
bencrisfordnight all00:07
mhall119highvoltage: jdstrand uploaded 2 of my qimo packages00:44
highvoltagemhall119: what's left?01:03
mhall119qimo-games, whichI believe was uploaded previously, but has had some changes done to it since then01:03
mhall119and whatever needs to happen now to get an FFe01:03
bencrisfordmorning all11:03
Kamping_Kaisermorning :)11:04
bencrisfordhighvoltage: is there a meeting tonight?  because the agenda still has last weeks time/date and content13:18
highvoltagebencrisford: eek, I thought I had updated the time, will do so now...13:29
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i can if you want13:30
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, feel free to go ahead!13:30
bencrisfordi have a couple of things to add to the agenda also if thats ok13:30
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, it is13:30
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i can just get rid of last weeks agenda?  or is it archived somewhere?13:31
bencrisfordor does it stay there?  or what?13:35
bencrisfordi got rid of it, but if it is meant to be anywhere i have it saved locally13:37
highvoltagebencrisford: depends, some things we discuss every week, if we don't have to discuss it again you can take it off13:39
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ok, ill put back the website stuff and maybe the artwork ?13:47
bencrisfordwhat team can upload to edubuntu-docs?14:08
stgraberedubuntu-dev can do that14:24
bencrisfordstgraber: ok14:48
bencrisfordstgraber: are edubuntu hosting any openweek sessions?  because id be happy to help out14:48
bencrisfordi hosted a gaming session last year so i know how it works14:49
stgraberI haven't answered Amber's mail yet, though it shound like a good idea15:02
stgraberI'll reply that we'll, I've been doing the one last year15:02
sbalneavMorning all15:09
stgraberbencrisford: sent a talk proposal15:17
stgraberhey sbalneav15:17
stgraberlong time no see ;)15:17
sbalneavBack from holidays :)15:20
mhall119stgraber: could you review my qimo- packages in revu?15:20
stgrabersbalneav: so, is everything ready for the Edubuntu hackfest ? ;)15:23
stgrabermhall119: would be great if you could find someone else, I have a press conference here in a few minutes and I have the whole asterisk stack to look at in revu :(15:23
stgrabermhall119: did you try poking people in -motu ?15:24
mhall119stgraber: I'll hit up highvoltage15:25
mhall119jdstrand in -motu reviewed and uploaded qimo-session and qimo-wallpaper15:25
mhall119but he suggested I get others to review them as well15:25
highvoltagemhall119: I thought you said all but -games have already been uploaded?15:26
mhall119also, I'm not sure what else I need to do to get a FFe15:26
highvoltagemhall119: or did you mean just to revu?15:26
mhall119highvoltage: I uploaded to revu, jdstrand is marked in revu as having uploaded them (to where, I don't know)15:26
highvoltagemhall119: ok, sounds like you'll just need that FFE then so that the archive admins can approve them15:29
highvoltagemhall119: if I understood correctly you did file exceptions for them?15:30
mhall119I filed bugs for them15:30
mhall119according to the wiki guide for FFe15:30
mhall119is there a separate place to file an FFe?15:30
highvoltageok great15:30
bencrisforddid somebody say hackfest?!15:31
mhall119highvoltage: bug 522720, 522729 and 52273115:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522720 in qimo/2.0 "[needs-packaging] qimo-session" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52272015:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522729 in qimo/2.0 "[needs-packaging] qimo-games" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52272915:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522731 in qimo/2.0 "[needs-packaging] qimo-wallpaper" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52273115:32
bencrisfordthe meetings in half an hour right?19:30
* bencrisford is wondering if he has time for a snooze19:31
stgraberyep, meeting in 30min19:31
* bencrisford sets alarm clock19:33
bencrisfordif im late you guys'll know why :P19:33
highvoltage * Edubuntu meeting in about 3 minutes19:57
bencrisfordhighvoltage: okey doke19:58
* bencrisford couldnt sleep19:58
highvoltagebencrisford: heh, had coffee again? :)20:00
bencrisfordhighvoltage: lol, not a drop, all day :/20:00
bencrisfordand im really tired20:00
highvoltageLns, mhall119], sbalneav, stgraber: just in case you missed it, we're starting in #ubuntu-meeting20:00
bencrisfordand i shant be going to sleep tonight, going to germany at 1am20:00
highvoltagebencrisford: sounds like fun!20:01
highvoltage(unless you're driving being that tired)20:01
bencrisfordnah, is my brass band20:01
bencrisfordwere playing some concerts in the rhineland20:01
bencrisfordwe got a coach and everything :D20:01
* stgraber waves20:03
* bencrisford waves back at stgraber in the wrong channel20:03
highvoltagehey mgariepy :)20:33
* bencrisford will be back in 25 minutes20:34
LnsSo has anyone given any thoughts to the new panel applets in lucid? as in, ubuntu one, all the im/email/individual stuff that schools probably don't need?20:36
alkisgSee? we could upload a package that hides those panels, and any team that wants to, they could include it in their metapackages... :D20:37
stgrabersorry for not being around much at this meting20:37
stgraberwas caught in a few internal meetings :(20:37
Lnsstgraber, hehe, stupid work =p20:37
Lnsalkisg, that would be cool20:37
LnsI think it might be a good idea to look at some projects debian edu is doing - check this out, I never even seen this before.. http://wiki.debian.org/CipUX20:42
highvoltagestgraber: np, we kept it short20:42
Lnssbalneav, ^^^20:43
mgariepyi guess i missed the meeting too hehe, i only catched the line when highvoltage said "ok that's it for this meeting then, thanks everyone"20:53
highvoltagemgariepy: heh, we basically had a quick summary of where we are technically (will post to the list) and a discussion on how to get more contributors and how to make edubuntu more interesting for contributors21:08
bencrisfordand a little bit of discussing the advocacy team and how marketing materials coule be effectively shared and distributed21:11
highvoltagebencrisford: are you going to create that branch?21:15
bencrisfordit would be easier if it was created by the advocacy team though right?  because then members could upload to it21:15
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, you're a member of it right?21:15
bencrisfordhighvoltage: yeah but i thought only admins could make branches for teams?21:16
bencrisfordadmins of said team i mean21:16
highvoltagebencrisford: I guess we'll have to make you an admin then21:17
bencrisfordhighvoltage: is that easy to do?21:18
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, it's done21:18
bencrisfordwow, i never knew you could do stuff like that so quickly on lp21:18
highvoltagebencrisford: ~edubuntu-council has to be admin in all of our teams, but it doesn't have to be the only one21:19
bencrisfordhighvoltage: im pretty sure ive seen a couple of teams where edubuntu council isnt admin21:19
bencrisfordand i thought it looked a bit dodgy21:19
highvoltagebencrisford: for some of the sub-teams that doesn't affect packages or other code we can make quick changes without having to vote or anything formal like that21:19
highvoltagebencrisford: then it's not an official edubuntu team :)21:19
highvoltage(or a bug)21:19
* bencrisford points to https://edge.launchpad.net/~edubuntu-doc21:20
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ^21:20
highvoltageeek, that one is still owned by Will van der Leij21:20
bencrisfordsome recent membership applications and an apparently inactive admin21:21
highvoltagebencrisford: yes that would be a bug then :)21:21
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i think i might have seen one owned by pygi at some point as well21:21
bencrisfordim not sure though21:21
bencrisfordmaybe not...21:22
bencrisfordthere must be some reason why i thought that, but im not sure what it is21:22
bencrisfordhighvoltage: shall i register that branch then?21:23
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, it's your baby :)21:24
bencrisfordwoo :) a hosted branch right?21:24
bencrisfordthis is the first time ive registered one i think21:24
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ok, i think its all done :)21:26
bencrisfordshall i do a readme file in there somewhere explaining it?21:27
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, lots, I think the LP help links to it21:28
bencrisfordok, ill check it out, thanks :)21:29
* bencrisford 's bzr doesnt want to find the edubuntu-advocacy branch :/21:32
* bencrisford needs to push it ?21:38
bencrisfordhighvoltage: http://pastebin.com/iAqLUrst - is that ok for a readme file21:45
bencrisfordi didnt want canonical to be sued by some graphic designer :P21:46
highvoltagebencrisford: yep21:48
bencrisfordill add some of the official logo files and then push it21:48
highvoltagebencrisford: I guess ideally we'd want material under a free license, more than just being redistributable, but redistributable ate least keeps it legal21:48
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i think if we just work on keeping it legal for now21:49
bencrisfordbecause at the moment it will just be our little edubuntu "crew" contributing anyway, and thats if any of us get the time21:50
bencrisfordonce we get a more active team21:50
bencrisfordthen we can work on more complex licensing21:50
bencrisfordis that ok with you?  because if its not then i dont mind looking in to free licensing ideas..21:51
bencrisfordi guess i could have a word with the #ubuntu-marketing folks about it21:54
Kamping_Kaiserarguably using 'non-free' works makes licencing more complex :)22:28
bencrisfordKamping_Kaiser: i dont like thinking that far ahead :S22:29
bencrisfordit confuses me22:29
bencrisfordfor now, distribution rights keep it legal22:29
bencrisfordbut i am asking some docs and marketing people about licenses22:29
bencrisfordi wont push the branch until its sorted22:29
Kamping_Kaiserhey :)22:30
Kamping_Kaiserlicencing confuses everyone :(22:30
* Kamping_Kaiser -> work. 'later22:31
bencrisfordlater Kamping_Kaiser :)22:34
bencrisfordhighvoltage: mdke recommended a cc-by-sa license23:21
bencrisfordshould i put that?  or leave it as re-distributable23:21
highvoltagebencrisford: we can reccomend that license, it's a good free license, but I wouldn't explicitely want to exclude content released under other free licenses23:25
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ok, ill mention it in the readme23:25
bencrisfordwhat i could ask is that materials are uploaded in their own folder with a .txt file explaining the licenses etc23:26
bencrisfordor ask for details in the commit message23:32
bencrisfordthat would make more sense perhaps23:32
bencrisfordhighvoltage: im gonna snooze for a bit23:36
bencrisfordi think the branch is set up and pushed properly :)23:36
highvoltagebencrisford: not a bad idea! I might join you... erm... so to speak23:36
bencrisfordwere leaving for germany in 1hr and 25 minutes23:36
bencrisfordand im already tired23:36
bencrisfordif i dont sleep now i wont until tommorrow night :S23:37
highvoltagehow long will you be there?23:38
bencrisford4 days..?23:38
highvoltageok cool.23:38
bencrisfordill be back monday i think23:39
bencrisfordeven if im just in bed all day23:39
bencrisfordif the hotel has wifi then i can be on irc on my nokia23:39
bencrisfordbut im not gonna pay the extortionate european internet rates on my phone23:39
highvoltageah you're not taking along a notebook?23:39
bencrisfordnah, i figured it wouldnt be worth the hassle..23:39
bencrisfordand if it got stolen23:40
bencrisfordthen that wouldnt be good :/23:40
highvoltagethat's one thing at least about South Africa, mobile internet is cheap and plentiful :)23:40
bencrisfordi pay 15 pounds a month for unlimited internet on my nokia e6323:40
bencrisfordi get unlimited texts and 75 minutes too23:40
bencrisfordwhich is good23:40
highvoltagenot bad.23:40
bencrisfordbut in europe i dont think my contract works :/23:40
highvoltageon MTN here, you pay around £0.01/MB23:41
highvoltageI guess lots of international people will be using that when they visit for the soccer world cup later this year :)23:41
bencrisfordPAYG mobile internet is expensive here23:42
bencrisfordoh yeah, world cup23:42
bencrisfordfootball isnt really my thing23:42
highvoltageyeah that's on MTN Pay as you go :)23:42
highvoltageyeah I'm not into it either, but there's lots of hype atm so it's hard to miss23:42
bencrisfordfootballs alright23:42
bencrisfordfor the first 10 minutes23:42
bencrisfordthen it gets boring23:43
bencrisfordrugby's good23:43
bencrisfordbut i like to have my laptop around when im watching23:44
highvoltageyeah people are rugby crazy here too23:45
bencrisfordits the springboks right?23:45
bencrisfordi didnt know what one was until i went to namibia23:45
highvoltagebencrisford: yep23:50
bencrisfordhighvoltage: anyway ill be saying goodnight and goodbye to my lappy any minute, so i might as well say farewell now23:51
bencrisfordill try and check in on irc if i can23:51
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, keep well hope you don't get ripped off too much on internet charges!23:52
bencrisfordif not i should be around next week, during which i can hopefully work on some marketing material and market the marketing team :)23:52
bencrisfordi think ill stick to wifi as soon as im on european soil23:52
highvoltagecool, have fun!23:52
highvoltageand goodnight23:52
bencrisfordogra: whats the wifi like in germany?23:53
bencrisfordobviously i dont expect you to know every hotspot, but some countries have more coverage than others23:54
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i should stop being such a geek and enjoy the time i have without internet :)23:55
bencrisfordfarewell everyone :)23:55

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