
dofer49pedro3005, on another note, what if I want to use the other kernel, am I now stuck using this one? How can I get alsamixer back on the other one?00:02
pedro3005dofer49, wouldn't know exactly... try opening a thread on the forums00:03
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Guest24431I can't get my network printer (Brother MFC 495 CW) to print download drivers still nothing can someone help00:33
phillwhi Guest24431, which version of ubuntu and are you running 64 bit or 32 bit ?00:35
phillwubuntu 9.10 ?00:35
phillwthe major hint seems to be follow the instructions EXACTLY, as in making sub-directories if they do not exit, this is a recent (live) thread of people who have it working --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140572300:38
Guest24431yes, I've tried that00:40
phillwyou have followed every step in that thread already ?00:41
Guest24431the best I could--I'm a newbie00:43
phillwSo are they, 5 beans == five postings :-)00:44
phillwDid you download the drivers from the Brother site? Follow the instructions exactly. Do you have error messages?00:44
phillwuse the DEB packages for the printer scanner etc., all of them.00:46
phillwThe thread is new enough for you to able to post to it & ask for assistance.00:46
Guest24431i will try that thanks00:48
dofer49pedro3005, remember what we were talking about earlier? Well after a restart, I went back into the kernel where alsamixer was not showing up01:04
dofer49and not only is alsamixer back01:04
dofer49but sound is here01:04
_paultag_where did nose_pick go?01:46
_paultag_he has the best real username EVER01:46
_paultag_I used to use shazbot when I was a wee lad01:46
pedro3005_paultag_, what's shazbot?01:47
_paultag_pedro3005: a joke word :)01:48
pedro3005_paultag_, I see01:48
nomnexmy 4 USB2 ports are recognized as USB1 port, any idea? There are a few threads on the Ubuntu forum, but no solution/answer02:18
nomnexit is a notebook02:18
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ShadowKnighti have been having problems with my asus eee pc 1005peb running unr, i have noticed that you cant even install pidgin and my display blinks a lot. is that normal for UNR?04:12
duckyShadowKnight, i have the same netbook04:16
duckyand have had no issues04:16
duckywhat ealease are you using of UNR04:17
ShadowKnightducky, any suggestions on what to do? because it seems so weird. it even lasts less in ubuntu than in windows which i find really weird. im using 9.10 i think04:17
duckyok so i guess i should start with asking what it actually does04:18
ShadowKnightducky, first the display blinks a lot especially when i first start using the ubuntu partition. then it constantly disconnects at school and sometimes at home. theres also the battery issue which i dont think it could be because of ubuntu can it? and for some reason (i think it fixed) it didnt want to do the update manager. and of course i dont know if its because of unr but there are some things (pidgin especially) that 04:20
duckyShadowKnight, not sure on the first one. the second one you should use the backports for wifi04:23
ShadowKnightwhich backports? how would i do that?04:24
duckythird what is the issue with the battery?04:24
duckyand waht is pidging doing/not doing04:24
ShadowKnightidk to me at least on my big laptop the battery lasts longer on ubuntu than on windows 7 but on my netbook it lasts less by like an hour or two which i find weird.04:24
ShadowKnighti cant get it to download basically04:24
duckyShadowKnight, you are running win 7 on the netbook right?04:25
ShadowKnightyea its on my other partition. just like my laptop does04:25
duckyon mine that is actually about what i see as well04:25
duckyits because windows kinda lies04:26
duckyi have been getting a pretty solid 6-8 hours shile using wifi most of the time04:26
duckythat is in both04:26
ShadowKnighthmmm okay then so windows stretches it? so i should go with the time that ubuntu says? i havent seen a problem with battery times in my ubuntu for laptop thats why i wasnt sure if it was a problem or not.04:28
duckyyes actually windows shuts the cpu down to powersaving mode when on battery so it is possible to get more time out but it also  means you are not doing anything anyway04:29
duckyso it may as well be in standby04:29
ShadowKnighthmmm okay then ill keep that  in mind thats good to know actually lol i thought it wasn't normal. so is there another limitation on UNR for the asus? i havent had a chance to mess around with it since those initial problems got me to worry that i did something wrong04:31
duckyits a limitation of UNR but there is the avalibility of emabling it as well04:32
duckyalso you really should update the netbook to the latest bios04:32
duckyi had to with mine and alot of issues went away04:32
duckywhen i first got mine i couldnt use the touchpad or keyboard04:32
ShadowKnightokay then update through ubuntu or through my windows?04:33
duckyupdate the bios through windows04:33
duckyoh so you cannot get updates through the update manager04:34
duckyhave you tried to run the command 'sudo apt-get update'04:34
ShadowKnightokay then. imma do that later on today and hopefully it helps. btw what can i do about pidgin and actually downloading it?04:35
ShadowKnightand idk to be honest. i think it is finally working but my netbook died so im gonna turn it on soon. before it was trying but didnt move from 1 out of 47 files04:35
duckywas it connected to the network?04:36
duckyyou were saying you were having wifi issues04:36
ShadowKnightyea it was i was using firefox to double check it was still connected but then again from time to time it just disconnects04:37
duckyi am looking into the disconnect issue04:37
duckyi had the same thing happen to me04:37
duckyim trying to find a link for you04:37
ShadowKnightokay thank you04:38
duckyShadowKnight, can you try hardwiring it into the network?04:40
ShadowKnighthardwiring? ummm i don't know i will be able to do that. i could try but first i will have to find the screwdriver i had. how come?04:42
duckyyour wifi connection my be flaky and if it is dropping then the update mamager wont be able to look for updates and it will time out04:42
duckylilke what you described04:43
duckywhen it searcehs for updates it should not take very long at all enen on a rather slow connection04:43
ShadowKnighthmmm okay then i could try that then. imma double check again when i turn it on again to see if it is connecting.04:44
ShadowKnighthow long does it usually take? i know on this comp it takes less than a min04:44
duckyyea thats about how long it should take04:44
ShadowKnightokay then imma give that a try tomorrow morning. imma knock out. thank you so much ducky. you have been a tremendous help to me. if all else fails ill come back here but i think with what you told me it should be fine. thanks again :)04:45
duckyyea thanks for stoping by04:45
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SteveGarcan anyone help me with adding a new (second) drive, specifically mounting in the current fs one drive #1?06:42
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SteveGargcan anyone verify that i am visible? havent used irc for years.06:44
pedro3005hello SteveGarg06:45
SteveGarghello, thanks06:45
pedro3005SteveGarg, what are you trying to do?06:45
SteveGargadding a new (second) drive, specifically mounting in the current fs one drive #106:46
pedro3005SteveGarg, what do you mean adding a new drive?06:46
SteveGargI have 1 hard disk 500gb sata that has ubuntu, and have an identical 500gb hard drive06:47
SteveGargthat I can see06:47
SteveGargbut not sure of right combo06:47
SteveGargto mount in home06:47
SteveGargso I will have existing home GBs plus new 50006:47
SteveGargseamless for shares to home network06:48
pedro3005SteveGarg, oh so you want to have a partition that spreads across drives?06:48
SteveGargtried lvm06:48
SteveGargbut something in my brain is not getting the mount part06:48
SteveGarglike does second drive need to be06:49
SteveGargpri or logical06:49
SteveGargsame ext406:49
SteveGargetc ? I appreciate you helpign/listening. :)06:49
pedro3005SteveGarg, not sure what pri is, I usually choose logical06:50
pedro3005And yeah, use ext406:50
SteveGargprimary is what i meant06:50
SteveGargext 406:50
pedro3005st4aluck, ohh, primary06:50
SteveGargis what other partition is on first drive that I want to put this new disk in.06:50
pedro3005SteveGarg, not entirely sure... try asking over ubuntuforums.org06:52
SteveGargok, I appreciate your listening! :)06:52
fireaceI'm trying to run UNR off a USB drive on my eeepc 1000h but everytime it starts to boot then I get a message saying 'can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow'07:40
fireaceand a command promt and I can't go any futher07:41
fireaceI've never really used linux before so I'm not really sure what to do07:41
fireaceI thought that it would just kinda boot and run from the stick07:41
seidosfireace, I'm not sure what might help.  I was thinking you could try mounting /dev/loop1 from the command prompt07:46
seidosI think mount /dev/loop1 /mnt07:46
seidosshould mount /dev/loop1 to /mnt07:46
seidosfireace, but you had it right the first time, it should just boot from the stick07:48
seidoseven if mounting works it won't solve your problem of trying to install UNR on the netbook07:49
seidosfireace, sorry I can't be more help.  if you don't get anymore help you can try the forums07:50
fireacewell the way I must see it there must be either something wrong with my netbook or the download but the download verifed fine07:54
fireaceand if it was my netbook other people must of encountered the same problem07:54
fireacebut I havent found anyone reporting a simler problem07:54
fireaceI guess I should just re-download it and see what happens07:55
phillwfireace: assuming you are making the usb drive 'persistant' doo not allocate 100% of the free area to it, stick at 95%; just don't ask me why it works, it just does :-)07:58
fireaceI made it non pesistant and it worked... I'm going to try it again with a much more space for the persistance08:17
Akoshi team08:18
fireacehmmm even with 3GBs it still has problems, guess I'll just have to run it with out persistance08:33
Silver_Fox_Hello smeag0l09:26
smeag0lHello Silver_Fox_09:26
Silver_Fox_Are yo well friend ?09:27
smeag0li am doing okay09:33
Silver_Fox_Thats good smeag0l  :)09:44
Silver_Fox_Hello davidvasta ,  good to see you on IRC :-)10:05
leoquantman0riax morning10:32
leoquantwiki looks fine ツ10:32
man0riaXHey there10:32
man0riaXVery nice (:10:32
man0riaXBtw: How are you? (:10:33
leoquantthats always a goog instrument to introduce yourself isn't it?10:33
Silver_Fox_Hello leoquant  :)10:33
leoquantmorning team ツ10:33
talsemgeestHeya leoquant :)10:33
man0riaXIndeed, it is. Although it's hard to get ideas of what to write10:33
leoquantreheya ツ10:33
leoquantman0riaX when you get more involved into the team your wiki will explode10:34
leoquant(more or less :P)10:35
man0riaXI hope so. I really like writing wiki articles as I got two other wikis to write in. ^^10:35
leoquantare you into the german forums also man0riaX?10:36
Silver_Fox_Link to the wiki page ?10:36
man0riaXleoquant: I am.10:37
leoquantsame nick?10:37
Silver_Fox_Never mind10:37
Silver_Fox_Thanks,  looking good man0riaX :)10:38
man0riaXI was just about posting the wiki article, okay. ^^10:38
leoquanti am a fan of the german wiki, its a great wiki imo, esp. the security part10:38
Silver_Fox_Wiki pages can explode, mine certainly did10:39
man0riaXHehe yes.10:39
man0riaXleoquant: Yeah, it's great and helped me dozens of times10:39
leoquantyeah Silver_Fox yours reads as a novel10:40
leoquant: "great expectation"10:40
Silver_Fox_man0riaX,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Silver_Fox  <- Mine10:41
Silver_Fox_leoquant,  It got BIGGER10:41
man0riaXI've had a look at it yesterday, yes. It's quite huge though :D10:41
leoquantman0riaX it is the mother of all wiki's..:) watch it!10:41
Silver_Fox_I need to update it again I thing10:42
Silver_Fox_I've been doing more stuff10:42
Silver_Fox_I also seem to have come out of the election still holding my positions within the beginners team10:42
Silver_Fox_So for that I thank those who voted :)10:43
leoquantman0riaX hang around, i'am off for some food etc10:43
Silver_Fox_Au revoir10:43
man0riaXI've subscribed to the National Geographics Magazine a few weeks ago and they said I'd have to wait 8-12 weeks until the delivery of the first issue. Strange. ^^10:45
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ApOgEEhi all11:02
Silver_Fox_Hello ApOgEE11:02
ApOgEEhi Silver_Fox_11:03
man0riaXHey there11:03
ApOgEEdoes anyone know where can i get the new ubuntu logo font?11:03
Silver_Fox_How are you ApOgEE  ?11:03
ApOgEEi'm fine, thanks.. how are you Silver_Fox_ ?11:04
Silver_Fox_I am not sure its been released yet ApOgEE11:05
ApOgEEi'm searching for the new ubuntu logo font... which font they use? i'm going to make some materials for the upcoming release party11:05
ApOgEEi only have the logo svg...11:06
talsemgeestApOgEE: From what I have heard they have only finished about 40% of the letters, and they are trying to get it released by the end of the month11:07
ApOgEEtalsemgeest, thanks for the info11:09
man0riaXThis is awesome11:09
ApOgEEdammit... really really really awesome http://www.robertharrison.org/icarus/wordpress/28/icarus-i-launch-3/11:16
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ApOgEEgoing home now... see ya12:36
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michae1Hoping someone can help... trying to install beat 2 of zimbra desktop and am getting a permission denied error. How do I change my user settings to allow me to install zdc?15:58
Silver_Fox_Try using sudo15:59
Akoshi Silver_Fox_ (:16:04
Silver_Fox_ Hello Akos16:05
Silver_Fox_How are you Akos  ?16:09
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running_rabbit07Hello all! I have created an extra partition for testing Lubuntu. When I install it should I install grub in the same partition with Lubuntu then boot Ubuntu and run grub-update?17:54
running_rabbit07Or should I just not let grub instll17:54
ShadowKnightdoes anyone know the backport command for the asus 1005PEB wifi. it doesnt seem to have a strong connection and its taking forever to download updates17:55
running_rabbit07ShadowKnight, I just installed the backport mudule via Synaptic17:55
running_rabbit07I have the 1005 also17:55
ShadowKnightrunning_rabbit07, where do i get it?17:56
ShadowKnightwhat is it called?17:56
running_rabbit07sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-karmic17:56
ShadowKnightso is that for the command line in the terminal?17:59
ShadowKnightthis is for the UNR right?17:59
running_rabbit07Yes, it will work for UNR or the desktop install, yes, run it in a terminal18:01
ShadowKnightk let me go try it. thank you :)18:02
ShadowKnightokay its downloading right now :D18:03
man0riaXMSN bots really rule18:05
ShadowKnightthanks running_rabbit07 :)18:05
Akosthey do? :O18:05
running_rabbit07ShadowKnight,  you are welcome, glad I could help18:05
man0riaXWell, it got boring by the end :D18:05
man0riaXI can't believe that people really trust those absolutely female persons who want to cam with you18:07
tcsmith1978hello - is there anybody here who can help with wireless bridging?18:49
ShadowKnighthey, i was wondering what to do when i update and it comes up with configuring grub-pc18:50
ShadowKnightdo i keep the local version currently installed18:50
running_rabbit07ShadowKnight, I have used the maintainers version and the local, they both have worked for me, might as well go for the maintainer's18:51
ShadowKnightokay then thanks running_rabbit0718:55
harry003_when I attempt to run System/Administration/Synaptic it acts like it is starting for a few seconds then blinks off altogether. same with downloads. also, when I run System testing, it hangs indefinitely19:47
harry003_wait a minute - what does it mean I quit? I was hoping somebody could help me.20:13
hobgoblinaaah you are here still20:13
hobgoblinyou were here as harry003 as well20:14
hobgoblinharry003_: anyway - does any admin task fail in a terminal, try sudo apt-get update20:14
hobgoblinharry003_: cool youtube too - thank you :D20:15
harry003_I am going to reboot into wubi and see if your fix works. are you a city hogoblin?20:16
ShadowKnighthello, i was reading and is there any difference between eee-control and eee applet?20:24
BGL-[s]i believe eee control is newer20:28
ShadowKnightBGL-[s], which would you say is better to use?20:30
running_rabbit07ShadowKnight, I just took a look at eee-applet in Synaptic PM and it looks like a good app. I do not see eee-control anywhere.20:30
running_rabbit07where is ee-control found?20:31
ShadowKnighti know running_rabbit07, http://greg.geekmind.org/eee-control/ this is where i found it20:32
running_rabbit07ShadowKnight, looks like a great applet. I have tried neither, but I am installing the eee-applet right now on my netbook20:35
ShadowKnightokay then imma try both20:37
ShadowKnighthow would i install the eee-control one?20:37
running_rabbit07you'd have to download from the site20:37
running_rabbit07I was just looking and the newest version they have is for 9.04 not 9.1020:38
ShadowKnightoh okay then, so its not good to install it20:38
running_rabbit07could have problems20:39
ShadowKnightokay then ill stick with the applet then :)20:39
harry003none of these things worked. sudo apt-get update returned several pages of mess ending in "Aborted" - would it be best to just start over?20:44
paultagnigelb, poke20:44
harry003is it possible to run Synaptic from the terminal?20:48
hobgoblingksudo synaptic - but you can do all that with apt-get instead20:50
harry003Oh, I see, what is CTCP version? I am trying Lucid via wubi under XP.20:50
hobgoblinctcp version is to do with irc20:50
hobgoblinharry003: did you seem my post in your thread?20:51
ShadowKnighthey, in openoffice presentation. can you do notes similar how you do them in powerpoint? cause in powerpoint i know you can drag up the bottom to write notes. but in openoffice its just a text block that seems far away. is there any plugin or any other program i can use thats similar to powerpoint in that sense?20:51
harry003I don't know, I am handy but not technical. As a Windows user, I would assume that this is a bad installation and start over. Also, I will go back to the "Help Testing Lucid in wubi" thread, that's where I started all this anyway.20:52
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podikiI am really an ubuntu leek and have problems installing a wireless USB21:05
podikiIt is 802.11n WLAN USB adapter (Ralink)21:05
podikican anyone tell me how to install this?21:06
hobgoblinharry003: tbh I have little experience with wubi - I would not know if this is specific to wubi or not - do you get other problems trying to open sys admin tools from a terminal, does gksudo synaptic run? if not does it give you an error ?21:06
man0riaXpodiki, doesn't it run out-of-the-box?21:06
podikino it doesn't run out of the box21:07
podikisorry hobgoblin, I am really an amateur, don't know what you mean...21:07
man0riaXThen give me a second, podiki.21:08
podikithanks manOriaX21:08
hobgoblinI was talking to someone else podiki :)21:08
podikiOh sorry21:08
man0riaXpodiki, can you open a terminal and enter "lsusb" (without the ")?21:08
hobgoblinno need for apologies podiki :)21:09
podikiyes i can21:09
podikidid so21:09
man0riaXWhat does it say about your USB-Wireless-thingy?21:09
podikiget this: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 148f:3071 Ralink Technology, Corp.  Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 003: ID 413c:2003 Dell Computer Corp. Keyboard Bus 002 Device 002: ID 413c:3016 Dell Computer Corp. Optical 5-Button Wheel Mouse Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub nathalie@nathalie-desktop:~$ ^C nathalie@nathalie-desktop:~$21:10
man0riaXHmm, do you know the exact name of the adapter?21:12
podikiwell, it says 802.11n WLAN USB Adapter21:12
podikibrand: Ralink21:13
man0riaXOkay, I guess I have something21:14
man0riaXCan you try this out? (:21:16
podikii tried it but don't know where to add blacklist rt2800usb21:17
podikishall i copy/paste the message i get?21:17
podiki  GNU nano 2.0.9       File: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf           Modified    # This file lists those modules which we don't want to be loaded by # alias expansion, usually so some other driver will be loaded for the # device instead.  # evbug is a debug tool that should be loaded explicitly blacklist evbug  # these drivers are very simple, the HID drivers are usually preferred blacklist usbmouse blacklist usbkbd  # r21:18
podikiof confusion by creating unexpected network interfaces blacklist eth1394                                [ Read 55 lines ] ^G Get Help  ^O WriteOut  ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text  ^C Cur Pos ^X Exit      ^J Justify   ^W Where Is  ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text^T To Spell21:19
man0riaXIf you don't like that editor, try this one: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf21:19
podikiHave no idea what it means... Am a ex-windows user21:19
man0riaXOpen a terminal and run that command. :)21:20
man0riaXAn editor will open21:20
harry003I have continued to bounce back and forth from my XP boot to Ubuntu. I am in Ubuntu and will try to stay here and work on this for a while.21:20
podikiget this: nathalie@nathalie-desktop:~$ udo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf The program 'udo' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install udo udo: command not found nathalie@nathalie-desktop:~$21:20
hobgoblinsudo gedit21:20
man0riaXsudo, not udo :)21:21
hobgoblinharry003: so have you tried what I suggested earlier?21:21
man0riaXpodiki: An editor should start and show you a file - add "blacklist rt2800usb" (without the ") at the very end21:21
podikiok, sorry, did it21:22
podikithis is what i get: # This file lists those modules which we don't want to be loaded by # alias expansion, usually so some other driver will be loaded for the # device instead.  # evbug is a debug tool that should be loaded explicitly blacklist evbug  # these drivers are very simple, the HID drivers are usually preferred blacklist usbmouse blacklist usbkbd  # replaced by e100 blacklist eepro100  # replaced by tulip blackl21:22
man0riaXYap, that's the content of the file.21:22
man0riaXScroll down to its very end21:22
podiki# EDAC driver for amd76x clashes with the agp driver preventing the aperture # from being initialised (Ubuntu: #297750). Blacklist so that the driver # continues to build and is installable for the few cases where its # really needed. blacklist amd76x_edac21:23
harry003I have been at this for a week. I started trying to make wubi work, but gave up because of an error message. I tried VMware Player but Firefox would not work in it. I used Sun/Oracle VirtualBox which worked great except that I was trapped and could not see any other drives or directories. Now I have Lucid running under wubi, but some of the System Adminstration tools do not work. When I select them, I get an icon in the21:23
hobgoblinharry003: please open a terminal - run gksudo synaptic21:24
man0riaXpodiki, then add the line "blacklist rt2800usb" at the file's end21:24
harry003I tried gksudo synaptic from the terminal, exactly the same behavior as when I selected from the menu - 10 seconds of seeming to work - then nothing. I also posted a question back in the original thread.21:25
hobgoblinharry003: if there is an error please paste it to paste.ubuntu.com  put a name in the box - hit paste and give the link21:25
podikii did21:25
man0riaXpodiki, it should look like that one: http://yfrog.com/47screenshotblacklistconfop21:25
man0riaXThen save the file and restart your computer. Hopefully it works. :)21:25
hobgoblinharry003: ok try sudo apt-get update21:25
podikithat is how it looks like21:26
man0riaXVery nice21:26
podikiand now?21:26
man0riaXSave the file and restart your computer. :)21:27
podikiok thanks for your help!21:28
man0riaXTell us if it worked then. ^^21:28
harry003OK, gksudo synaptic blinked off quickly, earlier today you gave me sudo apt-get update which gave an error that I just pasted. can you see it?21:29
hobgoblinwhere did you paste it?21:31
harry003ubuntu pastebin - it looked like ti worked, but is there some sort of "send" that I need to do?21:32
hobgoblinhit the paste button, then you get a new url21:32
man0riaXpodiki, does the wireless adapter work now?21:32
podikii am trying21:33
man0riaXTake your time. ^^21:33
harry003I don't see a paste button. it appears to be at http://paste.ubuntu.com/410713/21:33
podiki_no manOriax, it doesnt21:35
podiki_do I need to download some specific applications?21:35
hobgoblinharry003: there's something wrong with that for sure - not sure how you would deal with it21:36
hobgoblinneither am I sure why you have a file called aegir in sudoers.d21:38
podiki_I tried the CD that goes with it too, but it doesn't open automatically and I don't know what files I need to open in order for it to run21:38
man0riaXUsually Windows drivers serve no purpose on Ubuntu, hmm21:39
harry003OK, I am excited about migrating from Windows to Ubuntu, but I need to feel my way around. Every time it works except for one thing, but a big thing. I am going to "nuke and pave" as my friend says, and do an all new wubi installation.21:39
harry003see you on the other side21:41
podiki_it is also adapted for Linux, has a file called Linux21:43
man0riaXHm, can you check out that file again and tell me its content?21:44
podiki_1 file is called /media/cdrom0/Other Drivers/Linux/2009_0302_RT2870_Linux_STA_v2.1.0.0.tar.bz221:44
podiki_the other one is called WEBUI21:45
man0riaXAh, okay. That's useful, give me a second21:45
podiki_and another one Firmware21:45
man0riaXpodiki_, can you run "lsmod | grep rt" on a terminal, please?21:47
man0riaXAnd post the output, then in a query message?21:47
podikihi man0riaX22:02
man0riaXhi ^^22:02
podikiwhat do I do now?22:02
man0riaXI'm away for 30 seconds, wait22:03
podikiman0riax, I believe I have a lot of issues with ubuntu22:05
man0riaXSo, you've done the restart I guess?22:05
podikican't download or remove applications either22:05
podikibut how can I check if wireless works without disconnecting network cable22:06
man0riaXVery well then, there's a network manager applet to be found in the top-right corner of the desktop. Directly on the top panel.22:06
podikithere is nothing on right22:07
podikiI do have a file called network manager22:07
man0riaXThere are symbols next to the clock22:08
podikiI think it might be installed incorrectly as a lot of things don't seem to work22:09
man0riaXCan you right-click on the panel22:10
man0riaXSelect "add to panel"22:10
man0riaXAnd then choose the "notification area" from the window?22:11
podikidid so22:11
podikino icon appears22:11
man0riaXOkay, then open the menu: System -> Preferences -> Network Connections22:12
man0riaXYou can choose "Wireless" there, yes?22:14
man0riaXSo, select "add" and enter the data of the WLAN22:15
man0riaXAnd also select "connect automatically" ^^22:15
podikisorry, what is SSID?22:15
man0riaXThe name of the Wireless network22:15
podikiok done22:16
man0riaXYou can leave "BSSID" and so on blank - so, can you run "iwconfig" on a terminal?22:17
podikinathalie@nathalie-desktop:~$ iwconfig lo        no wireless extensions.  eth0      no wireless extensions.  ra0       RT2870 Wireless  ESSID:""  Nickname:"RT2870STA"           Mode:Auto  Frequency=2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated              Bit Rate:1 Mb/s              RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off           Link Quality=10/100  Signal level:-59 dBm  Noise level:-97 dBm           Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid cr22:18
podikiman0riax, thanks for all the help and your time, but I am going to return it to the person I sold it from and ask to set it all up for me.22:20
man0riaXHmpf, okay22:20
podikithanks anyway22:20
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