
rbdyckLast time I re-instsalled Ubuntu, grub said it was setting up hd0. But I have SCSI RAID, so my boot device is sda and its partition is sda1. Is this the boot problem I'm having?00:26
cloakableHas anyone gotten dovecot-antispam working on 9.10, and if so, how?00:46
roy_Hi, how can you remove all current iptables rules01:08
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MTecknologyroy_: there's a flush option01:21
MTecknologyiptables -F i think01:22
roy_I did this, its because my website says connection refused, what would cause this if its not related to iptables01:23
RoyK^it usually means it doesn't listen to that port01:24
RoyK^iptables/ufw will normally just drop the packet, not send icmp reply01:25
rbdyckI finished formatting my 18.2GB SCSI drives. They were used so I guess it isn't a great surprise that 5 out of 6 work. I think the store I got them from has a couple more.01:25
roy_How can i fix this01:26
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MTecknologyWhy do you guys suggest using qemu with kvm instead of say xen?01:51
MTecknologyoh - obvious answer found01:54
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MTecknologyubuntu-vm-builder is deprecated and vmbuilder is taking it's place - what provides vmbuilder?02:05
MTecknologyoh... found it :)02:06
MTecknologyI look and look, ask, then find the answer :P02:06
ChmEarlMTecknology, using Xen 4rc8 with pvops kernel on karmic 9.1002:12
ChmEarlalso without any libvirt02:13
MTecknologyChmEarl: isn't libvirt just designed to be an easy to use wrapper around virt tools like xen and kvm?02:15
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jongbergsTallken, ScottK : thanks for your tip i'll try that..02:58
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM02:59
MTecknologyI used vmbuilder to build VM's on my system. Then I realized I need to install libvirt-bin. I installed that and then ran virsh -c qemu:///system and in there ran list --all but none of the vm's I made show up. How can I make them show up in this list?03:02
ChmEarlMTecknology,  (in virsh shell)#define /path/toVM.xml03:03
MTecknologyChmEarl: any idea where the xml files sit?03:05
ChmEarlMTecknology, you only ran the VM once when you installed it? Are any still running?03:06
MTecknologyChmEarl: I didn't run them yet, I've always started vm's from virsh03:06
ChmEarlto find the xml files, do #updatedb.. then locate <vmname>03:07
MTecknologyhrm.. there was a run.sh file made that has   exec kvm -m 768 -smp 2 -drive file=tmpOoaNco.qcow2 "$@"03:07
MTecknologythere's no xml found when I do that03:08
ChmEarlmaybe a log file?03:09
MTecknologyI used  --dest /virt/images/repono03:09
MTecknologythere I have run.sh and tmpxYbvEy.qcow203:09
MTecknologyI'll try running the run.sh and see if I can find the cml03:10
ChmEarlk, then start then VM via the script - while its running get the virsh shell and do #dumpxml <vmname>03:10
MTecknologydomain not found03:11
MTecknologyChmEarl: since I didn't do anything useful yet; would it be out of the question to delete the vm's; recreate them; but now with libvirt installed?03:12
ChmEarlthat is OK, but don't the scripts enter a vmname now in virsh list?03:13
ChmEarlonce the vm is running?03:13
ChmEarlok, something is broken03:14
MTecknologyDoes this look ok for creating a vm?      vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --dest /virt/images/incipio --mem 768 --cpus 2 --swapsize 512 --domain incipio --ip dhcp --bridge br003:15
ChmEarlnever used that builder.03:15
MTecknologyit looks like ubuntu-vm-builder is being deprecated03:15
MTecknologythe man page says to use that instead03:16
ChmEarlI made a VM directly by qemu-kvm comdline03:16
MTecknologyI'll see what happens when I make this - maybe I'll have to jsut do it that way too03:17
ChmEarlthere are 4 or more ways to make a VM for kvm03:18
ChmEarlonce you have a cmdline you can convert it to domxml used by Libvirt and import/define it03:18
MTecknologyya.. I could do it with virt-install too, but I liked ubuntu-vm-builder; but that's going away so I figured now's the time to learn what's replacing it :P03:19
crazygirI'm guessing qmail should install just fine on a default ubuntu 9.10 server?03:19
ChmEarlvirsh domxml-from-native xxyy03:20
crazygirI'm getting an:   qmail: Depends: ucspi-tcp but it is not installable03:20
MTecknologyI didn't think qmail was available in ubuntu repos03:21
nightyyyhi guys... i installed recently the ubuntu server with cloud03:21
MTecknologyChmEarl: hurray, they're still not being found03:22
nightyyyit is normal have the system just running without any instance running in eucalyptus03:22
nightyyywith more than the 50% of ram used?03:22
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nightyyyand when i use "top" to see who is sharing that ram, there's no process with huge use03:22
MTecknologyChmEarl: hrm... maybe it's because I specified kvm as the hypervisor instead of qemu..03:23
MTecknologyVMBuilder.exception.VMBuilderUserError: No such hypervisor. Available hypervisors: vmserver esxi xen kvm vbox vmw603:24
nightyyyanyone with experience with cloud ?03:25
MTecknology--libvirt= -  THERE03:25
ChmEarlMTecknology, you have a hook into libvirt? that should do it03:27
MTecknologyChmEarl: I guess I didn't read the man page close enough03:29
ChmEarlMTecknology, keep your VM's simple until you see the scheme of things... puppy linux (liveOS) is a good one03:31
MTecknologyChmEarl: hurray - virsh -c qemu:///system list --all |  but it's named ubuntu :S - i guess back to man03:34
ChmEarlMTecknology, export the domxml while its running03:35
lukehasnonameso I came up with an idea03:52
MTecknologyChmEarl: fyi - this was REALLY nice to find - vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --help03:52
MTecknologyChmEarl: thanks for the help :)03:53
MTecknologylukehasnoname: I did too, and I'm rolling it out right now03:53
lukehasnonameand I don't know if it's been thought of before.. so I'll throw it out there and see if it's been 'invented' already03:53
lukehasnonameMTecknology, feel free to chare03:53
MTecknologylukehasnoname: get a decent desktop system for all of my dev systems and isntead of gentoo use the system for work instead of constantly building the system - put ubuntu vm's on and don't break things03:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #556176 in openldap (main) "slapd homedir (and some enhancements...)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55617603:56
MTecknologywhat's your idea?03:56
lukehasnonameThere are many well known, standard configuration files on a server. dhcpd, named, db.*, upstart confs, etc. Each one of these tend to have their own syntax check mechanism of sorts, even if it is when you start the service... so there should be a standard header syntax (or filename convention) that allows vi(m) to know what file you're editing, and check syntax on the fly. Kinda like what visudo does, but instead of be03:57
lukehasnonameing its own program, it would be a plugin system for vi, like a profile.03:57
lukehasnonameThis may already exist, but if it doesn't, it's pure genius. I spent hours in the past two days tracking down DNS/DHCP issues that ended up being simple config file errors. Should have been the first place I checked, but having a parser in vi would be awesome.03:58
MTecknologyyou can do that03:58
MTecknologycheck out gentoo, they do it a lot - ubuntu does it but to the extent they do it03:59
crazygiram I crazy, or has ubuntu really customized the postfix install?04:01
crazygirI'm trying to follow information from several different guides and it is proving difficult04:01
MTecknologyit's not really a header thing when it comes to vim but I think vim just applies specific syntax hilighting to specific files - adding a header to the files would be a bad idea - especially when it comes to other editors04:02
ScottKcrazygir: It's not radically different.04:02
crazygirI'm also not understanding what's up with master.cf, nor why main.cf is missing from /etc/postfix04:02
crazygiramd I missing something?04:02
ScottKIt should be there.04:02
crazygir*am I04:02
MTecknologycrazygir: crazy likely comes into play as well - I know it does for me04:02
ScottKcrazygir: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix is a good start.04:02
lukehasnonameherp-aderp: I knew vim had syntax highlighting... hm. Do you know where the info or syntax profiles are stored?04:03
MTecknologylukehasnoname: no, but you could ask in #vim - they're pretty helpful04:03
lukehasnonameMTecknology, nvmd04:03
crazygirw00t! thanks ScottK !!04:04
lukehasnonameI occasionally ask questions before I look for the answers myself... man vim04:04
ScottKcrazygir: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/postfix.html is a maintained set of documentation on postfix setup that's specific to Ubuntu.04:04
MTecknologylukehasnoname: sometimes it's just too easy to ask hundreds of people a question at once instead ot trying to learn it yourself by looking ;)04:05
ScottK(assuming you're on 9.10, use the version for your release)04:05
MTecknologyScottK: what's your opinion of setting up productions systems with 10.04 at this point?04:05
ScottKDepends on what you mean by production.04:05
ScottKI have a 'test server' that runs all the time, but I'm the only user.04:06
ScottKI'll upgrade that soon.04:06
MTecknologydevelopment server that shouldn't go down04:06
ScottKIf by production you mean "I have customers who rely on my service", then I wouldn't.04:06
ScottKcrazygir: The biggest configuration customization for Postfix in Debian/Ubuntu is that it's chrooted by default.04:08
ScottKOur docs cover this, but most tutorials you find on the web don't, so it is better to stick with Ubuntu specific docs.04:08
crazygirI was just banging my head regarding the missing files and needing to run dpkg-reconfigure04:08
MTecknologyScottK: does a chroot help security much?04:08
crazygirMTecknology: why not?04:09
crazygirdepends on how complex maintenance is though04:09
crazygirwhen officially supported like this, it is usually pretty straightforward04:09
ScottKMTecknology: It's not a subsitute for apparmor or selinux, but it does help.04:09
ScottKThe trickiest part is getting services into the chroot and I think we have those bugs all licked.04:09
ScottKAlso, unlike rpm based systems additional run time capabilities that most people won't need are split into separate binaries (like postfix-mysql) so you don't need more installed/running than you actually need.04:11
crazygirwhat is the difference between mydestinations and virtual domains?04:14
MTecknologyI hate it when ssh keys don't magically work perfect04:22
crazygiralways some lining up to do04:23
MTecknologycrazygir: I installed a new server; mkdir .ssh; vim .ssh/authorized_keys2; (put in contents of .pub); chmod 750 .ssh; chmod 644 .ssh/*; exit; ssh
MTecknologycrazygir: should work perfect just like magic, right?04:25
MTecknologyI also jsut tried with ssh-copy-id04:31
MTecknologyit will copy the key - but still no ssh login....04:31
MTecknologyoh... problem with ecryptfs04:34
MTecknologyScottK: how do I stop using ecryptfs for a home directory?04:35
crazygirI do it differently, so I can't comment04:35
crazygircheck your system's manpages for ssh too, not sure about the auth_keys204:36
crazygiralso.. use -vvv for debugging04:36
MTecknologydefinteily an issue with ecryptfs04:38
MTecknologyi give - time to reinstall the server and do so without ecryptfs04:41
MTecknologyI don't think it's meant for servers anymore04:41
crazygirdo I need to specify configuration options such as: virtual_mailbox_base, if all I'm doing is then forwarding the emails to another domain?04:44
MTecknologyvirt-viewer is connected to the vnc server but all I get is a blinking cursor.. GAH!04:52
MTecknologycloser anyway - sleep time04:54
fintnanyone knows why sound only works for root after installing alsa on lucid?05:48
fintn(I'm using an onboard Intel HDA card)05:48
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twbI don't suppose anybody still cares, but Hardy's m-a borks, at least on netfilter-extensions-source, because of an implicit dependency on dpatch.08:15
cloakabletwb: Probably not. That version isn't supported anymore, iirc.08:25
twbApril 2008 plus five years makes it supported until April 2013.08:26
ttxtwb: we do care and yes it's still supported.08:26
twb(Except for all the packages in LTS that aren't considered "server" packages, sigh.)08:26
ttxwhat's m-a ?08:26
twbttx: module-assistant.08:26
twbttx: the thing before DKMS08:26
ttxtwb: how is the error in your log related to dpatch ?08:28
twbttx: that was a different error :-)08:30
ttxah :)08:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #556285 in samba (main) "cannot change password of AD user when using pam_winbind" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55628509:11
_rubenanyone have any clue as to what could the cause of messages like this: sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=  user=root09:13
cloakablefailed sudo commands09:14
_rubenbut it doesnt mention which user supposedly caused it09:14
cloakablehave a root through your logfiles :)09:15
cloakableauth.log, I think09:16
cloakable_ruben: It seems the user trying to sudo is root09:17
_rubenwhy would root fail to sudo as root?09:18
cloakablei've not the foggiest.09:18
_rubenand i'd expect logname=root in that case09:19
_rubenhrm .. the very first entry does show logname=root and its on a tty, now i know who to ask/slap09:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #556312 in libvirt (main) "libvirt packages should not Recommend hypervisor packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55631210:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #556315 in libvirt (main) "problem with operations on qemu/kvm guest" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55631510:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #556332 in bind9 (main) "leftover /etc/init.d/bind9.dpkg-dist on 9.10 -> 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55633210:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #556342 in samba (main) "winbind pam profile doesn't get installed or removed when package is installed/removed" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55634210:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #556343 in bind9 (main) "upgrade error on 8.04 -> 10.04 " [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55634310:56
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incorrectnewbie question, how on earth do you get into the grub menu now, it goes past so fast and there is no hit esc to get the menu12:00
jasonmchristostry searching on how to edit grub config to add a 30 second pause12:03
incorrectits a bit late for that,12:04
jasonmchristoshow so12:04
jasonmchristosi think the file wouls be in /boot12:04
incorrecti goofed my bonding and well, the system is grindly slow has it times out trying to get the DNS entry for ldap servers12:05
incorrectoh thank god i set a root password12:05
jasonmchristoswhy are you so thankeful about that12:06
incorrectbecause i can get into the system12:06
jasonmchristoswhats the diffrence12:06
jasonmchristosu cant get into the system with other usernames?12:06
incorrectset up ldap auth, break the network config12:07
incorrectthen try logging in using a local user12:07
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zulttx: ping i backported mod-reqtimeout for lucid, its suppose to help against slowloris, do I need a FFE for it?12:54
ttxzul: is is a new source package ?12:54
zulttx: nope its a patch12:54
twbslowloris as in Solaris?12:55
zultwb: no slowloris as in apache dos hack12:55
ttxzul: does it add new config directives ?12:55
jasonmchristosi got all these rootkits i dont think im ever going to use beta software again12:55
zulttx: yeah i backported it from 2.2.16 and enabled it12:56
ttxis it disabled by default ?12:56
jasonmchristosim considering going back too ubuntu 8.0.412:56
zulnope enabled by default12:56
twbI don't run fancy-pants httpds, because dynamic content is new-fangled rubbish :-)12:56
ttxzul: definitely FFe-worthy, I wonder if it should not be disblaed by default to ease the acceptation of it12:56
henkjanincorrect: hold shift while booting to enter the grub2 menu12:56
zulttx: ack12:57
ttxzul: having someone from security comment on its desirability would definitely help12:57
twbjasonmchristos: if you're really concerned about security, you might want to look at OpenBSD.12:57
zulttx: sure12:57
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: rootkits? what rootkits?12:58
jasonmchristosthats what they said about linux when i was on microsoft then another room told me solaris is unhackable12:58
jasonmchristosrootkits are basically backdoors12:58
* ttx chuckles12:58
jasonmchristosback orafices12:58
twbI think mdeslaur's point is that you don't get a rootkit unless you're already compromised some other way.12:59
ttxjasonmchristos: we know what rootkits are. What rootkits doid you get "running beta software" ?12:59
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: I know what a rootkit is. Please tell me what rootkit you have.12:59
jasonmchristosone scanner says SUCKIT the othr says Zxibit12:59
twbjasonmchristos: see also #ubuntu-hardened13:00
jasonmchristosthis was on the lucid beta13:00
jasonmchristosim still going to scan my server13:00
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: those are probably false alerts in the scanning software you used. Could you tell me which scanners you used so I can fix the false alerts?13:00
jasonmchristosrkhunter and chkrootkit13:01
jasonmchristosby default lucid had some open port13:01
jasonmchristosi guess thats where the rootkit got in13:01
\shjasonmchristos, lucid beta has no rootkits by default...if you have at least one, you got it before...or the scanner is wrong13:01
jasonmchristosin the 6xxxx range13:01
twbjasonmchristos: what open port?13:01
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: did you use the rkhunter and chkrootkit packages, or did you download them?13:02
jasonmchristosfrom repo13:02
jasonmchristoswell as soon as i installed lucid it had a listening port13:03
jasonmchristosi installed it on a blank drive13:03
twbjasonmchristos: did you install using the *server* install CD?13:03
jasonmchristosi dont mean to bother you guys but im actually talking about a dsktop my server is karmic going to scan and make sre it didnt creap its way over there13:04
twbjasonmchristos: that's an important datum you should've mentioned up-front.13:04
\shjasonmchristos, when you tell us something about a rootkit, an open port, and "it got through this open port" we are very interested...because this would be a serious security issue...which needs to be addressed...13:04
twbjasonmchristos: did nmap or netstat/ss report what process was listening on that port?13:04
jasonmchristosi know but i figured server is the same except with the desktop package installedd13:05
jasonmchristosthats what i did not know how to check13:05
jasonmchristosi also have a packet sniffer installed on wlan013:05
twbjasonmchristos: is the port open right now?13:07
jasonmchristoslet me try an check13:07
jasonmchristoswhy u want to login?13:07
* \sh just remembered the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"13:07
twbjasonmchristos: no, so that we can (dis)prove your assertions13:08
jasonmchristosno im serious im not cring wolf13:08
jasonmchristoswhat u think rkhunter and chkrootkit r lying?13:08
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: rkhunter detecting Xzibit is a false alert, I can reproduce it and will fix it13:09
twbjasonmchristos: I think it's likely you're analysis is faulty.13:09
\shjasonmchristos, yes...13:09
jasonmchristosdont matter im going to do a fresh install karmic never produced these13:09
jasonmchristossomeone go ahead and rn backtrack at my ip13:09
twbjasonmchristos: we can't fix an issue if we can't reproduce it.13:10
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: do as you wish13:10
jasonmchristoswell what do you want me to do13:10
jasonmchristosu want my rkhunter and chkrootkit logs?13:10
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: I just told you rkhunter is broken, it's detecting a rootkit in lucid for everyone. I'll get it fixed.13:10
twbjasonmchristos: what I want you to do is answer my questions.13:11
jasonmchristosim looking at my netstat and there are so many ports open now i cant remember which was open after a fresh install13:11
jasonmchristostrying to answer you13:11
jasonmchristoswhat about the packet sniffer on wla0?13:12
twbjasonmchristos: what about it?13:12
jasonmchristosthat also a flse alarm?13:12
twb!smart questions13:12
twbStupid bot13:12
jasonmchristosgo go gadget bot13:13
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.13:13
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: please post your rkhunter and chkrootkit logs13:13
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: or, alternatively, you can send them to security@ubuntu.com and I'll look at them13:13
jasonmchristosok hold on just for you guys ill let u tinker for a bit but after this if you can help explain or direct me too a tut on how to inject the crypto disk key for my home directory to a fresh install those were my plans13:14
twbjasonmchristos: while you're at it, the output of "sudo ss -nap"13:14
jasonmchristosok im on it13:15
jasonmchristoswhere is the chkrootkit logs?13:17
jasonmchristosi already attached the rkhunter13:17
jasonmchristosill just run it again and cut n paste13:17
ttxsmoser, hggdh; ping me when around13:18
jasonmchristosfunn all of this sudden it isnt detecting the SuckIT rootkit13:19
twbjasonmchristos: btw, you might want to filter 8080 on the internet side unless you actually want people banging against it.13:20
jasonmchristosit poen?13:20
twbjasonmchristos: it's open at the TCP level, meaning that squid has to 401 instead of ICMP rejecting it cheaply in the kernel.13:21
twbNormally I'd tell internal services to only bind to internal interfaces, but I don't know offhand how to tell squid that.13:21
twb(That and a default-deny netfilter.)13:22
jasonmchristostwb: thats my remote manegment on my router13:23
jasonmchristosi figured thats better to leave open than an SSH port13:23
jasonmchristosbut then i can always use 8080 to open my ssh port when i need it13:23
jasonmchristoswhatever port that was it was upnp capable but its not up anymore because i dont see any upnp ports open but right after a fresh install it was in the 6xxxx range13:25
jasonmchristossuckit must have self destructed but rkhunter still detects zxibit13:25
jasonmchristoshave the email ready13:25
twbIsn't upnp one of those gaping-hole "features"/13:25
jasonmchristosi think im going to disable it13:26
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: rkhunter is broken13:26
jasonmchristosok who wants this email with all the outputs13:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:27
jasonmchristosits had to get voip like ekiga to work without upnp because it uses rando mports13:27
twbMy job is to make the network safe, not useful13:28
jasonmchristoslol good point twb13:30
jasonmchristosdo you work for ubuntu or another company?13:30
RoyKubuntu isn't a company :)13:31
RoyKcanonical is, though13:31
\shtwb, this would make a nice quote ;) "twbs job is to make the network safe, not useful" ;)13:31
twbI work for cybersource.com.au13:31
twbFSVO work = drink their coffee and use their link.13:32
twbjasonmchristos: the only thing listening on a high port there is skype, which is not part of Ubuntu.13:32
jasonmchristosyeah it sems to have dissapeard13:33
twbjasonmchristos: well, get back to us when you can reproduce the issue13:33
jasonmchristosthe xzibit thing is there13:33
twbWe've already covered that13:34
jasonmchristosif u think its a false alarm u want to fix13:34
jasonmchristosthought u guys ant to fix it13:34
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: I've opened bug 556455 for the false alarm, and I'll fix it today13:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 556455 in rkhunter "rkhunter incorrectly detects Xzibit Rootkit in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55645513:34
twbjasonmchristos: bugs that can't be reproduced can't be isolated, and thus can't be fixed.13:34
psyferrehey folks, can anyone help with a permissions issue please?  I've need to give a group rw access to a mounted network share.  I've tried everything that seems relevant on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently, but can only manage to write with the root user.  The other user in the group cannot write.13:35
twbpsyferre: is the network share CIFS, NFSv3, NFSv4, or something else?13:36
jasonmchristoslooks like samba13:36
psyferretwb: I tried cifs and smbfs13:36
twbSorry, I didn't read13:36
psyferreThe machine on the other end is a netapp storevault13:36
twbpsyferre: smbfs is obsolete; you should only need to try cifs.13:36
jasonmchristosyeah but i think you need to edit the fstab13:38
psyferretwb: okay, thanks.  My current fstab has: //nas01/shares/ /network/nas01/shares cifs rw,_netdev,username=DOMAIN/user,password=password,dir_mode=775,gid=1001   0 0... does that seem right?13:38
twb-ogid is how I'd do it with NTFS; and that wiki article seems to indicate the process is the same for CIFS.13:38
twbpsyferre: do you really have a user on the NAS called "DOMAIN\user"?13:39
psyferretwb, well, no... I edited out the real domain and user name for security purposes13:39
twbIf I can do something useful by knowing your domain and username, you have BIG problems.13:39
psyferretwb: heh, true enough. :)  I'd prefer to be on the safe side though :)13:40
twbDoes "getent group 1001" return the correct group?13:40
jasonmchristosi think you need to add the ,user optiojn13:40
twbIs it a primary or secondary group?13:40
twbHas the test user logged out and back in since you added them to that secondary group?13:41
psyferrejasonmchristos: just tried adding ,user and there's no change13:41
jasonmchristospsyferre: i wrote a howto for nfs http://blog.jasonmchristos.info/search?q=nfs but i had to make it readable by something other than root so try this13:42
jasonmchristosjust change it to cifs or whatever13:42
psyferretwb: hmm... i've been logged in as root and then used su to switch to my other user13:42
twbpsyferre: do you have the other user's password?  If so, best to test by switching to a getty and doing a full login.13:42
twbpsyferre: otherwise, at least try with "su - fred" instead of "su fred"13:42
MTecknologyIs indentation important in /etc/network/interfaces ?13:43
jasonmchristoswhatever i did in the howto made my nfs mountable bu users without sudo13:43
twbMTecknology: no.13:43
psyferrethanks, jasonmchristos, I'll check that out13:43
MTecknologytwb: thanks- I musta screwed up somewhere else - I hate not being able to fix my own server because I screwed up :(13:44
twbMTecknology: pastebin it13:44
psyferretwb: hmm... thanks.  I didn't know there was a difference between the two13:44
psyferretwb: i just opened a new putty session and logged in with the second user directly, same deal13:44
twbpsyferre: did the mount operation give an error?13:44
psyferretwb: no13:44
twbpsyferre: does dmesg contain anything suspicious?13:44
MTecknologytwb: to the best of my memory - I can't touch the system until somebody fixes it for me - http://dpaste.com/179992/13:45
twbAnd to confirm: root can still read and write files in the share?13:45
jasonmchristospsyferre: after adding the user u have to reboot i think13:46
jasonmchristosbecause the fstab needs to be reloaded13:46
zulmdeslaur: hey would you have some time to review a apache backport patch for me later today?13:46
psyferretwb: Nothing seems suspicious in dmesg, root can still read and write13:47
psyferrejasonmchristos: mount -a doesn't do that?13:47
twbpsyferre: pastebin the output of "ls -la" on the mountpoint.13:47
mdeslaurzul: sure13:47
zulmdeslaur: nifty thanks13:47
psyferretwb: http://pastebin.com/wwgQbDhJ13:48
jasonmchristospsyferre: i think you just need to add the use option to fstab and reboot so it reloads fstab13:50
twbThat's the mountpoint's parent13:50
twbbut tom:root looks pretty suspicious.13:50
twbI'd expect it to be tom:my_cifs_group or whatever13:50
jasonmchristosthen users other than root will be able to mount the share13:50
psyferretwb: yeah, i agree.13:50
twbpsyferre: did you unmount and re-mount after editing fstab?13:51
psyferrejasonmchristos: unfortunately, a reboot isn't a good option at the moment... one of these machines is a production database13:51
twbmount -a won't notice changes to mount options in fstab13:51
psyferretwb: AH.  That's it then.13:51
jasonmchristosok well i think fstab just hasnt reloaded with the , user option13:51
* psyferre puts his head in his hands and cries softly13:51
smoserttx, here13:52
jasonmchristosi dont know exactly how to reload fstab without a reboot13:52
cloakablejasonmchristos: edit it, then remount the drive13:52
bogeyd6twb, mount -a is made to re-read fstab13:52
bogeyd6twb, mount -a causes all file systems mentioned in fstab (of the proper type and/or having or not having the proper options) to be mounted as indicated, except for those whose line contains the noauto keyword13:53
psyferretwb: one moment, gotta remember how to unmount.....13:53
psyferrebogeyd6: so unmounting is not necessary in this case?13:53
psyferrethat's what I thought... just umount and then the share name?13:54
bogeyd6i came in halfway13:54
bogeyd6ill let the other finish13:54
twbbogeyd6: erm, even if they're ALREADY mounted?  You're suggesting mount -a will result in a mount -oremount on my root filesystem?13:54
ttxsmoser: looking at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/3880, we only have the "instance run" test. I asked hggdh to add a cloud-config test, ISTR you have something for that... is there a testcase written somewhere in the testcases wiki ?13:55
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: I've just uploaded a fixed rkhunter to the archive that doesn't falsely detect the rootkit anymore13:55
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: in a couple of hours it should be available13:55
jasonmchristoscool, mdeslaur how were you sure that it was false?13:56
ttxsmoser: could you sync with hggdh so that a test covering that is available for cloud images in general (UEC+EC2) ?13:56
bogeyd6twb, im saying if you edit fstab and then mount -a it will mount the filesystem with the new options13:56
twbpsyferre: is it working now?13:56
jasonmchristosmdeslaur: will this update be available to replaice the main rkhunter package?13:56
ttxsmoser: Also there isn't any EC2 candidate right now, so I can't see if the "single instance" test was removed (we should have "multiple instances" and "cloud-config")13:57
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: because I looked at the check it was performing, and it wasn't right for lucid13:57
mdeslaurjasonmchristos: yes, it will replace the one that is there13:57
twbbogeyd6: you're wrong, at least on Sid.13:57
jasonmchristosdo i get karma points for this ?13:57
smoserttx, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/files/head%3A/user-data/ is what i have for cloud config.  I put together 3 different cloud config files that excercise a fair amount of the function. (ud-* there)13:57
smoserttx, well, lets make an ec2 candidate then13:58
twbjasonmchristos: you get a warm fuzzy feeling of having saved some other schmuck from shaving the same yak13:58
psyferretwb, bogeyd6: I get unmount error 16 = Device or resource busy  when trying to umount... do i need to stop cifs or something?13:58
smoseri'll start writing a test case for the user data13:58
twbpsyferre: ask lsof what is using that filesystem13:59
twbpsyferre: if you're an incurable cd-er, it's probably your shell13:59
twbThere's mount -f and mount -l, but those are plan B.13:59
smoserttx, should i just edit http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/System/EC2CloudImages ?13:59
ttxsmoser: sounds good14:00
psyferretwb: root@prometheus02:/# lsof /network/nas01/shares lsof: WARNING: can't stat() cifs file system /network/nas01/shares       Output information may be incomplete.14:00
twbpsyferre: ugh14:00
ttxif there is some duplication of info between the EC2 and the UEC tests, maybe play some include game to avoid copying14:00
ttxSmokeyD: ^14:01
ttxsmoser: ^14:01
ttxarh :)14:01
twbpsyferre: if this host isn't important, just bounce it.  It's not worth isolating.14:01
psyferretwb: What do you mean by incurable cd-er?14:01
jasonmchristosim going to start banging a hammer on my kitchen cabinets14:01
twbAs in, you cd into whatever dir you're going to use instead of using your shell's tab completion14:01
ttxsmoser: also on this page the "multiple instance" and "single instance" tests should be collapsed into a single test with clear instructions on what should be tested.14:02
psyferretwb: hmm... i use tab completion anytime I know exactly where I'm headed.  So, cd-ing through a directory tree is not just inefficient but somehow generates open handles?14:04
psyferretwb: i was able to reboot this host and now my secondary user doesn't have read OR write permission14:08
MTecknologytwb: did you see anything wrong with that pastebin?14:10
twbMTecknology: didn't look14:14
twbMTecknology: I assume you create the bridge elsewhere?14:14
smoserttx, so you're wanting one page that lists tests of UEC images, and one that lists test of EC2 images ?14:15
twbMTecknology: how does it know whether eth0's gateway or br0's gateway should be the default?14:15
twbpsyferre: what does ls -la say about the mountpoint?14:16
ttxsmoser: not really. If some tests are applicable to both, then one is sufficient14:16
ttxsmoser: if only part of the test applied, then include could help14:16
ivoksoh, ttx14:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #556487 in libvirt (main) "virConnectOpen chooses qemu:///session before qemu:///system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55648714:17
smoserttx, yeah. so, for ec2, most of the test running is automated.14:17
smoseri'm not sure if that works or not for euca14:17
MTecknologytwb: bridge_ports eth014:17
psyferretwb: http://pastebin.com/4yxs7uPT14:17
MTecknologytwb: I just noticed that I should have  iface eth0 inet dhcp -> iface eth0 inet manual14:17
ttxsmoser: I'll fire up an UEC install now for the current ISo testing, so if you have anything I should play with, let me know14:18
zulmdeslaur: when you get a chance http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/apache2-mod-reqtimeout.debdiff14:18
ttxivoks: and you're sure now ?14:21
ivoksttx: yes :)14:21
mdeslaurzul: wow! you backported half the new version? :)14:22
ivokscluster stack has been accepted in debian14:22
ivoksnow we can just sync.14:22
zulmdeslaur: heh....crap...14:22
mdeslaurzul: url in 206-fix-potential-memory-leaks.dpatch doesn't work14:22
abssorbHi, looking for suggestions to centralise /home.  Using autofs but hangs are too frequent14:23
incorrectwhatever happened to the ubuntu directory server?14:24
cloakableabssorb: I use NFS for that14:25
kklimonda|G1incorrect: there has been something like that?14:26
cloakableabssorb: export /home from the server, and import it on your clients.14:26
abssorbcloakable: autofs uses NFS14:27
incorrectkklimonda|G1, there was14:27
cloakableabssorb: use nfs directly, cut out autofs14:28
psyferretwb: I chowned root:zrmgroup until the path to the share looked correct http://pastebin.com/AxDMSYqS14:29
twbpsyferre: er, yeah... good luck with that.14:29
abssorbcloakable: Interesting. But how do two users mount their own /home/username with their own permissions?14:29
twbpsyferre: those modes look pretty dodgy.14:29
twbpsyferre: if you umount and mount, does it all reset back to the broken state?14:30
psyferretwb: I agree... looks like from the mount on everything went off.  I can still only read and write as root, and secondary user can't even read14:30
cloakableabssorb: /home is mounted from the server, so all home directories are available, and if you keep UID/GID constant between desktop/server, the permissions will be correct too.14:31
psyferretwb: still can't umount... says the device is busy14:32
cloakableabssorb: I'm just careful about adding users, myself :)14:32
abssorbcloakable: Yes, add UID and GID match.  In my experiments with plain NFS, the user mounting the volume sets the UID and the GID. So user-switching is compromised.14:32
psyferretwb: I've just have to keep rebooting.14:33
cloakableabssorb: if you set it in fstab, /home is mounted during bootup, and stays mounted.14:33
cloakableabssorb: so home directory <user> stays belonging to that user, and home directoy <user2> stays belonging to <user2>14:34
cloakableabssorb: it's as if the partition is local, rather than on the central server.14:35
RoAkSoAxivoks, heya!!14:35
ivoksRoAkSoAx: hi14:36
RoAkSoAxivoks, how is it going?? Where you able to review the packages I prepare?14:36
zulivoks: congrats14:36
abssorbcloakable: Ah I see, you mean instead of mount /home, I mount /home/user1 and /home/user2.  That would mean re-writing the new users creation tools on the server.  OK I suppose. Before I do that, what advantage does NFS give me over Autofs, in terms of surviving hangs?14:37
cloakableabssorb: no, put "server:/home    /home    nfs    auto    0    0" into your fstab. And advantages? If the server goes down, it'll hang untill the server comes back up, then it'll resume working again.14:40
mdeslaurzul: what about this: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/docs/manual/mod/allmodules.xml?r1=917211&r2=917210&pathrev=91721114:41
zulmdeslaur: it didnt apply14:41
cloakableabssorb: If you mount the nfs export as if it's a partition, it'll act like one. permissions and all. No user will need to mount their /home directory, because /home itself is mounted on bootup.14:42
mdeslaurzul: how could it not apply...14:42
zulmdeslaur: dunno it didnt14:42
abssorbcloakable: I've tried that, it only works properly for a single user per client.14:43
cloakableabssorb: I've never had problems with it. Are you using autofs+nfs or pure nfs?14:44
cloakableabssorb: because when I mount from my server, all the permissions are correct.14:44
mdeslaurzul: the rest looks great14:44
abssorbcloakable: They would be for the first user to log in.14:45
zulmdeslaur: nifty thanks14:45
cloakabledrwxr-xr-x 63 cloakable cloakable 16384 2010-04-06 14:06 cloakable14:45
cloakabledrwxr-xr-x  3 rune rune 88 2010-03-27 18:34 rune14:45
cloakablethat's on NFS14:45
abssorbcloakable: OK thanks,  There must be another reason why it didn;t work on our setu14:46
cloakableabssorb: yeah. Not sure about that.14:46
abssorbcloakable:  Re the advantage, about recovering when a server comes back up, autofs relies on nfs to achieve this, but it's not working.  Will removing the use of autofs somehow influence this? Because that would be the only reason to stop using it (it works perfectly otherwise).14:50
RoAkSoAxzul, may I ask what are the congrats to ivoks for? :)14:50
zulRoAkSoAx: get the cluster stuff in debian, congrats to you too14:51
RoAkSoAxzul, hehe I did little this time but thanks :)14:51
cloakableabssorb: I'm not sure, I don't use autofs myself, it always seemed inelegant to me :)14:52
abssorbcloakable:  I does look inelegant :)  But is actually an elegant way of solving some permission problems.  I looked over my notes, when I tried last, a direct export of /home over plain NFS resulted in problems for users whose primary group was one other than the default. This gave problems with users getting ".dmrc wrong permissions" errors.14:56
cloakableabssorb: Aha. I generally run a standard network :)14:57
abssorbcloakable: You've given me lots of useful things to think about. Thanks!14:58
RoAkSoAxivoks, whenever you have time please review the cluster packages at ppa:andreserl/ha, to be able to copy them to the ubuntu-ha ppa and then request the sync to get them into lucid asap. I'll be off for a while, so just let me know. Thanks :)15:06
ivoksRoAkSoAx: don't copy those15:07
ivoksRoAkSoAx: there are some changes needed15:07
ivoksRoAkSoAx: we'll sync from debian15:07
ttxzul, smoser, kirkland: I'll need each of you to cover part of the ISO tests, mathiaz won't have much time for it this time around. Expect a new server beta2 candidate in the next hours15:08
smoserttx, should we call the ec2 images candidates ?15:08
smoseror do we need to respin?15:08
ttxI'd wait for the Server ISo respin, to be sure to catch the latest boot process15:09
zulttx: sure no problem15:09
hggdhttx: I am here, you pinged me?15:10
ttxhggdh: yes about the ISo testcases15:11
ttxhggdh: the UEC topologies look alright15:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #556528 in euca2ools (main) "euca2ools config file overrides environment" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55652815:11
ttxhggdh: please sync with smoser about the cloud images testcases15:11
hggdhttx: will do15:12
ttxhggdh: we need "multiple instance run" and "user-data test" for EC2 cloud images, and "instance run" and "user-data test" for UEC images15:12
ttxhggdh: he is working on the contents15:12
RoAkSoAxivoks, those packages are the same as the debian-ha hg repo, including latest commits for cluster-glue (your perl changes and --disable-fatal-warnings) so in essence they are the same packages15:12
hggdhttx: will they be mandatory, or optional?15:13
ivoksRoAkSoAx: ok then, i'll recheck15:14
ivoksRoAkSoAx: i've looked at those yesterday15:14
alvinI'm experiencing very high loads on ubuntu-server with KVM since the latest kernel update. Any pointers as to where to search for the cause? kern.log  contains "task xxxx blocked for more than 120 seconds" and a trace. Virtual machines crash randomly. The trace contains stuff with 'ext4' in it.15:15
alvinI'm seeing this on 3 servers now, after the update.15:15
alvinOh, and libvirt is frozen. I can't give any virsh commands anymore15:16
alvinNo destroying/rebooting the crashed servers possible. I don't like restarting libvirt, and I certainly don't like restarting the servers. They are headless and I'm certain the root device will not be found anymore.15:17
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok :) anyways...the only change I dont think I have in pacemaker is the commit that was done 2 hours ago, but it's easily mergeable. cluster-glue already include the changes of the commit done an hour ago. and as I said, heartbeat and cluster-agents are 7 days old in the hg repo, which are the same I already have packaged15:19
alvinPart of the logs (scroll for stack stuff): http://paste.ubuntu.com/410068/15:19
kirklandttx: sure thing, i usually do a few rounds myself15:23
kirklandttx: i'll cover the UEC and raid ones15:23
alvinWhoah. I lost connection to the virtual host and all its guests... I did nothing. Server dead.15:25
alvinBye, bye server :-( I'll have to drive there now15:28
alvinMeanwhile, two other servers are slowly crashing and I found the closest bug: bug 52201415:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 522014 in linux "kernel bug 2.6.31-17-server with hung_task_timeout_secs " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52201415:29
alvinIt could also be bug 27647615:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 276476 in linux "INFO: task blocked for more than 120 seconds causes system freeze" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27647615:37
zulill take the hardy->lucid upgrade tests15:38
sherralvin: this is server 9.10 64 bit or ?15:38
sherralvin: when you say lost connection to "virtual host and all its guests" - what is the host? Surely not a VM itself?15:39
alvinsherr: No, the hosts are Ubuntu 9.10, amd64 (all of them). The guests are ubuntu Jaunty, Karmic and Windows. With lost connection, I mean: I have no longer access to the guests (ssh, or their services) and ssh to the host.15:40
alvinI can no longer ping the host either15:41
alvinTwo other hosts here show the same: if there is heavy I/O (cp a kvm image for example), the kernel logs starts to show errors, the copy goes slow (5MB/sec) and the load goes insane. After a while things calm down and the copy speeds up again.15:42
alvinAll machines run lvm+ext4. 2 of them have mdadm raid15:43
alvinthe other one has hardware raid, but all show these hung_task_timeout_secs errors (for kvm, kjournald, pdflush)15:43
sherralvin: hmm. The log you pasted almost looks like a bad disk or cable (ATA) ... not sure.15:44
alvinAh, that was before that machine went down. I checked the RAID (mdadm status). everything was perfectly ok15:44
sherrI have left off ext4 until "now" (well, from now), waiting for everything to get shaken out. Especially for things like KVM etc. Who knows?15:45
alvinAnd since two other machines show the same errors, we can safely assume they are related. All those machines where rebooted this weekend, so they got the latest kernel.15:45
alvinIt has worked well for months. Karmic has proven to be unreliable to boot, but not on the ext4 part.15:45
sherrWell, good luck. I hope to retry KVM sometime in the future. So far, it's not worked so well for me (performance).15:46
alvinNow, I don't know if ext4 is the cause. Looks more like an io_scheduling problem.15:46
alvinActually, I tested performance here and it was slightly better than the same machine on VMWare (only marginally)15:46
sherrThis is the thing with Linux/Ubuntu ... always upgrade cycle and shaking out new things (new bugs)!15:46
alvinWell, you can't expect users to test your sofware. That's the problem.15:48
ttxkirkland: if you cover the UEC, please run them manually from ISO... I want us to catch any error in the messages as well (like "bad defaults proposed")15:52
ttxI'll try to cover them anyway, but two looks can't hurt15:53
ttx(just did a "topology 1" test on amd64, works like a charm, fwiw)15:53
ivokshas anyone tried using vmbuilder without kvm-enabled hardware?16:02
ivoksshouldn't that work and just use qemu?16:02
jarray52When trying to network boot, I get the following error message: Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems: ...  This happens after the DHCP request is answered and the tftp sends the kernel image. I'm having trouble with the nfs.16:08
jarray52Any suggestions?16:08
ivoksnfs before network?16:08
ivoksnfs before portmap?16:08
jarray52ivok: no16:08
jarray52ivoks: I never tried using it.16:09
ivoksusing what?16:09
jarray52ivoks: I never tried using nfs before this.16:09
ivokseh, your first NFS experience is with root on NFS?16:10
ivokstry with something easier :)16:10
jarray52ivoks: Do you mean /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start? I ran that command, and nmap <ipaddress> shows that nfs is up and running on port 2049 and rcpbind on port 111.16:14
ivoksand nfs-common?16:15
jarray52ivoks: I installed it.16:15
ivoksis there a guide you are following for seting up root on nfs?16:16
ivoksand which version of ubuntu are you using16:16
twbjarray52: you should be asking rpcinfo before nmap16:16
twbivoks: it's not really done anymore.16:17
twbThe nearest real-world cases I can think of are LTSP5 and puppet/cfengine.16:17
jarray52ivoks: ubuntu 9.04 and i'm following this guide https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide16:18
ivoksso, you appended this to the kernel:16:20
ivoksroot=/dev/nfs nfsroot=server_ip:/path16:20
alvinjarray52: I don't want to confuse you, but I have seen that message a lot of times on non-NFS root servers. I then just keep rebooting until the root drive is found. It's a known bug.16:20
twbYou'd also need boot=nfs, IIRC16:20
twbThe relevant code is in the ramdisk, which is built from /usr/share/initramfs-tools/ and /etc/initramfs-tools/16:21
ivoksalvin: or run mount -a ; exit16:21
jarray52alvin: Must have rebooted 20+ times. Also, try setting a rootdelay... saw a post about it.16:21
ivoksin 9.04 there is a bug where network is up *after* nfs services are started16:21
alvinivoks is right. If you wait a bit and then run mount -a, you can resume16:21
twbalvin: that's not a fix, that's a workaround for not understanding your symptoms16:21
ivoksmeaning that you can't mount NFS share16:21
alvinThat bug is still in 9.1016:21
ivokssorry, not 9.04, but 9.1016:21
ivoksit's only in 9.1016:22
alvintwb: Nobody said it's a fix, but the real bug is not located yet as far as I know16:22
twbYou'll get the same symptoms if the root filesystem can't be mounted at all.16:22
ivoksalvin: it's located16:22
ivoksalvin: and fixed in 10.0416:22
alvinThose are different problems. The NFS one is mountall, the not finding a root device is unknown unless I am mistaken16:22
twbivoks: that's the kind of bug that keeps me on LTS16:22
ivokstwb: yeah, that bug didn't exist a month before release of 9.10 :)16:23
alvinivoks: but it existed before. I don't remember how long though.16:23
alvinkarmic does feel very 'beta'16:23
ivoksbackporting the fix from 10.04 to 9.10 requires knowledge of upstart code :D16:24
alvinAnd with the current system freezes I'm experiencing, my feeling about it doesn't get better.16:24
ivoksanyway, i'm sorry, but i have to leave now16:24
twbivoks: doesn't it require knowledge of the upstart service language, not upstart itself?16:24
twbAnd amounting to Required-Start: $network16:25
ivokstwb: upstart in 9.10 didn't have some features that has in 10.0416:25
ivokstwb: lack of those features resulted in that bug16:25
ivoksthat and couple of others16:25
ivoksmost of them are fixed16:25
twbupstart feels like such a NIH failure16:25
ivoksbut this one doesn't look easy without backporting huge part of upstart16:25
ivoksit isn't16:26
ivoksit's great tool16:26
jarray52ivoks: When you're asking about root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=server_ip:/path, do you mean in /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default?16:26
alvinStill, that version of upstart should have been left out in Karmic.16:26
ivoksbut it's such a important part of the system that any small error results in big problems16:26
twbEspecially when you compare it to the simplicity of cinit or the non-invasiveness of insserv make-style booting.16:26
ivoksjarray52: yes16:27
ivoksdon't forget, upstart isn't only 'booting'16:27
ivoksanyway, take care... realy have to go now16:28
twbMeaning that it restarts services when they die (like every post-sysv init), or meaning that it puts grubby fingers into areas that it doesn't belong (like NetworkManager)?16:28
jarray52ivoks: Thanks for your help.16:29
jarray52twb and alvin: I will need to do a lot of googling to follow that conversation. Do both of you believe that my problem is due to a bug? My experience has been that Ubuntu 9.10 was very buggy. Tons of crashes and random behavior. So, I rolled back to Ubuntu 9.04. For the most part, I was happy with it.16:32
incorrectslapd seems very broken in 9.1016:32
alvinincorrect: That is because it was split up and undocumented (as far as I know. I wanted to try it, but didn't know where to start)16:33
twbjarray52: it wouldn't surprise me if it's a bug, but I haven't seen enough evidence to conclusively demonstrate that it's not a simple fuckup on your part16:33
alvinjarray52: I think it's a bug, yes. Let me see if I can point you to the right reports16:33
incorrectalvin, apt-get install slapd?16:33
jarray52twb: I would bet it's a simple fuckup on my part.16:33
alvin(Damn: those are on my virtual mailserver, but the karmic host crashed due to an io_scheduler bug...)16:34
jarray52jarray52: Given my lack of experience, that is very likely. However, I did follow the instructions in https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide pretty closely.16:35
jarray52twm: Given my lack of experience, that is very likely. However, I did follow the instructions in https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide pretty closely.16:35
twbJust because it's on a wiki doesn't mean it's true16:35
alvinhere: bug 504224 for the NFS mounts, and bug 470776. Also, bug 38434716:35
jarray52twb: totally agreed.16:35
twbtwm wouldn't be caught dead here.16:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 504224 in mountall "NFS mounts at boot time prevent boot or print spurious errors" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50422416:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 470776 in mountall "retry remote devices when parent is ready after SIGUSR1" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47077616:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 384347 in util-linux "_netdev not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38434716:35
jarray52twb: sorry16:36
jarray52twb: Given my lack of experience, that is very likely. However, I did follow the instructions in https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide pretty closely.16:36
jarray52that's better.16:36
alvinIt could be totally unrelated too16:36
jarray52better question, what trouble shooting steps can I take16:37
alvinjarray52: I wouldn't know. If it IS a bug (or multiple ones) I'd suggest trying with an older version or another distribution as client. There are no good workarounds that you can try.16:39
incorrectwow slapd is more broken in karmic than i thought, i am just lucky i ported my db over from jaunty16:41
incorrecti wonder, is slapd broken in 10.416:41
zulincorrect: please open a bug in launchpad then16:41
incorrectzul, i've found that there are others ranting about it on launchpad16:43
jarray52twb: Do you have any suggestions?16:44
incorrectgiven that lucid is released at the end of the month, i wonder if i should upgrade my firewall to it, my firewall being a toy16:45
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jarray52twb: Thanks for the rpcinfo pointer. That is useful. 3 versions of nfs are up and running. However, I think my problem is different. When running ifconfig on the node, i noticed that it lost its network connection. It doesn't seem to have maintained the ipaddress given to it by the dhcp server.16:51
alvinincorrect: I haven't tested it yet, but it is reported that Lucid has less critical bugs than karmic, so I'll upgrade everything I can find.16:51
incorrectalvin, i've found a posting on how to get slapd working in karmic, but my god its painful16:54
alvinincorrect: I have decided to wait learning ldap until someone reports he can do it without the pain.16:54
incorrectalvin, kvm + jaunty16:55
alvinincorrect: Have you tried upgrading after that?16:55
incorrectalvin, i upgraded my ldap server from jaunty to karmic, i didn't notice how broken thinks were as i had done all the config work16:55
incorrecti just needed to do some changes and found i couldn't get phpladpadmin to work16:56
alvinAha, well, I will absolutely wait16:56
incorrecti am tempted to upgade to lucid16:56
alvinI'm having enough troubles as it is booting the machines. I try not to reboot.16:56
incorrectwell i also found a huge bug that grub won't install on a software RAID setup16:57
incorrecti cried16:57
ttxkirkland: fwiw, I rewrote the ISO tracker testcases for the UEC topologies, with help from hggdh. I didn't touch any UEC doc yet, though16:57
kirklandttx: i'd like to update the UEC docs16:57
kirklandttx: i was going to do that this week-ish16:57
alvinincorrect: On RAID0? RAID1 will work16:57
incorrectok this problem was only on the alternative text based installer16:58
incorrecti pxe boot install my machines16:58
kirklandttx: also, i'd like to get the ISO tracker and UEC help docs to be in better sync, somehow16:58
kirklandttx: the duplication is painful16:58
incorrectpxe install them,16:58
ttxkirkland: I think the level of detail is different for an install doc and a testcase16:58
ttxkirkland: but I agree with you it can be painful16:59
kirklandttx: obviously16:59
alvinincorrect: Oh, I didn't know that. I always use the cd. I should try pxe one day16:59
ttxI think most of the installer is self-explaining, the UEC doc shouldn't need to go into lots of detail, but rather expand on available topologies17:00
incorrectalvin, i hope lucid has the latest kvm because that now supports booting vm's via the network,17:00
ttxwhile the testcase must include a bullet-point set of steps to not deviate from17:00
alvinincorrect: Cool, but it will not have the latest version17:00
incorrectalvin, i could17:00
incorrectit could17:01
incorrectkvm do not release very often, iirc jaunty and karmic had the same version17:01
alvinincorrect: It will be 0.7.517:01
incorrectseems to be up to date then17:04
incorrectqemu is at 0.12.317:04
incorrectmaybe i will run up a vm for lucid17:07
CVirusI'm using kickstart to do a hands-off intsallation on 100 machines .. How can I get rid of all the warnings the installer prompts me for ... like weak passwords and invalid nameservers and so ?17:09
jarray52Does anyone know how to prevent the ipaddress from resetting after a kernel is loaded?17:10
jarray52using network boot17:10
incorrecti just use static ip addresses17:14
incorrectjarray52, are you building servers or desktops?17:14
alvinincorrect, jarray52: for servers, you can also use DHCP17:16
jarray52incorrect: I'm just playing around. Let's say I'm trying to get a server network booted. Right now, there is no disk attached. I'm able to load the OS using DHCP.17:16
alvinjarray52: I have no experience with that. Are you saying it works with DHCP, but not with a static address? (Can you even set a static address in that situation?)17:18
jarray52alvin: I'm using a DHCP server to issue a static ip address.17:19
jarray52alvin: I'm able to issue the static ip address and then use tftp to boot the OS.17:19
alvinWell, that's still DHCP, but ok.17:20
jarray52Out of curiosity, is it possible to search these irc chat discussions to see if someone had a similar problem?17:21
alvinjarray52: There are logs, but I don't know whether you can search them. Maybe use the ubuntu-server mailinglist.17:22
* alvin is going home. No backlog due to crashed karmic quasselcore :-(17:23
jarray52incorrect: By playing around, I meant trying to learn how this stuff works. I'm trying to network boot a machine.17:25
skrite99anyone know much about a deadlock with InnoDB ?17:26
incorrectjarray52, during the install the installer app configures the network, its outside of the pxe boot getting you enough OS to boot from nic bios17:28
zulhas the iso been respun yet?17:44
ttxsmoser: we don't have any EC2 image candidate yet ?18:26
ttxor you wait for the respin18:26
smoseri thought you suggested wait for respin18:26
ttxthere is a rumour that the latest one isn't running properly18:27
smoserso is archive in suitable state ?18:27
ttxsmoser: not really, we would respin18:27
smoserlatest one , where "one" is server ISO ?18:27
ttxno, the cloud images18:27
ttxthe last daily cloud images would not run.18:27
ttxkirkland: could you test the current state of the lucid cloud images on uEC, to debunk that rumour ?18:31
ttxThe iso testing is using the karmic image, as a reference standpoint, so the recent lucid images weren't tested18:31
ttx(at least by me)18:32
ttxsmoser: I asked slangasek to ping you when the server ISO is respun, so that you can generate EC2 candidates from that18:34
smoserttx, ok. i'll try a test of latest uec images.18:35
smosernote, i've tested successfully on ec218:35
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henkjankirkland: the link to http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_USVD on your latest blogpost is broken18:50
jdstrandttx: hey. seems the server iso is being rebuilt-- may I what prompted it?19:01
jdstrands/what/ask what/19:01
sbeattiejdstrand: possibly bug 548954?19:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 548954 in upstart "Ubuntu servers should display information during boot by default" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54895419:02
ttxjdstrand: "splash" still active on server boot, + winbind PAM profile screwing up login on samba-server task19:02
* jdstrand guesses samba for 546874 and 55634219:03
jdstrandk, thanks19:03
ttxjdstrand: bug 548954 and bug 54687419:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 546874 in samba "passwd - can't login, change password (pam_winbind pam-auth-update profile)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54687419:03
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mathiazkirkland: hi19:48
mathiazkirkland: trying to run an instance on UEC19:48
mathiazkirkland: got this error on the NC: [009416][EUCAERROR ] libvirt: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm' (code=1)19:48
brontosaurusrexif linux boxes can't see my internal linux server, do i need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to send hostname or something else (windows boxes on the network have no problem seeing the box)19:55
smoserkirkland, did you report (ttx said someone did) that latest uec images aren't booting ? or was that mathiaz ?19:56
brontosaurusrexif linux boxes can't see my internal linux server by its internal hostname, do i need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to send hostname or something else (windows boxes on the network have no problem seeing the box)19:56
mathiazsmoser: I haven't reported anything yet19:56
sherrbrontosaurusrex: if they are all on the same network, they should "see" each other.19:56
sherrbrontosaurusrex: what IP address on linux server?19:57
sherrbrontosaurusrex: what IP address on other linux box?19:57
MTecknologyHow can I change a username? like michae -> michael19:57
MTecknologyIs there any easy way to do it system wide?...19:57
brontosaurusrex192.168.1.100 is the server19:57
brontosaurusrex192.168.1.101 is the client for example19:58
sherrbrontosaurusrex: and netmasks?19:58
brontosaurusrexinet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
sherrYou cannot ping .100 from 101?19:59
brontosaurusrexits not really an issue, since 99,9% of users are windows, but i wonder whats up with that19:59
brontosaurusrexsherr: sure i can, only hostname doesnt work19:59
sherrWell, how was I supposed to know it was a DNS issue only?20:00
brontosaurusrexits accessable via ip20:00
sherrPut the hostnames/IP's in /etc/hosts?20:00
brontosaurusrexon all linux boxes?20:00
sherrYes - unless you want to run DNS.20:00
sherrMaybe look into using dnsmasq as a DHCP server.20:01
brontosaurusrexhow come windows boxes see the hostname?20:01
sherrAre you using Samba>20:01
brontosaurusrexits installed i think20:01
sherrThen WINS perhaps.20:01
sherrWINS != DNS20:01
sherrNote - dnsmasq includes a DNS server that can read from DHCP leases20:02
brontosaurusrexi see, so i have to run dhcp client right?20:02
sherrThe DHCP client is already used, no? This gets you an IP address.20:02
sherrYou need "name" resolution20:02
sherri.e. DNS20:03
sherr/etc/hosts is one way20:03
skrite99anyone have much experience with what a deadlock is in mysql InnoDB tables?20:03
alvinIf Windows clients can see each other by hostname and other systems can't, it's probably because they are using NETBIOS20:03
brontosaurusrexsherr: ok, ty20:03
mathiazsmoser: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/console.log20:06
mathiazsmoser: ^^ - tried to boot a daily UEC image on EC220:06
smoseryou mena on uec?20:07
mathiazsmoser: yes *UEC*20:07
mathiazsmoser: not ec220:07
smoserok. i've booted 20100406 several times today in ec220:07
smoseri think your metadata service is broken20:08
smoserand i've verified on my local UEC that 20100405 worked fine20:08
`blackmk4|imacjust wondering if there will be a proper fix for this 5 month old bug: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131111220:10
`blackmk4|imacit pretty much breaks the ability to run a server20:10
smosermathiaz, ^20:10
sherr`blackmk4|imac: is there a bug number?20:11
mathiazsmoser: it's quite possible that the meta-data is not working20:11
mathiazsmoser: as I'm running UEC on multi-network topology20:12
mathiazsmoser: how can I test if the meta-data service is working correctly?20:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 474930 in linux "Ubuntu 9.10 crashes when run without monitor or when monitor sleeps." [Undecided,Confirmed]20:12
smosermathiaz, boot an insance, somehow get to it and then poke at the metadata service from within it :)20:14
smoserbut its broken, thats why you're seeing those errors20:14
sherr`blackmk4|imac: I wonder if Lucid works?20:14
`blackmk4|imaci would imagine so20:15
sherr`blackmk4|imac: I am not affected by this. But what I would imagine is that someone adds a comment to the bug and asks if anyone can confirm this happening in Lucid still. If not, then great.20:17
`blackmk4|imacwhat is lucid, i thought you meant a person20:18
sherrLucid Lynx a.k.a release 10.04 - current beta?20:18
`blackmk4|imacah, then I don't know if it works there20:18
sherrBut if it is important, maybe someone can test?20:19
`blackmk4|imacfair enough20:19
sherrIf it affects you, why not comment on the bug and see if someone can test? or maybe someone already has?20:19
`blackmk4|imaci commented in a few forum posts about it, I'll comment on the bug20:20
sherrThat is, if no one has already. Check first :-)20:20
alvinIs that with a monitor hooked up AND X installed? Because I have karmic installations without monitor that run. None of them have X. (As long as you don't let them do something intensive like copying a large file)20:22
alvinOh, and with Intel videocard20:23
alvin(Desktops with X and some Intel cards will crash after a little while anyway)20:23
sherrA comment on the forum says "no X required" IIRC.20:23
sherralvin: although they should run even copying a large file :-/20:24
alvinI didn't read the whole forum of 'me too'. ;-) The bug should be enough20:24
sherrYes, me too ... :-)20:25
alvinsherr: I had 3 servers that froze today. One went down. The one that was doing the least work. It's apparently a kernel io_scheduling issue, but it's unclear where the bug should be assigned.20:25
alvinI'm researching this a bit. I tried to reproduce on a non-critical system with an atom cpu, but I can't reproduce it there. But take a 2xquad core machine with 32 GB ram, and rsync a 10GB file. Bam, load goed in the air and server goes down.20:26
alvinINFO: task kvm:22955 blocked for more than 120 seconds. (etcetera)20:27
sherralvin: what's backing the guests? LVM, file?20:28
alvinProduction servers are experiencing problems, and test servers don't :-(20:28
alvinFile, on LVM (ext4 formatted)20:28
sherrI hear you. Maybe you need test servers that match production more closely ... i,e, bigger!20:28
alvinI do have those tomorrow. 'll test there20:29
alvinIn fact, I could reach them. There's nobody at work, so I can quitly copy a file now. Let's do it.20:29
sherrCan you arrange an ext3 test? Good data-point perhaps20:29
alvinShould be possible. There is space left20:30
alvinOnly one of the bug reports I found talks about ext4: (bug 494476 and bug 276476)20:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 494476 in linux ""Smbd","kjournald2" and  "rsync"  blocked for more than 120 seconds while using ext4." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49447620:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 276476 in linux "INFO: task blocked for more than 120 seconds causes system freeze" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27647620:31
sherrIs it always rsync? Wit compression? maybe try a "cp", or no comp.20:31
alvincp and scp too20:31
alvinand on the server that went down: totally unknown. Only the virtual machines where running and they not under any load20:32
alvinI logged in with ssh on the host because a guest (holding a miniscule db) crashed, saw the high load, checked some things and while later, everything was down.20:33
sherrbug 276476 - seems old. "task blocked" is quite generic perhaps - problem in KVM?20:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 276476 in linux "INFO: task blocked for more than 120 seconds causes system freeze" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27647620:33
alvinsherr: Not only kvm. Task blocked is also to be seen with pdflush, kjournald, and others (rsync)20:33
alvinfix released is only for the message or something. I see the problem only since I rebooted after installing the latest karmic kernel20:34
sherrYes - I mean it's a generic error message caused by many things maybe20:34
sherrPainful - and trying to figure out the cause is painful. Time/effort ...20:34
alvinProbably, but it's the only clue I have20:34
sherrTry a different kernel? .33 PPA? Or roll your own from kernel.org20:35
alvinThe most important server is under support (Canonical), but after the first answer, they're a bit slow. I'll call tomorrow, because it halted production 2 times now.20:35
sherrKeep us posted anyway - good luck. Be good to hear how it goes.20:36
alvinOf course. I'll start a test now and see how it goes20:36
billybigriggerdoes anyone here use snort?20:46
billybigriggeri'm trying to follow this security guide, but it is suggesting i compile snort from source, only because the version in the repos doesn't enable logging to a mysql db20:48
billybigriggerdoes this still hold true?20:48
ttxsmoser: new server ISO is out, you can trigger the EC2 ones if not already done20:48
smoseri will trigger now.20:49
smoserttx, started. i tested 20100405 on uec and it ran fine20:49
ttxsmoser: thanks !20:50
sherrbillybigrigger: No idea. I'd look at the available package versions, and the changelogs. See if it is still true.20:50
ttxzul, kirkland: the new server ISO is available, please cover the tests you can before the end of your day.20:50
smoserttx, where did you hear that it wasn't functional?20:51
zulttx: my end of the day is in 9 minutes but Ill cover the tests later tonight20:51
ttxsmoser: some internal talk on a call, probably bad rumour20:51
ttxzul: heh20:51
brontosaurusrexso its either /etc/hosts or my own dns server?20:52
sherrbrontosaurusrex: stick a few hosts/IP's in a cuple of /etc/hosts files - prove to yourself that works :-)20:52
brontosaurusrexsherr: thats how i have it done now (for a while)20:53
brontosaurusrexand its good enough for home use20:53
brontosaurusrexbut what to do with bigger intranets? is there a way to sniff if there are any dns servers allready running, or what is the most correct procedure, finding the admins?20:54
sherrbrontosaurusrex: well, a sysadmin could tell you I assume. DHCP should also give out "nameservers" (go in /etc/resolv.conf)20:56
brontosaurusrexwell this home box has some ips in there and there is no dns20:56
sherrbrontosaurusrex: IP's in where? resolv.conf?20:58
sherrFrom your DHCP server? What IP's?20:58
brontosaurusrexthis are probably external dns's21:02
sherrbrontosaurusrex: Ah, NetworkManager ...21:02
sherrbrontosaurusrex: and Telekom Slovenije - your ISP?21:02
sherrbrontosaurusrex: I guess that's frm your ISP/internet modem DHCP.21:02
sherrOptions :21:03
sherra) Use /etc/hosts for your local systems21:03
sherrb) Setup DNS locally (maybe look at dnsmasq = DHCP + DNS and simple)21:03
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brontosaurusrexsherr: thanks for your time, i need some reading to do21:11
brontosaurusrexas it seems ;)21:12
MTecknologyI tried copying /var/lib/mysql/ from one server to another because it's the only backup I have for this. I setup the permissions on the new junk, copied debain.cnf from the old system (the internel structure should be exactly the same), When I do 'start mysql' it just hangs.21:26
MTecknologyAny ideas what I should look for to make this work?21:26
MTecknologythe only thing I get in top is an 'sh' process that hops up top some but doesn't really look active21:28
sherrMTecknology: all the tables copied over?21:31
sherrMTecknology: Try starting the server and tail the syslog in another shell i.e.21:31
MTecknologysherr: yup - I just sat there beating it a few times and I think magic/pixie_dust may have taken hold :)21:31
sherr/etc/init.d/mysql stop && /etc/init.d/mysql start21:32
sherrand "tail -f /var/log/syslog" in anoither s=hell at the same time21:32
sherrOh, it's working now? magic/pixie_dust?21:32
sherrWhat version pixie_dust? :-)21:33
MTecknologyI hear 1.0 is supposed to work out of the box21:33
MTecknologysherr: I tried what you said and it all looks clean :)21:33
sherrNo one uses a v1.0 surely?21:34
sherr0.9 .. no problem ... :-)21:34
sherrSo, it is working?21:34
MTecknologynow to see if the whole server is working....21:34
sherrOK, great.21:34
kirklandttx: on it now21:36
mathiazkirkland: hey!21:41
mathiazkirkland: did you test eucalyptus package installations?21:41
kirklandmathiaz: howdy21:41
kirklandmathiaz: i'm burning to a usbstick now21:42
xperiahello to all. i have to execute this line here as root at boot21:46
xperiahow can i do this ?21:46
xperia./flashpolicyd.rb --xml flashpolicy.xml --logfile flashpolicyd.log21:46
mathiazcjwatson: hi21:46
mathiazcjwatson: when the installer runs the package installation in-target, is the in-target debconf database (already) loaded with the debconf database from the install environement?21:46
sherrxperia: maybe add to /etc/rc.local (last rc script that runs each boot)21:47
xperiasherr: great will test that21:47
mathiazcjwatson: IOW if I preseed something in the installer is that value available when the packages are installed in the chroot environement?21:48
xperiathe question is the whole script is located in my home folder. i ask me if i should remove it to some /usr/local folder maybe21:48
KillMeNowxperia:  couple things you can do, you can copy the script to say /var/lib/initscripts and then add it to rc.local using the entire path21:52
KillMeNowyou could create your own folder in /var/lib/ called scripts21:53
xperiaKillMeNow: great thanks for the very helpfull answer. i have searched for rc.local in /etc but this file dont exist in /etc it must be some other path21:54
sherrxperia: yes, doesn't really matter much. As long as you know where and what it is etc.21:55
xperiaahh okay in this case it will work as long a file called rc.local exist in /etc. great you helped me a lot !21:56
incorrectok so slapd is very broken in 10.0422:10
incorrectis ldap not very important any more?22:10
vmlintuincorrect: it's definitely different from hardy22:11
vmlintuincorrect: what's the problem you are having?22:11
incorrectvmlintu, sure is, doesn't even configure a system that you can log into any more22:11
incorrectdpkg-reconfigure slapd used to do a lot for me22:12
vmlintuincorrect: yep, it used to be easier for small setups..22:13
vmlintuincorrect: at first I hated the new system, but it turned out to be great as my setups are so weird22:13
vmlintuincorrect: do you need help getting it working?22:13
cjwatsonmathiaz: should be22:13
cjwatsonmathiaz: provided the owner for the field in question is correct (i.e. the owning package, not d-i)22:14
incorrectvmlintu, sure the documentation doesn't offer much help22:15
vmlintuincorrect: I've written some entries in blog here: http://www.opinsys.fi/setting-up-openldap-on-ubuntu-10-04-alpha222:15
vmlintuincorrect: the first part does pretty much the same as the old dpkg scripts22:16
incorrecti have a 6 slapd servers in a multi-master setup, but i would have thought having dpkg do some of the heavy lift would have been a good thing?22:17
vmlintuincorrect: the dpkg scripts didn't do much good for multi-master setups22:18
incorrectwell it got you a fair bit of the way and you take it from there22:18
vmlintuincorrect: do you have the old configs in hand?22:19
incorrectsure i have my 8.04 setup running, i even backported 2.4.1522:20
vmlintuincorrect: if you do, you can convert them to cn=config backend with slaptest tool22:20
MTecknologyHow can I reinstall apache from scratch?22:20
MTecknologyI screwed up the configs pretty bad22:20
incorrecti just wanted to rebuild my home setup22:21
incorrectjust found weird bugs since i've been upgrading since jaunty22:21
qman__MTecknology, apt-get purge it, delete any remaining configs, then reinstall22:21
MTecknologyqman__: that didn't work22:21
MTecknologyaptitude purge apache2; rm -R /etc/apache2; aptitude install apache222:22
qman__how didn't it work22:22
MTecknologyqman__: /etc/apache2 still doesn't exist22:23
mathiazMTecknology: try purge apache2.2-common instead of apache222:23
qman__yeah, apache2 is a metapackage22:24
qman__that might have caused it22:24
MTecknologythanks :)22:24
dasunsrule32Does anyone have Vmware Server 3 beta running on their server here yet?22:26
incorrectvmlintu, will you be updating the ubuntu server docs?22:27
MTecknologydasunsrule32: I think most people in here use other tools like kvm22:27
* MTecknology screams silently to self -why on earth do people use ruby?-22:30
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
kirkland mathiaz yo22:57
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates

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