
IdleOnebest text editor: Red Pen03:52
IdleOneall my teachers used it03:52
IdleOneGood night!03:53
akgranerIdleOne, night!04:50
dholbachgood morning08:18
=== hypa7ia is now known as hypatia
Pendulumhi Aiween, how're you?20:24
Aiweenhi Pendulum20:25
akgranerGareth, ping did you hear back from OSCON on the other talk yet?20:48
* akgraner is behind on checking20:48
Garethakgraner: the one on the wait list?  Nothing yet.20:51
akgraneryeah that one - it's the event planner one right?20:51
Garethakgraner: yeah. not the FOSSEvents one.20:52
akgranerbut you are giving the FOSSEvents one this weekend right?20:52
GarethI am.20:53
Garethfirst presentation at a conference.20:53
akgranerWhat time do you get in?20:54
* Gareth checks20:55
akgranerWe get in (JFo, Pete and I) around 1:30pm20:55
akgranerahh - you are going to the dinner right?20:56
Garethplanning on it.20:56
akgranerare your slides done?21:04
akgranerI have to modify a couple of mine from SCaLE and I want to add some pics and stuff21:04
Garethmostly done.21:07
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok

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