
n2diy__I just built a test box, and used grsync to load my home directory onto the box, but some files didn't make the trip, like .bashrc? I fixed it with gftp, but why did grsync miss it?03:33
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ToStItOsgottto: I have questions03:55
ToStItOsWell I think gottto has left I have a question for everyone I have a Windows Xp computer I want to install Xubuntu on a second drive in the windows computer is there a simplified way of doing this03:57
n2diy__ToStItOs: Have you formatted a linux drive yet?03:59
n2diy__ToStItOs: Have you formatted a linux drive yet? Tried an install?04:00
ToStItOsnot yet I still need to get the drive first I am just wondering if I should leave the windows drive connected or disconnected while I run the install04:01
n2diy__ToStItOs: Bingo, disconnect the Win drive, and have a few trial and errors with the linux drive, then tackle them together.04:02
n2diy__I just built a test box, and used grsync to load my home directory onto the box, but some files didn't make the trip, like .bashrc? I fixed it with gftp, but why did grsync miss it?04:11
ToStItOsn2diy_ So disconnect the win box won't that make the windows drive being ignored during the install04:21
ToStItOsanother words after I install ubuntu and set up the boot sequence won't that make the Windows drive disappear?04:24
n2diy_ToStItOs: Just practice installing Ubuntu on the single Ubuntu drive, when you have confidence doing that, then try both drives together.04:25
ToStItOsI know how install Ubuntu on a drive but just meshing them together is going to be interesting04:26
ToStItOsBut it may work out unplug one then installing the other then adding them together at least I hope it will04:27
n2diy_ToStItOs: Ok, I haven't tried that,  yet, either. But, someday soon maybe? Right now I'm working on test box #2, so maybe this will be the victim?04:28
ToStItOsI googled it for Jaunty and the person who wrote the article just made it sort of complicated04:29
n2diy_ToStItOs: Fine business, that is why I would re-install Xubuntu, and let the partition manager deal with Grub.04:33
ToStItOsok I wonder if I should do a manual partition04:34
n2diy_ToStItOs: yes, yes, and yes. Practice on the single Xubuntu drive first!04:35
ToStItOsok so you think I should just do a normal install then try to install that drive as a slave04:36
ToStItOswell I guess I'll need to play withit04:36
n2diy_ToStItOs: and practice making a seperate /home partition, you'll be happy in the long run if you do.04:36
ToStItOsHDs can be finicky04:36
ToStItOsok I'll do that04:37
ToStItOsand thats under the manual partition right?04:37
n2diy_ToStItOs: practice installing on the single drive, and then combine the two drives, and re-install Xubuntu, on the old Xubuntu drive, the partition manager, and grub will handle things from there.04:38
ToStItOsok I'll do that04:39
ToStItOsSo I will have to install Xubuntu again or just once?04:39
ToStItOsSorry for the confusion04:40
ToStItOsOk I get it now practice installing the drive with the manual partition then try both drives together ok sorry I am on the slow side04:46
ToStItOsI getcha now04:47
ToStItOsI just don't want to erase my windows drive04:47
n2diy_ToStItOs: yes, of course, unplug the Win drive, and practice on the Xubuntu drive, then try them together.04:50
ToStItOsOk I getcha now I will do that one more thing, when I do put them together which one should be the first to be bootable04:51
ToStItOsObviously I set the second drive as a slave right?04:51
n2diy_ToStItOs: Yes, setup master and slave, which order it is doesn't matter, as far as I know.04:56
ToStItOsok good deal I 'll mess with it and pray I don't erase my windows drive04:57
n2diy_ToStItOs: When you re-install Xubuntu, the manual partitioning will allow you to tell grub which drive and partion should hold the boot info.04:58
ToStItOsthat would be the secondary drive?04:59
n2diy_ToStItOs: Which ever drive you want to put it on, but I would put it on the Xubuntu drive, since it has a better chance of surviving an attack.05:00
ToStItOsok will do05:00
n2diy_ToStItOs: GL05:01
ToStItOsThanks my friend for your help appreciate that05:01
n2diy_ToStItOs: Nada05:01
ToStItOsI must go to bed I have to work in the AM05:02
ToStItOsthanks a lot05:02
ToStItOssee you later05:02
xubuntu_useranybody here who can answer nitpicky technical questions?08:31
Sysialways is08:31
xubuntu_userlol.  ok.08:31
xubuntu_usershould i just speak it in-channel?  or do i need to private a specialist?08:32
Sysijust here08:32
xubuntu_userok.  sorry, this is the first time i've had to do this - normally i figure things out on my own via trial and error.08:33
xubuntu_useri am using xubuntu 9.04 on an asus eeepc 100008:33
xubuntu_useri think it's 1000ha - the one that comes with XP installed.08:34
xubuntu_userunder linux, my eeepc seems to have a problem with key repeating - often letters will type twice even though i am not holding them down08:34
xubuntu_useri have gone to settings > accessibility and used bounce keys, with the threshold set to minimum - which works08:35
xubuntu_userbut after five or so minutes of inactivity, i get a message "bounce keys disabled" and the problem is back08:35
xubuntu_useris this a known issue?08:35
xubuntu_userok that's cool.08:47
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plouffethis morning I can only login to xterm but not my xfce session. Any way to repair that or at least check the error log as to what failed?10:31
TheSheepplouffe: ~/.xsessionerrors11:19
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cristian_chi guys, i'm on karmic17:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:20
cristian_cI would use a sound theme for login screen and startup17:21
cristian_cin jaunty I used to go in System->Login screen->Accessibility17:22
cristian_cand choose the sounds17:22
cristian_cin karmic Login window doesn't exist17:23
cristian_cHow can I do to resolve this problem?17:23
charlie-tcaI don't think you can in karmic. Lucid will have the login screen again, and allow sounds to be turned on and off17:24
charlie-tcaWe lost that in karmic (9.10) because of all the gdm changes17:25
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, does that mean this version of gdm has integrated some of the features we lost?17:25
charlie-tcawhat version?17:25
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:25
Pres-GasSorry, Lucid17:25
charlie-tcasort of. It means the developers were able to put some of the features back17:26
Pres-GasLooks like I will have to fire up Lucid once the RC drops....17:27
squisherhm, anyone have a suggestion when ubiquity crashes?19:09
charlie-tcastart it with debug-ubiquity as a boot parameter (you can edit boot parameters by pressing F6 then Escape at the CD boot menu19:10
charlie-tcaThen you can pull the logs and file the bug?19:10
charlie-tcaOr, from the live desktop:19:10
charlie-tcaplease start the installer with 'ubiquity -d' from a terminal window, and reproduce this problem19:10
charlie-tcaOnce you've done that, please attach /var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman, and /var/log/installer/debug to the bug report. It's important that you attach all those files.19:11
charlie-tcaWhich image is crashing?19:11
squishercharlie-tca, thanks will do after memtest19:12
charlie-tcaMIght need to use the alternate image for that version19:13
squisherwhat do you mean?19:13
squisheroh, right, the alternate image. but why?19:13
charlie-tcaThere are two images for each version, desktop and alternate19:13
charlie-tcaI think that image had problems with a lot of systems19:14
squisherOh boy, and it got never updated?19:14
squisherbut thanks for the note19:14
charlie-tcait won't after the release19:15
squisherso is it really worth my time then to create a bug report?19:15
squisherI don't mind if it's useful, but if it's a well known problem, then I'm not sure it is19:15
charlie-tcaI reported issues with hardy and they did not cut a new image, even when ubuntu got a new one19:15
charlie-tcaIt might be useful to keep the issues out of lucid19:16
charlie-tcaThe developers do check the existing bug reports to try to keep any old/regression issues out of the new release19:17
Sachse_siechtumDamn, I'm in dependency hell right now19:33
Sachse_siechtumcan't install UCK19:33
Sachse_siechtumis there any way to install UCK?19:35
charlie-tcawhat is it?19:36
Sachse_siechtumubuntu customization kit19:41
Sysisounds like CLI to me :P19:41
charlie-tcaNot familiar with it, at all19:41
Sachse_siechtumbecause yesterday I crashed my previous xubuntu install...and I was very unhappy how Xubuntu comes out of the box (or the live cd ;-)19:42
charlie-tcaBut I wouldn't mind getting the 64bit install to actually do something with hardware drivers, nvidia19:42
charlie-tcaIt keeps shutting the monitor off19:42
Sachse_siechtumyou mean livecd customization?19:42
SysiSachse_siechtum: separate partition for /home19:42
charlie-tcaSachse_siechtum: no, just a normal installation of lucid19:43
Sysithen you only need to install programs19:43
Sachse_siechtumI see19:43
Sachse_siechtumwell luzid is not officially out yet. Is it stable?19:44
charlie-tcasort of stable19:44
charlie-tcaat least on the 38619:44
Sachse_siechtumI gonna wait til 28th ;-)19:44
charlie-tcabeta2 pre-release testing19:44
Sysimany people say that ubuntu is stable two weeks after release..19:45
Sachse_siechtumwill I be able to get it over spm?19:45
Sachse_siechtumwhat I was just saying.....the only things Xubuntu can do out of the box is: screen pictures, play wave files, word proccessing, some simple games...and thats about it...19:47
charlie-tcayeah, pretty much what is needed to use it19:48
squisherSachse_siechtum, it's called a "base install"19:48
Sachse_siechtumah I see19:48
squisherseems pretty sensible to me :)19:49
Sachse_siechtumthats why the liveCD just takes up a cd rom _:-)19:49
charlie-tcaIt is enough for any beginner to get started with19:49
Sachse_siechtumwell...I was enough for me...its just....well I gonna have to take a look into this customization thing...19:50
Sachse_siechtumafk eating spicy chinese soup19:50
el3menthey :P19:51
squisherSachse_siechtum, what are you trying to achieve? I simply install the software I need after the install....19:51
Sachse_siechtumI'm lazy ;-)19:51
Sysiit's one line to apt19:51
Sysiyou can write .sh script :)19:52
Sachse_siechtumnot familiar with that yet19:52
Sysithat's easy actually19:52
el3mentcan i ask u something ? :)19:52
Sachse_siechtumis it something like a *.bat file?19:52
charlie-tcael3ment: sure19:52
el3mentin wine channel no one respond i cant run games audio with wine ?19:53
el3mentany solution ? :)19:53
SysiSachse_siechtum: bash(commnd line) script, so yes19:53
charlie-tcajust type in your question. If anyone knows, they will answer19:53
Sachse_siechtumwhat drivers did you choose?19:53
squisherel3ment, in prinicple, yes, but in practice it depends on the game. appdb.winehq.org is the place to look19:53
Sysihave you tested both emulation and full to hw-thing?19:54
Sachse_siechtumfor example in max payne 2 alsa is just scramble19:54
el3mentyes not sound19:54
Sachse_siechtumoss and esound work fine19:54
Sachse_siechtum...on my machine19:54
el3menti have another strange problem when start mp3 player not hear anything but when im start video player then sound works on both19:55
squishersounds like the video player is adjusting your mixer19:55
el3menthow i can fix that ?19:56
squisherwhile just running the mp3 player, go for example into alsa-mixer and make sure everything is turned up19:56
el3mentyea i try this but not succes19:57
el3menteverything is on and mp3 not work19:57
el3mentthen starting video player and sound work again :)19:57
squisherhmm, not sure then19:57
el3mentmy sound is intel realtek but im not sure what to chouse  snd_intel or Snd_realtek :)19:58
el3mentfor codec19:58
squishercharlie-tca, uff, with ubiquity -d it did not crash, of course (before it crashed during two attempts, and once before I event started)20:12
charlie-tcait is trying to start too much at once for the system, then. The "really fast startup" fails on the system20:13
knome!hi | Arpad220:51
knomeubottu, wake up20:51
Arpad2hi everybody!:)20:51
Sachse_siechtumhow can I limit the incoming packets on wlan0? (my wlan adapter)20:51
Sachse_siechtumlike limit the 365 kbyte/s line to 150 for example20:52
squisherSachse_siechtum, that's a firewall's job... I know shorewall can do that, but it's not the easiest one to use20:53
Sachse_siechtumsquisher, is it line based?20:53
squisheryou mean commandline? Yes20:54
Arpad2i can not establish dsl connection with network manager only with sudo pppoe command, does anybody know how to solve this?20:54
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Sachse_siechtumwhat was the command for compiz fusion to put into auto start?21:52
Sachse_siechtumto be put21:52

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