
* slangasek starts posting ISOs for everyone's smoketesting enjoyment03:42
aragood morning all!07:23
* ara syncs07:23
davmor2morning all10:59
aramorning davmor2!11:01
primes2hmorning ara, we are ready to test Beta2 ;-)11:07
araprimes2h, morning! great! :-)11:08
primes2hara: BTW, we prepared a wiki page about zsync, in our opinion this could replace the rsync one, .zsync files are into ISO images archives.11:13
primes2hara: hold on, I'm reading you email...11:15
primes2hara: you mention dl-ubuntu-test-iso script.11:21
arahey dholbach :)11:21
araprimes2h, yes, dl-ubuntu-test-iso is a script that uses zsync (or rsync if zsync is not installed)11:21
araprimes2h, your wiki page is OK. You can mention the script there in a subsection11:22
primes2hara: I just need to update the script in it because I saw it has been updated in the rsync wiki page.11:23
primes2hara: and I'll mention that other script as well11:23
primes2hara: thank you very much. :-)11:26
araprimes2h, thanks to you!11:26
persiaThere's also the ubucdimage script from the ubumirror package.  We probably ought pool all the scripts and have one known good one that is flexible enough to meet needs.11:27
arapersia, I don't know about that script, but the dl-ubuntu-test-iso is well maintained by sbeattie, rewritten recently in python and widely used by the qa team11:30
persiaI figured as much, which is why I mention the other, which is the current recommendation to mirrors.  I suspect that there exists an opportunity for integration.11:30
arapersia, agree11:31
primes2hara: When wiki page will be finished, could I replace the old one?11:32
primes2hor it's better to wait?11:33
araprimes2h, where is the original one?11:33
primes2hara: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RsyncCdImage11:34
primes2hlinked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO11:34
araprimes2h, I agree, but do not delete the old page, as there might be other people pointing at it11:35
araprimes2h, you can update the old one with a note "zsync is a better system now, bla, bla, bla" and pointing to the new one, but keeping the old contents as well11:36
primes2hara: I can create a new one, linked from the ISO page.11:36
araprimes2h, yes, I think it is safer, but you can add the note to the old one as well11:37
primes2hara: and link it from the old one as well11:37
* ara hugs primes2h11:37
persiaThe wiki also supports #redirect if you want to just auto-forward a page that has external references11:40
primes2hara: :-)11:45
primes2hpersia: I think it would be nice.11:46
primes2hpersia: new zsync page has all info about rsync as the old one11:46
persiaI know.  But that's still more complicated than having ubucdimage in a crontab for now :)11:46
primes2hso we just need a redirect from rsync to zsync.11:47
persiaOh, right.  Yeah, look into #redirect in the moin help11:47
primes2hara: what do you think?11:47
araprimes2h, it looks good to me11:48
primes2hpersia: I'll have a look at ubucdimage.11:49
* primes2h -> lunch11:50
fader_schwuk, davmor2: Hey dudes, how was the long weekend?13:15
schwukfader_: nice and long :) How was your short weekend? :)13:16
fader_schwuk: Way too short :/13:17
davmor2fader_: Sound thanks how's you?13:38
fader_davmor2: Hanging in there :)13:46
davmor2I'm sure we can put an end to that for you ;)13:47
cr3davmor2: what's that word you use to describe a "slacker"... other than "fader", of course, it sounded more British :)13:50
davmor2cr3: fader_  is more of a general testing localisation for being a sciving git,13:53
cr3davmor2: aha, I think "sciving" is the word I was looking for!13:53
fader_I prefer to be called a "derelict" or "goldbricker", thanks13:54
* persia doesn't see how those terms are synonyms13:54
cr3persia: both of them are irresponsible, I guess13:55
persiaWhy is a derelict irresponsible?13:55
persiaI'd say more the result of irresponsibility, but with no implication of the current state of affairs.13:56
davmor2persia: sounds like fader_ to me :D13:57
persiaBut it's *different* than goldbricking, which is the practice of setting things aside to look lovely, at the expense of everything else.13:58
persiaBoth may apply, but I think the conjunction should be "and" rather than "or" in that case :)13:58
fader_persia: They can both apply to me without meaning the same thing ;)13:58
persiafader_: Indeed.  In that case, I'm nitpicking your grammar :p13:58
gotunandanhello, if I would like to test the alternate-i386 iso, what would be the steps to follow ?14:00
davmor2persia: yeah the or in fader_ 's statement should of been an and :)14:01
persiagotunandan: Make sure your iso.qa.ubuntu.com account is current, make sure you have the latest image, boot it on real or virtual hardware, follow one of the test cases, report the results.14:01
fader_It's not an XOR :P14:01
cr3persia: isn't there a wiki page somewhere about that?14:01
* cr3 is really bad at finding/remembering wiki pages14:02
fader_gotunandan: The test cases are on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all14:02
cr3fader_: I need to start using that in conversations14:02
persiacr3: You mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO ?14:02
cr3persia: that page points to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures which I think gotunandan might like14:03
cr3gotunandan: ^^^14:03
gotunandanthanks, downloading the latest image right now14:03
persiaI guess.  I like dialogue.  I think it brings us closer together as a community.14:03
persia(or maybe I just don't remember all the URLs anymore)14:03
cr3persia: in the above wiki page, there are nice pictures which also help. I suspect ara had something to do with it :)14:05
* persia shares that suspicion14:05
schwukcr3: don't forget http://qa.ubuntu.com :)14:09
* charlie-tca waves14:31
davmor2hello charlie-tca14:31
gotunandandone with the download... am installing it in virtual machine for now and following the steps mentioned here: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateManual15:40
ara     gotunandan, nice :)15:48
gotunandanwhere do I get the links for the images... say I would like to test the netbook image ?15:50
gotunandani know they are present on cdimage.ubuntu.com but its slightly confusing what lies where15:50
persiagotunandan: cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-live/current/ is the current Ubuntu Netbook image. Simiarly, cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/daily-live/current/ is the current Kubuntu Netbook image (assuming i386).15:52
persiaBasically, except for Ubuntu Desktop, all the flavours have their own trees.15:52
gotunandanok got it :) thanks !15:53
hggdhdo we have the beta2 isos now?16:16
persiaWell, candidates for most of them.16:16
* persia suspects that respins are a given at this stage16:16
davmor2hggdh: look at iso.qa.ubuntu.com for the current list ;)16:17
marjohggdh: please consider subscribing to one or more test cases, then you'll get an email notification16:19
hggdhmarjo: then, since I did not receive any emails, I understand the server ISO is not ready16:24
charlie-tcaI am subscribed to all of xubuntu tests, but never get an email16:25
* fader_ got a mythbuntu email late last night...16:27
* marjo got ubuntu studio email overnight16:27
davmor2charlie-tca: are you sure you're subscribed I got some16:27
charlie-tcayes, I am pretty sure. If I click on subscriptions, all of them are there16:28
davmor2charlie-tca: have you gone into My Profile and selected email me?16:30
davmor2charlie-tca: that'll be why then16:30
charlie-tcagot it. Thanks16:30
davmor2hggdh: same to you ^16:31
hggdhbut this is non-intuitive16:32
persiaThe UI has branches ... :)16:33
charlie-tcaI agree16:33
charlie-tcaI never knew that was there even. I just watch the tracker for the iso dates16:33
davmor2hggdh: it can't be enabled by default as I understood it for various reasons we might be able to get around by added to unsubcribe goto http://...... and uncheck the receive mail notification box16:34
davmor2ara: I've done what I can for now but I need to do some other stuff now I'll hit some more after.16:35
hggdhat least we sound state on the subscriptions page that one must set this16:35
aradavmor2, sure, no worries16:35
* ara calls it a day, but leaves IRC opened to read backlog17:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sbeattieerk, fglrx fails on upgrade?20:27
marjo_fader, bladernr: i shutdown the system and restarted; now the system boots fine20:31
marjo_i expected it to boot properly right after the installation, without having to shut it down first20:32
fader_marjo_: Roger; I'll do an install and see what happens20:32
fader_I'm using ubuntustudio 64-bit at the moment... what were you using?20:32
marjo_ ok, the test case is: let it reboot WITHOUT shutting down first20:32
marjo_ubuntustudio i38620:33
marjo_no problem w/ non-encrypted LVM installs20:33
fader_marjo_: Argh, I missed the 'encrypted' part.20:34
* fader_ starts the install over.20:34
marjo_fader: Alternate Encrypted LVM Drive (d-i/debian-installer package)20:34
bladernrmarjo, fader, Alternate Encrypted 64 was just fine20:41
bladernrno problem on reboot, though I am doing it on a VM so there may be a difference between a warm boot on a VM and a warm boot on bare metal20:42
marjo_bladernr: so you did NOT have to shutdown the "system" first, right?20:44
bladernrcorrect... I let the installer soft-reboot the VM and had no problems when it came back up20:44
bladernrmarjo_: I'll try one on the netbook after I get back from the vet though, just in case there's a difference between VM and bare metal soft reboots20:45
marjo_bladernr: yes, that would be good20:46
marjo_what happened to mine was: i just got a bunch of vertical blue lines while it was trying to boot20:47
marjo_and got stuck there20:47
marjo_but after i shut it down, it booted fine20:47
fader_marjo_: Were you doing yours on a VM or bare metal?20:48
marjo_fader: acer aspire one20:49
marjo_with external USB CD drive (FWIW)20:50
fader_marjo_: Works perfectly for me on ubuntustudio 64-bit in virtualbox21:00
* sbeattie can try to reproduce on live hardware...21:01
marjo_sbeattie: go for it!21:01
marjo_sbeattie: the test case is: let it reboot WITHOUT shutting down first21:02
sbeattieerk, okay, I can21:20
sbeattieerk, okay, I can't wipe the whole disk on that machine.21:20
sbeattietrying to manually set up lvm volumes is failing.21:20
* sbeattie wonders why edubuntu's networking applet icon looks like it's unplugged even though it's working and says it's enabled.21:22
* sbeattie steps away to grab some lunch22:03
slangaseka series of liveCD respins just finishing up, for some ubiquity bugs22:05
slangasekkubuntu/ubuntu DVD respins still outstanding, should be all done in a couple of hours22:05
* fader_ starts zsyncing DVD images22:31
bladernrfader_:  it took me 3 hours to zsync everything this morning... heh...22:35
fader_bladernr: Heh, if it looks like it's taking me that long I'll just get back to testing tomorrow :P22:35
bladernrby the way, when I was looking at marjo's test a while ago, I was somewhat amused that I can do an encrypted LVM and then encrypt /home inside of that.22:36
fader_bladernr: Yeah, why not? :)  You could also have an encrypted ZIP containing an encrypted text file inside that... it's turtles all the way down!22:38
bladernrwow... I haven't heard that in a long time: turtles all the way down22:39
chains_I noticed the QA blog had the comment spam cleaned up, but new spam comments have already started: http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/80#comments22:47
hggdhthis is really weird... it seems the ATI driver and KVM are not living well together22:48
bladernrHrmmm... philosophical question: should it be considered a bug if the installer fails to initialize the network device, if the device requires restricted drivers to function (e.g. Broadcom B43 wireless cards)23:05
bladernror more importantly, is there a way to get the d-i installer to load the restricted stuff like you can in the live env?23:09
hggdh_I do not know about the second Q, but the first one gives the user a real bad experience23:12
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
hggdhI *think* this has been discussed before23:12
bladernryeah... from an open source standpoint, I can understand why they aren't included by default, but from a "just works" point of view... :(23:15
bladernrthen again, if someone's running the alternate disk, they probably know enough already to not be too surprised23:16

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