
ubuntujenkinsthanks for your help guys, night00:10
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marsmwhudson or thumper, ping01:28
mwhudsonmars: i01:30
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marshi mwhudson.  Would you happen to have a moment to help debug a failing test I have?01:31
marsI need someone else to verify that it fails on their system01:31
mwhudsonmars: sure01:34
marsmwhudson, thanks.  Could you please tell me if this fails:01:35
marsmwhudson, xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1024x768x16' bin/test -t test_newly_linked_branch_diff_popup01:35
mwhudsonmars: hang on, updating devel01:35
marsI assume you have xvfb installed.  If not, then just drop that part.01:35
mwhudsonmars: ok, running01:37
mwhudsonmars: bah, need to run make schema01:43
marsthat is really annoying :)01:43
marsI wonder if it could be made to fail earlier01:44
mars'make check_schema'01:44
marsI've had that happen many times01:44
marsconfirm_dbrevision_on_startup() seems to do all the work to raise a database revision error.  How to get that function into a script...01:54
mwhudsonmars: anyway, that test passes for me02:01
marsmwhudson, perfect, thanks for the help.02:01
* wgrant wonders why make clean decides to obliterate a whole lot of data directories.02:07
dhasthaneed help: error in make schema  Missing ./download-cache.02:30
dhasthaDevelopers: please run utilities/link-external-sourcecode.02:30
dhasthamake: *** [download-cache] Error 102:30
dhasthai got this error while building a pristine trunk (devel) instance02:31
spmdhastha: a pristine trunk doesn't have all the external code that is needed. per the message, (i guess...) run utilities/link-external-sourcecode02:32
dhasthai am getting error while run utilities/link-external-sourcecode02:34
dhasthaspm, Invalid line at line "4".02:35
dhasthaInvalid line at line "7".02:35
dhasthabzrlib.errors.ParseConfigError: Error(s) parsing config file /home/dhastha/.bazaar/locations.conf:02:36
dhasthaspm, how to rectify those errors?02:43
spmdhastha: I'd suggest you look at the file suggested and see why that appears broken as a 1st step. ?02:43
thumperdhastha: have you followed the setup instructions on the dev wiki?02:57
mwhudsoni can tell the uk is in summer time now, i'm getting mails from the future about bugs03:37
wgrantThat's still not fixed?03:38
wgrantBug #26204003:39
mupBug #262040: Bogus timestamps on some unbatched bugmail <email> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/262040>03:39
mwhudsonhey look i commented on that bug roughly a year ago03:40
mwhudsonwhat are the chances03:40
wgrantHeh heh.03:41
wgrantspm: Has the PPA process-accepted.py gone and died again?04:14
spmi hope not...04:15
wgrantspm: Ah, no, just very late.04:16
spmwhere does that one run again? soyuz is a mini nightmare of odd corners and crontabs...04:17
wgrantIt's germanium. Some of my binaries appeared 5 minutes late, but they did appear.04:18
wgrantcron.publish-ppa on germanium.04:18
spmbleh. that'd be right. i was on cocoplum and cesium.04:18
spmnow if only i could find which of the 6 users it runs under... /me gives up and looks for a logfile for clues04:20
spmis that called by something else then? cronscripts/publishing/cron.publish-ppa cronscripts/publishing/cron.daily-ppa scripts/process-death-row.py and keys and htaccess04:22
spmare the only tasks of note that run04:23
wgrantcron.publish-ppa calls process-accepted.py.04:23
spmahh there it is. the 1st. yup04:23
spmone of the "possibilities" for our sprint coming up; is to drag eg Julien by the ear and nail him to the floor until he completely explains the entire soyuz "WTF" and how it "works".04:24
wgrant'"works"' is right.04:25
spmwith diagrams, if we're feeling really vindictive04:25
wgranthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CelsoProvidelo/SoyuzInfrastructureOverview but worse :P04:26
mwhudsonthere are already diagrams!04:31
mwhudsonsome of them may even be accurate04:31
* spm is NOT game to click on that link before breaking for lunch. maybe after. and after I've digested. but not before.04:32
lifelesswgrant: what was the oops that you needed looked at in the weekend ?04:34
wgrantspm: Refreshing https://edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/+archive/openttd/+build/1654520 regularly shows that shipova is being dodgy and keeps dropping the build (note the fluctuating start time). Can you marks shipova not-OK or something? I've seen others complaining about this one over the past couple of weeks too.04:35
wgrantlifeless: Good point.04:35
spmwgrant: not sure I can; one sec...04:35
wgrantspm: https://launchpad.net/builders/shipova/+edit; uncheck the OK checkbox; save. unless you mean policy-wise.04:36
spmpolicy/perms wise; looks like I can. see if that stops it04:37
spmand is now showing disabled with a nice message as to why :-)04:38
wgrantGreat. And my build is going OK.04:38
wgrantI knew there was a dodgy builder around, but hadn't managed to work out which.04:38
wgrantspm: Also, do you know why cocoplum OOPSes aren't syncing to the OOPS viewer thingy?04:39
wgrantThere are some interesting cocoplum OOPSes which cannot be viewed.04:39
spmwgrant: I'ev just done a full manual sync - see if that works?04:42
* spm afks for coffee... brb04:42
mwhudsonthumper: were you asking for http://pythonpaste.org/webob/ earlier?04:42
thumperyeah, but found it elsewhere, thanks04:43
thumpermwhudson: do you know if it has taken over as the prime development from paste?04:43
mwhudsonthumper: i think so but i don't know so04:43
mwhudsonit's only a replacement for bits of paste aiui04:44
* wgrant is interested in OOPS-1553FTPMASTER11 and OOPS-1553FTPMASTER1604:44
wgrantMaybe they will exist now.04:44
mwhudsonseems not04:45
* spm has a look on the filesystem...04:49
spmwgrant: when were they generated?04:50
spmactually - roughly to "which day" would work.... :-/04:50
mwhudsoni can't even see how you'd get an oops prefix like that04:51
wgrantActually, now I think about it...04:51
spmbecause for the days of the 5th, 6th and 7th of April, there is only 1 oops. 81309.FTPMASTER104:51
wgrantWhile the OOPS prefix was FTPMASTER...04:51
wgrantThe log was from a process that runs on cesium.04:52
spmAh ha!04:52
* wgrant gives the production configs an A+ in confusion.04:52
wgrantIt was Friday or so, IIRC.04:53
spmI think I can see why the oops *may* not show up. drwx------ 6 lp_buildd  lp_buildd     4096 2010-04-02 14:28 lp_queue/ <== oops dir on cesium04:53
spmbingo. there they are.04:54
spmall their perms are crap too. /me envisages another bug report for tdoay04:54
wgrantlalalala that's not Soyuz any more lalalala04:56
mwhudsonfunky umask?04:57
spmnot likely - we've seen too many cases of these shenanigans before acorss all parts of LP to blame umasks; but I will check.04:58
spmbtw, have we ever mentioned how much we hate the twisted 1Mb log rotation evilness? <== grrrrr.04:59
spmwgrant: try now?05:00
wgrantspm: I don't actually have access to OOPSes.05:00
spmhahaha. thought you did :-)05:00
spmad it still doesn't show. that may need a diogo fix05:01
spmauthentication failed for user "uploader"05:02
spmDB error - I'd guess it's been fixed since, as there are no more since then. Date: 2010-04-02T13:38:29.286748+00:0005:02
mwhudsonwgrant: OperationalError: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "uploader"05:02
wgrantAh, great. Thanks.05:03
wgrantI didn't think it had happened since, but there appeared to be quite a few that day.05:03
spmpost rollout; and I'd suspect no one informed us of the new DB user in advance. Or we missed it. :-)05:03
spmwgrant: what *&^%*&ing process/script generated those oops? I'm guessing cronscripts/buildd-queue-builder.py ?05:13
wgrantspm: buildd-manager.05:14
wgrantbuildd-queue-builder is one of four scripts which do the job that buildd-manager does.05:14
spmOh ho ho. the daemon itself.05:14
wgrantBut it is way obsolete.05:14
wgrantOh, wait.05:14
wgrantNo. process-upload.py, launched by buildd-manager.05:14
wgrantIt will soon be buildd-manager itself, but not yet.05:14
spmahh; kk. thanks!05:15
spmI think I will stop trying for accuracy or precision where soyuz bugs are concerned and just go with "it's broken. pls fix" reports.05:16
mwhudsonspm: buildbot kickage pls05:17
thumpermwhudson: it says wrong python used05:17
thumpermwhudson: do you know what is going on?05:17
spmdamn. new there was a reason I wanted to stay logged onto prasé05:17
mwhudsonthumper: yes05:17
spmmwhudson: kicked05:18
mwhudsonthumper: buildbot is fixed, it needs a restart and a force05:18
thumperspm: kicked or restarted?05:20
spmrestarted type of kicking05:20
thumperspm: thanks05:20
thumpermwhudson: my big branch passed all tests, and is on its way to landing on db-devel05:22
mwhudsonthumper: woo05:23
thumperoh ffs, pqm still thinks it needs testfix05:27
thumperhow do I smack it around?05:27
spmsudo spm fix! <== probably05:27
thumpersudo spm fix plz05:30
spmplz. command not recognised05:31
spmthumper: ?? waterfall looks good? or are you referring to db_devel?05:32
mwhudsonit looks like buildbot-poll should be moving out of testfix05:33
spmah yup. we're in failure according to the pqm configs05:33
mwhudsonthumper: when did you get the failure from pqm?05:33
mwhudsonsilly pqm configs05:33
thumpermwhudson: after it was booted05:33
mwhudsonspm: any log files to say why?05:33
spmthat hsould sort itself every 5 mins. hrm. wonder if just forcing a build should clear it?05:33
spmStarting buildbot-poll at Wed Apr  7 05:34:35 BST 201005:35
spmBuilder lp at http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com:8010 failed building r10635 [failed shell_7].05:35
spmBuilder db_lp at http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com:8010 succeeded building r9202.05:35
spmso i read that as devel is the cause; and a build is underway to rectify that as we speak. ???05:36
mwhudsonoh right05:36
mwhudsonthat sort of makes sense, the tip of devel did fail to build05:36
mwhudsoni wonder if there's a way to fake it05:37
thumperso I have to wait then?05:37
mwhudsonwe could kill the current build and then force a build05:37
* thumper goes to guitar lesson05:37
spmwell the script that generated the above is run every 5 and is more or less getting it's status from the 'last build - I believe. and setting the failure/success mode accordingly.05:37
cody-somervillewgrant, Did you say that process-accepted is dying again?06:29
wgrantcody-somerville: No. It was just being slow.06:29
cody-somervillehmmm... yea, I see at the tail of the cron.ppa.log that it failed to grab the lockfile several times.06:33
wgrantWhat was it doing in the previous runs that took so long?06:34
wgrantp-a normally takes <20s, AFAICT.06:35
wgrantI guess a couple of big PPA index regenerations could easily throw p-d over 5 minutes, but I don't know of any PPAs that big.06:35
cody-somervillelooks like a bunch of nightly builds.06:38
wgrantThey must be huge.06:38
wgrantEven chromium was only a couple of hundred MiB last time I looked.06:38
cody-somervilleLooks like there is a bunch of PoolFileOverwriteError exceptions that cause numerous PPAs to be processed each run.06:41
cody-somervilleAnd the fact that the publisher seems to publish suites and pockets that aren't even dirty probably doesn't help.06:41
wgrantBug #38704906:41
mupBug #387049: Copy backend does not detect file conflicts <ppa> <Soyuz:In Progress by stevenk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/387049>06:42
wgrantThey must be dirty -- maybe they have pending deletions?06:42
wgrantDomination is probably also significantly slower than it needs to be, but I have a simple fix for that.06:43
wgrantSource domination, that is.06:43
cody-somervilleLooking here, an entire second per PPA is eaten processing suites and pockets that don't exist in PPAs at all and/or probably don't exist in that specific PPA.06:45
wgrantIn which step? Domination?06:45
cody-somervilleStep A: Publishing06:46
wgrantBad queries must be bad.06:46
cody-somervilleI see here a PPA that had nothing to be published and it took 2 seconds just for the publishing step.06:47
wgrantI've almost fixed B and C', but I've not looked at A yet.06:47
wgrantI wasn't aware that it took long at all.06:48
cody-somervilleOn average, it looks like it takes half a second per file that actually has to be published plus a static 2-3 second overhead.06:50
wgrantI know the indices on the publishing tables are stupid.06:51
wgrantMaybe most of that overhead is just initial query time.06:51
underdrkis it normal for rocketfuel-setup to use mor than ~300 meg ram?07:58
underdrkits eating trough all the ram on my virtualbox system getting killed eventually07:59
wgrantunderdrk: That's probably bzr.07:59
wgrantnoodles775: Morning.07:59
underdrkwgrant: yup07:59
wgrantnoodles775: I need Soyuz acks on four MPs, when you have a moment.07:59
underdrkso, what is bzr doing that it needs ~300m ram?08:00
wgrantunderdrk: Not sure.08:00
underdrkshoudn't it just download and store stuff on disk?08:00
noodles775Hey wgrant, jkust on the phone. Will look in a tick.08:00
wgrantunderdrk: Probably. But the LP branches are a little ancient and special, so may be causing some interesting behaviour.08:01
wgrantnoodles775: No urgency. Thanks!08:01
underdrkwgrant: hmm, thats a pitty08:01
underdrkill see if I can make it download an a machine with more ram and then scp it into my virtualbox08:02
wgrantunderdrk: Your VM has only a few hundred megabytes of RAM assigned?08:02
spmassign some more swap and see if that helps it continue; vs dying. hopefully without io thrashing as well. ???08:03
wgrantI don't like your chances of running much of LP with <1GB on i386, or much <2GB on amd64.08:04
spmheh; given I just killed a 4Gb of memory importd that was running away a tad; yes; agreed :-)08:05
wgrantspm: Linux as usual?08:05
spmruby actually; but not a bad guess.08:05
spmwe have 3 nasties: linux kernel; gcc and ruby.08:06
wgrantgcc shouldn't be so bad since incremental bzr-svn was deployed a week ago, right?08:06
wgrantAh, yes, it's even finished its initial import now.08:08
spmoh cool. was just updating the related bug report; and noted that gcc was the 3rd of the triumvirate of pain, so :-)08:08
adeuringgood morning08:09
simon-ohi :-)08:10
wgrantHm: http://forum.biosinteractive.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7&p=28#p2808:18
wgrantPeople are not happy with Launchpad.08:18
underdrkwgrant: for a development platform yes, I'd hope half a gig would be enough08:22
underdrkbut, ill mount some more swap08:23
wgrantjelmer: Morning.08:51
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
wgrantnoodles775: Thanks for those.09:05
noodles775wgrant: thank you :)09:05
wgrantbuildd-manager is a whole lot more understandable after that lot.09:06
noodles775Yeah, it's great seeing the code continually improved!09:06
wgrantSo, I have a branch that removes 9500 lines of unused code.09:22
wgrantThat seems to violate the 800 line rule by a little bit.09:24
james_whow do I find out if PQM is in textfix?10:12
dhasthaneed help: error occuring while running ./utilities/link-external-sourcecode ~/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps10:18
dhasthaWanted to link /home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache to ./download-cache but source does not exist10:19
jelmerjames_w: if there's an email to the mailing list with a test failure and pqm rejects your requests, while its error message mentions requiring [testfix]10:19
jelmerdhastha: hi10:19
dhasthajelmer, hi error while installing launchpad locally10:20
jelmerdhastha: how did you create lp-sourcedeps?10:20
james_wjelmer: yeah, I got rejections, I want to know if it's safe to submit again yet.10:21
dhasthajelmer, after run rocketfuel-setup10:21
wgrantOdd. buildbot merged 20 minutes ago.10:21
wgrantWhich suggests that thins weren't too unhealthy.10:21
jelmerdhastha: perhaps rocketfuel-get fixes it?10:23
dhasthajelmer, after run rocketfuel-get i got lp-branches and lp-soucedeps files automatically10:24
dhasthajelmer, sorry i run rocketfuel-setup only, i don know about rocketfuel-get10:26
james_wwgrant: so it's probably ok now?10:26
james_wI got rejected some hours ago10:26
jelmerdhastha: did rocketfuel-setup interrupt halfway through?10:26
wgrantjames_w: Ah, if it was that long ago, then go for it.10:26
james_wanyone know how to land skipping ec2?10:26
james_wI just did "ec2 land", but it seems wasteful to run the tests again?10:27
dhasthajelmer, no error in rocketfuel-setup10:27
jelmerjames_w: use "bzr lp-land" ?10:27
dhasthajelmer, there is no error in database-setup also10:27
mwhudsonjames_w: you can't tell if we're in testfix, it really sucks10:28
mwhudson(there's a bug report, but i don't have any ideas on fixing it)10:28
dhasthajelmer, error starting in  make schema10:29
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james_wwhat's PQM's address for LP?10:33
james_w(I have searched dev.launchpad.net for all this, but I couldn't find it)10:33
StevenKjames_w: Heh heh, I had exactly the same problem about a week ago.10:35
jelmerpqm_email = Canonical PQM <launchpad@pqm.canonical.com>10:36
StevenKBah, jelmer! I was about to paste that10:36
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dhasthajelmer, download-cache folder is not available in my lp-sourcedeps folder so only error occuring. isn't it?10:37
jelmerdhastha: yeah, I wonder what went wrong there. What happens if you run rocketfuel-setup again?10:37
jelmerdhastha: it should be taking care of creating lp-sourcedeps10:37
wgrantdhastha: Does lp-sourcedeps contain anything at all?10:38
wgrantIf it doesn't contain any significant volume of data, remove it and run rocketfuel-setup again.10:38
dhasthajelmer, eggs, sourcecode two folders only are there10:39
dhasthawgrant, k10:41
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danilosdhastha, hi, is wgrant's suggestion helping?10:49
dhasthadanilos, i removed all the datas and trying once again10:50
danilosdhastha, cool10:55
deryckMorning, all.11:01
persiaLP rollouts are the third thursday of the month, right?11:50
wgrantIt depends.11:51
wgrantThis is a 5 week cycle (hence this is week 0)11:51
wgrantpersia: See https://dev.launchpad.net/Releases/2010Calendar11:51
wgrant(no, there is not a release the day before Lucid)11:51
persiaOh, perfect.  THanks.11:51
thumperoh, we are in a week 0?11:53
* wgrant points at /topic11:53
wgrant(although I set it)11:54
dhasthadanilos, Permission denied (publickey).11:56
dhasthabzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.11:56
dhasthadanilos, same error11:57
danilosdhastha, what do you have in ~/launchpad? and what user did you run rocketfuel-setup under?11:58
wgrantdhastha: You don't have your SSH key registered with Launchpad?11:58
daniloswgrant, he does11:58
wgrantdhastha: What does 'bzr launchpad-login' say?11:59
dhastharocketfuel-setup file only i am having in ~/launchpad. while i run i am getting that error. but am having ssh key registered12:00
danilosdhastha, perhaps it's related with the keyserver, can you try changing it as suggested on https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting:12:00
danilos    ## Sometimes the keyserver from Ubuntu doesn't respond, especially on Karmic12:00
danilos    ## Try changing keyserver.ubuntu. to pool.sks-keyservers.net12:00
wgrantdanilos: That's for OpenPGP keys.12:00
wgrantThis is an SSH key problem.12:00
daniloswgrant, right, dumb me12:00
danilosdhastha, ok, so the only thing I can suggest is to make sure whatever environment bzr gets executed in, it has SSH_AGENT env variables properly set (i.e. don't run it with sudo options where it unsets some of these "unsafe" variables)12:01
dhasthadanilos, making local branch of launchpad trunk. bzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/dhastha/.bazaar/bazaar.conf'12:06
dhasthadanilos, finding revision going on12:07
danilosdhastha, ok, you'll probably have to revert those privileges to your own user using something like "sudo chown -r dhastha.dhastha /home/dhastha/.bazaar"12:07
maxbAnd be sure not to run rocketfuel-setup under sudo in the future. that's not right12:08
danilosthat was my fault, I suggested it might be needed12:10
wgrantjtv: Is your soyuz-sampledata-setup failure fixed by my sampledata reversion yesterday?12:16
wgrantjtv: Its output was accidentally added to the sampledata a couple of weeks ago.12:16
jtvwgrant: that's what I was hoping for yesterday, but unless I was less up-to-date than I thought, it doesn't seem to help.12:16
jtvwgrant: oh wait, did you end up landing that on db-devel or not?12:17
wgrantjtv: It landed on db-devel a couple of days ago, and on devel a little over 24 hours ago.12:17
wgrantdevel r1062712:17
wgrantdb-devel r919412:17
jtvwgrant: it may be a "missing link" in how the revisions flowed on this system... I'll try again.12:18
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deryckgmb, I think we should make Bug #557252 a priority.  Seems a simple fix with many gains.  Would you agree?13:32
mupBug #557252: Creating CalculateBugHeatJob is very slow <story-bug-heat> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/557252>13:32
gmbderyck, I just triaged it as medium :). But if we've got someone to spare to fix it then yes, we should deal with it, if only to make garbo-hourly happier13:33
deryckgmb, yeah, that sounds fine.13:34
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* wgrant loves bugmail from 'Tomorrow 00:32'14:36
kfogelwgrant: http://fts.ifac.cnr.it/cgi-bin/dwww/usr/share/doc/emacs21-common/etc/future-bug14:47
wgrantkfogel: Heh.14:48
wgrant(Bug #262040 is the problem.)14:49
mupBug #262040: Bogus timestamps on some unbatched bugmail <email> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/262040>14:49
bacreviewers meeting starting in one minute14:59
dhasthadanilos, are you there?15:16
kfogelAnyone know why PQM is suddenly being very coy about showing details?  http://people.canonical.com/~kfogel/images/pqm-opacity.png15:17
danilosdhastha, yeah15:19
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kfogeldanilos (or anyone): know why PQM is suddenly being very coy about showing details?  http://people.canonical.com/~kfogel/images/pqm-opacity.png15:35
daniloskfogel: hum, probably submissions for non-LP branches, or something is weird with the PQM configuration15:36
kfogeldanilos: no, it's been like this for a while, and I know I had a submission in the queue then.  I think the configuration is messed up.  What's the best way to report that: RT, or file a bug?15:37
daniloskfogel: it's probably best to check with LOSAs15:37
kfogeldanilos: will do15:37
daniloskfogel: thanks :)15:37
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deryckadeuring, Bug 550973 is really just about adding the referrer header exception and a good comment.  So I moved it to easy bugs backlog.16:24
mupBug #550973: checkbox should send a referer header when it POSTs data to Launchpad. <checkbox:Fix Committed by cr3> <Launchpad Foundations:Invalid by adeuring> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by adeuring> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/550973>16:24
adeuringderyck: OK, I know. The exception already exists, BTW16:25
deryckadeuring, oh, hmmm.  So it's landed?16:25
adeuringderyck: yes, as an RC branch, IIRC. But the comment that gary wants is still missing.16:26
adeuringderyck: at least LP receives and prcesses again HWDB submissions16:26
deryckadeuring, ok.  so even more easy then :-)16:26
adeuringderyck: I know; I just wnat to finish this mantis related bug. Otherwsie, I'll never finish that branch, I'm afaid. After that, I'll add this comment16:27
deryckadeuring, oh, yeah, I didn't mean to imply it should be done now.  Just noting that I moved it to a different queue.16:28
adeuringderyck: OK ;)16:28
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jmlhello again18:16
dhasthadaniloff, are u there?18:21
* maxb imagines that the "off" suffix means no18:22
dhasthaneed help: error occuring while run launchpad locally.     make run18:24
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
maxbdhastha: that is not much detail for anyone to be able to help you with. Please pastebin the error18:25
dhasthamaxb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/410637/18:26
maxbHmm, I guess your rocketfuel-setup never finished successfully?18:27
maxbDo you have a /home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache/dist/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.5.egg ?18:28
dhasthamaxb, finished successfully. no error found18:28
dhasthamaxb, upto download-cache only am having. there is no dist as well as setuptools.0.18:29
maxbWhat do you see if you run 'bzr info' in the download-cache dir?18:30
dhasthaBound branch (format: pack-0.92)18:31
dhastha      branch root: .18:31
dhastha  bound to branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad/lp-source-dependencies/trunk/18:31
maxbAnd 'bzr status' ?18:32
dhasthabzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache/.bzr/checkout/".18:32
dhasthadhastha@dhastha-desktop:~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/download-cache$ bzr statusbzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache/.bzr/checkout/".18:32
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
maxbOK, run 'bzr checkout' and it should create a dist/ directory18:33
dhasthabzr: ERROR: File exists: u'/home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache/.bzr': [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache/.bzr'18:34
dhasthamaxb, bzr checkout  returns above error18:36
maxbOk, try this: 'bzr unbind; bzr checkout; bzr bind lp:lp-source-dependencies'18:36
dhasthasame above error18:39
dhasthamaxb: rocketfuel-setup had taken somuch of time to complete18:44
maxbdhastha: How fast is your internet connection? One option would be to just throw away download-cache and re-fetch it18:45
dhasthamaxb, 60kb per sec. How to refetch that particular file only?18:47
maxbUnfortunately, that branch is huge18:47
maxbdhastha: Could you please run 'ls .bzr' in download-cache?18:49
dhasthabranch  branch-format  branch-lock  checkout  README  repository18:49
maxbOK, 'rm -rf .bzr/checkout' and then try 'bzr checkout' again18:50
dhasthano error found18:51
maxbGreat, do you now have dist/ and cmmi/ directories in download-cache?18:51
maxbAlso, please re-run 'bzr info'18:52
dhasthathere is no one folder there18:53
dhasthawhile run bzr info       it returns Checkout (format: unnamed)18:54
dhastha       checkout root: .18:54
dhastha  checkout of branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad/lp-source-dependencies/trunk/18:54
maxbOK, this part is now sorted.18:54
mrevellNight all18:54
maxbdhastha: Now that this has been sorted out, you should re-run rocketfuel-get18:55
dhasthamaxb, k sure18:56
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rockstarsinzui, hi20:09
sinzuihi rockstar20:09
rockstarsinzui, so, I'm trying to add a method to lp.registry.models.product.Product - I've made IProduct inherit from IHasRecipes and added the method getRecipes to IProduct, but my test still says there is no getRecipes method.20:11
rockstarsinzui, so I'm assuming that there's some sekrit zcml somewhere, but I don't see anything suspicious in lp/registry/configure.zcml20:11
rockstarsinzui, I seek enlightenment grandfather.20:12
sinzuirockstar, verifyObject() says there is no problem?20:12
sinzuirockstar, you added the method to IProductPublic?20:13
rockstarsinzui, verifyObject (as used by assertProvides) says there is a problem, so I'm assuming that proxy is getting in the way.20:14
rockstarsinzui, no, I added it to IProduct20:14
rockstarEr, I made IProduct inherit from IHasRecipes, which has the method.20:14
rockstarAnd then created the method in Product20:14
rockstarsinzui, I guess using IProductPublic might be okay.  As far as I know, we don't have a story for private recipes.20:15
sinzuirockstar, I do not see IHasRecipes in any zcml, so there are not permissions to see it. My tree may be out of date20:16
rockstarsinzui, yeah, it landed this morning.20:17
sinzuirockstar, the other way to explore this is to make IProductPublic inherit IHasRecipes and see if the attr is visible20:17
rockstarsinzui, ack.  I'll try that.20:17
rockstarsinzui, it worked. Screw it.  I'm leaving it that way.20:20
sinzuirockstar, take a look at the other interfaces in the file first to be sure it is what you want. Most registry objects define permission on the base Interfaces for webservice API reasons20:24
rockstarsinzui, yeah.  I don't think we care that recipe listings are public.  As it looks now, Recipes can't be private.20:24
dhasthamaxb, error occuring while make run:    http://paste.ubuntu.com/410703/21:01
maxbdhastha: Could you please pastebin 'dpkg -l' (it will be quite long)21:03
dhasthamaxb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/410704/21:04
maxbdhastha: You do not have launchpad-developer-dependencies installed21:09
dhasthamaxb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/410709/21:14
maxbdhastha: https://dev.launchpad.net/Running, under the "Building" heading21:15
thumpersinzui: I've cc'ed you on an email21:18
thumpersinzui: would be happy to talk about it at some stage21:18
dhasthamaxb, success. Thanks a lot21:19
sinzuileonardr, anyone: How to I go about making the fascist happy?21:22
sinzuiYou should not import copy_field from lazr.restful.declarations:21:22
sinzui    lp.registry.interfaces.distribution21:22
sinzuiah I see:21:23
sinzuifrom lazr.restful.interface import copy_field21:23
leonardrglad you figured it out since i had no clue21:23
thumperwhat was the reason for: Module canonical.launchpad.webapp.login, line 255, in login21:26
thumper    email = removeSecurityProxy(account.preferredemail).email21:26
thumperAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'21:26
thumperon login again?21:26
thumperuser in #launchpad having issues21:26
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mwhudson_i would have less wtfs if buildout and buildbot didn't look so similar22:26
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