
=== daniloff is now known as danilos
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
MootBotMeeting started at 09:00. The chair is bac.15:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:00
bacgood morning15:00
bacanyone else?15:00
bacsinzui, danilos, gary_poster, flacoste, deryck, noodles775: ping15:01
gary_posteryup me sorry15:01
noodles775me (sorry)15:01
gary_posterwas here seconds before your good morning15:01
gary_posterwill cal trops15:01
gary_postercall troops15:01
bacEdwinGrubbs: ping15:01
bacgmb: ping...can you find your TL?15:02
bachmm, no bug types around at all15:02
* noodles775 calls jelmer in (as he's started as a mentat).15:04
bacthanks noodles77515:04
bac[topic] agenda15:04
MootBotNew Topic:  agenda15:04
bac* Roll call15:04
bac * Agenda15:04
bac * Outstanding actions15:04
bac * Mentoring update15:04
bac * New topics15:04
bac * Peanut gallery15:04
danilosbac, hi, I have a call now (when have we changed the time of the meeting?)15:05
bacdanilos: we changed a few weeks ago after discussion here15:05
danilosbac, I guess that was the week when I was sprinting then15:05
bacdanilos: sorry if you didn't get updated15:05
bacdanilos: can you make it next week?15:05
bac[topic]  Outstanding actions15:06
MootBotNew Topic:   Outstanding actions15:06
danilosbac, no worries, we'll work something out (I might change the phone call time for next week)15:06
bac[topic] thumper/mwh to bring up issues with launchpadlib testing on ML.15:06
MootBotNew Topic:  thumper/mwh to bring up issues with launchpadlib testing on ML.15:06
bacwe we discussed the work leonardr did for automating launchpadlib tests, thumper and mwhudson had some concerns15:06
bacmichael did bring it up on the list but as far as i could tell it was unresolved.15:07
leonardrwell, i know there were concerns about automatically creating launchpadlib objects15:07
bacleonardr or gary_poster do you have any update on possible changes?15:07
leonardri landed a branch that takes that out. you now have to create your own launchpadlib object15:07
gary_posterbac, leonardr addressed all concerns to my knowledge.  It is cooler and more flexible now15:08
bacleonardr: great15:08
leonardrthere were also concerns about using the sampledata users, which i also addressed15:08
leonardrthere's a helper function that will create an oauth access token for any user15:08
leonardrso you can create a dummy user and then give them an access token if you want15:08
leonardri think that was it15:08
bacleonardr: is it easy to create an object for anonymous access?15:08
leonardrbac: i haven't tried it, but Launchpad.login_anonymously() should work in the pagetests just as it does in real life15:09
bacok, good.15:09
leonardrone thing we could add to make things nicer is a url alias for 'the launchpad instance accessible to the testrunner'15:10
leonardrwhich is http://api.launchpad.dev/ (not https)15:10
bacwhat do we want to do going forward?  start requiring lplib tests for new API changes?  what about coverage for existing methods?15:10
baci approved some API changes yesterday but didn't require a lplib test.  i think we should.15:10
leonardrbac, did you require a test at all?15:11
bacleonardr: the webservice test was updated to show the new field15:11
bacthat was all15:11
gary_posterFrom Foundations' perspective, my main interest is in tests verifying that our critical clients work with the specified webservice version15:11
leonardrcertainly if it's something that requires a test (and doesn't need to be tested by hacking HTTP requests) an lplib test is better than a webservice() test15:11
leonardrwe thought of two ways to do what gary says, and i don't think we've decided on one (not that we have to go all one way or the other)15:12
gary_posterAnd from a general perspective, I'm a string +1 on using launchpadib directly now that we have it.  Leonard wrote one (yesterday) that caught a problem that would not have been otherwise caught.15:12
leonardrthe first way is to write a launchpadlib test every time we make a change in (eg.) 2.0 that doesn't bleed through to earlier versions15:13
leonardrmake sure that 1.0 still has the old behavior, and 2.0 has the new15:13
leonardrthe other way is to get our critical clients to expose their launchpadlib test suites, and run them as part of the launchpadlib test suite15:13
leonardrthe apport developers are working on this now. if we run apport's launchpadlib tests as part of launchpad's tests (just as we run launchpadlib's launchpadlib tests) we'll know when we make a change that breaks apport15:14
abentleyI think the second way more directly supports gary_poster's interest.15:14
bacleonardr: that effort is great and something i assume foundations will pursue.  but as reviewers we need to decide how to handle testing of changes to API functionality.  it sounds like you're in favor of using lplib tests over the older web service tests.15:15
leonardrbac: yes, unless you're writing a test that needs to send a specific http request15:15
leonardrin which case webservice() is better15:16
bacthat sounds good to me.  the web services tests will require updating when new fields are exposed but the actual tests should be lplib.15:17
gary_posterabentley: (agree, and Francis and I have talked about different ways we can attack that.  I suspect that the first way will be appropriate sometimes, particularly for API calls that are heavily used, but this hasn't been hardened yet.)15:17
bacanything else on this topic?15:18
bac[topic]  * bac to restart discussion on community reviewer/committers after feedback from elmo15:18
gary_posternot from me15:18
MootBotNew Topic:   * bac to restart discussion on community reviewer/committers after feedback from elmo15:18
abentleygary_poster, it can be very difficult to predict what kind of changes will break clients.  Some will accidentally depend on bugs, for example.15:18
gary_posterabentley: agreed.15:18
baci've been unable to get an opinion from legal about community reviewers/committers but got a strong one from elmo.  i'll share that with the list and start the discussion again.15:19
bacapologies for dragging this out.15:20
bac[topic] peanut gallery15:20
MootBotNew Topic:  peanut gallery15:20
bacany new topic to discuss?15:20
bacoh, wait, backup.15:20
noodles775Just an update that Jelmer has started reviewing on Thurs...15:20
bac[topic] mentoring update15:20
MootBotNew Topic:  mentoring update15:20
noodles775as a mentat.15:21
bacwelcome jelmer to the meeting and as a reviewer mentat.15:21
bacnoodles775:  thanks for doing the mentoring15:21
jelmerthanks Brad15:21
noodles775bac: np!15:21
* wgrant wonders in which direction elmo's opinion was.15:22
bacso everyone bring lots of good reviews to jelmer on thursdays15:22
noodles775Yeah, particularly some non-soyuz ones!15:22
bacso, back to the peanut gallery.  are there any other topics?15:22
abentleyI am having trouble remembering to attend this meeting15:23
abentleyAnd part of it is because it's no longer a weekly meeting.15:23
flacosteit's not weekly anymore?15:24
abentleyInstead of notifying people when it's *not* happening, maybe we could notify people when it *is*?15:24
bacabentley: would you prefer a regularly scheduled meeting even if there isn't much going on or the disruption of occassionally canceled ones?15:24
* noodles775 just assumes it is on, unless there's notice.15:24
abentleyflacoste, it's been cancelled due to lack of agenda frequently.15:24
abentleynoodles775, bac: I find the routine helps me remember.15:26
bacabentley: but if you're around at this time, and keep your calendar free for the hour, is it a burden if we just ping you to join?15:26
abentleybac, no, that's fine on my end.15:26
bacabentley: i understand routine is nice.  but i figured saving the team from showing up when there isn't much to discuss outweighs it.  and others have commented they like the idea.15:27
bacabentley: and you're at a disadvantage b/c you have no other team members to check to see if you're around...15:27
abentleyabentley, true.15:28
abentleybac, true15:28
bacif there's nothing else let's call it a meeting.15:28
bacthanks for coming15:28
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:28.15:28
noodles775Cheers bac15:28
=== danilos is now known as daniloff
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-lunch
=== leonardr-lunch is now known as leonardr
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
bachi thumper, mwhudson, rockstar -- up for a reviewers meeting?22:31
thumperbac: if it's quick, I have something on soonish22:31
bacthumper: let's do quick, then22:32
bacin the ameu meeting we had a very brief conversation22:32
bacwe talked about the issue michael raised on the list wrt launchpadlib22:32
bacit sounds like leonard has addressed all of your concerns.22:33
bache provides helpers for creating credentials for a user and getting an object and logging in anonymously is easy22:33
bacwe agreed that new API functionality should be tested with new lplib tests, which are preferred over the webservice tests22:34
bacof course the old tests will need to be kept up-to-date when new things are exported, unless a test is completely replaced22:34
bacother than that, i am supposed to reopen the discussion about community reviewers/committers based on info i've gotten from IS22:35
bacthat, in a nutshell, was the meeting.22:35
bacof course it took us closer to 30 minutes to get all that out22:35
bacy'all have anything else?22:35
thumper what is the result of the email from is?22:36
bacfor many of the reasons we brought up in our internal discussion, elmo does not want to allow commit rights to a branch that automatically goes into production/edge22:37
thumperbut happy for reviews?22:38
bache thought it'd be ok if we create an intermediate branch that accepts contributions from some community members but must be reviewed by a canonical employee before deployment22:38
bacthumper: i'll need to review his email to refresh my memory on the reviewer issue22:38
mwhudsonbac: yeah, i'm happy with the launchpadlib test scaffolding now22:38
baciirc he was not in favor of a single external reviewer.22:38
bacmwhudson: great22:38
baci think there is great value in having community reviewers, even if they do need a second pair of eyes22:39
bacanyway, let me formulate a proposal and get it out on the list22:39
bacthat's all i've got22:40
thumperI've nothing to add22:40
bacok.  well let's call it a meeting then so you can get to your next one.22:40
mwhudsonthanks bac22:43

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