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amitkapw: are we going to pull in 2.6.33.y updates into the OMAP branch? (I guess this is an smb question)10:58
apwamitk, that would be the expectation, and why that branch is a huge maintenance burden ... its entiryly separate10:59
* amitk nods10:59
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bjf##                                                                                           16:01
bjf## Kernel team meeting today @ 17:00 UTC                                                     16:01
bjf##                                                                                           16:01
ricotzogasawara, hello, i am using your ubuntu-m.git branch, i have a short question: are you going to synchronize it with every rc release?16:20
ogasawararicotz: yes16:21
ricotzogasawara, great, thank you16:21
ogasawararicotz: I've got it built and uploaded to my PPA as well if you're interested16:22
ricotzogasawara, i have packaged it myself, but a ppa is a lot easier, where can i find it?16:23
ogasawararicotz: https://edge.launchpad.net/~leannogasawara/+archive/ppa16:24
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crimsunbjf: which symptom are you trying to address in #331589?17:37
crimsunbjf: also, please bump debian/changelog for karmic's alsa-driver cod17:39
bjfcrimsun, will do the bump17:40
bjfcrimsun, i haven't completely groked the bug so i need to identify the issue with lucid, i've not experienced it myself17:41
bjfcrimsun, i was asked 5 minutes ago to take it on and i'm in the middle of an interview :-)17:42
crimsunbjf: apw and I looked into the config issue a while back (~2 months ago IIRC); you may wish to ping him17:42
bjfcrimsun, he's the one that asked me to take it on :-), I'll talk with him17:43
apwcrimsun, as i remember it all circled back to not being that configuration option but a new bug, something appears to be wrong with the frequency calculation on a small number of codecs rather than a general 'it being enabled'17:44
apwin the original issue, we had the high pithed beep on all hda's (i think), now we have a 'mains hum' on some systems, my dell 1537 for one17:44
apwthough i have it muted and don't get an issue per-see17:46
crimsunthat freq calc was supposed to be fixed by 369693dc917:48
crimsun(which is in ubuntu-lucid.git)17:48
crimsunapw: what is "mains hum"?17:51
apw50hz sounding buzz.  the noise you hear also when touching the headphones plug on the housing when shoving it in17:52
apwoften at max volume in my experience17:52
apwunmuting my HDA PC Beep seems to imply its still there17:53
apwi have to switch to VT-1 to trigger it mind here17:53
apwi hear on some machines it occurs during reboot etc 17:53
apwthough i've not seen that myself17:53
crimsunoh, that17:54
apwcrimsun, having just tried it, its more harsh than mains hum, all breaky up and raspy17:54
crimsunso, that's a very different issue from the original bug report17:54
crimsunbjf: which is why I asked in the response which symptom you're chasing :-)17:54
apwahh so we have conflated bug report, so we should split it up and close the fixed bit :)17:55
Sarvattapw: does it go away if you disable the mic? 17:56
apwSarvatt, disable as in mute?17:57
apwSarvatt, and while i think about it, we need to get with bryce and work out what to do about these LID things17:58
Sarvattsound preferences - hardware - change to analog stereo instead of duplex, or mute yeah17:58
apwSarvatt, in that case ... nope unchanged by switching off input17:59
crimsunit isn't a feedback loop; this latest symptom is related to the "shutup" code on powering down/rebooting18:02
apwcking, that patch is now on the kernel-team list18:07
* cking looks18:07
Sarvattapw: digging into it now, was taking a break and working on xserver and input stuff after the nonstop flood of dupe intel reports that week you were gone :)18:08
crimsunjjohansen: that apparmor symptom can be worked around by disabling swap.18:08
crimsunjjohansen: granted, may not be useful for actually finding the culprit(s)18:09
crimsunah, bah, just saw in -meeting18:09
jjohansencrimsun: no, thanks its really good to here from another source18:15
johanbrfor the latest mainline kernel build of 2.6.34-rc3, linux-headers-2.6.34-020634rc3-generic depends on linux-headers-2.6.34-020634rc318:15
johanbrbut the latter package seems not to have been built...18:15
apwjohanbr, that sounds incorrect18:19
johanbrwell, generally, linux-headers-*-generic depends on linux-headers-*, right?18:21
johanbrso the problem seems to be that linux-headers-2.6.34-020634rc3 is missing18:22
crimsunright, according to the buildlog, dh_builddeb -plinux-headers-2.6.34-020634rc3 isn't called18:28
manjokamalm, does that work the similerly  for brighness keys too ? 18:28
manjokamalm, I have samsung netbooks which have issues with brightness keys 18:29
kamalmmanjo: no, the brightness keys problem(s) seem to be a different problem altogether -- on my Dell Studio 1558, the brightness keys do seem to make it to ACPI fine but dmesg records that ACPI was "unable to adjust brightness" or something -- not the same "never releases the key" problem (for me at least)18:29
manjokamalm, yeah its the same for samsung as well18:30
apwjohanbr, indeed ... missing it is18:34
apwcrimsun, looks like we didn't do the indep pass ... hrmph18:34
* apw needs the bit of the log which is not preserved, so will have to rebuild it18:35
jjohansenapw: ping question on potential Lucid patch that will partly address Bug #552225, and maybe Bug #54942819:17
ubot3Malone bug 552225 in apparmor "system bogs down when apparmor is running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55222519:17
ubot3Malone bug 549428 in apparmor "Triggers permanent high i/o load after upgrade" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54942819:17
jjohansenbasically, its an optimization patch that removes 1 set of cases where revalidation is done19:18
jjohansenit is not what is going into the upstream side, as that is a much larger series of patches, which is just to risky to drop into Lucid19:19
apwif it fixes a known issue and you can handle the skew the different patch directions cause ... i am happy19:19
jjohansenso is a patch that will only address some potential performance problems worth dropping in this late19:19
jjohansenI'll run through testing it today and drop a patch or two19:20
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gzmaskhow long it takes to compile linux kernel 2.6?20:34
gzmaskon a quad core mac pro but in VBox?20:34
florianTSHi. I am the viafb maintainer in the linux kernel and just found this bugreport. I think I identified it as a bug that was present in 2.6.32 and fixed in 2.6.33. As I am not an Ubuntu user myself and additionally can't reproduce this on the hardware I have I am wondering how to solve this issue.20:37
ubot3Malone bug 539020 in linux "Lucid Beta 1 installation CD gives blank screen and freezes" [Undecided,New] 20:37
ogasawaraflorianTS: I can build the bug reporter a test kernel with the patch(es) you mention backported.20:42
apwflorianTS, hrm tricky20:42
* apw realises ogasawara is taking the words out of his mouth and shuts up :)20:43
ogasawaraflorianTS: I'll post a comment to the bug once I've got something built20:44
florianTSogasawara: thanks I think this would help very much.20:44
jonmastersUbuntu bug 356317 - "MAke click-and-drag work for Macbook(Pro) 5,1+"21:12
ubot3jonmasters: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: HTTP Error 404: Not Found21:12
jonmastersdid anyone attempt to get that upstream?21:12
bjfflorianTS, sorry if you got bounced around a bit this morning21:14
florianTSbjf: No problem. At least this could now be a happy end for users, Ubuntu and viafb. That's far more pleasant than frequently querying VIA for some bits of documentation for about one month.21:24
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