
marcosrorizguys seriously01:28
marcosrorizwhy is syncing so buggy?01:28
marcosrorizseriously :/01:29
marcosrorizalso contacts doesnt work here01:34
pieter_dumped it today, I have been trying to get it to work for months now and it's just not reliable... haven't tried contacts but notes was a pain as well01:37
marcosroriznotes doesnt work here01:37
marcosrorizcontact doesnt work01:37
marcosrorizeven syncing doesnt work01:37
marcosrorizbrowsing web ...01:37
marcosrorizso on01:37
pieter_back to Dropbox for me, we'll see what 10.04 brings01:38
marcosrorizyep yep01:39
marcosrorizI'm going to other service01:39
marcosrorizbut I"ll try the next u1version01:39
marcosrorizI think that on the next one (10.04) they will get everything right01:39
pieter_let's hope01:39
marcosrorizpower of foss01:39
leonel2how can I stop the ubuntusync daemon  on lucid ? used  ubuntuone-preferences to disconnect  and  keeps connecting from time to time  I'd like to connect to ubuntuone when I need to connect and not beeing connected all the time01:40
marcosrorizthe main problem is that u1 just updates when it wants01:42
marcosrorizI wonder if theres like a cli command to force update01:43
leonel2marcosroriz: it feels when I used windows when windows was doing the things he wanted when he wanted ...  slowing things down01:44
leonel2and this happens with my bandwidth...01:44
leonel2I'd like to sync when I know I need to sync01:44
leonel2so the only way to do is to block the ip address on the firewall ..01:45
leonel2too bad..01:45
leonel2this does not happen with karmic ..01:45
marcosrorizupdated took 40 min here01:49
marcosrorizand didnt update everything01:49
marcosrorizsome stuff isnt being updated01:49
marcosrorizand when I change a file on my netbook for example he dont update01:49
marcosrorizI give up02:47
CBrookins1Something up with the ubuntu one web end?02:47
marcosrorizeverything just doesnt work02:48
CBrookins1hm, no word on what is going on?02:48
remy_fhi, I just start using the application on iphone an I had one question. What is the username ? is it some sort of login or is it the email adress ? thanks03:07
ryegreetings, humans!09:45
xdatapguys, I'm trying to test contacts sync but I got a "504 Gateway Time-out" after selecting Manufacturers on "my phone" web page10:08
xdatapping beuno ^^10:09
ryemigger, hi10:12
miggerrye: hi10:12
miggerI seem to have some general problems connecting and sync'ing with Ubuntu One... Anyone who can point me to an easily understandable faq or similar?10:14
ryemigger, hm, could you please describe the issue in more details, i.e. what distribution are you running, what package version is installed for ubuntuone-client, and whether contacts are syncing?10:15
truijllohi guys10:16
miggerrye, thx - I will gather some more info ;(10:16
truijlloDoes anybody know why on iPhone the Ubuntu one application doesn't work ?10:21
ryediverse_izzue, honk-reply10:37
diverse_izzuehi rye10:37
diverse_izzuei need some help. i updated from karmic to lucid yesterday10:37
diverse_izzuethen after logging in i noticed that my ubuntuone-syncd was causing very high HD activity. iotop revealed that it was reading 20MB/s for many minutes10:38
diverse_izzuei think it's convinced that i want to have my entire pictures folder synched to U1, but i don't10:38
ryediverse_izzue, could you please check how many files have you got in metadata dir?10:38
diverse_izzuerye, where is that dir?10:38
ryediverse_izzue, find -type f ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/fsm10:38
diverse_izzuerye, ~1700010:40
ryediverse_izzue, ok, what does u1sdtool --list-folders say (looking up the command now to be 100% sure)10:42
diverse_izzuerye, so far doesn't say much, but starts the syncdaemon which now is going crazy10:45
ryediverse_izzue, ok, could you please navigate to the web interface and see whether you have any items in User Designated Folders ?10:45
diverse_izzuerye, i do, part of my pictures folder is there10:46
diverse_izzuei did at some point make a SUB folder of my pictures folder be synced, but not the whole folder10:46
diverse_izzueid=c040ec71-d7ad-40cd-91a6-89e67668a35f subscribed=True path=/home/hunzikea/Pictures10:46
ryediverse_izzue, aha, so right now it synces compelte Pictures folder, and loads metadata for it10:47
diverse_izzuerye, yes. but right-clicking on pictures and saying "stop syncing to u1" didn't have an effect10:47
ryediverse_izzue, I believe the correct way is to unsubscribe Pictures and resubscribe the subdir10:47
ryetruijllo, hi10:47
ryediverse_izzue, trying to reproduce this...10:47
truijllohi rye, do you know why on iPhone the Ubuntu one application doesn't work ?10:48
ryebeuno, here?10:48
truijllomaybe is busy :)10:50
diverse_izzuerye, unsubscribing from folder via e1sdtool caused a crash10:58
ryediverse_izzue, crash of what kind?10:58
ryediverse_izzue, could you please pastebin it/10:58
diverse_izzuecourse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/409938/10:59
diverse_izzuerye ^10:59
ryediverse_izzue, and I believe syncdaemon is still causing high cpu/disk usage, right?10:59
diverse_izzuerye, yes11:00
diverse_izzuerye, it usually calms down after some 5 minutes when it's done with whatever it's been doing11:00
ryediverse_izzue, when it calms down it starts performing metadata query, i.e. ask the server about the state of the things on its side and compare it to the local state11:01
ryediverse_izzue, but in order to unsubscribe it should finish the metadata loading phase which lasts for quite some time due to a way it is handled and I am constantly poking the developers to make it CPU and hard drive friendly11:04
diverse_izzuerye, how can it tell it's over?11:08
ryediverse_izzue, for now - could you please ping me once it stops eating the cpu and pastebin the output of u1sdtool --waiting-meta - that's the queue of all operations that it needs to perform11:08
diverse_izzuerye, it's done eating11:08
ryediverse_izzue, ok, could you please pastebin the waiting-meta?11:08
diverse_izzuerye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/409942/11:09
ryediverse_izzue, could you please run http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/utf8-filename-check.py as11:10
ryediverse_izzue, utf8-filename-check.py ~/Pictures11:10
diverse_izzueyou don't have any filenames with broken names11:11
ryediverse_izzue, ok,  utf8-filename-check.py ~/Ubuntu\ One11:13
diverse_izzuerye, same11:13
ryediverse_izzue, apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client ?11:13
ryediverse_izzue, could you please re-run u1sdtool --waiting-meta ?11:28
ryeduanedesign, are you able to run lxc with Lucid ?11:38
miggerwhat is the current U1 client version?11:45
miggerSynaptic gives me 1.0.311:45
ryemigger, 1.0.3 is the latest "stable" build for karmic11:55
miggerrye, thx12:04
diverse_izzuerye, i did, the result is the same12:24
ryediverse_izzue, does --list-folders return only one line?12:26
ryei.e. Pictures?12:26
diverse_izzuerye, yes, and it's the pictures folder12:26
diverse_izzueoh but it doesn't say subscribed=True anymore12:27
diverse_izzueid=c040ec71-d7ad-40cd-91a6-89e67668a35f subscribed= path=/home/hunzikea/Pictures12:27
ryediverse_izzue, so it is unsubscribed now... :-/12:27
diverse_izzuerye, so what's the bottom line? the actual bug is that the entire pictures folder got subscribed i guess12:30
diverse_izzueand then of course the crashes from u1sdtool12:30
ryediverse_izzue, i am now checking what could cause the crash, but could you please check whether there is something in u1sdtool --waiting-content12:32
diverse_izzuerye, there's a lot, content from the pictures folder marked for operation='upload'12:33
ryediverse_izzue, great, so it is now going to upload the files... could you please check whether the UDF is on the web ui?12:34
diverse_izzuerye, the pictures folder is shown on the web ui12:35
duanedesignrye: I have not tried yet with Lucid (LXC)12:48
ryeduanedesign, i believe my instance is starting but it dies immediately. I tried to do some serious work with UML but it looks like it is good only for testing, not production speed12:49
ryeduanedesign, thanks!12:49
duanedesignrye: here is a blog post by a good friend of mine over at the Beginners Team http://ln-s.net/5_9_12:56
ryeduanedesign, yup, reading that,12:56
duanedesignrye: i helped a user over the weekend. http://paste.ubuntu.com/409311/ what is line 255 telling us?13:00
ryeduanedesign, hm, PROTOCOL_ERROR during unlink... but that is during the server interaction.. hmmm13:01
duanedesigni thought it came at a weird time.13:03
duanedesignHis issue was that only 30 of his 300 files were uploading13:03
duanedesignrye: but what is 'unlink'13:03
ryeduanedesign, remove13:04
ryeduanedesign, file is marked as removed13:04
rachaelbhi de hi peeps13:11
rachaelbjoshuahoover : are there problems with the funambol / syncml server?13:11
rachaelbi thought id give it  a whizz on my bberry 970013:12
rachaelbsynced fine yesterday :) but now just gives "generic error"13:12
rachaelbalso does the choice of funambol mean we're going to get synced calendars, notes & to-dos at some point in the future?13:12
kklimonda|G1it would make sense13:13
rachaelbthats what i'm hoping... i'll be able to ditch zimbra then13:14
rachaelbbut.... any ideas on this "generic error" i'm getting????13:14
rachaelbive tried reinstalling the client and its not made any difference13:14
rachaelbis it just me? or are other people having the same problems?13:15
kklimonda|G1no idea13:15
ryerachaelb, checking with devs...13:16
rachaelbthanks rye13:16
ryerachaelb, in my case my phone reports that there is authentication error13:16
rachaelbim just getting "generic error" whatever that means lol... could be authentication, but i cant find the logs in the blackberry file system :(13:16
rachaelbit *did* work fine yesterday, and then stopped about 11pm UTC13:17
ryerachaelb, ok, passed the info to beuno13:24
rachaelbrye aha?13:24
rachaelbis there any more info i can provide?13:24
ryehttps://one.ubuntu.com/phones/ times out, ...13:24
beunorye, yes, that is the known problem  :)13:25
rachaelbhi bueno13:25
beunoedge works13:25
rachaelbso its not me then?13:25
beunohi rachaelb13:25
ryeand since my Motorolla does not write logs of ANY kind, my Authentication Failed message can be anything13:25
beunorachaelb, what's your phone sync username?13:25
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rachaelberrrr... hold on one second.....13:26
rachaelbits 2906731813:26
rachaelbcardinalfang :)13:29
beunorachaelb, I found your sync in the log13:30
beunowith errors  :)13:31
rachaelboh dear :(13:31
rachaelbso whats the problem? thee or me????13:31
beunorachaelb, us13:31
rachaelbi always hate coming into a chat to say something isnt working in case im just being really, really dumb lol13:31
rachaelb<<<< not blonde btw, but i have my moments :p13:32
beunoso, I will chase this13:33
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
rachaelbthanks beuno! do you want me to file anything on launchpad?13:33
beunono need, yes please, so I have a way of asking you for more information  :)13:34
rachaelbok... no probs... also one *minor* point... on the list of phones to choose from, the blackberry 9700 isnt listed - but it works (new version of the listed blackberry bold 9000)13:34
rachaelbwhat do you want me to file it under on launchpad? ubuntone?13:35
beunorachaelb, ubuntuone-servers13:35
beunoand let me know what the bug # is, I'll add more information to it13:36
rachaelbok will do it now13:36
rachaelbback in a moment13:36
rachaelbbeuno its bug 55646113:39
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/556461)13:39
beunorachaelb, thank you!  I think we found the proble, code is being written13:40
rachaelbfabulous :)13:40
rachaelbthank you for your time.13:40
rachaelbive made the bug public btw13:40
rachaelbthanks for everything.... bye y'all13:41
iphoneUserFrustrI can't login over the iphone with the iphone app. Is there somewhere a solution in the net that I haven't found? Or is it a known bug ?13:54
adiroibanrodrigo_: hi. Any idea why "make test" might fail for couchdb-glib ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/410020/13:55
rodrigo_adiroiban, can you run it under gdb, plese?13:55
rodrigo_adiroiban, gdb tests/.libs/test-couchdb-glib13:55
adiroibanalso, if I try to get a CouchdbStructField and they unref it13:56
adiroibani get a segfault13:56
soominis there anyway of importing contacts?13:56
rodrigo_ugh, I get it also13:57
adiroibanrodrigo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410021/13:57
rodrigo_adiroiban, using git master, right?13:57
adiroibanrodrigo_: yes... well, using bzr revno 175 ... but i think this is git master13:58
rodrigo_ok, I'm getting it also, looking13:59
rodrigo_adiroiban, ok, I think it's because of the NULL argument to couchdb_session_new14:04
rodrigo_adiroiban, I think we need to default to http://localhost:5984 (system couchdb)14:04
rodrigo_adiroiban, yes, that's it14:06
rodrigo_adiroiban, pushed to git master, please try again14:07
rodrigo_adiroiban, it will try to connect to if the arg to couchdb_session_new is NULL14:08
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=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
adiroibanrodrigo_: back. updated. the test is still failing http://paste.ubuntu.com/410041/14:33
datakidI take it I'm not the only one getting auth errors on the iphone app?14:34
rodrigo_adiroiban, now it aborts because the test fails, unless you have the system wide couchdb running15:02
rodrigo_adiroiban, run it under gdb to be sure, please15:02
cypherbioshey beuno, I hope you are not being flooded by the same kind of question I am going to ask, because it sounds really stupid [this question I have]15:03
cypherbiosbeuno: to use this new contact sync feature, I would login using my launchpad/Ubuntu One account, isn't that right?15:04
beunocypherbios, hi!15:04
beunocypherbios, no, you need to generate a user/pass in: https://one.ubuntu.com/phones/15:05
beunowhich, may timeout as we're currently experiencing some heavy load  :)15:05
cypherbiosbeuno: ohh, that explains a lot :)15:05
cypherbiosbeuno: sorry, but is that mentioned somewhere else and I skipped?15:06
cypherbiosI must have missed that part15:06
beunocypherbios, it should have been, but, where did you read about it?15:06
beunomaybe our docs are wrong15:06
cypherbiosbeuno: on the Fridge and on the Wiki (on iTunes app description too)15:07
cypherbiosbeuno: I think it would be a good idea to add this link you gave me right into this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/FAQ15:08
beunocypherbios, I will15:09
beunodid you read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/15:09
cypherbiosbeuno: no. not really15:10
cypherbiosbeuno: I see where I got it wrong now :)15:10
cypherbiosbeuno: thank you very much, I really appreciate that.15:11
beunocypherbios, you're very welcome, and thanks for this feedback, it's veru useful15:11
beunocypherbios, also, let me know how it goes, and if you can, fill in the test case  :)15:12
cypherbiosbeuno: I will do that for sure!15:13
cypherbiosbeuno: as soon as I get to create my account, of course :) I guess the Planet effect is overloading your servers right now15:14
beunocypherbios, it is, I'm sorry about that. We're trying to get it back on it's feet15:15
cypherbiosbeuno: that is OK, as a sysadmin, I think I understand that. I will check back later today15:17
beunocypherbios, thanks!15:18
Korciahi everybody, I not able to connect to ubuntuone in my lucid desktop, I have no token in the ring15:29
duanedesignKorcia: opening Me Menu > Ubuntu One does not prompt you to add your computer?15:43
KorciaI have not found any bug in launchpad with this situation15:43
duanedesignKorcia: if you go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/  and your computer is still listed, select it and choose remove15:44
KorciaI have done it already15:45
duanedesignKorcia: ok15:47
duanedesignKorcia: you can force it to authorize with: u1sync --authorize15:49
KorciaI am going to try15:53
Korciaduanedesign: I get a gnomekeyring.IOError15:59
duanedesignhmmm. ok16:01
duanedesignrye: ping^^16:06
ryeKorcia, are you able to run http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/desktopcouch-futon.py ?16:09
KorciaI'm going to check, I just add log_level = DEBUG in syncdaemon.conf so I can get more information16:11
ryeKorcia, if ioerror happens with keyring that script would fail as well16:11
KorciaIt worked desktopcouch, I can see couchDB16:13
Korciawhat should I do in CouchDB, ?16:15
mattgriffinbeuno: the updated description is now live in the App Store. it contains URLs for testing information.16:25
beunomattgriffin, rock. Will keep my eye on the logs, thanks16:26
mattgriffinbeuno: you're welcome :)16:26
KorciaI get this line in syncdaemon,log16:34
Korciaubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'READY'  (queues WORKING_ON_BOTH  connection 'Not User Not Network')>; queues: metadata: 1; content: 1; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=85 miss=2)16:34
nessitaKorcia: that's correct16:35
nessitaKorcia: you need to explicitely request to connect now16:36
nessitaKorcia: from System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One Preferences -> second tab named Devices -> Connect16:36
Korciabut in devices my pc is identified as <LOCAL MACHINE>16:37
nessitadobey: is that correct ^?16:38
nessitaKorcia: do you have the Connect button enabled?16:40
KorciaI did, now I don't 'cause I click on it16:41
Korciaincredible via web I am able to upload files to my ubuntuone16:42
Korciaubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - Not enough space for upload 412 bytes (available: None)16:45
nessitaKorcia: :-/16:46
Korciathis is really strange I have two more pcs, one with karmic and another one with lucid and ubuntuone works16:48
Korciain this pc I did a fresh installation with lucid beta 116:49
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sorenHow long does it usually take before stuff gets from the music store onto my Ubuntu One storage? First time I did it, it started almost immediately and was done after (I'm guessing) 20 minutes. This time, it's been half an hour and it hasn't started yet.16:54
duanedesignKorcia: local machine means you have removed all your devices16:55
sorenHmm... Although the amount of storage listed on the ubuntu one web interface has gone up by > 100 MB. So maybe I just need to kick the sync daemon?16:56
duanedesignKorcia: but you still have a token.16:56
sorenHmm... No, it has already created the directories, so it the communication is up.16:57
Korciathere is no device in this machine because this is a new installation, but I have never been abled to connect to ubuntuone16:58
KorciaI can't see any ubuntuone token in the keyring16:59
duanedesignKorcia: when you go to  Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys and click the arrow next to password:Default there is no16:59
Korciathere are the token for my imaps accounts another one for gwibber anther one for the calendar and tow Desktop Couch user auth17:00
duanedesignsoren: it does the directories first then the music. So it is probablly working on it, just a bit slow17:00
Korciatwo Desktop Couch user auth17:01
duanedesignKorcia: yeah thats right. Those are fine17:01
sorenduanedesign: Yes, I figured that much :)17:01
duanedesignsoren: he he17:01
sorenduanedesign: I'm just curious how long to expect it to take. If I know it'll take a few hours, that's better than not knowing.17:02
duanedesignI am always good at stating the obvious17:02
Korciaone thing, if I click on Manage account in the Ubuntu One preferences, it goes directly to my ubuntuone account, I mean, I don't need to enter my user neither passw17:04
Korciabut the name of the account in ubuntu one preferences is unkown, email is unknown and current plan unknown17:05
Korciaand status disconnected even though the connect button is greyed17:06
sorenYay, there it goes.17:11
duanedesignsoren: ahh good17:15
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
dobeynessita: depennds on definition of 'now' i guess18:01
adiroiban /n18:06
Korciahi again18:14
Korciawell, now I can connect to ubuntuone but it is sync forever18:15
Korciain fact it doesn't sync18:15
adiroibanrodrigo_: hi. do you have time to review this branch or should I find another reviewer? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/couchdb-glib/couchdb-test-setup/+merge/2288618:19
pgranerrye: ping18:19
ryepgraner, pong18:20
pgranerrye: hey I finally got U1 working, it took blowing my $HOME dir away and re-setting up U118:20
ryepgraner, i now do pretty much the same18:20
Korciawell, finally it's sync but it is incredibly slow, I have just 8 MB to sync18:21
pgranerrye: the only issue I have now is that it takes 3+ hours to sync a few hundred kb18:21
rodrigo_adiroiban, reviewing it18:23
pgranerrye: also can you tell me how a rename of a file on the client works? It seems that it deletes it form the server then schedules a new upload to the server?18:23
ryepgraner, in case syncdaemon is running during the rename it receives rename event, in case it was renamed when syncdaemon was not running then yes, it does what you said18:24
ryenessita, right  ^ ?18:24
pgranerrye: thats not the behavior I'm observing18:24
nessitarye: I'm on the phone18:25
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
sdk__Heyas folks.  I'm trying to sync my wife's iphone contacts w/ https://synccml.one.ubuntu.com using the email addy I'd used to sign up w/ ubuntuone as username.  The log is "Error in preparing sync: client not authenticated"  Google doesn't offer any real help, so does anyone have suggestions?18:35
jblountsdk__: You'll need to use the credentials you get after adding your phone here: https://one.ubuntu.com/phones/18:35
sdk__Sorry for the n00b question here, but the Ubuntu faqs also leave somethign to be desired.18:35
sdk__AHAH!  Thanks!18:36
jblountsdk__: It's confusing as is, sorry about that. We'll get some clearer interface up shortly :)18:36
sdk__No worries man, for sure.. hence teh term 'alpha', right?18:36
jblountsdk__: :D18:36
sdk__I've been running Deb unstable for 12 years, I think I can handle some flakiness.  ;)  Any way I can help btw?  I saw the notice for no bug reports, makes sense.. how about submissions for the sorts of questions I'm asking.  Is there a wiki I can add to?18:39
beunosdk__, hi18:39
beunoquick question18:39
beunohow did you find out about the phone sync service18:39
beunowe have: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/18:39
beunowhich explains it all18:39
beunoso we're trying to figure out where people came from, to see what we missed18:40
beunoalso, the creation og new users seems to be lagged, so it may be close to unusable at the moment  :)18:40
sdk__beuno: Slashdot.18:40
beunosdk__, among many others, yes18:41
sdk__brb, have to go to mtg.. 20 mins.18:42
beunosdk__, thanks18:42
sdk__back.  bigboss decided she wanted to have extended lunch.  :)18:50
sdk__Heh, you guys are getting hammered, I take it?18:51
duanedesignsdk__: must be nice (extended lunch :P)18:55
sdk__duanedesign: Heh, yeah.  It's a beautiful afternoon here (phila) and "a lunch meeting ran overtime"18:56
duanedesignsdk__: same here (nice day) hard to stay indoors19:03
pcapelutoHello, I have a question about deploying Ubuntu on Ubuntu Sever One, you can sync from console?19:04
pcapelutoSory, i translate with google translate lolol19:05
duanedesignpcapeluto: as far as i know We do not have a complete command line utility that will allow you to use Ubuntu One headless. We plan on eventually providing this but do not have that now.19:10
pcapelutoWell, I thought so, had looked everywhere but I had no answers, thank you very much, I read on a blog that was working in a client version of Windows, what stage is this development?19:14
amblinI have a purchase from the music store that has never downloaded, remains in "transferring to ubuntu one storage", 7digital via the help link, isn't helping, how to retrieve this purchase?19:45
duanedesignamblin: it has not shown up in your online storage yet? How long has it been?19:49
amblinpart of a larger purchase, the rest of the tracks are downloaded19:50
duanedesignamblin: :( ugh19:50
amblin7digital's automated response is, "redownload from your locker" umm19:51
duanedesignbdmurray was just saying something similar over in #u1msbeta19:51
duanedesignrye: problems with the U1MS where or who should the user see about help. This is from the store to online storage, not storage to desktop19:55
ryeduanedesign, we need rodrigo/aquarious to get more info20:07
rockstarstatik, ping20:18
DexterFcleint synced but in the web interface I don't see it20:31
DexterF(karmic, kde3 from pearsoncomputing)20:32
ryeDexterF, ok, the file exists locally but not on the web ui, right? could you please run u1sdtool --info=$full_path_to_the_file20:33
ryeDexterF, and post the output to !pastebin20:34
ryeDexterF, it looks like the file has actually synced. What browser are you using to access web ui?20:35
DexterFopera 1020:36
DexterFlemme try FF20:37
ryeDexterF, bug #453418 and the real issue with that bug is that the actual reason of failure is not known - no errors, opera silently does nothing :(20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 453418 in ubuntuone-servers "files not seen in opera browser" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45341820:38
DexterFconfirmed. FF displays them.20:38
DexterFthink I'll drop the opera folsk a line on this20:44
DexterF*folks even20:44
ekilfoilDoes anyone know if there are plans to support publishing free podcasts (or at least podcast feeds) via Ubuntu One or is it strictly for music?21:03
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kklimondareally, 504 timeouts? you are running u1 on old P3s connected though adsl? :P21:13
kklimondaand just when I was going to try contact syncing :/21:14
beunoslashdot makes it feel like P3s, yes21:17
sorenSo, one thing that to me seems completely absent from all this talk about phone syncing is... How do I do it? Somewhere it says something about "after you've added you phone to the service"... but how do I do that?21:19
sorenDoes it support Android phones?21:19
beunosoren, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/21:20
beunoyou go to /phones21:21
beunowhich is down atm21:21
sorenA ha!21:21
* soren has been clicking around, but never reached that page.21:21
bacbeuno: to clarify my problem from yesterday, the failure occurs syncing thunderbird 3 not syncing the iPhone21:22
beunobac, that's great news, because the tb plugin has great logs21:23
bacbeuno: really?  where are they?21:23
beunobac, Tools > Funambol sync > Tools > Logging > Log > View log21:24
beunoyou can set it to "debug" if you're extra nice21:24
bacbeuno: log file with debugging doesn't show anything unusual21:36
beunobac, just blows up?  or just doesn't do what you expect it to?21:37
bacbeuno: after 10 seconds or so, tbird goes sickly grey and then a few seconds later crashes21:37
beunobac, ah, right21:38
beunoso, the funambol plugin for tb3 is still pretty in development21:38
bacbeuno: ok.  i reported the crash yesterday via apport and it is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/55590921:39
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/555909)21:39
bachmm, no that's not it21:39
bacno, that's the right bug, but it is private21:40
beunobac, it's more likely a bug in the extension21:40
monkey_dusthi all - i am unable to launch ubuntu-one - all packages are installed - Failed to execute child process "ubuntuone-client-applet" (No such file or directory) - hints & tips anyone?22:03
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: how are you trying to launch ubuntu one?22:04
monkey_dustjoshuahoover, the easy way, Applications > Internet > Ubuntu One22:37
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: and you see that error?22:37
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: did you recently update?22:37
monkey_dusti update regularly22:38
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: what version of ubuntu?22:38
monkey_dust10.04, unstable22:38
monkey_dustjoshuahoover, can that be the problem?22:39
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: no, that shouldn't be a problem...the error you're getting is one that i would expect a user of jaunty or karmic to get when they upgrade to the latest ppa client which replaces ubuntuone-client-applet22:40
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: can you try the following on a command line: killall ubuntuone-client-applet ubuntuone-syncdaemon22:40
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: then try to open system->preferences->ubuntu one and let me know what happens22:41
monkey_dustjoshuahoover, i prefer not to use ppa's, i read on this very support channel, that ppa's can be used to put malware on a user's machine22:41
monkey_dustjoshuahoover, it shows the preferences22:41
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: ok, if you click on the devices tab, can do you have the option to click the "connect" button there?22:42
monkey_dusti mean: ubuntu one preferences22:42
monkey_dustjoshuahoover, there's no connect button, it shows two /usr/lib/python errors22:43
monkey_dusthave to go, tnx for the help tho :)22:45
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: ok, close the preferences, and then delete the ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf file22:45
joshuahoovermonkey_dust: once you do that, you'll likely need to run: killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon22:45

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