
kklimondahey, is there any way of gettin checkbox data or are you planning some offline tool to check how well the hardware is supported?00:03
slangasekkubuntu DVDs posted; that's the end of the expected respin sequence00:44
bladernrslangasek:  cool!00:44
colorlessprismhello everyone01:22
Andre_GondimHow can I help with test?01:58
bladernrAndre_Gondim:  in case you didn't get an answer elsewhere: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/02:57
bladernrYou can get the ISO images here: cdimages.ubuntu.com02:57
Andre_Gondimbladernr, thanks02:57
Andre_Gondimbladernr, like http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20100406/ ?02:58
bladernryep.  You can also look in the 'current' dir as well (same as the date dir)03:00
bladernrAndre_Gondim:  and if you find bugs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs03:00
bladernrthe first link lists the isos, under each of those are the test cases.  Most of them are simply "Install from the latest ISO, report any bugs you find in the installer"03:01
bladernrsome of them have special instructions, and there is usually a link pointing you to the special instructions like this one: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3926/3403:02
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aragood morning all06:56
grantbowgood morning ara07:00
arahey grantbow!07:03
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czajkowskiara: if a person is loggig bugs and their machine was hardy and have upgraded to lucid do they tag them hardy2lucid?09:43
araczajkowski, hey09:43
araczajkowski, yes, that's correct09:43
czajkowskilovely jubbly cheers09:43
araczajkowski, but only if they are upgrade bugs or regressions09:44
davmor2morning all10:12
sbeattiewow, the kubuntu splash looks appalling under virtualbox.10:17
aramorning davmor210:22
arahey sbeattie10:23
sbeattiegood morning ara, davmor210:24
Davieysbeattie: ahh i wanted to speak to you :)10:27
sbeattieruh roh.10:27
davmor2morning sbeattie steve have you seen ubuntu's too it's not pretty, nor is it on a nvidia based machine with the nvidia binary applied10:42
sbeattiedavmor2: unless it's changed very recently, the ubuntu one has some artifacts that are ugly, but don't even come close to the kubuntu one.10:43
davmor2sbeattie: they should of stuck to the plain text over the 16bit I think it was much cleaner10:44
sbeattieYeah, I like the plain text version, too.10:45
davmor2sbeattie: right lets pick on keybuk till he puts it back then :)10:47
sbeattieI suspect keybuk didn't have a choice in what to implement there.10:47
davmor2sbeattie: did you see his blog post on the subject?10:52
sbeattiedavmor2: no, I didn't, will take a look.10:52
davmor2sbeattie: http://www.netsplit.com/2010/03/30/all-about-kernel-mode-setting/10:54
arait does look horrible...10:56
charlie-tcaIs it a planned thing that if there is a backup on the drive used to install on with any system directory name in it, it gets erased and the user loses the backup?12:48
persiaUnlikely: it's more likely failed detection code.12:51
charlie-tcaIt intentional reformats any partition that it detects system directory names13:08
persiaRight, but I think it's intentionally overwriting a prior install and not intentionally overwriting backups.13:09
charlie-tcaI see.13:11
persiaI may be mistaken of course, but I think the idea was to support reinstallation for folks that don't believe that upgrade really works.13:13
charlie-tcaGreat idea, bad implementation... I had backups of three systems that were erased13:24
charlie-tcaAll I did was ask for no format, mount as /usr/bak/system13:25
* fader_ cranks up zsync to make sure everything is up to date.13:32
fader_How are the images looking today?13:32
fader_Also, good morning/afternoon/evening/night/whatever :)13:32
cr3fader_: merry christmas to you too13:32
cyphermoxcr3: doesn't look like christmas weather unfortunately :/13:33
* fader_ is ready for an Australian Christmas at this point.13:36
davmor2fader_: cr3 Morning guys13:38
fader_davmor2: yo dude13:38
kermiacmvo ping re bug 523714. Did you get a chance to look into the script that was causing this? ubuntuone-client changelogs are being affected by this atm - at least the last 2 releases don't have changelogs - http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/u/ubuntuone-client/15:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 523714 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[lucid] update-manager shows no changelog for various packages (affects: 4) (dups: 9) (heat: 76)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52371415:06
* persia suspects that the fix requires installing backported dpkg on whatever server runs the changelog-collection-job15:11
mvokermiac: I have not, sorry. but persia is probably right in his analysis15:16
persiamvo: There was a DC-safe backport made to solve bugs with LP and format: 3.0 packages, so it's probably just verification that these are format: 3.0 packages, and then an RT to get it installed somewhere.15:16
kermiacmvo: could i ping someone else to look into this if you're to busy with other things? I understand things are very hectic at this time in the cycle :)15:18
mvodpkg-source: error: Unsupported format of .dsc file (3.0 (quilt))15:18
mvoso thats the issue15:19
kermiacmvo: I'm about to go get some sleep. are you looking into this or should I ping you some other time (like after lucid release) when you're hopefully not as busy? As I said earlier, I understand if things are too busy right now & I don't want to be a pita ;) I just want to give the ubuntuone guys an answer before I go?15:31
persiakermiac: I'll suggest you tell them it's being investigated.  If I'm right about the cause (and I believe I am), it may take a few days for the right folk to make the infrastructure changes.15:32
mvokermiac: I'm looking into it now15:32
kermiacok, thanks persia, mvo. I appreciate  it :)15:32
mvothanks for raising it15:33
kermiacno problem at all :)15:33
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fader_grr, the KDE crash reporter is really evil :(17:11
cr3fader_: do you happen to have kubuntu running right now?17:11
fader_cr3: Just did an OEM install and am finishing that up, so I should have a working kubuntu system in a few minutes17:13
fader_(in theory)17:13
cr3fader_: if you could run checkbox and let me know if it works, I'd really appreciate17:15
fader_cr3: Heh, no such luck -- OEM install seems to be broken17:15
fader_I'll try a different test case after filing the appropriate bugs for this and test checkbox17:16
cr3fader_: running an install myself, so I'll have a go too17:17
bladernrhas anyone tried the wubi install yet?17:27
fader_bladernr: I think davmor2 usually hits those... not sure if he's had time or not though17:28
fader_I'm sure he'd appreciate the help if you're offering ;)17:28
bladernrheh... fail17:28
davmor2bladernr: I did yesterday bit busy today but I will try hit some today if I can otherwise it'll be tomorrow first thing17:29
bladernrI'll write bugs in a bit... after launchpad stops giving me 500 errors17:29
bladernrdavmor2:  I'm doing one now on 64bit... got a couple issues, one minor, one probably pretty bad17:29
bladernrbe back in a bit17:29
fader_cr3: checkbox isn't installed, and command-not-found doesn't know about it:17:58
fader_ubuntu@ubuntu-laptop:~$ checkbox17:58
fader_No command 'checkbox' found, did you mean:17:58
fader_ Command 'checkbot' from package 'checkbot' (universe)17:58
fader_checkbox: command not found17:58
fader_cr3: There's no checkbox-qt is there?17:58
cr3fader_: nope, haven't gotten around to that17:59
cr3fader_: I expect checkbox to not be installed by default, it is only a dependency of ubuntu-desktop17:59
fader_cr3: Ah, makes sense.18:00
davmor2bladernr: what's up?18:01
fader_cr3: Want me to test checkbox-cli or -gtk?18:02
bladernrdavmor2:  minor: wubi didn't reboot the VM after I clicked the "restart now" button18:02
bladernrdavmor2:  had to manually restart.18:02
davmor2it did on hw so that might be a vm issue18:02
cr3fader_: either, but I think I just reproduced the issue18:02
davmor2bladernr: what was the other?18:02
bladernrdavmor2:  major: on restart, chose ubuntu from the Windows boot menu, it started up with a black screen that said "Completing the Ubuntu installation" then just hung18:03
davmor2I'll try and hit it on hw tonight but I've not got much time left so it might have to be in the am18:04
bladernrdavmor2:  no worries... I'll open bugs and attach them to the test case (it's the wubi one for amd64)18:04
davmor2bladernr: nice one18:05
bladernrgrr... and every time I try filing a bug through Launchpad... it gives me a 500 error :(18:05
bladernr^^ s/Timeout Error/500 error/18:06
davmor2bladernr: zzzzzz18:07
davmor2for the bug description18:07
davmor2bladernr: in the bug description type zzzzzz hit enter then modify it on the next page.18:08
bladernrahh... magic!18:09
bladernrdo you know what component wubi falls under?  I can't seem to find one, and LP doesn't like wubi18:09
davmor2bladernr: sorry I thought you were doing a general bug for wubi use the link above18:10
bladernroh...  Wubi, not wubi... sigh...18:10
davmor2bladernr: I haz a million and one bookmarks I think ;)18:12
bladernrdavmor2:  awesome! I have a couple hundred, but need to make more...18:12
bladernrthough most of mine are most definitely OT for this ;-)18:12
fader_cr3: Was the issue related to checkbox and sudo on kde?18:13
cr3fader_: kdesudo misbehaving18:13
fader_cr3: Yeah, I think I'm getting the same thing18:13
cr3the command fails and there's no output at all, just a dialog box that appears for a fraction of a second18:13
fader_cr3: Oh, no -- different behavior then18:13
fader_It prompted for my password, I entered it, and then it is hung on 'Gathering information from your system...'18:14
fader_There are some complaints about ibus-daemon in the terminal18:14
cr3aha! the problem is that kdesudo doesn't run the given command in a shell but uses execv* instead, so "kdesudo -- PATH=/foo date" doesn't even work18:15
cr3fader_: yeah, the behavior after prompting for a password is to just block everything18:15
fader_Okay, sounds like I can safely kill checkbox then18:15
fader_cr3: Do you need me to keep a KDE image around to test things later today, or can I blow it away?18:15
fader_(No worries either way; I have HDD space for it at the moment)18:16
cr3fader_: reported bug #55744318:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 557443 in checkbox "Checkbox on Kubuntu stalls when gathering information (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55744318:17
cr3fader_: nope, I'm all good18:17
fader_cr3: Thanks18:17
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moteHi there. I Just bought a new Asus eee 1005p netbook. would i be a good idea to sign up for test?19:14
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