
TakyojiMeeting tonight?00:51
tonyyarussohmm, we should, but I don't think we have an agenda yet and I neglected to announce it...should we consider trying a different day so we can push for more people to know about it in advance?00:59
katakaioHey team - long time, no see01:04
katakaioNormally I work during our monthly meeting time . . . are we still meeting right now?01:05
katakaioWas that an "ahh" as in surprise and alarm?01:08
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
Takyojitonyyarusso: hmm, we should, but I don't think we have an agenda yet and I neglected to announce it...should we consider trying a different day so we can push for more people to know about it in advance?01:12
Takyoji(as a text quotation; not a statement directed towards tonyyarusso)01:13
katakaioIf that makes more sense, that sounds good. I feel bad for working right when our meeting is . . . :(01:15
tonyyarussoWhat would be better times for you?01:16
katakaioHmm . . . let's look.01:22
katakaioSunday nights and Tuesday nights are good01:23
tonyyarussofair enough, I could probably do either of those01:32
katakaioCool . . . we'll see what other people have to say about that01:32
katakaioI'll just plan on being in the channel those evenings and we'll see who joins us01:33
TakyojiI almost completely forgot again04:26
TakyojiFor any of the installfests, we should also do keysigning.04:26
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
TakyojiSo today then, or Sunday?21:29
=== Obsidian1723 is now known as BillGates
=== BillGates is now known as Obsidian1723

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