
apersonI thought you were in ubuntu, ubuntu00:00
ubuntuaperson: it is just temperory name created.Afteri done all this installation stuff i will change it .00:01
apersonubuntu, that's not what I asked, are you in ubuntu, or kubuntu?00:02
ubuntuaperson: ofcourse kubuntu00:02
apersonok, that's all I was curious about00:02
appleseed_GNU\colossus: I'm using mplayer now with the smplayer gui and vdpau acceleration; I set the shortcut for Close/taskbar minimization/pause to my Boss key and mute the mplayer error given upon smplayer minimization by setting special window properties for the error dialog.00:33
appleseed_I am afraid that the vdpau + mplayer still cannot do 1080i smoothly with my 1GB GTS25000:35
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hexdump_Hi all!01:52
hexdump_First time I've used kubuntu desktop I think it's awesome.  great gui man01:52
hexdump_I used KDE for SuSe and I thought it looked fantastic, and this is even better.  Just wanted to share that.01:54
hexdump_be back later01:54
amichairwhat does the alternate cd do that the live one doesn't?02:02
apersonno live environment, other install options02:05
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal02:05
apersonahh, a little slow today02:05
amichairwhen would a text-mode installer be useful?02:06
frogonwheelsamichair: It has more options.02:07
frogonwheelsamichair: it also is useful if (for example) the installer detects the wrong DPI on your tv02:07
frogonwheels.. or more to the point, the correct DPI renders the text so small as to be unreadable.02:07
frogonwheelsamichair:  having said that, the GUI mode installer has certainly improved a lot.02:08
amichairfrogonwheels: that's indeed useful... though it sounds more like a boot menu option than an entire separate cd02:09
frogonwheelsamichair: Possibly. I think having it seperate also allow s/ed (for example) to have more 'server' oriented options on a CD.02:10
amichairwhat's s/ed?02:11
frogonwheelsamichair: makes less sense on a dvd.  so let's leave it at "practical hyst[eo]rical" reasons02:11
amichairfrogonwheels: ok, I can live with that. For now :-)02:12
amichairfrogonwheels: thanks02:12
frogonwheelsamichair: they probably have seperate builders for the two, and haven't found a good reason to merge them.02:12
apersonno server options,that's what the server cd is for02:12
frogonwheelsaperson: well iirc on debian, you used to use the text-mode installer for servers.02:13
apersonfrogonwheels, well, ubuntu has always had a separate install cd for servers02:13
hexdump_I'm having a problem that I have no idea how to fix.  Everytime I try and launch the terminal it sets down on the panel for a few seconds then disappears.02:15
hexdump_pff that's stupid as can be.  I launch konsole from the root terminal and it launches no problem02:17
NeutrinoPowerhallo, noch wer wach?02:20
fooscriptich :)02:20
fooscriptneed some support with loging using sux. Anybody?02:21
NeutrinoPowerkennt sich jemand mit klipper aus? bin zwar nicht sicher, ob es an klipper liegt, aber seit kde4.3 glaub ich, funktioniert das kopieren von Textlinks nicht mehr, nur der Text wird kopiert02:21
hexdump_nm it's still not working02:21
fooscriptNeutrinoPower: Schreib auf Englisch02:22
frogonwheelsfooscript:  logging? logging in?02:22
NeutrinoPowersince kde 4.3 klipper copy links only as text no textlinks why?02:23
fooscriptfrogonwheels: Yeap. Into kde-devel account on local machine. I did everything due to KDE tutorial, but when logging in, cannot launch X mode. When typing startx I got denial because of no priviledges for user kde-devel02:23
hexdump_I guess I'll just have to run programs root all the time02:23
hexdump_I'll just be careful with what I run and how long I run  a program02:24
NeutrinoPower(I use archLinux with kde4.4.2)02:24
aperson!patience | hexdump_02:24
frogonwheelshexdump_: you could try removing the konsole configuration ?02:24
ubottuhexdump_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.02:24
apersondang ubottu is slow today02:24
hexdump_aperson:  yeah I know I'm just thinking out loud02:24
hexdump_I don't feel ignored it's cool it's cool no problamo02:24
fooscripthexdump_: Tried to sudo sux - kde-devel. Still no result :/ X does not start automaticaly.02:24
frogonwheelsfooscript: sux is just su that maintains X cookies and stuff iirc02:25
frogonwheelsfooscript: used to use it... but sudo seems to handle it now02:25
hexdump_ah okie02:25
fooscriptfrogonwheels: Sudo support X-mode ?02:25
hexdump_well folks I'll be back in a little bit gotta take care of some stuff.02:26
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* frogonwheels shrugs. well I have no problem with using sudo and running X programs.02:26
hexdump_frogonwheels:  so you have to use sudo everytime you run a program?02:26
frogonwheelshexdump_: no.02:27
hexdump_ah well, tell me later I gtg take care of some things...02:27
frogonwheelshexdump_: it used to be that if you did sudo su   (equiv of sudo -s) you couldn't run X programs02:27
frogonwheels.. and sux took care of that.02:27
hexdump_yeah, I'll talk in a little bit be back soon.02:28
hexdump_I might take a break and play nazi zombies I'll be back sometime soon tho.02:29
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rmrfslashthis is a shot in the dark, but is there a way to make gmail my default email client?03:02
rmrfslashi.e. when I click on a mailto in a browser, an email address in Quassel, etc.03:02
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: possibly - but you can always view your gmail account using imap in kmail03:04
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: interact with it that way?03:04
rmrfslashI'm somehwhat of a fan of Gmail's client03:05
rmrfslashit has the whole chat + mail + calendar thing going on03:05
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: can you create a google-chrom 'gmail' application icon..03:06
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: and use the properties of that to set as your default email client?03:06
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: System Settings | Default Applications | Email Client03:07
frogonwheelsgoogle-chrome --app=http://www.gmail.com/ (etc03:08
rmrfslashyou know what though... I can't see Chrome from this menu03:08
rmrfslashI tried this03:08
rmrfslashoh you're saying to hard code this03:09
rmrfslashI need to try this somehow03:09
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: if you hover over the edit, it shows you the % substitutions you need.03:10
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: you might have to work out a way of passing the parameters to gmail..03:10
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: even write a small wrapper script.03:11
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: http://tinyurl.com/yaqzbky03:12
rmrfslashI've been slapped w/ that before03:12
rmrfslashlike I haven't googled it03:13
rmrfslashcome on now03:13
frogonwheels:) sometimes it's about the wording.03:13
rmrfslashso it's a to param03:13
rmrfslashit's the to get param03:13
rmrfslashI just blindly tried "?compose=03:13
frogonwheelspresumably you've looked at open_mailto.sh in the top link from that lmgtfy?03:15
rmrfslashyeah, they described it03:15
frogonwheelsoh.. huh. didn't get that far down03:16
rmrfslashcool tho... should work. looks like they just pass the mailto:foo@bar.com to whatever script03:18
rmrfslashso you just remove the mailto and do the thing03:18
rmrfslashwith the stuff03:19
frogonwheelsrmrfslash: presumably your nick is a homage to bofh?03:21
frogonwheels.. though I guess that would be more killminusnine03:21
frogonwheels.. seriously - you know about bofh?03:22
rmrfslashgoogled it03:22
rmrfslashjust now03:22
rmrfslashbastard operator from hell03:23
frogonwheelsyep. it's kinda dated, but amusing none-the-less03:23
rmrfslashbut no, it's not a hommage to bofh :)03:23
rmrfslashneed to read this though03:23
rmrfslash:) I just read a bit of the first article03:26
rmrfslashreminds me of maddox03:26
rmrfslashif you've ever read maddox.xmission.com03:26
rmrfslashhe's funny03:26
rmrfslashtime for me to hit the hay03:31
rmrfslashI almost can't believe xmission let's him host this site03:33
hexdump_anybody ever had a problem launching their shell in KDE?03:34
hexdump_my terminal launched then locks to my panel and shuts down03:35
rmrfslashgoogle-chrome --app=https://mail.google.com/mail?extsrc=mailto&url=%u03:39
rmrfslashthat's the ticket03:39
rmrfslashno need to write any script03:40
islingtonhexdump_: which shell are you using? konsole?03:43
hexdump_islington:  yes konsole03:43
hexdump_islington:  see the strange thing is that it worked right off the bat and then stopped working03:44
hexdump_islington:  if there is a different terminal I can use I'll use an alternate instead03:49
islingtonhexdump_: yuakake03:49
islingtonis one I could recommend03:50
hexdump_alright I'll give that a shot03:50
hexdump_islington:  i didn't see that in the repo03:50
hexdump_islington:  sorry I found it03:51
islingtonyakuake spelling error my bad03:51
frogonwheelshexdump_: it's basically a wrapper round konsole - except that you can't (couldn't?) set up different session types.03:53
hexdump_frogonwheels:  what do you mean?  I can't ssh with it?03:53
islingtonhexdump_: you can03:54
hexdump_oh ok03:54
frogonwheelsok. haven't used it for a while. might start again then.03:54
hexdump_well this freakin thing is trying to launch now03:54
islingtonfrogonwheels: how do you use diff session types?03:54
islingtonwhat for I mean03:54
hexdump_I'm having nothing but problems now that I switched to KDE, but I like it and I want to get it working eventually03:55
hexdump_wtf man nothing is launching how gay is this03:55
frogonwheelsislington: well ssh is an example.  I used to have one that connected to a music server...03:55
hexdump_my freakin torrents permission denied applications wont launch jesus this is going to take some work03:56
hexdump_only thing that launches is my root terminal and from there I can launch the other consoles03:56
islingtonsounds like a permission flaw03:57
islingtonis your /home directory have the right permissions hexdump_?03:58
hexdump_islington: my download directory?03:59
islingtonI mean your /home04:00
hexdump_oh what should I set it to?04:00
hexdump_I mean there is a script I found but...04:00
hexdump_I shouldn't set it to 77704:00
islingtonwell you should be the owner...no sir not 77704:00
frogonwheelsislington: Ok, so how do you open a new session in yakuake that executes the associated command?04:00
hexdump_um x+u04:00
islingtonfrogonwheels: yeah that is what I was trying to find out I think you are right04:01
frogonwheelsyeah.. it's sucky.04:01
hexdump_this is madness04:01
hexdump_gimmie a sec04:01
hexdump_brb I'll try to figure some stuff out04:02
islingtonyeah your /home should  be some thing like this: http://imgur.com/FWEyh.png hexdump_04:04
hexdump_islington:  why do I have to change file permissions in the first place?04:04
hexdump_hmmm whaddaya knkow vuze is working just fine04:04
islingtonwell it sounds like you are having trouble with the permissions in the /home folder04:04
hexdump_yeah strange tho vuze is working fine04:04
hexdump_islington:  the bigger question I have is why am I having trouble with the permissions in the /home folder?04:05
frogonwheelshexdump_: you haven't got any files owned by root in ~/ have you?04:05
hexdump_frogonwheels: I'm not sure, there probably are some files here and there.04:05
hexdump_hey wait do you think the reason I cant launch some of the programs are because of permissions?04:06
frogonwheelshexdump_: possibly.04:06
hexdump_let me try something04:07
hexdump_should I set them to 751?04:08
hexdump_hmod: cannot access `home/hexdump/.gvfs': Permission denied04:10
hexdump_chmod: cannot access `home/hexdump/.gvfs': Permission denied04:10
islingtonwhat are you logged in as?04:11
islingtonroot? user?04:11
hexdump_I have to be04:11
hexdump_I'm not logged in as root04:11
hexdump_I have to use a root terminal becaues that's all that will launch04:11
islingtonokay launch dolphin04:12
hexdump_I'm trying chmod -R on directories I dunno man04:12
islingtonfrom root term04:12
hexdump_it's launched04:12
hexdump_oh ok04:12
islington browse to / home/04:12
islingtonrightclick on hexdump and yadda yadda04:12
islingtonshould look like this: http://imgur.com/FWEyh.png04:13
hexdump_ok did that no permissions are showing04:13
hexdump_ha weak04:13
hexdump_let me chown it04:13
hexdump_I can't even change it as root04:14
islingtonthat is...04:14
hexdump_else i chmod -R04:14
islingtonwhat are the permissions on it? do ls -h04:14
hexdump_one sec04:14
hexdump_yeah not lauching04:15
hexdump_maybe cuz I already have one root term open04:15
hexdump_okay I opened a new tab04:15
hexdump_islington: ls -h ?04:16
islingtondo cd /home04:16
hexdump_ls -lha04:16
hexdump_it's root04:16
islingtonowned by root?04:16
hexdump_wait no hexdump is owned by hexdump04:16
hexdump_weird wtf04:17
islingtonchmod 755 the directory04:19
hexdump_I think I see a problem04:19
hexdump_maybe I dunno tho04:19
hexdump_can't do that islington04:19
hexdump_d?????????  ? ?       ?          ?                ? .gvfs04:19
hexdump_see that04:20
hexdump_I can't even enter that directory04:20
hexdump_I can't even chown root to .gvfs04:20
islingtonit odd as hell04:21
hexdump_let me try and do something04:21
hexdump_I can't do anything at all with that04:21
hexdump_brb one sec04:21
hexdump_what is the default root password on ubuntu?04:22
hexdump_or is there one?04:22
islingtonthere isnt one root is done by doing sudo04:23
Code101010open ... u just need command u now what aver u doing04:23
hexdump_must be setuid root04:23
hexdump_I was able to access the directory04:24
hexdump_yeah tired that no go04:24
hexdump_I switched to a different display full screen whatever.  I don't know all the lingo yet04:24
hexdump_but I was able to access the directory that way04:24
Code101010 " cd  " cd .."04:24
hexdump_but it's funny in root shell within KDE I couldn't access it04:25
hexdump_wiat a sec04:26
hexdump_I need to find out about this04:26
hexdump_islington .gvfs is the gnome virtual file system04:28
hexdump_maybe if I log out into knome and set all the permissions properly then log back into KDE?04:28
hexdump_gnome rather sorry04:28
hexdump_this is just becoming more of a hassle then what it's worth04:29
hexdump_wait when I first logged on there was a prompt for a password04:30
=== ak is now known as rainy-day
albertolempirahey guys, plasma freezes from time to time while i'm working around with kubuntu, sometimes occurs when i'm not in the range of a wifi hotspot, it might be the network manager? it's really annoying when i'm doing important stuff cause i have to wait 'till it comes back, any suggestion on this? thanks in advance04:33
hexdump_what the bleeep is going on with my system04:35
hexdump_heh heh04:35
hexdump_islington:  something is terribly wrong04:42
hexdump_islington:  maybe there was an error during install or something because now I'm having trouble launching my root terminal04:42
hexdump_I'm going to remove and try to install it over again04:42
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Guest35943Hi all05:07
Guest35943algun español?05:07
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frantaHi there! I can't turn off /restart /logout using Kickoff ... anyone experienced this with latest 4.4.2  and found sollution?06:44
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skbohracan  i install gnome on kubuntu :D09:28
macosure, just install ubuntu-desktop09:28
ubuntu_hii !09:58
erbhi, anyone can tell how can I change the widget theme on my kubuntu 10.04?09:58
piuzzaexcuse moi10:00
piuzzaje voudrais parler avec mademoiselles et garcon qui parlent francais10:00
ubuntu_I am quite new to all this , just migrated from windows to Ubuntu a few weeks back and now am trying to Kubuntu. Used the live cd of Kubuntu and the looks just blew me away.. However I would want to know if KDE would run efficiently on my system.. I dont have a graphics card.. it is just the one which comes with Intel the built in one.. Apart from that I have a 200 GB hard disk, a 2GB ram, intel core2duo installed.10:01
ubuntu_it is kubuntu 9.1010:01
ubuntu_and I think it comes with KDE 4.3.210:02
ubuntu_hello could someone help me with this10:02
iconmefistosounds fine, ubuntu_. how did it run on livecd?10:03
daskreech!hi | biopsyh10:03
ubottubiopsyh: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:03
daskreechubuntu_: what would you like to know?10:04
ubuntu_it ran well.. had no issues till now ,.. but then there are many features which I could not use10:04
ubuntu_will copy paste again ..10:04
motgrahi, i just installed the flash plugin and the video is working great but I am not getting any audio from any flash source... anyone have a solution??10:04
ubuntu_I am quite new to all this , just migrated from windows to Ubuntu a few weeks back and now am trying to Kubuntu. Used the live cd of Kubuntu and the looks just blew me away.. However I would want to know if KDE would run efficiently on my system.. I dont have a graphics card.. it is just the one which comes with Intel the built in one.. Apart from that I have a 200 GB hard disk, a 2GB ram, intel core2duo installed.10:04
biopsyhuse compiz10:05
biopsyhand emerald10:05
ubuntu_how do i use compiz on a live cd10:05
biopsyhinstall it10:05
daskreechubuntu_: The Live CD uses more resources than the install10:06
ubuntu_when I tried Ubuntu on a live cd it did not allow me to do so... moreover do we not have a synaptic here10:06
biopsyhпля надо было лучше ангийский учить10:06
daskreechso if you had everything feeling ok with the Live CD the install should in theory be easier10:06
FiffiFipswith sound problems try to install Pulse instead of 'Alsa10:06
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:06
ubuntu_could someone help me install compiz and check it.. I am sure if compiz works well with live cd then i should not have any issues10:07
FiffiFipsde quel questions avez vous10:07
biopsyhsudo apt-get install compiz compiz-config-manager emerald10:07
motgraFiffiFips, Alsa works just fine with the system sounds, but are you sure that it would make a difference with the flash plugin if i switch to pulse?10:07
ubuntu_no i would not want emerald.. i dont like it much..,10:07
FiffiFipsthats what I have heared  and expierienced10:08
ubuntu_do we have any other way of installing compiz rather than going to emerald10:08
motgrak thanks10:08
ubuntu_sorry to going to terminal10:08
FiffiFipsthe flash sound is seemingly only on pulse available or dependand on hardware dont know so far10:09
biopsyhuse terminal =) it is simple way10:09
ubuntu_ok let me try10:09
iconmefistoubuntu_: kpackagekit is the gui installer10:10
ubuntu_it says could not find compiz-config-manager(am using the live cd.. had the same issue when i was trying Ubuntu live cd)10:11
motgraFiffiFips: apparently i have both alsa and pulse installed. should i remove alsa all together?10:11
iconmefisto!info compizconfig-settings-manager10:12
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB10:12
ubuntu_ok let me try again10:12
FiffiFipstry first the FAQ to get more info10:13
ubuntu_yeah it is working.. but i need to know one thing iconmefisto:10:13
ubuntu_iconmefisto: it says 61MBof additional space would be needed. If it is using this space.. where on the hard disk would it be saved. so that I can remove it if I decide against using it , so that it does not interfere with my existing ubuntu thing10:15
szalubuntu_: you then remove it w/ the pkg manager, same way as you install it10:15
iconmefistoubuntu_: if you're just running the livecd, it won't be permanently installed10:16
ubuntu_thanks a lot iconmefisto: and szal:.. that is why we all love this community.. waiting for it to get installed... would have to bug you guys once again , after this is done.. thanks a tonne10:17
iconmefistoubuntu_: it will just be temporarily installed in the current livecd session. when you reboot everything is gone10:17
ubuntu_thanks iconmefisto:10:17
ubuntu_it is done ...i enabled the desktop cube, rotate desktop , 3d efefcts , but the cube does not rotate, i have 6 desktops also enabled10:22
FiffiFipsdid you choose and test the soundsystem installation preferences andsoon?10:22
ubuntu_i enabled the desktop cube, rotate desktop , 3d efefcts , but the cube does not rotate, i have 6 desktops also enabled10:24
ubuntu_iconmefisto: please help10:25
daskreechiconmefisto: he can have desktop Cube with Kwin10:26
* szal always wonders why KDE users still want to use Compiz10:27
szalbesides Compiz always having been a POS10:28
ubuntu_some other functions of compiz are working though like shift switcher .. although they are not as smooth as that in ubuntu.. is it because of me running a live cd10:29
ubuntu_someone please ...!10:31
ubuntu_I guess i will catch you guys after doing a full install.. If KDE does not work for me I will hop back to GNOME again... btw thanks iconmefisto: , daskreech:, szal:10:34
ubuntu_bye and take care!!!10:35
szalGnome was crud in 2004 already ;)10:37
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aantsagood morning10:45
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contrastGreets, everyone... When I was testing out Ubuntu, I noticed that Java applications used the Gtk theme, instead of their own hideous one. Anyone know what package I might install to get this functionality under KDE?11:14
mertlecontrast: what's an example of a java app you used?11:17
szalmost Java apps I have used brought their own theme (FrostWire, JDownloader)11:24
=== chainer is now known as Netch
goonsquadHi, i have a small problem, after i update to KDE 4.4 plasma desktop crashes at directly after login and i can't do anything after that. Is this a known issue or just happend to me ?!11:35
LewiisHi, first time being in IRC and new Kubuntu user.  I suppose my first question is; does this work?11:46
GNU\colossusLewiis: I think it does.11:46
LewiisCheers, thanks collossus11:46
LewiisIs there a reason why I'm the only person talking?11:47
GNU\colossusmost time on irc is spent "idling", actually11:47
Lewiisah, okay.  thanks11:48
GNU\colossushowever, some channels also buzz with activity11:48
GNU\colossusthe social channel on this network is called #defocus - so if you want to drop by for a chat, just join it11:49
LewiisSo can I use this to ask questions about using kubuntu if i need to11:49
mertleLewiis: that's what it is here for - you have to be patient sometimes tho11:51
Lewiisokay, thanks for the help.  first time on so i'm unsure of the ettiquette.  I'll head over to #defocus and see what's happening there11:52
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=== evilshadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer
AbbyTheRatOk, I'm.. at a complete loss as what to do. I've just installed kubuntu on my IBM Thinkpad T41 Model. Tried the text only installer and the live CD installer. After this process, I boot into the desktop. The taskbar is black, or odd lines. If I try to click on an where I think a button should of been, I get werid TV like lines popup and I'm unable to see any elements of it. The background is fine14:24
AbbyTheRatand some elements that exists on first install appears fine as well. But without being able to see any of the taskbar elements at all, I am.. stuck as to how to fix it.14:25
AbbyTheRatIt's like, I'm looking at a partly broken TV screen or broken Amagi(sp?)14:25
* AbbyTheRat goes back to looking for a soluation while waiting for an answer14:26
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: please pastebin the output of lspci14:28
shadeslayerprobably a graphics driver issue14:28
AbbyTheRathow do I do that, shadeslayer?14:29
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: ok um, do this instead : press Alt+F2 and type : jockey-kde14:29
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: that should search for drivers that need to be installed...14:29
AbbyTheRatI get a bar of v.lines of varies colours on a gray background popup14:30
* AbbyTheRat tries typing it in blind14:30
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: is there a progress bar?14:30
AbbyTheRatok.. I get searching or aviblable drivers14:30
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: ah ok good :)14:30
AbbyTheRatit comes up with No Proprietary drivers are in use on this system.14:30
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: and does it list anything underneath?14:31
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: ok press alt+Shift+F1214:31
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: any idea what graphics card you are using?14:31
AbbyTheRatit's a IBM Thinkpad (old laptop) so intergrated14:32
shadeslayeruser_: hey14:32
user_A good book about C with libraries standard for me, please?14:32
AbbyTheRatnothing happens, pressing alt + shift + F12, as far as I Can see14:32
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: hmm... are you by any chance running 9.0414:32
shadeslayeruser_: just google gcc14:32
user_--" tutorials no!14:33
AbbyTheRatI downloaded the DVD iso, burnt it to disk and using that14:33
user_I need a book in Spanish :l14:33
AbbyTheRattricky problem, shadeslayer14:35
shadeslayeruser_: oh no ideas then14:36
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: hmm... ok do this : press alt+F2 and type konsole,hit enter14:36
user_ok, ty for ur time14:36
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: then type : lspci and copy and paste the output to : www.pastebin.ca14:37
proadminserver irc.zurna.net14:37
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: or type : lspci -vv14:37
AbbyTheRatthat be tricky to do, shadeslayer, to copy and paste when I havent' got wireless setup on the laptop yet14:37
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: ouch...14:38
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: ok can you just look through it and tell me which graphics card14:38
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: like mine says : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600M GT] (rev a1)14:38
AbbyTheRatok, will do14:39
AbbyTheRatHee, I know what to look for.. for graphic drivers14:39
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: yes... those have probably not got activated...14:39
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: also i would suggest that you update the system... the updates may have the required fix14:40
AbbyTheRatATI Technologies Inc Redeon Mbility M7 ML [Radeon Mobility 7500]14:40
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: ahh..14:40
AbbyTheRatoops, typo there14:40
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131738014:41
AbbyTheRatso basically..14:41
AbbyTheRatKunbuntu hates the ATI mobility Graphic card? XD!14:42
shadeslayerAbbyTheRat: not hates... the drivers are available14:42
shadeslayerill brb14:42
BluesKajHi folks14:43
evilshadeslayerAbbyTheRat: ok the thing is you need to read that forum and figure out how to activate the proper graphics card drivers.. if the problem still persists please ask here again.. ill be afk now14:45
AbbyTheRatJust trying to find the right solutions, thanks for the link14:45
BluesKajAbbyTheRat, which graphics card?14:54
evilshadeslayerBluesKaj: ATI raedon14:55
BluesKajpci or onboard and what model?14:56
noaXessdoes anybody know about a tool to convert a pst to thunderbird?14:57
=== evilshadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer_
BluesKajnoaXess, http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Linux/Q_21191167.html14:59
Geckoexpert-sexchange :P15:00
AbbyTheRatonboard, BluesKaj15:03
noaXessBluesKaj: now answers there.. :(15:04
BluesKajAbbyTheRat, do, lspci | grep VGA , in the terminal15:04
AbbyTheRatomg! omg! I can see the taskbar again! :D15:05
AbbyTheRatBluesKaj: the forum post evilshadeslayer posted to me has worked for me15:06
AbbyTheRat[09:40:15] <AbbyTheRat> ATI Technologies Inc Redeon Mbility M7 ML [Radeon Mobility 7500]15:06
AbbyTheRatThank you for your help.. now to poke things..15:07
BluesKajnoaXess, try some research on your problem , it's too specific15:07
noaXessi see15:07
BluesKaji recommend google-linux15:08
BluesKajAbbyTheRat, glad to hear you solved your problem15:08
evilshadeslayer_AbbyTheRat: cool!15:09
AbbyTheRatThat's an annoying bug to have to deal with15:09
AbbyTheRatAnd that's.. wireless installed :D15:15
AbbyTheRatThank you, truly15:20
AbbyTheRatto evilshadeslayer_ and BluesKaj15:20
AbbyTheRatI have at least had one good news in a sea of bad news today15:21
AbbyTheRatAnd even thou it's so little.. I don't think you guys going to know how much the one little good silver lining means to me.15:21
Lewiiswhen I apt-get install things, where do they get isntalled too?  I want to make firefox automatically open files with KTorrent.15:25
James147Lewiis: usually /usr/bin15:26
James147Lewiis: or /usr/lib15:27
Lewiisah, thank you.  I was looking in /bin15:27
LewiisSorry, another question.. Is there a way to make firefox my default browser so that when I click links (in things like this application) they don't open in Konquerer?15:32
LewiisPS. "google it" is a legitmate response15:33
evilshadeslayer_Lewiis: yeah K > System Settings > Default Apps15:33
Lewiissweet, you guys rock!15:35
Lewiisthat was so easy too15:36
AbbyTheRathmm, need to change a few configs to make it a bit faster.. any suggestions? :D15:37
presuntohi people, i'm from brazil, and i need a little help from anyone with smb4k15:42
presuntoanyone can help?15:43
James147presunto: whats your problem?15:43
presuntothanks for your reply, james14715:44
presuntoi've installed the package smb4k, i'm using kubuntu 9.10, and when a try to  open the program, i get an error message saying that smb4k needs nmblookup and net packages15:45
presuntobut i didn't find this packages in repositories15:46
presuntodo you have any ideas about this problem?15:46
presunto or another program similar to smb4k?15:47
presuntoin fact, nmblookup and net are commands15:48
James147presunto: is it just a samba browser? if so why can't you use dolphin?15:48
James147presunto: hmm, worked for me, try ingstalling samba-client or samba15:50
presuntoi'll try this right now15:50
presuntoi only have samba-common and samba-common-bin installed15:51
James147presunto: install samba-client15:52
presuntojames147: there is no samba-client on my repositories15:54
James147presunto: then install samba :)15:54
genii!info smbclient15:56
ubottusmbclient (source: samba): command-line SMB/CIFS clients for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 (karmic), package size 11159 kB, installed size 33020 kB15:56
presuntojames147: i installed samba package and i get the same error16:05
James147presunto: try smbclient then <- think thats the one, just tryed to remove it and aptitude complained about unmet dependencys to smb4k16:08
presuntojames147: i'm using kpackagekit, this isn't a good software?16:09
James147presunto: its ok... nothing that wrong with it execpt it cant install "blocked" packages, buts they dont show up very often :)16:10
presuntoi already have smbclient installed on my kubuntu16:12
James147presunto: any still get the error?16:12
James147and ^^16:12
presuntojames147: i found in /dev/bin the nmblookup and net commands, but they are a little different16:13
presuntojames147: they are nmblookup.samba3 and net.samba316:14
James147presunto: umm, i dont have tem in /dev, have them in /usr/bin :S16:14
presuntojames147: sorry, they are in /usr/bin16:14
James147presunto: can you pastebin the ouytput of "ls -l /usr/bin/ | grep nmblookup" and "ls -l /etc/alternatives/ | grep nmblookup"16:16
presuntojames147: ok16:16
presuntojames147: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root         34 2010-04-07 02:05 nmblookup -> /etc/alternatives/nmblookup.samba316:17
presunto-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root    1136000 2009-10-02 11:15 nmblookup.samba316:17
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James147presunto: ^^ which is which?16:18
presuntojames147: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root         28 2010-04-07 02:05 net -> /etc/alternatives/net.samba316:18
James147!pastebin | presunto16:18
ubottupresunto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:18
presunto-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root    6383008 2009-10-02 11:15 net.samba316:18
James147it makes it easier to read, also include the command run16:19
presuntoJames147: sorry16:19
presuntoJames147: root@lisa:/usr/bin# ls -l /usr/bin/ | grep nmblookup16:21
presuntolrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root         34 2010-04-07 02:05 nmblookup -> /etc/alternatives/nmblookup.samba316:21
presunto-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root    1136000 2009-10-02 11:15 nmblookup.samba316:21
James147!pastebin | presunto16:22
presunto!pastebin | presunto16:22
ubottupresunto, please see my private message16:22
presuntois this what are you asking me?16:25
presuntoJames147: i did right this time?16:27
alvinI upgraded to Lucid beta in order to test. now my panel is gone. This is a classic situation and I can add it again, but is their a way to set the kubuntu desktop to the default settings by removing some config files?16:27
albertolempirahey guys, plasma freezes from time to time while i'm working around with kubuntu, sometimes occurs when i'm not in the range of a wifi hotspot, it might be the network manager? it's really annoying when i'm doing important stuff cause i have to wait 'till it comes back, any suggestion on this? thanks in advance16:31
James147presunto: try running "sudo update-alternatives --config nmblookup" and the same for net16:34
James147alvin: to reset plasma remove ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*16:35
alvinJames147: Thanks16:41
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
presuntoJames147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410594/16:43
James147presunto: umm, all i can think of now is to purge samba smb4k smbclient and smbfs and reinstall smb4k16:43
presuntoJames147: i'm updating my system right now (bug fixes and packages) to see if i get better results, if not, i'll try what you said16:45
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presuntoJames147: in case you left the chat, thanks a lot for your help.17:00
presuntoJames147: people like you that makes linux community better17:02
=== AbbyTheRat is now known as Heliwr\nquit
bipolarHas anyone sucessfuly used a gsm network card (I have a sierra wireless 885) with knetworkmanager?17:03
James147presunto: your welcome :)17:03
=== Heliwr\nquit is now known as AbbyTheRat
hceylanCan any1 successfully connect using 3G USB Modem?17:04
hceylanFor it detects the modem, prompts for username, apn etc. as I click on it, but never tries to connect. I see no traces of connection attempt in the messages17:05
James147bipolar: hceylan: have you tryed wicd? knetworkmanager is still abit flaky :S17:05
hceylanAs for the gnome, it works just normal and connects successfully17:05
hceylanJames147: I wasn't aware of that alternative...17:05
hceylanJames147: Thanks for pointing out...17:05
bipolarJames147: does wicd do wwan cards?17:06
bipolarJames147: I've used it for some laptops with wlan cards that networkmanager doesn't like.17:06
James147bipolar: wwan?17:06
bipolarwireless wan... cell cards17:06
James147bipolar: not sure, you can always try it (although it will unintsall networkmanager)17:07
presuntohceylan: i'm using an usb 3g modem right now, with the application that cames with kubuntu 9.1017:07
bipolarpresunto: really? what card? what does your setup look like?17:07
presuntomy card is an onda msa501hs17:08
presuntohceylan: my card is an onda msa501hs17:08
hceylanpresunto: you mean you are using knetworkmanager with kubuntu 9.10 or using nmapplet (Gnome/GTK frontend for NetworkManager)?17:08
bipolarI might have to switch to using kppp for this card if I can't get it working reliably.17:09
hceylanpresunto: I do not seem to have problem with the usb modem (huwai by the way) as gnome network manager connects successfully.17:09
hceylanpresunto: problem seems to be related to the knetworkmanager...17:09
hceylanI need to reboot, will be back17:09
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
mhilmiArgh! Pulling my hair out trying to install Mysql4 on 9.10 because Mysql5 is installed by default (and can't be removed?). Can anyone help with this?17:23
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RaGNORAKhow do i change the start up music in kubuntu?18:21
James147RaGNORAK: system settings -> notifications18:25
James147RaGNORAK: its under "KDE System Notifacations"18:25
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=== Eisenheim is now known as EisenheimAbramov
=== EisenheimAbramov is now known as EdwardAbramovich
tmusquiezhello all19:05
tmusquiezI seem to have a prolem19:05
James147!ask | tmusquiez19:05
ubottutmusquiez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:05
EdwardAbramovichhello to all19:05
tmusquiezYesterday, I installed Kubuntu and managed to get the wireless to work, but today I can't connect19:06
bartek_guys is there any chance i turned off my graphic card :O i cant open any game and even pulpit animations dont work?? need help19:06
tmusquiezI'm new to kubuntu btw, and I used WEP yesterday. I followed the same steps and for some reason i still cannot connect19:07
James147tmusquiez: try using wicd instead, knetworkmanager is a bit flaky :(  (installing wicd will uninstall networkmanager)19:08
James147!info wicd | tmusquiez19:08
ubottutmusquiez: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB19:08
tmusquiezis it hard to setup?19:09
James147tmusquiez: shuldn't be19:09
tmusquiezwell i'm on windows 7 now19:10
tmusquiezso i have to load it off a usb drive19:10
James147tmusquiez: cant you connect via wire?19:10
tmusquiezoh yeah19:11
bartek_guys is there any chance i turned off my graphic card :O i cant open any game and even pulpit animations dont work?? need help19:13
James147bartek_: usually turning off your graphcs card results in no display :)  what graphics card do you have?19:14
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bartek_James147:  geforce 9600m gs19:16
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bartek_James147:  what i did was: i had 185 drivers, i installed 195 for linux 64 - all was OK, then i hardware man i found out there is just 18519:16
la_toopey a quelqu'un ici de chalon en champagne19:17
James147bartek_: try running "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to regenerate your xorg.conf19:17
bartek_lets see19:17
la_toopeoups sorry19:17
la_toopei'm red19:18
progre55hi people! I manually compiled the alsa driver and now my volume control does not have any effect on the volume. even if I mute it. btw, karmic 64bit. any suggestions, please?19:19
bartek_James147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410660/19:19
James147bartek_: hmm, not sure what that error is :s  try loging out restaring x and see what happens, if anything goes wrong you should be able to restore teh old xorg.conf by moving /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup to /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:21
James147bartek_: or removing it entirly ^^19:22
bartek_James147:  OMG ;)) i didnt understand anything19:22
bartek_how can i restart x?19:22
James147bartek_: there is an option in kdm19:23
bartek_hmm where exactly and what is kdm?? i must remind u im a windows user and all you say is a mystery for me19:24
James147bartek_: if it goes wrong login to the terminal (alt+ctrl+F1 if it dosnt take you to one) and run "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf && sudo service kdm restart"19:24
bartek_will try now19:24
bartek_James147:  nothing, when i try to open game i can see it on my bottom panel loading but it doesnt work19:30
bartek_and desktop animations too19:31
bartek_they dont work all that explosions etc19:31
bartek_every day is something new, i just repaired my bottom panel today and no graphic ;|19:31
James147bartek_: sorry, not entirly sure what to do :S19:36
bartek_James147:  i will write you what i did actually19:36
bartek_system/hardware drivers i found there is a 185 driver for my geforce i unistalled it cause i downloaded 195 before (dunno why i couldnt see it in this /hardware drivers after installation19:37
bartek_so i uninstalled it restared laptop and all started19:37
bartek_so i installed again with hope this will solve my probl19:38
bartek_but no, games and animations still dont work ;p19:38
James147bartek_: what driver version does nvidia-settings tell you?19:39
swebopenjdk not in my OpenWith list !!!19:42
swebwhat must i do ?19:42
swebin gnome is19:42
swebi'm using ubuntu 9.119:43
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bartek_James147:  and i installed 195 for sure19:44
bartek_dunno why it says different19:44
bartek_185 i had before19:44
James147bartek_: try running "sudo nvidia-install --update"19:46
bartek_command not found19:46
James147bartek_: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg2028561.html19:49
bartek_i see i have to istall synaptic to do this19:49
bartek_let me try19:49
bartek_cheers mate19:50
dfaureis there a known bug in the current kubuntu lucid, which makes some keys stop working? (space key, B and N)20:21
dfaurehappens (on a dell laptop) both in Xorg and text console.20:22
frantaHi there! I can't turn off /restart /logout using Kickoff ... anyone experienced this with latest 4.4.2 ?20:24
progre55hi people! how come my firefox has sound, but mplayer does not..20:28
dfaureprogre55: try starting mplayer on the command line and see what it says20:30
frantanoone experiences Shutdown/Restart doesn't do anything in 9.10 problem ?20:31
kdefreakHello. I'm using Kubuntu 10.04 and by some reason the network on my laptop does not work. I can't connect by wireless or wired. If I do "ifconfig", I see that eth0 and eth1 are down, only "lo" is shown up. I did "ifconfig eth1 up", and the same with "eth0", but I don't know what's next... :/20:32
progre55dfaure: I always use it in command line..20:33
dfaurekdefreak: sudo dhclient3 eth020:33
progre55dfaure: it plays files, but no sound20:33
progre55dfaure: because I tried to recompile the alsa-driver20:33
dfaureprogre55: read the output to see what it says about sound20:33
kdefreakdfaure: Thank you, it seems like it's scanning something right now.20:33
txwikingerkdefreak: did the network manager (or the plasmoid for it) start up?20:34
kdefreaktxwikinger: It did, but not as it should. One moment, please.20:35
dfauretxwikinger: NetworkManager ignores the interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces, by default, in ubuntu20:35
kdefreaktxwikinger: service network restart20:35
kdefreaktxwikinger: oops20:35
dfaureand here eth0/eth1 were listed there, so not managed by NetworkManager....20:35
dfaurethe defaults are buggy, I'd say/20:35
progre55dfaure: here what it says http://pastie.org/90810120:35
dfaurekdefreak: my solution was to edit /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf and change managed=false to managed=true; this makes knetworkmanager work20:36
kdefreakhttp://img706.imageshack.us/my.php?image=networkmanagerc.png <-- That's how the network manager looks like.20:36
DekansDoes UbuntuOne works well on Kubuntu20:36
kdefreakdfaure: I'll give it a try, thank you. One moment.20:36
DekansI'm trying on karmic and I have only One file uploaded20:37
dfaureprogre55: try disabling pulseaudio somehow. That thing is.... well, has bad reputation.20:37
dfaureprogre55: maybe like mplayer -ao alsa <file>20:37
frantaDekans: I think so20:38
Dekansth esync daemon doesn't synchronize my files :(20:38
DekansI try to reload the client but I doesn't have any effect20:39
progre55dfaure: yep, working with alsa.. but the thing is, after I re-compiled alsa, the volume controls have no effect on the sound, even if I mute it. any suggestions, please?20:39
kdefreakdfaure: I did what you said. Sadly, it does not seems to work.20:39
Dekansthe gnome clients works well on kubuntu ?µ20:39
frantaDekans: it works for me20:39
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
frantabut sometimes it doesn't autoconnect20:40
dfaurekdefreak: sudo service network-manager restart    - and only then, start knetworkmanager20:40
dfaureprogre55: I'm not that knowledgeable about sound stuff, no idea, sorry20:40
kdefreakdfaure: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=87089 <-- I got another tip there, but I can't find such file (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts). Do you know if he meant something else?20:40
progre55dfaure: no problem. thanks20:41
dfaurekdefreak: dunno20:43
kdefreakdfaure: When I restarted the network-service, I got a message about "networking disabled", then nothing more. :/20:45
dfaurerestarted knetworkmanager afterwards?20:45
frantaPoweroff, Restart and logout buttons in kickoff work for every one here ?20:45
kdefreakdfaure: No, I just started it. How do I stop it?20:46
dfaurekdefreak: killall knetworkmanager20:47
dfaureor the gui ways with Ctrl+Esc and all that :-)20:47
kdefreakdfaure: Done! It still says "Network Managment disabled". :/20:48
progre55does gnome-volume-control-applet work without pulseaudio?21:07
progre55oops, I guess that's an #ubuntu question =)21:08
cuzntis there an interface besides the terminal window to practice python on kde?21:12
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aloneahas anyone been able to get Kindle for PC to work? Wine says its supposed to work, but I am unable to get it to run. It will install and uninstall, I have it in Win 98 mode. It starts, and then the window dissapears.21:25
txwikingeralonea: Any error messages?21:27
ubottuAPERSON, please see my private message21:32
frantapleeeeeeeease does someone know how to debug this state when shutting down, restarting and logging out via kicker simply doesn't work? I am begining being really tired of shutting down my laptop by sudo poweroff ...:(21:33
Steve^What can I use to do a full screen zoom?22:08
ale_sera a tutti22:15
ale_io ho installato xampp22:15
genii!it | ale_22:15
ubottuale_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:15
ale_però ho un problema22:15
judgenwhere do the people that are responsibe for the kubuntu-kde3-remix hang out?22:34
ubuntuhi pl22:41
ubuntui-ve a question22:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:54
fooscriptWhat's the name of channel with kubuntu developers?23:02
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Code101010hallo ppl i need help plz23:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:29
Code101010every thing work well in my kubuntu eller ubuntu ,,,, but the mic is not working in side skype any one ..23:30
Code101010ubotttu are u taking to me ?23:31
Code101010"myhardware acer aspire one d250-1wd" the mic is not under skype23:33
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
Domokunhello, i am having a problem with my audio and wondering if anyone can help. this is my first time using KDE so i am still new to this23:43

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