
ZachK_are there any launchpad admins around?00:25
lifelessTalidan: add it to pageant, should be enough00:26
wgrantZachK_: Ask your question to the channel in general -- if someone can help they will, or we can redirect you to a more promising location.00:27
ZachK_https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-beginners-wiki this team needs it's ownership changed...00:27
ZachK_From the current to myself as I am it's new lead...00:27
maxbContact the previous owner. If you can't contact the previous owner, file a launchpad question explaining this00:28
ZachK_maxb: ok....link for the question page?00:28
ZachK_I forgot00:29
lifelessalso if its a delegated ubuntu team, the cc or their delegates should be the owner00:31
lifelessteam lead != team owner00:31
lifelessteam lead would be admin, owner is appointer of the team lead00:31
=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: thumper | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
ZachK_lifeless: ah but the team lead made this team...not the ubuntu councile00:41
arandFailing to login to laucnhpad via links2/lynx/w3m, is that due to a non-trivial implementation of openid, or becasue the terminal browsers' fault?00:43
thumperarand: I have no idea, what errors are you getting?00:46
arandthumper: We just reported Bug #55692700:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556927 in launchpad "apport-collect: login to launchpad impossible in text mode using w3m" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55692700:47
arandI get a lot of "error: SSL issuer is not a CA-continue?" both before I get to the login screen which seems to go through, and whilst it's stick at the continue screen afterwards.00:51
sinzuiCan anyone point me to a doc about how to build a lucid package? I see that uploading the package to my PPA uses karmic, which cannot meet the dependencies.02:34
cody-somervillesinzui, You need to change the target distribution in your changelog.02:35
* sinzui look in dput and the recipe02:36
sinzuithanks cody-somerville02:36
danthetalibanbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~danthetaliban/mtasandbox/trunk/".02:36
danthetalibanWhat am i doing wrong? It's clearly a branch02:36
cody-somervillesinzui, in return, will you expose the bug supervisor for projects via the API? :P02:37
sinzuiNot my group. Why is not exposed? probably a security issue02:38
sinzuicody-somerville, I have been dying to expose inTeam(), but it leaks so much that was dying trying to plug the holes.02:38
cody-somervillesinzui, I thought you were registry.02:39
sinzuino, even an anonymous user can see the big supervisor, I do not think there is a security issue...02:39
sinzuioh. yeah, the interfaces for bug contact and security advisor mixed like oil and water. making a form use edit both requires some arcane knowledge02:40
dhasthaneed help: getting error while run utilities/link-external-sourcecode02:41
sinzuicody-somerville, I am and most project do not use launchpad bugs, so the feature is bugs...but I am symathetic to your plight. I expose bug tracker a few weeks ago because I needed it02:41
sinzuidhastha, utilities/link-external-sourcecode <path/to/lp-source-code>?02:42
dhasthasinzui, raise errors.ParseConfigError(e.errors, e.config.filename)02:44
dhasthabzrlib.errors.ParseConfigError: Error(s) parsing config file /home/dhastha/.bazaar/locations.conf:02:44
dhasthaInvalid line at line "4".02:44
dhasthaInvalid line at line "7".02:44
sinzuidhastha, can you paste the first few lines of of locations.conf at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com02:45
dhasthasinzui, ya sure. I ll paste all the error what i got02:47
dhasthasinzui, I pasted at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com02:51
wgrantdhastha: What's the URL?02:52
wgrantAlso, we should keep this in #launchpad-dev.02:52
sinzuidhastha, I need the url it returned to see it02:52
dhasthasinzui, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410344/02:52
wgrantdhastha: Check your ~/.bazaar/locations.conf for any obvious brokenness.02:53
sinzuidhastha, may I see the first 10 lines of your locations.conf? You probably have a bad file format02:53
dhasthasinzui, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410347/02:56
sinzuidhastha, join line 7 to line 6, your push location should be02:57
wgrantdhastha: You somehow told bzr that your Launchpad username has a newline at the start, and a capital D. Neither of those are possible.02:57
sinzuipush_location = lp:~Dhastha/launchpad02:57
wgrantThis will probably cause more problems later.02:57
wgrantYou should also check ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf02:57
sinzuidhastha, wgrant is correct. I expect to seepush_location = lp:~dhastha/launchpad02:58
dhasthawgrant, Usage: link-external-sourcecode [options] [parent]03:02
dhasthalink-external-sourcecode: error: Parent branch not specified, and could not be discovered.03:02
wgrantdhastha: Run rocketfuel-get.03:03
dhasthawgrant, how to specifiy parent branch?03:43
wgrantdhastha: rocketfuel-get should do it for you.03:43
dhasthawgrant, after build database schema i tried run utilities/link-external-sourcecode. but i shows error: Parent branch not specified, and could not be discovered.03:47
wgrantdhastha: Did you run rocketfuel-get?03:48
dhasthawgrant, yes03:48
wgrantIf so, what error did it give, if any?03:48
dhasthawgrant, rocketfuel-get didnt give any error.03:48
wgrantdhastha: utilities/link-external-sourcecode ~/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps03:49
dhasthawgrant, it returns ./eggs -> /home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/eggs03:51
dhastha  Wanted to link /home/dhastha/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache to ./download-cache but source does not exist03:51
wgrantdhastha: Run rocketfuel-setup again. Something broke the first time.03:53
dhasthawgrant, k03:53
wgrantlamont: shipova is ill.04:29
wgrantIt hasn't built anything in three months, and I'm currently watching buildd-manager repeatedly failing to dispatch one of my builds to it.04:29
nhandlerHow far (in terms of indirrect membership) will LP look to determine if you are a member of a team?05:01
mwhudsonnhandler: arbitrarily05:02
nhandlermwhudson: AFAICT, I should be a very indirect member of ~ubuntu-beginners-security, but it says "You are a member of the team that owns this team. You are not currently an active member.05:02
wgrantnhandler: It means s/active/direct/05:03
wgrantThere is a bug filed.05:03
nhandlerwgrant: Ah thanks. It does show up on https://edge.launchpad.net/~nhandler/+participation , so I guess it knows I am an indirect member05:03
wgrantThat one is a particularly confusing case, where you are the owner as well.05:04
wgrantIf it shows on +participation, it's fine.05:04
wgrantgeser: Those two build upload failure OOPSes from last week turned out to be post-rollout issues that were soon fixed.05:06
rogererensIt seems that the default branch of my project has disappeared since a few days. Could that have happened during an update of Launchpad?08:49
wgrantrogererens: That's rather unlikely -- which is the project, and what exactly appears to have changed?08:50
rogererensThe project is oship; the branch should be lp:oship08:51
rogererensThe latest commit took place 30th March08:52
wgrantrogererens: It looks like the branch has been deleted some time between the 27th and now.08:55
wgrantIt's extremely unlikely that this was caused by anything other than someone in ~oship-dev clicking the 'Delete branch' button.08:56
rogererensthanks for investigating; I'll have to contact my fellow developers08:58
rogererenscan it be 'undeleted'?08:59
rogererensBTW, when someone clicks the 'Delete branch', schouldn't there be an e-mail being sent to fellow developers?09:06
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LaibschIt seems there is some kind of regression in adding upstream tickets.  At least I don't see how to add http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15182 to bug 512567.  I've done this many times in the past and the folks in #ubuntu-bugs were surprised by the change in behaviour as well.11:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512567 in linux "hotkeys adjust brightness non-monotonically on new Asus pinetrail netbooks (1001P, 1005P, 1005PE)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51256711:21
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 15182 in Platform-Drivers "keys for adjusting display brightness don't work as expected on ASUS 1005p netbook" [Normal,Needinfo]11:21
wgrantLaibsch: Does the usual 'Also affects project' method not work?11:23
Laibschit asks for the project11:24
Laibschand then giving either Linux or Kernel gives too many options11:24
Laibschthis used to work just fine11:24
LaibschI will reverse the dupe-master relation for the tickets in question11:24
Laibschbut eventually somebody needs to look into this11:25
wgrantLaibsch: You can't just enter 'linux' in the text box?11:26
Laibschtry it ;-)11:26
LaibschI did11:26
wgrantWorked fine for me.11:27
wgrantAnyway, the default is set properly now.11:27
wgrant(I linked the linux package to the linux project)11:27
Laibschlet me take another look then11:33
Laibschyup, seems to work again, now11:33
Laibschthank you for fixing this so immediately11:34
dolik-rceHello, one of my PPAs dissapeared. It is listed in the web UI ( https://launchpad.net/~dolik-rce/+archive/uppnightly ), but the repository is inaccessible ( http://ppa.launchpad.net/dolik-rce/uppnightly/ubuntu ). My other PPAs work just fine... Does anyone have some hint what might be the problem?12:09
noodles775dolik-rce: http://ppa.launchpad.net/dolik-rce/upp-nightly/ubuntu/ ?12:10
noodles775But I'm puzzled as to how that happened?12:10
wgrantdolik-rce: If you click 'Change details' on your PPA, is the Publish flag checked?12:11
wgrantupp-nightly is a separate PPA.12:11
dolik-rcewgrant: I'm stupid, thanks for pointing it out to me...12:12
wgrantdolik-rce: Any idea how that got turned off?12:12
dolik-rcewgrant: I did it... but didn't notice it is a problem, until later (there is some delay I guess)...12:13
dolik-rcedolik-rce: First I found a problem where packages started hanging in "not published yet" state... but now it makes perfect sense :-) I'm dumb...12:14
wgrantI am not sure why the Publish flag is displayed to users.12:15
wgrantnoodles775: Do you know?12:15
noodles775wgrant: nope, I can't see any reason for hiding it.12:15
wgrantIt seems to just be a recipe for trouble.12:19
persiaIs there a valid use case for turning off publication in PPAs?12:20
dolik-rcepersia: I turned it off to hide the packages from users, until they are flawless and ready for distribution... I just didn't expect some of the consequences. (and forget about it later...)12:24
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qenseI've got a problem with the sprints section of Launchpad. At <https://edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-m> I -- Sense Hofstede -- am listed as attending, but I can still press the 'Register Yourself' button and http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-m still thinks I'm not attending. I've marked myself as attending yesterday evening, so it can't be that I just have to wait another few minutes and refresh.16:25
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pmatulishow does one discover all the available tags that can be used?17:12
rdbJust curious - what does launchpad use to convert cvs modules to bzr?17:32
beunordb, https://launchpad.net/launchpad-cscvs17:52
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rdbbeuno, thanks!17:53
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askhlHi.  How do I systematically override 'changed in launchpad' strings from some file with (better) strings from upstream?  I just tried msgmerging the po-files.  But when importing, Launchpad complained about the file not having been exported from Launchpad (in spite of using the launchpad-file as the merge template).18:05
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askhlShould I merge only the header from the downloaded file into the merged one?18:07
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Flare183I'm having some problems with uploading to my ppa19:06
maxbFlare183: The error suggests that the .changes file is not correct.19:11
Flare183oh ok19:11
maxbFurthermore, you should only every be uploading a _source.changes to a PPA, as they do not accept binary uploads19:11
Flare183oh :S19:12
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Morganvdi keep getting a funny oops message when i try login to launchpad21:08
Morganvdanyone that can help21:08
mneptokMorganvd: are you using edge.lp or the standard, non-dev server?21:13
mneptokMorganvd: if you're using edge, try not using edge ;)21:13
Morganvdum not sure21:14
Morganvdi think the standard21:14
mneptokMorganvd: look at the URL. does it contain "edge"21:14
Morganvdnope nothing with edge in it21:16
mneptokOK, and what exactly is the message you get?21:16
* mneptok isn't an LP dev, but that error message will be useful to someone that *can* help21:17
Morganvdk will give it to you now21:17
mneptokif it is lengthy, it's best tp pastebin it21:18
Morganvdum about 4 lines21:18
Morganvdnot big21:18
MorganvdSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.21:18
MorganvdWe’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.21:18
Morganvd(Error ID: OOPS-1558K2713)21:18
thumperhi mneptok21:18
* thumper waits for the oops logs to sync21:19
mneptokthumper: heya!21:19
mneptokMorganvd: OOPS-1558K2713 is an error that means "You seem to be South African. Those people are crazy. Really crazy. Could you imagine one running a a Free Software company?"   ;)21:22
Morganvdlol mneptok i am from south africa21:23
Morganvdand crazy is out middle name21:24
Morganvdneed a restart21:24
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