
* genii sips00:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:14
Amaranthwtf, k-lined?03:44
PiciAmaranth: a teredo ipv6 address was klined earlier today, you were caught in its wake (along with a whole lot of other people)03:45
elkyNah, it's because we found out how evil you are. Your sekrit is no longer!03:46
bazhangy0z in +106:35
ubottuom26er called the ops in #ubuntu (Y0Z)06:51
bazhanghe's trolling multiple channels now06:57
Mamarokhm, so FUJISAN is not k-lined anymore? we are up for some fun apparently...07:20
jussi01Mamarok: has been back on the network on and off for sometime.07:27
Mamarokwell, I have him in #amarok right now, let's see if he behaves07:28
Mamaroklast time he was stalking one of our devs...07:28
elkyhe was in here the other day, extolling himself for how much he's changed now.07:47
elkywhich if mamarok's comment and the spectating his escapades as linux-cli the past few months is anything to indicate, he's not really changed much at all.07:48
bazhanglinux-cli? that was panarchy07:48
Mamarokwell, the first comment was about asking me what brand of beer we drink in Amarok...07:49
elkywho has fujisan been floating around as then?07:49
knomeMamarok, first things first07:49
Mamarokelky: I don't think he ever change his nick07:51
dholbachgood morning08:18
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (kitty_swjtu and luck are hugely offtopic)09:10
ubottumaginot called the ops in #ubuntu (kitty_swjtu)09:12
macoelky: he was un-klined a couple months back09:14
ikoniachanserv slow at the moment09:15
FlannelWoo.  Feels good to be back.09:16
ikoniahowdy flannel09:16
FlannelHowdy Howdy09:16
elkyFlannel breaks down and retracts that statement in 3 ... 2 ...09:19
Flannelelky: Nah.  Trolls aren't nearly as annoying as dying harddrives.09:20
FlannelAlso, I got a free foot massage on sunday! So I'm good to go.09:20
ikoniauber cool09:21
Flannelikonia: Earthquake.  One of the perks of living in California09:22
ikoniaoh really, that got your disk09:22
FlannelNah.  Power outage on the first got my disk09:22
FlannelPower company was apparently told by a supplier that they need to reduce usage by like 75% for a few hours (in the middle of the night, go figure)09:23
FlannelSo now I've got a new drive, and I finally broke down and bought a UPS09:23
elkyPower company fell for a fools day joke?09:23
Flannelelky: At the time we figured it was someone at the power company getting pranked and overreacting (or a prank gone wrong, or whatnot)09:24
ikoniaahhh UPS, I need a new one that battery in mine is having life time issues09:24
FlannelIt's still sort of suspect, with some stories not lining up, but oh well09:24
Slart#ubuntu might need some attention.. Guest52625 alias wroom is being weird10:58
bazhangY0z again (wroom)10:59
elkyheh, offtopic still lists me as council11:54
jussi01elky: thats because you have +F and the correct flags for the "council" template.11:58
elkyThen it's a poorly named template :P12:00
ubottuIn ubottu, kr_217 said: but is it possible?12:37
persiaDid someone implement an eliza mode?12:39
ubottuovermind called the ops in #ubuntu (mynick321 is trolling)15:10
ubottuTecna called the ops in #ubuntu (mynick321 flooding)15:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu, kwtm said: ubottu: !kwtm is so smart.15:38
MyrttiTylerPlack1: anything we can do for you?16:34
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
* Myrtti gives staff members a lollipop and a cup of chamomille tea19:55
* genii sips his coffee20:17
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok

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