
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
brycehRAOF, I'm going through the queue of bugs that have been nominated for lucid and assigning them out to people, so I'm going to assign a few -intel bugs to you00:43
RAOFSounds good to me.00:44
brycehRAOF, but the way we handle these at this stage in the release is that they need *reviewed* more than fixed00:44
brycehlook at them and decide if they look doable and worthwhile to fix for lucid - if not, unassign yourself and mark them 'ct-rev'00:44
brycehif they do look important, forward them upstream (or find a patch to fix them)00:44
brycehkeep in mind we can also fix some post-release via SRUs00:45
brycehones that are going to affect people from booting the livecd will be higher priority since sru's won't be of help there00:45
RAOFI can track those by milestoning them to lucid-updates, right?00:45
brycehI think so, yes00:47
brycehhaha, looks like when there is a nomination proposed for karmic, if no one declined or accepted it, launchpad makes a new nomination proposal for lucid even if no one actually asked for it00:48
brycehthis explains why I'm having to decline like 80% of the nominations :-)00:48
jgbryceh: I tried installing lucid beta 1 on this dell latitude xt I have, and X doesn't start...  Any chance in beta 2?01:47
RAOFWhat video does the dell have?01:48
jgit's a ATI Radeon Xpress 1250, I believe.01:48
jgRAOF: worked ok in koala...01:53
RAOFHm.  I'm not aware of any particular problems with that chip.01:54
RAOFIt's difficult to say anything without logs; Xorg.0.log & dmesg are the favourites.01:54
jgRAOF: if I can get to the logs.... 01:56
RAOFAlways the problem! :)01:56
jgparticularly with a fresh installation....01:56
jgand as I had to start over since the upgrade had gone sour from a dying disk...01:57
brycehjg, new thing for ati this release is we're doing KMS by default01:57
RAOFYou can always try adding radeon.modeset=0 to the kernel boot line.01:57
brycehjg, so you could try going ... yeah what RAOF said :-)01:57
jgbryceh, RAOF: I'll try that in the morning.01:58
johanbrisn't Xpress 1250 closely related to Xpress 200M?02:37
johanbryou may also want to try "pci=nomsi" as a kernel parameter02:38
johanbrsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/50927302:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509273 in linux "[Lucid] Radeon Xpress 200M needs PCI quirk to fix or disable MSI" [High,In progress]02:39
brycehjohanbr, yeah you might be right02:42
Sarvattjg: thats a rough one because it has a super rare GPU, i dont think it's working at the moment03:08
Sarvattjg: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2540803:11
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25408 in DRM/Radeon "Radeon KMS doesn't work for RS600" [Major,Reopened]03:11
jgSarvatt, ubottu: certainly seems the same bug03:33
jgSarvatt, ubottu: should I add a "mee tooo" to the bug?03:35
* Sarvatt wants a fdo-bug command03:54
bjsnideris the latest nvidia-settings package going to be added or is it going to be the one in the archive now?03:59
superm1bjsnider, what changed between the two?  new features, or just bug fixes?04:09
Sarvattbjsnider: nvidia-settings 195.36.08 IS 195.36.1504:12
RAOFSarvatt: That IOMMU bug doesn't affect me; either with VT on or VT off.  It's possible that it doesn't affect the x200s BIOS', or that I've got a new (or old) enough BIOS to be unaffected.  Or, it's fixed in 2.6.33, but that doesn't seem right.04:14
SarvattRAOF: we dont have DMAR enabled04:14
Sarvatti was off04:14
RAOFAh, ok.  Cool, false alarm.04:14
Sarvattprogrammable EC = I think I found my next laptop :)04:18
Sarvattwow, first time i've seen a bios *that* crappy04:30
Sarvattdug up an old dell vostro 200 out of storage and apparently you can't boot syslinux based stuff on it04:31
RAOFAh, intel-agp.  The gift that keeps on racing.04:32
brycehdoes lp #546871 look like a DMAR bug?05:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945gm] System freeze induced by Chrome" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54687105:08
brycehmaybe not05:09
RAOFThere doesn't seem to be any DMAR messages in dmesg, and that doesn't seem to be the symptom (which seems to be a freeze soon after starting X)05:10
brycehhmm, well I'm not seeing any LP bugs that match up with the DMAR bug05:13
brycehmaybe there's something filed against the kernel05:13
RAOFSarvatt says we don't actually have DMAR enabled.05:15
brycehRAOF, aha05:22
* bryceh un-gtg's a todo :-)05:23
RAOFDamnit, apple.  What have you done to the macbook such that a perfectly acceptable G96 doesn't boot right?05:25
* bryceh waves to ara06:56
aramorning bryceh :)06:56
ricotzSarvatt, hello, you need to trigger a xserver rebuild in order to get it built against the new x11proto packages07:33
brycehSarvatt, RAOF:  http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/Graphs/drivers.svg08:36
hceylanHello I am trying the packages from ppa:xorg-edgers I upgraded the packages and installed nouveau-back-ports but I get "KMS not enabled" any ideas09:34
hceylanMy main objective is to test nouveau+galliğum3D09:34
RAOFhceylan: What Ubuntu version are you using?  I think that xorg-edgers is very much tailored to lucid right now.09:49
brycehgood god -intel is a buggy driver09:52
Ngbryceh: it's a shame it's not maintained by the creators of the chipset so they can make it really good ;)09:54
brycehNg, *sigh*09:55
RAOFhceylan: There's all sorts of problems that could be.  Can you pastebin dmesg & Xorg.0.log?09:56
brycehNg, I spent the past month focusing on -ati and have gotten spoiled09:56
Ngbryceh: oh? is their stuff good now?09:56
brycehNg, well, they seem to be much more sane in how they handle bugs09:57
hceylanRAOF: gotta go for a meeting I'll be back later. thx09:57
brycehNg, btw how's your -intel experience been lately?09:59
Ngbryceh: apart from the weird flashing bug going round gm45 people, pretty much solid :)10:01
brycehwell that's good10:01
brycehNg, have a lp# on the flashing bug?10:01
Ngbryceh: bug #53864810:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538648 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gm45] Irregular sync flashes with compiz on (Lenovo T500)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53864810:02
Ngit was happening a lot last night so I rebooted with the i915.powersave=0 suggestion, but I'll need to run it for a few days to be able to say whether it's made any difference. Some days I don't get it at all, some days it happens most minutes10:03
Ngbut never when I have my second monitor attached at work, otherwise I'd be smashing my laptop against a rock ;)10:03
seb128intel works fine there as long as you don't play with a dock station10:04
seb128if you start docking and undocking a laptop things just break10:04
seb128displays don't activate when they should, xorg crashes, etc10:05
NgI wonder how docking differs from just plugging in a monitor10:09
NgI hook up a monitor to DisplayPort via a DVI adapter every day and poke Fn-F7 and it's been very reliable10:09
seb128well I tend to close the lid while docked10:09
seb128suspend and take the laptop10:09
seb128and open it later somewhere else10:09
brycehseb128, is it messing up gnome-display-properties, or X in general ?10:10
seb128which leads to have the laptop screen still off10:10
seb128bryceh, in the scenario I describe I've no active screen10:10
seb128so I need to switch vt to get one10:10
seb128also user switch when docked = fail10:11
seb128it turns off the external screen10:11
seb128and I've no way to reactivate it10:11
seb128I though for a while that the box was crashing10:11
seb128until I opened the lid of the docked laptop to notice the laptop screen works10:11
Ngseb128: ah right, I'm quite cautious about doing things while it's suspended, so I unplug everything, poke Fn-F7 and then close the lid :/10:11
NgI'll try suspending first :)10:11
seb128fn-n7 doesn't success to activate the external screen again after user switch10:12
brycehgood god -intel is a buggy driver10:12
seb128I need to restart xorg to have it working again10:12
seb128nice drop in the ati count10:13
brycehit's at least going in the right direction10:14
seb128I'm wondering if intel is that buggy10:14
seb128or if there is just a lot of bug noise or users running into the same issues there10:14
tjaaltonyeah it could be the same bugs all over again10:14
brycehwe do pretty good triaging on -intel though...10:15
brycehI could buy that on -nvidia which we largely ignore10:15
seb128I'm not so sure what videocard I should look at in my next laptop now10:16
brycehseb128, I recommend not getting a video card10:16
tjaaltonheadless laptops ftw10:16
brycehseb128, seriously, they make your laptop unstable10:16
tjaaltona braille "display" for your thumb10:17
tjaaltonand then just type away ;)10:17
seb128let's get a good old serial vt10:17
bryceh965 seems to be ok10:18
brycehati 5xx is ok but you can't find those on laptops10:18
seb128965 is what I have now10:19
seb128which I'm fairly happy with out of docking issues ;-)10:19
brycehat least with intel they put out fixes fairly routinely, so even if it's broken now, it'll improve next go around10:20
tjaaltonyeah mine works as well, but I don't use another displays10:20
brycehof course, the go-around after that all bets are off10:20
brycehati gets better over time10:20
tjaaltonmy next laptop will be a lenovo again, so it's likely with intel gfx. the desktop will get ati next10:21
brycehati seems to have performance and corruption issues, but less of the crash/freeze issues10:22
brycehintel is the opposite10:22
brycehnvidia is just mad10:22
brycehat least with -nvidia you're in good company10:26
brycehand if you don't like being in good company you have the option of -nouveau10:26
* tseliot nods10:28
brycehheya tseliot10:31
tseliothey bryceh10:31
brycehtseliot, btw I've assigned a few bugs to you but don't feel they all need to be solved... just review and decide if they really need attention for lucid; if not, tag them 'ct-rev' and unsub from them.10:32
bryceh(and if they're kernel issues, please reassign to 'linux')10:32
tseliotbryceh: that's fine. I think I can bug upstream about some of those bugs and fix the issues if they are in the packaging10:34
brycehgood news is we're continuing our downward trend10:36
sebnertseliot: is there still a nvidia update planned? (You know, I once told you that my performance dropped with the driver upload before the last one)10:37
bryceh^ the above graph excludes bugs sent upstream or waiting on users (Incomplete without response).10:37
tseliotsebner: only minor packaging fixes will get in, unless Nvidia releases something that fixes other bugs10:38
sebnertseliot: grrrrm kthx10:38
tseliotsorry but I doesn't depend on me10:39
sebnertseliot: heh, sure. I'm definately not angry with you but nvidia ;)10:40
tseliotgood night bryceh10:48
tjaaltonnight bryceh 10:49
tjaaltonok, waltop wacom hotplug works, now to merge the kernel driver10:49
=== kdelogger is now known as apachelogger
apwanyone know if it is possible to reneble a DRM output which is forced off in a video=foo:d specifier?  from X as it were?13:28
tjaaltonxrandr --auto?13:29
apwtjaalton, doesn't seem to do anything no13:31
apwtrying to work out just how to handle the booting with screen closed mess13:31
apwand trying out the video= to try and fix it13:31
tjaaltonhmm ok, maybe xrandr can't help if it's forced off from the cmdline13:33
tjaaltonwhich probably means the driver can't see it at all13:33
apwtjaalton, its listed as disconnected13:34
apwbut i don't seem to be able to undo that13:34
apwwhich is a shame13:34
tjaaltonah, ok13:35
bjsnidertseliot, are you planning on updating nvidia-settings to the latest tarball?13:57
tseliotbjsnider: I uploaded a fix so that it can work with legacy drivers (no more issues with the lack of the noscanout property). Do you know if there's anything useful in the new release?13:58
bjsnideri don't know that, but i asked because i have it in the ppa, and users who are upgrading are keeping it because i guess apt is choosing it over the lucid package13:59
bjsnideri have to add conflicts: screen-resolution-extra (>= 0.13) or whatever to force it out i suppose14:00
bjsniderit didn't occur to me that apt would keep karmic packages during a distro upgrade14:01
bjsniderit's possible that someone upgrading from hardy to lucid would still have hardy packages afterwards14:02
bjsnider!info screen-resolution-extra lucid14:03
ubottuscreen-resolution-extra (source: screen-resolution-extra): Extension for the GNOME screen resolution applet. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13 (lucid), package size 13 kB, installed size 172 kB14:03
tseliotyes, well if the version in your ppa is greater than the one in lucid, that's expected14:07
=== jg_ is now known as jg
jgbryceh, RAOF: booting the live cd nokms works.14:29
Sarvattseb128: funny enough problems like you describe are usually fixed by bios updates, might be worth looking into15:45
seb128Sarvatt, oh, thank you15:47
SarvattI just looked up pitti's D430 after seeing he was 10 updates behind and they fixed a similar issue on his15:48
Sarvattseb128: what model is it?15:49
seb128Sarvatt, the laptop? dell d63015:51
Sarvattseb128: what bios version are at? it's up to A17 now, I bet you're at A00 too :D looks like all the same upgrades from pitti's d430 are also on this d630, hangs on resume, crashing opening and closing the lid too fast, bios A12 updated the video bios too15:59
Sarvattdell site is taking way too long to go through every changelog, i just looked at the latest 5 updates15:59
seb128Sarvatt, dunno, how do I know the version?16:00
Sarvattsudo dmidecode -t bios16:00
seb128out of looking at the screen on boot16:00
seb128I never touched the bios in 3 years16:00
seb128so I bet it's outdated :p16:00
seb128Version: A0316:01
Sarvatti mean i only looked between A12 and A17 versions and I saw a ton of major fixes16:01
seb128I need to look at how you update a bios from linux16:02
seb128I didn't update bios since I stopped having a dos floppy to do that :p16:02
Sarvattyeah same thing here, i just made a freedos boot usb with unetbootin and put the update on it last time though16:05
Sarvatti think dell has a bunch of ways to update it in linux16:05
seb128thanks for the hint16:05
seb128I will look into trying that16:06
Sarvatthmm the firmware-addon-dell package it looks like?16:07
Sarvattlooks like a pain in the butt to set up, freedos boot usb probably much easier :D16:08
apwbryceh, about?19:30
brycehhi apw19:32
apwbryceh, any idea how to test this multitouch stuff ?19:33
brycehapw, heh was gonna ask you the same thing19:34
brycehapw, I've got your kernel and my bits on the laptop, and played with gimp a bit19:34
brycehdoesn't crash, and the finger touches work now (they didn't before)19:34
brycehbut only for moving the cursor, not for clicking.19:34
brycehapw, was hoping the qa team could sketch out a testing process for us19:35
brycehapw, know of any tools which will just print out that it received the MT data?19:35
apwbryceh, mine works ok but only single touch19:36
apwi am told evtest is the toy, but i can't udnerstand the output19:37
apwbryceh, i also thought multitouchd was the magic for testing, but i can't make it work19:37
brycehno, they decided against using multitouchd, so don't waste time with that19:40
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
apwbryceh, any idea where rafi is?  looking to find out if i need newer firmware19:43
brycehapw, haven't seen him on irc for a long while19:44
brycehprobably reachable via email though19:44
brycehjust tried evtest, but can't seem to get output out of it when touching screen.  Do I need to make something stop grabbing the events?19:45
brycehapw, looks like rafi has a test tool19:50
apwbryceh, ok i can use evtest to get multitouch data19:54
apwon mine i have three event channels19:54
brycehapw, ok how are you running it?19:54
apwthe one which calls it Multitouch19:54
apwevtest /dev/input/event1319:55
apwin my case19:55
brycehwhen I run xinput list I see two 'N-Trig Touchscreen' entries, id=13 and id=1419:56
apwNo i have 319:57
apw   name    : "N-Trig Pen"19:57
apw   name    : "N-Trig MultiTouch"19:57
apw   name    : "N-Trig Touchscreen"19:57
apwand its the middle one of those i am using19:57
brycehwhen I run evtest /dev/input/event13 and 14 from within X, and touch the screen, I see nothing printed out19:57
apwthis is all with stock kernel now, as the stuff has gone into lucid19:57
apwrunning as root yes?19:58
brycehok I have two Pens, two erasers, and two touchscreens19:58
brycehalso a generic mouse and a mac mouse button emulation19:58
apwone pen :)19:58
apwyou do have a different machine of course19:58
brycehthis is with the kernel in the ppa, not stock lucid19:58
apwwhich device id is it?  vendor/product ?19:58
brycehI've got the -19 kernel installed, I could boot over to it19:59
apwthat would be the one i am testing on 19:59
brycehDell XT219:59
apwsorry i mean what vendor/product does lsinputs list for the touchscreen ones?20:00
brycehare you running evtest from under X, or from the console?20:00
apw   vendor  : 0x1b9620:00
apw   product : 0x120:00
apw 20:00
apwrunning sudo evtest ... under an xterm20:00
brycehfor event13, vendor/product is 0x111d/0x76b220:01
apwso thats not an n-trig then20:01
brycehit should be20:01
apwhrm ... 0x111d is something else20:02
brycehwait, looks like id's for xinput != id's for lsinput20:02
brycehhow fun20:02
bryycehere we go20:03
bryyce   bustype : BUS_USB20:03
bryyce   vendor  : 0x1b9620:03
bryyce   product : 0x120:03
bryyce   version : 27220:03
bryyce   name    : "N-Trig Touchscreen"20:03
bryyce   phys    : "usb-0000:00:1d.1-2/input0"20:03
bryyce   uniq    : ""20:03
bryyce   bits ev : EV_SYN EV_KEY EV_ABS EV_MSC20:03
bryycethat looks better20:03
apwthats n-trig at least20:03
apwso next why don't you have a multi-touch like i do ... 20:03
apwi guess next i'd say get into -19 so we're sure its the same kernel20:03
apwbut i suspect that won't help at all20:04
brycehok one sec20:05
apwbryceh, ok my 'Touchscreen' event channel does not seem to produce any events20:05
apwi only get pen events from pen ovviously, and only get finger events on Multitouch20:06
bryyce⎡ Virtual core pointer                    id=2[master pointer  (3)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ N-Trig Pen eraser                       id=11[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ N-Trig Pen                              id=12[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ N-Trig Touchscreen                      id=13[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ N-Trig Touchscreen                      id=14[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ N-Trig Pen eraser                       id=15[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ N-Trig Pen                              id=16[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ PS/2 Generic Mouse                      id=18[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyce⎜   ↳ Macintosh mouse button emulation        id=19[slave  pointer  (2)]20:07
bryyceLinux tytherleigh 2.6.32-19-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 31 17:46:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux20:07
apwbryyce, what printed that output?20:08
bryyceapw, xinput list20:08
bryyce   bustype : BUS_USB20:08
bryyce   vendor  : 0x1b9620:08
bryyce   product : 0x120:08
bryyce   version : 27220:08
bryyce   name    : "N-Trig Pen"20:08
bryyce   phys    : "usb-0000:00:1d.1-2/input0"20:08
bryyce   uniq    : ""20:08
bryyce   bits ev : EV_SYN EV_KEY EV_ABS EV_MSC20:09
bryyce   bustype : BUS_USB20:09
bryyce   vendor  : 0x1b9620:09
bryyce   product : 0x120:09
bryyce   version : 27220:09
bryyce   name    : "N-Trig Touchscreen"20:09
bryyce   phys    : "usb-0000:00:1d.1-2/input0"20:09
bryyce   uniq    : ""20:09
bryyce   bits ev : EV_SYN EV_KEY EV_ABS EV_MSC20:09
bryyce+1 pen, +1 touchscreen20:09
bryycestill not seeing any multitouch20:09
apwbryyce, ok so i have a third one20:09
bryycebryce@tytherleigh:~$ dmesg | grep -i trig20:10
bryyce[    2.720204] ntrig 0003:1B96:0001.0001: input,hiddev96,hidraw1: USB HID v1.10 Device [HID 1b96:0001] on usb-0000:00:1d.1-2/input020:10
bryyce[    2.727766] ntrig 0003:1B96:0001.0002: input,hiddev97,hidraw2: USB HID v1.10 Device [HID 1b96:0001] on usb-0000:00:1d.1-2/input120:10
apwyou may have an old firmware20:10
bryyceapw, have you updated your firmware?20:10
apwbryyce, nope ... i don't know how20:11
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
brycehapw, I'm sure it's something like, "First just boot into Windows 7, then..."20:15
apwbryceh, i've not booted windows on mine if that helps20:15
apwbut i do think you have to have the latest firmware to get multitouch20:15
apwso i wouldn't be supprised if its not up to date in there20:16
apwno idea how one changes it of course20:16
apwmine is demonstrating two finger tracking, no more than two, and no finger identifiers20:16
brycehok, ...navigating a maze of twisty dell web pages...20:16
apwbut hey ... its doing something20:16
brycehok dunno, but lunchtime.  bbiab20:18
Sarvattsheesh, rediculious how many flickering bugs i've googled the laptop name + flicker and seen its a general issue with the model22:49
Sarvattlike http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=Dell+Inspiron+1545+flicker22:50
SarvattRAOF: what bios version do you have on your x200s?23:35
RAOFSarvatt: Let me fire it up.23:35
Sarvatt3 bugs now from people with x200s's that need i915.powersave=023:35
Sarvattone on a T500 too23:36
SarvattRAOF: is it really an x200s? not an x201s or anything?23:40
RAOFOk.  You seem to have triggered a bug on my x200s - it's not coming out of suspend at all.23:40
RAOFReally an x200s.23:40
RAOFSays so right under the screen.23:41
Sarvattwhats the last 4 digits of the model underneath?23:41
Sarvattlike x200s 7401 or something23:41
Sarvattsheesh they give you bios update cd's and everything23:43
RAOFBios revision 2.823:43
RAOFWell, a BIOS update CD isn't really that useful on an x20023:43
Sarvattsure it is, usb image creator :D23:43
RAOFGood point.  Is there a newer bios for me there? :)23:44
Sarvattwith nice fixes :D23:44
Sarvatt- Fixed an issue where the computer might hang when the battery was low  - Improved the speed control of cooling fan. - Fixed an issue where VT (Intel virtualization Technology) setting was not changed at the first startup - Fixed an issue where some DVI monitors did not work. - Fixed an issue where 1-3-3-1 beeps might sound at boot or take time to resume normal operation from standby mode. - Fixed an issue that set wrong memory type.23:51
brycehSarvatt, has the bios update confirmed to fix the problems?23:53
bryceh(my experience has been that bios updates *sound* like they will fix whatever issue I have, but hardly ever actually *do*)23:53
Sarvattno i was just asking what he had since he has the same system and doesnt see the problems23:53
Sarvattnot too much else to go on :D23:54
SarvattRAOF: do you have a dual channel memory setup in that machine? it's a CTO so cant compare23:56
RAOFYeah; I've got two dimms in here.23:57

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