
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
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=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
Ddordawhy Canonical wont release Meerkat on 10/10/2010?17:29
andrewwhen are they releasing it?17:30
Myrttilast thursday of october.17:30
Myrttithat's the default. last thursday of april and october.17:30
andrewwhich is what date?17:31
Ddorda26 I think17:31
Ddordabut still, they made the 10 10 thing very symbolic, why not to go for it to the edge?17:32
m4vthat means less days of testings/bug fixing!17:36
Ddordam4v: well, that's true. still, makes me wonder..17:42
Myrttiif the only reason to change the date is "wouldn't it be cool" then I bet it's not good enough reason17:43
DdordaMyrtti: yea, I know, just thought it might be nice :P17:46
Myrttihi liel17:46
lielHow can I register a cloak?17:46
Myrttiwhich kind do you want, unaffiliated or ubuntu one? for the latter you need to be an Ubuntu member17:47
Myrttifor both you need to register to freenode first17:49
lielMy nick is already registered17:51
lieland I'm an Ubuntu member17:51
lielBut what is the differense between the unaffiliated cloak and the ubuntu one cloak?17:52
Myrttithey look different.17:54
Myrttithat's all.17:54
Myrttiif you want an ubuntu cloak, you need to supply your launchpad profile page URL here. If you want unaffiliated one, you go ask in #freenode17:54
lielMy launchpad page is: https://launchpad.net/lielft17:59
Piciliel: Give me a moment while I contact a staffer to activate your cloak.18:01
Piciliel: There you go :)18:02
lielPici: Thank you a lot.18:03
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei

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