
MTecknologyI have qemu+libvirt on one server; if I run ufw enable on that I lose connectionto any guests. What rule do I need to add to allow communication through the host but not to the host?01:25
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uvirtbotNew bug: #556996 in samba (main) "winbind pam-config potentially breaks stacking with modules of lower priority in common-passwd" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55699603:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #556785 in shadow (main) "Passwd in Ubuntu Lucid has started giving errors since last update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55678503:24
MTecknologyjdstrand: sorry about that03:25
MTecknologyjdstrand: I have all vm's running over a bridged network - eth0 bridged with br0 -> vnet1 -> virtual_server_1. So do I just allow everything from anywhere to anywhere on vnet1?03:31
jdstrandMTecknology: I've not done bridged networking with libvirt. however it should work how you'd expect. eg if some remote host wants to connect to your vm on port 22 on ip, then you can do: sudo ufw allow to port ssh03:43
jdstrandMTecknology: keep in mind the in/out is for INPUT and OUTPUT. if you need to manipulate the forward chain, then you are going to need to add stuff to /etc/ufw/before.rule03:44
MTecknologyjdstrand: I just want to allow any traffic for that server to go through to that server so I can use iptables on there.03:51
MTecknologyI tried just 'ufw allow to' then ufw enable and I couldn't talk to that vm anymore03:52
MTecknologyIf I try something like 'ufw allow from any port any to port any' I get ERROR: 'Could not find protocol'03:53
jdstrandMTecknology: don't use 'port any', just 'from any to any'03:54
jdstrandMTecknology: if ufw is blocking, you'll need to look in kern.log03:55
cefif you use 'port' you need to define udp or tcp (or other protocols that use ports)03:55
MTecknology'ufw allow any to any' - still kills my connection when I enable it..03:56
MTecknologyApr  6 21:55:50 pessum kernel: [29088.509108] [UFW BLOCK] IN=br0 OUT=br0 PHYSIN=eth0 PHYSOUT=vnet3 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=51033 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=47120 DPT=22 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=003:56
MTecknologyThis is what I have now - http://dpaste.com/180294/04:04
MTecknologyjdstrand: I don't know if it makes a difference - I'm on 10.0404:04
jdstrandMTecknology: I think you need to read http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Networking#Bridged_networking_.28aka_.22shared_physical_device.22.2904:05
jdstrandMTecknology: it references a fedora bug in libvirt that is probably what is causing you trouble04:06
jdstrandMTecknology: I gotta head out, but I bet that is the issue04:06
MTecknologyjdstrand: with network manager not supproting bridged interfaces?04:08
MTecknologyjdstrand: alrighty, thanks :)04:09
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maxagazi have installed my system using a usb key05:14
maxagazbut it was installed on sdb05:14
maxagazand the system is sda now that the usb isn't plugged anymore05:14
maxagazI guess I need to update the grub05:15
maxagazcan someone tell me how ?05:15
twbThat's why I hate grub and its stupid device.map05:17
Psi-JackHeh. Seems to be a horde of people wanting to get ubuntu 10.04 beta1. ;)06:43
AnRkeyhow can i reserve a device name for my USB device so that it's always got the same /dev/devicenamehere?09:04
alvinAnRkey: label the partition on the USB device (so that you have /dev/disk/byu-label/09:05
AnRkeyit's a printer09:05
AnRkeytwo printers actually, they keep getting switched around or given ttyUSB3 or whatever09:06
jeffesquivelAnRkey, you can use udev for that09:07
jeffesquivelAnRkey, this article may help you: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/731609:08
* AnRkey googles it09:08
AnRkeythanks for the push in the right direction09:08
jeffesquivelAnRkey, no problem09:08
jeffesquivelAnRkey, here is an example rule for a printer: http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html#example-printer09:09
jeffesquivelAnRkey, you can read that document too... but it may be to comprehensive09:10
bronto2i'am trying to basically setup a lil intranet wiki, and i see it does support ldap, but can ldap be easily configure to just use posix system users?09:56
joschibronto2: usually no. but there are some scripts which you can use to convert your system users. but then again: why use ldap in the first place if you only want your system users to login?10:18
swifthi guys, I installed and configured MRTG to monitor one internet line.... i installed it on my ubuntu server11:21
swiftin the index url now, I see 8 graphs related to the router being monitored11:22
swifteach graph is of the form "Traffic Analysis for #num# -- <Router Name>11:22
swiftany idea what these graphs are?11:24
swifthow can I choose which graphs to remove?.. or are all of these important?... please advis11:24
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ttxsmoser: ping me when available12:21
smoserhere now.12:21
ttxTwo things, I suppose you got my answer to the ramdisk email...12:22
ttxWhat's your opinion on it ?12:22
smoseri would like to have no ramdisks.12:22
ttxHow much testing did the current noramdisk things get so far ?12:23
smoseron my hardware, i've recreated failure with beta-1 and success on all of 2010040[1256]12:23
smoseri cannot seem to create failure.12:23
smoseri think that between reasonable test of your hardware (which was 'sometimes fail'), mine (always fail) and dustin's (always fail) and data center (always pass), we have fairly good coverage of that.12:24
ttxOK, I'll play a few rounds myself12:24
ttxand we'll take the final decision by the meeting time12:24
ttxin between... we need to sort out the testcases12:24
smoserabove, the parentheses state what it was before.12:24
ttxhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all shows they are pretty broken12:24
smoseri updated http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/System/EC2CloudImages#preview12:24
ttxDo you have testcases for the EC2 and the UEC images ?12:25
smoserwhat do you mean?12:25
ttxI mean we need:12:26
ttxEC2/classic -> 2 testcases (multiple instance run, userdata/config)12:26
ttxEC2/EBSroot -> 2 testcases (multiple instance run, userdata/config)12:26
smoseri have a "test suite"read the link above and let me know if its not sufficient12:27
smoseri have a "test suite" that runs all those tests12:27
ttxUEC -> 2 testcases (instance run, userdata/config)12:27
smoseri'm writing userdata/config for UEC right now (copying from EC2)12:28
ttxsmoser: do you agree EBSroot should have the same tests ?12:28
ttx(currently they have no tests)12:28
smoseryeah, it should have same tests, with an additional "shut down instance"  and "start instance"12:28
smoser(i commented on that in EC2CloudImages above)12:29
ttxsmoser: please sync with ara when you have the links set. I updated her on #ubuntu-release a few minutes ago12:41
cemerickLooks like the default archive used in sources.list for canonical AMIs on ec2 is out (http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/universe)13:10
cemerickanyone know if this is a policy change, or just an outage?13:11
smoserkirkland, ping13:29
smosercemerick, no policy change13:29
smoserwhat do you mean by out ?13:29
smoserdo you get errors?13:29
smoseri've just verified from a lucid instance that it seems functional13:30
cemericksmoser: well, it's unreachable :-) http://isitup.org/us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com13:30
binBASHHi is it possible to install the ubuntu enterprise cloud later on a ubuntu server?13:30
smosercemerick, it is never available from outside of that region13:31
smoseri'm guessing that 'isitup.org' doesn't run inside us-east-1, so that would be expected13:31
cemericksmoser: ok; then I'm a little baffled w.r.t. the timeouts that aptitude update, et al. are yielding.13:32
smoserbinBASH, it is possible, yes. i'm sorry that i dont have a good link for how though. maybe ttx or kirkland do13:32
smoseryour instance is in us-east-1 region ?13:32
dassoukiwhat's the best way to remove tomcat5.5 and 6 (completely remove theme) if they were installed from apt-get13:33
cemericksmoser: us-east-1d, yes13:33
binBASHsmoser: At least that sounds already good ;) Because I have a root server at hetzner.de and they provide only ubuntu-server images without uec.13:33
smosercemerick, can you 'apt-get update 2>&1 | tee out.log' and pastebin that ?13:34
cemericksmoser: sure, 1m13:34
smosercemerick, i just replaced all 'lucid' with 'karmic' in my lucid instance that i have and run apt-get update successfully.13:35
smoserso it seems like it would be limited to your instance. maybe some networking things you've done ?13:35
cemericksmoser: this is a totally virgin node, started from ami-bb709dd2 FWIW13:36
smoserbinBASH, single system UEC installation is tricky at best. i do not believe its officially supported.13:37
binBASHI got 6 servers atm, planning to have 150 if all works fine ;)13:37
smosercemerick, firing one up, and i'll check from taht.13:37
cemericksmoser: FYI http://dpaste.com/180431/13:38
smoserbinBASH, and they're physical?  the nodes have to be run on physical hardware.... in theory you could do nested virt if they where amd64, but thats not going to be fast :)13:38
binBASHsmoser: Yup, physical13:39
smosercemerick, well, waiting for a spot instance request to come up and then i'll test also13:39
binBASHsmoser: Planning to run some KVM Hypervisors there :)13:40
cemerickOK.  I'm switching over to another aws acct; I remember having some wonky network issues long, long ago that didn't replicate over to another acct (for some ungodly reason).13:40
binBASHsmoser: http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/eq6/13:40
cemericksmoser: Whooo. Different aws acct, all's good there. :-(13:41
smosercemerick, if you have support, i would try using it. if not, i would try the forums.13:42
smosercemerick, mine just worked (apt-get update)13:42
cemericksmoser: yup, heading there now.  When this happened once before, a forum msg magically fixed networking on the affected acct's nodes.  It's odd tho, other network access works just fine.13:42
cemerickthanks, sorry for the noise :-(13:43
Am1nehello ! I am using ubuntu-server 8.04 as a platform of mysql server ! the problem that I have is that I can't access the server remotely ! I have commented the bind-address line to allow external connections.. but still got this error :  Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server13:44
Am1neany suggestions plz13:44
binBASHsmoser: I think I found it here > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstall13:51
ttxbinBASH: beware that's outdated (applies to karmic), so it might not work13:56
ttxwe still need to fix the docs13:56
kirklandsmoser: whats up13:58
ttxkirkland: see my comments on bug 556932, I think it's invalid -- if you agree please edit your test results so that it doesn't show failure on the tracker, please13:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 556932 in eucalyptus "Not enough resources available: addresses (try --addressing private)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55693213:59
binBASHttx: I will try it :-)14:01
zulyay i ran out of disk space!14:03
* ttx ⁵'s zul14:07
zulstupid daily ppas14:07
kirklandttx: ok14:17
a_okis dump/restore working with ext4 now?14:17
ttxkirkland: thanks !14:17
a_okif not what would be a good replacement?14:18
kirklandttx: doh14:19
ttxkirkland: :)14:19
kirklandttx: yep, all my fault, sorry14:19
kirklandttx: i did a lot of installs yesterday14:19
ttxkirkland: we need some testing of the UEC cloud image without ramdisk to assess its boot stability, if yo uhave some time before the meeting14:20
ttxkirkland: smoser can give you the method to test it14:21
ttx(I'm on it right now, but the more the merrier)14:21
OmahnJust noticed a mention of the auto-upgrade-tester in the LTS upgrade blueprint and a problem or something or other with moving it to a data center. Our site can provide some (free) hosting if it would be useful for running the auto upgrade tester.14:22
OmahnI've been planning on running a copy of it locally anyway.14:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #557300 in tomcat6 (main) "tomcat6 package changes ownership of directories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55730014:31
alvina_ok: I have never used it, but the man of dumpe2fs says 'ext4'14:32
ttxOmahn: mvo is running it, please talk to him, he might be interested14:33
smoserkirkland, just publish an image without a ramdisk, and see if it boots.14:33
smoseruec-publish-image --ramdisk=none image.tar.gz lucid-20100407-noramdisk amd6414:34
alvina_ok: Didn't even know such a program existed for linux14:34
a_okalvin: ok I will just have to test it than. the changelog of the dump project mentions only preliminary ext4 support14:34
a_okalvin: we have been using it for many years. dates back to ext214:34
alvina_ok: I think most people use tar (preferably in combination with LVM snapshots)14:34
alvina_ok: I have only used it for UFS14:35
a_okalvin: can't use tar for that kind of backups. you will lose sertain atributes etc14:35
alvinNice to know you can use it for ext too14:35
alvina_ok: Very true. In that case, there's always dd :-)14:35
a_okalvin: dd will mean our backups will be at least twice as large14:36
alvinAt the least, yes14:36
alvinBut it's a good question.14:36
alvinI wonder whether LVM has a way of sending a volume to a file14:37
a_okfsarchiver seems a nice project but not good enough for production yet14:37
alvinNo, on first sight (man lvm) lvm doesn't have that.14:38
alvinActually, things like that are the reason I prefer ZFS for enterprise storage, wherever possible. We'll probably have to wait for BTRFS to get the good stuff in Linux too.14:39
ttxsmoser: the no-ramdisk uec image looks good to me14:41
Omahnttx: I'll drop mvo a pm, thanks.14:44
ttxsmoser: I managed to have one instance stuck !14:47
smoserwhat is stuck ?14:48
ttxdoesn't boot all the way14:48
smosereuca-get-console-output $IID | pastebin14:48
ttxI'm on it14:48
LinuxAdminI've getting problems with nat configuration in ufw14:49
LinuxAdmincan't define nat chain14:49
ttxsmoser: the end of it @ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410557/14:49
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
ttxstartedtwo in parallel14:50
ttxthe other one worked, pasting end of console-output as well14:50
LinuxAdmini put this lines in before.rules14:50
smoserttx, hm... well, that hang is much different than before.14:50
smoserand i wouldn't think ramdisk related14:50
smosersee the Generating locales output14:50
smoserit shows that uec-init was running14:51
ttxsmoser: The one that worked: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410558/14:51
LinuxAdmin:PREROUTING - [0:0]14:51
smoserand landscape-client also running, which runs well after.14:51
LinuxAdminbut it gives me error14:51
LinuxAdminwhy can't I configure nat in before.rules file, using ufw14:51
LinuxAdminI'm trying to avoid iptables, although I understand very well iptables, I'm trying to use ufw14:52
smoserttx, i really have no idea where that bug can be coming from...14:52
ttxeuca-run-instances -k mykey $EMI -t $TYPE -n 214:52
ttxtrying again14:53
LinuxAdmincan't I define advanced rules (nat for example) using ufw?14:53
ttxsmoser: I don't think that invalidates noramdisk, just shows that we need to test test test14:55
alvinLinuxAdmin: just vote for bug 24745514:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 247455 in ufw "a Nat option would be helpful for gateway systems" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24745514:55
ttxsmoser: cannot reallt reproduce it14:55
mathiazkirkland: what's your take on bug 556312?14:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 556312 in libvirt "libvirt packages should not Recommend hypervisor packages" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55631214:57
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: yes you can use nat rules with ufw15:06
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: can you paste your before.rules file?15:07
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: also, what Ubuntu release are you using?15:10
LinuxAdminI'm using ubuntu server 9.1015:10
LinuxAdminI'll paste the text in a few seconds...15:10
LinuxAdminjust this two lines in beginning of the file give me an erro:15:12
LinuxAdmin:PREROUTING - [0:0]15:12
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: please use paste.ubuntu.com15:12
hggdh!pastebin| LinuxAdmin15:13
ubottuLinuxAdmin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:13
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: and paste the entire before.rules15:13
LinuxAdminok, just a minute15:13
MTecknologyAny suggestions for an easy to use mailing list that will let random users sign up? I'm considering mailman - just not sure if that's the best solution.15:16
LinuxAdminin paste.ubuntu.com do I have to "download as text"?15:19
LinuxAdminsorry it's the first time15:19
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: no-- just give me the link15:19
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: you forgot COMMIT for the nat table15:20
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: on the line under your -A POSTROUTING rule, add:15:21
LinuxAdminok, as I understand I have to commit before start a new chain, wright?15:21
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: a new table, yes15:21
LinuxAdmina new table, sorry15:22
LinuxAdminok, let me try15:22
LinuxAdmincan i put PREROUTING and POSTROUTING in before.rules or do I have to put POSTROUTING in after.rules?15:24
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: it is fine as is. before.rules and after.rules are named as such for when the files are processed15:24
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: before* first, user* (ie, cli added rules) 2nd, and after* 3rd15:25
LinuxAdminok, thanks15:25
LinuxAdminit works15:26
LinuxAdminthanks again15:26
LinuxAdminlet me ask you just one more question15:26
LinuxAdminI'm curious about ufw-before-forward15:27
LinuxAdminindeed, about ufw-before*15:27
LinuxAdmindo I have to do anything in this chains to apply port forwarding using NAT?15:28
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: if you want to customize the INPUT, FORWARD or OUTPUT chains beyond what the cli command can do (indeed, the cli command doesn't do FORWARD yet), you should add these rules to ufw-before* (or ufw-after* if you'd prefer, but most do in before)15:29
LinuxAdminok, thanks Jamie, you helped a lot15:30
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: specifically, for port forwarding, you will want to add them to the *filter table in ufw-before-forward15:31
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: see the Chains section /usr/share/doc/ufw/README.gz for more info15:31
jdstrandLinuxAdmin: basically, instead of doing -A FORWARD... you would do -A ufw-before-forward15:32
Davieymathiaz: Could you provide a sanitised preseed file that you were using?15:32
mathiazDaviey: sure15:33
ihernandezgood morning15:37
MTecknologyIf my server will only deal with mailman as far as email is concerned - what's the best smtp server to use?15:54
MTecknologyprobably postfix?15:54
binBASHttx: is there a way to reconfigure uec via the console configtool if wrong values were added by accident?15:56
sommermathiaz: did you see my responses in #ubuntu-meeting?15:59
mathiazsommer: yes15:59
sommermathiaz: okay, just making sure heh :)15:59
sherrMTecknology: Postfix is good, and supported as the ubuntu mail server15:59
mathiazsommer: if the server guide is up-to-date for lucid then we should not drop it from the archive15:59
mathiazsommer: my proposal was done under the assumption that the server guide wasn't up-to-date16:00
sommeryep yep, just got confused when you replied to ttx16:00
mathiazsommer: and I'd rather not ship outdated documentation for an LTS16:00
mathiazsommer: as we did for karmic and ldap16:00
sommermathiaz: totally agree, and the doc team SRU process I believe is better now16:01
mathiazsommer: I think the content is great and you're doing a great job at it16:01
sommermathiaz: thanks man :)16:01
mathiazsommer: but sometimes life gets in the way - which is ok16:01
mathiazsommer: and we just take decisions based on that16:01
mathiazsommer: I think having a discussion about the *form* would be good at the next UDS16:02
sommerya, I think that'd be a great topic... I'll be creating a blueprint this week16:03
hggdhhum. The corrected ISO is the 20100406.1, right?16:03
RoAkSoAxttx, so what are your thoughts about the syncing the new packages16:06
mathiazDaviey: bug 556833 updated with a failing preseed file16:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 556833 in eucalyptus "System fails to reboot after eucalyptus preseeded instlation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55683316:06
mathiazhggdh: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/16:07
mathiazhggdh: ^^ this list the version of the ISO supposed to be tested16:07
mathiazhggdh: otherwise ask in #ubuntu-release16:07
mathiazsmoser: do you have access to the ubuntuserver blog?16:09
hggdhmathiaz: indeed I could have *read* the page instead of just hitting the link16:10
smosermathiaz, i do not think so.16:10
smoseror at least do not know so16:10
mathiazsmoser: yeah - confirmed you don't have access to it16:10
mathiazsmoser: when writting up the meeting minutes they should be published to the ubuntuserver blog16:11
mathiazsmoser: do you have a wordpress.com account?16:11
mathiazsmoser: ubuntuserver.wordpress.com is the place where the ubuntuserver blog is located16:11
smoseri dont know if i do or not. i will get one if not and let you know.16:12
mathiazsmoser: ok - let me know what email address you're using for your wordpress.com account16:13
mathiazsmoser: and I'll add to the list of users of the ubuntuserver blog16:13
Davieymathiaz: /dev/cciss/, raises alarm bells with me.. I used to have helluva time with cciss support, but i thought that was all fixed now.16:17
MTecknologyHow far off would you say I am with getting the mailman web interface going?   http://lists.kalliki.com16:21
smoserttx, http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/lucid/20100407.1/ is there now.16:25
smoserand if you rsync, those images should get *very* good similarity to 2010040716:25
smosermy sync took 3m16:26
sherrMTecknology: who knows! All I see is a directory index .. and I guess you want a proper mailman interface?16:29
MTecknologysherr: ya16:29
sherrMTecknology: mailman docs/setup ... it's been too long for me. But should be straightforward.16:29
smosermanifests are identical between 20100407 and 20100407.1 so the only change really *is* the lack of a UEC ramdisk in the .tar.gz file.16:30
mathiazDaviey: right - cciss is working great now16:30
sherrI'd check your apache config first.16:30
mathiazDaviey: the thing is: take the preseed and comment the eucalyptus-udeb line and the install will work correctly16:30
MTecknologysherr: I was trying to follow - http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/mailman.html - I wound up with this config - http://paste.ubuntu.com/410590/16:30
mathiazDaviey: with eucalyptus-udeb, the install fails to reboot correctly16:31
DavieyMTecknology: You don't seem to have modpython support.16:33
Davieymathiaz: that is crazy!16:34
mathiazDaviey: yeah - no kidding.... welcome to my world!16:34
sherrMTecknology: why two ScriptAlias lines the same?16:35
smoseri've a question about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole16:35
smoseranyeone know if you can set it up to start the install in a 'screen' ? and just start it without user input ?16:35
smoseri basically want to be able to watch an automated install of a remote machine without a.) network kvm or b.) serial console16:35
Davieyhmm the network console throws you into D-I over ssh16:36
smoseronly want to poke at it if it gets hung16:36
sherrMTecknology: I am a little surprised you have "Indexes" on the mailman archives/public dir.16:36
Davieysmoser: so ignore the fact you are on a network console16:36
smoserDaviey, yeah, so i was hoping it would throw you into D-I over ssh in screen16:36
Davieyif you preseed, the questions - then you get what you want :)16:36
MTecknologysherr: I copied it from /etc/mailman/apache.conf16:36
smoserso it wont' prompt at all ?16:36
smoseri'll have ot play with it i guess.16:37
sherrMTecknology: sorry, I have to pop out. I'd check the config again - maybe as per /usr/shape/doc/mailman (or whatever) - Debian readme? back later.16:38
smoserthanks Daviey . the main interest is that i have 2 machines that i do autmated UEC install on down in the basement, but occasionally they hang (debconf question change or whatnot) and i'm so terribly lazy that i dont want to walk down there to see. i'd like to be able to ssh in an dcheck on them.16:38
smoserthe warning about "reliable network" made me think that running the installer inside screen would be good, and then just attaching the incoming user to that16:39
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Davieysmoser: Yeah, it's a shame network-installer doesn't get more publicity and love.  I hate working over a noisey server, so similar setup here.16:45
alvinis there a new policy about /etc/fstab about using UUID for LVM volumes?16:46
* alvin will ask in ubuntu-bugs. It's probably a bug anyway.16:54
MTecknologysherr: thanks, that's helped with postfix setup but not apache16:58
MTecknologyAnybody know mailman that could help me figure out the rest of this setup?16:59
hggdhmathiaz: how did you get past the boot hanging on the uec rig?17:02
smoserstupid question: anyone have an easy command to run that takes a package, and exits failure if it is not installed ?17:11
smoserdpkg-query --show byobu | awk '-F\t' '$2 != "" { print $2; exit 0 } ; END { exit 1; }'17:13
smoseris what i have17:13
smoserbut figured there is some way without the awk17:14
hggdhexit $(dpkg -l $1 | egrep -q ^ii)17:15
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
hggdher. missed the echo $?17:22
binBASHsmoser: My cloud is setup, very cool ;)17:23
hggdhsmoser: exit (dpkg -l $1 | egrep -q ^ii; echo $?)17:23
smoserhggdh, yeah. i saw. thanks.17:23
smoser   ver=$(dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Version}\n' "$p")17:23
smoser   [ -n "${ver}" ] && echo "PASS: ${p} installed (${ver})" ||17:23
smoser      echo "FAIL: $p not installed"17:23
smoseris what i came up with. mostly: ver=$(dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Version}\n' "$p") && [ -n "${ver}" ]17:24
smoserbinBASH, yeah? its functioning ?17:24
binBASHsmoser: I didn't test to start a vm yet, but instead of my former CentOS 5.4 setup I can find the nodes ;)17:26
binBASHso I think it's working17:26
ttxsmoser: amd64/UEC image looking good17:43
ttxsmoser: please fully test those by eod today17:43
smoserttx, i'm trying to automate a few more of the user data tests and then will start the ec2 runs.17:44
RoyK^hi all - I have a server setup with some lvm2 volumes - is it possible to attach a new disk to make ubuntu mirror them without recreating things?17:44
ttxsmoser: and see with kirkland about validation on his setup as well17:44
ttxsince he was hitting those issues quite steadily17:44
kirklandsmoser: what's up?17:44
ttxkirkland: uec cloud images back to noramdisk, need as much testing as we can give it by eod17:45
* ttx pauses for dinner and will be back17:45
kirklandttx: syncing now17:45
smoserkirkland, i was going to ask about enabling nework ssh in your installer (uec-auto). if you'd thought of that.17:45
kirklandsmoser: so http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/lucid/current/ are ramdiskless now?17:48
kirklandsmoser: i'm wgetting17:48
smoseryes. 20100417.117:48
kirklandsmoser: okay, it's up and running18:00
kirklandsmoser: well...  i'm not sure, how can I make sure i have no ramdisk?18:00
kirklandsmoser: ls /boot?18:00
smoseryou can't tell from inside.18:00
smosereuca-describe-images will not show an ari18:01
smoserand console output will not have ramdisk like messages18:01
kirklandsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410632/18:01
kirklandsmoser: registration looks right18:01
kirklandsmoser: so i'm confident i registered it without a ramdisk18:02
smosereuca-describe-images should have 'aki-' for that image, but no 'ari-'. right.18:02
smoserand it boots ?18:02
kirkland$ euca-describe-images emi-3FCB129818:02
kirklandIMAGE   emi-3FCB1298    foo/lucid-server-uec-amd64.img.manifest.xml     admin  available        public          x86_64  machine eki-66F2179C18:02
kirklandsmoser: yep, booted18:02
smoseryeah, previously on your hardware we saw hang almost all the time.18:03
smoserand on mine 100% of the time.18:04
smosermathiaz, hggdh i'd like to run this test on the data center uec if possible18:04
smoseras that was the place that never seemed to fail when we had no ramdisk before (everyone else generally saw failure, so *something* was different -- timeing -- and i want to test there)18:05
hggdhsmoser give me 15 minutes18:10
allooshhi guys, I am hosting a web application using ubuntu server. I have the application in English and german, the german version is not displayed right in the browser, is that a server issue?18:13
alloosh* I mean german characters are not displayed18:13
kirklandsmoser: sweet, so this is resolved?18:14
kirklandsmoser: what was the fix?18:14
smoserwell, we hope so.18:14
smoserthere are several changes since beta-1 in upstart, mountall, and plymouth ( i dont thikn plymouth was involved).18:15
smoserkirkland, one nice thing for you to do would be to verify that this fails with beta-118:15
kirklandjdstrand: are there any libvirt uploads pending?18:15
smoserie, download beta1 tarball, uec-publish-tarball --ramdisk=none18:15
smoserthat should hang like we used to see it.18:15
smoser(it does for me)18:16
kirklandjdstrand: i needed to fix a couple of minor issues in the upstart init script and the debian/control18:16
kirklandsmoser: can you url me the beta1 download?18:16
jdstrandkirkland: yes, ubuntu19 is waiting to be accepted18:17
smoserkirkland, you are lazy18:17
jdstrandkirkland: (already uploaded)18:17
kirklandsmoser: i'm doing several things right now18:18
kirklandsmoser: beautiful, thanks18:18
smoserno problem , i just like complaining.18:18
kirklandsmoser: wget happening18:18
smoserkirkland, you *were* mirroring i think18:18
smoserdid you stop ?18:18
smoserie, you might have that local18:18
jdstrandkirkland: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=libvirt18:18
kirklandsmoser: hrmm, i think you're right, actually18:18
kirklandjdstrand: i'm going to run the changes by you before uploading18:19
jdstrandkirkland: please make on ubuntu20 based off what is in the queue18:19
kirklandjdstrand: pretty small, straightforward18:19
kirklandjdstrand: yup, just grabbed it18:19
kirklandjdstrand: i think 2 sets of eyes is essential now18:19
jdstrandkirkland: k18:20
jdstrandkirkland: this is for post-freeze?18:20
kirklandjdstrand: yes18:20
jdstrandok cool18:20
kirklandjdstrand: post-freeze, yes18:20
kirklandjdstrand: just wanted to get it queued18:20
* jdstrand nods18:20
kirklandjdstrand: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/55631218:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 556312 in libvirt "libvirt packages should not Recommend hypervisor packages" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:20
kirklandjdstrand: i'm inclined to agree with the reporter, and make the hypervisor a suggests of libvirt18:20
jdstrandkirkland: I agree with both you and mathiaz18:21
jdstrandkirkland: libvirt+qemu-kvm is the recommended/supported virtualization solutino on ubuntu18:21
kirklandjdstrand: agreed18:22
jdstrandkirkland: if you change this to Suggests, you probably will need to change documentation18:22
jdstrand(I'm not sure, but worth checking)18:22
kirklandjdstrand: what documentation?18:22
jdstrandsplitting out virsh from libvirtd is not a bad idea18:22
jdstrandkirkland: anything people will read that says 'apt-get install libvirt-bin' or whatever18:23
jdstrandre splitting> imo not for lucid and not without debian18:23
jdstrandkirkland: otherwise they'll have a shiny, but useless libvirt, which will lead to confusion18:23
jdstrandthere may be a debian bug on the libvirtd/virsh split...18:24
kirklandjdstrand: agreed, split virsh for maverick is a good idea (not for lucid)18:24
kirklandjdstrand: that documentation should read "apt-get install ubuntu-virt-server"18:25
kirklandjdstrand: apt-cache show ubuntu-virt-server18:25
jdstrandkirkland: my feeling is don't drop to Suggests, and maybe fix for maverick18:25
kirklandjdstrand: that's our meta-package for libvirt + kvm + ssh18:25
kirklandjdstrand: you say "don't drop" to suggests?18:25
jdstrandkirkland: sure, but I don't know what else if floating out there18:25
kirklandjdstrand: sorry, i thought you were agreeing with drop to suggests18:25
jdstrandkirkland: yeah-- keep as is, say in the bug that we are considering splitting out libvirtd, etc18:26
jdstrandkirkland: that's my opinion, but I don't have a strong preference18:26
jdstrandI understand his point, but don't agree with dropping to Suggests (mathiaz' 80/20 analogy)18:27
kirklandjdstrand: i'm not seeing any apt-get install libvirt-bin in the documentation (at least google isn't finding it)18:27
kirklandjdstrand: okay18:27
uvirtbotDebian bug 508606 in libvirt-bin "Split virsh to separate package" [Wishlist,Open]18:28
kirklandjdstrand: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/libvirt.html18:28
kirklandsudo apt-get install kvm libvirt-bin18:28
jdstrandkirkland: if you are comfortable that it won't confuse users, then I don't see a huge problem with dropping to Suggests, even though I don't personally agree18:29
kirklandjdstrand: i think we should be unanimous at this point in Lucid :-)18:29
kirklandjdstrand: i'm willing to capitulate18:29
kirklandjdstrand: i don't *think* it will confuse users, as I don't see any documentation that says 'install libvirt' and expects kvm to be there too18:30
kirklandjdstrand: i think that 'Suggests' is appropriate, though definitely different than the behavior we've had for a long time18:30
sorenI'm still wondering about this... Perhaps we should reverse the recommendation?18:31
sorenSo that qemu-kvm recommends libvirt-bin.18:32
jdstrandkirkland: it depends on the POV: someone who just wants virsh doesn't need it. someone who wants to do virtulization on ubuntu does18:33
sorenUsing libvirt is after all our recommended way to use kvm.18:33
jdstrandwhich is which I think it is wishlist on the debian bug18:33
sorenIt would certainly fix the "I wanted libvirt, but I didn't want kvm" problem.18:33
kirklandjdstrand: fair enough, i'm good with deferring this for lucid, and just telling user to use --no-install-recommends18:33
jdstrandI've made my point. I won't complain about Suggest any more18:33
jdstrandsoren: I think there may be a lot of kvm users who don't want libvirt18:34
sorenjdstrand: Well, the usual phrasing in our docs is that we recommend using libvirt to manage kvm.18:35
sorenI wonder why reversing the relationship hasn't occured to me before now.18:35
jdstrandsoren: absolutely. I just think that practically, there are more users of kvm with libvirt than libvirt-bin users with kvm18:36
sorener... :)18:36
jdstrandthere are more users of kvm _without_ libvirt than libvirt-bin users _without_ kvm18:37
kirklandjdstrand: i agree with you18:37
hggdhsmoser: ping on the uec rig18:37
sorenjdstrand: Probably. I'm just suggesting putting our debian/control file where our mouths are.18:38
sorenOr something.18:38
smoserhggdh, is it up?18:38
hggdhsmoser: I cannot pressed them, they are all down18:39
hggdhsmoser: mathiaz opened a bug on it, bug 55683318:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 556833 in eucalyptus "System fails to reboot after eucalyptus preseeded instlation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55683318:39
mathiazhggdh: right - I don't know how to work around that one :/18:40
hggdhsmoser: yes, a real killer :-(18:40
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hggdhsmoser: I was trying to find *where* we are being hit, but it is a very long process18:40
hggdhsmoser: so I hoped you would know more ;-)18:41
hggdhttx: the euc rig is -- right now -- down hard18:42
smoseroh, i have no idea on that. sorry.18:42
mathiazhggdh: so the installation fails even with topo1?18:43
hggdhmathiaz: I went to multi18:46
hggdhmathiaz: hum. I will try topo1 now18:46
mathiazhggdh: yeah - try topo118:46
mathiazit may well be that only multi is broken18:46
hggdhmathiaz: I saved the syslog for multi, uploaded it to the bug18:46
hggdhsmoser: so can I keep the rig for now?18:47
smoserhggdh, sure.18:48
smoserif you do bring it up i'd like to just run some instances on it.18:48
hggdhsmoser: cross your fingers. And toes, just in case18:48
mathiazsmoser: please to start running18:49
hggdhttx: I am having problems with the uec rig, cannot test multi18:49
ttxhggdh: the other topologies are alright ?18:55
hggdhttx: trying now topo1, the simplest18:55
ttxsmoser: any reason why the userdata test for UEC cloud images is truncated ?19:01
smosertruncated as compared to EC2 ?19:02
smoseri'm fine if you want to put all of the tests there.19:02
ttxwas just wondering if they were not relevant or19:02
smoseri onlhy shortened it to reduce the requirement.19:02
smoserthey are relevant19:02
ttxI'm ok with this test right now19:02
smoserjust time consuming19:02
ttxdirect download of the link gives you a HTML page btw19:03
ttxmaybe point to the "download file" link instead ?19:03
hggdhok, cempedak booted with topo1. Will now load the others19:03
smosermy thoguht process is that we test it more completely on ec2. and then test to make that user data is generally functional on euca, the user space code should function similarly.19:04
ttxsmoser: agreed19:04
smoser(mostly we're testing the metadata service :)19:04
smoserregarding the link, yeah, i knew it wasn't to the 'download'19:04
smoserthe reason for not directly to download is that i wanted to give some context of where it came from19:05
smoseri'll add a 'direct download' link19:05
ttxsmoser: are the EC2 instance tests in progress ?19:12
ttxkirkland: did you try the UEC cloud images yet ? Looking good on my side19:20
kirklandttx: yes, look good here too19:24
kirklandttx: i did test them19:24
mathiazhggdh: so it's only the multi-network topo that fails to install?19:25
mathiazsmoser: will the current ami number change when beta2 is released?19:29
ttxkirkland: cool, please register your results on the ISO tracker if appropriate19:30
smoserthat is, i think, not likely to change. we publish images with names like "testing" or "daily". re-publishing as "beta-1" generates new ids19:31
mathiazsmoser: right - I wanted to mention the AMI number in a blog post where I use the Lucid Beta2 image19:31
mathiazsmoser: but that will change19:31
mathiazsmoser: I will point to a URL instead19:31
smoserwhat url ?19:32
ttxkirkland, smoser, mathiaz, zul: I'll stop my tests for today, please try to cover the gaps in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all as well as you can, I'll fill the missing ones tomorrow morning19:32
mathiazsmoser: that's my next question19:32
hggdhadding user1/insecure as an user to the cloud at the rig, getting a message "password may not contain parts of user name19:33
mathiazsmoser: where will the list of Lucid Beta2 image be published?19:33
hggdhins't this a bit excessive?19:33
mathiazhggdh: the username is user1 and the password is insecure ?19:34
hggdhmathiaz: correct19:34
mathiazhggdh: hm - you may have run into a bug then19:35
smoserwell, they will appear at http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/beta-2 mathiaz19:35
mathiazhggdh: or the error message is wrong19:35
mathiazsmoser: thanks19:35
hggdhmathiaz: k, just wanted to be sure, will open a bug on it19:35
mathiazhggdh: the letters of user1 are (almost) all in the word insecure though19:35
hggdhmathiaz: yes, they are. Still, it sounds excessive19:36
smoserwell, password 'insecure' does contain parts of 'user1', the 'e', 'u', 's', 'r'. actually all but the 119:36
zulttx: acked19:37
smosersuch a policy would actually significantly decrease the number of pass phrases possible for some users.19:37
mathiazthe security team probably knows more about that - kees jdstrand mdeslaur ^^19:38
hggdhwill try another variation of the theme19:41
hggdhno, my bad -- overjumped a filed :-(19:41
mdeslaurmathiaz: what's the issue?19:43
mathiazmdeslaur: 14:33 < hggdh> adding user1/insecure as an user to the cloud at the rig,  getting a message "password may not contain parts of user name19:43
kklimondahmm, is it still possible to get django 1.2 into lucid if the final release is planned for 26th? on the one hand it's way too late and upstream has pushed back the schedule 3 or 4 times already + we would have to check all django rdepends for compatibility issues. on the other hand supporting 1.1 for 5 years may not be easy as the upstream have done quite a few big changes in 1.2..19:43
mathiazmdeslaur: 14:33 < hggdh> ins't this a bit excessive?19:44
mathiazkklimonda: as the upstream have done quite a few big changes in 1.2... <- that's another argument to *not* ship 1.2 in an LTS release19:45
hggdhmdeslaur, mathiaz overshot a field in the page, my error19:46
mathiazkklimonda: things will get outdated over the life time of an LTS19:46
mdeslaurhggdh: ok, cool.19:46
mathiazkklimonda: if upstream commits for a longer maintainance window of 1.2 it may change the game19:46
kklimondamathiaz: right - 1.2 is backward compatible with 1.1 which is in karmic (and both are not compatible with 0.96 from hardy anyway. I don't think developers are going to extend support over 6 months for fixes and another 6 months for security fixes.19:51
kirklandsmoser: around?19:56
kirklandsmoser: would you mind proofreading something for me?19:57
smoserof course i would19:57
smosersure whats up?19:57
kirklandsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410683/19:59
kirklandsmoser: just give that a once-over19:59
RoAkSoAxkirkland, Howdy!! You might be able to help me. Is it possible to put each KVM instance in a different vlan? How/where to find info?20:09
alvinkirkland: I just read that. About the last sentence: (fully supported) Canonical told me today (in a case) they don't support graphical operating systems in virtual machines. I was pointed to this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM where VirtualBox is listed.20:10
alvinIt wasn't relevant for the case, but left me wondering. Virtualbox isn't in main.20:12
MTecknologyfunkyHat: hi20:12
MTecknologyfunkyHat: your choice20:12
funkyHatMTecknology: let's go with here, looks quite quiet20:13
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so, there's a bunch of directories now20:14
kirklandAlblasco1702: thanks20:14
kirklandalvin: thanks20:15
kirklandalvin: i'll update20:15
funkyHatok, so the exim conf.d dir has a bunch of other dirs in it, one for each main section of the exim config. So each folder is read in a pre-set order (main first, router last I believe, but anyway). Inside those dirs the files are named so that they go in the right order20:15
funkyHatThat means you can put a new file in there with a number between 2 others if you want your file to be read after one but before the next20:15
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hrm, mathiaz knows more about vlans than I do20:15
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ok :)20:15
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, ^^20:16
mathiazRoAkSoAx: what do you wanna do exactly?20:16
MTecknologyfunkyHat: alrighty20:16
mathiazRoAkSoAx: vlan are configured in the guest20:16
MTecknologyfunkyHat: btw - mailman is the only reason exim is on the server20:17
funkyHatMTecknology: that makes it a little simpler, but not much ⡈)20:17
alvinkirkland: Keep in mind that X is client/server protocol ;-)20:17
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, so for example, i configure in VM1 vlan1, and VM2 vlan2, the Host is connected to a switchport which is configured as a trunking port?20:17
funkyHatMTecknology: http://www.exim.org/howto/mailman21.html#exconf explains the bits you need to add to each section20:18
funkyHatMTecknology: so the bit about macro defs should go in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/01_exim4-config_listmacrosdefs20:18
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, and every host I have to configure it to be able to access the trunk?20:20
mathiazRoAkSoAx: IIRC a trunking port means that any vlan will go through it20:20
mathiazRoAkSoAx: that being said kvm may not support the vlan tags generated by the guest20:21
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so the first part is 'Main configuration settings'20:21
mathiazRoAkSoAx: and drop them when sending the packet to the switch20:21
funkyHatMTecknology: make a new file for the exim router. I named mine 450_local_mailman20:21
funkyHatMTecknology: right20:22
funkyHatMTecknology: actually I made a new file in the main dir for mine it seems20:22
MTecknologyfunkyHat: 'Exim Router' config goes into  /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/450_local_mailman ?20:22
mathiazRoAkSoAx: you also need to make sure that kvm is using a bridge as the network interface between the guests and the switch port20:22
funkyHatMTecknology: 04_mailman_options I called it20:23
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, right that's the thing. usually what I would do (in a cisco switch) "switchport access vlan 2"20:23
RoAkSoAxand connected to that switchport the machine20:23
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so jsut from the router config in '/etc/exim4/conf.d/router/04_mailman_options' ?20:24
funkyHatMTecknology: ah, sorry I was still talking about the main config20:24
funkyHatGot a bit behind20:25
RoAkSoAxmathiaz,  now, given that the machine hosts many KVM's, that would mean that I should not configure the switchport to only listen to vlan 2, but would have to be configured as trunk, restricting which vlans will go through, correct?20:25
MTecknologyfunkyHat: let's start over here..20:25
funkyHatMTecknology: so I have conf.d/main/04_mailman_options20:25
funkyHatI also have conf.d/router/450_mailman_router20:26
MTecknologyalrighty, "Main configuration settings" goes into the first?20:26
hggdhsmoser: I should take another 30 minutes on the rig20:26
funkyHatMTecknology: So you can just copy and paste from that howto page, but you might need to adjust bits like the username, group and paths20:27
funkyHatMTecknology: the router and the transport you can just take as they are and put them in their own files in router/ and transport/20:28
funkyHatMy router is 450_mailman_router and the transport is 40_local_mailman_pipe (don't know why it's called pipe!).20:29
funkyHatThe routers are where the order is important20:29
mathiazRoAkSoAx: yes - IIRC setting a switch port to trunking means that it will not control the vlans bits in the packet20:29
mathiazRoAkSoAx: note that you may loose some security here as it would be the guests that are responsible for setting the proper vlan20:29
mathiazRoAkSoAx: if you compromise a guest you could switch its configuration to use another vlan20:30
MTecknologyfunkyHat: then restart exim?20:30
funkyHatMTecknology: yep20:30
mathiazRoAkSoAx: so the proper way to do it would be in the bridge on the kvm *host*20:30
MTecknologyhrm.. user mailman was not found20:30
funkyHatmake sure you use the init script not sending it sighup20:30
MTecknologyI wonder what user it installs as20:30
funkyHatfrom the repos it's list, I believe20:31
funkyHatyou could ps aux | grep mailman20:31
mathiazRoAkSoAx: I'm not familir enough with the bridge in linux to see if that's possible (I'd guess so)20:31
mathiazRoAkSoAx: *familiar*20:31
MTecknologyfunkyHat: yay - no errors now - so should things work like magic?20:32
MTecknologywell - sent an email reminder - we'll see it it shows up..20:34
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, right, so I would have to do something like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/410694/20:34
RoAkSoAx(for the guests)20:34
funkyHatMTecknology: you can check the exim logs to see what happened to it20:35
MTecknologyfunkyHat: doesn't look too bad20:37
mathiazRoAkSoAx: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/%2Bjunk/uec-testing-preseeds/annotate/head%3A/templates/preseed/lucid/uec_multi_router#L320:37
mathiazRoAkSoAx: ^^ in the late_command I generate a complete /etc/network/interface that sets up 4 interfaces with vlans20:38
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, that's the KVM *host*, correct? so in the KVM guests we only assign an IP address on the same subnet as the one in the vlan?20:39
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
mathiazRoAkSoAx: nope - that would be the KVM guest20:40
mathiazRoAkSoAx: in the kvm guest you create an eth0.2 interface20:40
mathiazRoAkSoAx: where eth0 is the raw interface and 2 is the vlan20:40
mathiazRoAkSoAx: and install the vlan package20:40
mathiazRoAkSoAx: that's all what is required20:40
MTecknologyHow do I set the time on a system?20:40
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, awesome then. I'll give it a try :)20:41
mathiazRoAkSoAx: the ifupdown scripts takes care of setting a vlan in the guest20:41
mathiazRoAkSoAx: but you have to trust you guests20:41
mathiazRoAkSoAx: but you have to trust *your* guests20:41
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, right. Ok then I'll give it a try to see how my config goes then :). Thanks for the help20:42
BlaDe^Hi I've recently moved over to linux, and I've installed apache/php and PHP doesn't have the permissions to include20:42
mathiazRoAkSoAx: np20:42
BlaDe^should I run apache as a different user or chmod differently? what's the recommended solution?20:42
guntbertMTecknology: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html ?20:43
funkyHatBlaDe^: fix the permissions on your files so that www-data can read them20:43
MTecknologyguntbert: I just rememebered dpkg-reconfigure tzdata20:44
BlaDe^funkyHat,  should I chmod the entire /var/www dir then ? (to 777 iirc) ?20:44
funkyHatBlaDe^: never ever to 77720:44
guntbertMTecknology: good :)20:44
BlaDe^funkyHat to what then?20:44
MTecknologyfunkyHat: this line looks interesting..   2010-04-07 19:30:05 1Nzawv-0005yE-15 == michael@lists.kalliki.com R=dnslookup_relay_to_domains T=remote_smtp defer (111): Connection refused20:45
sherrBlaDe^: This is very basic unix. You need to look at file/dir permissions.20:45
sherrBlaDe^: man chmod20:45
funkyHatMTecknology: that was before you restarted exim20:46
sherrBlaDe^: consider read (r) perm for instance - and user/group/other perms20:46
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I cleared the log and restarted - I'll send the mail again20:46
MTecknologyfunkyHat: that pops up again right after restarting20:46
funkyHatMTecknology: hrm20:47
MTecknologyfunkyHat: clear log, restart - http://paste.ubuntu.com/410699/20:47
MTecknologyrestart exim*20:48
funkyHatMTecknology: what about /var/log/exim4/rejectlog?20:48
funkyHatMTecknology: oh, we might have forgotten the bit about configuring mailman...20:49
MTecknologyI set that part20:49
MTecknologyI think I did - h on20:49
funkyHatoh ok20:49
BlaDe^sherr,  I've read what the permissions to.. bitwise system and such but I don't knwo what I should be allowing20:50
funkyHatBlaDe^: basically you should only allow www-data to read. usually making the files world-readable is acceptable. so chmod -R go+rX /var/www should do nicely20:51
guntbertBlaDe^: never allow write access for "others" on a server!20:51
BlaDe^right ok20:51
funkyHatThat is (for group and others) add (read and "execute if it already had execute permissions")20:51
ttxsmoser: about to call it a day, I see only 4 EC2 tests completed, is that the current situation ?20:53
smoserttx, dont worry too much about it.20:53
smoseri ran into a snafu with the ebs images20:53
smoserwhich i'm fixing.20:53
MTecknologyfunkyHat: ok - screwed up a little20:53
smoserit will require new AMIs in the iso tracker20:53
ttxsmoser: ok20:54
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I restart and now all I'm getting is - 2010-04-07 14:53:56 1Nzawv-0005yE-15 == michael@lists.kalliki.com R=dnslookup_relay_to_domains T=remote_smtp defer (-53): retry time not reached for any host20:55
MTecknologyfunkyHat: any idea what that last piece to this is?20:58
MTecknologyI'm assuming the last piece before things get simple20:58
MTecknologyfunkyHat: did you run off?21:03
funkyHatMTecknology: yes but I am back!21:03
MTecknologyfunkyHat: :P21:03
MTecknologyfunkyHat: could we maybe go dpkg-reconfigure exim4 step by step? I need to run up to my gf's room and I'll be right back on21:06
funkyHatMTecknology: sure21:07
BlaDe^I've setup the mod_rewrite and it's present in the phpinfo(); however my url's aren't being re-written. Is there anything additional I need to do for .htaccess files to be read?21:07
funkyHatBlaDe^: in your server config you need to add AllowOverride +FileInfo21:09
BlaDe^ah right ok, I'll try that21:09
BlaDe^should I apply that to the root dir?21:10
funkyHatThere should be a section for <Directory /var/www?21:11
funkyHatargh I can't type ????21:11
funkyHatright chevron21:11
funkyHat> nope I was just being an idiot21:11
MTecknologyfunkyHat: alrighty - internet site21:12
BlaDe^Yeah, I've just added it. However it still isn't working21:12
MTecknologykirkland: system mail name: lists.kalliki.com21:12
funkyHatMTecknology: yep21:12
BlaDe^<Directory /var/www/> AllowOverride Options FileInfo </Directory>21:13
kirklandMTecknology: huh?21:13
BlaDe^then restarted apache21:13
MTecknologyfunkyHat: IP to listen on: blank ?21:13
funkyHatMTecknology: yep21:13
MTecknologykirkland: he's halping me setup a mailman mailing list21:13
MTecknologykirkland: oh- sorry!21:13
MTecknologykirkland: didn't mean to hilighty you, k is too close to f :P21:14
funkyHatMTecknology: I'm wondering if setting the system mail name to lists.kalliki is getting in the way21:14
MTecknologyfunkyHat: should I set it to jsut the actual server name?21:15
Hypnozwhats the deal with #sysadmin? How do you get an invite to that chan?21:15
funkyHatMTecknology: yeah21:15
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so texo.kalliki.com or just texo?21:16
funkyHatMTecknology: probably doesn't matter21:16
MTecknologyfunkyHat: ? - the help part says21:16
MTecknologyThus, if a mail address on the local host is foo@example.org, the correct value for this option would be example.org.'21:16
funkyHatMTecknology: put it in as texo.kalliki.com then21:17
MTecknologyfunkyHat: ok - IP to listen on blank21:18
MTecknologyfunkyHat: and then in 'Other destinations for which mail is accepted:' I should add lists.kalliki.com ?21:19
funkyHattexo.kalliki.com doesn't resolve...21:19
funkyHatMTecknology: no don't put that there21:19
MTecknologyfunkyHat: it resolves internally but that's it21:19
MTecknologyfunkyHat: lists.kalliki.com goes to that server21:20
funkyHatDon't put lists.kalliki.com in other destinations21:20
funkyHatI don't think it's needed21:20
MTecknologythe default in there is texo.texo21:20
funkyHatOk just leave it like that then21:21
MTecknologyDomains to relay mail for: ?21:21
funkyHator default21:21
MTecknologymachines to relay I'm guessing should be blank too21:21
MTecknology'Keep number of DNS-queries minimal (Dial-on-Demand)?' default No - probably doesn't matter?21:22
funkyHatShouldn't matter, no is better21:23
MTecknologyyay - more intelligible errors in the logs21:23
MTecknology2010-04-07 15:22:58 1Nzbm6-0006vx-OR ** root@lists.kalliki.com: Unrouteable address21:24
funkyHatWhat does the rejectlog say?21:24
MTecknologythere isn't one21:25
MTecknologyso _ I have two frozen messages _ must be getting closer now :)21:26
MTecknologyfunkyHat: nice - "Drupal Multisite in lighttpd" - I went to nginx21:28
funkyHatMTecknology: I'm actually still running apache, working on migrating my setup to lighttpd so I can do a proper comparison21:29
MTecknologyfunkyHat: Is there something I need to enable for rejectlog?21:30
funkyHatMTecknology: no, maybe that's a spamd thing21:31
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I have spamassassin installed but I commented out the line that tells mailman to use it21:32
funkyHatI'm trying to remember if I had any other issues...21:33
funkyHatMTecknology: can you pastebin /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated21:34
MTecknologyfunkyHat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410718/21:36
hggdhsmoser: you can use the rig now21:38
hggdhsmoser: tell me when you are done, please21:38
smoserhggdh, thanks... is it up and running ?21:38
MTecknologyhggdh: sounds like fun - can I play?21:38
hggdhsmoser: yes, it is up & running, topo121:40
hggdhMTecknology: heh21:40
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so is that just slapping together all the configs?21:41
funkyHatMTecknology: yeah, the split config files is a Debian thing, when the init script starts exim up it jams all of the files together and puts them there, and that's the actual config file that exim reads21:42
smoserhggdh, you registered the beta 1 images ?21:42
MTecknologyfunkyHat: does it look like i screwed up?21:42
funkyHatMTecknology: I don't think so. Still figuring it out21:43
funkyHatWe might need to modify an acl21:43
MTecknologysounds exciting21:45
MTecknologyThe 'S' in 'STMP' is supposed to stand for 'Simple' right? ... I'm not seeing it.21:46
funkyHatMTecknology: ⡈D the protocol itself is pretty simple21:48
funkyHatEHLO lists.kalliki.com21:48
funkyHatMAIL FROM: <m@funkyhat.org>21:48
* MTecknology votes for CTMP 'Complex' so then the servers can be Simple instead :P21:48
funkyHathaha ⢁D21:48
MTecknologysending mail from telnet is fun through21:49
jimbobcoanybody have experience using ubuntu as an iscsi target?21:49
hggdhsmoser: yes, I did21:51
hggdhsmoser: amd6421:51
hggdhkirkland: 300 instances run on topo121:52
hggdher. up to, I mean21:52
MTecknologyfunkyHat: :(21:53
kirklandhggdh: rocktastic!21:53
funkyHatMTecknology: I'm comaring our configs in meld21:53
keesmathiaz: I'm not sure I follow; what were you curious about?21:54
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I meant that I'm sad this isn't working as easily as I hoped - I'll setup smtp on the server in the mean time21:54
MTecknologyin the router*21:54
mathiazkees: hi - hggdh run into an issue with the username and the password21:54
kees"the" username?21:54
mathiazkees: it turned out to be a user error21:54
keesah, okay21:55
webmavenOne of my Ubuntu vmware images seems to have got itself screwed up, and now says that the file system is read only. Any ideas what went wrong, and how to fix it?21:55
hggdhkees, it was a real problem, between the chair and the keyboard21:55
MTecknologyfunkyHat: ok - any smtp coming in will wind up on that server21:55
keeshggdh: heh :)21:56
funkyHatMTecknology: mm, add lists.kalliki.com to the list of domains to accept mail for in dpkg-reconfigure21:59
webmavenNo ideas, huh?22:00
funkyHatwebmaven: fsck22:00
funkyHatMTecknology: I didn't notice any major differences between our configurations22:01
webmavengives me a warning.22:01
MTecknologyfunkyHat: all done22:01
MTecknologyhow can I purge frozen messages?22:01
funkyHatI'm getting connection refused22:01
funkyHatMTecknology: exim4 -v -M <message ID> will try to push them through again22:02
webmavenWARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause22:02
webmavenSEVERE filesystem damage.22:02
webmavenDo you really want to continue (y/n)?22:02
alvinI'd say 'no'22:03
funkyHatwebmaven: can you run from a live CD and do it without being mounted?22:03
funkyHatI've never had to run it manually, so there might be better advice, but that can't be a bad way to go22:03
webmavenfunkyHat: no, it's a vmware image.22:05
funkyHatwebmaven: live cd image?22:05
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I can telnet to localhost on it22:05
webmavenit doesn't have a physical CD-ROM drive to boot from.22:05
funkyHatHm, there must be a boot option to force a fsck22:06
MTecknologyfunkyHat: 451 4.3.0 Temporary system failure. Please try again later.22:06
webmavenHmm. That sounds like a promising idea.22:06
MTecknologytouch /forcefsck22:06
funkyHatBit of a problem if the FS is read only22:07
MTecknologyfunkyHat: that's right after MAIL FROM: test@lists.ubuntu.com22:07
MTecknologygood point22:07
funkyHatYou're trying to send mail from the list to itself22:07
webmavenMTecknology: that won't work, since the fs is read-only.22:07
MTecknologyhrm - How do I cancel a telnet connection22:08
MTecknologyCtrl+C isn't working22:08
webmavenCan I unmount the fs?22:09
funkyHatUsually ctrl+]22:09
funkyHatwebmaven: might be able to. you're likely to have less problems if you drop to single user mode first22:09
funkyHatBut I guess if it's alreayd read only it won't make that much difference22:09
MTecknologyMAIL FROM: michael@kalliki.com   451 4.3.0 Temporary system failure. Please try again later.22:09
* webmaven googles 'drop to single user mode'...22:10
funkyHatrunlevel 122:10
funkyHatI assume you have virtual console access22:11
MTecknologyfunkyHat: btw - this system is behind a router - I have 7 systems behind it - one public ip22:11
funkyHatMTecknology: that should be fine22:11
MTecknologyit's broken and will never live again :'(22:12
funkyHatI still can't connect from here22:14
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I'm not sure how to tell xim to listen22:14
MTecknologyit's not the router blocking it22:14
webmavenfunkyHat: not convenient access. I've been acessing this vm via ssh.22:14
MTecknologyit shouldn't be..22:14
funkyHatDoes it tell you it's Exim, when you connect using telnet?22:15
funkyHatwebmaven: well if you've got filesystem problems you might have to get access to it anyway22:15
MTecknologyfunkyHat: .......no22:15
MTecknologyfunkyHat: http://dpaste.com/180622/22:16
funkyHatMTecknology: you're not talking to exim then22:16
MTecknologyfunkyHat: tcp6       0      0 [::]:smtp               [::]:*                  LISTEN      29615/exim422:18
MTecknologythere's also tcp        0      0 localhost:smtp          *:*                     LISTEN      1030/sendmail: MTA:22:18
MTecknologyhrm.. pastebin again22:18
MTecknologyfunkyHat: http://dpaste.com/180625/22:18
funkyHatright, so exim isn't listening on ipv6 because sendmail is :/22:18
webmavenWell, I ignored the warning, and ran fsck. Didn't find any problems.22:19
funkyHatwebmaven: ok, well try remounting it rw then22:19
webmavenfs is still read-only though22:19
webmavenHow do I do that?22:19
MTecknologyRoAkSoAx: for the heck of it... let's try a reboot....22:20
MTecknologyfunkyHat: *22:20
funkyHatmount remount -o rw /device/name22:20
funkyHatthat's wrong22:20
funkyHatmount -o rw,remount22:20
funkyHatMTecknology: if you want22:21
MTecknologyfunkyHat: there we go22:21
funkyHatI got them mixed up, exim is *only* listening on ipv622:22
MTecknologyfunkyHat: 220 texo.texo ESMTP Exim 4.71 Wed, 07 Apr 2010 16:21:57 -0500 :D22:22
MTecknologynow I try to send an email....22:22
MTecknologyfunkyHat: probably from switching around mail servers - had a process not killed22:22
MTecknologyfunkyHat: it showed up :D22:23
MTecknologyfunkyHat: and the two messages queued up just came through :D22:24
funkyHatSo it's working?22:24
funkyHatMTecknology: check that the package sendmail is not installed22:25
MTecknologyfunkyHat: it's not - but it was a few hours ago22:25
MTecknologyuninstalling it didn't terminator the process because mailman was using it (my best guess - not sure)22:26
funkyHatyeah, that's a little weird22:26
webmavenmount / -o rw,remount22:26
webmavenmount: cannot remount block device /dev/mapper/webdev04-root read-write, is write-protected22:26
MTecknologyit jsut replied with the subscription confirmation :)22:26
funkyHatwebmaven: odd!22:27
MTecknologywebmaven: umount /dev/mapper/webdev04-root; fsck -y /dev/mapper/webdev04-root  ?22:27
funkyHatMTecknology: and I can connect via smtp now22:27
MTecknologytry it22:27
funkyHatYour mail server is calling itself texo.texo though22:27
MTecknologyya - I'm sure that's an easy little fix22:28
MTecknologyfunkyHat: would this look like the right thing to have in /etc/hosts? lists.kalliki.com texo22:29
webmavene2fsck 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)22:29
webmaven/dev/mapper/webdev04-root: clean, 108452/1237888 files, 2873860/4948992 blocks22:29
funkyHatMTecknology: yep looks ok22:29
MTecknologyfunkyHat: doesn't look like the mail was received that I sent from my client though22:30
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I do see the one from you in the queue thoguh22:30
MTecknologyfunkyHat: you did that by telnet lists.kalliki.com 25 ?22:31
funkyHatMTecknology: yep22:31
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so now the last piece of the puzzle...22:32
MTecknologymail from client to list22:32
funkyHathere you go22:33
smoserhggdh, are you going to wipe the system ?22:34
MTecknologyfunkyHat: hm?22:34
MTecknologyfunkyHat: logs make it look like the message is bouncing22:34
MTecknologyfunkyHat: http://dpaste.com/180634/22:34
funkyHatYes test-bounces is ok22:35
funkyHatI got both of them back, so they should both be in the queue22:35
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
MTecknologyfunkyHat: hm?22:36
funkyHatMTecknology: <listname>-bounces is the "local part" used by mailman for a lot of emails it sends22:37
MTecknologyfunkyHat: hrm.. http://lists.kalliki.com/pipermail/test/ - the email I accepted from you (in admin interface) isn't showing up22:37
smoserhggdh, i've got to run. i have a screen session running a loop of start instances and kill instances. i'd appreciate it if it was left to run to completion and the logs saved off somewhere.22:37
smoserbut i have to run. if you need the machine, just take it, though.22:38
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I see both of yours in my inbox22:38
funkyHatMTecknology: maybe the archive takes a while to catch up22:38
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so- why can't I post from my mail client to send email to it?22:39
funkyHatMTecknology: you can't?22:40
MTecknologyI'll try again22:40
MTecknologyor... maybe it just got in - looking at the logs22:40
hggdhsmoser: I will wait, and I will not wipe the system clean22:42
hggdhsmoser: running under 'ubuntu'? I can save the directory if you want22:42
MTecknologyfunkyHat: No reason for an MX record if the address being sent to is the same ip as the smtp server, right?22:43
funkyHatMTecknology: I'm wondering about that myself. It doesn't seem to be a problem from here22:43
MTecknologyfunkyHat: you can send an email from your client?22:43
funkyHatMTecknology: my second mail was sent from gmail, which means via my own SMTP server22:44
smoserhggdh, yes, under ubuntu22:44
MTecknologyfunkyHat: my mail client sends through gmail22:44
MTecknologyI'll try again22:44
MTecknologyfunkyHat: did you sign up for the list?22:44
funkyHatmy gmail is set up to send all email through my own mail server22:45
hggdhsmoser: I will tar the whole thing. I believe you are under ./smoser-test22:45
* MTecknology sends mail to test@lists.kalliki.com22:45
MTecknologyfunkyHat: should be there - right? http://dpaste.com/180639/22:48
funkyHatThat's the email from mailman back to you22:48
MTecknologyfunkyHat: http://dpaste.com/180641/22:49
MTecknologyfunkyHat: that looks like it should be going through correctly?22:51
funkyHatMTecknology: yeah it looks fine22:51
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so why am I not getting the message back in my inbox? :(22:52
funkyHatCould be because gmail decides not to show you it22:52
funkyHatIf it's identical to the one you sent22:52
funkyHatI've just subscribed22:52
MTecknologygood point..22:52
funkyHatOh I think I did it wrong though22:53
MTecknologyya, I don't see you signed up22:53
MTecknologyfunkyHat: and I'm assuming this line is you getting an email back from lists22:56
MTecknologyand this looks like you sent a message to the list22:57
MTecknologyand I see it in my inboix22:58
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I see what you did - subject: subscribe22:59
funkyHatThat's the one which didn't work23:00
MTecknologyI just looked at the mod queu23:00
funkyHatI should have emailed test-subscribe23:01
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so now there's 1) archives list is still empty and 2) making sure I'm not a spammers friend23:02
funkyHatThe default exim config is pretty sane23:02
MTecknologycool :)23:02
MTecknology550 relay not permitted23:03
webmavenfunkyHat: looks like the problem is network-related, these VMs are using a SAN, and one of our switches is bouncing.23:05
funkyHatwebmaven: aha!23:05
webmavenfunkyHat: I didn't even know they had set them up that way.23:06
MTecknologyfunkyHat: just had to make sure - I've seen about the worst a random user can experience  from it - >1k spam per hour23:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #557453 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55745323:07
funkyHatMTecknology: fair enough. You might want to enable spamassassin too ⢁)23:07
funkyHatThough if you're only going to run member-only lists it's probably not a concern23:08
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I have it installed, just not enabled23:09
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I'll just add GLOBAL_PIPELINE.insert(1, 'SpamAssassin') to the bottom of  /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py23:10
MTecknologyhrm - there's a comment for it23:10
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I'll just assume that's fully magical23:10
funkyHatMTecknology: it probably makes more sense to enable it in exim23:10
MTecknologyfunkyHat: oh, I thought spamassassin + mailman would put the message into the moderation queue and spamassassin + exim4 would just drop the message23:13
funkyHatMTecknology: oh, hrm23:14
funkyHatspamassassin drops some mail but only if the spam score is stupidly high23:15
funkyHatMostly it just adds a spam: yes header23:15
MTecknologyfunkyHat: so - I think once the archives are showing I'll have to hug you23:16
MTecknologyI'm holding off for now ;)23:16
funkyHatMaybe they aren't because it's a members only list?23:16
MTecknologyI'm logged in to maange the list though23:17
MTecknologythe archive is set to public23:17
MTecknologyArchive messages?23:17
funkyHatThat would be it23:17
MTecknologyArchive messages? yes;  Is archive file source for public or private archival? public;  How often should a new archive volume be started? Monthly23:17
smoserhggdh, job is done. if you could copy off smoser-test dir that'd be great. then i'm done23:18
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
MTecknologyfunkyHat: looks like a permissions issue23:26
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I ran a script to fix the permissions - I think it broke more now :P23:27
funkyHatuhoh :P23:27
MTecknology[Wed Apr 07 17:27:47 2010] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/test, referer: http://lists.kalliki.com/mailman/listinfo/test23:27
MTecknologyfunkyHat: http://dpaste.com/180656/23:29
funkyHatMTecknology: do you have a <directory> section for /var/lib/mailman/archives/public in your apache config?23:30
funkyHatOr a directory above that23:31
funkyHatOh, symbolic link23:31
funkyHatOptions +AllowSymlinks23:31
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I have <Location /> Options +FollowSymLinks </L>23:33
MTecknologyfunkyHat: since when this is installed it goes all over the system and since I'm the only admin that will muck with this system - would <Dir /> Opt +SymLink </Dir> be horrible?23:34
funkyHatMTecknology: well I guess if you're the only person that can log in it's not too bad, it seems awkward though :P23:34
MTecknologyfunkyHat: Still doesn't work :P23:35
funkyHatMTecknology: errors?23:36
MTecknologyfunkyHat: su - list; ls /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/test; shows the files in it23:36
funkyHatOh so it's a permissions issue23:36
funkyHatWhat are the permissions on the dir?23:37
MTecknologythat's what that last pastebin was for23:37
MTecknologyhrm.....    Alias /pipermail/ /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/23:37
MTecknologyfunkyHat: http://dpaste.com/180665/23:39
funkyHatMTecknology: what are the permissions on /var/lib/mailman/archives/public?23:40
MTecknologyfunkyHat: drwxrwsr-x 2 root list 4096 2010-04-07 11:30 public23:41
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I'm thinking it's probably an apache config issue - I don't see any permission issues...23:42
funkyHatMTecknology: yep looks like it23:42
Rafael__I have the following question, i am very please with the help of this IRC that i have recieve since my windows cleint copies a folder into the ubuntu server every using rsync and Cron.23:44
Rafael__what i would like to know if there is a way to aboid shring my wiindows fodler with everybody?23:45
MTecknologyfunkyHat: alrighty - I'll deal with it more later - thanks VERY VERY VERY much :D23:46
MTecknologyfunkyHat: I think it;s eating time..23:46
funkyHatom nom nom23:46
hggdhbug 55711023:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 557110 in mysql-cluster-7.0 "Dependency mismatch for mysql-cluster-*" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55711023:54

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