
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
BUGa_vacationsasac: chrisccoulson: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=601600:19
chrisccoulsonBUGa_vacations, at the bottom of the article: "UPDATE: Mozilla now says that an official at RSA has confirmed that the root CA authority does belong to RSA.  Miscommunication drama."00:20
Mook_sbyeah, see m.d.s.p; it got into the cert store properly in 2001, it's just been bought/sold so many times it got confusing as to who owns the private key.00:22
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
=== Mitch_ is now known as Mitch
[reed]micahg: what's going on?05:18
micahg[reed]: ?05:19
[reed]micahg: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=140751#c2705:19
[reed]that is new05:19
ubottuMozilla bug 140751 in General "Integrate Mozilla with KDE" [Normal,New]05:19
micahg[reed]: yeah, slightly broken: bug 48853605:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488536 in malone "subsequent upstream comments in email have no title or note that they are from upstream" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48853605:20
micahgit was created so people can communicate seamlessly with upstream from launchpad05:21
[reed]yeah, would have been nice to know this was being turned on05:23
micahgI think it's been on for a while actually05:23
[reed]not afaik...05:23
* [reed] looks05:23
micahg[reed]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=478463#c2005:23
ubottuMozilla bug 478463 in Backend "Add libnotify (+ libindicate) support to Thunderbird" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]05:24
micahg[reed]: and it seems like it's buggy upstream as well since the LP bug # is linked to a bmo bug05:28
[reed]well, that's not "buggy"05:28
* micahg is filing a bug on LP for it05:28
[reed]it's just catching the auto-linkification of bug #s05:28
micahgwe have the same problem05:29
micahgbug 50576005:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505760 in malone "Upstream bug comments about other upstream bugs that are imported to Launchpad create confusion" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50576005:29
micahg[reed]: should I subscribe you to any LP bugs that might affect upstream bugzilla as I file them?05:33
[reed]yes, please05:33
micahg[reed]: just added you to bug 55703205:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557032 in malone "launchpad's auto-sync comment to bugzilla is linkified upstream" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55703205:34
* asac is back ;)09:31
ddecatorheya asac09:31
asachi ddecator09:32
asaci was on easter holiday09:32
ddecatorgood time?09:32
asacyeah ;)09:32
asacone day off :-P09:32
ddecatorwell, better than none =)09:33
asacBug 52016609:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520166 in ubufox "Manage Content Plugins doesn't work with Firefox 3.6" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52016609:55
asacBug 52629009:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526290 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 3 hyperlinks broken" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52629009:58
chrisccoulsonasac - for the jaunty xul191 security update in universe, we agreed that we could use bundled NSS for that didn't we? (so we didn't have to update the system NSS)10:19
chrisccoulson(hello btw)10:19
asacchrisccoulson: yes, thts the last i remember10:22
chrisccoulsonasac - excellent. all the other updates (in main) are done, i just need to finish the universe update really10:23
chrisccoulsonhow are you anyway?10:23
asacchrisccoulson: back from easter holiday ... processing mails ;)10:23
chrisccoulsonheh, i still haven't finished doing that yet ;)10:24
asacshoulder is still not full cured10:24
asaci dont see me finishing soon ;)10:24
chrisccoulsonthat's not good. is it getting better though?10:24
asacnot sure ... have to see the doctor10:24
asacthink its inflammataed10:24
asacchrisccoulson: so 3.6.4 is scheduled for beginning of may10:26
asacchrisccoulson: we will get out of process plugins there10:26
asacat least its likely10:26
asacwe need to do thorough in advance testing10:26
asace.g. this time stuff should go into security ppa when the beta period starts10:26
asacthats like next week ;)10:26
asacbut first i think we should take care of the xulrunner-list10:27
asacso did we get enough ported so we can say that the rest gets removed?10:27
asacor are there builds where we didnt try basic porting at all=?10:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, should be ok. is there a process for suggesting patches to go in to 3.6.4? (the startup notification bug has a fix in 3.7 already, and would be nice to have that in 3.6)10:27
asacchrisccoulson: you go to the bug + patch and ask for approval3.6.4?10:28
asacor approval1.9.2.4?10:28
asacthats a flag you can switch in patch details10:28
chrisccoulsonwe've got most bits ported, i need to check progress on that though. micahg has been focusing on that mainly10:28
asacand while doing the flip you need to add justification10:28
asace.g. why is it important enough to go into a stable branch10:29
chrisccoulsonah, ok. thanks10:29
asacbasically the same questions our SRU process would ask ... e.g. if you say its a blocker for ubuntu you can get it in ;)10:29
asacif its just a cosmetic bug with high regression risk, unlikely :)10:29
asacstartup notification bug feels important enough ;)10:30
asacchrisccoulson: you should ask for approval soon ...10:30
[reed]which startup notification bug?10:30
asacotherwise it has to wait for 3.6.5?10:30
asacif its not too late yet ;)10:30
asac[reed]: hi ;)10:30
asac[reed]: i think if you click on gnome and firefox starts10:30
chrisccoulson[reed] - hi10:30
asacgnome doesnt recognize that the window comes up10:30
[reed]mozilla bug 416053 ?10:30
ubottuMozilla bug 416053 in Widget: Gtk "KDE/Gnome startup notification not disappearing when app window is up" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41605310:31
chrisccoulson1 second, i will just try and find the bug (and the patch)10:31
asacyeah. that sounds like it10:31
chrisccoulson[reed] - that looks like the one10:31
[reed]ok, that landed on 1.9.2 branch yesterday10:31
asacchrisccoulson: so yes, the other way is to talk to [reed] who is a rocking upstream for us ;)10:31
[reed]mozilla bug 534845 is still needed to fix it10:31
ubottuMozilla bug 534845 in Widget: Gtk "KDE/Gnome startup notification not disappearing for the first time startup (needsRestart)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53484510:31
[reed]I'll get that approved10:31
chrisccoulson[reed] - excellent - thank you :-)10:31
[reed]I'm the unofficial "rocking upstream" contact for Linux distros in general10:32
[reed]they all come to me ;)10:32
chrisccoulson[reed] - cool, that's good to know ;)10:33
[reed]what's your bugmail address on bmo?10:33
[reed]I'll watch you10:33
[reed]are you @googlemail.com or @softhome.net?10:34
[reed]I see two accounts10:34
chrisccoulson[reed] - neither, and i'm not sure of the passwords to those10:35
chrisccoulsoni just created a new one (chrisccoulson@ubuntu.com)10:36
chrisccoulsonis there already 2 accounts?10:36
[reed]three now!10:36
chrisccoulsonheh, i don't even have the softhome mail address any more10:36
chrisccoulsonand the googlemail account is my non-work account ;)10:36
[reed]ok, I'm watching you now10:37
[reed]if you need me in a bug, you can CC :reed or just ping me here10:37
chrisccoulsonasac - packagekit needs a rebuild in main for xul192. i can't upload that though ;)10:37
chrisccoulson[reed] -ok, no worries. thanks10:38
chrisccoulsonasac - we haven't got a good build of xul192 on ia64 yet10:39
chrisccoulsonand gjs is still causing a headache, as that doesn't build on i386 and armel (with 2 separate issues)10:39
asacchrisccoulson: rebuild? or any patch?10:40
asachmm ia64 ...  bad10:41
chrisccoulsonasac - packagekit just needs a rebuild10:41
asacchrisccoulson: so that builds against xulrunner-dev?10:41
asacinteresting that it wasnt uploaded since we have 1.9.210:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, it builds against xulrunner-dev10:42
asacTestPoisonArea.cpp:178:2: error: #error "Need return instruction for this architecture"10:42
asacTestPoisonArea.cpp: In function 'uintptr_t ReserveNegativeControl()':10:43
asacTestPoisonArea.cpp:382: error: 'RETURN_INSTR' was not declared in this scope10:43
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, micahg tried to look at this briefly to figure out why firefox builds ok on ia64 and xulrunner fails10:43
asacchrisccoulson: does ffox build on ia64?10:43
chrisccoulsonand it seems that we're running some tests on xulrunner that we're not doing in the firefox build10:43
chrisccoulsonso i was going to ask if we can disable those for the ia64 build for now10:44
asacin worst case we disable tests for ia6410:44
asacbut mostlikely its just the same as on i386? ;)10:44
asaclets file a bug upstream10:45
asacand disable10:45
asacfound a bunch of assembly instruction books10:45
asacchrisccoulson: debian maybe made a patch for that?10:45
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i can check debian10:45
asacmost likely he forwarded it upstream already10:46
asacanyway. we should disable tests there10:46
asacand wait till the fix lands10:46
chrisccoulsonasac - on the topic of patches - we have a patch in xulrunner for enabling the locking of preferences. i've been asked if we can apply that to firefox10:47
chrisccoulson(bug 541951)10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541951 in firefox "Firefox 3.6 does not honour lockPref " [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54195110:47
chrisccoulsonis there any reason not to use that?10:47
bdrungasac, chrisccoulson: can i reintroduce pwdhash to lucid and which process should i follow? updating the wiki and upload it?10:50
asacchrisccoulson: hmm. i need to resurrect stuff10:50
asacto remember whats bets10:50
asacthe xulrunner patch was xulrunner special as it allows you to set lockPrefs in the GRE dir and the APP dir10:50
asacwe dont need that10:50
chrisccoulsonbdrung - would you mind talking to pitti about that? i think it was blacklisted to stop it from automatically syncing from debian10:50
bdrungchrisccoulson: ok10:50
asacbdrung: we are currently filtering for most important extensions10:51
asacas we need to be able to update major versions10:51
asacif pwdhash is important enough we can have it whitelisted10:51
bdrungasac: i talked to chrisccoulson yesterday. i volunteer to maintain that extension and upstream is very responsive.10:51
asacespecially if its a native component extension10:51
asacok that shouldnt be a problem then10:52
asacyou are core dev, right? that should be enough10:52
asacif you bump into walls with pitti let me know10:52
bdrungasac: the extension is for password managing - without it i cannot log into launchpad for example10:53
bdrungasac: btw, i have release m-d 0.2110:53
asacbdrung: yeah10:53
asacbdrung: new features?10:53
asacotherwise we can upload it10:53
asacwithout checking ;)10:53
bdrungasac: kind of. it now creates empty config files and puts all extensions in a subdirectory to unclutter /usr/share10:54
asachmm. is there an upgrade risk?10:55
bdrungasac: only a little. you have a switch for disabling the new config file creation.10:59
bdrungasac: bug #55708111:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557081 in mozilla-devscripts "Sync mozilla-devscripts 0.21 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55708111:00
asacbdrung: how many packages have been tested with it?11:00
bdrungasac: should i do a full archive test?11:01
asacbdrung: do you have the ability to do that?11:01
asacwe might even want to respin everything in universe then11:02
bdrungasac: i have a script that does that (at least most of the extensions)11:02
asacso all this gets it right11:02
bdrungasac: yes11:02
asacyeah. so give that locally a try.11:02
asacand post results to the sync bug11:02
asacthen i am fine with it ;)11:02
asacmozilla bug 55582211:15
ubottuMozilla bug 555822 in Release Engineering "Throttle automatic updates of Firefox 3.5.9 on release date" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55582211:15
asacddecator: can you check with fta on your songbird merge request=11:20
sebnerasac: songbird died anyways11:20
bdrungasac: can we rename ubufox to xul-ext-ubufox?11:24
asacnot for this cycle11:35
asacit doesnt use md atm11:35
asacwe can do that beginning next cycle11:35
bdrungasac: if we do it this cycle we can drop the transitional package in maverick (otherwise we have to carry it until the next lts)11:38
asacchrisccoulson: so ... ;)11:51
asacnever ending topic :-P11:51
asacif we check lucid main and lucid universe table11:51
chrisccoulsonkazehakase has gone :)11:51
asacare all that have not "Uploaded"11:51
chrisccoulsoni just asked pitti to remove that11:51
asacchrisccoulson: kazehakase was already fixed, wasnt it?11:52
asacaccording to table its:11:52
asace.g. the gecko part was disabled11:52
asaconly webkit used11:52
chrisccoulsonasac - we disabled the gecko backend, but the webkit backend doesn't work at all11:52
asacah ok11:52
asacthats bad ;)11:52
chrisccoulsonso, we just removed it rather than spending time trying to fix it11:53
asace.g. it doesnt really help11:53
asacwe need something for hardy-karmic11:53
asacwe need to fix it anyway11:53
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's true11:53
asacso fixing the gecko backend isnt easy?11:53
chrisccoulsoni'm not too sure actually, as micahg looked at that11:54
asacyeah. we shouldnt have removed it imo11:54
chrisccoulsonit's probably fixable for hardy -> karmic, but i'm not sure we want to keep on maintaining it for the future11:54
asacit was in the insecure list11:54
asacchrisccoulson: we should try if its easy to maintain at least11:55
asacthat was the qualifying factor11:55
asacif it just works with bumping GREVersion etc.11:55
asacgaleon is much more important to remove because thats dead upstream11:55
asacthough its not a regression11:56
asacso we can say its a debian problem11:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, micahg talked about removing galeon11:56
asacanyway. i am more concerned a bout the white holes in the table ;)11:56
asacclasspath (is that not ported??)11:57
asacgxine ( iremember some progress on that)11:57
asacin the main table we still have openoffice.org11:58
asacguess that is fixed?11:58
asacand gluezilla -> will have to check with micah today11:59
asacbut maybe we should really go back and kill more aggressively11:59
asacjust scared about community push back11:59
asacfor dumping stuff without even trying ;)11:59
chrisccoulsonwhat is openoffice using xulrunner for? none of the binaries have any depends on any xulrunner bits12:00
asacchrisccoulson: i thin kits a plugin12:00
asacin browser office ;)12:00
chrisccoulsonah, ok12:00
chrisccoulsonso, that probably just needed a rebuild, which might have already happened12:01
asaci asked ccheney at some point if we could just drop that12:01
asacnot sure where it went12:01
asacyeah. i think its safe12:01
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, there was an openoffice build 6 days ago12:01
chrisccoulsonso that ones done :)12:01
bdrungchrisccoulson: my script found firegpg and kompozer. do we keep them or remove?12:12
persiaI'd prefer to see firegpg kept, just because it's recommended in a number of places in Ubuntu documentation (e.g. CoC signing)12:14
bdrungpersia: it should be added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/extension-list12:15
persiaI won't add it there because I'm not committing to support it.  I'm just sharing rationale.12:16
persiaOr do you mean just add an empty entry as needs-review?12:17
bdrungpersia: it's a list of all extensions and it misses there.12:17
persiaOK.  Adding an empty entry now.12:17
bdrungpersia: not empty, but needs-review12:17
persiaUnder "Action"?12:18
bdrungpersia: can you add kompozer too?12:19
persiaSure, if the wiki ever responds to my edit request.12:19
persiabdrung: Done.12:26
asacfiregpg falls under the "native component" category12:48
asacso should be kept if possible12:48
asacchrisccoulson: ^^12:48
asacpersia: ^12:48
persiaAnd now that I'm getting encouraged to actually do stuff, I remember why I came here originally :)12:49
chrisccoulsonbdrung - yeah, please add them to the list12:49
persiaasac: So, based on bug #526411 some members of the Japanese team believe that setting the default search plugins can now be handled in the langpacks.  Is this the case?  If so, how does this work?12:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526411 in ubufox "In a fresh installation, firefox search engines are ordered alphabetically" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52641112:50
bdrungasac: finally the test build is running12:51
chrisccoulsonasac - bug 557240 FYI12:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557240 in ubufox "Disable "Report a Problem" menu item for the stable release" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55724012:54
persiaI'm sorry I missed that spec before.  That just hides issues.  IF we don't get the good integrated reports, we'll be back to the days of bad reports.12:55
chrisccoulsonpersia - i don't make the decision there though12:56
asacpersia: we can change the searchplugins in langpacks12:56
persiachrisccoulson: I didn't say you did, but I'm certain I could have ensured the decision didn't get made by performing a fillibuster in the UDS session had I noticed it on the schedule.12:57
asacthe defaults need to be set in ubufox still12:57
asacthat isnt integrated into rosetta yet12:57
asacso through contributions12:57
persiaasac: So, how do we do that?  ArneGotje wasn't sure.  Are there docs somewhere?12:57
persiaOh, so direct patches into ubufox?12:57
asacpersia: submit a patch for ubufox ...12:57
asacthere are locale/LANG/...12:57
persiaCool.  I'll advise nobuto, who will probably submit something.12:57
asacthere is *search*properties12:58
asaci think thats all12:58
persiaAnd it doesn't need any fussing with langpack-o-matic?12:58
asacdepends. some languages also want a special url, e.g. yahoo.cp.jo12:58
asacif they want to change the search plugin we need to fix that in langpack o matic12:59
asacthe default is managed in ubufox12:59
asacor some langauges might even want a complete new searchplugin etc ... that would be lpom12:59
persiaNow I'm confused.  It's precisely for that special URL that I've been asked to make the request.12:59
asacyes. so thats not "changing the default", but changing an existing seachplugin13:00
asacpersia: what searchplugin is that about?13:00
persiaSo it happens in the langpacks.13:00
asachmm. afaik we already ship that13:00
asaclet me check13:00
persiaOdd: that doesn't match the instructions I was given.  I'll get some new guidance and ask more later.13:00
asacwait a second. have to verify whts in -ja langpack (install.ing ..)13:01
bdrungasac: the build check found bug #52713813:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527138 in enigmail "enigmail is uninstallable in lucid, needs update to 1.0 - blocked by missing tbird sdk" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52713813:02
bdrungpersia: firegpg FTBFS13:03
asacpersia: yes, so "ja" isnt specialized interestingly13:03
asacso they should submit the changed .xml files13:03
persiaasac: To ubufox or to langpack-o-matic?13:03
asacpersia: langpack-o-matic sounds good13:04
asacbdrung: yes. i have it ready ... just lack some build-deps ;)13:04
asaci mean ... lack adding them so it builds on the builders13:04
bdrungasac: there are others, too (but nothing caused by m-d)13:05
nikolamhmm, Mozilla not wanting to release Sunbird beyond 1.0b13:16
nikolamand now lightning plugin is available for both Thunderbird and Seamonkey 2.0b2+ again (Seamonkey currently on 2.0.4 on PPA, https://launchpad.net/~seamonkey2/+archive/seamonkey2)13:17
asacyes. plugin is better maintained13:18
asacwe will try to drop sunbird and just ship lightning13:18
nikolamLooks like calendaring is coming back home to mail client again..13:18
asacdiscussed that with chrisccoulson today13:18
nikolamAnd, like I was missing badly calendar plugin after switching from Mozilla to Seamonkey,13:18
nikolamI am now going to badly miss Sunbird..13:19
nikolamSo frankly, who is joking to users uh.13:19
* persia praises akonadi and encourages someone to investigate and fix the akonadi/e-d-s issues so that external "calendaring" applications aren't required13:20
nikolamwhat is akonadi, persia13:20
maxbMy thunderbird (on lucid) crashes, a lot. Given the interesting launcher arrangement, how do I best run it under gdb, such that I have a chance of filing a useful bug when it next happens?13:21
persiaIt's a PIM metadata repository with an open API.13:21
nikolamand how is encrypted and protected, users data inside akonadi? could I run it on my own server?13:24
nikolamseems to me like very hard kde/gnome depended?13:25
persiaIt has a dependency on Qt, and E-D-S has dependencies on GTK+, but it's local.  I don't know enough about how it's implemented to answer the rest: try #akonadi13:31
bdrungasac: done bug #55708113:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557081 in mozilla-devscripts "Sync mozilla-devscripts 0.21 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55708113:36
nikolambah, where a heck i get 64bit lightning.13:38
nikolamKilling Sunbird now is so bad, huh..13:39
asacnikolam: we will build it hopefully (amd64 lightning)13:44
nikolambut there is no official one as i see it now13:45
asacyes. upstream doesnt support 6413:46
nikolamto exactly I am without sunbird in future and lightning is not supportd od 64 biy by mozilla, neither other plugins. They (mozilla) might just say to me: do not use it.13:47
nikolamLike it was when Mozilla was changing to FF . It is saying again.13:49
asacwell. dont complain to us13:49
asacwe will try to get it in ubuntu13:49
asacif it works at all ;)13:49
nikolambah ;)13:50
nikolamI installed it on TB3.0 on opensolaris. And it does not load remote calendar13:53
nikolamok,, correction, it does. one needs just to remove it and make it again.13:55
asacchrisccoulson: Bug 52629014:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526290 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 3 hyperlinks broken" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52629014:00
asacread my last comments14:01
asaci think we lost that setting from tb2 to tb314:01
chrisccoulsonasac - oh, there is a setting to configure that?14:04
asacchrisccoulson: yes.14:04
asacnow that xdg-open works its quite ok14:04
asacpreviously we had that as fallback and then the other stuff was taken from gconf if available14:05
bdrungasac: ubufox uses m-d - it needs an update14:24
bdrungasac: can you please push the ubufox ubuntu branch? it's not up-to-date!14:31
bdrungasac: can ubufox use 3.0 (quilt) or do you need to backport this branch?14:33
micahgbdrung: I don't think we should be using quilt 3.0 until next year when all the old versions are EOL14:36
bdrungmicahg: doesn't this depends on the development model? if there is a branch for every release, you can easily cherry-pick changes. so trunk does not need to build on all releases, does it?14:38
micahgyes, but dailies are built on trunk14:38
micahgor rather off trunk14:38
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't know how I missed that bug menu disable item, if I had caught it, I would have complained14:42
sebnermicahg: hoia, I heard you are fiXX0ring gjs? :)14:42
micahgsebner: hopefully :)14:43
sebnermicahg: heh, I heard the js checks are failing on i386 :\ bad gjs14:44
micahgsebner: yes, but I think it has to do with something on the xul side, but it's not a 5 minute thing and I need internet access to research hence my problem in sitting down to do it14:45
micahgsebner: has to be this week though :)14:45
sebnermicahg: great, I personnaly don't care but a friend of mine updated to lucid and found gnome-shell unbuildable. I researched and rebuild gjs against new xulrunner (why is 1.9.2 hardcoded in rules btw)) but had to disable tests :\14:47
micahgsebner: there's no good way to use a specific xul release w/out hardcoding ATM14:50
sebnermicahg: hardcoding it in rules? *hrhrhr*14:51
sebnermicahg: argh, I mean control -.-15:16
micahgsebner: well, we might be able to use dh_xulrunner15:17
chrisccoulsonbdrung - were you looking at the firegpg ftbfs?15:19
chrisccoulsoni can probably fix that now if you're not already looking at it15:19
micahgchrisccoulson: I have it building, that problem is that once it starts, there's an issue15:19
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, what's the issue?15:20
micahgidr, but there's an xul type error that requires a code change15:20
chrisccoulsonah, i'll leave that one with you for now then ;)15:21
micahgchrisccoulson: can we drop noscript?15:21
chrisccoulsonmicahg - noscript is quite a popular extension according to a.m.o, which is why i kept it15:22
chrisccoulsonis there a reason to drop it?15:22
chrisccoulsonother than the fact it doesn't work ;)15:22
chrisccoulson(it needs updating)15:22
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, it's a moving target that moves too fast15:22
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure what asac thinks about dropping that one15:23
asacis important imo15:23
asacquite a lot securtity sensitive folks use it15:24
asacand its ready upstream, isnt it?15:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just need to update it15:24
micahgasac: yes, but they update it weekly, sometimes with security fixes, IMHO, we can't keep up with the updates15:24
chrisccoulsoni will try and work through those that need updating/disabling before i move on to other tasks later15:24
bdrungchrisccoulson: it's yours. i didn't looked into it.15:25
chrisccoulsonbdrung, thanks. it seems micahg is already working on that one15:26
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, that one got on the xul wiki page as well15:26
bdrungchrisccoulson: can you look at kompozer?15:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg, yeah, persia just added it15:27
chrisccoulsoni've marked firegpg as needing no more work, as we're going to keep that15:27
chrisccoulsonbdrung, yeah, will look at kompozer later15:27
chrisccoulsonbah, it seems that building the firefox plugin in beagle is not configurable at build time15:29
Mitchasac: Fixed my connection.15:35
Mitchasac: Nevermind, it was some other channel that forwarded me.15:43
micahgasac: do I need to worry about backports?15:47
asacmicahg: in what way? ubuntu-backports ... probably not15:47
micahgasac: yes15:47
asacif someone uploaded a bogus version there that is now lower we will just upgrade them15:47
micahgasac: ok, so 1.0+really0.9?15:47
micahgasac: or should we just backport latest from lucid to -backports?15:48
asacright. that would work if it still has a good upgrade path to lucid etc.15:48
asacmicahg: we can also do the backport there, yes.15:48
micahgasac: I'll stage that too as a fake source package (i.e. source-version)15:49
micahgasac: bug 55304915:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553049 in galeon "Remove galeon from archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55304915:51
asacok milstoned, subscribed -archive etc.15:53
MitchSo, there's a community fork of Songbird that we're doing called Nightingale. http://getnightingale.org/15:53
MitchLinux-friendly and whatnot.15:54
MitchWe aim to make this thing actually distributable.15:54
micahgMitch: I've been wathcing15:55
asacMitch: problem is security updates15:55
asacMitch: you need to be ready whem moz pushes stuff out ... unless you someone disallow acessing remote content15:55
micahgasac: would we be willing to take it without using system xul?15:56
Mitchasac: Fair enough. BTW, POTI is using an ancient XULRunner version.15:56
asacmicahg: i think we try to get away from xulrunner rdepends15:57
asacwhich probabl ymeans that we prefer in-source stuff :(15:57
asaciff upstream cares and stays on top ... which i dont expect to be the case for many15:57
asacmicahg: poti?15:57
micahgasac: well, I'd still prefer to update 1 package instead of 20 every time there's a security update15:58
asacmicahg: true ;)15:59
micahgasac: as it stands now, everytime mozilla does a release, we need to update 4 packages if we get seamonkey in lucid15:59
asacso yeah. in general we prefer it15:59
micahgand fennec I'm not sure about15:59
micahgI guess we have to see if the vulnerabilities are xul or mobile code16:00
asacfennec uses libxul-sdk, doesnt it?16:01
asacmost vuln are xul code for sure16:01
micahgasac: yep16:01
micahgasac: so for insecure, there's 15 for hardy, 17 for jaunty, and 14 for karmic16:04
asacsounds right16:11
Mitchasac: Oh, you probably meant me instead of micahg before. POTI is the company behind Songbird.16:33
micahgMitch: they're in the process of upgrading to xul19216:37
Mitchmicahg: Yeah. They've been saying that, but getting a release out is a higher priority for them.16:37
micahgMitch: you can see it in the code16:38
MitchIn the 1.9.2 branch.16:38
bdrung_asac: lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubufox/ubuntu is not up-to-date16:56
asacbdrung_: did i do the last uploads=17:01
* asac pushing17:02
asacbdrung_: rev11117:02
bdrung_asac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bdrung/ubufox/m-d-0.2117:14
ftaasac, why debian can't take our gyp if they already took chromium from us?17:47
ftasame for the codecs btw17:48
bdrung_asac: can you have a look at the branch posted above?17:56
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
maxbI have Thunderbird crashing with a SEGV in nsQueryInterface::operator()(nsID const&, void**) const () from /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.4/libxpcom_core.so. Other than installing thunderbird-dbg so that next time there will be more info, is there anything useful I can extract from this gdb session?18:21
ftabug 53737019:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537370 in libjpeg6b "build libjpeg-progs again" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53737019:30
fta*sigh* i need to re-upload chromium to lucid.. 5.0.342.919:59
chrisccoulsonhmmm, deejayd-webui-extension does not work with FF3.620:03
micahgchrisccoulson: could be as simple as bumping the maxversion in install.rdf20:04
chrisccoulsonmicahg, tried that, and it still doesn't work ;)20:04
micahgwhere's upstream?20:04
chrisccoulsonmicahg - that's what i'm trying to find out now :-/20:06
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the upstream URL doesn't work any more20:06
micahgchrisccoulson: drop it then IMHO20:06
micahgchrisccoulson: unless debian has an updated version20:07
chrisccoulsonmicahg - our version is in sync with debian currently20:07
billybigriggerhey all, just a quick question, is it possible to enter in my own right click menu entry in firefox?20:07
micahgbillybigrigger: there's probably an addon to do it20:07
chrisccoulsonbillybigrigger, write an extension?20:07
chrisccoulsonheh ;)20:07
billybigriggerie right click menu pops up saying search google for blah blah20:07
billybigriggeri want to have a menu entry to open a selected link in new tab/window20:08
micahgbillybigrigger: I think there's already an add on for that20:08
chrisccoulsonthere's already an item for that already20:08
billybigriggerhmmm not much of a scripter/programmer20:08
billybigriggermicahg, nice, i'll have a look20:08
billybigriggerBUGabundo, boo20:08
BUGabundooias billybigrigger20:08
BUGabundolong time no see20:08
BUGabundowhat have you been up to ?20:09
billybigriggertell me about it20:09
chrisccoulsonbillybigrigger, maybe i misunderstand what you want, but isn't there already an option for opening a link in new window / new tab?20:09
billybigriggerworking...working...working...now it's summer time and i finally have some time to play haha20:09
billybigriggerchrisccoulson, if it's a proper link yes...but if i highlight just www.blah.com that is plain text it would be nice to right click and open in a new tab20:10
micahgchrisccoulson: maybe e-mail the maintainer for more info?20:10
chrisccoulsonbillybigrigger, oh, i understand now20:10
billybigriggeri'm just being lazy, ctrl-c & v is just as fast imo20:10
chrisccoulsonmicahg, yeah, i could do20:10
avisis asac around ?  this is not on topic for mozilla but i need his permission to ask him a question in PM regarding bluetooth, lucid, and discoverable devices20:11
micahgchrisccoulson: I forgot to copy nss to the staging PPA before I uploaded xulrunner- to hardy :-/20:11
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oops ;)20:12
chrisccoulsonso, xulrunner will need rebuilding won't it?20:12
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, I'll bump it after I copy the stuff later20:12
micahgchrisccoulson: actually got galeon and edbrowse ready on the way in today (I hope they build :) )20:13
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, hopefully20:22
ftafor the records, i've packaged closure-compiler, a "JavaScript optimizing compiler"  http://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/  (but i won't push it)20:24
ftait works fine though20:24
asacchrisccoulson: bindwood ... i think its done in the old style "merge all upstream sources on top" approach20:34
asacwith .bzr-builddeb/default.conf to get the orig.tar.gz20:34
asacor maybe debian/ only but with default.conf20:34
fta(the compiler is in my ppa though, no plan to go to the repos, i'm sick of applying)20:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - actually, bumping maxversion seems to work20:40
chrisccoulson(well, it works as in "the extension loads ok, and doesn't screw up the firefox interface or make it crash")20:40
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure how to test it though, as I don't really know what it's meant to do20:40
mahfouzthunderbird composer could really use a keyboard shortcut "delete line" like CTRL-K in emacs21:11
ddecatorasac: i can if you want. i know micahg was going to test it for me. but yah, songbird is no longer providing official linux support, so i'm helping to start "Nightingale" which will be a community-based fork of songbird21:18
asachmm. i doubt that community can achieve what songbird proper was not able to do21:21
mahfouzwhat is it supposed to do?21:23
ddecatorwe're working with the upstream songbird devs, so hopefully things will work out21:31
bdrung_chrisccoulson: working on deejayd?21:40
micahgasac: would the new nightengale fall under the mozilla team's pervue?21:41
micahgasac: or should we try to work with Songbird still as the linux source will still exist, just no binaries?21:41
asacwell. songbird was always undermaintained21:42
asacbefore getting any of this inthe real archive21:42
asacit shoud be maintained in some ppa for a longer time so we can be confident that we can support that21:43
ddecatorthat's what i'm working on21:43
micahgasac: right, but I'm wondering if it should be  a mozilla team effort since it will most likely be building on xul or another entity21:43
ddecatormicahg: system's xul21:44
asacsure. this can be done under the mozillateam umbrella21:45
asacbut the mozillatem has no wil on its own, so its shaped by whoever is contributing etc.21:45
asacjust think that mozilla stuff is unlikely to make sense if thats not supportable21:45
asacand we seen  a bunch of those products in the past ;)21:45
micahgasac: I'm asking because I saw a dent from ddecator about creating a packaging team for nightengale21:45
ddecatormicahg: Nightingale Daily Build Team. i plan on hosting a PPA until we have something that is worth being looked at by the mozillateam21:46
micahgddecator: should we be doing both Songbird and Nightengale dailies?21:47
ddecatormicahg: i'm not sure. initially, Nightingale will just be a rebranded Songbird with the closed-source components dropped. i can continue to package Songbird in the short-term if we want something up-to-date that works on Lucid, and later Nightingale can take it's place once it's ready21:49
micahgddecator: what's closed source in songbird?21:50
ddecatormicahg: CD ripping and a couple other components i believe. they aren't supported on linux anyway21:50
ddecatorwe're hoping to replace all of that with opensource software so everything works on linux that also works on mac and windows21:53
micahgddecator: that's an interesting proposition21:54
BUGa_vacations$ chromium-browser22:12
BUGa_vacations[19817:19828:8066590399:ERROR:net/socket/ssl_client_socket_nss.cc(1289)] handshake failed; NSS error code -12229, net_error -10722:12
BUGa_vacations[19817:19817:8931888137:ERROR:chrome/app/chrome_dll_main.cc(234)] Gdk: gdk_window_shape_combine_region: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed22:12
BUGa_vacations[19817:19817:8933274665:ERROR:chrome/app/chrome_dll_main.cc(234)] Gdk: gdk_window_shape_combine_region: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed22:12
BUGa_vacationsSegmentation fault (core dumped)22:12
BUGa_vacationsfta: ^^^^^^^^^^22:12
BUGa_vacationsdaily, yes22:13
BUGa_vacationsalready got like 5 crashes22:13
BUGa_vacationsclosing tabs, clicking links, etc22:13
BUGa_vacationsplus, lots of snaps all week :(22:13
ftahm, none here.22:14
BUGa_vacationsmany many here22:15
asacchrisccoulson: Committed revision 204.  on ubufox upstream branch22:21
asacbut 41492622:25
asacbug 41492622:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414926 in ubufox "Submit Bulgarian translation" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41492622:25
asacbug 38167422:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381674 in ubufox "Unnecessary whitespace before ellipsis in Ubuntu Firefox menu" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38167422:29
asacbug 41877722:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418777 in ubufox "Portuguese string consistency" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41877722:30
bdrung_asac: can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/ubufox/m-d-0.21/+merge/22973 ?22:31
asacbdrung_: what ends up in Recommends?22:33
asace.g. do you have it in front of you to check?22:34
asacalso is Add "set -e and debhelper token to preinst script." safe?22:34
asace.g. what is done in those scripts?22:34
bdrung_asac: it installs. "set -e" = exit on first failure. debhelper token is used by debhelper to add more (if required) [all lintian complains]22:35
bdrung_asac: Recommends: firefox | abrowser | firefox-3.5 | abrowser-3.5 | firefox-3.022:36
asaci know what set -e is22:36
bdrung_Enhances: abrowser, abrowser-3.5, firefox, firefox-3.0, firefox-3.522:36
asaci just wonder if there is any code in the post/pre files22:36
asacok thats safe22:37
bdrung_set -e is safe22:37
asacwell. i dont want to risk invalidating all upgrade testing ;)22:38
asacbecause ubufox fails in some stuff in #DEBHELPER# where it didnt fail22:38
asacwhat doest #DEBHELPER# add for us here?22:38
bdrung_#DEBHELPER# is replaces by nothing (in our case)22:38
bdrung_it's similar to ${misc:Depends} ;)22:39
asacdh_install -pubufox debian/ubufox.js etc/firefox-3.0/pref/22:39
asacubufox.js ... is that still installed?22:39
asace.g. does md just take debian/PACKAGENAME.js ?22:39
bdrung_asac: that's a unresolved question. it creates it's own file.22:40
asacit should take debian/PACKAGENAME.js if avail ;)22:40
bdrung_asac: http://paste.debian.net/67926/22:41
asacerr .. its not even ubufox.js ?22:41
bdrung_asac: is it ok to migrate the file to /etc/xul-ext?22:41
bdrung_asac: ups, typo. it's ubufox.js22:41
asacyes. we would need to migrate this22:42
asacnot sure we really want to do that still22:42
bdrung_and it has to B-D on m-d (>= 0.21)22:42
bdrung_asac: it would give us more consistency22:43
kecsapasac, bdrung_: related your discussion, bug 492805 ? I did some effort there.22:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492805 in bauble "Sync bauble 0.9.3-1.1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49280522:44
kecsapno, 49380522:45
kecsapbug 49380522:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493805 in ubufox "ubufox 0.8 leaves FF 3.0 folder in /etc" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49380522:45
bdrung_kecsap: removing the config file is no solution.22:47
asacbdrung_: so i think i need to see the complete migration; but given thats done well, i think one needs to check with slangasek on top whether he considers that a FF thing or not22:57
bdrung_asac: we (mainly i) migrated most of the package to the new xul-ext- name. only a few are left.22:58
asaci know. but none is on CD ;)22:59
bdrung_webfav is on my list (and fixed in a bzr branch)22:59
asacyes, does it have the same system pref thing alredy? e.g. is such a migration needed too?23:00
asacif thats the case i think one should check with RMs just to be safe23:00
bdrung_IIRC it has no config file23:00
asacright. thats why its easier23:01
asacrelease managers23:01
bdrung_asac: i want all packages renamed for lucid. then we can drop the transitional package afterwards and sync many packages (instead merging)23:01
asaci am surely happy with renaming without all the packaging changes ... especially the config migration23:02
asaci am even fine with the full thing if we do it right, and we check with RMs whether they are fine with it23:03
asacbut... i dont have much time to jump in in the time left to fix stuff in the maintainer scripts etc. ;)23:03
bdrung_asac: let's make a deal. you update the maintainer script that migrates the config file and i fix it if it produces problems.23:04
asacat this point, I can mostly only review ... and prey ;) ... have to fix more important stuff in ubufox itself still23:08
asaclike the plugin thing being kinda busted atm23:09
BUGa_vacationsasac: did we revert search engine to google again?23:11
micahgBUGa_vacations: yep, lots of dents/posts23:12
jcastroBUGa_vacations: there's an announcement on -desktop23:13
jcastrobut yeah23:13
BUGa_vacationswas mobile all day23:13
BUGa_vacationsso its news to me23:13
jcastroit's only a few hours old23:13
BUGa_vacationsmay I ask what lead to this change?23:13
* BUGa_vacations reads23:13
BUGa_vacationsrickspencer3: can you expand on that?23:15
BUGa_vacationsis it only cause of "be familiar to everybody upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04" ?23:15
rickspencer3BUGa_vacations, uh23:15
rickspencer3well, that was just meant to say that if you weren't using 10.04 during development, you won't have experiences being switched to Yahoo! and back again23:16
rickspencer3I guess it didn't quite come off tha tway23:16
rickspencer3BUGa_vacations, you think switching back is good, right?23:17
BUGa_vacationsI do use google23:18
BUGa_vacationsnot because I _like_ them, but because they tend to work better23:18
BUGa_vacationsand provide me with a better user experience23:18
yofelhm, I certainly think it's a good idea too, but I'm still a bit surprised that it's suddenly changed back23:18
BUGa_vacationsthen again, I may be toe tipping to much on this question23:19
BUGa_vacationsbut it will be a blow to Canonical new found source or money resources23:19
BUGa_vacationsso I'm confused23:19
BUGa_vacationsyofel: +123:19
asacjdstrand: /usr/bin/apturl is not possible in firefox?23:28
asaccan we get that ;)?23:28
jdstrandasac: is that an apparmor thing?23:30
asacjdstrand: yes23:33
asacApr  8 00:33:11 tinya kernel: [395282.546786] type=1503 audit(1270679591.807:35):  operation="exec" pid=16146 parent=16145 profile="/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.4pre/firefox-*bin" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 name="/usr/bin/apturl"23:33
bdrungasac: do you want me to keep the previous ubufox.js?23:49

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