
lfaraoneporthose: hey, would you mind reacking on bug 555948 (if it is needed). I mistakenly requested a sync from unstable when I meant to perform one from sid. (that was what I had tested)00:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555948 in wireshark "Sync wireshark 1.2.7-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55594800:16
crimsunlfaraone: err...00:17
crimsununstable <-> sid. Did you mean testing for one of them?00:18
lfaraonecrimsun: squeeze/testing, sorry.00:19
lfaraoneporthose: s/unstable/testing/g00:19
crimsunlfaraone: doesn't need a re-Ack, but I updated the description00:21
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crimsunbdrung: WRT #555891, please use linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev00:47
bdrungcrimsun: ok, i will try that tomorrow01:30
Semitoneshello guys! I was trying to install planetpenguin racer, and I found something curious04:14
SemitonesDoes it seem strange that planetpenguin-racer-extras is included in lucid and karmic04:15
Semitonesbut planetpenguin-racer is not? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=planetpenguin-racer04:15
Semitonesit seems like you'd need the game for the -extras to be useful04:15
Semitonesso... any guesses to why the game isn't there?04:16
persiaYou want to install extremetuxracer04:16
Semitonesoh, I didn't realize it was a continuation of tux racer, but I did see it04:16
Semitonesthanks persia04:16
dholbachgood morning08:17
gesergood morning08:17
dholbachhey geser, hey stefanlsd08:18
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jetienneq. is there a way to know the dependancy of a .deb ? i got only the .deb fiel09:38
Rhondajetienne: dpkg --info foo.deb09:39
jetienneRhonda: thanks09:39
m4rtinhi all; I've written a bugfix patch for bash-completion, as requested by a member the sponsor team, but am struggling to get a debdiff up. I've got the lucid source package and it uses quilt. There is also a diff file listed. Should I apply this before running any quilt commands?10:50
Rhondam4rtin: I'd do a "quilt push -a" before starting to patch, and "quilt new my-bash-completion-fix" (or some more suiting name) before you start "quilt edit"ing the files.10:54
m4rtinRhonda: thanks; so: 1. untar apt source; 2. quilt push -a; 3. quilt new; 4. apply lucid source diff; 5. do my edits?10:58
m4rtinhmm, seems not10:59
m4rtinthe lucid patch places the series patches in the dir10:59
persiam4rtin: When you get the .dsc file, use dpkg-source -x to extract it.  This will apply the diff.gz.  Inside that, export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches and run quilt push -a11:03
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:03
persiaCheck the second link for more details11:04
m4rtinpersia: thank you -- that's what I needed :) one further q if I may: does my changelog have to be inside the quilt edits, or is the packaging process outside of quilt?11:05
persiaPlease *don't* put the stuff in debian/ inside quilt patches: this just confuses the next person.11:06
m4rtinpersia: excellent. So I've done my edit. quilt refresh; quilt pop -a; do the packaging11:06
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jetienneq. i would like to create a user in the .deb, how can i do that ? "sudo adduser slotaaa" keeps asking for interactive question. i dont want interactive stuff11:33
joaopintojetienne, check on how it's done on other packages, eg. postfix11:41
persiaOr check debian policy 9.2: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s9.211:43
Rhondajetienne: … and sudo isn't needed, the maintainer scripts run as root. :)11:44
jetienneok trying to get postfix example11:46
m4rtincould someone take a look at a patch I've attached and tell me if it looks ok please? It's at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/435055 ; last comment11:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 435055 in bash-completion "Bash completion for wget -o doesn't escape spaces." [Undecided,Confirmed]11:47
persiam4rtin: It looks sane, but you may want to advertise in #ubuntu-devel, as there's a better chance someone there will be able to upload.  Also, did you submit the bare patch (not debdiff) to Debian?11:49
hyperairbash completion? i remember it failed for spaces for everything sometime back.11:49
m4rtinhyperair: no, I didn't... should I have?11:50
m4rtinhyperair: it still fails that for scp; that's my next task11:50
hyperairm4rtin: didn't what?11:50
hyperairm4rtin: oh i mean cat blah<tab> didn't work, for example.11:50
m4rtinsorry that was to persia11:50
hyperairi mean it'd complete up to the first space and stall11:50
* hyperair goes back into lurk mode11:51
m4rtinpersia: I didn't submit to debian... should I (and how?)11:51
persiam4rtin: http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Bugs and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Usertagging : short form "use submittodebian"11:53
persiahyperair: Not best for a well-maintained package, usually, unless one has a prior relationship with the maintainers.11:54
hyperairpersia: oh whoops. sorry i wasn't thinking (my mind was thinking new package)11:54
hyperairm4rtin: regarding bash-completion perhaps it's best to poke some people in #bash-completion on irc.oftc.net11:54
persiaGetting the patch there helps *everyone*.11:55
m4rtinthe problem is that they have fixed most of these bugs with a massive rewrite in their version control11:55
m4rtinhowever, they don't release frequently11:56
m4rtinit seems better to fix these bugs for lucid/debian and then when bash-completion team decide to release their next stable it will be solved anyway11:56
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NCommanderScottK: ping, do you think a FFE for openttd would possibly fly? I'd like to see if we can sync it from sid16:17
ScottKDepends on why and what the differences are.16:17
NCommanderScottK: loads of bug fixes, and its now possible to put it in universe versus multiverse16:19
ScottKAny new features?16:19
ScottKSounds promising.16:19
NCommanderScottK: better AI I think, haven't compiled it yet16:20
NCommanderScottK: the version in Ubuntu is fairly old compared to the version in sid16:20
NCommander0.7.5 to 1.016:20
ScottKIt sounds worth looking into.16:20
NCommanderScottK: that's what I thought, hence why I wanted to ask if a FFE was out of the world of possibility16:21
ScottKIt's not.16:21
slytherinAny archive admins present here?16:27
persiaslytherin: Usually, but except in special cases, it's best to ask archive-admin questions in #ubuntu-devel16:31
slytherinOk. Will ask there.16:32
slytherinScottK: Hi. Can you please explain what was the reason behind adding explicit libtalloc-dev build-dep to evolution-mapi?17:00
ScottKslytherin: It uses the talloc headers (as evidenced by the shlibs generated runtime depends)17:06
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slytherinScottK: A simple grep -r talloc.h in source yields nothing. Also check this text from build log - warning: dependency on libtalloc.so.2 could be avoided if **** were not uselessly linked against it (they use none of its symbols).17:12
ScottKslytherin: The fact is that it is linked.17:12
ScottKslytherin: It's possible it's not needed.17:13
persiaThat would involve a buildsystem patch.  Adding another build-dependency is the easy (and safe) way out at this point in the release cycle.17:13
persiaFile a bug and fix it right for maverick.17:13
slytherinScottK: Right. That is what I meant. It may be unnecessarily linked.17:14
slytherinScottK: I was actually planning to file a sync request for version in Debian (2.28.3) which a bug-fix update. Hence I was checking with you if Ubuntu changes are important to keep.17:15
* ScottK isn't saying that's the best solution, just made sense as part of doing the NBS rebuilds for libtalloc017:15
ScottKslytherin: I'll leave it for you to decide.17:15
slytherinIn any case libtalloc-dev gets pulled in because of other build-deps.17:15
ScottKYes, but one shouldn't rely on that17:18
ari-tczewjdong: did you talk with SRU team about my objections?17:22
slytherinScottK: In this case the (build)dependency seems unnecessary, so I suggest we drop this and make it a sync.17:22
ScottKslytherin: Your call.17:52
lfaraoneScottK: would you be willing to review bug 556483? james_w said you felt that it might need a FFE.17:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556483 in xpdf "Merge xpdf 3.02-2 from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55648317:55
lfaraoneScottK: (it already has the debian changelog attached, there were no upstream changes)17:56
lfaraonejdstrand: bug 552720 in squeak-vm needs a FFE, right?17:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552720 in squeak-vm "please merge 3.11.3+svn2147-1 from Debian testing" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55272017:58
jdstrandlfaraone: squeak-vm is in universe, so based on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess I'd say 'no'18:01
jdstrandlfaraone: plus, as it stands, it is totally unuseable18:02
james_wlfaraone: please make the request. Unusable as it is will probably make it very likely to get it, but we shouldn't circumvent the process.18:05
lfaraonejames_w, okay.18:06
* jdstrand (re)rereads FreezeExceptionProcess and sees it would need it18:15
lfaraonejdstrand: I can't seem to find the upstream changelog for that revision, the best I could find was http://squeakvm.org/unix/platforms/unix/doc/RELEASE_NOTES_3.11.3.213518:18
jdstrandlfaraone: I see platforms/unix/ChangeLog in the source18:20
jdongari-tczew: I was under the understanding you were going to write something up to us18:24
ari-tczewjdong: [Sunday 28 March 2010] [19:51:51] <jdong> ari-tczew: I'd start with mailing the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list, cc'ing the SRU team members, about your concern that the related bugs display in launchpad isn't a satisfactory radar map for what SRU tasks remain needing attention.18:27
jdongari-tczew: poor wording, I meant if I were you, I'd start with..18:28
persiaThat looks like a request to receive mail to me18:28
jdonglanguage barrier, lost in translation :)18:29
ari-tczewjdong: so what's the final decision?18:31
jdongari-tczew: you start mail, please :)18:32
jdongit is your concern, so I think you'd be the best to voice it18:32
ari-tczewjdong: okay, but currect I don't have time, maybe in the second half of april18:33
jdongI am similarly scheduled :)18:35
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kklimondahow to request a removal of the unbuildable package?21:13
geserfile a removal bug21:16
geserwhy is the package unbuildable?21:16
mhall119jdstrand: can you check the copyright files in the qimo-* packages in revu please?21:19
kklimondageser: it depends on evo 2.3021:23
kklimondaI'm trying to find out if any previous package builds on lucid21:24
geserkklimonda: what about the last build debs which are still published? do they still work?21:28
kklimondageser: they don't install21:29
kklimondageser: it's anjal21:29
geserI assumed it's anjal as there aren't that many packages in depwait on evo 2.3021:29
kklimondageser: the ubuntu3 package that is build doesn't install, it has to be rebuilt - I should (1) request package removal and then.. ask to upload no-change ubuntu4 to rebuild it?21:31
kklimonda(there is another option - to remove anjal from lucid completely as the 0.0.1 release we have is old one)21:33
geserkklimonda: I'm not sure if LP would allow that and the next question is if the archive admins are OK with this solution as they have to NEW the source again21:33
kklimondaI'll ask on #-devel then21:35
kklimondaah, you are already on it ;)21:36
geserit's only related to this21:37
geseras I've noticed that the old debs are still published but only the new source version21:38
kklimondaright, that's also a problem - well, there is 0.0.1...ubuntu3 source downloadable but you have to dig -changes list for the link21:39
kklimondaprobably not easy enough21:39
geseryeah, LP has still the old source but it's not on archive.u.c anymore21:41
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jdstrandmhall119: done22:07
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lfaraoneHm. Does http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=548551 look severe enough to justify a sync?23:17
ubottuDebian bug 548551 in dancer-services "dancer-services: Incorrect dependencies in init.d LSB header" [Serious,Fixed]23:18
bobboevening MOTUs!23:29

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