
amen51kjele, what do you mean?00:00
amen51kjele, I have added things like fetchmail and conky to startup programs in gnome "Startup Applications Pereferences" dialog00:00
kjeleamen51: If you do not have that folder then it is ok00:00
aarwormz, ok thanks00:01
amen51kjele, i used to work just fine, until I saved the session once ....00:01
amen51kjele, okay00:01
kjeleamen51: Then it is in your autostart folder.00:01
jazusa03I'm having trouble with Cheese video recorder, I'm Using a Logitech C250 cam, and when i record with cheese the video records with very slow frames per second. can this be fixed somehow?00:01
chetnickMy sound totally broke after hibernation. Reboot does not help. Any help would be appreciated.00:01
amen51autostart folder?00:01
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amen51where is it?00:01
kjeleamen51: ~/.config/autostart00:02
wormzchetnick: alsamixer, make sure its not muted00:02
chetnickwormz: checked.00:02
amen51i don't have that00:02
=== Mad_Dud is now known as Mad_Away
kjeleamen51: It is fine then. Try to relog then00:02
amen51ah i see00:03
TheMozartSomeone told me that a website can run a script on my firefox and it dont need or ask for my root password, but can run without my permission and remove files .. is that true???00:03
amen51okay thanks00:03
Sunfizz98how exactly do I know if all of my drivers are installed for linux?00:03
skuzzelCan anybody help me resize my ubuntu partition00:03
erUSULSunfizz98: if everything works all have a driver00:03
stealurfaceSunfizz98: when things dont work00:03
sylrhow do I install a package which require another package I did not install via apt by compiled by hand ?00:03
aciculaTheMozart: normally not possible no00:03
Ahmed\can't switch to desktop 2 on gnome, something wrong in compiz please help to set it default i tried re,moving and adding it again still on desktop one :)00:04
quintonlooking for a pokemon wifi chat00:04
Sunfizz98Is there a way to enable dual screen monitors?00:04
skuzzelI'm getting an error with the partition editor that comes in the ubuntu CD00:04
LeathanTheMozart:  if your that worried, look at firefox addons too theres one called noscript00:04
aciculaSunfizz98: system->preferences->display00:04
erUSULSunfizz98: which graphic card ?00:05
skuzzelCan anybody help me resize my ubuntu partition00:05
erUSULskuzzel: you have to work from a livecd; mounted partitions can not be edited00:05
skuzzelI am00:05
calum_TheMozart: Yeh, install noscript firefox add on. It will only run scripts from sites that you choose. It will make you a lot safer00:06
erUSULskuzzel: also for ext* partitions you can only move the end of the partition ...00:06
skuzzelthat's fine00:06
erUSULSunfizz98: 01:05 < acicula> Sunfizz98: system->preferences->display00:06
skuzzelIt's having a problem reading the partition I think00:06
skuzzelit's my ubuntu partition00:06
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skuzzeland it says "couldn't find valid filesystem superblock00:07
bolexhey! noob question: WINE translates the stuff windows programs do into stuff linux can interpret, right? So wouldn't it be possible (feasible) to simply rewrite the exe file to do that on its own?00:07
skuzzel"filesystem has unsupported feature while trying to open dev/sda100:08
stealurfaceis noscript open source?00:08
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calum_Bolex: In order for a Windows program to truly work on Linux, you would have to rewrite the entire code.00:08
stealurfacethe firefox addon?00:08
bolexcalum_: Yeah00:08
Guest43943i get this error when trying to compile things any ideas? checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.00:08
Sunfizz98is there a way to enable dual monitors (1 vga, 1 DVI) with a gfx card ATI Radeon HD 4550?00:08
calum_Wine imitates the windows binaries00:08
faganCallum__: no you dont need to rewrite the entire code00:09
=== Guest43943 is now known as FreeRunner
calum_Fagan: Well enough of it to work on Linux00:09
erUSULSunfizz98: with a Radeon HD 4550 you may want to try with fglrx drivers ... System>Admin>hardware drivers00:09
LeathanCallum__: just recompile it :)00:09
jribFreeRunner: install build-essential00:09
FreeRunnerjrib: ok thanks hopefully that works00:10
erUSULbolex: rewritte programs is not easy :)00:10
jribFreeRunner: what are you compiling?00:10
faganCallum__: a lot of it should run no bother the problems are repackaging it, sound and display00:10
skuzzelI'm getting an error with the partition editor that comes in the ubuntu live CD, can't seem to recognize my ubuntu parition properly, can anyone help?00:10
Callum__fagan: I think you mean calum_ =)00:10
bolexerUSUL So i was wondering if it wouldn't be a better idea to simply replace all the calls to windows stuff to calls to linux stuff00:10
faganyour right00:10
Xeon3Dis it true that they're going to change the order of the buttons?00:11
calum_Bolex: Put it this way, I wrote a program for windows and then for Linux, I had to change small portions of the code00:11
erUSULbolex: easier said then done00:11
FreeRunnerjrib: im trying to compile curl at the moment00:11
fagantoo many people with the same name00:11
erUSULXeon3D: yes00:11
jribFreeRunner: why? curl is in the repositories00:11
skuzzelI'm getting an error with the partition editor that comes in the ubuntu live CD, can't seem to recognize my ubuntu parition properly, can anyone help?00:11
sixofourevery time i try to render an mp3 in kdenlive my laptop shuts down, i believe my laptop is overheating and the motherboard is shutting it off, is there a way to fix this? the laptop was working fine a few days ago00:11
Xeon3DerUSUL:  why? :X00:11
fagancalum_: it really depends on what the program is written in00:11
norbi905Hello, I wanted the default "ls" alias to be different.  So I edited a .bashrc file.  I believe at this point I have to reboot, is there a way to reset these without having to reboot?  Not even sure what the .bashrc file is, or who calls it.  Thanks for taking your time reading this.00:12
calum_Fagan: C++ here.00:12
Niennorhi, someone can help me please in one thing :) ?00:12
FreeRunnerjrib: well i tried to compile libtorrent and i got that error then i tried curl to check what the problem was00:12
erUSULXeon3D: they decided to do it. it is their distro their choice00:12
FreeRunnerjrib: nothing was installed when i do that00:12
jribFreeRunner: libtorrent is also in the repositories...00:12
erUSULXeon3D: there is a bug report in launmchpad to see the reasons given pro and con00:12
bolexcalum_: Callum__: lol00:12
erUSULXeon3D: there is a bug report in launchpad to see the reasons given pro and con00:12
jribFreeRunner: what are you actually trying to install?00:12
calum_Although the Linux kernel is written in C if I am correct00:13
fagancalum_: C++ you would have some small issues and G++ is a little more strict than the windows C++ compiler00:13
Vampire0sylr: man dpkg00:13
fagancalum_: it is00:13
kn100How can I do a 'chkdisk' in ubuntu on a ntfs volule00:13
kyppcgeekWhat is G++ ?00:13
histonorbi905: you just have to log out and back in00:13
faganThe C++ compiler for linux00:13
skuzzelI'm getting an error with the partition editor that comes in the ubuntu live CD, can't seem to recognize my ubuntu parition properly, can anyone help?00:13
calum_G++ is a c++ compiler for linux00:14
FreeRunnerjrib: im just setting up a server to stream music (might use icecast not sure) and download some torrents i usually compile things from scratch but i keep getting this error.00:14
faganits part of the gnu compiler collection00:14
jazusa03I'm having trouble with Cheese video recorder, I'm Using a Logitech C250 cam, and when i record with cheese the video records with very slow frames per second. can this be fixed somehow?00:14
sixofourevery time i try to render an mpg in kdenlive my laptop shuts down, i believe my laptop is overheating and the motherboard is shutting it off, is there a way to fix this? the laptop was working fine a few days ago00:14
Callum__bolex: always happens =)00:14
tnkswhat's Canonical's stance for keeping usability features in sync between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?00:14
norbi905histo, thank you00:14
erUSULkn100: the closest thing is ntfsfix from ntfsprogs but it is too limited. it is better to use windows to work with ntfs filesystems00:14
FreeRunnerjrib: never had this problem before00:14
erUSUL!ot | tnks00:14
jribFreeRunner: but there's no point in compiling things from scratch simply for the sake of compiling things from scratch00:14
ubottutnks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:14
Niennorif somebody can help me plz: I have a HDD with an ubuntu partition, it had a folder of a samba server with a lot of files on it and there are a lot of files with character encoding troubles and I cannot write those files on a DVD, there is a way to bulk repair those filenames? please?00:14
FreeRunnerjrib: i have to change a few settings on rtorrent so i compile it. Im somewhat new but i dont think that i can do it unless i compile it00:15
kn100erUSUL, I don't have windows because grub ate the bootloader and I can't work with the ntfs disk in ubuntu to fix it because its telling me to check the disk in windows o.O00:15
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I am trying to download all the images from a site and all the images are in a galleries subdirectory and then it will have some other folder in there with images of the person. wget -Nr -m -A gif,jpg -np -S <site> was the command i was trying to use but i dont think it is working00:15
Xeon3DerUSUL:  trying to locate it... without luck00:15
jribFreeRunner: maybe.  what settings?  rtorrent can be configured with a configuration file00:15
erUSULkn100: try with ntfsfix then00:16
FreeRunnerjrib: i know that ive set it up a few times before compiling everything. I need to enable xmlrpc for one00:16
FreeRunnerjrib: hard drive died so im doing it over00:17
Niennorif somebody can help me plz: I have a HDD with an ubuntu partition, it had a folder of a samba server with a lot of files on it and there are a lot of files with character encoding troubles and I cannot write those files on a DVD, there is a way to bulk repair those filenames? please?00:17
kn100erUSUL, thanks :D00:17
erUSULXeon3D: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633 <<< there you can see the final decision of Mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56400:18
jribFreeRunner: I'm on debian atm but at least in the debian package it seems to be compiled with --with-xmlrpc-c00:18
FreeRunnerjrib: yeah i know that but i cant get anything to complie which is the problem00:18
erUSULfuzzybunny69y: try -Agif,jpg without the space00:18
jribFreeRunner: that's a different issue, yes00:18
histoNiennor: you could find files with certain errors and rename them00:18
skuzzelI'm getting an error with the partition editor that comes in the ubuntu live CD, can't seem to recognize my ubuntu parition properly, can anyone help?00:19
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FreeRunnerjrib: any ideas? im using server edition atm its what i usually use since i dont need a gui really00:19
jribFreeRunner: anyway, install "build-essential" and do « sudo apt-get build-dep PACKAGE » and then try rebuilding the package00:19
fuzzybunny69yerUSUL, yeah it doesn't seem to be working :(00:19
erUSULfuzzybunny69y: then i dunno00:20
FreeRunnerjrib: build-essential didnt install anything00:20
fuzzybunny69yerUSUL, thanks for your help anyway00:20
FreeRunnerjrib: nothing to install00:20
jribFreeRunner: that's fine00:20
histoNiennor: there is a rename command on debian based systems as well. you could do something like rename -v 's/\.something/\.somethingnew/' *.blah00:21
skuzzelwhat does "couldn't find valid filesystem superblock" mean?00:22
histoNiennor: you'd have to look at the man page for a better explaination and to see some examples00:22
histoskuzzel: what are you trying to do mount a partition?00:22
stealth-what are the packages you need to have installed to compile things?00:22
skuzzelI'm trying to resize it with the live CD00:22
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jrib!compile > stealth-00:23
ubottustealth-, please see my private message00:23
histoskuzzel: its not liking the partition on the drive.  are you sure its unmounted and your not trying to resize /swap which is in use.00:23
jrib!away > bfiller00:23
ubottubfiller, please see my private message00:23
stealth-jrib: thanks00:23
FreeRunnerjrib: that seems to be working but that doesnt help me with the compiling problem does it? Sorry never used that command before00:23
skuzzelperhaps it is mounted00:23
skuzzelI restarted computer and booted from CD00:24
lee_I got a question00:24
skuzzelhow can I check?00:24
IknowgungfuHi all.  Trying to install 10.04 and it is stuck at 55%  I have vista already installed in another partition, I selected to install with the largest free space (This is about 40GB).  Any ideas?  Not sure what would happen if I do a reset...00:24
jribFreeRunner: pastebin what you are doing and the full error after running those two commands00:24
lee_how do you open python when you download the compressed file?00:24
jrib!lucid | Iknowgungfu00:24
ubottuIknowgungfu: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:24
histoskuzzel: well typing mount in a terminal will show you the current mounts00:24
Xeon3DerUSUL:  thanks for the links... Guess that's a version I won't install.00:24
FreeRunnerjrib: theres no problem running those 2 cmds but i still cant do ./compile00:25
erUSULXeon3D: your choice; ( you can use any other theme btw)00:25
jribFreeRunner: pastebin what you are doing and the full error after running those two commands00:25
DarqWolffIs there a command to get the nonlocal IP?00:26
DarqWolffThe one that works over Internet, not just the local network?00:26
jribDarqWolff: wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.org00:26
Xeon3DerUSUL:  true, but I don't really like it when a OSS project starts not listening to the community... I barely saw any posts welcoming this change.00:26
histoDarqWolff: or you can just point a browser to whatismyip.org00:27
DarqWolffhisto: I would, but I only have SSH access to the computer in question00:27
skuzzelhisto: i'm pretty sure it's not mounted right now00:27
FreeRunnerjrib: i mnot sure what two commands you want since the build-essential and the other one give no error but heres the error i am trying to figure out. http://pastebin.com/psr4MMKb00:27
alan`the reason i was asking was because i am trying to get my summasketch III digitizer working00:28
histoDarqWolff: w3m is a text based browser installed by default00:28
skuzzelI don't see it listed in the terminal and if it was I could simply unmount it with gpart00:28
histoDarqWolff: w3m www.whatismyip.org00:28
histoDarqWolff: or use wget as others have suggest3d00:28
erUSULXeon3D: as i said: your choice00:28
jribFreeRunner: apt-cache policy binutils00:28
DarqWolffI didn't know Linux included a text-based browser00:28
DarqWolffI thought I would have to install one00:28
bmahfhey, can anyone tell me the best way to connect to a tightvncserver instance on ubuntu from a mac?  I'm using chicken of the vnc and my keyboard mapping is totally messed up when I run a terminal.00:28
histoDarqWolff: ubuntu has w3m by default00:29
histoDarqWolff: you can apropos browser   should show you whats installed00:29
DarqWolffhisto: Well, I didn't know ubuntu included one :P00:29
histoDarqWolff: apropos is nifty00:30
FreeRunnerjrib: give i a link to what it says?00:30
jribFreeRunner: yes00:30
FreeRunnerjrib: http://pastebin.com/PU3BDB3V00:30
jribFreeRunner: ls /usr/local/bin/00:31
chuyzozHello, I was hoping somebody could help me with some networking issues00:32
histoskuzzel: what type of parittion is it?00:32
FreeRunnerjrib: nothing there ...00:32
histoskuzzel: that you are trying to resize.00:32
kernel_geekHi! My mouse sensetivity is at max on ubuntu, and its still not sensitive enough for me... Is there a config file I can alter ?00:32
DarqWolffAlright, I think I may just have a way to totally circumvent my school's internet blocks.00:33
skuzzel:histo is my ubuntu partition00:33
histoDarqWolff: tor00:33
histoskuzzel: yeah is it ext3 ext4 etc..?00:34
DarqWolffhisto: ...?00:34
DarqWolffhisto: How exactly... does that... fit...00:34
skuzzelext 3 I think, gimmie a second I'm rebooting00:34
histoDarqWolff: I was saying tor is a way to circumvent it.00:34
FreeRunnerjrib: any ideas? If not its fine.00:35
DarqWolffhisto: Not if you would get your school computer account banned for renaming the command line so that you can access it without an administrator's account00:35
chuyzozcan someone help me with networkign issues ..  I can't seem to be able to find my roomates windows shared folders... even though I could access them yesterday00:35
jribFreeRunner: can you compile a hello world using gcc?00:35
histokernel_geek: synclient00:35
DarqWolffhisto: Also, just FYI, the school uses Windows :P but my method of circumvention does involve Ubuntu00:36
kernel_geekhisto: I'll give that a look thanks...00:36
fsdfserver irc.rizon.net00:36
nishanthi am having some freezing issues with my ubuntu can someone help me?00:36
histoDarqWolff: well you can use tor in windows as well. Your requests would go through a different node bypassing whatever the filter is.00:36
FreeRunnerjrib: sorry no idea how to do that never had to before...00:37
DarqWolffhisto: I know, I'm just making sure you knew it didn't actually involve using a Linux command or something on the computers00:37
shakeukim new to linux/ubuntu can someone explain why no dvd/cd rom drive shows up under places>computer?00:37
histoshakeuk: it will when you put a cd in00:37
shakeuki tried putting a blank dvd in there but nothing shows up still00:38
histoshakeuk: default behavior is to automount on insert and place an icon on the desktop00:38
jribFreeRunner: put http://paste.ubuntu.com/409757/ in a text file and run "gcc name_of_file"00:38
shakeuki also tried the ubuntu live cd and nothing shows up00:38
strangehey guys im running a server here running ubuntu desktop but it doesnt have alot of diskspace, my workstation also using ubuntu desktop has alot more space i would like to mount a raid from the workstation on the server so its writeable on the server by other people on the network would would be the best way to go about this?00:38
histoshakeuk: put in a cd and can you pastebin the output of mount    in a terminal00:38
histostrange: samba00:39
nishanth my computer freezes in between stuff for no reason and i have to hard boot it to get it back to work. can anyone help me with issue?00:39
histo!samba | strange00:39
ubottustrange: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:39
shakeukshould it show up if for example i put the windows 7 install disc into the dvd drive?00:39
strangehisto: between 2 linux servers samba is the best way? i was thinking nfs or something00:39
DarqWolffAnyway, it would work like this: I get a wobsite (XKCD reference) running that can convert whatever is on a webpage into ASCII art in real-time, and then use an SSH wobsite such as http://www.serfish.com/console/ to access my home Linux box via SSH. So then I just type "w3m {website}" and can use that website to do things like look at YouTube and play games with no sound and horrible graphics :P as well as use BitchX to go on IRC.00:39
histonishanth: what version of ubuntu?00:39
histostrange: yeah if its just nix there are other options00:39
histonishanth: as in #ubuntu+100:40
nrobertsonshakeuk: Yes.00:40
strangehisto: its just nix00:40
FreeRunnerjrib: nothing saved it as hello and ran gcc hello nothing happened. I did it right right?00:40
jribFreeRunner: now run "./a.out"00:40
skuzzelhisto: it's a ext3 partition00:40
nishanthhisto: i been directed back from that channel to here00:40
dima_linux1hello, how can i enable dcc in pidgeon in irc?00:40
histonishanth: #ubuntu+1 is the support channel for 10.0400:40
histonishanth: I don't see anyone telling you to come here00:41
shakeukso i guess it kinda works like osx no cd shows unless cd in the drive?00:41
FreeRunnerjrib: no such file or directory00:41
kernel_geekhisto: Synclient is for touchpads ?00:41
dima_linux1hello, can someone help me to enable DCC in irc on pidgeon?00:41
jribFreeRunner: pastebin your terminal session00:41
histokernel_geek: ahh my bad00:41
histokernel_geek: sry laptop here00:41
shakeukok i inserted my windows 7 install disc just to see if anything would show up on the desktop or under places>computer but nothing is showing up00:43
shakeukhow can i test if everything is ok?00:43
FreeRunnerjrib: http://pastebin.com/X75jZPtB00:43
histonishanth: i've sent you a message in #ubuntu+100:43
jribFreeRunner: that's pretty weird.  If I don't use a .c extension, gcc will yell at me.  What does « readlink -f $(which gcc) » return?00:44
Sunfizz98mmm, I can't open a .run file00:44
jribSunfizz98: why do you want to?00:45
histoshakeuk: leave the cd in and open a terminal..  Type mount in a terminal and hit enter.  Then pastebin the output00:45
jrib!ati | Sunfizz9800:45
ubottuSunfizz98: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:45
shakeukjust mount? or sudo mount?00:45
skuzzelsunfizz98:https: //help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage00:45
skuzzelman... I'm not good at that00:46
histo!paste | shakeuk00:46
ubottushakeuk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:46
FreeRunnerjrib: readlink -f gcc gives me home/mike/gcc00:46
histoshakeuk: just mount00:46
jribFreeRunner: really? well why/00:46
histoshakeuk: shold print out a list of all the mounts that the system has currently00:46
histoshakeuk: follow the directions from ubottu about pastebin because you can copy and paste in to the channel00:47
shakeukjake@jake-ubuntu:~$ mount00:47
shakeuk/dev/sda4 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)00:47
shakeukproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)00:47
shakeuknone on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)00:47
shakeuknone on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)00:47
shakeuknone on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)00:47
shakeuknone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)00:47
FloodBot1shakeuk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
histoshakeuk: go to paste.ubuntu.com00:47
FreeRunnerjrib: im really lost here i dont see any reason for it not to be working00:47
jribFreeRunner: your gcc shouldn't point to /home/mike/gcc.00:47
histoshakeuk: paste in there and it will give you a link to share00:47
=== Tellus is now known as T-Chip
FreeRunnerwhere should it point?00:48
jribFreeRunner: wait.  Did you actually type what I said before or did you change it?00:48
FreeRunnerjrib: i did readlink -f gcc00:48
jribFreeRunner: that's pretty weird.  If I don't use a .c extension, gcc will yell at me.  What does « readlink -f $(which gcc) » return?00:49
jribFreeRunner: type what is inside the «»00:49
FreeRunnerjrib: i get this: /usr/bin/gcc-4.400:50
shakeukdid that url work?00:50
nick_hhey guys. what exactly does Gnome do when i hit F7?00:50
histoshakeuk: yes00:50
nick_hit seems to re-detect my monitors (or something along those lines), but i'd like to know exactly what it does00:50
histoshakeuk: in a terminal cd /home/jake/.gvfs00:51
jribFreeRunner: here is what my gcc does: http://paste.ubuntu.com/409764/00:51
histoshakeuk: then ls00:51
histoshakeuk: or just ls /home/jake/.gvfs00:51
histoshakeuk: does that output the contents of the cd?00:51
jribFreeRunner: pastebin: apt-cache policy libc6-dev00:51
=== Seahorseruler_ is now known as Seahorseruler
paranoid_pedlarwhats a good program for wordpress?00:53
nrobertsonparanoid_pedlar: to do what?00:53
nrobertsonparanoid_pedlar: Are you looking for a local hosting environment?00:53
paranoid_pedlarwysiwyg posting00:53
halfiehi, mocp process has become defunct and its parent is pid 100:53
kyle_I have a little problem, my System Monitor seems to not be working00:53
halfiehow do i get rid of it?00:54
histoshakeuk: is there anything in there?00:54
paranoid_pedlarnrobertson, for posting to my online wordpress00:54
nrobertsonparanoid_pedlar: got it00:54
q0_0panyone here use pidgin?00:54
nrobertsonq0_0p: Yes.00:54
skuzzelOkay, so I'm trying to resize my ect3 sda1 ubuntu partition with the live CD using Gparted. Gparted says it can't find a valid fylesystem superblock when it tries to edit the ubuntu partition. Anyone have any tips on making it work?00:54
jribFreeRunner: you need to investigate why your gcc behaves differently than mine I guess00:55
q0_0pnrobertson: any way to get rid of colorful user names?00:55
halfiemocp process has become defunct and its parent is pid 1 .. is there a way to get rid of it?00:55
shakeuknothing shows up in my terminal00:55
histoshakeuk: hrm... has this cdrom ever worked?00:55
kyle_does anyone know how i can download display drivers that system monitor might be using? all i see right now is a black spot where the app is with a buncha white dots00:56
jribFreeRunner: what arch are you on?00:56
FreeRunnerjrib: thanks for trying. Im just going to reinstall everything again00:56
FreeRunnerjrib: i have to head out now but thanks for help00:56
histokyle_: the system monitor you can put ont eh panel?00:56
jribFreeRunner: ok00:56
shakeuklol yeah i used it to install ubuntu and also it works fine unders w700:56
histoshakeuk: I meant has it worked in nix before perhaps gvfs has gone bonkers for your current session.00:57
kyle_histo: whats that?00:57
kyle_histo: "ont eh panel?"00:58
shakeukhow do u mean has it worked in nix? im new to linux remember :P00:58
histokyle_: on the panel00:58
histoshakeuk: try sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt00:58
histoshakeuk: in a terminal00:58
shakeukmount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist00:59
kyle_histo: I'm really new to linux (like i just installed it today) so could you clarify what you mean? I could show you a screen capture of what it looks like if that will help00:59
histoshakeuk: sudo mount /dev/hdc /mnt01:00
nrobertsonq0_0p: from a quick look I couldn01:00
nrobertsont find a way but that doens't mean it's not possible01:00
shakeukspecial device /dev/hdc does not exist01:01
nrobertsonq0_0p: Sorry.01:01
skuzzelOkay, so I'm trying to resize my ect3 sda1 ubuntu partition with the live CD using Gparted. Gparted says it can't find a valid fylesystem superblock when it tries to edit the ubuntu partition. Anyone have any tips on making it work?01:01
q0_0pnrobertson: its all good01:01
histoshakeuk: ugg what is your cdrom on lets do this01:01
eryn_1983hey peeps i am  trying to get  64bit flash to work on my system but i cant seem to get my login to work on the  stupid forums01:01
histoshakeuk: sudo apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo --cdrom01:02
eryn_1983is there some other place i get the file01:02
nrobertson!repeat | skuzzel01:02
ubottuskuzzel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:02
histoshakeuk: or you can ls -l /dev/cd*   and tell me what the symlink is to01:02
histoshakeuk: that would be easier01:03
shakeukls: cannot access /dev/cd*: No such file or director01:03
shakeukwhats that other thing u want me to install?01:03
histoshakeuk: how is there no /dev/cdrom or cdrw01:03
shakeuklol why is everything done in terminal on linux haha01:04
skuzzelubottu: thanks, though I don't know what I'm waiting for (;01:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:04
nrobertsonq0_0p: BTW, you might check #pidgin01:04
U1234my ubuntu10.04 can connect to thunderbirdEmail,pigdin chat, but just no internet Firefox, however, in vBox, i have internet, what's the problem ?01:04
q0_0pnrobertson: i figured out how at least make the font color bold, makes it a little bit easier to read01:04
histoshakeuk: try lshw | grep cdrom01:04
xubuntoa litle help01:05
U1234vbox is inside ubuntu 100401:05
shakeukWARNING: you should run this program as super-user01:05
histoshakeuk: yeah then it should spit out some output in a sec01:06
shakeuknope after the warning it hasnt spit anything out01:06
apahsiaare there any ghosting apps similar to acronis for linux01:06
mark_am_iwhere is the channel topic so i can read it ?01:07
eryn_1983is 10 the latest  version?01:07
kyle_"desktop effects cannt be enabled" anyone know the cause of this error?01:07
nrobertsonkyle_: No 3D graphics driver, I'd think.01:08
kyle_nrobertson: yeah, i thought that as well... any way to fix that?01:08
Craig_DemYour graphics driver. Look up Hardware Drivers in the menu.01:09
roy_anyone know how to remove all current iptables rules01:09
haavarosI have ubuntu 9.10. Can I just uninstall compiz or do I have to install another window manager first?01:09
skuzzelOkay, so I'm trying to resize my ect3 sda1 ubuntu partition with the live CD using Gparted. Gparted says it can't find a valid fylesystem superblock when it tries to edit the ubuntu partition. Anyone have any tips on making it work?01:09
nrobertsonkyle_:  what graphics card?01:09
soreauhaavaros: What seems to be the problem?01:10
kyle_"no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"01:10
haavarossoreau: Handling of bell sounds01:10
=== Jordan is now known as Guest67993
mark_am_ihey all01:10
=== Guest67993 is now known as RisingChurch
soreauhaavaros: What about them?01:10
mark_am_isi there anyway to install mac os as a vm?01:11
haavarossoreau: Bell is completely non-existent, and someone told me that compiz doesn't communicate via libcanberra. In pulseaudio i've used x11 to have an oggfile as system beep01:12
haavarosif that makes sense01:12
RisingChurchHello. Does ubuntu 9.10 come with all of the required packages to install wvdial?01:12
axplayerheya all, quick question, I can't seem to find a google answer: I am supposed to have 512MB memory on this crappy computer, ubuntu says I have 496MB, why is that?01:13
seattlegauchoaxplayer: pls post the first line of "cat /proc/meminfo"01:14
mark_am_ibecause its converted differnt01:14
eryn_1983hey peeps i manaully installed the flashplugin for  64 bit flash but it is still not working any ideas?01:14
soreauhaavaros: Well it's easy to check if compiz may be interfering. Just go to sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects and set to none. This will effectively disable compiz and start metacity which is already installed01:14
axplayerone sec01:14
toh192your video card sucks up some ram doesnt it?01:14
RisingChurchWell if it is on the mobo it probably does.01:14
eryn_1983/usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ & /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ is where i put it.01:14
axplayerseattlegaucho: MemTotal:         508676 kB?01:15
RisingChurchMost modern graphic cards probably have as much ram as his machine.01:15
toh19216mb onboard video is your problem01:15
axplayerwhat do you mean by that01:15
RisingChurch2 users over 133701:15
axplayeron board. as in my BIOS configuration screen for example?01:15
DemiurgeI calculated a new resolution for my monitor using cvt. I've run xrandr --newmode with the result. I should then run xrandr -- addmode. But what name to use there?? I thought it would be CRT-0, but "cannot find output CRT-0"?01:15
RisingChurchOn board as in it is built into your motherboard I think.01:15
mark_am_ii got ububtu 9.10 64 bit on my machine at work and it is fast01:15
toh192as in, built on your motherboard.01:15
mark_am_i8gb ram01:15
seattlegauchoMemTotal is the _real_ total memory linux sees01:15
mark_am_i500gb hd01:15
axplayerI see01:16
toh192and part of your system memory is mirrored or something for the graphics card01:16
axplayerwell, it says I have 508, why do I still see 496?01:16
ace223hello, i made a stupid mistake.. can anyone here help me?  i installed gdm-2.20 and it uninstalled gdm.  then i rebooted, and it said that the x server would not work, and now i can only access console session.  i figured i could just do an 'apt-get install gdm' and everything would go back to normal.  but, none of the apt sources could be connected to so i do not think its connected to wifi.  anyone know how to get out of this?01:16
axplayertoh: I figured it was something like that01:16
toh192I just TRIED to explain, but epic fail01:16
RisingChurchSo, can anyone help me with wvdial?01:16
maginotace223, Hi...01:17
ripdiskHey guys, I installed the latest version of ubuntu, and for some reason it's acting quite sluggish. I've ran ubuntu on systems with WAY less resources, and had it act fairly quickly... but i can't even play videos full screenw ithout skips, and browsing the internet with more than one tab is a serious hassle01:17
toh192oh, maybe not01:17
hiexpohello all01:17
ace223maginot, hey01:17
seattlegauchoaxplayer: toh192 might be right ... 508676kB ~ 496MB01:17
maginotace223, explain how do you uninstalled gdm, bu apt-get ?01:17
axplayerok. thank you Toh01:17
haavarossoreau: Yep, that worked ... Now I hear the terminal bell again :)01:17
sladenace223: sudo apt-get install gdm gdm-2.20-    (note the '-' at the end)01:17
nrobertsonace223: do you have a wired ethernet connection available?01:18
axplayerso that leads me to think Windows was lieing to me then?01:18
ace223maginot, well i did 'apt-get install gdm-2.20.  then after that it said it would remove gdm01:18
soreauhaavaros: Hm..01:18
axplayerit didn't correctly detect it or something?01:18
maginotace223, type gdm01:18
seattlegaucho496M + 16M = 512M01:18
dlynesAre pyserial's problems in Ubuntu Karmic limited to specific serial hardware?01:18
hiexpoit will remove old one01:18
axplayerI hear that seattle01:19
ace223nrobertson, wow.. i can't believe i didn't think of that.. the wired ethernet should connect without having to do anything, correct?01:19
maginotace223, have you tried that? To see if gdm isn't installed?01:19
ace223maginot, yeah tried that, its def not installed01:19
sladenace223: dpkg -l | grep gdm   will tell you what's installed  ('ii' means installed)01:19
frogonwheelsace223: look at nm-tool  (if you use the networkmanager to connect)01:19
toh192ace, in a ideal world it will, with your proper dhcp server set up of course01:19
maginotace223, you can't connect to the internet from that machine?01:20
RisingChurchWhen I installed ubuntu the ethernet ports worked no problem.01:20
ace223toh192, ok thank you01:20
RisingChurchBuilt into the motherboard, not through a pci nic01:20
nrobertsonethernet seems to be a pretty supported component....01:20
frogonwheelsace223:  also,unless you're super vigilant about cleaning your packages, the original gdm should still be around01:20
RisingChurchIt is very supported.01:20
frogonwheelsace223: did you try doing it with aptitude?01:20
RisingChurchDial up is much less so though, which is my problem. :(01:20
ace223maginot, well i am running ubuntu off a usb right now on the machine, but when i boot up ubuntu i cannot01:21
nrobertsonRisingChurch: I've been there.01:21
RisingChurchI thought the CD came with wvdial by default, but it doesn't01:21
eryn_1983hey does firefox  not support flash 10 64bit?01:21
RisingChurchWhich was a stupid mistake01:21
toh192firefox does01:21
ace223trogonwheels, haven't.. how would i do that?01:21
nrobertsonRisingChurch: Umm, hold on a sec. I have an idea.01:21
RisingChurchI should've realized when I apt-get'd gnome-ppp, it must've gotten wvdial01:21
maginotace223, you know that if we make you connect to internet your problem will be more easy to fix01:21
toh192it just sucks, and hulu doesnt like it for their website01:22
frogonwheelsace223: which .. type  nm-tool   or  aptitude   ??01:22
maginotace223, you told you 're on the same machine right? but from a usb sticky, right?01:22
RisingChurchMy plan is to use this windows machine to get the packages I need to get wvdial and gnome-ppp.01:22
ace223trogonwheels, oh i didn't see the nm-tool part.. i meant aptitude01:23
ace223maginot, yeah01:23
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:23
maginotace223, so I imagine we could chroot for the disk01:23
RisingChurchBut I just want to make sure I get everything I need so I can get online at home. I know I can get the modem to work, I've done it before.01:23
maginotace223, mount /dev/sdaX /mnt (where sdaX is your / partition from the other machine01:24
eryn_1983hey si  chrome installablae from repo01:24
RisingChurchBut it's hard to get the dialer when dial up is your ony internet. :P01:24
nrobertsonRisingChurch: there are also pon and poff (connect and disconnect). You just have to set up your PPP file first, there's a wizard for that, i'm trying to find what it's called01:24
hiexpohowdy maginot01:24
hiexpohow it goes today ?01:25
ace223maginot, alright i will do that01:25
lee_I have a question01:25
RisingChurchAnd I don't need any packages for that?01:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:25
maginotace223, okay, you know how to do this?01:25
ringerhaving problems viewing .mov videos in Chrome browser  (Ubuntu 9.10)01:25
calum_I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04 in a virtual box. What driver is available for ati radeon mobility hd 4200? Anyone know?01:25
lee_when I'm using python, I type in print ""01:25
lee_and it always says that the last " is a syntax error01:25
macocalum_: in vbox your physical graphics card doesnt matter01:25
nrobertsonRisingChurch: Shouldn't. As long as your modem is working. I can't remember what that wizard was called, though. Try searching your filesystem for ppp, maybe you'll turn it up01:26
macocalum_: it just has a generic emulated graphics adapter01:26
ace223maginot, no sorry i do not.. it is mounted though01:26
RisingChurchWell I tried searching for ppp through synaptic and didn't see anything.01:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:26
calum_maco: Hmm, OK... its just that I wanted to try out compiz in 10.0401:26
nrobertsonRisingChurch: I meant a file search01:26
macocalum_: i thought that was possible...01:26
neomysisHi, anyone that could help my?01:26
maginotace223, okay, I'll help you... what's your root partition?01:26
RisingChurchI'll have to remember that. My machine is 30 minutes away though.01:27
neomysisI'm having problem to install mysql 5.101:27
calum_maco: So I should install it and try it directly in the vm?01:27
hiexpooops sorry01:27
neomysishiexpo, no hablas ingles??01:27
macocalum_: yeah01:27
nrobertsonRisingChurch: Aha! It might be called pppconfig01:27
calum_maco: I will give it a try.01:27
RisingChurchI'll try googling it.01:27
neomysisI'm having problem to install mysql 5.1, anybody could help my??01:28
nrobertsonWell it should be installed on your system.01:28
ace223marginot, hmm, im actually going to try some of the other solutions people gave me.. see if i can get it fixed that way.  otherwise i will come back and ask you about this, thanks for the help01:28
ace223and thanks everyone else, later01:28
RisingChurchI hope so.01:28
billy2007any  ops here?01:28
nrobertsonRisingChurch: Here is a guide you might want to save for reference... http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html01:28
alpicolaneomysis: Maybe, but you'll have to tell us what the problem is first.01:28
RisingChurchIt should work with the martian_modem command right? Since I have a winmodem.01:28
macobilly2007: something wrong?01:28
haavarosI'm using 9.10: Is there a way to control sounds for specific events, rather than just all or nothing like in sounds preferences?01:29
RisingChurchI got the martian_modem working though.01:29
kjeleDoes anyone know of an irc client that uses vim keybindings?01:29
maginotace223, okay, if they didn't work come back, that will =)01:29
billy2007maco freenode told me to come here and ask an op if i could et ubottu in a private room01:29
histokjele: you could probably find a script for irssi to do somethign like that.01:29
lee_can anyone help me?01:29
macobilly2007: ah. try in #ubuntu-ops then. only certain ops are able to control ubottu01:29
histokjele: it would be difficult to type with vim keybindings in an irc client01:29
kjelehisto: I am using irssi and can't find anything01:30
maginotlee_, hi, whats is your problem01:30
haavaros!ask | lee01:30
ubottulee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:30
histobilly2007: you can message ubottu directly01:30
macohisto: i think billy2007 wants to invite ubottu to a channel01:30
neomysisI need help fixing my mysql instalation01:30
kjelehisto: not really. Using bash with vim keybindings01:30
lee_this is what happens when I try to use python: >>> print ""01:30
lee_SyntaxError: invalid syntax01:30
nrobertsonRisingChurch: I don't know, actually. Hopefully, though.01:30
billy2007maco alright cheers m801:30
RisingChurchWhile I wait for that to slowly load01:30
lee_it says the last " after the word print is a syntax error01:30
maginotlee_, so you are with a sintax problem01:31
haavarosI'm using 9.10: Is there a way to control sounds for specific events?01:31
alpicolaneomysis: What, exactly, is wrong?  Is there an error?  What does it say?01:31
maginotlee_, you have to revise your code...01:31
kos_hi everyone. Can somebody help with amarok player? Other players work fine, but amarok just does`t play a track. Installed from ubuntu reposit.01:31
neomysisalpicola, thanks01:31
RisingChurchThe whole reason I need to do this is because I reinstalled ubuntu after I screwed something up01:31
RisingChurchI edited the xconf file because my resolution was stuck at 640x34001:31
lee_it doesn't work01:31
neomysisalpicola: When I try to start it get halted01:31
calum_haavaros: Try messing around with system > preferences > sound01:31
toh192kox, amarok uses a differient codec system01:31
RisingChurchSo I searched the forums, and found someone with the same problem, and he fixed it.01:31
toh192doesnt it?01:32
neomysisalpicola: when I try to remove it, do not work.. and sao on01:32
RisingChurchHe edited the xconf to change the hsync01:32
maginotlee_, okay, you tried, but you don't get it, doesn't mean that doesn't exist01:32
lee_it works in the terminal but when I do it in the python shell it turns up an error01:32
kos_so I guess I need codecs? What exactly?01:32
RisingChurchI tried to do it, even though mine didn't have any of that information, according to what I read, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there and so I assumed I could edit it the same way he did in order to fix it.01:32
nrobertsonRisingChurch: haha, bummer. glad you got it fixed though, that res is crap01:32
RisingChurchBut I couldn't boot after I edited the file.01:32
haavaroscalum_: No options there except to turn everything on or off01:32
RisingChurchOh no01:32
RisingChurchI didn't get it fixed.01:32
haavarosI'm using 9.10: Is there a way to control sounds for specific events? Sound preferences has no such granularity01:32
toh192kos, try changing your output settings first01:32
RisingChurchIt prevented me from booting, I don't know how since there is the failsafe file01:32
nrobertsonRisingChurch: Oh yeah. I guess you said that....01:32
FatalExceptionRisingChurch: did you back up the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?01:33
RisingChurchI tried using live, but of course I couldn't edit the file.01:33
alpicolaneomysis: Ok...  This is the package manager (apt-get, Synaptic, etc.) that's having trouble?  If there's any kind of an error message, please paste it here (if it's short, or pastebin it if it's long).01:33
RisingChurchFatal, I didn't, but the failsafe file was exactly like the original.01:33
blindHi, I just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop.. it has a broadcom wireless card and in the live cd and in the past, it shows up under "hardware drivers" but it's not there, how do I fix this?01:33
RisingChurchI assumed if it couldn't work, it would default to the failsafe one.01:33
neomysisAlpicola: dpkg: warning: files list file for package `mysql-common' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.01:34
kos_toh192, doesn`t help :)01:34
eveningskyI have an encrypted partition left from a different install of LinuxMint.01:34
neomysisalpicola: (Reading database ... 301010 files and directories currently installed.)01:34
neomysisUnpacking mysql-server-core-5.1 (from .../mysql-server-core-5.1_5.1.41-3ubuntu11_i386.deb) ...01:34
RisingChurchAll that would happen is I would try to boot, the logo shows up, and then I get a flashing cursor01:34
eveningskyecryptfs-mount-private does nothing01:34
eveningsky sudo ecryptfs-mount-private leads to fopen: No such file01:34
neomysisalpicola: Selecting previously deselected package mysql-server-5.1.01:34
neomysisUnpacking mysql-server-5.1 (from .../mysql-server-5.1_5.1.41-3ubuntu11_i386.deb) ...01:34
neomysisalpicola: and then halt01:34
neomysisalpicola: now I try to remove it01:34
RisingChurchKeys wouldn't do anything, so I let it sit for over half an hour and nothing change, so eventually I reinstalled, which is why I need to do the dial up thing again.01:35
neomysisalpicola, now, dont work nathing in the shell, not control C nothig, I need to close it01:35
RisingChurchSo right now my xconf is default because a new install.01:35
RisingChurchMy resolution is only at 8x6 because it can't go any higher, and is using the free software.01:36
nrobertsonPhew, and getting back up and running on dial-up is a mess01:36
alpicolaneomysis: By halt, do you mean it just locks up, or does apt-get exit abruptly and leave you back at the command line?01:36
RisingChurchI can't get the proprietary ones because I have no internet on the machine.01:36
tp43hi, help, my printer is printing very small, like a tenth of the size01:36
neomysislock up.01:36
neomysisalpicola, lock up.01:36
RisingChurchYeah nrobertson, it was my fault though01:37
hiexpoblind - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2568301:37
neomysisalpicola, now dpkg --configure -a01:37
RisingChurchBefore I reinstalled I grabed the gnome-ppp.deb file thinking it was all I needed to get back online.01:37
RisingChurchUsing the live disc01:37
lee_wow, nothing is helping01:37
neomysisalpicola, Processing triggers for man-db ... debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable01:37
neomysisdpkg: error processing man-db (--configure):01:37
neomysis subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 101:37
neomysisSetting up mysql-server-core-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu11) ...01:37
neomysisErrors were encountered while processing: man-db01:37
FloodBot1neomysis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
RisingChurchBut it told me I needed other files01:37
RisingChurchSo I tried just using wvdial, which told me I need to apt-get it. :P01:38
=== mikeliss_ is now known as mikeliss
skuzzelOkay, so I'm trying to resize my ect3 sda1 ubuntu partition with the live CD using Gparted. Gparted says it can't find a valid fylesystem superblock when it tries to edit the ubuntu partition. Anyone have any tips on making it work?01:38
RisingChurchThat guide is done loading so I'll be are be for a bit.01:38
=== McPeter is now known as Guest47117
rjonesx1anyone have any luck installing memcached on ubuntu 9.10 server (apt-get install memcached is coming up as not finding any packages)01:40
neomysisalpicola, http://paste.ubuntu.com now when I try to remove mysql-server-5.101:40
alpicolaneomysis: Well, that lock on /var/cache/debconf/config.dat makes sense if the installer hung (and never gave up its lock).01:42
SlybootsHm, having some problems to mv.. TRying to move all the conents from one folder to another location on the same disk..  but it keeps failing iwth "mv : can not move, directory not empty"01:43
neomysisalpicola, now I remove all in that directory to .bak01:43
neomysisalpicola and go again01:43
=== danTs_ is now known as Dants
RisingChurchpackages you get from packages.debian.org work with ubuntu right, since it is built on/from debian?01:44
Slybootsslyboots@Beluga:/media/array/Data/TV$ sudo /bin/mv * /media/array/Videos/TV/ -f/bin/mv: cannot move `Deadliest Warrior' to `/media/array/Videos/TV/Deadliest Warrior': Directory not empty01:44
SlybootsI really.. dont understand this at all01:45
SlybootsI mean its just moving a file -.-01:45
alpicolaneomysis: Can you tell at all what it's doing when the install process halts?  Is the CPU running?  Is it spinning your HD?01:45
neomysisalpicola, nothing.01:46
Slybootsanyone any idea.. ? :P01:46
neomysisalpicola, now I tray to remove mysql-server-5.1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/409778/01:46
rascal999recently discovered xcalib -invert -alter, wondering if i can script it so it looks at the screen, and changes it depending on the collective colour. If dominantly white, invert, vice versa01:49
tp43you know, ubuntu printing should let you select an option to manually select the driver instead of auto select, cause I was using an old canon, and the auto selected driver wasn't working good, so I had to select manually, except that option doesn't come up,  You just have to delete and add until it doesn't auto find a driver so the menu to select your driver comes and you can chose your favourite01:49
* Slyboots rubs whats left of his sanity01:50
Slybootsright, The mv works as long as there is not a folder with the same name at the target location.. I dont know *why* that causes it to fail but it does01:51
alpicolaneomysis: Give this a try:  dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq mysql-common01:51
neomysisalpicola, http://paste.ubuntu.com/409780/01:52
Slybootschrist linux why do you have to be so difficult!01:52
benkong2! bootsplash01:52
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:53
neomysis !usplash01:53
hiexpoif it was easy everyone would have it :)01:53
SlybootsHonestly, I mean.. Moving FILES01:54
Slybootshow can you screw that up01:54
maginotSlyboots, moving?01:54
RisingChurchIt does seem pretty silly Sly.01:54
alpicolaneomysis: Ok.  Rmove those dependencies and try again.  If those also complain about dependencies, well, just keep going until it works  ;)01:54
maginotSlyboots, did you copied something on the wrong place?01:54
SlybootsTRying to move files from one directory to another.. but if the smae folders exist at the TARGET directory.. the copy fails01:54
benkong2I am trying to restore my ubuntu bootsplash after a lubuntu-desktop install01:54
neomysisalpicola, but mysql-commen actually do not exist, is just a virtual one of -5.101:54
hiexpomaginot,  - i think he did01:54
maginotSlyboots, use a grep filter01:55
Bleachavi converter software for mobile mp401:55
Slybootsmaginot: .. what?01:55
benkong2the update-alternatives command returns "no alternatives for usplash-artwork.so01:55
benkong2what am I doing wrong01:55
maginotSlyboots, to exclude the same directory01:55
peterkirn1I'm trying to work with a fresh Jaunty install from Ubuntu's rootstock (as burned in Karmic). Stuck on "must be setuid root" for sudo, and su won't authenticate, either. Any way to fix without root privs?01:55
neomysisalpicola, sorry. I get it now01:55
Slyboots... No I dont want to do that o.O01:55
SlybootsThe idea is to move the files.. and if the folders already exist just.. add them to the current folders01:55
Streetboyshi there01:56
Bleachhelp needed for an avi converter software for mobile mp401:56
maginotSlyboots, so use the -f option01:56
SlybootsDoesnt work01:56
maginotSlyboots, how not?01:56
Slybootsslyboots@Beluga:/media/array/Videos/TV/Deadliest Warrior1$ sudo mv -f * ../Deadliest\ Warrior01:56
Slybootsmv: cannot move `Season 1' to `../Deadliest Warrior/Season 1': Directory not empty01:56
alpicolaneomysis: Basically, it sounds like something in the dpkg database got corrupted, so the goal is to force whatever's corrupt there to be removed, and then try it all again from scratch.01:57
SlybootsBecause the folder "Season 1" already exists in the target directory, apparnetly thats some huge crime and mv wont play ball01:57
Streetboyshow to install windows aplication here in linux01:57
Bleachstreetboys use wine01:57
neomysisalpicola, thank.. I understand now.. I will try01:57
maginotSlyboots, are you sure you have the right permission on the directory ?01:57
SlybootsRunning the move as root01:57
Streetboysbleach .... How01:57
Slyboots(hense Sudo)01:57
Streetboysis it posible to run the microsoft excel using wine01:58
peterkirn1Streetboys: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine01:58
RisingChurchUse OpenOffice01:58
RisingChurchIt can open excell files iirc.01:58
calum_Yes Microsoft office can be run through wine01:58
Streetboysopen office dont have pivot01:58
Streetboysi need pivot01:58
peterkirn1Streetboys: actually, it does; it calls them DataPilots. http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/100025201:59
SlybootsSo.. no-one any clue why I cant do the most *basic* file managment?01:59
peterkirn1datapilot == pivot.01:59
OSNewbVAOpen Office has what it calls DataPilot... similar to Excel's Pivot tables, just not as many formatting options.01:59
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Streetboysok tnx for the reply02:00
Streetboysvery much apreciated and helpul02:00
SlybootsI mean I dont mean to be rude but.. I dont understand how this doesnt come up all the time02:00
maginotSlyboots, aparently ou could only using the -n option02:00
fenghello,Everybody.I have a question?02:01
SlybootsNo clobber eh?02:01
neomysisalpicola, Now when I tray to install mysql 5.0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/409787/02:01
maginotSlyboots, use -n02:01
Streetboysone more question,,,, is it true that linux is a virus free....02:01
maginotSlyboots, mv -vn * ../folder02:01
RisingChurchThere is no such thing as virus free.02:01
Circssnuxoll, Can you help with eveningsky 's issue, iirc you have played with encrypted partitions before.02:01
fengFireFox is not support javascript?02:01
maginotRisingChurch, yes, there is.02:01
macofeng: sure it does02:02
sanzkyhello, does anyone knows if it's possible to prevent nautilus from previewing images in external devices like usb sticks and sd cards?02:02
macofeng: perhaps you have it turned off in the security settings?02:02
geirhaSlyboots: rsync should handle it02:02
Bleachhow can i convert an avi file to mp4(mobile phone format)in ubuntu02:02
RisingChurchWell, not in the way he is asking imo.02:02
Slybootsgeirha: But thats copying..02:02
fengWhen I click a Link of javascript.02:02
maginotRisingChurch, who is asking??02:02
Streetboysbut i read from a forum entitled the power of linux, some tells that linux is a virus free02:03
RisingChurchHe asked if linux is virus free.02:03
Streetboysyes rising church02:03
fengFireFox can't open link of Javascript02:03
maginotRisingChurch, well, what virus are you considering for linux, bliss ?02:03
* maginot strughs02:03
|littlebear|Bleach: ffmpeg -i blah.mp4 blah.avi02:03
alpicolaneomysis: Ah...  it starts to make sense.  Your previous attempt probably stalled waiting for mysqld to quit, but it doesn't want to for some reason.  killall mysqld02:03
Slybootsmaginot: ... Didnt work.. just didnt copy *any* files02:03
SlybootsBut no error message either02:03
geirhaSlyboots: It has options to remove source files files and such02:04
maginotSlyboots, but doesn't give you errors...02:04
RisingChurchNo, I'm just saying it is extremely unlikely any system is impossible to comprimise.02:04
neomysisalpicola, let see if I found some02:04
Slyboots... but it didnt move the files either02:04
fengwhy i can't open the link of Javascript in FireFox?02:04
maginotRisingChurch, well, compromise is something... none is talking about exploits02:04
neomysisalpicola, ok, all them killed02:04
fengI installed Java!02:04
fengHelp Me!02:05
RisingChurchWell I guess my definition of virus is more broad. :P02:05
maginotRisingChurch, the real virus that exists for linux are just for laboratory and very very old, they used old kernel flaws, today there is no virus02:05
crazygirhiya, is it possible to have more than one active pptp connection? I have a cellular wireless card which uses pptp, and I'm looking to connect to a pptp vpn, but connecting to the vpn kicks my cellular connection02:05
alpicolaneomysis: Good.  Try it all again.02:05
macofeng: er.... javascript and java have nothing in common, except 4 letters02:05
neomysisalpicola, install ??02:05
alpicolaneomysis: Yeah.02:05
porphyrocan anyone tell me an easy way to install tor on ubuntu 9.04?  i'm too much of a n00b for cmd line interface in the terminal02:05
Slybootsgeirha: Plus I dont think rsync will delete folders.. only files02:06
crazygirporphyro: consider windows or osx then?02:06
|littlebear|porphyro: open up packagemanager and search for tor02:06
macofeng: are you trying to run a java applet, maybe?02:06
neomysisalpicola, almost the same error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/409789/02:06
porphyroi've tried several times via terminal it's too confusing and it's not working02:06
maginotRisingChurch, exploits of course linux have many, just like any other operation system running human program...02:06
RisingChurchThat is my point.02:06
crazygirporphyro: what have you tried / what problems did you run into?02:06
crazygirspecifics ;)02:06
fengwhen i click the javascript,it displays "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (javascript) isn't associated with any program"02:06
RisingChurchIt wasn't my question anyways, so. :P02:06
maginotRisingChurch, but virus are just something very stupid02:06
porphyrocrazygirl:  trying to get the pgp verficiations etc02:06
|littlebear|feng: ROFL, u're kidding right?02:06
macofeng: javascript isnt a protocol02:07
porphyroi run vidalia and tor isn't connected02:07
neomysisalpicola, Should I try with 5.1 or 5.0??02:07
porphyronot even sure if it actually sintalled02:07
maginotRisingChurch, windows will never be safe, thats a problem about legacy02:07
|littlebear|feng: it's a file that should be embedded, not run individually02:07
* Slyboots rubs his eyes..02:07
Slybootsthis is just.. *unreal*02:07
maginotSlyboots, what?02:07
porphyrocrazy, did that help any02:07
|littlebear|Slyboots: lol, it's real all right02:07
winXPuserwhy doesn't ext3 need to be defragemented?02:07
SlybootsThat I cant *move* bloody files02:07
Streetboysi believe that linux is virus free02:07
porphyrothere are no .deb files i can find that will work02:07
fenghow to do it /02:08
|littlebear|Streetboys: it's not02:08
Streetboysy? littlebear02:08
SlybootsIm sorry, but if you cant MOVE files around without massive headaches something is fundementally bloody wrong02:08
|littlebear|Streetboys: I could write a simple script and pass it to you, it will shutdown your pc every 2 minute02:08
geirhaSlyboots: You are moving directories, that's different from regular files.02:08
Streetboyswat kind of virus you concider for linux02:08
winXPuserwhy doesn't ext3 need to be disparagement? I mean the file system02:08
maginotSlyboots, you know that, if you don't like how something work, on linux you always have the advantage of making it better... remember its opensource02:08
Slybootsyea, great solution.. write my own OS :P02:08
|littlebear|Streetboys: but nobody bother to write one lol, linux user are usually smart enough to read02:08
maginotSlyboots, no, just change how mv works...02:09
SlybootsThats pretty extreme dont you think02:09
maginotSlyboots, don't need to someone have to do it?02:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:09
M1ck3yHey all, I accidently installed the wrong printer driver. How do I go ahead and uninstall the printer driver that is on my machine?02:09
SlybootsNo need to get snappy because I've pointed out something that linux seems to handle badly02:09
phongphraihi everyone02:10
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geirhaSlyboots: You mean coreutils handles badly, linux is not the issue02:10
phongphraianyone knows about electronic circuits schematics and PCB design?02:10
winXPuserhi phongphrai what is the question02:10
alpicolaneomysis: I suppose you could try it whichever, I'm ot sure your problem is apt related at this point.  What happens if you try running that initscript by hand?  invoke-rc.d mysql stop02:10
SlybootsSorry, Coreutils :P02:10
M1ck3yI take that question back, sorry all :)02:10
StreetboysLOL..... what kind of script you said,,, linux doesnt read any script02:11
benkong2can plymouth and usplash both be installed02:11
neomysisalpicola, now I should have all mysql realted uninstalled02:11
macobenkong2: dont think so02:11
maginotSlyboots, I don't disagree with you, but I know how to make a script or something and don't get bothered but if you need so much, make your part02:11
benkong2maco: k thanks02:11
cleaverrootwinXPuser: when it writes files to disk it leaves room for extra data in the same place; unlike fat or ntfs which closes the data then if more is added puts it on a  diff sector thus fragmenting the drive02:11
neomysisalpicola, the problem was originated when I upgrade the packages (I am using ubuntu 10.04)02:11
SlybootsIts not a great solution if you dont know how to program though is it02:12
maginotSlyboots, unfortunately just complain will not fix it02:12
maginotSlyboots, at least, not so soon =)02:12
EvilRickhey guys I have installed ubuntu with /boot on a regular drive partition and / on a linux raid 5 device. When booting the system cant find the rootfs, I think the kernel is not assembling the raid 5 root.02:12
EvilRickany ideas?02:12
SlybootsIm trying to find a workaround or a solution but there doesnt seem to be one.. which just seems to be *really* unlikly02:12
EvilRickcan this even be done02:12
SlybootsI mean, I cant see how this issue has not come up before on a daily basis02:12
SlybootsSo there must be a solution/workaround/voodoo chant02:13
maginotSlyboots, let me think if I have some idea for you here02:13
geirhaSlyboots: rsync + rmdir02:13
vasezI have proftpd installed, but for some reason I can't access "/media/terabyte" which has permissions 666 and is /dev/sdb1...Any advice on what to read?02:13
Slybootsgeirha: Adn if rsync fails or some reason it deletes my files :P02:13
EdgEySlyboots have you not just tried GUI move?02:13
alpicolaneomysis: Sure.  I could be wrong, but what that last pastebin looks like to me is apt-get thinking mysql is running when it's not.  *shrug*02:13
geirhaSlyboots: No.02:13
EdgEyor enter the folder and copy * to the new folder?02:13
SlybootsIts a CLi interface only02:13
perlsyntaxHow can i check what type of jdk i have for java?02:13
EdgEycd folder cp * /whatever/folder/02:13
phongphraiAnyone knows a good way to design PCB on linux?02:14
vasezI take it back, it's not proftpd's fault the user isn't able to access that directory by ssh either.  I'm confused02:14
SlybootsI can move the files by hand one by one, but if the same folder structe exists at the target it doesnt work02:14
geirhaSlyboots: rsync only deletes upon successful copy, and rmdir only deletes empty directories.02:14
EdgEySlyboots does it have a load of subdirectories or what02:14
neomysisalpicola, OK.. but now, everithing should be ok.. and I am still having problems to install mysql 5.102:14
SlybootsEdgEy: I have a folder with 3 subfolders inside it "A, B and C" And if I try ot move it to /target/ (Which has the same folders inside) it fails02:14
loughkbHello, has anyone used the ubuntu one iphone app successfully yet?02:14
alpicolaneomysis: Is it back to hanging?02:14
maginotSlyboots, I have you an simple idea02:14
EdgEySlyboots, ah02:14
lydiaHello, can I deactivate the "Line port" of my soundcard somehow with pulseaudio? Or can I redirect MIC to LINE? The Problem is a wine app seems using LINE IN instead of MIC and I can't change it...02:14
maginotSlyboots, just go one this under and do the mv02:15
maginotSlyboots, you have to get out from the dir...02:15
neomysisalpicola, nop, I think it is again dependencies http://paste.ubuntu.com/409792/02:15
Slybootsmaginot: .. What?02:15
maginotmv -v dir1/* dir2/02:15
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neil_das root can I force one user to be logged out?02:15
maginotSlyboots, not mv -v * ../dir202:15
maginotSlyboots, did you get it ?02:16
SlybootsSame issue "Directory not empty"02:16
maginotSlyboots, show me your command02:16
Slybootsslyboots@Beluga:/media/array/Videos/TV$ sudo mv -v /media/array/Data/TV/* /media/array/Videos/TV/02:17
maginotSlyboots, I just did here, without problem02:17
Slybootsmv: cannot move `/media/array/Data/TV/Deadliest Warrior' to `/media/array/Videos/TV/Deadliest Warrior': Directory not empty02:17
Slyboots(Yes, I know its a terrible show)02:17
RisingChurchIt's sort of entertaining Sly02:17
maginotSlyboots, sorry here worked great, and I didn't need -f option either02:17
benkong2how can I set the plymouth theme?02:17
mdisienowhats the worse that could happen if my modelines are off in my xorg.conf could it fry my gpu?02:18
RisingChurchIt is funny how the voice over guy is the guy from 300.02:18
maginotSlyboots, I will just repeat my test02:18
RisingChurchI modded my xorg.conf02:18
RisingChurchAnd couldn't boot.02:18
SlybootsRisingChurch: I just heard its got the IRA vs the Taliban.. lol02:18
RisingChurchAre you stuck at 640x340?02:18
SlybootsBeing from N. Ireland.. I just cant pass that up :P02:19
crazygiris it not physically possible to have more than one active pptp session?02:19
mdisienoRisingChurch, hmm, im just more worried about my gpu and tv. no at 1280x768 right now02:19
RisingChurchWell I've read having the wrong numbers can be bad fro the monitor.02:19
un214well the device is called ppp0 so I suppose there could be a ppp102:19
EdgEySlyboots, I can see why it doesn't work with "mv" now02:19
RisingChurchI can't say from experience though.02:19
SlybootsEdgEy: Oh?02:19
EdgEyYou will have to use rsync or something else02:20
maginotSlyboots, actually mv didint help, the only solution is cp -vrf first02:20
hiexpomessing with xorg leads to most of the time BRICKRD////02:20
researcher1Im unable to report the problem of system crashes.The report is generated for a while and then it says"problem cant be reported" I want to contribute by reporting bugs02:20
SlybootsCrappy mv x.x02:20
maginotSlyboots, after cp you can do a rm -rf02:20
RisingChurchSly, does that mean you are rooting for the IRA?02:20
CircsHow do i change my locale in 9.10 UNR to en_US.iso8859-1 ?02:20
SlybootsRisingChurch: I never thought I was say this.. but.. home-team and all :P02:20
maginotSlyboots, hey, just use cp and then rm, not mv02:20
EdgEymaginot that would take forever for large files though02:20
maginotSlyboots, unfortunately is one command more02:20
SlybootsIts part of a script, and copying instead of a straight mvoe is going to add a lot of extra IO02:21
maginotEdgEy, it's a solution... any one better??02:21
SlybootsThe script is already a bit dodgy/creaky02:21
un214well cp followed by rm has resume sematnics of start over where mv has pick up where you left off02:21
Slybootsand Im talking about a lot of HDTV stuff, and 4gb+ files02:21
EdgEyIt's been a long time since I did bash scripting or programming of any sort02:22
hiexpoCircs, you mean your language?02:22
maginotSlyboots, it's the best solution and you just cp the files omitted by -n option of mv02:22
EdgEyThere will be a simple script to move file by file, I mean the GUI tools like nautilus can do it02:22
Circshiexpo, Yeah I would like to change it as I am having issues related to my default locale at the moment02:23
maginotEdgEy, an script could work great, but I'm not in the mood of thinking02:23
EdgEymaginot plus you assume that way there's even space to do it02:23
hiexpoCircs, on boot inyor login i believe there is an option for languages02:23
thermodMy Amule on Ubuntu 8.04 doesn't connect to kad in the last few days. Someone have experienced this problem?02:24
maginotEdgEy, yeah, that is something needed indeed02:24
Circshiexpo, The problem is the locale is not built in to my knowledge02:24
hiexpoCircs, what language?02:25
Circshiexpo, en_US.iso8859-102:25
Circshiexpo, The default locale is making so I am having problems with my encryption software02:26
hiexpoCircs, should be there unless u did a local e purge02:26
CircsOk I'll poke through it on my reboot02:26
blindhi, can someone help me get my broadcom wireless card working? i've followed the ndiswrapper procedure, but it's not working, it doesn't show up anywhere except lspci02:27
hiexpoblind,  go here and read www.aircrack-ng and read compatibility and find your card and chipset follow directions ok02:28
[[thufir]]hmm.  trying to edit the default os which loads, I'm in boot/grub and thought it was boot<something> but can't find it :(02:29
nabeelhi all02:29
thermodNobody for my problem with aMule?02:29
nabeelhad a quick question about apt-get source02:29
kthomas_vhanyone know enough about passive connection issues in proftpd to tell me how to fix an install that will not regularly accept passive connections?02:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:29
frewsxcvhow do you install java plugin without being connected to the internet on ubuntu?02:29
nabeelapt-get source <package> - how do you get the build/configure line? I need to add a patch and parameters to the configure line and then do the build, but i'm not sure how to go about it02:30
maconabeel: to rebuild a package, type "debuild"02:30
maconabeel: the debian/rules should have the build rules02:31
[[thufir]]the grub wikipedia says to gksudo gedit menu.lst    however, I can't find this file in boot/grub ...?02:31
nabeelmaco: I see... so just apt-get source <package>; debuild;02:31
RisingChurchThanks for all the help.02:31
maconabeel: well apt-get source it, then patch it, then debuild02:31
RisingChurchHopefully it all works out.02:31
maconabeel: youll have a new deb02:31
austinubuntu 10.04 has so many restriction im starting to hate ubuntu.... ubuntu is starting to be like Windows02:32
maconabeel: will need to "apt-get build-dep <package>" too to get all the build dependencies02:32
macoaustin: try kubuntu02:32
macoaustin: also 10.04 is OT for this channel. that's in #ubuntu+102:32
austinwhy whats kubuntu like02:32
macoaustin: more options :)02:32
nabeelmaco: ahh ok, I'm looking at the debian/rules right now. yeah, i have the dependencies down, just trying to integrate a patch in but keeping all the ubuntu paths02:32
austinlike what02:32
hiexpoaustin, what are you looking for is more like the ?02:33
nabeelif you're wondering, i'm trying to get php-fpm patched into php5.3.2, or at least get the configure line so i can manually compile it02:33
macoaustin: it's kde instead of gnome. gnome tries to simplify things to not confuse the user, including sometimes not having the button you want. kde tries to give you lots of power, so it lets you configure just about everything02:33
macoaustin: so if your issue is that ubuntu is preventing you from doing what you want, maybe kubuntu is the answer. it was for me.02:34
nabeelthanks everyone!02:36
thermodIs my problem with kad in aMule due to old version for Ubuntu 8.04?02:36
hiexpoi don't see the ubuntu restricts anything myself i like ubuntu because of gnome desktop dont like kde desktop but to each is own everyone is differant02:36
austinlike i cant change the gdm greeter , compiz is shaved down, its like im in bars02:36
nabeeloo, this is tricky - php has several packages - php5-common, php5-cli, php5-cgi - so I have to patch all three of those?02:37
researcher1I want to enable chat between clients  in my computer lab having a Server and 32 clients. Any help please?02:37
hiexpoaustin, you mean the login02:38
kd8bxpQuickie question - Anyone have any luck using a cheapy usb video capture make in hong kong, or should I not waste my money02:39
macoaustin: gdm change happened in upstream gnome, not ubuntu02:39
macoaustin: gnome is rewriting gdm and they havent finished everything02:39
thermodall can I do ?02:39
hiexpognome is great i think02:40
MrGandoHello, I installed phpmyadmin in ubuntu, created a root user with no problems at all , but the default phpmyadmin account was called 'admin' password blank, and now I have a blank admin account in my server, how can I change the password for that account or delete it ?? ( I installed phpmyadmin using apt-get )02:40
maco!hi | andyp7902:40
ubottuandyp79: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:41
andyp79hi, anyone know anything bout banshee?02:41
kd8bxpQuickie question - Anyone have any luck using a cheapy usb video capture make in hong kong, or should I not waste my money02:41
hiexpokd8bxp, i think u should do your home work on that no one is gonna say either way on that /// remember you pay 4 what ya get02:43
kd8bxp@hiexpo I know, but was hoping someone might have tried...not a whole lot of info about video capture, or it is all dated.02:44
infidwhat's a good rss feed reader for ubuntu/gnome that can show new items popup in the notification bubble (notify-osd)?02:44
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naquanHi everyone, is there a schedule for firefox 2.6 in Karmic or it 'll be out together with ubuntu 10.4?02:46
blindI *cannot* get my broadcom wireless card to work on my laptop, i've tried all sorts of things..02:47
the_file_hi, any1 knows mysql/.02:47
markattothe_file_: i have a feeling that the good folks in #mysql might ;)02:48
alpicolanaquan: Do you mean 3.6?  I don't think it's in the official repos, but it is available in a PPA.  http://linuxhub.net/2009/11/how-to-install-firefox-3-6-on-ubuntu-karmic-koala/02:49
hiexpokd8bxp, remeber this is linux and there is not a whole lot of options so the best decision made is to go to the store and see what they are selling and go home and see if it is comparable with Linux  //// remember Google is your friend so if i want to buy so say a dongle i would type for instance linksys wusb 100 in Linux or use wusb100 in Ubuntu  and see what the results are02:50
lydiaHello, can I deactivate the "Line port" of my soundcard somehow with pulseaudio? Or can I redirect MIC to LINE? The Problem is a wine app seems using LINE IN instead of MIC and I can't change it...02:51
blindcan someone help me set up my broadcom card? I've tried ndiswrapper and compat-wireless, neither has worked..02:52
kd8bxp@hiexpo ok, thanks - Looks like there is an expermental driver for the cheapie I am looking at02:52
th3sk3pticinfid.I use the feed-applet that comes with the newer awn. it does notify02:53
kd8bxp@hiexpo the price is right, it may be worth it just to play with it, how else would I learn! :-)02:53
naquanalpicola: yes, i mean 3.6, Thank you.02:53
hiexpokd8bxp, and remember  just by asking is this chineese made soso gonna work ? who knows you need a model number and the version of it and than see we all look out for each other here in Linux so if it's a pos you'll know or visvera02:55
bostrthi, is there any way for me to connect to a wireless network then share that internet connection through ethernet?02:56
Joricdoes anyone else have a strong feeling that ubuntu is getting worse every new version? just installed 8.10 it's a dream comparing to 10.04 =)02:56
Joricfeels like an upgrade02:56
kd8bxp@hiexpo true enough, and I don't have those answers, and just because it looks like a brand name usb capture card doesn't mean anything, but you gave me an idea to go on - thnx02:56
hiexpokd8bxp, no prob hope you learned something that is themost important thing02:57
ranjanHello every body .. I am looking for you'r help I want to get simply preview of the image file on my system and I don't want to get the preview of other files .. i.e.,  .pdf or .txt etc files so is it possible to get this .. If yes then how ?? Please reply ... Thanks in advance  for your help ..02:58
rshakinhey ppl02:59
kd8bxp@hiexpo I found it on ebay, and the hong kong sellers really don't give a whole lot of info about, other then it doesn't work with vista 64...but no model numbers or anything - it looks like a haupaug (sp) but that doesn't mean anything02:59
rshakinhow would i update the kernel to a new release from a cd or a usb is there a guide03:00
rshakinor should i just install 10.1 beta and hope the kernel fix made it in there03:00
JeanvaljeanI open a website link in Ubuntu 9.10 with Firefox,but when I login in ,it always get error messages03:01
Jeanvaljeanlike this03:01
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JeanvaljeanError Occurred While Processing Request03:02
Jeanvaljean 03:02
JeanvaljeanPlease try the following:03:02
Jeanvaljean    * Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.03:02
FloodBot1Jeanvaljean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
Jeanvaljean    * Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.03:02
sahakHello, how can I prevent synaptics for asking me the password every time I launch it? it is very annoying.03:02
Jeanvaljeancan anyone help me?03:03
hiexpokd8bxp, let me offer another word to the wise i was selling a so called wifi card and was buying them for almost a year and the supplier never chaged the model nuber but the version it had a differant chipset and would not work i did everything in my power  to make it work /// not lol i was stuck with 325 cards that were boat anchors03:03
hiexposahak, leave it open03:05
kd8bxp@hiexpo Linksys did that for a while, don't know if they still are - but I ended up with maybe 10 or so WIFI cards that were worthless, but I feel your pain 325 is way too many! At least I was able to pawn off the cards to my windows friend (I've tried, but some people are stuborn)03:05
JeanvaljeanI have a problem,when i login in a forum with firefox in Ubuntu 9.10,I get these error messages http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/5065203:06
gaveenJeanvaljean, it doesn't seem to be a problem with Ubuntu or Firefox. Contact the site admin03:06
Jeanvaljeandoes something wrong with the java jre or jdk?03:06
e3n|4CIm sorry03:07
gaveenJeanvaljean, have you installed JRE?03:07
Joricwhy not change "change desktop background" to "display settings" or something? is there any ticket regarding this03:07
Jeanvaljeanyes.my version is sun-java6-jre03:08
JoricChange Desktop Background > Theme > Customize doesn't feel right03:08
OSNewbVAHas anyone been able to get a Kodak printer working with Linux?03:09
gaveenJeanvaljean, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java03:09
tm0Hi i just installed gnome on my server. What do i do now :P03:10
OSNewbVAI have even attempted running the Kodak software through a Windows XP Virtual Machine (in Virtual Box), but the spooler just seems to time out.03:10
iceroottm0: asking why there is gnome on a server03:10
iceroottm0: asking yourself :)03:10
blindcan someone help me set up my broadcom card? I've tried ndiswrapper and compat-wireless, neither has worked..03:10
tm0Iceroot it isn't for me. A friend wants to watch hulu, so thats how he is doing it :P03:10
iceroottm0: hm03:11
en|4cjoder mandale cojones con este server03:11
gaveenJeanvaljean, check the "Choosing the default Java to use" section in the URL I gave03:11
crazygirqmail: Depends: ucspi-tcp but it is not installable <-- why would this not be installable?03:11
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epic93Is it possible for me to run ubuntu 10.04 on a 800 mhz machine with 512 mb of memory?03:11
kd8bxp@Blind My broadcom card was listed in the restricted drivers, I needed to hookup a hard line to the NIC for it download the drivers, but otherwise it was fine.03:11
crazygirI also see an 'E: broken paackage'03:11
crazygirany thoughts?03:11
vividepic93, yes03:12
crazygirepic93: sure, but is that then running gnome, ff, tbird, etc?03:12
crazygirmight be a bit slow03:12
icerootepic93: #ubuntu+1  and a little info, i am running 9.10 fine on 630mhz with 512mb ram03:12
enjoythedayanyone using poweredge  1800?03:12
blindkd8bxp, that's what i was expecting, and it did it on the live usb, but it doesn't show up, i can03:12
blind't install it03:12
th3Xfagtrquestion -- how do i get kopete to recognize my built in web cam?03:13
minimecepic93: With this configuration I would take a look on a ubuntu + e17 combination. It is definitly possible to run ubuntu on your machine03:13
kd8bxp@blind - hmmmm, weird - I wish I could help you out, have you tried the wiki? there was a lot of info there about the broadcom cards pre-8.0403:13
gaveencrazygir, is ucspi-tcp in your repos? Check sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search ucspi03:13
epic93Thanks. I think I'll give it a shot some time.03:13
blindI've done everything :|03:13
tm0So does anyone know how to start Gnome from terminal03:14
* crazygir checking03:14
|littlebear|tm0: start-session-gnome?03:14
|littlebear|tm0: I mightbe wrong03:14
gaveentm0, which terminal?03:14
blindsudo /etc/init.d/gdm start03:14
hiexpoblind,  - I gave you a hint go here aircrack-ng and look in compatability and you will seebroadcam drivers i normally don't give info like this your card will work pay attention //// get your model number  and Google for the chip set  and than go back to air crack and see what to do03:14
blindi did that03:15
crazygirgaveen: nothing03:15
tm0|littlebear| I will try, gaveen what do you mean?03:15
gaveencrazygir, so you don't have the package in your repos. That's the problem. Are you using any unofficial repos?03:16
kd8bxpGood night all, wife says I have to get up at 6 am...she is making me goto sleep :-( Night Night03:16
kd8bxp@hiexpo Thanks again for the info! Night.03:16
crazygirgaveen: I'm not that kinda user.. this is stock ubuntu server.. I would expect qmail to install fine03:17
th3Xfagtrhow do i use my web cam on kopete?03:17
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gaveencrazygir, hmm,.. that's weird if it's a stock installation. Have you run partial system updates?03:18
gaveentm0, if you are in runlevel 2 or a non-GUI runlevel try startx command03:18
crazygirgaveen: I haven't no, but it is possible one of my admins has.. someone else is actually responsible for this system, but I need to setup qmail :P03:18
crazygirshould I run a complete update?03:19
crazygirapt-get update?03:19
gaveencrazygir, how are you trying to install qmail. apt-get install or by a download .deb file?03:19
en|4cquien va actualizar en ubuntu o una distro basada en debian03:19
crazygirgaveen: apt-get install03:20
en|4csi hay que descargar el archivo jumm valla distro, deberria tenerlo en sus repositorios03:20
WilabobHi, I just install Lucid Lynx and... It seems to boot without the tool bar(s)03:20
WilabobCan anyone help me fix this?03:21
dazWilabob: tool bars? :f03:21
gaveencrazygir, anyway, it's good practice to run a apt-get update before installing a new package.03:21
Jeanvaljeangaveen,I set up the Java following your URL instruction,but it doesn't work03:22
Jeanvaljeanmaybe it's the website's problem03:22
crazygirgaveen: no go03:22
Wilabobdaz: Y'know the bars on the top and bottom? They aren't there, so I cant start any apps or anything...03:22
gaveenJeanvaljean, can you tell me the version string you get when you run java -version ?03:22
dazWilabob: panels  <:03:22
crazygirmaybe I should just be using postfix..03:23
minimecWilabob: <alt>f2 gnome-panel03:23
dazWilabob: start gnome-panel, alt+f2 should start run thingie03:23
Jeanvaljeangaveen  java version "1.6.0_0"03:23
JeanvaljeanOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.6.1) (6b16-1.6.1-3ubuntu1)03:23
JeanvaljeanOpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)03:23
gaveenJeanvaljean, so you are using OpenJDK not Sun JDK. Which is fine. So I still think it's a problem with the site.03:24
Wilabobdaz: OK, but why doesn't it do that on startup?03:24
Jeanvaljeanand the website is www.wilmott.com   when you login in or register an account,you'll meet the error03:24
PeterParkerhello all03:25
th3Xfagtrwhat chat program works best with web cams?03:25
|littlebear|th3sk3ptic: skype03:26
icerootth3Xfagtr: i guess the nswer is skype03:26
hanasakianyone used moblock or peerblock and have any review of it?03:26
|littlebear|hanasaki: what's that?03:26
th3Xfagtris there skype for linux?03:26
icerootth3Xfagtr: yes03:26
iceroot!skype | th3Xfagtr03:26
ubottuth3Xfagtr: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga03:26
hanasakibeear:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock#MoBlock%20closed%20the%20port%20for%20my%20torrent%20client.%20How%20do%20I%20open%20it%20again?03:26
gaveencrazygir, qmail is is your repos right? Don't have access to an Ubuntu server to check03:26
crazygirgaveen: qmail is, the other package isnt'03:27
Jeanvaljeanthanks a lot,gaveen~~~03:27
|littlebear|hanasaki: ah sorry, I use transmission for my bt client03:27
monnori have two harddrives on my computer. one has windows, the other ubuntu. does anyone know how i can run the windows on a ubuntu window?03:27
arnprowith VMware monnor03:28
arnprovirtual box03:28
monnori cant seem to figure virtual box out03:28
Omen_20is it possible to run an actual install off of a HDD in virtual box? I thought it only used ISO images.03:28
jmcantrellgnome doesn't seem to be spell checking for the us dialect of english. am i missing a package or something?03:29
markattoOmen_20: "actual install off of a HDD?"03:29
gaveencrazygir, it's not likely that they've included qmail without the deps. :/ Anyway, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qmail03:30
hanasaki|littlebear|:  looks like a firewall of sorts03:30
markattoyou can use a cd as the install source if you want, and i suppose if you hated yourself, you could figure out how to build an image by hand03:30
aoupiI'm on 9.10 live USB, can I install 10.04 directly?03:30
Joric"us dialect of english" hehehe03:30
Omen_20Yeah. monnor seems to be asking if he can virtually run an install of Windows in virtual box. I didnt know if that was possible. I had only done things like the ISO image of ChromeOS and testdrive.03:30
minimecmonnor: That is a rather tricky thing to do as you want to start an existing windows installation as a virtual installation. You would have to add all the virtualbox devices to your existing windows installation as a new hardware profile.03:30
|littlebear|hanasaki: I use iptable + firestarter for my firewall03:31
monnorbut is there no way to boot the harddrive that i already have on a ubuntu window03:31
gaveenOmen_20, some virtualization software can use HDD installs. I can't remember which VMware or VirtualBox. Probably both.03:31
Omen_20ok. thx03:32
woody_can anyone help me get my netbook bluetooth working, ive spent hours searching to find out what the hardware is and i cant find it03:32
hanasakihmmm firestarter?03:32
robuntuwhere can i see the status of my network connections?03:33
ZykoticK9gaveen, VirtualBox can work with physical partitions, but it's a "for experts only" sorta thing http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk03:33
|littlebear|hanasaki: painless firewall03:34
minimecwoody_: you will find the hardware typing 'lsusb' (probably) in a console. Also check 'dmesg' and look for bluetooth specific messages.03:34
woody_minimec: i tried that, my display goes all funky every time03:35
minimecwoody_: funky by opening a console? funky what?03:35
robuntuwhere can i see the status of my network connections?03:36
hanasaki|littlebear|:  firestarter vs ufw ? thoughts?03:36
minimecrobuntu: ifconfig iwconfig <-- console03:37
|littlebear|hanasaki: u're choice, though I like firestater because I see the button and current in/outs on the bottom03:37
leagrisrobuntu, in a shell with command ifconfig03:37
ka0ticok, i installed the wifi driver with ndiswrapper it says the "driver is installed and the pci device is present" ... but nm-applet is still not seeing anything? nor is the light blinking on the card, what is wrong???03:37
gaveenZykoticK9, yes, just rechecked. And vmware also can. http://mazimi.wordpress.com/2007/06/24/virtualization-of-an-existing-physical-partition-of-windows-within-linux/ Omen_2003:37
leagrisrobuntu, with command ethtool if you need to look at physical state03:37
Woody-Minimec: sorry my connection died. My display goes crazy03:38
minimecWoody-: Crazy by doing what, openig a simple gnome-terminal?03:38
melwtech35hello, laptop has a rj12 input for telephone line, if i set up my laptop to connect to DSL with this port, where is a good guide to troubleshoot antennuation, noise margin ect with ubuntu ?03:38
woody__minimec: running that lshu command... i think i got the command spelt the command but i know the one your talking about03:39
gaveenrobuntu, you can see the connection status in th NetworkManaget applet in GUI. Or in a commad-line try $ ip link show03:39
leagrismelwtech35, if by chance you have an internal DSL modem you can check the corresponding /proc/atm entries03:40
melwtech35leagris, ok sounds good, so if my driver is set up properly i should have /proc/atm? or will atm only be created once the DSL connection is active03:40
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leagrismelwtech35, somewhere under the net tree or via the /sys or /proc/sys03:41
melwtech35leagris, thanks :)03:41
Kyle_SchwarzHey, I could really use some help, I cant seem to get my System Monitor app to run, here is a screenshot of my issue http://mpfnqq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1phPCaZcRl_aA-qQ744fJsinsbEhfqkJp6u-M34IgDiylVF7MgdXXhNPXb6mA-KWifXd1HkR589c9-5UDa1aReOfdxT0RYYy-d/Screenshot.png03:41
minimecwoody__: I can't see any reason why a disply could go 'crazy' by typing lsusb in a gnome-terminal. so what does 'dmesg' say?03:42
woody__minimec: ok sry that one worked its the lshu that makes it go nuts03:42
blindokay, so i've finally gotten my wireless card to show up, but it now says "device not ready"03:42
hanasaki|littlebear|:  talk a bout false postives... remote port is 993 for imps.. local is port sun-rpc dynamically assigned... so now I don't get imaps ... nice firewall .. NOT03:43
woody__minimec: the only device that isnt a root hub show. Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04f2:b175 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd03:43
leagrismelwtech35, line here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/409813/03:44
skuzzelOkay, so I'm trying to resize my ect3 sda1 ubuntu partition with the live CD using Gparted. Gparted says it can't find a valid fylesystem superblock when it tries to edit the ubuntu partition. Anyone have any tips on making it work?03:44
minimecwoody__: check also dmesg03:44
woody__minimec: where should i be looking its a lot of data03:45
minimecwoody__: words like 'bluetooth' and 'bnep'03:46
n2diy__ I just built a test box, and used grsync to load my home directory onto the box, but some files didn't make the trip, like .bashrc? I fixed it with gftp, but why did grsync miss it?03:46
woody__minimec: nothing listed... ubuntu cant find any bluetooth device. when i run windows the onboard bluetooth is fully functioal so i know its here03:48
cemerickwhat is the difference between id_rsa and id_dsa?  I've always heard that the latter should be preferred, but looking at them, they're both DSA keys...03:48
cemerickDES* keys, I mean03:49
mdelhey all03:49
mdelhas anyone ever booted a windows partition in virtualbox?03:49
minimecwoody__: can you http://paste.ubuntu.com/ the out put of lsusb, please03:49
arnproyes mdavidn03:50
mdelarnpro: nice... so you can use windows inside of ubuntu most of the time, and boot into full windows when necesary?03:50
mdelarnpro: ok cool... i anticipate needing to boot into windows directly when I need to work in flash03:51
mdelotherwise, as a web developer, ubuntu was a good move :)03:51
goddard_in web server environments is it save to allow group access to www-data for read and write?03:51
progre55hi people! here is a noobic question.. how do I change my password? =)03:52
lvsubDoes anyone know if the AZIO AW154a PCI wifi adaptor works in Ubuntu? It's not listed in their list but seems to have Linux drivers on their website.03:52
goddard_I guess that answers your question lvsub03:52
lvsubI know it shoudl work but having a driver doesn't seem to be a guarantee I noticed03:52
jubobaprogre55: go to Administration -> Users & Groups03:52
lvsubI just wondered if anyoen had used one?03:52
woody__minimec: http://paste.ubuntu.com/409822/03:52
goddard_in web server environments is it safe to allow group access to www-data for read and write?03:53
jubobaprogre55: did that do it?03:53
freakabcddo you guys block all webchat users?03:54
progre55juboba: yep, thanks03:54
Byangoddard_: what group access?03:54
progre55juboba: and just out of curiosity, how do I change it from a command line? )03:54
minimecwoody__: COuld it be that you have some "Bluetooth on/off" button on that laptop03:55
jubobaprogre55: type: passwd03:55
Aufwind1I'm running a pythonscript from terminal and routing the output with "http://script.py/ > output" to a file. This routing produces a segmentation fault. If I run the script without "> output" it works fine. What do I miss? I'm trying since hours, but I can't get it solved. I think the problem could'nt be in the code, because it works without routing. Glad for any hintd...03:55
woody__minimec: i have a keyboard FN control which doesnt do anything when i use it. there arent any hardware buttons03:56
|littlebear|hanasaki: hehe, well, the firewall isn't that smart03:57
progre55juboba: thanks man, appreciate )03:57
minimecwoody__: Your bluetooth is not recognized I guess. Dmesg should show you something like this ... (http://paste.ubuntu.com/409829/)03:58
mmcjiwhen I run ps -ef on a process what does the time 1-07:40:51 mean?03:58
lvsubIs it true that some of the cheap wifi cards can be difficult to get working in Linux because of the chipsets they tend to use? ie what chipset tends to give the least trouble in Linux?03:58
mmcjispecifically how much time does that represent?03:58
progre55juboba: hmm.. I changed my user pass, and set a pass to root, but the bash pass has not been changed..03:58
minimecwoody__: Now I don't know if the dongle is simply not activated or if it isn't recognized. Check www.tuxmobile.org if you find some info about that laptop.03:59
progre55juboba: for instance when I type "sudo bash", the new pass is incorrect, and the old one is correct03:59
jubobaprogre55: what?04:00
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woody__minimec: this is the link to my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/409830/04:00
jubobaprogre55: why are you doin that?04:00
progre55juboba: how do I change the sudo pass?04:00
tsimpsonprogre55: the sudo password is your password04:01
progre55juboba: I mean, the password you enter when you type "sudo bash"04:01
gaveenprogre55, sudo is asking for your password, not root password04:01
jubobaprogre55: sudo is a command to execute commands as ROOT04:01
progre55okay, but I dont think it changed..04:01
jubobaprogre55: it is NOT logging as ROOT04:01
gaveenprogre55, you said you changed root password, not your password04:01
minimecwoody__: Now I don't know if the dongle is simply not activated or if it isn't recognized. Check www.tuxmobile.org if you find some info about that laptop.04:01
progre55I changed my own password, too04:02
minimecwoody__: the system doesn't see your bluetooth dongle.04:02
jubobaprogre55: if you want to change ROOT password (and activate ROOT account) which I don't recomend, you log in as root: sudo su. And then you change the password: passwd04:02
jedtHi all, any help on why netbeans doesn't follow double click speed settings?04:03
woody__minimec: would this be a driver issue or hardware04:03
gaveenprogre55, first find out which user credentials you are running. Run whoami. Then when sudo asks for password give that users password.04:03
progre55juboba: well, apparently when I changed my pass from the gui (administration> users & groups) it didnt change04:03
progre55juboba: and now I changed it from a command line, and it works04:04
jubobaprogre55: should be the same04:04
progre55well, donno, didnt work04:04
jubobaprogre55: BUT sometimes the password is TOO WEAK, in that case it doesn't change, but it tells you.04:04
progre55juboba: I dont think it was too weak =)04:05
minimecwoody__: how should I now... You can also check the output of lspci. Maybe you have a wlan/bluetooth combo device04:05
progre55I highly doubt that..04:05
arlo3dhello world04:06
woody__minimec: i think it is a combo04:06
minimecwoody__: So... If wlan is working, I guess it is more driver related... Don't you think so?04:07
progre55well, I'm off to bed04:07
progre55thanks people for all the support04:07
progre55juboba: thanks again =)04:07
woody__minimec: my wlan is barely working with ther kernel drivers... i just rebuilt my machine but to get wlan working consistenly i had  to get the madwifi drivers04:08
Berzerkerdoes there exist an RSS reader that syncs (not imports, syncs) with google reader?04:08
arlo3dI feel like a stump04:08
woody__any way i could try to track down better drivers for my wlan?04:08
minimecwoody__: So check the output of lspci... find the wlan/bluetooth device and search the net for more information in combination with ubuntu04:09
minimecwoody__: Madwifi could brake bluewooth support...04:09
minimecwoody__: Try to boot once wothout using madwifi04:10
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arlo3dHay gerzell what's up04:10
woody__minimec: right now im running it clean... i just loaded 10.04 so there are no drivers loaded into it yet04:10
lajoswardi am getting a system error when i go to install my hardware graphics driver http://pastebin.com/ewc2DxkM04:11
minimecwoody__: Well I guess I can't give you any further hints ...04:12
WilabobHi, I'm having trouble with 10.04. When I boot the panels don't appear. I have to start them manually with start gnome-panel. Is there anyway to fix this?04:14
n2diy__ I just built a test box, and used grsync to load my home directory onto the box, but some files didn't make the trip, like .bashrc? I fixed it with gftp, but why did grsync miss it?04:14
woody__minimec: is there any way to track down what hardware is in this machine vs what drivers are loaded in?04:14
lajoswardAny ideads on my problem04:14
lajoswardnvm i worked it out04:15
Horathdoes anyone know of anyway to change the gnome log in screen?04:15
arlo3dI just installed xubuntu on an old machine with no internet.04:16
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Guest74103is there a way to use mIRC servers on this?04:17
Guest74103to talk on them atleast04:17
minimecwoody__: lspci should give you the info about the hardware. Synaptics about the used kernel and software driver04:18
minimecwoody__: lsmod gives you the info about the loaded kernel modules04:19
Guest74103how would i go about using these commands? under terminal?04:19
Guest74103thank you04:20
arlo3dWhat about loading a package with all the dependencies04:20
woody__minimec: thx04:20
stiltzkinhey, hows it goin guys? hoping someone can help me with a browser issue.04:20
dotblankWhat Issue?04:21
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sixenonepHi guys, I've just brought a HP mini101. It has an awefull hp media ubuntu remix installed. Anyway of removing said HPmedia?04:21
stiltzkindotblank: basically I want to have the current repository version of Firefox (3.6) installed concurrently with the nightly build (Minefield).04:21
stiltzkindotblank: but that doesn't work. Minefield takes over and links /usr/bin/firefox to itself apparently04:22
stiltzkindotblank: also tried reinstalling the firefox package, no dice :(04:22
arlo3dromove firefox first then intall04:22
dotblankDoes Minefield Work Properly?04:22
stiltzkindotblank: yup, minefield works fine. but I need 3.6 too so I can have addon compatibility. arlo3d: that doesn't work.04:23
randomusrhow can I use local user accounts as samba users rather than create a specific samba user?04:23
msmoothi have the same problem on wifes computer, tried to upgrade to 3.6 but gave me minefield04:24
dotblankusually You Can Use Firefox- and Start The Specific Ff Version04:24
stiltzkinmsmooth: really? hmm...sounds like a common issue then. I can't figure out how to launch 3.6, everything links to minefield now.04:24
aciculastiltzkin: use /usr/bin/firefox-3.604:24
arlo3dThis linux thing sets me on fire.04:25
Guest74103when you register cann other ppl see the pass?04:25
stiltzkinacicula: launches minefield. x(04:25
dotblankCan You Ls /usr/bin | Grep Firefox04:25
aciculawhat version is "minefield"04:25
dotblankIm On My Phone And It Caps Every Word04:25
Guest74103register <test1>04:25
stiltzkindotblank: returns "firefox" and "firefox-3.5" which both start Minefield04:25
stiltzkindotblank: the only way I could see fixing this would be completely deleting my minefield folder, purging the firefox package, and then reinstalling it. But then I can't use Minefield... :(04:27
Guest74103i take it no one can see what im typing?04:27
dotblankyou Could Try Installing Out Of Tee04:27
stiltzkindotblank: out of tee? what's that04:27
stiltzkinGuest74103: hey, what's up?04:28
dotblankwell You Don't Install It Relative To /04:28
dotblanknot Too Sure How04:28
arlo3dGuest74103 I think i see u behind the bushes04:28
Guest74103if anyone can see this please tell me, i need some help04:28
stiltzkindotblank: not sure what you mean. this doesn't make any sense to me because my minefield folder isn't in my path04:28
stiltzkinGuest74103: hey I read you. whatcha need help with?04:29
Guest74103well just first how do i register and second how do i install flash on ubuntu??04:29
dotblankIf I Was On My Desktop I May Be Able To Help04:29
Guest74103i tried and i keep gettn so many different errors lol04:30
arlo3d\There r too many people talking here what can i do to get less04:30
dotblankI Wonder If Apt Urls Work In Xchat04:30
stiltzkinGuest74103: you mean on IRC? when you connect to Freenode, type /nick and then the username you want to use. To install flash, open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"04:30
stiltzkinor what dotblank said :)04:31
msmoothu could always also goto applications/ubuntu software and search for adobe04:31
Guest74103oooh another sudo command04:31
stiltzkinGuest74103: what's that supposed to mean?04:31
stiltzkinhmmm so no one has any clue why Minefield tends to take over your Fx install?04:33
Guest74103nothing nothing my mind is racing ive been at it all day running different thigns to install haha04:33
bj_@Guest74103, try searching in Ubuntu's Software manger for 'adobe' or 'flash'04:33
Guest74103too much terminal for me04:33
bj_all of Ubuntu's software (if it's in a repository) can be seen and installed there04:34
stiltzkinGuest74103: then use Ubuntu Software Center (click Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center). Then search for "Flash." That should do it.04:34
Guest74103Synaptic Package manager, forgot about that :P04:35
stiltzkinGuest74103: don't even bother with Synaptic, too much can go wrong in there. Use USC04:35
Guest74103AHH YES! i see it lol04:35
Guest74103oh ok04:35
bastid_raZorGuest74103: ubuntu-restricted-extras  is the package that gets most things needed. flash, mp3 codecs ... etc04:35
bj_Go there first...odds are whatever you are looking for is in there--or at least an open-source variant04:35
stiltzkinalright I really need my Fx back. I'm gonna nuke Minefield unless anyone has any last-minute ideas04:36
Guest74103alright thanx all cya04:36
stiltzkinGuest74103: no prob04:36
mudderI'm following this  - http://linuxtrove.com/wp/?p=3 - to install 9.10 from my lan as it is supposed to be quicker than the cd install - anyone else tried something like it?04:37
stiltzkinmudder: haven't tried it myself, never needed to. keep in mind that while LAN installs can be faster, you can run into problems if your network goes down. No one wants a half-cooked system :P04:38
bj_everytime I've ever done netinstalls, it always takes longer...unless I'm not installing very much04:38
stiltzkinalways used CD. more reliable - CDs can be verified, MD5'd, etc. And your CD drive is much less likely to fail than your network.04:39
bj_if you are just installing a server, you might be ok--but even the CD install isn't that big ...04:39
mudderstiltzkin: I've never had a lan go down yet...04:39
stiltzkinmudder: well then it might be okay. but seriously, a full CD install has never taken me more than 30 mins. I'd still go that route to save me the other complications that might come up04:40
arlo3dnet installs work great most of the time with shorter download04:41
mudderand greater bandwidth from lan than cd04:41
stiltzkinmudder: depends on your network of course...04:41
mudderof course04:41
hanasakihow do you folks decide between sasl kerberos and gssapi?04:41
HFSPLUSEpsom salt is awesome04:42
HFSPLUSI am now shitting on the shitter every 10 mins04:42
arlo3dNot nessarily when you concider the band width you used to download the cd04:42
HFSPLUSI am now shitting on the shitter every 10 mins04:42
hanasaki how do you folks decide between sasl kerberos and gssapi? - sorry got disconnected04:43
HFSPLUSI am now shitting on the shitter every 10 mins04:43
stiltzkinarlo3d: usually torrent my CDs, usually at a much higher speed than the HTTP requests a LAN install generates04:43
stiltzkinarlo3d: especially right after a release, usually have my live and alt-inst images downloaded within 5 mins04:44
arlo3dtorrents are good when people use them many take far too long because of lack of use04:45
cosihey what can i use to open .rar?04:45
stiltzkinarlo3d: which is why they're awesome here. tons of people use them. and a large percentage of those people are liberal seeders04:45
stiltzkincosi: sudo apt-get install unrar. It'll be seamless with the unarchiver from then on04:46
arlo3dwhat's to say. I'm seeding right now and only have two people downloading.04:47
=== rotor_ is now known as un4m31
stiltzkinarlo3d: which cd? and probably that's a bandwidth issue not a torrent issue. check your nat. ESPECIALLY if you have Comcast or another traffic-shaping ISP04:48
=== un4m31 is now known as rotor`
gotttomudders link is about installing from a local lan - d/load would be limited only by the hd write speed04:49
cosihey the unrar thing doesnt extract properly, i manually had to drag and drop04:50
stiltzkingottto: well, actually the bottleneck will still be lan speed. I could have a screamin fast SSD but if I'm installing over 802.11b it's still gonna suck.04:50
arlo3dyour right.  but I've never found a bit torrent faster than a direct download04:50
gotttostiltzkin: yep you're right there - but who would use wireless for that - it is ssooo slow :)04:51
arlo3dless seeders less speed04:51
stiltzkincosi: if you right click on the archive and click "Extract here" it should extract fine04:51
stiltzkingottto: true lol04:51
stiltzkinarlo3d: you're kidding. almost every torrent I download is faster than straight http. It's one of two reasons BT exists: 1) reliability through distribution of file parts, and 2) greater throughput04:52
arlo3dokay dog your the geek when it take 12 hours to download a 640 mb file.  that's too slow04:54
goddard_can you view documents as HTML in open office?04:55
stiltzkinarlo3d: it's telling you it's going to take 12 hours? something's not right. did you download the official .torrent?04:55
gotttoI always get full speed with http - torrents can dribble in or run full speed04:55
stiltzkingottto: again, depends. on what you're downloading, who you're downloading it from, and how popular it is at the time04:56
arlo3dofficial as they get. debian cds from the debian site.04:56
Terminushello. anybody here using pam_mount? even if i set no options, the mount is run as if the user=$USER,uid=$UID,gid=$GID options have been set. how can i prevent that? i only want user=$USER, not uid and gid.04:57
stiltzkinarlo3d: ah hahaha. well debian might be another story. ubuntu cds are extremely popular on torrents. I only have one debian cd from years ago and I don't even think I torrented it04:57
arlo3dleft the real world of linux did ya04:57
stiltzkinarlo3d: course not; Ubuntu is debian to the core, don't try to deny it :P04:58
arlo3dI work with all types on purpose and feel debian will be around when others go away04:58
stiltzkinarlo3d: probably. but most likely in the form of Ubuntu. Fastest-growing and most popular distro in history by a long shot.04:59
Omen_20I love Ubuntu. I look forward to its releases more than my birthday.05:00
stiltzkinarlo3d: but slackware and fedora and the others aren't going anywhere soon. they have their place to be sure, I just don't feel it's on the desktop of the average user. IMHO05:00
Miyavix3I accidentally set a background using feh. How do I get my old desktop back?05:00
wastreli don't even know what feh is05:01
arlo3dMany distor's have set a purpose. Debian just carries on.  a debian distro will match Ubuntu with little effort and be much more computer friendly05:01
Miyavix3it's a picture viewer05:01
alexandritefeh = simple image viewer05:01
wastrelright-click on the desktop and choose "change desktop background" ?05:02
Miyavix3Can't right click on the desktop. None of my icons show up.05:02
Miyavix3Can't killall feh05:02
stiltzkinarlo3d: depends on what you mean by "computer-friendly." If you mean more powerful then probably not, since Debian stable tends to lag behind Ubuntu in terms of software progress. And if you mean in terms of usability then also probably not, since Ubuntu generally does more to progressively make its interface more usable05:03
rshakinwhats the current version of kernel in daily build of ubuntu05:03
stiltzkinMiyavix3: try "killall gnome-panel" (don't worry, it'll come right back) and see if you can right-click after that05:03
arlo3dI disagree. Debian with Gnome or Kde or anything else uses less memory and can be installed on anything nearly.  Ubuntu too with more work, but ...05:05
Dants   you see...05:06
stiltzkinarlo3d: custom install of Ubuntu (with a different WM like fluxbox, icewm, etc) and other tweaked settings can be just as flexible05:06
Dants are you look it? ubuntu ultimate?05:06
stiltzkinrshakin: I think it's 2.6.32-1905:06
Dants are you look it? ubuntu ultimate?05:07
Dants are you look it? ubuntu ultimate?05:07
arlo3dtry to install Ubuntu on a computer with 192 mb ram.  won't work without some extra work or using xubuntu.  Debian will install on it with kde etc.05:07
rshakinstiltzkin: ok good cause i think the hardware driver i need is been merged into the tree already as of .1705:07
Miyavix3stiltzkin: killall gnome-pannel didn't work05:07
stiltzkinarlo3d: I've installed Ubuntu on a computer with 72MB ram, no CD drive, no USB, and a 802.11b network card. From a floppy disk. Runs like a dream05:08
Semitoneshello, how can I find what driver I'm using? (I'm getting _really_ low fps)05:08
msmoothany reason I cant use 2 cores in VB anymore?05:08
crypt-0arlo3d, i have Ubuntu running on a computer with 128 MB of ram (used the alternate installer) and it works fine.05:08
LavagolemkingHow do I disable tcp checksum offloading in Ubuntu 9.04?05:08
=== zach is now known as Guest67798
Ryan__i ned help rly bad05:09
Ryan__anybody here05:09
crypt-0i did however switch to xfce4 for lower overhead05:09
Ryan__ned help plox05:09
rshakinstiltzkin: is there a way to get the 9.10 with the new kernel already in it is there a daily build images with updates05:09
arlo3dTell me about your install and version05:09
crypt-0Ryan__, yes...05:09
Ryan__OK can someone help with this problem: basically05:09
Ryan__OK a while ago I installed 8.10 on my laptop right05:09
stiltzkinrshakin: you mean 10.10 with the new kernel?05:09
stiltzkinrshakin: er, 10.04 rather05:09
Ryan__then I later reinstalled Vista it deleted the grub right05:09
rshakinstiltzkin: i mean 9 series05:09
Ryan__anyways, I lost my Ubuntu 8.10 disk05:09
Ryan__so I recently made a 9.10 disk cus05:10
Ryan__i thought it can install and auto upgrade your 8.10 thats already installed05:10
crypt-0arlo3d, 8,04 PIII 950HMZ 128MB05:10
stiltzkinrshakin: you'd have to do a lot of finegling to get a newer kernel running in 9.10. There will be lots of conflicting packages. Baddddd idea05:10
Ryan__but then I see that using this 9.10 disk can only overwrite the partition that 8.10 is using but that'll delete all my files on my ubuntu folders!05:10
arlo3dRayn  go get super grub disk05:10
crypt-0arlo3d, workied fine out of the box, i installed xfce and removed gnome05:10
Ryan__so how do I reinstall the grub so I can pick 8.10 again and then upgrade the Ubuntu from 8.10 using 8.1005:11
rshakinstiltzkin: whats the most curent version for 9 series05:11
Ryan__or can I use the 9.10 disk to upgrade my 8.1005:11
Ryan__so anyways can anyone help with that?05:11
Ryan__arlo3d wat??05:11
stiltzkinrshakin: 2.6.31-2005:11
arlo3dIf it's installed why remove gnome05:11
Ryan__wat do u mean05:11
Ryan__omg does anyone understand my problem05:11
crypt-0Ryan__, you can restore GRUB from a livecd05:11
rshakinstiltzkin: is there a way to get the current iso build with that kernel i am not sure it shipped with that kernel05:12
Ryan__yeah but crypt05:12
arlo3dRyan google super grub05:12
Ryan__did u get the details tho crypt05:12
Ryan__wait arlo WHY?05:12
Ryan__crypt, I have 8.10 on my computer but no 8.10 disk, ONLY a 9.10 disk so05:12
Semitoneshello, how can I find why my graphics card is misconfigured (I'm getting _really_ low fps)05:12
Ryan__can I use the 9.10 livecd to restore grub so I can boot my 8.10? cus 8.10 uses grub 105:12
stiltzkinrshakin: which kernel do you want? If you want 2.6.32 then get the 10.04 daily build. If you're OK with 2.6.31 (latest stable) then get the latest 9.10.05:12
crypt-0Ryan__, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:12
smick2so if nvidiea drivers are not helping your system any alternatives? Is there like a troubleshooting flowchart out there. I'm not even sure where to start. I just want better screen resolution. Right now, my system is unstable, freezing up, menus and dialogs aren't properly showing up.  I've got a compaq presario AMD athlon Xp 2100 with onboard video.05:12
Omen_20Ryan__, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading05:13
Ryan__crypt I already looked at that05:13
arlo3dSuper grub less mental and works quick05:13
Ryan__i looked at that too omen05:13
Ryan__but my problem is more complicated because05:13
Ryan__Im trying to restore grub to boot into 8.1005:13
SemitonesRyan__, I think you can if you apt-get install "grub" from the live cd environment05:13
Ryan__but my live cd is for 9.1005:13
Ryan__get it?05:13
Ryan__no it doesn't work cus my laptop wont detect internet when on the livecd05:13
Ryan__so im restoring grub to boot into 8.10 but my livecd is 9.10 using grub2 so wtf do I do ?? lol05:14
Omen_20So Ryan when u boot its not loading GRUB, what is happening?05:14
Ryan__when I boot normally it just goes to vista05:14
crypt-0Ryan__, see "For Grub Legacy" yes .05:14
Ryan__if I had my 8.10 CD I could restore grub easily but05:14
Omen_20Same HDD for both partitions or separate?05:14
msmoothwhynot burn the cd in vista05:14
Ryan__I burned 9.10 tho05:14
GneaRyan__: easy: boot your 9.10 livecd, open a terminal, mount your / from your 8.10 install, chroot to it, source root's .bashrc, then just go through the grub installation steps05:14
Ryan__can I do it with 9.1005:14
Ryan__its same HDD omen05:14
stiltzkinRyan__: just go download the 8.10 CD then: http://releases.ubuntu.com/intrepid/05:14
Ryan__Gnea how do I do that?05:14
rshakinstiltzkin: i am just trying to make this wifi card work it's a buffalo wli-uc-gn thats not supported by the default 9.10 install as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/441990 bug was fixed but i think it's down on daily build only05:15
crypt-0Ryan__, yes you can05:15
Ryan__but that takes HOURS05:15
FloodBot1Ryan__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:15
crypt-0Ryan__,  no it takes mins...05:15
GneaRyan__: you're on dialup?05:15
Ryan__it took 1 hour 30 mins to download the 9.1005:15
Ryan__no im on wireless highspeed but its wireless so maybe thats why05:15
Barama 2TB drive I had failed last night, all attempts to recover have failed so far... thinking that if I resize the partition (only used like 30G of it) I might be able to clone it to a smaller disk... any one know a better way?05:15
msmoothif you plug ethernet in, i bet it will detect net on livecd05:15
crypt-0Ryan__,  http://pastebin.com/yv9qQTLs its that simple05:15
GneaRyan__: no, I think you just caught a slow mirror. some mirrors are faster than others. if it's slow, try cancelling it and trying again on another mirror.05:15
randomusrRyan__ : how fast is your wireless connection?05:16
Ryan__Gnea can you maybe explain that more cus I have my laptop with the ubuntu problem right next to me05:16
Ryan__its fast its cable internet05:16
freakabcduh whats with the lameass suggestions given to Ryan__ ?05:16
randomusryea, slow mirror05:16
GneaRyan__: well, it's just like I said. just make sure you use sudo -i to get to a proper root shell05:16
Ryan__no crypt that wont work because05:16
msmoothryan: plug laptop into wired connection and apt-get grub from the livecd05:16
Ryan__the 9.10 livecd doesn't use legacy grub it uses grub205:16
freakabcdRyan__: boot your 9.10 lice disc.. then mount your 8.10 / partition on somewhere (say /tmp/myoldroot)05:17
SemitonesRyan__, use ethernet if possible05:17
GneaRyan__: the point of using chroot is to fool the system into thinking  your 8.10 system is a 'working' system05:17
ka0ticanyone use snort? :)05:17
Ryan__msmoothfreakabcd wait so...05:17
Ryan__omg gnea wat...05:17
freakabcdRyan__: then just chroot to that.. then do the grub-install thing05:17
Ryan__freakabcd so HOW do i do that??05:17
crypt-0Ryan__,  I KNOW05:18
GneaRyan__: step 1: put livecd in drive. step 2: turn the computer on.  let me know when that's done and the livecd is booted up please.05:18
SuperMiguelin ram.. http://images17.newegg.com/is/image/newegg/20-148-087-S01?$S640W$ on top of the connector there are two litle tiny holes one on each side.. what are those for??05:18
crypt-0Ryan__,  the 9.10 CD has legacy grub but uses grub2 by default05:18
GneaSuperMiguel: air, keychains.05:18
Ryan__OH so how do I use the legacy grub on 9.10 live CD?05:18
Ryan__Gnea its booted05:18
GneaSuperMiguel: and quite possibly some heat disappators05:18
GneaRyan__: good, now open a terminal05:19
crypt-0Ryan__,  the above pastebin, followed by sudo update-grub NOT sudo update-grub205:19
freakabcdRyan__: boot into live environment. then figure out your old 810 partition, (using "fdisk -l" if necessary), then mount it: sudo mkdir /tmp/myoldroot && mount /dev/sdaX /tmp/myoldroot05:19
Ryan__w8 w8 crypt and freakabcd first GNea is telling me something w8 w8 w8 w8 w8 w8 w805:19
GneaRyan__: I'm basically explaining to you the steps to what freakabcd is talking about05:19
freakabcdRyan__: then chroot to it: chroot /tmp/myoldroot05:19
freakabcdRyan__: now it is *almost* as if you have booted into 81005:19
Ryan__OK OK w8 w8 w8 its loading to the livecd still05:19
crypt-0freakabcd, is a chroot really necessary?05:19
`blackmk4|imacwhat would cause the internet to shut off on a cli ubuntu server randomly - it's an OS issue because windows doesn't do it on the same box and i've tried three nics05:19
crazygirganadist: I didn't realize that postfix was installed (and chrooted) by default05:20
GneaRyan__: ok, let us know when it's properly booted all the way up.05:20
`blackmk4|imacit comes back when i reboot, but never before that05:20
crazygirso I'm setting this up now :)05:20
freakabcdRyan__: i will leave the issue now since soneone is willing to explain the correct method of recovering in your case05:20
Miyavix3I fixed my feh-changing-the-background problem by enabling icons in ubuntu tweak05:20
freakabcdall the other solutions given to you were .. moronic to say the least05:20
crazygirgaveen: that was for you.. sorry ganadist05:20
Ryan__o really..05:21
ramontayagI installed karmic in an old HP zd7000 hp laptop. my wifi card is shown in lspci, but no wireless networks pop up so I can connect to them. What should I do?05:21
crazygirhow do you find out which version of ubuntu you are running?05:21
Gneacrazygir: lsb_release -a05:21
crazygirwow. cryptic05:21
msmoothanyone free to help with a diff issue?05:21
Ryan__OK GNEA it just loaded05:21
Ryan__Gnea it fully loaded live cd keke05:21
Gneacrazygir: what's so cryptic about it? open a terminal and type that.05:21
Ryan__wait Gnea is on reserve for me pls pls can I rent Gnea hes mine for now05:22
GneaRyan__: I can multitask :)05:22
Ryan__OK live CD is loaded gnea so firsst??05:22
GneaRyan__: open a terminal.05:22
crazygirGnea: no, that is certainly easy. but how would you have figured that out without a) asking here or b) googleing and praying that someone mentioned this05:22
Gneaclick on Applications->Terminal05:22
crazygirGnea: I'm used to bsd, where it's all simple simple05:22
Ryan__ya its loaded05:22
crazygirare there install .tgz or such that I could grab fresh copies of /etc for an initial import --> svn05:23
Gneacrazygir: well, I'm not all that good with bsd, but most of it seems to work somewhat the same, so I'd be lost just as well. /proc is totally different.05:23
crazygirGnea: to say the least :)05:23
Ryan__Gnea then what?05:23
GneaRyan__: okay, now:  sudo -i05:23
Gneacrazygir: hehe05:24
Ryan__ooo kool then05:24
GneaRyan__: okay, how many hard drives do you have? just the one?05:24
crazygirso what's the easiest way to grab fresh /etc files?05:24
Ryan__i think 205:24
Gneacrazygir: not sure on that one...05:24
Ryan__i didnt use this ubuntu comp for months so i forget05:25
GneaRyan__: it's not a laptop?05:25
SuperMiguelGnea, how come they have lines underneath ending there?05:25
Ryan__it is a laptop05:25
SuperMiguelGnea, like if something was connected to it05:25
GneaRyan__: then probably just one05:25
Ryan__oh OK so then I guess 1 ? if laptops can only have 105:25
Ryan__does it matter should I check somehow05:25
GneaSuperMiguel: not sure, I think you'd have to look up the patent spec on that. probably from the 80's or something.05:25
Ryan__well Gnea I did sudo -i and I dont rememb how many harddrives I have so yea05:26
GneaRyan__: probably just fine then. open firefox, please.05:26
Ryan__well , on THIS comp or the liveCD ubuntu?05:26
msmoothi was using virtualbiox (OSE) to test it out and liked it, then i installed the full version of it, but only allows me 1 core now. I did have 2 cores in OSE. ?05:26
GneaRyan__: the livecd05:26
Ryan__oh OK but u know it has no internet05:26
Ryan__cus livecd can't detect wireless05:26
Gneaoh, I didn't know. it doesn't have wire?05:26
Ryan__no and my wire is in wayyy far away room and its being used etc. so ,lols05:27
Ryan__so wat does that mean?05:27
GneaI was going to ask you to use pastebin05:27
Gneaunless you can figure out what your / partition is by looking at the output of this command:  fdisk -l /dev/sda05:27
Ryan__ok it says..05:28
stiltzkinrshakin: sorry bout that, I'm back. looks like you should try this first: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9028760#post902876005:28
arlo3dryan just get the super grub disk.  no problems anymore05:28
Gneaarlo3d: no no no.05:28
Ryan__OK gnea05:28
Ryan__i did it05:29
SemitonesGnea, but sgd is so super05:29
Ryan__and it tells me a list with a bunch of fdisk and words after05:29
GneaSemitones: but he needs to learn, plus he wants to do it this way.05:29
SemitonesGnea, good point :)05:29
Gneaarlo3d: np05:29
stiltzkinrshakin: and you're right, it was patched upstream. the fix is present in kernels starting with 2.6.32-18. So the 10.04 beta should fix it for you as wekk.05:30
GneaRyan__: okay, how many in the list? and how many of them say 'Linux' to the far-right?05:30
Ryan__uh none05:30
Ryan__its not listing my partitions and their OS's05:30
Ryan__its listing like05:30
Ryan__change partition table05:30
Ryan__list partition table(s)05:30
FloodBot1Ryan__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
GneaRyan__: make sure you're typing:  fdisk -l    (that's a lowercase L)05:31
Ryan__oh i typed 1 lol05:31
Gneaso: fdisk -l /dev/sda05:31
voss749Is it just me or does 10.04 look more stable at beta 1 than 9.10 looked as a final release....05:31
Ryan__OK I did it with L and now it says in the list,05:31
Ryan__2 of them are Linux05:31
stiltzkinvoss749: not if you own an ati card :)05:31
Ryan__1 is just Linux. 1 is Linux swap Solaris05:31
moymoyAnyone know how to grab video directly from the webcam? i was hoping to mux /dev/audio and /dev/video0, but only audio works?05:31
GneaRyan__: so just 1 is just plain 'Linux', okay05:31
Gneanote I asked for 'Linux', not 'Linux swap'  ;)05:32
Ryan__lol yea05:32
Ryan__im nub05:32
stiltzkinmoymoy: google mencoder v4l. You can pipe v4l output into a video file. Or just use a GUI program like Cheese05:32
voss749stilzkin, 9.10 felt like a botch. The only thing wrong I see with 10.04 is the dang buttons on the left05:32
GneaRyan__: it's cool. :)  what does it say on the far-left of that 'Linux' partition? /dev/somnething?05:32
Ryan__yeah its /dev/sda105:33
Gneaokay, then /dev/sda1 is your /05:33
Ryan__and I have windows on /dev/sda2 if it matters05:33
Ryan__oh Ok05:33
moymoystiltzkin: i used -ovc copy for mencoder using tv:// but when i played the video back, it was sped up like 5x05:33
voss749Whats windows?05:33
Ryan__it sux05:33
Gneait doesn't matter, we're just concerned about /. so:  mkdir /tmp/rootdir05:33
Ryan__so Gnea then what?05:33
stiltzkinvoss749: to each his own. I've loved every distro except 9.04 - had bad experiences with that kernel series. And a lot of bad decisions were made in devel. And what buttons are you talkin about? Haven't seen much of it yet, as installing it would be pointless for me (ATI cards still unsupported)05:33
Ryan__o ok05:34
GneaRyan__: then:  mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/rootdir05:34
GneaRyan__: then type this to verify that it mounted:  df -Th05:34
Ryan__i entered those 2 and no lists came up or anything05:34
stiltzkinstiltzkin: oh really? sounds like an encoding option. try out Cheese, that's simple enough05:34
crowspurI have a question about Ubuntu and a Toshiba laptop.  I put Lucid Beta on a L505 and am having problems w/the sound cutting out and the CPU overloading.  Is this an inherit problem with Toshibas?  Or can I except/hope that the final version of Lucid will be more stable?  (please over look my chat-room etiquette...not sure about the approach one uses here...)05:34
Ryan__but its enetered05:34
GneaRyan__: that's normal operation then.05:34
Ryan__o Ok05:34
GneaRyan__: does it show up in the df -Th?05:35
stiltzkincrowspur: you should first find out what's causing the CPU to spike. Are you on the computer now?05:35
Ryan__???? df-Th?05:35
Ryan__whats that05:35
GneaRyan__: a command. run it.05:35
stiltzkincrowspur: alright open up a terminal and type "top"05:35
Ryan__OK i entered df -Th05:35
Ryan__it shows me05:35
Gneait should tell you what all is mounted05:35
Ryan__a list with lots of percentages05:36
Ryan__and directories05:36
Ryan__that I don't really get, what should it be showing me on that?05:36
stiltzkincrowspur: tell me what's at the top of that list and how much CPU it's using05:36
Ryan__what's the "it" that should show up05:36
tehoweHello what's the upgrade path from Beta 1 to release version? Automatic or do I need to uninstall/reinstall. (Using Wubi)05:36
crowspurxorg but less than 1%05:36
GneaRyan__: whatever is mounted05:36
stiltzkintehowe: automatic, iirc05:37
GneaRyan__: btw, I have to switch comps really quick, so I will brb, okay?05:37
Ryan__OK but brb quick or im screwed! lols05:37
crowspurall i have running right now is pidgin05:37
CammyI just plugged in a USB SD card reader and I can't write to the SD card, how do I get write access to removable drives ?05:37
tehowestiltzkin: Cool. Glad it installed on my new acer, 9.10 was a washout05:37
stiltzkincrowspur: so how often do you get these spikes in CPU usage? Every few seconds, minutes, hours...?05:37
voss749tehowe, In other 9.10 was a poc?05:38
=== mute_ is now known as jynn
crowspurit spikes normally during music playback or when I go to 'reset' the sound...05:38
stiltzkintehowe: lol can't believe people are hatin on 9.10 in here. This is one of my favorite distros and I've been using Ubuntu since Warty05:38
tehowestiltzkin: Dumped me into bash shell during install so couldn't tell you :/05:38
voss749stilzkin, 9.10 is good now but it was released unfinished. The netbook remix 9.10 didnt support networking on the dell mini 9 for goodness sake!05:39
stiltzkinstiltzkin: video issue no doubt05:39
stiltzkintehowe: video issue no doubt05:39
ircrobis there a package for intel embedded graphics drivers?05:39
tehowestiltzkin: Maybe. Was Acer 1410, brand new product at the time.05:39
stiltzkinvoss749: didn't use UNR, but 9.10 on the desktop gave me no trouble at release...05:40
stiltzkintehowe: what gfx card?05:40
Ryan__OK gnea im back05:40
Ryan__are u back05:40
crowspur...another question...maybe related...i have a dual core...and the 'cpu meter' (?) shows normal spikes with a light color 'overload' spikes in the back ground...05:40
tehowestiltzkin: Some integrated Intel chipset05:40
stiltzkintehowe: I ask because the number one thing that drops people to term at install is xorg issues with video drivers.05:40
crazygirwhere might i find a copy of the files that would be installed for a given release?05:41
voss749stiltzkin, They could have held the NBR for a few weeks and fixed the problem  easily.  The dell mini 9 is one of the most popular netbooks around05:41
crazygirdo I have to download an iso and vmount then go hunting?05:41
KhisanthDougdoug4: yo05:41
crazygiror might there be an ftp server I haven't been able to find?05:41
Ryan__is Gnea here how can I tell when hes back05:42
stiltzkinvoss749: then they should have done that...but like I said I didn't use UNR (and still don't, as I never did buy that Aspire One) but maybe I will someday. And from the looks of it most of the issues have been smoothed out now no?05:42
Dougdoug4Khisanth, yo05:42
voss749I find it hilarious that Ubuntu 10.04 nbr works better than the final release of 9.10 nbr05:42
KhisanthDougdoug4: did you find the wmp plugin you were looking for?05:42
voss749The beta 1 works better05:42
* Khisanth just did :P05:42
crowspurLUCID/TOSHIBA: so it maybe be video related?05:42
Ryan__guys how do I tell when someone comes back on05:43
Ryan__Gnea is my hero and hes Gawn05:43
stiltzkinvoss749: eh, that's called good engineering, but a lousy release schedule ;)05:43
ircrobhardware accel on intel would be cool05:44
stiltzkincrowspur: I think it might have been. Though Intel gfx are normally pretty well supported.05:44
IsoLnCHiPHi. Can someone tell me how to create a VPN connection only for the logged on user using network-manager? I tryed via "configure vpn" from the tray icon, but It only shows in the menu if I check "available to all users". This however is frequently mentioned as probable cause for "no VPN secrets"05:44
kn100how can I make a ntfs drive automount at boot?05:44
deanhi all05:45
ryaxnb_hi dean!05:45
Ryan__Gnea are you here05:45
arlo3dgo dean05:45
stiltzkinkn100: add the mount command to /etc/init.d/rc.local. It will execute automatically at boot05:45
ryaxnb_What support topic are you lookinf for help with?05:45
deanhehe lets rawk this place05:45
arlo3dwhat does rawk mean05:46
ryaxnb_dean, if you want to party, go to #ubuntu-offtopic05:46
kn100stiltzkin, what mount command?05:46
Ryan__rawk = rock of c0urse05:46
ryaxnb_Lots of partying there :)05:46
deanomg sorry didnt realize this was upport. im tryin xubuntu for first time05:46
GneaRyan__: back05:46
deanit works05:46
crowspurnever had much trouble with Ubuntu on ANY machine...even my old Toshiba...and this is a new one...have read about heat/acpi issues...but i thought being BETA...I could hoped that it was a bug05:46
Ryan__my hero is BACK!05:46
stiltzkinkn100: er, well I guess we'll have to work that out. Do you have the drive plugged in now? Or is it an internal drive05:46
kn100stiltzkin, it's an internal drive05:46
Ryan__KOOL so then wat was next step?05:46
ircrobintel gfx are only software accel without new drivers05:46
tehowestiltzkin: The Acer 1410 has a Intel GS45 Chipset says teh web05:46
kn100it mounts at boot, but with funny permissions05:46
switch10_kn100:  sudo mount <mountpoint>05:46
Djewhello  y  a un frenchy  ici qui  connaisse  backtrack405:47
arlo3ddean what type of rock05:47
kn100I can edit files at user level, but transmissions says permission denied05:47
GneaRyan__: alright, so now type:  chroot /tmp/rootdir05:47
kn100stiltzkin, ^05:47
stiltzkinkn100: permission denied if you try to save a file to your drive you mean?05:47
kn100stiltzkin, yes05:47
switch10_kn100 sudo mount -a will mount all05:47
Ryan__OK and then?05:47
Djewwho made backtrack ?05:48
kn100switch10_, that'll be useful in the future, thanks05:48
stiltzkinkn100: but only in Transmission? You can create, delete, execute files as normal otherwise05:48
GneaRyan__: if you type:  pwd   it should now come back with /05:48
Ryan__yes it did that05:48
Ryan__after i typed pwd05:48
kn100stiltzkin, in thunar yep05:48
kn100stiltzkin, and thats without rooting it05:48
GneaRyan__: now type:  cd root   and then:  . .bashrc05:48
Ryan__so with those 2 periods? . .bashrc?05:49
stiltzkinkn100: ok. hmm. well do this for me, open a terminal and type "mount" then paste the results on pastebin.ca or a similar site05:49
SemitonesIf I install nvidia-glx-new or whatever05:49
Semitoneswill that automatically replace nouveau?05:49
GneaRyan__: right05:49
Ryan__with those 2 priods? . .bashrc05:49
GneaRyan__: yes.05:49
Ryan__OK then wat05:49
kn100stiltzkin, here you go http://pastebin.com/Q6USrugM05:50
Gneathen type:  lsb_release -r05:50
crowspuranyway...thanks..stilzkin...i'll look into video issues...goodbye!05:50
Gneaand it says?05:50
Ryan__oh it says Release: 8.1005:50
stiltzkinkn100: er, I don't see an ntfs drive here...did you have it mounted when you ran that command?05:50
kn100stiltzkin, I have an 80gb drive, with a 15gb mounted at / and the rest mounted at /home/, and a 230 drive with two ntfs partitions05:51
kn100stiltzkin, no, let me mount it for you05:51
randomusris there a bejeweled clone for linux?05:51
GneaRyan__: now:  grub-install /dev/sda05:51
stiltzkinkn100: ah ok lol. my bad, should have mentioned I needed that05:51
kn100stiltzkin, actually it's there05:51
kn100stiltzkin, /dev/sdb5/05:51
Ryan__not found05:51
stiltzkinkn100: so it's /dev/sdb505:51
rshakinstiltzkin: sorry i was on the phone i will try it, is there a way to get those packages installed offline so i can get online... ?05:51
Ryan__should I put grub-install /dev/sda1?05:51
kn100stiltzkin, yes05:52
Ryan__it says /dev/sda: Not found or not a block device.05:52
Ryan__what the???05:52
stiltzkinrshakin: yeah, just download the .deb and save it for later05:52
Gneaoh, RIGHT05:52
nomad77randomusr: geweled iirc05:52
GneaRyan__: sorry, forgot a step :/05:52
Ryan__o lol thatS OK05:52
Ryan__kewl so wats step05:52
rshakinstiltzkin: ok will try doing that next05:52
GneaRyan__: now type: exit05:53
stiltzkinkn100: okay, well then you just need to add "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb5" to /etc/init.d/rc.local and you should be set05:53
GneaRyan__: this should take you out of the chroot05:53
Ryan__then it tells me exit05:53
stiltzkinkn100: if that doesn't work try "-t fuseblk" instead of "-t nfts-3g"05:53
Ryan__OK i think im out of it then cus it said Exit after05:53
GneaRyan__: you can verify this by typing: lsb_release -r05:53
randomusrhow about any eidos clones?05:53
rshakinstiltzkin: i actually almost have the cur lucid downloaded i am going to try that first if not i am going to then download the 9 version and do the kernel updates05:53
Ryan__yeah it says Release 9.10 so it exited lolZ05:53
stiltzkinrshakin: cool, sounds like a plan :)05:54
kn100stiltzkin, let me try mounting it right now, see if that makes transmission work05:54
nomad77!games > randomusr05:54
ubotturandomusr, please see my private message05:54
Ryan__Gnea so then wat?05:54
stiltzkinkn100: ok good call. if that doesn't work then we probably have a permissions problem with Transmission. I assume you're running Thunar as a regular user05:54
kn100stiltzkin, yeah, everything else *i think* isn't having an issue writing to it05:55
GneaRyan__: okay, now type:  mount -o bind /dev /tmp/rootdir/dev05:55
kn100stiltzkin, ok I think i just found the issue...05:56
stiltzkinkn100: i had this kind of thing happen to me on and off on previous releases with various programs, some of it ended up being drive permissions and some of it was program configs.05:56
GneaRyan__: and now:  chroot /tmp/rootdir05:56
kn100stiltzkin, the upgrade to lucid added an incomplete torrent selection, it was trying to save my incomplete torrents at /05:56
GneaRyan__: then cd root && . .bashrc05:56
stiltzkinkn100: AHA!05:56
kn100stiltzkin, wow rofl05:56
stiltzkinkn100: like I said, sometimes it's permissions, sometimes it's dumb settings like that05:57
kn100stiltzkin, thanks for all the help man :D05:57
Ryan__Gnea: OK done05:57
kn100stiltzkin, you look like you have your hands full here05:57
stiltzkinkn100: lol no prob dude :)05:57
Gneaok, NOW:  fdisk -l /dev/sda05:57
stiltzkinkn100: haha nah not really, just hangin out05:57
Ryan__and thats lower L right05:57
GneaRyan__: it should return the same as before05:57
GneaRyan__: yes.05:57
kn100stiltzkin, I always try and hang out to try and help but never get any issues that I can help with05:58
Ryan__OK now its back as before05:58
GneaRyan__: alright, now:  grub-install /dev/sda05:58
Vadtechow do you get the graphical installer for 9.10 into "expert" mode? ive tried expert and priority=low in the boot options, but it doesnt seem to work05:58
donkiíèõóÿñå âû äîëáàåáû05:58
Ryan__Gnea sda or sda1?05:58
Berzerkerandrew@shuhangenjuu:~$ sudo g15composer ~/.g15fifo-andrew05:58
BerzerkerError: Could not create FIFO /home/andrew/.g15fifo-andrew, aborting.05:58
kn100stiltzkin, mainly because as we both just found out I am a total idiot at times05:58
Berzerkeranyone have any idea?05:58
GneaRyan__: sda05:58
Ryan__OH sweet05:58
Ryan__uhh wow was that the last step?05:59
iwanhyyy gaezzz05:59
FloodBot1Brauzer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
Brauzerÿ òåáå áàøêó ñëîìàþ05:59
stiltzkinkn100: everythig takes time :) been fiddling with Ubuntu almost since it first came out :) Hahahaha and you're not an idiot at all, even the most seasoned sysadmin makes stupid mistakes. It's called being human05:59
Ryan__Gnea was that the final step?05:59
GneaRyan__: sort of. :) now you need to back out properly before rebooting05:59
mosnostiltzkin: or having bad process ;)05:59
Ryan__Gnea Oh kool so how do I do that lols?05:59
kn100stiltzkin, Heh, great05:59
stiltzkinkn100: and in this case it doesn't even sound like it was your fault, Transmission set that up automatically no?05:59
kn100stiltzkin, Yeah06:00
stiltzkinkn100: so there ya go. don't be so hard on yourself06:00
Brauzerýé ïèäàðàñû ñîñèòå õóé06:00
GneaRyan__: exit && umount /tmp/rootdir/dev && umount /tmp/rootdir06:00
Ryan__Brauzer WTF?06:00
BrauzerÑÎÑÈ ÕÓÉ06:00
donki» Ryan__ » àõàõàõ06:00
donkiâû êòî íàõ?06:00
FloodBot1donki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
donkiÿ âàñ íå çíàþ06:00
voss749stiltz, average users shouldnt have to fiddle with their machines for easy things06:00
kn100stiltzkin, wait, this is odd06:00
Ryan__OK Gnea ill enter it now06:00
kn100stiltzkin, even though I fixed that first issue still getting permission denied06:00
BrauzerWe from Russia06:00
Ryan__Gnea: do you mean umount or unmount?06:01
stiltzkinkn100: where you tryin to save to now?06:01
kn100and i am pretty sure there's no stupid setting making it happen06:01
GneaRyan__: umount, there is no unmount command06:01
kn100stiltzkin, the ntfs drive06:01
FloodBot1Brauzer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:01
Brauzerèäè íàõóé äåáèë06:01
Ryan__Wow whats with the random letters spam06:01
stiltzkinkn100: lol reinstall Transmission first, if you don't have any active torrents. That'll probably help06:01
Ryan__we can't read russian OK?06:02
Ryan__Gnea: OK it says exit after06:02
Brauzerìá òû íàõóé ïîéäåøü06:02
Ryan__Gnea: then restart comp?06:02
kn100stiltzkin, Permission denied (/media/sdb5/seeding/Naibu (V0)/xxwhatever.mp3)06:02
stiltzkinkn100: or try another torrent client (Deluge is awesome)06:02
donkinihuya ti dolbaeb06:02
GneaRyan__: no, type:  df -Th  again and make sure it's NOT mounted anymore06:02
stiltzkinkn100: if that still doesn't work then you have a permissions problem06:02
kn100stiltzkin, I did use deluge for a while, it made me want to cut people after a while though06:02
Brauzersosite huy ubludki06:02
Brauzer<< Ryan__ >> say plz ya dolbaeb06:03
Ryan__Gnea: It shows me a list of things how can I tell if its mounted or not??06:03
kn100stiltzkin, It gets _Really_ slow when a load of torrents are added in one go06:03
stiltzkinkn100: oh hahaha. really? transmission has far fewer options06:03
GneaRyan__: do you see /dev/sda1 listed anywhere?06:03
kn100stiltzkin, I don't care about options at all06:03
Ryan__Gnea: yes06:03
Brauzer<< Ryan__ >> say plz ya dolbaeb06:03
Gnea!ops | Brauzer is trolling06:04
ubottuBrauzer is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:04
Ryan__Gnea: at the buttom it says ext 3 64G 27G 34G 45% /tmp/rootdir06:04
Brauzersosi mraz06:04
Ryan__for /dev/sda106:04
mrphow do i enable ufw via SSH without blocking SSH?06:04
Brauzerya tebya v rot ebal06:04
GneaRyan__: okay, let's make sure then:  umount /tmp/rootdir  then df again06:04
Ryan__Gnea: then df again? you mean type in "df" ?06:04
kn100stiltzkin, short of running transmission at root, how can I figure out whats going wrong?06:05
rshakinBrauzer: idi naxui pizdabol poka poebalu ne poluchil06:05
Ryan__OH man when I type in umount /tmp/rootdir it tells me : "Device is busy"06:05
Brauzer<< rshakin >> àõàõàõàõà06:05
Brauzerñîèñ õóéöà06:05
donki» rshakin » àõàõà06:05
Brauzeråáàí òóïîðîãèé06:05
stiltzkinkn100: oh okay :) well check your folder permissions first. try ls -al -d /media/sdb5/seeding06:05
Ryan__Gnea ?06:05
GneaRyan__: okay, try this then:  umount /tmp/rootdir/dev06:06
Ryan__OMG can u guys STOP speaking rusisan nobody but u 2 can read it its just spamming the chat!06:06
stiltzkinkn100: should say drwxr-xr-x over on the left06:06
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:06
kn100stiltzkin, drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 90112 2010-04-06 00:53 /media/sdb5/Seeding06:06
foxmulder881Is there a Russian irc channel they can connect to?06:06
GneaRyan__: they're trolling. ignore them, they will be removed.06:06
Random832it's not even proper russian, you've got some sort of windows codepage going on instead of utf-806:06
bazhangdonki, Brauzer english here  /join #ubuntu-ru for Russain06:06
stiltzkinkn100: AHA! folder is owned by root :)06:07
elkyfoxmulder881, yes, that's what was just linked to by ubottu.06:07
Gnea!ru | Brauzer06:07
mosnofoxmulder881: what ubottu said06:07
ubottuBrauzer: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:07
rshakinRyan__: sorry06:07
Ryan__Gnea: lols06:07
kn100stiltzkin, how do I change that? in root nautilus when I set permissions to kn100 it just switched back06:07
Ryan__Gnea: well I typed wat u said, then it doesn't list anything back to me06:07
GneaRyan__: then that means it worked. now:  umount /tmp/rootdir06:07
rshakinRyan__: just hate ppl that are ignorent06:07
Ryan__rshakin: lol same06:08
stiltzkinkn100: hang on a sec, wanna make sure I'm givin you the right command06:08
Ryan__Gnea: OK did it06:08
GneaRyan__: ok, now df -Th  should not list /dev/sda1 anywhere :)06:08
kn100stiltzkin, okay :D06:09
Ryan__Gnea: OMG... it lists sda1 TWICE ...06:09
Ryan__Gnea: just jking :P It's not listed06:09
stiltzkinkn100: okay, do sudo chown -R foo /media/sdb5/seeding06:09
Ryan__Gnea: Ok kool so wat does this mean?06:09
GneaRyan__: okay, you should be able to reboot, remove the cd and it should work06:09
kn100stiltzkin, foo being?06:09
Ryan__Gnea: OK06:09
stiltzkinkn100: your username, sorry06:09
GneaRyan__: it means you shouldn't paste that here ;)06:09
Ryan__Gnea: Rebooting...06:10
kn100stiltzkin, ah awesome :D06:10
Ryan__Gnea: lol pasting what?06:10
GneaRyan__: that crap lol06:10
GneaI have no idea what it says06:10
Brauzerhere is the dota cannel?06:10
Ryan__Gnea: lols k06:10
bazhangBrauzer, this is not for chat06:10
Ryan__Gnea: its rebooting... hmm the comp wont reboot but it removes CD06:10
Ryan__Gnea: should I just manually use power button to reboot it then?06:10
bazhangBrauzer, /join #ubuntu-ru if you need help with Ubuntu06:10
kn100stiltzkin, how long should this take?06:10
Brauzerwarcraft tft06:10
donki» bazhang » Î_Î06:11
mrpi have allowed ssh via ufw but when i enable it kills my ssh sessions and blocks me06:11
GneaRyan__: after removing the cd, just press enter06:11
stiltzkinkn100: and if you want to make sure you can save anywhere on your drive (not just your seeding folder) you might as well do chown -R foo /media/sdb5. Shouldn't take too long. Depends on how many files you have though06:11
Ryan__Gnea: OH what I did was in the Livecd environment i selected "restart computer" is that bad06:11
kn100stiltzkin, it just finished, and nah the seeding folder is the only one I use on ubuntu anywa06:11
GneaRyan__: nope, it's the right thing to do06:11
Ryan__Gnea: Now it removed CD after shutting down the Livecd env. but the comp is frozen in state of blank screen06:11
stiltzkinkn100: ok restart transmission and try again06:11
kn100the only reason I have an ntfs drive is because it can be read by almost every operating system06:12
Ryan__Gnea: so I think I have to force turn off/on is that gonna damage anything06:12
Berzerkeranyone have any experience using g15composer?06:12
stiltzkinkn100: I hear ya. The only valid reason to use NTFS though ;)06:12
mneptokkn100: not true. OSX can;t read NTFS.06:12
GneaRyan__: pressing enter doesn't reboot?06:12
stiltzkinmneptok: yes it can lol06:12
Ryan__Gnea: oh wait it DOES06:12
kn100mneptok, well I'd never bother with mac os x06:12
Ryan__Gnea: LOL nice but it didn't say anything on the screen06:12
kn100mneptok, every real operating system then06:12
stiltzkinkn100: nice :)06:12
mneptokkn100: if you don;t use files >4GB, FAT32 is the best bet for cross-platform compatability06:12
Ryan__Gnea: WOW its GRUB!!! cool man! thx! ur my linux hero!06:12
GneaRyan__: it usually says "press enter"06:12
Gneaawesome :)06:13
kn100mneptok, I'd rather shoot babies than go back to FAT3206:13
Vadtechow do you get the graphical installer for 9.10 into "expert" mode? ive tried expert and priority=low in the boot options, but it doesnt seem to work06:13
stiltzkinmneptok: eww gross. people still use fat32?06:13
kn100mneptok, that filesystem is easier to corrupt than the governments of the world06:13
Ryan__Gnea: So GNEA, how can I upgrade to newest linux using my 8.10 then? would inserting the 9.10 disk give me option to do so?06:13
Ryan__Gnea: newest ubuntu*06:13
mneptokstiltzkin: most people do.06:13
kn100mneptok, most people do not!06:14
GneaRyan__: nope, you'd need to follow the upgrade path to install all updates to 8.10, then upgrade to 9.04, then upgrade to 9.1006:14
kn100mneptok, most windows installs use ntfs06:14
foxmulder881Why may I ask why anyone would still use FAT32? For what features?06:14
JeruvyRyan__: you'd need to go through 9.04, but why not just backup /home and do a fresh?06:14
Ryan__Gnea: oh lols but would it keep all my files06:14
GneaRyan__: yes06:14
Ryan__Jeruvy: Well cus I already have tons of CD's with info on them its getting confusing and I dont have any USB devices around06:14
SwedeMikefoxmulder881: portability.06:14
mneptokkn100: most people own digital cameras, portable gaming systems, and other flash media formatted FAT32. and there are a LOT of "Windows formatted" iPods.06:14
stiltzkinmneptok: not at all. no version of windows since XP uses fat anymore (well you can use fat with xp, but almost no one does)06:14
kn100mneptok, oh fair enough for portable devices06:14
kn100mneptok, but for hard drives? hell no06:15
Ryan__Gnea: is it OK to skip the routine check of drives?06:15
foxmulder881How is it more portable than any other OS though?06:15
GneaRyan__: no, let it run06:15
stiltzkinmneptok: for flashcards of course. but never ever EVER on a hard drive in the 21st century bro06:15
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
mneptoklike i said, "most people still use FAT32"06:15
Ryan__Gnea: OK lols06:15
kn100foxmulder881, ntfs isn't universally compatible whereas fat32 is06:15
Brauzersay plz channel for chating? or say any servers06:15
Ryan__Brauzer try Myg0t06:15
mneptokBrauzer: #ubuntu-offtopic06:15
kn100Brauzer, go to #defocus06:15
bazhangBrauzer, #ubuntu-offtopic06:15
Ryan__they have a fun irc and they can give you fun things to download!06:16
stiltzkinkn100: so did it work?06:16
kn100stiltzkin, nope :D06:16
kn100stiltzkin, restarted transmission, disk is mounted, and transmission still fails06:16
stiltzkinkn100: d'awww. run that permissions command again to make sure it changed the owner to you06:16
foxmulder881Excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean by universally compatible?06:16
kn100stiltzkin, the command that listed the owners stilllists it as root too06:17
kn100foxmulder881, can be used on windows, linux, mac os-x, the os on your phonee06:17
Ryan__WOW this RAWKS my Linux is BAKKK06:17
GneaRyan__: cheers :)06:17
Ryan__Gnea: Just wondering when I upgrade to a newer Ubuntu does it keep my custom sounds and logon screen and stuff?06:17
Ryan__Gnea: also are you british lol06:17
GneaRyan__: nope, American06:17
kn100stiltzkin, running it at the root of the disk06:17
foxmulder881I see what you mean. That would be a rare requirement though. Sorry, but FAT32 makes me shudder!06:18
Ryan__Gnea: oh lol i thought cus of the cheers06:18
Ryan__Gnea: but so does it keep those?06:18
stiltzkinkn100: oh. try sudo chown foo /media/sdb5/seeding06:18
GneaRyan__: newer versions tend to upgrade ALL software, so some things, such as the login screen, will change06:18
mneptokstiltzkin: if it's NTFS, that command is useless06:18
GneaRyan__: everything in /home stays the same06:18
Ryan__Gnea: so does it include those things?06:18
mneptokstiltzkin: Linux cannot understand nor set NTFS file permissions06:18
EdgEyFAT32 having the 4gb limit is annoying as hell06:18
stiltzkinmneptok: wait really? I thought chown would still change ntfs permissions06:18
EdgEyIt makes having portable drives a massive pain in the arse06:18
mneptokkn100: how are you mounting this NTFS disk?06:18
shazbotmcnastyEdgan, I formatted a terabyte to fat3206:19
kn100mneptok, just clicking it in nautilus06:19
mneptokstiltzkin: really, it won't.06:19
rocket16Is the a way, that I can get Ubuntu App-Source Codes downloaded automatically, when I download the main programmes?06:19
IsoLnCHiPDoes anyone know a working fix to "No VPN secrets!" when trying to connect to any VPN using gnomes Networkmanager?06:19
kn100mneptok, I am using lucid so it automatically got added to fstab06:19
kn100not sure how06:19
EdgEyshazbotmcnasty, hehe06:19
stiltzkinmneptok: lol shows what I know about ntfs. Haven't used it in so long06:19
EdgEyIt's not so bad now linux has proper NTFS support06:19
Ryan__Gnea: so do u know if it keeps those things then? if Home stays same?06:19
EdgEyBefore it was like, yeah you're splitting large files or you're fucked06:19
EdgEypardon me06:19
GneaRyan__: yes, it does06:19
kn100mneptok, this disk has been written to in linux, all the time before this latest install06:19
GneaRyan__: I mean06:20
mneptokkn100: fstab is for disks mounted automagically at startup, not for removable media. that may have changed in Lucid, but i doubt it.06:20
GneaRyan__: /home stays the same, everything outside of /home changes06:20
kn100mneptok, this is a hard disk06:20
stiltzkinmneptok: then how do you go about changing ntfs permissions? I'm curious now. For specific files & folders, not at mount time06:20
IsoLnCHiPIve tryed importing a working OpenVPN Client conf, as well as connecting to a Windows PPtP server, both with the same error06:20
mneptokkn100: pastebin the output of "df -h"06:20
crazygirwhere might i find a copy of the files that would be installed for a given release?06:20
mneptokstiltzkin: you don't.06:20
Ryan__Gnea: Uh im nub I forget if those custom things are in Home ... so wat would be outside of home that i'd lose06:20
crazygirmight there be an ftp server I haven't been able to find?06:20
Ryan__Gnea: hold on im gonna go on this IRC on my Linux BRB06:20
rocket16How to download Source Codes automatically while using apt-get?06:20
stiltzkinmneptok: I'm pretty sure I've done it before...can't remember how though06:21
kn100mneptok, http://pastebin.com/Hvzsacxv06:21
mneptokkn100: ls -l /media/sdb506:21
kn100mneptok, theres also a partition on the 250gb disk that isn't mounted at the moment06:21
RP64Gnea: HI its me ryan :D06:22
GneaRP64: hey06:22
mneptokkn100: who is the user/group owner of sdb5?06:22
kn100mneptok, listed all my files obviously, all owned by root06:22
stiltzkinmneptok: it's root06:22
hanasakitrying to play dvds but even after insall of restriected extras it won't play   the intro screen comes up then totem crashes on shoing the menus06:22
mneptokkn100: what is your local username?06:22
kn100mneptok, kn10006:22
hanasakihow can I get dvds to play06:22
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:23
stiltzkinhanasaki: for the love of all things holy don't use Totem. Go download VLC from Ubuntu Software Center.06:23
mneptokkn100: sudo chown -R kn100:kn100 /media/sdb506:23
GneaRP64: okay, basically /home doesn't change, but everything else does. also, since everythign else changes, it's possible that some settings in /home will need to be reset or wiped out if they cause problems.06:23
hanasakistiltzkin:  what's wrong with totem06:23
stiltzkinmneptok: I just had him do that. Forgot to have him change the group too though06:23
pauloI have a FTP connection in Nautilus that I'm unable to ummount. I need to reconnect to its server ... How I can kill this connection?06:23
kn100mneptok, done, ran the ls command again, still all owned by root06:23
Random832kn100: is the filesystem a FAT/NTFS one?06:24
stiltzkinhanasaki: everything. i've only ever had trouble with it. There are much more capable video players out there that won't crash on you06:24
foxmulder881paulo, can you reconnect to the ftp server?06:24
mneptokkn100: is the disk mounted read-only?06:24
kn100mneptok, well I can modify it through thunar so I don't think so06:24
kn100Random832, NTFS disk yes06:24
stiltzkinmneptok: no it's read-write, according to his pastebin here: http://pastebin.com/Q6USrugM06:24
Random832kn100: you need to set uid/gid in /etc/fstab06:25
Berzerkerwould zip -n *: be a valid way to create a zip file with no compression?06:25
paulofoxmulder881: nope, this connection was crashed :S06:25
crypt-0rocket16, sudo apt-get source packagename06:25
kn100Random832, how would I do that?06:25
rocket16crypt-0, Oh! Thanks, :)06:25
stiltzkinBerzerker: I don't think so. You should try out kzip, it has a "store" option which uses 0 compression06:25
foxmulder881What about reboot?06:25
mneptokkn100: you do realize that Lucid questions belong in #ubuntu+1? there may well be an issue with FUSE or FUSE's NTFS implementation in a recent build.06:25
mneptokkn100: this is what happens when you install beta software.06:26
stiltzkinmneptok: yeah I don't think that's his issue though. Sounds like a plain jane permissions hitch06:26
kn100mneptok, I asked there, but this worked in my lucid install from a few hours ago06:26
pauloWhen I click in my FTP connection my Nautilus freezes06:26
mneptokkn100: and did you install updates before it broke?06:26
kn100mneptok, I only rebuilt because I wanted to get over to xubuntu because gnome was annoying me06:26
kn100mneptok, I think so, I update pretty regularly06:26
pauloSome time after I receive this message: "Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. Please select another viewer and try again."06:27
kn100mneptok, I guess this could be a lucid issue06:27
stiltzkinkn100: you know you can install XFCE without reinstalling right?06:27
mneptokkn100: then you can't rule out that a Lucid package may have a bug.06:27
Random832kn100: i don't know offhand - i've done it before though - look at the entries alrady in /etc/fstab06:27
kn100stiltzkin, yeah and still be stuck with all the gnome stuff06:27
stiltzkinkn100: not if you remove it :)06:27
foxmulder881paulo: can you launch nautilus from a terminal and post the output of when it freezes?06:27
kn100stiltzkin, I tried removing ubuntu-desktop but it only got rid of the metapackage06:27
kn100Random832, do you know where i'd find the UUID of my other disks?06:28
stiltzkinkn100: I think gnome-desktop is the package, not ubuntu-desktop06:28
kn100stiltzkin, that's probably why then xd06:28
stiltzkinkn100: if not it's something else, but I know there's an easy way to do it06:28
Random832kn100: ls -l /dev/disks/by-uuid06:28
Random832sorry, disk not disks06:28
* MikeGuo is away: busy06:29
* MikeGuo is back (gone 00:00:09)06:29
kn100Random832, it gave me 1A6896A368967D6706:29
kn100for sdb506:29
kn100for my ext4 partitions it's got a much longer key06:29
Random832yeah, the NTFS volume id isn't a real UUID - it's used like one for the purpose of this though06:30
kn100Random832, so I Just add it in the place of the disks location?06:30
goddard_has anyone else noticed Google Chrome's font looks like crap on Ubuntu?06:30
Random832well, UUID=...06:31
stiltzkingoddard_: it shouldn't anymore...which version do you have installed?06:31
kn100Random832, done, let me try mounting it06:31
Random832so UUID=1A6896A368967D6706:31
Random832and you need to add uid/gid entries to the options06:31
Random832paste the fstab line06:31
mardumabout what size is reasonable for a boot partition in Ubuntu?  I found out very quickly that 32M is too small...06:31
Random832mardum: i generally have lways used 512M06:32
stiltzkinmardum: 256M should do it, assuming you're using grub. I think mine's 1GB to be safe06:32
kn100Random832, here, have a fstab http://pastebin.com/AESvvyHa06:32
Random832actually right now mine is 400M06:32
freaky[t]is it possible to make logcheck send mail to more than one ppl?06:33
mardumI see, thx, just out of curiosity (I already started with ext2) but is ext4 acceptable on /boot?06:33
Random832you don't really need a boot partition except in some obscure situations06:33
* Random832 has one of those obscure situations - i aso can't use grub06:33
stiltzkinmardum: I think ext4 works on /boot but I'd still use ext3 to be safe.06:33
crypt-0goddard_, i have noticed Google Chrome is crap.06:33
foxmulder881Just leave /boot in root /06:33
paulofoxmulder881: hey, I killed the gvfsd-ftp process and my unmounted my corrupted connection. :) Now I can reconnect to my FTP server. :) Thank you anyway. (:06:33
Random832stiltzkin: ext2 surely06:33
* Random832 has never trusted journalling FSes with /boot06:34
kn100Random832, any idea what I do next?06:34
stiltzkinRandom832: I do too, since I use XFS for / I need a separate /boot (GRUB fails on XFS)06:34
stiltzkinRandom832: good call06:34
foxmulder881Cheers paulo. ;-)06:34
Random832stiltzkin: that's the great thing about LILO - it works with any FS.06:34
mardumokay, thx all...06:34
Random832kn100: what is your uid? probably 1000, but type "id" and tell me the results06:35
stiltzkinRandom832: heh, good luck restoring it if it ever gets overwritten. GRUB is better. I'd rather have a separate partition and a better bootloader06:35
Random832it should say 1000(kn100)06:35
kn100Random832, it did06:35
Random832stiltzkin: yeah well, I hadn't used lilo for over a decade, but it worked when GRUB didn't.06:35
foxmulder881If you do use separate partition for /boot, then just use ext2 as your boot partition does not require journaling.06:35
Random832[some weird partition detection issue I never bothered to fully investigate]06:36
kn100Random832, what do I do with this uid=1000?06:36
stiltzkinfoxmulder881: yeah exactly, now that I'm lookin at my /boot I see it's ext2 too, so I did have the sense to realize that at the time :)06:36
Random832kn100: set uid=1000,gid=1000 along with the other options. also, why did you set nls=iso8859-1?06:37
foxmulder881stiltzkin: Good stuff mate.06:37
kn100Random832, I didn't06:37
kn100Random832, I assume either lucid or pysdm did06:37
kn100Random832, should I take it out06:37
RP64Gnea: ohhhhh06:37
RP64Gnea: but uh... basically I have no memory of how the custom sounds and skins work so are those things IN home? and would they be dleeted ?06:38
GneaRP64: they are not.06:38
hanasakistiltzkin:    vlc is showing the following on the console when I try to play the movie.. the menus come up ok thought  [0x161ed68] libmpeg2 decoder error: invalid picture encountered06:38
Random832it's just kind of odd, since you should be using utf-8... i forget t he option offhand. what's pysdm?06:38
kn100Random832, drive management too06:39
stiltzkinhanasaki: but does the movie play?06:39
hanasakinope stiltzkin06:39
foxmulder881pysdm is a device manager of sorts.06:39
stiltzkinhanasaki: then try mplayer lol :)06:39
kn100Random832, I love you.06:39
kn100Random832, IT WORKED!06:39
kn100Random832, my files are now my own again :D:D06:39
stiltzkinkn100: hooray!06:39
Random832anyway take out the nls option - if it does anything it's nothing good, ubuntu doesn't ship with any iso8859-1 locales06:40
RP64Gnea: oh so how d o Isave those06:40
hanasakistiltzkin:  huh?06:40
GneaRP64: if you made customizations by downloading sounds and such and saved them in /home, then they will remain in /home, but they may not remain connected to the system GUI if the configuration directives changed06:40
RP64Gnea: D:06:40
hanasakiI prefer vlc ;) why would one work and not th eother06:40
RP64Gnea: oh uh... would it be bad if I just never upgrade my ubuntu06:40
stiltzkinhanasaki: try another video program called mplayer. It should also be in Software Center. If that fails too then you have a separate issue06:40
kn100Random832, I took them out xD, Thank you Random832 stiltzkin and mneptok, I can finally rape my ratio on a few trackers and go to sleep happy :D Thank you all!06:40
foxmulder881Try launching the video in cvlc from terminal.06:41
stiltzkinkn100: happy seeding :)06:41
GneaRP64: well, 8.10 will eventually run out of upgrades and the software will eventually become outdated.06:41
GneaRP64: there's also a performance increase in 9.0406:42
RP64Gnea: Oh but if I dont do it for a few months its OK right like theres no security risks?06:42
foxmulder881Doesn't 8.10 support end this month?06:42
foxmulder881RP64: No. It will be fine.06:42
hanasakimplayer has no  gui?06:42
GneaRP64: a few months should be fine06:43
alejandrocan someone help me mount install .bin file for windows through wine on here?06:43
kn100Random832, I lied...06:43
Random832kn100: ?06:43
kn100Random832, even though that command now lists all my files as my own, transmission still says permission denied06:43
stiltzkinhanasaki: yes it does. if it didn't come with it do "sudo apt-get install smplayer"06:43
Random832kn100: what happens if you try to create a file in that directory with a text editor?06:44
mneptokfoxmulder881: what are you trying to do?06:44
Random832hanasaki: it has a gui, but it's separate -y ou can run it without the gui06:44
theadminWhat is /dev/mapper directory for?06:44
Random832(withou the gui you just get a window with the video and nothing else, and keyboard control)06:44
mneptokfoxmulder881: were you the person trying to get DVDs to play?06:44
kn100Random832, it now is refusing to mount the drive..06:44
RP64So guys wat would the security risks be of using a rly old Ubuntu vers.06:45
kn100"unpriv'd user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library"06:45
* mneptok takes that as a "no"06:45
Random832ok, you need to _mount_ it as root06:45
Random832and then leave it mounted06:45
mneptokRP64: why would you do that?06:45
RP64well out of laziness06:46
`blackmk4|imacWhat would cause my box to drop off the LAN until I reboot it whenever I try to transfer at high speeds to/from it? I've tried two nics - same problem, tried WinXP and it was fine, so I know it's a config or something problem. The install is fresh from today. It's CLI only and wired - no wifi. If I leave the computer alone it will eventually drop off, and I can make it happen pretty quickly by transferring data to/from it.06:46
RP64but just wondering06:46
redstarwhich organizations make money from ubuntu?06:46
kn100Random832, just mounted the disk with sudo mount -a06:46
foxmulder881RP64: Why do you insist on sticking with older version?06:46
mneptokRP64: if it's not an LTS version and goes out of support, no security vulnerabilities will be fixed.06:46
theadmin`blackmk4|imac: Sounds like some kind of a DDoS attack06:46
kn100Random832, file saved fine from gedit06:47
kn100now let's fire up transmission06:47
`blackmk4|imacit's not06:47
RP64lol I don't insist, its cus I just reactivated my ubuntu after like half a year of never using it06:47
RP64like 20 mins ago06:47
vinucan any one help me how to get wget downloader06:47
hpnc6400can anyone help with a power management problem on hp nc6400 using 10.0406:47
kn100Random832, guess what? permission denied from trnamission06:47
voss749rp64, try update-manager -d and go to bed ;-)06:48
redstardo you think the ipad will simplify computing?06:48
stiltzkinheadin' out gents, have a good night and as always may the source be with you06:48
Tru7hAnyone know why a fresh Windows 7 install would fail to appear as an OS in the Karmic installer?06:48
hanasakiwhat is the best video driver to select on mplayer?06:48
theadminvoss749: Won't work. Updates only happen from one version to next one (i.e. from 8.10 to 9.04, from 9.04 to 9.10... etc)06:48
GneaRP64: it's debatable. you might have a look at securityfocus.com06:48
voss749theadmin, I never said it would take only one update06:49
theadminvoss749: Oh. Makes sense then06:49
vinufrom where i can get wget download manager06:49
kn100vinu, you already have it06:49
theadminwhat's a "sticky permission"?06:49
voss749rp64, what version do you have on there right now?06:50
kn100vinu, open a terminal, type wget <url>06:50
stanman246hi, anyone using Thunderbird 2 and Thunderbird 3 beside each other?06:50
theadminvinu: wget is a download manager lol. You can try gwget or jdownloader too06:50
kn100vinu, it'll download06:50
foxmulder881Tru7h: I don't use W7, but from what I've heard it can require some fiddling to get it to boot with grub2. Correct me if I'm wrong.06:50
kn100Random832, any ideas?06:50
stanman246I'd like to try out TB3, but am unshure06:50
foxmulder881vuni: wget is installed by default.06:50
roarkI know this is not a new problem, but just checking if anyone figured out how to solve it recently..  I have a hp laptop which gets overheated when I watch some flash videos on internet( ex: videos on youtube or hulu). It shuts down within 30 mins...  does anyone have any solutions to this06:51
vinuwget <url> which url should i give06:51
kn100vinu, the url you want to download of course06:51
roarkI am pretty sure it is not hardware issue since windows vista works fine on my laptop06:51
voss749roark, dont block your fan?06:51
Tru7hfoxmulder881: I've done it successfully on other computers, but it's not behaving on this one. I've tried ignoring it and just installing Ubuntu on a second partition, but when I do this GRUB doesn't recognize my other OS at all.06:51
theadminvinu: Any direct file link, and it will download it06:51
Semitoneswhat's that command that restarts X?06:51
theadminSemitones: sudo service gdm restart06:51
vinuya from where can i get that link06:52
theadminvinu: bleh. What do you want to do?06:52
foxmulder881Tru7h: Sorry, but don't like and don't use W7, so I can't help you mate.06:52
foxmulder881vinu: What the hell are you trying to do mate?06:52
Semitonestheadmin, or lxde restart, in my case06:52
Tru7hfoxmulder881: Heh, no problem. I hate it too but my courses have Windows-only programs that don't work through WINE.06:53
roarkvoss749 I am not sure if I understand you...what do you mean by blocking my fan..... I keep my laptop on the table06:53
roarkI keep it on the same table even when I rum vista06:53
eyalhello, I need help with sharing files with ubuntu06:53
theadminSemitones: I'm unsure what is the display manager in lxde.06:53
vinufrom which site can i get the download link of wget06:53
kn100vinu, no no no06:53
Semitonestheadmin, hmmm, openbox?06:53
theadminvinu: You don't need to download wget, you HAVE wget already06:53
kn100vinu, you need a link you want to download06:53
`blackmk4|imacvinu: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/wget-latest.tar.gz06:53
kn100vinu, then open a terminal, then type wget [the url of the thing you want to download with wget]06:53
theadminSemitones: That seems like a window manager, I mean... the display manager is thing which pops up at log in06:53
kn100Random832, this is weird as hell06:54
foxmulder881Tru7h: I know the feeling. I still have to use WinXP for work. Painful, I know.06:54
kn100Random832, it's started working randomly06:54
Semitonestheadmin, yeah... hmm what could it be...?06:54
theadminSemitones: Hm. Let me do a apt search06:54
TannerS_Laptophey guys i have a problem i got a fresh install of ubuntu 64 bit on my pc, now my pc is amd athlon 64 bit cpu 3200+ on 4 gb of ram and 9600gt nvidia card but i cant seem to get any wired connection it just keeps trying to connect saying disconnected form wired connection or something and this has happen before on other installs of ubuntu with no luck, i have a custom firmwire on m link sys router i wonder if that can be it but i think iv had this pr06:54
roarkIt is surprising ubuntu still has this problem. I searched for a solution to this problem and apparently this problem has been there for quite some time. I hope atleast next version of ubuntu solves this problem.  I was thinking of some software alternatives like prelinking flash. But even that did not work.06:54
foxmulder881vinu: So you can see for yourself, type in terminal: sudo apt-get install wget06:55
voss749tanners, did it work before the fresh install?06:55
theadminSemitones: It's "lxsession"06:55
`blackmk4|imacWhat would cause my box to drop off the LAN until I reboot it whenever I try to transfer at high speeds to/from it? I've tried two nics - same problem, tried WinXP and it was fine, so I know it's a config or something problem. The install is fresh from today. It's CLI only and wired - no wifi. If I leave the computer alone it will eventually drop off, and I can make it happen pretty quickly by transferring data to/from it.06:55
eyalI tried to share it by the HOWTO guide but I keep getting user&password popup with on my XP06:55
roarkI have a hp laptop which gets overheated when I watch some flash videos on internet( ex: videos on youtube or hulu). It shuts down within 30 mins...  does anyone have any solutions to this06:57
theadminWhat is /dev/mapper directory for?06:57
`blackmk4|imacyou could try firefox and flashblock06:57
`blackmk4|imacor you could blow the fans out with some compressed air06:57
switch10_roark: compressed air?06:57
vinuhow can i get install the softwares of format tar.bz206:57
`blackmk4|imactar -xf filename06:57
theadminvinu: You compile them. Dude, you don't need to install wget. you HAVE IT.06:57
eyalcan anyone help with sharing ubuntu & windows files?06:57
`blackmk4|imacvinu: tar -xf thefilename06:58
`blackmk4|imaccd into that folder06:58
`blackmk4|imactype ./configure06:58
`blackmk4|imacwait for it to finish06:58
FloodBot1`blackmk4|imac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
nomad77!swat > eyal06:58
`blackmk4|imacsudo make && make install06:58
ubottueyal, please see my private message06:58
roarkcompressed air?06:58
kn100Blackcamaro8, why are you explaining to him stuff he doesn't need06:58
kn100whoops, damn tabfail06:58
theadmin`blackmk4|imac: "sudo make"? Point of that?06:58
kn100sorry Blackcamaro806:58
foxmulder881vinu: Google "compiling software from source" and do some reading.06:58
`blackmk4|imacexplain to me how to compile something from source, the admin06:58
`blackmk4|imacand i am explaining06:58
`blackmk4|imacbecause he asked06:58
`blackmk4|imache didn't ask if he had wget, he asked where to download the source and how to install from it06:59
theadmin`blackmk4|imac: Well, i commonly just use "make", no? I mean, anyone has the rights to build06:59
eyalhow can I send you pm?06:59
`blackmk4|imaci've had issues with make on occasion for whatever reason06:59
`blackmk4|imacso i sudo it06:59
theadmin`blackmk4|imac: Strangenesses06:59
`blackmk4|imacstrange like my box dropping off LAN for no apparent reason under ubuntu, but fine under xp06:59
theadmineyal: Usually, double click on the nickname (in a GUI client), or "/msg username message" in other clients07:00
DarkwingLaptoptheadmin, '`blackmk4|imac To compile from source make sure you apt-get install build-essentials first.07:00
Guest15011Okay, so I'm trying to resize my ect3 sda1 ubuntu partition with the live CD using Gparted. Gparted says it can't find a valid fylesystem superblock when it tries to edit the ubuntu partition. Anyone have any tips on making it work?07:00
`blackmk4|imacthat is a good point, darkwing07:00
=== Guest15011 is now known as skuzzel
theadminDarkwingLaptop: Know that. Apache compiles without that by the way, lol07:00
skuzzelOkay, so I'm trying to resize my ect3 sda1 ubuntu partition with the live CD using Gparted. Gparted says it can't find a valid fylesystem superblock when it tries to edit the ubuntu partition. Anyone have any tips on making it work?07:00
theadminskuzzel: Try to fsck it07:01
vinuhey i installed wget but i cant see it any where07:01
skuzzelis fsck a scan?07:01
kn100it's the act of reproduction07:01
`blackmk4|imactype wget in terminal07:01
theadminskuzzel: FSCK: FileSystem ChecK07:01
`blackmk4|imacand it'll work07:01
kn100sorry, couldn't resist07:01
foxmulder881vinu: wget in a cli based d/load tool07:01
theadminvinu: If you want a graphical version of wget, type this in terminal: sudo apt-get install gwget07:02
skuzzelthe partition works fine normally, I just need to resize it07:02
foxmulder881vinu: You run wget with the command: wget http://www.mywebsite.com/downloadlink.mp3 Using whatever details you have for a direct url download link. Understand?07:02
skuzzelIll try it07:03
vinuok thanks07:03
foxmulder881Q: Anyone here use elinks?07:04
theadminAllright, I want a user to be able to run some programs in superuser mode (KVPNC, to be precise). However, I want to block all other sudo access. What is the way?07:05
RP64GUYS lol07:05
FloodBot1RP64: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:05
theadminfoxmulder881: me does07:05
RP64voss: its 8.1007:05
theadminRP64: This means you will have to upgrade from that to 9.04, then to 9.1007:05
RP64theadmin: in my updates list it says on top "new version 9.10 click here for upgrade" tho wtf?07:05
foxmulder881theadmin. Just curious, I thought I may have been the only one. ;-)07:06
`blackmk4|imac /etc/sudoers07:06
Tru7hKarmic installer doesn't see W7, anybody know why?07:06
RP64oh no it says 9.04 lol07:06
roarkI have a hp laptop which gets overheated when I watch some flash videos on internet( ex: videos on youtube or hulu). It shuts down within 30 mins...  does anyone have any solutions to this07:06
RP64roark: laptop fans07:06
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RP64roark: u can get cool laptop fan addons that cool your laptop while u use it07:06
RP64roark: lollllllll????????07:07
RP64roark: what do you mean "no"07:07
foxmulder881roark: You have enough air around the l/top ventilation?07:07
roark I am pretty sure it is not the problem with hardware. I run windows vista on the same laptop and I never faced this problem with vista07:07
kn100roark, ask about cpu scaling in here07:07
kn100roark, that's your issue, I can't help you with it though07:07
kn100roark, Also, hint, get greasemonkey and get a youtube > totem embedding script07:08
foxmulder881Try reducing the cpu rate via the Gnome applet.07:08
kn100much lower cpu usage07:08
kn100My youtube videos pass through vdpau, and are decoded on the gpu <307:08
roarkI tried reducing cpu usage...but that has a negative affect on streaming videos07:09
kn100roark, tell you what07:09
kn100roark, be here tomorrow in about 12 or 13 hours, and i'll help you set something up07:10
RP64kn100: lols07:10
`blackmk4|imacWhat would cause my box to drop off the LAN until I reboot it whenever I try to transfer at high speeds to/from it? I've tried two nics - same problem, tried WinXP and it was fine, so I know it's a config or something problem. The install is fresh from today. It's CLI only and wired - no wifi. If I leave the computer alone it will eventually drop off, and I can make it happen pretty quickly by transferring data to/from it.07:11
* billy2007 is going to ##HELP_DESK 07:11
DarkwingLaptop`blackmk4|imac: 9.10?07:11
foxmulder881Why are you reposting?07:11
`blackmk4|imacbecause no one has said a thing about it except 'DDoS'07:11
theadminfoxmulder881: This is allowed if not too often07:12
foxmulder881Perhaps no one knows?07:12
`blackmk4|imacwell the nice thing about an irc channel07:12
foxmulder881Fair enough.07:12
`blackmk4|imacis that people come in often07:12
theadminfoxmulder881: If you'd look at amount of joins and quits...07:12
DarkwingLaptop`blackmk4|imac: is it tied into a router or straight to the modem?07:13
`blackmk4|imaceverything i am dealing with is connected to the same router07:13
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=== setraha_ is now known as setraha__
RP64guys is it just me or07:13
DarkwingLaptop`blackmk4|imac: check your router settings for wired connections and see if there is a timeout for wired that isn't there for wireless07:13
theadminRP64: or?07:13
RP64does the sound of songs sound much better quality on UBUNTU than windows07:13
`blackmk4|imacif i plug / unplug the nic it still doesn't come back07:13
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foxmulder881theadmin: wtf was that meant to mean?!?07:14
RP64im listening to music and it seems better quality07:14
theadminRP64: Depends on the codec07:14
theadminfoxmulder881: People are joining and leaving. So repeating is not pointless07:14
DarkwingLaptop`blackmk4|imac: Correct, because the IP woudl still be set and remembered07:14
`blackmk4|imacyes, but when i reboot07:14
`blackmk4|imacdhcp keeps it with the same ip07:14
foxmulder881Yeah I knew that already. I'm not the dumb...07:14
Random832kn100: any more problems? sorry i was gone for a while07:14
theadminRP64: I mean, windows codecs (at least default ones) are a piece of... ahem. Strike that. Are bad.07:14
foxmulder881A little, but not that much... lol.07:15
RP64theadmin: lols so07:15
RP64theadmin: so u mean the sound codecs for ubuntu are much better for the stuff thats non WMA07:15
foxmulder881If you do use Windows, install a non-default set of codecs.07:15
`blackmk4|imaci get no ACT flashing on the nic07:15
DarkwingLaptop`blackmk4|imac: I've tried that before... Other then a possible problem wih the gnome network manager07:15
`blackmk4|imaci don't have X07:15
`blackmk4|imacit's a cli only server07:15
RP64so why does bill gates and his homies hold out on us for codecs but ubuntu makes good ones?07:16
`blackmk4|imacthis same setup works fine on xp07:16
`blackmk4|imacbut ubuntu drops the lan connection07:16
theadminRP64: Because billy cares only for money07:16
DarkwingLaptop`blackmk4|imac: ahhh, not too sure then sorry :/07:16
`blackmk4|imacah ok07:16
theadminRP64: And Ubuntu is designed for human beings07:16
`blackmk4|imacthis is really confusing - it is a base setup and i haven't messed with anything so it's an ubuntu issue07:16
foxmulder881I beg to differ here. I reckon sound output is better on Windows on my system, but it's not bad enough on Linux to stop me from using it altogether.07:16
RP64yeah I like ubuntu except for its tribal theme cus I like to think of technology as being from some city buildings and stuff not tribal huts07:16
RP64the imagery i mean if it makes sense idono lols07:17
DarkwingLaptopTribal themes?07:17
foxmulder881RP64: That's really funny!07:17
RP64yea its like an african tribal word and stuf rite lol07:17
theadminfoxmulder881: Depends. /me uses the same media player on Windows and Linux and thus it's the same quality (player is VLC)07:17
RP64fox lol thx07:17
DarkwingLaptopYou do know it IS based out of south Africa right?07:17
RP64awgh I have really bad experience with ppl from south africa07:17
RP64like I met some really screwed ppl from there07:18
theadminIsn't Mark from there somewhere?07:18
RP64who did bad things to my life before07:18
RP64but it doesn't make this connected to that rite...07:18
foxmulder881Yep, Mr. Shuttleworth is Sth. African himself.07:18
RP64Ok but it doesnt mean its connected does it? cus I had rly bad times with some weirdos who came out of south africa screwed stuff up in my life07:18
RP64i mean theres prob weirdos out of every country right so it doesnt matter right . ?07:19
theadminRP64: Shuttleworth is the leader of Ubuntu project... But come on. Ubuntu won't screw you... more likely windows will07:19
RP64no admin i mean the south african connection07:19
RP64like i hate that country cus I met screwd ppl from it who were rly mean to me and made my life bad07:19
theadminRP64: Meh, it's not that noticable except for the full circle and the name07:20
RP64and they were like white racist south africans too lol07:20
foxmulder881In my experience, pc users screw themselves 9 times out of 10.07:20
RP64is there another distro I can use thats just as good as ubuntu to get rid of the south african thing?07:20
theadminLike they say, 90% of computer problems are located behind the keyboard07:20
RP64cus of how I have bad memories with the country07:21
ranjan_Hello Every body I am having some issue with samba ..07:21
foxmulder881RP64: WTF. Are you serious?07:21
RP64yea why is it nuts?07:21
hyugahello there07:21
foxmulder881Just change the theme.07:21
RP64fox im really serious its consuming my mind now07:21
foxmulder881As I said, change the theme.07:21
theadminRP64: Try out Linux Mint. It's Ubuntu-based but has nothing to do with that stuff.07:21
hyugasome body can help me? i have a linker error with a C++ program with serial port07:21
theadminhyuga: go to #c++07:21
RP64lmao that stuff no i dono ugh its just random obsessing i guess07:21
hyugaok thanks07:22
Tru7hIs RP64 trolling?07:22
RP64no i'm not...07:22
ranjan_Hello Every body I am having some issue with samba  share ... can any body can help me on this .. I am not being able to put any folder for share from my system .. I am geting some error any idea .. how to fix it .. any help would be of great help thanks in advance07:23
Tru7hRP64: Ubuntu is (IMO) the best-supported distro out there, and it's probably the most widely-used. I'm not really sure what you mean about not liking the theme, if you don't like the sounds and the desktop backgrounds and whatnot you can change them. There's no point in switching distros for it.07:23
RP64Tru: its not the theme, its that i had really really bad experiences with PPL from south africa so it was the south african creation that was bugging me07:24
hpnc6400anybody know about laptop power management and 10.0407:24
foxmulder881Don't be bloody stupid.07:24
RP64tru: like that it was made from south african guy07:24
theadminTru7h: Dunno about the support, but it is most popular one insdeed07:24
RP64fox: its not stupid its just I have rly bad memory with screwed up step parent from south africa who always was mean and also was super proud of being south african07:24
theadminTru7h: indeed*07:24
DarkwingLaptophpnc6400: try #ubuntu+107:24
Tru7hRP64: So the fact that it was originally thought up by someone of South African nationality is enough for you to not want to use it?07:24
foxmulder881Has the Ubuntu community suck to a new low?07:25
RP64because of the bad memory yea07:25
WingsHey guys.07:25
RP64i have OCD i think idk so bcus of that its freakin me out07:25
WingsI need some help after trashing /home/, anyone got experience with that?07:25
foxmulder881Get over it mate. If you don't like it, then bugger off to one of the many other 1000's of tux distros available.07:25
RP64omg fox ur rly mean...07:25
WingsI don't need to recover any data, just to get a plain blank user functioning.07:25
RP64bugger off lol wow OK you can do the same bud07:26
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maginotWings, rm -rf /home ?07:26
Wingsmaginot: Not quite.07:26
WingsHad an encrypted /home/, didn't want it07:26
Wingsso I backed up data I cared about and then deleted the encrypted side of things07:26
foxmulder881RP64: And no, I'm not Sth. African...07:26
Wingsbut I'd forgotten to backup .ICEauthority and such07:26
RP64fox: lol good07:26
Wingsso it naturally broke when I rebooted.07:26
theadminRP64: Ever heard of the tab key?07:27
maginotWings, okay, can't see any problem on that, you could delete everything insde that07:27
RP64admin: Wat?07:27
theadminRP64: Type first few letters of the nickname and hit TAB, it will insert the full nickname. Like this: foxm + tab = foxmulder88107:27
maginotWings, the only thing that could happen deleting things inside home is reset program configurations07:27
Wingsmaginot: Well...07:27
RP64theadmin:  OH kool thx07:28
FalconVI was messing with update-motd, and it stopped working. I cleared motd, and later rebooted the server, but the motd won't come back. no error messages that I'm aware of.07:28
Wingsnautilus gets pissy about not being able to create ~/.nautilus and ~/Desktop07:28
maginotWings, this is something I done many time to reset everything to default07:28
RP6430BAAF5RE: lol works with long names yessshh yosshhh07:28
Wingsand I get a lot of errors on log-on and nothing ends up coming up.07:28
DarkwingLaptopWings: What errors?07:28
maginotWings, I think your program wasn't just deleting the files07:28
maginotWings,  *program/problem07:29
RP64Guys so updating my Ubuntu will delete all my music?! Oh man!! doesn't it have option to save your stuff ? I have nothing but CD's to backup everything those are so annoying!07:29
WingsWell, to define "a lot"07:29
wiccani needa help ;-)07:29
maginotRP64, update or upgrading ?07:29
WingsI get some messages about not being able to find .ICEauthority07:29
RP64maginot Upgrading07:29
foxmulder881RP64: what are you trying now?07:29
maginotRP64, no problem, the only problem you may notice is broken programs, always happen07:29
Wingsbleh, let me reboot and find out for sure.07:29
RP64to upgrade to 9.0407:29
g0aliathis there a open source for ubuntu similar to microsoft onenote?07:29
wiccancould somebody tell me why I can't use "Lock screen" option in Ubu?07:29
RP64maginot: HUH?07:29
maginotWings, it's a godd start reboting or closing and reopening the session07:30
RP64maginot:  to update version ?07:30
theadminRP64: It won't delete if you update it. It might delete some configurations07:30
foxmulder881If you don't want anything broken, perform a fresh install.07:30
RP64theadmin: i dont mean update i mean upgrade07:30
Wingsmaginot: already did so.07:30
maginotRP64, yeah, I'm very afraid of these upgrades07:30
theadminRP64: Same thing07:30
Wingsmaginot: but I have a liveCD up on the machine now07:30
RP64theadmin:  wait but GNEA told me if u update ur VERSION then it deletes everything outside of home folder?!07:30
maginotWings, what is the permissions for /home (ls -l /home07:30
theadming0aliath: Never used that, but i find tomboy suitable07:30
RP64maginot: lols07:30
theadminRP64: your home folder is most likely where you keep your stuff, no?07:31
Someguy77is there a way to monitor the output levels of the audio device, such as trhough conky or another OSD??07:31
maginotRP64, I have done it sometimes and never have Happy ending07:31
g0aliaththeadmin: thanks ill try that07:31
RP64theadmin:  idono rly i havent used ubuntu for 6 months i forget about where everything is07:31
foxmulder881maginot, me too!07:31
RP64maginot:  lol o        ..07:31
foxmulder881I always perform fresh installs and never upgrades.07:31
RP64foxmulder881:  that takes alot of time tho07:31
RP64foxmulder881:  time i dont have!!!07:32
maginotRP64, Its not that everything won't work, but some programs lost its configuration and other doesn't are supported, I don't know, many unexpected things07:32
theadminfoxmulder881: Same here, then i just run a small script to install packages and stuff07:32
RP64theadmin:  that stuffs pro but u need to have stuff super organized and thought out to do that, i am super disorganized07:32
theadminfoxmulder881: Learned that after an upgrade from Interpid broke my X.07:32
foxmulder881Most of the more experienced folk would do the same I think. ;-)07:32
RP64theadmin:  whats your X07:33
maginotRP64, I really prefer to pick the cd and make a brand new install after backing my things, actually I noramlly keep home at other partitions which makes my news install very easy (just put the cd and install)07:33
theadminRP64: The graphical environment stuff07:33
Wingsmaginot: ehh.07:33
RP64theadmin:  oh is that new abreviation i thought thats GFX???07:33
Wingsmaginot: I've decided since I have a LiveCD booted up already07:33
WingsI'm simply going to take a couple of minutes moving the backup to another already-there partition07:33
Wingsnuke the Ubuntu install and start again07:33
Wingssince it's less than a day old anyways.07:33
maginotWings, hehe07:34
Wingstrying out the beta. I guess I'm having some teething problems. :P07:34
theadminRP64: gfx is graphical EFFECTS lol07:34
RP64theadmin:  LoLS wtf07:34
Wingseverything else has been pretty nice though.07:34
theadminRP64: No idea.07:34
RP64AFKKK  this upgrade talk is confusing my brain so hard07:34
maginotWings, well, haven't tested the beta .. don't know how good it is (or bad)07:34
rwwWings: fyi, Lucid/10.04 discussion and support goes in #ubuntu+107:34
RP64lol the beta = +1 , nice naming system07:35
maginotRP64, if you have time and a easy way to bakup your files I recommend you to make a new install... but upgrading will not make you loose anything personal07:35
theadminmaginot: Well, it's kinda mac-ish, the window buttons are all on left side o_O07:35
Wingsrww: I know, wasn't really planning on extensive discussion.07:36
* maginot remembers that his next project is a mac style distro... 07:36
RP64maginot: I dont i only have 1 , 1 GB stick and a bunch of scattered CDs that already have tons of info07:36
Wingsrww: ...although, yeah, fair point.07:36
foxmulder881Dump all your data onto another hdd and you'll be all set. Just don't wipe your data drive by accident.07:36
maginotRP64, you can upgrade, you will don't loose your files, but be prepare to some broken programs and configurations07:37
theadminmaginot: "will don't"?07:37
maginottheadmin, just a typo ...07:38
maginot"Will not"07:38
robertzaccouris mepis similar to ubuntu?07:38
=== elnur_ is now known as elnur
RP64maginot:  lol "will don't lose" are u french ?!07:38
rikui need some ubuntu help! i'm sick of setting up my secondary monitor every time the computer starts, this is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/CtBUrieM   it doesn't look right at all o.O  and whenever i use nvidia-settings manager to set it up it's telling me theres an error with my xorg.conf (ran from console this is the error: http://pastebin.com/TQCqSkD5 )07:38
maginotRP64, not quite, but my name is =)07:38
RP64maginot:  are those broken things fixeable07:38
maginotRP64, if you have time and want so07:39
rikuanybody can point me in the right direction it'd be greatly appreciated ^^ :)07:39
maginotRP64, give a first time try07:39
vinucan i update mozilla to new version07:39
foxmulder881I'm off folks. Till next time. Cheers.07:39
wiccancan u see me :P?07:39
maginotriku, tell us you problem07:39
RP64riku:  2guys1horse.com LOL JK OH MAN... sry NOBODY CLICK ON THAT MY BAD07:39
rikuRP64, lmao :P07:39
neorajwher to download ubuntu 10.04 version nay give me links07:39
RP64bye fox you bully...07:39
theadminvinu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozilla-team/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update - run that, but be prepared for broken Java07:39
rikumaginot, well, like i said, it seems my xorg.conf is messed up :/  http://pastebin.com/CtBUrieM07:39
maginotwiccan, sure, are you invisible ;)07:39
Tru7hYeah, geez fox. lol07:40
maginotriku, okay, let me see...07:40
rosco_ycan anyone recommend software for archiving my data drive to DVD's?07:40
theadminneoraj: Go to ubuntu.com and click "download the beta" thingy?07:40
elnurtheadmin, yea, you were right that all ports are open by default. i was wrong :)07:40
maginotrosco_y, k3b, brasero07:40
rikuthe error from console (when ran via nvidia-settings) http://pastebin.com/TQCqSkD507:40
rosco_ymaginot: Thanks a lot--I'll check into it :)07:40
theadminelnur: Huh. Didn't we talk about that err yesterday? o_O07:40
robertzaccouris mepis similar to ubuntu?07:40
neorajtheadmin, thanks07:40
wiccancan u help me? i need back my "Lock Session" function07:40
theadminrobertzaccour: Not at all, if i recall correctly07:40
elnurtheadmin, yea :)07:40
neorajtheadmin, u wil online always07:41
maginotriku, do you have installed any nvidia driver?07:41
odb|fidelwiccan: the one via menu-applet?07:41
theadminneoraj: I'm online very often, but not always07:41
elnurriku, you might want to generate xorg.conf by nvidia facilities07:41
maginotwiccan, just click with the right mouse button07:41
wiccanit isn't work07:41
rikuelnur, how might one do that? maginot yes i have :) latest 18507:41
rikuPS: this is a fresh system07:41
jarray52I'm having problems with nfs. I'm getting the error message, gave up waiting for the root file system. Any suggestions for troubleshooting?07:42
wiccanI've removed some packages, and now I don't know witch of then is needed by this function07:42
maginotriku, you could just delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf and run nvidia install again07:42
moshhey yo jarray maybe you can help me mate i cant install my 2wire usb on my ubutnu what can I do07:42
elnurriku, try sudo nvidia-xconfig --force-generate07:42
rikuhmmm thanks elnur, maginot i'll likely be back ;P07:42
wiccani hope it isn't "quest" package :|07:42
maginotelnur, interesting command..07:43
elnurmaginot, yea :)07:43
maginotwiccan, dpkg -l | grep applets07:43
rikuthanks elnur that may have done the trick!07:43
elnurriku, np07:43
maginotwiccan, apt-get install gnome-applets gnome-applets-data07:44
rikuas a matter of fact, it did! i'll test here in a minute. thanks again maginot and elnur!07:44
horst-peterGuten morgen07:44
maginotriku, :)07:44
neorajhow to check whether particular software is installed or not07:44
horst-peterDarf ich ne Frage zu Ubuntu stellen?07:45
theadminneoraj: dpkg -l | grep 'package'. If it returns something like "ii package"?07:45
odb|fidelhorst-peter: language07:45
moshanybody can help me I cant install my 2wire usb wireless07:45
theadminhorst-peter: Deutsche support ist in #ubuntu-de. Danke.07:45
odb|fidelhorst-peter: wenn du hier fragen willst - englisch ja07:45
moshhorst woher kommst du07:45
maginotneoraj, the same i is show in front of a package after some aptitude search too (aptitude search xorg)07:45
jarray52neoraj: Another possibility is whereis <package>07:45
robertzaccouris mepis a lot like ubuntu?07:45
horst-peterok  english07:45
moshhors woher kommst du mein freund07:46
theadminrobertzaccour: It's not like Ubuntu at all07:46
wiccanmaginot: and have installed07:46
RP64Horst ich kannst hilfe dir07:46
horst-peterI've got a DSL Problem07:46
robertzaccourtheadmin, you tried it?07:46
RP64horst-peter: ich kannst hilfe dir07:46
Dougdoug4Can I just say I love Ubuntu.07:46
RP64horst-peter: was ist los07:46
maginotwiccan, it worked?07:46
horst-peterI connect by wlan through a Router07:46
robertzaccourI love it too :)07:46
RP64dougdoug4: ME TOO07:46
theadminrobertzaccour: Ahem, it's just not even debian-based if i recall correctly07:46
theadminwtf is "watchdog" and why is it running o_O07:46
moshhorst Ich komme aus mexiko und Ich brauche HELP07:46
robertzaccourtheadmin, i thought it is debian based07:46
horst-peterEverytime i download something it is not possible to do anything else in the web07:47
RP64mosh HABLA INGLES?07:47
horst-peterThe line seems to be blocked07:47
moshsi hablo ingles epsanol y aleman07:47
maginottheadmin, its a HP technology for monitoring servers, never used but have seen some times07:47
rikuthat definitely did the trick guys, you rock!07:47
theadminubottu: es | mosh07:47
ubottumosh: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:47
RP64liebst du rammstein07:47
horst-peterany idea?07:47
maginottheadmin, I think this is related http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchdog_timer07:48
RP64horst-peter: It might be your provider's bandwitch?07:48
theadminhuh. I gotta restart my X, something seems to be wrong with session manager. Just a second07:48
moshI will sorry for thath07:48
moshonly that07:48
horst-peterRP64: worked fine under Windows07:48
maginothorst-peter, if your host is blocking you up you could try using something like Tor07:48
horst-peterJust switched to Ubuntu07:48
RP64horst: lol , denn weisst ich nicht07:49
maginothorst-peter, on windows you have no problem, only on ubuntu? Are you sure isn't some sporadic problem?07:49
FalconVI know I'm not supposed to repeat my question every few minutes if nobody responds, what's the optimal alternative? I don't mind being patient, just don't want to wait 1/2 hour if nobody saw my question. Thanks.07:49
theadminKDM had a neat feature allowing same user to log in multiple times. Is it possible to make GDM do so, too?07:49
maginotFalconV, what is your problem07:50
horst-peter@maginot: Windows worked fine for years07:50
WingsOkay, thanks for the help everyone.07:50
FalconVI was messing with update-motd, and it stopped working. I cleared motd, and later rebooted the server, but the motd won't come back. no error messages that I'm aware of.07:50
* Wings nods t'ward maginot.07:50
maginotnp =)07:50
horst-peterIt is specially when i download from the software center07:50
theadminand once again, what the heck is /dev/mapper/07:51
maginothorst-peter, it a very weird problem...07:51
maginotFalconV, motd for ssh or local session?07:51
FalconVmaginot: ssh07:51
FalconVmaginot: haven't tried local yet, should I?07:52
maginotFalconV, if local is what you need... but your problem doesn't seen to complicate07:52
theadminhm, what the heck. Ubuntu seems to consider my session "locked", yet i most certainly am inside it07:52
maginotFalconV, just checking onething... just a sec07:53
FalconVmaginot: it's /etc/motd that I'm concerned with. I can populate it manually, but update-motd doesn't seem to work. can't find any verbose to see where it's having a problem though.07:53
|ntegra|gosh, obviously I did something very wrong07:53
FalconVmaginot: np, take your time. I've been pulling my hair out for an hour before I gave up and came here :)07:53
theadmin|ntegra|: huh07:53
maginotFalconV, ok, so if you write manually on it you have no problem? It shows ?07:53
rshakinok who knows much about wpa, i finnally got my wireless card working but i cannot get the wpa to athenticate it seems07:53
FalconVmaginot: yes, I put in a line of text and it displays fine. right now /etc/motd contains "this is a test" and when I log in that shows up.07:54
|ntegra|I'm owned (surprising me because I thought that I was playing in a brick house lol)07:54
EmilioTucciHI all07:54
|ntegra|hi EmilioTucci07:54
EmilioTucciHow can I use convert comand from imagick tools to convert a batch of files instead of only one?07:54
EmilioTucciconvert 100x100+45+45 mypicture.jpg <???>07:55
EmilioTucciI don't know what to put on <???> to have the same file name with a prefix07:55
maginotFalconV, well, update-motd isn't installed by default, I suppose if its with some problem you could try fixing 1) removing and reinstalling 2) dpkg-reconfigure update-motd07:55
luckymuralihi to all07:56
|ntegra|for f in "$file.blah" ; do MySwishyCommand ; done07:57
FalconVmaginot: thanks for the suggestion. It is actually installed by default. I forget what version this started, but I'm on 9.10 and it was installed. I've done an aptitude remove and then install, as well as dpkg-reconfigure. I never cleared out the /etc/update-motd.d folder and noticed after reinstalling my custom file was still there, should I delete the folder before reinstalling?07:57
theadminEmilioTucci: Let's see... find /directory/with/images -exec convert 100x100+45+45 {} converted-{} \;07:57
nishi ,is there a IRC specific for network?07:57
EmilioTuccitheadmin, so {} is the name of the file in a shell?07:57
theadminEmilioTucci: It's specific for the find command07:58
swebhail ... if i have a 4GB of memory can i install the i386 architecture and cret 8gb of swap partitioning ?07:58
maginotFalconV, apt-get purge update-motd should take care of everything, but if you made something custon you just backup them and remove07:58
EmilioTuccitheadmin, ahhh ok I fot it; So if I wasn't using the find command, what is the tag for the file name in shell? %?07:58
cdoublejj|afkwell i found out on older laptops like the one i'm working with setting all cooling and cpu settings to max helps out but, flux might still be nice. i think xfce used 20mb more ram07:59
theadminEmilioTucci: Sorry but there is none.07:59
theadminsweb: No, you need 64 bit for this case07:59
maginotEmilioTucci, the tag?07:59
EmilioTuccitheadmin, mmm, so there is no way to write a script file as we used to in MSDOS when doing % ?07:59
theadminEmilioTucci: Not that I'm aware of07:59
swebtheadmin, for swap or memory limitation ?08:00
theadminsweb: Memory, dunno, swap should not be limited08:00
EmilioTuccimaginot, tag, label, I don't know the name08:00
maginotEmilioTucci, for f in `ls /`; do echo ${f}; done ?08:00
theadminmaginot: That's specific for "for"08:00
FalconVmaginot: I did an apt-get purge, and noticed after that the /etc/update-motd/ folder still existed (I had moved my custom file out). I installed again and it's still not working.08:01
Berzerkeranyone here experienced with communicating with rhythmbox08:01
EmilioTucciOK guys I got it,08:01
EmilioTucciso I could do:08:01
FalconVmaginot: do you think it might help if I update-motd --disable first?08:01
theadmingedit has some weird highlighting08:01
EmilioTucci for f in `ls /`; do convert -crop 100x100+45+45 ${f} converted-${f}; done08:01
theadminIt highlights all the slashes, colons and other crap in shell script08:02
theadminEmilioTucci: That, but replace 'ls /' with 'ls /directory/with/images'08:02
maginotFalconV, well, I don't have it here.. you could try something08:02
EmilioTuccitheadmin, if I execute the script from the same directory where the pictures are, do I need to specify the path?08:03
maginotFalconV, I will give you an idea to "really" reinstall the program08:03
theadminEmilioTucci: Then replace "ls /" with "ls $PWD"08:03
EmilioTuccitheadmin, OK, I am trying now08:03
FalconVmaginot: don't say format! lol08:03
TannerS_Laptoppossible to boost virtual memory on ubuntu08:04
maginotFalconV, but first, backup the file: cp -v /var/lib/dpkg/status{,.bkup}08:04
FalconVmaginot: `/var/lib/dpkg/status' -> `/var/lib/dpkg/status.bkup'08:05
maginotFalconV, okay, now edit /var/lib/dpkg/status look for "Package: update-motd"08:06
maginotFalconV, remove until you see the other Package start..08:06
joppanAm1ne hiiii08:07
maginotFalconV, remove the line until you see the other Package start line..08:07
EmilioTuccitheadmin, what if the names of the files have spaces between words?08:08
theadminEmilioTucci: hm... You should probably quote that ${f} combination08:08
maginotFalconV, after doing that, just run "apt-get install update-motd"08:08
EmilioTuccitheadmin, so ${"f"} or "${f}"?08:08
EmilioTuccimaginot, but it is spliting my files names into words08:09
theadminmaginot: Take over please. I'm not a script expert yet :D08:09
EmilioTuccimaginot, I have names like "this is an image.jpg"08:09
maginotEmilioTucci, what is the command line?08:09
EmilioTuccimaginot, for f in `ls /`; do convert -crop 100x100+45+45 ${f} converted-${f}; done08:10
FalconVmaginot: thanks for the help, it's still not working.08:10
EmilioTuccimaginot, that is giving me a word per line08:10
FloodBot1EmilioTucci: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:10
EmilioTuccibut I need: "this is an image.jpg"08:10
FalconVmaginot: It's not going to kill anything, so I think I'll live with it for now unless you have other ideas to try. I might see if someone at update-motd might be available to give suggestions.08:10
maginotEmilioTucci,  for f in `ls /`; do convert -crop 100x100+45+45 "${f}" "converted-${f}"; done -> try this08:10
mebareksalut tout le monde je suis nouveau et j'espere que vous aller m'aide a intergre votre communote :)08:11
theadminubottu: fr | mebarek08:11
ubottumebarek: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois08:11
maginotFalconV, don't worry, things will still keep working, if you delete something wrong you have the backup file08:11
EmilioTuccimaginot, it is still splitting the names into words08:11
maginotFalconV, just remove the lines from Package: update-motd until the next Package (which must not be deleted)08:12
FalconVmaginot: oh sorry, I forgot to tell you. I did do exactly what you said. I removed the entire package section, saved the file, and then ran apt-get install update-motd08:12
maginotEmilioTucci, yeah, sure... the problem is on the for... just a second I there is a better way of achieving that08:12
amitranaHi, I have been using gnome-panel with panel on top, bottom and left. Today I moved the left panel to right and made it auto-hide. Now as soon as I try to go to this panel ubuntu hangs. gnome-panel is using 100% of CPU and I have to reboot. How can I remove this problem panel? Any advice?08:13
EmilioTuccimaginot, ok thanks, I liked the for way08:13
FalconVmaginot: after which I ran update-motd and still /etc/motd displayed my test text08:13
maginotFalconV, still no lucky ?08:13
FalconVmaginot: sadly not.08:13
FalconVmaginot: If only I could see an output of what update-motd is trying to do, maybe I could see where it's failing, but so-far I can't find a way to make it verbose, or any logs.08:14
maginotFalconV, well, it will not remove any files you set, but that way you did a new install... I tried installing update-motd here but doesn't seen to work, to be honest I always have changed motd manually08:14
maginotFalconV, well, I think now only debuging or with strace or gdb.. like "strace update-motd" or gdb update-motd, but this what I think since I don't know update-motd08:15
EmilioTuccimaginot, for f in $( ls );08:15
FalconVmaginot: thanks! I'll take a look at those, I've never used them before. have a good one!08:16
maginotEmilioTucci, hmm worked now ?08:16
theadminIIX_GEMOLZ: Artificial Intellegence?08:16
theadminubottu: caps | IIX_GEMOLZ08:17
ubottuIIX_GEMOLZ: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:17
EmilioTuccimaginot, no08:17
maginotEmilioTucci, why didn't you used the find utility ?08:17
EmilioTuccimaginot, this does exactly the same thign: for i in $( ls ); echo $f; done08:17
EmilioTuccimaginot, for is more naturaly and fits what I am really doing, a loop along files,08:18
maginotEmilioTucci, I'm going to make a test... just an sec08:20
EmilioTuccimaginot, ok08:20
theadminEmilioTucci: allright, here we go, this will do exactly what you need. find -type f $PWD -exec convert -crop 100x100+45+45 '{}' 'converted-{}' \; - run this in same directory in which images are, will do. (it will also ignore all folders because of "type f", however, it will look in subfolders. To avoid that, add -maxdepth 008:20
EmilioTuccimaginot, use files with spaces08:20
theadminwoah wtf08:20
theadminfind $PWD -type f -exec convert -crop 100x100+45+45 '{}' 'converted-{}' \;08:21
EmilioTuccitheadmin, it gives me an error: Paths mut be defined before the expression08:21
Dougdoug4what is the terminal command to move a file08:21
theadminDougdoug4: mv source target08:21
EmilioTucciDougdoug4, mv08:21
Dougdoug4but do i have to be cd'd to the current folder of the source?08:22
theadminEmilioTucci: Above. Made a mistake in original command, you see08:22
Dougdoug4theadmin <08:22
EmilioTuccitheadmin, yeah now it works, but it tells me: convert: unable to open image `converted-/home/cmrabet/Escritorio/JPEGS/temate Tone Burst Amplifiers copy.jpg': No such file or directory.08:22
ottoshmidthi i run ubuntu karmic on vbox and have HP laserjet 3052 connected, printing works fine but xsane can't find scanner, any clues?08:22
EmilioTuccitheadmin, so I think the issue is in the $PWD08:22
theadminDougdoug4: example: mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/somelist $HOME/somelist.conf08:22
theadminor something08:23
ottoshmidtit's a network printer08:23
theadminEmilioTucci: Well, "$PWD" returns the current directory08:23
theadminEmilioTucci: Let's just avoid all possible space problems: find '$PWD' -type f -exec convert -crop 100x100+45+45 '{}' 'converted-{}' \;08:23
EmilioTuccitheadmin, I think the issue is the last \ it is trying to open a file in \08:24
theadminEmilioTucci: \; is a character sequence to end the find's "exec" parameter08:24
EmilioTucci unable to open image `converted-/home/cmrabet/Escritorio/JPEGS/temate Tone Burst Amplifiers copy.jpg': No such file or directory.08:25
EmilioTuccitheadmin, ----- ^08:25
EmilioTuccitheadmin, look tha file it is trying to create08:25
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
EmilioTuccitheadmin, converted-/home..08:25
theadmincrap. Guess i messed something up indeed... meh, then i actually dunno :/08:25
EmilioTuccitheadmin, the problem is that {} is returning the hole path to the file08:26
theadminEmilioTucci: Yes, unfortunately. This seems to be the problem which i have no idea how to avoid :/08:27
EmilioTuccitheadmin, with no $PWD I get now just the name of the file but with the / at the begining which is bad as well08:27
rwwtheadmin, EmilioTucci: would basename help with that? (sorry if you already looked at it, I haven't read scrollback)08:27
EmilioTuccirww, basename?08:28
theadminrww: basename? Huh. Indeed. You're a genius! But let me see how can i... There!!!08:28
EmilioTuccithe problem only shows up with files with spaces in the names08:28
theadminEmilioTucci: find '$PWD' -type f -exec convert -crop 100x100+45+45 '{}' 'converted-$(basename '{}')' \;08:29
nosse1Hi, I need to connect to some equipment on static IP. I want to add another IP for my NIC (like eth0:1). Can I do that from Network manager (i'm running karmic)08:29
EmilioTucciconvert: unable to open image `converted-$(basename /home/cmrabet/Escritorio/JPEGS/temate Tone Burst Amplifiers copy.jpg)': No such file or directory.08:30
SauLusI get errors in dmesg about eCryptFS, thunderbird cant open the mailboxes (the hole bar that displays accounts and mails is totally empty). What can I do? kernel: [  541.646717] Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO08:30
SauLusRunning Karmic08:30
theadminuh. Some problem with quoting.08:30
kr_ubuntuhow to install themes in grub?I don't want to set a picture but i want to set attractive GUI on grub.How can i do that08:31
theadminIf only there were no spaces in filenames it'd be greatly simplified, now i have to keep scratching my head on how to quote it properly. Sorry, EmilioTucci, but i'm on my limit. Can't make anything more up08:31
Dougdoug4theadmin, how do i create a file with terminal?08:31
theadminkr_ubuntu: No way08:31
Dougdoug4a folder, per say08:31
EmilioTuccitheadmin, thanks man, I will rename all the files and then use the for statment08:31
kr_ubuntutheadmin: there is no  way for this08:31
theadminDougdoug4: file? "touch somenewfile". Folder? "mkdir somenewfolder"08:32
Dougdoug4theadmin ur awesome08:32
theadminDougdoug4: Thanks ^_^08:33
maginotEmilioTucci, okay, so don't use for, but a While: ls | while read i; do echo ${i}; done08:33
theadminHm, i just tried to imangine what a mess would it be if they'd translate commands.08:33
kr_ubuntutheadmin: is there any way for setting a theme08:33
maginotEmilioTucci,  ls / | while read f; do convert -crop 100x100+45+45 "${f}" "converted-${f}"; done08:33
theadminkr_ubuntu: You can only set a background, but theme? No08:33
EmilioTuccimaginot, that worked!08:34
EmilioTuccimaginot, :)08:34
EmilioTuccimaginot, so what is the problem with FOR?08:34
theadmin"while read f"?! wtf08:34
maginotEmilioTucci, I don't know, but after testing some very weird command here with sed I gave up and change to a while loop...08:35
kr_ubuntutheadmin: while searching i got this link : http://grub.gibibit.com/About08:35
maginottheadmin, I love the flexibility =D08:35
EmilioTuccimaginot, thanks08:35
EmilioTuccitheadmin, thanks08:35
FloodBot1EmilioTucci: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:35
theadminEmilioTucci: I didn't help though, did I?08:36
EmilioTuccitheadmin, of course, I learnt a lot from you man08:36
theadminkr_ubuntu: Woah, that is neat08:37
Dougdoug4theadmin: delete a file with terminal?08:37
=== Mad_Away is now known as Mad_Dud
theadminDougdoug4: To delete a file: "rm file", to delete a folder: "rm -r folder"08:38
Dougdoug4how about if i'm cd'd to something08:38
Dougdoug4and i wanna cd out?08:38
Dougdoug4u kno?08:38
theadminDougdoug4: "cd .."08:38
Dougdoug4ur wonderful08:38
theadminSometimes, after running flash/java applets in FF i get a weird stripe across the whole screen and can only get rid of it by restarting X. Any help?08:41
maginottheadmin, restarting X ?08:42
theadminmaginot: Yeah, something like Ctrl+PrtSc+K or "sudo service gdm restart"08:42
maginottheadmin, did you updated the flash plugin ?08:42
jhamlin_xrandr -q doesn't show my correct resolution as an option. how can I set resolution properly?08:43
theadminmaginot: Whatever version in Ubuntu's repos. But since it also happens with Java, it's not that08:43
maginottheadmin, never had such a problem... maybe it's something with your video driver .. maybe its a good idea check the X logs08:44
bobthemilkmangrub2 isn't properly chaining to windows XP.  When attempting to boot to WinXP from grub, I get a flashing cursor.  Windows boots fine by using the BIOS boot menu.  I have windows installed on /dev/sda1 and ubuntu on /dev/sdb108:44
theadminmaginot: Never happened on Jaunty though *huh*08:44
bobthemilkmanThe /boot/grub/grub.cfg file is the automatically configured one from the ubuntu install.08:44
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
theadminbobthemilkman: are ntldr and NTDETECT.COM files in their place?08:47
bobthemilkmanSince win boots just fine when selecting the first HDD from the boot menu, I would assume so. Let me go check that machine.08:48
theadminbobthemilkman: Wait. Why would GRUB boot stuff on other hard disk at all? :/08:48
bobthemilkmanThose files are in the root directory of /dev/sda1, so I would assume so.08:48
bobthemilkmantheadmin: Did GRUB somehow lose it's ability to chainload to other HDDs in the "upgrade" from legacy grub to grub2?08:49
theadminbobthemilkman: I don't know it should even do so o_O Technically, I thought that's BIOS' job08:50
=== steveire_ is now known as steveire
bobthemilkmanIt was trivially easy in grub 1, just "rootnoverify (hdX,0)" "chainloader +1"08:50
theadminWhat is interesting that this "GRUB 2" displays it's version as "1.97~beta4" on boot08:51
bobthemilkmanI also noticed that.08:51
scar_hi, I'm using openjdk-64bit. I want to compile midp applications via java wireless toolkit, but it needs 32bit java is there a 32bit openjdk package that I can install along with the 64bit one?08:53
rwwtheadmin: GRUB1 is 0.something, GRUB2 is 1.something.08:53
theadminrww: Craziness lol08:53
scar_I've noticed that there is an ia32-sun-java6-bin package that would most probably work08:54
SunSetSupermanjava u say08:54
SunSetSupermandouble blah08:55
SunSetSupermannot in my life time08:55
scar_if only I had a better phone hey ;)08:55
SunSetSupermanindent ok08:56
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
SunSetSupermansouth africa08:56
SunSetSupermanjuust lokn08:57
SunSetSupermanjust checkn a few things on my script08:57
lapawhere can i join china group08:58
SunSetSupermanmaken sure, i got'em right08:58
scar_funny that ISPs sometimes advertise in their dns over here08:58
SunSetSupermanlooked in the list ?08:58
maginotlapa, #ubuntu-cn08:58
SunSetSupermanclick it --^ lol08:59
maginotubottu, cn | lapa08:59
ubottulapa: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:59
SunSetSupermanu understanda the words that r comeing out'a my mouth08:59
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
icerootSunSetSuperman: you hve aa support-question?09:00
SunSetSupermannah i'm ok09:00
maginotubottu, offtopic | SunSetSuperman09:00
ubottuSunSetSuperman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:00
hpnc6400any experts on Power management 10.04 here?09:00
iceroothpnc6400: #ubuntu+109:00
=== SunSetSuperman is now known as demigod
=== demigod is now known as siouxmoon
siouxmoonnow i'm undercover ;P09:01
siouxmoon// 08 Creepy Green Light.mp3 // 6:57 // 192kbps // sss script09:02
maginotsiouxmoon, really, respect the rules. no player message.09:02
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam
siouxmoonso then09:03
siouxmoonwhat we here to do ><>?>?>??09:03
maginotif you want just talk, go to #ubuntu-offtopic09:03
maginotubottu, offtopic | siouxmoon09:03
siouxmoonwhats the topic here though ?>?><>09:03
ubottusiouxmoon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:03
rwwsiouxmoon: Ubuntu Linux technical support09:03
maginotsiouxmoon, /topic09:03
siouxmooni dun need it09:03
siouxmooni'm a script god09:03
Berzerkersiouxmoon: I suggest you stop trolling to save the ops the trouble of needing to ban you09:04
siouxmoonwho yeah think wrote the first one09:04
siouxmoontips hat *09:04
* maginot oh god, another troll 09:04
bobthemilkmanOkay, I think there's some weird settings in the default GRUB installation.  It appears to be installed to the MBR of (hd0) instead of (hd1).09:04
bobthemilkmanOr, at the very least, root = (hd0), chainloader +1 causes it to boot to itself.09:04
maginotbobthemilkman, hd0 is the first disk like /dev/sda and hd1 like /dev/sdb09:05
bobthemilkmanExactly. It should be installed to hd1.09:05
maginotbobthemilkman, hd0,0 is the first partition, and hd0,1 the second like /dev/sda209:06
maginotbobthemilkman, that is up to your configuration ...09:06
bobthemilkmanmaginot: My ubuntu is installed on /dev/sdb1.09:06
maginotbobthemilkman, but is /dev/sdb the first boot disk on bios ?09:07
bobthemilkmanI'm not sure, actually. My BIOS's naming scheme isn't as nice as linux's09:08
bobthemilkmanHowever, I believe it currently is. But was not when I went through the install.09:08
maginotbobthemilkman, because normally you will put grub on the first boot partition so that way if could be loaded at boot time, wherever ubuntu is installed09:09
om26erwhen notfiy-osd comes flash videos leave fullscreen in Lucid. Is this problem in Karmic too?09:09
swebhail i have a 4gb of memory and intel core 2.66 cpui ... which arch is recommended for me ? 32 or 64 ?09:12
icerootsweb: amd6409:12
rwwsweb: Intel Core, or Intel Core 2?09:12
om26errephrased: if you change system volume with keyboard while playing flash video in e.g. youtube does it leave fullscreen?09:12
maginotsweb, you could use both, but if is 32bits you need apt-get install linux-server which will install the apropriated support for more then 3gb09:12
sweb intel core 2 .... 2.66 hrtz09:12
rwwsweb: go with 64bit09:13
maginotsweb, intel core 209:13
rwwmaginot: there's a PAE kernel now, you don't need server.09:13
maginotsweb, intel core duo isn't 64 bits AKAIK09:13
maginotrww, hMm didn't know that09:13
sporedihow do i configure reverse dns on ubuntu using apache09:13
swebxampp need 32 based linux for compile some php and apache modules ... some of modules don't have 64 v09:14
icerootmaginot: imo the first intel cpus are ia64 and not amd6409:14
rwwubottu: xampp | sweb09:14
ubottusweb: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.09:14
icerootsweb: dont use xampp!! use sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin09:14
sweb32 programs is bettter !!!09:14
icerootsweb: use the 64bit version, there are no problems with it09:15
maginotsweb, that isn't true, the only true is that 32 bits have more support so far09:15
rwwiceroot: There are no IA64 Intel Core or Core 2 processors.09:15
icerootrww: ok but the the first intel coreduo cpus are not amd64 so i thought its ia6409:15
maginoticeroot, core duo are just multicore, but still 32bits...09:16
icerootmaginot: ah ok, thx for the info09:16
rwwiceroot: IA64 is a 64-bit architecture used by the Intel Itanium. It is not what one is generally talking about when one talks about "32-bit" or "64-bit" computers.09:16
icerootrww: i know that ia64 is not "common". i just know that the first coreduo cpus dont have amd6409:17
maginothttp://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=27238&processor=T2700&spec-codes=SL9JP,SL9K4 just look at physical address extensions09:17
swebmaginot, so i still using 64 v ?09:17
rwwiceroot: which makes them i686 or IA32, not IA64.09:17
maginotsweb, I'm on core 2 quad for a while now and still haven't migrated to 64bits09:18
icerootrww: ok09:18
swebmaginot, memory limit09:18
swebihave a 4gb of ram ?09:18
maginotsweb, you can use both, 64 or 32bits... memory limit will not be your problem09:18
rwwubottu: pae | sweb09:18
ubottusweb: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info09:18
maginotsporedi, don't know if will be of any help, but ... http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch18_:_Configuring_DNS09:19
=== antivirtel`afk is now known as antivirtel
hexdump_I'm having problems compiling a program with headers09:21
swebTHANK ALL GUYS ... ubuntu have a greatest IRC channel that i see !!! :P09:21
sporedisorry this is not i am looking ...but thanks09:21
hexdump_I've tried gcc -include ~/Downloads/path/blah/header.h -o file file.c09:21
maginotsporedi, okay09:21
hexdump_I have multiple headers tho09:22
maginothexdump_, if its  C related question see ##c09:22
hexdump_sweet thanks09:22
bobthemilkmanOkay, I've come to the conclusion that grub2 is just a complete piece of crap that can't handle naming consistency.09:22
sporedii am looking for reverse dns setting/configuration on apache but could not find require directives09:23
maginotsporedi, have you tried #apache ?09:23
bobthemilkmanIt says that (hd0) contains (hd0,1), and (hd0,2) (which are my swap and ext2 tables), and that (hd1) contains (hd1,1), which is my ntfs file system.09:23
maginotbobthemilkman, well, I honest didn't see to much advantage on using grub2 too, v1 was much easier to configure...09:24
bobthemilkmanHowever, in the boot entries, the linux boot entries all point to (hd1,2), which doesn't even exist according to grub's ls.09:24
maginotbut maybe it is something about getting used to it09:24
bobthemilkmanI wouldn't mind if I could just freaking tell it "Boot the goddamn MBR of sda1"09:25
sporedino ..they will say remove ubuntu apache and install thier apache from source/rpm package but again other packages problem may face /compatibility issues09:25
rocket16How to change GDM theme in 9.10? I recently installed some packages of Ubuntu Studio, and this changed the GDM Screen to Ubuntu Studio.09:26
theadminAny idea where can i find clanlib 1.0?09:28
maginotrocket16, System > Administration > Login Screen(or may be Login Prompt)09:30
rocket16maginot: No, I tried already, and it never works. What you are saying should work in 9.04, not in 9.10.09:31
theadminwhat tha? "sh: getcwd() failed: no such file or directory"09:32
`blackmk4|imacWhat would cause my box to drop off the LAN until I reboot it whenever I try to transfer at high speeds to/from it? I've tried two nics - same problem, tried WinXP and it was fine, so I know it's a config or something problem. The install is fresh from today. It's CLI only and wired - no wifi. If I leave the computer alone it will eventually drop off, and I can make it happen pretty quickly by transferring data to/from it.09:32
ar0nanyone able to help me with any gparted questions? tyring to figure out how to "Grow/resize" a partition, it says it has regrown it, when i click apply i get an error09:32
theadminar0n: Sounds like some inconsistent filesystem on a partition. Is this NTFS?09:33
shabgardplease see this one:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55004009:33
maginotrocket16, Hmm looks like 9.10 uses the newer gdm version which doesn't have a working gdmsetup yet... =/ well, actually I think I didn't notice cause I use kdm09:33
theadminrocket16: Install gdm2setup from their PPA to get a more-or-less-themable GDM if that's what you want09:34
rocket16maginot: Well, it can be changed to an extent using several tricks.09:34
theadminshabgard: Lucid support in #ubuntu+109:34
rocket16theadmin: Thanks, I have started downloading it.09:34
gustycan anyone give a few pointers on fixing wired connection problems? My wired connection dies after a few hours, I've tried restarting eth0 to no avail09:37
theadminRCM: Hi.09:38
RCMso here we speak english?09:38
maginotgusty, isn't you wifi card? Its Rtl for any reason ?09:38
maginotRCM, yes09:38
RCMwell, this is the first time I use linux09:39
RCMIRC on linux09:39
RCMI don't know where am I xD09:39
theadminRCM: Okay, well, what can we help you with?09:39
theadminRCM: You are in Ubuntu's support09:39
gustymaginot: well it could be my ethernet card, im using wired, how do i check? thanks09:39
maginotubottu, offtopic | RCM09:39
ubottuRCM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:39
maginotRCM, #ubuntu-offtopic its a good place if you just want to chat.09:40
theadminmaginot: Not realy. Half of people there speak nonsense09:40
RCMnop, I have a few doubts09:40
RCMI installed linux 4 days ago09:40
maginotgusty, lspci may give you some clue09:40
RCMfirst time use09:40
maginottheadmin, I know, I'm just being gentile ;X09:40
gustymaginot: i'ved tried ifconfig eth0 down..up, and sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart which didn't do anything09:41
RCMbtw, I'm portuguese so forgive me if sometimes I say some things wrong ...09:41
theadminRCM: Okay, so, basically, what do you want help with?09:41
maginotgusty, only after a reboot you connection come back?09:41
gustymaginot: only after reboot09:42
bobthemilkmanYes, it appears as though there is 0 self-consistency in grub2's internal naming scheme. It seems to arbitrarily switch between (hd0) and (hd1)09:42
RCMI've been doing some research, and I found that I can install photoshop CS2 on linux..09:42
maginotgusty, so its almost certainly that is a driver/card problem... you could avoid rebooting unloading and reloading you wifi card module from kernel09:42
maginotRCM, only if you use something like wine, at #wine-hq they can help you on that09:42
theadminRCM: Bad idea. But you can use WINE. For more information, reffer to winehq.org, but be aware, we don't support using WINE here.09:42
theadminmaginot: it's #winehq09:43
RCMI have wine09:43
RCMwhy bad idea?09:43
maginottheadmin, oh sure, #winehq09:43
gustymaginot: how do I reload my ethernet card module? thanks09:43
maginotRCM, isn't exactly something native from linux, it is more like an emulation, don't like unexpected results...09:43
theadminRCM: Cause it's buggy as hell09:43
RCMthere's another thing you can help09:44
theadminWoah. I'd better watch my language :/09:44
RCMI can't emulate iso files here09:44
theadminRCM: you can09:44
=== Urda_ is now known as Urda
maginotgusty, first you have to know which is you card module, pastebin you lspci output and lsmod output please09:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:44
RCMI know I should09:44
RCMbut I tried and it didn't work09:44
maginotRCM, in fact you can and is easier then on windows =)09:44
theadminRCM: There is a built-in emulator actually. Open the ISO file with "archive mounter", or execute this command "sudo mount -o loop isofile directory"09:44
RCMarchive mouner?09:45
theadminRCM: Right click it, choose "Open with Archive Mounter"09:45
maginotRCM, mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/point09:45
RCMokk let me try...09:45
luckymurali_Hi to all09:46
theadminmaginot: Let's try not to confuse new people with terminal stuff09:46
luckymurali_I am having a dell note book09:46
luckymurali_I forgot the password fo thr root09:46
maginottheadmin, sometimes I forget about the GUI =X09:46
maginotluckymurali, that a shame ;)09:46
gustymaginot: ok just a sec, I need to restart the comp, thanks09:46
theadminluckymurali_: There is no root password.09:46
maginotgusty, ok09:46
luckymurali_the admin09:46
maginotluckymurali, you can't use sudo ?09:46
luckymurali_the admin,then how can i use sudo su09:47
RCMI did it but nothing happens09:47
theadminluckymurali_: you don't use sudo su, you use "sudo -i"09:47
maginotRCM, see if you can find it on you Computer:// place09:47
hceylanhello what package do I need to install to get nvidia blob?09:47
RCMthere's no "place" folder09:48
luckymurali_the admin, it is asking current user password09:48
maginotluckymurali, actually you can use "sudo su" just type the command and put you password09:48
maginotRCM, open you file browser and go to "Computer"09:48
theadminRCM: Places -> Computer. Anything like that there?09:48
mapreduceHi.  How can I see the error messages from a cron job?09:48
luckymurali_but i nevere used user name and password at login screen09:48
luckymurali_maginot, hi09:49
indushceylan, restricted driver09:49
jussi01maginot: sudo su is discouraged.09:49
theadminluckymurali_: Your username is most likely "ubuntu", then, however as per password... I have doubts09:49
indushceylan, system>admim>hardware drivers09:49
RCMsomething like file system?09:49
maginotjussi01, I know that, but I just say he could "use"09:49
indushceylan, that will pull all packages needed09:49
luckymurali_when I open the terminal I am getting madhu@madhu09:49
theadminRCM: Nah, that is your Linux partition. It should be something like "CD-ROM drive"09:49
RCMI have this in portuguese the names could not be the same...09:49
maginotjussi01, thought you were sleeping ;)09:49
jussi01maginot: we prefer to give out good information here - sudo -i does the same thing in a better way.09:50
RCMand no, there's no CD-ROM drive09:50
dhaneshhello iam dhanesh09:50
indusdhanesh, thats good to know09:50
RCMthat's the point09:50
theadminluckymurali_: Okay. Then let's perform a password reset. Boot into the recovery mode. Choose "Drop to root shell". Type "passwd madhu" and choose a new password09:50
RCMnothing happens09:50
dhaneshhow to play videos in ubuntu09:50
indusdhanesh,double click on video09:51
diverse_izzuedhanesh, what kind of video do you have?09:51
gustymaginot: lspci: pastebin.com/MaLTdkGi  lsmod: pastebin.com/t11yz9Di    Thanks!09:51
luckymurali_how to boot in recovery mode?? I dont have GRUB09:51
hceylanindus: thx I'll try that09:51
theadmindhanesh: Best way, install the VLC media player (type "sudo apt-get install vlc" in terminal and hit enter)09:51
theadminluckymurali_: then your system would not boot at all. You are lying there.09:51
indusluckymurali without grub you cant as far as i know09:51
RCMany idea of what I could do?09:51
theadminluckymurali_: Hold SHIFT during the boot time to get into menu (on 9.10 and further) or ESC if you use 9.04 or earlier09:52
dhaneshmy radio in rhythmbox player is not working.why?09:52
luckymurali_theadmin, when i switch on my notebook it is directly entering inside ubuntu09:52
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=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
theadminRCM: Okay. Could you please provide me the full path to the ISO file?09:52
luckymurali_is there any key there to do it at startup09:52
RCMjust a sec09:52
indusdhanesh,have you added the proper url09:52
maginotgusty, if I'm not wrong, and someone correct me if I'm, you broadcom module is b43, so rmmod b43 && modprobe b43 could be a good try before rebooting09:52
dhaneshyes but not working09:53
RCMthere it is09:53
indusdhanesh, do you see a buffering at the bottom09:54
indusdhanesh, anyways, that radio doesnt work for me either09:54
dhaneshno indus09:54
theadminRCM: Okay, so you do this "sudo mkdir $HOME/isoimage && sudo mount -o loop $HOME/Transfer?ncias/image $HOME/isoimage", then image contents will end up in "isoimage" folder of your HOME folder09:54
dhaneshoh you also have that problem09:54
indusdhanesh, did you solve your video problem?09:54
gustymaginot: great, thanks for the help. So to totally resolve this problem, I would have to find a driver patch? its odd since I'ved used the same config for about a year, and it only happened recently.09:54
RCMTransferências ou Transfer?ncias?09:55
dhaneshyes thankyou very much09:55
theadminRCM: Both display with a question mark for me, i might not have the proper fonts09:55
maginotgusty, I never trusted broadcom drivers, but to me, using ndiswrapper with the windows driver always worked better, you should give a try09:55
RCMI don't recall the name in english09:55
RCMits the cap lol09:56
maginotRCM, Transfers09:56
indusdhanesh, no need to thank me, i only asked to double click09:56
RCMmaginot, my linux is in portuguese09:56
indusdhanesh, also , try vlc player , it plays everything09:56
dhaneshyes iam playing in that player09:56
gustymaginot: So the problem is with my wired interface, the broadcom card is for wireless, would it be a different module for my wired card? Thanks09:58
maginotgusty, oh sorry, I thought the problem was with your wifi... well, you wired uses a realtek driver, which isn't so good too, but you can't use ndiswrapper for wired connection, so unloading the module and reloading it I think its you best try before trying to find a better driver09:59
maginotgusty, I think your rtl driver is 8139too10:00
m44miripls look this one:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55004010:00
RCMfirst, it said that /home/rcm/Transferências/image is a directory, then it said that the file isoimage already exists10:01
=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
gustymaginot: what do you mean its 8139 too? Do I reload the same b43 module? Thanks10:02
hagedornhello, how do i generate a pgp sec/pub key in console with only one command ? without questions for crypt type, expire, realname ...10:02
hotmilo23hi, does anyone know where i can get help setting up my wireless?10:02
RCMhotmilo23, what I know so far is that you don't need to do that10:03
maginotgusty, if the problem is with the wired connection so try unloading and reloading the module "rmmod 8139too && modprobe 8139too"10:03
m44miripls look this problem:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55004010:03
gustymaginot: ah ok got it!10:03
mtduvHi, I was wondering a good font recommendation for ubuntu or if everybody sticks to the Sans that is given10:04
maginotgusty, that is not the first time I see problem with those cards...10:04
gustymaginot: yea, its a crappy card, figures10:05
dhaneshmaginot are you there10:06
maginotdhanesh, kind of10:06
m44mirii'm wating for answer10:07
alejandrocan someone tell me what the channel for wine support is?10:07
maginotweird call O.o10:08
maginotalejandro, #winehq10:08
m44miriplease call me where is channel ubuntu 10.0410:09
rwwm44miri: #ubuntu+110:10
indusm44miri, hi10:12
indusm44miri, there is a command called pwmconfig which control fan10:12
indusm44miri, but have to be careful or fan may not spin at all10:12
indusm44miri, from a terminal run sudo pwmconfig and listen carefully10:12
neorajany one tel me pc suite for linux10:18
neorajnokia pu suite fr linux10:18
seblabelhy there!10:18
seblabelwill a : "sudo shutdown -P -x180" shutdowxn a PC gently ?10:19
neorajseblabel: what is that code10:20
neorajseblabel: for what it is10:20
bigfoot-seblabel: wtf is -x180?10:20
indusm44miri, you there?10:20
seblabel-x180 = in 3 hours10:20
maginotI don't recognize -x option10:20
bigfoot-*shrug* my shutdown doesn't recognize -x10:20
bigfoot-I suppose you mean  +18010:21
seblabelmaybe ...10:21
bigfoot-don't guess, rtfm10:21
bigfoot-man shutdown10:21
seblabeloh, yes ! my appologies10:21
idiotequehi my webcam is not working for skype... its working for all other softwares like XawTV and Cheese WebCam booth10:21
rwwubottu: rtfm | bigfoot-10:21
ubottubigfoot-: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:21
seblabelso, can someone tell me if it is a good way to program the extinction of a PC after a period of work ?10:22
maginotseblabel, I would just use shutdown -h +18010:23
bigfoot-I wouldn't exactly call it "extinction", but shutdown is the right thing I suppose.10:23
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
bigfoot-And I'd still prefer -P to -h.10:23
Ragnarloled hard http://cli.gs/5hNRye10:23
neorajgive me a an ubuntu ssh link to knw more abt ssh10:23
seblabeli didn't really understand the diffrence between -P and -h10:24
idiotequehi my webcam is not working for skype... its working for all other softwares like XawTV and Cheese WebCam booth... can someone pls help me fix this?10:24
maginotplease, someone ban Ragnar10:24
seblabelthat's why i went to -P...just random decision10:24
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:24
plouffeas of today I can't login on my username or as root. Only change I did yesterday was to install NoteEdit and Muse. Can anyone help me?10:25
lorenzosu!op | Ragnar10:25
neorajwhat is ssh10:25
ubottuRagnar: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:25
plouffeit's not caps locked or anything, I definitely cannot login10:25
seblabelbigfoot : shutdown and extinction, is there a difference ? it can be a bad translate from me10:26
c3lhow can I find the ip of all computers on my lan?10:26
maginotthank you.10:26
idiotequecan someone pls help me fix video problem in skype... please! :(10:27
bigfoot-seblabel: -h may just halt the system but not power it off10:27
jussi01c3l: your router should have a list10:28
lorenzosuidioteque, what exactly is your problem?10:28
idiotequelorenzosu, i can see my webcam properly on XawTV and Cheese Webcam Booth software etc... but i cant view it on skype. it just freezes for a while... when i try test.10:29
seblabelbigfoot: hum...ok, so -P is definitly better for what i want!10:29
c3ljussi01, id rather not have to log in to the router since its some proprietary shit from my isp. wait now, its not a router, its a swich. im getting 5 unique ips from my isp. so im not dynamic10:29
lorenzosuidioteque, hmm not sure.. what version of skype are you using?10:29
jussi01c3l: watch the language please.10:30
nixnubam using ubuntu karmic10:30
seblabelbut, i wanted to know if it is a clean way to close the other running or "semi" running applications ?10:30
marlenI'm using xubuntu, I restarted the computer and the panels disappeared...any help please?10:30
nixnubjust upgraded to this kernel cause i have a problem with nm-applet10:30
nixnubnot showed anymore10:30
c3ljussi01, sorry..10:30
idiotequelorenzosu, its beta i guess10:30
nixnubany hints ?10:30
nixnubi added it to the sessions10:30
nixnubas nm-applet --sm-disable10:30
nixnubbut still, its not loaded in the upper panel10:31
lorenzosuidioteque, not sure if it works in other apps then it must be a skype problem10:31
idiotequelorenzosu, is there any ubuntu version of skype i can use?10:31
soreaunixnub: Did you make sure your panel has a tray?10:32
Tom22Hey. Does anyone know how to fix a segmentation fault? Kiba-dock fails to open due to a segmentation fault when not run in root... Any ideas? :(10:32
ar0nanyone know a good kde tutorial?10:32
soreaumarlen: Have you tried starting a panel?10:32
nixnubsoreau, how to check for this ?10:32
om26er!skype | idioteque10:32
ubottuidioteque: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:32
geekphreakkde tutorials huh/10:32
soreaunixnub: Right click on the panel and click add to panel then add one10:33
ar0nyeah noobs guide to kde or something?10:33
lorenzosuidioteque, have you seen this? Maybe it is of some help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams10:33
nixnubsoreau, add what ?10:33
nixnubit should be there by default10:33
geekphreakar0n: tried kde?10:33
nixnubit was already there10:33
Tom22Hey. Does anyone know how to fix a segmentation fault? Kiba-dock fails to open due to a segmentation fault when not run in root... Any ideas?10:33
nixnubbut i removed it by mistake10:33
nixnubsoreau, how to readd it again ?10:33
soreaunixnub: Right click on the panel and click add to panel10:34
nixnubits not existing in the list10:34
nixnubthen ? add what ?10:34
ar0na while back i think i may of10:34
idiotequelorenzosu, i've seen it... my webcam is not listed there... its so weird that this webcam works fine for everything but skype... and i have to login to windows to do skype... :(10:34
soreaunixnub: I think its called notification area10:35
geekphreakar0n: http://docs.kde.org/10:35
lorenzosuidioteque, Well thats the problem with proprietary software who's main target isn't linux10:35
zxd_what's the name of the linux-image package for xen ver10:35
The_Toxic_MiteExcuse me, I have an Intel Pentium 4 with HT enabled @ 3.40 GHz. For some reason it keeps spiking, but most of the processes that are being run are sleeping10:35
nixnubsoreau, thank you alot :)10:35
The_Toxic_MiteThe noise coming from the fan is unbearable10:35
marlenhow can I start a panel?10:36
ar0nduring the ubuntu install, it  will automatically detect my windows 7 install and setup grub right?10:36
soreaumarlen: since you are in xubuntu, try xfce4-panel10:36
The_Toxic_Mitear0n: yes10:36
geekphreakar0n:  yes, it will import win account too, if u want :)10:36
Tom22Hey. Does anyone know how to fix a segmentation fault? Kiba-dock fails to open due to a segmentation fault when not run in root... Any ideas?10:36
ar0nhm, its finding the wrong disk in the install guys10:37
marlenI'm a beginner..using a terminal?10:37
DDAZZAI've heard that if your setting up a dual boot between windows and ubuntu that you will get problems if you install ubuntu first is this true?10:37
geekphreakwrong disk?10:37
idiotequelorenzosu, yeah but its too popular to even avoid... :S and that is miserable...  :S10:37
lorenzosuidioteque, have a look at this too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam10:37
soreauTom22: kiba-dock is currently unmaintained10:37
geekphreakDDAZZA: yes u will have to work with bootloader as win will wash of linux loader10:37
idiotequelorenzosu, ok man... diggin that now...10:38
ar0nwhen i try to pick the disk it goes back to the other disk when i choose  *install side by side*10:38
Tom22soreau, I've had this problem before, not with Kiba, with other apps, like Tilda and Yakuake...10:38
lorenzosuidioteque, there's a section there that seems your case (you see 'something' but then it doesn't work)10:38
geekphreakar0n:  there is option , let me choose or something10:38
DDAZZAgeekphreak: ok thanks i'll install windows first then.10:38
Tom22soreau must be an ubuntu problem :(10:38
geekphreakforgot actual wording10:38
seblabelit is better to install windows first, but installating ubuntu only is even a better solution10:38
DDAZZAyea I would do but I have somewhere that only runs on windows.10:39
idiotequelorenzosu, yep... i see white emptiness... :)10:39
lorenzosuidioteque, good luck then ;)10:39
geekphreakDDAZZA:  win artition/swap/linux partition :)10:39
ar0ngeekphreak,  im at the prepare disk. its wierd it has the option to let me pick disks, but its greyed out when i choose install side by side10:39
aaaoooaaahi guys, i need some help compiling an IDE for octave in ubuntu karmic 64bit. The Ide is called Xoctave and it doesnt seem to have any proper documentation. The source code doesnt seem to have a help/install/configure file either. How should I go about? Heres the link to the code http://xoctave.webs.com/apps/links/10:39
geekphreakar0n: what other option u see ?10:40
ar0nif i pick erase and use entire disk, it lets me pick the other disk, finds the disk with win 7 on it10:40
geekphreakthey changed it on new version, so dont re,member wording, is there something like let me pick and choose10:40
ar0nbut if i click back to install side by side, it says im still using another disk10:40
geekphreakar0n:  no dont use entire disk10:40
idiotequelorenzosu, thanks... i'll try following that webcam guide and pray that it works.10:40
hceylansorry disconnected10:41
ar0nwhat about use the largest continous free space?10:41
erUSUL!info qoctave | aaaoooaaa10:41
ar0nit shows the disk that way10:41
hceylandid you post any message10:41
seblabelDDAZZA : what do you use that only runs on windows ?10:41
ubottuaaaoooaaa: Package qoctave does not exist in karmic10:41
erUSUL!info qtoctave | aaaoooaaa10:41
ubottuaaaoooaaa: qtoctave (source: qtoctave): A Qt front-end to Octave. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1+dfsg-3 (karmic), package size 752 kB, installed size 2004 kB10:41
aaaoooaaaerUSUL: ive tried Qtoctave but its not to my liking10:42
ar0ngeekphreak,  when i choose use the largest continious it shows the proper drive10:42
ar0nit shows the loader the win partition and the free space10:42
seblabel!info apt-get | seblabel10:42
ubottuseblabel: Package apt-get does not exist in karmic10:42
geekphreakar0n:  oh ok do this man10:42
geekphreakar0n: choose install then side by side, then click forward10:42
erUSULaaaoooaaa: will for what i gather Xoctave is implemented via lazarus/freepascal10:42
geekphreakthen do u see drives?10:43
ar0nthat switches back to the disk i dont want to install on..10:43
seblabel!info shutdown | seblabel10:43
ubottuseblabel: Package shutdown does not exist in karmic10:43
aaaoooaaaerUSUL: yup have lazarus installed via synaptic10:43
maginot!info apt10:43
ubottuapt (source: apt): Advanced front-end for dpkg. In component main, is important. Version (karmic), package size 1646 kB, installed size 5244 kB10:43
ar0nno it wanted to change the disk10:43
erUSULaaaoooaaa: then maybe you just can open the source code as a project in lazarus?10:43
ar0nyeah i had to click back10:44
DDAZZAseblabel: games, development programs.10:44
seblabelso apt is just a front !! ?10:44
seblabeloh games! hum...what about open arena ?10:44
ar0ni wonder why its choosing this disk as default10:44
aaaoooaaaerUSUL: which file should iopen10:44
seblabelso in reality, dpkg is the install process on ubuntu ?10:45
aaaoooaaaerUSUL: theres a million "sorce code" files in the zip10:45
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erUSULaaaoooaaa: http://xoctave.webs.com/apps/links/ <<<< here there are a few deb packages... tried them ?10:45
geekphreakar0n:  u got 2 drives?10:45
aaaoooaaaerUSUL: theyre all i386, im running 64bit Karmic10:46
seblabel!info dpkg10:46
ubottudpkg (source: dpkg): Debian package management system. In component main, is required. Version 1.15.4ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 2076 kB, installed size 6580 kB10:46
ar0ngeekphreak,  like 610:46
progesteroneQuestion: how can I find out why installation process doesn't see any partition or harddisk? But XP can see these.10:46
ar0nill unplug10:46
aaaoooaaaerUSUL: in answer to your question, yes & they dont work10:46
ar0ninstead of spending time in the damn bios10:46
ar0ncan i still use grub in advance geekphreak ?10:46
plouffe this morning I can only login to xterm but not my xfce session. Any way to repair that or at least check the error log as to what failed?10:47
ar0ncause i chose advnace and it let me axx the drives10:47
erUSULaaaoooaaa: well i'm not lazarus expert. this is as far as i can go helping ... maybe there is a freepascal chanel in freenode10:47
aaaoooaaaerUSUL: ok thanks10:47
aaaoooaaaanyone know if empathy has proxy support yet?10:47
geekphreakwpw 6 drives or partitions lol10:47
ar0nwhy would it choose a drive nto the first on the ide or bios?10:49
rwwdhanesh: Hello! Do you have an Ubuntu support question?10:49
ar0n6 drives10:49
dhaneshyes.which is the radio player which works perfectly in ubuntu10:50
geekphreakwhere did he go10:51
seblabelrythmbox works well with radio10:51
dhaneshbut it is not working10:51
afifaimanwhat r you talking about?10:52
seblabel!info rhythmbox10:52
ubotturhythmbox (source: rhythmbox): music player and organizer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.5-0ubuntu5.2 (karmic), package size 1574 kB, installed size 15196 kB10:52
seblabelwhy is it not working ?10:53
geekphreakar0n:  where did you run too :o10:53
gustyI rmmod && modprobed the module for eth0, now its not showing up it ifconfig, anyone know fix? Thanks10:54
afifaimani dk10:54
babu__i want a application like gtalk for windows....is there any applcn like this in ubuntu10:55
BadElvisi have the lucid lynx beta, how can i enable this gnome-desktop-overview-zoom-out feature?10:55
geekphreakbabu__: pidgin supports it10:55
geekphreakbabu__: kopete too10:55
hareldvdIs the file /etc/default/console-setup intended to change text console settings?10:55
babu__is it supports online chat10:56
erUSUL!lucid | BadElvis10:56
ubottuBadElvis: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:56
geekphreakdhanesh:  stop pming me10:56
geekphreakok i told u not to pm me10:57
afifaimanwho know to play dota with garena?10:57
geekphreakur done !!10:57
erUSULhareldvd: yes afaics10:57
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afifaimani mean using ubuntu10:57
babu__is it supports online chat10:57
trijntjehow can I permanently deny a progarm access to the keyring? Some anoying programs keep bugging me to give them access...10:57
vividafifaiman, http://www.winehq.org/10:57
afifaimanhow to use?10:58
vividdo NOT pm me10:58
afifaimanwhat is pm?10:59
jpdsafifaiman: private message.10:59
afifaimanowh ok10:59
afifaimanim new10:59
vividafifaiman, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine11:00
* geekphreak wonder why cant people ask first before pming11:00
babu__is pidgin support online chat in google account11:01
afifaiman_someone please11:01
afifaiman_help me to connect garena n dota using ubuntu11:02
geekphreakbabu__:  when in pidgin, choose googletalk as protocol11:02
babu__there is no googletalk name in the list....wat to do11:03
geekphreakbabu__: open synaptic11:03
geekphreakbabu__:  please talk heree11:03
geekphreakso if i make a mistake, others can point out, ty11:04
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:04
progesteroneQuestion: How can I find out why Ubuntu doesn't detect harddisk but XP does?11:04
vividafifaiman_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine11:04
geekphreakbabu__: open synaptic, then add pidgin plugin and all :)11:05
iflemababu__ empathy is intalled by default and supports google talk11:05
geekphreakiflema: it sure does :)11:05
afifaiman_then how?11:06
ar0nhow would i look at my partitions in cli?11:06
geekphreakar0n:  sudo fdisk -l11:06
babu__does pidgin supports video chat11:07
erUSULprogesterone: see if your sata/pata controller is supported and by which driver. check bios options; linux works best with sata controllers in ahci mode etc ...11:07
SmokeyDhey everyone. Anyone have any idea where I can find info if the Intel G41 chipset for socket 775 motherboards is supported on Hardy Heron 8.04LTS?11:08
trijntjehow can I permanently deny a progarm access to the keyring? Evolution is driving me crazy11:08
ar0ngeekphreak,  how do you normall partition? i think i did 1.5gb swap, 8.5gb something... then the rest home i think11:08
hareldvderUSUL, What makes it start at boot time?11:09
geekphreakar0n:  depend from person to person , i normally just double (nearly) , then amount of RAM for swap , then for / i use atleast 30 gb11:09
geekphreakar0n: to each his own11:09
seblabel!info empathy | seblabel11:09
=== sporedi_ is now known as sporedi
erUSULhareldvd: what? /etc/default/console-setup ??11:10
ubottuseblabel: empathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 115 kB, installed size 456 kB11:10
sporedihow do i uninstall apache installed from source/compiled11:10
progesteroneerUSUL Do you mind providing me links for more info?11:10
ar0ngeekphreak,  can i pm you?11:10
hareldvderUSUL, yep11:10
babu__i formed two accounts one yahoo and other gmail in pidgin......when i open the window it shows google account....how to seitch the account11:10
geekphreakar0n: sure11:10
seblabel!info telepathy | seblabel11:11
ubottuseblabel: Package telepathy does not exist in karmic11:11
erUSULhareldvd: well some of the init scripts but dunno which one ( /me ls /etc/init.d/ ) ahhh found it ---> /etc/init.d/console-setup11:12
hareldvderUSUL, ping?11:12
erUSULprogesterone: reaaly dunno a website where to read about this11:12
babu__someone ans pls11:12
gaelfxI'm SSHing into my machine, but when I try to run any kind of videos, they only produce audio, for example, mplayer says it can't access the X11 display, is this a problem with X? And if so, are there any useful tutes/howtos anyone can point me to to fix it?11:13
hareldvderUSUL, OK. did that already.11:13
nascentmindhi. When i am trying to update from jaunty to karmic i keep getting upgrade tool signature failed when i do a sudo do-release-upgrade. how can i fix it?11:14
hareldvderUSUL, is there a more built in method to change text console font on high resolution monitor (laptop)11:14
progesteroneerUSUL Harddisk was detected at previous installation which was not finished successfully. How can I find out why Ubuntu doesn't detect this time?11:15
erUSULhareldvd: you can do « sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup » but it is the same as editing that file afaics11:15
ardchoillebabu__: you don't need to "switch" accounts. pidgin keeps them all in one place11:15
erUSULprogesterone: can you see the disk from the livecd ? (try ubuntu without afecting my hard disk ? )11:16
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hareldvderUSUL, thanks.11:16
ardchoille!away > antivirtel11:16
ubottuantivirtel, please see my private message11:16
coc0nutHi. Has anyone else come across Python 3.1 issue 3770 on Lucid?11:16
babu__then how would i know which account when mess are received11:16
erUSUL!lucid | coc0nut11:16
ubottucoc0nut: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:16
coc0nutThanks. ^^11:16
progesteroneerUSUL I can see the partition and harddisk on previous failed installation steps.11:17
erUSULprogesterone: but ot in the partitioning step ?11:17
erUSULprogesterone: but not in the partitioning step ?11:17
progesteroneerUSUL I saw in the partition step before.11:18
erUSULprogesterone: so ; where exactly it fails ?11:18
plouffewhere are the error logs for "startx"/x session/xfce session? I can only use the shell/terminal now11:19
nascentmindany chance of a fix?11:19
erUSULplouffe: ~/.xsession-errors and/or /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:21
progesteroneerUSUL The installation process was finished. But after that, when Ubuntu was loaded, it said 'Can't find the root directory'.11:21
geekphreakprogesterone: oopise :)11:21
nbtstatzHello all, i need add a NIC module LTSP Client KERNEL, the module is r6040, What are the steps? any can help-me? I really must very necessary, im using ubuntu 9.10 :D11:22
progesteroneerUSUL Since then, every time I tried to install Ubuntu, I couldn't see any harddisk or partition.11:22
progesteronegeekphreak Do you have any idea?11:22
geekphreakprogesterone: how old is the drive?11:23
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geekphreakis drive being detectd in bios?11:24
progesteronegeekphreak Actually it's my friend's machine. I think it's not that old. So, I believe it's still good because XP can see it.11:24
geekphreakok kool11:24
* theadmin needs help on setting up a GRUB image11:24
erUSULnbtstatz: i think you will neeed to recompile the kernel ...11:24
geekphreakif you run cfdisk command, you see drive ?11:24
progesteronegeekphreak XP can see it.11:24
erUSUL!kernel | nbtstatz11:24
ubottunbtstatz: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages11:24
theadminstartupmanager has a checkbox for that, but where must the file be?11:24
progesteronegeekphreak on XP or Ubuntu?11:25
geekphreakprogesterone: boot from live cd, then run sudo cfdisk11:25
Cyanurehi guys11:25
CyanureIs someone great with inkscape ?11:25
progesteronegeekphreak and then?11:25
chiefare you guys from the US11:25
geekphreakdoes it show drive/ partitions?11:25
progesteronegeekphreak Let me try.11:25
theadminchief: This is a international channel. I, for instance, am russian11:25
dhaneshplayer which plays radio in ubuntu11:25
chiefoh I am chinese11:26
trijntjehow can I permanently deny a progarm access to the keyring? Evolution is driving me crazy11:26
theadmintrijntje: seahorse -> password -> login -> Delete the needed prog11:26
babu__how to configure the evolution maail11:27
erUSULtrijntje: well it needs a safe place to store passwords; doesn't it?11:27
progesteronegeekphreak I can see 80GB sda1.11:27
nbtstatzubottu ;@ Thanks11:27
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:27
geekphreakprogesterone: thats all?11:27
geekphreakprogesterone: is that the drive?11:28
geekphreakprogesterone: what  partition type it says ntfs?11:28
trijntjeerUSUL: No, it wants to read a password from the keyring, to get access to the exchange calendar or something like that11:29
mlaciif i disable the splash sceen in the kernel mode line then ubuntu still uses a small font during the boot process. how can i make the font size default 80x25?11:29
theadmintrijntje: Told you how to.11:29
=== sporedi_ is now known as sporedi
progesteronegeekphreak NTFS11:29
geekphreakprogesterone:  last thing i need to ask, will system just have winblows or dual boot ?11:29
theadminHow can i clean gksu's cache? It stores my password for a while and i wanna clear it now.11:30
babu__can i able to disable my rediffmail account11:30
geekphreakbabu__: how is that a ubuntu question?11:30
dhaneshhow much of swap space is needed for suspending ubuntu11:30
theadmindhanesh: Just as much as your RAM. Around 512 meters should be enough11:30
geekphreakbe right back11:31
babu__u guys don't ans for my prev qn.......so only i'm askin kie this11:31
babu__u guys don't ans for my prev qn.......so only i'm askin like this11:31
grobda24drupal 7 ?11:31
progesteronegeekphreak I was installing Ubuntu, but as you know it failed.11:31
babu__u guys didn't ans for my prev qn.......so only i'm askin like this11:31
theadminbabu__: We don't answer if we don't know. This is how it works11:31
trijntjetheadmin: yes, but I dont see the program that triggers the  popup, so i'm waiting for the popup to come back again11:31
badcloudhas anyone else tried restarting pulseaudio after it cpu peaked (~95%) finding that skype sound doesn't work (1. peak 2. kill pulseaudio+quit skype 3. start pulseaudio and skype)11:31
trijntje!repeat | babu__11:32
ubottubabu__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:32
dhaneshi have 1.5 gb of ram then how much of swap is needed11:32
babu__where can i clarify this rediffmail qn11:32
nikolamhi. does Deamon needs to run (and made to run) under administrative account?11:32
theadmintrijntje: You don't need that. Hit alt+f2, type "seahorse", hit enter, delete evolution from there11:32
theadminnikolam: Which daemon?11:32
badclouddhanesh: http://nixcraft.com/getting-started-tutorials/3210-why-swap-2-x-ram.html11:32
theadminbabu__: Not here.11:33
dhanesh i have 1.5 gb of ram then how much of swap is needed threadmin11:33
nikolamany daemon. torrent server that you can connets with gui to contro, something like sound server that plays music, etc11:33
geekphreakok back11:33
badclouddhanesh: read link11:33
theadmindhanesh: Depends. What is your general memory load?11:33
trijntjetheadmin: I dont want to completely block evolution. Its just the popup has "allow once", "denie once" and "allow permanently". I want the "deny permanently" option11:33
theadminnikolam: What port does that use? If it uses ports somewhere below 2000, it does need adm. priv.11:33
nikolamcurrently I know for screen, ssh to machine and left something run11:33
babu__i don't know the other rooms...pls redirect me to the correct room11:33
nikolamaha theadmin thanks11:33
progesteronegeekphreak So, I want to have both XP and Ubuntu installed.11:34
dhaneshit is 18.7% threadmin11:34
theadminbabu__: I doubt whatever you call "redifmail" has a room11:34
theadmindhanesh: Well, methinks around 600 megs11:34
duckwarsis there some way to back up exactly how my ubuntu installation is onto a usb thumbdrive?11:34
geekphreakprogesterone: ok you will have to repartition then, any imp. data on that 80 gigs?11:34
nikolamI was thinking about some future system facility that would easy disconnect and reconnect to X for apps, without closing apps if X fails.11:34
trijntjeduckwars: how big is your usb?11:34
theadminduckwars: look into remastersys11:34
duckwarstrijntje: 16 gigs11:35
nikolamAnd also separating apps in general to ¨program¨ and Gui part11:35
jeeezhi, my pc freezes if i leave it on inactive for a long time. any idea why?11:35
dhaneshwhich is the player that plays radio in ubuntu11:35
progesteronegeekphreak What's amp. data?11:35
trijntjeduckwars: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd11:35
nikolamprograms could then reconnect to X as needed and Gui can restart with no hassle11:35
geekphreakamp ?11:36
theadminjeeez: Maybe a screensaver problem?11:36
theadminjeeez: Like a broken screensaver which hangs it11:36
gaelfxHow can I play a video using mplayer via SSH? I want the video to display on the server, not the client11:36
progesteronegeekphreak sorry. What''s imp. data ?11:36
jeeeztheadmin: is there some place its logged for me to check?11:36
geekphreakprogesterone:  in cfdisk?11:37
duckwarstrijntje: that's pretty awesome11:37
geekphreakprogesterone:  it could be label to ur partition , sound like saying important data11:37
duckwarsthanks very mcuh11:37
trijntjeduckwars: I know, you can also try google to find the proper command with gzip, that should reduce the size of the image11:37
badcloudgaelfx: export DISPLAY=:0.011:37
progesteronegeekphreak There's no important file on my harddisk. It can be wiped out.11:38
duckwarstrijntje: image size isn't a concern for me really11:38
dhaneshwhich is the player that plays radio in ubuntu geekphreak11:38
geekphreakprogesterone: just alabel then :)11:38
geekphreakprogesterone: can ya pastebin cfdisk output?11:38
trijntjeduckwars: that you're good to go ;)11:39
progesteronegeekphreak ok I see what're asking.11:39
gaelfxbadcloud: is that at before the mplayer command, an argument that belongs in the command, or something that goes after the command?11:39
dhaneshwhich is the player that plays radio in ubuntu geekphreak11:39
progesteronegeekphreak Under Label column, it says []11:39
progesteronegeekphreak Is it what you were asking?11:40
geekphreakand where its say imp. data?11:40
crazybytehello! has somebody an idea how could I define network aliases without breaking the Network Manager? Thanks!11:40
duckwarstrijntje: when I do this DD command should my USB drive be mounted or unmounted?11:41
dhaneshwhich is the player that plays radio in ubuntu geekphreak11:41
progesteronegeekphreak I don't see anything like imp. data on cfdisk output.11:41
duckwarsi guess mounted11:41
badcloudhow to debug pulseaudio instead of it running in daemon mode at startup?11:41
geekphreakprogesterone: ok so where do u see imp. data that ya asked for ?11:41
gaelfxbadcloud: nevermind, figured it out11:42
progesteronegeekphreak I didn't see anywhere.11:42
progesteronegeekphreak I though you asked if there's any imp. data.11:43
geekphreakoh ok11:43
trijntjeduckwars: mounted, you are creating a file called backup.img. Alse dont use a FAT-formatted disk as it can only hold files smaller than 5G11:43
geekphreakprogesterone: this is how i would go about it11:43
progesteronegeekphreak What do you mean?11:44
geekphreaklike 30 gb for windows as c , 40 for / linux , and some swap :)11:44
dataceCan linux run a webcam? I cant access my cam..11:44
geekphreakyou will need to recreate partition progesterone11:44
progesteronegeekphreak How?11:45
progesteronegeekphreak using cfdisk?11:45
geekphreakprogesterone:  you can use cfdisk to repartition11:45
maginotor fdisk11:45
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geekphreakyou also use ubuntu partition page during setup11:45
progesteronegeekphreak I've freshly installed XP on the harddisk.11:46
geekphreakprogesterone: i like cfdisk :)11:46
RP64guys I ned HALP11:46
RP64i ned halp BAD11:46
RP64any1 here?11:46
geekphreakprogesterone: oh man , u will need to split it then :(11:46
geekphreakthere is full 80 gb windows partition :(11:47
progesteronegeekphreak How can I use partition page during setup when no harddisk is detected at all?11:47
NecrogamiIs it possible to open images up as your desktop wallpaper? And i'm not refering to a single image as a desktop wallpaper  I want to load multiple independant images (that refresh) as my wallpaper. I don't think it's possible but i had to ask.11:47
duckwarstrijntje: does this remastersys let me make a live cd of my ubuntu installation?11:47
geekphreakprogesterone:  here is the deal man11:47
RP64can some1 help me with a sound theme problem11:47
RP64after I upgraded my ubuntu to a new version the sound theme isn't working anymore!11:47
plouffeas of this morning I can only use xterm. My xfce session fails with this error: "/usr/bin/xmodmap: unable to open file '/usr/share/apps/kxkb/ubuntu.xmodmap' for reading. Any idea why this suddenly happens, how to fix it?11:47
geekphreakyou already have windows on whole drive, and linux at this time dont see ur drive11:47
RP64even tho its still installed and on the drop down list and when I sample it it palys the sounds11:47
progesteroneRP64 please post your problem specifically.11:48
RP64??? i did11:48
geekphreakprogesterone: either you can recreate partition and reinstall window/ linux with correct structure11:48
progesteroneRP64 probably in one go.11:48
RP64progesterone: wtf are u talking about? How didn't I do that?11:48
geekphreakprogesterone:  you can also use gparted live cd to make partition11:48
progesteroneRP64 Watch your language, dude. I'm just trying to help you.11:49
RP64After I upgraded my ubuntu to a new version (8.10 to 9.04), the sound theme isn't working anymore. It's still installed and on the drop down list in choosing sound themes, and when I sample it it plays the sounds. But when logging on / off theres no sounds playing11:49
RP64^ there in 1 go11:49
NecrogamiIs it possible to open images up as your desktop wallpaper? And i'm not refering to a single image as a desktop wallpaper  I want to load multiple independant images (that refresh) as my wallpaper. I don't think it's possible but i had to ask.11:50
geekphreakRP64:  did you disable it?11:50
hero1900hi guys i am traying to restrict access for some users to access gdm in period of times using PAM but nothing working11:50
RP64geekphreak:  I only just upgraded the version , i didn't do anything in the settings of sound theme so does upgrading auto-disable it ??11:50
geekphreakhope you did not choose no sound :p11:50
progesteronegeekphreak OR?11:50
RP64geekphreak: how can I check that11:50
hero1900is there any documentation about PAM in ubuntu11:51
geekphreakprogesterone: or you can use gparted live cd11:51
RP64geekphreak:  do you mean like are my speakers muted cus in that case no lol11:51
geekphreakRP64:  see speaker icon? on top11:51
=== juliano is now known as Guest61705
progesteronegeekphreak gparted live cd?11:51
RP64geekphreak:  no my sounds work when I click their sample button in the dropdown menu but when actually logging on / off theres nothing playing11:51
jophishIf I have a partition , is there any way I can replace that partition with a logical partition, with the original partition inside it ?11:52
nbtstatzas i can add a NIC module in kernel, like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/AddingModules but my kernel dont support r6040 module, i can add this singly?11:52
geekphreakprogesterone: yeah it will allow you to resize / repartition ur hard drive11:52
jophishso, can I move a partition from being a primary partition to being in a logical partition?11:52
progesteronegeekphreak Thanks dude.11:53
geekphreakno worries11:53
progesteronegeekphreak Your help means a lot to me because I can't google it at all.11:53
fabio333google has changed11:53
RP64geekphreak:  so wat do u think11:53
geekphreakprogesterone: u got a cd burner there right?11:53
Flirtyhi i have a energy problem with the acer d 250 can someone help me?11:54
akamaushello, I've installed ruby-1.8 on Ubuntu-9.10. irb-1.8 hangs on start. Any ruby script Including hello-world one liner too. What might be the reason?11:54
geekphreakRP64: do this11:54
progesteronegeekphreak yes. Why?11:54
geekphreakRP64:  press alt=F211:54
RP64uh OK11:54
geekphreakRP64:  run will open ok, type gnome-volume-control , press enter11:55
RP64oh its run application11:55
paranoid_pedlarhow safe is gtk-orphan?11:55
RP64it's not my volume!11:55
RP64oh sound theme volume?11:55
RP64Ok then wat11:55
geekphreakis it set to none?11:55
dadadadadahi, how can i pls resize my / partition11:55
geekphreakRP64:  turn slider alll the way up11:56
RP64well it says Master volume and  PCM and they both have sliders way up11:56
RP64for playback11:56
Ascavasaionwhat ports do I need to open on firestarter to allow SMB connections from remote windows machines?11:56
geekphreakfor sound them, what does it say?11:56
pfuiif I startx, change to another virtual terminal and then go back to the first, my X session is no longer in display, how do I bring it back?11:56
RP64it says default11:56
RP64type from theme11:56
RP64then a bunch of ones that are type built-in11:57
geekphreakwhat other u see?11:57
geekphreakchoose any one of them11:57
RP64just those, theres tons of built-in ones11:57
geekphreaktry it11:57
RP64bark drip glass sonar11:57
RP64oh but this is just for an "alert sound"11:57
progesteronegeekphreak Why did you ask if I have CD burner?11:57
Shpongooliansomething is wrong here, at the top (gnome) panel the sound icon is gone! how do I get this back? so that I can configure my sound easily11:57
geekphreakprogesterone: to burn gparted live cd, if u plan to get it11:58
RP64geekphreak:  it doesn't let me choose a different one lol11:58
=== lorena is now known as Guest95796
RP64geekphreak: only default11:58
Guest95796que asco de lugar11:58
=== Guest95796 is now known as lorenanena
ranjancan any bady can help me in configuring  java in prism ..  any help would be of great help .. thanks in advance11:58
progesteronegeekphreak ok11:59
RP64geekphreak:  it just doesn't play my log on / log off sounds, but if I am in the sound theme picking window it lets me sample / hear those sounds11:59
progesteroneThanks dude.11:59
progesteronegeekphreak Bye11:59
FloodBot1lorenanena: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:59
geekphreakprogesterone:  cya11:59
RP64lorenanena spamming11:59
RP64geekphreak:  so wat shuld I do manng i love my sound theme this sux11:59
geekphreakRP64:  try this11:59
geekphreakclose that  sond control11:59
RP64oh and all sounds from my sound theme are working EXCEPT for log on/ log off12:00
geekphreakRP64:  bring run box backup this time try to type gksu gnome-volume-control12:00
geekphreakalso chk if those sound/wav files exist, and have not been deleted12:00
geekphreakanyways brb12:00
RP64they exist i told u they play when I sample them12:01
paranoid_pedlarhow safe is gtk-orphan?12:01
Shpongooliansomething is wrong here, at the top (gnome) panel the sound icon is gone! how do I get this back? so that I can configure my sound easily12:01
schwanihallo :)12:01
Shpongoolianand now I also notice that I cant use the sound config thingy to configure the sound12:01
schwaniSo, hab das mal ausprobiert...ist das hier der irc channel von uu.de?12:02
RP64nein.... dieser ist irc furs UBUNTU LINUX12:02
schwanialso, allgemein?12:03
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:03
RP64aber dieser ist die Englisch channel, so ob du hilfe will, muss los zu deutsche channel12:03
uffohello how to remove netwrk interfaces from CLI like eth1, wlan312:04
schwanigut ^ Hab da nämlich ein kleines Problem. Hab OTR-Verwaltung von der Hompage geladen. Dann das .deb Packet installiert. Und als ich das Programm starten wollte, kam nichts :(12:04
RP64schwani das gesagt dein fragen?12:04
schwaniWisst ihr woran das liegen kann?12:04
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:04
RP64schwani nein nein, wir kannst nicht sprechen deutsch hier, ich ublicht weisst kleine deutsch, los zu deutsch channel fur deutsch hilfe12:05
erUSULuffo: unloading the corresponding module/driver12:05
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:05
RP64verstehen dir mich?12:05
RP64oh OK keine problemme auf wiedersehen12:05
schwanihats überlesen12:05
fabio333we gotta learn a foreign language12:05
FloodBot1schwani: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:05
RP64haha OK12:05
Shpongoolianthe sound config icon at the top panel is gone, how do I get it back? and also the sound config tool does not work, wy12:05
schwaniein bisschen unübersichtlich. liegt aber warscheich am programm :D12:05
schwaninaja egal , frag dann mal im deu channel thx.12:06
RP64lol was ist wascheich12:06
geekphreakShpongoolian:  when u run this command gnome-volume-control , what do u get?12:06
rwwubottu: en12:06
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:06
RP64ubottu i was only speaking german to tell him not to speak german here and then he just said hes leaving lol12:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:07
MarkiveHi Helpers, Anyone know a good app to unrar files please? p.s happy easter to all12:07
RP64unless ubottu is bot12:07
paranoid_pedlarhow safe is gtk-orphan?12:07
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:07
zapatawhat software cad 3d for linix?12:07
RP64then I guess RWW yeah RWW12:07
zapatawhat software cad 3d for linux?12:07
RP64i was telling him to go to german channel OK god maybe get a clue no offense but seriously12:07
MarkiveThanks erUSUL12:07
erUSUL!equivalents | zapata12:07
ubottuzapata: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot12:07
dataceCan I run webcam under pidgin program?12:08
legend2440Shpongoolian: maybe this will help  http://www.damonkohler.com/2009/11/koala-missing-volume-control.html12:08
uffoerUSUL: i want to remove n2n vpn interface, ofcourse after restart n2n0 is gone but i want to remove it without restar because i cannot reconnect n2n to same interface if od exist12:09
geekphreakwho asked for 3d application12:09
=== Bebeoix is now known as Sacha68
h0dg3sHow do I remove a symbolic link?12:10
crazybyteh0dg3s, rm12:10
h0dg3scrazybyte: says it's a directory12:10
Guest75950hi anyone know the channel for xdmx ?12:10
h0dg3sand rm -f deletes the directory12:10
h0dg3s*rm -r, andI want to remove the link, not delete the folder12:11
erUSULuffo: try « sudo ip link del <iface_name> »12:11
hateballh0dg3s: unlink <stuff>12:11
RisingChurchAnyone have any experience fixing stuck resolutions?12:11
RisingChurchIt's stuck at 640x340 max.12:11
RP64geekphreak:  so wat should i do???12:12
geekphreakRP64:  rest all sound work, if just logon/off dont work, make sure they even exist12:12
h0dg3shateball: Same think, teslls me it cannot unlink '/home/chromiumos': Is a directory12:12
h0dg3swow I'm typing like a tard12:12
RP64geekphreak:  I did, they play in testing sample12:13
RP64geekphreak:  so they exist12:13
uffoerUSUL: thank you much it worked12:13
RP64geekphreak:  the logon worked before the upgrade12:13
geekphreakRP64:  any other account that system?12:14
RP64geekphreak:  no its only my laptop12:14
geekphreakRP64:  does sound scheme work on other account if u have any other there12:14
RP64geekphreak:  does this usually hapen when upgrading versions?12:14
Shpongooliangeekphreak, I get the standard sound configuring tool, but it doesnt make any changes, if i change volume or mute, the sound is still on the same volume...12:15
geekphreakRP64:  not really,12:15
geekphreakShpongoolian:  how many cound card there, make sure ur choosing right sound card device12:15
RP64geekphreak:  OMG hallp meh D :12:16
RP64geekphreak:  im so skrewed!12:16
geekphreakRP64: nothing else comes to mind sorry :)12:16
geekphreakRP64: it is just a sound scheme man ,, relax lol12:16
maginotwell, have to go now... [ ]s12:17
RP64geekphreak:  but its sOOO good and kool12:17
=== jachu is now known as gulczas
RP64geekphreak:  its like sounds from Megaman X and Half life 2 combined in this crazy sound files I found12:18
RisingChurchEvery solution I'm reading involves editing the xorg.conf12:18
RisingChurchLast time I did that I couldn't boot.12:18
Benny-X  (which sound scheme is this?)12:18
RP64RisingChurch:  thats what she said12:18
tomatoes7with bash, when i type "cp --help" what can i add to that line so it prints one page at a time?12:18
RisingChurchThis is frustratingly stupid.12:18
RP64Benny-X:  its called Ultimate edition 2.2 sound and I found the megaman parts from random online .wav file cache12:18
rwwtomatoes7: cp --help | less12:18
Benny-Xtomatoes7: add     | more       to the end12:19
Benny-X(or |less)12:19
AscavasaionHOw do I mount a folder on an NTFS partition so that the owner is not root?12:19
Benny-XRP64, ok thanks. love old school sfx12:19
RP64Benny-X:  lol np the megaman part was all from the .wavs i found tho12:19
geekphreaktomatoes7:  you can also press shift + up arrow key to move up after cp --help12:19
Benny-Xtomatoes7: or use man; ie    man cp12:20
geekphreaktomatoes7:  sorry shift key(pressed) + page up12:20
AscavasaionHOw do I mount a folder on an NTFS partition so that the owner is not root?  /dev/sda1/media/ntfsautorw,user,auto,exec00 is my current /etc/fstab entry.  Any advice?12:20
Lumpysomeone help me out here...12:21
erUSUL!ntfs | Ascavasaion12:21
ubottuAscavasaion: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:21
Lumpyim lookin for an adjective to describe an algorithm or routine-- meaning flexible or deals well with any input12:21
bazhangLumpy, ask a question then12:21
Ascavasaionthanks erUSUL12:21
* geekphreak needs coffee12:21
bazhangLumpy, what does this have to with ubuntu support12:21
Lumpynothing but i figured id find some programmers awake here12:22
geekphreakLumpy:  lol12:22
om26erAscavasaion, /dev/sda1 /media/ntfs ntfs defaults 0 2 would be simpler12:22
Lumpyim trying to write my thesis if you have any constructive input id appreciate it12:22
bazhangLumpy, try #ubuntu-offtopic12:22
rooyHi !12:22
RisingChurchSo, if I made mt xorg.conf file have the lowest permissions possible12:22
_21h_anybody tried to integrate xchat into Gnome Indicator applet?12:22
RisingChurchI could edit it using a live CD right?12:23
Ascavasaionom26er, Thank you.12:23
mouseawayUbuntu got bugs :(12:27
IdleOnemouseaway: yep, lots of them. you are welcome to help fix them :) www.luanchpad.net12:28
mouseawayI still haven't figured out12:29
mouseawayHow to fix the stupid fan issue12:29
mouseawayWhen I do, sure I'll post it.12:29
elyobHi, I managed to break GRUB and now am stuck at the initramfs prompt when I boot up ... any suggestions on repairing it?12:29
bazhangmouseaway, got a bug link?12:29
mouseawayI do12:29
IdleOneelyob: what Ubuntu version?12:29
plouffehow can I completely remove a program with config files using the command line?12:29
IdleOne!grub2 | elyob12:29
ubottuelyob: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:29
IdleOneplouffe: sudo apt-get purge packagename12:30
plouffeIdleOne thx12:30
erUSULplouffe: aptitude purge12:30
erUSULplouffe: then remove any conf files from your home if any12:30
geekphreakplouffe: apt-get purge app_name12:30
mouseawayIdleOne: If I fix the bug will I get a Ubuntu key chain?12:31
plouffeerUSUL thx12:31
IdleOnemouseaway: nope12:31
geekphreakmouseaway:  u get a ty :p12:31
mouseawayDamn lol12:31
IdleOnemouseaway: but you do get the satisfaction of knowing you help out a great project and other users who won't be affected by the bug in the future12:32
indusbah that satisfaction is not enough, i want a keychain too12:32
indusor a mug12:32
perlsyntaxHow can i get into the irc java chat room i did sign in and still can't get in?12:32
RisingChurchWhat is the best way to edit it my xorg.conf file as to give me the best chance of not destroying everything?12:32
IdleOneperlsyntax: which room?12:32
tumiiRisingChurch: take a backup of it before editing=12:33
indusperlsyntax, check message12:33
IdleOneperlsyntax: have you registered with nickserv?12:33
perlsyntaxyes i have12:33
geekphreakRisingChurch: make a backup?12:33
IdleOneperlfection: identiied also?12:33
perlsyntaxhow do i check message?12:33
RisingChurchI don't know how that would do me anygood since the last time I couldn't boot at all12:33
elyobIdleOne: Thanks ... just off to reboot now that I have run that :)12:33
bazhangperlsyntax, could you please take care of this in #freenode12:33
IdleOneelyob: hope it works12:34
geekphreakRisingChurch:  live cd?12:34
RisingChurchCan't edit xorg.conf file with the live CD12:34
geekphreakhuh why?12:34
indusRisingChurch, delete the contents in xorg and start fresh12:34
RisingChurchBecause I don't have permission12:34
indusRisingChurch, if using 9.10 i mean12:34
RisingChurchindus, it has like nothing in it by default.12:34
indusRisingChurch, use sudo12:34
elyobIdleOne: So do I .... it did show up everything I expected during the process.12:34
dataceanyone can I ask here?12:35
indusRisingChurch, then? you want to add to it?12:35
RisingChurchyes, It's just about the only solution I can find to fix this stupid resolution problem.12:35
geekphreakDr_Willis: hi12:35
geekphreakRisingChurch: nvidia card?12:35
RisingChurchI tired to sudo, but I couldn't find my way to the file in terminal.12:35
RisingChurchFX 520012:35
geekphreakRisingChurch:  sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:36
RisingChurchAnd that would work on the live CD?12:36
geekphreakRisingChurch:  you will have to mount partition :p12:36
geekphreakthen choose path12:36
tchomolcan we use yahoo mesenger on ubuntu karmic koala?12:37
geekphreaktchomol: yes empathy12:37
RisingChurchWould just selecting the filesystem from the gui count as mounting it?12:37
tumiiWhen will 10.04 be released?12:37
Dr_Willistumii:  10.04 is the date of release12:37
Dr_Willis2010 4th month. end of the month12:37
tumiii know12:38
Dr_WillisUnless it gets delayed.12:38
tumiibut the exact date i asked for?12:38
tumii(if it has been given)12:38
Dr_Willistumii:  there is no exact date12:38
tchomolbut i want to share pic and use web cam but i can't12:38
bazhangtumii, not known, end of month #ubuntu+1 for support12:38
geekphreakRisingChurch: sudo mkdir /tempp  , then mount /dev/sda? /tempp then sudo vi /tempp/etc/X11/xorg.conf12:38
LjLeh, then why does !lucid say april 29?12:39
geekphreakRisingChurch:  substiture ur own values12:39
Dr_Willisthats the last day of the month..12:39
enthAre Control Codes blocked here?12:39
geekphreakRisingChurch:  imp. make a backup first of that file,12:39
Dr_Willisenth:  control codes? such as?12:39
LjLDr_Willis: it's also an exact date12:39
Dr_WillisLjL:  and its subject to change.12:39
enthPush ctrl+v and then ctrl+b, type your message and hit enter, then see what happens.12:39
rwwenth: yes, they are.12:40
Dr_Willisenth:  that would depend on the irc client i imagine also.. what are you expecting to happen?12:40
enthBold highlighted text.12:40
Dr_Willisi imagine mirc color codes are also blocked.12:40
geekphreakRisingChurch:  got it dude?12:41
Greenshi all12:41
RisingChurchYeah, make a backup12:41
geekphreakgood luck12:41
LjLDr_Willis: the world is also subject to be destroyed by a meteor but that doesn't entice an answer of "not known" to "when will the sun rise tomorrow". in any case, if the answers here were warranted, then the !lucid factoid isn't - one or the other.12:41
geekphreakLjL is it, ?12:42
LjLgeekphreak: what?12:42
geekphreakLjL earth being hit by meteor12:42
LjLgeekphreak: hopefully12:42
=== Benny-X is now known as benny-x
sanderjHow do I change the keyboard layout on a server without a grafical desktop installed?12:46
stixHi guys. Where are the netboot-dir on the 9.10 386 install cd?12:47
hateballsanderj: I think it's "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"12:48
elkyDoes gwibber maintain a log somewhere of the broadcasts typed in to it? If so, where?12:49
sanderjhateball, thanks.12:49
om26erelky, dont think so12:49
zubin71hi; by mistake i got into the mysql shell and dropped the "mysql" database. is there anything i can do about it now or should i completely un-install and reinstall over?12:51
geekphreakzubin71:  :)12:51
dhaneshhow much of swap space is needed for suspending ubuntu12:51
zubin71geekphreak, hehe... yeah, i know it was stupid... :)12:51
Dr_Willisi think its as much as you got ram dhanesh . but more wouldent hurt12:51
zubin71geekphreak, so i have to do a complete reinstallation?12:52
zubin71no other way?12:52
Dr_Willisdhanesh:   how much ram you have?12:52
geekphreakzubin71: yep12:52
geekphreakzubin71: next time , make a backup ;)12:52
dhaneshsir i have 1.5 gb of ram12:52
Dr_Willisdhanesh:  you could try 1.5gb of swap. or if you got the HD space perhaps 2gb12:52
dhanesh 12:52
zubin71geekphreak, ok; so is this the command "$ sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server" followed by "$sudo apt-get install mysql-server"?12:53
Dr_Willisdhanesh:  ive never had much luck with hibernate/suspend - too many other issues12:53
zubin71geekphreak, will do12:53
elyobIdleOne: Heh, backup .. no problems ... have now dumped the post-it with the linux and initrd commands ... :)12:53
dhaneshoh i dont have that much of dis space dr willis12:53
Dr_WillisYou may not want to use hibernate/suspend then.  Or try 1.5gb.. if you cant do 1.5gb.. well..12:54
IdleOneelyob: :) happy it worked12:54
rocket16Hello all, is there a way that I can use Friend's list in Empathy IRC?12:55
rocket16I earlier tried XChat, but this Empathy is nice, :)12:55
RisingChurchkonversation is better than both imo12:55
Dr_Willisrocket16:  most peopel who do a lot of irc.. perfer xchat or some other irc specilized clients12:56
elyobNow, for my next bootup issue ... on bootup I get two errors "could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority12:56
* geekphreak happy with pidgin12:56
jasonmchristospidgin is great12:56
Dr_WillisI will stick to WeeChat for Irc. :)12:56
rocket16Konversation is for KDE, and can it be used for IM? I don't think so,12:56
* NathanBdot uses X-Chat12:57
elyoband Problem with sonfiguration /usr/ib/libgconf-2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited status 25612:57
Dr_Willisquassle is a kde irc client that has some amazeing features.12:57
geekphreakrocket16:  just irc12:57
jasonmchristosanyone can help me with how to reinstall my system when my encrypted home is on another partition12:57
jasonmchristoshow will i inject the key?12:57
rocket16Ok, but what I wanted to ask was is there any Friend's list for Empathy?12:57
* rocket16 likes XChat, GNOME-XChat and Empathy12:57
Dr_Willisrocket16:  irc dosent really do the 'friends' sort of thing.. Check the empathy docs they may have somthing similer for irc.. but ive never seen  the feature there.12:58
vinylfreak89I just upgraded Karmic to Lucid and now I get this error when SSHing in12:58
geekphreakempthay has friend list yes12:58
vinylfreak89also VNC  does not start like usual12:58
Dr_Willisvinylfreak89:  see #ubuntu+1  for lucid12:58
vinylfreak89/usr/bin/byobu-janitor: 63: cannot create /root/.byobu/color: Read-only file system12:58
vinylfreak89ah ok ty12:58
elkyom26er, ooh, actually it does. ~/.cache/gwibber/gwibber.log12:59
om26erelky, thanks that adds to my knowlegde :)13:00
elkyom26er, it doesn't appear to log the actual messages though, but it does log just about everything else.13:01
zagabar_How do I scroll up in windows in screen in terminals from putty?13:02
SolarisBoyzagabar_: copy mode is generally CTRL + esc in linux13:04
AscavasaionHOw do you access your root account on Ubuntu?13:04
SolarisBoysudo -s13:04
erUSUL!root | Ascavasaion13:04
ubottuAscavasaion: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:04
zagabar_SolarisBoy: Copymode? :S I didn't talk about a copy mode.13:04
smerz"sudo commad" will run command as root. "sudo -s" opens a root shell13:05
SolarisBoyzagabar_: screen disables scrollback by default13:05
SolarisBoyzagabar_: you need to go to copy mode to scroll back afaik13:05
popeySolarisBoy: not quite, you can access the scrollback inside screen13:05
popeythat makes sense :)13:05
zagabar_SolarisBoy: oh, why does it do that?13:05
zagabar_And I am on windows, so ctrl-esc is something entirely different13:05
SolarisBoylol i dont know,, im guess it has something to do with virtualizing terminals13:06
SolarisBoyzagabar_: is it ? even when your focused on the screen window?13:06
elyobAnyone know why I may be getting ICEauthority messages on bootup?13:06
SolarisBoyzagabar_: if so then find out the shortcut for windows/putty/screen13:06
zagabar_SolarisBoy: Yep. ctrl - esc is open the start menu13:06
geekphreakelyob: did oyu change password?13:06
zagabar_Okay. Thanks13:06
AscavasaionOkay, but the root account is still there... how do I log in as root?13:07
SolarisBoyAscavasaion: you need to set the password13:07
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erUSULAscavasaion: you wont13:07
AscavasaionI understand it is not wide to run root... but when I sudo chown username /media/ntfs it does not work.13:07
smerzsudo chown will run the command as root.13:08
SolarisBoyAscavasaion: thats not the syntax of chown13:08
erUSULAscavasaion: what do you spect to happen ?13:08
smerzlogging in as root and running the same command will not fix the issue for you.13:08
smerzcommand syntax must be wrong13:08
SolarisBoyit is13:08
SolarisBoysudo chown user:group <-R> /media/ntfs if thats a directory13:08
smerztry "sudo chown -R user /path/to/folder"13:09
SolarisBoyerr yea13:09
ace721Is it possible to password protect and encrypt and external HDD?13:09
smerzoptitionally you can do user:group to chown both user and group in one go13:09
smerz-R will chown all folder contents recursively13:09
SolarisBoysmerz: i find it wise13:09
Lint01ace721: TrueCrypt?13:09
erUSULAscavasaion: if you have problems with permissions in a ntfs partition the correct way to fix it is with mount options13:10
ace721Lint01, Is that a program?13:10
elyobgeekphreak: nope. may have installed something, but no idea what now.13:10
Lint01ace721: yes13:10
AscavasaionIt is working now... I used the line smerz gave me :)13:10
ace721Lint01, have you ever used it/ is it easy to use?13:10
geekphreakelyob: whats the exact error message?13:11
dhaneshplaying radio in ubuntu13:11
AscavasaionNo.. I was wrong... it never worked... bleh13:11
Lint01ace721: yes I believe... all such programs are similar, but this one is x-platform and portable13:11
ace721Lint01, thank you for your help! I'll give it a try13:12
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dhanesh                                  geekphreak playing radio in ubuntu13:13
dhaneshgeekphreak playing radio in ubuntu13:13
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elyobgeekphreak: could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority13:18
elyobgeekphreak: and Problem with configuration /usr/ib/libgconf-2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited status 25613:18
smerzye i had that one too at some point. the ICEauthority13:18
smerzi deleted the folder ".ICEauthority" haven't had it since i think13:18
theadminwhat's this ICE thing by the way? Apart from "InterCity Express" and the real ice %)13:19
elyobHave tried the examples I can find chmod 755 on some xml file for second error .. no luck13:19
smerzelyob, second error I dunno13:19
smerzfirst one you can just delete that folder (afaik)13:19
dhaneshplaying internet radio in ubuntu13:20
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sda_hi all, question: if i have an ssh server, i want send a long process with video output (like badblock) but i don't want take my connected pc turnon\connect too much time, how i can close my sshconnection without close the process, and when i reconnect on ssh still watch the process running? sorry for my english13:21
zubin71hello. i need to completely remove mysql and configure it from scratch. how do i do that?13:21
dhaneshplaying internet radio in ubuntu how sda_13:21
theadminzubin71: How did you install it?13:21
theadmindhanesh: Do not repeat, and do not randomly put nicks in messages13:22
zubin71theadmin, sudo apt-get install mysql-server13:22
frxstremhow can I mount an ISO file in Ubuntu?13:22
linxehis there any calendar server software (free) that can sync to blackberry calendars ?13:22
theadminzubin71: do: sudo apt-get purge mysql-server13:22
sda_dhanesh, i cannot understand, sorry13:22
JorkHello is it posibble to somehow modify vlc to play vob anm mkv(720p and 1080p) more smooth?13:22
dhaneshwhat are you saying theadmin13:22
theadminsda_: He's trolling this channel with this question for around 5 hours already, do not worry13:22
theadmindhanesh: I mean, do not repeat your question too often13:22
PMantis1theadmin: Wouldn't it be sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server ?13:23
theadminPMantis1: Both work the same way13:23
zubin71theadmin, i did that ; and installed again. but i wasnt asked to configure the password ...13:23
theadminzubin71: Strange :/ huh. i dunno even.13:23
=== PMantis1 is now known as PMantis
dhaneshok i will ask another please theadmin13:23
theadmindhanesh: Ask around each 20 minutes. Also, post this question on ubuntuforums.org13:24
dhaneshplaying radio theadmin13:24
dhaneshplaying radio theadmin13:24
dhaneshplaying radio theadmin13:24
FloodBot1dhanesh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
PMantistheadmin: Ok, I can go to be now. I learned my "something" for the day. :)13:24
zubin71PMantis, theadmin, should i be removing more than just mysql-server? any more mysql components need to be removed?13:25
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theadminzubin71: I don't know :/ Never stumbled on this... but... doesn't dpkg have some "deconfigure" or something flag?13:25
PMantisdokg-reconfigure, but no "de" or "un" configure.13:26
* PMantis smacks himself for typos13:27
abssorbHi,  AutoFS of /home.  Not ideal.  Looking for suggestions / alternatives?  I have a small 9.10 network, with 3 users. We all share, and like to have our accounts move with us.   Problem 1.  If NFS interrupted (switch or server reboot), client hangs.   Problem 2. If user logs in to 2 clients, problems with lock files on apps.  Looking for fix for hang, and/or elegant alternative which also solves problem 2. TIA.13:27
theadminPMantis: okay, me is wrong. me is confused. me has no idea.13:27
dhaneshtheadmin please help me13:27
theadmindhanesh: For chrissake, STOP REPEATING13:27
dhaneshplaying photos theadmin13:28
IdleOnetheadmin: please watch your language13:28
theadminIdleOne: "chrissake" is not a swear13:28
theadminIdleOne: Or am i wrong? o_O13:28
theadmindhanesh: playing photos?13:28
frxstremdo anyone know how to mount/unmount ISO files in Ubuntu? I know there's a way to do it, but I don't know what it is13:28
dhaneshthen what i want to do theadmin13:28
IdleOnetheadmin: using religious terms in a derogatory manner is cursing13:28
tomatoes7theadmin, no religion either13:28
theadminfrxstrem: terminal way: mount -o loop isofile directory13:28
JorkHow can I modify vlc to plays hd movies mor smooth. (it uses to much proc power)?13:29
rwwubottu: iso | frxstrem13:29
ubottufrxstrem: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:29
Jorki use nvidia 8400gs and 3gb of ram13:29
frxstremtheadmin and rww: thanks :)13:29
dhaneshtheadmin playing music in windows13:29
theadmintomatoes7, IdleOne: Okay.13:29
IdleOnetheadmin: thank you :)13:29
dhaneshtheadmin playing music in windows13:29
bao_how to connect to bluetooth a2dp device?13:30
dhaneshbao_ its easy can i tell13:30
crimzi'd like flash to not just list "Linux Microphone" but also line-in, how?13:30
dhaneshits easy pal13:30
geekphreaki got disconnetced again13:31
dhaneshgeekphreak are you ok now13:31
dhaneshwhat is the use of irc13:32
geekphreakdhanesh: i think so sir13:32
dhaneshgeekphreak how much of swap space is needed for hibernating ubuntu13:33
LekeFlyAny programs that can lightscribe on ubuntu.. ?13:33
geekphreakdhanesh: i think someone already answered that question for you13:33
geekphreakwhen u said u had 1.5 gb of ram13:33
LekeFlyAlso.. anything i should watch out for when buying a dvd burner.. ?13:33
geekphreakLekeFly: wish it burns lol13:34
dhaneshno i was not at that time geekphreak13:34
JorkI found par of solution but still I dont know how to change enable_audio_equ = "no" file in mplayer to be played hd video files more smoothly?13:34
dhaneshcan you answer me>:o13:34
IdleOnedhanesh: I think with 15.GB of ram and 2GB of swap you should be good to go13:35
theadmingeekphreak, IdleOne: His question is how to play internet radio13:35
IdleOneinstall flash13:35
IdleOne!flash | geekphreak13:35
ubottugeekphreak: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:35
dhaneshyes man what you will do theadmin13:35
geekphreakIdleOne:  what?13:36
dhanesh yes man what you will do theadmin13:36
geekphreakIdleOne:  i dont need any help ,13:36
theadmindhanesh: If i recall correctly, VLC supports many streaming protocols, i'm quite sure internet-radio is one of them.13:37
IdleOnegeekphreak: ohh lol sorry13:37
dhaneshare you angry with me theadmin13:37
theadmindhanesh: No, why would i be?13:37
IdleOnedhanesh: what is the problem you are having?13:37
geekphreaktheadmin: he just wants to play some online radio music thing?13:37
dhaneshoh sorry theadmin13:37
theadmingeekphreak: No real idea, he can't explain anything13:38
geekphreakwell he can use amarok, to play some online stream13:38
geekphreakother options avaliable too13:38
IdleOnehe can use any of the music players in the repo to play online stream afaik13:38
theadminIdleOne: Even mplayer can do that? o_O13:39
IdleOnetheadmin: yes13:39
IdleOneI believe so13:39
theadminIdleOne: o_O I learned my "new" today.13:39
geekphreakaudacious too :p13:39
IdleOneI prefer VLC so not sure but I think they all do13:39
theadminIdleOne: I preffer VLC to all of them too... VLC + FF with Java/Flash though is X_X13:40
theadminIt starts being all "krrrrh"13:40
dhanesh theadmin i have rhythmbox player.there is an icon of radio in it.when i click on it no streams came why?13:40
theadmindhanesh: I think you must add them manually, never used rhythmbox though13:40
dhaneshok theadmin13:40
dhaneshtheadmin: dhanesh: I think you must add them manually, never used rhythmbox though13:41
stixIs this wireless nic supported by Ubuntu: http://www.cortexsystems.dk/shop/wireless/wlm200nx_en.html ?13:41
dhaneshtheadmin: dhanesh: I think you must add them manually, never used rhythmbox though13:41
geekphreaki think he need rything_radio-browser plugin13:41
Picidhanesh: Please stop repeating.13:42
geekphreaki am done with dhanesh13:42
dhaneshwhat you will do pici13:42
dhaneshgeekphreak how are you13:42
vividoh yea baby, trolls at 6 AM13:42
geekphreakvivid:  right13:43
theadminvivid: 6 AM? Hm, where are you? /me has 4 PM over here13:43
vividim in seattle13:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:43
theadminvivid: Yeah yeah, i know. Just wondered.13:43
vividill scold myself :p13:43
Ascavasaionwhat is the port for web administrating Samba with SWAT?13:43
Picidhanesh: Perhaps #ubuntu-in would be better.  We are all struggling to understand you here.13:43
dhaneshdhanesh: Perhaps #ubuntu-in would be better.  We are all struggling to understand you here.13:44
theadminPici: "in"?13:44
geekphreaktheadmin: prob india13:44
Picitheadmin: india13:44
theadminAscavasaion: netstat might be of some help to see where stuff is running13:44
abssorbWhat's the best channel for ubuntu networking questions?13:45
geekphreakpici thank you13:45
theadminPici: Phew, thanks a lot13:45
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theadminabssorb: Depends on what networking you mean, most likely this channel will fit13:45
vividAscavasaion, is it 901?13:45
abssorbtheadmin:  OK thanks.  I will wait13:46
Ascavasaionvivid, Perfect... thank you13:46
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yeminoDo you now a fortran IDE?13:48
theadminbleh i wish IRC would have grep13:48
cba123I'm looking for a file indexer, similar to google desktop, but I can't seem to get something to work right.  Strigi is freezing on a folder, beagle doesn't seem to find everything, tracker won't start for some reason, and google-desktop crashes once it indexes everything.  Any other suggestions?13:48
Picitheadmin: your client might have a /lastlog command (irssi does)13:48
geekphreakcba123: in beagle u have to add folder13:49
theadminPici: It does not, it seems13:49
cba123geekphreak, I added all my folders, and it still seems not to find everything.13:49
theadmincba123: Do you have rx permissions in this folder?13:50
cba123theadmin, The folder it isn't finding everything in?  Yes, I added everything in /mnt and everything in /media.  I have rwx to everything in /mnt and /media.  Come to think of it, I added /mnt and /media themselves too13:51
Jorkwhat means "unsupported pixelformat -1" error in mplayer? And how can I fix this?13:51
theadminCan someone explain what does that "sticky" thing do?13:52
geekphreakcba123: heard of atfish?13:52
cba123geekphreak, Yeah, I've had it installed for a while.  Seems to have the same issue13:53
progre55hi people! I put in a 2.5inch sata-hard disk drive with an ext4 format disk in it, but my ubuntu 9.10 64bit does not even see it. any suggestions, please?13:54
progre55but the green light on the disk drive is on13:54
geekphreakprogre55:  can u open terminal ?13:55
Dr_Willisprogre55:  you are refering to a external usb drive or internal?13:55
progre55external usb drive, and yes, I can open the terminal13:55
geekphreakprogre55:  sudo fdisk  -l13:55
progre55and dmesg does not have anything13:55
geekphreaksee anything?13:55
progre55oh sec13:55
Dr_Willisprogre55:  theres a differeance between 'not seeing it' and just not 'auto mounting it'13:55
plouffeis there a (command line) way to print out a list of all the programs/packages that are currently installed?13:55
Jork What means "unsupported pixelformat -1" error in mplayer? And how can I fix this?13:55
theadminplouffe: "dpkg -l"13:55
progre55Dr_Willis: let me fdisk =)13:55
Dr_Willisprogre55:  ive had a great deal of issues with gnome not asking/automounting exteranl usb drives  over the last few releases13:56
plouffetheadmin thx13:56
Dr_Willisprogre55:  yea. check 'dmesg' command output at end.. and sudo fdisk -l output13:56
Ascavasaionwhat is the utility one opens to create shares?13:56
Ascavasaionwhat is the utility one opens to create shares for Samba, sorry.13:56
progre55Dr_Willis: dmesg has no output, and fdisk lists some drives, let me check them =)13:57
vividAscavasaion, right-click the directory and select Sharing Options13:57
geekphreakAscavasaion:  system-config-samba13:57
Dr_WillisAscavasaion:  a user can right click on a folder and set up 'user made shares' or you can just edit /etc/samba/smb.conf as needed13:57
Dr_WillisAscavasaion:  or use some of the samba front ends.13:57
geekphreakor what vivid said :)13:57
vividi still cant connect to windows machines though o.O only windows to linux13:58
JorkWhat means "unsupported pixelformat -1" error in mplayer? And how can I fix this?13:58
geekphreakvivid: what error?13:58
progre55geekphreak, Dr_Willis: fdisk has a bunch of drives, but one of them is "/dev/sda4           28106       60801   262630620    5  Extended". do you think it's the one?13:58
unixpdo you know an application to cut videos simple?13:58
geekphreakprogre55:  should be something like sdb13:58
theadminunixp: Try Pitivi13:59
Dr_Willisprogre55:  you could unplug/plug the device bak in and watch 'demsg' output or tail -f /var/log/messages13:59
Dr_Willisprogre55: it shoud state the sd## of the device13:59
Dr_Willisprogre55: this is a usb hard drive or a flash drive? what size?13:59
progre55hmm.. sec13:59
geekphreakunixp: like split it?13:59
progre55it's a hard drive from my old laptop, in a usb HD case13:59
jasonlfunkAnyone know a way that I can figure out why my numpad stopped working?14:00
smerzjasonjang, numlock>14:00
unixpi try avidemux14:00
smerzjasonjang, numlock?14:00
jasonlfunkno, it's not numlock14:00
Dr_Willisprogre55:  sda is normally an internal hd.. unless if course yo u have none. :)14:00
Dr_Willisprogre55:  compare the fdisk output with the mount command output.. try mounting it by hand. what filesystem was it anyway?14:00
jasonlfunkOh, it appears that the numpad now controls my mouse14:01
jasonlfunkhandy... put annoying14:01
geekphreakyou can try pitivi14:01
jasonlfunkHow do I turn that off?14:01
progre55Dr_Willis: ext414:01
sec0ndwhats the best way to store my emails offline?14:01
jasonlfunksec0nd: on a harddrive14:01
Dr_Willisprogre55:  auto-mounting of linux filesystems may not work properly anyway (well they could mount, but may not have proper permissions/ownership)14:01
geekphreaksec0nd: eveolution ?14:01
progre55oh damn, now I have it =)14:02
sec0ndjasonlfunk: i mean whats a good format14:02
sec0ndor a good program to do it with14:02
geekphreakprogre55:  :)14:02
geekphreakprogre55:  next time, hit it little harder in the slot :p14:02
sec0ndI caught someone trying to break into my gmail which has years of stuff stored. i'd like to move it to my harddrive14:02
progre55Dr_Willis, geekphreak: apparently there were 2 usb outs on the cord, and when I inserted the other one, it automounted =)14:02
sec0ndbut still be able to access them14:02
jasonlfunkI use thunderbird14:02
progre55Dr_Willis, geekphreak: thanks guys, really appreciate14:03
theadminCan anybody explain why i still have cdrom0 in places even thoug i disconnected the thing? o_O14:03
geekphreaksec0nd: enable downloading of mails in gmail, then use thunderbird or eveolution to get ur mails14:03
MaletorHow do I resize ext4 to use remaining available space? And will I lose data?14:03
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Dr_Willisprogre55:  a usb cord with 2 ends you plug into the pc.. are often that way for 'power' needs. one end is power only i think.14:03
Dr_Willisprogre55:  if its needed or not. depends i find on the source pc.. and the usb case.  some pcs dont spit out enough power over 1 port for some hds14:04
geekphreakMaletor:  with partition, there is always a chance, , you can google gparted live cd14:04
Ascavasaionwhat is little application one uses to create shares?14:05
Ascavasaionin Samba14:05
lajoswardHow do i run .bin files ?14:05
AscavasaionI used to know and have forgotten.14:05
geekphreakAscavasaion:  told you man14:05
geekphreakAscavasaion:  apt-get install system-config-samba14:05
theadminlajosward: Just by running them.14:06
Ascavasaiongeekphreak, Tried that... refuses... says that dependencies are not met, and are uninstallable.14:06
lajoswardclicking is not working14:06
theadminlajosward: Make sure it's executable14:06
lajoswardmy pad14:06
symfony_beginnertry windows seven14:06
FloodBot1lajosward: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:06
geekphreakAscavasaion: open synaptic >> search samba14:07
lajoswardstill says file is of unknown type14:07
AscavasaionThe following packages have unmet dependencies.14:07
Ascavasaion  system-config-samba: Depends: python-libuser but it is not installable14:07
AscavasaionE: Broken packages14:07
theadminAscavasaion: Try: sudo apt-get -f install - if it still not working, Ubuntu dudes broke something, report a bug14:07
subcheeis here somebody who's using acerhk module on Lucid (i386)?14:08
maginottheadmin, so ... you don't sleep ? What time is over there, 7, 8pm ?14:08
theadminmaginot: 5 PM14:08
theadminsubchee: Lucid support is in #ubuntu+114:08
geekphreaksubchee:  lucid help/talk #ubuntu+1  , see if it helps there14:08
subcheeokay, thanks :)14:08
MaletorWhy are some things measured in "blocks" and how does that convert to megabytes?14:08
abssorbNFS hangs even with soft option when using autofs14:09
theadminwhat's that NFS thing anyway?14:09
theadminNovell File System? (I heard they had some of their own...)14:09
maginottheadmin, Network FileSystem ?14:09
theadminmaginot: Oh.14:09
lajoswardwell this sucks14:09
geekphreaktheadmin:  file server14:09
abssorbNFS: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch29_:_Remote_Disk_Access_with_NFS14:10
maginotgeekphreak, actually is File System ...14:10
abssorbNFS better than samba for me, supports unix permissions14:10
geekphreakMaletor:  using fdisk ?14:11
maginotI like NFS for its transparence14:11
geekphreakMaletor: you can do the math or use cfdisk14:11
geekphreakmaginot:  oh ok thanks14:11
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Maletorgeekphreak: well how do i do the math14:12
wasmahenwho is this girlL http://cdn-www.cracked.com/phpimages/article/1/0/3/21103.jpg?v=114:12
xerophytei am  running 10.04, how can i nstall sun java so the java pages will work?14:12
McL0VIN_Good morning folks14:12
wasmahenshe is so beautiful: http://cdn-www.cracked.com/phpimages/article/1/0/3/21103.jpg?v=114:12
aciculawasmahen: not here, stop spamming14:12
Maletornvm there is an online calculator14:12
bazhangwasmahen, dont spam here14:12
wasmahenplz just the name14:12
bazhangwasmahen, its offtopic please stop14:13
symfony_beginnerlinux sucks14:13
aciculaxerophyte: unclear what you mean, the java browser plugin or the browser14:13
MaletorI am resize2fs to 2.73TB!14:13
McL0VIN_i have ubuntu box setup at home, and i can ssh to it from work, how can i use my ubuntu to browse internet here at work, IT is blocking some sites14:13
aciculasymfony_beginner: can you phrase that as a support question? otherwise its offtopic14:13
xerophyteacicula: after the upgrade 10.05 the firefox does nto work for java applet how can i install java browser plugin i gues14:14
aciculaMcL0VIN_: blocking of sites is ussually done outside your own computer14:14
orihow do I undo the Effects of ccsm? (burn, superfunction, ect)14:15
aciculaxerophyte: err lucid support is best sought in #Ubuntu+1, id check if the plugin has libs and shows up in about:plugins, etc14:15
McL0VIN_acicula: i agree , is there is a way around this since i am able to ssh to my ubuntu box at home14:15
aciculathats #ubuntu+1, without the capital U14:15
Dr_Willisori:  check the ccsm tool for what keybindings each effect is using.14:15
maginotMcL0VIN_, you could try some things out, like a ssh tunel with -X option and them execute firefox at you home14:15
Curly_QHello folks.  Is there a program with Ubuntu that emulates facebook.com?14:15
aciculaMcL0VIN_: you can browse remotely via ssh on your pc, or use it as a proxy etc14:15
lajoswardgot it14:15
* KoluCCi прощается со всеми и собирается домой с работы14:15
abssorbWhere can I find some NFS expertise?14:15
oriDr_Willis: if i uninstalledit, i just have to install it again?14:15
* KoluCCi прощается со всеми и собирается домой с работы14:15
bazhangKoluCCi, /join #ubuntu-ru14:16
KoluCCibazhang: sorry, just mass message :)14:16
KoluCCiG2G home! bb14:16
lajoswardthe command to run it was chmod a+x name_of_file.bin then sudo ./name_of_file.bin14:16
bazhangKoluCCi, not here please14:16
McL0VIN_acicula: any howto or tutorial for that please14:16
KoluCCibazhang: sorry, just forgot about that14:16
Dr_Willisori:  why would you unintall ccsm?  You could use the simple config thats avail under the effects tab  Right click on desktop -> change wallpaper -> last tab. select none or minimal  perhaps14:16
Dr_Willisori:  theres also a simple-ccsm tool thats a little cleaner interface14:17
oriDr_Willis: thanx14:17
* KoluCCi прощается со всеми и собирается домой с работы14:17
Curly_QGreets to Dr_Willis.  :)   How are you today?14:17
McL0VIN_acicula: errrrr, i should 've known better :) will read it up and come back here if i have questions14:17
acicula!ru | KoluCCi14:17
ubottuKoluCCi: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:17
McL0VIN_thank you14:17
aciculaMcL0VIN_: :)14:17
geekphreakDr_Willis:  can i pm you for a sec plz?14:18
bazhangKoluCCi, I asked you to stop that14:18
Hattabi am new here but i want to ask if any one knows how add library to lazarus14:18
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  i guess you could. :) but not sure you want to. :P14:18
conb123So does lucid not support Radeon HD 5xxx cards yet? At the moment my 5750 won't go past 1360x76814:18
geekphreakDr_Willis:  dont worry, wont ask ur credit card info ;)14:18
bazhangconb123, lucid support in #ubuntu+1 please14:18
progre55Dr_Willis: oh sorry, was afk while copying the data out =) thanks man, appreciate14:19
Curly_QDr Willis I noticed that with Linux that there are    dots  (   .  )    Or    (   ..  ) to show directories. I have never seen tripple dots. ?14:19
=== KoluCCi is now known as KLC[at]HOME
acicula. means current directory, .. means previous14:20
snakehi all!!14:20
acicula... would mean higher, but you ive those a name14:20
PiciCurly_Q, acicula: to clarify: .. is parent directory14:20
Hattabany one knows about lazarus14:20
geekphreakDr_Willis: u got my pm?14:21
Dr_WillisYou got some silly bot script14:21
aciculaerr yeah thats what i meant14:21
Hattabpeople some help please14:22
Curly_QIs there a limit to the number of ... for directories?14:22
petaRlinxeh: i think blackberry have a server software try to look at their site14:22
odb|fidelHattab: help on what?14:22
petaRoh my chat was scrolled :d14:22
Dr_WillisCurly_Q:  you mean cd ../../../../../../../ :)14:23
Hattabon lazarus project on pascal14:23
McL0VIN_when i ssh -ND 9999 to my house srvr i get this "No RSA host key is known for homeservr and you have requested strict checking.14:23
McL0VIN_Host key verification failed."14:23
Curly_QNot sure Dr Willis, that is a good question.14:23
Curly_QFor example    ..../14:23
McL0VIN_*homesrvr = my ip14:23
McL0VIN_errrr * my home srvr ip14:23
PiciCurly_Q: Only .. and . exist.14:23
Hattab<odb|fidel>  do u know about it14:24
Dr_WillisCurly_Q:  that syntax is invalid14:24
=== karllv_ is now known as karllv
geekphreakDr_Willis:  sorry bout script, just pidgin spam protection plugin :)14:24
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  freenode has some mode to only accept messages from registered owners also.14:25
Hattabdose any one know how to add library to pascal14:25
geekphreakDr_Willis: did not know that , let me read on that14:25
mawstAnyone know what process is the Appearance Preferences?14:26
Beaufordhello, how can i get my arrow keys working in Karmic, they stopped working when i upgraded14:26
Michalxomawst gnome-appearance14:26
Michalxognome-appearance-properties mawst14:26
mawstWas hanging14:27
FloodBot1mawst: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
Hattabplease i want to know how to install or compile a file in ubuntu14:28
Curly_QIf I created a directory by:   md ....../Dr Willis is that valid?14:28
dvrcoderhi. question: how can i tell my NFS mounts to mount only after openvpn starts?14:28
fnordsi god a broblem wih my broadcusts14:28
nascentmindhi. When i do a do-release-upgrade i am getting failed upgrade tool signature.  how can i fix this?14:28
geekphreakHattab: coding in c / c++?14:28
fnordsit doesnd send samba breadcasts for unknow reasos14:28
geekphreakDr_Willis: found it, ty m14:30
Hattabit is library i want to added but it is a file i think it in bash script14:30
Michalxoubottu ignore14:30
ubottuIf you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname14:30
markl_where does Ubuntu keep the wireless networking credentials?14:31
markl_i did a new install and I need to copy over the WPA2 info, forgot the password14:31
mincevvI wanna buy new pci-e graphic card for my desktop (running Ubuntu 9.10). Lookin' for something cheap that can push 1920x1080. Can you recommend me something?14:31
dvrcodermarkl_: if you are using the Network Manager, it is in the gnome keyring14:31
McL0VIN_how can i do this in windowers?14:31
oriPLease help With Bluetooth. I Installed (i think) eveerything i need for bluetooth to work, have both bluetooth and bluetooth manager starting at login, and when i go to bluetooth manager, i get the following error: Connection to BlueZ failed. Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.14:31
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markl_dvrcoder: ah ok thanks, how painful is it to export those?14:32
McL0VIN_how can i do this in windowers? ssh -ND 9999 username@home_router_ip_address14:32
adalalori: your bluetooth service needs to start14:32
dvrcodermarkl_: uh, no idea :/14:32
markl_dvrcoder: i got a geforce 210, iirc14:32
aciculaMcL0VIN_: needs an ssh client, maybe Putty can do it14:32
oriadalal: how do i do that?14:32
markl_super cheap and can do vdpau14:32
rekhi how can i set the wifi key with iwconfig i dn't understand the syntax14:32
markl_dvrcoder: heh ok ty.  which dvr do you code for?14:32
geekphreakHattab:  plz dont pm me , talk here14:32
adalalori: sudo service bluetooth {start | restart}14:33
adalalchoose whichever14:33
oriadalal: so say, sudo service bluetooth start?14:33
dvrcodermarkl_ : #ubuntu-offtopic. (dvr is only a part of my usual nickname)14:33
adalalori: try it14:33
fnordsi have no glue the server announce dont work14:33
geekphreakkast time Hattab, dont pm me, talk here14:34
McL0VIN_acicula: hmmmm, i am confused now....if i use putty (am actually using secureCRT" i will have to ssh to my box at home...why since i am already logged in ssh to it from it again??14:34
oriadalal: I still get "Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue." when clicking bluetooth mangaer14:34
adalalanyone here know what the differences between dialup-networking, group network and network access point is in blueman?14:34
geekphreakHattab: not sure u can compile bash script, u just run them as they are14:34
adalalori: try restarting14:34
Hattabgeekphreak do u know how to add library to lazarus14:35
Hattabgeekphreak thx14:35
oriadalal: no, still the same thing14:35
geekphreakbe right back14:36
oriadalal: (connection to BlueZ failed)14:36
augustRushHi there14:36
adalalori, i used to have the same problem, sudo rfkill --help , and figure out is your bluetooth is blocked, and if it is, unblock it, it's all in that help file14:36
aciculaMcL0VIN_: eh what?14:36
jack__I like to make a vcard, are there apps for it?14:37
oriadalal: thax14:37
augustRushwht the Rules?14:37
Hattabany one know about lazarus and adding gnu library for it14:37
oriadalal: how do i tell if its blocked or not?14:37
bazhangHattab, trying to compile for gtk?14:38
McL0VIN_acicula: ok, so i have putty, i put my ubuntu box credential and i ssh to it! do i have to run ssh -ND 9999 user@ubuntuboxip or no14:38
adalalori: sudo rkfill list bluetooth14:38
adalalif either soft or hard says yes blocked, then it is14:38
aciculaMcL0VIN_: that assumes openssh-client installed on your windows machine14:39
Lint01are there torrent trackers in ubuntu?14:39
Hattabbazhang what is gtk14:39
oriadalal, can i send you wat i got back?14:39
adalalori: ok14:39
McL0VIN_acicula: what do you mean14:39
bazhangHattab, does your question relate to Ubuntu? or only pascal/lazarus14:39
chriswwhere have you guys hidden the pstats module in python2.5?!14:39
augustRushHey ppl I have a problem with vmware installation14:39
Hattabbazhang yes14:39
aciculaMcL0VIN_: to run an ssh client from windows you need to install an ssh client in windows14:39
adalalori: are you sending it?14:40
bazhangHattab, yes? related to Ubuntu? please clarify exactly what you are trying to do14:40
Hattabbazhang both i think14:40
McL0VIN_acicula: i have putty14:40
oriadalal< u didnt get it?14:40
orijust a sec14:40
aciculathen google on that ;)14:40
oriadalal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410046/14:41
geekphreakMcL0VIN_: what r u trying to do?14:41
adalalgot it14:41
Hattabbazhang there is regular expression library i want to add it to lazarus14:41
geekphreakMcL0VIN_:  you iwll have to open ssh port in ur router settings,14:41
adalalori: it's rfkill, not rkfill14:41
bazhangHattab, and how is this related to Ubuntu?14:41
McL0VIN_geekphreak: use my ubuntu box at home to browse internet at work14:41
oriadalal: lol, just a sec14:41
Godslasteringcan anyone help me with ubuntu & jailkit? i set up a jailed user according to a tutorial but if i ssh, it shows me the opening message thing then closes the connection14:41
McL0VIN_geekphreak: which is port 22 yeah14:42
geekphreakMcL0VIN_: yes14:42
aciculaGodslastering: checked the logs for errors?14:42
Hattabcoz this library created by gnu14:42
oriadalal: 2: phy2: Wireless LAN14:42
Godslasteringacicula: no errors.14:42
oriSoft blocked: no14:42
oriHard blocked: no14:42
makkalotkernel ,kms enabled ,when startx black screen with no action ,xorg.log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/198325/ ,dmesg : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/198323/  any ideas how to fix ?14:42
brezHi, I wanna be able to access my ubuntu desktop from my Iphone, I need to open port 5900 on IPtables - any idea?14:42
adalalori: look for bluetooth not wlan14:42
Hattabbazhang  coz this library created by gnu14:43
adalalori: put in, sudo rfkill list14:43
adalalori: and send it over14:43
bazhangHattab, try in #lazarus-ide14:43
kombuchaquick question: how do I kill/restart X from an Xterminal? My desktop is not responding to any mouse activity (Lucid)14:43
aciculaGodslastering: then increase verbosity or something, its probaly either permissions that are wrong or you are trying to spawn a shell/program that fails instantly because of missing libs/wrong permissions14:43
oriadalal: ok, could you give me the command again?14:43
bazhangkombucha, lucid in #ubuntu+1 please14:43
Godslasteringacicula: aight thanks.14:43
adalalori: sudo rfkill list14:43
geekphreakkombucha:  ps -aux | grep gdm , then kill gdm_id14:43
oriadalal: only wlan comes up14:44
Curly_QMcLOVIN would you like me to DCC send you an nice Windows GUI SSH software?14:44
dabaRbrez: sounds like a job google could help you with.14:44
adalalori: your bluetooth card isn't detected then14:44
kombuchageekphreak: oh that I know, just wondered if there was a more direct way14:44
eurythmiaI'm currently running karmic ... is mixing the use of apt-get and aptitude dangerous? (I've been using apt-get all this time, and want to switch over to aptitude now)14:44
oriadalal: do u know what I do from here?14:44
McL0VIN_Curly_Q: what is it called?14:45
adalalori: is it a usb one? or an internal?14:45
brezdabaR: I tried, when I run netetstat -an | grep "LISTEN " it only shows 5900 open on tcp614:45
Curly_QSecure Shell.14:45
Curly_QFor Windows.14:45
brezI have it forwarded on my router14:45
adalalori: is it a usb one? or an internal?14:45
oriadalal: internal. It's also a system76, made for ubuntu...14:45
McL0VIN_geekphreak: http://www.searchmarked.com/ubuntu/how-to-surf-anonymously-using-an-ssh-tunnel-and-ubuntu.php14:45
dabaRbrez: netstat?14:45
aciculaeurythmia: its not, they are frontends for the same tools14:45
brezI even download gufw and opened it on that. - Yes Netstat14:45
Curly_QIt is an older Beta version free of course but it is better than puTTY because it has a GUI.14:45
geekphreakMcL0VIN_: why do i need that?14:46
adalalori: run lspci and then lsusb and look for a bluetooth card14:46
eurythmiaacicula, that's what I suspected, I wanted to double check to make sure. Thanks :)14:46
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McL0VIN_geekphreak: am at where to setup Firebox on my windows machine , but i don't understand it14:46
dabaRbrez: was there a tutorial you found on google and were following?14:46
geekphreakMcL0VIN_: is it ubuntu question?14:46
Lint01apt-get is much more dangerous14:46
brezkind of, I just forced iptables to listen on port 5900 tcp.14:46
McL0VIN_geekphreak: well you jumped in to help , so am asking you14:47
brezgoogle has ran out of ideas for me ;| router/ip tables all done ;x14:47
augustRushIs Kevin Mitnik Here?14:47
MaletorI am Kevin Mitnik.14:47
bazhangaugustRush, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please14:47
brezI even executed "nc -lvp 5900" as a temp solution ;o14:47
oriadalal: i dont see one, but maybe i dont know what I'm llokingfor14:48
Maletorit takes forevvveeer to resize2fs with 3 TB14:48
geekphreakMcL0VIN_: i read it, its easy , can i pm ?14:48
oriadalal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410049/14:48
geekphreakas this is #offtopic14:48
adalalori: has the bluetooth ever been used before?14:48
McL0VIN_geekphreak: yes14:48
FlirtyDoes anyone know if a fritz avm stick workes without help?14:48
ecolitanhow to make grep match to any comment in bash script?14:48
oriadalal: not that I remember14:48
pranay_09hi , how to format a pen drive through  command line?14:48
MaletorIf I am resize2fs from an ssh shell then that shell loses connection, does that interrupt my resize2fs?14:48
aciculaMaletor: id say so yeah14:49
augustRushwell i am trying to install vmware..I've vm-bt4-.zip. who do i install it?14:49
aciculaMaletor: can try using screen14:49
Maletoracicula: so then how do i throw it onto my computer, because i need to go to class, like rightnow14:49
adalalori: i dont see it either, if it's supposed to have one, contact system76 for support14:50
aciculaapt-get install screen14:50
vrxchkyou can also use nohup14:50
oriadalal: ok thanx for your help14:50
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adalalanyone here know how to make ubuntu act as a headset for a mobile to pick up and dial calls?14:50
martijn_hi, i want a panel like macOS, how do i get this done?14:50
aciculaits just like a normal console, you start it by screen and detach with ctrla,ctrld14:50
augustRushI tried apt-get install.....its no working14:50
Maletorvrxchk: no do i use no hang up14:50
augustRushany other method14:50
MaletoraugustRush: sudo apt-get install ...14:50
dabaRbrez: --listening seems to be an OK switch to netstat/14:51
Maletoror use synaptic augustRush14:51
dabaRbrez: Does that list 5900?14:51
geekphreakMartinp23: xfce  resize it, lol14:51
vrxchkmaletor, man nohup14:51
aciculaadalal: youd have to present the bluetooth profile for that, not sure if thats implemented (or planned)14:51
augustRushwho do i run my xp after installation?14:51
vrxchki personally use screen though. it's just another option you should know about.14:52
geekphreakaugustRush:  what ?14:52
Maletorbut the command is already started vrxchk: so then what...14:52
augustRushHow do i run both WindowsXp and Ubuntu.14:52
c3lHi, im looking for a simple move-maker program, basically just need to cut and add some clips into one file, maybe add some text. I cant find any hand program. any suggestions?14:53
adalalacicula: i see what you mean, but if it's implemented on other linux platforms such as maemo, it shouldn't be difficult to implement it here14:53
vrxchkwell it has to be issued before14:53
geekphreakaugustRush: install xp, install ubuntu14:53
acicula!dualboot | augustRush , best have a look at this wiki14:53
ubottuaugustRush , best have a look at this wiki: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:53
geekphreakacicula:  thank you :)14:53
aciculaadalal: depends on how its implemented on maemo14:53
adalalhm ok14:53
mseerossI have just installed 9.10 on my new PC and the sound isnt working. I have spent a few hours on this to no avail. so far I am working through the soundtroubleshooting guide, but cannot figure out if my soundcard is supported by ALSA14:54
nabeelHi all, I'm getting these errors: http://www.pastebin.com/QBSvrB7C - I'm not quite sure where to start, it's probalby corrupted libraries - I had a dotdeb php 5.3 package, then removed it, and went back to the karmic 5.2 packages - any ideas?14:54
dabaRbrez: you know what though, is there supposed to be a server listening to that port, or what? Cause just cause a port is open in a firewall, does not mean the computer will accept connections on it if there is nothing listening to the port.14:55
brezdabaR: only under tcp614:55
brezthis rdp software on my phone doesn't support ipv6.14:55
augustRushHey I tried sudo apt-get install.....this error is coming couldn't find package14:55
geekphreakgoodnight all14:55
dabaRWhat about ^14:55
geekphreakcya folks, have a good one14:55
c3lHi, im looking for a simple move-maker program, basically just need to cut and add some clips into one file, maybe add some text. I cant find any hand program. any suggestions?14:56
dabaRaugustRush: a) you mispelled the package name, b) you don't have the right repository enabled.14:56
dabaRaugustRush: I guess c) the software you are trying to install is not packaged.14:56
dabaRaugustRush: pick one14:56
SandGorgondoes anybody know how to debug ubiquity - do I have to pass "debug=" flag to the boot parameters of the livecd and then run "ubiquity -d".. I am not clear on this part14:56
augustRushits zip file14:56
augustRushdo i need to give full path or what?14:57
Dr_WillisaugustRush:  you dont use apt-get with zip files14:57
Dr_WillisaugustRush:  it depends on exactly whats in it14:57
augustRushSo whats the other way14:57
augustRushlet me see....14:57
Eyeless69Hi! Russian please, write in PM14:58
kombuchaHaving an issue where I have line-in and can record/playback with sound recorder, but it is not playing through (can't hear or monitor line-in) I've checked all the settings usuing Sound Preferences and ALSA mixer but everything seems to be correct14:58
augustRushthere are few vmdk file and 2 log files....i think its  TGZ file14:58
maginotubottu, ru | Eyeless6914:59
ubottuEyeless69: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:59
Traveler11how do I jump to SHELL from the KDE login screen? Using the keyboard only14:59
kombuchaHow do I just get Ubuntu to play sound through?14:59
maginotTraveler11, CTRL+ALT+F2?14:59
Traveler11thank you, maginot14:59
augustRushKonbucha..Go to Synaptic Package Manager....and Install VLC player15:00
Traveler11maginot: MY X session fails so I have to do a startx from shell :( how do I fix this?15:00
nabeelHi all, I'm getting these errors: http://www.pastebin.com/QBSvrB7C - I'm not quite sure where to start, it's probalby corrupted libraries - I had a dotdeb php 5.3 package, then removed it, and went back to the karmic 5.2 packages - any ideas?15:00
pranay_09hi, i want to put an image on the login screen beside my name , how do i do it?15:00
kombuchaaugustRush: nice, you have to install a new package just to hear audio inputs? schweeeet.15:00
maginotTraveler11, startx works?15:00
dabaRnabeel: what gives  you those errors?15:00
nabeeldabaR: it's php15:01
Traveler11maginot: Its not working now. Saying X is already running15:01
dabaRnabeel: php what?15:01
dabaRnabeel: where do you get the errors?15:01
kombuchaalso not sure why you have to install a PLAYER to set you sound card mixing... are you saying there is nothing in Ubuntu to handle this?15:01
nabeeldabar: php-fpm to be specific, sorry, it was working previously, I updated to 5.3 with php-fpm packaged into it from the dotdeb repositories, then removed it all and back to karmic15:01
augustRushthere are few vmdk file and 2 log files....i think its  TGZ file15:02
kombuchaunfortunately I can't install anything at the moment, aptitude upgrade is running15:02
dabaRkombucha: augustRush is not necessarily the official Ubuntu rep, eh?15:02
kombuchagood point dabaR15:02
maginotTraveler11, did you make any update/install/remove ?15:02
Traveler11maginot: .xsession-error file says fatal IO error session alive but that thing is killed15:02
kombuchadabaR: trolls aren't that fussy15:02
Traveler11maginot: Noop. Fresh install. Logged in once, turned it off immediately, turned on again and this error15:03
augustRushwhat does that mean dabaR15:03
linxehpetaR: yes, they have some server software, but I think it only connects to MS exchange in the free version15:03
maginotTraveler11, gdm-stop or if not work killall -9 X15:03
augustRushWell I am new here. anything else?15:03
dabaRaugustRush: he was just ranting about the solution you gave him, and I wanted to point out that he can probably find a different solution from someone else.15:03
dabaRIf he does not like yours.15:03
dabaRaugustRush: Oh, you're welcome.15:04
pranay_09hi, i want to put an image on the login screen beside my name , how do i do it?15:04
augustRushWell can U tell me how to color my text here?15:04
dabaRaugustRush: you mean like when I send you the message it highlights?15:04
babarogaWho can propose me a free PHP script for tutorial sites because I want to set up an tutorial site for Ubuntu in Albanian ?15:04
Lint01please do not direct people to #ubuntu-ru, first it requires login to post and second it filled with trolls15:04
maginotaugustRush, Don't use colors on irc15:05
augustRushHey and other like black instead of gra15:05
Traveler11maginot: No server X. and im running KDE15:05
dabaRbabaroga: I know what your nick means.15:05
dabaRbabaroga: maybe you would like a wiki?15:05
maginotTraveler11, I'm not sure, but if kdm doesn't have some "kdm-stop" command you can kill it with killall kdm15:06
dabaRaugustRush: I don't know that.15:06
dabaRaugustRush: try using google to find out.15:06
kombuchaOne thing I notice is that ALSAmixer has different settings for playback and capture, although nothing to indicate why line-in is not being monitored15:06
augustRushsee I am in Gray...and I dont like it15:06
babarogadabaR: Which one would you recommend ?15:06
dabaRnabeel: so what, when you restart apache it breaks?15:06
maginotaugustRush, change on the preferences of your irc client15:06
c3lHi, im looking for a simple move-maker program, basically just need to cut and add some clips into one file, maybe add some text. I cant find any hand program. any suggestions?15:07
dabaRbabaroga: Well, there are a few, maybe you could try one, and then switch to another if you don't like it. Let me find a page with demos...15:07
dabaRbabaroga: the other thing people use is blog posts. Not as interactive15:07
nabeeldabar: i'm using nginx. it's about maybe after an hour to hour and half php-fpm just stops responding, and the log is full of those errors. i'm trying to completely remove and clean it from aptitude along with all dependencies15:07
babarogadabaR: thank you i think I will try wikis.15:08
Traveler11maginot: killall kdm takes me back to the login screen and there I cant login (i get kicked back to the login screen)15:08
lololfunnyi used to have ubuntu installed once15:08
maginotcan someone help Traveler11 on how to kill/stop kdm?15:08
lololfunnyi like how its meant to be more secure than windows15:08
tachiro(browsing distrowatch.com) hmm, is there a particular distro that is known for having good sound quality?15:09
augustRushHey....tell me how do i install vmware----I got the file bt4-final-vmware.zip15:09
dabaRbabaroga: maybe you can start here: http://www.google.ca/search?q=php+wiki+demo15:09
ApokalQ all15:09
dabaRnabeel: fpm, is that the image extension?15:09
dabaRbabaroga: looks like ubuntu has packages for some of them.15:09
lukasz1hi people, mozilla working fine now ;)15:10
nabeeldabar: no, it's a fastcgi process manager - http://php-fpm.org/15:10
babarogadabaR: what do you mean ?15:10
rekhi,how can i set up the key using iwconfig15:10
dabaRbabaroga: I mean you would not have to install it manually, but rather through aptitude/synaptic15:10
dabaRrek: did you try iwconfig --help on the command line?15:11
McL0VIN_ii keep getting this "Firefox: The proxy server is refusing connections Options" could someone help me please15:11
rekno i went on the man page dabaR15:11
adacIs there a good flickr plugin you guys can consider me?15:11
dabaRbabaroga: which may or may not matter to you, depending on how comfortable you are with databases and web apps.15:11
ApokalЦрщlive in America?15:11
jottingerDid the new kernel update screw up grub for anyone else? My rack server won't reboot without user interaction, and my son's dual-boot system won't boot windows15:11
Apokalwho live in America?15:12
babarogadabaR: Where are you from that know my nickname meaning ?15:12
augustRushHey....tell me how do i install vmware----I got the file bt4-final-vmware.zip15:12
sahilskhi ,all.15:12
dabaRI'm Yugoslavian. Lived in Belgrade and Zagreb, now in Winnipeg, Canada15:12
martijn_which driver do i haves to install when my video card is 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce Go 7900 GS] (rev a1)15:12
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tomatoes7i live in america, but i pretend i'm in canada15:12
sahilskwhat are vdi images? do i really need to have Virtual box to get vdi images insgalled?15:13
pranay_09can anyone please help , because i went to System->Administration->Login Screen  but can't get any option to change the image in login screen15:13
LordMetroidAnyone know anything about Scribus?15:13
LordMetroidIs it recomendable?15:13
sipiorLordMetroid: it's quite handy, yes.15:13
progre55hey people, what should be the chmod rights for ~/.ssh/id_rsa? was it 600?15:13
dabaRbabaroga: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MediaWiki shows how to insatll mediawiki, the one I use here at work, under Ubuntu15:13
cara mi me ablas en españo15:14
Pici!es | car15:14
ubottucar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:14
rekdabaR, i can't understand the syntax15:14
Piciprogre55: Yes.15:14
carustedes teneis tuenti¿?15:14
sahilskvirtual disk images for installting ubuntu?? would i need to do sth extra during installtion?15:14
dabaRaugustRush: I think this may be a good guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware15:14
mseerossI still cannot hear any sound at all on my new pc w/fresh install of 9.10 - on previous installs I have tried removing ALSA, which still did not work. I think the problem is with the drivers. Here is my lspci on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/M0F7SiJY    -- on the official ubuntu sound troubleshooting guide it tells me I can check to see if my soundcard is supported by ALSA, but I dont know how. here are the links:  https://help.ub15:15
mseerossuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting  http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main  is there anyone who can please help me?15:15
augustRushThnx I'll try15:15
progre55Pici: thanks15:15
dabaRrek: so?15:15
jottingerI wonder if reinstalling ubuntu would fix grub somehow. :/15:15
carubottu tu tienes tuenti15:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:16
brezwow, even on a local network i csnt vnc15:16
geekphreakjottinger:  whats wrong with it?15:16
cara mi15:16
GibbyI just restarted my computer, now when I login I only get a small terminal in the top left of the window.... plz help15:16
carpo k estoy enel tuenti15:16
dabaRrek: iwconfig key AB12CD34..15:16
dabaRcar: we don't know spanish.15:17
geekphreakGibby:  did you install gui ?15:17
cares k no te entiendo15:17
geekphreakwhich sessiion did u choose Gibby15:17
wastrelsounds like gnome isn't starting and you're just getting the default X server Gibby15:17
dabaRcar: they speak spanish in ubuntu-es15:17
isolat3dsh33phello guys, I found a file inside my ntfs folder that can't be deleted by nautilus. It keeps beeing regenerated each time I delete it. The name is .fuse_hidden00000c1100000007 could it be a virus or a bug?15:17
wastrelGibby: what if you type gnome-session  in the terminal15:17
brezdabaR: technicslly if i launch rdp in ubuntu it should be accessible via my local network, right??15:18
geekphreakisolat3dsh33p:  run chkrootkit and rkhunter15:18
dabaRbrez: what is RDP?15:18
pranay_09can anyone please help , because i went to System->Administration->Login Screen  but can't get any option to change the image in login screen15:18
brezim on my ipone via ssh now15:18
brezremote desktop15:18
martijn_which driver do i have to install when my video card is 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce Go 7900 GS] (rev a1)?15:18
dabaRbrez: I think that might be enabled by default, but I don't know.15:18
ZykoticK9isolat3dsh33p, fuse it the name of the filesystem mounter that is probably mounting that ntfs partition - not sure what that file does mind you.15:18
wikiikanobody know a terminal command to read a given line from a file15:18
Gibbywastrel, that looks like it kinda worked, i got the login sound and my custom background but not the upper panel15:18
wikiiki know that combining head and tail i can get a given line15:19
wikiikbut i would like to know if really exist a specific command15:19
jottingergeekphreak: did the kernel update a few days ago on MY machine, son did it last night on his, now grub won't autoboot on my rack server, and his won't load win715:19
dabaRbrez: OK, there is a System>Preferences>Remote Desktop, which is a GUI and self-explanatory. Did you enable it there?15:19
wastrelGibby: when you reboot do you log in at a login screen or does it just come up with that terminal window15:19
Piciwikiik: I'm not aware of a specific command to do that, but perhaps #bash can help?15:19
wikiikthanks Pici15:19
Gibbywastrel, i get the gui login screen on tty7, i log in, then i get the generic background and just a small terminal window15:20
brezi had it workinv on a different pc with nothing bit default setings15:20
isolat3dsh33pgeekphreak, both are not installed. What are they for? | ZykoticK9, I want to delete the folder containing it because it's empty. How can I remove it?15:20
brezthis was on am older verdion of ubuntu tho15:20
wastrelGibby: check what geekphreak mentioned-  at the login screen make sure you choose a Gnome session15:20
brezwow typing on a iphone blows on irc :p15:20
ZykoticK9isolat3dsh33p, sorry i really don't know (I don't use FAT/NFTS at all, sorry)15:20
isolat3dsh33pZykoticK9, its ok. ;)15:21
augustRushHey debaR...Are u Using 2 os simultaneously?15:21
Lint01are there torrent trackers in ubuntu?15:21
crizzahokay so, my problem is as follows. Im drunk and i do not remember the keyboard shut cut i hit to turn my pound sign (tic tac toe) into a euro (£) symbol.15:21
crizzahCould some one kindly instruct me as how to remedy this problem?15:21
ZykoticK9!u > augustRush15:22
ubottuaugustRush, please see my private message15:22
problematicsadHello, i have dual OS running on my PC (i have only one HDD. It's done by wubi installer, not another partition - ubuntu installed inside windows ). What am i supposed to do for being able to see my files on windows when i use ubuntu ?15:22
odb|fidelthe drinking problem?15:22
crizzahobd lol15:22
crizzahgood man15:22
enthus_Hi all, i have the cd of kubuntu9.04 by installing it can i run  khangman4.4 in it?15:22
TheTitanWhat permissions should a jail have?15:23
augustRushsee man I got XP and Ubuntu....now ubuntu is running.....want to run xp inside ubuntu. So how???15:23
odb|fidelenthus_: if you install khangman - which sounds like part of the kde-games - most likely yes15:23
Gibbywatrel and geekphreak, the options are gone for that15:23
odb|fidelaugustRush: you need a VM15:23
geekphreakGibby:  did you uninstall any applications?15:23
Gibbyyep but i did not uninstall ubuntu-desktop or gnome-session15:24
augustRushI got the bt4-final-vm.zip15:24
enthus_odb|fidel: cani get all the dependencies of khangman by default in it?15:24
augustRushbut unable to install it. need help15:24
problematicsadHello, i have dual OS running on my PC (i have only one HDD. It's done by wubi installer, not another partition - ubuntu installed inside windows ). What am i supposed to do for being able to see my files on windows when i use ubuntu ?15:25
pranay_09please help15:25
vinuswhen i try to play a video in movie player it shows an error as The playback of this movie requires a MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin which is not installed.   The playback of this movie requires a H.264 decoder plugin which is not installed.15:25
geekphreakgibby so you know what gnome or kde working or both?15:25
geekphreaktry to reinstall, think u took off x :)15:25
Gibbygeekphreak, i think so too, trying to install gnome-session again15:25
isolat3dsh33pthe file has become annoying15:26
ZykoticK9problematicsad, places > computer > file system > host15:26
geekphreakjcause u cant delete it?15:26
Gibbygeekphreak, looks like that solved it, thanks15:27
jottinger*sigh* I don't know why grub started having problems with THIS kernel update15:28
hceylanHi is there a way to try experimental nouveau 3d on lucid?15:28
fredfallWhat does the FloodBot1 do?15:28
Gibbynow the damn nvidia screen flickering is back tho15:28
geekphreakGibby did you install driver module?15:29
TheTitanwhat permissions should i set on a jail with chmod?15:29
ZykoticK9fredfall, the FloodBot# prevent floods (pasting into the channel) from getting too out of control - they cut people off basically15:29
fredfallOh, and the nhandler?15:29
Gibbygeekphreak, yep15:29
jottingergeekphreak: he's talking about chroot I think15:30
geekphreakoh ok15:30
TheTitanjottinger: yeah, using jailkit, it says its not a secure jail because its group writable15:30
ZykoticK9jails is a FreeBSD term15:30
TheTitani dont know what permissions to set then15:30
* geekphreak heards of jails in terms of ftp servers15:30
TheTitanwhat permission should i set for it to not be group writable15:31
nemoCan someone help me interpret a boot chart?  My mother is complaining of slow boot, but I'm inexperienced in judging what might be abnormal.15:31
geekphreak744 , read only access?15:31
nemothinking maybe something related to a mount or something15:31
=== homer is now known as Guest57043
Picifredfall: hes not a bot15:31
nemobut I can't actually observe her processes start.15:31
Aragondoes someone of you know a program or a terminal command which tells me if a program is blocking the screensaver?15:32
Guest57043Hi all! Need help! got problem with vpn to work. Using kVpnc..got acount, router, but it doesnt work anyway..pls..15:32
Gibbygeekphreak, also the farthest right applet is gone, where you can logout, restart, shutdown, lock screen, ect....15:32
geekphreakGibby:  u can always get it back15:33
geekphreakgibby >> right click panel >> add to panel, add it again15:33
nemoalso. does karmic use parallel startup of services?15:33
Gibbygeekphreak, correct, but which one is it?15:33
geekphreakswitch off15:34
geekphreakalso add logout15:34
Gibbyok let me try that one, whenever my computer decides to respond again,  i just did a fresh install on friday15:34
enthus_Hi all, i have the cd of kubuntu9.04 by installing it can i run  khangman4.4 in it?15:35
Lint01enthus_: visit distrowatch and check the library versions15:36
nabeelHey guys - what might this mean - "glibc detected *** /usr/local/bin/php-fpm double free or corruption (!prev)" and it gives a backtrace (which I can paste if needed)15:36
enthus_Lint01: i completely new could you tell me how to see tha??15:36
genii!info khangman jaunty15:36
enthus_Lint01: that*?15:36
vinushey pls help15:37
ubottukhangman (source: kdeedu): Hangman word puzzle for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 750 kB, installed size 1680 kB15:37
calumenthus: khangman should be able to run on Ubuntu or Kubuntu15:37
Guest57043Hi all! Need help! got problem with vpn to work. Using kVpnc..got acount, router, but it doesnt work anyway..pls..15:38
martijn_which driver do i have to install when my video card is 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce Go 7900 GS] (rev a1)?15:38
enthus_calum: i m particular about the version khangman4.4?15:38
Trekmartijn_, check under "Hardware Drivers" in administration it should have one there15:39
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bscapehow can i display on an external projector through command line?15:39
erUSULbscape: xrandr ?15:39
bscapeerUSUL: that's what i tried.. it may have been the projector was just faulty (definitely possible)15:40
calumenthus: Hmmm, I'll see if it installs on my system... I'm not sure about the latest version15:40
Lint01are there analog of gnome-control-center but not tied to gnome libs?15:41
calumenthus: Khangman works on my Ubuntu 9.10 - I see no reason why it shouldn't work on kubuntu 9.0415:43
WhitorHi, I'm looking for a program on Ubuntu that will support my video ipod. any ideas? Rythembox doesn't seem to support video :(15:45
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Whitorusing rockbox on the ipod...15:46
kn100Whitor, wait until Ubuntu Lucid is released15:47
kn100Whitor, it supports all iPods stock15:47
kn100Is there a command I can run that will test that 5.1 audio is working ie by playing a noise on each channel?15:48
Picikn100: check out man speaker-test15:48
kn100Pici, thanks15:49
Whitorkn100, thanks, its a bit dissapointing, but I appreciate the info15:49
symfony_beginner htrhdt kyugf fjsdk ?15:51
martijn_thanks man Trek15:51
Shpongoolethe sound icon is missing from the panel, how do I get it back?15:56
Lint01are there analog of gnome-control-center but not tied to gnome libs?15:58
_4crickj_Shpongoole: have you restarted?  The sound service has probably crashed.15:58
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
Guthurbash is not picking up programs in usr/local/bin, how can I point to this for the root user15:59
pranay_09can anyone please help , because i went to System->Administration->Login Screen  but can't get any option to change the image in login screen15:59
fnordshow can i enable samba server broadcasts?16:00
GuthurI see mention of .bash_profile in some places16:00
Shpongoole_4crickj_, yes, just restarted. sound is working fine16:00
GuthurShould I place that in root ~16:00
_4crickj_Guthur:  ass /usr/local/bin to $PATH in .bash_rc16:00
_4crickj_Guthur: Sorry ... ADD /usr/local/bin16:01
Guthurhehe no probs, thanks16:01
_4crickj_Guthur:  actually ... .bashrc , not .bash_rc16:02
Guthur_4crickj_: no probs got it here, thanks16:03
Lyoko dfvr16:03
iranintoavan_I have a quick question about wget that I couldn't find in the manual. If I start an wget -b (in the background) how can I check the progress on it afterwards.16:03
Pici!es | Lyoko16:03
ubottuLyoko: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:03
wynne284Mozilla opens "Search bookmarks and History" when trying to enlarge an image.  ubuntu 9.1016:04
malaiwahhi, I'd like to connect to a openbsd (isakmpd) ipsec vpn gateway from my ubuntu laptop (9.10). i'm behind nat, what is the package I should install/configure?16:04
stummjr@iranintoavan_ you could check the wget.log file, with the tailf command: tailf wget.log16:04
Shpongoole_4crickj_, what I mean is that I have restarted, and the sound is working, yet no volume/sound icon on the panel16:05
iranintoavan_@stummjr I tried that and it said tailf: cannot stat "wget.log": No such file or directory16:06
geekphreakiranintoavan_: hello16:06
_4crickj_Shpongoole: is gnome-volume-control-applet running?16:07
iranintoavan_@geekphreak hey16:07
Lint01pranay_09: login screen can no longer be configured16:07
stummjr@iranintoavan_ check the path in which you started downloading the file, in that path must be a wget.log.<number> or just wget.log file16:07
Shpongoole_4crickj_, not as far as I can see. shouldnt it be on autostart?16:08
pranay_09Linit01:why is it so , is it due to some security probs?16:08
iranintoavan_@stummjr I'll try that out16:08
=== daz_ is now known as DaZ
geekphreakiranintoavan_: did you do -o for log ?16:09
boss_21/f , ne girls wana play?16:09
_4crickj_Shpongoole:  yes, it should start automatically (not sure where).  type gnome-volume-control-applet in a shell to see if any errors pop up.16:09
macoboss_: not appropriate16:09
Piciboss_: This is the Ubuntu Support Channel, not a dating service.16:10
Shpongoole_4crickj_, it worked flawlessly, I started it via alt+2 so that it runs in the background. and added it to autostart applications. =)16:10
Lint01pranay_09: i doubt it, probably for noobs not to break their system plauying around16:10
iranintoavan_@stummjr Yeah there is a wget.log file in there. How do I open it up?16:11
iranintoavan_@geekphreak Just "wget -o"?16:11
stummjr@iranintoavan_ you should use whatever text editor you want, gedit, vim, but the best way is using the "tailf" command tailf /path/to/wget.log16:12
geekphreakiranintoavan_:  yep to save log16:12
iranintoavan_@geekphreak How do I open the log though?16:12
stummjr@iranintoavan_ then, tailf will constantly being reading and showing to you the updates from that file16:12
geekphreakiranintoavan_:  you cam do vi wget.log16:13
iranintoavan_@geekphreak Got it, wow thats a long file haha. Thanks a bunch. I'm pretty new to linux but I'm loving it.16:15
geekphreakiranintoavan_: np16:15
thieusoaiif I do something like   some_cmd > /dev/null  then all the error (stderr) will still be output on screen right ?16:17
Picithieusoai: Yes.16:18
thieusoaiPici, k thanks16:18
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
Nemurenaihey, I have an issue where, if my laptop has been suspended, I can only turn the volume up with the volume buttons and mute takes three clicks to actually mute. Google is not so helpful. Any ideas?16:19
realubotWhy is aptitude removing these packets when installing elinks: linux-headers-2.6.31-16{u} linux-headers-2.6.31-16-generic-pae{u} linux-headers-2.6.31-19{u} linux-headers-2.6.31-19-generic-pae{u}16:20
mohjakHow to minimize open windows to panel because I lost this thing?16:20
geekphreakmohjak:  lost panel?16:20
iranintoavan_@realubot I could be wrong since I'm pretty new to linux but I'm pretty sure apitude removes unneeded and orphaned files automatically for you16:21
mlietzI just installed Lucid, and I can't seem to use the entire width of one of my two monitors.16:21
mohjakgeekphreak yes I have removed the panel that I can minimize and maximize Open windows from it and I can't do it again16:21
dvrcoderhm... can I simply add Provides: $remote_fs into my (sysv) script to ensure it is loaded before stuff which accesses my mounts?16:21
mlietzone is 1680x1050 and the other is 1280x102416:21
Picirealubot: try: aptitude why-not linux-headers-2.6.31-1616:22
geekphreakmohjak:  add a new panel16:22
mlietzand the rightmost quarter of the 1280x1024 is corrupted and I can't get windows over it.16:22
realubotPici: Are you kidding me?16:22
=== hexdump is now known as hexdump_
mlietzthe middle is also messed up - the wallpaper stops and there's this middle area where whatever I drag around stays.16:22
Picirealubot: hmm?16:23
realubotPici: Huh?16:23
Picirealubot: That is a real command.16:23
brummbaermlietz, gfx card?16:23
mlietzsapphire X55016:23
mlietzwhich I guess is ATI?16:23
mohjakgeekphreak I did that but nothing new happened16:24
serialsitohi guys, anyone knows how can i exclude kde .desktop file from etc/xdg? i try with gnome.desktop apps and works fine but not with kde.desktop apps16:24
hexdump_lol has anyone else got a bot or something that says...Hello "nick" I am a Victoria's Secret employee that notices how great you would look in one of our bras so what is your bra size?16:25
geekphreakmohjak:   when u add a new panel , you have to add minimize widget :)16:25
mlietzbrummbaer: problem shows up when they're side by side. It's not as bad if I do top and bottom, but even then there's a border around the bottom of the one with the weird corruption16:25
hexdump_lol wtf omg16:25
ninjaithat sounds liek a hilarious bra16:25
ninjai*hilarious bra spammer16:25
ardchoille!ot | ninjai16:26
ubottuninjai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:26
hexdump_yeah keeps switching nicks and msg me.16:26
Picihexdump_: What nick?16:26
stummjr@iranintoavan_ you should try: tailf wget.log, to check the progress of the file16:26
brummbaeri just got one for ed pills16:26
geekphreakhexdump_: is that a ubuntu question??16:26
hexdump_AguaBaba and then Ursuaki.  I ran a whowas and here is the info  [Ursuaki] (~nnasd@ip68-5-178-250.oc.oc.cox.net): nnnasdf16:26
hexdump_* [Ursuaki] verne.freenode.net :Tue Apr 6 15:25:20 201016:26
hexdump_* Ursuaki :End of WHOWAS16:26
Picihexdump_: ty.16:26
mohjakgeekphreak thank you but from were I can add it, I can't find it in Add to Panel16:26
theadminhexdump_: report spammers to #freenode16:27
Lint01are there analog of gnome-control-center but not tied to gnome libs?16:27
geekphreakin that new panel, u should see it mohjak16:27
symfony_beginner<?php echo $_SERVER ?>16:28
theadminLint01: KControl is KDE one... They are all environment-specific16:28
theadminOr was it Kontrol?16:28
Picitheadmin: kcontrol I beleive.16:28
theadmingeekphreak: huh what16:29
shrinineed help on nfs16:29
mohjakgeekphreak Ok Thanks a lot :D16:29
geekphreakmohjak:  welcome16:29
shriniI set up a nfs server exported /home16:29
geekphreaktheadmin:  some people :)16:30
shrinihad 9 nfs clients who get their /home from the nfs server16:30
mohjakI have another question: How can I add usb support for VirtualBox?16:30
shriniI am getting issues in mounting16:30
theadminmohjak: USB is only supported in Sun release of Virtualbox. You will not get that in one that is present in Software Center16:30
geekphreakmohjak:  i think you have to goto your virtual system setting, enable it there16:30
symfony_beginnerWindows is better than ubuntu16:31
sipiorshrini: issues?16:31
theadminsymfony_beginner: Is that a question?16:31
theadminp0o9i8hhh7tfg: Hello there.16:31
Lint01it's a truth, but it's offtopic here16:31
p0o9i8hhh7tfgi have big problem16:32
shrinisipior: sometimes, /home directory is not getting mounted16:32
shrinisipior: so the clients hung before login16:32
theadminLint01: Windows is not better, nor is it worse, it's different.16:32
sipiorshrini: are these hard-mounted?16:32
mohjakgeekphreak I am going to explain this: when I connect the usb flash or Hard Disk virtualBox didn't detect these usb devices and I searched about this issue but I can't find any thing about it .16:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:33
theadminLint01: You don't compare a ice-cream making machine with a shoe cleaner. (Lame comparison, i know). But let's cut the ot talks16:33
shrinisipior: I did not mentioned as hard16:33
geekphreakmohjak:  i told you howto do it, cant explain more, it aint #ubuntu topic16:33
shrinisipior: is it the default option - hard?16:33
sipiorshrini: i believe it is, but do check the man page to be sure.16:33
UrdaStrange-Question: I have a list of repos I need to clone ... a b and c. How can I make bash run commands without having to repeat the same thing every time? I need it to do hg clone http://blah/hg/a then hg clone http://blah/hg/b ...16:33
shrinisipior: ok.16:33
Picimohjak: You'd need to install the package from virtualbox.org.  the Open Source Edition does not have USB support.16:34
UrdaCan I pipe something in so it knows how to formulate the next command?16:34
shrinisipior: if i give soft, what will happen?16:34
sipiorshrini: in any event, a soft-mount might be better in your situation, or set up an automounter16:34
mlietzI'm not even sure how to describe what's happening on this second monitor of mine.16:34
shrinisipior: ok. will check softmount now16:34
devhousehi, i want to make a sh script for a smbclient script but how i can give the password up?16:34
theadmindevhouse: May I ask how is the password prompted?16:35
realubotPici: Ok, I thought it was a joke. Sorry.16:35
mlietzThis is my dual monitor display. Shutter managed to grab the corrupt part too. http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/50760/desk_1_001_9TEtNH.png16:36
devhousetheadmin: afcourse16:36
mlietzthat rightmost stripe cannot show the window in front of it, though the mouse cursor can go there.16:36
theadminmiletz: Is this lucid? :/16:36
devhousei type: smbclient //movsrv01/burs -U username16:36
mlietztheadmin: yes16:36
devhouseubuntu: Enter username's password:16:36
theadminmlietz: We don't support it here, please join #ubuntu+116:37
realubotPici: But I got the answer: Unablat to find reason to remove linux-header...16:37
realubotPici: *Unable16:37
mlietztheadmin: Curses. I had the same problem in Karmic, IIRC.16:37
theadmindevhouse: Okay, so maybe something like this will work: yes password | smbclient //movsrv01/burs -U username16:37
mlietzbut I'll go there.16:37
hashed_symfony_beginner: is it free?16:37
Picirealubot: Are you currently running a kernel version thats higher than the packages that it wants to remove?16:37
devhouseok, i will try thank you!16:37
hashed_(oops, didn't mean to send that)16:37
Guest57043vpn wont work16:38
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theadminGuest57043: In what way?16:38
realubotPici: Yes, I use 2.6.31-20-generic-pae and when installing elinks aptitude wanted to remove 2.6.31-16.16:38
MartiiniHei! Installed new Lucid Beta. Installation DVD gave me b43 broadcom wireless driver in jockey-kde. Now .. in installed system .. I get no drivers in jockey-kde "Hardware Drivers"16:39
Treklucid | Martiini16:39
Trek!lucid | Martiini16:39
ubottuMartiini: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:39
theadminMartinp23: Lucid support in #ubuntu+1, thanks16:39
geekphreakMarti try #ubuntu+116:39
Martiinianyone here at all ....16:39
theadminOops, tab fail16:39
aphlixi0nI am here16:39
theadminMartiini: Lucid support in #ubuntu+116:39
RP64hi GNEA u here16:39
TrekMartiini: go to #ubuntu+1 for support16:39
Martiinitheadmin ... it is a common sense ubuntu question16:39
TrekMartiini: go to #ubuntu+1 for support with your issue16:40
Martiinistop shouting lucid16:40
TrekMartiini: this channel won't support lucid until its released, and not during beta16:40
MartiiniAnyone know about wirelless drivers?16:40
Martiiniit is aldo in Karmic16:40
Martiininot lucid16:40
`blackmk4|imacWhat would cause my box to drop off the LAN until I reboot it whenever I try to transfer at high speeds to/from it? I've tried two nics - same problem, tried WinXP and it was fine, so I know it's a config or something problem. The install is fresh from today. It's CLI only and wired - no wifi. If I leave the computer alone it will eventually drop off, and I can make it happen pretty quickly by transferring data to/from it.16:40
* Urda Lucid Buttons... has nightmares...16:40
devhousetheadmin: sorry i didn't work16:40
TrekMartiini: your issue in Karmic is different that Lucid, they run slightly differently with different packages.16:41
theadmindevhouse: Well, then i'm kinda out of ideas16:41
Picirealubot: I have a feeling that it wants to do that anyway.  It likely has nothing to do with elinks.16:41
MartiiniHei! Installed Karmic. Installation DVD gave me b43 broadcom wireless driver in jockey-kde. Now .. in installed system .. I get no drivers in jockey-kde "Hardware Drivers"16:41
Guest57043checked pptp, allow stateful inspection, mschap2, all security16:41
RP64can some1 help me, my laptop media buttons stopped responding after upgrading my version to 9.0416:41
Guest57043whats wrong16:41
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geekphreakRP64:  hey ur back :p16:41
ardchoilleMartiini: You're running Lucid, please go to #ubuntu+116:41
ct529hi there .... I have a problem with a pdf file! I cannot print it out in black and white .... I have tried all the possible options ...16:41
theadminardchoille: Actually, i had the same issue with Karmic16:41
geekphreakwow :o16:42
MartiiniI AM running KARMIC16:42
geekphreakwhat was that16:42
theadmino_O WTF16:42
ralleasyubuntu does work anybody?  (a desperate try for making video playing from web work properly..   Yes Ive got adobeflash and ubuntu-restricted-extras16:42
Pici!netsplit | geekphreak16:42
PiciPlease calm down.16:42
RP64geekphreak: but im rly in trouble tho16:42
FriedrichManhello everybody!16:42
geekphreakPici:  i know :)16:42
Treksorry, it lagged my system to oblivion16:42
MartiiniAnyone help with wireless here?16:42
ardchoilleMartiini: Funny how you said you were running lucid and then changed to karmic when you found out you had to go to another channel for support.16:42
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RP64geekphreak:  my stuff got screwed after upgrading my version16:42
TrekMartiini: you said initially you're using Lucid.  Then you say Karmic16:42
FriedrichManis there  a way to find out what ips are connected to your wifi connection over ubuntu?16:42
MartiiniI AM running KARMIC16:42
ct529the fille is here http://www.research-innovation.ed.ac.uk/information/Infinite2009.pdf16:43
Guest57043mr bot wtf16:43
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  you can check your client list through your router16:43
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:43
ubottugeekphreak: please see above16:43
Guest57043checked pptp, allow stateful inspection, mschap2, all security16:43
FriedrichManhexdump_: how do I access that?16:43
SephisHi, the networkmanager dispatcher run a script by connecting to Wireless. The script set the Proxy (gconftool). But the dispatche rstarts the script as root and so the proxy of User doesn't set ...16:43
ct529I am running 9.10 at 64 bit and I have okular, acroread laste version and image viewer .....16:43
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  type route in your shell and connect to your gateway16:43
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Guest57043vpn expert anyone?16:44
geekphreakPici:  thanks :)16:44
Martiinipimplefaced computer freak bastards16:44
ardchoille!ops | Martiini16:44
ubottuMartiini: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:44
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  do that in your web browser something like or if your router is accessible via telnet I'm not sure what router you have.16:44
RinsmasterOn avarage, how long would a dd of a 6GB file to a usb stick take?16:44
Picigtklocker: ?16:44
jpdsgtklocker: Hi.16:44
TrekRinsmaster, depends on the system :P16:44
FriedrichManhexdump_: it's
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  you're going to need to know your password for your router.  I hope you changed it, cuz it's not a good idea to leave your router with the default l/p.16:44
geekphreakjpds:  thanks :)16:44
gtklocker@Rinsmaster: about Five minutes?16:45
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  go to your browser and type
RinsmasterTrek, I see almost no CPU usage, only lots of disk usage16:45
Rinsmasterah okay, well it's been running for about 5 min now, I'll wait longer :P16:45
FriedrichMandid so16:45
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  you will either be prompted for an l/p or when you try to go to administrative settings within your browser you will need to type your l/p16:45
realubotPici: Mhm, you may be right. I don't know. I just got a litte bit confused about the question.16:46
gtklocker!ops | TontitoSoundSyst16:46
ubottuTontitoSoundSyst: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:46
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  you need to find something like DHCP client list.16:46
FriedrichManhexdump_: I never used a password16:46
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  what type of router do you have?16:46
jpdsgtklocker: ?16:47
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  hang on I'll figure it out for you.16:47
FriedrichMankozumi wireless16:47
SephisHi, i have a problem with the networkmanager dispatcher. It runs a script when connecting to Wifi. The script sets the Proxy (gconftool). But the dispatcher starts the script as root and so the proxy of User doesn't set ... what can i do to set the proxy of the User. If i run the proxy_set_script as normal user it works fine. (second try, with better english, i hope ...) :D16:47
geekphreaklol @ try with better english :p16:47
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  what did you say your router was?16:48
TrekSephis: can you not add to startup the script to run in terminal?16:48
Trekwow, bad english16:48
geekphreakhexdump_: he said kozumi16:48
FriedrichMankozumi wireless16:48
Picigtklocker: Why are you calling for ops?16:48
TrekSephis: (rephrase) Can you not add to the startup sequence a launchter that runs the script for the user in terminal?  and not on system boot, on user's login16:48
hexdump_okie hang on16:49
geekphreakhi LjL16:49
buttons840in bash, how can i chain up a few commands so that the second command waits for the first to complete before executing?16:49
FriedrichManhexdump_: ok, thanks16:50
tsimpsonbuttons840: command1 && command2 && command316:50
buttons840tsimpson: thanks16:50
tsimpsonbuttons840: or, command1 ; command2 ; command316:50
RP64anyone have any ideas16:50
tsimpsonbuttons840: the first only runs the next command if the previous command completes successfully, the second runs the next command no matter what16:50
geekphreakadios peeps16:51
RP64u didnt helo me16:51
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  try l/p guest16:51
ardchoilletsimpson: I was just about to ask about that16:51
SephisTrek,  Hmm it should only run, when cocnecting to a definite wlan16:51
FriedrichManhexdump_: cool16:52
sixofourhow do you change resolutions in ubuntu?16:52
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  if that doesn't work try admin/admin16:52
TrekSephis: you might be looking at messing with the scripts connected to network manager16:52
FriedrichManhexdump_ guest did the work16:52
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  were you able to get into your router now?16:52
hexdump_ok good16:52
mohjakHow to make an iso image from folders and files using terminal? or a program?16:52
=== bigjb is now known as bigjb_gone
FriedrichManbut where am I supposed to find the laptops connected?16:53
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  now I know nothing about your router but see if you can find an area that says DHCP client list.16:53
ardchoille!away > bigjb_gone16:53
ubottubigjb_gone, please see my private message16:53
sixofourhow do you change resolutions in ubuntu? i have the nvidia x server config but there is no option to change the resolution in it16:54
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  go to status and check statistics16:54
FriedrichManhexdump_: theres no ips in status7statics16:55
wxgsjtuhi all16:56
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  just yours?16:56
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  just your internal ip right?16:56
FriedrichManhexdump_: in statics... theres no ip... only the transmit accumulation statics16:56
AscavasaionIf I can type smb:// locally in Nautilus and it works perfectly on the same machine and I cannot do it from Windows machine... any idea what the problem could be?16:57
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  hang on16:57
FriedrichManon Wan status though there's  a label... which says "connection type" DHCP16:57
FriedrichManbut I dn't see my ip nowhere over there16:58
Lint01Ascavasaion: firewall?16:58
hexdump_FridrichMan:  why don't you make a screenshot of your router and put it on photo bucket so I can see what I'm workin with16:58
Bezerk-BRIn windows you have to type \\192.168.016:58
FriedrichManhexdump_: where am I supposed to upload it?16:58
hexdump_FriedrichMan: just dcc it to me16:59
FriedrichManhexdump_: I configured my ip and my wife's ip so yhey are static16:59
FriedrichManbut I don't see none of them in here16:59
Rinsmasterwoohoo, dd finished :P16:59
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  are you able to change any administrative options around?16:59
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=== ubuntu is now known as benkong2
wensleydalehello. i need to be able to password protect my laptop when im out of the room. does anyone know the command for locking the screen in ubuntu please?17:00
wxgsjtui know17:00
benkong2hello all17:00
AscavasaionLinkadmin, I created an exception in firestarter to allow access to SMB ports.17:00
wxgsjtuhow are you17:01
FriedrichManhexdump_: I m sending you the file17:01
benkong2Is this the channel to talk lucid?17:01
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:01
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  my bad send it again17:01
ardchoillewensleydale: ctrl+alt+l should lock your machine17:02
FriedrichMandoing it17:02
AscavasaionLint01, I created an exception in firestarter to allow access to SMB ports.17:02
hexdump_FriedrichMan: ahhh firewall I think17:02
tachiroanyone got any tips on how to improve the sound quality in ubuntu?17:02
FriedrichManhexdump_: not from my side at least17:03
Lint01so what is windows error?17:03
tachiroor know of another distro that's designed to optimize sound quality?17:03
Picitachiro: If you mean for audio production you may want to check out Ubuntustudio17:04
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  ok send it once more I think I'm good now17:04
FriedrichManhexdump_:how about now?17:05
wensleydaleardchoille: oh i need the command to make my own shortcut, sorry, forgot to mention that!17:05
RaMcHiPanyone in here familiar with the udev problems with karmic and howto alleviate them?  I have 3 udev daemons running and a rule for a broadband card that I have tested the script for and yet it doesnt trigger17:05
russianzillaHey, my GRUB2 setup has my Windows partition numbered wrong. Can I change the number in grub.cfg, or do I have to do something else?17:06
rjonesxanyone have any experience installing phpize on Ubuntu 9.10 server? there is no apt php-devel...17:06
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  wtf I'm not able to accept the dayum thing17:06
mezimezimhey, I need help to configure the look of Gnome, I installed mac4lin theme, but didn't like it, so I removed it, but the buttons for windows minimize/maximize/close are still on the left, how do I move them back to the right?17:06
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  one min17:06
ardchoillewensleydale:  gnome-screensaver-command -l17:06
tachirohmm, yea i think i saw that on distrowatch, but i'm not sure if there's a big difference or just some extra music making programs thrown in, i just notice that depending on whether im using vlc or firefox, i notice that volume and frequencies are never really consistent17:06
FriedrichManhexdump_: ok, otherwise just let me know where to upload it17:07
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  alright I added an exception in my fireall if it doesn't go through this time then it's your side17:07
FriedrichManhexdump_: ok, let's see then17:07
tachirosometimes the sound will have static to it whenever i'm playing music in general17:07
Zolomon|VPSMud: <3 Discworld is the best!17:08
=== Zolomon|VPS is now known as Zolomon
AscavasaionLint01, Okies, I will try form home again when I am able to check on those computers17:08
tachiroi dunno, just feels like whatever's in charge of sound output is just not a priority at all17:08
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  wtf I dunno.17:09
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FriedrichManhexdump_: ok... do you know how do I log off from the router conf now?17:10
FriedrichManmaybe trying with l/p admin admin...17:10
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russianzillaIs there any way to edit GRUB2 entries without messing with grub.cfg?17:10
hexdump_FriedrichMan:  probably somewhere it says logoff I dunno, I've never used that router17:11
jottingermore grub stuff, then. :/17:11
[[thufir]]if /boot/grub/menu.lst is an "old" partition, where is the grub currently being used?  That partition isn't being used by Ubuntu, it's a legacy from a fedora install.17:11
[[thufir]]how do I locate the menu.lst used to boot the system?  is there  a log?17:11
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:12
russianzillaThat guide only shows how to add and remove entires using custom files. I need to edit an automatically-created entry.17:12
hiexpogood morning all17:13
[[thufir]]ardchoille: how to explain this:  I'm not trying to configure grub, I'm trying to *find* it.  it's not in its usual place.17:14
AscavasaionIf I edit /etc/samba/smb.conf do I have to restart samba and how do I do it if I do?17:14
vinay_does anyone know how to scrape email address from a website using Lynx17:15
vinay_by using the simple command of lynx or wget?17:16
kokabi have a problem whit a Canon printer17:16
[[thufir]]vinay_: I would think curl would be preferred, then you'd have to pipe the output somewhere and run a regex on it. ?17:17
kokabi have a question17:17
kokabim having trouble whit my old canon printer17:17
kokabi set parameters to default Canon printer and when i want to print stuff it comes to the list "queed jobs" then it says processing but suddenly poff the queing list is empty and the printer hasent printed out anything i dont know why anyone got a clue ?17:18
[[thufir]]vinay_: http://www.merchantos.com/makebeta/php/scraping-links-with-php/17:18
kokabthe drivers are also isntalled checked that, is my printer broke ?17:18
pedroQUal é a sala do ubuntu brasil ?17:19
mykiekokab have you tried printing a test page?17:19
kokabmykie: yes i have tried that same result there coems to queeing jobs but pof nothing happens17:19
kokabits like my printer aint getting any data :S or its broke?17:19
[[thufir]]how do I find the grub menu.lst if it's not in /boot?17:19
McL0VINcan someone please help me with this http://pastebin.com/wj4JrHXp17:20
NetLinkkokab: test page using printer hotkeys17:20
NetLinknot computer test page17:20
kokabhmm dont know if i got any printer hot keys let me check my hotkeys17:20
NetLinklook in your canon manual17:21
DaZ[[thufir]]: grub2 uses something else, afaik17:21
McL0VINi followed this tutorial http://www.searchmarked.com/ubuntu/how-to-surf-anonymously-using-an-ssh-tunnel-and-ubuntu.php17:21
McL0VINand i am getting the error above17:21
redman88einai kanenas ellinas edw???17:21
hiexpo[[thufir]], what u want to know what kernals you have installed?17:21
kokabi have no idea where the manual is17:22
sipior[[thufir]]: is it not in /boot/grub/grub.cfg?17:22
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kokabthe printer is old, its an Canon BJ250 printer17:22
noname_21Hi ! When i delete a shorcut (http://www.bitburners.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/ubuntu-menu.jpg) from menu the panel is not starting after system restart. it is on 9.1 and 10.04 beta. Where is the problem do you think ? i format the system hundred times but the same problem still. ı try to do my updates but again still the problem. When i delete a shorcut (i don't remeber exactly which shorcut is it) from accessories menu the panels are not starting aft17:22
researcher1it it possible to automatically  uninstall an application after a certain date?17:22
researcher1last time somebody suggested  a bash script17:23
llutzMcL0VIN: where do you see an error in http://pastebin.com/wj4JrHXp ?17:23
kokabthe thing is my old printer just got 2 buttons17:23
kokabone that says power the other says "resume"17:23
sipiorresearcher1: sure, have a look at "at"17:23
mykiekobab try this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-297775.html17:23
kokaband a little Green Diod, also tried the printer in Win XP but same thing there it aint been founded17:23
AscavasaionHOw do you restart Samba?  sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop and start do not work.17:23
kokabIts a canon BJ250 not an i25017:24
llutzAscavasaion: sudo service samba restart17:24
hiexpokokab, i suggest going to cannon support and downloading a manual17:24
smahey guys i installed counter strike with the help of wine ....its very good ..the only problem is that while playing the game its breaking ....please help me ..17:24
Ascavasaionllutz, thank you17:24
Pici!appdb | sma17:24
ubottusma: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:24
[[thufir]]sipior: I think that's it, yes:  http://pastebin.com/5xsmE5t117:24
maple-tecI'm so baked17:25
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mahajoin #ubuntu-es17:25
andliin what package is mkfs.jffs2 for ubuntu 9.04?17:25
researcher1sipior: thanks.let me try17:25
hiexpomaple-tec, got coffee17:25
smapici:can u be please specify17:25
Ascavasaionllutz, No service called samba17:25
llutzandli: mtd-utils17:25
noname_21Can someone tell me if you can delete on Ubuntu all sorcuts from accessories menu ?17:25
Picisma: Please either look at http://appdb.winehq.org or ask in #winehq for help running applications under wine.17:26
NetLinkkokab:  http://www.uktsupport.co.uk/canon/bj/bjc250.htm17:26
smapici k thanks17:26
llutzAscavasaion: "sudo lsof -i :139"17:27
ApokalWho lives in the USA?17:27
llutz200 mio people17:27
Trek!ot | Apokal17:27
McL0VINllutz: am getting the proxy server is refusing connections in firefox17:27
ubottuApokal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:27
BluesKajactually it's closer to 300milion17:27
kokabok i tried to print test page and yep it works but i cant print stuff from my ubuntu :(17:28
llutzMcL0VIN: how did you setup your proxy in firefox?17:28
Ascavasaionllutz, smbd    743 root   23u  IPv6   4144      0t0  TCP *:netbios-ssn (LISTEN)17:28
llutzBluesKaj: sry, just a guess from a poor boy living in old-europe17:28
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=== ubuntu is now known as KSean
McL0VINllutz: manual proxy config..>SOCKs Host: my dyndns.address.com port 9999 socks v517:29
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:29
KSeani need urgent assistance with some partition stuff; http://pastebin.com/BM3ae7W017:29
adrian2mil10hi , i have a little problem wih compiz , i need reload window manager from fusion-icon after login so start working , any help ??17:29
KSeanis it possible for me to recover that partition?17:29
llutzMcL0VIN: host = localhost17:29
McL0VINllutz: yes17:29
[[thufir]]do I edit http://pastebin.com/5xsmE5t1 to change boot configuration?  I want to change the default boot.   it says not to edit that file, but /boot/grub/menu.lst isn't being used.17:29
llutzMcL0VIN: "localhost" is what you have to enter in "Host" field17:30
fhernandohi everybody...17:30
kokabNetLink: thanks for the link the test page works to print BUT it wont work in my ubuntu17:30
llutzMcL0VIN: not your dyndns17:30
McL0VINllutz: oh17:30
kokabNetLink: i cant print stuff from ubuntu and i dont know how to fix it :(17:30
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NetLinkkokab:  http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/printing_ubuntu17:30
llutzMcL0VIN: have you actually read the howto you mentioned before? it's written there17:30
McL0VINwell i am still getting the same thing17:30
Trekkokab: is CUPS installed?17:30
McL0VINllutz: the one i posted17:31
llutzMcL0VIN: but the ssh-tunnel still exists?17:31
DexterFwhat do I need to access ubuntu one?17:31
=== Mud is now known as Mud|game
NetLinkor if that does't work, Google for more !!!  =)17:31
adrian2mil10hi , i have a little problem wih compiz , i need reload window manager from fusion-icon a few timnes after login so working right , any help ??17:31
McL0VINllutz: yes it is17:31
KSeanhttp://pastebin.com/BM3ae7W0  < can anyone help me with this partition issue? i need to recover the data >.<17:31
fhernandoI have just installed Ubuntu in dualboot with windows... in the grub menu appears the windows option but it didn't boot ¿An Idea what is happening?17:31
McL0VINllutz: i ssh to my box, then at the terminal i did ssh -ND 999 nick@dyndns.address.com17:32
Ascavasaionllutz, smbd    743 root   23u  IPv6   4144      0t0  TCP *:netbios-ssn (LISTEN)17:32
TrekKSean: Input/output error during read on /dev/sda17:32
Urdafhernando: you should boot should start Ubuntu, open a terminal, and do a sudo update-grub17:32
TrekKSean: could mean your drive is fubar or the partition table is messed17:33
llutzMcL0VIN: aehem, why do you ssh to it before? you have to establish that tunnel from your local machine /running the firefox on/17:33
fhernandoit doesn't show any error message, just "starting  up..." but never pass from there :(17:33
KSeani know; i think it just died trying to move my partition around17:33
MastereduHello World17:33
KSeanubuntu (or windows) doesnt recognise it as NTFS anymore17:33
KSeanjust "unknown" in gparted17:33
McL0VINllutz: how would i do that from my windows machine17:33
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:33
llutzMcL0VIN: putty17:33
KSeanso im wondering if there's any way i can fix that :S17:33
llutzMcL0VIN: tunnel -  dynamic - port 999917:34
MastereduKSean: Do you tried it with (c)fdisk ?17:34
fhernandothanks Urda, I will try then next I will comment about...17:34
Urdafhernando: mmk17:34
KSeanno Masteredu17:34
McL0VINllutz: i have secureCRT17:34
TrekKSean: its possible that if that fails, your disk is bad or dying/dead17:34
llutzMcL0VIN: whatever that is17:34
UrdaMcL0VIN: I LOVE secureCRT17:34
MastereduKSean: Why not , its easy17:34
McL0VINUrda: how can i tunnel with CRT17:34
KSeankk i'll look up fdisk now17:35
fhernandoUrda, sorry for my ignorance... :p ¿what is "mmk"?17:35
KSeani'm new to linux, hence why im not sure about this stuff :p17:35
llutzMcL0VIN: does this help? http://www.vandyke.com/support/tips/dynamicpf.html17:35
UrdaMcL0VIN: Hmmm I used to know ... let me try to remember17:35
MastereduKSean: make sure you run fdisk as root ( with sudo )17:35
nemoCan someone help me interpret a boot chart?  My mother is complaining of slow boot, but I'm inexperienced in judging what might be abnormal. Thinking maybe something related to a mount or something, but I can't actually observe her processes start.17:35
nemoAlso. does karmic use parallel startup of services?17:35
researcher1what can I do to broadcast text/audio/video in my computer lab? what server shall I install?17:36
jribnemo: include a link to the bootchart in your question17:36
The_Toxic_MiteHello, I am having trouble getting my webcam to work. The ID is 093a:262a . I've googled 093a:262a ubuntu lucid, but all the results are outdated17:36
seyfarthHey guys, I installed drupal6 with apt-get. where are all the files its supposed to put in apache's docroot?17:36
KSeanMasteredu,          FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 3: Partition ends in the final partial cylinder - Press any key to exit cfdisk17:37
Urdafhernando: oh no worries :) Make the sound "mmmm" and say "Kay"17:37
Urdammk :317:37
jribseyfarth: dpkg -L PACKAGE  will list the files installed for that package (also check relevant dependencies).  It's also usually a good idea to read /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/README.Debian17:37
nemojrib: http://m8y.org/tmp/bootchart.png17:38
seyfarthjrib: okay, thank you!17:38
DanielAstburyDoes the installer detect a  windows partition and configure grub automatically for a windows/ubuntu dual boot?17:38
fhernandohahahaha, ok Urda17:38
wensleydalehello. does anyone know the terminal command to start gnome-screensaver in xubuntu please?17:38
adrian2mil10hi , i have a little problem wih compiz , i need reload window manager from fusion-icon a few times after login so working right , any help ??17:38
nemojrib: sorry for slow response, was checking on packaging of hedgewars 0.9.13 for ubuntu :)17:38
fhernandoUrda, I did a sudo update-grub but the issue it still persist... :(17:39
Urdafhernando: so when XP starts it hangs at the loading screen for Windows?17:39
nemointeresting. of the people in #ubuntu who are looking at the bootchart. 1 is using linux, 1 windows, the other 4, OSX17:39
nemothat was not the proportions I was expecting :)17:40
fhernandoyes Urda, it hang in the loading screen17:40
Treknemo: lol i think I'm the windows one :P17:40
Myrttinemo: people are using teh internets from work, perhaps?17:40
Urdafhernando: can you boot into windows safe mode? If so do a chkdsk on your main C drive inside Windows17:40
UrdaESPECIALLY If you resized NTFS to install Ubuntu17:40
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nemoMyrtti: OSX at work?  You'd think they'd have ubuntu at work too then :)  I run ubuntu both in OSX vm and native, at work.17:40
MastereduKSean: Do you know the Syntax from fdisk ?17:41
fhernandosorry Urda, I can't boot in windows safe mode :(17:41
Urdafhernando: hangs there too?17:41
wensleydalesorry to bump, but does anyone know the terminal command to start gnome-screensaver in xubuntu please? when i run gnome-screensaver, it says its already running, but i want it to actually start the animation and all that..17:42
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fhernandothe lines I have in the windows option in the grub menu are: rootnoverify (hd0,0)    savedefault     makeactive    chainloader +117:43
fhernandoUrda, the lines I have in the windows option in the grub menu are: rootnoverify (hd0,0)    savedefault     makeactive    chainloader +117:43
daniskamiwensleydale: gnome-screensaver-command --activate17:43
quiosque                                                                                                                                                                                                    17:43
nemoSoooo. Guys who looked at the bootchart. Any thoughts?17:44
nullp0interhow can i do divisiojn on the command line? i keep getting 0 as the answer17:44
wensleydaledaniskami: brilliant, thankyou! :-)17:44
daniskamiwensleydale: you're welcome17:44
fhernandoUrda, in the grub menu doesn't show windows safe mode :(17:44
wensleydalebye all17:44
McL0VINllutz: thanks man its working fine17:44
nemoNew score.  2 win, 4 OSX, 1 ubuntu17:44
Masteredufhernando: when windows is starting , press F8 to come into the safe mode settings17:45
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neorajssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host17:45
neorajssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host17:45
Masteredufhernando: windows safe settings is started by the bootmanager from windows , and not from grub17:45
quiosqued                                                                                                          ayjkvkjhjlbh17:45
nemoneoraj: someone is running denyhosts? :)17:46
chaosteinhi .17:46
quiosque  ]]]]]][17:46
adrian2mil10hi , i have a little problem wih compiz , i need reload window manager from fusion-icon a few times after login so working right , any help ??17:46
quiosque        17:46
valari<adrian2mil10> hm... couldnt get you..17:46
chaosteinhi scotj17:46
scotji m using ubuntu 9.10 (karmic) and am running windows 7 in virtualbox17:46
scotjbut im unable to see cd rom in windows 7 guest17:46
stebalienadrian2mil10:  what is the problem?17:46
scotjany way to fix this ?17:47
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valariscotj: map cd to virtualbox in settings17:47
scotjvalari: ok17:47
ZykoticK9adrian2mil10, you might want to try asking in the #compiz channel, if your problem is specific to compiz17:47
adrian2mil10<stebalien> i need reload window manager from fusion-icon a few times after login so working fine , this is the problem17:47
Mastereduscotj: over the menubar17:47
minimecscotj: Check the properties of your virtual machine before boot... There is a option to activate sound cd rom all thatr stufff...17:47
fhernandotkanks Masteredu17:47
Mastereduscotj: you can mount cdrom images etc.17:47
adrian2mil10<ZykoticK9> ok , i will try17:47
Masteredufhernando: np, does it work?17:47
* valari thinks vbox is pero!!17:48
calumDoes anyone here know any virtualisation software that supports windows aero for Ubuntu?17:48
Mastereducalum: i think vmware does that17:48
valaricalum:aero styling in ubuntu..??17:48
marcusahI have a question17:48
Trek!ask marcusah17:48
scotjvalari Masteredu minimec : its working now..thnkx :)17:48
calumI've tried numerous things in virtualbox but it doesnt suppport it17:48
marcusahI've been running heady heron for about 1.8 years now17:48
Trek!ask | marcusah17:48
ubottumarcusah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:48
Mastereduvalari: the mean windows areo support in windows 7 , and it runs under ubuntu17:48
marcusahwoul it be a good idea to upgrade?17:48
adrian2mil10<stebalien> when i run comnpiz-check i have this message >> Something potential problematic has been detected with your setup: Warning: No path to Compiz found.17:49
valaricalum:vmware is the way to go17:49
Trekmarcusah: probably, since Hardy's probably going to be ending its LTS soon17:49
stebalienadrian2mil10:  sounds like it might be a video driver issue. try ZykoticK9's suggestion.17:49
Mastereduscotj: np have fun17:49
valaricalum: vbox with nested paging and amd-v or intel vt on will also work17:49
calumI also can't seem to get vmware to install... I have a windows vista vm but i can't get aero17:49
marcusahI mean I use a samsung CLP-300N network printer and I would like to have easy access to windows shares and have better mounting support for NTFS17:49
Masteredumarcusah: what ubuntu version do you run17:49
ZykoticK9stebalien, if it's a video driver issue then he should stay...17:49
nemocalum: when you tried virtualbox, what version did you use, and did you enable full gl accell and guest additions?17:49
marcusahMasteredu: heady heron17:49
Trekhe said Hardy, Masteredu17:50
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nemocalum: #vbox might know more17:50
nerdy_kidneed to change xines audio driver17:50
rallCan someone please tell me how to get all codecs installed?? what I usually do is installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and the adobe flash player.. I still cant watch videos from my country's newspaper vgtv.no and many more.. On youtube 50% of videos work.. the rest just appear black17:50
stebalienadrian2mil10:  run `whereis compiz`17:50
adrian2mil10<stebalien>video driver is fine , i think is a path to compiz-manger problem but the files are all in your site17:50
calumnemo: Latest version 3.117:50
marcusahTrek: no I siad "heady" not "hardy"17:50
PiciTrek: Hardy still has a while left for support, Dapper is running out soon.17:50
valaricalum:many virtu--soft dont support 3-d acc so.... since aero is based on 3-d acc17:50
Masteredumarcusah: it would be bether, if you upgrade from 8.04 to 1.04 (comes soon)17:50
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nemocalum: well. what about guest additions and 3d accel in the vm config for virtualbox?17:50
marcusahthe one with the heron on the desktop!17:50
valaricalum: aero will run only if 3-d acc and intelvt or amd-v technology is activated17:50
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.17:50
marcusahMasteredu: 1.04?17:50
McL0VINllutz: i have one question17:50
adrian2mil10stebalien >> compiz: /usr/bin/compiz /usr/bin/compiz.real /usr/lib/compiz /usr/include/compiz /usr/share/compiz /usr/share/man/man1/compiz.1.gz17:50
Picimarcusah: Thats HARDY Not heady17:51
`blackmk4|imacWhat would cause my box to drop off the LAN until I reboot it whenever I try to transfer at high speeds to/from it? I've tried two nics - same problem, tried WinXP and it was fine, so I know it's a config or something problem. The install is fresh from today. It's CLI only and wired - no wifi. If I leave the computer alone it will eventually drop off, and I can make it happen pretty quickly by transferring data to/from it.17:51
calumvalari: Also virtual machines don't access the hosts graphics directly :(17:51
Pici!hardy | marcusah17:51
ubottumarcusah: please see above17:51
marcusahthats odd17:51
Trek!hardy > marcusah17:51
ubottumarcusah, please see my private message17:51
marcusahok thanks17:51
nemonew score for people who looked at my bootchart image (not that they commented)  2 windows, 5 OSX, 1 ubuntu17:51
nemofor shame people :)17:51
valaricalum: yes yeah too risky architecture like this i work with vmware :)17:51
McL0VINllutz: how can't IT guys see that i am tunneling or the dyndns address please explain if you have time17:51
nerdy_kidhow do i change xines audio driver17:51
kevindankHello,  does anyone know of a free way to mount an iso file in ubuntu?17:51
Masteredumarcusah: sry the log is so big etc. i mean 10.04 sry17:51
Myrttinemo: so did you have anything related to that bootchart that's ubuntu support related?17:51
unixpwhich alternativ software exists else virtualbox?17:51
ZykoticK9!iso > kevindank17:51
ubottukevindank, please see my private message17:51
llutzMcL0VIN: its hard, there are always ways to identify ssh-traffic17:51
valariunixp:vmware qemu and xen-kernal based17:52
nemoMyrtti: well. as I originally posted, the boot chart is a karmic one, the complaint is her ubuntu is very slow to boot17:52
calumvalari: I just can't stand vista or 7 without aero17:52
rallmount ISO in ubuntu.. hehe open with arcive mounter :D17:52
marcusahok so does the latest release of ubuntu have better ability to access windows shares I.E. it actually works?17:52
Trekmarcusah: but you'd have to do incremental upgrades, so from 8.04 to 8.10, then from 8.10 to 9.04 then from 9.04 to 9.10 then to 10.04 once its stable release is sent out.17:52
nemoMyrtti: my question was, does anything look obviously wrong since I'm unfamiliar w/ bootcharts and what would be normal17:52
Treki think...17:52
McL0VINllutz: but will they know my dyndns address and block it17:52
Picinemo: I see a fsck in there and a few seconds for starting apache, if you don't need that then you should stop it from starting. Also, I see the nxserver, but it looks like ti stops for whatever reason.17:52
nemoMyrtti: I also asked if karmic had parallel startup by default since it didn't seem like it from the chart17:52
valaricalum:maybe instal them the.. :) you can always go for nested page based vm17:52
marcusahwill this break my driver I have installed for my printer?17:52
nemoPici: she does use apache.17:52
petar_hi.. can u pls help me with cgi - perl script .. when i want to run it in the browser i get 403 Forbidden17:52
frxstremhow do I unmount an ISO file from the command line?17:53
marcusahwow stuff is scrolling by way to fast17:53
stebalienadrian2mil10:  there is defiantly a path to compiz. I recommend reinstalling compiz `sudo aptitude reinstall ~icompiz` and deleting all of your preferences (~/.compiz and ~/.config/compiz)17:53
marcusahwill this break my driver I have installed for my printer?17:53
nemoPici: fsck though. that could be an issue. shouldn't run every time surely...17:53
marcusahwill this break my driver I have installed for my printer?17:53
gaveenfrxstrem, is it already mounted ?17:53
marcusahwill this break my driver I have installed for my printer?17:53
rallkevindank, right click and open with archive mounter.17:53
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calumvalari: So It will work if I enable nested paging and amd-v in virtual box? I was also using the virtualbox guest additions driver... but I removed it17:53
llutzMcL0VIN: maybe, depends on your companies internetusage-rules17:53
nemoPici: I need to ask her if she's rebooting properly17:53
frxstremgaveen: yes17:53
ZykoticK9rall, i have trouble watching my country's news channel (CBC in Canada) with linux as well, my work around is to install MS's version of Firefox with winetrick http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/cbc-videos-on-17:53
valaripetar_: set proper permissions using chmod on the script and directory make sure the script has a +x chmod17:53
ZykoticK9rall, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/cbc-videos-on-ubuntu17:54
valaricalum: go ahead try!!17:54
Picinemo: It didn't run for that long though.  You may want to try enabling profiling for one boot though.  I don't remember the exact commands to do so, but it should be easy to dig up.17:54
THE_GFRthat was lame17:54
llutzMcL0VIN: 1st thing to realize: you may risk your job, if this type of internet-use is forbidden in your company17:54
THE_GFRso if I have a samsung CLP-300N color laser printer and I upgrade my release of ubuntu will it break my driver?17:54
nerdy_kidare the options i select in xineui global to xine apps?17:54
nemoPici: profiling as in callgrind?17:54
adrian2mil10<stebalien> reinstall it's a last resource for a men ;) not a woman ,  i want try fix it17:54
McL0VINllutz: fu** our IT network /design guy who sets all these rules is a supper genius , for got sack he have photographic memory17:54
nemoPici: so there's nothing obviously taking a ton of time?17:55
kevindankwell i have the file mounted the archive mount comand but how do i install the iso?17:55
THE_GFRhey can anyone please answer my question?17:55
Masteredukevindank: use the console : type in mount -o loop IMAGEFILE /cdrom17:55
petar_valari: i set them to 777 stil doesn't worked17:55
gaveenfrxstrem, first run mount and find where it's mounted17:55
nemoPici: is it true that this is in fact taking over 100s as the chart seems to indicate?17:55
Masteredukevindank: you have to replace IMAGEFILE with the path of your imagefile17:55
z0manAnyone know how to make vodafone dongles work with Ubuntu?   I am trying to setup some clients with their their Ubuntu yet they they have vodafone contract dongles heh.   Anyway I found this guide http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8195214&postcount=2  and about unmounting the drive to make the modem work as a possible solution.17:55
nemoPici: with a loooooong line for udev?17:55
THE_GFRI mean will I have to reinstall the driver? and does the newer versions of ubuntu have better network support for accessing windows shares?17:55
calumvalari: Umm, amd-v and nested paging are enabled, and I tried the aero transparency and glass effects before but they didn't work :(17:55
Masteredukevindank: yes17:56
THE_GFRthis sucks17:56
valaripetar_: never use 777 on an internet connected pc hm... does apache has exec allowed for scripts17:56
stebalienadrian2mil10:  I mean reinstall COMPIZ not Ubuntu. you will loose nothing that way. (It will only replace the compiz binaries).17:56
THE_GFRvalari: no.17:56
kevindankthat will install it onto my desktop?17:56
nerdy_kidneed to change xines audio driver17:56
valaricalum :( ...... hm..17:56
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valariThe_gfr: ??17:57
CSSnubHow do I grep for files within directory somesite.com that make reference to 'gallery'?17:57
rallZykoticK9, thanks a lot :)  yesterday, I asked also and a ubuntu user was able to watch movies on my newspaper without problems, so there should probably be another way around.. Ill bookmark the page and do the winetrick thing is nothing else works,, thank you :)17:57
THE_GFRvalari: ??17:57
nemoPici: hm. here's a thought. rsyslogd / dd - could perhaps something be spamming her logs, overflowing them...17:57
adrian2mil10<stebalien> ok17:57
calumvalari: If it is any help my graphics card is an ATI Radeon Mobility HD 420017:57
valariThe_gfr: why did you say no..17:57
Picinemo: No, it shouldnt.17:57
valaricalum: laptop aaaah..... and AMD processor????? :S17:57
stercorHow can I do a './configure, make, make install?'  Ubuntu doesn't seem to put libraries, include files, in the 'normal places.17:57
petar_valari: i know.. i just don't know what's wrong.. i can pastebin the virtualhost apache conf if u want to..17:58
rallZykoticK9,  you have problems with youtube?   I do... some of the movies just dont want to play17:58
frxstremwell, does anyone know how to unmount a mounted ISO file?17:58
jrib!compile > stercor17:58
ubottustercor, please see my private message17:58
jribstercor: what are you trying to compile?17:58
calumvalari: AMD Athlon Dual core M300 @ 2 GHz17:58
llutzfrxstrem: sudo umount /mount/point17:58
valaricalum: pero !!17:58
frxstremllutz: thanks :)17:58
stercorjrib: Thanks!17:58
valaripetar_: the perl module needs some changes i think there is an exec tag in there17:59
z0manstercor you need to install the development environment https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware17:59
kevindanki have an iso file downloaded on my desktop how do i install it17:59
dr3mrohow to print my name on ubuntu terminal with ascii character like metasplloit17:59
ZykoticK9rall, just as an fyi www.vgtv.no is working for me with chromium17:59
valari<kevindank> mount it!17:59
minimecz0man: Why are you asking for a solution, if you already found the solution?17:59
valari!mount kevindank17:59
kevindankvalari:it is mounted17:59
steven_hello all17:59
kevindanknow what do i do17:59
ZykoticK9rall, but we are using very different versions of everything - no idea if it works on karmic like this18:00
valari<kevindank> accec it.. and do the thing what do you want to install18:00
calumvalari: So I guess I should try vmware? I need the VM for my Uni course18:00
jribdr3mro: figlet, toilet18:00
ZykoticK9rall, with html5 enabled i have problems with some videos on youtube, just everything flash works for me18:00
frxstremkevindank: if you've mounted it, just browse to the folder where it's mounted (or click the icon that should be on your desktop)18:00
z0manTrying to re-assure myself that my tomorrows sessions of support will go smoothly18:00
billy2007unblock me i need to un-op people in my room they blocked me18:00
steven_my tem not showing my nothing i cant see what i i typing in plz help18:00
valaricalum: vmware will do.. install the xen kernal for ultimate experience18:00
z0manI feel assure now :)18:01
DR_Fun1any one seen ninjai?18:01
THE_GFRso everyone if I upgrade to 9.04 of ubuntu will I have to reinstall my printer driver?18:01
calumvalari: Thanks for help18:01
bwallenis there a way to uninstall X and just have a CLI?18:01
valaricalum: anytime ;)18:01
ZykoticK9bwallen, do you want to try just diabling gdm before you uninstall?18:01
urosbi need some informatino regarding multiple desktops18:02
valaribwallen: yeah no need to uninstall just goto runlevel 318:02
steven_what can i type in to see my gateway in the temainal18:02
valariurosb: yeah??18:02
bwallengood point guys, I forgot about that. thanks18:02
z0manYou may have the odd issue when you upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10.... Yet throughout my time of upgrading I have never had to reinstall print drivers [printers]18:02
frxstremurosb: what?18:02
z0manYou have to re-add your printers thought18:02
petar_valari: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/T1ctqmpf18:02
THE_GFRz0man: thanks18:02
sixofourhow do you change resolutions in ubuntu? i have the nvidia x server config but there is no option to change the resolution in it18:03
THE_GFRz0man: uh... I do not know how to do that so I guess I have to reinstall the driver as I had to install the driver to begin with18:03
z0manCUPS is always default upgraded and as such, you just add the printers again [If they are removed]18:03
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petar_valari: older perl module should solve it?18:03
urosbi need to have 3 different OS each one on seperate desktop with function to swich between them fast18:03
Youndersixofour, yes there is18:03
frxstremsixofour: System -> Preferences -> Display (or Monitor) and change it18:03
valaripetar_" goin throgh it also try #perl18:03
bwallenvalari: to change to runlevel 3 do I just run "init 3"?18:03
steven_medex: can you help me18:03
valaribwallen: yep :)18:04
Trekurosb: so get 3 desktops, 3 setups, and call us in the morning18:04
z0manTHE_GFR the print drivers is managed by CUPS which is default installed on Ubuntu, you just click "System->Administration->Printers"18:04
sixofourdisplay opens up x server frxstrem18:04
JackWatlcd monitors usually detect the correct resolution18:04
Youndersixofour, NVIDEA Xserver settings allows you to set the resolution18:04
rallZykoticK9, ohh  vgtv works with crome for ubuntu.. cool :)   Ill try that then..  How do you enable or disable html5? :)  great news , Ill start aptitudeing chrome18:04
ZykoticK9sixofour, if you use the graphic util "gksu nvidia-settings" and save the settings to xorg you should see the values in there18:04
bwallenvalari: sweet, thanks18:04
z0mancorrection System->Administration->Printing18:04
sixofourx server has no resolution setting18:04
valariurosb: install a kvm switch18:04
ZykoticK9rall, chrome&chromium aren't in the default repo (until Lucid)18:04
sixofourunless nvidia snuck into my laptop in the lkast 30 minutes and added it18:04
urosbtrek: you don't understand18:04
JackWatsixofour: does the nvidia settings gui correctly detect your monitors resolution?18:05
petar_valari thx18:05
An_Ony_Moosewhere's that info about viruses on linux again?18:05
valaripetar_: solved..??18:05
DR_Fun1any one here good with irc apps?18:05
valaripetar_: lol18:05
sixofourJackWat:  it doesn't list anything about any resolution18:05
urosbtrek: i have one computer with ubuntu and I want to use 3 virtual systems18:05
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sixofourit says the laptop screen area is 1200x800 thats it18:05
JackWatsixofour: under 'X Server Dispaly Configuration'18:05
valariurosb: VMWARE is the way to go tehn18:05
steven_what can i type in to find my gateway18:05
JackWatmy 'layout' section has my native resolution18:05
Youndersixofour, It has a X server display Configuration has a resolution list18:06
rallsteven_  route -n18:06
=== IPNixon__ is now known as IPNixon
sixofourwhere is the layout setting? what manu on the side18:06
valariurosb: atleast have 4gig of ram for 3os+1host os!!18:06
urosbvalari: is there any freeware solution for this?18:06
JackWatsixofour: X Server Display Configuration18:06
valariurosb: vbox iz the best then18:06
sixofouryes, there is nothing there to change the res, it jsut says 1280x80018:06
urosbvalari: i have 12GB of ram18:06
frxstremurosb: you could use VirtualBox if you have a above average computer, although the performance on the virtual machines would be worse than on the host OS. As far as I'm aware of there is no other easy way to do it.18:06
JackWat1280x800 is your native resolution then :O18:07
rallsteven_, or netstat -r18:07
JackWatdid it correctly detect your monitor?18:07
An_Ony_Mooseurosb, wow, 12G? What do you use all that for?18:07
dareJackWat, wat? 1280x800!?????? oO18:07
sixofourjackwatt i am on a laptop18:07
An_Ony_Mooseoops,sorry, thought this was #ubuntu-offtopic18:07
valariurosb: do you have a intel-vt or amd-v processor atleast 4threads18:07
JackWatAn_Ony_Moose: vms? :P18:07
steven_thank you18:07
steven_rall: thank you18:07
urosbintel cor2quad18:07
rallsteven_ np:)18:07
DR_Fun1any one seen ninjai?18:08
An_Ony_MooseJackWat, oh yeah xD18:08
z0manI r go now before my 3g dries up lol18:08
An_Ony_Moosesteven_! Hi! :P18:08
sixofourJackWat:  how am i nsupposed tom tell?18:08
toffeeamd is crap!18:08
valariurosb: go go go boy18:08
JackWatsixofour: i dont know how to do it in ubuntu . :P18:08
sixofourJackWat:  i am using the minotor now to see your text so i guess it sees my monitor18:08
steven_<An_Ony_Moose: hi :)18:08
toffeedon't buy anything without turbo boost and new ht18:08
pvandewyngaerdefor security reasons its better to mount /tmp /var and /home as noexec, nosuid and nodev,  is this so in Ubuntu ?18:08
=== enthus_ is now known as enthus
An_Ony_Moosesteven_, how's grbot? :P18:09
JackWatsixofour: its not correctly detecting the resolution of your monitor. there is somewhere you can manually force it18:09
JackWatbut i dont remember where. im on a fedora box atm18:09
Travis-42If I setup TCP port listening on an X server, how do I connect to it?18:09
steven_<An_Ony_Moose: it good brb i at work18:09
dareCSSnub, try /quit18:09
smtiborI have 2 drives in an lvm volume group (same sata controller). When I add the third drive (on via sata vt6240 controller), grub2 will not boot, and gives an error that it cannot find the 3rd drive in the volume group. Is there a configuration parameter or command line option I can pass to grub2 to fix this?18:09
urosbthanx guys18:09
An_Ony_Mooseok steven_18:09
DR_Fun1steven do i know u18:09
valariursob: any time :)18:10
=== blueghost is now known as No16Day
sixofourwell i found the res but...dank, 1280x800 is the highest it can go??18:10
JackWatsixofour: no18:11
An_Ony_Moosesixofour, if it is it's probably a monitor limitation18:11
dareis it a laptop? 1280x800 is normal for budget laptop..18:11
JackWatsixofour: if it incorrectly detected your monitor you can manually set it and bump up your resolution18:11
valarismtibor: boot wid two drives add a virtual LVM drive reboot add next hdd, it happens because drive mappings change18:11
sixofouri have one more question18:11
dima_linuxhello, can someone help me to make a swap on other disk if it's possible?18:11
sixofourany application [most games] that have fullscreen, get cut off on the bottom18:12
sixofourthey go downj off the bottom of the screen18:12
sixofouras if they are not using a widescreen display18:12
valaridima_linux: you can always make a swap file :)18:12
dareyour resolution is set too high,maybe your monitor is 16:918:12
JackWata non-widescreen is 1280x102418:12
toffeewhy don't you use a swapfile instead?18:12
JackWatits probably trying to fill it to that.18:12
uffohow is possible to load binary from own folder, i have ffmpeg static binary with convert scripts; ffmpeg -i *.ext -vcodec copy -acodec copy OUTPUT.MKV18:12
dareuffo, /usr/bin/ffmpeg18:13
smtiborvalari can you clarify? I've tried booting from the two and adding the third to the volume group, but the same problem happens. it goes away as soon as I remove it from the volume group. I have verified that the uuid's match18:13
uffodare: i have binary in own folder not in system18:13
darechmod +x binary then ./binary to execute18:14
FloodBot2er: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
Trek!op | er is spamming18:14
ubottuer is spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:14
dareer, juasdjkads?18:14
erhola quien eres18:14
smtiborvalari can you clarify what you mean by "add a virtual LVM drive"?18:14
valarisntibor: hm..... try live grub booting, install the other drive boot and give a direct boot command18:14
dareer, we only talk in the surpreme language - English18:15
uffodare: is that way: ./ffmpeg -i *.ext -vcodec copy -acodec copy OUTPUT.MKV18:15
dareuffo, yes18:15
erno is espain18:15
DR_Fun1dare are u raceist18:15
ZykoticK9!es | er18:15
ubottuer: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:15
valarismtibor: try live grub booting, install the other drive boot and give a direct boot command18:15
DR_Fun1come esta18:15
Myrtti!english | DR_Fun1, er18:15
ubottuDR_Fun1, er: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:15
Travis-42how can I view a remote x display (started with xvfb)?18:16
smtiborvalari ok will try18:16
DR_Fun1ony english here18:16
valarismtibor: dont screw up heh ;P18:16
DR_Fun1any one seen ninjai18:16
smtiborvalari ha very funny18:17
mneptoker: Ingles solamente aqui, pf18:17
mneptokDR_Fun1: y tu.18:18
ertienes facebook dr_fun18:18
dareDR_Fun1, are you languagist?18:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:19
DR_Fun1naw just a um pokito espanole and some rushhin18:19
steven_<An_Ony_Moose: i back18:19
DR_Fun1somali 218:20
An_Ony_Moosesteven_, cool :P18:20
DR_Fun1steve do i know u18:20
dare!offtopic DR_Fun118:20
mneptok!offtopic | DR_Fun118:20
ubottuDR_Fun1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:20
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:20
DR_Fun1leve me alon with the dumb rules18:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:21
mneptokDR_Fun1: the rules are there for a reason. please abide by them or /part the channel. if you choose to do neither, the choice may be made for you.18:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:21
* DR_Fun1 knows im just waiting for a freind tryen 2 kill time18:21
dare!spam | muppet6618:21
uffodare: how can i send screenshot file to you, it still cannot find binary says file or directory not found18:22
Urda_IRC Drama!_18:22
ZykoticK9uffo, from !paste  To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin18:23
RoastedI'm using VNC to remote in to a little server I have here from my laptop (wireless) to the server itself (wired). It's SLOWWWW. Is there anything else that'll give me a GUI remote connection that might be quicker?18:23
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dareRoasted, cygwin/x if using windows18:23
mneptok!away > Mud18:23
ubottuMud, please see my private message18:23
calumummm noob question :( How do I open bundle files?18:24
Roasteddare, going ubuntu to ubuntu here.18:24
dareRoasted, x works over tcp/ip18:25
* Mud humps mneptok18:25
ikoniaMud: please don't18:25
ikoniaMud: that sort of action is not appropriate18:25
mneptokMud: please don't use /nick when you can use /away18:25
alaska13anyone know anything about triple booting ubuntu, win 7, and mac osx on a macbook pro?18:25
uffodare: i have this combination and i need edit scripts to use binary from there, http://imagebin.org/9192018:25
dareMud, please use a condom18:25
ZykoticK9calum, not sure what you mean by bundle files.  Are you referring to tar or tar.gz files?18:26
ikoniadare: please stop - I've just said it's not appropriate18:26
ikoniaalaska13: should be a straight forward affair with grub and bootcamp18:26
ShadowKnighthey, i was wondering. in UNR is it normal for your netbook to have less battery in that partition rather than windows 7 starter? or am i doing something wrong? i have an asus 1005PEB and im just starting to set it up and i know that there are some issues with it  but i was wondering what i can do to fix any of this18:26
calumZykoticK9: I downloaded a file which has the extension .bundle but it contains an executable prog inside. I don't know how to run it18:26
dareikonia, did you know the pope also discourages protection?18:27
alaska13ikonia, its easy enough to run windows and mac osx in a dual boot, just adding ubuntu is difficult, the bootcamp utility only allows one other os.18:27
ZykoticK9calum, i'm sorry i've never encountered that file type before - best of luck18:27
mneptokwrong answer.18:27
fananican u help me18:27
fananimy ubuntu kernel is deleted, and i can not back the kernel18:28
pranay_09can anyone please tell me what the size of the image should be for the login screen beside the name?18:28
ikoniaalaska13: bootcamp should allow more than 2 OS's18:28
ikoniafanani: you need to boot from a livecd, chroot into your system and re-install the kernel-image package18:28
Lint01fanani: boot from livecd and copy the kernenel and initrd18:28
alaska13ikonia: i know it should...but the utility in osx doesn allow creating more than one additional partition18:28
ikoniaalaska13: ask the guys in ##apple - I've seen it done many times so it may be a known issue/glitch with a know fix18:29
calumZykoticK9: Appears to be a file relating to Mac OSX - but what I downloaded (VMware) was for Ubuntu18:29
alaska13thanks a bunch!18:29
fananiok thanks ,18:29
fananiand nice to meet u ,18:30
ZykoticK9calum, sorry really can't help with OSX or VMware - don't use either.  good luck.18:30
fananii' m fananiu18:30
clustyis there a way to make sshfs follow symlinks? (as in make the server resolve symlinks rather than just giving them to the client) ?18:30
clustyi think samba can do that18:30
ikoniaclusty: you've caught me out there, I thought it did do that18:30
calumZykoticK9: Thanks anyway. I will give google a try18:30
clustyikonia: does not now18:30
uffomneptok kicked dare so i start over - how is possible to load binary from own folder, i have ffmpeg static binary with convert scripts; ffmpeg -i *.ext -vcodec copy -acodec copy OUTPUT.MKV18:31
ikoniauffo: just specifcy the full path to the binary18:32
mneptokuffo: preafec the binary name with ./18:32
SealedWithAKissI have a graphics card with VGA, DVI and HDMI inputs. I also have a HDMI to DVI cable. My monitor is VGA. I would like to connect my HDMI end of the cable to a PS3 HDMI port, the DVI end of the cable into my graphics cards DVI port, and then get the card to take the input and route it out to the VGA port. Is this possible?18:32
Roastedcan you SSH with a GUI?18:32
codeshahhey guys, I have a long process running... I want to detach it from my login and run it so that when I log out, it still keeps running18:32
codeshahhow do I do that/18:32
clustyikonia: now the symlink points to the same place it does on the server (not available on client)18:32
clustyRoasted: what do you mean?18:32
clustyyou wanna copy files?18:32
calumZykoticK9: Got it. I think I know how to install this18:33
An_Ony_Moosecodeshah, you may want to run it from one of the tty shells if it's not a graphical process18:33
ZykoticK9Roasted, if you have X on your guest machine, ssh can forward X applications to your local display (not the same as full GUI environment)18:33
codeshahAn_Ony_Moose, , I am logged in via SSH... and it is already started, about halfway done - 12 hours in18:33
clustyZykoticK9: os x comes with X preinstalled18:33
Roastedclusty, no, I have a little server here I VNC to from my wireless laptop. VNC is just ungodly slow on it and Im not sure why, so I was going to look at other laternatives.18:33
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clustyX forwarding is worse18:33
An_Ony_Moosecodeshah, no idea then, sorry18:33
=== helpme is now known as helphelp
clustyvnc has better latency18:33
roshan08gnome-system-monitor is eating CPU, i saw this bug filed in launchpad, but where is the solution18:33
codeshahAn_Ony_Moose, no worries, thx thoug18:34
An_Ony_Moosecodeshah, use screen... I just don't know how18:34
roshan08somebody help18:34
ZykoticK9clusty, the question was can SSH run GUI - i answered the best i could18:34
clustyalso if you have a sucky server/client that do not compress the stream, tunnel VNC over a compressed SSH connection18:34
helphelpcant set my screen resolution back to lower values!!18:34
uffomneptok: i did but it still cannot fid it - ./ffmpeg -i *.ext -vcodec copy -acodec copy OUTPUT.MKV18:34
uffo./ffmpeg: No such file or directory18:34
Myrttiuffo: are you in the directory the binary is in?18:35
mneptokuffo: you need the shell to be in that directory18:35
ZykoticK9uffo, the ./ means present directory - try using the full bath /home/USERNAME/ffmpeg sorta thing18:35
ZykoticK9uffo, s/bath/path18:35
SealedWithAKissI have a graphics card with VGA, DVI and HDMI inputs. I also have a HDMI to DVI cable. My monitor is VGA. I would like to connect my HDMI end of the cable to a PS3 HDMI port, the DVI end of the cable into my graphics cards DVI port, and then get the card to take the input and route it out to the VGA port. Is this possible? Or could somebody direct me to the appropriate channel that might be able to help?18:35
clustygot it18:36
clustygotta pass -o follow_symlinks :D18:36
helphelpwhen i tries to change my screen resolution to lower values it is reset back to previous settiing instantly , do any one have any idea??18:36
clustyto the sshfs client18:36
calumZykoticK9: I ran sudo through a shell and it seems to be installing. :)18:36
og_how can i prevent X from sleeping my screen?18:37
An_Ony_Mooseog_, http://www.xkcd.com/196/ :P18:38
pirearaduhy all18:38
bwallenI've got ubuntu installed to a usb stick. When I'm booted to it, the root of my filesystem says that there is 100MB left, but there is over 1GB of free space on the usb stick. How can I expand my root filesystem to use the whole GB?18:38
og_An_Ony_Moose: ok... xkcd... let me look18:39
adasz /j ubuntu-de18:39
theadminCan one explain the "for" thing for me? Format is for VALUE in LIST do COMMANDS done. What should i put in "VALUE"?18:39
adaszhow can i install the new version von vuze / azureus?18:39
Picitheadmin: #bash probably has better resources for that.18:39
daniraczHi. I have problems with sound on mt notebook. Can anyone help me?18:39
erUSULtheadmin: a variable that will hold the items from list one at a time18:40
og_An_Ony_Moose: heh very good18:40
theadminadasz: You can try to download it at ther site // Sie konnen es an seinem Seite downloaden18:40
=== carlos is now known as Guest2839
Guest79887hi guys, i cant boot my system, any help much appreciated.18:40
theadminerUSUL: So, if i put "x" i could reffer to that as "$x", righty?18:40
adaszi have downloaded it but how can i start it?18:40
theadminerUSUL: Also, what is the proper format of list? Comma separated?18:41
theadminadasz: What have you got there?18:41
erUSULtheadmin: space separated18:41
erUSULtheadmin: this belongs in #bash18:41
erUSULtheadmin: it can be an array too18:41
adasztheadmin: i have an *.tar.bz2 package18:42
theadminerUSUL: Okay, that's all I wanted, no problem18:42
An_Ony_Mooseog_, I found some C code that moves the cursor somewhere... let me see :P18:42
xovercan anyone help me boot my system?18:42
theadminadasz: Right click it, choose "Extract here", see what's inside18:42
uffoZykoticK9: /home/user/Desktop/FFmpeg_22628/ffmpeg -i *.ext -vcodec copy -acodec copy OUTPUT.MKV - looks like it works thanks but i continue to search ways that do not depend on long path, is there such way?18:42
adasztheadmin: some files18:43
adaszif i start18:43
SealedWithAKissI have a graphics card with VGA, DVI and HDMI inputs. I also have a HDMI to DVI cable. My monitor is VGA. I would like to connect my HDMI end of the cable to a PS3 HDMI port, the DVI end of the cable into my graphics cards DVI port, and then get the card to take the input and route it out to the VGA port. Is this possible? Or could somebody direct me to the appropriate channel that might be able to help?18:43
ZykoticK9uffo, i'm really not sure... could you explain more give any other default18:43
theadminadasz: Could you please cd into the folder it made and run a "ls -R" for me and pastebin the output?18:43
ZykoticK9uffo, s/default/details18:43
Piciog_: Check out the inhibit gnome panel applet18:43
RP64guys im having a super F'ed problem with my software upgrade18:44
RP64halp halp halp halp ploxxxxx18:44
theadminRP64: Hm?18:44
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: no posible18:44
adasztheadmin: http://pastie.org/90598118:44
RP64theadmin I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and now my laptop's media buttons dont work properly and my login logout sounds / sound theme isn't playing properly18:45
theadminadasz: Oh. Hm. Well, it seems that there is some problem with java. Sorry, ask Sun. lol18:45
theadminRP64: Media buttons...?!18:45
Megremis it possible to run a script instead of a default shell in the passwd file?18:45
[[thufir]]got my grub problem resolved, thanks.18:45
RP64theadmin:  Do these problems arise from upgrading versions through the software update or is this abnormal18:45
theadminRP64: Updates tend to break stuff sometimes. But it's usually not that major.18:46
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, is it possible to configure a graphics card to accept input on one of it's ports?18:46
RP64theadmin:  yeah like laptops have "play , stop , next song " and stuff, mine all work but the volume control ones don't work properly anymore18:46
adasztheadmin: if i install vuze with synaptic i works but is it an old version18:46
RP64theadmin:  it is major though cus these things are pretty important so how can I fix them?18:46
uffoZykoticK9: like in picture i wanted to load that ffmpeg from same directory where is my scripts, i used that way on windows years to drv video in foder and activate script and process started - i do not want to install it on sysem i like portable way18:46
og01hey i've recently updated to 9.10 (karmic i think) and while everything mostly works, im having some issues with X, which i never had before, i use nvidia restricted drivers.  first, the desktop area is larger than the viewable resolution, and thus the desktop scrolls when i move the move to the edge of the screen.  Second the screen sleeps after a few minuets. here is my xorg.conf: http://codepad.org/EB9GQPCj18:46
RP64theadmin:  why do updates break things anyways? Can it be fixed?18:46
theadminRP64: Hah, that. Don't worry, volume stuffs are broken on Jaunty for me too, known problem. Karmic has them working :/18:47
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: that's the thing that wont work. ports in graphic cards are *output* ports18:47
RP64theadmin:  so wats karmic lols, the newest 1?18:47
theadminRP64: Yah, 9.1018:47
RP64theadmin:  and wat about the sound theme/ login sounds?18:47
theadminRP64: As per that. Hm... Do you get any sounds at all?18:47
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, okay then I'm screwed. Bought a HDMI to DVI cable as well thinking it might work.18:47
RP64theadmin:  yeah sound is working and the sound theme plays normally when I sample play the sounds18:48
theadminRP64: Okay, then a few checks, does "System -> Preferences -> Startup apps" contain "GNOME Login Sounds"?18:48
Lint01Megrem: write a program which execs 'sh .../your_script' in C for example18:48
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, what about a HDMI to DVI cable with a DVI to VGA converter on the end? That's HDMI on the PS3 and VGA on the monitor, using a cable and a converter. Possible?18:49
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: dunno; better ask in ##hardware18:49
MegremLint01: well i'm new to linux.. i've coded vb before switching from windows..18:49
AKhello Daniel18:50
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, invite only.18:50
RP64theadmin: no it doesn't18:50
RP64theadmin: contain that18:50
MegremLint01: user1:xxx:0:0:root:/var/tmp/pc/startpc.sh18:50
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: you may need to register.18:50
erUSUL!register | SealedWithAKiss18:50
ubottuSealedWithAKiss: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:50
MegremLint01: this is the line from the shadow but it doesn't execute the script18:50
theadminRP64: There is the problem. Click on "add", and put anything as name/comment and the following as "Command": /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login"18:50
MegremLint01: sry i mean passwd18:51
RP64theadmin: It doesn't lol so wat shuld I dew18:51
RP64theadmin: Anything as name/ comment?18:51
maple-tecman, I'm so baked18:51
Lint01Megrem: the shell name should be an executable18:51
hopyahey guys18:51
RP64maple go watch teletubies then18:51
theadminRP64: It asks for 3 things, "Name", "Comment" and "Command". Name and comment do not matter in our case.18:51
newnoobI'm trying to install Hello Kitty Online on Ubuntu 9.10.  Have everything in place except getting ole error 80070057 when updater tries to load and update.  Any help would be appreciated18:52
theadminnewnoob: Hello.18:52
hopyawhat are u guys talking about18:52
MegremLint01: i've read somewhere that it could be a script too.. but well, if it must be an executable it doesn't work too because it doesn't take any parameters e.g. the script18:52
theadminhopya: This is the Ubuntu support channel, we are talking about, uh, problems lol18:52
hopyaoh lol, k can i try and help18:53
RP64theadmin: OK i added it now what?18:53
theadminRP64: K it should work now18:53
RP64theadmin: Kewl but wat about the log out sound too?18:53
Lint01Megrem: do you have #!/bin/bash in your script?18:53
theadminRP64: I don't think there is one anymore18:53
RP64theadmin: WHAT??? why ??18:54
RP64theadmin: r u sure??18:54
MegremLint01: all i want is that if a certain user logs in this script is executed..18:54
RP64theadmin:  Cus its option in the sounds list18:54
theadminRP64: No idea, but there is no sound on log out for me18:54
MegremLint01: not bash.. sh, because it's my router18:54
RP64theadmin: Culd u create one using this startup aps thing too or no?18:54
MegremLint01: this is the script: #!/bin/sh18:54
Megremecho ok > test18:54
theadminRP64: You can do _anything_ in Linux, but you must know how. Unfortunately, I've no idea how.18:54
newnoobAny help with the OLE Error 80070057?18:54
RP64theadmin:  BRB im testing login sound18:55
Picinewnoob: Are you asking about a program you're running under Wine?18:55
D3RGPS31someone is logged into my computer through ssh; what can i do to see what they're doing, and the output18:55
Picinewnoob: Please ask in #winehq then, and/or look on appdb: http://appdb.winehq.org18:55
hopyau and type who18:55
newnoobsorry just getting familar with Linux18:56
hopyaor whois18:56
hopyado a ps -aux to see what they are doing18:56
erUSULD3RGPS31: make them use a shareable screen session ?18:56
Lint01newnoob: it means 'invalid parameter'18:56
D3RGPS31erUSUL: anything else besides that?18:56
McL0VINps -ef | grep whatever18:56
=== theadmin is now known as theadmin_away
newnoobI've found the app there but it says it works under another disto18:56
erUSULD3RGPS31: not really18:56
RP64theadmin: Kewl dawg it werks !! 1 thx man18:56
RP64theadmin: But do u know anything about the logout sound? Cus my sound theme is so awwwsumm...18:57
hopyau can send a message to the tty session they connected to aswell18:57
RP64theadmin: IF they removed it why is it in the sounds list still ??18:57
newnoobI think I've Googled this to death and haven't found a solution with Wine or Crossover18:57
hopyaare u guys all from south africa?18:58
ikoniahopya: why ?18:58
appleseedWhich video player has a boss button or equivalent functionality?18:58
appleseedbecause ubuntu the word originates from SA18:58
hopyafor me wine sucks, but that is just my opinion18:58
Lint01are you sure the user can write in his home dir?18:58
RP64ANYONE KNOW ABOUT Logout sounds??18:58
ikoniahopya: how does that have anything to do with South Africa18:58
ikoniaRP64: I'd know a lot more if you didn't type in caps18:59
RP64ikonia: lols18:59
calumikonia: I think he means the African word Ubuntu18:59
appleseedi already said it ten lines ago18:59
hopyawell ubuntu is used all over the world18:59
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:59
hopyai meant this channel18:59
alaska13hello, anyone know anything about setting up ubuntu as part of a triple boot setup on a macbook pro?19:00
calumhopya: Yeh, but the operating system originated from the African phrase meaning "Humanity towards others"19:00
hopyasorry guys,19:00
hopyai'm out19:00
ikoniaalaska13: you asked this before and I suggested you talk to peeople in ##apple if you are having problems with bootcamp19:00
alaska13i couldnt post to that channel for some reason19:00
ikoniaalaska13: you need to be registered19:01
ikonia!register > alaska1319:01
ubottualaska13, please see my private message19:01
alaska13aha thanks19:01
RP64ikonia: Know yet?19:01
ikoniaRP64: you've not asked a question yet19:02
RP64ikonia: Yeah I did! i said anyone know how to fix logout sound19:02
RP64ikonia: my logout sound wont play19:02
=== balto_ is now known as ralemi
ikoniaRP64: can you play the file manually ?19:02
RP64ikonia: yea it plays in sample playing of sounds list19:03
ikoniaRP64: just not on logout ?19:03
RP64ikonia: yea19:03
ikoniaRP64: have you tried changing the file for logout sound to see if it's that file or the log out process ?19:03
xerox1hi, it doesn't work for me to change the images of my desktop icons; are there any special things i have to be aware? i would like to use an image 70x70 pixel (.png or .jpg)...19:03
RP64ikonia: any clue?19:05
lordofknightsanyone know how to make a page refresh one time when the back button is hit?19:05
=== cpdstudio_ is now known as No16Day
xerox1lordofknights, are u sure that this is the right place to ask that?19:06
RP64lordofknights:  lmao19:06
lordofknightssorry, I just can't find a good webdeveloper channel anywhere19:06
joseHow do I select fastest apt mirrors from the command line??19:06
hamzaatova11. how do i able to mount my sansa 2GB mp3 player? 2. how do i rip music from cd's???19:07
xerox1lordofknights, selfhtml.org?19:07
RP64lordofknights:  hit the refresh button?19:07
ikoniaRP64: I've just told you a suggestion to debug it19:07
RP64ikonia:  oh ok let me try it cus no i didn't, but im 100% sure the sound file is fine cus it plays on sample19:08
RP64ikonia: also did u hear of esound package?19:08
joseHow do I select fastest apt mirrors from the command line??19:08
hamzaatova1how do i able to mount sansa players??????????????????????????19:09
ikoniaRP64: I didn't say the file was a problem, I suggested changing the file for the logout sound to see if it had a problem playing that file, or if the logout process was quitting the sound application before logout19:09
hamzaatova1how can i rip music from cd's??????????????????19:09
ikoniahamzaatova1: best not to us ????????????????????????????? to ask questions19:09
lordofknightsRP64: sorry should have been more specific.  I need to code a page to refresh one time when hitting the back button19:09
ikoniahamzaatova1: just ask a question with ? - it gets a better response19:09
icerootlordofknights: and that is ubuntu-releated?19:09
RP64lordofknights:  try finding the firefox channel or somthing they probly know19:10
RP64lordofknights:  phone bill gates house and ask19:10
xerox1it doesn't work for me to change the images of my desktop icons; are there any special things i have to be aware? i would like to use an image 70x70 pixel (.png or .jpg)...19:10
erUSULhamzaatova1: soundjuicer can rip cd banshee can also with a plugin- sansa players should work with banshee and rhythmbox afaik ( enable MTD support)19:10
DexterFso I copied a file to my Ubuntu One folder and the client says it's synced but in the web interface I see: nuthin.19:10
firmWhello guys!19:10
rsrI am trying to send an email with image that appears on the body instead of attachments. It is a newsletter for my classroom. Is this possible with evolution?19:11
RP64hello guy!19:11
firmWHow do I put my first monitor to sleep while I watch a movie in the second?19:11
joseHow do I select fastest apt mirrors from the command line?19:11
erUSULrsr: compose an html message19:11
Picijose: I know of no tool that does that.19:11
rsrerUSUL, ok, let me try19:11
josePici: there is one for fedora :@19:11
Picijose: Ubuntu isn't Fedora19:11
josePici: i know19:11
hamzaatova1erUSUL, this is a progra? banshee? it will copy the tracks names too?19:11
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RP64ikonia:  i g2g will u be on later19:12
ThevorHey did the beta 2 come out today?19:12
erUSULhamzaatova1: dunno never used it. jut try it and see ? try with rhythmbox first is installed by default19:12
hamzaatova1erUSUL, what is mtd? how to i convert it to mp3? why i don't see my player in rhythmbox?19:13
joseHow do I select fastest apt mirrors from the command line?\19:13
erUSULhamzaatova1: mtd is a protocol many mp3 player support19:13
PiciThevor: No.  See the milestones in the #ubuntu+1 topic19:13
Lint01what is linux command to change the keyboard layout in Xs?19:14
erUSULLint01: xmodmap19:15
hamzaatova1erUSUL, but i don't see the option to transfer music to the sansa player19:15
SSShvbHello can if someone has mouse Microsoft IntilliMouse Explorer 3.0 could you please print your xorg.conf  (my mouse sometimes stick)19:15
coolboxare there anyone who can tell me how to set locale to en_usa_iso on ubuntu. I have tried through language settings but it only sets to utf19:16
erUSULhamzaatova1: Go to Edit>Plugins enable the mtd plugin19:16
hamzaatova1erUSUL, no mtd on the list19:17
erUSULhamzaatova1: i have it here ... karmic19:17
hamzaatova1erUSUL, i think i've karmic too but in hebrew19:18
hamzaatova1erUSUL, and i don't sure how to rip the cd's too19:18
erUSULhamzaatova1: it says portable players mtd or something like that19:18
coolboxanyone know how to set locale?19:18
coolboxto iso19:18
hamzaatova1erUSUL, mtd19:19
hamzaatova1erUSUL, mtp19:19
obiwan_hi guys, just a thing, i'mma little * out of the sound thing19:20
hamzaatova1how do i rip music to mp3????19:20
obiwan_i removed pulseaudio and now at least sound works better in all the apps19:20
erUSULhamzaatova1: use soundjouicer19:20
obiwan_but since then, the volume control applet went away, and there's no luck in running gnome-volume-control19:21
obiwan_i get errors and stuff. i tried restarting alsa, restartint the comp & stuff19:21
hamzaatova1erUSUL, i enabled the mtp but nothing happens19:21
jose hamzaatova1: did you try sound juicer?19:21
xanguaobiwan_: tried gnome-volume-control-applet ¿¿19:22
hamzaatova1jose,  erUSUL where do i find sound juicer?19:22
obiwan_yeah xangua19:22
obiwan_and i keep getting always error messages19:22
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jose hamzaatova1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping19:22
erUSULhamzaatova1: close and open again rhyhtmbox19:22
erUSULhamzaatova1: Aplications>Sound and Video19:22
obiwan_i even tried to kill off that gnome-volume-applet xangua but it's funny, it keeps saying there's no gnome-volume-applet, but when i run it it says "the freakin gnome-volume-aplet is running"19:23
neowolfis anyone using 10.04?19:23
hamzaatova1erUSUL, nothing happens19:23
erUSULhamzaatova1: is the player plugged in ?19:23
xangua!lucid | neowolf19:24
ubottuneowolf: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:24
hamzaatova1erUSUL, yeah19:24
neowolfyes i know19:24
HovefirseHi folks. I'm experiencing the same problem as the guy in this thread: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9065018 The solution seems to be to upgrade the nvidia-driver...can't figure out how to do it, though. Any help from this channel?19:24
erUSULhamzaatova1: then i dunno; it is google time :)19:24
obiwan_i don't know, i don't have this sort of errors in gentoo with alsa. dunno what's wrong in karmic, but it's so buggy with sound in here...19:24
Picineowolf: Then you'd know to ask in #ubuntu+1 then ;)19:24
neowolfi was just wondering if anyone knows how to change the startup sount in 10.04 im using the beta and they changed the location it is no longer in admin/sound19:25
hamzaatova1erUSUL, how do i open the extraction program?19:25
Picineowolf: Please use #ubuntu+1 for Lucid, it is not supported in here until it is releaesd.19:25
erUSULhamzaatova1: alt + f2 run sound-juicer19:26
phantemhas there been a fix for the intel gma 955 video?19:26
xangua!help  | ralemi19:26
Trek!ask | ralemi19:26
TrekLAGGY BOT!19:26
xanguajum, no bot¿¿19:27
ubotturalemi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:27
hamzaatova1erUSUL, sound juicer don't show mp3 as an option19:27
erUSULhamzaatova1: install ubuntu-restricted extras and lame19:27
erUSULhamzaatova1: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted extras lame19:28
hamzaatova1erUSUL, how?19:28
erUSUL!software | hamzaatova119:28
ubottuhamzaatova1: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:28
phantemhas there been a fix for the intel 955x chipset, 915resolution is not around and i have searched for pretty much a whole day yesterday.19:28
hamzaatova1erUSUL, is it a big packge?19:28
erUSULhamzaatova1: ubuntu-restricted extras is quite big yes. it pulls flash player java plugin and some extra codecs19:29
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Localhost666hi, i've got a pen drive that gives me access to the internet but I think it is not compatible with ubuntu, any solution for this problem?19:29
hamzaatova1erUSUL, so why does the installation was so quick and the codec isn't working?19:30
xerox1shortcuts on my desktop appear as text-files with preview; i would like to see the icons; how to change that (disable preview on desktop)?19:30
erUSULLocalhost666: a 3G dongle ? many of them are compatible. System>Pereferences>Network Connections || 3G Mobile tab19:30
_nix_risowolfen: hello19:30
hamzaatova1erUSUL, 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:30
VigoIs there a /dpkg or similar request on Freenode that lists or is a bot that could help people find information or protocols and contents of packages that are in the Ubuntu Repository list?19:31
erUSULLocalhost666: many others can be made to work with some usb-modeswitch magic19:31
erUSULLocalhost666: usually googling "ubuntu + modem model" yields results19:32
Localhost666It is actually possible?19:32
erUSUL!find lame19:32
ubottuFound: flamerobin, flamethrower, glame, libtwolame-dev, libtwolame0 (and 6 others)19:32
erUSULVigo: ^19:33
Hamad_SpiderHi all.19:33
VigoerUSUL: Thank you.19:33
og01ok since updating ubuntu to 9.10 my ~/.xsessionrc doesnt seem to be running, im using gdm and a window manager called xmonad19:33
og01any ideas19:33
hamzaatova1ok- i still have two question that i can't find answer to: 1. the installation of the mp3 codec for ripping got me into this message "0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." 2. i dont' find the packege that will allow me to plug my mp3 sansa player-- do you have a clue about these?19:33
Hamad_SpiderI have a problem with make. Can anybody help me?19:34
erUSULHamad_Spider: ##c or #make  ?19:34
erUSUL#make does not exist ...19:34
Hamad_SpiderSo I should join ##c Channel?19:35
Localhost666Another question19:35
underdevis not normal that ubuntu gnome desktop is demanding quite a bit of processing power?  I thought it was because i was running it in a virtual machine, but i switched to my hd that has ubuntu installed, and its doing the same thing19:36
underdevwhen idle, i should mention19:36
underdevon a dual core19:36
Localhost666when I join the ##C channel and try to send a message it returns to me: Cannot send message to channel :s19:36
Hamad_SpiderThank you erUSUL19:36
Pici!register | Localhost666 you must register to talk there19:36
ubottuLocalhost666 you must register to talk there: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:36
Vigohamzaatova1: Do you have the Universe and or Multiverse and or Restricted chosen in your sources?19:36
Localhost666thank you guys19:37
underdevits sitting here with a couple apps, and running 30 - 50%19:37
underdevseems very high19:37
hamzaatova1Vigo, i don't know - how to check/19:37
Vigo!sources | hamzaatova119:38
ubottuhamzaatova1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:38
underdevcan anyone look in system monitor and see how much cpu is gnome desktop is using?19:39
Vigounderdev: Yes, there is a system monitor in the Gnome Desktop.19:40
Vigounderdev: System>Administration> it is in that list.19:40
underdevVigo, i'm asking if anyone can find out whether ubuntu idles using a pretty substantial amount of cpu resources19:40
underdevmine is19:41
underdevquite a lot19:41
Sensivaunderdev how much?19:41
underdev30 - 50%19:41
Sensivaunderdev can you specify which process is using that amount?19:42
psusiunderdev: why don't you look and see what process is using that time?19:42
kasimonHi. Can I execute a program as the currently logged in user whenever networkmanager establishes a network connection?19:42
kevin009why does my nvidia laptop GPU heat up 15 degrees more during average use after an upgrade to karmic 64-bit?19:42
underdevLOL!  gnome-system-monitor19:42
Roastedhow to I connect from one ubuntu computer to another ubuntu computer on my lan with rdp instead of vnc?19:43
Sensivaunderdev then decrease the refresh time, and use top in terminal instead of sys monitor19:43
underdevthat was awesome19:43
underdevthanks guys19:43
=== cpdstudio_ is now known as No16Day
Vigounderdev: That system monitor can tell you, it is a handy GUI widget .19:43
unruffledubuntu 9.10 is already supposed to have wxpython; however, when i type wxpython in the terminal emulator, i get command not found? what gives?19:43
edthefuriexhi anyone speak french ?19:44
underdevtop reports .1319:44
underdevthat's better!!!19:44
llutz!fr > edthefuriex19:44
ubottuedthefuriex, please see my private message19:44
GilesThe panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".19:44
the-dudeis there a special lucid channel?19:45
Picithe-dude: #ubuntu+119:45
edthefuriexgot a problem on lucid to connect to the net for instance all setting in roaming mode are correct but google wrks and nothing else almost19:45
edthefuriexpm me if u got a solution to that :(19:46
Sensivaedthefuriex #ubuntu+119:46
the-dudePici: thanks :)19:46
Piciunruffled: What makes you think that there would be a wxpython exectuable?19:46
kevin009ok looks like i fixed it by reverting to older drivers19:47
`blackmk4|imachow can i disable power management19:48
`blackmk4|imaci don't have x19:48
jutsuI have an issue, probably gnome based, but whenever I enter a key, the mouse hangs, is this common? is there a fix?19:48
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unruffledPici, nevermind. Haha.19:49
unruffledThanks though.19:49
winemanhow would you go about preventing something to load when you boot ubuntu?19:50
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone how do I upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04?19:52
THE_GFR|WORKI saw a link to how to do it with the update manager but I don't have the required option19:52
Pici`blackmk4|imac: Take a look at the setterm manpage, specifically the "blank" and "powersave" sections.19:52
Vigo'blackmk4|imac: maybe> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro4-1/Intrepid19:52
unruffledhow come i'm getting command not found for pythonw?19:52
unruffledwxpython is supposed to come with ubuntu 9.1019:52
`blackmk4|imacok, nevermind, looks like it is a really common issue19:52
datacrushertry apt-get dist upgrade19:52
`blackmk4|imacand there are no ways to solve it19:52
datacrusherTHE_GFR|WORK, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:53
progre55hey ppl, anyone knows when firefox 3.6 will be added into the official ubuntu repos?19:53
=== hexdump is now known as hexdump_
THE_GFR|WORKdatacrusher: I have 8.04 I do not get the option that there is a new release to upgrade to19:54
Piciunruffled: wxpython is a python module.19:54
xanguaprogre55: ubuntu is not a rolling distro, you need to wait for the enxt version19:54
datacrusherTHE_GFR|WORK, try on the terminal - the right command is apt-get dist upgrade19:54
xanguaprogre55: or use either 'firefox-stable PPA' or 'Ubuntuzilla' repository19:54
THE_GFR|WORKdatacrusher: hold on I'll try19:54
ghufranhi.. can someone help me with mounting issues? heres a paste: http://pastie.org/90611619:54
progre55xangua: the april 29th? =)19:55
VigoTHE_GFR|WORK: Upgrade from 8,04?  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/testing/lucid/beta119:55
THE_GFR|WORKVigo: I am.  I want only the stable release19:56
THE_GFR|WORKdatacrusher: "invalid operation dist"19:57
og01why isnt my install using my .xinitrc !19:57
THE_GFR|WORKany other ideas?19:57
cassiohello. i have recently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop. sometimes ubuntu stops at boot and does not load gdm. it stays at the splash screen (apparently doing nothing...). it seems to happen randomly. generally if i try to boot the second time it works19:58
e01i had a problem19:58
VigoTHE_GFR|WORK: Do you want Lucid or just an Update $$ Upgrade?19:58
e01i can`t install or remove any software from my system, every time when i try to do something with apt-get it ends with19:58
cassiois it a known issue? could it be related to internet connectivity or some timing issue?19:58
e01Errors were encountered while processing:19:58
e01 /var/cache/apt/archives/splashy_0.3.13-5ubuntu1_i386.deb19:58
e01E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:58
FloodBot2e01: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
THE_GFR|WORKVigo: I don't want beta I want stable19:58
progre55THE_GFR|WORK: did you try updating your repos?19:58
THE_GFR|WORKprogre55: I did apt-get update19:59
FloodBot2THE_GFR|WORK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
THE_GFR|WORKprogre55: what do you mean update the repos I mean adding that to the list of them is fine its just which do I do... or whatever20:00
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:00
el3mentanyone work with wine ? why i cant hear sound from the wine started applications ?20:00
SuNk8err... this is my 1st time here...20:00
nemoel3ment: tried changing sound source in wine config?20:00
nemoel3ment: winecfg that is ?20:00
SuNk8where do i give suggestions for improvements for Ubuntu?20:00
SensivaTHE_GFR|WORK to upgrade from 8.04 you have two ways to choose, wait for Lucid 10.04 and upgrade directly to it, or doing successive upgrade to Karmic 9.10 (upgrade to Intrepid, then Jaunty and finally Karmic))20:00
el3mentim try to test all things in config but not work20:01
nemoel3ment: might be your sound card doesn't support hw mixing (common in cheap cards) and you are using a sound source that is trying to acquire lock from, say, pulse, and failing20:01
progre55THE_GFR|WORK: you cannot directly upgrate to 9.10, you should do it step by step20:01
progre55THE_GFR|WORK: 8.10, 9.04, then 9.1020:01
THE_GFR|WORKSensiva: I want to upgrade successivly20:01
nemoel3ment: so, I'd suggest setting a different source in winecfg and/or killing pulse just before starting wine.20:01
nemolike  killall pulseaudio;wine someapp20:01
el3mentmu card is alsa intel realtek20:01
nemoyeah. intel cards suck. no hw mixing20:02
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I do so easily?20:02
darksideri recently got a new Acer Aspire 5732Z Laptop with great spec (awesome deal. ball-droppingly good >_<) and straight away installed ubuntu 9.10. thing is, the lappy came with windows 7 64-bit on it, and i think i installed 32-bit ubuntu. it keeps crashing randomly on certain things and its bugging the hell out of me. could this be the problem? should i reboot and put ubuntu 9.10 64-bit on it? please help =) <3 UBUNTU <320:02
SensivaTHE_GFR|WORK https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades20:02
ghufranSuNk8, not sure but i think they have a feature suggestion and suggestions / discussions page20:02
THE_GFR|WORKseriously here20:02
VigoSuNk8: Have you read the Documentation at ubuntu.com?20:02
progre55THE_GFR|WORK: if you have apt-get updated, open synaptec, you should have a button saying smth "distribution upgrate to 8.10", or similar20:02
nemodarksider: bit curious why you didn't use 64 bit ubuntu?20:02
el3mentnemo any solytion with this intel thing ? :)20:02
nemo(in the first place)20:02
darksideri have a ubuntu 9.10 cd20:02
SensivaTHE_GFR|WORK then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades20:03
nemoel3ment: the things I suggested. try them.20:03
darksidercourtesy of canonical20:03
darksiderand i just used it20:03
darksidernot thinking20:03
FloodBot2darksider: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
THE_GFR|WORKok there we go thanks20:03
el3mentto use pulse ?20:03
darksiderbut when it started crashing all the time, i had a look into it and realised what i had done20:03
nemoel3ment: reread what I said20:03
darksiderFloodBot1, sorry about that20:03
SuNk8GSoC thinks that I should 'hang around' at IRC before submitting my proposal...20:03
og01where do the individual xinit scripts live for each window manager?20:04
THE_GFR|WORKthanks everyone that helped me start the upgrade process20:04
og01(for gdm)20:04
el3menti have another sound card Creative audigy 220:05
kn100darksider, sure the thing isn't overheating?20:05
el3mentbut not sure how to install this :)20:05
THE_GFR|WORKwoot upgrades!!20:05
Trekel3ment, they dont have nix drivers for that card20:05
darksiderkn100, positive. its BRAND NEW duo core intel T4400 with 4GB ram and its not even hot20:05
kn100darksider, but ubuntu may not be scaling your cpu properly20:05
zleap like the look of the new multi core processor things20:05
darksidersome stuff still works, just really slow. and i just have to reboot after it (which doesn't work properly)20:05
THE_GFR|WORKit was just the fact that the sources needed to be changed for the update manager... wish someone had just said that in the first place :) but the link helped so tanks20:05
THE_GFR|WORKthanks even20:06
=== mentr is now known as mentr_bnc
kn100darksider, I can't really help you, but that could be an issue20:06
el3mentitel = suc Creatove AU - no drivers20:06
el3mentNICEEE .. :D20:06
FloodBot2el3ment: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:06
darksidersee i have the freq scaler icons on top task bar20:06
cdecarlowhat's the channel for 10.04 talk?20:06
Picicdecarlo: #ubuntu+120:06
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:06
unruffledI know wxpython is a python module, but it doesn't seem to be working in Ubuntu 9.1020:06
=== hexdump is now known as hexdump_
darksiderkn100, any idea what i could do about that?20:06
unruffledUbuntu 9.10 is supposed to have wxpython already installed; however, when i type pythonw "filename.py" i get command not found20:07
pedroWhen will the ubuntu will be released to the market, I speak in ubuntu 10.4.20:07
kn100darksider, none at all sorry, I have never used ubuntu on a laptop, I do suggest you check out the ubuntu forums though20:07
kn100pedro, april 29th20:07
Piciunruffled: import wx fails?20:07
Trek!lucid > pedro20:07
ubottupedro, please see my private message20:07
unruffledPici, yeah.20:07
unruffledImportError: no module named wx20:08
Piciunruffled: Which version of python are you running?20:08
neorajhow to switch b/w tabs using keyboarb20:08
Roastedif I'm remoting in to a server on a LAN, what's the quickest GUI remote utility? Is VNC typically the best bet or is there a better alternative?20:09
Vigoneoraj: Tabs or Workspaces?20:09
darksiderkn100, thanks for the help. hope you guys dont mind me hanging out on here - because i have a laptop that can handle a few servers at once and still do other stuff now, im trying to find a few different servs & channels to hang out on20:10
neorajexample if their is five tabs in a firefox by using keyboard how to switch20:10
kn100darksider, of course not, if you're interested in general chitchat i can recommend a few channel20:10
neorajvigo,example if their is five tabs in a firefox by using keyboard how to switch20:10
darksideri dont talk ALL the time, but i would appreciate that man. i used to just hang out on hackthissite.org irc #bots,#help,#hackthissite,#proxie20:11
Vigoneoraj: Oh that, it is on the Mozilla site, is also in Help, one moment, I use alternate browsers.20:12
amosneoraj: ctrl+pgup/pgdn20:12
amosneoraj: alt+tab_number20:12
An_Ony_Mooseneed help for a friend... how can you install ubuntu on a USB stick without admin privileges, on windows? UNetBootin requires admin.20:12
darksiderif you know any good servers/channels where people will test my bot then id like that, too20:12
neorajamos: thank you its wrkin20:13
kn100darksider, I know of an excellent channel but has a strict policy of no bots20:13
SensivaAn_Ony_Moose then use unetbootin in Ubuntu on another PC20:13
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An_Ony_MooseSensiva, that's not an option either :(20:14
kn100darksider, pm,20:14
An_Ony_MooseI'm hoping that he's about to come on20:15
Sensivame too20:15
VigoThank you amos.20:15
amosVigo: no probs :D glad to help20:16
sscunderdev: what are the "top cpu consuming processes"? (first rows in top / htop)20:16
og01where does gdm keep its list of wm?20:17
og01and do you know where the scripts for each wm are kept?20:17
nomici can't seem to make a cd written with ubuntu files readable by xp by using brasero etc -- how do I cut files to a cd from ubuntu readable by xp20:18
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Nero Linux 3 is what i use cause Brasero and K3B aint the most reliable way to burn CDs and trust em.20:19
nomicis that available from synaptic20:19
LinuxGuy2009nomic:Nope costs $2020:19
nomici just need to get one file to an xp machine via cd20:20
LinuxGuy2009BlueCheeseCordon is taking a bra size poll? Nice.20:20
LinuxGuy2009nomic: No flash drives?20:20
nomicok how do I mount the ubuntu volume from xp20:20
nomicis it easy20:20
nomicno flash drives20:20
nomici have never got a flash drive to reformat20:20
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Oh man you need a flashdrive.20:21
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Windows either likes a CD or it dont.20:21
nomiccan i mount the linux volume from xp20:21
Treknope nomic20:21
og01can i have gdm's settings all reverted to default20:21
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Microsoft dont want you using Linux.20:21
nomici know that linuxguy20:21
* nomic never uses windows but I have just been asked to do something -- file to xp etc20:22
LinuxGuy2009Dont get mad at me, Im just saying.20:22
nomiccan't get the xp machine to connect to the internet20:22
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Need to transfer drivers?20:22
* nomic hates windows but i suffer 20:22
nomiccanon pixma mp13020:23
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Road Trip to Walmart?20:23
e01Failed to satisfy all dependencies (broken cache)20:23
nomicno car linuxguy but thanks for suggestion20:23
e01how can i fix it20:23
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Ive never had luck with brasero.20:23
nomicok whats the best and simplest way to get a canon pixma mp130 xp driver to run is it wine?20:24
nomici suppose its wine20:24
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Not sure if Wine supports USB or not.20:24
og01grrr im having loads of trouble here, some reason gdm isnt launching my .xsession what could be the cause, i've been at this for hours now....20:25
nomici've run out of tinned cat food linuxguy and the cat won't eat fresh hallibut what do i do20:25
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Maybe use your camera as a USB flashdrive by compying the driver to the card and then plugging the camera into XP and copy back off teh card?20:25
amosnomic: put hallibut in the tin overnight :D20:26
nomicbut i need to get the xp machine to talk to the scanner = needs driver20:26
LinuxGuy2009nomic: Get a job and a car20:26
Vigoe01: Is the system updated and upgraded and is the Sources List correct?20:26
nomicthats unreasonable linuxguy20:26
e01Vigo, yes is updated20:27
LinuxGuy2009nomic: You need to get your mom to take you to walmart and pick up a flash drive.20:27
e01i was trying to install splashy and it broke the apt20:27
TrekLinuxGuy2009 / nomic: you can get a USB flash drive for about US$20 nowadays20:27
guntbertLinuxGuy2009: when helping be helpful please20:27
nomici can't believe there is nothing which will make a cd written from ubuntu readeable from xp20:27
Treknomic: why?  I make CDs written in ubu that are usable in windows20:28
nomicwhat with trek20:28
LinuxGuy2009Trek: Why are you telling me? Im the one telling him. dinger20:28
nomicplease tell me20:28
Treknomic: what kind of files oyu writing to them?20:28
* nomic spits20:28
Treknomic: *shrugs* interesting... it works fine for me20:28
LinuxGuy2009Should not matter what files he is burning.20:28
Treki dont remember offhand what I use20:28
nomicok maybe i need to retry brb20:28
mescalinumI've a problem with initscripts. I created my executable script in /etc/init.d and used update-rc.d to cxreate links in /etc/rc.d (indeed the correct links are there) but my script still doesn't start... why??20:29
grishnavmescalinum: post your script?20:29
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: What are you trying to accomplish?20:29
joshuahmescalinum: is it executable? (chmod -x)20:29
HBXquick question if i install 10.04 will i get the normal updates to get to 10.1020:29
grishnavor rather, chmod +x20:29
joshuahmescalinum: ** chmod +x20:29
mescalinumyes it is executable20:29
HBXor will i have to do a clean install20:29
llutznomic: just make sure to use iso9660 or udf and not rockridge to make it win-readable20:30
mescalinumI want to install my initscript20:30
mescalinumbut just doesn't work20:30
e01Vigo, how can i fix it20:30
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Vigoe01: GTK+?20:30
mescalinumI mean I know how to make my initscript work in other distros20:30
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: Is it a bash script to run on each boot or what?20:30
mescalinumbut ubuntu seems to ignore the start links in /etc/rc#.d/20:30
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e01Vigo, ?20:30
mescalinumLinuxGuy2009: yes, a script I want to run at boot20:31
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: tried rc.local?20:31
mescalinumLinuxGuy2009: that didn't work also :(( (that's why I am resorting to an initscript)20:31
Vigoe01: Is it the GDM?20:31
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: rc.local can even run sudo stuff without password.20:31
MegremLint01: got the problem solved by adding a .profile to the homefolder of the user20:32
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: What command failed to work in rc.local?20:32
jeroen-my swap is gone - UUID can't be found - I don't see it using fdisk -l or whatever - please help?20:32
mescalinumLinuxGuy2009: anything. (for instance: echo $(date) >> /tmp/logfilefgoo20:33
mescalinumLinuxGuy2009: first line of my script logs date to a file, so I am quite sure it doesn't get run20:33
LinuxGuy2009jeroen-: start up gparted and check there itll say the UUID for each partition.20:33
appepzcan I get some help installing zend framework on my ubuntu hardy?20:33
jeroen-LinuxGuy2009: ok20:33
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e01Vigo, E: /var/cache/apt/archives/splashy_0.3.13-5ubuntu1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/etc/lsb-base-logging.sh', which is also in package lsb-base 020:33
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: Your doing something wrong then cause Ive used rc.local before with no issues.20:34
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: You made basic scripts and ran them manually first so you know what your doing first?20:34
wasabiThere any good tutorials for configuring IPsec opportunistic transport encryption on ubuntu?20:34
llutzmescalinum: btw "date >> /tmp/logfilefgoo" is shorter20:34
mescalinumLinuxGuy2009: yeah, I've made it executable, but anything I put in it gets ignored. that's something wrong with the system, but I don't know what20:34
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mescalinumllutz: thanks :)20:35
jeroen-LinuxGuy2009: I see free space in gparted - properly where my swap was20:35
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: Did you put the header, #!/bin/sh ?20:36
Vigoe01: That is way above my knowledge. I did find a GDM/Karmic thing: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2009-July/006986.html20:36
jeroen-I wonder why it is gone20:36
jeroen-I didn't do anything with it20:36
LinuxGuy2009 jeroen-: Yeah if a partition is gone then it obviously wont have a UUID any longer.20:36
LinuxGuy2009 jeroen-: Just make a new one and edit fstab entry.20:37
e01Vigo, will take a look, thanks20:37
LinuxGuy2009mescalinum: Did you put the header, #!/bin/sh ?20:37
jeroen-LinuxGuy2009: ok thanks - I made a new swap20:38
Vigoe01: You are most welcome, I hope that helps.20:38
LinuxGuy2009jeroen-: Make sure you edit your fstab or it wont get used.20:38
jeroen-all done20:38
LinuxGuy2009good job20:38
jeroen-swapon -a and it works20:39
jeroen-I was wondering how this could hapen20:39
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neorajhow to create folder in /proc directory20:39
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amosneoraj: you cant20:39
llutzneoraj: you shouldn't, /proc is a virtual fs20:40
LinuxGuy2009neoraj: If you dont have permissions for a folder and need access you can use "gksudo nautilus"20:40
neoraji have  a root previlage\20:40
neorajamos: y20:40
holmsermy laptop keeps freezing when I close the lid.  Anyone feel like helping me out?20:40
og01how can i get gdm and X back to the way they were when it was first installed?20:40
neorajllutz: y i should't20:40
LinuxGuy2009holmser: Check the power options and see what lid switch behavipr is set to.20:41
Picineoraj: /proc is an interface to data maintained by the kernel, its not a real filesystem.20:41
holmserI am using 9.10 and this is my graphics hardware: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)20:41
llutzneoraj:  /proc is a virtual fs  it makes no sense to manually create something there20:41
jeroen-wondering what that is when i do a blkid20:41
neorajllutz: ok20:41
LinuxGuy2009holmser: see above20:41
neorajllutz: ok what ever tell me how to create20:41
neorajllutz: i have to create tell me how20:42
honk__Hey, I'm trying to figure out which command Ctrl+Alt+Up is bound to. Unfortunately, there is nothing on the internets and the Compiz manager ui isn't very user friendly.20:42
neoraji have root previlage20:42
holmserIts set to suspend.  when I suspend manually it comes back automatically20:42
honk__Does anybody happen to know?20:42
LinuxGuy2009honk__: Well whats it doing now?20:42
og01honk__: what happens when you press it?20:42
holmserOnly issues when I close the lid.20:42
honk__It's doing the expose thing20:42
soreauhonk__: Sure it is. Just click on Advanced Search in ccsm, then click the keyboard icon in the Filter box there and do Ctrl+Alt+Up20:42
og01honk__: i think that unwraps the cube20:42
honk__soreau: ooh, thank20:43
llutzneoraj: you don't have to, what are you trying?20:43
soreauhonk__: By default, it's Scale plugin20:43
Picineoraj: We can't help you if you don't read what we are telling you.20:43
honk__Yes, its Scale20:43
og01can anybody help me work out why gdm isnt using my .xsession file?20:43
neorajpici, not like my question is how to create20:44
og01i've been asking and looking at scripts and googling for hours now20:44
honk__Awesome. It's fast now :-)20:44
honk__Thank you everybody.20:44
neorajllutz: just like that i need to create and check for changes20:44
Picineoraj: And we already told you that you cannot create folders in /proc, see "man proc" if you don't believe  us.20:44
neorajpici , ok20:45
soreauhonk__: np20:45
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Guest9425hi all20:45
=== Guest9425 is now known as LebUser
BlaDe^Hi I'm using gtkpod and it requires xmms to play music -- and it says xmms command not found20:45
LebUserhello all20:45
LinuxGuy2009BlaDe^: Ok so install it.20:45
BlaDe^I've installed xmms2 and of course the command is xmms2 - what should I do? xmms isn't available from what I can tell20:45
meliksudo ln -s /usr/bin/xmms2 /usr/bin/xmms20:46
LinuxGuy2009BlaDe^: Why not use an alternative player if it wont work then?20:46
andyvyanyone use M3N72-D motherboard and have used their audio input?20:46
melikBlaDe^: ^20:46
naaddewhen I try to watch a video stream from firefox, my Totem Movie Player says that it can't find the stream. How can I fix it?20:46
BlaDe^LinuxGuy2009,  because there are very few which stream from the iPhone20:46
BlaDe^thanks melik!20:46
meliknot sure if it will work though :p20:46
frxstremis it possible to have multiple "desktop layouts" with different panels etc. that could easily be switched between?20:46
BlaDe^nah it didn't heh20:46
melikhang on20:47
LinuxGuy2009BlaDe^: Look and see if all of gtkpod suggests and recomends are all installed.20:47
BlaDe^how do I do that?20:47
og01can anyone hear me?20:47
LinuxGuy2009BlaDe^: Synaptic would work or aptitude20:47
LebUsertheres many bans20:47
BlaDe^I have aptitude20:47
LinuxGuy2009og01: ask20:47
neorajwhat is linux20:47
BlaDe^I'll try it20:47
melikBlaDe^: you might have to restart gtkpod20:48
LinuxGuy2009neoraj: Linux is a kernel20:48
amosneoraj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux20:48
naaddewhen I try to watch a video stream from firefox, my Totem Movie Player says that it can't find the stream. How can I fix it?20:48
neorajwhat is kernel20:48
frxstremyeah, I wonder about it too :/20:48
llutz!ot > neoraj20:48
BlaDe^melik,  the command doesn't work in terminal either20:48
ubottuneoraj, please see my private message20:48
amosneoraj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_%28computing%2920:48
melikBlaDe^: can you run: locate xmms220:49
melikand let me know where the binary is located?20:49
naaddeneoraj: kernel is the deepest source of your linux OS20:50
naaddefor more read on wikipedia linux kernel20:50
guntbertog01: we hear you20:50
naaddeand google linux if you wonder what linux is20:50
melikneoraj: a kernel is a barebone of any operating system that allows your software to speak with your hardware.20:50
melikthe barebone*20:51
og01guntbert LinuxGuy2009: im really struggling to get gdm to use my .xsession, here is a copy of it, http://codepad.org/A0EWvtOB i also have it symlinked as ~/.xinitrc, my ~/.dmrc looks like: http://codepad.org/OaOR8Duk20:51
BlaDe^there was a lottt of output melik20:51
melikBlaDe^: do you see a "/usr/bin/xmms2"20:51
LucidGuyrunning a simple dd command and I want the results to be outputted to a file eg "dd if=in of=out >>file"  Yet it continues to output to stdout .. not the file.  Any ideas?20:51
melikhmm hang on20:51
guntbertog01: sorry - no help from me there20:51
BlaDe^possibly one of those?20:51
neorajwhats new in 10.0420:52
og01LinuxGuy2009: no matter what i put in .xsession none of it gets executed20:52
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squisherwho do I enable wireless networking if NetworkManager says it's disabled? The checkbox in the context menu is not clickable20:52
amosBlaDe^: try locate xmms2|grep bin20:52
neorajwhat are the new features in 10.0420:52
naaddewhen I try to watch a video stream from firefox, my Totem Movie Player says that it can't find the stream. How can I fix it?20:52
llutzLucidGuy: dd if=in of=out &>file20:52
LinuxGuy2009og01: I have no clue what .xsession is for sorry.20:52
LinuxGuy2009neoraj: #ubuntu+120:52
guntbertneoraj: please ask in #ubuntu+1 or better yet in #ubuntu-offtopic20:52
og01LinuxGuy2009: i think launched by gdm, like .xinitrc is when startx is invoked20:53
melikthats odd, are you sure you have xmms2 installed?20:53
BlaDe^but if I ls in /usr/bin I can see xmms and xmms2 melik20:53
BlaDe^yeah the xmms2 command works in the terminal20:53
melikdoes the xmms command work from command line?20:53
Kuifje111"I will ask ubuntu's dev team to make ping runable by non root in the nex release." "Kuifje, not possible" is this correct?20:53
llutzBlaDe^: ls -l $(which xmms2)20:53
BlaDe^xmms doesn't no, xmms2 does20:53
BlaDe^-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 97356 2009-09-13 21:17 /usr/bin/xmms220:53
LinuxGuy2009og01: If gnome is supposed to use it, and it doesnt seem to be, then I would maybe think something is wrong with your installation or mayeb a bug exists.20:53
og01anybody know where gdm keeps its scripts for each window manager, andhow to configure and add my own20:54
guntbertKuifje111: ping never requires root permissions20:54
neorajwhat is gdm20:54
ManDayanyone on lucid for more than a week?20:54
llutzneoraj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%2920:54
og01LinuxGuy2009: not using gnome, just gdm, but as far as i know yeah its surposed to use it, and is surposed to be a well know command20:54
amosneoraj: try #gdm ......20:54
naaddellutz: good answer :D20:54
melikoh BlaDe^20:54
guntbert!lucid > ManDay20:55
LinuxGuy2009neoraj: If you dont have any support questions then please move your conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere. Please.20:55
Kuifje111guntbert: "this would require ICMP socket support in kernel" "which again breaks POSIX compliance on GNU Inetutils" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_adoption#Reasons_for_adoption"20:55
ManDayguntbert, you are doing it wrong20:55
og01LinuxGuy2009: unless anybody knows any other way of autologging in as a user and launching X on startup?20:55
ManDaybtw it was just a question20:55
frxstremis there a way to have multiple "panel layouts" that can easily be switched between?20:55
melikcan you do: ls -l /usr/bin/xmms20:55
guntbertManDay: wrong channel for that question20:55
VigoManDay: Yes I was,20:55
neorajLinuxGuy2009: its a 2010 not 200920:56
BlaDe^root@martin-laptop:/# ln -s /usr/bin/xmms2 /usr/bin/xmms20:56
BlaDe^ln: accessing `/usr/bin/xmms': Too many levels of symbolic links20:56
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LinuxGuy2009frxstrem: You can have as many panels as you want but switching between I doubt is possible out of the box.20:56
ManDayVigo, ok before i get banned for dragging the channel into TOTALLY unrelated realms... can you tell me how it is --> query20:56
LinuxGuy2009frxstrem: You can set the ones on screen edges to autohide and things like that and also can make floating panels as well.20:57
dvrcodercan i make a upstart script dependent on the start of a sysvinit script?20:57
frxstremLinuxGuy2009: I am not necessarily talking about an "out of the box" feature, third-party scripts and software is also fine20:57
diddyWhen I insert a USB stick it is not recognized anymore. I am downloading a lot of stuff at the moment. Is there a way to fix this without rebooting the PC?20:57
nerdy_kidanyone know how to get xine to use pulse?20:57
frxstremLinuxGuy2009: and I'd prefer not to have them "hidden", I just don't like it :/20:57
VigoManDay: join #off-topic so that we BOTH stay in good graces,,,,20:57
melikBlaDe^: sudo rm /usr/bin/xmms && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/xmms2 /usr/bin/xmms && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/xmms20:57
neorajhow to configure startx20:58
LinuxGuy2009frxstrem: Not that I know of. There doesnt seem to be many requests for switching between sets of panels. Perhaps put in a feature request with gnome?20:58
ManDayVigo, im there :P20:58
melikit works on my archlinux :/20:58
frxstremLinuxGuy2009: okay, thanks for the answer :)20:58
guntbertKuifje111: thats too hard for me tonight - but I can tell you definitely that I never needed root permissions to ping some host :-)20:58
LinuxGuy2009frxstrem: sure20:58
amosneoraj: mkfs.xfs -f /20:58
BlaDe^hat did it melik20:58
Kuifje111guntbert: thats because suid is set on ping.20:58
neorajLinuxGuy2009: how to configure startx20:58
neorajamos: what is that20:59
melikdoes gtkpod work now BlaDe^ ?20:59
DR_Fun1as any one seen ninjai?20:59
llutzamos: don't do that20:59
Kuifje111how to configure startx? configure xorg.20:59
guntbertKuifje111: indeed - never noticed (as you can probably guess from my answers :-))20:59
Spartiatehi all20:59
melikno Kuifje111, you configure startx through ~/.xinitrc21:00
amosllutz: ok21:00
ravingGreetings, I upgraded an 8.10 installation to 9.10, and now it's boot partition is missing a uuid. I was wondering how to assign one to it21:00
llutzamos: just put him on ignore21:00
BlaDe^no melik  :(21:00
BlaDe^but it doesn't error21:00
BlaDe^perhaps it isn't compatible with xmms221:00
LinuxGuy2009raving: UUIDs are not assigned, they are given.21:00
melikBlaDe^: then i'm pretty sure xmms2 doesnt work with gtkpod, i suggest you use banshee/rhythmbox for your ipod21:00
BlaDe^It's for my iPhone, are they compatible with the 3.0 fw database?21:01
BlaDe^when googling all the guides used ifuse and gtkpod together21:01
melikbanshee should i think.21:01
melikor was it rhythmbox :/21:01
BlaDe^ok I will look into it later, thanks for your help21:01
BlaDe^no worries I will check both hehe21:01
meliki forgot :$21:01
LinuxGuy2009BlaDe^: Cant do much about incompatible hardware like that. They either work or dont.21:01
melikgood luck21:01
ravingLinuxGuy2009: ahh. Nonetheless, when I use blkid or ls /dev/disk/by-uuid, my boot partition does not show up21:01
BlaDe^thanks for your help21:01
raving(Even though I have it mounted)21:01
ravingfdisk -l also shows my boot partition21:02
LinuxGuy2009raving: And machine fails to boot?21:02
melikBlaDe^: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html21:02
ravingLinuxGuy2009: I was able to open up the recovery terminal and mount it so that the machine could boot up21:02
ravingLinuxGuy2009: but otherwise, yeah, the system hangs because it can't find the uuid associated with that partition21:03
nomictried wine it says on clicking .exe : " End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on  the last disk(s) of this archive."  pls help sorry to bother21:03
LinuxGuy2009raving: Do a live CD boot and try to recover with that if you have to. Open gparted and see what partitions may be missing or whatever.21:03
diddyWhen I insert a USB stick it is not recognized anymore. I am downloading a lot of stuff at the moment. Is there a way to fix this without rebooting the PC?21:03
LinuxGuy2009raving: gparted also lists UUID for partitions in info. You may have them mixed up in text listing possibly.21:03
ravingLinuxGuy2009: I'll give it a shot.21:04
nerdy_kiddiddy take a look through syslog21:04
ravingI'll be back in about 5 to 10 minutes21:04
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livingdaylighthello peeps, can someone help me with a printer issue? I have a Brother DCP-145C which Ubuntu recognized and seemingly configured. Yet, test page nor anything else will print. Printer 'reveives' but no printing! help, anyone?21:06
diddynerdy_kid, syslog looks OK and the USB device is found and scanned, however it is not mounted automatically21:06
diddynerdy_kid, until recently USB sticks automatically opened a nautilus window21:06
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: Google "brother linux support" download the DEB driver package and install it.21:06
nerdy_kiddiddy that wierd....you could always mount it manually for now and hope that a reboot fixes it.21:06
nerdy_kiddiddy also id check fstab out21:07
hiexpolivingdaylight, you have cups installed21:08
Riley2009hi there21:08
Riley2009how do i downgrade transmission?21:08
HeatherMy firefox has decided that I don't need bookmarks, that I don't need a history, that I don't need to be able to click on the menu bar, and that I don't need to be able to right click. I haven't installed any new updates, themes, or addons or done anyhing weird in Ubuntu. It's a problem that's survived a reboot.21:08
neorajhow to configure startx21:08
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html#DCP-145C21:09
livingdaylighthiexpo, cups, yes, previous Epson printer worked21:09
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: scroll down to your model number. Download the LPR and CUPS wrapper. Install both21:09
livingdaylightLinuxGuy2009, THank YOU!!21:09
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: Very welcome. Brother has excellent linux support!21:09
zagabarShit, I seems to have broken something on my server. xD All new ssh sessions cannot run any commands until I have run the command: PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games".  I checked /etc/environment but it looked normal. What else can be wrong?21:09
guntbertHeather: did you perhaps start firefox with gksudo?21:10
Travis-42xvfb crashed, leaving a socket listening from /tmp/.X11-unix/0 -- I tried to delete that file, but the socket still remains used. How can I free up the socket?21:10
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:10
livingdaylightLinuxGuy2009, that's good to know. I would have got an HP which I thought was best supported in Linux, but it is my gf's printer...21:10
horst-peterWo kann ich Ubuntu Hilfe finden?21:10
Heatherguntbert: no21:11
guntbert!de | horst-peter21:11
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: I have 2 Brother printers in the house both monochrome laser and they both run great. Brother is all I buy now.21:11
ubottuhorst-peter: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:11
horst-peterWie komme ich in den DE chat?  Sorry bin neu hier21:11
guntbertHeather: was only an idea21:11
squisherhorst-peter, #ubuntu-de wahrscheinlich21:11
guntberthorst-peter: siehe nachricht von ubottu ^^^^21:12
squisherhorst-peter, /join #ubuntu-de21:12
Berzerkeris the Flash 10.1 RC 64-bit compatible?21:12
hiexpoanyone else having probs with youtube-dl21:12
livingdaylightLinuxGuy2009, sweet... I agree it this DCD-145 looks really nice. Much nicer than my own previous Epson rx425 (old)21:12
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: Chances are, youll have to run "sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model" in order for it to install the PPD driver file.21:12
brontosaurusrexany nice netbooks that come with linux/ubuntu preinstalled?21:13
LinuxGuy2009 livingdaylight: Cool21:13
Heatherguntbert, I can see the bookmarks in my bookmarks bar, but I can't click on any of the menu buttons, not the history dropdown, not adblock's dropdown, not the dropdown on my bookmarks bar, none of the folders in my bookmark bar, none of the menu bar, none of my history is there as far as I can tell, and I can't right click anywhere within firefox but right clicking works anywhere else, such as in x-chat21:13
livingdaylightLinuxGuy2009, "sudo mkdir.... " thanks for the tip21:13
LinuxGuy2009 livingdaylight: Check that site real good cause they have specific directions for each distro and version and also pre install directions.21:13
Am4nohiexpo.no, but I also use DamnVid http://code.google.com/p/damnvid/21:13
guntbertHeather: that looks weird - please look at the permissions of your firefox profile though21:14
Bisu[Shield]what is the path to php executable21:14
addisadenhi. is there anybody, can help me on a dev/input/mice stream?21:14
hiexpoAm4no, thanks i will check it out21:15
diddyHow can I mount my USB stick so another user can unmount it?21:15
addisadenjust want to read every char, not in blocks =)21:15
diddyIt only lets me mount it as root but then I can not umount it21:16
neorajhow to identify ip address of a mail sender21:16
edthefuriexhi can someone help me please21:16
brontosaurusrexBisu[Shield]: which php21:16
nerdy_kiddiddy use "authorizations" under administration21:16
LinuxGuy2009diddy: Usually when you plug a flash drive it it gets mounted automatically and is listed under places menu.21:16
LinuxGuy2009edthefuriex: ask21:16
Bisu[Shield]php 521:17
guntbertneoraj: that is not an ubuntu support question21:17
patohola viejo21:17
livingdaylightLinuxGuy2009, I created the folder you suggested and dl and installed 'em... The instructions on the page include Ubuntu-64bit, but I'm running 32 bit here21:17
diddyLinuxGuy2009, yes usually but something is wrong at the moment with my system so I have to do it manually.21:17
Bisu[Shield]what is the path to php executable for php 521:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:17
edthefuriexi have internet settings on ubuntu correct : dns ok, ip ok, gateaway ok but only google gmail etc semms to work21:17
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: 1 sec21:17
ar0nguys im gettin errors while dual booting, when trying to load ubunbtu it gives me an error and the same with windows21:17
Heatherguntbert, yeah... I just did 'sudo firefox' in a terminal and now all my previous problems are fixed.... what can I do to make it so I won't have to do a sudo every time?21:17
zagabaris there a log file that stores failed authitentification attempts that has been made to the SMTP server?21:17
neorajguntbert, how to configure startx21:17
LinuxGuy2009 livingdaylight: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/index.html21:17
techousei got a minor problem here. i'm running karmic and i require a recent version version of java JDK, so i always make a deb package from sun's official java package, the thing is that ever since i started doing this i'm getting a minor error, which is by no way causing me any trouble but is rather unpleasant to watch every time i run aptitude. the problem is that there seems to be no java-rmi.cgi in sun's release as opposed to the openjdk one, since21:17
techouseitude and apt always nag about no update alternative for it. what can i do to resolve this? the current version of java jdk i'm running is 6 update 1921:17
LinuxGuy2009 livingdaylight: Check out the nice documentation here.21:18
=== Ruben is now known as Guest46313
edthefuriex99 % of websites not working21:18
DR_Fun1as any one seen ninjai?21:18
nerdy_kiddiddy did you check fstab out?  cause if the auto mounting stopped suddenly it could very well be that....21:18
diddynerdy_kid, there is no "authorizations"21:18
amosBisu[Shield]: /usr/bin/php5 ?21:18
brontosaurusrexBisu[Shield]: type 'which php' and should return the path like /usr/bin/php21:18
livingdaylightLinuxGuy2009, thx, will have a look now21:18
Heatherguntbert, also, do you have any idea how a problem like this could have happened?21:18
LinuxGuy2009 livingdaylight: cool21:19
ar0nthis sucks its not booting its bitching about error : invalid signature when i load windows21:19
edthefuriexotherwise i shall stay on xp then :(21:19
nerdy_kiddiddy drat running kde so going off memory here (as far as GNOME gui), but if you have to manully mount the flash drive what i was suggesting  wouldnt work i dont think21:19
LinuxGuy2009ar0n: Calm down there21:19
ar0nim calm21:19
ar0neven tho this doesnt make sense21:19
guntbertHeather: that was exactly the wrong thing to do :-) , now you probably will have to change the profile permissions - but we can give it a try21:20
addisadenneed some help in reading out the mice stream(/dev/input/mice) in c =). every time i get no live responce. instead i get every block a feedback (seems so) can i code anything to get i tlive?21:20
LinuxGuy2009ar0n: What are you stuck on?21:20
ar0nichose update and now this trash =|21:20
neorajwaht is pam and how to configure21:20
ar0nduring grub, it wont load any os21:20
ar0nwith windows it says "  error: invalid signature21:20
sh4d3sl4y3r_hi all. i am using ubuntu 9.10 with a broadcom43 wireless adapter. i can connect to open networks but not WPA..21:20
Heatherguntbert, nope, fixed it permanently21:20
sh4d3sl4y3r_any solution?21:20
LinuxGuy2009ar0n: Have you tried repairing grub?21:20
ar0nhow do you do this21:20
sh4d3sl4y3r_it keeps asking about the password again and again21:20
Bisu[Shield]how do i know if um using cli or cgi21:20
edthefuriexheeeeelp :) !!!21:21
ar0nit says udevadm trigger is not permitted  while udved is configured21:21
edthefuriexeverybody buysy ?21:21
guntbertHeather: strange - but "never touch a running system" - Good luck :-)21:21
LinuxGuy2009sh4d3sl4y3r_: BCM4312 by chance?21:21
sh4d3sl4y3r_let me check LinuxGuy200921:21
livingdaylightLinuxGuy2009, mission accomplished - thank you fella21:21
LinuxGuy2009livingdaylight: Alright good job!21:21
KenBW2How do I start the KDE desktop in Lucid from GDM?21:22
KenBW2How do I start the KDE desktop in Lucid from GDM?21:22
sh4d3sl4y3r_LinuxGuy2009 : its a BCM431121:22
sh4d3sl4y3r_any issues?21:22
bendt? Why is my time constantly off in Karmic? Right now is shows 20:44 - it should be 22.41. NTP is enabled. /etc/init.d/ntp restart makes no change.21:22
LinuxGuy2009KenBW2: You need to select KDE from session selection.21:23
KenBW2LinuxGuy2009: it's not there in Lucid21:23
edthefuriexsomeone for me in private message for help please so i'll have time to read lol ? :)21:23
amosBisu[Shield]: most cases it's cgi21:23
LinuxGuy2009KenBW2: Did you install KDE?21:23
KenBW2LinuxGuy2009: yes, kubuntu-desktop21:23
guntbert!lucid | KenBW221:23
ar0nLinuxGuy2009,  how do i repair grub21:23
ubottuKenBW2: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:23
ar0nsince i guess itsa grub issue21:24
sh4d3sl4y3r_LinuxGuy: its a BCM431121:24
sh4d3sl4y3r_what can be the solution21:24
LinuxGuy2009KenBW2: Then it should be there. Otherwise report a bug "ubuntu-bug kubuntu-desktop21:24
LinuxGuy2009 sh4d3sl4y3r_: Did it work ok in 9.04 or previouse version?21:24
edthefuriexok linux to the bin i'll stay on windows...21:24
LinuxGuy2009edthefuriex: sorry to hear that21:24
sh4d3sl4y3r_yes it did work...21:24
sh4d3sl4y3r_right now its not working with 9.10.. or any parallel Deb distro.. like sid21:25
bendt? Why is my time constantly off in Karmic? Right now is shows 20:44 - it should be 22.41. NTP is enabled. /etc/init.d/ntp restart makes no change. ntpdate returns:  6 Apr 20:47:19 ntpdate[17485]: no servers can be used, exiting21:25
LinuxGuy2009sh4d3sl4y3r_: check launchpad.net and see if there is a known problem. Otherwise you are free to add your own bug report.21:25
guntbertedthefuriex: you can tell your client to ignore/hide those join/part messages21:25
LinuxGuy2009bendt: Maybe sync the time to a time server?21:26
edthefuriexhow ?21:26
edthefuriexi'm on mirc21:26
LinuxGuy2009bendt: Is your motherboard battery going out?21:26
ravingLinuxGuy2009: I rebooted into the LiveCD (the latest I have is 8.10, I installed using the updater), and for the time being changed the boot partition to the /dev name. A UUID was listed (although it was incredibly short, like 8 digits)21:26
guntbertedthefuriex: I don't know with mirc - sorry - but the setting usually is named conference mode (or so)21:27
LinuxGuy2009raving: Ok so you figured it out then?21:27
thevishyi screwed up my FS in the laptop and it doesnt boot anymore ...also the DVD drive is not detecting21:27
ravingLinuxGuy2009: well my solution is a bit of a hack that will probably break until I do a reinstall proper21:27
guntbert!pm | edthefuriex21:27
LinuxGuy2009thevishy: If your drive wont boot sounds like a hardware issue.21:27
ubottuedthefuriex: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:28
thevishyI get the grub menu21:28
edthefuriexok i'll have a look but first i need to find someone ready to help me i guess21:28
thevishyi mean grub rescue menu21:28
ravingLinuxGuy2009: I think I figured out what caused it though; I had to boot into the livecd to reinstall grub, and I accidentally installed it to the boot partition instead of the drive first21:28
ravingSo it might have clobbered the uuid21:28
bendtIf battery is going out, the bios should complain at startup? I think time is synced by ntp?21:28
guntbert!ask | edthefuriex21:28
LinuxGuy2009bendt: Your time may be off cause the battery on your motherboard keeps the clock going during power off. Take it out and test with a battery tester?21:29
ubottuedthefuriex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:29
edthefuriexit is one hour i'm here already lol but if you have time i'll ask you then ;)21:29
thevishythe filesystem got corrupted after I ran FSCK or something of that sort ...21:29
guntbertedthefuriex: don't ask *me* -- ask all21:29
thevishyand the boot is not happening ... and also DVD not working !21:29
edthefuriexi have access fast and good to google google map gmail etc but almost nothing else even update is 30b/s21:29
thevishythats my problem21:30
edthefuriexi did !! but no answer....21:30
bendtLinuxGuy2000: why is time not synced at startup? Is that not, what /etc/init.d/ntp is supposed to do?21:30
LinuxGuy2009bendt: Do you have time syncing working properly or not?21:30
amosedthefuriex: trying pinging couple different addresses and tell the ping time21:31
guntbertedthefuriex: that will be because no one knows an answer - your question is a bit vague...21:31
ar0nok guys i have  no idea how to fix this grub loader issue21:31
ar0ni updated the my 9.10 rebooted and now it wont boot ubuntu nor windows21:32
edthefuriexfor google it is 38 ms for the rest more than a minute sometime21:32
ar0nthe final alert it gives is /dev/sdc5 does not exist dropping to a shell21:32
AGreyCraneAny idea why my server with a static ip would grab a dhcp address about twice a day?21:32
amosedthefuriex: is it wifi or wired?21:32
mohjakHow to automatic mount hard disk drives during startup?21:32
bendtLinuxGuy2000: in Admin -> time and date, configuration is set to: Keep synchronized with internet servers(I'm translating from danish). I have tried to choose both several and only on timeserver(s)21:32
bendtone, that is21:33
LinuxGuy2009mohjak: /etc/fstab21:33
amosedthefuriex: how about pinging router? how long?21:33
ar0nthe errors are a few : udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is uncofngiured21:33
anoobhi, how do i install ubuntu as a command line system? without gnome or anything else...21:33
LinuxGuy2009anoob: ubuntu-minimal CD?21:33
anoobi have only a old media (6.06)... is there a command to do with that media?21:33
LinuxGuy2009anoob: Speak clearly or I cant understand you.21:34
mohjakLinuxGuy2009 How to edit that file?21:34
edthefuriexit is fine cause for instance when i go on google map it works perfect and fast21:34
LinuxGuy2009mohjak: gksudo gedit21:34
Kingof91is their an alternatives to gimp thats free to use on ubuntu21:34
=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
edthefuriexi got 900ko/s connection here21:34
anoobi have an old media21:34
anoobubuntu 6.06 LinuxGuy200921:34
mohjakLinuxGuy2009 OK but what to add to this file?21:34
LinuxGuy2009Kingof91: Check the software center21:34
amosedthefuriex: so  talk with ur isp21:35
LinuxGuy2009anoob: Ubuntu-minimal cd can install with no desktop managers.21:35
anoobonly with minimal?21:35
LinuxGuy2009anoob: Can also install normal ubuntu and run sudo tasksel and remove ubuntu-desktop.21:35
anoobi can't do that with this media that i have?21:36
edthefuriexno it happen once to me at the last install a year ago and via irc some guys helped me to solve the problem but i lost the text doc with the solution... :(21:36
LinuxGuy2009anoob: Try that21:36
edthefuriexnow i'm on xp to chat lol21:36
beeshot509How do I install an Intel driver?21:36
LinuxGuy2009beeshot509: Intel driver for what?21:37
ar0ncan i pm for a second pleasE?21:37
Riley2009can anyone tell me how to downgrade transmission?21:37
LinuxGuy2009ar0n: Dont worry your not bothering anyone here. Ask here all you need to.21:38
ar0ni know but its a bit21:38
Riley2009i have 1.92 and i need 1.8321:38
ar0nim  updated my ubuntu install. im duall booting win7 and 9.1021:38
LinuxGuy2009Riley2009: Im not sure you can. Whatever version of an app is in the repos. Thats what you get.21:38
ar0nfor some reason im getting hella errors now21:38
ar0nwant me to give you  the error for when i try to boot linux21:38
LinuxGuy2009Riley2009: Unless you try and download a different version from an older release of ubuntus repos.21:39
mat619hi folks! I'm looking for a "widget bar", "dashboard"... whatever you wanna call it - something to place a RSS reader, a calender, notes and alike on the desktop. Any ideas what to get? All forum posts and alike i found via google were very old (2007/2008) and I'm unsure if something new came up meanwhile.21:39
DR_Fun1as any one seen ninjai?21:39
Riley2009i enabled another repository and got 1.92 and now i cant find a .deb or anything to downgrade21:39
LinuxGuy2009ar0n: Sure but dont flood. If you have a lot of pastes then please use pastebin.org21:39
ar0nits not a flood21:39
Lint01Riley2009: select earlier repository or compile it from source21:39
edthefuriexlinuxguy2009 please tell me when you have some time for my problem please :)21:40
AGreyCraneMy server keeps getting a dynamic address even though it is set for static. Every several hours, I get disconnected from it and it has a dynamic address again. /etc/init.d/network restart, and back to static...21:40
DR_Fun1!seen ninjai21:40
edthefuriexyou seem to be the man here ;)21:40
guntbertRiley2009: disable that repo again, refresh sources, reinstall transmission - should work21:40
LinuxGuy2009edthefuriex:Oh please by all means. Fire away!21:40
Genobeedamnit... well I made something go BOOM21:40
ubottuI have no seen command21:40
Riley2009ok cool, ill give it a whirl21:40
GenobeeUm, anyone have a list of the things I'd need to make sure are installed for the default graphics to work?21:41
sebsebsebedthefuriex: I remember when LinuxGuy2009 was new here :)21:41
LinuxGuy2009Hey there he is!21:41
ar0nwhen booting linux it says : uvedadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured21:41
=== antivirtel`afk is now known as antivirtel
GenobeeI was uninstalling the nvidia drivers and I think i might have removed something i wasn't supposed to21:41
LinuxGuy2009Hey sebseb21:41
ar0nit says it agian then udevadm settle is not permitted etc21:41
edthefuriexsebsebseb can you help me please ?21:41
fuzion24I have a 2.2Ghz Core 2 duo M1330 2 Gig ram.  When I play a 1080p video in windows 7 on this laptop it plays like a dream (coreAVC2 codec) but I am using ubuntu 9.10 and it seems to be extremely choppy21:41
hashed_AGreyCrane: you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces21:41
ar0nsvgaliv: cannot open dev/mem21:41
bendt??? Time is corrected a while after doing "sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart". ntp is linked to /etc/rc2.d/S50ntp. Is it possible, that it is still not executed at start? How to check?21:41
sebsebsebedthefuriex: Maybe depending on the issue, but I just joined, so I don't know what it is.21:41
hiexpolol sebsebseb21:41
GenobeeUbuntu doesn't start up in anything but low graphics mode, saying something about module nvidia not found21:41
LinuxGuy2009edthefuriex: We cant help if you dont ask your question. please share.21:42
ARTSIOMHi All! OpenOffice on my 9.10 sudeenly stoped working, it shows just a splash screen than it desappears and nothing happens.  Does someone has any ideas how to solve this or where to check?21:42
fuzion24What is the best codec/video player to play h264 on linux?21:42
edthefuriexok thanx i got internet on ubuntu google gmail work fast but the rest is damn slow21:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:42
LinuxGuy2009ARTSIOM: Perhaps run the command from terminal and see what error you might recieve?21:42
ar0nLinuxGuy2009,  thenit says alert /dev/sdc5 does not exist21:42
AGreyCranehashed_: That's where I have my static ip set, I don't know where it is getting the idea to try dhcp21:42
guntbertbendt: you need to call ntpdate on start (ntpd can be configured to do that )21:42
LinuxGuy2009 ar0n: Ok what is /dev/sd5 supposed to be? Swap or what?21:43
bendtguntbert: how?21:43
ar0ni have no idea Linkadmin21:43
LinuxGuy2009 edthefuriex: 9.10?21:43
ar0nLinuxGuy2009,  i neve seen this error before\21:43
fuzion24What is the best option for playing h264 1080p video on ubuntu 9.10?21:43
fuzion24I have a 2.2Ghz Core 2 duo M1330 2 Gig ram.  When I play a 1080p video in windows 7 on this laptop it plays like a dream (coreAVC2 codec) but I am using ubuntu 9.10 and it seems to be extremely choppy21:43
edthefuriexbut it does the same on sabayon and other version21:43
guntbertbendt: I don't know by heart - but man ntpd should tell you21:43
LinuxGuy2009 edthefuriex: You need to specify a DNS server in the netwrok manager. Google this and youll find it.21:43
ARTSIOMLinuxGuy2009: nothing. it is just exiting (I have tried both "oofice -writer" and "oowriter") without any message, showing promt for next command21:44
fuzion24What is the best codec/video player to play h264 on linux?21:44
edthefuriexit show the right dns even the alternative one is ok21:44
fuzion24I have a 2.2Ghz Core 2 duo M1330 2 Gig ram.  When I play a 1080p video in windows 7 on this laptop it plays like a dream (coreAVC2 codec) but I am using ubuntu 9.10 and it seems to be extremely choppy21:44
LinuxGuy2009ARTSIOM: Try completely removing OOo from your system and reinstall it. See if that fixes you up.21:44
LinuxGuy2009fuzion24: As long as you have the proper codecs installed I think most gstreamer using apps will play h264/x264.21:45
ARTSIOMLinuxGuy2009: "nice" solution, looks like windows-way. Anyway, thanks for your help21:45
hiexpocodecs need to be installed to play videos properly21:45
LinuxGuy2009fuzion24: ubuntu-resitricted-extras is a good start21:45
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: ARTSIOM except whatever hidden .folder in Home  Open Office uses would have to go as well,  or probably same issue again.21:45
LinuxGuy2009ARTSIOM: Oh please if you dont like the help then dont use it. \21:45
edthefuriexi think it is something to do with loopback something but i don't remember the solution i'm a novice21:46
fuzion24ill check it out thanks21:46
ar0naNY help bro?21:46
LinuxGuy2009ARTSIOM: Actually I would prefer it in your case. Please dont take my help. :)21:46
JackWatis there any documention on using banshee in ubuntu?21:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:46
TMZ_Hey, im running a nagios check that checks the cpu temp. to do this it requires the file where the data is outputed to from the sensor. Anyone know where this file would be?21:46
LinuxGuy2009ar0n: Im not familiar with your partition layout so i cant be much help.21:47
ar0nhow do you repair grub21:47
JackWatar0n: there is a grub command21:47
hiexpoyes we lost another one back to windows :)21:47
LinuxGuy2009hiexpo: yep I say big woopty doo. hehe21:48
JackWatar0n: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+repair+grub21:48
sebsebsebJackWat: try this,  in Banshee.  help > Web Resources21:48
edthefuriexar0n try first to use a live cd in order to select and tick the swap partion via the disk manager tool maybe21:48
edthefuriextick bootable21:48
hiexpoLinuxGuy2009, :)21:48
edthefuriexhappened to me once21:48
JackWatsebsebseb: thanks.21:48
LinuxGuy2009hiexpo: Whats up?21:49
sebsebsebJackWat: got the menu?  there's some sort of user guide21:49
ARTSIOMLinuxGuy2009: I really appreciate all your answers here, but isn't re-installing should smth like last chance? Everybody here asking questions tring to get some more linux/ubuntu-knowlege. In may case maybe I should check some logs, maybe it crashes because of video or smth... just where I should to look at.21:49
ar0nJackWat,  yeah thats not helping thangs21:49
hiexpoLinuxGuy2009, oh just kicking it21:49
JackWatyeah its not what i was looking for but there is soem docs here21:49
sebsebsebJackWat: as for Ubuntu itself21:49
sebsebsebJackWat: your unlikely to find a user guide for Banshee21:49
sebsebsebJackWat: well there won't be one, since it's not a default app21:49
sebsebseb!es | jose21:50
LinuxGuy2009ARTSIOM: I think I already gave you my best advice and will most likely fix you up. Take it or leave it.21:50
JackWatim actually more interested in the community extensions, cant seem to find them21:50
ubottujose: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:50
GenobeeWell I need a better idea than reinstall currently. I removed something I shouldn't have now X is pissed with me and won't boot except in low graphics mode. I think i even added back all the things I removed and it's still no good21:50
edthefuriexsebsebseb : so ever heard of someone having the right dns, ip, gateawy and having access only to google ? lol i'm so desesperate lol21:50
sebsebsebARTSIOM: I told you another way you can try, to get Open Office working properly again21:50
JackWatar0n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21082021:50
JackWat$> grub-install /dev/hda21:50
JackWatfrom livecd21:51
DR_Fun1as any one seen ninjai?21:51
JackWatif hda is yoru boot disk21:51
sebsebsebARTSIOM: in fact once a program is installed, you woudn't normalley have a reason to re install it, instead just move/delete it's hidden .folder and open the app up again, and it should be like a clean install21:51
JackWatfrustrado: hi21:51
frustradotwinkle died and now, i have no audio21:51
JackWatim sorry :(21:51
frustradorestarting pulseaudio left me with only dummy output on sound exits21:51
hiexpowas it a proper funeral21:52
ARTSIOMsebsebseb: sorry, I didn't really understood your advise. I have already tried to delete .openoffice folder from my ~, but it didn't helped. is that what you mean?21:52
sebsebsebARTSIOM: thing is Open Office doesn't seem to have it's own  hiddne .folder in Home, so I guess the program user data settings are stored in another hidden .folder21:52
edthefuriexok i'll go back to look for it by myself thanx for trying to help guys enjoy life !! :)21:52
JackWatedthefuriex: are your unning through a proxy?21:53
ARTSIOMsebsebseb: do you know where I can find it?21:53
JackWathow are you connected to the web?21:53
edthefuriexam on dual boot and xp connection working fine21:53
JackWatmachine -> router -> modem -> internet?21:54
sebsebsebARTSIOM: nope, but, what's the problem again exactly?21:54
nishanthI have a problem with my volume controller (manual one) my ubuntu does not detect it after yesterday21:54
edthefuriexjackwat : yep21:54
JackWatedthefuriex: this is the only machine having the problem?21:54
edthefuriexip dns everythin in automaic dhcp fine21:54
edthefuriexbut still21:54
sebsebsebARTSIOM: also Ubuntu comes in the default install, it should just work, when you first open it up, and after that as well21:54
sebsebsebARTSIOM: Open Office, above21:54
JackWatedthefuriex: only google? can you follow links through google?21:55
LeathanARTSIOM : BTW, theres a hidden OOo on my system ~/.openoffice.org21:55
edthefuriexjackwat : that's why i don't get it21:55
ARTSIOMsebsebseb: oowriter command shows just a splash-screen for some seconds, than spalsh-screen disappears and that is it, nothing happens.21:55
edthefuriexjackwat : nope only google the rest is 30b/s as well as the updater ...21:55
sebsebsebARTSIOM: When did the problem first happen?21:56
mrcurringtonyour isp is probably broken.21:56
bendt?? When in runlevel 2, everything S* in /etc/rc2.d should be started, right?21:56
zagabarI am using smf and it fails to send mail. I entered my mail server info, and username and such correctly, but no mails reaches the destinations. I get this in the error log: "Ran into problems sending Mail. Error: 535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanism." Exactly what is it that I have to configure to the right authentication mechanism?21:56
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:56
LinuxGuy2009Im outta here.21:56
jribbendt: yes, why do you ask?21:56
antibodyHello all, quick question, how are non-nvidia graphic cards atm? I've been so nvidiophilic cause of linux. Is ati able to run some games that work with wine? What about Mobile Intel graphics?(Mobile Intel® GMA X4500M)21:56
ARTSIOMLeathan: yes, I have already tried to delete it, but it didn't helped. the folder is re-created after I am trying to start oowriter21:56
JackWatedthefuriex: what browser are you using?21:57
edthefuriexjackwat : but google is 35ms query so good :)21:57
frustrado-so, no help for me?21:57
Pirate_Huntercan someone suggest a way to encrypt a folder in a filesystem while providing the ability to hide it as well until mounted?21:57
JackWatcan you ping the other hosts fine?21:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:57
edthefuriexfirefox but same with other browser and debian os21:57
bendtjrib: S30mpd does not seem to run. how to check?21:57
calumARTSIOM: I have an ati graphics card and I have games that run well under wine21:57
domowhen logged in, every so often, i get messaging about samba reloading smb.conf.. is this normal? fresh OS install and ubuntu install21:57
SeViLLawhat date is 10.4 lts being released this month21:57
ARTSIOMsebsebseb: I can't tell you for sure, as I am not using it very offen, but there for sure were some updates since last use21:57
Dougdoug4April 29th, SeViLLa21:57
SeViLLaDougdoug4:  thanks21:57
calumsorry wrong person21:58
sebsebsebSeViLLa: April 29th21:58
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:58
jribbendt: mpd keeps a log in /var/log/mpd/ .  Check there21:58
sebsebsebSeViLLa: oh and good luck trying to get it on the first day or two, download servers  will be packed21:58
domoSeViLLa: really april 30th.. they say the 29th, but it depends on your timezone, last release it was the following day EST21:58
domo(or closer to the following day)21:58
barreti'm french and i love ubuntu21:58
calumantibody I have an ati card and am able to run some games well under wine21:58
SeViLLasebsebseb:  i know right21:59
nishanth I have a problem with my volume controller (manual one) my ubuntu does not detect it after yesterday... can someone help with this issue?21:59
SeViLLadomo: i will probably wait a week21:59
JackWatedthefuriex: anything strange from traceroute?22:00
frustradoapp crash brought down the audio system, restarting pulseaudio did not help22:00
frustradoany suggestions?22:00
nishanth I have a problem with my volume controller (manual one) my ubuntu does not detect it after yesterday can someone help with this issue?22:00
JackWatfrustrado: reboot22:00
edthefuriexjackwat : i did dig www.google.fr i can PM the result to you if u alow me :)22:01
Akegatabluetooth-applet stopped showing up in my tray all of a sudden. What might be the problem? Can't seem to see anything in any log..22:02
frustradosomething different than a reboot? it's ridiculous that a crash on twinkle has to restart the entire system22:02
nishanth I have a problem with my volume controller (manual one) my ubuntu does not detect it after yesterday..can someone help with this issue?22:02
JackWatim not familiar with twinkle but i know i hate pulseaudio :)22:02
ARTSIOMsebsebseb: re-installing solved the problem22:02
edthefuriexjackwat : i think it works fine22:03
edthefuriexjackwat :for google...22:03
nishanth I have a problem with my volume controller (manual one) my ubuntu does not detect it after yesterday..can someone help with this issue?22:03
Pirate_Huntercan someone suggest a way to encrypt a folder in a filesystem while providing the ability to hide it as well until mounted?22:06
=== zz_Berzerker is now known as Berzerker
linxehI was going to question the need for that, but your nick has removed the need :)22:07
grendal_primegrrr just got my motherinlaws dell mini 10 in and it has moblin on it??  how do i make this thing just boot into gnome?22:07
grendal_primei see no option to choose wich desktop i want to run...also i see no way to power the machine down.22:07
FlamekebabDoes anything like EasyTag exist for video files?22:08
portalitoel es tonto22:10
portalitosi tu eres tonto22:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:11
syriuswhat is a good program to punch holes into routers22:11
portalitotu pu.. madre22:11
bendtjrib: mpd only writes errors to log. Nothing is shown after reboot. I am in runlevel 2. /etc/rc2.d/S30mpd points to /etc/init.d/mpd. Executing any of the two files after boot succesfully starts the mpd deamon.22:11
superuser2Is there a way to make Ubuntu mimic the Mac's ability to figure out that an external monitor isn't attached and make the laptop's screen the primary?22:12
LoshaFlamekebab: something like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712371 maybe?22:12
NeomysisHi, anyone could help to make tora works with MySQL in Ubuntu 10.04 ??22:12
portalitovenga vete ala mierda22:12
Loshasyrius: a press drill...22:12
portalitotu capullo habla22:13
NeomysisPotalito.... Que eso de capullo Joder22:13
syriusI am talking literally22:13
Myrtti!es | portalito, Neomysis22:13
=== subone_ is now known as subone
syriusI am speaking metaphorically22:13
ubottuportalito, Neomysis: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:13
syriusto punch holes into the router22:13
FlamekebabLosha, not quite, no. I've got a load of different video files and I want to rename them into a consistent pattern22:14
NeomysisHi, anyone could help to make tora works with MySQL in Ubuntu 10.04 ??22:14
=== daz is now known as DaZ
Vigo!Lucid | Neomysis22:15
bendt?? HELP, anyone? I am in runlevel 2. /etc/rc2.d/S30mpd points to /etc/init.d/mpd. Executing any of the two files after boot succesfully starts the mpd deamon. mpd is not started at boot, however.22:15
ubottuNeomysis: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:15
snikkeri must edit a .pps file with open office, but it show me in slide show only....22:15
LoshaFlamekebab: so do you have a file renaming problem, or  a file format tagging problem?22:15
bendtHow to boot "verbose" in Karmic?22:15
FlamekebabLosha, it's more that I like the way EasyTag allows me to both rename files and sort ID3 tags. So I could have a folder of audio files and mass rename the "artist" component whilst leaving the rest untouched, or label tracks in numerical order22:16
bendtsnikker: .pps is a slideshow file...?22:16
abountuis there an easy way to list in the current directory all the subdirectories that don't have a symbolic link pointing to them? (not recursive)22:16
FlamekebabRipped DVDs for example, each series might have a different naming convention22:17
snikkerbendt: it's a power point file...22:17
Treksnikker / bendt: no, ppt is a powerpoint file22:17
linxehppt and pps are powerpoint22:18
snikkerTrek: ah ok... so i can't edit it?22:18
bendtsnikker: yes - and should be opened by ooimpress22:18
MTecknologyHow can I reinstall apache from scratch?22:18
snikkerbendt: ok, tanks22:18
syriuswhat is a good program to punch holes into router firewalls?22:18
iOmlettesyrius: The router's software, usually.22:18
superuser2syrius: you have to log into the router's web interface22:19
superuser2usually at or
Treksnikker / bendt: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/pps   you can only view the slideshow, not edit it22:19
linxehsyrius: usually talking to the sysadmin22:19
Treksnikker / bendt: read that link22:19
syriusyes I KNOW THAT22:19
snikkerbendt: for boot in verbose mode, have you tried to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?22:19
linxehsyrius: so ask his advice22:19
amosabountu: find ./ -type f22:19
syriusI am making a distro and and need that so that people can use yacy without knowing how to use their routers22:19
snikkerTrek: ok, thank you22:20
underdevhello.  I can log in with my password, but i don't seem to remember what the "keyring" password is22:20
underdevis there anyway to reset that?22:20
abountuamos, this wount find all the files (in all subdirectories)... not what I wanted22:20
amosabountu: oops sorry22:20
duffydacksyrius, learn about upnp then I guess...22:20
Pirate_Huntercan someone suggest a way to encrypt a folder in a filesystem while providing the ability to hide it as well until mounted?22:20
bendtHow to boot "verbose" in Karmic? - is there no key combination to press anymore?22:22
syriusI think I have found what I am looking for22:22
Pirate_Huntercan someone suggest a way to encrypt a folder in a filesystem while providing the ability to hide it as well until mounted?22:22
linxehPirate_Hunter: were the suggestsion earlier no good ?22:23
linxeh!repeat Pirate_Hunter22:23
linxehmeh :p22:23
Treklinxeh: the command would be !repeat | Pirate_Hunter22:23
brontosaurusrexPirate_Hunter: i'd probably try Truecrypt first, but i dont know what the preffered ubuntu way22:23
linxehTrek: yeah, I realised my mistype (hence the meh)22:24
ar0nhi im trying to sudo update-grub and its giving the cannot find device for / error22:24
syriusPirate_Hunter, you should look into steganography22:24
JackWatdid you try grub-install /dev/hda22:24
zleapPirate_Hunter, truecrypt is also open source,  so would fit the free software ethis for ubuntu i guess22:24
NeomysisHi, anyone that could help with TORA and MySQL??22:24
suboneim trying to run a bash script from a php web page in the browser to lock the gnome-screensaver, but it isnt working. is there a way to run this under a different user or something? #php is saying its because the user is www and my gnome session is under my user (subone)22:24
ar0nwhat will that do22:25
JackWatar0n: it will isntall grub on /dev/hda22:25
ar0nis hda gonna be the right dis?22:25
syriusit is hard to say if it is really open source because truecrypt has a custom license that it only uses22:25
Pirate_Hunterlinxeh: didn't see what was suggested ealier care to post it again please?22:25
ar0nit was already on their i updated ubuntu and it messed my mbr somehow22:25
syriusso you can't just look to see if it is an accessible license at fsf and osi22:26
linxehPirate_Hunter: truecrypt22:26
NeomysisHi, anyone that could help with TORA and MySQL??22:26
JackWatar0n: the re-isntall grub on your mbr22:26
syriusthere is many other steganography encrypted file systems rather than truecrypt Pirate_Hunter22:26
brontosaurusrexsubone: user www must have the permission (be in the correct group maybe?) to do that22:27
ar0nJackWat,  with that command22:27
ar0ni just need to make suer its the right disk22:27
JackWatdo a cat /etc/fstab22:27
syriusPirate_Hunter, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography22:27
subonebrontosaurusrex, in what group can i add www to so that it can access my currently running display?22:27
ar0ndoesnt return anything22:27
JackWator an fdisk -l22:27
ar0nnosuid nodev22:27
Pirate_Hunterbrontosaurusrex, linxeh, zleap: I am trying truecrypt but it creates the hidden encryption inside an outer layer also it doesn't actually encrypt the folders within a file system22:27
JackWattry with sudo22:28
ar0nsame thing22:28
linxehPirate_Hunter: not sure I follow22:28
ar0nok sudo fstab worked22:28
linxehPirate_Hunter: you can create a filesystem in the truecrupt container. you can also use plausible deniability22:28
=== Moe is now known as Guest37870
=== Guest37870 is now known as Fingel
a514Hi anyone installed xserver Nouveau ?22:29
thidiniztem algum brasileiro port ai?22:29
JasonWoofhow many packages does ubuntu have right now?22:29
ar0ncan i pm?22:29
syriusPirate_Hunter, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganographic_file_system22:29
Pirate_Huntersyrius: steganography of 40GB data will arouse a lot of eyes more than encryption in my opinion... I could be wrong22:29
Fingelcan anyone tell me how do edit grub menu items? There is no /boot/grub/menu.lst on my system and I cant find anything else22:29
amosFingel: grub or grub2 ?22:30
thidinizpreciso de uma ajuda22:30
syriuswell that is how truecrypt would hit it Pirate_Hunter22:30
thidinizalguem porde?22:30
Pirate_Hunterlinxeh: im checking it out once it actually formats itself I just wanted to know of any other apps or methods out there22:30
syriusthere is more than hiding in images to steganography22:30
Fingelamos if its 9.10 is it grub2?22:30
syriusyou can hide it in any file or you can hide the encrypted volume as a normal file22:31
amosFingel: depends is it fresh install or upgrade22:31
syriuswhich is all steganography22:31
Fingelamos fresh install22:31
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:31
amosFingel: so it's grub2 .. no more menu.lst mate22:32
syriusPirate_Hunter, you need to set what you really need to hide and what you don't22:32
a514Anyone installed Edgers Xorg & Nouveau XServer ?!22:32
Fingelamos I'll look into it thanks man22:32
amosFingel: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 for a start22:32
syriusperhaps you could encrypt some stuff without steganography and have it something that others would think is important22:33
syriusbut wouldn't matter if authorities found it22:33
syriusso they don't think there is another volume steganographically hidden22:33
suboneafter editing /etc/sudoers, must i reload it somehow?22:33
grendal_primeis there a way to remove moblin on dell mini 10?22:34
Lint01syrius: of course they do, they are professionals after all22:34
Pirate_Huntersyrius: the way I udnerstood that it tries to hide the contect within another content but I need to hide at least 40GB max and don't see how that will be discreet on small files it may work... unless you can tell me otherwise22:34
syriuswell you can slip it up22:34
syriusyou can use a program like 7zip to slip it up22:35
syriusthen probably take a bunch of pictures and do a high dynamic range photo which makes a really large file22:35
NeomysisHi, anyone that could help with TORA and MySQL??22:35
Pirate_Huntersyrius: I could but that would be a pain, no worries I may have use for that another time22:35
syriusdo about fifty of those and you should be good enough to put all that in there22:35
frustradoany ideas on how to restore my audio without reboot?22:35
Neomysisfrustrado, did you try /etc/ini.d/alsa restar ??22:36
Neomysisfrustrado, did you try /etc/ini.d/alsa restart ??22:36
frustradoyes, i tried it and pulseaudio restart and hal restart22:37
syriuswell not necessarily many of the zodiac killer's crypto codes have never been broken22:37
syriusso perhaps there is a steganography system that is just as good22:37
syriusthere is some open source staganaysis programs22:37
Neomysisfrustrado, sorry, that is all what I know!!22:38
syriusPirate_Hunter, if you are that paranoid perhaps you should use steganyasis programs to text it out22:38
syriusPirate_Hunter, it also creates plausible deniablility which is something you want22:39
syriusso you could say that you just downloaded those images of the net without knowing that it had hidden files22:39
kwtmHi.  I'm used to Hardy 8.04.  I'm looking at, uhh,... (how do I know what version of Ubuntu I'm running?) Jaunty 9.04, I think.  How come the /etc/udev/rules.d directory is almost empty?  Is it supposed to be that way?  Is that info somewhere else now?  THere are about 30 files in my 8.04 installation,.22:40
syriushttp://stegoshare.sourceforge.net/ Pirate_Hunter22:40
kwtmI'm trying to modify the permissions files to get my Brother scanner working, and the permissions files doesn't even exist.22:40
Pirate_Huntersyrius: yes it does22:40
JackWatkwtm: are you having any udev problems?22:40
Fingelwow grub2 is a real pain in the butt, just want to change a menu title and you have to hack shell scripts22:41
hiexpouname -a22:42
syriusbut that doesn't mean the government won't hassle a confession out of you remember your lawyer is your friend not the pole lice Pirate_Hunter22:42
hiexpouname -r22:42
brontosaurusrexkwtm: cat /etc/issue22:42
amosFingel: it's not just need to get used to it22:43
=== bkevan is now known as benkevan
syriussteganography is very good in nations that force you to reveal passwords or has made encryption illegal to share probihited programs like to china Pirate_Hunter22:43
ubuntuhi all22:43
igoryonyaI start compiz effects, they work fine. I work with them enabled until I reboot. When I login to the desktop, they are still active, but after a couple of seconds of logging in, they get disabled. Seems. When I look at compiz fusion icon, it shows that Compiz is still selected and not MetaCity, When I click on the Compiz Selection, effects get reenabled again. How can I make it so that they...22:43
igoryonya...don't get disabled after the boot.22:43
ubuntuwhere i can find codec for movie player?, i can't watch almost all kind of files22:45
FlamekebabLet's try this again - does anyone know of a good app for renaming video files, for example TV shows?22:45
benkevanI like monkies22:45
benkevanmv works great22:45
og01umm i got an app (ut2004) that requires libstdc++.so.5 but ubuntu has libstdc++.so.6 i tried symlinking .6 to .5 but then it just throws errors. can i install libstdc++.so.5 along side .6 somehow?22:46
amosubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/musicvideophotos/C/codecs.html22:47
Flamekebabbenkevan, indeed, mv is great for renaming individual files22:47
FlamekebabWhat I'm looking for is something like the renaming functionality of EasyTag22:47
kwtmbrontosaurusrex: Thank you.  Confirmed that I am running 9.04.  Where did the /etc/udev files go?22:47
SlartFlamekebab: gprename is nice22:48
kwtmFlamekebab: are you renaming based on information found within the files (e.g. music files with tags like Artist, Album) or just based on the filenames (e.g. MyOldFile(number).txt renamed to MyNewFile(number).txt)?22:49
FlamekebabSlart, that could be good22:49
kwtmFlamekebab: If the latter, you could try Krename.22:49
amoskwtm: /lib/udev/rules.d/ ?22:49
swebi want to run jar file22:49
Flamekebabkwtm, some might have metadata, most won't. I want to be able to state in a suitable dialogue box "These are all from the show 'Black Books' and it's series 2, rename them numerically"22:50
swebwhat is the correct terminal commnet22:50
sweboepnjdk ?22:50
Flamekebabalthough if there was the ability to pull episode names from something like thetvdb.com that'd be awesome too22:50
kwtmamos: /lib/udev/rules.d found.  Thank you.22:50
subonei need some help running a bash script by running it through a php script on my server through a webbrowser. im having issues because the 'www' user doesnt have access to my user (subone) X session. any help would be appreciated22:50
Flamekebabit'd be handy for files transcoded by MythTV too22:50
kwtmFlamekebab: Then I think Krename works.  It's KDE based, but that shouldn't pose a problem except if it's not your personal preference.22:51
kwtmFlamekebab: I take it you have some way of specifying what number to rename them to, numerically.22:51
savidHow do I see what version of a particular package I have installed?22:51
DasEisavid: dpkg -i or apt-cache show22:52
Flamekebabhmm, something like http://tvmetadatafinder.com/ but obviously for linux would be just the ticket22:52
Ahleein gnome, is htere a way to group similar applications together, so rather than having, say 10 different windows with xterms in my application bar, I have one item with xterm, that has 10 windows under it, a la windows?22:52
ubuntuwhere i can find amule for ubuntu 64x bits?22:53
Ahleenevermind, my googlefu came through in the end..that's rather embarassing as it was the first response22:53
amosubuntu: sudo apt-get install amule ?22:54
benkevanAhlee.. not to mention common sense to check the properties  /preferences of the said Window List Applet :D22:54
benkevanamos: if you sudo apt-get install amule, that makes you an ass (oh wait.. that's if you did sudo apt-get donkey) nevermind22:54
Ahleebenkevan: in my defense I did try that, i just didn't click far enough to the left apparently since my menu bar was already fully populated22:55
Flamekebabhmm TheRenamer seems a good option too, although again, Windows-only22:55
igoryonyaubuntu, I just installed amule from synaptic, I have 64 bit ubuntu 9.0422:55
grendal_primeok im pretty sure i hate moblin now.22:55
ubuntunope i get troubles22:55
benkevanAhlee :o) .. yeah.. I find between the right spacer and the beginning of the first in the list.. is the best place to click for preferences for a populated window list.. aha22:55
grendal_primeany advice on how to uninstall this crap?22:55
benkevangrendal_prime: maybe you're just used to goblins22:56
benkevanand change to moblin is hard?22:56
brontosaurusrexFlamekebab: ignoring the metadata part, i think thunar can be a simple but effective renamer22:56
grendal_primei want to get rid of it...22:56
amosbenkevan: whys that?22:56
grendal_primebenkevan: thats the problem i dont see any way to adjust the login manager to select a different desktop. there is nothing in the interface to do that.22:57
brontosaurusrexFlamekebab: http://thunar.xfce.org/pwiki/documentation/bulk_renamer22:57
rsrhello... I have a windows computer I would like to resize it to install ubuntu. I cant make a backup of all the files because it is too big. Is the resizer built in the installer safe?22:57
grendal_primeit will not allow me to unlock certain applications needed to adust things.22:57
swebhow can i run JAR file in KDE ?22:57
swebwhere is OPENJDK that work on GNOME22:58
aadityawhich package for sun's jdk?22:58
FlamekebabI think for now I'll use a Windows app within a VM22:58
BRcchey al23:00
BRccgot a question cant seem to work this out...23:00
aaditya!ask | BRcc23:00
benkevangrendal_prime: If you bought me a netbook.. I'd be able to help more :D hahahah23:00
ubottuBRcc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:00
BRccjust installed ati drivers...64bit ran it exectured fine...23:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:01
grendal_primeaparently when you install ubuntu-desktop it removes moblin23:01
grendal_primethank god23:01
BRccwhen i try to run a ati command say to set the fan speed or temp..tell me error..X need to to running to perfrom ATI overdriver commands23:01
Berzerkerwhat's the easiest way to replace all my sources with a different one?23:01
benkevanMan #wordpress doesn't have anyone that can help me with my wordpress problem.. that kinda sucks23:01
jribBerzerker: a mirror you mean?23:02
rsris the ubuntu resize partition on the live cd safe?23:02
Berzerkerjrib: yeah23:02
jribBerzerker: use System -> Administration -> Software Sources23:02
Berzerkerjrib: wow never knew about that, thanks23:04
benkevanrsr: I've never had an issue with it.. and I've used a few dozen times23:04
Berzerkerjrib: wait so I picked the one I wanted, but when I run sudo apt-get update, I only get like 5 different hits23:05
aadityarsr: It usually works fine, but there's always a risk in FS operations. Backing up your data is recommended.23:05
Berzerkerjrib: lol the program deleted everything out of sources.list23:05
aadityaBerzerker: Would you like to say a little more about what you're trying to achieve?23:06
Berzerkerah wait I think I figured it out23:06
rsrIT WORKED23:06
aadityarsr: that was quick.23:07
dave_h_dhi all i installed vbox with ubuntu on my osx snow leopard, how can i increase the ubuntu desktop resolution? thank you in advance23:07
rsrI actually asked before and since no one responded I risked it23:07
rsrI asked again because it was taking too long... it worked right after you guys responded =)23:08
Sensivarsr if you go through this situation frequently try using gparted livecd instead23:09
Sensivaspecially when working with ntfs filesystems23:09
brontosaurusrexdave_h_d: you need to install guest additions23:09
pushpopnewb here when I do su it doesnt authenticate with my users password that I set on install23:09
rsrSensiva, thanks for the tip23:09
el_yiyohi there23:09
Sensivayou welcome23:09
vito_ciao raga o un probleme nel programa ubuntu mi potete agliutare ?23:10
jrib!sudo | pushpop23:10
ubottupushpop: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:10
el_yiyowhere can I find a tutorial/summary of Linux commands?23:10
pushpopaww thank you23:10
jrib!cli | el_yiyo23:10
rsrI was having a very ironic issue the other day where an old version of gparted live recognized my sata harddisk on amd mobo but ubuntu 9.10 didnt. I eventually gave up installing linux on that machine since neither fedora 10 was able to23:10
ubottuel_yiyo: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro23:10
jrib!it | vito_23:10
ubottuvito_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:10
coz_el_yiyo,  you should be able to google     "bash commands"23:11
benkevanrsr: pata?23:11
el_yiyogreat coz_ thanks23:11
coz_el_yiyo,  no problem23:11
rsrI dont know which was it to tell you the truth. I will look into it23:11
suboneDoes anyone have any insight to my issue running commands under a different user than www-data?23:12
=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
IsoLnCHiPdave_h_d: VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution x,y     ( while of course replacing x and y with the values you want ) and after installing the guest additions did the trick for me23:12
BrokenTracehello all.23:12
coz_el_yiyo,  however ...although that will give you some information... the combinations of commands are best learned by hanging out in this and other channels like it  ...such as ##linus  to see which and how the commands are combined23:13
BrokenTraceI have a small question, On a recent update My trackpad mouse is now acting funny. It is twitching back and forth and acting sporadic. Im using Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 6400. Any ideas on how to fix this??23:14
neck54i've just installed wubi. how can i reboot into ubuntu?23:15
anoobhi, in debian, when i want to run instable version i use sid repositories and i have the sid forever... is there a way to have ubuntu devel version always?23:15
neck54rebooted the pc but was in windows again23:16
brummbaeranoob, enable proposed in repositories?23:16
Fingelanyone know where I can find the image used as the background for GDM?23:17
DaZFingel: /usr/share/apps/gdm/ ? :f23:18
LinuxGuy2009Ok Im back but this time I need help. Whats the compiz water effect, option called "title wave", whats that supposed to do? Ive never figured that one out.23:18
neck54brummbaer is there a chance that you can answer mine too?23:18
igoryonyahow do I make menus in Main menu split to several columns, instead of scroll, when there are more programs, then the height of the screen?23:18
igoryonyaUbuntu 9.04 64bit - gnome23:19
soreauLinuxGuy2009: It can create water effects around a window that is emitting system bell23:19
LinuxGuy2009soreau: Ah thank you!23:19
infidaccording to htop, firefox is taking 962M (under Virt) and chrome is taking 549M23:20
infidbut i have 20 addons for firefox and 0 for chrome23:20
IsoLnCHiPneck54: did you watch the bootup process? you should get a new option in the windows bootloader titled ubuntu, which isnt the default. Youd need to select it to boot ubuntu.23:20
infidi thought chrome would be more lightweight than that23:20
brummbaeri don't have any experience with wubi neck54, sorry23:21
switchgirlhi how come empathy wont work with msn?23:21
brummbaeri wish i did.23:21
infidi also have 30 tabs open in firefox and only 2 in chrome23:21
el_yiyois there a command to view the processes that are currently running?23:22
ar0nguys ive seemed to mess up my mbr or grub loader, when i pick either ubuntu or win both give errors, ive tried many faqs but keep getting errors23:22
igoryonyainfid, I thought that Chrome was derived from Gecko.23:23
igoryonyael_yiyo, ps23:23
DaZigoryonya: webkit23:23
brummbaeri think chrome is webkit based igoryonya23:23
coz_el_yiyo,  try      ps aux | less23:23
ar0nim already in a live cd23:23
ar0ni dont know why grub wont reinstall23:23
coz_el_yiyo,  sorry  try     ps  -A23:24
IsoLnCHiPel_yiyo: ps or if youd like it interactive: top. If you want it a bit more colorfull htop. and if you want gui gnome-system-monitor23:24
igoryonyaDaZ, sounds familiar, is it what gnome browser is based on?23:24
coz_ar0n,  /join #grub23:25
DaZA GNOME web browser based on the Webkit rendering engine.23:25
DaZigoryonya: it's a khtml fork23:25
coz_ar0n,   look here   http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide23:25
IsoLnCHiPar0n: try booting of the ubuntu install cd and use the rescue option. drop to a root shell chroot to the linux partition and run grub-install.23:26
coz_el_yiyo,  did those work for you?23:27
igoryonyahow do I make menus in gnome's Main menu split to several columns, instead of scroll, when there are a lot programs to list?23:27
IsoLnCHiPat least thats how I usually fixed it for opensuse. Im guessing the ubuntu install cd should have similar options, dont know for sure though23:28
coz_el_yiyo,  also you can use    the command      top      and better yet    install htop  for more complete / with options    top23:28
el_yiyocoz_, IsoLnCHiP, igoryonya those worked fine23:28
el_yiyognome-system-monitor is good23:29
el_yiyobut I guess you have more control with the command line one?23:29
selimidk what is the best channel for this23:29
coz_el_yiyo,  well sort of yes... if you    sudo apt-get install  htop   and run  htop  you should have more options available23:29
el_yiyook i'll try htop23:30
selimfor dual monitors, there should be something that allows you to use two different backgrounds, and two different screen savers with two different timings23:30
el_yiyocoz_, what is the most useful info I can get out of htop?23:31
IsoLnCHiPel_yiyo: Ill second the suggestion to install htop, its very usefull23:32
Byan"very" is an understatement23:32
Byansad that it only works for linux23:32
coz_el_yiyo,  yeah... well if you look at htop you have nice live readout of running processes along with options at the bottom of the screen for keybindings etc...also if you type    man  htop  you will find how to use the keybindings for it23:33
el_yiyoIsoLnCHiP, yep, I have already installed htop it seems interesting23:33
dclarke# apt-get upgrade fails with Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). Any clue why this would happen ?23:33
igoryonyaByan, one more reason to move to linux :)23:33
el_yiyowhat's keybindings?23:33
Byanigoryonya: yeah, but htop isn't a good enough reason to use linux over freebsd in some applications23:34
coz_el_yiyo,  your keybord23:34
dclarkeerror msg was FATAL: Module dahdi not found. and Error: missing /dev/dahdi!23:34
IsoLnCHiPselim: while it might be possible differently, running two spereate X servers on the monitors would easily achieve this. However youd loose the possibility to move windows from one monitor to the other AFAIK23:34
coz_el_yiyo,  in a terminal type    man  htop  and you will see options available  and keep hitting space bar to read on23:34
el_yiyoBtw, (can I insert another question into our conversation here) how can I configure programs to start up when Linux starts? (like Skype, or X-Chat)23:34
Byanel_yiyo: you mean, start up when gnome starts23:35
Byanwhich is very different23:35
el_yiyoI guess so23:35
el_yiyognome is the desktop environment?23:35
igoryonyaByan, oh, I didn't mean that, I didn't know that it's not available in BSD, I thought you are talking about Windows :)23:35
Byanif you're using ubuntu (rather than kubuntu or xubuntu, yes)23:35
coz_el_yiyo,  yes23:35
IsoLnCHiPel_yiyo: System Menu -> Preferences -> Startp applications would be one way23:36
FreeaqingmeI have someone who's never used a computer before, and now has been using outlook since 6 weeks, one day a week (that is, sending and reading emails). Would it be a smart move to give her linux instead of windows xp, and what would be better, xfce, gnome, kde?23:36
Freeaqingme(asking for opinions here, not facts)23:37
erUSULFreeaqingme: yes; ubuntu23:37
selimFreeaqingme: i gave my mom linux... and she totally failed at it23:37
ByanFreeaqingme: ehh, linux isn't for everyone. If you can not forsee them needed to use windows software, then sure, move them to ubuntu23:37
igoryonyaByan, I don't have anything against BSD, I see everywhere, that it says that BSD is not Linux, but I don't get it, to me they look the same :), oh, well, I am not experienced in [nuix] to notice the difference yet.23:37
Freeaqingmeselim, how came?23:38
ByanFreeaqingme: otherwise, just get them thunderbird23:38
Byanigoryonya: in this case, htop uses API specific to linux and so it can't be run on freebsd23:39
Byanspecific to the linux kernel23:39
=== balto_ is now known as rexi
el_yiyoIsoLnCHiP, I want to add X-Chat to the startup applications, I am in System->Preferences>Startup Apps. Now I go to Add but I don't see how to add X-Chat23:40
daftykinsel_yiyo: in "run command" put "xchat"23:40
coz_el_yiyo,   click the Add button   name = xchat    command= xchat23:41
igoryonyaByan, which, of course can be modified to add bsd api aliases, hmm, I wondwer, how difficult it could be.23:41
IsoLnCHiPFreeaqingme: Easy way to test is to just stick in a live CD and let the person give it a whirl themselves23:41
IsoLnCHiPFreeaqingme: or use wubi23:41
Byanigoryonya: I've been wondering that too =p23:41
coz_el_yiyo,  if you dont know the command to start an application  you could go to system/preferences/main menu  find the application  click it and go to properties   the command to open the application should be listed there  disregarding any % sign  generally23:42
igoryonyaFreeaqingme, anything to move away from outlook, that buggy, virus prone mail client.23:42
Freeaqingmeigoryonya, no need to convince me. I've been using nothing but ubuntu since 5 years now23:42
igoryonyaByan: I've seen a lot of code that has bsd checks in generic function implementations, so that those functions can be used in unix, linux, bsd and, I've even seed darwin conditions in many programs' subroutines.23:44
el_yiyocoz_, cool23:45
deseroHi, I am trying to print out a PDF I just created from LaTeX, when I try to the status of the printing job is always "Processing".  Looks like there is something wrong with this particular PDF file, since I can print everything else.  Any ideas what the problem might be?23:45
IsoLnCHiPanyon know how to set the desktop backgroup to strecht over to monitors rather than repeat?23:45
el_yiyouseful tip23:45
selimjust do fill screen23:45
selimworked for me23:46
deseroI used Kile 2.1, it creates the pdf without errors.23:46
el_yiyocoz_, in Linux, all applications are referenced by only the command that runs them? I mean, I do not ever need to know the path to the "executable" file?23:46
selimbut unless you have a ridicilously wide image it looks terrible23:46
IsoLnCHiPselim: well, then that answered the first part of your own question ;)23:46
Byanel_yiyo: there are paths that are looked into by default, and thats why you don't need to specific the path23:46
erUSULel_yiyo: if the executable is somewhere in PATH then the shell will find it23:47
IsoLnCHiP"how to set different backgrouds on the two screens"23:47
Byanel_yiyo: if you were to install something in a weird place, you would need to reference it by a full or relative path. or add that path into PATH23:47
selimsort of23:47
erUSULel_yiyo: « which command » will tell you where the executable is23:47
erUSUL!fhs | el_yiyo23:47
selimbut i was hoping two different images for two different monitors23:48
coz_el_yiyo,  no ..in general just the command23:48
selimdoesnt really matter tho lol23:48
ubottuel_yiyo: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier23:48
Byanselim: a simple fix/hack would be to just compose two images together23:48
coz_el_yiyo,  I meant  "correct"  just the command is , in general... all you need to execute an application23:50
desrtis nvidia-current the right package to install to get the binary nvidia drivers?23:50
Q_ContinuumQuick question.  Installed UNR 9.10 in a VM, want to run it in the same resolution as a netbook - how can I hand-pick the resolution, the menu only shows 'normal' ones - not ones like 1024x600.23:51
hmwMy USB device sometimes crashes and needs to be reset. I want to do that without unplugging, but apparently that is not possible. But disabling the whole USB system should cause all devices to be re-enumerated. How can I dis/reenable the USB controller?23:51
* desrt is currently unable to even start X23:51
igoryonyaFreeaqingme, I am just giving my opinion, :) , I've moved from windows just recentlly (a month ago), and the last drop, that spilled my patience was a virus, that made windows unbootable. (and I had the latest updated antivirus, firewall, and 've always done malware security checks and been careful with suspicious and unknown files, etc. didn't help), some rootkit wormed from WAN/LAN, thru...23:51
igoryonya...some newly discovered security hole in stelth.23:51
Freeaqingmeigoryonya, ah, know the feeling ;) I had a dualboot setup long time ago, but because I knew windows better, I rarely booted linux. Until the day I had to reinstall windows yet again: the ultimate opportunity to enlarge my linux partition :D23:52
igoryonyaFreeaqingme, security hole in windows, installed itself in stelth mode.23:52
brummbaerselim, wallpapoz is pretty spiff too if you're using different virtual desktops on  diferent monitors23:53
Byanbrummbaer: whoa whoa what23:53
brummbaerwhoa whoa whoa.23:53
sassinoogiI installed an update to ubuntu 9.10 and now my printer won't work...I'm a newbie---idiots terms, plz23:53
Byanwhat do you mean by virtual desktop, first23:53
jshriverIs it possible to setup exim at home so my machine can send emails out?23:53
tp43hi, I'm using cheese webcam for surveilence, and sometimes it records properly and sometimes it doesn't.  When it doesn't the video doesn't play, but you can forward through it.  Or it only record for a half hour and the rest is missing23:53
igoryonyaFreeaqingme: Similar situation with me, I only wish it would happen to me 5 years ago, as to you, because, I keep wondering, why I didn't move to linux earlier.23:54
jshriverBasically want it so I can do thing like mail -s "blah" me@gmail.com23:54
brummbaerbyan, the workspaces where you have different apps running but they're the same user login session...23:54
tp43How do you start up and use zoneminder?23:54
Byanbrummbaer: so, you are speaking of workspaces. you can have different workspaces per monitor?23:54
jak2000hi all23:54
brummbaerhaven't done it myself, but i've seen people do it.23:55
brummbaeri only have a laptop23:55
el_yiyoByan, erUSUL coz_ ubottu that's fine. I'll have a look at the file system info. thanks for the clarification23:55
Byando you have any idea where I can figure out how to do that?23:55
jak2000anyone have, a url for download FAST tehe ubuntu server?23:55
coz_el_yiyo,  no problem23:55
ar0nhi guys, i updated a fresh install of ubuntu on my dual boot setup, it somehow farked up the grub loader, after selection it gives me both an error for win 7 about invalid signature, and a host of other errors for ubuntu23:55
ar0n<ar0n> ive already booted into a live cd, and tried a few things but keep getting errors.23:55
sassinoogiI installed an update to ubuntu 9.10 and now my printer won't work...I'm a newbie---idiots terms, plz23:55
jshriverback sorry weird connection problem23:56
igoryonyaByan, in Windows, many viruses, trojans, worms, etc, install themselves in stealth mode, which means that they don't reveal themselves in anyway while installing. They bypass security somehow and install themselves without any GUI/NonGUI, window, and a no process in the process list. So, the user finds out about them after it already installed and something happened to the computer.23:56
Byanigoryonya: you were saying "stelth", which is why I was confused =p23:56
ByanI didn't know if that was some keyword I hadn't heard of23:56
igoryonyaByan: ah, ok, some words I don't know how to spell.23:57
jshriverIs it possible to use exim from home so my computer can send emails out?23:57
jribjshriver: sure...23:57
hmwtp43: how should I understand "the rest is missing" - black screen but seekable?23:57
el_yiyothanks guys. good night, see you around here23:57
brummbaerbyan, i'll try to find the link for ya.23:57
sassinoogi:-/Dude....anyone able to help?23:58
jshriverjrib I tried a couple things online but nothing seems to work23:58
hiexpotp43, http://www.howtoforge.com/video_surveillance_zoneminder_ubuntu23:58
jribjshriver: erm, you just install it23:58
jshriverdid that23:58
sassinoogiupdates to ubuntu and now printer leaves docs in "que"23:58
tp43hmw, I have it recording for 3hours, but there is only the first 30mins in the file.  But this is the first time this happen, usually what happens is the file doesn't play. but I can forward through using the mouse and scroller, or left arrow23:58
jshriverbut if I try sending an email out nothing goes thru23:58
IsoLnCHiPQ_Continuum: The virtual machine only shows few resolutions until you install the guest additions generally23:58
tp43hiexpo, thanks23:58
Soul_Samplehow to setup pulseaudio in ubuntu so that i don't lose my sound wherever i start any game or application through wine?23:58
jribjshriver: and during debconf you told it you wanted it to be able to send mail to the world?23:59
igoryonyael_yiyo, :) , good morning for me23:59
hiexpotp43, yep23:59
daedheadhi all23:59
jshriveryeah, last howto I followed said to choose internet server23:59
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:59
jrib!who | jshriver23:59
foxmulder881daedhead, hello.23:59
coz_sassinoogi,  try restarting x  or rebooting first   then go into system/administration/printing to be sure your printer is still recognized...if not click "New"  and reinstall the driver23:59
jshriverafter that I stuck with defaults23:59
jribjshriver: firewall issue?23:59
ubottujshriver: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:59
Byanbrummbaer: I'd appreciate that23:59

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