
pedro3005hello MadameTock00:18
MadameTockHello pedro300500:24
pedro3005MadameTock, how are you?00:24
MadameTockpedro3005, I am pretty good, finishing up some work00:26
MadameTockHow about you00:26
pedro3005MadameTock, also fine. playing a bit of guitar, although I suck at it00:26
MadameTockpedro3005, It is always good to do something you like, even if you think you suck. You are enjoying yourself!00:27
pedro3005MadameTock, :)00:28
MadameTockpedro3005, A person should try to have as many enjoyable and happy moments as possible.00:28
pedro3005MadameTock, indeed, the best we could do in this crazy life00:30
pedro3005Nothing else makes sense00:30
MadameTockThats right. Live on in spite of the absurd.00:31
MadameTockMy foot has stopped swelling! XD00:31
pedro3005MadameTock, that is good00:31
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paultagnhandler, http://keyserver.noreply.org/pks/lookup?op=vindex&fingerprint=on&search=0xF7EBEE8EB798232903:05
paultagnhandler, mako + spang03:06
paultagnhandler, btw we got drunk and they are awesome :)03:06
nhandlerpaultag: Congrats. I'm super jealous03:06
paultagnhandler, thanks. They rock so much :)03:07
paultagnhandler, I am totally hanging out with them again ( and again )03:07
nhandlerpaultag: Going to apply to be a DM (or DD) now ?03:07
paultagnhandler, yeah :)03:08
paultagnhandler, I think I am going to do DD. They convinced me03:08
paultagnhandler, there were 7 of us there, and all of us maintained 2+ packages in Debian03:08
nhandlerpaultag: Good luck. It is a long process03:08
paultagnhandler, Humm.03:09
paultagnhandler, I don't know what to do just yet03:09
paultagnhandler, going to wait it out whilst I await a testimonial :)03:10
paultagnhandler, that and some swag arrived today. I have me a T-Shirt, Mug, Pin, and Sweatshirt03:11
paultagso kickass.03:11
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nhandlerpaultag: With the new or old artwork?03:11
paultagnhandler, old! :)03:11
paultagnhandler, I wanted some stuff with old logo-ige before I get some new stuff :)03:12
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Akoshi Silver_Fox_ (:09:08
Silver_Fox_Hello Akos09:09
Silver_Fox_Are you well friend ?09:09
Akosthank you for asking, yes i am, planning a trip home to Transylvania for this weekend (:09:09
Silver_Fox_That sounds good Akos ,  seeing family and friends ?09:10
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AkosSilver_Fox_: yes, i haven't been home since August, so i miss everyone. And how are you? (:09:13
Silver_Fox_I understand missing home.  I have not been to my home country for a few years.   I am okay thank you for inquiring,  I am currently sifting through my inbox.  It seems having 4 days off generates a lot of unread email.09:15
AkosSilver_Fox_: where is your home countrY?09:20
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ryeHello, I am trying to do some basic lxc with lxc-sshd and it looks like I can't get through after "lxc_start - '/sbin/init' started with pid '19538'" ... lxc_error - child <19538> ended on error (255)13:37
rye255 is returned no matter what command is being executed leaving me with the thought that it cannot find them at all13:38
ryecomplete output is here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/410012/13:40
shahanhi all13:55
shahanI want a Download Manager for ubuntu 9.0413:56
shahangood 3rd party Download Manager with a GUI13:56
shahanany body have any idea?13:57
pedro3005shahan, hm, don't know any, but searching a bit has come up with Gwget13:57
shahanpedro3005: have u used it?13:57
pedro3005shahan, no13:57
shahanpedro3005: I am a new user :)13:58
shahanpedro3005: ok... I am looking for a good first person shooting game13:58
pedro3005shahan, you can go to Applications > Add/Remove and just search for things13:58
shahanpedro3005: have u any idea?13:58
pedro3005shahan, there are a lot... I play Sauerbraten and I like it. There are others such as Urban Terror...13:58
shahanpedro3005:  Sauerbraten!!! wherer I will get it?13:59
pedro3005shahan, you can find it on Add/Remove13:59
shahanpedro3005: hmm13:59
shahanpedro3005: tnx13:59
pedro3005shahan, no problems :)14:00
shahanpedro3005: I didn't get Urban Terror in addremove14:01
pedro3005shahan, get it here http://www.urbanterror.info14:02
shahanpedro3005: tnx14:03
shahanpedro3005: its about 720 MB14:06
pedro3005shahan, yes14:06
shahanpedro3005: ok14:08
ShadowKnighthey, i have a problem with my ubuntu netbook remix, it doesnt seem to connect to the internet very well and disconnects constantly. i cant even go into an update manager or software downloading (for pidgin)14:20
ShadowKnightcan anyone help me with that? or know where i can find info about that?14:22
Silver_Fox_ShadowKnight,  Which netbook do you have?14:23
ShadowKnightan Asus EEE PC 1005PEB14:23
Silver_Fox_ShadowKnight,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks14:24
ShadowKnight1oh okay then, those are the issues that come with it straight from installing UNR then? no ways around it?14:28
ShadowKnight1cause from what i know my school doesnt have a WAP connection14:28
ShadowKnight1so how can you fix the microphone on it? my screen also "blinks" is that normal?14:28
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ShadowKnighthey, i was wondering. in UNR is it normal for your netbook to have less battery in that partition rather than windows 7 starter? or am i doing something wrong?18:21
ShadowKnighti have an asus 1005(i think) PEB18:23
winemanhow would you go about preventing something to load when you boot ubuntu?19:49
drubinwineman: what somthing would that be?19:50
winemandvb tv tuner has a problem19:51
winemangot to go for now19:51
Bodsdawineman: does it run during the boot process or during the login process?19:56
paultagduanedesign, hey are you here?19:58
paultagduanedesign, I need some of your advice19:58
Bodsdahey paultag - long time no speak19:58
paultagBodsda, :)19:58
paultagBodsda, how goes?19:58
Bodsdapaultag: goin well thanks - yourself?19:59
paultagBodsda, not too bad19:59
paultagBodsda, overwhelmed with work19:59
Bodsdapaultag: heh, always the way19:59
paultagBodsda, what's up with you?19:59
duanedesignpaultag: hell                  o20:00
paultagduanedesign, challah20:00
paultagduanedesign, I remember you were writing a tutor in python?20:00
duanedesignpaultag: yes20:00
paultagduanedesign, did you ever do that in GTK, and have a VTE ?20:01
paultagI think you were talking about that fur a while20:01
Bodsdapaultag: had a few days off - been working on OpenDungeons, and Cookie_Monster20:01
paultagBodsda, leet as hell20:01
Bodsdapaultag: have you seen the latest youtube vids for OD? They are looking sweet20:01
duanedesignpaultag: yes i madde mild progress on it. Didnt get the VTE functional20:01
paultagBodsda, hell yeah20:01
paultagduanedesign, would you mind sending me your Glade code?20:02
paultagduanedesign, ibuclaw and I are working on a VTE and I want to do it in Glade & GTK20:02
duanedesignpaultag: i got the VTE terminal emulator widget in Glade (If i remember correctly it wasnt there by default)20:04
paultagduanedesign, Humm, cool. Thanks :)20:06
duanedesignpaultag: but other than getting it placed in the layout i didnt get much farther than that.20:12
paultagduanedesign, kk, thanks :)20:12
duanedesignpaultag: you still want what i got?20:13
paultagsure duanedesign :)20:14
duanedesignpaultag: ok i threw it up on my people.ubuntu.com/~duanedesign    its the folder cli.companion.GTK20:16
paultagthanks duanedesign :020:17
paultagerm :) *20:17
ryequestion about lxc - anybody succeeded in starting the container in lucid recently?20:36
paultag./bodhi_zazen --lxc | rye20:44
ryebodhi_zazen, i came for a bit of wisdom from you... I have read http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/lxc-linux-containers/ but I am stuck with child <$PID> ended on error (255) for anything I try to start...20:47
paultagrye, he will come back at some point. Stick around, bodhi_zazen knows his stuff ;)20:48
ryepaultag, thanks, I am sure he will say to do one simple command and it will all suddenly start... But I have no idea what would that simple command be20:50
paultagrye, the guru works in mysterious ways20:50
chrisl41hello all, first time on irc for me :-)21:09
man0riaXHey (:21:10
ZachK_chrisl41: WELCOME THEN!!!!!!!!21:10
chrisl41is this an appropriate place to ask about a level from pythonchallenge.com?21:10
ZachK_chrisl41: yes21:10
paultagZachK_, no21:11
ZachK_chrisl41: or you can ask in #ubuntu-beginners-dev21:11
paultagThere you are21:11
paultagchrisl41, I'd be happy to help there :)21:11
paultagchrisl41, /join #ubuntu-beginners-dev21:11
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drewz7046I have a question about home networking with the other computer using windows.  I'm not sure where to start.22:54
man0riaXI suppose you'll need samba configured for this22:56
drewz7046okay.  I'll try that.  If I can't figure it out, I'll be back.  Thanks!!22:57
man0riaXI'm searching for an adequate description of how to set it up properly :D23:00
drewz7046okay.  I'm installing samba now, so right now it's good.23:00
man0riaXhttp://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/08/howto-quickly-easily-setup-samba.html :o23:01
man0riaXThere was a GUI for it…I don't remember the name though23:01
drewz7046Thank you so much!!  Appreciate the help!23:01
man0riaXCheck out this one:23:04
drewz7046all right, I'll get that one too.23:04
man0riaXWhen I tried to establish a network connection between my compures I was doing well with that - I don't know if it helps you, but you can try it out. (:23:05
drewz7046okay, I'm kind of used to setting up a network in windows, but this is all new to me.  I really need to know this stuff, so this is a start.  Thanks again.23:07
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dofer49hello out there, ocmp23:32
dofer49beginner here and i need help23:32
pedro3005hello dofer4923:32
dofer49now I imagine the problem I am having is commonpace, so sorry if i sound like a broken record but:23:33
dofer49function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file i get this when i try to open alsamixer23:33
dofer49i got the alsa drivers from it's website to try and get sound23:34
dofer49is the alsa mixer gone forever or is there a way to fix this?23:37
pedro3005dofer49, i'm looking into it, but there probably is a way23:37
dofer49ok thanks23:39
pedro3005dofer49, are you able to boot older kernels?23:39
dofer49any help will do23:39
dofer49when i go into grub you mean?23:39
pedro3005dofer49, yes23:39
dofer49pedro3005, I think so,23:40
pedro3005dofer49, try booting a different kernel and attempt to run alsamixer again23:41
dofer49pedro2005, in the event that does not work?23:42
pedro3005dofer49, come back23:42
dofer49pedro3005, ok I will give that a try23:43
dofer49pedro3005, I have rebooted and am going off of a different kernel23:49
dofer49and I can run alsamixer23:49
pedro3005dofer49, good. so run that kernel23:50
dofer49there is no sound23:50
pedro3005dofer49, should there be?23:51
dofer49pedro3005, well I tried to install the alsa drivers and all that with the directions from the site23:51
pedro3005dofer49, ah, you shouldn't have to23:54
dofer49pedro3005, so I didn't really need to go through all the steps posted on the alsa site? is there an easier way? There is no sound from the speakers or headphones23:55
pedro3005dofer49, did you check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting23:57
dofer49pedro3005, No I did not. I shall give it a read23:58

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