
ScottKkees: You're welcome.00:22
ScottKslangasek: If you have a moment to help me figure this out, I'd appreciate it...  The second Kubuntu ports respin you did for me yesterday still had the packages that were removed from the seeds, but manifest shows the new kubuntu-desktop version.  Any suggestions?00:39
slangasektask changes take 2 publishing cycles to propagate, did we respin too soon?00:43
ScottKslangasek: Probably.  I forgot about that when I asked you to respin.00:43
ScottKIf it wouldn't be a problem, could I have another respin?00:43
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slangasekkees: is there any periodic review done of the packages in 'supported' that were requested by IS / Launchpad, to confirm there's still an internal need for sec support?01:57
keesslangasek: just what's done at UDS time with elmo02:17
ScottKWasn't that just the server seed that was reviewed?02:17
* ScottK recalls a session about that.02:17
slangasekthere was a server review, yeah, which I don't think covers the python dev stuff02:28
ScottKNo, it didn't.02:43
ScottKslangasek: Hooray! powerpc is not oversized anymore.  Thanks.03:22
keesslangasek: is the publisher off?  (security updates aren't getting into the archive...)05:20
ScottKkees: IIRC there isn't normally a publisher run this hour.  Has it been going on for a while?05:21
keesScottK: this hour (04:03) yes, but it seemed to miss the 03:03 run too.  maybe I just have bad luck05:22
ScottKThere are two hours it misses and with the DST changes I don't remember which two.05:22
ScottKI think it would have been last hour and this one, but I'm not sure.05:22
kees2? hm, that's new05:23
ScottKOr it could be it's after midnight here, I got up early, and I'm not remembering very well.05:23
ScottKEventually slangasek will set us straight.05:23
slangasekkees: there's one hour when the publisher doesn't run because contents generation runs in its place; then there's the hour after that, when the publisher doesn't run because the contents generation job still holds the lock05:55
slangasek(I don't think it ever finishes within the hour)05:55
keesslangasek: ah, heh, so 05:03 won't run either.  meh06:02
aramorning :)06:56
Riddellhmm, /home/ubuntu-archive/public_html/germinate-output/kubuntu.lucid is over a week out of date11:23
araRiddell, I am afraid that bug 556555 still happens :(11:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556555 in ubiquity "oem-config loops indefinitely in Kubuntu OEM installations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55655511:26
Riddellara: do you get a crash at the end of oem config ?11:29
araRiddell, the first time it loops, no, the second time, yes11:30
Riddellara: have you seen bug 557197 ?11:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557197 in ubiquity "ubiquity does not change pages without moving mouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55719711:35
araRiddell, I haven't. I will try to reproduce it11:36
cjwatsonara: I'm in the process of investigating that11:50
aracjwatson, nice, thanks11:50
cjwatsonmay be for final rather than b2 though11:51
araRiddell, I cannot reproduce 55719711:51
aracjwatson, I am glad to hear that ;-)11:51
Riddellara: hmm, I hope I'm not just going mad then :)11:52
araRiddell, ah, non-english, ok, let me try again11:53
araRiddell, no, I cannot reproduce it either11:56
Riddellara: hmm, so I am going mad11:57
araRiddell, is there a bug about timezone selection being quite arbitrary?11:57
Riddellara: what's arbitrary about it?11:57
Riddellit uses some geoip thingy to give you a local default if you have network11:57
araRiddell, yes, but it does not work11:57
araRiddell, in Ubuntu it places me correctly in Spain11:58
araRiddell, in Kubuntu is either Argentina or sometimes Barbados11:58
Riddellhmm, are you routing your internet through random countries to avoid the MPAA? :)11:58
araRiddell, hehehe11:59
Riddellara: file a bug and assign to shtylman11:59
araRiddell, ok, will do :-)11:59
araRiddell, nice, found a new crash, filing it12:00
evara: do note that there are two timezone setup bugs fixed with a new version of tzsetup in the queue.  It may fix the bug you're seeing if you have something like "Could not understand timezone" and a bit of XML data in your install logs.12:03
cjwatsonara: bug 556555: looks to me like that bug *is* fixed, but you are now experiencing a new one with similar symptoms which needs fresh logs attached ...12:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556555 in ubiquity "oem-config loops indefinitely in Kubuntu OEM installations" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55655512:03
aracjwatson, ok, will do12:03
aracjwatson, new bug? or the same one?12:04
araev, ok, will have a look12:04
cjwatsonstrictly speaking that bug should be marked as a dup and a new one filed - but it probably doesn't matter that much, go ahead and reuse that bug since it's yours12:04
araev, yes, that's the bug. Thanks!12:05
araRiddell, I was able to reproduce bug 55719712:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557197 in ubiquity "ubiquity does not change pages without moving mouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55719712:17
araRiddell, so, sometimes, it reproduces12:17
araRiddell, maybe a duplicate of 556376?12:17
cjwatsonev and shtylman were discussing that last night12:17
Riddelllet's assume it is, I'll mark as duplicate12:19
araRiddell, cjwatson: a new crasher in kubuntu. bug 55722512:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557225 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crashes when moving backwards " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55722512:23
Riddellara: looks easily enough fixed that one12:25
evara, Riddell: just fixed that, actually :)12:25
aracjwatson, now tell me that you fixed it yesterday :D12:26
cjwatsonnot I :-012:28
ttxara: hey, about the cloud image tests on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all12:29
arattx, yes?12:29
ttxara: they need to be refreshed, especially the EBSroot ones (0 tests active)12:29
ttxara: smoser has the links to the testcases12:29
ttxara: in brief, we want:12:29
ttxEC2/classic -> 2 testcases (multiple instance run, userdata/config)12:29
ttxEC2/EBSroot -> 2 testcases (multiple instance run, userdata/config)12:29
ttxUEC images -> 2 testcases (instance run, userdata/config)12:30
ttxara: is it possible to change the tests live, or do you need some candidate respin to trigger that ?12:30
ttx(fwiw, we are considering a cloud image respin to go back to no-ramdisk, now that bug 531494 appears to be fixed)12:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531494 in Ubuntu Lucid "cloud-init job sometimes not running in cloud images without ramdisk" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53149412:31
arattx, we can change them live12:32
ttxara: ok, good. smoser will give you all the pointers when ready (he still ahs to update the UEC cloud image tests)12:32
arattx, ok12:32
cjwatsonttx: is it wise to switch to a new, unknown set of bugs, even if this one seems to have gone away?12:34
ttxcjwatson: EC2 images always shipped without ramdisk on previous milestones, so for EC2, that's actually a better known set of bugs12:37
ttxcjwatson: for UEC images you are right, though they were tested quite extensively before we hit that bug (which was a regression)12:38
ttxcjwatson: the trick is that we want consistency between the two types of images, and we also want to stick to whatever we come up with at beta2 time12:38
ttxWe are just reluctant to drop all https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-cloud-krd for a temporary regression at beta1 time12:40
ttxBut you obviously have the final call on this.12:40
cjwatsonRiddell: germinate> thanks, fixed12:44
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Riddellcjwatson: what what?12:45
cjwatson11:23 <Riddell> hmm, /home/ubuntu-archive/public_html/germinate-output/kubuntu.lucid is over a week out of date12:46
Riddelloh aye12:48
smoserara, ping.13:05
smoserat http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all can you please set up all the EC2 EBS items to have the same "Mandatory testcases" as the EC2 instance tests ?13:06
arasmoser, and that's it? ttx told me that url had changed or something13:10
smoseri think you already got the change in url taken care of13:10
smoserat least the "EC2 instance" tests point to the right place13:10
arasmoser, ok, will do it13:11
arasmoser, uec images remains as they are?13:12
smoserara, 2 things on UEC13:14
smosera.) I'd like it to say 20100407, not 20100406.113:14
smoser (the ec2 ids are from 20100407)13:14
smoserb.) add a "UEC Image instance user data" test13:14
smoserthe explanation of that test is the same as at the existing test's link.13:15
arasmoser, alright13:16
arasmoser, does it look OK to you?13:29
smoserlooks good ara thank you13:30
arasmoser, np13:30
ttxsmoser: the 20100407 is no-ramdisk ?13:43
smoserlet me verify, but yes13:43
smoserttx, no.13:44
ttxsmoser: so it's with-ramdisk ?13:45
smoserwell, hold on13:45
* ttx gets confused13:45
smoseryes, it has a ramdisk. looking into why13:46
smoserttx, i goofed it up13:46
smoserec2 has no ramdisk. uec does.13:47
smoseryeah. hm.13:48
smoseri'll start another build.13:48
smoserits a 2 hour total process13:48
ttxyes, start it then :)13:48
ttxsmoser: what is the most recent noramdisk UEC image, so that I test it ?13:49
smoserbeta-1 is the only one left around.13:49
smoserwere you looking to see failure ? or success ?13:49
smoserif you want to do some testing, i suggest just extracting tarball, and then recreating without the ramdisk13:50
smoserthats the only difference13:50
smoserthen publish that tarball13:50
smoseror uec-publish-tarball --ramdisk=none13:50
smoser(which would have the same effect)13:50
ttxsmoser: ok13:51
smoserttx, 20100107.1 started.13:53
james_wbluez and pitivi can sit in the queue until after beta14:03
aramdeslaur, hello14:53
mdeslaurhi ara14:57
arahey mdeslaur, I have seen that you have reported 2 bugs in the netbook edition14:58
aramdeslaur, any reasons to keep them private?14:58
mdeslaurara: ah, no, hold on a sec14:58
mdeslaurara: fixed14:59
aramdeslaur, thanks :)14:59
mdeslaurnp :)15:00
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smoserara, i'm sorry to bother you again. i missed one thing . *All* (EBS and instance) tests show "Multiple Instances Run" and "Single Instance Run".  They should show "Multiple Instance Run" and "User Data Test"15:23
arasmoser, but you told me that instance ones were OK :-)15:24
* smoser curses his darn stupidity15:24
arasmoser, do they point to the same url?15:25
smoseryes. same url has both tests15:25
smoserjust need to remove Single , replace with User Data15:25
arasmoser, ok, changing it now. I will put Single as archived testcase and create a new one, to avoid changing historical data15:26
arasmoser, done15:36
smoserthanks ara.15:39
arasmoser, anytime15:39
smoserara, in my never ending pain to you, a heads up.  We will want all 20100107 replaced with 20100107.1 and amis accordingly. that will be finished publishing in ~ 30 minutes i think.16:12
arasmoser, no problem, let me know when the amis are published and I will change everything accordingly16:12
slangasekara: or I can take care of those16:14
slangasek(I just wrote a script to let me batch-load the AMIs from the .txt file, it needs its exercise)16:15
araslangasek, ok, thanks. do you publish the UEC images as well, please'16:15
smoserslangasek, you got the new format of those files ?16:17
smoserslangasek, http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/lucid/20100407.1/ is available now16:20
arasmoser, slangasek: I will publish the uec one16:22
arasmoser, slangasek: uec images are now published16:23
slangaseksmoser: "new" relative to what?  I used the script to publish the 20100406 candidates there16:27
smosernew relative to data that i replaced in all output over a week ago. so you're good.16:27
slangasekok :)16:28
doko__slangasek: ping about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ant/+bug/55589416:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555894 in ant "FFE for lucid - ant1.8" [Undecided,New]16:56
doko__(not now)16:56
slangaseksmoser, ara: ok, EC2 AMIs posted (thanks, that was useful for shaking bugs out :)16:59
araslangasek, about the plymouth bug (the kubuntu crypto one), I tried the command you posted in the bug, but I still get the kubuntu logo one17:00
slangasekdoko__: this doesn't follow the FFe checklist - please tell us what the risks are with taking the new version (new features introduced, etc)17:00
slangasekara: oh, sorry - you also have to run 'update-initramfs -u' after17:00
araslangasek, thanks :)17:00
doko__slangasek: is this relevant for a "new" package?17:01
araooops, wrong window, glad I don't use a critical password for testing :D17:03
slangasekdoko__: oh, ant1.8 will be packaged in parallel?17:03
doko__slangasek: yes17:05
slangasekdoko__: ah - since you filed it on the existing 'ant' package, this wasn't obvious to me17:05
doko__liked it better there than with no package17:05
slangasek(btw, you didn't actually subscribe ubuntu-release to this :)17:06
ttxslangasek: given that bug 531494 was fixed, the server cloud images were switched back to noramdisk, looking good so far17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531494 in Ubuntu Lucid "cloud-init job sometimes not running in cloud images without ramdisk" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53149417:06
ttxslangasek: Let me know if you have any concerns about that17:07
slangasekttx: right, gathered that from scrollback - how long until you're confident this works completely?17:07
ttxBy the end of the day17:08
ttxMy testing is good so far, I think the feature deserves a beta2 milestone at that point17:08
ttxbut we'll continue testing today to make sure17:08
ttxserver ISO looks good17:09
ttxthe only bug reported against it is in fact invalid17:09
ttx(and will be edited out as a user error)17:09
slangasekara: lp:~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/post-amis-to-iso-tracker.py is the script for batch-loading a set of AMIs onto the ISO tracker; currently the milestone ID is hard-coded so the next revision needs to extract this from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/admin/addbuild, and you'll need to manually grab the login cookie for .qa.ubuntu.com and stow it in a file17:30
araslangasek, ok, thanks17:37
stgraberslangasek: Edubuntu DVD image is missing edubuntu-artwork due to a conflict with ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork that we were seeding. I updated the seeds (rev 774) so a rebuild of the image should fix that.19:25
stgraberwould be great if you could start a rebuild of it before beta219:26
slangasekstgraber: running20:35
stgraberslangasek: thanks20:37
ttxslangasek: calling it a day, anything you need from me ?20:54
ttxslangasek: test coverage in progress, I'll cover the last holes tomorrow EU morning if any left20:55
ttxslangasek: the noramdisk cloud images are OK, so we should keep them20:56
slangasekttx: looking good to me, thanks21:02
stgraberUploading a new ldm-server that seems to fix bug 557519, if we are to rebuild the ubuntu alternate images, it'd be great to include that one21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557519 in ldm "ldm-server hangs on installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55751921:13
slangasekRiddell, ev: is bug #557309 anything that will get attention for beta2?21:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557309 in ubiquity "no "prepare for shipping icon" in kubuntu alternate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55730921:17
smoserara, or slangasek i need some help.21:38
smoseri need the isotracker ebs ids updated .21:39
slangasekonly ebs?21:39
smoserthere was some snafu with the 20100407.1 original publication and i've fixed it.21:39
smoseryeah, only ebs had the issue.21:39
slangasekare the fixed AMIs documented in the usual place in the 20100407.1 dir?21:40
smoseri moved the original one to .orig21:40
smoser(which is now showing up in the index)21:40
slangasek(any reason to keep that .orig around?)21:40
slangasekAMIs updated21:41
lamontslangasek: so... for the new bbg3 based boxes... you get your choice this afternoon... would you like acorn to be your new livecd-builder, or 4th bbg3 buildd (to go with buttercup, cushaw, and gould)?22:06
slangaseklamont: we definitely need a second livecd builder22:08
slangasekactually, now that we're building images for three subarchs, we could use a third :P22:08
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lamontslangasek: I'm assuming we want the pegatrons to die, sooner rather than later, yes?22:22
stgraberjust wondering, is something behaving weirdly with the archive ? I uploaded a package over an hour ago and didn't get any mail from LP yet (I'd have expected to receive a pending-approval e-mail)22:30
lamontslangasek: would you be so kind as to trigger a livecd build of some sort (armel) on acorn.buildd?22:31
stgraberthat's for ldm_2.1.1-0ubuntu2 btw (fixing that bug I mentioned earlier)22:32
lamontfor confirmation of working status only22:32
lamontwell, after that you can do whatever you want with it22:32
slangaseklamont: pegatrons> I don't have an informed opinion22:45
lamontslangasek: we hate them all22:46
lamontso... that means that what I'll do is give you (1) porter, (2) livecd buildd, and (7) buildds22:46
lamontonce the dust settles22:46
lamontin the meantime, if I didn't screw up setting up acorn, you have it and clementine for livecd fs builds, and clementine will get replaced with some other machine22:47
lamontI'm thinking 'satinash'22:47
lamontthough the buildout finishing is currently blocked on a little bit of hardware22:48
slangasek/home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD: line 105: /home/buildd/public_html/BuildLive.out: No such file or directory22:49
slangaseklamont: ^^ acorn22:49
stgraberok, now that's weird ;) I just re-uploaded that same ldm and it's now correctly waiting in the queue ... anyway, everything's good now.22:52
slangasekstgraber: no alternate rebuilds planned for beta2, but I'll keep ldm in mind22:54
lamontclearly, it should mkdir -p ~/public_html22:59
slangasekthe actual call seems to still be running23:01
stgraberslangasek: Will Edubuntu build a daily at the usual time or is it on manual ?23:01
slangasekstgraber: everything's on manual for beta23:01
lamontapt-get -y --purge install minimal^ standard^ ubuntu-netbook^ linux-dove23:01
lamontslangasek: and thanks23:02
stgraberslangasek: ok, I'm guessing the seed change (rev 774) should now have went through whatever it has to go through and so another rebuild should now include these changes ? (we currently don't have our artwork at all on the DVD images ...)23:02
slangasekstgraber: yes, another rebuild is already running :)23:03
stgrabergreat !23:05
stgraberslangasek: is there some way to know what revision of the seed is being used for the livefs build ?23:07
slangasekstgraber: no, but as discussed earlier on #ubuntu-devel, the issue was that seed changes that affect tasks take two publisher cycles before they show up in the archive23:07
stgraberok, I'll be looking at it again now then because 20100407.1 is still going to be broken23:08
slangasekhmm, on that note, I didn't actually check that we /had/ anything published in the past two hours23:08
stgraberworst case we'll go without our artwork for beta2 as I'm not sure how fast I can figure out why ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu is still on our dvd ...23:09
stgraber(and edubuntu-artwork conflicts with it)23:10
Riddellslangasek: too late for bug 557309 for beta 2 but I've milestoned it for final23:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557309 in ubiquity "no "prepare for shipping icon" in kubuntu alternate" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55730923:30
ScottKqueuebot seems to have gone quiet.23:32

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