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NCommandereggonlea: you around?02:07
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asacamitk: so the reason why serial isnt enabled by default is that it breaks plymouth09:33
asacso no serial by default09:33
asace.g. if you have console=* in the line it goes poof and starts without graphical launcher09:34
asacwanted to look at that code if i find a minute09:34
amitkasac: I heard, pretty bad.09:34
asacok i need to finish migration of my mailserver/irc gateway ... let me shut down irc for that and start it up elsewhere09:36
loolasac: heya; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap/+bug/541030 is milestoned for beta 2 (tomorrow); is an upload still planned for it, or should the milestone be moved?10:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 541030 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "omap kernel musb/ehci ports not enabled on beagleboard (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,Triaged]10:55
asaclool: pushed it to final milestone (i doubt there is time for a kernel upload anyway)10:57
amitklool: push to final, we can't do any more kernel uploads currently10:58
persiaCan't we do one post-beta2 pre-rc?11:00
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amitkpersia: we can try11:02
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asacJamieBennett: so thats ok upstream code wise ;)13:14
asacJamieBennett: hmm. -f doesnt really work13:15
asacif empty13:15
asacjust --filename=13:15
asacbut thats ok as we use that in .desktop13:15
JamieBennettasac: yeah, due to getopt13:15
asacJamieBennett: havent checked looking url13:16
asacis -t irrelevant for that?13:16
JamieBennett-t is used to launch the correct service13:16
asacok so no auto detection by them13:16
asacyeah. so do a release and the packaging13:17
JamieBennettwill do13:17
asacGrueMaster: hey13:48
asacGrueMaster: so is the focus things for maximus/-efl not an issue for the 3d launcher?13:48
styolquick newbie question, im a bit confused as to how to go about installing ubuntu for ARM on a netbook that comes pre-installed with windows CE... im assuming theres not a similar iso approach like regular ubuntu where i may be able to for instance turn an sd card into a bootable disk and install?13:48
asacstyol: what netbook is that?13:49
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persiastyol: 50% of the effort involved is likely to be figuring out how to boot the device.  Once that's sorted, it's easier to make it just work.13:51
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styolsorry my IRC app froze for literally the past 3 minutes13:53
styolits some crappy china netbook that with an awesome $90 price tag...13:53
persiaDid you get backscroll at least?13:53
persiaIf you can tell us the model name, we may be able to give more advice.13:53
styolyeah indeed, how to boot the device as in like key combinations?13:53
styolhmm its likely a no name brand, one sec ill grab the link with details13:54
persiaOr what the bootloader accepts.  Some devices can boot USB, some can't.  Some can boot from SD, some can't.  Some need external special tools to update the NOR to change how they boot.13:54
styolthats a good point that would make sense to be a big difference in approach :)13:54
persiaThat looks a lot like a Skytone Alpha-400 to me.13:56
persiaI wouldn't try to put Ubuntu on it: the RAM is very tight.13:56
styolive been trying to look up details for the processor AK7802Q216 but only am able to locate other netbooks with the same processor13:56
styolah ok, any other suggestions?13:56
persiaIf you do, I suspect you can only run Jaunty (9.04), and not newer releases, because of the processor.13:57
styolthe appeal with ubuntu was actually potentially stuff that may be stripped, in particular we're looking to do a kiosk setup with either simply a web page loading or adobe air which may be pushing it13:57
styol* an adobe air app (that would essentially only load a web page)13:57
persiaYou'll want to research more about the device, but I suspect Debian could run on the processor.  You'd need to be careful to trim your install to be happy with 128MB RAM though.13:57
styolyeah will have to make sure to keep that in mind. ultimately we just want a device that display a single web page and does nothing else13:58
persiaYou don't need a general-purpose OS for that.13:58
persiaGO find a kernel that can boot the device, and init into an embedded browser.13:58
persia(Oh, also, I don't think any of the Ubuntu kernels would work there)13:59
styolsorry im a bit new to the more technical side of linux, definitely of the variety that uses iso's with easy installs on common setups hehe.. so this is all new stuff to me13:59
styolah ok. much appreciated with the suggestions, im soaking everything in that i can13:59
styoldo you have any embedded browser recommendations?14:00
persiaI don't.  We don't generally do much embedded stuff (although we run a general purpose OS on hardware that some vendors also sell into embedded markets).14:00
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persiaIt would be some special konqueror: the regular konqueror assumes a general purpose OS (and all of KDE).14:01
styolgotcha. you've been extremely helpful and i really appreciate the guidance, likely have saved me a lot of time already :)14:01
hrwstyol: midori14:01
persiahrw: Is there a midori-static that can run as init?14:01
hrwstyol: uses webkit and works on 128MB ram14:01
styolsweeeet! thanks hrw!14:01
hrwpersia: no idea - in OE we used midori with whole x11 session14:02
* XorA has run firefox on 64M device, wasnt that hard14:02
persiaheh.  The *one* time I actually recommend an embedded-style solution, and everyone points out that general-purpose solutions scale all the way down :)14:02
hrwin 2005 I managed to run Minimo (gecko based mobile browser) on 400MHz Xscale with 64MB ram14:02
* XorA used firefox on his SL-5500 :-D14:03
XorAhrw will remember that device well14:03
hrwstyol: but forget Adobe Flash support on ARM/Linux14:03
styoloh man all this info, gonna have to save this chat log haha14:03
styolthats fine, i mean we may have wanted to use it for audio but im guessing we can figure something else out14:03
persiastyol: Already done: it's at irclogs.ubuntu.com14:03
hrwXorA: ba! it get me into ARM Linux which get me to OpenEmbedded which get me to Canonical14:03
styolthis place rocks, im leaving this channel on auto-join14:03
styolim extremely interested in this new line of knowledge :)14:04
XorAhrw: next release Openzaurus Ostriche?14:04
hrwXorA: you mean 11.10?14:04
persiastyol: Just be aware that we're targeting newer processors than that in the device you mention, to the degree that there are very few devices currently available in retail that can even run current Ubuntu.14:04
persiaTo get Zaurus back needs someone to revive the name at Sharp, which needs a better form-factor than Netwalker.14:05
hrwstyol: grab FriendlyARM devboard with 7" wvga screen14:05
styolpersia that is a good point indeed, we would be essentially wanting to provide a setup that never changes aside from the web page loaded so scaling or upgrading wouldnt be in the scope for us14:05
XorApersia: I first met hrw working on Openzaurus :-)14:05
hrwstyol: costs ~170€, is nicely supported in OpenEmbedded14:06
hrwstyol: but does not run current Ubuntu14:06
persiaAnd for all I tout Ubuntu, OpenEmbedded is probably a better solution at the current time for a low-cost only-shows-this-one-super-magic-webpage device.14:06
styolhrw this device im looking at is $90 usd and $80 usd at wholesale with a screen, keyboard, lan, wifi, speakers, essentially everything we need.. but its 128mb ram and 2gb hd14:06
styol* a netbook basically, really basic one14:06
styollooks like a matel toy14:07
persiaOn that device, really, run Debian with low-memory apps, and you'll do fine.14:07
persiaAnd doing it that way lets folk use it for anything else once they break into the browser.14:07
styolwe really one people that use it to not even be able to goto other web sites, start applications, nothing14:07
styolwell, guess logging into wifi is a different story14:07
XorAuse that case, get prpplague to design an omap4 board to fit inside it :-)14:08
hrwwifi is easy if you have working driver14:08
persiastyol: Someone *will* break into it if it's a good device anyway.14:08
hrwXorA: prpplague will fit BeagleBoard inside14:08
styolpersia what do you mean? well, i can put it into perspective if you guys want regarding basically what we're trying to do...14:08
styolessentially will be a device that restaurants can purchase for this free online ordering thing we're doing and it will allow them to basically receive new order notifications, update users of changes to order (on delivery etc), and that sort of stuff14:09
persiastyol: That I know of no browser that isn't a security nightmare, so if you permit browser access, someone will find a way to root the device, and use it for something else.  This may not impact your plans in any way (it doesn't impact the plans of most folk)14:09
styolits fine honestly if they go through the trouble, they deserve it14:09
styolthe standard hostess will likely not do that14:10
styolif they want facebook that bad, have it lol14:10
styoli just dont want it to be use for the general public14:10
styoler... closed audience, not general public in that its like library computer14:10
XorAheh the pile driver has started up outside my house14:11
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hrwI need to find 15cm usb extender cables14:14
styolim in america and converted to inches and search 6 inch usb extender and theres gobbles14:16
styolwould you like a link or are you looking for something local (or in your house even)14:17
hrwI need to find local - getting them from US would take forever and cost 800% of their value at least14:17
styolwheres local if i may ask?14:19
hrwstyol: Szczecin, Poland14:21
styolah i see. need bulk or just one/couple?14:22
hrwbut so far I need one - for beagleboard hub14:23
styolah gotcha14:24
hrwbtw - how many of already supported by Ubuntu/ARM devices have video-out? (vga/dvi/hdmi/svideo ones)14:25
persiahrw: There's no way to answer that precisely, because there exists no authoritative list of devices that work, but at least all the dev boards I've seen running it have something, and I know that either DisplayLink or SiS/USB works for the rest, if there is USB available.14:45
persia(although there's currently no good integration in terms of UI or autodetection to set xorg.conf for USB solutions)14:46
ogralool, why did you move the USB omap bug to high ? it prevents all ways of installation or input15:03
* ogra thinks its absolutely criticalk15:03
persiaDoes it really matter?  It gets fixed-by-upload about 4 hours after beta2 releases, doesn't it?15:04
ograpersia, i dont know, all i currently know is that its not yet fully fixed15:07
ograso it depends if amitk finds a fix15:07
persiaAgreed there.  I just didn't think "critical" vs. "high" mattered, since we know it needs fixing soonest.15:07
ograpersia, right, thats why i wondered why lool changed it :)15:08
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loologra, persia: critical is when it would affect random other packages, breaking the world15:36
loolIt's not the case, it's a high priority bug in a well understood place15:36
ograwell, i could argue that it breaks the whole omap world :)15:37
loolBasically, don't use Critical in Ubuntu unless it deserves attention from everybody15:37
persialool: Depends on one's interpretation.  It certainly falls under "A bug which has a severe impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users" for every user likely to have that package installed (from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance )15:37
ograapart from the fact that it prevents installation thats true :)15:38
GrueMasterasac: I don't know about the 3D launcher.  I am not testing the netbook image for x86, and we haven't had the 3D launcher in arm images.15:42
ograwe do ...15:42
ograits just not started15:43
asacGrueMaster: having this data would help a lot to decide whta to do with it15:45
ograwas the openoffice FTBFS discussed in the meeting yesterday ?15:47
GrueMasterasac: I don't exactly have a system to test this with.  I gave up all of my netbooks this cycle.  I would assume it isn't an issue, otherwise it would have been reported.15:49
asacfocus is sometimes and issue in compiz vs. metacity15:50
asacthey behave different15:50
ograwell, UNE definately doesnt use compiz anywhere (unless my info is outdated)15:50
ograits surely not depending on the launcher though15:51
GrueMasterogra:  doesn't x86 use it?15:51
ogracompiz ?15:51
ograi dont think so15:51
ograuntil recently you couldnt run compiz together with clutter (that changed but i dont know when exactly)15:52
ogradefinately no compiz in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-live/20100406.1/lucid-netbook-i386.manifest15:54
GrueMasterThat's right.  I had compiz & clutter confused.  I just got up, need caffeine.15:54
ograso its either maximus or metacity15:54
ndechesnehi all. anyone tried to use git from 10.04 on an ARM target? 10.04 has git 1.7.0, and when I clone any public repo, I have some fatal errors pack signature mismatch and index-pack failed. I am running latest 10.04. On x86 with 10.04 I can clone the same tree without any problem.15:55
ograi would put my bets on maximus since thats the piece that does the fullscreening of the apps *after* the app is up15:55
* ogra happily doesnt touch git :)15:55
GrueMasterThat's what the bug is against.15:55
ograGrueMaster, have a look at /apps/metacity/general/focus_new_windows15:56
ndechesneand in fact, my system is screwed up after git clone failed. for example, I can't apt-get install anymore, it fetches the packages and then fails with Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?) and Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault.... after reboot apt-get install works fine.15:57
ograand fucus_mode15:57
ograsounds like mountall didnt mount your /dev/pts (which ususally does not harm, just spills that warning)15:59
GrueMasterfocus mode is set to click, and focus_new_windows is set to smart.15:59
ograhmm, i think thats ok16:00
loolndechesne: if you get some apt-get install errors and random other errors after using a more recent git, it suggests you rendered your hardware or kernel unstable with the new git16:01
ndechesneogra: don't think so. if i do the same apt-get install before running git clone, it works fine. for example, after git clone fails, running ubuntu-bug gives me a seg fault... after reboot ubuntu-bug works again. any chance you can try to git clone on a real system as well?16:01
loolndechesne: Typically, dpkg segfaults are attributed quite often to unstable systems16:01
ndechesnelool, ogra: by the way, I downloaded git 1.6.5 source code and built it (native). and this version of git works fine with the same repo. so clearly there is something wrong with the current git version in 10.04 for armel.16:02
loolndechesne: Yeah but if your system is unstable as a result of using it, it might be more interesting to diagnose the unstability16:03
loolIt's probably triggered by accident with a particular version of git16:03
loolndechesne: If you like to exclude git, you could run it under qemu-system-arm  :-)16:04
ndechesnelool: do you have an ARM target handy? can you try to see if it's reproduceable on your side?16:04
ndechesnelool: ;-) I was expecting you would tell that to me!16:04
loolI'm too predictable16:05
ogratsk, these french people, always in agreement16:05
loolndechesne: I have an ARM target ready, but crchhchcrchhh I'm going in a tunnel crhcrchr16:05
* lool drives back home now16:06
* lool &16:06
hrwI copied lucid-netbook armel image to sd card16:11
hrwI rather expected vfat+ext3 combo then one big vfat partition with 430MB squashfs on it16:12
hrwshould I dig for usb stick for rootfs?16:12
ograndechesne, so git clone git://gitorious.org/x-load-omap3/mainline.git with the latest git.-core from lucid and then apt-get install xterm works flawless here on an imx51 system16:12
ograhrw, if we would use ext3 for our images we would need to have the image build scripts running as root16:13
hrwogra: OE builds ext2/3 images as user16:14
hrwin fakeroot16:14
ograthe .img files ?16:14
ndechesneogra: argh... i am running on OMAP board, and same repo fails...16:14
ograhow do you write to ext3 .img without loop mounting them16:14
hrwgenext2fs tool16:14
ograhmm, havent heard about that, sounds intresting16:14
ograthough not for our live images16:15
hrwIMAGE_CMD_ext3 = "genext2fs -b ${ROOTFS_SIZE} -d ${IMAGE_ROOTFS} ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.rootfs.ext3 ${EXTRA_IMAGECMD}; tune2fs -j ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.rootfs.ext3"16:15
ograthere is no point for them to be ext316:15
ograsince the partition is only a container for the squashfs anyway16:15
hrwhi prpplague16:16
ograndechesne, my /dev/pts isnt mounted either btw (running in a chroot) and i get the same message without subsequent segfault16:16
ograso its clearly system instability of any kind16:17
prpplaguehrw: hey bud16:17
XorAhey prpplague16:17
prpplagueany canonical folks here using the beagle board?16:17
prpplagueXorA: hey hey16:17
prpplagueXorA: i heard something on the radio yesterday that made me think of you16:18
ograprpplague, we're still waiting for a working kernel, but yes generally we do16:18
XorAprpplague: OH NO!16:18
prpplagueXorA: new flavor of potato crisps, haggis flavor16:18
XorAprpplague: I hate haggis16:18
prpplagueXorA: hehe, for some reason i thought of you when i heard that16:19
prpplagueogra: any way i could pick your brain about the things you'd want to do to differently on the beagle to make it easier for desktop dev?16:19
ograwell, the 10.04 image will exactly look like the ubuntu-netbook image on other arches16:20
ograbeyond that we build a server image and a netinstall image16:20
ograneither of them work properly yet16:20
prpplagueogra: sorry i mean hardware wise16:21
ograbut will do so at release time (i hope :) )16:21
* XorA needs to find room on desk for yet another beagle!16:21
prpplagueogra: i.e. different connectors or button options16:21
XorAprpplague: is zippy2 for sale now?16:21
prpplagueXorA: for about a month16:21
prpplagueXorA: trainer went on sale monday16:21
* amitk wonders if someone makes rubber feet for the beagles so that can stack on top of each other...16:21
hrwok, ubuntu boots on my beagleboard16:22
XorAfor ubuntu I can see having network being essential16:22
* prpplague accidentally wore his prescription sunglasses into the office this morning16:22
ograprpplague, hmm, not really, currently we assume a USB disk for the rootfs, USB kbd and mouse and plan to re-use the SD install media as kind-of-bootfloppy to carry /boot16:22
prpplaguenow i have to go all the way back to the car to get my other pair16:22
ogra(its a quick shot image so we go the path of least resistance with the setup atm)16:22
prpplagueogra: what about having a usb->rs232 built in rather than the generic rs-232 connector?16:23
prpplagueogra: or possibily a case of some type like a STB format16:23
ograsure, a case would be cool16:23
ograSTB is a bit big though, i would go with nettop format16:24
hrwprpplague: if you can do rs232+jtag in one...16:24
prpplagueogra: if you had a case for it, is there anything special you'd want to add to the case16:24
ograholes :)16:24
XorAprpplague: make the top of the case like a lego brick, then we can build beagle walls16:24
ograand indeed the power button would have to go through somehow16:24
XorAprpplague: I have a lacie hard disk like that16:24
hrwheh.. 1280x720MR does not fit on my 20" lcd ;(16:24
amitkstackable beagleboards would be nice16:25
ograprobably a power LED would also make sense16:25
prpplagueogra: might providing a rough dimensions of a case that would be good?16:25
ograprpplague, well, add 1/2 cm around the board16:25
ograand as high as needed plus a bit of space16:25
ogra1.5cm or so16:26
prpplagueogra: i was looking at a case size of 7x5.5x2.516:27
prpplagueogra: but this would include some accessory items inside as well16:27
ograyeah, sounds good16:27
* hrw -> out16:28
prpplagueogra: you'd have two external leds, two external user buttons, power led, built in usb->rs232 for the console uart, proto area , and a secondary sd/mmc slot16:28
prpplaguehrw: later16:28
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prpplagueogra: reset button and power switch16:29
ograhow do you get the secondary SD attached ?16:29
prpplagueogra: via the expansion header16:29
ograah, thats why you need extra space then16:29
ograbut yes, that sounds like a device i'd buy :)16:30
prpplagueogra: well there are some other features that will go in there, thats just the starting port16:30
prpplagueogra: what would be the median price range you'd pay for something like that?16:31
ograbelow 200€16:31
prpplagueogra: does that include a beagle?16:31
ograyes, indeed16:31
ograbeagle is at 120€ or so atm ... so i would be willing to pay up to 80€ for a case16:32
prpplagueogra: ahh, target price of the board+case (without beagle) is about 42EUR16:32
prpplagueogra: you'd buy it for that price?16:32
ograyes, but i usually dont look at the price if i want something :)16:33
ograi'm probably the wrong one to actually define a price here16:33
prpplagueogra: the one item that i still haven't gotten good feedback on is the builtin usb->rs232 for console uart16:33
ograindeed i would also buy it for 42€16:33
prpplagueogra: is that something that added value to you?16:34
prpplagueXorA: what about you?16:34
ograwell, i'm not a big fan of serial at all16:34
XorAprpplague: I prefer real RS-232 as Ive found power cycling the boards seems to reset usb-rs232 chips16:34
XorAprpplague: price is awesome though16:34
ograsince we started ARM i'm trying to get the ubuntu setup to a point where you never *need* to use serial actually16:34
prpplagueXorA: depends on how you implement the usb-rs232, alot of folks like the gumstix don't implement it properly16:35
XorAprpplague: zoom2 is actually quite stable16:35
prpplagueXorA: what about the case size?16:35
ograthough given that there will likely still be a long way to go until thats fully achieved having usb->rs232 surely makes sense16:35
prpplagueogra: you usually use the OTG port on the beagle as a serial gadget or network gadget to work directly with the beagle?16:36
prpplagueXorA: didn't i give you a trainer board?16:36
ograno, i usually use RS232 with my USB/serial adapter16:36
prpplagueogra: ahh ok16:37
prpplagueogra: you use the OTG port much ?16:37
ograi usually use the mini USB port for powering the board if i want to work on it on a train etc :)16:37
prpplagueogra: ahh16:37
ograbeyond that i dont use it much, no16:37
prpplagueahh interesting16:37
ograwe might probably play with installation via OTG options later #16:38
XorAprpplague: sounds ok with the size, my current case is 3.25x3.5x1.516:38
prpplagueogra: just curious, how do you carry your beagle on the train? got a box or something for it?16:38
ogramy bag16:38
ograand two USB cables coming out of it16:38
prpplagueogra: just leave it in your bag and run the cable out?16:38
ogragoing to my lappie :)16:38
prpplaguethe two cables i assume is one for power and the other to your usb->rs232?16:39
prpplagueogra: thanks a bunch for the info16:39
ograwelcome :)16:39
prpplagueogra: you work for canonical?16:39
prpplagueXorA: what kind of case are you using?16:40
XorAprpplague: clear perspex thing koen sent the board it :-)16:40
prpplagueogra: oh one more thing, are you planning to purchase a beagleXM ?16:40
prpplagueXorA: ahh16:40
ograprpplague, yes, given that we actually want to provide ubuntu netbook images and the 256M are the lowest edge for running such an image16:41
ograso the C4 doesnt really cut it16:41
prpplagueogra: thanks16:41
* prpplague goes to get his glasses from the car16:42
loolndechesne: Back now; so what is it you're doing, and how can I reproduce it?17:02
ogralool,  <git clone git://gitorious.org/x-load-omap3/mainline.git with the latest git.-core from lucid and then apt-get install xterm works flawless here on an imx51 system>17:04
loolW: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 171880 11458717:04
ograas i understood, the same fails for ndechesne17:04
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
hrwprpplague: make a board with: 4xport usb hub, power socket (+ power cable from board to BB), ethernet, reset button17:13
prpplaguehrw: you mean for the RevC boards?17:16
hrwprpplague: I have B7, C3, C3+beaglebug so prefer to not buy XM just to get some addons17:16
prpplaguehrw: and the case size? the 7x5.5x2.5 , that acceptable?17:17
hrwprpplague: I do not need case basically but any which fit BB+expansion and give access to reset/user key, usb ports, serial, sd, hdmi, audio is fine17:18
hrw~curse lucid netbook image for lack of serial use17:20
hrwafter ~minute screen go black and I do not even know did my keyboard+mouse were recognized17:21
XorAhrw: I thought the current issue was the keyboard/mouse are not recognised?17:30
amitkXorA: hrw: right, usb is broken at the moment. And we don't have serial enabled by default17:32
amitkbut you can add serialtty=ttyS2 to your boot.cmd and compile it into boot.scr to get you a console17:32
hrw[  136.328033] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x402e600017:32
hrwamitk: I dropped to uboot and used better cmdline then default17:33
hrw[    0.000000] Kernel command line: splash vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x800MR-16@60 file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed loglevel=9 printk.time=1 console=ttyS2,115200n8 -- boot=casper17:33
amitkhrw: sounds like some module was accessed with clocks off17:33
hrwanyway without usb it is unusable17:33
hrwbut atleast 1280x800MR-16@60 fits my LCD17:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 541030 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "omap kernel musb/ehci ports not enabled on beagleboard (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,Triaged]17:34
amitkyou can change the configs according to the that bug and you should have usb, and compile your own kernel until we're able to upload a new kernel17:35
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hrwnot today - I need to get openjdk-6 crosscompiled17:36
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DanaGamitk: do the ubuntu boot scripts now auto-build the stuff to go on mmcblk0p1?17:50
amitkDanaG: this is the u-boot config:17:54
amitkfatload mmc 0:1 0x80000000 /casper/uImage17:54
amitkfatload mmc 0:1 0x81600000 /casper/uInitrd17:54
amitksetenv bootargs 'splash console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 serialtty=ttyS2 vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed -- boot=casper'17:54
amitkbootm 0x80000000 0x8160000017:54
amitkso, if you're asking if root is hardcoded to mmcblk0, then no17:54
amitkthis is for the live image, though17:54
DanaGNo, I mean, when you update-initramfs, does it build an initrd?17:55
DanaGOn the installed system.17:55
DanaGRight now I have to do that manually.17:55
DanaGhmm, what's "serialtty"?  It seems a bit redundant.17:55
DanaGI also use serial console on my host system, and it sucks that it disables plymouth splash on local tty if a serial console is present.17:56
amitksounds like a ogra question ^^^17:56
amitkDanaG: i think my bootargs might've changed from default as I hack around the deficiencies of the first ubuntu image17:57
DanaGoh yeah, also... I hope you'll build the g_audio and g_file (and such) drivers.18:01
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ogra_cmpcDanaG, serialtty is a casper option while console= is a kernel option18:03
amitkogra_cmpc: no, the question before that18:03
ogra_cmpcit is responsible for creating a getty process during boot in the live image18:03
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ogra_cmpcthe update-initrsmfs one ?18:04
* hrw -> out18:05
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loologra_cmpc, asac: Would you guys have any issue if we renamed the d-i omap images to omap3?18:07
DanaGyeah, I was wondering how that copying to the vfat partition would be done automatically.18:07
DanaG(compare it to x86, where grub does that stuff automatically).18:08
loologra_cmpc, asac: Actually I see the kernel is called -omap; I wonder whether it should really be called -omap318:10
loolamitk: ^ your thoughts?  I see the description properly mentions OMAP3, and given that we're likely to have an omap4 one at some point, I wonder whether it would make sense to name everything -omap3 and avoid the ambiguous -omap name18:11
ogra_cmpclool, you know i dont have any issues with you renaming stuff but if you plan to do that please do it in all places18:19
loologra_cmpc: did I miss any above?18:19
ogra_cmpclool, well, inside d-i there are several places as well as in the seeds18:20
ogra_cmpc(installer and boot seed specifically)18:21
ogra_cmpci dont care how the images or the kernel package are called as long as nothing breaks which we have already in place18:21
ogra_cmpcfor 10.04 i dont mind at all how anything is called for later stuff we need to touch the names in any case though18:22
armin76pamo :D18:23
amitklool: in the future we will want to support omap4, and I don't plan on making two different kernels for omap3 and 4.18:39
ogra_cmpcamitk, you have to18:41
amitkogra_cmpc: why so?18:41
ogra_cmpcthe omap4 patchset is incompatible to the omap3 one for now18:42
amitkogra_cmpc: not true, 2.6.34 already has multi-omap support (omap2, 3 and 4 in the same kernel)18:42
ogra_cmpcthough i'm sure help on making them work together will be appreciated :)18:42
amitkM will probably be 2.6.35+18:43
DanaGoh yeah, I think the "M" name (forgot what it was) has one too many syllables.18:47
ogra_cmpcmaverick meercat18:47
DanaG5 syllables.18:48
DanaGMost other names have had only 3 or 4.18:48
plarsso did jaunty jackalope18:48
plarsthat is 5 as well18:48
DanaGStill sounded a bit smoother than maverICK18:48
DanaGthe sound is rather sharp. =þ18:48
ogra_cmpcthe release will be cutting :)18:48
rcn-eeYeah we have to wait till 2.6.34 for mult-omap, even with the rc's i haven't got it to build correctly yet (omap3 + omap4)19:11
desrthi.  i'm trying to take arm ubuntu for a spin inside qemu using the netboot iso from lucid alpha19:11
prpplaguercn-ee: mult-omap?19:11
desrti'm not having any luck with that.  i get a black screen.19:12
rcn-eeomap2 + omap3 + omap4 boards booting with one kernel (omap2 is armv6 so only debian)19:12
* prpplague uses real hardware and not qemu19:12
prpplaguercn-ee: ahh19:12
* desrt doesn't have real hardware :)19:12
rcn-eeit makes things very interesting prpplague and good for one image fits all boards distrubtions...  but end users will probally disable it when they build their unique images...19:13
prpplaguercn-ee: yea i wasn't going to make a comment, just figured you had a reason to do that kind of config19:14
ogra_cmpcdesrt, if you are to lazy to debug use rootstock to build an ubuntu-minimal image (see topic)19:15
rcn-eeps, congrates, saw your boards where picked up by sparkfun...19:16
desrtya.  i'm just installing rootstock now :)19:16
prpplaguebtw, FYI for those beagle board users, Trainer boards are now available - http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16149&cat=0&page=1&featured19:16
rcn-eeHey ogra any chance can i get that 'create initramfs' patch for rootstock merged...  I've been playing all week with it, and it speeds up boot times immesilly, my 'beta2' image tomorrow will have a uIntrid bydefault..19:17
ogra_cmpcrcn-ee, yeah, i havent done the final rootstock upload yet, that patch is still on my list19:18
ogra_cmpcwe still need to find out about the quem hang and if there is a way to work around in rootstock, i'm holding back the final release for lucid as long as i can19:19
rcn-eeokay awesome!19:19
ogra_cmpccurrently omap consumes all my time19:19
rcn-eeyeah, i've noticed those when building 'netbook' image and it's sticking on iso-codes again...19:19
ogra_cmpc(and being on the road for the last 10 days didnt really help here)19:20
desrtogra_cmpc: man.  this got a lot easier since last time i looked19:20
rcn-eei think i'm going to cheat.. build a minimal image... apt-get the rest on a beagle, then retar it up for release..19:20
desrtogra_cmpc: are you responsible for this?19:20
rcn-eeoh fun.. state side again?19:21
ogra_cmpcdesrt, yep19:21
desrtprops, dude :)19:21
ogra_cmpcdesrt, and lots of community people that helped with patches (like rcn-ee )19:21
desrtyou almost have me thinking the qemu-user+chroot is the way to go now19:21
rcn-eelaughs, thanks..  But we make ogra do all the real work.. ;)19:21
ogra_cmpci'm just the guy with the glue tube and the dirty fingers ;)19:23
desrti love how libdrm-noveau -intel and -radeon are being installed into my arm system19:23
rcn-eeyou never know in 'theory' nouvea might some day work with the 'tegra2'19:24
ogra_cmpcnow that would be sweet19:24
desrtwtf plymouth support in the minimal install19:25
desrtthat should really be in -desktop19:25
ogra_cmpcits used everywhere, even in text boots19:25
rcn-eeit looks pretty cool..19:25
ogra_cmpccryptfs prompts are routeed through it as i understood19:27
ogra_cmpcno matter which kind of theme is used19:27
rcn-eeoh by the way, i know oem-config works on freescale hardware, how much ram/swap do you guys set aside?  I'm running out of memory on my Bx ..19:28
ogra_cmpc(text is just another form of theme in plymouth)19:28
ogra_cmpcrcn-ee, for the gtk or the text version ?19:28
rcn-eeright now i'm just playing with the text version...19:28
ogra_cmpcthat should work in 128M19:29
ogra_cmpcworst case enable compcache in your kernel and set the initramfs.conf variable19:29
ogra_cmpcthat should extend your ram a bit19:29
rcn-eethat's what i thought too... it's dieing with out of memory errors..  (it's also drawing the dmesg console and oem-config console on top of each other onthe screen.. ;) )19:29
ogra_cmpcthough we just found that compcache changed since it entered staging, not sure its still compatible with the ubuntu userspace setup19:31
ogra_cmpc(we use the old version in ubuntu kernels still)19:32
rcn-eethanks..  I'll play with merging that into my 2.6-dev tree and retest...19:32
desrtnice.  seems to be going.19:40
asaclool: afaiui we are working towards identical kernel for both20:30
loolasac: Ah right, forgot about that multi omap thingie20:53
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NCommandereggonlea: I've been doing some testing with NFS root on ARM, if your interested, I think we can get this to work well with your setup23:33

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