
ScottKryanakca: Same bug is fine.00:25
ScottKRiddell: I have a board, but no peripherals/case and it's not assembled.00:25
DarkwingDuckoh god, this is going to take forever01:30
DarkwingDuckAmarok has to rescan me collection?! I have like 50,000 songs. *sigh*01:31
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ScottKTm_T and NCommander: Lucid powerpc live CD image that's not oversized: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/20100407/  <-- Please test.03:24
NCommanderScottK: can't, PPC is dead ATM03:24
ScottKNCommander: OK, how about KNR armel?03:24
NCommanderScottK: will once I have a PSU for my board03:25
ScottKYou're no help.03:25
ScottKTm_T: It's up to you (unless nixternal reappears) - He's got hardware too.03:26
DiegoTcping JontheEchidna03:26
DiegoTchi guys I am developing a small aplication on QT4 c++, and I was trying to package (I am using this guide for this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Basic%20Packaging)03:28
DiegoTcbut I have this error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/SxXdCtzc each time I do the debuild http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/SxXdCtzc03:28
NCommanderScottK: sorry, I'm not in a great place hardware wise, but I'll ask Gruemaster03:34
ScottKNCommander: Thanks.03:55
shadeslayerRiddell: did you get my mail ?07:56
jussi01Hrm, Ive an idea. its probably been said before and possibly been done without me knowing.08:05
shadeslayercan someone tell me if this : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/digikam/+bug/556826 and : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199801 are related? ive marked them as such08:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556826 in digikam "Digikam crashes occasionally when loading images" [Undecided,New]08:06
jussi01However, would it be possible to put packages into the repos that provide preset configuratiosn for programs? for example program A has 3 or 4 different usecases, and as such, come mostly un configured. If we had the most common options configuration files in 3 or 4 different packages, that could make things a heck of a lot easier for people.08:07
shadeslayerjussi01: um.. kubuntu-default-settings does that08:10
shadeslayeri think....08:10
jussi01shadeslayer: no, I mean for programs that currently come with minimal configurations.08:11
shadeslayerjussi01: ohh... that would mean we will have to chalk out the default settings...08:11
jussi01shadeslayer: correct.08:11
jussi01or move them to a different file.08:12
shadeslayerjussi01: and how would one determine which is the best config for the user?08:12
shadeslayerjussi01: well we can have a package that installs the config in ~/.kde/apps/config08:12
shadeslayeror whatever the config path is...08:12
jussi01shadeslayer: there could be 3 or 4 different packes, all conflicting.08:12
jussi01but you are right, -default-settings does do that for certain items.08:13
shadeslayerjussi01: well package versioning ensures that doesnt happen08:13
jussi01shadeslayer: no, you miss my point08:14
shadeslayerjussi01: another problem... suppose the user changes the config and we release a new version of x-default-settings... user loses his config and gets back to default08:14
shadeslayerjussi01: ohh08:14
shadeslayerjussi01: we can patch the default config files from upstream...08:15
jussi01shadeslayer: say we talk about err.. wordpress. you could have worpress-settings-1 wordpress-settings-2 wordpress-settings-3 - you can only have one settings package installed at any one time.08:15
shadeslayerimo we already do that..08:15
shadeslayerjussi01: hmmm08:15
jussi01mind, Im pretty sure it breaks about 5000 packaging rules08:15
shadeslayeryeah probably :P08:16
jussi01perhaps its worth including the files and making them available.08:16
* jussi01 doesnt know. 08:16
shadeslayerjussi01: hehe... idk too... this is all hypothetical08:17
shadeslayerok gtg08:19
shadeslayerjussi01: bye :)08:19
Tonio_hi everyone11:08
Tonio_Riddell: can I upload a fix for Qt to fix bug 280113 ?11:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280113 in kdebase "Ugly mouse cursor when dragging and dropping plasma widget to desktop" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28011311:09
kdeloggerhai Tonio_11:11
Tonio_hey kdelogger11:11
kdeloggerTonio_: I think we are still frozen11:11
Tonio_hum, that was my question in fact :)11:11
Tonio_is beta2 expected ?11:11
Tonio_I have to check out for knetworkmanager too11:11
kdeloggertomorrow I would suppose11:12
RiddellTonio_: yes put it in bzr and upload it is fine, it'll get held until after beta 211:13
amichairTonio_: is that the years-old bug? I think I once took a look at it, it was deep in Qt land...11:14
kdeloggerJontheEchidna: if/should we create a proper standalone bug policy I am strongly suggesting to sort out naming11:14
amichairnice to see it's finally closed!11:14
kdeloggerJontheEchidna: like prefixing patches that originate in upstream svn with kdesvn_, those coming form bugzilla kdebug_11:15
kdeloggerJontheEchidna: ideally followed by revision/bug no I would suppose11:15
Tonio_Riddell: nice, thanks :)11:16
Tonio_Riddell: this is the one I've been tracking for more than a year now :)11:16
Tonio_sounds like a special upload for me11:16
Tonio_amichair: yes it's that one, I HAVE THE FIX !11:16
amichairTonio_: You the man!11:17
Tonio_amichair: in fact I was about to give up when I found out that it could be fixed somewhere else11:17
Tonio_amichair: and googeling for that class, I found out someone wrote a patch that partially worked out 3 month ago11:17
Tonio_I just fixed the fix11:17
kdeloggerwhy in the name of darth vader does choqok have a splash11:18
amichairTonio_: You still de man!11:18
kdeloggera very ugly one actually11:18
kdeloggerneversfelde: !!!!11:18
Tonio_amichair: I never give up that's hte trick :)11:18
Tonio_Riddell: do we have qt in bzr ?11:19
RiddellTonio_: yes11:19
Tonio_Riddell: kk11:20
Tonio_Riddell: oh and do you know I quit smocking ?11:21
Tonio_among the good news....11:21
kdelogger\o/ longer life for kubuntu developers11:22
* kdelogger hugs Tonio_, congratualtes him and hands him a cookie :)11:22
RiddellTonio_: awooga!11:23
Tonio_not that hard to be honnest11:24
Tonio_restarting to do sport is a lot harder after 15 years smocking :'(11:24
Tonio_but that's for the best so...11:24
* kdelogger notes from experience that quitting is indeed not very hard, not starting again is :/11:25
Tonio_kdelogger: probably11:25
Tonio_kdelogger: I'll tell you when that happens to me :)11:25
kdeloggerah, if you are doing sports you are too busy for smoking anyway :)11:28
kdeloggerbug 34272911:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342729 in launchpad-code "[wishlist] Please add built-in support for cia.vc commit updates" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34272911:29
kdeloggerany mad python dev around to implement this? ^^11:29
Tonio_Riddell: which group owns the qt4-x11 branch ?11:30
Tonio_oh it's called qt, not qt4....11:31
kdeloggerTonio_: naming policy of branches always follows what upstream calls it11:32
kdeloggerhence there is kdelibs and not kde4libs for example11:32
Tonio_kdelogger: yeah but hopefully we don't have to maintain the 3 and 4 branches of qt...11:32
kdeloggertechnically we do I think, now that MOTU is theoretically no more11:33
kdeloggertechnicaly we always did ^^11:33
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407103837-js4nvuytoe4ucsgn kubuntu-default-settings/ (13 files in 13 dirs):11:38
CIA-6kubuntu: Bring kubuntu icon from 1:10.04ubuntu13 in line with oxygen naming. It is11:38
CIA-6kubuntu: now named start-here-kubuntu.png and located in the places/ directory.11:38
kdeloggerreturn of the bot flood ^^11:38
Tonio_Riddell: qt uploaded11:40
Tonio_Riddell: also I'll ping sebas about knetworkmanager11:40
Tonio_Riddell: svn stopped receiving updates, so it could be they consider it mature now11:40
Tonio_I hope11:40
Tonio_sebas: you there ?11:41
sebasTonio_: yes11:41
Tonio_sebas: what is your feeling about what we should do with the networkmanager for lucid ?11:42
sebasany specific bugs?11:42
Tonio_sebas: go with the plasmoid ?11:42
Tonio_sebas: not at all it all works like a charm for me :)11:42
sebasit's really your call, I've been using the plasmoid exclusively, and it's good for me11:42
sebasbut it cannot easily connect to hidden wifis11:42
Tonio_sebas: I'd go with the plasmoid too11:43
Tonio_sebas: is there any advantage according to you to go with the plasmoid ?11:43
sebasI'm also not aware of regressions, but error handling isn't very good11:43
sebasYou mean other than it's nicer, more informative? :)11:43
Tonio_yep other than this11:43
sebas"The Plasmoid totally has UX built in" :)11:43
Tonio_sebas: what about handling hidden networks now ?11:43
sebasother than that, no, I  don't think so11:44
sebasthe plasmoid ignores them11:44
Tonio_but they can be added manually and it works or ?11:44
sebasI'm actually waiting for will to implement it in the lower levels11:44
sebasdidn't try :O11:44
Tonio_kk that's a major issue in fact (but not related to the plasmoid so..)11:44
sebasbtw, I just fixed a possible crasher yesterday11:44
Tonio_Riddell: so what is your feeling ?11:45
sebasyes, no hidden wifi support is the biggest problem left with wifi support IMO11:45
Tonio_Riddell: I'd personaly go with the plasmoid, since it works like a charm here, and yes, it is more invormative and nicer11:45
Tonio_Riddell: on the other hand I understand we're late in the cycle....11:45
Tonio_Riddell: just in case we keep knetworkmanager, I think we should update to current svn tree...11:46
Tonio_there are lots of fixes in them, and switching to the plasmoid will be easier11:46
Tonio_Riddell: also the packaging is better (splitted vpn plugins and so on)11:46
Tonio_sebas: I'll see with the guys what to do... thanks for your time11:46
RiddellTonio_: I don't want to change UI now, it's too late in the cycle11:48
alvinI have no problems myself with knetworkmanager, but if you read the kubuntu-users list, you'll see them recommending wicd to everyone who has a question about wireless.11:48
freeflyingRiddell: I'm going to demo Kubuntu to some OEM11:49
Tonio_Riddell: ok so should we go with the current svn ?11:49
Riddellfreeflying: ooh, great11:49
alvin(Well, they do also recommend synaptic to everyone who asks a question about installing packages)11:49
RiddellTonio_: if upstream thinks it's a stable snapshot and we get suitable testing on the mailing list11:49
Tonio_Riddell: I'm calling for testers on the mailing list11:50
kdeloggeranyone wanna check why 3rd party plasma themes do not use our branding.svg?11:50
kdeloggereven though they should11:50
sebasRiddell: which one are you shipping with lucid?11:52
sebasI don't think stability has decreased, so latest == greatest11:52
sebasin fact, I've just dismissed a bugreport about knm in lucid this morning that was clearly more than a month old11:52
sebasnot sure though it the user failed to upgrade, or if it was standard packages11:53
Riddellsebas: 0.9~svn1075616-0ubuntu3  so not new11:53
sebasaight, please update11:53
sebasthat makes bugreports useful to us, and as I said, we were quite careful lately11:54
RiddellTonio_: find us some testers and we'll update it11:54
kdeloggerthere is a bug in plasma11:54
sebasI can try to fix bugs quickly when you find them11:55
Tonio_Riddell: yup I'll call on the mailing lists :)11:55
Tonio_sebas: since you there, I noticed a little issue with the plasmoid11:58
Tonio_sebas: when loading, regularly, it will display all the networks instead of the short list11:58
Tonio_sebas: when I click on "show more" and then "show less" it comes back to normal11:59
kdeloggersebas: do you happen to know why  the plasma fallback themes contain oxygen? ... indeed prefer oxygen over the defaulttheme?11:59
sebasTonio_: hm, I'll investigate12:01
sebaskdelogger: no12:01
* kdelogger looks at svn log12:01
kdeloggerkde rev 98753812:03
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=987538&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 987538 | allow for fallbacks themes, and more than one at a time; will backport to address visual backwards compat with the oxy->air c...12:03
* kdelogger doesnt find that kind of backwards compability very good from a performance POV, but oh well12:04
Tonio_sebas: thx12:05
Tonio_Riddell: I called for feedback to the mailing lists12:05
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407111227-8k7wile5ypp7n2c0 kubuntu-default-settings/ (2 files in 2 dirs):12:12
CIA-6kubuntu: Make branding.svg background white, so that it remains readable on themes with12:12
CIA-6kubuntu: black background12:12
RiddellJontheEchidna: bug 557217 may be my misunderstanding it but I don't think so12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557217 in kubuntu-notification-helper "incomplete language notification not shown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55721712:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: also ksplash still disappears before plasma-netbook is shown12:13
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407111657-tg3gsat15bf00e66 kubuntu-default-settings/debian/ (changelog kubuntu-default-settings.links):12:17
CIA-6kubuntu: Via dh_link link default plasma theme to oxygen, to work around oxygen12:17
CIA-6kubuntu: preference over air in theme fallback list (see kde rev 987538)12:17
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=987538&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 987538 | allow for fallbacks themes, and more than one at a time; will backport to address visual backwards compat with the oxy->air c...12:17
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you attatch that hook to the bug?12:19
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407111913-vfjmw7nqnly1ewns kubuntu-default-settings/debian/ (source source/format changelog): Fix changelog entry length + make source format 3 = happy lintian12:19
JontheEchidna(and fwiw, kplash works for me (tm) with my clean netbook test user)12:19
JontheEchidnagotta go now12:22
RiddellJontheEchidna: attached12:22
JontheEchidnak, bbl12:23
RiddellJontheEchidna: doesn't work from a live image, maybe our packages are missing something?12:23
Riddelldpm: my launchpad foo is failing me, how do I make https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/557192 also apply to the ubuntu-translations project?12:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557192 in ubiquity "untranslated string" [Undecided,New]12:23
dpmRiddell, I don't know how to do it with the e-mail interface. I usually do it manually, by clicking on the "Also affects project link". Then you can just add 'ubuntu-translations' on the next screen. If the Ubuntu package already has an upstream project assigned, you might have to additionally click on "Choose another project" and then enter 'ubuntu-translations'12:26
* Sput notices that CIA's output looks *much* better and more readable if colors are allowed in the channel12:27
Riddelldpm: thanks, done12:27
dpmno worries12:27
kdeloggerthere is a page in the lp wiki explaining all the email magic12:28
* kdelogger thinks that plasma is messing with him on intention!12:28
kdeloggerI am just stupid ^^12:29
RiddellI've never used e-mail for bugs, e-mail as a user interface is a bad idea12:29
Riddellamichair: did you get an e-mail from colin?12:33
amichairRiddell: yeah, I'm at #ubuntu-installer12:34
kdeloggerRiddell: could you please take a look at the ibus warning stuff when starting a qt app in lucid12:35
* kdelogger finds it super annoying12:35
ghostcubehmm isnt it against coc to set an ubuntu channel as invite only?12:36
kdeloggerthat looks super silly12:39
persiaghostcube: No, but no channel managed by the IRCC is set in such a way.  Ask in #ubuntu-irc (with details) if you seek investigation.12:40
kdelogger http://imagebin.ca/view/soZox7I.html12:40
kdeloggersuggestions anyone?12:40
Riddellkdelogger: does the image have a white background?12:41
kdeloggerRiddell: I added it12:41
kdeloggerotherwise it looks even crappier, because it is transparent12:41
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407114156-iperlr98dy543p4k kubuntu-default-settings/share/apps/desktoptheme/default/widgets/branding.svgz: Fix background white properly, looks like ewww though12:42
Tonio__am I the only one who gets a lot of problem with kopete contet menu ?12:42
NightroseTonio__: me too12:42
Tonio__submenus are going insanely on the top of the current menu and so on12:42
kdeloggerdbusmenu is at fault12:42
Tonio__that's a PAIN to use12:42
kdeloggerand I am getting told it is all fixed in the versin that Riddell refuses to upload :P12:42
* Tonio__ looks lovelly at Riddell....12:43
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
* kdelogger should go an a bike ride12:43
kdeloggerway to nice weather12:43
Riddellwhat am I refusing to upload?12:43
Tonio_kdelogger: can I get that package to test please ?12:43
* kdelogger checks windiness12:43
kdeloggerTonio_: I dont have it12:43
kdeloggerRiddell: the fix for dbusmenu, or whether the load of dbusmenu related bugs were fixed12:44
kdeloggers/whether/where ever12:44
=== kdelogger is now known as apachelogger
RiddellI have some updated patches from agateau waiting for beta to be done with, I don't think I've refused to upload anything12:44
* apachelogger didnt even have breakfast yet ^^12:44
apacheloggerkubotu: time12:44
ghostcubepersia: thx, will do12:44
apacheloggerkubotu: I think you are broken12:44
apacheloggerkubotu: lets have a look, shall we?12:45
ghostcubeapachelogger: and we all know who broke him :P12:45
apacheloggerRiddell: I just claimed that you refused :P12:45
Tonio_Riddell: may I test if that fixes kopete's issues ?12:45
Tonio_Riddell: where's that patch please ?12:45
Riddellsomewhere in my inbox I think12:46
* apachelogger notes that this stuff should go in as soon as beta2 is out, because it really makes using tray menus a PITA12:46
apacheloggerlatest xkcd is awesome :D12:47
Tonio_Riddell: ah :)12:47
apacheloggerTonio_: I suppose you could try latest dbusmenu-qt bzr branch12:48
RiddellTonio_: http://people.canonical.com/~agateau/dbusmenu/index.html12:48
Tonio_ouch.... that's quite a lot of patches to just test....12:48
Tonio_Riddell: I think I'll wait for that to reach out the repos ;)12:49
apacheloggerkubotu: version12:51
kubotuI'm a v. 0.9.15-git (master branch, revision f00ee3b [IRC: support 'CASEMAPPING=charset' from some idiotic servers]) [8 days, 19 hours, 10 minutes and 19 seconds ago] rubybot, (c) Tom Gilbert and the rbot development team - http://ruby-rbot.org12:51
apacheloggerkubotu: time12:51
kubotuapachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Wed Apr 07 13:51 CEST12:51
* apachelogger goes breakfasting12:51
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407121604-cl8n1oump5lk7vod kdebase-workspace/debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs):13:16
CIA-6kubuntu: Add kubuntu_01_fix_dateandtimekcm.diff from upstream to fix a whole13:16
CIA-6kubuntu: set of funy bugs in the date&time KCM, amongst them LP: #36716413:16
ScottKapachelogger: re a comment you made quite a while ago, MOTU is not going away.13:25
apacheloggerjust being refactored13:25
* apachelogger goes out a bit13:27
rgreeninghey, when did we get CIA running here13:33
ScottKTm_T: Around?13:53
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bipolarI have a sierra wireless 885 usb GSM adaptor. I think networkmanager is trying to use the wrong ttyUSB device for the data connection. I'm in the process of searching for/submitting a bug for this issue. does anyone have any insight on what I should include other then the output in /var/log/syslog?17:49
Riddellbipolar: seems our resident network manager guy isn't on the channel currently17:52
bipolarRiddell: np. he'll get the bug report :)17:52
bipolarjust getting the data together now17:53
evilshadeslayerbipolar: just do : ubuntu-bug package_name18:04
evilshadeslayerthat will put together everything :P18:04
bipolarevilshadeslayer: bah! get off my lawn! :P18:10
evilshadeslayerbipolar: hehe :D18:11
evilshadeslayerbipolar: if you already reported it do : apport-collect bug_number : :D18:12
bipolargah! I guess I'll use the newfangled app. I just hit submit on launchpad and it returned me to the package page without submitting the bug. :|18:16
Riddellbipolar: oh one thing to try is the packages of the newer snapshot18:17
bipolarRiddell: I'll give that a shot and append to the bug with results.18:18
shtylmanryanakca: we gonna get new site for lucid?18:19
* shtylman looks with longing eyes :)18:19
Riddellshtylman: ofir is working on it18:19
shtylmanRiddell: will it hit for lucid?18:19
RiddellI doubt we'll get it launched on lucid release day I think the sysadmins are too busy18:19
Riddellwe could aim for before of course18:19
shtylmanRiddell: why you gonna crush hopes and dreams like that?18:20
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MamarokRiddell: just read that they again diminished the amount of Kubuntu CDs in the LoCo Team packs...18:21
amichairhow do I ask the bot which version of nvidia drivers will be shipped with lucid?18:23
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407172201-bcemqay89pirp0u9 kubuntu-default-settings/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Revert branding.svg related changes, the only real fix to the problem of visiblity is creating a special logo version for dark backgrounds and expect dark themes to define oxygen as fallback18:23
Mamarokamichair: try info nvidia18:23
amichairkubotu: info nvidia18:24
Mamarok!info nvidia18:24
ubottuPackage nvidia does not exist in karmic18:24
Mamarokoh, right, it has to be the package name18:24
davmor2!info nvidia-glx18:24
ubottuPackage nvidia-glx does not exist in karmic18:24
apachelogger+ lucid too ;)18:24
Mamarokamichair: apparently nvidia-9618:25
Mamarokfor the restricted driver18:26
amichairwhat's 96? latest is 195.36.1518:26
Mamarokmust be some version of the 195 I guess18:26
Mamarokapt-cache search nividia finds 4 different versions18:27
Mamarokamichair: its 195.36.1518:28
Mamarok!info nvidia-current18:28
ubottuPackage nvidia-current does not exist in karmic18:28
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
Mamarokgah, it still shows the karmic repos only18:28
apachelogger!info nvidia-current lucid18:28
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 195.36.15-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 22737 kB, installed size 70800 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)18:28
amichairah... apachelogger ftw!18:29
Mamarokapachelogger: thx :)18:29
amichairMamarok: thanks too!18:30
Mamarokamichair: de nada :)18:30
neversfeldeapachelogger: I do not like the splash either, it should be disabled by default. I will talk to mtux, if I find the time in the next days.18:31
apacheloggerit should just not be ther18:31
amichairhow strange, nvidia-glx-185 is driver version 195... something in the naming scheme there is off18:31
apacheloggerbesides the fact that splashes are mostly pointless anyway18:31
apacheloggerit is especiallyf or choqok18:31
apacheloggerbecause if an app that size requires long enough to start that a splash becomes necessary there is a lot more buggy then just the lack of feedback18:32
apacheloggerneversfelde: I disbaled it via kds trunk now18:32
apacheloggerwill upload once beta2 is out18:32
neversfeldeapachelogger: ok18:33
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: hehe... default browser might change on 10.10 .... Riddell made a brainstorm wiki page :D18:35
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/10.10/Brainstorm18:36
apacheloggerwe all know that rekonq is not even remotely mature enough, right?18:38
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: i disagree... what feature is missing?18:39
EagleScreenthe only really good browser is Firefox18:39
apacheloggerwho is talking about features?18:39
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: then?18:39
JontheEchidnafeatures != maturity18:39
* apachelogger doesnt give a cookie about features18:40
EagleScreencan rekonq manage well certificates?18:40
JontheEchidna~order cookies18:40
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to JontheEchidna.18:40
evilshadeslayerEagleScreen: SSL certificates?18:40
RiddellMamarok: where's this?18:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: now you must make om nom nom :P18:40
* JontheEchidna nom18:40
* JontheEchidna noms18:40
MamarokRiddell: the mail we just got on the loco-contacts mailing list today, I will forward it to you18:41
* apachelogger giggles18:41
EagleScreenpersonal certificates, can I use rekonq to acess to my laboral data, using my identification certificate provided by my goverment? I dude it18:41
MamarokRiddell: mail is sent18:42
evilshadeslayerEagleScreen: you dude it? lol.... and no i dont think it does that right now18:42
EagleScreendoes Rekonq work enought well with java stuff? can I upload photos to tuenti.com with its java web application? I can't with Arora, so i supose I can't with Rekonq18:43
evilshadeslayerEagleScreen: um Arora!=rekonq18:43
EagleScreenFirefox is th onñy browser which safitfy all these features18:43
evilshadeslayerEagleScreen: rekonq uses kdewebkit... arora is qtwebkit18:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 370229 .. kdm postinst returned with 1?18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370229 in kdebase-workspace "my desktop turn automatic to kde, and frostwire dont close completely" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37022918:43
* apachelogger would close as untriagable ^^18:44
JontheEchidnae.g. the most useless error ever18:44
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: kdewebkits is nothing but a convenience layer ontop of qtwebkit18:44
* apachelogger does the looky looky18:44
EagleScreenin my opinion we (or you) shoud focus to better Firefox KDE integration, because it is the best browser18:45
evilshadeslayerEagleScreen: heh.. it says cookies disabled 0_o18:45
evilshadeslayerbut then again.. im on the latest git build18:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug in dpkg I would think ... the postinst does not ever return with 1 unless it was called with an unkown arg18:45
apacheloggerin which case it even echos an error before exiting18:46
evilshadeslayeranyways... gtg :)18:46
amichair+1 FireFox. It's the only option for newcomers (and veterans), most mature. Should be default.18:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it would be nice if you could come up with some decent message for closing the bug ;)18:47
* apachelogger always sounds grumpy18:47
apacheloggermostly because I am grumpy when I have to close a bug :/18:47
amichairapachelogger: you can always cite reasons of national security as an explanation for closing it.18:48
JontheEchidnaugh, the ones when they start listing all their problems are the worst...18:48
apacheloggermgraesslin: any ideas on bug 377704 ?18:49
JontheEchidna+1 firefox. We have the space now, and we already have gtk on the cd since 9.1018:49
apacheloggeramichair: lol18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377704 in kdebase-workspace "[karmic] compositing disabled - effects could not be activated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37770418:49
mgraesslinno idea, normally with NVIDIA it just works18:51
apacheloggermgraesslin: thanks anyway :)18:51
apacheloggerScottK: I suppose bug 431164 can be closed as fixed?18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431164 in kdebase-workspace "Shutdown widget/power button touch inoperative for first boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43116418:58
apacheloggerdidnt reappear AFAIK18:58
apacheloggeralso FWIW the shutdown dialogs are from ksmserver, not powerdevil :)18:58
shtylmanapachelogger: any word on that printer dialog bug? where it expands beyond the size of the screen?18:58
shtylmanor maybe JontheEchidna ^ :)18:58
apacheloggermore like JontheEchidna :P18:59
JontheEchidnasystem-config-printer-kde is scary19:01
apacheloggernot as scary as krandr(tray)19:02
apacheloggertrust me19:02
shtylmanJontheEchidna: haha ... alright... I will take a look at that bug :)19:05
shtylmanknow off hand where those files live on disk?19:06
apacheloggerRiddell, JontheEchidna: btw, I think we should strip the crappy looking default window decorations from the defualt installation19:16
* JontheEchidna saw a bugreport today with somebody actually using Redmond :S19:16
apacheloggers/window decorations/window decorations and styles/19:17
JontheEchidnaMy dad uses Keramik for windeco, so I must conclude people do not have good taste in general19:17
apacheloggerbecause we give them the option to opt for crappyness :P19:18
apacheloggerwe just shouldnt do that IMHO19:18
apachelogger+ those that have good taste will throw up on their displays19:18
apacheloggerand that is one bloody mess to clean :P19:18
shtylmanRiddell: I have the fixed system-config-printer.ui file19:19
shtylmanwhat should I do with it :)19:19
shtylmanit adds a scrollbar to the options tab... which is needed with some printers cause they have lots of options19:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 179389 could you upstream that?19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 179389 in kdebase-workspace "Kubuntu's log-in is not user friendly" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17938919:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am 98% sure ossi will go "wah, dont care" though :P19:20
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I think those are mostly theming decisions19:21
shtylmanJontheEchidna apachelogger: I am upstream for the kdm login theme :)19:21
apacheloggerpassword thingy deactivated is defenitely backend stuff19:21
apacheloggerdidnt read beyond that :P19:21
apacheloggershtylman: maybe 2 and 3 are interesting for you then19:22
apachelogger1 defenitely is something ossi should do globally for all and every theme19:22
shtylmanI can take a look at 2 and 3 for 4.5 release19:22
apacheloggermaybe even hide the password widget19:22
shtylmanamichair: is bug 556402 still an issue?19:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556402 in kdeadmin "Extra nested scrollbar in Job Options" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55640219:23
amichairshtylman: unless it was fixed since yesterday19:26
bipolarRiddell: just fyi, I reported the issue with my gsm card as modemmanager bug 557449 but I'm sure the necessary people got the email.19:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557449 in modemmanager "Wrong data port used on Sierra Wireless 885" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55744919:27
bipolar!hug ubottu19:27
nixternaloi oi19:39
nixternalfinally, tethered to my freakin' phone and using this webchat garbage19:40
jussi01How does one set xdg_open things? (cause chrome wants to use one that isnt set)19:41
jussi01hiya nixternal19:41
nigelbnixternal, hey :)19:42
nixternaloi, tethering to the internet is super slow19:42
nixternalhowdy jussi01 and nigelb19:42
nigelbnixternal, can you find time to sign up for a few hours on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PatchDay ?19:43
nixternalthen again, this laptop I am on is ancient...hopefully we will be allowed back into the house soon to see just how much damage was done to my puters19:43
nixternalnigelb: I can't do anything...our house took pretty good storm damage the other night and I don't have any computers or decent internet19:43
nixternaldon't know when I will have Internet let alone a computer19:44
nigelbnixternal, ahhhh19:44
maconixternal: what happened to your house?19:44
nixternalmaco: lightening strike and either a f-0 tornado or a microburst19:44
nigelbmaco, hockey puck hit it I tink :D19:44
maconixternal: yuck19:44
nixternalthe yuck part is waiting for insurance idiots to come through so we can go into the damn house19:45
nixternali know my puters are probably sitting in a foot or so of water, but my laptop and netbook should be fine (I hope)19:45
jjessedude you have water in your house19:46
jjessethat sucks19:46
nixternalbetter than the tornado19:46
nixternalor microburst19:46
nixternali just hope the insurance covers my puters and gives me decent money19:46
nixternalthankfully my bikes weren't in the damaged space :)19:47
nixternalmissed a damn job interview too because of this19:48
jjessethat sucks19:48
nixternalI want to be in my bed tonight damnit19:50
apacheloggerthere there (c)sheldon19:50
nixternalaccording to my old man, power will be restored tonight...so there must not be any water in the hizzy19:50
* apachelogger puts on a good smile and hugs nixternal19:51
nixternalI knew I should have just renewed my damn lease in that condo..then I wouldn't have to deal with this :)19:51
nixternalnow I get to live with mommy and daddy for a little bit...mmm good food finally ;)19:52
nixternalwhat good is a girlfriend if she doesn't have internet? and everyone in this complex locks down their wifi, even with their crappy signals19:53
apacheloggerI suppose that is what we get for asking people to secure their wifis -.-19:54
nixternalwish I knew how to crack wifi :)19:54
nixternalbut tonight, sounds like I should be back up and running at least19:55
apacheloggernixternal: you never learned how to crack wep? Oo19:56
nixternalwoo, only the upstairs sustained damage...that is a good thing, kind of...means my puters are safe19:56
nixternalapachelogger: yeah, a long time ago though, and these are all WPA19:56
txwikingerIs there a Kubuntu-Countdown too ? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown19:57
apacheloggerthere never is19:58
nixternalok...gonna get off now, because this is to slow...i guess i could always run up to the starbucks or book store, but tonight I have racing practice...if all goes well, i should have my server fired up and my computers back up and running tonight19:58
nixternalwish me luck19:58
txwikingerI thought there was before19:58
apacheloggernixternal: good luck19:58
JontheEchidnanookie did one for 9.10, iirc19:59
apacheloggertxwikinger: always after ubuntu throws theirs19:59
apacheloggerthen someone here goes like OMG19:59
apacheloggerwe then roll our own 1 or 2 weeks before release19:59
apacheloggerand I am like *sigh*19:59
apacheloggerand next release it's the same all over again19:59
txwikingerWell.. shouldn't be too difficult19:59
apacheloggerand then people say I should have blogged Kubuntu is not Canonical since Kubuntu is not Ubuntu draws the wrong picture :P20:00
jjesse_wow someone's cranky today :)20:00
apacheloggersomeone is always cranky20:00
txwikingerHow awful.. for each day there is another image20:01
apacheloggertxwikinger: same i thought when I saw the code20:02
* txwikinger thought we learn programming to avoid such nonsense20:02
* apachelogger is wondering if the lords of X11 have a spec on icon names20:02
apacheloggertxwikinger: opporunistic programming we learned20:02
* apachelogger better stops ranting before someone comes beating him again :P20:03
txwikingerwho would dare beating you, apachelogger?20:03
apacheloggerbetter save than sorry20:04
txwikingerWell.. or live somewhere where they have to dig through miles of mud before they get to you20:05
apacheloggerthere sure is no nice weather though20:07
* apachelogger hates fallbacks20:10
txwikingeralways defends on the definition of nice weather20:10
apacheloggerbug 305201 and bug 288502 are actually the same20:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305201 in kde4libs "KDE 4 Mouse Theme is reset to Oxygen on reboot" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30520120:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288502 in kdebase-workspace "KDE 4 doesn't respect X11 cursor themes" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28850220:11
apacheloggerand happen because Qt4 looks for an icon named wait for the busy cursors for example20:11
apacheloggerdoesnt find it in the theme20:11
apacheloggergoes through fallbacks20:12
apacheloggerends up with default20:12
apacheloggerdefault is oxygen20:12
apacheloggeroxygen provides wait20:12
apacheloggeroxygen curosor pixmap gets used20:12
apacheloggerIF OXYGEN WAS NOT DEFAULT20:12
apacheloggerdefault would be X11 ugly theme, which obviously also doesent contain wait20:13
apacheloggerand then it gets funny20:13
apacheloggerfor some reason it then starts looking for a cursor pixmap named watch?!!?!?20:13
apacheloggerwatch is available in curosr theme -> gets used20:13
apacheloggerfortunately enough I do not know if our behaviour is valid here --- i.e. the cursor themes are broken in regards of Qt 420:14
apacheloggersince I cant find a spec defining cursor names I would think so20:14
apacheloggerthere is a draft20:17
apacheloggerrickspencer3: ping ping ping20:21
* txwikinger thinks that sounded like a bycicle bell20:22
* apachelogger is bycicle fan because of nixternal ^^20:22
apacheloggerwell, at least until I get my skateboard ;)20:23
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rickspencer3apachelogger, 'sup?20:48
apacheloggerrickspencer3: see aboves mind dump ... apparently there is no spec regarding cursor naming20:49
rickspencer3oh fudge20:49
apacheloggerand Qt4 uses somewhat different names from those that have been used until then20:49
rickspencer3apachelogger, can I get back to you in like 2 hours?20:49
rickspencer3have some stuff going on, and I just got back from the gym20:49
* rickspencer3 drips icky sweat on keyboard20:50
apacheloggeroh dear ^^20:50
rickspencer3apachelogger, ping me if I take too long20:50
apacheloggerrickspencer3: well, I was just thinking, maybe canonical could push above mentioned spec draft a bit ;)20:50
apacheloggerjuding from the author it was drafted by/within KDE, so I suppose there it is supported20:51
apachelogger+ the author of the oxygen mouse theme would probably be glad about some spec ^^20:51
yuriy_work!info doxygen-gui karmic20:51
ubottuPackage doxygen-gui does not exist in karmic20:51
apacheloggerit's not there in karmic20:51
yuriy_workhow weird, it's in every other version20:51
apacheloggersome build error or something20:52
apacheloggerof course the ultimate fix here was to deactivate its build20:52
apacheloggerand then forget about turning it on again ;)20:52
yuriy_workoh well, using the jaunty package and hoping it doesn't blow up20:54
JontheEchidnadetonating yuriy_work's computer in 3... 2...20:56
JontheEchidnastallman have mercy... who thought making apport report things like bug 543949 would be a good idea? :(20:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543949 in kde4libs "does not terminate at computer shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54394920:57
apachelogger"insufficient information -> closing invalid"20:58
JontheEchidnaalready did20:58
delighti upgraded from karmic to current lucid on my laptop ... crashed and i fixed i had to fix it with a rescue-system chroot etc. ... now its working fine but the plymouth comes in a really bad resolution ... looks like 16 colour  vga or something like that ;)  does somebody know how to fix this a little ?20:58
apacheloggercant fix20:59
apacheloggerget sensible graphics hardware20:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: hopefully he doesnt really report this at bugs.kde.org20:59
apacheloggerdario might come and eat you :P20:59
JontheEchidnahmm, yeah. bad idea in retrospect20:59
delightthe kubuntu daily-live cd shows plymouth fine (1680*1050 full color)20:59
apacheloggeryou should have used my text20:59
apacheloggerdelight: oh, that is weird then21:00
JontheEchidnadelight: did you install the binary nvidia drivers after the install?21:00
delightJontheEchidna: i guess it updated it on my box21:00
delightit got now nvidia-current installed21:00
JontheEchidnayeah, that's it.21:00
JontheEchidnaThe open source drivers on the livecd can do >16 colors21:01
JontheEchidnaproprietary nvidia binaries can't21:01
JontheEchidnabut then the open source ones can't do 3D much at all21:01
JontheEchidnaso it's either crappy boot or crappy 3d21:01
delightgot it ... ;) hehe ... so no fix ... just crappy bootscreen :) ... i really liked the new bootscreen btw ... looks slick21:01
JontheEchidnaI'd tell you to direct all bootscreen praise to nixternal, but he's not here at the moment...21:02
JontheEchidnawell, shtylman deserves some praise for the logo, and canonical for the font I suppose21:03
JontheEchidnabe glad that nixternal didn't go with his first idea, though: http://blog.nixternal.com/2010.03.30/updated-kubuntu-plymouth-theme/21:03
delighthaha ... funny one21:04
* apachelogger would have liked the first idea better!21:06
apacheloggerit certainly would have made us stand out ;)21:06
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: well, we would have to consider how well nixternal's head scales, for the kickoff button ;)21:07
apacheloggerif I can go through with my proposal of moving all and every button to the left21:07
apacheloggerinstead of filling the new gained space on the right with a pink unicorn pony that blinks, we could use a blinking nixternal head21:08
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
JontheEchidnahmm, what to do with bug 379820?21:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379820 in ubuntu-translations "KDE language pack updates should call kbuildsycoca4 --noincrement" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37982021:08
apacheloggerif that works out, we could change all our branding to nixternal head and establish it as new sign of kubuntu21:08
apacheloggerjust imagine21:08
JontheEchidnalooks like that bug is pretty much resolved as not fixable?21:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I would say ... enhance the dirty files spec with a marker to trigger a logout and login notification21:09
JontheEchidnaoh, you mean add a kdirwatch to k-n-h or somesuch to trigger relogin messages when translations change?21:10
apacheloggerthen have the lang-packs touch that new marker so that knh and the gnome thingy can ask the user nicely to logou tand login again21:10
JontheEchidnaor upgrade hooks?21:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes, and to the gnom ethingy, and update the appropriate spec in the wiki ;)21:10
apacheloggerno hooks21:11
apacheloggerhooks only work once ;)21:11
JontheEchidnaspeaking of...21:11
JontheEchidnaI was looking at bug 557217, and manually putting that hook in the hookdir does trigger the notification21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557217 in kubuntu-notification-helper "incomplete language notification not shown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55721721:11
JontheEchidnawhich makes me think that the hook is placed during the kubuntu install livecd session21:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I suppose ubiqity does it via casper-ubiquity21:12
apacheloggeror ubiquity-casper, whatever it is named21:12
apacheloggereither way, my guess is that ubiquity does not properly detect that it was not able to install the langpacks or something21:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: language-selector-qt should have a helper that gets run at startup and launches that kind of notification anyway, whenever necessary21:13
apacheloggerthat way the user will also get told to install gnome language stuff for firefox etc.21:13
JontheEchidnagotta go catch my ride, bbl21:15
delightJontheEchidna: apachelogger: I just tryed that one http://linuxundich.de/de/ubuntu/plymouth-boot-nvidia-virtualbox/ <<< it worked out in the way that plymouth looked nice even thou the logo was a rather in the left half of the screen ... + i have garbled my tty - screens :-D ... so its semi possible21:18
delightjust for the info .. I think I'll rather roll this back ... you never now when the next time is you need a tty21:18
apacheloggerttys only waste f* I could fill up with X sessions ;)21:19
delightso I'm out ... thnx for the tip (nvidia-plymouth) ... whish a nice time guys21:21
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100407204026-2k8acbtzuioq19md kubuntu-default-settings/ (debian/changelog share/config/khtmlrc): (log message trimmed)21:40
CIA-6kubuntu: Don't adblock by default. As reported on various sites across the internet21:40
CIA-6kubuntu: it tends to break some websites. Also it prevents content providers from21:40
CIA-6kubuntu: financing the content, ultimately leading to a pay-for-content attitude.21:40
CIA-6kubuntu: Additionally our current easylist import is from last century and cannot21:40
CIA-6kubuntu: be updated without markup conversion from adblock+ to khtml (LP: #372379).21:40
CIA-6kubuntu: In KDE 4.5, khtml will have automatic fetching of blocklists and adblock+21:40
apacheloggertrimmed messages ftw :D21:40
Tscheesythis wouldn't be Debian-Compatible i guess21:45
apacheloggerTscheesy: huh?21:50
Tscheesythe point about providing content providers :)21:50
apacheloggerI dont think I understand :P21:51
apacheloggerwhat does debian have to do with websites that are financed through advertising21:51
Tscheesyenforcing free content?21:52
apacheloggerthat has nothing to do with the freedom of content21:52
apacheloggeryou can have free content and yet frame it in advertising21:52
Tscheesyanyway /me loves adblock21:52
apacheloggerit's not like providing is fore free21:53
apacheloggerotherwise wikipedia wouldnt constantly ask me for money ;)21:53
ScottKapachelogger: Probably (431164)21:54
* apachelogger shoots21:55
DarkwingDuckjjesse: ping21:55
apacheloggerbug dead21:55
* apachelogger drags dead corps across the channel and leaves a trail of blue slime ;)21:56
ScottKIf I'm not around the next time nixternal makes an appearance would someoneplease ask him to turn his powerpc box back on.21:58
apacheloggerScottK: see what he wrote21:58
* ScottK revisits the backscroll21:59
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.22:00
DarkwingDuckdamn suck for nixternal22:02
DarkwingDuckwho does work with khelpcenter?22:03
apacheloggerno one22:06
Sputapachelogger: you really should enable colors for this channel, would make CIA's output much more readable :P22:06
* apachelogger once poked into it and was easily driven off by the madness of the code22:06
apacheloggerSput: I am not even op :P22:06
alvinYes, I think no one is pretty close to the real number22:07
alvinA lot of pieces are missing and a lot of information is obsolete (how to add applications to kicker?)22:08
Sputapachelogger: but you know how to bribe the ops!22:08
* apachelogger doesnt even know who is op ^^22:09
SputChanServ, most probably22:09
* apachelogger hands Riddell a basket full of cookies22:09
apacheloggerpretty pretty please can we get colors enabled for the channel? :)22:10
Tscheesythere are also the kubuntu-docs in there and pretty fresh for lucid22:10
apacheloggerkppp is broken22:12
apacheloggeryou know22:12
apacheloggerit would be really good if someone here had a dial up connection ^^22:12
alvinI tried Lucid today. Too many boot issues. I'll wait a few weeks until next tryout. But I'm happy to know the docs will be waiting there.22:13
Tscheesyalvin: just startet to translate and don't know to detailed - but all is fresh.. wanted to ask nixternal about it..22:14
alvinNice, one day, we'll have a pretty complete system like Ubuntu :-) But we're not there yet. I did notice that we still haven't any buttons on the top left in Lucid. Also, the Xdmcp login option is still there at login.22:16
Tscheesyapachelogger: did a mochup :D22:16
Tscheesy*mockup (of the buutons)22:17
alvinIs there a link?22:17
apacheloggerI did?22:18
alvinI can imagine the buttons next to the 'on all desktop' button. That's 5 buttons next to each other to choose from22:18
apacheloggerwhat is that xdmcp stuff I am hearing about?22:18
alvinI only heard about it recently from Ubuntu users. In Karmic they lost the ability to log in remote from the gdm login screen22:19
alvinIt's bug 40841722:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408417 in gdm "No option to log in remotely via XDMCP" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40841722:20
apacheloggerand we do have that?22:21
alvinWe always had22:22
* Tscheesy can't find it - was a joke anyway - with the Unicorn22:22
* apachelogger remembers that he was looking into somehting like that22:22
apacheloggeralvin: now that you reminded me I am sure I cared hiding that in kdm ;)22:22
apacheloggeropt-in via kdmrc though22:22
alvinWhat they had was the ability to enable xdmcp from the gdm settings. We never had that and need to use kdmrc22:22
alvinapachelogger: You're joking I hope!22:22
apacheloggerlike anyone is gonna now what xdmcp is anyway22:23
* alvin speechless22:23
apacheloggerthat is like KDE had seriously a tab in clock&time that was labeld NTP22:23
alvinYou can move my buttons, but please don't take away my xdmcp22:23
apacheloggerI will not only move your buttons!!!! I will also reuse the nicely freed up space on the right :P :P :P22:24
alvinAt a company I work (freelance), we build our main production on Kubuntu servers. They're only running one application, but everyone logs in using XDMCP.22:25
alvinNobody will care about the buttons (they're actually used to... CDE), but they will care about the login part.22:25
alvinAh, well, torches and pitchforks people. They want to move our buttons!22:25
ScottKalvin: No one is moving Kubuntu's buttons.22:26
apacheloggerI AM22:26
ScottKNot while  the archive is frozen you aren't.22:26
apacheloggeralvin: well, it would b ea matter of switiching a setting in kdmrc22:26
alvinI feel like logging a bug. You did not only move the buttons, you also removed the two that stood there!22:26
apacheloggerScottK: sure I will!!!!22:26
apacheloggerI will hack them stupid servers22:27
apacheloggerand then I will deploy button movement22:27
apacheloggernot only KDE, but also xfce22:27
ScottKapachelogger: I'm sure wgrant can fill you in on the latest security holes in Launchpad.22:27
apacheloggerand fluxbox maybe, not sure about that though22:27
ScottKapachelogger: Don't forget lxde and lubuntu.22:27
apacheloggerdont care about those22:28
alvinWasn't the reasoning behind the buttons the placing of the applications menu? In that regard, you should move them to the bottom left.22:28
apacheloggerSput: what do you think of http://imagebin.ca/view/S2wMq1.html22:28
apacheloggercan we take chakra with that?22:28
ScottKalvin: I'm not aware of any reason beyond "We like it better" being made public.22:28
* apachelogger wants to beat their hyping asses with a counter hype22:29
apacheloggerwe could ship erotic pictures of the devs with the lucid final builds I suppose22:29
apacheloggeras wallpaper choices22:29
alvinScottK: I don't remember where, but I've read that your pointer is closer to the applications menu and so you win some time opening an application after closing an application.22:30
Sputapachelogger: obviously, chakra doesn't have pink ponies.22:30
apachelogger3 words22:30
apacheloggerin form of 3 letters22:30
ryanakcashtylman: I hope so. ofirk tells me it's in the finishing touches stage.22:30
apacheloggerwhole reasoning is down the drain22:30
* apachelogger is evil22:31
ScottKalvin: OK.  Odd reasoning.  For me at least closing and opening apps are very rarely closely coupled.22:31
apacheloggerScottK: maybe they want to make ubuntu run on the iPad22:31
alvinFor ex-Windows users, it is. Closing an app to free some mem, than opening another. Or just to keep the desktop clean22:31
apacheloggerthen they must limit themselfs to non-multi-tasking22:31
apacheloggerwhich then would lead to a close-open-close-open usage paradigm :D22:32
alvinOh, it's a conspiracy to boot22:32
apacheloggeralvin: problem is, chances are that you were scrolling down a bar, or pressing some button22:32
apacheloggerusually that stuff is rightis22:33
apacheloggerso you still need to make silly movement22:33
apacheloggerin fact I doubt you can avoid pointless movements by shifting around stuff22:33
alvinYou're right. The reasoning is off. I really can't remember where I've read it. The only logical explanation that's left is the ipad theory then.22:34
apacheloggerit might work better in one case, but then makes another one fail22:34
apacheloggeripad it is22:34
apacheloggerkubotu: identica dent true reason of ubuntu's buttons on the left change: they will remove multi tasking to work better on the iPad22:35
kubotustatus updated22:35
apacheloggerkubotu: np22:36
kubotuapachelogger listened to "Kellerman's Anthem" by The Emile Bergstein Chorale [More Dirty Dancing] 105 seconds ago; -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more22:36
apacheloggerkubotu: not quite :D22:37
Tscheesykubotu: knows much more than our kubine :/22:38
rickspencer3apachelogger, I'm back22:44
apacheloggerrickspencer3: <apachelogger> rickspencer3: well, I was just thinking, maybe canonical could push above mentioned spec draft a bit ;)22:45
apachelogger<apachelogger> juding from the author it was drafted by/within KDE, so I suppose there it is supported22:45
apachelogger<apachelogger> + the author of the oxygen mouse theme would probably be glad about some spec ^^22:45
apacheloggerhttp://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/cursor-spec being the spec22:45
apacheloggerrickspencer3: right now I have been told it is totally up to the app how it calls what cursor, apparently there are even apps that request a specific SHA1 for whatever reason22:50
fooscriptHello everybody :) I came to you with problem. Hope I will get your support :)23:05
apacheloggersupport in #kubuntu please, thanks23:06
fooscriptapachelogger: They told me I should come here. I've problem with compilation trunk KDE under Kubuntu 10.X.23:08
apacheloggerfooscript: and the problem is?23:08
fooscriptWhile compiling kdelibs :"CMake Error at cmake/modules/MacroEnsureOutOfSourceBuild.cmake:17 (MESSAGE): kdelibs requires an out of source build.  Please create a separate build directory and run 'cmake path_to_kdelibs [options]' there."  I do not understand. Could anybody explain me in simple words? I came do kdelibs, mkdir build, cd build, cmake .. and... no result :/ What is this path_to_kdelibs? aah.. .bashrc is taken from KDE23:09
fooscript building tutorial. Anybody?23:09
apacheloggeroh dear23:09
apacheloggerfooscript: google is your friend23:09
apacheloggerkubotu: google kde trunk build23:10
kubotuResults for kde trunk build: 1. Getting Started/Build/KDE4 - KDE TechBase: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4 | 2. Getting Started/Build/KDE4/Prerequisites - KDE TechBase: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4/Prerequisites | 3. Lokalize - KDE UserBase: http://userbase.kde.org/Lokalize23:10
apacheloggerfooscript: ^23:10
apachelogger1. should have all the information you need23:10
fooscriptapachelogger: Thx. Works  :)23:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: \o/23:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: aseigo hides from me :P23:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and rickspencer3 might have passed out because of the wicked cursor-naming spec :/23:17
* apachelogger should stop talking to people ^^23:18
apacheloggerI need a proxy minion! :D23:18
JontheEchidnadarn you apachelogger!!1!23:18
apacheloggeroh dear23:18
* apachelogger hides23:18
apacheloggerrickspencer3: any thoughts on pushing the spec?23:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also I wanted to say someting on whatever we were talking about earlier23:18
apacheloggerof course I forgot what we were talking about23:19
JontheEchidnalanguage notification?23:19
rickspencer3apachelogger, well, I think it's a good idea23:19
rickspencer3not sure what you mean by "pushing" it23:19
apacheloggerrickspencer3: getting it out of draft state and enforce it I suppose :)23:19
rickspencer3this is not something I've done23:20
apacheloggerrickspencer3: well, whom could I poke with it?23:21
rickspencer3apachelogger, do you want to enforce on *buntu?23:22
* apachelogger recons that application indicator stuff is like a joint-venture of kde and canonical engineering powers rather than kde and xdg ;)23:22
rickspencer3or freedesktop?23:22
* rgreening pokes rickspencer3 and asks "Kubuntu UbuntuOne Store? or Amarok Ubuntu Music Store? Are these on any forseeable horizon" :)23:22
apacheloggerrickspencer3: freedesktop23:22
rickspencer3apachelogger, you know where to ask, ayatana23:22
rickspencer3they're all about freedesktop there23:22
apacheloggerhm, right23:22
apacheloggerrickspencer3: thanks23:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you must go talk to ayatana23:23
rickspencer3rgreening, so U1 music store is wrapped around webkit23:23
* rgreening whistles sheepishly23:23
rickspencer3so it's made to drop in with just a bit of effort23:23
lex79apachelogger: Should I wait someone that commit the diff? http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/3512/23:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if they know about my ranting then I better do not go there, I might not return alive ;)23:23
rickspencer3apachelogger, sorry to blow you off23:23
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
rickspencer3it's just that feedesktop is not something I'm really part of23:23
rgreeningcool. rickspencer3 any idea if/when? My wife is driving me nuts about getting this and ordering her tango music from there23:23
apacheloggerrickspencer3: I will just never ask you again :P23:24
apacheloggerlex79: mailing kdeedu mailing list usually works better than waiting I might say23:24
* rgreening likes anything not tied to iJunk23:24
apacheloggerlex79: or hunting down the maintainer on irc if he does use it23:24
rickspencer3rgreening, well, someone would have to write that23:25
lex79ok thanks23:25
rickspencer3sorry apachelogger ... the depths of my suckitude is great23:25
rgreeningRiddell: ^ I guess we have one spec for this upcoming cycle23:25
* apachelogger hugs rickspencer3 and hands him a cookie23:25
rickspencer3apachelogger, someone did it for *cough* banshee *cough*23:25
rickspencer3so you can probably see there how to do it23:25
apacheloggerrgreening: U1 integration is up for GSOC projecting I know23:25
apacheloggerthing is23:25
rgreeningoh, cool23:26
apacheloggeryou cant do it in amaork lik it was done in banshee23:26
rgreeningoh... hrmm23:26
apacheloggeramarok got a superior framework :P23:26
apacheloggerwhich requires some sort of API on the U1 store site23:26
rgreeningthat mean easier?23:26
apacheloggerrgreening: depends entirely on what is available on the server end23:26
rgreeningmy wife is gonna hate me for many more months it seems23:27
apacheloggerif there is some API it is all good and easy I would say23:27
* rgreening doesnt think installing a new media player is an option23:27
apacheloggerespecially since there is magnatune where one can lend a lot of ideas :)23:27
apacheloggerrickspencer3: does U1 music store happen to have some sensible API?23:28
apacheloggerREST-like stuff23:28
rgreeningand we still need U1 itself for KDE23:28
rgreeningand not a web page only access23:28
apacheloggerrgreening: your defintion of U1 being?23:28
apacheloggerfile storage?23:28
rickspencer3ah, right, unfortunately you need to sync daemon23:29
rickspencer3I forgot about that part23:29
rgreeningSry.. there are two things here.. UbuntuOne with the storage and then the Music Store which hooks into storage23:29
rickspencer3the problem is that the store is designed to work behind a web server23:29
rickspencer3so they can't support downloads directly to your computer23:29
rickspencer3or you could just download everything23:29
* rgreening feels like banging head against the wall for fun and enjoyment23:29
* apachelogger blinks23:30
rickspencer3by "them" I mean the actual company that provides the music store23:30
apacheloggersome things I will never understand, amongst them is how web app devs think ^^23:30
rgreeningdo they?23:31
apacheloggeryou can use a web page23:31
rgreeningso, maybe we need a quickly template for ubuntu one development23:31
rgreeningrickspencer3: ^ ;)23:32
apacheloggerbut depending on how the site scales it might look like crap23:32
apacheloggerother than that it might even be easier than doing a full online service implementation as common within amarok23:32
rickspencer3any chance of the Kubuntu team making a client for the sync daemon?23:32
rickspencer3I think you could run it with the CLI interface today if you wante23:33
apacheloggerrickspencer3: up for GSOCing23:33
apacheloggerrickspencer3: for a client someone really just needs to take my tech preview code, modify it for the new U1 and hook it up with some UI23:33
* Riddell comes back in for the evening23:34
apacheloggergetting it integrated in dolphin is also more of a political than a technical issues23:34
ScottKSounds like something debfx could whip out in an evening.23:34
* apachelogger says hello to Riddell and hands him a cup of tea :)23:34
apacheloggersince JontheEchidna is also hiding form me23:35
apacheloggerwho wants to go talk to ayatana about the cursor naming spec?23:35
ScottKSounds like an rgreening kind of project.23:36
JontheEchidnawas eating dinner, back now23:37
ScottKapachelogger: Look he even raised both hands.23:37
rgreeningIf apachelogger wishes to furnish me with enough detail and ammo to speak intelligently on the subject so as to get this moving...23:37
* apachelogger spends rgreening a trip to #ayatana23:37
* apachelogger also sends JontheEchidna to #ayatana land for backup23:37
apacheloggerrgreening: I am babbling about this for hours ^^23:38
apacheloggerjust read backlog23:38
rgreeningoh reading... sounds like a problem from the get go23:38
apacheloggeroh my23:38
* apachelogger gets his voice recorder23:38
apachelogger"once upon a time..."23:38
apacheloggerlet me try to sum it up a bit23:39
apacheloggerwe have bug 28850223:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288502 in kdebase-workspace "KDE 4 doesn't respect X11 cursor themes" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28850223:39
rgreeningdo we perhaps want to broach this as a spec for Maverick and put it under the Dx/Ayatan umbrella?23:39
apacheloggerwhich is caused by most curosr themes not being qt4 compatible23:40
apacheloggerQt4 comes with somewhat different names (See note for X11 users on http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/qcursor.html) and so the lookup in the themes themselves fails, going to default, default in our case is oxygen, so the curosr pximap for the required curosr will come from oxygen then23:41
apacheloggerif oxygen wasnt default it would continuing different names until it ends up with something that is available in the theme or a fallback and used that (mostly it will be former though)23:41
apacheloggerso I was talking with ruphy (oxygen cursor master) about this and he stated that there is no whatsoever spec regarding naming of cursors23:42
apacheloggerat this point we have Qt3 names, Qt4 names, GTK names .... individual app names ...23:42
apacheloggerthere is however the very nice spec draft http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/cursor-spec that tries to unify this stuff across xdg complient systems at least23:43
apacheloggerwhich was apparently drafted by/within KDE (juding from the author), but other than that not much seemed to have happend (also the spec draft is rather old)23:43
apacheloggerso what it would be very nice if ayatana could pick up on this and by cool ayatana magic make it impelemted for 10.1023:44
apacheloggeri.e. both on the KDE and the GNOME side23:44
apacheloggeror at the very least get the spec through, accepted and all, so that the individual upstreams can implement it23:45
apacheloggerthat way creating cursor themes will be much easier, and users will not run into incomplete cursor themes (at least not concerning standard complient apps)23:45
rgreeningI can draft all that up and post to ayatana list for feedback then23:49
rgreeningapachelogger: ^23:49
apacheloggerrgreening: do whatever you deem necessary to get this implemented ;)23:50
DarkwingDucksomeone asking that the doc status earlier?23:50
rgreeninggtg.. bbiab23:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: your installevent looks more like a installmultimediaevent?23:53
JontheEchidnafeel free to change23:54
* apachelogger is too scared to change it around at this time of cycle really :(23:54
JontheEchidnait used to be an installmultimediaandsemanticevent23:54
JontheEchidnaso I just called it installevent23:54
* apachelogger is going to kill the ibus stuff23:56
apacheloggerI have never ever seen such annoying messages23:56
apacheloggerand I usually run with debugfull23:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that design wouldnt scale very well TBH23:57
wgrantScottK: I only know of two that remain unfixed, unfortunately.23:57
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: well, it was made to implement the current spec for the LTS23:58
JontheEchidnawith minimal changes to the apps (in fact, it's a drop-in replacement)23:58
JontheEchidnawe can do better design for 10.10 onwards23:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you know my POV on that23:58
apacheloggerkde should have an api for that stuffz23:59
apacheloggerone to rule them all23:59
apacheloggerdistro agnostic et al23:59
apacheloggeroh shitz23:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: adding a new category would require a new string23:59

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