
TheMusoRAOF: Nice as well.00:15
TheMusorickspencer3: hey there.00:15
rickspencer3hey TheMuso00:16
faganRAOF: nice job with F-spot00:16
rickspencer3I'm about to step out, but will be online a bit later I think00:16
RAOFWe managed to make it down to Clifton Gardens on Sunday and walk around neatly in between downpours. :)00:16
* fagan used it over the weekend and loved it00:16
TheMusoheh nice00:16
RAOFfagan: Excellent!00:16
faganthe viewer mode is really handy00:17
TheMusoAs much as many people might disagree with me, I was hoping that it would rain more.00:17
faganTheMuso: come to ireland then00:17
faganWe rain a lot00:17
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Sarvattis 05_locking_for_compiz.patch supposed to still be in our gnome-screensaver patch series? it was fixed years ago apparently, i think it might have just been brought along accidentally because its relevant on hardy00:30
Sarvatthttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=488264 -- thats the bug for it00:31
ubottuGnome bug 488264 in general "keybord grab problem under compiz" [Normal,Resolved: notgnome]00:31
nigelbTheMuso, morning :)00:56
TheMusoHey nigelb.00:58
nigelbTheMuso, I tried the patch in bug 534190, but it didn't really work for me :( thoughts?00:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534190 in speech-dispatcher "module (config.py) in python-speechd breaks python's help system" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53419000:58
TheMusonigelb: right, I will look at that bug a bit later. I am busy going through mail from the weekend.00:59
nigelbsure :)00:59
nigelbsince you're on there.  I just wanted to let you know :)00:59
TheMusoyep ok01:00
AmaranthSarvatt: That was fixed in xorg ages ago01:15
rickspencer3TheMuso, hey05:15
rickspencer3what's up with bug #477226 ?05:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 477226 in linux "Sound simultaneously on headphones and speakers - Lenovo IdeaPad u350" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47722605:15
TheMusorickspencer3: the built in microphoen is still not working for people .I need to go back into the code and see whats up. Haven't got to it yet, and it slipped off my radar. WIll take a look at trying to solve it.05:17
rickspencer3TheMuso, np05:18
rickspencer3is it still High importance do you think?05:18
TheMusorickspencer3: Possibly, because the internal microphone is still likely to be used by people.05:19
rickspencer3thanks TheMuso05:19
crimsunTheMuso: 0x1a needs to be VREF'd appropriately depending on the presence of 0x1b; you could probably do that in cxt5066_ideapad_automic() based on a switch/case if you don't feel like adding a separate function for the u35005:39
crimsunI'm doing something similar for the new Sony VAIOs in the Realtek case05:40
crimsunanyhoo, ->work05:40
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
TheMusocrimsun: ah ok thanks.05:51
TheMusocrimsun: hrm how would I identify the U350 from the U150 the patch was written for initially? or would the 150 also need the same change?06:16
pittiGood morning06:51
pittiGood morning06:51
TheMusoMorning pitti.06:53
Damascenewhat ever,06:56
DamasceneI've been trying to send to the mail list for the past four days no luck06:56
DamasceneI got a message some cerimanl killing it with score 3.706:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:58
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:58
DamasceneI've been trying to send to the mail list for the past four days no luck07:53
DamasceneI got a message some cerimanl killing it with score 3.707:54
didrocksgood morning08:08
RAOFdidrocks: Aloha!08:14
didrockshey RAOF, how are you?08:15
RAOFPretty good.08:16
RAOFAlthough it's getting dark here now.  Daylight savings has ended.  I'm slipping out of the future!08:16
pittibonjour didrocks, hey RAOF08:16
didrocksguten morgen pitti08:17
pittifound some nice easter eggs? :-)08:17
RAOFNot so much.  Just a couple.  And they got eaten perhaps a couple of days early :)08:18
didrockspitti: not really, help my browser moving all those 3 days. Travelled more than 22 hours by train and truck. And, as he was at the 5th floor, I can hardly walk: my legs are totally broken :(08:20
didrockspitti: and you? found some? ;)08:20
pittiyour _browser_?08:20
didrocksbrother :)08:21
pittididrocks: urgh, that sounds stressful08:21
pittididrocks: was nice for me, lots of hiking, family, bowling, and eating :)08:21
didrocksnot stressful, tiring rather ;)08:21
didrocksnot to much chocolate over the week-end?08:21
=== zyga-nc10 is now known as zyga
didrockspitti: desrt needed zeromq sync from debian to have some easier work on dconf from lucid. It's a new package which could be synced from lucid. What do you think about it? (bug #553858)08:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553858 in ubuntu "[FFe] please pull zeromq from debian" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55385808:32
pittididrocks: can you please reopen it with that rationale?08:33
didrockspitti: sure, done  :)08:35
DamasceneI've been trying to send to the mail list for the past four days no luck08:36
DamasceneI got a message some cerimanl killing it with score 3.708:36
pittiDamascene: please, first this isn't a place to discuss email problems, and second you didn't even say which mailing list you were sending to08:43
Damascenepitti, ubuntu-desktop08:53
Sarvattdarn, managed to get a fix for the clutter apps segfaulting xserver when they are closed that doesn't involve completely dropping the glx 1.4 backports but it's breaking quadrapassel (which was already pretty broken). it's up here if anyone wants to give it a shot - https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/bugfixes/+sourcepub/1036476/+listing-archive-extra08:53
chrisccoulsonhello everyone10:06
seb128hey chris10:07
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:07
didrockshey chrisccoulson, salut seb12810:07
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you? did you have a good weekend?10:08
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks10:08
seb128lut didrocks10:08
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thank you, had an excellent weekend10:08
seb128I'm fighting the 800+ bug emails in my inbox for 2 hours now10:08
chrisccoulsonheh, i've not looked in my inbox just yet10:09
didrockssame here (just 500, but it's enough already :)) :)10:09
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks: did you guys have a good weekend too?10:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it was quite relaxing. we had some family round on sunday, but i didn't do very much really10:10
chrisccoulsoni did change the tracker packaging quite a bit yesterday afternoon though10:10
didrocksseb128: well, tiring one. Help me brother moving. More than 22 hours in train/truck during the 3 days and he was on the 5th floor. Consequently, no more leg, can hardly walk :)10:10
seb128didrocks, so happy to be back to the computer? ;-)10:12
didrocksseb128: oh, more than happy indeed :-)10:12
chrisccoulsondidrocks - no elevator to the 5th floor?10:12
didrockschrisccoulson: no :(10:12
didrocks3500 kgs of stuff for 4 people is quite a lot at the end of the week-end :-)10:13
* didrocks looks forward to next week-end to do *nothing* TBH10:13
pittihey seb128, good morning chrisccoulson10:35
seb128hey pitti10:35
seb128had a good week end too?10:36
pittiseb128: yes, very relaxing; we went for a nice hike, some bowling, and meeting some friends10:36
pittiand my cold is much better10:36
milanbvpitti: why does Apport refuse to report crashes from abort()?10:38
chrisccoulsonkklimonda|G1, i'm going to upload an updated gnome-screensaver package to my PPA shortly. i would appreciate you testing it when you get the chance to see if it solves bug 555870 for you10:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555870 in gnome-screensaver "Gamma values are not being set properly after a second fade out resulting in a black screen" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55587010:39
milanbvsometimes some daemon is crashing, and it says it doesn't want to file the bug, which is a little disappoiting ;-)10:39
pittimilanbv: usually they come from assertion violations10:39
pittimilanbv: for standard C assert macro and glib's g_assert_* stuff it is able to capture the actual assertion message, and sends a report10:39
kklimonda|G1chrisccoulson: will do it tonight, thanks for looking at it.10:40
pittimilanbv: but for programs which implement assertions for themselves, we can't grab the assertion message, thus the crash report would be useless10:40
kklimonda|G1pitti: for PP upload rights do i need endorsements from people who has worked on this package with me or from any developers who has worked with me?10:41
milanbvpitti: here I have forced reporting a desktopcouch-service abortion, and the stacktrace contains:10:41
milanbvassertion failed: ((int) res != INCOMPLETE)")10:41
milanbvwhich I think can be enough, isn't it?10:41
milanbvat least, if people report this, it's better than opening an empty report...10:41
seb128ok, down to 17 unread bug emails10:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you be able to spare some time this week to remove some mozilla extensions from the archive for me? :)11:05
pittichrisccoulson: yes, that's on my list; in fact, I was going to do it right now :)11:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks :)11:20
chrisccoulsonso, the removal list is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/extension-list11:20
chrisccoulsonthe extensions that need removing have "Remove" in the action column11:20
mvochrisccoulson: this stuff needs to go from app-install-data as well then, could you mail me the names of the removal or ask someone in the mozilla team to update the app-install-data branch?11:20
chrisccoulsonmvo - that someone in the mozillateam will probably be me ;)11:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, i will do that too, thanks for pointing that out (i would have overlooked that otherwise)11:21
mvochrisccoulson: cool, thanks11:23
pittichrisccoulson: I wondered why you kept livehttpheaders ?11:24
pittichrisccoulson: or mozilla-noscript?11:24
Damasceneany one can contact the owner of the mail list?11:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - i think asac requested mozilla-noscript11:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - and livehttpheaders falls in to the "popular with users according to popcon" category, but i'm quite indifferent about that one tbh11:27
chrisccoulsoni'm ok with removing that11:27
kklimonda|G1chrisccoulson: are yo rtemoving those extensions only for lifeless TheMuso s?11:28
chrisccoulsonkklimonda|G1, i'm not sure i understand the question11:29
kklimonda|G1chrisccoulson: are you removing those extensions only for LTS?11:29
chrisccoulsonkklimonda|G1, we're removing them permanently, starting with the LTS11:30
kklimonda|G1damn - i really like the ability to install all my extensions using apt-get11:30
chrisccoulsonkklimonda|G1, it's quite easy to install them from a.m.o though (and we're only removing ones that are easy to install)11:31
james_wkenvandine: hey, did you see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sune-keller/empathy/fix-533857/+merge/22762 ? (Not urgent, just not sure if LP will have mailed you)11:31
chrisccoulsonkklimonda|G1, the issue with the extensions is that they are going to become a maintenance burden in the future when we start tracking major firefox versions in stable releases11:31
pittichrisccoulson: ok, removed, blacklisted, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/extension-list updated11:32
chrisccoulsonso we want to keep the number to an absolute minimum11:32
pittimuch more green now :)11:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks :)11:32
pittichrisccoulson: please feel free to reiterate and remove more :)11:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - no worries. i'm sure the list will be under constant review, as debian package more extensions11:33
pittichrisccoulson: (e. g. our enigmail is currently totally broken, and stumbleupon/livehttpheaders/etc. might go as well)11:33
pittiand webdeveloper11:33
pittithe addons management in firefox is quite good, after all11:33
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i was planning to update stumbleupon. i don't want to remove that, as that's quite a popular and well maintained extensions11:34
chrisccoulsonand the webdeveloper addon is broken due to a debian change11:34
chrisccoulsonthey change the maximum version number to 3.5.x :-/11:34
james_wkenvandine: ah, just seen you assigned the bug to yourself yesterday, sorry for the noise11:36
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
dpmhi mvo, when you've got some time, do you think you could look at bug 430926? It's about making the friendly-recovery package using the translations, and kelemengabor submitted a branch for the fix already12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430926 in friendly-recovery "friendly recovery does not use and has probably never used provided translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43092612:12
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mvodpm: thanks, looking13:16
KeybukI'm so filing a bug13:17
Keybuksomeone moved the buttons around on the windows13:17
KeybukI keep maximising instead of closing!13:17
didrocksKeybuk: you mean, the close button on the extreme right?13:19
Keybukextreme left13:19
didrocksKeybuk: yeah, extreme left, sorry. Yeah, that's either in the bug report or in mark's blog post. That's an sabdfl's decision in any case.13:21
dpmthanks mvo!13:22
didrocksdpm: hey, I've repushed a new version in my quickly translation import branch. Can you ping the LP guys to know why autoimport doesn't work?13:25
dpmdidrocks, done pinging, let me come back to you when they give us an answer13:28
didrocksdpm: awesome, thanks!13:28
kenvandinejames_w, no worries, i hadn't gotten an email but did get an irc ping13:45
Sarvatt\o/ clutter app close xserver segfaults fully fixed here on 4 machines, the quadrapassel artifacts I was seeing were just with xorg-edgers packages13:45
james_wkenvandine: cool13:46
seb128Sarvatt, waouh!13:47
seb128njpatel, ^13:47
dpmdidrocks, the template seems to have been imported now. Not sure what happened but the repush might have done the trick -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/quickly/0.x/+imports13:51
didrocksdpm: sweet! Let's hope than autoexport will work the same. I'll keep you in touch!13:53
didrockshey james_w13:53
dpmdidrocks, :)13:53
james_wsalut didrocks13:54
Sarvattbtw are you guys targetting UNE to intel netbooks? you may want to consider exporting CLUTTER_VBLANK=none globally because apparently its using glXGetVideoSyncSGI which is insanely slow on intel and GLX_SGI_swap_control isn't being advertised for some reason.. it makes my system on the order of 10x slower having mutter or netbook-launcher open with wait_video_sync blanking13:58
zygare, empathy is crashy lately :-(13:58
Sarvatttrying to look into getting GLX_SGI_swap_control advertised again13:59
didrocksnjpatel: you have more knowledge than I on that… ^13:59
zygamvo: do you have any hints on how to reproduce #54079014:01
zygamvo: mmm, maybe I could remove all the keys...14:01
zygamvo: but that wouldn't make it possible to test the actual fix (inconsistent repo -> update -> consistent repo)14:01
mvozyga: rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*.gpg14:02
mvozyga: that will make all packages unauthenticated14:02
zygamvo: thanks, I'll check it out14:02
dpmdidrocks, I also noticed that on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quickly/quickly/trunk/files/head%3A/data/templates/ubuntu-pygame/help/po/ the tutorial might not be imported because it lacks the .pot extension. (or at least that's why I believe it hasn't been imported)14:10
didrocksdpm: oh right, I have to bzr add after releasing (as the .pot is generated from the xml built at build-time). Thanks! :)14:12
didrockssalut baptistemm14:13
zygamvo: AptdaemonBackend.reload() would be enough to do 'apt-get update' in background/14:19
mvozyga: yes, that should work14:20
Sarvattno chance of getting GLX_SGI_swap_control exposed with our xserver-xorg-video-intel and xserver versions in lucid, darn14:29
njpatelSarvatt, sorry, didn't see didrocks ping14:41
njpatelSarvatt, didrocks: running CLUTTER_VBLANK=none with netbook launcher shouldn't cause any issues14:41
njpatelHowever having it global will effect Mutter-based stuff (well, shell :) when viewing videos etc, though I don't know how bad it'll be14:42
didrocksnjpatel: I saw you told that with < karmic. Is it still true with karmic and lucid version? Shall we use that in the session file?14:42
njpateldidrocks, having it local to netbook-launcher would be the way to go, yeah14:42
didrocksnjpatel: ok, so only for netbook-launcher would make sense14:42
didrocksnjpatel: will do that if you think it won't hurt too badly the netbook-launcher visual effects14:42
didrocks(as it deactivates some, right?)14:43
njpateldidrocks, it won't, I don't think we do anything intense enough for it to cause any artefacts14:43
didrocksnjpatel: sweet! will do so :)14:44
rickspencer3good morning all14:46
seb128hey rickspencer314:47
seb128how are you?14:47
rickspencer3je suis fatigue14:47
seb128oh ?14:47
DamasceneI've been trying to send to the mail list for the past four days no luck14:48
DamasceneI got a message some cerimanl killing it with score 3.714:48
seb128rickspencer3, ah oui, les états-unis avait pas de weekend ralongé14:48
rickspencer3les etats-unis avait pas de weekend normal14:49
seb128"avait un weekend"?14:50
seb128ie you had a normal 2 days weekend?14:50
* seb128 hugs you14:50
rickspencer3j'ai travaille juni14:51
* seb128 hugs rickspencer314:51
rickspencer3nice break seb128?14:51
seb128was great to have a long weekend14:51
seb128I needed it after the previous crazy weeks14:51
seb128I'm pretty good today ;-)14:51
rickspencer3good to hear14:51
seb128I almost finish dealing with the weekend backlog and tuesday paperwork14:52
rickspencer3I have no crazy things to add to your liest14:52
rickspencer3list, even14:52
seb128good ;-)14:52
pittihey rickspencer3, how are you?15:02
rickspencer3hi pitti15:02
rickspencer3I am quite well15:02
rickspencer3how are you?15:02
rickspencer3was the break good?15:02
pittirickspencer3: I'm great; cold is much better, and 4 days break was very relaxing; we went hiking with the family, some bowling, meeting some old friends, etc.15:02
rickspencer3and some bug triaging, pitti? ;)15:03
pittirickspencer3: just a little :)15:03
rickspencer3well, whatever relaxes you, I suppose ;)15:03
pittiI caught up on some Debian stuff, and wanted to cut a first dent into my mailbox yesterday15:03
rickspencer3oh, that's great15:03
rickspencer3ccheney, good morning15:06
rickspencer3ccheney, I see you have bug #450569 with some open bug tasks15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450569 in docvert "package openoffice.org-emailmerge 1:3.0.1-9ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45056915:07
rickspencer3are you planning more work there?15:07
ccheneyrickspencer3: its only open under docvert and doesn't really need to be fixed afaik15:31
ccheneyrickspencer3: the part assigned to me was already fixed for lucid anyway15:32
rickspencer3ccheney, well, are the other tasks going to get fixed?15:32
rickspencer3if not, can we "won't fix" them?15:32
rickspencer3basically, I'm tired of this bug showing up in our Release Critical bug list :)15:32
ccheneyrickspencer3: people keep playing with the status of them15:32
ccheneyrickspencer3: i'm trying to look to see if it was considered fixed before, looking through the lists of status changes15:33
ccheneyrickspencer3: the only open tasks aren't listed as release critical15:33
ccheneybut mitch fixed the part of the status for OOo that someone was messing with15:33
ccheneythe only way we can fix this long term is if someone on the launchpad team makes it so that random lp users can't change the status of bugs after they are marked fixed15:34
mvoccheney: speaking of OOo, could you please check #556348 ? it contains a fix as well15:34
ccheneyi often get people going by and changing status of bugs (not usually for RC bugs) without even commenting on them15:34
ccheneymvo: looking15:34
ccheneymvo: ok will add that back, i think it must have gotten dropped during a merge and/or when looking at the deps for the other pre-dep rc bug, not really sure15:38
mvoccheney: ok, thanks for adding it back15:39
NafaiGood morning15:58
didrockshey Nafai15:59
NafaiHey didrocks15:59
seb128hey Nafai16:02
chrisccoulsonhey Nafai16:02
NafaiHi everyone :)16:03
rickspencer3hi Nafai16:17
pittikenvandine, rickspencer3: any troubles in the release team meeting? and thanks for covering16:20
kenvandinepitti, nope16:21
rickspencer3kenvandine, how's the giwbber refactoring going?16:30
kenvandinerickspencer3, pretty frustrating, let me comment more at the meeting16:35
rickspencer3kenvandine, ack16:35
rickspencer3kenvandine, would another person working on it help you?16:35
kenvandinedoubt it...16:36
kenvandineunless it was someone with a magical answer :)16:36
* Nafai gets out his crystal ball16:37
=== kklimonda|G1 is now known as kklimonda
seb128_pitti, how did you fix the vino color issue?17:06
pittiseb128_: removed the "gtk-tooltip" style from that status bar17:07
pittinow it uses the same colors as the rest of the fialog17:07
seb128_pitti, hum, k, I was not sure if it was there for a reason and reluctant to drop it17:07
pittiwhich is much less prone to damage from themes, at least17:07
seb128_let's see how it goes17:07
pittiwell, it should really be a GtkStatusBar, but that'd be new code17:07
seb128_did you forget to push your change btw?17:08
pittiseb128_: I didn't push it at all -- no Vcs-Bzr:17:08
pittiis there a branch for it?17:08
seb128_standard lp:~ubuntu-desktop/vino/ubuntu17:09
pittiVcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/vino17:09
pittiseb128_: ok, I'll reject the upload, and reupload with fixed vcs-*17:09
seb128_pitti, thanks17:09
pittiseb128_: done17:13
seb128_pitti, thanks17:14
ccheneywow my annoying desktop loses several minutes a week it seems17:17
* ccheney runs ntp hoping it works better17:19
ccheneytoo bad ntpdate doesn't run except on startup, i never reboot17:19
seb128_james_w, I'm not sure I like bzr reviews on launchpad :p17:21
james_wseb128_: why's that?17:21
seb128_james_w, I just noticed that you were discussing this g-s-d change there but the bug side gets no update about that17:21
seb128_those comments are interesting and should be in the bug17:22
james_wyeah, it's frustrating the other way too17:22
seb128_I'm wondering if also I should be getting emails about this review17:23
seb128_since I'm subscribed the ubuntu package on launchpad17:23
seb128_I get the bugs and comments about those but not the review comments17:23
james_wyou are subscribed to the bugs for the package17:24
seb128_which means I'm somewhat tracking what's happening there but not quite17:24
james_wbut there's a separate subscription for the code review17:24
james_wand LP currently has no concept of subscribing to the package as a whole17:24
seb128_I need to think about what how I would like it to be working17:24
james_wwe can get you subscribed to all the code review17:24
seb128_I don't like how it works now ;-)17:24
seb128_no thanks17:25
james_wwe can certainly get you more emaill :-)17:25
seb128_I think I will be fine without that thank you17:25
seb128_I think I would suggest that review comments should be available on the bug concerned too17:25
seb128_though I'm not sure that would be right either17:26
seb128_james_w, thanks for reviewing that change btw ;-)17:27
james_wI'll be sure to speak to you about GNOME changes that come in as code reviews17:28
seb128_that's ok, I don't want to create extra work for you17:28
seb128_and now that I know comments might be going in the review I will watch for those ;-)17:28
rickspencer3team meeting time?17:30
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128rickspencer3, yes17:31
* tseliot nods17:31
* ArneGoetje waves17:31
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, bryce_, ccheney, chrisccoulson, didrocks, kenvandine, Nafai, pitti, Riddell, seb128, tkamppeter, tseliot17:32
rickspencer3who am I missing?17:32
james_wseb128: bug 55665617:32
rickspencer3two things before start17:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556656 in launchpad-code "Code reviews and bugs silo comments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55665617:32
seb128james_w, thanks17:32
rickspencer31. Hi Nafai - welcome to your first team meeting!17:32
* tseliot waves17:33
NafaiYay!  Thanks.17:33
rickspencer3all Nafai started last Thursday17:33
rickspencer3he'll be working with didrocks on UNE in 10.10, and also I am hoping on some application developer focused areas17:33
rickspencer3(and if something else interests him as well)17:33
rickspencer3Nafai, what's you real name, and why "Nafai"?17:33
NafaiTravis Hartwell; back when I started with IRC in the 90's the network I was on 'travis' was taken, so I chose a name from some books I was reading at the time.  The Homecoming series by Orson Scott Card17:34
NafaiIt's kind of stuck17:34
rickspencer3Nafai, based in Utah, USA, correct?17:35
rickspencer3Nafai, pitti is your tech lead for the rest of 10.0417:35
rickspencer3seb128, will be fore 10.10, we'll have a call soon17:35
rickspencer3but anyone here will be glad to help you with anything, i am sure17:35
* pitti puts on the "No, I won't fix your computer!" T-shirt17:36
* tseliot nods17:36
didrockswelcome Nafai ;)17:36
rickspencer3okay, except for pitti anyone will help with anything17:36
rickspencer3also before we start, I think kenvandine won't be able to join us this morning, so we'll skip his parts and pick them up in the Eastern Edition if he is available then17:37
rickspencer3let's rock17:37
rickspencer3Riddell, kubuntu update?17:37
Riddell * beta 2 in good shape but some issues with installer in current images means rebuild needed17:37
Riddell * http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 15 milestoned bugs.  three have fixes committed.  if current fix rate continues we should be all fixed up before release17:37
Riddellthat's it, very quick this week :)17:37
rickspencer3thanks Riddell17:38
rickspencer3next is 10.10 blueprints17:38
rickspencer3time to start seriously thinking about 10.10 and what you want to accomplish there17:38
rickspencer3for the first step, I would like everyone to generate a list of blueprints they want to bring to UDS17:39
rickspencer3note that the requirement is just for a *list*17:39
rickspencer3writing the blueprints will be the next phase17:39
rickspencer3I'd like everyone to have a list by the next team meeting17:39
Riddellisn't writing done at UDS?17:39
rickspencer3Riddell, well, yes and no17:40
pittibut the stubs and summary should be there before17:40
pittiwe need that for scheduling/planning17:40
rickspencer3I expect there to be good thought put into them before they are accepted and such17:40
pittithe actual meat (wiki page/work items) are after UDS17:40
rickspencer3Riddell, but I get your  point17:40
rickspencer3I guess rather than "written" I should have said "registered"17:40
rickspencer3now, I am betting some of the newer folks are thinking "wtf?"17:41
rickspencer3no worries17:41
rickspencer3if you don't know what blueprints to write, or how to register them and such ... please ping me out of band17:41
rickspencer3we'll get together with pitti and seb128 and step you through it17:41
rickspencer3but I would like to see everyone with a list by next Tuesday17:41
rickspencer3any questions?17:42
seb128where do we put the lists?17:42
rickspencer3seb128, good question17:42
rickspencer3shall we add them to the blueprint list wiki page I started?17:42
pittihow about just registering stubs?17:42
ccheneydon't they need to be registered to be scheduled anyway?17:43
seb128I don't like much doing registration for random first thinking round17:43
rickspencer3pitti, that's good too17:43
seb128it creates quite some noise17:43
ccheneyseb128: ah i see your point17:43
pittiseb128: for those, just put them into your weekly report, and keep a local list?17:43
seb128wiki or in the activity reports?17:43
rickspencer3pitti, since seb128 is tech lead for 10.10, I will delegate the decision to him, sound ok?17:43
seb128there we go ;-)17:44
rickspencer3seb128, be careful what you ask for ;)17:44
* rickspencer3 watches pitti wash hands17:44
pittiso, everyone snailmail them to seb128, in proper French language!17:44
didrockspitti: no pb ;)17:44
seb128register those you are sure about on launchpad using desktop-maverick-* + add those you want to discuss in your activty report?17:45
pittirickspencer3: will take me a bit to stop taking decisions and jumping on every question :)17:45
rickspencer3pitti == Ubuntu Desktop :)17:45
seb128rickspencer3, would that work for you?17:45
rickspencer3seb128, sure17:46
seb128or do you prefer using the wiki, easier maybe to list in one spot and do changes17:46
rickspencer3seb128, well, you'll be organizing them, so it's what's easier for you17:46
rickspencer3though I would like to take a look at everything next week, so folks can ask each other questions17:46
seb128ok, so register + activity report17:46
pittiseb128: NB that the desktop meeting page will have all activity reports in one wiki page anyway :)17:46
* rickspencer3 hears pitti chuckly17:46
seb128we can discuss those in the activity report page in next meeting17:46
seb128and review the list in launchpad too17:47
rickspencer3seb128, I'll put you down for that agenda item17:47
* kenvandine waves17:47
seb128hey kenvandine17:47
rickspencer3hi kenvandine, are you back?17:47
pitti... and kenvandine will fix everything then, as decided17:47
pittioh, hi kenvandine!17:47
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
rickspencer3kenvandine, can you touch on partner status and gwibber briefly?17:48
kenvandinesorry i didn't update the wiki with the partner update, been beating on gwibber17:49
kenvandineOLS has a bug fix coming today, fixing the contact picker for file sharing17:49
kenvandineof course it'll just get queued, nothing that needs to break release17:49
kenvandinethey are also working hard on desktopcouch17:50
kenvandinechad has a branch in review that works around the keyring problem17:50
kenvandinebut it is a pretty big refactor17:50
rickspencer3so no more desktopcouch-se == 100% CPU?17:51
kenvandinethe good news for them is he has narrowed the bug down to specific versions of libgnome-keyring017:51
kenvandinei haven't been successful doing that in gwibber17:51
kenvandinerickspencer3, right17:51
seb128did he narrow down the issue to a changeset?17:51
kenvandinehe thought he did, but i patched that out and still got the issue17:52
kenvandinehe was trying to do that yesterday afternoon, last i heard he hadn't found the specific commit17:52
seb128it would be useful if he could find the commit17:52
kenvandineyeah, i think that is what he worked on all day yesterday17:52
kenvandinein gwibber i think it is the combination of multiprocessing and threads17:53
kenvandineperhaps we are spamming the keyring via dbus17:53
kenvandineor something17:53
kenvandinemore about that after the meeting17:53
pittilibdbus and threads is always an "interesting" combination17:53
kenvandinenothing urgent in the pipe for DX as far as i know17:53
kenvandinepitti, indeed17:53
pittiit keeps failing on me for anything but the main thread17:53
kenvandinepitti, it is the recipe for drinking heavily :)17:54
kenvandinedoing that in gwibber would be a pretty significant code change :/17:54
rickspencer3ok, so a technical discussion for gwibber + keyring + threads right after the meeting?17:54
rickspencer3in that case, let's finish up ;)17:54
kenvandinei have a proposal17:54
rickspencer3pitti, release status?17:54
seb128speaking of dx, if you have dx issue which you think should be considered for lucid, let me or dbarth know17:54
seb128they are rocking their bugs list so might take over some extra issues for lucid ;-)17:55
pittiall beta-2 work items done since last week, good job17:55
seb128pitti, \o/17:55
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04.html is looking fine17:55
pittino actual work items for us except to disable "file a bug" menu17:55
pittiwhich we don't expect any problems with17:56
pittiI'm a bit more concerned about the large number of open bugs still17:56
seb128it's in the ubuntu-desktop ppa now17:56
seb128if you want to test17:56
seb128the lpi change17:56
pittiremember that we basically have just one week left for the final push, then we'll go into final freeze17:56
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus is pretty up to date, FYI17:57
ccheneywhat is the 'file a bug' issue is it something i need to change in OOo also, as it doesn't use lpi lib directly?17:57
pitticcheney: good point; we want to drop the menu item for final17:57
ccheneypitti: is there a url about the issue?17:57
pitticcheney: well, it isn't a "must do", but it might help thinning the firehose of really bad bug reports that we get17:58
pitticcheney: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-bug-management17:58
rickspencer3pitti, I see that tseliot has a certain number of bugs still open, tseliot are you on track, or do you want some help prioritizing?17:58
ccheneypitti: ok17:58
ccheneypitti: i'll talk to you more about it offline17:59
pittichrisccoulson: on that note, bug 447431 is still alive in current lucid :(17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447431 in gnome-desktop "gnome-settings-daemon dies with BadMatch" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44743117:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, slangasek said17:59
pittibut at this point, nothing more from me; any questions?17:59
chrisccoulsoni'm surprised about that though, as upstream ignore the error that caused the original crash now :-/17:59
tseliotrickspencer3: I know but I can deal with them. I plan on fixing a fair amount in the next few days17:59
pitticcheney: does 3.2.1 have any chance to land still?17:59
ccheneypitti: no, its still not released yet and i doubt it will be by next week18:00
pitticcheney: is 3.2.0 "good enough"?18:00
pittiwe might provide 3.2.1 in 10.04.118:00
ccheneypitti: we could stick it in a SRU if someone wants it, but 3.2.0 is probably good enough18:00
ccheneypitti: of course i keep getting rc bugs at the last minute so 3.2.1 might be helpful as an sru in a month or two18:00
pitticcheney: that sounds fine. .1 is three months from now18:01
ccheneypitti: ok yea that sounds fine18:01
pittirickspencer3: back to you18:01
NafaiRemind me what SRU is?18:01
ccheneystable release update18:01
rickspencer3thanks pitti18:01
ccheneyNafai: normally updates are only for security issues18:01
rickspencer3Nafai, so it's like when users get an update in update manager18:02
* Nafai nods18:02
rickspencer3they are either fixes for grave problems or trivial fixes (very low rist)18:02
rickspencer3risk, even18:02
chrisccoulsonNafai, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:02
rickspencer3but with an LST we plan a couple of point releases18:02
rickspencer3Any other business?18:02
rickspencer3let's call that a wrap, and move on to discussing gwibber18:04
* rickspencer3 taps gavel18:04
kenvandinesigh... :)18:04
didrocksthanks, good luck kenvandine :)18:04
kenvandinea test case that works fine calling the keyring18:04
kenvandinegwibber does something like that, but mixes in data from desktopcouch and the actual processing happens via map_async in mulitprocessing.Pool18:05
kenvandineif i remove the gobject.threads_init() it mostly works... no CPU load issues at all18:06
kenvandinebut then the async callbacks never get called18:06
kenvandineand everything that depends on that breaks18:06
kenvandinebut the keyring calls are fine18:06
kenvandineas a test i made the method that is called by map_async call a dbus method and it got a ton of errors from dbus, duplicate, already called with the same signature18:07
kenvandinesomething like that18:07
kenvandineit looked like it just made 10 dbus calls to the same method at the same time and dbus didn't like that, so a hunch is now that the keyring is using dbus perhaps that is a problem18:08
kenvandinebut i can't confirm that18:08
kenvandineanyone have ideas?18:09
seb128I don't18:09
seb128chrisccoulson, james_w and pitti have been discussing dbus issues in the past they might have an idea on the issue18:10
seb128or Keybuk18:10
kenvandineat this point i think the most prudent thing to do is back out the keyring change... or at least disable it18:10
kenvandinewithout the keyring call, it seems fine18:10
Keybukthat sounds more like dbus-glib than dbus18:10
kenvandinei am not getting any errors though18:11
james_wkenvandine: what's a likely secret id I can substitute to run this?18:11
kenvandinechad's work around for desktopcouch is move all the keyring calls out to the main thread18:12
kenvandinelook in couch18:12
kenvandineor better18:12
kenvandinein your keyring18:12
kenvandinein fact18:12
kenvandinejust find any id in your login keyring18:12
kenvandineand use that18:12
kenvandinelook in seahorse18:12
kenvandinejames_w, thing is, i can't reproduce the problem with a simple script like that18:15
kenvandinelet me add mulitprocessing stuff to it18:15
james_wright, but a working example is a good place to start18:15
james_wwhat's the id I should take from seahorse? "Name"?18:15
* Nafai heads off to lunch18:16
kenvandinejames_w, in the details tab18:16
james_w"desktopcouch: oauth"18:16
* mvo has read "autsch"18:17
didrocksNafai: enjoy!18:17
james_wkenvandine: ?18:21
kenvandine{"desktopcouch": str("oauth")})[0].secret18:21
james_wok, thanks18:22
james_wI thought everything had an id18:23
james_wand I had to work out the id of one that I have18:23
kenvandinesorry, no... it is arbitrary i think18:23
kenvandinejames_w, that test pegs the CPU18:35
kenvandineor anyone else that wants to look at it18:38
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
rickspencer3Nafai, you worked on twisted, right?18:40
kenvandinetwisted... shiver18:41
rickspencer3kenvandine, well, that's all async and crazy, right?18:42
rickspencer3so maybe Nafai has some insight into this18:42
kenvandinethat would rock :)18:42
rickspencer3but he's having lunch18:42
rickspencer3he succumed to his physical needs18:42
rickspencer3this is why have transfered my ghost into the net18:42
kenvandinei am about to eat myself :)18:43
rickspencer3^lame gits reference18:43
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - i just ran your example python code there in GDB18:46
chrisccoulsonit's messed up. the same GMainContext is being run in 2 different threads18:46
chrisccoulsonand the glib documentation makes it quite clear that you can't do that18:47
kenvandinebut any idea what is causing that?18:47
chrisccoulson"To allow multiple independent sets of sources to be handled in different threads, each source is associated with a GMainContext. A GMainContext can only be running in a single thread, but sources can be added to it and removed from it from other threads."18:47
james_wok, now we're cooking18:47
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah, i suspect that the keyring call goes in to the mainloop for a bit whilst it waits for the return values from dbus18:48
kenvandinechrisccoulson, so if you comment out gobject.threads_init() all is peachy18:48
kenvandinebut of course then you don't get the callbacks18:48
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i didn't try that yet, but i suspect it will be18:48
kenvandinewhich in the case of gwibber tons of things rely on18:48
chrisccoulsonone second18:48
kenvandinei tried moving to gtk.gdk.threads_init and using threads_enter and threads_leave18:49
kenvandinebut had the same issue18:49
kenvandinesame thing for using gtk.gdk.lock18:49
kenvandineseems having those parallel processes causes havoc if threads are enabled18:49
rickspencer3kenvandine, sorry if this is stupid, but could you signals instead of call backs for the between thread communication?18:50
rickspencer3(and I mean __gsignal__ stuff)18:50
kenvandinenot sure how that works with multiprocessing18:51
kenvandinethey are separate processes18:51
kenvandinebut there must be a way, not sure if it would help18:51
kenvandineor you mean drop multiprocessing?18:51
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i've missed most of what you've been discussing, but why does the gnome keyring call need to run in it's own thread?18:51
kenvandinechrisccoulson, it is running in a thread that is used to process an operation, like for example download a feed from twitter18:52
kenvandinepost to identica, blah blah blah18:52
* rickspencer3 steps away18:53
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, so, even if you moved the gnome-keyring call to the main thread, you'd still end up with multiple threads all running the same GMainContext?18:53
kenvandinechrisccoulson, it could of course be refactored to not do the multiprocessing stuff... but that is quite a bit of refactoring for this close to release18:53
chrisccoulsonthat is really quite broken :(18:53
kenvandinewell, but none of the other calls matter there18:53
kenvandinebut indeed, there must be a way to handle that18:53
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, so, essentially, you can't guarantee which threads certain events run in?18:54
kenvandinesurely gwibber isn't the only app using both gobject and multiprocessing18:54
chrisccoulsonif my understanding is correct18:54
chrisccoulsonevent sources are associated with a GMainContext, so if you run the same one in multiple threads, that's going to create quite a mess isn't it?18:55
james_wkenvandine: I dropped trying to use multiprocessing for something I was doing as it was sharing too much state with the child processes and breaking DBus interaction18:56
chrisccoulsonwhen i ran the test script here, gdb showed both threads blocking on poll() with the same context, so if gwibber really does that then there is no way you can guarantee what thread each callback will run in (as each thread is going to race when an event source is ready)18:59
chrisccoulsonor am i missing something here?18:59
chrisccoulsonor being completely stupid?18:59
crimsunTheMuso: you may need to switch (codec->subsystem_id):case 0x17aa4001:, but because I don't have the codec SSID for the u150 that's currently in HEAD, that's problematic. If you intend to support this in ubuntu-lucid.git, you'll need to backport the ideapad cxt5066 model & quirk from upstream.19:01
kenvandinechrisccoulson, but that is harmless right? it isn't blocking each other19:01
kenvandinechrisccoulson, and each thread is processing a different operation19:02
kenvandinei think the problem is calling the keyring call with that same context19:02
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, no, that's definately not harmless. you'll end up with all sorts of locking issues in glib and in your code19:02
kenvandineand potentially other calls could do the same, but other than that i think it is pretty isolated19:02
kenvandineso your saying python multiprocessing can't be mixes with gobject?19:03
kenvandine python multiprocessing is specifically designed to share information between processes19:03
crimsunTheMuso: I've asked for alsa-info.sh dumps in the bug so that we can check the codec dump. One thing to test before jumping down the rabbit hole of modifying cxt5066_ideapad_automic() is whether the VREF needs to be set differently, since that would potentially be a much less intrusive change.19:07
kenvandinejames_w, so you think we just need to drop multiprocessing?19:11
james_wkenvandine: I don't know19:12
james_wchrisccoulson's findings would suggest that you are suffering a similar issue19:12
kenvandinei don't see any specific problem solved by using multiprocessing here... but that is quite a bit of refactoring19:12
kenvandinewhich has been my suspicion19:12
kenvandinewithout the gobject threads, it is fine19:13
kenvandineand without multiprocessing it is fine... but mixing them is yucky19:13
kenvandinein fact... ryan dropped keyring integration back in the 1.x days because they were getting races with the keyring... perhaps it was related19:14
kenvandinethis specific code in gwibber is very old...19:14
james_wthere may be something we can do in limiting the amount of context that the parent passes to the child19:14
james_wmy suspicion is that it is globals that are causing this, as they are copied, rather than getting different objects in the child19:15
james_wbut I don't really understand why they look the same across address spaces19:15
chrisccoulsonit seems that libgnome-keyring is not thread-safe anyway19:17
chrisccoulsonin connect_to_service() in gkr-operation, it calls egg_dbus_connect_with_mainloop(conn, NULL), which causes it to use the default GMainContext (which is the one created in your parent thread)19:18
chrisccoulsonyou would need to do all the keyring stuff from your main thread19:19
Guest279Anyone know about Restoring Partitions?19:21
chrisccoulsonGuest279, #ubuntu is for support19:21
Guest279oh thanks19:22
YokoZarWhat package does someone mean when they say "the pthread library"19:23
YokoZaroops wrong channel19:23
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, does that make more sense now? sorry, i don't know how far you got with debugging this before, so i might have repeated what other people already discovered19:25
kenvandineyes, that is helpful19:25
kenvandinedoesn't make it clear what the right fix is :)19:26
baptistemmgood evening19:36
kenvandinehey baptistemm19:37
baptistemmhello kenvandine19:37
ftakenvandine, chrisccoulson: why does transmission properly show & hide from the indicator applet while rhythmbox can't??19:44
kenvandinefta, you mean it toggles?19:45
kenvandinei think the spec says it should raise the window19:45
ftakenvandine, it clearly doesn't19:46
kenvandineyou mean transmission doesn't?19:46
Sarvattpitti: video=LVDS-1:d is your friend :)19:46
ftafor transmission, it's mostly ok, with a few more steps, it's possible to raise / hide it19:46
pittiSarvatt: ah, thanks for the hint19:46
ftafor rhythmbox, it's totally broken19:47
pittiSarvatt: still a bit sad to see the live CD not boot at all :(19:47
ftakenvandine, ^^19:47
pittiSarvatt: "d" means "disable"?19:47
ftakenvandine, (i'm using metacity)19:47
Sarvattyeah, :e for enable19:47
ftakenvandine, strangely, it was fine on my old desktop (lucid). it's broken on my fresh install (new system disk)19:48
seb128fta, how broken?19:49
ftacan't hide it19:49
kenvandinefta, i don't think it is supposed to19:49
kenvandinei know with the old status icon it did toggle19:49
ftaand i can only raise it if it was iconified/minified19:50
kenvandineok, that seems like a bug... i just saw the same thing too19:50
kenvandineif it is open, but in the background19:50
ftanot if it's visible in another workspace19:50
kenvandineit doesn't get raised19:50
Guest279Is this the place to ask a question?19:50
kenvandineseb128, wasn't that working before?19:50
kenvandineGuest279, no, #ubuntu for support19:50
seb128fta, I can hide it by closing the dialog using the x wm button19:50
seb128and show it using the indicator19:50
kenvandineseb128, don't close it but raise another window19:51
kenvandinethen try showing it19:51
seb128but that might be because I changed the gconf key19:51
seb128it's claiming for attention19:51
seb128that's a known wm "bug" for years19:51
kenvandineyeah... but with the timestamps i thought it worked now?19:51
kenvandineit does raise when i close it or minimize it19:51
seb128it's not clear if the show call should show you the dialog where you are19:52
seb128or move you where the dialog is...19:52
ftaseb128, well, i'm used to the old style tray where the "show" was a toggle, like transmission19:52
kenvandinei see19:52
seb128or claim for attention19:52
kenvandinefta, yeah... there has been much debate about that :)19:52
seb128fta, the indicators are menus, not toggles19:52
seb128ctrl-w not working is a known bug19:52
ftatransmission clearly has a checkbox there19:52
seb128we should fix that19:52
seb128right, rhythmbox doesn't19:53
seb128we should check with mpt or design team what the behaviour should be19:53
ftait's confusing19:53
seb128it's inconsistant now19:53
seb128either we should have checkbox19:53
kenvandineseb128, i did back when we did the patch, they said should always raise not toggle19:53
seb128or close the dialog to hide it and a show item19:53
seb128that was my understanding too19:53
seb128close to close and use the menu to show19:54
kenvandinewe did the same for empathy and pidgin19:54
ftayou should gray/disable the show then19:54
seb128it's showing19:54
kenvandinei guess whoever did the transmission work didn't follow the same guidelines19:54
kenvandinefta, you mean when it is already focused right?19:54
seb128the entry is still valid19:54
fta(if it's already visible)19:54
seb128well you can stil show it19:55
seb128it makes no graphical difference19:55
seb128but it's not buggy either19:55
kenvandineeverything just needs to be consistent19:55
ftahm, even transmission has issues, xchat is on top, i call for transmission, it appears behind xchat19:57
kenvandinefta, that is the window manager issue seb128 mentioned19:58
kenvandinelong standing problem :/19:58
* kenvandine eats... bbs20:08
kenvandineNafai, ping20:41
kenvandinehey, i hear you have some twisted experience? and might be helpful with nasty threading issues :)20:43
NafaiYes, I used to be a Twisted core developer20:43
kenvandinethe gwibber problem seems to stem from mixing gobject threads and python multiprocessing20:43
kenvandineso when the processes get the same GMainContext20:43
kenvandinewhich is likely the basis for all the issues we get calling the keyring from inside that thread20:44
kenvandineNafai, a test case that will make your CPU peg :)20:44
* Nafai looks20:44
kenvandineof course we could refactor everything to not use multiprocessing, but that is a significant change... i am hoping there is some way to we can make them play nicely20:45
* Nafai nods20:46
Nafailet me poke around for a bit :)20:48
kenvandinethx Nafai20:51
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
baptistemmhmm, I have a question, who should I ping to get bug 544150 included?21:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544150 in bluez "bluez should ship serial.conf" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54415021:15
pittigood night everyone21:28
didrocksgood night pitti21:28
* didrocks will follow pitti21:28
Nafainight guys21:28
didrocksonce again, I said that I will take an early evening21:29
didrocksand it's a fail :)21:29
didrockshave a good afternoon Nafai!21:30
seb128didrocks, it's not late!21:30
seb128baptistemm, subscribe ubuntu-sponsors?21:31
rickspencer3Nafai ... $quickly debug ftw21:44
rickspencer3can't wait to try it21:44
Nafaivery handy21:44
rickspencer3Nafai, any luck with gwibber?21:44
Nafainot yet :(21:44
Nafaigoing to try profiling it next21:45
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
Nafaikenvandine: asynchronous stuff with Twisted is easier to debug :)  I'm not sure what's going on22:05
kenvandineNafai, if you figure something out... ping me and i will read it later on tonigh22:05
NafaiI ran the profiler on it and got this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410243/22:05
kenvandinei gotta go for now though, if you figure anything out just tell me and i will read the scrollback later :)22:08
kenvandinei have a flower bed and 92F sunny yard begging me to go do some digging :/22:08
rickspencer3kenvandine, dig it!22:16
rickspencer3I can see we are getting close the beta22:18
rickspencer3only 38 Megs to download22:18
rickspencer3seb128, pitti how hard would it be to turn off auto-syncing for lucid in the beta, until we can get this 100% thing licked?22:18
rickspencer3kenvandine ^ you too, but I assume you are afk22:19
seb128rickspencer3, hum, what do you mean by auto syncing there?22:20
rickspencer3seb128, I mean "auto-running" I guess22:20
rickspencer3like, when you log on, don't start gwibber automatically22:20
rickspencer3is it too late for the beta to do that?22:20
seb128I guess it would be trivial22:20
rickspencer3(I am fine if it's too late)22:21
seb128but I doubt they would roll new isos for that22:21
rickspencer3so "too late"22:21
seb128that's still a beta22:21
rickspencer3yeah, it's fine22:21
rickspencer3we just don't exactly need more bug reports on the issue22:21
seb128we get that many bugs?22:21
rickspencer3seb128, well, we get many "me toos" on the bug report22:22
rickspencer3so, I assume we'll get lots of bug reports after the beta22:22
rickspencer3like I say, though, it's not something worth causing extra work around the beta for (imho)22:23
seb128let's aim at getting it fixed by unfreeze time22:23
rickspencer3well, let's get it fixed asap!22:23
rickspencer3Nafai, do you have any other tasks aside from looking at the Gwibber bug?22:23
rickspencer3I'm hoping another pair of eyes can help22:24
Nafaiyeah, I have an indicator application related bug I'm looking at, but if there is something higher priority I can jump on it22:24
rickspencer3no, we need you on the indicators22:25
rickspencer3so after that, Gwibber until the break of day22:25
Nafaiok, can do that22:25
seb128Nafai, could you look at bug #553423 too when you have some time for the issue?22:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553423 in brasero "Untranslated string in menu option of Brasero's tray icon, albeit it's translated in Launchpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55342322:42
Nafaistepping away for a moment, bbiab22:53
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TheMusoGood morning.23:02
rickspencer3Hi TheMuso23:09
rickspencer3TheMuso, Eastern Edition in 50 minutes, right?23:09
TheMusorickspencer3: yep sounds good.23:09
rickspencer3things have been sliding all over my calendar23:10
rickspencer3all the dst23:10
rickspencer3s everywhere taking hold, I guess23:10
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
* desrt has the bvta blues23:21

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