyrings, and some I haven't been able to find yet.14:51
Dr_WillisHmm. Not sure.. i havent really noticed if kde's network manager and the ubuntu one both share settings either..14:51
markl_and a more inflammatory question, why did they give up on the brilliant /etc/network/interfaces file?  that was so easy14:52
markl_probably off topic :)14:52
Dr_Willisso they can easially support a larger varity of networks i imagine.14:52
Dr_Willisand ya gotto have user friendly interfaces for evyerhting these days14:52
markl_user friendly interface is fine but it should store its info in the standard /etc/network/interfaces format.  oh well, no changing it now14:53
markl_ok another lucid question - anyone here successfully running it on an apple xserve?14:54
markl_i have a nice one with dual quad core xeons that is gathering dust bunnies14:54
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markl_i couldn't get it to work with the last ubuntu releases due to kernel panics on the scsi controller14:55
markl_but i'm wondering if i boot from a flash drive it i could make it work14:55
avishere is a amazonmp3.deb alternative for those who are into music it written in python an doesn't seem to mind that i'm running amd64.  it ran just fine http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/pymazon-amazon-mp3-download-replacement.html14:59
avisi could not get amazonmp3.deb to run under any circumstances, getlibs, repo, just couldn't get it to work14:59
NoelJBcrimsun, you around?15:08
BUGabundoNoelJB: don't ask. just leave your question and idle around, and he will reply to you when he ca15:12
BUGabundo10 min silence! that's a record for this #15:12
MikeCheleneither everything is working perfectly... or completely broken :D15:13
charlie-tcaMust have everything fixed for the beta2 release :-)15:15
BluesKajwell , I managed to edit the old kernels out by going into /boot and deleting all flavours of the old kernels15:20
hceylanHi is there a way to try experimental nouveau 3d on lucid?15:27
gunsofbrixtonhi, I just installed lucid in virtualbox but got no taskbar, any ideas?15:29
Dr_Willisgunsofbrixton:   update, and upgrade, and restart gnome and see it comes back15:29
gunsofbrixtonsorry didn't mention I installed kubuntu and not ubuntu. The restart trick didn't work15:30
Korciahceylan: I have tried the experimental nouveau 3D but Compiz always crash after a couple of hours15:31
hceylanKorcia: do you have dev files for that?15:32
KorciaI just installed from the ppa xorg-edgers15:32
hceylanKorcia: thx for the pointer, I am still converting from being a fedora user... ;)15:33
Korciahceylan: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa15:34
hceylanKorcia: sorry for bugging Korcia, is there an easy way to add this source to apt sources?15:34
Korciathere is an easier way to install xorg-edgers through ubuntu-tweak15:35
ZykoticK9hceylan, "sudo add-apt-repository https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa" should work15:35
hceylanZykoticK9: I got: Error: 'https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa' invalid15:36
Korcialet me check the ppa15:36
ZykoticK9hceylan, it's ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa15:36
Korciadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/nouveau/ubuntu lucid main15:37
Roastedwhats up guys15:38
Korciayes, it's ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa15:38
Roastedis anybody out there running 10.04 full time yet? Curious on the user-base opinion of its "as of today" stability15:39
ZykoticK9hceylan, so "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa" should work (attempt #2)15:39
hceylanZykoticK9: trying.........15:40
hceylanI managed to add the repo15:41
dan457Roasted Most of my computers i've switched over.  only 1 is still karmic... and that is because i've moved it and it has no internet access yet.....15:42
hceylanNow All I have to do is to issue upgrade right?15:42
hceylanThx for your time guys ZykoticK9 Korcia15:42
Roasteddan457, are you running any laptops with 10.04 full time?15:42
hceylanRoasted: I have been running my prod laptop for a week and I am juuuuuuust fine15:43
dan457Yes, my main laptop is full time 10.04  had an issue with wireless but sorted it out.15:43
Roasteddan457, what wireless card?15:43
Roastedhceylan, I'm hoping 10.04 brings some better wireless support to the table. I have a laptop that doesnt work with 9.10, yet works fine with 9.04. I tried the daily build of 10.04 on it and it too failed. Dont got my hopes up...15:43
tekknokrathi, does someone which driver i need in lucid for 3d support with ati r300 card?15:43
PiciThe radeon driver should work fine.15:44
Picii.e. the open source driver.15:44
NoelJBBUGabundo, I'm trying to get Lucid to work on a Gateway NV53, and most things work except for the internal microphone.  Trying to post a bug report, but Launchpad is having internal errors.  Was hoping to catch up with crimsun while I still have this laptop available, since there are unsolved reports of the problem around the 'net.15:45
BUGabundoNoelJB: do you use LP beta (aka edge)?15:45
BUGabundoif so, try to disable redirect , on home page15:46
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tekknokratPici: I just use the radeon driver15:46
NoelJBAh, good ... LP finally worked.  Bug 55655215:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556552 in pulseaudio "Internal microphone on NV53 not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55655215:46
tekknokratPici: But getting this Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".15:47
Picitekknokrat: When doing what?15:47
tekknokratPici: no xorg.conf defined only autodetect15:47
cwillu_at_workheh, dpkg may have had a race condition for a really long time causing random /var/dpkg/info files to go missing :)15:47
tekknokratwhen running glxgears15:47
Picitekknokrat: Does your xorg log say that you're actually using the radeon driver?15:48
hceylanKorcia: I cannot start X with composite enabled http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=wZ0xjhsy15:48
NoelJBBUGabundo, running on a Live DVD at the moment.  It is my g/f's Laptop, which she wants Lucid on instead of MS-Windows 7.  The microphone is the only holdup.  Everything else is golden.  She's been running Lucid for a week off the DVD.15:48
kn100^ Wow a convert15:48
BUGabundothat's extreme love15:48
BUGabundocan I marry her ?15:48
tekknokratPici: Yes15:48
kn100I've managed to convert 3 or 4 people totally though xd15:48
NoelJBOh, she's been so much happier with Linux than MS-Win, and she's very much NOT a techie.15:49
BUGabundoNoelJB: install paman and check sound mic status15:49
NoelJBIn fact, she asked ME if she could switch.15:49
vbundiI've converted many non-techie users to ubuntu15:49
BUGabundoNoelJB: you probably have two mics, and have the wrong on selected15:49
vbundimy GF uses ubuntu, and GIMP quite extensively for photo editing15:49
NoelJBBUGabundo, Not according to pavucontrol.  I'll also check dev chooser.15:50
Korciahceylan: I checking your file15:50
NoelJBBUGabundo, others have reported the same problem with this laptop, but no one seems to have offered a solution.  BRB ... going to try paman and padevchooser.15:50
tekknokratPici: inside the log theres also tihs message:15:50
tekknokrat(WW) Warning, couldn't open module glx15:50
tekknokrat(II) UnloadModule: "glx"15:50
tekknokrat(EE) Failed to load module "glx" (module does not exist, 0)15:50
tekknokrat(II) LoadModule: "record"15:50
vbundiNoel, the output device is listed in the gnome audio applet?15:51
hceylanKorcia: I'll reboot and come back OK?15:51
Korciaok, but wait15:51
KorciaIf you cannot boot15:51
Korciayou can force15:51
Korciathe system to go back with sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers15:52
vbundiNoelJB: I had a problem with a netbook where the device was listed, but in order for the mic not to be totally muted, I had to go into pavucontrol and unlink the Left and Right Channels on the mic, and then turn Left (or maybe right) all the way down... it then picked up sound perfectly15:52
hceylan_Korcia: I'm back15:53
Picitekknokrat: hrm.  This is my xorg.log http://pastebin.com/zYEAYGaT15:53
Korciahceylan_: if everything goes wrong you can go step back with the following command: sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers15:55
hceylan_Korcia: cool!15:55
cwillu_at_workdpkg assumes that readdir will never repeat a filename, even if the file is modified15:56
tekknokratPici: yours is loaded fine :(, hm the same file as mine, can you give me your xserver-xorg-version?15:56
cwillu_at_workand so when it moves a file from the temp folder to the target in .../info/, it may read that filename again, see that it's missing, and then _delete_ it from .../info/15:56
hceylan_Korcia: I love this feature...15:57
NoelJBBUGabundo, vbundi output works fine.15:57
NoelJBBUGabundo, paman is installed.  I don't see anything showing as "wrong" with the mic status.  Anything specific I should look for?15:57
vbundiNoelJB: if output works fine, then input should work fine then right? (we are talking about a mic here?)15:58
tekknokratPici: my config is here: http://pastebin.com/vj85ftPg15:58
Picitekknokrat: 7.5+3ubuntu115:58
NoelJBvbundi, it SHOULD, but it doesn't.15:58
tekknokratPici: thx15:59
NoelJBwe're talking about the built-in mic on a Gateway NV53 (NV5302u) laptop.  Output works just fine.  Video, even, works fine.  Mic input does not.15:59
PiciHrm, I seem to be on 2.6.31 for some rason.15:59
joppanwhat is runlevel S and s16:00
tekknokratPici: i have 2:1.7.6-2ubuntu116:00
vbundiNoelJB: what I'm trying to tell you is that my above suggestion was not for 'output'... I"m saying INPUT was not accepted by the microphone until I unlocked the channels16:00
joppan what is runlevel S and s16:02
joppananyone please16:02
redanyone know what is causing ubuntu to say my hard drives arent present when mounting with ntfs3g via fstab? in plymouth it stops and tells me to manually recover or skip or "wait" which doesnt do anything.16:03
redalso a lot of my panel notification area icons arent visible until i move the panel to bottom and back up.16:03
tekknokratPici: when did you last time an update of lucid?16:03
coc0nutred: Maybe the line in fstab is wrong..16:04
redcoc0nut: been the same line since I installed alpha316:04
Picitekknokrat: Just now.  I'll need to play with it later.  I only have ssh access at the moment and I have a feeling I need to look at grub.16:04
redand i used what I used back in Karmic too16:04
joppanwaiting for an answer16:04
redthese problems have just arosen recently (since -17 kernel)16:04
NoelJBvbundi, I'll try it.  On my T61p, I have to set the input to Microphone 2 instead of 1, but that's no an option on hers.16:04
red-17 wouldnt boot at all, -19 is the one I have now and its problematic aswell16:04
joppaneethelum thayolis please answer16:05
coc0nutDoes the drive show up in /dev?16:05
tekknokratPici: oh with only ssh support you should be carefully checking grub, was it upgrade from other lts?16:05
mawstJust out of curiosity why would Ubuntu change the default search to Yahoo?16:05
mawstLike that's a valid search engine.16:05
mawstLike it even compares to google in any way.16:05
coc0nutWas it an Ubuntu or Mozilla decision?16:05
Mocanyone having the ksoftirq taking 100% cpu usage ?16:06
Picitekknokrat: No, it was an upgrade from Karmic, which was an upgrade from jaunty, both using the alphas.16:06
mawstI'm mean, it's easily changeable but it just strikes me as missing a chromosome.16:06
tekknokratPici: ok so it is no real grub->grub2 update anymore16:06
mawstNot sure coc0nut16:06
Picimawst: It was a Canonical decision, they are doing some sort of revenue sharing deal.16:06
mawstLet's get all nubbed out16:07
mawstMaybe we can finally bring AOL over16:07
macothere are some sites that dont exist on google at all but do on yahoo. in fairness16:07
PiciMaybe if Canonical makes a profit then they can continue funding Ubuntu....16:07
mawstWell maybe we should all donate then.16:07
macoi apparently was going to my church's old website for the first 3 months i went there because it was the only site google listed for them16:08
coc0nutNo, we should all use find on backups of the entire Internet.16:08
coc0nutYou people and your search engines.16:08
* maco <3 the find command16:08
Mocgrep -r "something" http://16:09
NoelJBvbundi, tried it, no joy.16:09
hceylanKorcia: I could start X now but the screen was grabled, so it again didn't work...16:19
Korciahceylan: I think there are still some issues with your nvidia GT 21616:21
hceylanI guess I'll stick to nvidia blob for now and ignore kms16:21
Korciayes, take into account that nouveau 3D is still experimental16:22
NoelJBKorcia, I'd say that nouveau has a good number of years ahead of it before it is a suitable replacement for the real driver.16:25
NoelJB2011 might be a push, but 2012 could be its year.16:25
Korciayes, I agree with you16:26
jeiworthhi all16:30
jeiworthsay, anyone playing around with btrfs in 10.04 yet?16:30
mfraz74think i'll stick with ext416:32
yofelnot more than a small test partition16:33
Steili used to use reiser16:33
Steilbut now theres no upgrade path16:33
Steilsomeone in the community should have taken the fall for him16:33
coc0nutext4's apt bug is terrible.16:33
coc0nutWhere it takes forever to finish "Reading database..."16:34
yofelnot apt, dpkg16:34
yofeloh wait16:34
jeiworthhmm what dpkg bug?16:34
yofelwe had that for a LONG time16:34
yofel(the reading database) in kamic they at least added a percentage counter16:34
jeiworthaaah that it takes a long time?16:34
yofeland in lucid it was optimised a lot16:34
coc0nutI have to stick to ext3 until it's fixed.16:34
mfraz74haven't come across that16:35
yofeland we have a dpkg/ext4 misunderstanding that causes the package database to break if you crash your system.16:35
csgeekanyone else have issues with pidgin on Lucid16:35
coc0nutbug #45596916:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455969 in dpkg "reading database slow since upgrading to karmic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45596916:35
coc0nutcsgeek: Nope, what problems?16:36
csgeekfor some reason it just gets stuck on connecting and never does.  Kopete works fine...internet works fine..16:36
csgeekrebooted, restarted..16:36
jeiworthah yeah, i noticed that too, takes a few seconds but not that annoying16:36
yofelreading database always got slower the more packages you had installed16:36
mfraz74have you tried empathy?16:36
yofelbut in lucid it should be more than twice as fast as in karmic.16:36
coc0nutext3 is still about 10 times faster. >_>16:37
coc0nutFor me anyway..16:37
LinuxGuy2009ext3 is faster than ext4?16:37
mlietzThis is my dual monitor display. Shutter managed to grab the corrupt part too. http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/50760/desk_1_001_9TEtNH.png16:37
coc0nutFor reading the dpkg database.16:37
mlietzThe rightmost black and white stuff can show only the mouse cursor, not the window contents.16:38
jeiworthok, but that's usualy not something i do every 10 minutes so i just have to wait 10 seconds more after each update/upgrade, so what16:38
csgeeknah.. using kopete atm.. which is fine.. just curious if it's a known bug16:38
mlietzI'm using an ATI card, with whatever Xorg is installed by the installer.16:39
csgeekI'll give empathy a try.. though I prefer pidgin in general16:39
coc0nutNot saying you should use ext3, I am just saying that it's a pain in the tits.16:39
coc0nutIf you prefer ext4, good.16:39
LinuxGuy2009Crazy talk, crazy I say16:40
odinsbaneIt seems odd that the launchpad kernal ppa is behind on the 2.6.33 kernel, and they keep having these release specific kernel packages.16:40
jeiworthboot time and general system response has improved a lot with ext4 imho16:40
coc0nutYeah, it has.16:40
LinuxGuy2009I agree16:41
coc0nutIt is very fast for booting.16:41
LinuxGuy2009fast at file system checks too16:41
jeiworthso i prefer to have a responsive system in general than that updates are faster16:41
LinuxGuy2009netsplit rulez16:42
jeiworthi'm here in mexico, internet is a pain anyway so i'm always waiting for the stuff to download a lot longer anyways *fg*16:42
coc0nutI know, I just find myself using aptitude all the time so it gets tedious. =/16:42
LinuxGuy2009darn mexican interwebs16:42
coc0nutAnyone else used python 3.1 on Lucid yet?16:43
yofeloh, and the dpkg/ext4 bug I was talking about is bug 51209616:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512096 in dpkg "[MASTER] Exec format error : package failed to install/remove : installation/removal script returned error exit status 2" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51209616:43
coc0nutbug 55647716:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556477 in python3.1 "Cannot import name SemLock in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55647716:43
mlietzI'm not sure what to search for in the bugs for this messed up screen. Anybody seen anything like that before?16:44
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: Just make a new report16:46
mlietzI'm not sure how to describe it.16:46
mlietz"I can't use part of my screen"?16:46
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: In words is a good start16:46
mlietzit may already be there.16:46
coc0nutIf it's already there, it'll be marked as a duplicate16:46
mlietzI've seen this before Lucid, though.16:46
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: Whats the issue?16:46
coc0nutNo harm done.16:46
MartiiniHowcome b43 wireless drivers do not show in jockey-kde when I was able to install them on Live-cd ??16:47
mlietzLinuxGuy2009: This is my dual monitor display. Shutter managed to grab the corrupt part too. http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/50760/desk_1_001_9TEtNH.png16:47
mlietzthe monitor on the right side does two strange things.16:47
mlietzfirst, the stripe of black and white all the way to the right can only show the mouse cursor, no windows.16:47
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: What video card?16:47
mlietzSapphire X550 (radeon)16:47
mlietzThe middle bit shows whatever goes through it. Wallpaper stops on the left side.16:48
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: Is there a good driver installed? (Ive never used Radeon cards in Linux so I have no experience with those).16:48
mlietzI didn't install any drivers - it's a stock install.16:48
mlietzthey're... problematic and always have been :(16:49
coc0nutIt should install the Radeon driver by default though.16:49
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: Ok maybe see if there are any official drivers you can download maybe?16:49
mlietzI looked in 'Hardware Drivers' and didn't see it there. Where else do I look?16:49
BUGabundomi bou. ate logo16:49
coc0nuttry: aptitude search radeon16:49
coc0nutShould be there, marked with an "i" if installed16:49
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: I would just report a new bug for ubuntu in general and desribe it as " dual monitor setup with corrupted second display" let them sort it out im not sure what package you would file it under. They can sort it though.16:50
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: Better to report than not to.16:50
mlietzi   xserver-xorg-video-radeon                                                                          - X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Radeon display driver16:50
LinuxGuy2009There ya go.16:50
coc0nutYeah, it's installed, so.16:50
kklimonda|G1BUGabundo: wrt wiki page I have no ide16:50
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LinuxGuy2009mlietz: In a terminal type "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-radeon"16:50
LinuxGuy2009file it16:50
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: Itll search for duplicate bugs  too.16:51
mlietzsending now.16:51
LinuxGuy2009mlietz: Good deal\16:51
mlietzforgot my launchpad password? Argh.16:52
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LinuxGuy2009mlietz: get it emailed to you16:55
mlietzaha, wrong email address.16:56
LinuxGuy2009Hmmm Ive got 4 bugs reported with no response yet.16:57
benkong2hello all17:01
benkong2I upgraded to the latest 2.6.32-19 last night and now I just freeze on boot any suggestions17:02
benkong2I am running the livecd now17:02
benkong2I tried removing splash and quiet from the command line but all I get is a black screen17:03
ZykoticK9I've lost the ability in Gnome & gnome-shell to switch to the next window using alt+tab.  In the various compiz switcher options this is called "next window".  Am I missing something in Systm / Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts - I don't see the option?17:04
mlietzbug 55663117:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556631 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Portion of second monitor unusable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55663117:05
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:07
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odinsbanemlietz: I get that, but I reoganize the monitor setup and it goes away.17:10
benkong2brb && /quit17:11
odinsbanemlietz: I'm using xorg-edgers for my video drivers17:11
redhow can I get wmv9 audio working?17:13
ZykoticK9to answer my own question, if anyone was wondering it's "move between windows, using a popup window", which is a lot more wordy then "next window"17:13
redbeen goolging it a lot but unable to get the w32codecs package installed17:14
LinuxGuy2009red: tried ubuntu-restricted-extras?17:14
redI think17:14
yofel!medibuntu | red17:15
ubottured: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:15
redI added the medibuntu repo17:15
redtrying to apt-get install the codecs errors:17:15
redThe following packages have unmet dependencies: w32codecs: Depends: libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1) but it is not installable17:15
LinuxGuy2009red: Do you have restricted extras?17:16
yofelred: oh... that was removed a while ago, deprecated, contact the medibuntu folks I guess17:16
redmost probably17:17
LinuxGuy2009red: ubuntu-restricted-extras is like the first thing you should have.17:17
redI do have it17:17
redatleast I think this means I do:17:17
LinuxGuy2009red: What format do you need? WMA9?17:18
LinuxGuy2009Oh I see WMV917:18
redoh wait17:18
redapt-get/aptitude installing the package doesnt do anything17:18
redso I suppose I have it?17:18
yofelcould be, I just checked and here it doesn't seem to depend on c++517:19
LinuxGuy2009On i386 you can use mplayer with the win32 codecs, or the experimental vc-1 codec.17:19
LinuxGuy2009Just read that17:19
mlietzodinsbane: xorg-edgers?17:20
LinuxGuy2009red: You on 32bit or 64?17:20
ZykoticK9yofel, red,  i would be amazed if w32codecs from medibuntu relied on libstdc++5 still17:20
yofelyep, it doesn't here, maybe that was an older version17:20
mlietzhttps://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/drivers-only ?17:21
redwhy the hell have I added medibuntu hardy heron ppa17:21
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* red hides17:22
mawstOk anyone else have completely unreadable fonts in java apps?17:25
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hellyeahmy nvidia was recognized17:34
hellyeahbut i have a problem unfortunately17:34
hellyeahi cant enable some plugins of compiz17:34
hellyeahpls help17:34
Nasserque tal ubuntu 10.0417:46
KB1JWQO HAI Ubuntu!17:54
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The_Toxic_MiteI am trying to compile gspca on lucid for a webcam with the usbid 093a:262a, but for some reason make cannot compile it. I'll pastebin the results of it shortly18:05
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, gspca is built into the kernel18:11
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: aye? lsmod doesn't find it :S18:11
billybigriggerwhat kind of webcam?18:11
JEEBsvhmm, will wine1.2 be kept up-to-date or is .41 the last one we'll be seeing?18:11
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: cheapy £10 from pc world18:12
billybigriggeri remember having gspca/webcam hellish problems with the 9.10 dev cycle18:12
crimsunit isn't built-in per se, though I suppose you could use that term loosely with it being modularised.18:14
crimsun$ egrep -i gspca.*=m /boot/config-2.6.32-19-generic |wc -l18:14
billybigriggercrimsun, i can be built in, or as you say modularised yes18:14
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, might have to start playing around with kernel compiling and get a custom kernel going...18:15
crimsunbillybigrigger: generally we reserve "built in" for "=y", but I won't be too picky :-)18:15
billybigriggerbut as for gspca, i think you need to start looking into the v4l modules...18:15
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, ^^^18:15
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, paste your lsusb line for that device18:16
The_Toxic_MiteBus 004 Device 003: ID 093a:262a Pixart Imaging, Inc.18:16
billybigriggeroh god this is bringing back bad memories of last summer haha18:16
The_Toxic_Mitesurely compiling your own kernel means that you'll lose the modules that came with the previous kernel? I have NDISwrapper installed and ethernet's not an option for me18:18
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/27299718:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 272997 in linux "Canyon (pixart imaging 0x093ax0262a ) camera not working" [Medium,Fix released]18:18
billybigriggermight need to file a new bug18:19
billybigriggerthat is for a really old kernel18:19
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, unplug the cam, then run $ tail -f /var/log/dmesg in a terminal and plug the cam back in18:20
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, pastebin the output18:20
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: that's me running it now18:21
The_Toxic_Mitestill running... should I plug the cam back in to see what happens?18:23
billybigriggeryes, and pastbin that output18:23
The_Toxic_Mitethat's it in18:24
The_Toxic_Mitetail's hanging though :/18:24
billybigriggerdo you get anything related in /dev? ie /dev/video18:25
billybigriggermaybe video0 or 118:25
The_Toxic_Mite/dev/video doesn't appear to exist18:25
The_Toxic_Miteno /dev/video0 or 1 either18:25
billybigriggerand it's plugged in yes?18:25
The_Toxic_Mitethe prompt's not showing... should I just pastebin the results so far?18:26
billybigriggerit's still tailing dmesg18:27
billybigriggerctrl-c to stop18:27
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410141/18:28
vbundiis there any reason to use aptitude vs apt-get anymore?18:28
The_Toxic_Mitevbundi: AFAIK aptitude's just a front end to APT18:28
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, you might need to start looking into re-compiling your kernel18:29
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: looks like it.18:29
billybigriggerand make sure the proper modules are built-in for your camera18:29
vbundiThe_Toxic_Mite: I mean the command line... 'aptitude install xxxx' vs 'apt-get install xxxx'18:29
ZykoticK9vbundi, the Lucid manual actually describes apt-get and not aptitiude - aptitiude safe-upgrade has convinced me it is a requirement however (i'm a die hard apt-get guy myself)18:29
billybigriggerThe_Toxic_Mite, http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html18:29
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: yeah I have the tarball for that18:30
billybigriggerthats a supported list18:30
The_Toxic_Miteyes. my usbid shows up on the list18:30
billybigriggerseems there are some pixart cams supported, but i can't find your dev id18:30
The_Toxic_Mitebtw, unane -a outputs:18:30
The_Toxic_MiteLinux the-toxic-mite 2.6.32-19-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 31 17:46:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux18:30
billybigriggerok well then make sure that spca5xx module is built-in18:30
vbundiZykoticK9: ahh so they must be pretty close nowadays but apt-get has no 'safe upgrade' option.. only a full upgrade18:31
billybigriggerapt-get will give you partial upgrades if your not careful18:31
ZykoticK9vbundi, yup :)18:31
billybigriggerso aptitude safe-upgrade is suggested18:31
ZykoticK9vbundi, outside the development version - i don't see myself using aptitude, but here it is a requirement18:32
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: lsmod doesn't mention the spca5xx module. I'll try modprobing it to see if it finds it18:32
vbundiZykoticK9: lol I just stumbled across aptitude's easter egg... aptitude moo -v..... aptitude moo -vvvvvv18:32
ZykoticK9vbundi, that's probably my favoritue egg in ubuntu18:33
vbundiZykoticK9: yeah super cow powers are cool18:35
The_Toxic_MiteRight, I'm going to try recompiling the kernel. Any risks to heed before I do apart from the possible loss of modules? I use ndiswrapper, and I fear that it will be lost during the installation18:38
Pavohai. netbook iso working for anyone?18:39
nonameNNis anyone having problems with synaptic?18:43
mvononameNN: in what way?18:45
nonameNNcant install packages, it says something about translation-es18:45
nonameNNi can install with console though18:47
mvononameNN: what is the exact error message?18:49
nonameNNill paste it18:49
nonameNNnevermind now its downloading ok, i had my system in spanish, i have removed language-pack and support-es and now its ok... it maight be something with spanish translations18:50
The_Toxic_Mitesod the webcam, I'll leave it 'til tomorrow18:59
The_Toxic_Mitebillybigrigger: thanks for your help btw :)18:59
billybigriggernp sorry i couldn't help you getting it going :(19:00
The_Toxic_Miteit's okay :)19:00
Korciahi, can anybody tell how can I manage the services that I used to manage with sysvconfig?19:02
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=== Blizzz2 is now known as Tscheesy
chandru_inI have a monitor which has a different resolution froom my laptop.  I want to use the right resolution for both laptop and the monitor but project the same screen on both.  How do I do it?19:05
chandru_inKinda like configuring an LCD projector19:05
chandru_inIs there a graphical way of doing it??  Selecting mirror image uses same resolution on bothl monitors19:06
yofelchandru_in: what graphics driver are you using?19:07
chandru_inis this supported on intel cards?19:10
billybigriggerno experience with intel cards, just nvidia and ati here19:12
chandru_innvidia's ssettings manager would handle this for you19:12
Damascenedoes any one have a printer?19:12
chandru_inhow do you do it on ati billybigrigger ?19:12
DamasceneI can't print a pdf file19:13
ryeDamascene, well, yes...19:13
ryeDamascene, is cups configured?19:13
billybigriggerchandru_in, no idea, ati is my laptop and i've never tried to hook it up to an external monitor19:13
billybigriggernvidia x settings is awesome though19:13
Damascenerye, I've printed web page and other pdf19:13
ryechandru_in, what's your question - I have one intel card here19:13
ryeDamascene, but one pdf fiel does not work, right?19:13
Damascenerye, only the first page printed19:13
Damascenethe printer blink and I don't know what to do19:14
ryeDamascene, does evince show all other pages?19:14
chandru_inrye:  I have a monitor which has a different resolution froom my laptop.  I want to use the right resolution for both laptop and the monitor but project the same screen on both.  How do I do it?19:14
Damascenerye, evince show all the pages19:14
ryexrandr cmdline utility will do that, and gnome-control-center plugin for display preferences will also do that19:14
ryechandru_in, ^19:14
ryechandru_in, ah19:15
Damascenedo you want me to send you the file? rye19:15
ryechandru_in, wait19:15
ryechandru_in, you mean that the local screen/remote screen will show only a part of the whole image, right/19:15
chandru_inno I want the same screen to appear on both19:15
chandru_injust like you'd when presenting19:16
chandru_inhowever I want the laptop screen and the other screen to use different resolutions19:16
ryechandru_in, but since resolutions are different some content will be missing from one or another screen19:16
Damasceneis there any way to read message from the printer?19:16
chandru_inThis doesn't happen at least on windows19:17
gnubieDamascene,  is the blinking printer telling you it needs paper?19:17
chandru_inThe same content is displayed in different resolutions19:17
DamasceneI've just printed on it19:17
Damascenewhat is gs?19:18
Damasceneit's taking the cpu time19:18
ausimageI have question regarding what is going on with the ACPI in Lucid and how that might affect me...19:18
ausimageI have noticed that lucid in a virtual box will not start with ACPI on :S19:18
DamasceneI killed gs and every thing get back to normal19:19
Damascenethe printer doesn't blink but no print19:19
ausimageI would like to know if this is isolated or will I have issues when I put on bare metal ?19:19
Damascenerye, what happened?19:20
ryeDamascene, 30 second network outage19:20
ryeDamascene, you might want to check cups logs in /var/log/cups19:21
Damascenerye, there was gs taking the cpu time19:21
chandru_inany help rye?19:21
ryeDamascene, since it is possible that the filter died. Or try printing to Cups PDF printer19:21
Damascenewhen I killed it the printer blink stopped but no print19:21
Damascenepdf printer works will19:21
Damasceneshould I report a bug?19:22
ryechandru_in, right now there is say 1024x768+0+0 (one screen) 1280x1024+1024+0 (another screen), you can make the second one be +0 +0 but some part of the desktop will not be seen19:23
ryeDamascene, if cups PDF printer works (i.e. not the one that says "print to file" in evince, but the real CUPS PDF printer) then there may be some issue with drivers or filter19:24
Damascenewhat is the cpus printer?19:24
Damascenepdf printer?19:24
Damasceneplease how to test that? I only know the print to file thing19:25
rye!info cups-pdf19:26
DamasceneOH my god19:26
ryeor something19:26
DamasceneI killed it and now it printed full black paper as a revange :(19:26
ryeDamascene, you will need to install "cups-pdf" package19:26
neowolfi was just wondering if anyone knows how to change the startup sount in 10.04 im using the beta and they changed the location it is no longer in admin/sound19:26
Damascenewhat is going on :(19:26
ubottucups-pdf (source: cups-pdf): PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-12 (lucid), package size 41 kB, installed size 276 kB19:27
ryeDamascene, ?19:27
ryeDamascene, i remember my Epson became crazy and started chewing back the paper it has just printed19:27
Damasceneso my porblem is easier :)19:28
Damascenebut I'll have to buy ink to this new printer soon :)19:28
ryeDamascene, and the error handling in printers is... well, it exists19:28
Damascenethat is the problem I can't see error message form printer or I don't know how19:29
Damasceneany way I'll run out of battery soon19:29
DamasceneI've got cups-pdf how to run it?19:29
neowolfi was just wondering if anyone knows how to change the startup sound in 10.04 im using the beta and they changed the location it is no longer in system/preferences/sound <correction>19:30
nonameNNhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/410177/  any ideas about this?19:30
Damascenegot it19:30
neowolfhello all19:34
poizangood evening (at least it is where I live)19:34
neowolfdoes anyone know where startup3.wav is located?19:36
poizanI'm having a bit of a problem getting lucid booting... When i'm adding --debug to the kernel command line I can see that the last thing that happens is that upstart starts mountall19:37
poizaninit: mountall main process (291) executable changed19:37
poizanand then nothing happens19:37
poizanit never changes the state of mountall from spawned to post-start or running19:43
nonameNNcan some one use more than 3 desktops horizontally with compiz?19:43
NoelJBcrimsun, thanks for acking on bug 556552.  As long as the computer is still here (until tomorrow, and then again in May), is there anything I can do while I have it in my hands?19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556552 in alsa-driver "Internal microphone on NV53 not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55655219:45
the-dudemy laptop is having issues with the refresh of the screen19:46
the-dudeany suggestions for trouble shooting or bugreporting it ?19:46
NoelJBthe-dude, describe "having issues with refreshing the screen".19:48
the-dudeNoelJB: it looks like it is refreshing like crazy19:49
LinuxGuy2009Ok if anyone is running Compiz effects. Please try out the Reflection & Deformation plugin to see if you can switch between None, Cylinder, Sphere. I reported a bug that its stuck on Cylinder, but wanted to see if I was the only one.19:49
the-dudeit happens when some output on my screen changes19:49
the-dudeits pretty hard to describe I don't speak native english19:49
the-dudeit kinda looks like a low refresh rate19:49
the-dudeand it happens in gnome and on console as well19:50
neowolfdoes anyone know where startup3.wav is located? or how to change the startup sound?19:50
LinuxGuy2009neowolf: Thats why gnome has a search feature.19:50
LinuxGuy2009startup3.wav doesnt exist on my system19:51
neowolfi tried that its not located but it is listed in the config file19:51
NoelJBATI, Intel or nvidia?19:51
LinuxGuy2009neowolf: Had a gander in /usr/share/sounds yet?19:52
NoelJBthe-dude, ^^^^19:52
the-dudeNoelJB: I worked fine before I upgrade today19:52
the-dudeit worked fine until a reboot19:52
the-dudeits doing it right now :O19:52
neowolfif i can find startup3.wav i can replace it19:52
NoelJBthe-dude, OK, then look at /var/log/dpkg.log and see what changed today.  See if reverting something (if anything looks like a candidate) helps.19:52
neowolflooking now19:52
the-dudeNoelJB: allright19:53
LinuxGuy2009neowolf: You must have some custom theme installed?19:53
neowolfno im looking at the default stuff19:54
LinuxGuy2009neowolf: There is definitely no startup3.wav on a default Lucid install.19:54
neowolffound it thank you19:54
LinuxGuy2009good job19:55
neowolflinuxGuy have you tried loging out or rebooting to change your reflection?19:57
neowolfmine was sticking untill i restarted compiz19:57
neowolfi am currently running the sphere and everything is working fine19:58
the-dudeNoelJB: I found it20:00
crimsunNoelJB: you should use hda-verb to check the int mic widget; I am very busy ATM so I don't know when I'll get back to it.20:00
NoelJBcrimsun, any info on what you want me to do with hda-verb?  I've never used it.20:01
neowolfall i did was set it then ps ux |grep compiz then kill -9 pid then i started it back up and it worked fine after that20:01
NoelJBcrimsun, and I understand busy.  juggling quite a bit, myself.  :-)20:01
the-dudeNoelJB: if you are interested it was nxserver20:04
NoelJBthe-dude, ah, OK20:05
the-dudemy English it well enough to describe the exact problem sorry20:06
cdecarlohi, I'm having issues with my broadcast accounts, seems I can't tweet, and authorizing a facebook about seems to lock up the applicaiton / do nothing20:08
LinuxGuy2009the-dude: Your english isnt even well enough to say that your english is well enough.20:08
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: So you cant tweet in your book?20:09
cdecarloLinuxGuy2009, I'm even sure if that's a joke, what is my 'book'20:10
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: Throw us one question at a time.20:10
cdecarloLinuxGuy2009, I've added my twitter credentials to my broadcast accounts, I can't tweet20:11
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: Broadcast account? You lost me there.20:11
cdecarloLinuxGuy2009, ya it's all new Jargon to me too, are you familiar with the MeMenu?20:12
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: Kinda20:12
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: under the user switcher where it says chat accounts? That?20:13
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: Im blind dont mind me20:13
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: I see it20:13
om26ercdecarlo, delete ~/.cache/desktop-couch ~/.config/desktop-couch and ~/.local/desktop-couch and and adding new account should work20:13
cdecarloLinuxGuy2009, well, the MeMenu controls your social accounts, if you've got a twitter account set up, you'll see 'Broadcast accounts ...'20:13
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: Yeah I see it now.20:14
cdecarloom26er, I'll try that20:14
om26ercdecarlo, and before deleting those first quit gwibber20:14
LinuxGuy2009cdecarlo: If you come accross bugs please report them. Thats the only way they will get fixed.20:14
dbuggerHey guys, since last upgrade, I cant seem to make again apt-get update... it gets stuck... can someone help me?20:15
om26erdbugger, you might need to change your download mirror from system>adminitration>software soruces20:15
dbuggerI already did, didnt work...20:15
yofeldbugger: where does it get stuck?20:16
cdecarloom26er, ps reports that I'm running /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/gwibber-service, should I kill that?20:16
om26ercdecarlo, sudo pkill gwibber would be all20:17
dbuggerthis is: Hit http://mirror.informatik.uni-mannheim.de lucid-security/multiverse Sources20:17
dbugger99% [Waiting for headers]20:17
dbuggerthat's where it gets stuck20:17
om26erdbugger, I get that too, have you change the mirror changing worked for me20:17
dbuggerom26er, I didnt work for me20:17
yofeldbugger: how long did you wait? maybe it's not the main mirror but another server you added?20:17
dbuggeryofel, it's a clean install20:18
om26erdbugger, disable updates20:18
dbuggerom26er, what?20:18
om26erdbugger, in updates tab disable all ticked things20:18
dbuggersame deal20:19
om26erdbugger, try changing to main server20:19
dbuggerom26er, told you, I already did that.20:20
ausimageAny understand the ACPI issue with vbox and whether it can bite when installed directly?20:21
ausimageer that is with Luci20:21
ausimageI am concerned and don't want to deal with the issue if I upgrade my box20:23
shakeukhi all20:36
shakeukcan anyone tell me how i can check which diplay drivers i am using in 10.04 lucid?20:37
charlie-tcalook in /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:37
=== ubuntujenkins_ is now known as ubuntujenkins
charlie-tcakeyword: video20:37
shakeukok lots of keywords video in that log20:39
shakeukwhich particular part of my log should i check? or should i just pastbin it?20:40
rippsHow do I enable personal file sharing, the preferences app says I don't have the packages necessary20:41
shakeukthe only reason im asking is because i have tried to install ati's own 10.3 catalyst drivers following there instructions and i cant tell wether or not it is in use because i cant find the controll panal in system > preferences20:43
Nalfhow do we check the status of the video drivers issue?20:45
vbundishakeuk: you have installed fglrx-amdcccle ?20:46
shakeuki dunno20:46
shakeuklemme check spm20:46
shakeukthat is installed20:46
vbunditype fglrxinfo20:47
vbundishakeuk: what is the output of fglrxinfo?20:48
shakeukits not installed 2mins20:50
shakeukit keeps saying its not installed even though i just installed it20:52
vbundifglrxinfo is not installed?20:52
vbundishakeuk: in a terminal type sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-kernel-source fglrx-modaliases xorg-driver-fglrx xorg-driver-fglrx-dev20:53
vbundishakeuk: let me know when that's done20:54
shakeukit would nice to just have a device manager20:56
rentonAre the restricted video drivers working in 10.0420:56
vbundirenton: for nvidia - yes, for ati.. stand by ;)20:56
shakeukhow do u mean restricted video drivers?20:56
vbundirestricted as in proprietary20:56
rentonvbundi, aww, I guess I'll be standing by then. ;) Thank you!20:57
shakeukwell system > admin > hardware drivers does list ubunto checked propriety drivers but these dont work20:57
vbundishakeuk: ok I can see that the packages are here.. try apt-get install fglrx fglrx-dev20:57
shakeukso i went for the most up to date from the ati website20:57
vbundioh shit20:57
vbundiok well20:58
vbundisee if fglrx and fglrx-dev are installed20:58
shakeukwell they didnt work for me anyway20:58
vbundiwere the above packages installed?20:59
vbundiit's fglrx-dev20:59
vbundibut I think you have it probably by the looks of it20:59
vbundiok so in a terminal.. type sudo aticonfig --initial21:00
shakeukspm says i dont have fglrx-dev21:00
shakeukis this correct or does it not match terminal?21:00
vbundioh hm well install that.. I don't think it's required... but it won't hurt21:01
vbundithat's the correct one.. if you look up you'll see you had a typo in your command before21:01
rentonIs there anything I can do if my videocard is getting a bad EDID from my monitor? At native resolution (1920x1080) things are going outside of my screen boundries.21:01
vbundirenton: it's a monitor connected through DVI?21:02
shakeukok so now its installed21:02
vbundiok so in a terminal.. type sudo aticonfig --initial21:02
rippsOkay, why doesn't Personal Filing Sharing work? It's says I'm missing some packages, but I don't have any dependencies or recommends missing in my system.21:02
shakeuksudo: aticonfig: command not found21:02
vbundirenton: weird...21:03
vbundirenton: I know in the nvidia tool there is an option to correct for 'overscan'21:03
vbundirenton: look for that in your catalyst control center if you are running ATI21:03
rentonControl center wont run.21:03
rentonNo ATI graphics driver is install or the driver is not functioning properly. I assumed this is because the restricted drivers are still enabled though.21:04
rentonI'll brb. xD21:04
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
vbundishakeuk: type sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx21:05
vbundiaticonfig is part of that package21:05
shakeukxorg-driver-fglrx is already the newest version.0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:06
vbundishakeuk, renton: from what I am reading... the new catalyst driver may not be ready yet... it's like super fresh from AMD21:06
vbundishakeuk: hmm what does it say when you type aticonfig in a terminal?21:07
rentonAhh, alright.21:07
shakeuki recall when booting it told me it had driver issues21:07
vbundirenton: not to say that we can't do it...21:07
shakeukand asked me if i wanted to save a log21:07
shakeuki did but cant remember where21:07
rentonWhen I don't have the proprietary drivers enabled, I get a 'command not found error' when attempting to run ati-config.21:08
vbundithe thing is that the new version of Xorg that ubuntu is using doesn't work with the OLD drivers... so they had to come out with new ones, it sounds like they should be available by Lucid's official release at the latest21:08
vbundiit's just 'aticonfig'21:08
rentonYeah, that's what I typed. I don't know why I hyphenated it here. xD21:09
vbundiwhen I type aticonfig on my lucid system it says 'the program 'aticonfig' is not currently installed, you can install it by typing in sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx'21:09
monkey_dusthi all - i am unable to launch ubuntu-one - all packages are installed - Failed to execute child process "ubuntuone-client-applet" (No such file or directory) - hints & tips anyone?21:10
vbundithis is proper behaviour I would think since that system is NVIDIA ;)21:10
shakeuki remember typing sh ./ati-driver-installer-10-3-x86.x86_64.run to install the package and the river install gui came up fine21:10
shakeukso i wonder why it didnt work in the end21:10
HaffeDoes ati's linuxdrivers still suck?21:10
rentonvbundi, even after installing that package I cannot run aticonfig.21:11
vbundiHaffe: not sure... it might just be that we are missing something, (un)fortunately I use nvidia on all my systems so I have little experience with this stuff21:11
vbundirenton: alright lets try googling around21:11
HaffeI have avoided ati cards for this reason.21:11
shakeukim trying the ati run file a second time21:11
shakeukmaybe ill get lucky21:12
shakeukmine isnt a card its built into the motherboard HD330021:12
HaffeSeems there might still be incentive to do an open GPU as my master's thesis.21:12
shakeukbut this is supported buy the drivers21:12
shakeuki have checked21:12
HaffeOh well. Sooner or later AMD will have to learn.21:13
Berzerkeris the Flash 10.1 RC 64-bit compatible?21:13
vbundirenton, shakeuk: can you pastebin a copy of your /etc/apt/sources.list for me?  also make sure you have run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:14
StopSignso what happens when you upgrade then the release comes out at the end of the month, can you upgrade agian?21:14
vbundiBerzerker: I'm running flash 10.1 64bit (not sure if it's RC or beta) but it works great21:15
rentonvbundi: One moment please. :)21:15
Berzerkervbundi: where did you get it? the only one I can find is 10.0.4521:16
vbundiBerzerker: adobe's site... let me find the info for you.21:17
shakeukbrb just restarting linux21:17
shakeukubuntu *21:17
rentonvbundi: My sources are the same as shakeuk's.21:17
vbundiBerzerker: my mistake... I'm using
vbundiit IS 64-bit compatible and works great though ;)21:18
Berzerkerwell yeah I have that lol21:18
vbundiStopSign: apt-get dist-upgrade installs NEW packages that may be accompanied with an upgrade.. you can run it as much as you'd like21:18
vbundiBerzerker: yeah sorry I haven't tried 10.1 yet21:19
vbundishakeuk, renton: trying to find out if aticonfig is part of the repositories that you have disabled21:19
StopSignvbundi, right on man thanks21:21
vbundishakeuk, renton: if you edit your /etc/apt/sources file and enable backports and partner repositories it might be in there (delete the # before the lines 38,39,45,46 on that pastebin)21:21
yofel!find aticonfig21:22
vbundishakeuk, renton: after doing so, run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade21:22
ubottuFile aticonfig found in fglrx21:22
vbundiubottu: both of them have it installed but when running aticonfig from a terminal it says 'command not found'21:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
yofelvbundi: really? odd...21:23
yofelfglrx: /usr/lib/fglrx/bin/aticonfig21:23
shakeukfailed again :(21:24
vbundiubottu: damnit I hope this isn't logged, that's embarassing ;)21:24
yofelwth is up with that...21:24
KenBW2How do I start the KDE desktop in Lucid from GDM?21:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:24
StopSignis it true, better support for ipods in 10.121:24
yofelvbundi: aticonfig isn't installed in the PATH -.-21:24
kalibwhen will be released ubuntu 10.4?21:24
yofelvbundi: so just typing aticonfig won't run it, you need to run '/usr/lib/fglrx/bin/aticonfig'21:24
vbundiyofel: well that might be their problem then ;)21:24
vbundiyofel: weird, I wouldn't think they'd put it in /usr/lib21:25
shakeukok how do i uninstall the drivers now that i have installed them but the dont work?21:25
vbundikalib: I believe they will probably release by the end of April21:26
kalibvbundi, before 23th?21:26
yofelvbundi: it might have to do with the fact that mesa now uses alternatives21:26
vbundishakeuk: type sudo /usr/lib/fglrx/bin/aticonfig --initial21:26
yofellet me research a bit21:26
kalibcause we will have an event in my city. We will distribute some ubuntu cds... that's what I wanna know. Should I download and burn 9.10 or wait 10.4?21:27
rentonyofel, thanks for that. :)21:27
vbundiyofel: yeah I don't know anything about that21:27
kalibthe event will be on April 24th21:27
shakeukok ive done that vbundi what does that do?21:27
vbundishakeuk: I am HOPING that it is just like the nvidia-settings command that writes your Xorg file properly21:28
vbundishakeuk: after running that, in a terminal try typing 'service gdm restart'21:28
shakeukFound fglrx primary device section Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf Saved back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx-321:28
vbundiexcellent.. my assumption was right ;)21:28
BUGabundoevening friends21:28
rentonvbundi: service kdm restart?21:29
shakeukjake@jake-ubuntu:~$ service gdm restart / restart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.68" (uid=1000 pid=3523 comm="restart) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Restart" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))21:29
rentonI got the same issue.21:29
rentonI have, rather.21:29
shakeuki added the / in there by accident21:29
vbundiare you guys both running KDE? ;)21:29
rentonI'm running kde.21:29
shakeukim using the default thats installed gnome isnt it?21:30
rentonYes, that's gnome.21:30
rentonUnless you downloaded kubuntu.21:30
vbundirenton: I'm a noob when it comes to kde but I am gonna guess that its /etc/init.d/kdm restart OR service kdm restart21:30
shakeuknope not kubuntu whats the difference like?21:30
yofelrenton: shakeuk: if you still have fglrx installed, can you please pastebin the output of 'update-alternatives --display gl_conf' ?21:30
yofelas /usr/bin/aticonfig *should* be there21:30
macoshakeuk: kde is a somewhat more "power user" environment. or at least it gives you more control. gnome is more about simplicity and staying out of the way21:31
shakeukdoes it look any different?21:31
vbundishakeuk: completely.. ;P21:32
rentonvbundi, KDE restarted.21:32
rentonvbundi, configuration failed, though. xD and it set my default session back to gnome, I guess.21:32
yofelvbundi: with upstart please use 'sudo service kdm restart' as service works for both upstart and sysvinit services21:32
vbundirenton: doh21:32
rentonStill having the overscan issues. I'll try to fix that now.21:33
vbundiyofel: yeah it tells me that every time I do it the other way ;)21:33
vbundirenton: if you can open up the catalyst control center it may let you fix the overscan21:33
vbundirenton: there's complicated conf stuff you can do to fix it, but I am more qualified for surgery so21:34
rentonI tried to disable it, but I failed.21:34
vbundirenton: you ran the control center as root?21:34
yofelshakeuk: and running 'aticonfig' still told you the command could not be found?21:35
vbundierr superuser...21:35
rentonErr, I'm sorry.21:36
rentonI used config to disable overscan.21:36
shakeuknot this time it brought up the config21:37
shakeukin text21:37
shakeukno gui21:37
renton"(EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)"21:37
vbundiHaffe: after reading, it appears that AMD is helping out quite a bit by supplying drivers to work with the new Xorg and this will be the 4th time in a row that they have done this21:38
Haffevbundi: Ok, but are they working drivers or just some skeleton 2d drivers?21:38
yofelrenton: odd, do you have a dkms build log maybe? or did you get an error when installing the driver package?21:38
vbundiHaffe: they have been working 3d drivers in the past... I can't comment on the new ones as we haven't gotten either to work yet ;)21:39
shakeukwhat do i ment to do with all that text?21:39
rentonyofel: No error.21:39
HaffeOh well.21:39
shakeukdoes this mean the drivers are installed now?21:39
HaffeBest of luck.21:39
shakeukshould i reboot?21:39
vbundiHaffe: I agree, with you when it comes to ATI driver issues.. and this is why I purchase nvidia too.... but it's not that AMD isn't trying to help... nvidia drivers are just as proprietary21:40
rentonyofel: Should I remove it and install it again?21:40
Haffevbundi: Yes.21:40
shakeuk@yofel should i reboot?21:41
yofelrenton: wait21:41
HaffeThe only somewhat good guys here are intel, and intel are evil for other reasons.21:41
DanaGvbundi: I go the other way... both ATI and NV binary suck... so I prefer ATI open drivers.21:41
yofelshakeuk: no idea, I thought you knew what to do once you get aticonfig working, I don't use ati21:41
DanaGOn R600, they even have working KMS and 3D.21:41
yofelrenton: does     find /usr/lib/$(uname -r)/ -iname '*fglrx*'       give you something?21:42
shakeukno i only come in here asking how to tell which diplay drivers were being used the open source non 3d optimised ones provided with ubuntu or the propietary ones i installed following ati's instructions?21:42
shakeukcos there is no device manager to tell which drivers are being used so i cant tell wether im getting the best gfx performace out of my install21:43
rentonfind: `/usr/lib/2.6.32-19-generic/': No such file or directory21:44
shakeukany clues how to find out?21:44
yofelrenton: find /lib/$(uname -r)/ -iname '*fglrx*'21:45
yofelwrong again...21:45
yofelrenton: find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ -iname '*fglrx*'21:45
BUGabundothis gnome-keyring is driving me INSANE!21:46
BUGabundoI want my CPU back... NOW21:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: heh21:46
vbundiHaffe: you can't blame either company for keeping their video drivers closed source though when you consider that it might help their competition... nvidia and ATI have been neck and neck for a while21:46
BUGabundoanything that access it21:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: how is openeclair for you?21:46
DanaGargh, stupid thunderbird... asks me for my password 3 times at once..21:46
BUGabundomakes my CPU load shoot21:46
yofelrenton: odd, then the modules *is* there. did you reboot? and does 'sudo modprobe fglrx' give you an error?21:46
BUGabundokklimonda: lasted 30 min21:46
DanaG.... and sometimes rejects it even though it's correct!21:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: oh? that bad?21:47
BUGabundono no really good21:47
Haffevbundi: I don't really see how it would help either one to see how to interface the others hardware.21:47
BUGabundobut I couldn't turn off animaitions21:47
BUGabundoand it required me to reinstall all 70 apps by hand21:47
BUGabundoI rather stik with what I have in CM21:47
kklimondaBUGabundo: are there closed drivers for 2.1 for dream/magic available?21:48
vbundiHaffe: I'm not chip designer.. but it might enlighten one or the other on certain chip design features21:48
kklimondaBUGabundo: I think I haven't followed our discussion on identi.ca21:48
kklimondaBUGabundo: so 2.1 is going to be a "bit" slow? :/21:49
DanaG2.1 what?21:49
kklimondaDanaG: android21:49
BUGabundokklimonda: they have "drivers"21:49
BUGabundoand even 3D support by HW21:49
rentonyofel: I have rebooted, and modprobe gives nothing.21:49
BUGabundojust don't ask me how or from where21:49
DanaGI tried to install the omap powervr drivers... but their makefile is a miserable failure.21:50
yofelrenton: 'lsmod | grep fglrx' ?21:50
DanaGIt tries to "make clean" on a target workdir that doesn't exist.21:50
kklimondaBUGabundo: oh well, i'll give a try then21:50
DanaGAnd that's for "INSTALL", not me doing make clean!21:50
DanaGwhy the heck do you need to "make clean" to install?  the source tree should already be clean!21:50
DanaG!fail TI21:50
rentonfglrx                2352686  021:50
BUGabundokklimonda: nandroid, wipe, flash OE, (flash port if you need it for 32A), reboot21:51
yofelrenton: then the module is working fine and I don't get why X says something different21:51
monkey_dusthi all - i am unable to launch ubuntu-one - all packages are installed - Failed to execute child process "ubuntuone-client-applet" (No such file or directory) - hints & tips anyone?21:55
topylimonkey_dust, try #ubuntuone21:56
nishanth I have a problem with my volume controller (manual one) my ubuntu does not detect it after yesterday21:57
nishanthcan someone help with this issue?21:57
benkay86Can anyone help me with Bug #556184?21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556184 in mountall "lucid boot hangs while init is running mountall, "could not write bytes: Broken pipe"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55618421:58
=== null__ is now known as null0
bbordwellbenkay86, you should add a .txt extenstion to text files before you upload them to launchpad21:59
benkay86bbordwell: What does that accomplish?21:59
bbordwellbenkay86, nvm i see it is compressed22:00
bbordwellbenkay86, It allows you to just open it with the browser22:00
=== null0 is now known as nullbeat
bbordwellbenkay86, instead of downloading it and manualy clicking on it22:00
benkay86bbordwell: Sorry. Old habits die hard.22:00
rentonyofel, I'm going to reinstall ubuntu.22:01
rentonyofel, thanks for your help.22:01
rentonvbundi, you too. Thanks a ton :)22:01
bbordwellbenkay86, well if it is compressed that is fine, I just never see compressed text files22:01
bbordwellbenkay86, I looked at it and I do not think that i can help though, i used to get the broken pipe message back in alpha2 but it still successfuly booted22:02
yofelcompressed text files are pretty common in linux actually22:02
bbordwellyofel, yes i know, but i mean on launchpad22:02
nishanth I have a problem with my volume controller (manual one) my ubuntu does not detect it after yesterday..can someone help with this issue?22:02
benkay86bbordwell: Back when that was happening to you, were you still able to use SysRQ to reboot?22:03
yofelbbordwell: oh there are, like sometimes you have a DpkgTermLog.gz as it would be too large uncompressed22:03
benkay86Since I can't, I'm contemplating the possibility that this has more to do with the kernel than upstart/mountall.22:03
bbordwellbenkay86, Well the messages showed up but it still worked normaly so I am not sure22:03
nishanthaaargh someone.....22:03
benkay86bbordwell: In my case, the boot just hangs...22:03
bbordwellbenkay86, just for fun have you tried booting with nosplash?22:04
benkay86bbordwell: I've been booting without splash, but I've not tried with nosplash. I'll try that now.22:04
KenBW2how do i swap to another desktop environment in lucid?22:04
benkay86KenBW2: "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"22:05
yofelKenBW2: which one?22:05
benkay86Or "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" to switch to Gnome.22:05
benkay86Once the other desktop is installed, you can remove the old one, e.g. "apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop"22:05
yofelbenkay86: we have xfce and lxde too...22:05
bbordwellyofel, ah I do not usualy look at the apport attachments as they are not useful to me in triaging (usualy), more for the developers22:05
KenBW2benkay86, yofel: i've installed kubuntu-desktop, but GDM lacks the sessions menu22:05
benkay86yofel: I think of those more as window managers than desktops ;-)22:06
* benkay86 Prepares for punishment.22:06
benkay86KenBW2: To switch login managers... how did it go.. something like "dpkg-reconfigure kdm"22:06
=== zz_Berzerker is now known as Berzerker
yofelbenkay86: lol, I can't argue there though as I haven't used them much22:06
yofelyeah, should be that22:07
KenBW2benkay86: cant i switch at login as with previous versions?22:07
benkay86bbordwell: Nope. nosplash doesn't change anything.22:07
yofelKenBW2: you *should* be able to22:07
benkay86KenBW2: With kdm? Yes, I'm certain you can.22:08
KenBW2benkay86: i use gdm22:08
benkay86KenBW2: Obviously, the other desktop environment has to be installed if you want to switch to it.22:08
yofelKenBW2: we had reports that some options in gdm are hard to read with the new theme22:08
yofelmaybe you overlooked it?22:08
KenBW2yofel: im willing to entertain the possibility22:08
KenBW2ill try it now22:08
yofelif that doesn't work then something isn't properly installed or gdm is broken for him22:09
benkay86So... don't take this wrong way, but I've been trying to boot Lucid since Friday without success. Are there any other channels where it would be appropriate to ask about my bug?22:09
yofelbenkay86: not sure, you did try sysrq+i where it get's stuck and init=/bin/bash ?22:11
bbordwellbenkay86, Do you have any strange disk setup?22:12
benkay86yofel: "rw init=/bin/bash" works great (although it obviously doesn't let me boot all the way), and sysrq works fine in that environment. When it hangs during normal init, though, sysrq doesn't work, nor do the capslock and numlock lights on the keyboard.22:13
benkay86bbordwell: No. No encryption, just one ext4 partition and one swap partition. I've even tried commenting out all the lines in /etc/fstab (obviously this would cause issues later in init), but boot still hangs in the same spot.22:13
yofelcould be that plymouth just freezes and causes a kernel panic22:14
benkay86I've also tried booting with various alterations to the kernel commandline, like "nomodeset" and "acpi=off" but to no avail.22:14
benkay86yofel: That's possible, but the kernel output I uploaded to the bug suggests mountall is to blame.22:15
benkay86yofel: is there a way to disable plymouth without breaking everything else?22:15
NeomysisHi.. Anyone could help my with with tora and Mysql ??22:16
topylibenkay86, you can boot to single user mode and uninstall plymouth22:16
yofelbenkay86: I'm not sure, as mountall now depends on it, you could try to ignore that and remove it with 'dpkg --remove --force-depends plymouth'22:16
robin0800benkay86: you can hit shift at boot time and get a grub menu22:16
yofelrobin0800: we already passed that point long ago22:17
NeomysisHi.. Anyone could help my with with tora and Mysql ??22:17
yofelbenkay86: as I said, try to force remove it and see if that helps22:18
benkay86topyli, yofel: OK, I think a few other required components depend on plymouth to, but I'm getting to the point where I'm willing to try that...22:18
robin0800benkay86: remove quiet and splash?22:18
benkay86robin0800: Already done, but even without those options, plymouth still does some stuff in the background.22:18
topylibenkay86, not sure if something essential now depends on it. i used to remove plymouth all the tie22:18
bbordwellbenkay86, have you tried an older livecd? if the older ones work perhaps you could find what upgrade causes the problem to appear22:18
bbordwelltopyli, yes it is harder now than it used to be22:19
* benkay86 rolls eyes22:19
topyliah ok22:19
benkay86bbordwell: Have you any idea how much the boot process has changed since alpha?22:19
topylibenkay86, listen to people like bbordwell who actually know, not me :)22:19
yofeltopyli, benkay86: the only package that has a hard dependency on plymouth is mountall, but right now it's broken anyway22:19
bbordwelltopyli, You are about to do something potentially harmful.22:19
bbordwellTo continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!22:19
bbordwellthat is what it says when you try and remove it22:20
topylibrilliant :)22:20
benkay86Yes, I remember that fondly from when I did an old dist-upgrade from sysvinit to upstart.22:20
* benkay86 waxes nostalgic22:20
yofelyes, as removing plymouth without --force-depends will remove mountall -> BAD22:20
Berzerkerhow do I rescan for networks?22:20
benkay86Well, give me a few minutes to get a chroot set up here. I'll give this a shot.22:20
NeomysisHi.. Anyone could help my with with tora and Mysql ??22:21
benkay86Berzerker: Does "sudo iwlist wlan0" do anything?22:22
Berzerkerbenkay86: yeah I got it, thanks22:22
Berzerkerany idea why my wireless USB adapter can't find networks with WPA2?22:23
robin0800Berzerker: is it compatable with wpa2?22:24
benkay86Berzerker: Not sure. Could it be your adapter uses a driver from staging?22:24
Berzerkerrobin0800: it should...not sure22:24
BerzerkerI just plugged it in and loaded it up22:25
Berzerkerhmm I can't even connect to any secured network, WEP or WPA22:27
robin0800Berzerker: it dosn't prompt  for a passphrase or key?22:29
Berzerkerit does22:30
Berzerkerbut it never connects22:30
nemosooo. are there any goodies that would make me want to shift to Lucid early?22:30
nemono Evolution 2.30, so I'm disincentivised on that front.22:31
BerzerkerI don't think that's a word lol22:31
Berzerkerthe new ambiance skin is nice though22:31
Berzerkerand new icons, etc.22:31
nonameNNnemo: Im using it... it has some upgraded software comparing to 9.10... its stable enough for use... I didnt have any problems so far...22:31
nemoBerzerker: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/disincentivise22:32
yofelnemo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/TechnicalOverview mostly22:32
Berzerkerthere's no form :P22:32
benkay86OK, this so totally a kernel regression.22:32
nemoyofel: heh. default search engine changed to Yahoo! - that counts as a feature? )22:33
robin0800Berzerker: have you checked the logs?22:33
Berzerkerrobin0800: no, where would they be22:33
benkay86Removing plymouth allowed the boot process to proceed further than before... but it still hangs after a certain amount of time.22:33
yofelnemo: well... yeah, somewhat22:33
benkay86Sometimes it hangs in the middle of outputting a line.22:33
benkay86Yet strangely, it never hanges with "rw init=/bin/bash"22:33
nemoyofel: hm. the ADS stuff sounds interesting. not sure I'll want to enable it on my work machine, but could be cool.22:34
robin0800benkay86: use the log viewer22:34
* benkay86 Scratches head, considers sacrificing an old keyboard to Linux Torvalds.22:34
nemomaybe I'll try it briefly22:34
benkay86robin0800: Nothing is getting logged. At least, not since before I removed plymouth.22:34
Berzerkerrobin0800: hmm...it randomly detects WPA2 networks, but I can't connect to anything22:34
yofelrobin0800: how is he support to use the log viewer without being able to boot?22:35
benkay86yofel: Chroot, ls /var/log22:35
robin0800Berzerker: but what do the logs say?22:35
benkay86But the point is moot. Nothing is looged.22:35
nemoyofel: hm. nouveau is default. interesting. are there a list of cards nouveau 3d accel is enabled for?22:35
nemoI understand it is reasonably reliable on some22:36
robin0800nemo none22:36
yofelnemo: none, the driver in lucid only has 2d22:36
nemoah. pity22:36
Berzerkerrobin0800: which log do I view22:36
nemooh. driver doesn't even have 3d , so I wouldn't be able to enable it in xorg.conf even if I wanted to22:36
yofelnemo: you can get an updated driver from a X ppa that adds 3d support, haven't tested it myself though22:36
nemooh well...22:36
robin0800Berzerker: any that mention trying to connect22:37
nemono fglrx....22:37
nemowell. that rules out trying it here at work. I am not ready to give up playing around with webgl. and I like the compiz niftiness22:37
nemonot aware of any progress on 3d for FOSS ati driver anyway22:38
yofelhm, fglrx is *supposed* to work now, but I have heard quite a lot fglrx issues in here though22:39
nemoah. so wiki is out of date22:39
nemo01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series]22:39
Berzerkerrobin0800: here's a pastebin http://pastebin.org/13940622:39
nonameNNnemo: check xorg ppa22:40
nonameNNnemo: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa there u will find lastest drivers for video cards... not that hard22:40
nemononameNN: my home machine is nvidia22:40
nemoand whenever I enabled compiz I'd have all kinds of performance issues in Hedgewars22:41
nemoI'm kind of curious if the nouveau 3d would work22:41
randomusrnemo: say what?22:41
nonameNNnemo: i think there are some opensource drivers being build... u can check them.... or just install propietary drivers...22:42
nemorandomusr: what?22:42
nemononameNN: right. I assumed that was what you were suggesting, was to try that ppa for nouveau w/ 3d22:42
randomusrwhy use nouveau?22:42
flawedany ideas on how I could get gnucash installed? it depends on slib for which there is no installation candidate22:42
nemorandomusr: well, mostly 'cause it is nice to see how the FOSS is progressing - being able to finally enable compiz would just be a nice bonus22:42
randomusrnemo: this is the one place I don't trust to anyone but the maker of the GPU22:43
nemorandomusr: well. they have been failing miserably so far22:43
nemoon both my computers22:43
yofelflawed: indeed, let me check22:44
nemorandomusr: but. yes, it is understandably risky22:44
robin0800Berzerker: lots of failures might be driver related?22:44
nemoalthough from the people in #nouveau apparently pretty safe on my nvidia card at home22:44
Berzerkercould be, I just plugged it in and went22:44
randomusrnemo, what card do you have? who's the maker? what version of the driver are you using?22:44
Berzerkerany suggestion on a new driver to install?22:44
nemo01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce 9800 GT] (rev a2)22:44
nemorandomusr: as for driver, I suppose whatever is default in Karmic22:45
* nemo looks22:45
randomusrnemo: who's the make of the card?22:45
nemooh. and the precise card, BFG22:45
randomusrnemo: what are the outputs on the card, and what cpu and chipset?22:46
randomusrnemo: are you using 10.04?22:46
wnbRadeon 5770 running ok in lucid ?22:46
nemorandomusr: Karmic, as noted22:46
yofelflawed: seems to have been removed in lucid for some reason, I'm trying to find out why22:46
nemorandomusr: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=geforce+9800+gt&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hl=en&cid=13947008312181886137&ei=Y6u7S9riN4rblgfEst2-CA&sa=title&ved=0CCUQ8wIwBTgA&os=tech-specs22:46
flawed_whoops. lost my client right after asking my question. sorry. :(22:47
randomusrnemo: chipset and cpu?22:47
yofelflawed_: slib seems to have been removed in lucid for some reason, I'm trying to find out why22:47
nemorandomusr: I don't know much further besides the page I linked you to.22:48
nemorandomusr: is that one insufficiently detailed?22:48
randomusrno, what motherboard and chipset are you using?22:48
randomusrdid you configure X with the nvidia-settings?22:48
nemorandomusr: no22:49
nemotake that back22:49
nemolooks like "yes" :)22:49
* nemo just checks his xorg.conf22:49
nemowould you like to see it?22:49
randomusrnemo: you put your latest and greatest system on testing software and you don't understand how it's configured?22:50
nemorandomusr: it isn't a latest and greatest system22:50
randomusrand wonder why it doesn't work?22:50
nemois just my work-a-day machine at home22:50
nemochill out22:50
randomusrI'm trying to understand the issue22:50
nemorandomusr: http://m8y.org/tmp/newdell.html - here you go. my first ever prebuilt machine, to support Dell's linux program22:50
nemoonly changes made so far are to memory, power supply and graphics card - only replaced the latter 'cause the 7300 kinda died on me.22:51
flawed_yofel: ah, thanks. that'd be interesting.22:51
nemorandomusr: and. yes. I appreciate you trying to understand the issue. the odd part was the scorn you were injecting there. this is not some sort of gaming rig22:51
nemoI don't actually care that much about performance, just about hedgewars, a fairly wimpy game, not stuttering while compiz is enabled22:52
randomusrnemo: not scorn, just want to understand what the concern is22:52
yofelflawed_: bug 55474622:53
randomusrI'll be back later and help you figure it out if you're still here22:53
nemojust ping me22:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554746 in gnucash "gnucash uninstallable due to dependency on slib" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55474622:53
flawed_yofel: so, no reason why, but the package from karmic should do as a workaround. ok, thanks a lot!22:54
benkay86bbodrwell, topyli, yofel: I tried booting with various different kernels including 2.6.24 (the kernel used in Hardy, which is what the machine used to run). All of them exhibit the same bug.22:56
benkay86I'm reluctant to call this a kernel regression, since 2.6.24 didn't fix the problem.22:56
benkay86But what exactly is going on?22:56
Berzerkerwhat's the easiest way to replace all the sources in my sources.list22:57
BerzerkerI wanted to replace the ubuntu ones with anl.gov22:57
topylii don't think it's a kernel bug, it's plymouth (then again, i'm inclined to say that since i've been bitten)22:57
benkay86topyli: Recall that I removed plymouth.22:57
topylioh yeah22:58
benkay86(As much as I'd like to put the blame there.)22:58
topylisorry, been away22:58
yofelthe fact that init=/bin/bash works fine shows that it's something that gets loaded by upstart that causes this, but I'm not sure what...22:59
yofelyou could try to edit the scripts in /etc/init/ and see what you don't exactly need to boot22:59
benkay86yofel: Indeed. I suppose I should mark Bug #556184 as invalid (or reassign it to upstart).23:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556184 in mountall "lucid boot hangs while init is running mountall, "could not write bytes: Broken pipe"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55618423:00
benkay86yofel: I mean, after removing plymouth, I can't really make this installation any more minimal.23:00
yofelnot invalid, but it's hard to know what fails like this...23:01
benkay86yofel: I suppose the notion is that, if I could get as far as a login prompt, it wouldn't freeze. But then my system would be at the mercy of bootup filesystem checks or a network interface that's slow to come up.23:01
yofellet me subscribe so I can find it again23:01
=== flawed_ is now known as flawed
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
vbundianyone else having issues with cups23:13
vbundican't see any printers23:13
odinsbanevbundi I had a problem with the printer app taking a really long time.23:17
odinsbaneI had to paste the ip addess in because it would lock up when there was a partial ip.23:19
vbundiodinsbane: I can't even see my printers in cups23:19
flawedis /mnt under control of some automounter, or am I free to mount filesystems there as I please?23:19
vbundiflawed: go nuts23:19
flawedvbundi: thanks23:19
vbundiflawed: fyi, automounted drives typically show up under /media/23:20
odinsbanevbundi: I didn't search for them, I just used the ip address.23:20
vbundiodinsbane: mine are being shared by by a samba server so they are being broadcast though23:21
odinsbanevbundi: when you search is there a python server applet running?23:23
odinsbanevbundi: or does the applet seem to lock up?23:23
vbundiI was searching through the cups web UI23:24
vbundiodinsbane: I do see that I have system-config-printer/applet.py running though23:24
vbundiI'll mess with it tomorrow I suppose23:25
vbundinite nite23:25
LinuxGuy2009Is it normal to have auto login to ask for login password? Doesnt that defeat the purpose of autologin?23:44
LinuxGuy2009Thats what my netbook does.23:44
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: not really23:44
LinuxGuy2009Not really? its not supposed to ask for my password or it is?23:45
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: you can set an empty password for gnome keyring23:45
LinuxGuy2009I dont remeber and previouse releases requiring password if I set autologin.23:46
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: your keyring is encrypted with your password to protect all the confidential data you have there stored. autologin doesn't know your password so it can't unlock it23:46
benkay86yofel: I got it to boot!23:46
LinuxGuy2009Yeah Im sorry but that doesnt really explain if this is a bug or a feature that was changed which is really what I need to know I guess.23:47
yofelbenkay86: how that?23:47
LinuxGuy2009No previouse versions have done that23:47
benkay86I've inteded for the machine to be headless from the start, but I've had a monitor connected to it for debugging purposes.23:47
benkay86In Hardy the video card has always been buggy, and with Lucid I noticed that the border around the BIOS post screen changes from lines to some weird German character right before the system hangs.23:48
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: it's not a bug23:48
BUGabundothat's it23:48
BUGabundo'buggy' is out of my hightligh23:48
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: if you don't want to unlock your keyring you have to set blank password for it23:48
benkay86So I thought: hmm, maybe it's an issue with the onboard graphics card.23:48
kklimondaBUGabundo: :*23:48
benkay86So I blacklisted all the framebuffer modules and all the modules specific to my graphics card... and now I can boot and login over a serial console!23:49
BUGabundokklimonda: hit me23:49
benkay86(Simply booting without a monitor plugged in doesn't help.)23:49
benkay86yofel: Cool, huh?23:49
yofelbenkay86: wtf...23:49
LinuxGuy2009So autologin does not autologin. Thats nice.23:49
benkay86yofel: Yeah, it's some old crap hardware, but it always worked under Hardy.23:49
benkay86yofel: So, technically this is a regression, but now there's a workaround. Any suggestions on how this should appear in bugland?23:50
DanaGBetter idea for network connecting at auto-login:23:50
DanaGgo to nm-connection-editor, and check "available to all users"23:50
benkay86yofel: My graphics card: http://pastebin.com/jFu48n0Y23:51
LinuxGuy2009Message Im getting with autologin is "The login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer. Then prompts for password. This is normal?23:53
yofelbenkay86: ok, I would reassign the bug to 'xserver-xorg-video-openchrome' first23:54
DanaGLinuxGuy2009: try setting "available to all users" on that connection.23:54
LinuxGuy2009DanaG: What connection?23:55
DanaGis it wifi that's asking for keyring password?23:55
DanaGor is it some other gnome-keyring-using thing?23:55
LinuxGuy2009DanaG: No just the Ubuntu autologin feature.23:55
yofelbenkay86: and then you should somehow run 'apport-collect <bugnumber>', if you can do that over ssh, as it will at least once try to open the launchpad webpage to get approval to access your profile23:55
DanaGWhy is it wanting to unlock the keyring?23:55
DanaGIt should only want to unlock if there's something it needs from the keyring.23:56
LinuxGuy2009DanaG: No idea.23:56
benkay86yofel: So, it turns out I only need to blacklist vesafb. Is xserver-xorg-video-openchrome still the right package to file against?23:56
LinuxGuy2009DanaG: Thinking of filing a bug cause no other previouse releases have asked for a password when autoligin is set. It totally defeats the purpose.23:56
DanaGhmm, previous releases HAVE asked me for passwords before.23:57
LinuxGuy2009Ive been using 9.04 since release and has never asked for password.23:57
matmatmati cant watch my multicast rtp streams anymore in lucid23:57
benkay86yofel: Sorry, that's viafb.23:57
LinuxGuy2009Im filing a bug report23:57
LinuxGuy2009I would imagine GDM is the package to file that under right?23:58
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: how does it defeat the purpose of autologin?23:58
DanaGI think the bug already exists.23:58
matmatmathow can i tell if any multicast packets reach the machine at all?23:58
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: there is no bug I can think of23:58
alazyworkaholicSkype (static) doesn't pick up input from my microphone. Sounds - Input also doesn't register any sound in. However, Sound & Video - Sound Recorder works without any trouble. Any idea what the problem may be?23:58
DanaG!info wireshark23:58
ninjaiGuy, in lucid how do you access ubuntu one??? I had it working in 9.04 or 9.10..23:58
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-1 (lucid), package size 717 kB, installed size 1824 kB23:58
LinuxGuy2009How does it not defeat the purpose of autologin?23:59
yofelbenkay86: ah, hm... then assign it to the kernel ("linux"), they will know better where it needs to be assigned to23:59
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: if you have a password set for the keyring and some applications tries to use it you have to unlock it. It has always worked this way23:59
kklimondaLinuxGuy2009: you can set a blank password for the keyring and the unlock prompt won't show up (because there won't be anything to unlock)23:59
benkay86yofel: OK. Thanks a ton for all your help. I'm going to have to disconnect for now so I can fiddle with the now-bootable machine.23:59
LinuxGuy2009Ive been on 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and have never asked this.23:59

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