
IsoLnCHiPByan: Yes its possible to have different workspaces on different monitors. One example is xmonad, it takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it and get past the haskell part (grudge off) its cool00:00
jshriverubottu: sorry00:00
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/00:00
daedheadi installed ATi driver an on reboot all that comes up is the black screen an the login:00:00
brummbaerbyan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6831827&postcount=1200:00
jshriverjrib: dont think so, firewall shouldn't affect outbound mail (dont think)  and don't care about receiving to need to open the ports00:00
brummbaeri had favorited it cuz i though it was so hawt00:00
IsoLnCHiPjshriver: The easiest way would be to set it up to send via a smarthost, otherwise your mail will likely be considdered spam by many mailservers00:00
daedheadheya RoadRunner00:00
daedheadratdog here00:01
jshriverIsoLnCHiP: what is a smarthost?00:01
RoadRunnercame in here for some help00:01
alazyworkaholicSkype (static) doesn't pick up input from my microphone. Sounds - Input also doesn't register any sound in. However, Sound & Video - Sound Recorder works without any trouble. Any idea what the problem may be?00:01
jshriverbasically want my server to send mail when things finish up and send it to my gmail account00:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:01
Byanbrummbaer: hrm, but then I can't move windows accross to gap between monitors?00:01
ByanI think I already knew about this00:02
daedheadi installed ATi driver an on reboot all that comes up is the black screen an the login:00:02
sassinoogi...it recognizes the printer, but remains "quied"00:02
daedheadafter i login command to activat the ATI driver?00:02
RoadRunnerI had Windows 7 installed on my 1 TB HDD and I have another HDD that is 500GB that I just installed Ubuntu on but whenever I turned my computer on it just boots straight into windows. It doesn't have a bootloader and I tried using EasyBCD but was unsuccessful. What should I do?00:02
brummbaerbyan: don't think so, they'd be on diff x sessions00:02
Byanbrummbaer: yeah, exactly00:03
igoryonyaalazyworkaholic, you need to uncheck the Skype's let skype manage microfone automatically setting, or something like that and then in the volume control, move the mic all the way up.00:03
Byanoh well00:03
coz_daedhead,  mm you may want to speak with soreau  about this.. he know quite a bit about ati problem solving00:03
igoryonyaalazyworkaholic, there is a problem with Skype, where it moves the mic volume all the way down, when that check box in Skype's properties is checked.00:03
RoadRunnerI just installed Ubuntu on 1 of 2 HDDs but whenever i turn on the computer it just boots straight into windows. It doesn't have a bootloader and I tried using EasyBCD but as unsuccessful. What should I do?00:04
daedheadcoz_ when is he around?00:04
soreaudeadkode: What graphics card model is it?00:04
sassinoogicoz_....your suggestions didn't pan.  Do I have to reinstall the driver if the system recognizes the printer?  How do I know for sure?00:04
M1ck3yHey all! How do I get the ubuntu Network manager to open from the terminal?00:04
jribjshriver: basically, you can have exim just relay mail through some smtp server (like google's for example).  If you don't want to do that though, I'd still suggest you check your firewall for sure before moving on00:04
coz_daedhead,  he is logged on right now.... i dont know if he is at his system at the moment so just alert him by typing his name  and also giving him the readout of    lspci | grep -i vga00:04
RoadRunnerI just installed Ubuntu on 1 of 2 HDDs but whenever i turn on the computer it just boots straight into windows. It doesn't have a bootloader and I tried using EasyBCD but as unsuccessful. What should I do? - Windows 7 + Ubuntu 10.04 dualboot00:05
RoadRunnercoz_ he just said something00:05
daedheadwhats that00:05
soreaudaedhead: Which model card is it as reported by the output of 'lspci|grep VGA' ?00:05
shazbotmcnastyRoadRunner, Install grub00:05
coz_sassinoogi,  well y ou could delete the current driver and reinstall  it00:05
shazbotmcnastyRoadRunner, what ubuntu did you install?00:05
daedheadi have mobility 3600 HD00:05
coz_deadkode,  that will give a read of of the exact card you have on the system00:05
jshriverjrib: ok googling now on how to use gmail as a smarthost00:05
foxmulder881RoadRunner, which drive order are they installed onto?00:05
sassinoogii'll try that00:05
IsoLnCHiPByan: at least nvidia cards have an expand desktop mode, where you can move windows between monitors, I think another option was xinerama00:05
coz_deadkode,  you open a terminal and type    lspci | grep -i vga       or just copy and paste that into the terminal window00:06
shazbotmcnastyRoadRunner, http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html00:06
daedheadsoreau i had to boot to windows00:06
sassinoogicoz_: what if it's not on the model listing?00:06
IsoLnCHiPjshriver: Smarthost refers to you ISPs Mailserver, its like sending mail from a 'normal' Mailclient. try a websearch for exim smarthost setup, I think you mentioned exim before?00:07
SnSegawhy you speak english here00:07
jshriverIsoLnCHiP: ok ty00:07
soreaudaedhead: I guess fglrx driver sucks. The good news is, the open radeon driver supports this card for 3D now and this will be in the Lucid release. 3D should work even on a live cd, without installing any proprietary driver00:07
coz_sassinoogi,  mm  it should be if it was working previously  or at least  one that is close to the model  you have ....if not you may have find out if your printer is still supported  but if it was already working prior to updates it should be00:07
coz_sassinoogi,  it should be in there00:07
RoadRunnerI have 3 HDDs, a 1TB - Windows 7 x64, a 500GB - Ubuntu 10.04 x64 and another 500GB. I originally had Windows 7 installed first then I installed Ubuntu doing a complete erase of the 500GB HDD. Now whenever I boot up it just boots into Windows. I can also see the Linux partition in windows disk management tool00:08
igoryonyaRoadRunner, I've had a similar problem. I changed the Ubuntu HDD to be the 1st boot HDD in BIOS and it fixed my problem.00:08
* genii slides daedhead a Space Your Face sticker00:08
daedheadcan i recover my instalation00:08
RoadRunnerigoryonya, cool, another question..00:09
RoadRunneris GRUB always installed by default?00:09
foxmulder881RoadRunner, what igoryonya suggested was a good idea. I suspect that you have your drives booting or installed in the wrong order.00:09
RoadRunnerI was just under the understanding that grub didn't even install haha00:09
=== xdaniel is now known as x11daniel
RisingChurchI think grub is only installed when you do a side by side installation.00:09
RisingChurchLike on the same HD.00:09
IsoLnCHiPjshriver: hmm, dont know if using gmail is going to work, so far ive only used smtp mail providers for smarthost setups, so you might want to check with you ISP if you have a mail address with them00:09
alazyworkaholicigoryonya: thanks for the suggestion, but I'd already taken care of that. Sound - Input doesn't pick up sound even if I leave skype off & check that mic boost  & mic volume are maxed in alsamixer00:09
RoadRunnerwell it wasn't installed on the same HDD as windows 700:10
igoryonyaRoadRunner, I am not sure about GRUB, I am a new user to linux, yet.00:10
sassinoogireinstalled and still "qued"00:10
daedheadsoreau how do i restore the original driver00:10
RisingChurchI thought you did a dual boot with two HD? Not a side by side  on a single HD?00:10
RoadRunneralright, will try reboot00:10
RoadRunnersee ya round daedhead00:10
RoadRunneri'm removing bcedit00:10
sassinoogicoz_reinstalled a printer and still remains in que00:10
daedheadRoadRunner see you on DAL00:11
RoadRunnerfaw shaw00:11
RoadRunnertake it easy00:11
phreakRoadRunner: Yeah, Grub won't work on 2 separate HDD, only if it's 1 partitioned drive00:11
M1ck3yDoes anyone know a terminal command to open the ubuntu network manager?00:11
jshriverIsoLnCHiP: unfortunately I dont have an email with my isp.  but think I'm making ground :)00:11
phreakRoadRunner: What you need to do is change the order of the boot sequence for the drives in the BIOS as suggested earlier00:11
sassinoogi....restarting system...will be back00:12
mertleM1ck3y: try   network-manager00:12
M1ck3ymertle: says not found00:12
daedheadphreak [06:11:13] * Quits: RoadRunner (~mp33pm@cpe-70-112-55-89.austin.res.rr.com)00:12
=== daedhead is now known as ratdog
soreaudaedhead: Boot into recovery mode and remove xorg-driver-fglrx00:12
M1ck3ymertle: when I try NetworkManager it says "you must be root to do that" but when I sudo it nothing happens00:13
soreau!info xorg-driver-fglrx00:13
mertleM1ck3y: try   net  and then hit tab button twice00:13
ratdogsoreau the command?00:13
ubottuxorg-driver-fglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 2:8.660-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 16613 kB, installed size 52316 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)00:13
ar0nhi guys, i updated a fresh install of ubuntu on my dual boot setup, it somehow farked up the grub loader, after selection it gives me both an error for win 7 about invalid signature, and a host of other errors for ubuntu00:13
ar0n ive already booted into a live cd, and tried a few things but keep getting errors.00:13
RisingChurchTry that.00:13
KangarooooOMGg im on xubuntu computer just went to first remote window (the one u can access with ctrl+alt+f1) its called tty1. and then im shocked but then i thought maybe i can get back with ctrl+alt+f7 but first i went to tty2 and checked all till tty6 when sudenly f7 window opens itself and is logged out.. to what application should i report this bug?00:14
ratdogsorry for my ignorance00:14
ar0nhttp://pastebin.com/naUAZJAp <- paste bin of error when starting ubuntu00:14
M1ck3yRisingChurch: nothing.. :(00:14
M1ck3ymertle: nothing in there seems likely00:14
RisingChurchA trick you can do is right click whatever you are trying to do and add it to the desktop00:14
soreauratdog: Please don't change nicks, that is confusing00:14
RisingChurchAnd then look at the properties of the icon00:14
RisingChurchIt should give you the command00:14
M1ck3yRisingChurch: sounds awesome, trying that now!00:14
mertleM1ck3y: try   Net  and then hit tab button twice00:14
RisingChurchmy bad00:14
soreauratdog: Also, after removing this package you will need to edit xorg.conf and remove the line Driver "fglrx"00:15
M1ck3ymertle: I tried that and I couldn't find anything that looked to be it00:15
M1ck3yRisingChurch: wait a second, what do I do to get it on my desktop? right click?00:15
igoryonyaalazyworkaholic, some soundcards have several mic inputs, some of them don't have a physical plug, and sound drivers could default to the one without a plug for some reason. You need to manually select the right one (but I don't remember where it is :( )00:15
insulinahow can i put zsh working as my default sheel ?00:15
mertleM1ck3y: with both small case and capital n? - they are diff things00:15
=== MaT-dg1 is now known as MaT-dg
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:16
RisingChurchRight click it in the menu00:16
RisingChurchAdd this launcher to desktop00:16
Kangaroooto what package report bug about computer automatically loging out and opening tty1 ?00:16
Kangarooowhats the name of tty package?00:16
soreauratdog: So.. 1) Boot into recovery mode 2) Run 'sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx' 3) Open x conf with 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' 4) Remove (or comment out) the line: Driver "fglrx" 5) Do Ctrl+X, then 'y' and enter to save 6) Reboot.00:16
MaT-dgwhen I resume my laptop from a suspend, compiz is really slow. (running 10.04 but problem existed in 9.10 to)00:17
RisingChurchxorg.conf is my sworn enemy00:17
ratdogjotting it down soreau00:17
M1ck3ymertle: it came back with NetworkManager.  When I enter that it says I need to be root and when I sudo it nothing happens, am I doing something wrong?00:17
RisingChurchI blame it for being stuck in 640x480. :(00:17
soreauratdog: good idea ;)00:17
hiexpoRisingChurch, lol00:17
mertleKangarooo: that would be the X display crashing00:17
ratdogis that all?00:17
RisingChurchIt's probably my TV though.00:18
mertleM1ck3y: what does   man NetworkManager   return?00:18
Kangarooomertle: so whats the package name? ill use ubuntu-bug packagename command00:18
RisingChurchman woman00:18
igoryonyaalazyworkaholic, I thought that Skype uses PulseAudio, I think, you need to tinker with PulseAudio mixer, not alsa, although, I am not sure, if changing one will automatically reflect on the other.00:18
Some_PersonCan I make empathy notify me on screen other than through notify-osd?00:18
pragma_[away]pragma_ is an asshole botwriter over at #osdev. Tell him that everyone in every channel he visits will be bugged until it dies. haha.00:18
mertleKangarooo: you should read the Xorg log to find out the issue first00:18
Kangarooomertle: ok ill post that log also . where is it?00:19
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:19
M1ck3ymertle: a lot of confusion...00:19
mertleKangarooo: /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:19
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
suboneI have the following script http://pastebin.com/PZpd2iP4 being run from my webserver through shell_exec in php. The command is run through sudo, after i changed the sudoers file to allow any scripts in this one particular directory. The screen is indeed blanked out, however it does not run the screensaver (fspot) and lock the screen with password. Is this because i ran it with sudo? can i use sudo to run this as a different user? namel00:20
suboney my username (subone00:20
igoryonyahow do I make menus in gnome's Main menu split to several columns, instead of scrolling, when there are a lot programs to list?00:20
IsoLnCHiPM1ck3y: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetworkManager has two references to commandline version of network-manager if thats what you were looking for?00:20
mertleM1ck3y: lets try another tac - what do you need to do with networkmanager that you can't do now?00:20
jshriverThanks for the help it works :)00:21
jshriverUsed this: http://www.glorat.net/2008/11/ubuntu-804-hardy-gmail-smarthost-setup-with-exim4.html00:21
jshriverworked like a charm00:21
FloodBot2jshriver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
M1ck3yIsoLnCHip: thanks, I'm gonna read that now...00:21
M1ck3ymertle: lol I just want to get online using fluxbox00:21
jshriverops sorry00:21
jshriverjust wanted to share it in case other people wondered00:21
squisherjshriver, that wasn't exactly flooding, dunno what limit that bot is set at :)00:22
Kangarooomertle: there are no timestamps. what shpould i look for?00:22
mertleM1ck3y: the networkmanager prob isn't in the startup file for fluxbox - you can edit /etc/network/interfaces to add eth0 and then restart the networking00:23
IsoLnCHiPar0n: did you chance harddrives around or add a new one?00:24
mertleKangarooo: it returned you to tty straight after login?00:24
eeini seem to be having an issue with my install.  when i select my user id there is a 5 to 10 second delay before the language and session bar come up on the bottom and then it prompts for the password. any one know what could cause that delay?00:25
hiexposhould all come up together00:25
alazyworkaholicigoryonya: okay, I only know the alsamixer command. How can I mess around with pulseaudio. (no direct config file edits if possible)00:25
hiexpoeein, did u just install ?00:26
eeinhiexpo, a few times 9.10 on an eeepc 1000h00:27
Kangarooomertle: i was surfing web testing different webbrosers then sudenly tty1 opened. as i was once using that once to shutdown X once so i recognized tty and remembered command how to get out of it. but first i wanted to check if anything isnt runing in any tty so i went thrue all till tty6 and log in screen appeared. while going thrue tty1-6 computer was thinking so i assume it was loggin out just i didnt see that couse i was in tty mode00:27
eeinhiexpo, i did all the updates but no change00:27
ratdogsoreau, on the ATi site is reads that the 64 bit driver will not work IF the 32 bit driver is not installed..00:27
hiexpoeein, where'd ya get the image file from ?00:27
soreauratdog: I'm more experienced with the open driver than the proprietary fglrx00:28
ratdogglad the open driver will be in lucid00:28
eeinhiexpo, the xubuntu website00:28
Kangarooomertle: no it from tty6 returned to log in screen00:28
ratdogi have alot of problem with demux an kaffine trying to watch TV with my winTV950q usb00:29
hiexpoeein, oh it's xubuntu00:29
ratdogi hope that bug gets fixed00:29
Kangarooomertle: loging in showed all fine as usual log in. everything closed nothing opened00:29
eeinhiexpo, yes but i thought the login packages were the same00:29
hiexpoeein, i don't know so retpe ?00:30
ratdogi believe Totem will support digitalTV in luicd better00:30
Kangarooomertle: i didnt log in tty mode. i logged in from usual log in screen couse it opened automaticaly00:31
passingby123I have just installed ubuntu9.10 onto a 2 gb pen drive using USB Startup Disk Creator under System>Administration. Please correct me if I am wrong, this installation just copies the live CD onto the pen drive, right? Hence it also does not prompt for a username at bootup. Is this the best way to install ubuntu on a pen drive?00:31
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I am trying to use wget to download a site and would like to have it go in the background so I tried putting my command it and then I put a & after it but it is still showing all the output from the program in the terminal window. Does anyone know what I could do to have it so it runs in the background and logs the screen output to a file?00:31
Kangarooomertle: so if i loged in with usual log in then i logged in in xfce session as its default in login screen00:32
mertleKangarooo: sounda like your browser caused X to shut down for a sec - nothing would show in the X log about that - maybe in ~/.xerrors00:32
hiexpo? is there a way to turn a kde desktop distro into a gnome dexktop or do i have to build one ?00:32
QuepratilI had my MP3 player plugged in with a dodgy cable to my computer. A konqueror window saying 'A new medium has been detected' froze; my MP3 player froze soon after. I fear that something weird has gone on related to my storage media; how should I get rid of the window? I have a bad gut feeling that xkilling it might cause Konqueror or some other stuff it uses to cause data loss.00:33
KB1JWQfuzzybunny69y: WGET COMMAND > /dev/null 2 > &100:33
RisingChurchWhy is my clock so messed up00:33
mertlehiexpo: you can install ubuntu-desktop and choose it at login00:33
RisingChurchit is not 9:30 am00:33
RisingChurchIt's 4:30 pm.00:33
ratdogheya ph33r ya h33r00:33
jribfuzzybunny69y: or just use -q00:33
tm0Bonjour all, i am having quite the issue. I cannot unistall a program. Sudo apt-get remove won't do it :/00:33
coz_RisingChurch,  not sure...did you change it on the system ...try to set it corectly?00:33
RisingChurchUsing the manual edit doesn't do anything either..00:34
QuepratilYuck: I have two of these 'A new medium has been inserted' windows and they're behaving weirdly.00:34
RisingChurchSyncing with the server doesn't do anything00:34
hiexpomertle, reason i ask is cause i also use backtrack and i hate kde looks and feel want to change it if possible00:34
RisingChurchAutomatically sync on the internet doesn't change anything either.00:34
ratdoghiexpo yes you can swap between KDE an Gnome on login00:34
subonehow do i run visudo whent here are errors in the sudoers file00:34
Kangarooomertle: u mean .xsessionerrors ? i dont have .xerrors00:34
mertleKangarooo: that'll be the one00:35
hiexporatdog, i know that here in ubuntu00:35
hiexporatdog, was off topic00:35
mertlehiexpo: I don't know about backtrack - do they offer diff desktop environments?00:35
hiexpomertle, nope00:36
IsoLnCHiPAnyone have an idea why ssh pops up a gui window asking me to unlock my private key, after having manually renamed my useraccount?00:36
QuepratilWhen I minimized a particular one with its minimize button or task bar section, the other minimizes too. It takes two clicks at the task bar section to minimize it. for the other window, minimizing it doesn't minimize the other, but it minimizes without animation.00:36
mertlehiexpo: see if there is a package at gnome or sumthin00:36
ratdogwell, here i go wish me luck00:36
hiexpomertle, ok00:36
Kangarooomertle: i t also has no timestamps can recognize how to see error there. should i upload thouse 2 files to pastebin? can u have a look?00:36
hiexpomertle, ok thanks00:36
KaOSoFtWhy does Ubuntu makes a personalized Firefox? It cannot be upgraded to 3.6, for instance.00:37
mertleKangarooo: it would prob be near the end - I could look00:37
Kangarooomertle: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410302/ thats xorg.log and .xsessionerrors http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410304/00:37
KaOSoFtSure, I could download it as a separated packaged, but why?00:37
kn100KaOSoFt, because the personalised bits are integration with gnome and the such00:37
mertleKangarooo: line 367 .xsessoinerrors- was this around the time?00:40
KaOSoFtkn100- Hmm, but I tried Firefox 3.6 independently and it seemed to work fine. What kind of features does integration offer?00:41
suboneHow do i allow running as another user without requiring a password in the sudoers file? I've got: "%www-data ALL=(subone) NOPASSWD:  /home/subone/scripts/*.sh" but i got an error...00:41
Kangarooomertle: it was before started pidgin 1min so by my time it was as i see when i went in pidgin 2:11 so 1 min earlier 2:1000:41
Kangarooomertle: line 367 <created-at type="datetime">2010-04-02T10:15:30Z</created-at> thats a wacoopa menu code00:42
shockratesis compiz heavy? i have a low spec pc00:43
mertleKangarooo: doesn't show much more than that - try to recreate it - if you can't it prob isn't a bug00:43
hmwshockrates: not really, it runs very nicely on my NVidia with 32MB00:43
hmwyou shouln't use certain plugins though... 3D-WIndows for example needs a bit more power00:44
shockrateshmw, does it have any performance deference compared to metacity?00:44
coz_shockrates,  compiz itself really doenst use much of the resources00:44
mertleshockrates: it's more if the vid card can have the necessaries running00:44
hmwshockrates: you won't feel a big difference, but there is one. Try it.00:44
coz_shockrates,  it is going to depend greatly on the video driver more than anything else00:44
shockratesi am using nvidia driver for fx 5200 card00:44
shockratesand i have 512sdram00:45
hmwshockrates: did you read, what I told you? *g* it runs nicely on a 32 MB Card !!00:45
coz_shockrates,  ok the fx5xxx series should work fairly well with compiz...00:45
shockratesok then00:45
tableshey all00:46
shockratesoh btw how can i change gdm background00:46
shockratesthere was a command i think00:46
Kangarooomertle: yes thats why i want to report it. its maybe even a security bug couse computer doing what i havend told him to do. and i cant recreate couse i was just reading in arora and many tabs open and didnt touch anything and now also i reopened all tabs and liferea reader was open and now its also open. maybe liferea reader was refreshing himself. but how its possible to auto open tty1?00:46
tablescan someone help me with a script00:46
hmwtables: depends00:47
tableshmw,  can I pm you00:47
hmwtell me, what you want first00:47
mertleKangarooo: to report a bug you need to know what went wrong - ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't do anything?00:47
Kangarooomertle: there was another log file witch had some timestamps. what was that?00:47
mertleKangarooo: syslog is one00:48
Kangarooomertle: ctrl+alt+f1-7 all works00:48
tablesi'm trying to rar folders, then upload the rars via ftp, then delete the rars and the folders00:48
Kangarooomertle: all are clear.00:48
mertleKangarooo: ctrl+alt+f1 is tty1 - "but how its possible to auto open tty1?" - what do you mean?00:48
Kangarooomertle: if x window system would crash then it should show terminal on all screen and not open tty100:49
Kangarooomertle: how its possible that on crash tty1 was opened? only if virus programm installed witch made that command and i have only installed from apt-get in this computer00:51
mertleKangarooo: I don't know what you mean - tty1 is a terminal on the whole screen00:51
tm0Bonjour all, i am having quite the issue. I cannot unistall a program. Sudo apt-get remove won't do it :/00:51
shockratesdo i need to install the full compiz or just the gtk packages?00:51
shockratesgtk-based packaes00:51
soreaushockrates: compiz is already installed by default in ubuntu00:51
mertleKangarooo: nope - if a prog crashed and took out X you would end at a tty till gdm restarted X00:51
shockratesthe kde based packages are only for kde?00:52
shockratesor can be used here too?00:52
Kangarooomertle: hmmz ah yes couse it auto went out of tty6. ok then if that is correct then something wrong went with logging out. then logging out was somehow auto opening. why gdm while restarting x also loging out happened? automatically?00:54
Kangarooomertle: so it shouldnt log out.00:54
mertleKangarooo: prob killed your session somehow - hard to say since you don't know what caused it00:56
passingby123friends i have just installed 9.10 onto a pen drive using 'USB startup disk creator' but it seems its not a full install, its juts a live USB now, albeit with ability to save files. am i correct? is this the best way to have ubuntu on a pen drive?\00:58
Kangarooomertle: well if i would make bug report with ubuntu-bug would all log files be uploaded to bug report? if not all then i can upload them manually only whit what package should i add as first possible what coused or is involved? soo tty did all corect. opened when x crashed. so x crashed then whats packagename of x window system?00:59
GuthurI have a program (git) that is getting invoked by a particular user but if seems to create some files with root ownership01:00
GuthurDoes that sound like a normal occurrence?01:00
perlsyntaxI got a question why does my firefox freeze up sometime on my delldesktop for?01:01
Kangarooomertle: maybe some bigger process crashed? witch is making run x and makes user still be logged in?01:01
mertleKangarooo: from what you told me you really can't say what there is a bug in - I think you need to know that - have a look at ubuntu-bugs for a howto first01:01
Guthurperlsyntax: try #firefox01:01
arandwhat's the bash variable for the default webbrowser www-browser something?01:02
suboneHow do i allow running as another user without requiring a password in the sudoers file? I've got: "%www-data ALL=(subone) NOPASSWD:  /home/subone/scripts/*.sh" but i got an error...01:02
perlsyntaxi don't you guys are not alot of help!01:02
freemanHey guys. I'm have a folder of files in which I want to change the SPACE character in their filename to an underscore ("_"). What CMD line would I use for that?01:03
dhaneshmy nvidia driver cant be enabled in ubuntu why freeman01:03
goddardempathy sucks so much01:03
goddardhow do I prevent people from messaging me that arent on my list?01:03
goddardand why is it every time I login i get like 6 or 7 friend requests01:04
goddardwhy didnt it ask me when i was already logged in01:04
IsoLnCHiPfreeman: man rename is likely what you want01:04
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:04
ZykoticK9freeman, my scripts for both directions of underscore conversion (salt to taste) http://paste.ubuntu.com/410317/01:05
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freemanThank you guys01:06
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Kangarooomertle: i dont think that is normal couse i didnt make anything crash. computer did it by itself. on windows its understandable that virus coused something. all programms working. on linux some code just hasnt been finished or a code has written to do that what it did. so it is a bug or wishlist to remove this functionality to crash. wheres is that syslog? syslog: /usr/include/syslog.h ?01:07
doctorZeusI loaded 9.1 last weekend and ~250 updates yesterday and since that time, sound in firefox has stopped working01:07
mertleKangarooo: /var/log   is where all the logs are01:07
doctorZeussound worked fine when I first installed and right up until i loaded the updated..I'm googling around now, nothing definitive so far, just wondering if this was a known issue and/or an easy fix01:08
hiexpodoctorZeus, but it works elsewhere?01:10
doctorZeushiexpo sorry for excluding that, yes, it works fine in movie player, at login, etc01:11
hiexpodoctorZeus, than it is a firefox issue a pluggin did not reinstall01:11
doctorZeusof course I have checked volume everything I can think, from the volume control in top right, volume control in the browser window, went through system/sound and made sure nothing was muted01:12
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IsoLnCHiPZykoticK9: arent you missing "" s on line 5 for the second parameter to mv?01:12
doctorZeusis there somewhere I can check log or record of the updates?01:12
Kangarooomertle: ahaa i think i found it. network-manager tryd to do something with wireles.. change some config and from that a log activity happened with gnome-session WARNING wanne see log ? i can cut just that place so u dont need to search01:12
mertleKangarooo: sure01:13
Kangarooomertle: eem from that a lot activity01:13
ZykoticK9IsoLnCHiP, i don't think so...01:13
Kangarooomertle: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/410319/01:13
hiexpodoctorZeus, http://www.derekhildreth.com/blog/how-to-fix-the-no-sound-issue-in-firefox-flash01:13
jack_no person?01:13
ZykoticK9IsoLnCHiP, the " are around the $i variable01:14
IsoLnCHiPZykoticK9: just wondering because on line 13 you have them there, Im still not quiet at home with the shells handling of spaces, thats why im asking ;)01:14
Picijack_: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?01:14
doctorZeusdoes that look safe to install?  I don't know derek.. :)01:14
ZykoticK9IsoLnCHiP, ummm, good point!  perhaps there is something wrong?01:14
=== jay is now known as Guest77805
Guest77805hi.. anyone able to help me with a serious issue01:15
doctorZeusinteresting though I'm checking out that page.. ty01:15
mertleKangarooo: lots of activity but nothing to indicate a crash or something01:15
Kangarooomertle: so about at 2:10 i was logged back in computer so 2:08 im assuming is the cause of starting of crash01:15
IsoLnCHiPWell im not sure whether `` works as implicit "" for bash or not, i was hopeing youd know and be able to clear that point up :)01:15
Kangarooomertle: maybe some another log?01:15
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ZykoticK9IsoLnCHiP, scripting really isn't my strong point either - and spaces cause me no end of grief!01:16
ZykoticK9IsoLnCHiP, that's actually why I have both of these scripts :)01:16
squisherZykoticK9, IsoLnCHiP `` does not imply quotes. Check out the abs-guide01:17
IsoLnCHiPZykoticK9: Hehe, ok, comforting to know im not alone ;)01:17
PiciIsoLnCHiP: You may want to ask in #bash if you have further shell scripting questions01:17
IsoLnCHiPthanks, im sidetracked enough atm. ;)01:18
Kangarooomertle: line 20 and 21. i something about gnome and Warning but strage theres writend cant open metacity and gnome power manager. i wasnt opening thouse and gnome-power-manager i have disabled.01:18
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I upgraded to 9.10 but when I start the screen has to scroll, when I reset the screen resolution its fine until I restart any way to fix this?01:19
mertleKangarooo: there you go - that is gnome-session - then after is gdm - which would be you logging in - doesn't tell me what caused it tho01:20
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, are you using nvidia?01:20
THE_GFR|WORKZykoticK9: yes GeForce 760001:20
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, do you have anything special in your current xorg.conf?01:21
THE_GFR|WORKZykoticK9: not that I know of01:21
mertleKangarooo: line 7 - console-kit-daemon[651]: GLib-GObject-WARNING: - could have something to do with it01:21
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, in a terminal do "sudo nvidia-xconfig" then run "gksu nvidia-settings" and select the option to safe to xorg, then after reboot the settings should stick01:22
Kangarooomertle: ah i just checked programms. actually i have already removed that metacity.01:22
hiexpo? All my friends told me ubuntu was kool asked them what is it they said like windows so i said how can i get it but never investigated what it was not knowing or having a clue what linux is /// the closest thing to a computer i knew was windows  i want to do something i click a little icon thingy and it works well i come here and just do not  understand why i can not  make anything work it must be broke / what is apt what is a sh01:23
hiexpoell     ///    it must be broke my friends lied this is not kool it don't work for anything whatwas i thinking to not look what i was doing before i did it how i did not investigate it01:23
THE_GFR|WORKZykoticK9: gtk-warning cannot open display01:24
colorlessprismexpo, use the LiveCD first01:24
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, you need to be inside Xorg01:24
SogorukuhnHi @ all01:24
Kangarooomertle: i thing maybe i just report bug for webbrowser arora couse this browser i have used only today and that what makes this day different from others for this computer. none other programms was opened. exept liferea but it was allways table01:24
colorlessprismtry it before you use it kind of thing01:24
kennyr4t32I have to change my desktop resolution settings everytime i boot up, i can i get it to stay from the last session?01:24
hmw!hi | Sogorukuhn01:24
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ubottuSogorukuhn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:24
SogorukuhnI realy need some help. I must connect to my ssh server using a socks5 server with auth01:25
mertleKangarooo: you can do that - first check if similar bugs have been reported01:25
THE_GFR|WORKZykoticK9: can't do it from an SSH connection?01:25
Kangarooomertle: yes im googling arora crash login ill try also xubuntu and liferea. what more sugestions?01:26
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, you might if you have X setup over SSH - but if you're getting the error, you'll need to wait till you get home i guess - did you start your ssh session with "ssh -X COMPUTER"?01:26
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hiexpodoes this sound familiar to most01:26
colorlessprismhiexpo, what sound familiar?01:27
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mertleKangarooo: try the bugs page - there is a search there iirc01:27
hiexpocolorlessprism, read up lolo01:27
hmwSogorukuhn: i am not sure, if that is possible, a socks5 is a HTTP proxy, isnt it?01:27
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hiexpocolorlessprism,  just making a point01:27
SogorukuhnI think no. But I'm not shure01:27
Kangarooomertle: ok but what is iirc? u mean irc?01:27
THE_GFR|WORKno I did not ZykoticK9 basically when I try to save the config with the nvidia settings panel it says it can't remove the old xorg.conf.backup file01:28
Sogorukuhnor I need a browser with SOCKS5 + Auth support01:28
colorlessprismhiexpo, try a LiveCD, a test drive if you will. its not broken, and its not windows01:28
mertleKangarooo: iirc = if I recall correctly :)01:28
Kangaroooah ok01:28
hmwSogorukuhn: I was wrong. Socks is a TCP proxy, it seems. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socks501:28
Kangaroooim learning some thouse abr. ftw :)01:29
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, you have to manually go into the /etc/X11 folder and move the current xorg.conf to a backup name like xorg.conf.orig then re-run the "sudo nvidia-xconfig"01:29
Guest27396156456sudo mudo wudo01:29
colorlessprismsuper user do01:29
hiexpocolorlessprism,  i knew that i put it wrong lol i have no expectation in running windows i am from unis and hate windows i was just writting that in  conclusion of how people act /// click and go and no clue to what there last move was01:30
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, sorry, you *really* need to move the xorg.conf.backup file -- sorry01:30
Guest27396156456you`re soo smart01:30
Sogorukuhnthe problem is, that the datacenter where was the hosting firm i have my VPS, switched off all ports from the hosting firm. They opened the ports 20, 21, 22 and 115. But I had a custom SSH port on my VPS. Someone from the datacenter gave me his SOCKS5 Server access, but I can't connect through it01:30
colorlessprismhiexpo, you case seemed a little extreme, but sometimes you never know01:30
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colorlessprismhiexpo, i clicked the icon and and blah blah blah came up and said "a bunch of numbers" can you help me?01:31
Y0Zwith 666?01:32
hiexpocolorlessprism, and now myh sh==s broke lol01:32
ddrjmy xbmc is not responding, seems like it's frozen, any keyboard shortcuts to shut down a program or switch tabs into desktop ?01:33
colorlessprismhiexpo, true dat01:33
hiexpooh so true01:33
colorlessprismddrj, alt+f4 closes program, but terminals can kill by pid01:34
hmwSogorukuhn: does this command look interesting to you? ssh -o "connect -5 -S proxy.socks5.ip.name %h %p" target.ip.name01:34
ddrjcolorlessprism: just tried alt + f4, n othing's happening :(01:34
ddrjthink it's frozen01:34
ddrjthe program01:34
colorlessprismddrj, ok, open up system monitor01:35
hmwSogorukuhn: Looks like making such a connection should be quite easy. I have not yet tried to use a proxy for ssh before. I'd need a proxy for "playing" until i get it01:35
ddrjhow do i do that? (xbmc is currently frozen in full screen"01:35
mertleddrj: alt+f2   type   xkill   click the window that's frozen01:35
hiexpocolorlessprism you know if it was poison and kill them would they do it /// it blows me away { click here i can fix you } heres a pill i can fix u but it's really cyanide01:35
colorlessprismmertle, nice one for ddrj, i always forget xkill01:35
ddrjty, let me try alt f201:36
THE_GFR|WORKZykoticK9: doing the sudo on that config file and then doing the setup worked01:36
colorlessprismddrj, ok, open up system monitor01:36
colorlessprismhiexpo, i want to help people since it was hard for me to get help, but i have to wonder...was i THAT bad at first???01:36
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, now after restart it should remember your settings :)01:36
THE_GFR|WORKZykoticK9: it does :) thanks :)01:37
THE_GFR|WORKthat was a bit odd though01:37
colorlessprismanyone know how to get the pid of a program running buggy in GUI and kill by terminal?01:38
ZykoticK9THE_GFR|WORK, actually that's unfortunately business-as-usual right now for nvidia + karmic ( & lucid)01:38
hmwSogorukuhn: http://www.mail-archive.com/ssh@clinet.fi/msg03969.html01:38
hiexpocolorlessprism  sometimes people need help and there is not an answer out there yet but before i usually help i type there ? in google and if the answer pops right up i don't help cause they never looked and want to be spoon fed01:38
ZykoticK9colorlessprism, "ps aux" to find the PID then "kill PID#" or "kill -9 PID#" if it's really in bad shap01:38
colorlessprismhiexpo, google is a great help...sometimes wording makes it hard though01:39
colorlessprismZykotick9, aux...i keepforgetting aux and only type ps. thatnks01:40
hiexpocolorlessprism  the first thing i do is try to get help with google or yahoo because i do not wanna look like ana idiot01:40
kerebrusHow do you run a .sh file?01:41
colorlessprismhiexpo, i spend a TON of time in forums searches01:41
DG19075sh file.sh01:41
hiexpome to01:41
colorlessprismkerbrus, bash01:41
ZykoticK9kerebrus, "sh filename.sh" is easiest - or you can make it executable then use path or ./filename.sh to run01:41
DG19075in a terminal01:41
hmwSogorukuhn: I have to give up. Perhaps those debug settings help you. Good luck!01:42
kerebrusAh thank you everyone01:42
colorlessprismgood luck01:42
Sogorukuhnthe problem is no longer exists. the hosting firm just switched off all servers01:43
SogorukuhnBroadcast message from root (pts/2) (Wed Apr 7 04:38:05 2010):01:43
SogorukuhnThe system is going down for system halt NOW!01:43
hmwSogorukuhn: oops?01:43
Dragon_WhiteCiao a tutti :D01:44
hiexpocolorlessprism  me to i learn so much more from reading01:44
dhaneshhmw: how can i play internet video streams in ubuntu01:44
colorlessprismhiexpo, backups are also important. ive messed my system up enough to know how to backup first01:44
hmwdhanesh: why do you ask me personally? *confused* VLC should be able to do that01:45
nomnexkarmic 9.10 all my USB 2 ports are recognized as USB 101:45
DasEi!flash | dhanesh01:45
ubottudhanesh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:45
nomnexhow can I troubleshoot that?01:46
dhaneshhmw: no i have tried any other player01:46
hiexpodhanesh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/StreamingVideo01:46
colorlessprismhiexpo, im out of here man good luck01:46
O__ohi, what is the word that begins with sh and it means "not wanting to be with lots of people" ?01:46
DasEidhanesch : install ubuntu-restricted-extras for a bunch of codecs more and vlc01:46
hiexpocolorlessprism, have a good one01:46
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone when I print from ubuntu 9.10 I get a warning <printername> cups something any ideas?01:46
THE_GFR|WORKI can't click on the dark grey box at all01:46
THE_GFR|WORKand it goes away01:46
THE_GFR|WORKany ideas?01:46
dhaneshhmw: no i have tried any other player01:47
W43372Hello, everybody.01:47
jhamlin_I did `xscreensaver-command -lock` and my screen locks  nicely and screensaver comes on.  But when I move mouse or type, the screensaver freezes and the login screen doesnt show up.  How can I log back in without just holding down the power button and rebooting??01:47
DasEiTHE_GFR|WORK: user allowed to print ? try as root, if that works, check group-permission01:47
THE_GFR|WORKit also says the printer is not owned by root when I try to print does this mean that I need to reinstall the printer driver?01:47
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THE_GFR|WORKDasEi ok...01:48
bobgQUESTION - How can I print CD Labels from MP3 tags01:48
hiexpocolorlessprism, i want you to know i m not an idiot i right programs for linux and aircrack  just making a point of idiots that donot do there home work01:48
hmwjhamlin_: switch to the console CTRL-ALT-F1 and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart   .... or kill your X server with ALT-SysRq(Print)-K01:48
ZykoticK9jhamlin_, does ctrl+alt+f1 get you to a console (ctrl+alt+f7 to get back), you could then restart... hmw's got it01:48
W43372Could someone help me figure out the problem I'm having with my wireless?01:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:50
hmwW43372: there is a very good tutorial for wifi on the ubuntu web site, did you try that already?01:50
jhamlin_hmw: ZykoticK9: ctrl+alt+f1 has no effect whatsoever...  :(01:50
hmwjhamlin_: that sounds like quite some crash. Try ALT-SysRq-K01:50
ZykoticK9!sysrq | jhamlin_01:51
THE_GFR|WORKbasically I am getting the error <printername> "cups-insecure-filter"01:51
jhamlin_hmw: nothing01:51
ubottujhamlin_: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key01:51
THE_GFR|WORKa warning that is01:51
W43372hmw: no, no I have not.01:51
ChangedRealiWould someone mind helping me? I am using Windows 7, I downloaded the Unbuntu 9.10 Installer for Windows and when Ubuntu boots up it brings me to a screen asking for me to type in a command. (and I have no clue what to do)01:51
hmwjhamlin_: hmm.... try what ubottu told you to get your machine reboot almost safely01:51
THE_GFR|WORKany way to get this not to show up?01:51
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:52
THE_GFR|WORKbecause its kind of annoying01:52
jhamlin_hmw: reisub = no effect01:52
hiexpo!wifi | hmw01:52
hmwjhamlin_: wow. Do the 5 seconds power button killit01:52
ZykoticK9jhamlin_, time for the power button i'm affraid01:53
ubottuhmw: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:53
jhamlin_hmw wow that was a bummer01:53
THE_GFR|WORKbasically I am getting the error <printername> "cups-insecure-filter"01:53
n2diyhow do I type the ohm/omega greek letter?01:54
hmwTHE_GFR|WORK: if you don't get help here, try to enter the error message exactly into google. Perhaps type "ubuntu" before it.01:54
DasEi n2diy: look it up in a acii tab01:54
DasEiascii*, darn01:55
hmwn2diy: you are not looking for an ASCII table... you want Unicode DasEi01:55
DasEin2diy: ^01:55
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
hiexpon2diy, http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/03a9/index.htm01:56
n2diyDasEi: ,haw, I know how to find the unicode, but not how to enter it into text, I'll try the ^.01:56
n2diyhiexpo: thanks01:56
codeshahhey guys, I have a process running in the background on my login [I am sshed in]... I may be logged out as internet connection may drop01:56
codeshahwill the process keep running or?01:57
jribcodeshah: depends how you started it01:57
sasayinshow to setup a tft server in my 9.10?01:57
ZykoticK9codeshah, you should investigate the screen command01:57
codeshahjrib, I started it regularly01:57
codeshahZkyotick, ok01:57
codeshahjrib, then I pressed Ctrl+Z01:58
melrokzHey guys, which version of gnome will be included with Lucid?01:58
jribcodeshah: not sure what "regularly" means.  You probably want to « disown » the job from your shell01:58
hmwn2diy: hold SHIFT and CTRL, then type U212601:58
codeshahjrib, yeah, that is what i want01:58
ZykoticK9melrokz, it isn't Gnome3 if that's what you're really asking01:58
n2diyhaw, thanks01:58
melrokzis it 2.3?01:58
jribcodeshah: right, at this point just disown the job.  In the future, you can either use screen, nohup, or just disown as you are about to do now01:58
hiexpo!lucid | melrokz01:58
ZykoticK9melrokz, 2.30.0 currently01:59
ubottumelrokz: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:59
codeshahjrib, k... I guess I gotta search how to disown it01:59
codeshahI should've done it with nohup01:59
sasayinsi mean, how to setup a simple ftp server in 9.10? thanks01:59
jribcodeshah: type: help disown01:59
THE_GFR|WORKok everyone problem solved01:59
codeshahjrib, k... 'disown -a' is what I just read somewhere lemme read the help docs02:00
melrokzthanks, and which is the best audio player with an equaliser for Ubuntu 9.04?02:00
hmw!best | melrokz02:00
ubottumelrokz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:00
hmwmelrokz: VLC has a graphic-eq02:01
Tomas_hey, I'm having trouble doing debootstrap when use source location as file:/cdrom/ubuntu W: Failure trying to run: chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc02:01
MTecknologyI have qemu+libvirt on one server; if I run ufw enable on that I lose connectionto any guests. What rule do I need to add to allow communication through the host but not to the host?02:01
nomnexanybody to help me troubleshoot my USB 2 ports that Ubuntu sees as USB 1?02:01
Tomas_but it appears to be working when I use http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu02:02
melrokzmy audio sometimes stutters; I think it's a problem with amplifier clipping... what may I do?02:02
Tomas_nomnex: if it's a laptop and if it's ibm and if it's T4x then your motherboard went bad02:02
ZykoticK9nomnex, you might want to try running "lspci | grep USB" in a terminal to find out what USB Controller you are using (i haven't run into that issue before, so I don't have any "real" suggestions I'm affraid)02:03
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nomnexTomas_, it's a Fujitsu notebook, ZykoticK9, I pastbin in a sec.02:03
hmwmelrokz: hmm... i guess it is more likely, that you are experiencing the pulse-audio blues.  You could try to find a tutorial how to "ubuntu disable pulse" and get alsa up (if i remember correctly)02:04
holmserwhats the chan to discuss 10.04 beta?02:05
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consumedi'm trying to reorder my /boot/grub/device.map from an ubuntu live cd and it states i don't have permission. how can i edit this file outside of the system ?02:05
nomnexTomas_, ZykoticK9 http://pastebin.com/737dsCdL (I have 4 ports USB2 on the notebook, only one is recognized as USB 2--and I don't know which one?) any idea?02:06
Goliathhow can i remove assistive technologies from tray02:06
DasEiconsumed: call editor with prefix gksudo02:06
mpuserIs there a URL for the list of packages in 10.04 ?02:07
melrokzI'm using Exaile, but I prefer amarok... How bout changing the setting in exaile to pulseaudio???02:07
melrokzsorry to alsa?02:07
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:07
TheMozartMINT is based on Ubuntu, but we are not allowed to talk about MINT support here, are we?  Just checking.. I use Ubuntu myself but my friend uses MINT.02:07
DasEin2diy: pong02:08
MTecknologyTheMozart: we prefer mint support stays in mint channels02:08
TheMozartMTecknology: where is the MINT IRC channel?02:08
DasEi!mint > TheMozart02:08
ubottuTheMozart, please see my private message02:08
Goliathhow can i remove assistive technologies from tray02:09
TheMozartDasEi: your PM didnt contain where the MINT IRC channel is02:09
Goliathin general how can i remove things from tray02:09
n2diyWhy would I get a "Cannot send to channel" message on ##electronics and ##ubuntu-kernel?02:09
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:10
MTecknologyTheMozart: honestly - I don't see the point in linuxmint - it seems to make sbout as much sense as hml.. but that's an off topic opinion ;)02:10
Guest42026how do i know if i m on a big endian or little endian?02:11
arandn2diy: You probably need to register.02:11
hmwn2diy: some channels need you to get a "voice" before you are allowed to speak. Read the topic / channel guide lines02:11
AlcorGoliath righy click tray icon -- select delete?02:13
hmwGuest42026: uhm... perhaps googeling your CPU02:14
IsoLnCHiPhmw: Whats this ctrl shift u? I mean what component enables that functionality? Never knew about that input possibility02:14
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
sassinoogican anyone help with getting a printer to work?02:14
hmwIsoLnCHiP: it's built in02:14
RFXCaseyI have broken both my wired and wireless connection on my laptop Ubuntu v.8.10 please advise02:14
hmwIsoLnCHiP: i found it, when ALT+ASCII didn't work in Ubuntu02:15
sassinoogiI think my driver screwed up when upgrading my version of ubuntu02:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:15
mpuserHow can I tune the ATLAS library on my machine? It's meant to be tuned for each machine during compilation (depending on cache sizes, number of cores, etc.), but Ubuntu just installs a binary.02:15
hmwIsoLnCHiP: built into Gnome, i meant... and "I suppose"02:15
mawstCan I install an rpm or how do I convert or extract the thing?02:16
mawstIt's just bluecurve cursors02:16
hmwmawst: there is a procedure, google knows how02:16
melrokzmawst: sudo apt-get install alien02:16
maco!alien | mawst02:16
ubottumawst: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)02:17
melrokzhmm... I guess the bot is true...02:17
nullbeathello, how do i run update-initramfs -u from a live cd02:17
nullbeathello, how do i run update-initramfs -u from a live cd?02:17
sassinoogi:'(My printer no longer works!!  I upgraded to a newer version of ubuntu and it seems that my driver is screwed up02:17
mawstYeah I just want bluecurve's mouse pointers.02:18
IsoLnCHiPhmw: Interesting, ok, thanks02:18
melrokzsassinoogi: which printer do u have?02:18
sassinoogiLexmark X2670--it's not on the list of models02:18
nullbeathello, how do i run update-initramfs -u from a live cd?02:18
Ro0tedGood evening !!02:19
DasEinullbeat: cd into /boot and choose an image, then sudo - run it02:19
rmrfslashWhat is the debian-sys-maintenance user in mysql when installed from synaptic?02:20
melrokzDasEi: i'm just curious; why do u run update-initramfs -u02:20
nullbeatDasEi: i turned framebuffer mode off, and i can't boot into hdd02:20
rmrfslashcorrection "debian-sys-maint"02:20
RFXCaseyI have broken both my wired and wireless connection on my laptop Ubuntu v.8.10 please advise02:20
DasEinullbeat: like : sudo update-initramfs -u    blah.img02:21
mawstWell pfft rpms open with archive manager02:21
mawstwho knew02:21
mawstThat's all I needed.02:21
nullbeatDasEi: i tried chrooting into hdd, then echo framebuffer mode on and then ran update-initramfs -u but it gave me a bunch of permission errors02:21
melrokz DasEi: i'm just curious; why do u run update-initramfs -u02:21
DasEinullbeat: did as root ?02:21
mpuserDoes anyone know if ubuntu's VALGRIND works on 64-bit binaries? (NOTE: this is not the same as VALGRIND itself being 64-bit)02:22
nullbeati think so... i'll try again, do i have to chroot into hdd?02:22
DasEinullbeat: to get changes not been caught yet in the initram02:22
jhamlin_how do I tell xdm to use fluxbox instead of gnome??02:22
nullbeatok, i'll try it again02:22
DasEijhamlin_: (#xubuntu) you can set it under preference/login or, if you use a loginscreen, choose per session02:23
jhamlin_DasEi: xdm doesn't give me any options at all.  Just a little window to type my name, then pass...02:24
gdoryany ubuntu devs behind 10.04 live disk explain why when i boot into the live cd, it changes data on all installed/attached hard drives?02:24
nullbeatDasEi: still a lot of permissions errors02:24
aj_hi everyone02:24
aj_I would like to know if someone could help me configuring desktop share02:25
nullbeatDasEi: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dmsetup: 23: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied02:25
aj_I need to reduce its resolution02:25
DasEijhamlin_: there is a way for sure, it's in the undermenu of shutdown/reboot/failsafe temrinal02:25
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:25
gdoryi have two disks, a vfat & an ext3, both on a system which i ran the live cd on.. i noticed they thrashed my HD's, so i sha1summed the disks before and after, and the 10.04 disk changes data on them? why is this & why is this not in any agreement?02:25
gdoryeven the 9.10 live cd does similar?02:26
=== Empty_foo is now known as ununseptium
gdorywhy are live disks altering data on hard drives which are not needed?02:26
hmw!lucid | gdory02:26
switch10_gdory: I have never experienced anything like that on over 20 machines..02:26
gdoryhmw, i saw that02:26
ubottugdory: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:26
gdorybut does not answer why ubuntu has been doing it since 9.0402:26
psusigdory, did you mount them?  if so then access timestamps would be updated on ext302:26
DasEinullbeat: you mounted the hd, then chrooted in that dir, checked by ls if images are there, then ran as root ?02:27
gdoryit was test live disk02:27
gdoryand it alters, not tries to mount, ALTERS data on my drive02:27
gdoryi dont consent to this02:27
hmwgdory: i see... i can't imagine a reason, why the system would do this. Sounds evil.02:27
gdoryand it not being in the agreement is illegal02:27
nullbeatDasEi: yes02:27
switch10_gdory: it does not alter anything on your HDD...02:27
gdorythen why does a sha1sum show different checksums before & after booting a live cd from 9.04 up?02:28
switch10_gdory: explain what exactly it altered?02:28
gdoryerr, im checksumming disks between reboots of the live cd02:28
gdoryHD shouldn't be getting touched02:28
psusigdory, again, did you mount it?  did you open the drive in the places menu?02:28
gdoryAT ALL02:28
gdoryi did nothing02:28
DasEinullbeat: karmic ?02:28
psusigdory, does it have a swap partition?02:29
nullbeatDasEi: no, lucid02:29
gdoryexcept click the "try ubuntu WITHOUT MAKING CHANGES TO YOUR COMPUTER"02:29
gdoryit made changes to my computer02:29
gdorythis is malicious02:29
switch10_gdory: maybe ask for your money back?? :)02:29
hmw++ switch10_02:29
DasEinullbeat: see me in +ubuntu+102:29
gdoryi expect developers of GNU software to adhere to it's principles02:29
psusigdory, if you have a swap partition on the disk then the livecd will use it02:29
gdoryno swap02:29
hiexpoi have never seen a hd being changed with a live cd thats impossible02:29
gdoryswap is a 1988 techonology02:29
DasEinullbeat: see me in #ubuntu+102:29
nullbeatDasEi: ok02:29
gdoryim sorry02:30
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
gdorybut you ubuntu devs02:30
gdoryrip the piss out of GNU and linux02:30
gdorygive it uo and get a real job02:30
switch10_gdory: hahaha02:30
psusiyou're being a twit, go away.02:30
kn100gdory, .lol.02:30
gdoryi want to TEST ubuntu02:30
hmwgdory: this is a support channel. Please go to #windows to complain about Linux02:30
gdorynot it rape my integrity02:30
gdorylol hmw02:30
=== RoadRunner is now known as asfd
gdorysadly to say, windows is performing better than ubuntu atm02:31
gdoryubuntu has ripped what linux truly was02:31
switch10_gdory: so use it?02:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:31
* iflema :)02:31
asfdAfter doing a mass update in ubuntu (500 updates) my mouse is no longer working.02:31
gdoryim asking a question here02:31
RFXCaseyMy wireless wasn't showing up so I followed a thread that said to go into nm-system-settings.conf and change where it said "managed=" to true, the in console do a "sudo killall nm-system-settings" and then do a "sudo nm-system settings". Now my wired connection isn't showing up either. I tried changing "managed=" back to false but both my wired and wireless connection are still broken.02:31
asfdAny idea?02:31
asfdMy bluetooth mouse/keyboard stopped working after an Ubuntu update, any idea what might cause this?02:31
gdoryi want to know why ubuntu devs made 9.04+ rape HD's when testing the live cd02:31
Anon154where is the 18 and older chat room02:32
gdorya live cd needs no disks, should not touch any disks other than those needed02:32
asfdAnon154: /list *18* or /list *adult*02:32
psusigdory, no, you're ranting and spouting bs... "what is it changing on my hd" would be a question, one which we were trying to help you answer02:32
sassinoogi>:oNobody is of any help in here...02:32
hmwRFXCasey: restarting the network and/or NetworkManager might help.  sudo /etc/init.d/network restart (might be networking restart) and /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart02:32
gdorypsusi, no02:32
gdorynothing like that02:32
gmonnieneed help, have a logitech quickcam, having trouble getting it to work with 9.1002:32
elkygdory, can you find another word to use that doesn't trivialise that particular assault.02:32
gdorywhy is it CHANGING data period02:32
hiexpogdory, glad to see it  { i would suggest Microsoft  thats in your ball field02:32
switch10_asfd: see if blueman will work for you..  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/blueman-bluetooth-manager-for-ubuntu.html02:33
asfdMy bluetooth mouse/keyboard stopped working after an Ubuntu update, any idea what might cause this?02:33
gdoryhiexpo, im a BSD user02:33
Anon154hi deathcrawler02:33
gdoryi expect a system to do as intended, not what it feels02:33
psusigdory, the most likely answer to that is either because it found a swap partition, or because you asked it to mount the filesystems02:33
elkyAnon154, You're on the wrong network. This as a network for Free Software discussions.02:33
gdoryand the fact that ubuntu devs are allowing this to happen is a disgust to the OSS community02:33
gdorypsusi, this disk has two paritions02:33
chiefi totally agree with it02:33
asfdMy bluetooth mouse/keyboard stopped working after an Ubuntu update, any idea what might cause this? How can I get them to work again?02:33
gdoryone vfat, one ext2fs02:33
gdoryno swap, nothing02:34
switch10_asfd: does bluetooth work on an older kernel?02:34
asfdnot even in recovery mode02:34
gdoryit manipulated data on ALL partitions02:34
gdoryeven in < 102402:34
chiefi have no swap which means nothing????02:34
psusigdory, and was the ext2fs cleanly unmounted?  you checked the two partitions independently?02:34
gdoryubuntu's T&C's do not state it will do this02:34
gdorypsusi, yes it was02:34
gmonniecan anybody help me out, trying to get my logitech quickcam to work with ubuntu 9.10,02:34
gdoryin any case02:34
gdorywhy would a "live cd" test disks02:35
switch10_asfd: I imagine the bluetooth package failed somehow during the update.02:35
gdorythat is NOT it's purpose02:35
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:35
gdorythe live cd is to "TEST" ubuntu02:35
gdorynot to rape your media02:35
elkygdory, stop using that word.02:35
gdorytest or rape02:35
switch10_asfd: do you have access to the system using another mouse/keyboard?02:35
elkygdory, the latter.02:35
gdorybecause in any case, ubuntu is doing the latter with the prior02:35
gdoryim sorry02:35
Kangaroooanyone knows why testdisk not copying files(recovering) to folder i selected?02:36
psusigdory, one guess would be that it was not cleanly unmounted so it fscked it02:36
gdorybut you screwed up ubuntu devs02:36
lostsonhow sad is it he updates his machine and the mouse and keyboard stop working complete ubuntu #fail02:36
gdoryyou have made me hate linux even more02:36
gdorypsusi, besides the point02:36
chiefwhen will the authentic version be issued??in April??02:36
chiefi mean 1002:36
elkygdory, I'm not an ubuntu dev. chastising people here, who are volunteer support givers, isn't going to help any02:36
gdorya live CDROM should NOT be touching any media other than it's own. period.!02:36
hmwchief: the version number is a date (!)02:36
* psusi stops feeding the troll02:36
bsmith093this worked for me just add i8042.reset to the grub menulst file02:36
asfdswitch10_: not currently :(02:36
gdoryelky, my point is to the devs02:36
asfdis there any workaround02:37
elkygdory, then raise it on the devel lists or in the -devel channel. chastising volunteer support folk isn't helping.02:37
gdoryelky, i would have though this channel be filled with devs02:37
gdorythought rather02:37
elkygdory, why? it's the /support/ channel.02:37
gdorybut clearly it's a niche02:37
gdorywell, duh02:37
gmonnieok ill try this one more time, i need help getting my webcam to work in ubuntu02:37
hiexpothe version is the date who said that stupid remark02:37
hmw!patience | gmonnie02:37
switch10_asdf:  hmm..  can you ssh into it from another machine?02:37
ubottugmonnie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:38
gmonniei have, not help02:38
gdoryanyway, ubuntu is shit, gentoo ftw.. have fun peeps, peace02:38
chiefhe sucks02:38
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:38
switch10_asdf:  when you find a way to send it some input, try   sudo apt-get install bluez-gnome02:39
rshakinhey ppl02:39
hmwTranslation: he was VERY ANNOYING beyond comprehension.02:39
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:39
chiefanyway, do you guys love the operation system02:39
nick_Hey, need some help with wine02:40
nick_Whenever I try to play a game, I get this error02:40
hmwchief: that's to be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic02:40
gmonniei love ubuntu, except for not being able to get this cam to work lol02:40
=== nick_ is now known as Guest67619
asfdgmonnie: go buy a new webcam02:40
shanuhello i want to connect to my google account02:40
asfdshanu: www.google.com02:40
red2kicnick_h: Don't run games.exe from 4chan. :(02:40
gmonnieit is a new one02:41
=== mertle is now known as gottto
Guest67619Heh, nice tip.02:41
switch10_gmonnie: what kind of webcam?02:41
asfdgmonnie, go buy another, another new one02:41
gmonnielogitech quickcam messenger02:41
Guest67619Thats just my homepage asdf02:41
hmwgmonnie: use cheese, it has its own drivers. I always do that as a first step, when Webcams wont work02:41
asfdthere's your problem. it's a pos02:41
switch10_gmonnie: sudo apt-get install cheese02:41
chiefhow to use the wine exactly02:41
gmonnietried, all i get is static or multicolored screen02:42
switch10_gmonnie: I have one and it works great with cheese02:42
shanui want access my google acount for chat.02:42
lostsonthere is another great answer go buy another one cuz linux doesnt support the one you bought reminds of what people told me about my printer i boughth02:42
asfdtry a diff usb port02:42
red2kicgmonnie: Try "lsusb | grep -i webcam"02:42
hmwgmonnie: cheese, after that probably this v4l1compat trick. tell me the result in cheese02:42
Alcorgmonnie i haven't heard of ne1 getting a camera to work - no video support i guess.02:42
steven_twhen i type this: sudo aptitude install git02:42
steven_ti should be able to type "git" next, yes?02:42
shanuhow can i use g talk on ubuntu02:43
asfdIf I can't login using a bt keyboard/mouse is the only fix to get a USB one?02:43
steven_tbecause i keep getting "command not found" error after it02:43
* steven_t sighs02:43
switch10_my logitech quick cam works great...02:43
red2kicsteven_t: yes on "sudo aptitude install git-core"02:43
gmonniemulticolored screen, not picture02:43
bsmith093shanu what do u mean02:43
gmonniethat's what im getting in cheese02:43
Guest67619Can someone help me with my wine problems?02:43
steven_twhy isnt it just git, red2kic?02:43
hmwGuest67619: start the game from the terminal... cd into the directory where the .exe file is and start it with    wine  SOME.EXE   - this will get you some debug output - perhaps you get lucky and find out, what is going on02:43
asfddo you have enough lighting in the room?02:43
asfdIf I can't login using a bt keyboard/mouse is the only fix to get a USB one?02:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:43
=== jz is now known as Guest26116
red2kicsteven_t: I don't [really] know.02:44
lostsonasfd: no it is not02:44
steven_tlol ok02:44
steven_tthanks red2kic02:44
asfdIf I can't login using a bt keyboard/mouse is the only fix to get a USB one?02:44
hmwasfd: what is a bt keyboard?02:45
red2kicasfd: If you're using a new installation, then probably you'll need to use temporary keyboard to connect BT first.02:45
hmwaah... if you installed the SSH server, you could login via net02:45
asfddamn :( happened after updates02:45
asfdneed a USB one02:45
gasullHi. Ekiga freezes when receiving a call from Google Voice.  Any solution for this?  Thanks.02:46
gmonnieUsing cheese now, all im getting is a multicolored screen, no signal from the cam02:46
Guest67619Whenever I try to run San Andreas or Ghost Recon (both platinum games on the wine app db list) I get this error02:46
red2kicasfd: Granted... I do <3 BT Mouse but I </3> BT Keyboard. It's just not worth it IMO. :)02:46
hmwGuest67619: start the game from the terminal... cd into the directory where the .exe file is and start it with    wine  SOME.EXE   - this will get you some debug output - perhaps you get lucky and find out, what is going on02:46
chiefTHX ,,hmw02:47
Guest67619Alright, will try. Hold on.02:47
switch10_gmonnie: is your webcam listed in lsusb?02:48
Guest67619wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x7da5b4 (thread 0009), starting debugger...02:48
Guest67619Thats the error I get02:48
gmonniei know im gonna sound like a noob, but what is lsusb?02:48
chelzgmonnie: man lsusb02:48
red2kicgmonnie: List USB devices.02:48
hexdump_gmonnie:  it lists your usb devices02:48
switch10_gmonnie: open a terminal and type   lsusb02:49
hexdump_gmonnie:  same with lspci and I think there are some others02:49
consumedi have 2 drives. sda1 = swap, sda2 = home, sdb1 = windows, sdb2 = opensuse. i originally only had sdb1 = opensuse (no sdb2)   .. i had grub installed on mbr of sda, and now booting to sda provides grub error 17 after installing windows. grub-install script states it could not find device for /boot. how do i reload grub or correct the files now that i've relocated my / partition for opensuse to 2nd partition ?02:49
gmonnieyeah its showing up02:49
switch10_gmonnie: close, and then reopen cheese02:50
Guest67619wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x7da5b4 (thread 0009), starting debugger...02:50
Guest67619is the error I get whenever I try to play a game02:50
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
red2kicconsumed: If nobody here know, try #grub02:51
red2kic!away > Aaron5367|detach02:51
gmonniestill the same, multi colored screen with a square of static in bottom right corner02:51
ubottuAaron5367|detach, please see my private message02:51
hexdump_gmonnie:  what's the problem?02:51
aj00200Where would I find the package  Net::IRC to run mozbot2?02:51
gmonniehexdump: having problems with my cam02:52
Lazy_hi guys is it ok to post a link here to a new link for ubuntu 10.04 ?02:52
red2kicLazy_: If you're talking about advertising, I believe it is not allowed.02:52
ZykoticK9Lazy_, wait a day or two02:52
hmwGuest67619: unfortunately, that is saying not much. Someone else had a similar error. http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?p=17618&sid=fd997b2849adf6676fb212f2d123cc4d02:52
Lazy_no its not advertising02:53
hexdump_anybody know of any good dvd to divx or divx to dvd conversioin tools for linux.  I was really good at creating divx on windows I'd like to learn on linux02:53
hexdump_just any suggestions that would be cool thanks a bunch :)02:53
gmonnieswitch10: still getting the same screen, ive closed and reopened cheese 4 times02:53
Lazy_it's just a link to a twitter page where ppl can tweet about ubuntu 10.0402:53
Guest67619Do you want to see the WHOLE error list?02:53
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
hexdump_A complex program also02:53
hmwhexdump_: a really good program is mencoder, but you have to use it via command line and type in kilobytes-sized commands before it starts doing something (ok, its not really kilobytes)02:54
red2kichexdump_: Ogmrip? Handbrake? It is just few examples.02:54
hexdump_I'll look it up, but something where I can edit the fps, bitrate audio compression and frequency and such02:54
hmwhexdump_: mencoder does it all, it's just hard to use02:54
gmonniethis is making me mad02:56
hexdump_hmw:  I used flashmpeg, smart ripper, vobdec, and something else.  maybe there is a custom packages somewhere.  I'll roam around.  There is a site I used years back called doom9 but I'm not sure if it's still around.02:56
hexdump_sorry flaskmpeg02:56
msmoothdoom9 is still around02:56
hexdump_ah ha indeed02:56
red2kichexdump_: mencoder or ffmpeg might be what you're looking for.02:57
red2kichexdump_: I think there even are #ffmpeg channel too.02:57
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
hexdump_yes but are they just for audio/video codec support or conversion02:57
hexdump_It's been a very, very long time maybe like 8 years since I've ripped a dvd02:57
red2kichexdump_: Not sure. I have heard that it is known as a swiss knife tool. :)02:58
hexdump_nice I'll give it a shot thanks red2kic02:59
hexdump_First I need to get this freaking KDE crap working for ubuntu02:59
hexdump_I'm running into a bunch of problems, but I'm not going to get into them all tonight02:59
Lazy_k9copy :)03:00
msmoothhexdump check msg03:00
Lazy_later guys03:00
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
RFXCaseyhmw: it's still not working03:03
bretzel_I want to get rid of GNOME Keyring because it messup my local SVN development commits -- it is very insulting ,,,03:04
chelzhexdump_: handbrake03:04
RFXCaseyMy wireless wasn't showing up so I followed a thread that said to go into nm-system-settings.conf and change where it said "managed=" to true, the in console do a "sudo killall nm-system-settings" and then do a "sudo nm-system settings". Now my wired connection isn't showing up either. I tried changing "managed=" back to false but both my wired and wireless connection are still broken.03:04
chelzbretzel_: you could set things such that it doesn't mess them up, since i think some core ubuntu stuff relies on it03:05
hmwbretzel_: remove .gnome2/keyring/* (back it up before you do!) and do set an empty password next time it asks you. Perhaps this helps you.03:05
bretzel_I am sorry but on what that tool is taking my development business ? ...and on the command line uninterractive error from for ex.: netbeans, KDevelop etc ... why ...???03:06
Alcornoob question -- What is cheese?03:07
bgwendersit utilizes your webcam03:07
soreau!info cheese03:07
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB03:08
switch10_RFXCasey:  you want to use Network Manager?  I can get your connections fixed without the use of NM03:08
* iyunkateus is away: brb, shower03:08
consumedi've attempted following the guide the #grub channel links to: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide  but when i try sudo chroot /mnt i get the error "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error"03:09
consumedany ideas ?03:09
chelzconsumed: try "sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash"03:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:11
consumedSame prob, chelz03:11
chelzconsumed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD03:11
bretzel_I think I have my develop env taking care of it self with my own filesystem permissions on sensible sections. I REALLY don't  need that keyring appearing in  the middle way obstructing my operations...03:12
chelzconsumed: sure you're on a livecd?03:12
consumedchelz.. that is the same guide i am essentially following. it gives me an error when i try to exec the "sudo chroot /mnt"03:12
consumed9.10 livecd03:12
consumedmy installed system is an opensuse 11.2, and windows 703:12
RFXCaseyswitch10_ whatever works I have entries in the nw that say ifupdown(ethO) now and I can't delete them03:13
switch10_bretzel_: you can set a blank password..03:13
switch10_RFXCasey: so open a terminal and do    ifconfig eth0 up03:13
RFXCaseyswitch10_: I actually have my wired working again but I need to get rid of this ifupdown thing and get my wireless working03:13
malevhi there. I'm having mouse click issues. It acts as I'm holding alt key. and when I hold alt key it acts normally. any idea.... ?03:14
RFXCaseyswitch10_: ok 1 sec03:14
switch10_RFXCasey: no dont bother03:14
chelzconsumed: what's the output of "file /bin/bash"03:14
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
switch10_RFXCasey: that was getting your wired connection up03:14
consumed/bin/bash: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped03:14
switch10_RFXCasey: so you are still using network manager then?03:14
chelzconsumed: are you trying to chroot to a 64bit system?03:15
RFXCaseyswitch10_: says permission denied03:15
switch10_RFXCasey: you need sudo03:15
consumedis that the issue ?03:15
chelzconsumed: you need a 64bit livecd03:15
chelzconsumed: yes03:15
RFXCaseyswitch10_: well it's still in my machine03:15
consumedbah humbug03:15
consumedwas hoping not to waste a dvd :P03:15
chelzconsumed: cd* :)03:15
RFXCaseyswitch10_: ok did the eth0 up03:15
consumedwell, considering i only have dvd's... dvd03:16
chelzconsumed: picking up a usb stick to boot from is a good thing to have around also03:16
switch10_RFXCasey: your wired connection is already working you said..03:16
consumedactually... i can mount my home folder outside of my system to temporarily clear one of my usb sticks03:16
Balrog_hi, the latest Folding@Home client doesn't work with 10.0403:16
RFXCaseyswitch10_: yes sir03:16
Balrog_complains about a missing reference in libc03:16
switch10_RFXCasey: eth0 up starts your wired connection, so pointless at this point.03:17
bigtom21485how do i get wifi drivers onto a laptop without using the update manager-->so using the livecd instead03:17
Balrog_well it was03:17
bigtom21485i had wifi drivers when i used the livecd then i installed ubuntu and now it cant find my wifi card03:17
chelzconsumed: https://launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/+archive/ppa is the official Unetbootin ppa linked from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/03:18
RFXCaseyswitch10_: oh ok didn't know. So are you saying I should get rid of network manager?03:18
Balrog_yea, fah6: relocation error: /lib/libnss_files.so.2: symbol __rawmemchr, version GLIBC_2.2.5 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference03:18
ZykoticK9Balrog_, reask the same question in the Lucid channel #ubuntu+103:18
switch10_RFXCasey: is your wireless card listed in iwconfig?03:18
switch10_RFXCasey: you can keep NM, but since I don't use it I can't help with it...03:19
consumedchelz: i know of unetbootin, but thx :D03:19
Bleachvigo any software for screen recording03:19
bigtom21485switch10_: my jacksense only works during boot: if I plug something in before boot, then the internal speakers dont ever work, but if i unplug my headphones then boot up, then the speakers will always work.  should i like write a script or something to fix my jacksense (lack thereof)?03:19
VigoBleach: Yes there is,03:19
chelzconsumed: just making sure you knew of the ppa. it's pretty cool.03:20
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hmwVigo: Bleach: xvidcap03:20
RFXCaseyswich_10: ok where is says wlan0 I see some info but everything says 003:20
hmwRFXCasey: it is possible to exchange NM with wicd, which sometimes helps with wifi cards. I would google tutorials on how to do this, because I remember ,they also contain instructions on how to re-install NM, too.03:21
Vigohmw: Thank you.03:21
switch10_RFXCasey: do you need a password to connect to your network?03:22
RFXCaseyswitch10_:Everything else like lo, eht0, wmaster0 and pan0 says no wireless extensions03:22
switch10_RFXCasey: yes that is fine03:22
RFXCaseyswitch10_: if you mean a security key yes03:22
malevCan anyone help me with my mouse. the right click donesn't work! it only work if I hold the alt key. any idea?03:22
ar0nhi guys, i updated a fresh install of ubuntu on my dual boot setup, it somehow farked up the grub loader, after selection it gives me both an error for win 7 about invalid signature, and a host of other errors for ubuntu03:23
glob3xa todos03:23
chelzmalev: what kind of mouse? brand and model number03:23
glob3xalguien habla español?03:23
chelz!es | glob3x03:23
ubottuglob3x: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:23
hmwmalev: you were asking about the ALT being "inversed"? Try re-plugging the kbd. I had similar problems once, but could solve them by "playing around", so I don't really know, how to solve the problem03:23
Zyclopshey all.. i've got a team of developers and we are writing some software to manage employees, customers etc and that data's all very private.  I've got a separate VM for this management software.  My plan is for developers to deploy applications without data to the other servers, but i'll manage the deployments to this server.  What steps can i take before providing access to the vm to the developers to setup?03:23
Zyclopsi.e. steps to protect the data03:23
switch10_RFXCasey: ok,   this is the template...  iwconfig wlan0 essid <your ssid> enc <your pass>03:24
malevhmw, yes!03:24
malevhmw, it's really anoying !!!03:24
hmwi can imagine. Does it also apply to the console?03:24
ar0nhi guys, i updated a fresh install of ubuntu on my dual boot setup, it somehow farked up the grub loader, after selection it gives me both an error for win 7 about invalid signature, and a host of other errors for ubuntu03:24
hmwCTRL-ALT(or not)-F103:25
bigtom21485ar0n: I have a tablet pc with ubuntu and it does everything windows does...but without the bullshit.03:25
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bigtom21485ar0n: anything that wont run can be emulated or replaced03:25
ar0nbigtom21485,  that doesnt help me03:25
arvind_khadriar0n, re-install the grub03:25
gottto!grub2 > ar0n03:26
ubottuar0n, please see my private message03:26
malevhmw, yes!03:26
RFXCaseyswitch10_:so I should type that in console? Is the ssid the one I am broadcasting on my Wireless router?03:26
IdleOne!language > bigtom2148503:26
chelzbigtom21485: are you not a bot?03:27
ubottubigtom21485, please see my private message03:27
switch10_RFXCasey: yes, yout ssid is the name of your network03:27
chelzZyclops: what kind of vm?03:27
Zyclopschelz: it's ubuntu running on vmware esx i think03:27
Zyclopschelz: external company does the hosting03:27
RFXCaseyswitch10_: I am not sure what that is then? How do I find it?03:27
glob3xhi everyone03:28
RFXCaseyswitch10_: ok disregard last message03:28
IdleOne!offtopic | Zyclops chelz03:28
ubottuZyclops chelz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:28
bigtom21485mr. pat doesnt use double degatives03:28
glob3xi need help by sincronize my pda htc t323203:28
ZyclopsIdleone: what?03:28
chelzIdleOne: he is talking about ubuntu in a vm03:28
Zyclopsyeah, I am03:29
IdleOneZyclops chelz yeah I saw that afterwards03:29
Zyclopsah k03:29
chelzZyclops: any info on Hardening Ubuntu would probably be relevant. you might look into grsecurity and apparmor. but definitely look into SELinux03:29
ZyclopsYeah i'm just worried about developers getting access to the DB.. so I'm trying to think of ways I can make it "less" likely03:29
Zyclopsbefore i give them access03:29
VigoWhat is a decent wiki creator in the repositories, or what is suggestion/opinion of the ones that are in the repos?03:30
glob3xi need help03:30
chelzZyclops: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features03:30
RFXCaseyswitch10_:ok i typed that in minus the < > what that right?03:30
hmwmalev: try logging out and in again03:30
chelzZyclops: topics on that page should be more than enough03:31
switch10_RFXCasey:  yes03:31
RFXCaseyswitch10_:ok now what?03:31
chelzZyclops: mainly having something like SELinux active and making sure you have proper permissions set on sensitive data03:31
switch10_RFXCasey: now sudo ifconfig wlan0 up03:31
glob3xineed to get "sync-engine" how i do?03:31
RFXCaseyswitch10_:say Operation not supported03:32
xfacthello, when I am rendering a .ogv file then it's turning into some blurry dark colors and nothing, so do I need any spacial codec or something to fix this?03:32
dsnydersHi all!  Where/how do I set up my system so that the time gets set via a time server?03:32
switch10_RFXCasey: sudo ifconfig eth0 down      takes down your wired connection03:32
RFXCaseyswitch10_:did it again and it says no such device?03:32
glob3xineed to get "sync-engine" how i do?03:32
malevhmw, didn't work03:33
dsnydersglob3x, did you try apt-get install sync-engine?03:33
hmwmalev:  hmm. Can you try using another keyboard?03:33
billybigriggercan someone tell me why i can03:33
billybigrigger't chmod 777 my seagate external usb drive?03:33
malev... nop03:33
switch10_RFXCasey: then do    sudo iwconfig wlan0 up03:34
glob3xi will try .. please wait a second friend03:34
hmwbillybigrigger: use sudo perhaps03:34
nonameNNim looking for an alternative to isilo pdb reader... is there any app on the repos that can do this?03:34
billybigriggerhmw, i have03:34
billybigriggerthe command runs ok03:34
billybigriggerbut when i view the drive properties, ls -la it shows up drwx------03:34
RFXCaseyswitch10_:Operation not supported03:34
hmwmalev: i am out of ideas. perhaps you have a bug regarding a wrong key map.03:34
glob3xi have a error...03:34
glob3xlook that03:34
glob3xLeyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho03:35
glob3xCreando árbol de dependencias03:35
glob3xLeyendo la información de estado... Hecho03:35
glob3xE: No se pudo encontrar el paquete sync-engine03:35
FloodBot2glob3x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:35
chelzglob3x: sudo apt-get install synce-sync-engine03:35
billybigriggeri've added my user to the disk group...i'm kind of stuck, really all i want to do is share the drive between ubuntu and vbox (win7)03:35
hmwbillybigrigger: is the disk formatted in NTFS or FAT perhaps?03:35
RFXCaseyswitch10_: the driver is installed for the Wlan just so you know and it is active03:35
chelzglob3x: search synaptic or http://packages.ubuntu.com next time03:35
researcher1I have italc installed but cant see it while creating Apton CD.How do I carry this program to a different PC then?03:35
billybigriggerhmw, honestly, no clue, i'm trying to help out a friend over vnc03:35
hmwbillybigrigger: use "blkid"03:35
billybigriggerblkid shows nothing03:35
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)03:35
malevhmw, don't worry. I'm gonna keep searching03:36
switch10_RFXCasey: hmm it is active?  then try sudo dhclient wlan003:36
glob3xi need it to sincronize my pda to ubuntu,you know another way?03:36
dhaneshhmw when i click the radio icon in the rhythmbox player message is coming (unable to start pipeline)how can i solve this problem.03:36
hmwdhanesh: why do you keep adressing me in person? I dont know (never used rhytmbox)03:37
billybigriggerhmw, i have the drive mounted fine in ubuntu, i can read/write to it no problem...win7 won't see it, even with vbox guest additions installed03:37
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BlackDalekHelp me!! I need to get 50 booklets printed in the next 3 hours and my printer has stopped working! CUPS is telling me /usr/lib/cups/filter/pipslite-wrapper failed - I need to know how to fix this03:38
dhaneshthen i want to ask to whom03:38
dhaneshthen i want to ask to whom hmw03:38
RFXCaseyswitch10_: It say a bunch of stuff and then says network is down no leases in peristant database - sleeping03:38
glob3xi need it to sincronize my pda to ubuntu,you know another way?03:38
hmwbillybigrigger: VBox is accessing the host's hard drives via SMB (network share) - did you create the according share and assign a drive letter in the VM=03:38
switch10_RFXCasey: your wired connection is down correct?03:38
billybigriggerno i did not create a share in ubuntu03:39
chelzbillybigrigger: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90232703:39
chelzbillybigrigger: make sure you're using shared folders03:39
billybigriggerhmw, i tried to just use vbox's shared folders03:39
hmwbillybigrigger: i am not very firm in this. I only remember to have accessed the host's disk via network. There surely are tons of tutorials on how to.03:39
switch10_RFXCasey: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up03:39
billybigriggerok thanks alot guys03:40
billybigriggeri really appreciate it :P03:40
chelzglob3x: one moment03:40
RFXCaseyswitch10_:when I said active before I meant the proprietary wireless driver is set on active so I hope I didn't confuse anything03:40
switch10_RFXCasey: ahh yes, I thought that you meant it was 'UP'03:40
RFXCaseyswitch10_:Operation not supported03:41
switch10_RFXCasey: you are doing wlan<zero> correct?03:41
chelzglob3x: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile03:41
glob3xok ..03:41
glob3xthaks a lot..03:41
BlackDalekWhat is wrong with my printer? CUPS is telling me "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pipslite-wrapper failed"?03:41
RFXCaseyswitch10_: yes 0 just so you know I have xp dual boot on this laptop and it works fine under xp but haven't gotten it to work in ubuntu03:42
switch10_RFXCasey: your wireless has never worked?03:42
billybigriggerhmw, that still doesn't solve my problem with the permissions on that seagate drive03:42
BoldfilterWatch the ipad get blended http://bit.ly/di3sUP03:42
RFXCaseyswitch10_: not on this current install of Ubuntu 8.1003:43
hmwbillybigrigger: uhm... right... i am still suspecting the drive to be formatted in FAT32 (or NTFS)03:43
jhamlinhow would I set up a command that runs alsamixer in a terminal of it's own and kills the terminal when I exit out of alsamix?03:43
billybigriggerin vbox i can't select the drive for sharing because i don't have permissions, i can share a folder inside of the drive, but not the drive itself03:43
chelzglob3x: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FPortableDevices%2FWindowsMobile&lp=en_es&btnTrUrl=Translate03:43
chelzglob3x: the tool wm5torage might also help. it is mentioned on that page.03:43
switch10_RFXCasey: I think you may be better off working with NM.  What was that file that you edited?03:43
RFXCaseyswitch10_: works like a champ under XP03:43
RFXCaseyswitch10_: here I'll post it again03:44
switch10_RFXCasey: have you tried 9.10?03:44
chelzBlackDalek: what brand and model number?03:44
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)03:44
billybigriggerhmw, well whatever the case is, i created a new folder inside the drive and i'll share that folder03:45
billybigriggerit's just odd i can share a folder inside the drive, but not the drive itself03:45
RFXCaseyswitch10_: ok scratch that... the file was nm-system-settings.conf03:45
hmwbillybigrigger: sorry, that I couldnt help much. At least you got a working solution. :)03:45
chelzbillybigrigger: what filesystem is on the drive?03:45
NanchuHello i have bluetooth configuration question03:45
billybigriggerchelz, no idea03:46
Nanchucan somebody help me03:46
glob3xwoww.. thanks friend..03:46
billybigriggeri'm helping over vnc03:46
BlackDalekchelz epson stylus TX21003:46
RFXCaseyswitch10_: all I did was change where it says managed from false to true03:46
billybigriggerchelz, over vnc, through virtualbox03:46
glob3x i will try03:46
billybigriggerfun stuff haha03:46
hmwbillybigrigger: use "blkid" to check the formatting03:46
chelzbillybigrigger: also what version of ubuntu is this on?03:46
billybigriggerblkid shows nothing03:46
billybigriggerhe's on ubuntu 9.1003:46
RFXCaseyswitch10_: then did killall nm-system-settings03:46
chelzbillybigrigger: pastebin the output of running this in a terminal:  mount03:47
NanchuOk! I have install bluez however i do not have hcid.conf....i do not know where the bluetooth driver is takinb the configuration from. I change main.conf and also build hcid.conf but i had no luck03:47
hmwNanchu: on newer version, it might be main.conf, not longer hcid.conf03:47
switch10_RFXCasey: try this,   sudo apt-get purge network-manager-gnome && sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome03:48
switch10_RFXCasey: just a reinstall03:48
billybigriggerchelz fuseblk03:48
iskarihello everyone, just wanted to share with you that i love ubuntu! it actually just works, never knew how free i was untill i got a netbook and installed ubuntu.. <3 it and all of you aswell! feels good to be alive, and no, im not high ^^03:48
Nanchuyeap....but i change main.conf however the bluetooth doesnt take the changes of the name03:48
dsnydersHi all!  When I go to the adjust date/time screen, I don't get a field for time zone or a place to enter an ntp server.  What gives?03:48
daedrieUhm, I'm relatively new to Ubuntu and I've encountered a major problem.03:48
daedrieI recently installed Emerald.03:48
dsnydersiskari, Which netbook?03:49
chelzBlackDalek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86806403:49
daedrieAnd, er, there's an error whenever I try to uninstall it, any other program, or install anything.03:49
RFXCasey_switch10_: this one chap told me to do a network restart and networkmanager restart which got my wired working again03:49
iskaridsnyders, emachines e250, its not awesome, but its cheap and it works03:49
chelzbillybigrigger: there should be a lot more than that03:49
daedrieI also can't open .deb files and music and image files are completely fucked.03:49
hmw!enter | daedrie03:49
ubottudaedrie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:49
daedrieSorry. :X03:49
Cyber_AkumaIs there any way to install grub to the partition during the ubuntu install or is that something I need to do after ubuntu is installed03:50
chelz!pastebin | billybigrigger03:50
billybigriggerchelz, there is03:50
ubottubillybigrigger: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:50
pepper_hazehow do you get a webcam to work with a website?03:50
RFXCasey_switch10_: are you still with my I got disconnected for a sec03:50
hmwno problem. sounds weird. Is it a fresh install? Did you isntall new software lately? upgrades? etc03:50
RFXCaseyswitch10_: then did nm-system-settings and it killed my wired connection as well as not fixing the wireless03:50
=== CrimsonIdol is now known as 30BAAGDS3
skypcei am with ubuntu 10 beta, i have a gma 3150 and i download and compiled the 2d drivers , but dont have xorg.conf, how can i install it please?03:50
chelzCyber_Akuma: there needs to be an installed ubuntu to have grub point to it when you install grub, but if you just want to install grub to boot other OSes you can do that too.03:50
chelzbillybigrigger: please pastebin the output of it03:50
skypcei am with ubuntu 10 beta, i have a gma 3150 and i download and compiled the 2d drivers , but dont have xorg.conf, how can i install t03:50
RFXCasey_switch10_: are you still with my I got disconnected for a sec03:51
pepper_hazeHow do you get a webcam with ubuntu 9.10 to work with a website?03:51
switch10_RFXCasey_: yeah im here.  have you tried reinstalling network manager?03:51
iskaridsnyders, only thing i have to whine about is that pulseaudio hates my internal mic, but removing it and using alsa solved the issue, lucid LTS btw..03:51
lastelement0hey everyone, i was wondering what would be to be the best way to install Ubuntu on a 2nd hard drive when i already have windows 7 on one?03:51
RFXCasey_switch10_: no haven't how do i do that please03:51
chelzCyber_Akuma: after ubuntu is installed, this is how to install grub separately https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD03:51
dsnydersiskari, lots of people have been having issues with pulseaudio.03:51
chelzCyber_Akuma: although grub is installed as part of the ubuntu installation03:52
iskarilastelement0, download ubuntu, and follow instructions on screen =)03:52
LanlostHey, if I ls -l and see a group.. how do I see whos IN a particular group, users wis03:52
BlackDalekchelz, that thread looks unrelated. This printer was working fine until this morning and now it won't print. Nothing has changed, nothing has been updated/uninstalled etc. I don'03:52
BlackDalekdon't understand it.03:52
switch10_RFXCasey_: sudo apt-get purge network-manager-gnome && sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome03:52
daedrieI'm relatively new to Ubuntu 9.10 and I've encountered a major problem. I recently installed Emerald and I've tried and tried to uninstall it to no avail. I also noticed that since I installed it, sudo-apt get install mind you, I've been unable to open .deb files, upgrade and install security updates, and music, image, video, etc. files aren't recognized. Any help on the matter?03:52
B3rz3rk3ranyone got any tips on running Ubuntu headless?03:52
iskaridsnyders, yes, thats why its not a major issue, it will fix it self somehow, im not the only one with one of these nettys03:52
lastelement0iskari, thanks but i already know how to install ubuntu. im looking for the cleanest way of going about it while maintaining easy access to windows 703:52
RFXCasey_switch10_:does my wired connection have to be on first?03:52
switch10_RFXCasey_: I have no idea if that will even help.03:53
chelzlastelement0: read the installation guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall then make sure you partition properly. grub will handle booting.03:53
pepper_hazeDoes anyone know how to get a webcam to work on Ubuntu 9.10 with websites?03:53
Nanchu(bluetooth)Why is my main.conf has the following line: Name = %h-%d ....when i run hciconfig -a i get Name: 'MiDispBl'03:53
chelzlastelement0: if you have dualbooted linux and windows before you'll know how you can choose between windows and linux on boot03:53
switch10_RFXCasey_: yeah don't worry about the reinstall.  What make and model is the wireless card?03:53
iskarilastelement0, well, grub detects win 7 and just adds it to a list when you boot your computer so you can choose if you want linux or windows03:53
chelzBlackDalek: you could try deleting it and readding it. are you on 9.10 karmic?03:54
lastelement0chelz iskari, yes i have dualbooted in the past, just using one hard drive. not two :)03:54
chelzB3rz3rk3r: just a simple install of ubuntu server is how to do that. there's a lot of documentation on doing different things with ubuntu server on the wiki.03:54
BlackDalekchelz yes, karmic. I will try deleting/adding03:54
lastelement0chelz iskari, so wasnt sure if it would be better to unplug my windows 7 drive while installing ubuntu03:54
chelzlastelement0: grub will handle that just fine as part of a normal install. :)03:54
RFXCasey_switch10_:ok done03:55
chelzlastelement0: no, actually it's quite necessary to leave it plugged in so the installer can detect it and set grub up to allow you to boot to it. (if you want to boot to it)03:55
B3rz3rk3rchelz, i need X though, so i ahve installed regular Ubuntu and will just install the packages i need03:55
pepper_hazedoes anyone here know how to get a webcam to work with a web site on ubuntu 9.1003:55
dsnydersHi all!  Where/how do I set up my system so that the time gets set via a time server?03:55
switch10_RFXCasey_: what make and model is the wireless card?03:55
B3rz3rk3rchelz, so how do i make ubuntu boot and autologin without a keyboard or monitor?03:55
lastelement0chelz, well my other thought was have it in a way where i have to select the ubuntu drive from the boot menu on startup03:56
NanchuMy main.conf has the following line: Name = %h-%d ....when i run hciconfig -a i get Name: 'MiDispBl'03:56
chelzB3rz3rk3r: how do you plan to remotely connect to the box?03:56
Cyber_Akumachelz: thanks, but im trying to install grub on a partition, not on the mbr, I plan to chainload it03:56
lastelement0chelz, that way it would default to windows 7 drive unless i forced a boot from the ubuntu one03:56
B3rz3rk3rchelz, il be using freenx, ssh and vnc03:56
Nanchudoes any body know why?03:56
chelzlastelement0: you can do that if you want to, but grub has worked fine with multiple drives for years03:56
dsnydersB3rz3rk3r, You don't need to have the machine autologin.03:57
HexxehHey, is there a specific channel for the Netbook Remix?03:57
B3rz3rk3rdsnyders, i thought that too, but some services wont start until its logged in03:57
lastelement0chelz, yeah ill just have to look into grub more so i can get it set up how i want. also what is the benefits to chainloading?03:57
RFXCasey_switch10_: I did a networking restart and got * reconfiguring network interfaces... Warning: ifup -a is disabled in favour of NetworkManager. Set ifupdown:managed=false in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf03:58
hmwdaedrie: hmm... I won't be able to help you. If it was my machine, I'd wipe the partition and get my backup (or reinstall). Investigate "partimage" - very useful tool, especially if you want to experiment. (Certain packages are hard to uninstall, like KDE)03:58
ZykoticK9Hexxeh, no NBR channel i'm afraid - best to ask your question here03:58
HexxehZykoticK9: Righto03:58
chelzlastelement0: chainloading is the only way to boot certain OSes, with multiple linuxes it's a way to have separate boot manager (usually grub) menus03:58
iskariHexxeh, no clue, but let me know what you find, im on the netbook thingy too, and i love it =)03:58
lastelement0chelz, ah okay. thanks03:59
HexxehWell, just installed netbook remix, having a minor problem. When I boot it up, I get a text-mode terminal login, and I have to login manually and type startx, and then it works03:59
dsnydersB3rz3rk3r, What services don't start?03:59
switch10_RFXCasey_: yes, you are using NM.03:59
HexxehIt should obviously do this automatically, where's the file that should do this?03:59
chelzCyber_Akuma: i haven't done this but at least in a similar way to how one would install to a partition with grub1, installing to a partition with grub2 might be like this: "grub-install /dev/sda1"03:59
iskariHexxeh, apt-get install gdm/kdm/xdm your choice03:59
chelz!hi | Klitchzko04:00
ubottuKlitchzko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:00
B3rz3rk3rdsnyders, i think freenx server and node dont start until someone has logged in04:00
Hexxehiskari: Surely it's installed by default though? I get one of those if I click switch user after starting X04:00
Klitchzkowhere can i find the driver for broadcom wireless device?04:00
chelzCyber_Akuma: you might try specifying the partition number, i think it might work. i'm not readily finding any guides on installing grub2 specifically to a partition tho04:00
iskariHexxeh, yes, but whats the harm in trying? =)04:00
switch10_RFXCasey_: I have to go to work, but my suggestion is to do a google search for the make and model of your wireless card, and see how to get it working..04:00
Hexxehiskari: Okay, any idea which the default one is?04:00
Da-M-E-M-0 Can anyone help me with ubuntu?04:00
chelzB3rz3rk3r: just read the documentation on those04:00
RFXCasey_ok thanks04:00
pepper_hazedoes anyone know how to get a webcam to work with flash in ubuntu 9.1004:00
iskariHexxeh, default is GDM04:00
BlackDalekchelz - deleting/adding the printer failed04:00
Da-M-E-M-0i just installed ubuntu04:00
chelz!freenx | B3rz3rk3r04:01
ubottuB3rz3rk3r: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX04:01
HexxehI'll give it a go, cheers iskari :)04:01
iskariHexxeh, oh sh*t forgot, lowercaps :P04:01
HexxehJust rebooted and this time it loaded :/04:01
HexxehIt seems totally hit and miss04:01
Da-M-E-M-0how do i start ubuntu?04:01
Da-M-E-M-0i just clicked on ubuntu at start when my pc rebooted04:01
chelzdsnyders: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime04:01
=== Klitchzko is now known as desynch
Da-M-E-M-0and then it shows me a cmd list04:01
HexxehThing is, this is a MID, no physical keyboard so I can't start X without plugging a hub and keyboard in04:02
progre55hi people! how do you access ext4 from windows 7?04:02
pecoshi all have you some tips chacks to force cups starting on lucid i have some issue to autostart it might be rc.local is a good place?04:02
desynchwhere can i find the driver for broadcom wireless device?04:02
hmwprogre55: you don't. :( you could create a network share though04:02
B3rz3rk3rthx chelz, il have a more in depth read of that now04:02
Da-M-E-M-0anyone there?04:02
skypce_i am with ubuntu 10 beta, i have a gma 3150 and i download and compiled the 2d drivers , but dont have xorg.conf, how can i install t04:02
hmwprogre55: in case, you have a second computer, of course04:02
chelzBlackDalek: is there anything that changed recently? anything at all? maybe even installing an update. you might try checking logs when trying to print04:02
progre55hmw: what do you mean a network share?04:02
progre55hmw: oh, not really =) I have them as dual-boot04:03
BlackDalekchelz.. nothing.04:03
chelzskypce_: lucid support is in #ubuntu+1 but xorg.conf files aren't needed starting with i think ubuntu 9.04. the only time one would be needed is with some nvidia drivers.04:03
BlackDalekI got a mac. I have to print from that instead. I don't have time to work this out.04:03
chelzBlackDalek: no interesting syslog /var/log/messages or dmesg output?04:03
* maginot is bored04:04
hmwprogre55: then you are ... in trouble. Perhaps you can copy the data from within Ubuntu to the windows partition? Perhaps resizing partitions and create an intermediate "sharing" NTFS partition? (utilizing live cd + gparted)04:04
* maginot is still bored04:04
NanchuDoes any body knows why my changes from main.conf (bluetooth) doesn't take effect after booting up?04:04
progre55hmw: oh yeah.. that could be an option.. thanks man, appreciate04:04
Da-M-E-M-0i need help with ubuntu04:04
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, so, what is your problem?04:04
Da-M-E-M-0well i just installed ubuntu with the CD 9.10 desktop edition04:05
Da-M-E-M-0so when i click on ubuntu it starts and then it says me to use tab04:05
Da-M-E-M-0and then it shows me a list cmd but there isnt any start cmd?04:05
chelzNanchu: /etc/default/bluetooth ?04:05
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, okay, after install did it asked to took of the cd from the drive and rebooted the machine?04:05
chelz!ask | Da-M-E-M-004:05
todayhi every one, i have problem like as : i cant open "system-config-samba" from System> Adminitrator>Samba , Can you help me Plz?04:06
Da-M-E-M-0yeah i did04:06
ubottuDa-M-E-M-0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:06
todayhi every one, i have problem like as : i cant open "system-config-samba" from System> Adminitrator>Samba , Can you help me Plz?04:06
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, okay, now your computer started, and... ?04:06
chelztoday: what happens when you click on it?04:06
Da-M-E-M-0right now im on windows vista04:06
Cyber_Akumaok, thanks04:06
todaynothing chelz04:06
Da-M-E-M-0i click on ubuntu04:06
Nanchuchelz: no, in /etc/bluetooth04:06
todaywhen i click Samba icon, do nothing04:06
Da-M-E-M-0and after that it shows me a cmd list maginot?04:07
chelztoday: open up a terminal and try running it, pastebin the output04:07
progre55Da-M-E-M-0: do you click on ubuntu from your windows vista?/04:07
chelz!pastebin | today04:07
ubottutoday: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:07
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, Windows vista have nothing to do with Ubuntu, you choose ubuntu in the Boot of the computer, before it loads Windows or any other operation system04:07
todayrun sysntem-config-samba chelz ?04:07
Da-M-E-M-0i click on ubuntu04:07
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: what happens when you select ubuntu in that menu?04:07
chelztoday: yes04:07
maginotmaginot, you can't click on ubuntu04:07
progre55Da-M-E-M-0: did you even install it yet?04:07
chelztoday: and copy the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com04:07
Da-M-E-M-0yeah i did04:07
Da-M-E-M-0but it doesnt start like windows04:08
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, , you can't click on ubuntu04:08
Da-M-E-M-0i USED enter....04:08
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: what happens when you select ubuntu in that menu?04:08
Da-M-E-M-0i can choose for windows/ubuntu and then i go down with keys and press enter04:08
Da-M-E-M-0then ubuntu started04:08
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, and what happened after clicking enter on ubuntu ?04:08
todaylet me see chelz04:08
Hexxehiskari: Nope :(04:08
Da-M-E-M-0and then it shows me a cmd04:08
Nanchuchelz: no, in /etc/bluetooth04:08
Da-M-E-M-0like test commands etc04:08
Nanchu and main.conf04:08
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, I think you did not install ubuntu correctly04:08
Da-M-E-M-0yes i did04:08
researcher1how to install a chat server for a computer lab with 30 pc in LAN?04:08
Da-M-E-M-0it took 80gb from my hardisk04:08
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, so why do you have this problem?04:09
todaychelz: can you see to help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/410365/?04:09
Da-M-E-M-0well I just cant start ubuntu self04:09
Da-M-E-M-0like windows..04:09
Da-M-E-M-0i dont know how to start it up?04:09
chelzNanchu: it might be the wrong file. i see no mention of that on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:09
Da-M-E-M-0i just reboot my pc. then start operating system ubuntu04:09
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, again, you did not install ubuntu correctly, I will recommend you to repeat the install process04:09
Da-M-E-M-0and after that it shows a command list04:09
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, boot from the live CD and click in the Install icon on the desktop04:09
Da-M-E-M-0you want me a pic?04:09
Da-M-E-M-0you want a pic it took 30 GB?04:09
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: sure04:09
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: show a picture of what it shows when you boot to ubuntu04:10
Da-M-E-M-0how cna i do that while im not on ubuntu?04:10
progre55Da-M-E-M-0: well, you could use a camera ))04:10
todaydo you see any error chelz?04:10
Da-M-E-M-0camera dont have one04:10
pepper_hazeHow do you use a webcam with a website?04:10
hmwpepper_haze: there are tools that can upload images via FTP. I use "webcam"04:11
Da-M-E-M-0proof that i have installed Ubuntu04:11
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, I don't care if you tried to install or if you think you installed correctly, the best thing you should do now, is just try again and see if after repeating the process the same error will happen. The installation don't took more them 1 hour, is less then what you gone loose trying to fix any boot problem04:11
Da-M-E-M-0i did it 1000 times in a row04:11
pepper_hazeHMW, I am talking about with flash player websites like www.ivideochat.com04:11
* maginot is out04:11
Da-M-E-M-0its starting upp... and it shows me a CMD LIST04:11
progre55Da-M-E-M-0: what kind of cmd list?04:12
todaywell well, chelz has gone04:12
Da-M-E-M-0it says something like04:12
chelztoday: i am here04:12
progre55Da-M-E-M-0: do you mean the grub menu?04:12
Da-M-E-M-0cmd version 1.504:12
FloodBot2Da-M-E-M-0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:12
chelztoday: it seems your samba configuration is messed up somehow. we can reset it and you will have to reconfigure some things, but the command will work04:12
todayi see youre busy04:12
Da-M-E-M-0yes progre5504:12
nishanthcan someone help me fix my volume cot\ntroller?04:12
Da-M-E-M-0how do i start ubuntu with that thing?04:12
chelz!enter | Da-M-E-M-004:13
ubottuDa-M-E-M-0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:13
nishanthcan someone help me fix my volume controller?04:13
todayoffcourse, i can see some PC at LAN but some PC dont see me again04:13
Da-M-E-M-0!enter | Da-M-E-M-004:13
chelztoday: to reset your samba configuration, run this in a terminal:   sudo mv /etc/smb.conf /etc/smb.conf.104:13
pepper_hazeCan someone please tell me why my webcam doesn't work with flash sites?04:13
ubottuDa-M-E-M-0, please see my private message04:13
chelztoday: what version of ubuntu are you using?04:13
todayallright, illl paste my config at Pastebin ( Karmic chelz)04:14
Da-M-E-M-0Progree55 its the grub menu yes how do I start ubuntu with the grub menu?04:14
progre55Da-M-E-M-0: it is not supposed say cmd version 1.5.. the grub menu is supposed to show you a list of images and loaders, and usually the first one should be the correct ubuntu image, and you just click enter on it and it starts04:14
chelztoday: run that command i gave you then open up that samba config and redo your settings04:14
Da-M-E-M-0Progre55 i will look right now what its saying. cant i just do like a command '' start '' and then ubuntu will start?04:15
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: the same way you started vista from that menu is how you start ubuntu04:15
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: if that is not starting ubuntu then it means there is something wrong with your ubuntu install04:15
physically_fitpepper_haze, did you update your flash player to the latest one? latest version is 10,0,45,2 check: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/04:15
Da-M-E-M-0Chelz. i will look rightnow one sec guys what its saying to me brb04:16
todayhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/410368/ right here chelz :)04:16
chelzpepper_haze: does your webcam work with other programs in ubuntu?04:16
chelztoday: "You could always use SWAT to configure samba. SWAT should already be installed when you installed samba. There are plenty of docs on the web for this. Just do a search."04:17
todayhow chelz?04:17
todaycan you explain for me ?04:18
pepper_hazechelz,  yeah04:18
chelzpepper_haze: is flash allowed access to your webcam in flash settings?04:18
chelztoday: to reset your samba configuration, run this in a terminal:   sudo mv /etc/smb.conf /etc/smb.conf.104:18
chelztoday: then run the configure program04:18
pepper_hazechelz, yeah, I just get a jilted picture04:18
todaystep by step man04:18
Bezerk-BRHi all!04:19
chelz!hi | Bezerk-BR04:19
ubottuBezerk-BR: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:19
chelzpepper_haze: jilted in what way?04:19
todayhow config smb.conf chelz?04:19
chelztoday: samba in the menu04:19
todaymy config samb at http://paste.ubuntu.com/410368/04:19
* pepper_haze likes its a pic of what the webcam sees when it is first started with the flash player, and then it doesn't show anything at all04:20
Froadachey guys04:20
Froadacubuntu is so ftw :)04:20
Jester05hey guys, an of you developers?04:20
chelzpepper_haze: do you have the latest flash player? or are you on a 64bit install without the 64bit flash player?04:20
chelz!ask | Jester0504:20
ubottuJester05: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:20
pepper_hazeI am using a 32 bit install04:20
Bezerk-BRI am a developer04:21
Jester05I'm in the process of creating a program to "tether" the droid to linux and need some input... when I stop the program I have it executing killall openvpn04:21
todayi really dont understand chelz, i stop Samba,and may be i reconfig smb.conf chelz?04:22
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
kitcheJester05 why rewrite the wheel?04:23
pepper_hazeIt says no webcam detected when I click on play04:23
Da-M-E-M-0Ok it said : GNU GRUB Version 1.97`beta [Minimal BASH-like like editing is supported. and then it showed a ''cmd'' called sh:grub>04:23
pepper_hazeI just noticed there is a play button04:23
pepper_hazewhen I click on play, it says no webcam detected04:23
Jester05kitche, currently I couldn't find a program that'd do it all.. eventually I'm going to develop a gui for it and also try to make a tray item for it04:24
todaywell well chelz is busyyyyy now?04:24
sasayinshow to know the services running in background?04:24
chelztoday: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=119504:24
chelztoday: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat04:24
Da-M-E-M-0chelz do u know my problem04:24
nishanthdoes any one know how to set acpi to off?04:25
m0p0li all04:25
todayOkay, i read now04:25
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: if you can somehow pastebin a picture of what your screen displays after you select ubuntu in Grub i might be able to make sense of it04:25
Jester05I've got a few different scripts I run for it as is but my "/etc/init.d/droidlink stop" just flat out kills openvpn, I don't like just killing the entire openvpn in case some users are sing that program for other things04:25
Bezerk-BRuse the comand "ps aux" sasayins04:25
m0p0main language of this channel is English?04:25
sasayinsthanks a lot.04:25
hmwm0p0: only language in this channel is english. Are you looking for an Ubuntu support channel in another language?04:26
progre55Da-M-E-M-0: cont you even have a camera on your cellphone?04:26
chelzpepper_haze: is your webcam integrated into your computer or is it separate?04:26
todaySWAT is better than samba gui chelz?04:26
Jester05but to the same token.. people are probably not going to have a vpn setup when they're connecting via broadband tether anyway04:26
maginotm0p0, yes04:26
pepper_hazechelz, I know what the promblem is, I wasn't hitting play04:27
chelztoday: it's something to try since the samba gui isn't04:27
chelztoday: moving your smb.conf and running the samba gui might regenerate a new file though. which i advise trying.04:27
chelzpepper_haze: ah, alright :)04:27
pepper_hazeBut I have anouther promblem now, my ubuntu, will only allow one device to be used by a program at a time04:27
pepper_hazeI can use a device with mutiple programs, like I can't get sound with multiple programs, or use my web cam with multiple programs04:28
Da-M-E-M-0chelz im googling the problem. i saw many people having probs with it. it says something with the grub is defect04:28
chelzm0p0: there is a russian irc channel if you know russian04:28
FroadacAmarok will not add music to the library from an external USB drive, how can I make it do so?04:28
m0p0peoples, i have a trouble - VirtualBox don't cach multimedia hotkeys. what should i doing that resolve this trouble? (sorry for bad English)04:28
maginotm0p0, #virtualbox04:28
pepper_hazehow do I change this, beacuse flash video camera player takes a pic of the web cam before it starts playing and won't use the web cam beacuse it has taken that pic04:28
chelzpepper_haze: did you do a new install of 9.10 or did you upgrade?04:29
pepper_hazeI did a new install04:29
chelzpepper_haze: did you ever install or change sound settings related to OSS or ALSA?04:30
pepper_hazeI don't think so04:30
albertolempirahey guys, plasma freezes from time to time while i'm working around with kubuntu, sometimes occurs when i'm not in the range of a wifi hotspot, it might be the network manager? it's really annoying when i'm doing important stuff cause i have to wait 'till it comes back, any suggestion on this? thanks in advance04:33
chelzpepper_haze: you might try upgrading your flash player04:33
maginotubottu, es | huesos04:33
ubottuhuesos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:33
costreAfter a system update, the computer reaches graphics mode, displayes the login background, but stops. The mouse and keyboard is responsive, but the harddrive light is on constantly. I can't login on another prompt, only enter username, then nothing. Is it some heavy updating procedure going on in the background, or does it seem something is fubar?04:33
w00tzhello, is there a way to call a window to whatever desktop you're on? for example, i have an emacs window open and running on desktop #1, is there a way to assign it a hotkey such that the emacs window shows up when i hit an assigned key shortcut? if there are none, i can probably code something that would do it.04:33
chelzalbertolempira: /join #kubuntu04:34
hmww00tz: Compiz' plugin Scale can do it (in conjunction with then Scale-Addons plugin) - i think it is fetch window04:34
chelzcostre: leave it for at least 30min to an hour depending on how old the computer is. if it still hangs you might need to boot to Recovery Mode and do a fix04:34
Da-M-E-M-0chelz message :04:35
Da-M-E-M-0GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta404:35
Da-M-E-M-0Minimal BASH-likeline editing is supported. For the first word TAB lists possible command completions.04:35
Da-M-E-M-0Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions.04:35
FloodBot2Da-M-E-M-0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
albertolempirachelz, i did that, but sometimes i get help on #ubuntu faster than in the kubuntu channel04:35
w00tzhmw: let me check it out04:35
todaychelz:  i just want to fix error "dont run system-config-samba" , why you show me SAWT app ?04:35
chelzalbertolempira: that probably would work best with stuff installed in both ubuntu and kubuntu. plasma is not installed by default in ubuntu though.04:35
hmww00tz: well... it can do something similar in fact - you can get all windows sized down and click one to go to that window/workspace - in this overview, you can make it fetch the clicked window04:35
hmww00tz: you need CCSM for that: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager04:36
maginotDa-M-E-M-0, the time you are trying to solve this you could have already reinstalled ubuntu04:36
chelztoday: the issue you have is because something is wrong with your smb.conf. swat might fix your smb.conf or you can rename your smb.conf and hopefully Samba GUI will make a new one.04:36
w00tzhmw yeah that's somethign smilar to mac's expose, but it's not exactly what i want04:36
hmww00tz: i know and i dont know another way.04:36
todaythanks Chelz, i see your good idea04:37
w00tzhmw: no problem. have you tried using Guake? The drop down console?04:37
hmww00tz: wut? dropdown console? something like a desklet/panel applet?04:37
maginotw00tz, wow... I think was that app I was trying to find a long time ago but could remember its name04:37
w00tzhmw: thanks for the suggestion though ;)04:37
w00tzhmw: no, it loads a console on boot and basically listens for the assigned keystroke04:38
w00tzhmw: when you hit, it comes down and transparently lays over your windows providing you a tab-enabled terminal04:38
todayat VietNa, hasnt Repository so that install App very slow04:38
Out_Coldhmw, yukiaki or something along those lines is also a drop down console activated with I think F1204:38
hmww00tz: i see - like in some games04:38
llutzOut_Cold: yakuake04:38
Out_Coldllutz, yes04:38
Out_Coldwas close :p04:39
w00tzhmw: you can launch screen on it and what not, it's very convenient for development, it's pretty much one of the best apps out there ;) yes, Yakuake and Visor (for MacOSX) are similar. It's incredibl.04:39
hmww00tz: may I pm you?04:39
w00tzhmw: sure ;)04:39
maginotw00tz, what is the shortcut for guake ?04:39
w00tzIt's F12 by default, but I set it to Alt+~04:39
* maginot finally is not so bored =D04:40
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: even when you try to boot to the "(Recovery Mode)" one?04:40
chelzw00tz: yeah i use guake for that but sometimes it feels a bit heavy. there seem to be a few alternatives to it.04:41
=== hexdump is now known as hexdump_
Da-M-E-M-0chelz http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2274/imag0023n.jpg04:43
=== ayrus is now known as Guest97866
scuniziDa-M-E-M-0: sda1 is hd004:45
scuniziDa-M-E-M-0: or hd0,104:45
criverai'm trying to debug http requests that are coming in and out of my machine.  more specifically, i wanna' see which URLs are being hit in my web app to try and fix a problem04:45
llutzscunizi: hd0,004:45
arandDa-M-E-M-0: use "set root=(hd0,1)" if that is correct04:45
criveraany suggestions on software?04:45
scunizillutz: ah :( that's right04:45
chelzDa-M-E-M-0: well i'm not sure why grub is doing that, but this might fix it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD04:46
arandllutz: scunizi no that's grub-legacy04:46
scunizicrivera: wireshark.. you'll have to start it with sudo04:46
criverascunizi, i'm giving it a try now, but all i see are IP addresses flying through the console04:46
Guest97866hi, I'm new to Ubuntu. I installed today. But I don;t know how to install the driver. I downloaded the package. Its a zip file. Can any one tell me please how to install the driver.04:46
arandDa-M-E-M-0: is this a Wubi install?04:47
criveramaybe i'm not using the right network interface..04:47
ratdoghello all04:47
scunizicrivera: wireshark is very capable.. but a pain to learn.. there's lots of docs on it.. unfortunately I'm no expert with it.04:47
criverathanks anyway04:47
ratdogdemultiplexer problems.........04:47
criverawill definitely dig into it04:47
chelzarand: good question04:47
ratdogwith kaffine'04:47
llutzarand: grub2 doesn't use "hdX,Y" notation anymore?04:47
arandGuest97866: What driver, what is inside the zip file if you extract it?04:47
Guest97866arand: Yes I extracted.04:48
arandllutz: follows sda# notiation for second number04:48
chelzGuest97866: what is the brand and model number of the device you need the driver for?04:48
llutzarand: really? stupid idea04:48
arandllutz: hence (hd0,1) is first partion (1) of first drive (0).04:48
Guest97866arand: now Its showing like realtek-linux-audiopack-4.06x.tar.bz204:48
cdehi guys~04:49
llutzarand: stupid because "hd0" = 1st drive :(04:49
cdein Linux using the FTP connect to Linux Server ,is verry fast~04:49
arandGuest97866: That's also an archived file, extract again ;)04:49
Guest97866arand: and a folder is also displaying "RHEL5"04:49
Guest97866arand: ok04:49
chelzGuest97866: is your sound not working? why do you want to install this driver?04:50
Guest97866chelz: yes that was not working.04:50
Guest97866arand: now I got the Install file. I run that file with terminal. Is this right?04:50
cdegot any one know how to do a one IRC server?04:50
arandGuest97866: But Normally if you get to the stage of a driver coming in an archive, something is wrong, and there is normally a better way to do things...04:50
arandGuest97866: .rpm, .deb, or .bin?04:51
Guest97866arand: that was not showing any ext. only Install is written over there.04:52
chelzcde: google unrealircd04:52
chelzGuest97866: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting04:52
cdechelz: ya,i checking. :)04:53
arandGuest97866: hm, if executed via bash, it might work, but I would look otherwere for a solution still, since installing separate drivers like that, normally is not the way things go...04:53
Guest97866chelz: Its install successfully. Now problem with graphics driver.04:53
cdechelz: got so many IRC server to Linux ?04:53
Guest97866chelz: its not showing any install file.04:53
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=== Guran is now known as Tobarja
maginotand wasn't guake which I used bafore, was tilda =)04:54
chelzcde: yes, there are many ways to do things on linux04:54
chelzah yeah tilda, i forgot that name04:54
Guest97866arand: Chelz: Its showing the folder FC6, Mandriva2007.1, Redhat4.4 Suse10.1 and nothing else04:54
cdechelz: okok ~ i google thx for you :P04:55
maginotI like the tilda effect, works better for me then guake04:55
Guest97866which package should I install.04:55
chelzGuest97866: ubuntu provides graphics drivers for almost all use cases. what brand of graphics card do you have?04:55
arandGuest97866: Probably none, since none of those distributions use the same ackages as ubuntu.04:55
chelz!hi | crunchbang04:56
ubottucrunchbang: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:56
crunchbanghi chely im sad04:56
Guest97866chelz: I don't have graphics card. Its inbuild chipset SIS 672, 968 Asus Mother Board04:56
crunchbangmy gf has gn 2 spain and i cant get no slp04:57
chelz!ot | crunchbang04:57
Guest97866arand: on the site of Asus only these drivers are provided. Then what I do for Ubuntu?04:57
ubottucrunchbang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:57
crunchbangok thankyou cool04:57
Guest97866arand: Motherboard name is P5SD2-VM04:57
chelzGuest97866: if your graphics is working then you don't need to install any drivers. unlike other operating systems, like Windows, Ubuntu comes with generally all the drivers it needs04:58
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crunchbanghow do i get my wifi belkin to work with my t20 ibm and how do i get my microphone on skype working04:58
Hick0rdWhen I get to run the CD live, and after it completes booting, the mouse doesn't work!!! but when I used another ubuntu CD, the mouse works fine!!!  Any ideas?04:58
Guest97866chelz: my LCD resolution is 1440*900 but its not displaying correctly. something weird.04:58
hmwchelz: some graphic adaptors dont start compiz. I always check for either the shadows, or if moving the mouse wheel over the desktop results in an animation.04:59
airtonixcrunchbang, read the wifi docs on the ubuntu wiki yet ?04:59
hiexpoevening all my friends04:59
pawanhow to put wallpapers in default directory04:59
Guest97866arand: chelz: are you having any solution for me?05:00
cdehiexpo: evening~ :)05:00
scuniziGuest97866: can you pastbin an image to show us what it looks like?05:00
hiexpomv command05:00
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hiexpoone sec and i will get  the exact05:01
Guest56787hello people05:01
Guest97866scunizi: how can I do that. I don;t know how I. after printscr where whould I paste the img file. and where to upload05:01
airtonixpawan, define default directory05:01
airtonixpawan, there is no default directory for wallpapers05:02
chelzGuest97866: http://estebanordano.com.ar/sis-m671m672-driver-for-xorg-xserver-7-5-on-debian-sidux/05:02
scuniziGuest97866: http://imagebin.ca/05:02
hmwairtonix: there are a few wallpapers "preinstalled" - are you sure, there is no dir, where one could add more? I am looking into it right now05:02
airtonixpawan, just make a folder called wallpapers in ~/Pictures and put them there05:03
hiexposudo mv -f ~/ file dir05:03
Guest97866scunizi: ok I'm uploading05:03
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Guest97866scunizi: http://imagebin.ca/view/DOjVcfT.html05:03
llutzhiexpo: you'd better don't use that command05:03
airtonixhmw, i just use nitrogen to set wallpaper (and it's configured to list all images in ~/Pictures)05:03
pawanhow to go to ~/pictures05:04
chelzGuest97866: the page i linked has a link to a zip with some stuff that supposedly can help05:04
ratdogwhats GrandUnified Boot loader05:04
Guest97866chelz: ok I'm trying05:04
airtonixpawan, 1) ctrl + l 2) ~/Pictures (not ~/pictures)05:04
hmwairtonix: i use eye of gnome for that usually, it adds the images to the list anyways. I can't find out, what names the standard wallpapers have :/05:04
ratdogdoes it replace Grub?05:04
scuniziGuest97866: where do we look for the weirdness? looks pretty normal to me so far.05:04
arandGuest97866: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8779234 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=615094 seems to have some info about your card, mainly stating that it is completely unsupported, whatsoever.05:04
chelzratdog: those are two names for the same thing05:05
llutzhiexpo: there has to be no space between ~/ and file05:05
* ratdog slaps ratdog around a bit with a large trout05:05
* scunizi can smell the trout.. it's several days old.05:05
chelzgood question05:06
ranjanhi all anybody using bacula here??05:06
hiexpooh ya  ik now half asleep sorry just woke up05:06
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ ~/pictures05:06
pawanbash: /home/pawan/pictures: No such file or directory05:06
airtonixhmw, the reason those default wallpapers show up in the first place is because the backgrounds.xml file that the gnome appearance inspector uses to list wallpapers comes pre-defined in the skel setup05:06
airtonixpawan, ~/Pictures not ~/pictures05:06
chelzpawan: try this: cd ~/Pictures05:07
chelz!terminal | pawan05:07
chelzalso read that05:07
ubottupawan: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:07
hiexposudo mv -f ~/<file>/destination05:07
* Guest97866 going to reboot05:08
llutzhiexpo: close, get some coffee ;)05:08
chelzhiexpo: need a space inbetween "~/<file>/" and "destination"05:08
Hick0rdWhen I get to run the CD live, and after it completes booting, the mouse doesn't work!!! but when I used another ubuntu CD, the mouse works fine!!!  Any ideas?05:08
hiexpocoffee's on05:09
chelzHick0rd: what are the differences between the two CDs?05:09
KRStwo_Hick0rd:  same version?05:09
hmwairtonix: so adding files to /usr/share/backgrounds does nothing. THanks for the info!05:09
chelz!backup | ranjan05:09
ubotturanjan: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:09
chelzsbackup is good05:09
chelzalso rsnapshot for more advanced users05:10
Hick0rdchelz, KRStwo_ , same version.05:10
ranjanubottu, thank you05:10
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:10
ranjanubottu, ya  i know that05:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:10
ranjanubottu, :)05:11
airtonixhmw, correct. i suspect if you want a 'default wallpaper folder' you'll need to add a definition in the XDG folders list and modify your programs to look there by default05:11
chelzHick0rd: one might be a bad burn. you could try checking the discs for defects after you boot them. or from the terminal with "md5sum"05:11
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone is I am sshd into a machine on my home network is there anyway i can find out the ip addresses of one of the other machines on my network. my router won't let me login with lynx.05:11
airtonixfuzzybunny69y, lynx or links2 ?05:11
chelzfuzzybunny69y: you could try links205:11
KRStwo_Hick0rd, agreed, that's so strange.  Check the MD5s after the burn to make sure it's good.05:11
winemananybody know how to prevent something from loading when you boot ubuntu?05:12
scunizifuzzybunny69y: nmap .. but I don't know what "switches" to throw05:12
llutzfuzzybunny69y: nmap -sP 192.168.0.*              or whatever ip-range you use05:12
chelzwineman: depends on what the thing is05:12
airtonixwineman, when you boot or after a user logs in ?05:12
KRStwo_wineman; system, preferences, startup applications05:12
hmwwineman: depends. One could    chmod 000 <filename>    to make it non-executable.05:13
kermitfuzzybunny69y: tcpdump05:13
airtonixKRStwo_, welcome to "after user logs in"05:13
winemanok let me type this up05:13
hiexpowhos got coffee05:13
KRStwo_airtonix;  indeed.  thanks for having me.05:13
hmwwineman: actually, it is four zeroes: chmod 0000 filename - i do not set 0666, so that I see 0000 later and remember, that it was an executable before.05:14
Q_ContinuumWant to set a custom resolution, 1024x600 - so I can emulate a netbook's interface for UNR 9.10 - whats the easiest way to add that as an option on the VM's resolution choices?05:14
pawannot getting any sound05:14
randomusrhow can I create a key pair to use with putty?05:14
chelzpawan: did you ever have sound on ubuntu?05:14
fuzzybunny69yairtonix, it is a fedora machine and it doesn't have links205:14
scunizifuzzybunny69y: try nmap like llutz mentioned.. works great05:15
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:15
chelzpawan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting05:15
maginotrandomusr, for what I remember putty need to use it own tool, putty-key or something like that05:15
pawanno volume control05:15
chelzrandomusr: http://www.howtoforge.com/ssh_key_based_logins_putty05:15
randomusrmaginot, then do I export to the host?05:16
fuzzybunny69yscunizi, I just ran nmap -sP 192.168.0.* and it said Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 52.111 seconds05:16
chelzpawan: it should look like a speaker in the upper right corner of your screen05:16
maginotrandomusr, on the host you will use a normal key, and you will use a normal key on putty-gen to generate a putty key to be used in the program05:16
pawanwaiting for sound05:16
fuzzybunny69yoh n/m i think the range was wrong05:16
chelzfuzzybunny69y: is your network 192.168. 0 or 105:16
scunizifuzzybunny69y: what's your IP scheme?  .1.xxx or .0.xxx or .2.xxx05:16
fuzzybunny69yit was 2 i think05:16
chelzfuzzybunny69y: you can do "ifconfig"05:17
llutzfuzzybunny69y: nmap -sP 192.168.0.*              or whatever ip-range you use <-- means you have to change it to fit your network05:17
maginotrandomusr, I really don't know why putty just don't use a rsa key direct you first have to convert the key... I used to carry to keys on my pendrive05:17
maginot*two keys05:17
fuzzybunny69yllutz, yeah I changed it and it found some05:17
pawanhow to check sound device is working or not05:17
winemanwhen i turn on the computer after grub choice i get the black screen with the white ubuntu logo, then it goes to black screen with white text to log on to tty1.  I can log in or not it doesn't matter, it pauses for about 30 to 45 seconds.  Then it gives me errors about dvb, which would be my tv tuner card in my laptop.  Then after the pause it goes to the animated logo screen and loads as usual.  If i could prevent it from trying to load the05:17
fuzzybunny69ythanks you guys you are al great05:18
scunizipawan: aplay <file.wav or file.ogg or file.mp3>05:18
chelzwineman: you got cut off at "prevent it from trying to load the"05:18
chelzfuzzybunny69y: happy hacking05:19
wineman If i could prevent it from trying to load the tv tuner card i wouldn't have this problem.05:19
hmwis it OK, that my DVB-T USB stick gets quite hot?05:19
maginotwineman, I suppose you could black list the module05:19
winemanyou wouldn't know how to do that would you.  I am new to ubuntu?05:20
grendal_primeim amazingly pissed off05:20
chelzwineman: if you blacklisted it you'd have to manually load it before you can use the card though05:20
chelzgrendal_prime: state thy emergency05:20
grendal_primei just got a dell mini 10 with this moblin installed...how the hell do you get that off the machine05:20
ayrus_hi, how to go to the directory /user/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/05:20
winemanthat's fine ubuntu don't support my card anyway.05:20
glickexcuse me does anyone knwo if IE works with Wine?05:20
grendal_primeive tried everything05:20
maginothmw, if isn't hot at the point of making an egg on it, I suppose its normal.. =P05:20
hmwmaginot: i still can hold it in my hand. thank you!05:21
grendal_primechelz just run virtualbox and call it a day.05:21
scuniziglick: there is ie4linux which will load up ie6-7 but .net stuff won't work05:21
maginotwineman, first you have to know the module name, maybe inspecting with "lsmod" could give you some clues05:21
winemanhang on05:22
phatwabbitunable to access the sony memory stick on ubuntu05:22
phatwabbitubuntu 9.10 to be precise05:22
glickapparently firefox doesnt work well with SAPs website05:22
phatwabbitthe distro is linux mint05:22
maginotphatwabbit, isn't you memory sticky corrupted ?05:23
phatwabbitworks fine on blingdows05:23
winemanok i see      tuner                  21540  005:23
ayrus_hi, I'm new to Ubuntu. where is the drivers directory in Linus05:23
grendal_primeI keep trying to just strip off all the desktops and then start up with just the ubuntu-desktop package..but i cant seem to get the moblin crap to go away.05:23
scuniziglick: what's SAPs websites?05:23
maginotphatwabbit, what is the output of dmesg when you plug it?05:23
glickits a company scunizi05:23
phatwabbithave never used to mem card on ubuntu..this  is the first time05:23
maginotwineman, echo "blacklist tuner" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf05:23
chelzgrendal_prime: have you tried booting to a vanilla ubuntu 9.10 iso installed to a usb stick?05:24
ayrus_can any one tell me please where is the drivers directory is placed in Ubuntu?05:24
scuniziglick: ah.. the dreaded IE only sites.. unfortunately there's lots of them.. winXX in virtualbox will fix that..05:24
winemanpermission denied05:24
maginotwineman, sudo echo "blacklist tuner" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf05:24
chelzphatwabbit: is it fat32?05:24
grendal_primeweird phatwabbit we use ubuntu machines to check to see if memsticks are good still05:24
llutzmaginot: won't work, use tee05:24
glickyeah unfortunatly i dont have winxx05:25
chelzmaginot: won't work05:25
chelzsudo bash -c " echo 'blacklist tuner' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"05:25
maginotoh, sure (I'm used to sudo su, but I'm not supposed to give this "bad advice" here ;)"05:25
scuniziglick: do you have any win on cd?05:25
grendal_primeno chelz this is brandnew factory install ubuntu...i mean...it seems rediculas to have to go through all this to just get a simple gnome desktop for christ sake.05:25
winemanstill permission denied05:25
maginotwineman, take a look at what chelz said05:25
fuzzybunny69yok guys i love you cya05:25
llutzmaginot: use sudo -i and you are free to give that advice  here ;)05:25
chelzthat space might cause some issues but i think that might work05:26
=== KLC[at]HOME is now known as KoluCCi
chelzsudo -i is dangerous05:26
winemanok it took that without denieing it05:26
llutzchelz: why?05:26
scuniziglick: ouch.. probably won't work but you might look at reactOS's site.. they try to emulate win .. maybe they've advanced enough to run IE05:26
chelzgrendal_prime: doing a fresh install on any new hardware is something i've always had to do. ;/05:26
winemandidn't print out anything though05:26
hiexpochelz,  - you watchin american idol ?05:26
hmwayrus_: most drivers are built into the Kernel directly. Not built-in drivers can be dynamically "inserted" with insmod on run time. Most drivers can be compiled into the Kernel or made a module for insmod. You find Kernel modules in /lib, if I am not mistaken, but that will probably not help you very much. Why did you want to know?05:26
grendal_primewith the mini 10 i have been using it was an appearece opton ..i could use the switch desktop if i wanted to use the remix type desktop.  i just want the standard desktop on this thing..its just a royal pain.05:26
glickscunizi, i dont want to hack a bunch of stuff and reinstall my OS in order to go to one damn site05:26
chelzllutz: all the reasons running as root is dangerous. at least sudo makes it so you're sure you mean to be running something as root05:27
glickmaybe ill just use a library computer or something then05:27
maginotwineman, no, cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf05:27
rshakinhey so any ideas on troubleshooting wpa problems with ubuntu05:27
scuniziglick: no hack.. no reinstall.. if you want to try it run it in a vm with virtualbox05:27
hmw!wifi | rshakin05:27
chelzgrendal_prime: yeah sounds like you want a reinstall. you could also try Ubuntu Netbook Edition but it doesn't sound like you like netbook-ish interfaces05:27
maginotwineman, take a look at the last line, should be there what you just echoed, reboot and see what happen05:27
ubotturshakin: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:27
phatwabbitanything specific to look for in05:27
llutzchelz: different thing. IF you need a root-konsole," sudo -i"  is the way to go. besides that, you might be true05:27
wineman# EDAC driver for amd76x clashes with the agp driver preventing the aperture05:27
wineman# from being initialised (Ubuntu: #297750). Blacklist so that the driver05:27
wineman# continues to build and is installable for the few cases where its05:27
wineman# really needed.05:27
winemanblacklist amd76x_edac05:27
FloodBot2wineman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
winemanblacklist tuner05:27
Y0Zwhere is sudo?05:28
phatwabbitthe funny thing is that MMC/sd works fine05:28
grendal_primei hate them..my netbook works fine with the ubuntu-desktop..05:28
chelzphatwabbit: is it fat32?05:28
maginotwell, at least blacklist tuner is there :X05:28
phatwabbitbtw ...this is a gateway laptop05:28
hmwY0Z: try "which sudo"05:28
phatwabbitnot fat3205:28
Y0Zsudo, where are you?05:28
winemanok i will give it a shot05:28
maginotphatwabbit, plug the device, do a dmesg, pastebin the output05:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:28
maginotwineman, np05:28
chelzphatwabbit: it's probably a permissions issue then. you need to chown and/or chmod stuff05:28
phatwabbitis it possible that this damn laptop is not working fine with linux?05:29
phatwabbitcoz my friend has a toshiba and it is able to 'see' MS PRO cards05:29
rshakinhmw: any other ideas on how i would find out whats failing on the inside, because i've done all of the normal steps on getting this to work05:29
grendal_primeits for my mother in law..she has been using ubuntu desktop for the past 5 years..no i have to drop this in her lap with some funky impossibly confusing interface ? you guys seen this...you have to like click on menus over and over again..it blows05:29
chelzphatwabbit: when you use filesystems that honor permissions, then they'll only work with the system you made it on unless you tweak stuff with chown and chmod05:29
chelzphatwabbit: this is filesystems 10105:29
chelzgrendal_prime: right. discussion is in #ubuntu-offtopic.05:30
hmwrshakin: no ideas :( the debugging tutorial is quite elaborative, did you read it before?05:30
rshakinhmw: i've had issues with this for a while, had to use a new driver inside new kernel and stuff as per instructions on the forums on getting my wireless card to work05:30
Y0ZWhy is ubuntu so heavy? It`s 3-4 times slower than Windows XP05:30
joeb3_YOZ, my ubuntu is 3-4 times faster.05:31
hmwrshakin: i see. I am many things, but certainly not a Wifi expert. :)05:31
phatwabbitYOZ: this can help you http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/12894005:31
chelzY0Z: you might try xubuntu. or try looking for some guides on slimming ubuntu down. you might have stuff installed that you don't want.05:32
q0_0pY0Z: u should try openbox with tint205:32
q0_0pits nice05:32
rshakinhmw: did get it to work but, it will only connect to a unsecured wireless ap, and as far as anything else it won't connect to05:32
maginotY0Z, well, I can't complain, my ubuntu boot on 10 seconds =)05:32
dixondfolks, upgraded from 8.10 to 9.10; have a weird new 'feature' with the mouse cursor when using apps in the gnome desktop (most noticeable with gnome terminal) if typing, mouseclicks are 'disabled' until the mouse is moved05:33
Y0Z10 sec? right :)05:33
scuniziY0Z: ubuntu minimal https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:33
dixondeg, lets say I click-to-paste immediately after typing something; it won't appear until I wobble the mouse, then click again05:33
rshakinand also i am having issues with the radeon driver... it seemes like the opensource implemmintation of the driver is kinda laggy for X1200 chipset for ATi05:33
dixonddidn't used to be that way in 8.10 and it's a serious aggravation. any thoughts?05:33
dixondis this an intentional 'feature'  ... or?05:33
chelzdixond: you could see if that happens in a 9.10 live environment05:34
maginotrshakin, use the official driver provided by ATI05:34
dixondchelz: good thought.05:34
dixondI'm pretty sure I've seen this with other installs though - I suspect its a general 9.10 thing; just don't know if its on purpose or not... :-/05:34
rshakinmaginot: for some reason when i install that one it says the card is not found and when i use the wizzard to look for the hardware restricted drivers it does not prompt me like on my laptop05:34
hmwrshakin: I remember that the troubleshooting page was talking about stuff to prepare for WPA2 (perhaps even installing some) - I don't know, how much you know about wifi and Ubuntu, so I can't say, if you already know that all. The tut was really quite good, perhaps you wanna give it a try.05:35
rshakinhmw: i will look into it right now see if i can dig up some logs or something to find out where it's failing05:35
chelzdixond: i haven't heard of anything like that until now05:36
hmwrshakin: Be successful :)05:36
chelzdixond: it might be a compiz thing05:36
maginotrshakin, well, I'm not a ATI user, so can't help you any further then recommending using the driver provided by ATI, all I can say is that nvidia drivers are a perfect fit05:36
phatwabbitsorry for the delay05:36
phatwabbithere is the pastebin05:36
maginotlets see...05:37
DarkVoid82what are the major differences between a wubi install and actual install of Linux?05:37
chelzphatwabbit: pastebin the output of:  ls /media/*05:37
chelzphatwabbit: pastebin the output of:  ls -la /media/*05:37
grendal_primegod it makes me sick05:37
grendal_primewas sutch a great os..05:37
hiexpochelz,  - hows chelz doing tonight? :)05:37
maginotphatwabbit, did you run dmesg after pluggin the device ?05:38
chelzDarkVoid82: one is inside the ntfs partition of windows and an actual install creates a partition for linux. wubi installs are sometimes a bit slower and less stable than primary ubuntu but for tryout purposes it works pretty well. i wouldn't recommend using a wubi install for more than say 3 months though.05:38
chelz!ot | hiexpo05:38
ubottuhiexpo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:38
chelzgrendal_prime: dell actually sells normal ubuntu on minis these days i hear05:38
dixondchelz: oh! you've just reminded me. maybe it is to do with the radeon driver - i'm using the opensource one at the moment instead of fglrx because of a bug. maybe its to do with hardware cursor or whatever.05:38
hmwDarkVoid82: a wubi install does put all the files on an NTFS file system, which is not really compatible with *nix. You will not have file permissions, for example, and you will not have perfect performance. Wubi is for testing/playing with Ubuntu only in my opinion.05:38
dixondused to use fglrx in 8.1005:38
poi77Hi! I am wondering if anyone here is familiar with using OpenMPI on Ubuntu and can help me with a problem in this package. Thanks!05:39
chelzdixond: was that bug from before or do you know that bug is in 9.10?05:39
grendal_primeya the first one i got had reagular ubuntu on it..this one...moblin..and i cant seem to get it off the machine05:39
DarkVoid82chelz: I'm dual booting 9.10 and and vista and i just made a live cd for 9.10 netbook remix, so i was just curious05:39
chelz!ask | poi7705:39
ubottupoi77: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:39
phatwabbitphreak@phreak-laptop ~ $ ls /media/*05:39
chelzDarkVoid82: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_%28Ubuntu_installer%29#Limitations05:39
phatwabbit ls /media/*05:40
chelzphatwabbit: pastebin05:40
chelz!pastebin | phatwabbit05:40
ubottuphatwabbit: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:40
DarkVoid82also still having issues with my dvdrom drive on 9.1005:40
maginotphatwabbit, because if you did, or you are plugging the memory sticky on the wrong port, or something isn't working, there is no output of anything plugged beside your HD and DVD05:40
poi77I can't get openMPI to recognize more than one processor on Ubuntu. The error is: It seems that [at least] one of the processes that was started with mpirun did not invoke MPI_INIT before quitting ... Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?05:40
chelzdixond: yeah trying to use that stuff now might work then05:40
chelzphatwabbit: ls -la would be better also05:40
dixondchelz: 9.1005:41
chdI'm trying to edit my fstab by adding this line: /dev/sdb1       /media/Echo     ext3 defaults 0 0; when I go to access my "Echo" drive I get: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/Echo05:41
chelzoh ;(05:41
chelzchd: /dev/sdb1       /media/Echo     ext3 defaults,user 0 005:42
chdaw thank you05:42
maginotphatwabbit, did you read what I said?05:42
DarkVoid82what are the main differences between 9.10 and 9.10 netbook remix?05:43
dixondchelz: was a new 9.10 bug. there's a big thing in launchpad about it - some sort of ati packaging bug.05:43
chelzDarkVoid82: it's actually Ubuntu Netbook Edition now05:43
phatwabbitmaginot: did read...the funny thing is that this port is able to mount mmc cards without problem05:43
DarkVoid82chelz: oh ok it still says netbook remix on the ubuntu website05:44
maginotphatwabbit, lets do something to guarantee everything is working, open a console and type "udevadm monitor" this will monitor anything that you plug, after running the command plug the memory sticky, see if you receive any output05:44
hmwDarkVoid82: netbook remix just comes optimized for low resolutions and has some special menu, but basically, they are not very different05:44
chelzDarkVoid82: ah, that needs updating. well it contains stuff regular ubuntu doesn't and is i guess optimized for netbooks, probably bootup stuff. here are some tools only it has: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Netbook_Edition#Component_packages05:44
phatwabbitmaginot: too much info on udevadm05:45
phatwabbitanything specific you want me to grep for05:45
maginotphatwabbit, just want to know if anything is output after you plug the device05:46
DarkVoid82chelz: ok cool, i'm thinking of replaceing regular 9.10 with 9.10 netbook, but I have a notebook with a dvdrom drive so maybe thats not a good idea? i'm still having trouble with my dvdrom drive on regular 9.10 anyways05:46
maginotphatwabbit, a good thing to grep for is for the word "block"05:46
maginotphatwabbit, you may have something like /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-2/1-2.4/1-2.4:1.0/host8/target8:0:0/8:0:0:0/block/sdc (block)05:47
chelzDarkVoid82: you can always install them alongside eachother to try it out05:48
goddardCanon Pixma MP190 worked with MP180 drivers, but I cant seem to get it working now anyone have any ideas?05:48
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DarkVoid82chelz: and that would be a tri-boot, cause i still run vista for college05:48
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maginotphatwabbit, you can pastebin the output if make it easier to you05:49
phatwabbitmaginot: thanks for all the assistance! http://paste.ubuntu.com/410407/05:49
jak2000anyone here05:49
jak2000can run, windows apps in ubuntu?05:49
jak2000onlly with wine?05:50
phatwabbitjak2000: wine is your answer05:50
chelzDarkVoid82: if your cpu supports vm extensions you could try running your vista in a vm like virtualbox. if it works out you could migrate it to a virtualdisk and have ubuntu's partition expand to take up the space vista had.05:50
goddardjust give up on windows apps05:50
maginotphatwabbit, if you don't mind, post the full output from udevmonitor... with the output you gave it is recognizing the disk, but can't see any partition on it05:50
chelzjak2000: it's best to use programs that work both on windows and linux if you plan to move between the platforms, such as firefox and openoffice05:50
DarkVoid82chelz: hmmm what is a vm extension?05:51
jak2000chelz php and mysql ?05:51
chelzDarkVoid82: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_VT#Hardware_support05:51
chelzjak2000: those are both available on linux as part of the famous LAMP stack05:51
chelz!lamp | jak200005:52
ubottujak2000: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:52
jak2000i have apps developed with delphi and VB05:52
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jak2000for windows05:52
DarkVoid82chelz: hmm from the looks of that, my notebook has it, I obught it last year05:52
chelzjak2000: if your VB stuff runs in Mono you can run it in Mono on linux05:53
chelzDarkVoid82: sounds good. might be something to try then.05:53
jak2000no mono05:53
jak2000only with win3205:53
maginotphatwabbit, this was showed after plugging  the device, right?05:54
DarkVoid82chelz: i'll look into it... in the meantime my long running issue with my daggone dvdrom drive in regular 9.1005:54
chelzDarkVoid82: this might help http://blarts.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/05:54
chdI get this error now: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,05:54
chd       missing codepage or helper program, or other error05:54
chd       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try05:54
chd       dmesg | tail  or so05:54
FloodBot2chd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:54
chdshit sorry05:54
chelzalso if it works DarkVoid82, this http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Migrate_Windows05:54
chelzDarkVoid82: what sort of issues do you experience?05:54
DarkVoid82chelz: when i put a disc in the drive it desont read05:55
maginotphatwabbit, ?05:55
chelzDarkVoid82: does it work with vista?05:55
chelzDarkVoid82: what brand and model number?05:56
chelzof your laptop05:56
DarkVoid82chelz: yeah, i used a live dvd to install 9.10 for dual boot05:56
phatwabbityes maginot05:56
phatwabbitsorry....too much info..lost you in the maze :)05:56
DarkVoid82chelz: i can read data, music and dvd in vista but nothing in 9.1005:57
FyshYHey can i install ubuntu on an usb so that every time i boot it keeps my install software and settings. is that called persistent mode?05:57
maginotphatwabbit, okay, do you have tested the device on other computer? (not just the memory sticky but the memory sticky reader too)05:57
Kutemcloseanyone here successfully running Itunes on 9.10? if so please help05:57
chelzDarkVoid82: what is the brand and model number of your laptop?05:57
maginotKutemclose, itunes?05:58
DarkVoid82chelz: acer aspire 5810T05:58
chelzKutemclose: using itunes on an officially unsupported platform will always be pretty unstable. you really should find alternative programs that do what you want05:58
Kutemclosemaginot, yes05:58
FyshYKutemclose, mine is fine05:58
hiexpoKutemclose, the only way i know running itunes is with wine05:58
maginothey, I have lost something in the middle here... itunes on linux, native?05:58
KutemcloseFyshY, you're running it?05:59
maginotoh, with Wine... =X05:59
FyshYKutemclose, on win i wouldn't even think of trying on linux distro05:59
Kutemclosehiexpo, are you running it?06:00
rshakini would never try itunes if i had a option to do it even06:00
* FyshY wonders if i install ubuntu on an usb so that every time i boot it keeps my install software and settings. is that called persistent mode?06:00
axplayeranyone experiencing really crappy playback of Flash content on a nvidia Geforce 7600 gs? any ideas?06:00
maginotphatwabbit, are you there?06:00
chelzDarkVoid82: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireTimeline06:00
chelzDarkVoid82: https://launchpad.net/~acertimeline06:01
hiexpoKutemclose, no but i heard of it because i was trying to get my ipod synced but found another way06:01
Kutemclosehiexpo, so what program are you using to manage your Ipod?06:01
hiexpoKutemclose, you need help with that i have dir ?06:01
chelzDarkVoid82: seems people have had issues with the dvdrom in jaunty and i see some stuff about a powersaving driver for the drive on windows, some stuff in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122370106:01
bazhangFyshY, yes, that is persistent mode06:02
FyshYty bazhang06:02
chelzDarkVoid82: i highly encourage you to check the logs of that mailing list to see if they have a fix. if there isn't an answer in the logs you could try posting to it.06:02
hiexpoKutemclose, i think its gtkipod06:02
bazhanggtkpod iirc06:02
DarkVoid82chelz: i got the dvdrom to read one disc a few weeks ago but haven't been able to dulpicate it, ok thanks i'll look into it06:03
Kutemclosehiexpo, I will check it out. Does it work like Itunes?06:03
bazhangKutemclose, not really; what version of iPod and which generation06:03
Kutemclosehiexpo, I don't like amarok much. I find it hard to manage my music with the new version06:03
dashpunkhow do i add rizon to xchat favorites????06:04
DarkVoid82chelz: ubuntu runs great on my acer laptop... except for the dvdrom drive... X-|06:04
hiexpoKutemclose, no it just is good for loading and unloading music and amarok sucks06:04
Dougdoug4Hey! When I try to use my Webcam on TinyChat (http://www.tinychat.com), I get this error. http://i42.tinypic.com/2ds0n6s.png - - Clicking "Try again" and "Close" do nothing.. The little black box just stays there until I exit browser or tab and restart And when I try to avoid it and just select my cam, my cam doesn't work.. help please!06:04
chelzDarkVoid82: did you upgrade from jaunty or is this a new karmic install?06:05
DarkVoid82chelz: karmic was the first linux install on this laptop06:05
chelzDougdoug4: right click and go to settings on the flash06:05
phatwabbitmaginot: found a solution to the problem....connected the sony cord...and imported the pics on my camera through PPP06:05
Dougdoug4chelz right click where?06:06
chelzDarkVoid82: you could try booting to usb and seeing if the issue occurs in the liveinstall06:06
phatwabbitthe transfer through the card would have been faster though :)06:06
chelzDougdoug4: on the place where video should be06:06
chelzDougdoug4: or just the chat box06:06
DarkVoid82chelz: o.O say again?06:06
Dougdoug4chelz, I can't?06:06
chelzDarkVoid82: live environment, not liveinstall06:06
maginotphatwabbit, but something is wrong with your reader, I have no problem here on using my memory sticks.. =/06:06
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ChaorainI need a new wireless card for my desktop, any recomendations? I want one that works well with Ubuntu so I'm asking here instead of #hardware06:06
Kutemclosehiexpo, does gtkipod let you add songs, create playlist to add to your ipod?06:07
hiexpoKutemclose, gtk is the best i have found ever i haded i rem when i was on windows i used a dif program also not itunes06:07
bazhangChaorain, check the hcl06:07
hiexpoKutemclose, yes06:07
DarkVoid82chelz: whats the difference? youn mean putting 9.10 on a usb drive and seeing if i can use my dvdrom?06:07
bazhang!hcl | Chaorain06:07
ubottuChaorain: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:07
Kutemclosehiexpo, sweet! gonna go give it a shot06:07
chelzDougdoug4: go to another site you know has flash and right click and go to settings06:07
chelzDarkVoid82: yes06:07
phatwabbitmaginot: think there might be a problem with the reader...though it is wierd that this thing works on windows...and partially on linux (MMC, SD)06:08
chelzDarkVoid82: might be something about your install06:08
chelzDarkVoid82: use unetbootin to install to usb06:08
hiexpoKutemclose, it'sgonna work at it but once ya config it it is easy06:08
Chaorainbazhang: thanks06:08
Dougdoug4chelz.. I don't know of any others06:08
DarkVoid82chelz: is that the one that comes with 9.10 netbook ed?06:08
maginotphatwabbit, well, if it is working on windows like any other removible device it should work on linux too... but maybe it requires a deeper look06:09
hiexpoi hate itunes06:09
chelzDarkVoid82: hmm i don't think so. but if that ubuntu edition lets you get to a terminal then i guess it could work06:09
chelzDougdoug4: you can use this: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager02.html06:10
Kutemclosehiexpo, thanks dude06:10
DarkVoid82chelz: i saw something on the live cd i made for the netbook edition06:11
hiexpoKutemclose, no prob06:11
om26erDarkVoid82, would you repeat your question for me?06:11
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DarkVoid82chelz: sorry i think i saw something on the live cd i made for netbook ed that had usb in the title... yeah there is a usb creator on the disc06:13
DarkVoid82chelz: just need an empty usb... what size do i need06:13
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chelzDarkVoid82: i think at least 2GB but i'm not sure06:14
Dougdoug4you got that window to go away06:14
Dougdoug4but now a new issue has arisen06:15
nishanthany one know how to install GDL?06:15
Dougdoug4i click "start broadcast" and it shows my HP webcam06:15
chelzDarkVoid82: yeah 1GB for netbook edition but 2GB for desktop or server06:15
Dougdoug4i see myself moving around on that little preview06:15
Dougdoug4so i know my webcam is working + my webcam active light turnso n06:15
Dougdoug4but.. once i select that webcam06:15
Dougdoug4and tinychat starts camming06:15
Dougdoug4my camera turns off..06:15
Dougdoug4the active light turns off and i can't see myself06:15
hiexposome take this to serious /// but it's a help 4 free / no pay site06:15
chelznishanth: sudo apt-get install gnudatalanguage06:16
nishanthchelz; it give the following msg06:16
DarkVoid82chelz: ok. i have a 2gb usb but its a U3 usb  and i don't want to mess that up06:16
chelz!pastebin | nishanth06:16
ubottunishanth: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:16
nishanthwait a sec06:16
maalcaarwarner channel06:16
chelzDarkVoid82: you could back it up with dd. or check what partitions on it are useful and just back up say the partition table and the u3 partition with dd.06:17
Geekthrasokay, so I use /mnt/c as my mount point for my old windows partition. worked fine until just now:06:17
Geekthrasgeekthras@orgiophantes:~$ cd /mnt/c06:17
Geekthrasgeekthras@orgiophantes:/mnt/c$ ls06:17
Geekthrasls: cannot open directory .: Transport endpoint is not connected06:17
FloodBot2Geekthras: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:17
chelznishanth: what did you do to your package system?06:17
DarkVoid82chelz: dd?06:18
chelzDarkVoid82: it's a command like cp only it copies bit for bit06:18
nishanthchelz: what do you mean ...what i did to my package system06:18
DarkVoid82chelz: a command in linux?06:18
Geekthraswhat does that even mean? I think I can fix it by removing the directory but... whaaat?06:18
chdhelp I'm trying to edit my fstab. I ran these commands and I'm getting this error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/WMwKit8W06:19
chelzGeekthras: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=769759806:19
maginotGeekthras, "sudo mount -o remount /mnt/c" try that06:19
chelzDarkVoid82: yes, although there are ports of it for other OSes06:19
om26erchd, what do you want to add to fstab?06:19
DarkVoid82chelz: whtas dd's name for apt-get install?06:20
chelzchd: pastebin the output of this: fdisk -l06:20
Geekthraswell, sure there are several ways to fix it, but I was kind of wondering what on earth was going on06:20
chelzDarkVoid82: it should already be installed. it's a terminal program.06:20
DarkVoid82so i just type 'dd'?06:20
DarkVoid82chelz: so i just type 'dd'?06:20
maginotwell, isn't a perfect bot after all =X06:21
chelzDarkVoid82: man dd06:21
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chdchelz, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m0Jt6k3J06:22
DarkVoid82chelz: ok06:22
chelzDarkVoid82: probably something like    dd if=/dev/sdb bs=512 of=~/Desktop/u3-partitiontable.bin06:22
chelzDarkVoid82: probably something like    dd if=/dev/sdb bs=512 of=~/Desktop/u3-partitiontable.bin count=106:22
chelzDarkVoid82: that makes a copy of the partition table on it06:22
cppiiiafter I change configuration of eth0, why I can't apply the change?06:23
chelzchd: do you mean to be mounting an ntfs partition?06:23
Kutemclosehiexpo, I'm in gtkpod but it's not seeing my IPod06:23
chdso I need to change ext3 to ntfs?06:23
Geekthrashmmmmmm neither of those commands worked06:23
chdin my fstab06:24
chelznishanth: pastebin the output of this:    sudo aptget update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:24
bazhangKutemclose, what model of iPod, what generation06:24
chelzGeekthras: try unmounting/remounting06:24
KutemcloseWell it's a 30 gig...Not sure which generation though06:24
tripelbre ubuntu freezing. It's happened twice trying to start playing again after a flash pause. But the big "fix" is to close FF every so often and restart it.06:24
chelzDarkVoid82: i'd install gparted and open it from System -> Administration -> Partition Editor and select the drive so you can get a feel of what partitions you need to back up06:25
Kutemclosehiexpo, its a 30 gig. THink it may be 3rd generation06:25
Geekthraschelz: doesn't work; seems the directory itself is borked; can't ls it, cat it, rm it06:25
axplayerany ideas why Flash is so slow in 9.10? xorg not configured correctly or something?06:25
genny_ciao amici,06:25
bazhangKutemclose, tried banshee? rhythmbox? which others06:25
Geekthrasit's unmounted, by the way06:25
om26eraxplayer, which video card you have?06:25
chelzGeekthras: pastebin the output of:        ls -la /mnt06:25
Kutemclosebazhang, does banshee allow you to manage playlist, add songs to the ipod?06:26
Geekthrasooh that doesn't look good06:26
axplayerI have an nvidia Geforce 7600gs with the nvidia drivers06:26
bazhangKutemclose, if it sees your iPod, sure06:26
axplayerits as if everything worked fine, except stupid flash :P06:26
chelztripelb: you could install google chromium or chrome. using chromium's / chrome's internal task manager you can kill flash yourself and let the rest of chrome / chromium keep running. i use firefox for browsing and chromium / chrome for flash.06:26
om26eraxplayer, should be working fine06:27
axplayerI fixed this by editing xorg.conf on a laptop, the fix talked about ATI cards though, its pretty much the same problem, but with Nvidia :P06:27
chelzaxplayer: using nvidia-settings cards seems to work fine in my experience06:27
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loquitusSo I upgraded to Karmic... now all my videos don't play anymore...06:28
axplayerhmmm... all programs and everything else works great with the video card, its just flash as if there was a missconfiguration some where :P06:29
chelzGeekthras: a proust fan eh, not sure if there's any redemption for your kind. you might try:  sudo rmdir c06:29
maginotGeekthras, well, looks like a fuse problem... do you updated your system, maybe the kernel, recently ?06:29
loquitusAnybody know how to fix this issue where the Karmic upgrade hoses the ability to play videos?06:29
Geekthraschelz: proust? wha?06:29
chelzGeekthras: orgiophantes?06:30
GeekthrasI only know it as a greek word that I transliterated into english06:30
om26erloquitus, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:30
loquitusom26er: already newest version06:30
nishanthchelz : http://pastebin.com/8x5YGUh006:30
Geekthrasfound it in a big lexicon, along with rhobikos (unable to pronounce the letter rho) and rhathapugizo (to smack on the buttocks)06:30
maginotGeekthras, did you tried using fsck on that disk?06:31
om26erloquitus, sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras ;sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:31
axplayerhow do I check if a package is installed with the apt-get command?06:31
om26eraxplayer, apt-cache policy pkgname06:31
axplayerthank you06:31
chelznishanth: LUCID06:32
chelz!lucid | nishanth06:32
ubottunishanth: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:32
nishanthchelz: yes06:32
chelznishanth: lucid support is in #ubuntu+106:32
chelznishanth: /join #ubuntu+106:32
Geekthrasin order: rmdir c said it was busy, haven't updated it since beforethe last time I successfully mounted, and do you mean fsck /mnt/c or /dev/sda1?06:32
loquitusom26er: thanks. that now lets it play. but why are the colors messed up? there is some crazy blue hue on things06:33
chelzGeekthras: fusermount -z /mnt/c06:33
chelzGeekthras: something scary happened on your system though and i think you might need to reboot if this stuff doesn't work06:33
om26erloquitus, some setting might be messed up06:34
maginotGeekthras, if /mnt is inside /dev/sda1 them fsck /dev/sda106:34
loquitusom26er: it was not doing this before and I know my monitors are fine... all players are showing the same crazy hue06:34
chelzloquitus: you need to go to preferences and try clicking set defaults. if that doesn't work mess with the hue. it's a known issue.06:34
loquituschelz: the crazy blue issue is a known issue?06:34
om26erloquitus, try reboot?06:34
chelzloquitus: in videos yeah06:34
=== mtsh is now known as s4h|off
loquituschelz: ick06:34
loquituschelz: preferences in what?06:35
chelzloquitus: Movie Player aka totem should do06:35
tripelbchelz, I have used chrome. Tell me how can I kill flash in chrome? (I've asked here but no one knew.)06:35
=== s4h|off is now known as s4h
chelztripelb: go to the page-looking menu. then go to the bottom where it says Developer and click Task Manager. also shift-escape will bring it up.06:36
Geekthrasfound a lot of differences between boot sector and backup06:36
Geekthrasin fact, almost every offset from 71 to 507 is different06:37
maginotGeekthras, you certainly have a problem on the partition, the ??? looks like a problem with the inodes...06:38
arandProblem installing gnash from getgnash.org on ubuntu, I have /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnash.list with "deb http://www.getgnash.org/debs/ubuntu karmic main" this is what I get with aptitude update: http://pastebin.com/uySgvwe6 (w/ grep gnash) but this is what apt-cache policy shows me: http://pastebin.com/viVdPgbs ... so something is going wrong...06:38
=== s4h is now known as s4h|off
Geekthraswell *now* I'm slightly nervous about rebooting06:39
tripelbchelz, ok I'm there.06:39
maginotGeekthras, yeah, I know what you mean ...06:39
chelztripelb: select flash in the list and hit end or w/e06:39
JamesSavkoHey guys. I have a ubuntu 9.1 server and I was wondering if I can get xserv running for purposes of a vnc connection if i have no grahpics card06:40
maginotGeekthras, the worse thing that could happen is not to boot ;D06:40
chelzGeekthras: but you have backups right, so doesn't matter if anything happens to this drive06:40
* Geekthras looks shiftily from side to side06:41
tripelbchelz, ok I'm there. I ended the process. I closed chrome. I started it, went to TM, it's back. Cool. this is control. PS what's w/e?06:41
* maginot is searching for an simple console wav player...06:42
theadminHello everyone.06:42
chelzJamesSavko: vnc requires a graphics card on the server machine. but you might be able to get away with not having one by using freenx or ssh x forwarding. i'm not entirely sure though06:42
theadminmaginot: mplayer? cvlc?06:42
chelzmaginot: mpg12306:42
maginottheadmin, I was thinking about something a little smaller... like mpg12306:42
maginotchelz, I was in doubt that mpg123 was able to play wav files06:43
JamesSavkochelz: I have full ssh root access, but was hoping to find a way to connect to a gui. I will check out freenx and ssh x forwarding. Any other suggestions?06:43
chelzi just wish linux distros shipped with a decent system for playing midis06:43
chelz!freenx | JamesSavko06:43
ubottuJamesSavko: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX06:43
theadminchelz: VLC plays those %)06:44
bazhang!cn | zhang06:44
theadminOn Linux only though, lol06:44
ubottuzhang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:44
=== zhang is now known as Guest58254
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maginottheadmin, vlc is indeed my favorite player06:44
=== Guest58254 is now known as yejing
theadminmaginot: It has a CLI interface, do you know? Try: "cvlc somefile.ogg"06:44
yejingtyry dr06:45
bazhangGuest58254, english here only; /join #ubuntu-cn06:45
chelzJamesSavko: http://www.linux-tip.net/cms/content/view/302/26/06:45
=== yejing is now known as yaojing
=== lanseqingkong is now known as zhangjing
tripelbchelz, ok I'm there. I ended the process. I closed chrome. I started it, went to TM, it's back. Cool. this is control. PS what's w/e?06:45
=== zhangouzainijia is now known as haha
maginottheadmin, yeah, I knew that... mplayer too, but just wanted some simple app.. I'm just making a test with mpg123 if doesn't work I will sticky to vlc06:45
bazhangyaojing, please stop that. /join #ubuntu-cn06:46
tripelbchelz, ok THANK YOU06:46
=== haha is now known as Guest61673
FloodBot2yaojing: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
nishanthmy archive mounter does not work any one know how to fix ?06:46
chelztripelb: w/e is "whatever". btw the chrome manager only controls stuff in chrome. the flash player running in firefox is totally separate, just so you know. if you find yourself not watching a lot of flash in firefox you can install the extensions FlashBlock and perhaps NoScript.06:46
FloodBot2yaojing: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
hkmjoin #blender06:46
=== kn100 is now known as kn102
FloodBot2yaojing: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
theadminAutoBot: A bot or a idiot06:47
genny_ciao amici,06:47
nishanthanyone know how to fix archive mounter?06:47
AutoBotyes an idiotic bot06:47
genny_nuovo di xchat06:47
theadminubottu: es | genny_06:47
ubottugenny_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:47
maginotubottu, it | genny_06:47
ubottugenny_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)06:47
=== kn102 is now known as kn100
theadminOh, it's italian06:48
AutoBotnishanth: mount -t loop06:48
theadminAutoBot: -t? -o.06:48
AutoBottheadmin: yes06:48
AutoBottheadmin: lol06:48
chelznishanth: dude, lucid. other channel.06:48
=== Guest61673 is now known as zhangha
nishanthchelz : ok06:48
AutoBottheadmin: -t would be for type -o would be option...I'm tired06:48
chdso I fucked up and unmounted one of my drives for some dumbass reason. I get this error when I try to mount it again: Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE06:48
theadminchd: "sudo mount", not "mount"06:49
AutoBotchd: sudo06:49
AutoBottheadmin: bah06:49
chelz!language | chd06:49
ubottuchd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:49
AutoBottheadmin: my lag meter is 206:49
theadminAutoBot: :D06:50
theadmin"external FUSE" - wud?06:50
Y0Zmine is 7 sec06:50
theadminMine is 006:51
om26er!op | Y0Z06:51
ubottuY0Z: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:51
AutoBotwe talking inches or lag :P06:51
=== s4h is now known as s4h|off
theadminom26er: What's wrong with Y0Z06:51
theadminAutoBot: Lag, mine is 0 sec. But we went offtopic06:52
chelzom26er: why'd you do that?06:52
om26ertheadmin, well he trolled at #ubuntu+106:52
theadminom26er: Oh.06:52
bazhangY0Z, ubuntu support question?06:52
Y0Zright, where is sudo?06:52
bazhangY0Z, please stop that.06:52
theadminY0Z: /usr/bin/sudo06:53
maginotY0Z, "whereis sudo"06:53
theadmin...bleh, i used some crazy "find" sequence instead of a simple "whereis"06:53
tripelbchelz, yes, I understand that. I'll copy what you said about flash. I seem to need to use flash all the time on the web. I'd be lost with an ipad. This computer has been freezing. 've figured out it's flash. FF is better behaved. If I dont watch too much w/o closing the browser to reset "things" then things work fine. Else it freezes and I cant recomer. Even with REISUB-stuff.  I can live with this. Now I can use Chrome with no worries. It has been my main so it06:55
tripelb has bookmarks galore.  -- OK -- ((and off-topic this youtube of Jaron Lanier is outstanding!)))  Thanks again.06:55
basixdoes anybody know how to modify the rights on a pdf file? I downloaded a pdf file that had a form. Adobe Acrobat Reader wont let me save it. Is there a way to modify the permissions on that pdf to allow me to save the form?06:55
crypt-0basix, dont use Adobe06:56
theadminbasix: chown $USER file.pdf && chmod 660 file.pdf - do that06:56
crypt-0use Evince its built into Ubuntu and not bloatwhere and isnt crawling with zero-day exploits IIRC06:56
theadmincrypt-0: Look, let the dude use what he wants :D06:57
crypt-0theadmin, i thought he meant copyright protected or restricted by Adobe06:57
basixcrypt-0, theadmin: guys you're not getting my problem. The damn pdf have some access restrictions that allow me to print out the filled out form but not save it. So I would need to modify the bit that tells the reader to keep me from saving the filled out form.06:57
=== zhang_ is now known as yao
crypt-0theadmin, file permissions crossed my mind but didnt occur to me as the problem06:58
crypt-0and apparently are not06:58
theadminbasix: Do you have a w permission on it?06:58
maginotcrypt-0, try using okular to open the pdf06:58
theadminwha o_O06:59
basixtheadmin, it is nothing to do with linux's permissions. It is a setting that is written into the pdf file that acrobat reader reads in and prevents me from saving the filled out values.06:59
bazhang!cn | yao06:59
ubottuyao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:59
maginotcrypt-0, I think okular can save it after filling the form06:59
Y0Zyao yao06:59
theadminbasix: Ah. Yes, there might be some crap like that, PDF files sometimes have some kind of protection06:59
=== zjipc is now known as lanseqingkong
crypt-0maginot, tell that to basix im not the one asking for help :)06:59
basixcrypt-0, yeah i got that :P06:59
=== sick0 is now known as Guest49298
maginotcrypt-0, sorry, wrong nick06:59
bazhangyao, not here06:59
theadminsomeone ban that dude.07:00
bazhangyao, /join #ubuntu-cn07:00
theadminbazhang: Someone told him already :/07:00
hpwhere are you from?07:00
theadminhp: That goes to who?07:00
basixu mean yao07:00
theadminhp: me? /me is from russia, it's offtopic though07:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:01
hprussia ,good07:01
=== lanseqingkong is now known as kong
bazhanghp, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here07:01
=== idiot is now known as Guest81266
theadminlol. Ubuntu shows a unmount button near my 40GB NTFS partition, and when i click it it tells me that i don't have the proper rights to unmount it.07:02
chelztheadmin: that actually sounds like a good bug to report. i've encountered that too.07:02
Ali__how can i prevent ubuntu from asking the password when opening partitions ?07:02
chelzit should pop up a dialog asking for a password07:02
chelzAli__: check Remember password07:03
grendal_primeok i have the ubuntu-desktop installed..all i get is a white screen when it boots up?07:03
grendal_primemouse cursor works..but nothing to click on.07:03
bane-ohello everyone07:03
crypt-0does not unless it is an  unmount encrypted device07:03
chelz!hi | bane-o07:03
ubottubane-o: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:03
maginotAli__, you could add the partitions to /etc/fstab to be mounted at boot time07:03
crypt-0grendal_prime, have you considered the alternate installer or using the livecd in low graphics mode?07:04
chelzgrendal_prime: you installed Ubuntu 9.10 Server then did "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" ?07:04
bane-ohave a quick question, new to the ubuntu scene, using 10.04. just installed xchat using "sudo apt-get install xchat". how do I get xchat to connect to the following server: irc://irc.irchighway.net/lurk     ?07:05
grendal_primeclose... chelz i striped off everything trying to get rid of moblin and then installed ubuntu-desktop07:05
maginotbane-o, /server irc.irchighway.net07:05
chelzgrendal_prime: you really should do a new install guy. it'll be *so* much easier than the stuff you're doing now.07:05
theadminbane-o: Well, lucid support in #ubuntu+1, but basically, add a server "irc.irchighway.net" to the list and join channel #lurk07:05
hpanyone is come from china?07:05
bazhanghp in #ubuntu-cn07:06
joneslee85hi everyone07:06
chelzbane-o: yeah lucid in #ubuntu+1 but here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto07:06
theadminhp: /join #ubuntu-cn. Arigato. (err... wait that's japanese lol)07:06
grendal_primethe install i have for this is on dvd..the machine has no dvd or cd on it (netbook)07:06
joneslee85is there gnome3-session package on Ubuntu ?07:06
chelz!hi | joneslee8507:06
ubottujoneslee85: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:06
bazhanghp chat in #ubuntu-offtopic Chinese support in #ubuntu-cn07:06
=== Guest81266 is now known as dorkusmonkey
grendal_primeit does however have an internet connection...sooo...07:06
bane-oi tired that, but it says at can't resolve host name irc:///07:06
chelzjoneslee85: http://packages.ubuntu.com07:06
joneslee85chelz:  nope, only available in Debian07:06
grendal_primeand it was supposed to be ubuntu preinstalled.07:07
theadminbane-o: As server, you just type "irc.irchighway.net", not the whole link07:07
grendal_primeand that is the part that really pisses me off.07:07
chelzjoneslee85: alright hen07:07
joneslee85chelz: maybe ubuntu rename the package?07:07
chelzgrendal_prime: that's offtopic07:07
bane-ook I will deffinately try again. thanks for the help, I appreciate it07:07
grendal_primethanks for the ideas im gonna bitch out dell in the morning07:08
theadminYou should really install metapackages with tasksel when possible :/ waaay easier to remove them later this way07:08
chelzjoneslee85: there is this: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing07:11
chelzppa for gnome 3 shell07:11
DryGrainSomething is eating up my memory, and I can't tell what it is from 'ps ax'. Is there a command that shows what processes are using the most memory?07:11
theadmin DryGrain: I use htop for this, there is this system monitor thingy too07:11
chelzjoneslee85: after lucid gets released, development focus will switch to maverick and it will probably have some gnome3 packages. if you can wait a few weeks.07:11
aliothIf i find a bug in Lucid, should I set any special tag on the bug?07:12
om26eralioth, no07:12
chelzalioth: lucid is in #ubuntu+107:12
theadminalioth: You just report it to the Lucid section07:12
DryGrainThanks theadmin07:13
DasEiDryGrain: conky another method07:13
DryGrainIt appears my hypothesis was incorrect.07:14
DryGrainMy memory usage is fine, but totem started 'skipping', like a scratched DVD07:15
* DryGrain scratches head and reboots07:15
ob_hi ya.07:15
* airtonix does not like the new spacebar07:15
DasEiDryGrain: ? playing what ?07:15
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:15
chelzubottu is lagging hard07:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:16
DryGrainPlaying a playlist of .avi's07:16
ob_have e16 user?07:16
DryGrainDon't be so hard on yourself ubottu07:17
theadminDryGrain: Are you sure those avi's are fine?07:17
DasEiDryGrain: strange then, another player maybe ? or is the hd extremly full ?07:17
DryGrainThey've played fine in the past07:17
ob_i want to know that, how to find the wifi link on linux07:18
ob_i need to help.07:18
DryGrainThy are playing off of an external USB HDD07:18
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:18
* theadmin wants to record a movie to a DVD to view it on tha DVD player, what software should i use? Or can i just dump files there like on a data CD?07:18
DryGraini think its 160/250gb07:18
airtonixtheadmin, visit doom9.org07:18
DasEitheadmin: k3b does fine for me07:18
theadminairtonix: Doom? Isn't this a game of some kind? :/07:18
theadminairtonix: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at doom9.org.07:19
DasEitheadmin: side containing info as such07:19
DryGraintheadmin, you need a burner program, i've wasted many a writeable disc burning data files to them :)07:20
airtonixtheadmin, just type : doom9 in the address bar in firefox07:20
theadminHm *inserts a disc full of AVI's in a DVD player, sees it brought up a menu asking to select one*07:20
DasEitheadmin: http://www.doom9.org is up07:20
DryGrainwell, not wasted, but 'resigned to the closet'07:20
apepehi, I have an existing win7 partition, can I use LVM on the remaining free HD space without touching windows?07:21
theadminapepe: Just resize the partition and create another one in the appeared space, no?07:22
theadminNot LVM but should do07:22
DasEiapepe: yesno,,  you got to resize the win--partition07:22
apepeactually there is an available non partitioned space on the HD, can I use LVM on that without affecting the windows partition?07:23
DasEiapepe: but in the free space can then have an extended partition with lot's of logical ones inside07:23
nishanth does any one know how to run a program that keeps giving the msg the cd-rom not detected...i actually dont have a cd-rom for this instead i installed it using iso image07:24
apepeso that means I can mix LVM and standard partitions? example 320Gb of HD, 100Gb is used by windows, remaining is an LVM in which I will make logical partitions07:25
DasEinishanth: you run a prog that needs the installer cd ?07:25
aquateenhgrfrce 07:25
DasEiapepe: yes07:25
apepeok, thanks all,07:26
DasEiapepe: np07:26
foul_owlanyone get moto4linux to connect to a razr v3?07:26
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:28
fireaceSo I've been trying to run a live CD of UNR on my eeepc 1000H but each time it just says 'can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow'07:31
fireaceI've verified the disk and it says it's ok07:31
fireaceI really don't even know where to start with a problem like this07:31
DasEi!iso | fireace07:31
ubottufireace: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:31
fireaceI'm actually running it off a USB drive07:32
fireaceI should of mentioned that07:32
DasEifireace: and of course got to create the mountpoint first07:32
xTheGoat121xI'm in the process of installing UNR, and I'm wondering if putting /boot on my (faster) SSD would improve boot times?07:33
smerzxTheGoat121x, put the whole system on the SSD ? :)07:35
chelzxTheGoat121x: i think it only has to load a max of 8-10 MiB so it probably hardly would be noticeable07:35
smerzi mean i personally only have a 12GB root filesystem07:35
DasEixTheGoat121x: yes, would , but also need the libs and other stuff, better put whole but /homme on it07:35
W43372I think I'm getting conflicting information on the NDISwrapper wifi docs page. If I've got the windows driver for my internet stick do I install it using Wine, or do I install it using NDISgtk?07:36
smerzi'm lying it's actually 15gb :-D07:36
xTheGoat121xsmerz, the problem is it's an older netbook (an EEEPC 701) so the SSD only has 2gb07:36
hellyeahhow can i see version of package and related package07:36
xTheGoat121xDasEi, see my previous comment07:37
DasEixTheGoat121x: more a candidat for swap07:37
W43372I think I'm getting conflicting information on the NDISwrapper wifi docs page. If I've got the windows driver for my internet stick do I install it using Wine, or do I install it using NDISgtk?07:37
smerztbh what is the read performance of tha 2GB SSD? The old SSD are not thaaat superb compared to todays disks07:37
smerzcompared to todays normal disk drives i mean07:38
pawancant see volume icon07:38
judhey people, anyone out there able to direct a complete novice in getting started with mysql07:38
smerzpawan, which ubuntu version are you running? Lucid alpha3 by any chance?07:38
DasEipawan : right click upper panel > add > choose it07:38
chelz!lamp | jud07:38
ubottujud: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:39
pawanwaiting for sound system to respond07:39
smerzpawan, hm 9.10 should have it sitting at the top right by default07:39
xTheGoat121xsmerz, I've been booting the thing off of an SDHC card for a while now, but just added a flash drive as an "internal" so I can regain my SD slot07:39
W43372jud: You might want to check Jimmyr's youtube channel. He's got video tutorials on that kind of thing07:39
xTheGoat121xI was just looking for a way to perhaps improve things07:39
W43372jud: also, I think his website is www.jimmyr.com07:40
pawani am not having it07:40
judthanks guys!07:40
W43372jud: There also might be something about mysql on a webhosing unleashed post that has over 100 links to open courseware in the IT field. There's some of it that's from MIT as well.07:40
pawanhow to add it07:40
W43372I think I'm getting conflicting information on the NDISwrapper wifi docs page. If I've got the windows driver for my internet stick do I install it using Wine, or do I install it using NDISgtk?07:40
smerzxTheGoat121x, I would not be surprised if a current 2,5 inch harddisk has comparable read performance compared to the 2gb SDD (which i presume to be really old OR really small)07:40
johndeehas anyone managed to install lucid beta 1 using hd-image installer?07:41
smerzW43372, oeh installing drivers using wine is no good. As for the rest i dont know07:41
airtonix!anyone > johndee07:41
ubottujohndee, please see my private message07:41
xTheGoat121xsmerz, really small -- it's part of a first generation netbook07:41
W43372smerz: The wifi docs on NDISwrapper said that I should install it using Wine, and then it says ot install them using NDISgtk07:42
airtonixW43372, do the windows drivers come as an .exe file or a zip file ?07:42
W43372smerz: of course I could be wrong and the NDIS sourceforge page said to use Wine...07:42
smerzW43372, ok I'll shut up then. This stuff is out of my league :)07:42
chelzjud: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/mysql.html07:42
W43372airtonix: The driver that I already have is an .exe. I just need to know if I install it using Wine or NDISgtk...07:42
xTheGoat121xW43372, what type of wireless card is it?07:43
smerzxTheGoat121x, but I'm puzzeled. The 2GB SSD is not the only storage in your system right? Putting /boot there will not do much to boot time. As someone else said the SSD is probably a good candidate for the swap partition07:43
airtonixW43372, more often than not its just a self-extracting archive that cant be opened with an archive manager, so yet you run the exe with wine and hopefully you end up with it asking where you want to unpack it07:43
W43372xTheGoat121x: it's a NETGEAR WPN111. I've got the driver for it already, I just need to know if I should use Wine or NDISgtk.07:44
airtonixW43372, after that, you should have a folder with a bunch of files...hopefully there is the driver information file there (.inf)07:44
airtonixW43372, once you have that, use ndisgtk on that folder07:44
johndeewell then..wth is wrong with hd-media installer. it only finds iso image from the second try and then says it can't copy some files from the cd. any known fix?07:44
CharlieBoomBoomwho do I message for troubleshooting?07:44
W43372Thanks. I'll use Wine and keep my fingers crossed and hope that all of this works.07:44
johndeeairtonix: thank you :)07:44
airtonix!ask | CharlieBoomBoom07:45
ubottuCharlieBoomBoom: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:45
DasEipawan : sudo apt-get install asmix07:45
airtonixjohndee, the idea is that you be descriptive in your situation07:45
DasEipawan: I just searched it, it's a try07:45
CharlieBoomBoom!ask alright so i can run ubuntu on my virtual machine but when i start up my computer and try to either install or run without changin anything it freezes and stays on the screen07:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:46
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, which screen ?07:46
chelzCharlieBoomBoom: that probably is an issue to take up with the provider of your virtual machine software.07:46
airtonixchelz, read the question again07:47
DasEi!md5 | CharlieBoomBoom07:47
ubottuCharlieBoomBoom: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:47
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theadminGrah, I was dropped off07:47
johndeeairtonix: i believe i am. the installer is copied to usb along with iso image. after finding the image it says it can't copy several files even though md5 matches07:48
johndeeof the iso07:48
DasEijohndee: I havent followed the whole, you want a usb-installer done from the iso ?07:49
johndeeDasEi: no. i'm trying to use hd-media installer from usb flash and it fails07:49
airtonix!lucid | johndee07:49
Dougdoug4where are the ubuntu themes located?07:49
ubottujohndee: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:49
maginotDasEi, hd-media? is this a valid program for linux07:50
DasEiairtonix: sry, haven't seen you talking...07:50
CharlieBoomBoomairtonix sorry back to your question i was registering, on the first start up screen07:50
airtonixjohndee, you're better off asking in #ubuntu+1 about lucid questions07:50
DasEimaginot: johnd.. wants to install from usb to hd , as it seems07:51
johndeeairtonix: i'll try tnx07:51
CharlieBoomBoombefore any installation, right after choosing my languange.07:51
johndeeDasEi: that's right07:51
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, is it a laptop or desktop ?07:51
DasEijohndee: does the live of the usb boot ?07:51
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, ok first thing i usually try on laptops is to turn off a few boot parameters.07:51
CharlieBoomBoomalright, how do I do this lol :)07:52
maginotnow I got it...07:52
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, at the screen you have where you are asked to choose what to do (boot, install, check disc, etc, etc) press f607:52
maginotpurple is because of the purple irc client..07:52
CharlieBoomBoomalright and than what?07:52
johndeeDasEi: syslinux boots and the installer starts. there's no livecd mode07:52
DasEijohndee: I use unetbootin for such, it seldom failed me, concerning live it depends which distrotype (alternate,desk,server)  you took then07:54
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, you see a menu now ?07:54
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, should look like this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=menuf6.1.png07:54
CharlieBoomBoomidk cause this is my only comp right now07:54
CharlieBoomBoomalright thank you07:54
bazhangDasEi, please take this to #ubuntu+107:54
theadminbtw a question: why do Ubuntu people never change major FF version before their next release (i.e. Karmic has 3.5 and that's it)07:54
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, what i turn off is : noapic nolapic07:54
DasEijohndee: talk on in #ubuntu+1 ?07:54
CharlieBoomBoomalright and you think that will work?07:55
CharlieBoomBoomhas yours ever frozen from trying to run it?07:55
johndeeDasEi: yes:)07:55
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, try that, select those two i mentioned so that they have  a cross on the left of them \07:55
CharlieBoomBoomalright i will right now07:55
CharlieBoomBoomback in a few ^^07:55
theadminhow can i disable trash?07:55
airtonixCharlieBoomBoom, most laptops i've installed ubuntu on have not moved past the stage you mention if i do not turn those two options off07:56
DasEitheadmin: empty or disable ?07:56
airtonixtheadmin, define 'disable trash'07:56
theadminairtonix: DasEi: Make it impossible to move files to trash in any way at all07:56
airtonixtheadmin, the trash subsystem is an aspect of Gnome Virtual File System07:57
maginottheadmin, use gconf-editor07:57
theadminah, gvfs... Okay, then it is in gconf. Thanks, maginot && airtonix07:57
DasEitheadmin: change the ownership of trashfolder, but root can always change that back,  and a user could just move stuff to another folder07:57
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:57
theadminchmod: cannot access `/home/r00t/.local/share/Trash': No such file or directory07:58
maginottheadmin, /app/nautilus/desktop > trash_icon_visible07:58
theadminmaginot: Not that lol that makes "Trash" appear in ~/Desktop07:58
jbrouhardWhat's the best VMWare alternative for Ubuntu (I've been absent from Ubuntu for a few years now)07:58
theadminjbrouhard: Virtualbox is my fav07:59
maginottheadmin, you want to permanently disable trash?07:59
airtonixtheadmin, how about changing the nautilus options to delete files instead of moving it to the trash ?07:59
jbrouhardThanks theadmin07:59
DasEijbrouhard: best ca become a poll, vbox is an equal07:59
jbrouhardI'll check in to that one shortly07:59
coz_airtonix,  open nautilus  go to Edit/Preferences07:59
theadminairtonix: It has "Add an option to bypass trash", but no way to remove the "Move to trash" thing07:59
maginottheadmin, if it is permanently you have to change a polkit rule07:59
airtonixcoz_, it was not a request07:59
coz_airtonix,  oh sorry08:00
DasEitheadmin: you just want the icon to disappear ?08:00
theadminDasEi: I want to make it impossible to move files to trash whereever this is08:00
DasEitheadmin: cd to Trash in trml, sudo chmod -R it08:01
theadminDasEi: Yes, that's what i'm trying, i can't find the trash folder lol08:01
DasEitheadmin: karmic ?08:01
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maginottheadmin, hey, take a look at /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/trash and disable it08:02
theadminDasEi: Yup08:02
DasEitheadmin: cd08:02
theadminDasEi: huh08:02
DasEitheadmin: cd ~/.local/share/08:03
DasEitheadmin: ls08:03
theadminDasEi: applications, desktop-directories, gvfs-metadata, tomboy, vino, vlc08:03
DasEitheadmin: that where 3 cmd's for terminal08:03
theadminDasEi: Above is the output of 'ls -m $HOME/.local/share'08:05
DasEitheadmin: (gtg soon) /$USER/home/.. and so on , just use the 3 cmd's08:06
xiangjunwho can help me08:06
xiangjuni am a fresh man08:06
ortsvorsteher!details | xiangjun08:06
ubottuxiangjun: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:06
theadminDasEi: Never mind, will do some find craziness again to find it08:07
hceylanhello how can I change the prompt in the bash08:07
hceylanIt currently prompt the full pwd08:07
hceylanI'd like none or only the last segment of the pwd08:07
WinD3str0yhi all08:07
maginottheadmin, do you want to remove the icon, the trash of nautilus or made everything that is deleted to never go to trash? ANy one of them are on gconf-editor08:08
usuario_k tal08:08
theadminmaginot: Okay, so the last one is what i want08:08
maginottheadmin, apps/nautilus/preferences/enable_delete08:08
usuario_look for me08:08
maginottheadmin, just open gconf-editor and go to apps/nautilus/preferences/enable_delete08:09
theadminmaginot: This is active. That enables a "Delete" option in context menu, however, "Move to trash" remains08:09
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maginottheadmin, enable it...08:09
theadminmaginot: It is enabled.08:09
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maginottheadmin, after that nothing is gone to trash anymore08:09
maginottheadmin,  I see what you mean08:11
hceylannevermind got it, it is the PS1 environment variable08:11
maginottheadmin, let me see if I can find the right key08:11
theadminhceylan: wha what the heck is that o_O08:12
hceylanwhen you fire the console the fixed beginning of the line like in ie: "hceylan@ceylan:~/Projects/Professional/Inomera/Netmera$"08:13
hceylantheadmin: I am coming from fedora and used to seeing like I described above08:13
maginothceylan@ceylan part08:13
hceylanmaginot: part????08:14
hceylanPS1="$ " gives a clean prompt for bash08:14
hceylanwould be a good idea to add to .bashrc...08:15
theadminhceylan: for me, $PS1 is like this: "\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$", which looks like a huge set of nonsense08:15
hceylantheadmin: I know for me too... Even less and less useful as you go into deeper in filesystem while using console08:15
maginotthere is a second part, PS2 The value of this parameter is expanded as with PS1 and used as the secondary prompt string.  The default is ``> ''.08:16
aliothI use a two-line prompt and put the path above. Keeps things clean.08:16
theadminhceylan: how about doing 'export PS1=$(basename $PWD)', would give you the last part of the path as you wanted08:16
hceylantheadmin: I can appreciate to see the username in the prompt, but the pwd is useless08:16
hceylantheadmin: cool08:16
xiangjunI have a problem with audio card ,I am running ubuntu version 9.10. The audio card is soundmax.08:17
xiangjuni have the drive which is used in windows XP .Can i use wine08:18
theadminvipin: With what?08:18
theadminxiangjun: No, this won't work normally with drivers08:19
xiangjunaudio card08:19
vipinI am new to xchat what are the commands??08:19
theadminxiangjun: Please see if your manufacturer provides a Linux driver on their site08:19
theadminvipin: What commands lol08:19
xiangjunno ,08:19
theadminubottu: es | portatil08:19
ubottuportatil: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:19
xiangjunthank you08:20
hceylantheadmin: I decided to go with PS1="$ "08:21
hceylantheadmin: muuuuuch cleaner, and saves space08:21
xiangjunIs there any action i can do to make my audio card work?08:21
maginottheadmin, hey, I think this is what you want: http://www.movingtofreedom.org/2007/06/28/how-do-you-disable-the-ctrl-t-move-to-trash-shortcut-in-gnome-nautilus/ I would try here, but have made some changes to my nautilus and so I can't test it08:21
vipinI have a problem with TweetDeck it does not work properlyin Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic08:21
theadminhceylan: As you want.... but that is kinda confusing for me, I leave the default08:21
hceylantheadmin: different solutions works for different uses. For an admin that wanders xxx boxes and uses different users it definitely makes sense to use the default08:22
hceylantheadmin: but for a user like me (develoeper) I am on my laptop all day long08:23
hceylantheadmin: So there is no danger of confision if I have 3 different consoles running08:23
Dougdoug4Hey. Are there any things for Ubuntu that are like the mac dock?08:23
Dougdoug4or similar  to windows rocketdock?08:23
hceylantheadmin: so space is more valueable for me...08:23
maginotDougdoug4, take a looke at avant-window-navigator08:23
theadminDougdoug4: awn, docky...08:24
hceylanDougdoug4: There's also smothtasks widget for KDE08:24
maginotDougdoug4,  cairo-dock is other alternative, but I use awn ( avant-window-navigator)08:24
hceylanDougdoug4: Much like trying to imitate the Win7 task bar08:24
theadminmaginot: This doesn't seem to work anymore08:24
maginottheadmin, which ?08:24
theadminmaginot: The huge link you posted08:24
theadminmaginot: It has outdated info08:25
maginottheadmin, I'm on it...08:25
hceylanDougdoug4: Pinning is not identical to win 7 yet as it requires some changes in KDE base08:25
maginottheadmin, oh... I can't know, my nautilus isn't like the default08:25
faronanybody know...do you have to have some sort of special program on your pc in order to be able to send an image from the web to a cell phone ? I ask because,I found one & I am having problems doing this when I shouldn't be08:26
mouse_What is the nautilus default window size and how do I keep it at that size every time it opens?08:27
theadmingrah. Why the heck does "Places" menu still have "cdrom0" even though the thing is disconnected? :/08:27
dallisMan, guys... openbox should be the default DE... it's programmed in awesome.08:28
maginotmouse_,  you could change with gconf-editor the key at: /apps/nautilus/preferences/navigation_window_saved_geometry08:30
theadminHow many buntu's we already have? Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Fluxbuntu, Gobuntu, Goobuntu...08:30
inovaedubuntu :]08:30
theadminand that08:30
macotheadmin: mythbuntu, ubuntu studio08:30
dallisAnd mint. :)08:31
theadmindallis: Meh, i mean distros which contain "*buntu"08:31
nishanthany one know how to use rarcrack08:31
theadmindallis: If we'll speak of deviratives... Mint, Freespire, Linspire, YLMF... a huge ton, actually.08:32
ravibnHi! I need to identify the current VGA driver and if needed I would like to chng it Pl let me know how I can install and uninstall drivers?08:32
crypt-0nishanth, rarcrack is documented08:32
gngkaianyone know if evolution 2.28.3 or higher packages are available for 9.10 karmic?08:33
nishanthcrypt-0 : i been trying to open crack a password rar file and could not do it08:33
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crypt-0nishanth, if there is sufficient length it could take considerable, impractical time consider using a dictionary instead of brute force08:35
nishanthcrypt-0: RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (kedazo@gmail.com) Segmentation fault (core dumped)08:36
nishanththis is the msg i get08:36
nishanthdoes it mean that rarcrack cannot open it08:37
theadminnishanth: It tries to access a bad memory block. Probably a programming error?08:37
nishanththeadmin; do you know a way to crack a rar file?08:37
theadminnishanth: No.08:37
=== dallis is now known as Zerp64
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nishanthanyone know how to crack a rar file?08:39
crypt-0nishanth, You could attack the keyspace but that is far more complex, but more efficient.08:39
NewklearHello - How do you change the Ubuntu repositories inside Linux Mint software sources to local ones please ?08:39
maginotnishanth, this isn't the subject for this channel, if you want make this kind of question go to #security and hope you get well interpreted08:40
icerootnishanth: bruteforce08:40
maginotravibn, grep "Driver" /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:40
arandNewklear: No mint support here, but in ubuntu it's done via the "software sources"08:40
crypt-0nishanth, if its a file that yours, and you just forgot the password to chances are it decrypted somewhere and was stored as plaintext (maybe in /tmp) so try a file recovery tool.08:40
nishanthnah i downloaded this file08:41
maginotravibn, if you there is no ouput run this and pastebin: "grep -i "Module" /var/log/Xorg.0.log"08:41
Newklearthank you arand, and how would I do that in software sources, I have local capped internet in south africa ?08:41
icerootnishanth: then ask for the password where you donwloaded the file and remeber, this is ubuntu-support08:41
maginotravibn, actually if you pastebin, paste everything: "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log"08:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:42
nishanthiceroot : unfortunately there isn't any info abt the password on that website08:42
arandNewklear: [menu]system>administration>software sources08:42
ravibnmaginot: Here it is http://pastebin.com/MRASU9GB08:43
Newklearyes arand I am aware of that, but I am capped local (i.e I cannot browse international), I want to be able to download locally, how can I do that please ?08:43
arandNewklear: The "Download from" button08:43
maginotravibn, you are using driver "vesa"08:43
arandNewklear: You should be able to select one of the many available from there..08:44
NewklearI have no local option, which I would presume I need to add the local repository path08:44
maginotravibn, which is an standard graphics drive that support 1024x768 resolution (maybe more?)08:44
ravibnmaginot : how can I change that it to the one supplied by intel ?08:44
maginotravibn, editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:44
knightragehey guys... i'm trying to reconfigure my kernel to my customization according to http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu which seems like a good guide. however, i get to the 'make-kpkg clean' portion and i get an error "No rule to make target `ubuntu/aufs/magic.mk'.  Stop." any idea why? i'm using 2.6.31-2008:45
NewklearI cannot google it internationally, that is why I am respectfully asking for help on how to add a local respository link for South Africa here.08:45
maginotravibn, look where is vesa and change to intel, if you are going to use any driver supplied by their site so you must follow their instructions08:45
macoNewklear: the software sources thing should let you select the za repository, i think?08:46
ravibnmaginot: there is no xorg.conf under /etc/X1108:46
maginotravibn, that is the default behavior08:46
Newklearfor some reason I don't have a local za repository maco08:46
macoNewklear: in your sources.list replace http://archive.ubuntu.com with http://za.archive.ubuntu.com08:46
arandNewklear: If you go into "other" in that menu, the za servers should be listed and selectable.08:46
Newklearthank you maco, that was what I was looking for, greatly appreciated08:47
maginotravibn, and if you are using vesa then it was configured automatically already08:47
ravibnmaginot : Intel supplies some device drivers for this motherboard so I wanted to install that08:47
Zerp64Does anyone have an r700-series radeon chipset using the o/s drivers? What kind of mileage do you get out of it, glxgears-style.08:48
maginotravibn, these are linux drivers ? So follow their instructions/installer08:48
theadminAny idea why update-manager complains that a package manager is working (with a tray icon) when it checks for updates?08:48
theadminThis is ridiculous08:49
maginottheadmin, maybe some block process, try killall on the update manager08:49
theadminmaginot: No no. There is a daily update check. So, every day, around 10AM over here, it complains about that. It's a bug most certainly, a hilarious one08:50
theadminIt complains on itself, you see.08:50
arandNewklear: The problem seems to be that Mint has a very limited selection of mirrors, so all the mint-specific packages won't be available locally.08:50
Zerp64Auto updates bother me. How does it do with manually running the manager after you killall?08:50
* maginot thinks his xchat modification will be very usefull ... 08:51
theadminZerp64: To disable auto updating, System - Admininstration - Update manager - Settings. Disable "check for updates"08:52
Zerp64theadmin: I know. I was asking  how it worked for you. :p08:53
theadminZerp64: I didn't killall anything :P But i assume it would start again sometime later08:53
Zerp64So is synaptic going to eventually be removed in a later release?08:54
theadminZerp64: Huh, why?!08:54
theadminThey might remove it but that is very doubtable as of now08:56
jbrouhardI have to admit08:57
jbrouhardi'm liking being back in Ubuntu08:57
jbrouhardaftter spending the last 3, 4 years in Windows08:57
Zerp64theadmin: Have you read the lucid announcements? They're focusing on the simpleton software center, and I recall from somewhere in my muddy memory that "mumble mumble mumble elimination mumble synaptic".08:57
theadminjbrouhard: glad to hear that.08:57
jbrouhardThe major problem i had was a certain game of course LOL08:58
theadminZerp64: Software Center as of now is a Synaptic frontend08:58
jbrouhardI might as well get back into business with the ubuntu-missouri LOCO that me and a friend created some time ago08:58
theadmincewek: huh08:58
Zerp64theadmin: so my mumbles were wrong...  good. I like synaptic.08:58
ravenafter wakeup eth0 disabled - how to enable it again?08:58
theadminZerp64: And Synaptic, in hand, is a apt-get frontend :P So USC is a frontend to a frontend08:59
cewektheadmin: hi09:00
theadmincewek: Hello.09:00
Zerp64theadmin: Seriously? It couldn't be that diluted...09:00
theadminZerp64: Read somewhere that synaptic is (or was) an apt-get frontend09:00
macotheadmin: erm i think USC uses python-apt as its backend09:00
cewektheadmin : how do you do..09:00
theadminmaco: Oh?... Hm.09:00
Zerp64That makes more sense.09:01
theadmincewek: That is offtopic here, for chatting please join #ubuntu-offtopic09:01
Zerp64Hard to imagine Ubuntu devs routing a frontend through a frontend.09:01
macotheadmin: i can grab the source and check09:01
Zerp64It isn't microsoft.09:01
theadminmaco: If you wanna...09:01
theadminZerp64: the whole Windows is a huge frontend to some mystery to me :P09:02
macotheadmin: yes, its using python-apt, just like update-manager09:02
macotheadmin: theyre written by the same guy, so this seemed likely ;-)09:03
theadminmaco: However, if i run update-manager dude and then attempt to run Synaptic it states "Another Synaptic is running in non-interactive mode, please wait for it to finish first"09:03
AnRkeyhow can i reserve a device name for my USB device so that it's always got the same /dev/devicenamehere?09:03
macotheadmin: the old add/remove used synaptic, but thats because it was just synaptic's "simplified" view09:03
macotheadmin: no two apt-anythings can run at once09:03
theadminmaco: That I know.09:04
macotheadmin: so file a bug that the error message is inaccurate :P09:04
Zerp64I've always wondered why that is... why you can't run two pkg managers at once.09:04
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theadminmaco: By the way that and that packages must always install to a specific place was my hugest confusion with Linux09:05
magicstuffhey everyone...09:05
macotheadmin: looking at synaptic's source, it appears to be that they just both use the same directory for their lock09:06
magicstuffSo I've got a laptop (not the computer I am on) that's wireless connection went down the other day...09:06
magicstuffI got some kind of error - I should have written it down but I totally goofed and didn't write it down...Methinks it began with the letters soc? or even socc?09:06
magicstuffbut I could be way off09:06
ravibnmaginot : lspci listed the driver it is currently using09:07
macotheadmin: also i'm sitting here "wow"ing at synaptic being written in c++ not c09:07
kitty_swjtuluck ,are you woman?09:07
maginotmagicstuff, no, lspci showed your hardware09:07
theadminmaco: Well, Synapic is not the kernel09:07
magicstuffwhat maginot?09:07
maginotravibn, , no, lspci showed your hardware09:07
maginotmagicstuff, sorry, typo09:07
luckwhat ary you?09:07
macotheadmin: but you don't often see gtk with c++09:07
magicstuffah ok09:07
magicstuffWhen I open network connection I don't even see wlan009:07
theadminmaco: I don't often dig in source codes either09:08
macokitty_swjtu: thats a rather off topic question09:08
kitty_swjtuwhat are you?not what ary you09:08
ravibnmaginot : it is not the driver currently it is using huh!09:08
Zerp64Quick, throw an AOL cd with 50 free hours at kitty_swjtu!09:08
theadminluck: /join #ubuntu-cn09:08
macotheadmin: fair enough. gtk tends to be c and qt tends to be c++. or python as an option for both...09:08
luckdo you have chinese?09:08
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, pastebin (not paste) your lspci -nnk output09:09
maginotravibn, no, its is not. You can get even more information with lspci -vvv && lsusb, etc09:09
theadminubottu: cn | luck09:09
ubottuluck: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:09
kitty_swjtui am chinese09:09
magicstuffhmm trying to think how I can paste it...no connection on the bad pc09:09
marlenagot problem with setting up proper modline for my LCD screeny, could any one help?09:10
macokitty_swjtu: this channel is for tech support. could you take off-topic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-cn?09:10
maginotubottu, cn | luck09:10
ubottuluck: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:10
theadminubottu: ops | kitty_swjtu and luck are hugely offtopic09:10
ubottukitty_swjtu and luck are hugely offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:10
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, for the bad pc, do you have a spare network cable you can plug it into?09:10
magicstufftrying to find a flash drive09:10
ravenafter wakeup eth0 disabled - how to enable it again?09:10
igoryonyahow do I make menus in gnome's Main menu split to several columns, instead of scrolling, when there are a lot programs to list?09:10
theadminwtf. I closed VLC but it's still looping the song i played in it. o_O killall vlc returns that there is no such process09:11
tritiumkitty_swjtu: stay on topic, please09:11
macotheadmin: sound buffer issue?09:11
theadminmaco: Possible, how to stop it.09:11
macotheadmin: could unload/reload the sound driver with "sudo alsa force-reload"09:11
ravibnmaginot : just give me idea to uninstall this and reinstall the driver supplied by intel09:12
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, what network/ethernet controllers do you have on the bad computer?09:12
theadminmaco: This worked, thanks. This was a huge o_O09:12
maginotubottu, op | kitty_swjtu09:12
ubottukitty_swjtu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:12
maginotops, was to be ot =X09:12
theadminmaginot: Worked nevertheless :D09:12
macomaginot: had been told 2-3 times so far09:12
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: trying to use a flash drive09:13
magicstuffjust a few seconds09:13
maginotmarlena, normally that is done automatically ...09:14
=== root is now known as Guest69869
Guest69869ikonia,fuck you09:14
luckvery fun09:15
geekphreakhiya all09:16
qq_that is the first  I get in,09:17
theadminmaco: by the way, as per "sudo alsa"... Does the alsa driver run as root? That is very weird09:17
geekphreaktheadmin: hello :)09:17
xiongHidden folders sort after normal folders in nautilus. But hidden folders sort before normal folders in Open File dialogs. Can this be changed?09:17
macotheadmin: no, there's a alsa control script in /sbin/09:17
theadmingeekphreak: Hi there09:17
theadminmaco: Oh.09:18
macotheadmin: the force-reload kills apps using sound drivers, modprobe -r's the sound drivers, and then modprobes them again09:18
psycho_oreos!cn | luck09:19
ubottuluck: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:19
qq_I want to know ,why my v3.9_kdevelop could not building09:19
psycho_oreosqq_, could be missing dependencies09:20
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: I can't pastebin the whole thing...09:20
magicstuffrather I can type here what the network controller thing says09:20
alejandrook, so i did a sudo mv (filename) /(directory) now the file dissapeared09:21
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, hm ok09:21
alejandronow can i find my file?09:21
macoalejandro: you moved it to be inside /directory, so look there09:21
psycho_oreosqq_, if kdevelop cannot be built, its probably missing deps or the software you created are missing deps09:21
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
luckhow can i access this?09:22
ikoniayou're accessing it now09:22
psycho_oreosalejandro, probably a faster way is to hi the Up key on the keyboard when there's no other commands (preferrably) being entered, this will tell you what commands you executed last09:22
igoryonyaHow to make Main menu submenus split to multiple columns, instead of scrolling, when it doesn't fit the screen height?09:22
magicstuffnetwork controller [0280]: intel corp pro/wireless 3945abg [golan] network connection [8086:4222] (rev 02) kernver driver in use: iwl3945 kernel modules: iwl394509:22
psycho_oreosluck, /join one_of_those_channels listed starting with #09:23
qq_thank you ,09:23
qq_i will try09:23
cleaverrootluck: type /join #ubuntu-cn09:23
luckhow ?09:23
macoluck: with your keyboard09:23
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, so there should be interface wlan009:23
theadminwhat the heck does "!!" command do? It doesn't even seem to have a manpage09:23
alejandromaco, first i accessed the directory where i wanted to create my file09:23
psycho_oreosluck, "/join #ubuntu-cn" (without quotes)09:23
alejandroi did sudo mkdir09:24
macotheadmin: its a macro that means "the last command"09:24
magicstuffdoesn't show a wlan()09:24
theadminmaco: Oh.09:24
macotheadmin: it should be in "man bash" i think09:24
alejandromaco, when i look there is a lock on it, does that mean i need to set permission to the folder to view the files?09:24
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, not in iwconfig?09:24
luckthank you09:24
magicstuffyes it does in that09:24
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, so if its listed in there, it means that there is already wlan0 interface09:25
magicstuffConfused on how its not showing in network connections...09:25
magicstufflike when you select a network (eth/wlan/etc)09:25
macoalejandro: i dont know. i dont know how the graphical thing displays permissions. what if you do "sudo ls /directory "?09:25
sharperguyAnyone know of an app that can assist in splitting long videos into chunks that can be uploaded to video sites with vidio length restrictions?09:26
macotheadmin: from "man bash":  !!     Refer to the previous command.  This is a synonym for `!-1'.09:26
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, right click on it and see if Enable wireless box is checked09:26
alejandromaco, i see what i did, i created the new folder in my filesystem09:26
alejandromaco, in wrong directory09:26
theadminmaco: Hm, so "!-3" would reffer to a command that was launched 3 commands ago?09:26
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: nope09:26
macotheadmin: yep09:26
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, meaning it isn't checked? if not then check it09:26
magicstuffno its not listed09:27
magicstuffno option for that09:27
geekphreaktheadmin: you can just type history to get number :)09:27
geekphreakthen !number09:27
macogeekphreak: yeah but if you know "2nd to last thing i did" then "!-2" is faster09:27
theadmingeekphreak: Yeah, history is a command which returns huge output :D No idea how to clear it even09:27
magicstuffI'm using the network monitor that you can get from "add to panel"09:27
geekphreakmaco sure is :)09:27
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, use networkmanager09:28
geekphreaktheadmin:  clear command ;)09:28
igoryonyawhere is the location of main menu config files?09:28
macotheadmin: you can clear the terminal by typing "clear"  ... you could also send history to a pager so it doesnt hog the screen when its done using "history | less"09:28
magicstuffhow do I get networkmanager?09:28
theadminmaco: No, i want to erase the history, how would i go about that? It currently has around 2000 lines and scrolling trough that is a pain09:29
psycho_oreos!networkmanager | magicstuff09:29
ubottumagicstuff: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager09:29
macotheadmin: history -c09:30
theadminmaco: ty09:30
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: checked add/remove and I have it09:30
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, so I think you need to add nm-applet09:31
theadminmaco: also, "clear" doesn't actually "clear" the terminal, it just outputs a ton of empty lines. What actually would "clear" it is "reset"09:31
macotheadmin: well it looks clear... :P09:31
IanBaliadJrKVM is better than vBox or VMware?09:31
macotheadmin: however much area is visible gets cleared09:31
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: how do I do that?09:31
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, much like you add new items to the panel, you just look for network manager or nm, etc09:32
magicstuffwhen I try to find it in the panel thing, its not there..the only thing is network monitor09:32
chandru_inI have a compaq presario laptop which has a weird way for using F* keys.  It needs Fn key to be held for the standard function keys while not needing it for the special functionalities.  Is there a way to swap this behavior.09:32
chandru_inI'd like not having to hold the Fn key everytime I want to close a window, for example09:32
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, try running nm-applet09:33
theadminHm, i think if something could "hold" the Fn key for you until you "hold" it manually, chandru_in... But no idea what does so09:34
khunter619How to disable/enable Drivers - like in Windows?09:34
tommy^mkhunter619: modprobe09:34
IanBaliadJrKVM is better than vBox or VMware?09:35
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): could not acquire the networkmanagerusersettings service as it is already taken.  return: 309:35
theadminbtw fn+f1 (the "Suspend" key) does not work, neither does fn+f7 (switch display on/off)09:35
xSnooPxhi ppl09:35
theadminIanBaliadJr: Depends on your prefference, but the box is my favorite09:35
khunter619tommy^m: I have to go to Terminal and then modprobe?09:35
tommy^mkhunter619: yes, as root09:35
chandru_intheadmin: Do you perchance know any applet/app which can do that?09:35
magicstuffpsycho_oreos:  glib-gobject-critical **:g_object_unref: assertion 'g_is_object(failed)' failed09:35
tommy^mkhunter619: command lsmod will show you all the modules that are loaded09:36
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theadminchandru_in: Told you, i don't. Also, this behaviour is very strange. Does it behave the same way on other systems? Cause mehaz a feeling it's some kinda keyboard driver/layout bug09:36
tommy^mmodprobe MODULENAME to load a module09:36
tommy^mmodprobe -r MODULENAME to unload09:36
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, hmm try running nm09:36
khunter619tommy^m: thank you09:36
tommy^mkhunter619: np09:37
chandru_inno theadmin it is the same on all compaq presario CQ62 systems09:37
IanBaliadJrtheadmin: thx09:37
theadminchandru_in: Well, that's just stupid09:37
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: nm: 'a.out': no such file09:37
elyobHi, out of interest .. is my sendmail compromised? Am getting loads of activity and quite a few sendmail MTA's running. e.g. "sendmail: MTA: ./o36CBIn3009441 online.unaerp.br.: user open"09:37
elyobI hardly use sendmail, so will probably just remove it.09:37
geekphreakelyob: it could be other apps using it too09:38
geekphreaklogs do looks wierd though , thats a .br domain09:38
geekphreaki would lock it host file09:38
geekphreakcreate rules09:38
hotxboy1Sbacklight issue09:40
=== comp3 is now known as ani
elyobgeekphreak: could you explain a little more? I've removed squid and sendmail for now. Was just playing about, but could be issues, and was on a blacklist for open relays :)09:40
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, which version of ubuntu is this?09:40
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: ok now I got some of the icons back that I didn't have...googled the above error..and it said something about add to panel-notification area...09:41
magicstuffso now I can see the original wireless thing...enable networking is checked...enable wireless is not checked and can't be checked09:41
geekphreakelyob:  can i pm as it aint a ubuntu issue ?09:41
elyobgeekphreak: yes please.09:42
hotxboy1Sbacklight control not working how to fix this?09:42
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, which version of ubuntu09:42
magicstuff8.04 I think?09:42
theadminmagicstuff: to make sure, do "lsb_release -r" in terminal09:43
magicstuffwhats the term command to find the version?09:43
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, do lsb_release -c09:43
geekphreakmagicstuff:  version of what?09:43
elyobgeekphreak: sorry, one sec .. never PM'd before ... "You must log in with services to message this user"09:43
magicstuffgeekphreak: ubuntu09:43
khunter619tommy^m: command lsmod will show all modules that are loaded. I have a internal Wifi chip - Atheros AR2427. Since Ubuntu did not show list of wifi networks available, I assumed Ubuntu doesn't have driver by default? I am trying to see if that is true by enabling it; incase it made a mistake and did not enable it; you know sometimes we unplug and replug a USB Wifi dongle for OS to recognize if OS started with it connected. So I 09:43
magicstufftheadmin and psycho_oreos: which command should I use09:44
magicstuff- r or - c?09:44
theadminelyob: Please do "/msg nickserv help register"09:44
hotxboy1Sanyone knows the backlight control?09:44
hceylanwhat is the package contains "Lucida TypeWriter" font?09:44
geekphreakelyob: yes it is  a security thing elyob , only reg. peoople can pm me ,  1 sec09:44
theadminmagicstuff: -r prints smth like "Release: 9.10", -c prints "Codename: Karmic" or similar09:44
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, whichever one, doesn't matter09:44
magicstuffso 8.1009:44
geekphreaktry now09:44
hotxboy1Smy laptop screen is very dim.09:45
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, probably a good idea to try jaunty jackalope09:45
hotxboy1Sno use of the backlight control how to fix this fucking problem?09:45
magicstuffunder the network manager its showing wireless is disabled09:45
geekphreakpsycho_oreos:  is he talking bout uname commnand?09:46
hceylanhotxboy1S: if you are using KDE, click on the battery image on the notification panel09:46
psycho_oreosgeekphreak, no I wanted to know which version of ubuntu he has because he has issues getting wireless to work09:46
theadminhotxboy1S: Check out System - Preferences - Power Management09:47
hotxboy1Shceylan: I`m on Gnome.09:47
khunter619command lsmod will show all modules that are loaded. I have a internal Wifi chip - Atheros AR2427. Since Ubuntu did not show list of wifi networks available, I assumed Ubuntu doesn't have driver by default? I am trying to see if that is true by enabling it; incase it made a mistake and did not enable it; you know sometimes we unplug and replug a USB Wifi dongle for OS to recognize if OS started with it connected. So I am assumi09:47
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, chances are, there's an issue with the driver/microcode.. and it'll be a daunting job for you to not be able to copy paste complete dmesg output :p09:47
geekphreakpsycho_oreos:  ok :)09:48
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: I'm charging my camera up to use the chip to pastebin stuff09:48
hotxboy1Stheadmin: tried that failed.09:48
theadminhotxboy1S: But there is a brightness setting over there %)09:48
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, better yet, why not try jackalope, why must it be intrepid?09:48
theadminI still don't get what's the proper way to say: Gnome or GNOME?09:48
ikoniatheadmin: don't worry about it09:49
przemek_chciałem odpalic age of empire na wine i mi bład jakis bug wykazało o co chodzi ;/. wczesniej nie było tego czegos,09:49
psycho_oreostheadmin, doesn't really matter, its most likely Gnome09:49
ikonia!pl | przemek_09:49
ubottuprzemek_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:49
psycho_oreos!pl | przemek_09:49
hotxboy1Stheadmin: no brightness control here. ubuntu failed to recognize my brightness keystrokes.09:49
theadminhotxboy1S: Then it is most likely a display driver problem, no idea how to fix09:50
hotxboy1Sany idea how to fix a backlight control problem?09:50
hotxboy1Stried xev no keycode of my special keys.09:51
ikoniahotxboy1S: is the backlight control normally managed by a function key combination ?09:51
theadminikonia: It is for me, for instance, and it works. Fn+{f5|f6}09:52
hotxboy1Show to check if the drivers installed properly?09:52
igoryonyaCurrently (in gconf editor), my /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current = metacity09:52
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: the one thing I get with dmesg in regards to wlan is addrconf(netdev_up): wlan0: link is not ready09:52
igoryonyaand: /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default = /usr/bin/compiz09:52
igoryonyaIf I switch the values in those keys around to make compiz the current, will i indup in unloadable gnome desktop after boot, or I will be fine, and if it will become unloadable, where are the text files that I can change this back, from the command line if I will be stuck in the console, so I can get back to GUI.09:52
FloodBot2igoryonya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:52
ikoniahotxboy1S: is the backlight control normally managed by a function key combination ?09:52
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, yeah that's probably because its managed by network manager or some other applet like wicd09:53
hotxboy1SWhile Windows has a device management to check what about Ubuntu?09:53
ikoniahotxboy1S: is the backlight control normally managed by a function key combination ?09:53
theadminhotxboy1S: Well, if of hardware something doesn't work then it is most likely a driver problem. Also, reply to ikonia's question09:53
magicstuffpsycho_oreos: iwl3945: radio frequency kill switch is on (think thats the driver)09:54
bronto2is there a way to linx ldap auth directly to system users?09:54
magicstuffKill switch must be turned off for wireless networking to work09:54
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, hmm sounds like you have a function key you have to press to enable or maybe in BIOS09:54
theadminbronto2: lol i thought you wanted to add some kind of auth to the Lynx :/09:54
hotxboy1SOK I`m a n00b.09:55
magicstuffflipped the switch09:55
bronto2theadmin, i'am trying to basically setup a lil intranet wiki, and i see it does support ldap, but can ldap be easily configure to just use posix system users?09:55
magicstuffwhat the freak!!!!09:56
hotxboy1Stheadmin: what do u mean? I can use compiz 3D and play 720P video.09:56
magicstuffI had been flipping the switch back and forth trying to get wireless to work..and now it just works...09:56
theadminhotxboy1S: Well, uh, that is the video driver, not the display driver. Or i'm a noob.09:56
magicstuffmethinks it was because I finally got the network monitor thing that has the @enable wireless@ thing a ma bob09:56
brahmana|webHi all,09:57
syxhi barhmanal09:57
magicstuffthanks for the help psycho_oreos:09:58
theadminbrahmana|web: Hi.09:58
psycho_oreosmagicstuff, no worries09:58
crash1hdhmm I had to reinstall windows and now I can no longer connect to my ubuntu box through putty says I am missing a ppk file09:58
bronto2whats the wallpaper package to get wallpapers from lynx?09:58
crash1hdI dont seem to have this file anywhere backed up\09:59
theadmincrash1hd: We don't support Windows here.09:59
brahmana|webHardy backports contain packages newer than those that were released09:59
brahmana|webSorry.. pressed enter by mistake.09:59
geekphreakback :)09:59
crash1hdtheadmin, funny but the issue i am having is with the ssh ppk file for ubuntu not windows09:59
brahmana|webHardy backports repository contains packages newer than those that were available when hardy was released. Am I right?10:00
Gorlistmorning, im trying to use my ubuntu one for the first time. Ive created an account, and from ubuntu opened "ubuntu one" and activiated this pc when the webpage appears10:00
Gorlisthowever the cloud symbol changes when connecting then returns to a error state?10:01
Gorlistno files are transmitted10:01
motgrahey I just installed the flash plugin and the video is working great but I am not getting any audio from any flash source10:01
khunter619I tar zxvf madwifi-0.9.4.tar.gz, then I cd into madwifi-0.9.4, then I used command: make10:02
halfiehi, are there any robust alternatives to offllineimap program?10:02
khunter619THen I unplugged my USB wireless to see if my Internal Wifi card worked10:03
khunter619It did not10:03
psycho_oreoskhunter619, madwifi doesn't support atheros USB10:03
theadminkhunter619: You just compiled something and thought something would magically work? Files must be copied to their correspondent directories, usually this is done with "sudo make install". But since psycho_oreos said it does not support it, better not even try10:04
theadminhalfie: What it does? Might well think of something if i know the purpose10:05
psycho_oreosadding more fuel to fire, is that if there's a driver already loaded for the device or there's a driver that handles the corresponding device-id, if it matches with the newly installed driver, the result would look ugly10:05
halfietheadmin: ohh it downloads mail from IMAP servers10:05
halfieand then I read mail using mutt10:05
theadminbroadcast message from theadmin@freenode : leaving soon10:06
hotxboy1Sany american here?10:06
hotxboy1Smagicstuff: hi.10:07
khunter619psycho_oreos:  where would I find wireless driver folder? i.e. where all drivers are there? so I can delete it?10:07
hotxboy1Sany pro here?10:08
maco!ask | hotxboy1S10:08
ubottuhotxboy1S: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:08
theadminhalfie: Oh my, sorry, never used mail clients not to speak of downloaders10:08
theadminmaco: Wrong !thing10:08
magicstuffpro what?10:08
theadminubottu: anyone | hotxboy1S10:08
ubottuhotxboy1S: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:08
magicstuffI'm a Pro crastinator!10:08
psycho_oreoskhunter619, and why would you want to do that?10:08
macotheadmin: hrm yeah that one10:08
khunter619psycho_oreos: to put updated drivers?10:09
psycho_oreoskhunter619, from madwifi? it won't cause errors if you're on a fairly recent version of ubuntu10:09
hotxboy1Smaco: how to get backlight control work on ubuntu?10:09
geekphreakhalfie: hello10:11
geekphreakhalfie:  you want console based apps  or gui?10:11
hotxboy1Subottu:  how to get backlight control work on ubuntu?10:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:11
halfiegeekphreak: anything that works reliably offline10:11
geekphreakhalfie: i use thunderbird, works great :)10:11
raevolis there some repository i can get libstdc++5 from and not have a locally installed package?10:12
khunter619psycho_oreos: ok just a clarification: I googled: Atheros AR2427 linux. I went to second result: www.atheros.cz. I clicked Linux where my driver was listed, and then it sent me to madwifi. http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&client=pub-9300639326172081&cof=FORID%3A13%3BAH%3Aleft%3BCX%3AUbuntu%25209%252E10%3BL%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fintl%2Fen%2Fimages%2Flogos%2Fcustom_search_logo_sm.gif%3BLH%3A30%3BLP%3A1%3BLC%3A%230000f10:12
halfiegeekphreak: maybe I should switch to it too :D10:12
theadmingeekphreak: Didn't it have a bug which deleted all messages after downloading them?10:12
hotxboy1Sshout back.10:12
geekphreaktheadmin: i had np here  :)10:12
theadmingeekphreak: now playing?10:12
psycho_oreoskhunter619, is this for atheros USB or not atheros USB?10:13
hotxboy1Shorse riding.10:13
theadmingeekphreak: "np" stands for "now playing", no?10:13
geekphreakno problems10:13
theadmingeekphreak: Oh.10:13
marlenamaginot new xorg.conf doesnt work, keeps me on login screen, cant make it to desktop10:13
khunter619psycho_oreos: Not USB; this is Internal card (inside the laptop)10:13
psycho_oreoskhunter619, and you should have wlan0 interface no?10:13
maginotmarlena, so use the tty (CTRL+ALT+F2)10:13
theadminmaginot: Why did you preffer the second one? lol10:14
khunter619psycho_oreos: wlan0 interface?10:14
marlenamaginot, done that and restored previous version10:14
psycho_oreoskhunter619, under iwconfig10:14
macotheadmin: the first one sometimes fills up wtih junk from boot and random things that dont get logged right10:14
khunter6191 sec10:14
theadminmaco: Ah, indeed...10:15
* theadmin has to leave now. Sorry.10:15
marlenamaginot, but it's still 1280x960 instead of 1280x102410:15
maginottheadmin, just to guarantee that is a free tty, I have saw already gdm using first tty (my own distro works this way)10:15
=== token` is now known as whiter-sleep
khunter619psycho_oreos: Yes wlan0 interface is there. But that is for my USB wireless I am using temporarily because Ubuntu is not detecting my Internal Wireless card10:16
maginotmarlena, try this one http://pastebin.com/KQNLFam710:16
psycho_oreoskhunter619, pastebin your lspci -nnk output as well as your lsusb output10:16
maginotmarlena, actually don't use it yet10:17
bad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10:17
bad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10:17
FloodBot2bad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:17
bad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10:17
marlenamaginot, ok standing by10:17
cristi_I have a problem with NTFS partition,in windows ,partiton partition is RAW file system and I can't used,in linux ai can used normali10:17
psycho_oreoscristi_, check under mount10:18
maginotmarlena, http://pastebin.com/u9mg4gba10:19
cristi_I linux i cen wswd normali10:19
marlenamaginot, checking10:19
khunter619psycho_oreos: lsusb: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ueGxbj2m lspci -nnk: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/HwPgRH8x10:19
cristi_in linux I can wsed normani10:19
psycho_oreoscristi_, English is not your native language isn't it?10:20
psycho_oreoskhunter619, ok, which version of ubuntu/10:20
cristi_ay have a poblem with englis10:20
khunter6199.10 desktop10:20
alkamidcan I inverse all the lines in my text file using gedit (or other simple tool)?10:21
maginotubottu, ro | cristi_10:21
ubottucristi_: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro10:21
alkamidi.e. I have lines 1,2,3,4,5 and I want to have 5,4,3,2,110:21
geekphreakalkamid: ?10:21
psycho_oreoskhunter619, pastebin your dmesg output10:21
cristi_am incerca prima data pe #ubuntu-ro dar nimeni nu ma ajutat10:21
=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
maginotcristi_, sorry english only10:22
geekphreak<<understand english10:22
geekphreaki think lol10:22
alkamidgeekphreak: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/198689/10:22
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:22
geekphreakalkamid:  what am i looking at?10:23
sagaciis there a web interface to update ubuntu10:23
Ek|mu5is there any special requirement for .face? I'm on Xubuntu 9.10, trying to get a login face on gdm10:23
sebsebsebsagaci: no10:23
alkamidgeekphreak: you said "?" so I'm explaining. I have a text file with lines "text1, text2" etc. and I want to inverse lines order10:24
sebsebsebEk|mu5: login face?10:24
Ek|mu5I already did a ln -s /path/to/image ~/.face10:24
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maginotEk|mu5, #xubuntu10:24
Ek|mu5maginot: okay10:24
eXlinsagaci: check out webmin or ebox. i believe they might have some kind of upgrade features10:25
khunter619dmesg output is truncated in the terminal (the first part)?; here is the rest: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/qwdMSvNV10:25
geekphreakalkamid:  sorry dont know10:25
geekphreaksagaci: is there any particular reason why ou want web interface for update , i think update-manager does a good job10:26
sagacigeekphreak: behind a proxy that i can't seem to configure10:26
geekphreakoh ok10:27
cristi_haw I can fix ntfs file system in linux10:27
sagacigeekphreak: would it be port 80 or port 808010:27
geekphreakcristi_:  use a  windows disk to fix it10:27
khunter619psycho_oreos: dmesg output is truncated in the terminal (the first part)?; here is the rest: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/qwdMSvNV  (forgot to psycho_oreos: in the last message)10:27
maginotcristi_, you must use microsoft tools for that afaik10:28
geekphreaksagaci: 8010:29
marlenamaginot, couldnt get past login screen, restored previous xorg.conf, my box hanged, after reset here I am all setup with 1280x1024 with my previous xorg.conf10:29
marlenamaginot, please try to explain ;-)10:29
cristi_microsoft tools see mai ntfs partition as raw file system10:29
spcristi_: there is ntfsfix, but it is not a full chkdisk implementation10:29
maginotmarlena, I don't know, but you are the second that I help this way, and after reboot all stays okay10:29
spcristi_: you are probably better off with Microsoft's tools, sadly10:29
geekphreakif it is saying raw file system , then there is a problem cristi :p10:29
khunter619psycho_oreos: rtl8187 is my USB wireless card. (realtek/asus alfa)10:29
DemiurgeI mounted a volume the wrong way, so when I thought I was moving files to it they didn't end up on the volume but in /proc/<#>/cwd(searched for the files). Then I did the rest wrong and corrected the volume mount, and somehow caused the cwd folder in /proc to disappear(/proc/<#> is still there). So I can't find the files anymore. / is still low on space though, which was the reason I discovered the bad mount, so I guess the files are still out there? Pro10:30
Demiurgeblem is I can't find them.10:30
geekphreakaint a #ubuntu related question anyways10:30
DemiurgeOtherwise the plan b question would be if there's some kind of undelete program for ext4?10:30
psycho_oreoskhunter619, yeah I know that, I have usb dongles that uses the same driver.. umm its weird how there's no ath5k, that is the driver that should be for use with integrated10:30
cristi_only in linux i can modifi may10:30
marlenamaginot, I'm new to linux, what is you adjusted in xorg.conf10:31
maginotmarlena, vertical and horizontal rates10:31
geekphreakelyob:  :)10:31
maginotmarlena, and tooked off modelines, which wasn't helping to much10:32
psycho_oreoskhunter619, modprobe -l | grep ath5k10:32
negevhello, last night i dist-upgraded a karmic 9.10 box and rebooted.  it has dns nameservers configured in /etc/network/interfaces and i was not prompted at any point to update any configuration files.  after reboot it reset the resolv.conf to blank and failed to add any nameservers to it.  is this a known issue?10:33
khunter619psycho_oreos: kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ath5k.ko10:33
geekphreakcya peeps :)10:34
psycho_oreoskhunter619, weird structure, you probably need to issue depmod -ae10:34
elnurHow to disable pasting on clicking mouse3 button?10:34
hummessehi everybody. I need to use the textext plugin for inkscape, but the website that hosts the plugin is down. Does anyone know where to get it, or is anyone willing to send the package to me?10:34
marlenamaginot, but how you figured out those values?10:35
khunter619psycho_oreos: WARNING: -e needs -E or -F10:35
khunter619psycho_oreos: what do I do?10:35
marlenamaginot, diffing those configs right now10:35
maginotmarlena, belinea 10 17 51 have only three combination as far as I know10:35
psycho_oreoskhunter619, do depmod -a10:35
khunter619psycho_oreos: WARNING: -e needs -E or -FFATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/modules.dep.temp for writing: Permission denied10:35
marlenamaginot, but I couldnt find it10:36
khunter619psycho_oreos: FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/modules.dep.temp for writing: Permission denied10:36
maginotmarlena, you can't look inside my head, can you ? ;)10:36
psycho_oreoskhunter619, sudo depmod -a10:36
hummessehi everybody. I need to use the textext plugin for inkscape, but the website that hosts the plugin is down. Does anyone know where to get it, or is anyone willing to send the package to me? anyone?10:37
khunter619psycho_oreos: sudo was successful; but then I ran depmod -a again: FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/modules.dep.temp for writing: Permission denied10:38
psycho_oreoskhunter619, 1) why are you running it again? 2) depmod requires root privileges, without it or using sudo for example renders not doable10:39
khunter619psycho_oreos: wait sudo give admin privileges to all commands so that means depmod -a was done successfully when done with sudo depmod -a?10:39
psycho_oreoskhunter619, the other way round10:40
khunter619psycho_oreos: so depmod -a is done right? (there was no verbose output)10:41
psycho_oreoskhunter619, sudo depmod -a is the right way10:42
cwillu_at_work(repaste into the right channel:)10:43
cwillu_at_work<cwillu_at_work> bind '"\C-W": "foo"'  inserts "foo" when hitting control-w10:43
cwillu_at_work<cwillu_at_work> bind '"\C-W": forward-char'  deletes backwards when hitting control-w10:43
cwillu_at_work<cwillu_at_work> what's the difference?10:43
FloodBot2cwillu_at_work: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:43
khunter619psycho_oreos: ok sudo depmod -a is done; now I ran sudo depmod -ae WARNING: -e needs -E or -F ubuntu@ubuntu:~$10:43
psycho_oreoskhunter619, if you look at the manpages of depmod, you will clearly see why it won't work and hence that's why I suggested to do depmod -a instead of depmod -ae10:44
marlenamaginot, big thanks for help!10:45
maginotmarlena, np, glad to help10:46
Slartcwillu_at_work: what does "bind '"\C-W": "foo-char"'  do?10:49
cwillu_at_workSlart, it prints foo-char10:49
khunter619psycho_oreos: Updated lspci -nnk: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ESLeysY0   demsg output: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/rvD6ubJC10:49
neorajim not able to connect to telnet10:49
neorajtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused10:49
neorajdis is the msg im gettin10:49
joaopintoneoraj, connect to what ?10:50
* maginot just finishing modifying its IRC client... let's test! 10:50
joaopintotelnet is not available on a secure server10:50
Blue112Hello here.10:50
psycho_oreoskhunter619, try modprobe ath5k10:50
neorajjoaopinto,im not able to connect to telnet, "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused"10:50
neorajdis is the msg im gettin10:50
neorajim not able to connect to telnet, "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused"10:51
joaopintoyou don't connect to telnet, you connect to a host using telnet10:51
neorajjoaopinto, local host10:51
joaopintoan ubuntu system ?10:51
* maginot perfect =)10:51
joaopintothe telnet service is not installed and should not be as it is not secure10:51
khunter619psycho_oreos: modprobe ath5k http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ntYQeJ8S10:51
joaopintoyou should install the ssh server and connect using ssh10:52
om26erkhunter619, do it with sudo10:52
khunter619psycho_oreos: should I try sudo modprobe ath5k ?10:52
khunter619i didnt see ur message while i was typing10:53
neorajjoao, how to install10:53
khunter619ok sudo modprobe ath5k is done10:53
neorajjoao, but throgh ssh we can establish connection to windows10:53
psycho_oreoskhunter619, you should now have wlan1 interface if everything went right10:53
joaopintoneoraj, on the ubuntu system: sudo apt-get install openssh-server10:54
marlenamaginot, rebooted box to see if it will work, and got stuck on login screen10:54
joaopintoneoraj, yes you can, but you need a ssh capable client, like putty10:54
Guest52625ubunto sux10:54
joaopintoGuest52625, do you have a question ?10:54
marlenamaginot, , using my very fist xorg.conf with res 800x60010:54
maginotmarlena, did you tried removing xorg.conf and rebooting ?10:54
Guest52625what time is it?10:54
AJW256!atroll | Guest5262510:55
ubottuGuest52625: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel10:55
sipiorGuest52625: time for you to leave.10:55
neorajk i think i have installed openssh , tell me how to check whether it is installed or not10:55
khunter619psycho_oreos: iwconfig: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/swzbw5C710:55
marlenamaginot, done it before using your xorg.conf, should I do it again?10:55
joaopintoneoraj, on the ubuntu server: service ssh status10:55
psycho_oreoskhunter619, dmesg | tail -3010:55
maginotmarlena, took xorg.conf, let the X11 directory without any xorg.conf and reboot, I think everything is gone to be fine10:56
bazukahello wszystkim10:56
maginotmarlena, after that this is my last try: http://pastebin.com/KHEYg7hs10:56
neorajtell me through  terminal10:56
neorajjoao, tell me through terminal10:56
khunter619psycho_oreos: dmesg | tail -30 http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/S9b66vxF10:56
neoraji don knw what is ubuntu server10:56
=== Guest52625 is now known as wroom
neorajjoao. i don knw what is ubuntu server10:57
neorajhow to check10:57
joaopintoneoraj, the ubuntu system you are trying to connect to10:57
psycho_oreoskhunter619, lsmod| grep ath5k10:57
khunter619psycho_oreos: lsmod| grep ath5k http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Rdv6AR0y10:58
radithi all10:59
overmindradit: Hi10:59
wroomyou wanna chat?10:59
neorajjoao, ssh is installed10:59
bazhangwroom, this is not the chat channel; #ubuntu-offtopic for that10:59
Slartwroom: this isn't a social channel.. and you'll have to find out what time it is yourself10:59
raditi new in here11:00
neorajjoao , but through ssh is it possible to connect to windows OS system im asking11:00
wroomoh, everyday learn someting new...11:00
teolicyHi. I'd like to install libfoo-dev. Upon 'sudo apt-get install libfoo-dev', I'm told that libfoo-dev depends on libfoo = 4.51-0ubuntu2 but 1:4.39-0ubuntu2. However, apt-get update and apt-get upgrade doesn't list libfoo as in need of upgrade. What should I do?11:00
=== ApOgEE__ is now known as ApOgEE
teolicy(notes: (a) the library in question is libbluetooth3, (b) in the past I added an external apt source to install an alternative bluetooth manager, but I removed it, removed the source, and did apt-get update since then)11:01
radit<overmind> from?11:01
CuriosTigerHi all. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 in a VM, but I have to actually log into Gnome before the screen resizes itself to match my native resolution. How can I configure gdm (and the kernel, at boot) to use the same display settings as my gnome session?11:01
wroomi like ubunto, but its damn heavy...11:02
SlartCuriosTiger: I'm not sure if you can make it boot at any resolution since the graphics drivers aren't loaded by then.. you might be limited to "standard" VGA resolutions11:02
neorajhow to install telnet11:03
CuriosTigerSlart: In other words, not 1680x1050, since VGA didn't ever include widescreen resultions11:03
wroom                      i like only booting time in ubunto11:03
mertleCuriosTiger: try adding   vga=778   to the boot options for the kernel11:03
CuriosTigerslart: What about GDM? Surely by then, the drivers are loaded11:03
CuriosTigermertle: OK, I'll give that a shot11:04
Vigowroom: There are many versions, lightweight, heavyweight, middle, and even USB.11:04
raditapt-cache search telnet11:04
psycho_oreoskhunter619, modinfo ath5k <---- pastebin11:04
radityou can look packet telnet11:04
raditin ubuntu11:04
SlartCuriosTiger: I don't think you'll get 1680x1050.. you might be able to get 1024x768 though.. it's still better than 320x400 or whatever it starts in now11:04
SlartCuriosTiger: yes.. gdm ie the login window should be able to run in anything you can run X in11:04
wroomi really need an very light version, can you please paste a link?11:04
sylrhow i have to use find to list files which hasn't been updated since x days ?11:05
khunter619psycho_oreos: modinfo ath5k http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mqB2dUzw11:05
Slartsylr: something like find -time=-x  or   find -time=+x  check the man page for "find" for the exact syntax11:05
wroomdamn, too many peoples11:06
wroomi really need an very light version of ubunto, can you please paste a link?11:06
dandreIs there any sun-java backport for ubuntu 9.10?11:06
maginotwroom, www.ubuntu.com11:06
Vigowroom: On moment please,,,11:06
wroomi need for ubunto11:06
neorajtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused11:07
neorajdis is the error msg im getting when im trying to connect to local host can any one solve my problem11:07
wroomnevermind, ill stay with my xp windows11:07
mertlewroom: try xfce - sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop   then select xfce at login11:07
Slartsylr: sorry.. it was    find -mtime x     (mtime looks at the modified timestamp)11:07
wroomxfce? still slow11:07
wroom3 slower than windows xp11:07
wroomits true11:07
Vigowroom: actually maginot did just tell you, there is Xubuntu, Kubunu and many other ways one can choose to use it.11:08
mertlewroom: there is crunchbang linux which is ubuntu based and very light11:08
Vigowroom: What hardware are you running it on?11:09
=== ubuntu is now known as EsmD
psycho_oreoskhunter619, considered using ndiswrapper or prefer to not go through that route?11:09
khunter619psycho_oreos: prefer to not go through that route11:10
Slartsylr: or wait.. lets try again...   find -mtime +x    will list files that was last modified x days ago or more11:10
f4nt4syhey everybody11:10
psycho_oreoskhunter619, well I'd get karmic-backports first before attempting madwifi-ng11:10
wroomcrunchbang looks interesting, thx for the tips... sayonara11:10
khunter619psycho_oreos: can you guide me on getting karmic-backports up and running?11:11
sylrSlart, thanks11:11
Slartsylr: you're welcome11:12
Vigowroom: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems and maybe that will help.11:12
sylrSlart, -mtime +x works11:12
psycho_oreoskhunter619, there's info on wireless.kernel.org look for it11:13
Amamisouown bootloader. when i have both connected, the windows bootloader loads and i get into xp. how can i have a dual boot menu?11:13
Amamisou 10:12:55 | <reisio> s/vmanz/overmacht/11:13
Amamisou 10:12:58 | <Vmanz> wtf u tell me this for ?11:13
FloodBot2Amamisou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:13
Amamisouown bootloader. when i have both connected, the windows bootloader loads and i get into xp. how can i have a dual boot menu?11:13
Amamisou 10:12:55 | <reisio> s/vmanz/overmacht/11:13
Amamisou 10:12:58 | <Vmanz> wtf u tell me this for ?11:13
rock11hello ppl ufw drive me crazy , afer set  ufw-before-input   to Drop and allow only NEW,RELATED AND ESTABLISHED state no trafic pass pc :( why ?!11:13
khunter619psycho_oreos: the reason I don't want to use ndiswrapper is to play around in the future with aircrack-ng11:14
psycho_oreoskhunter619, that dongle can be used with aircrack-ng11:14
xerophytedoes anybody know how can i get flash workig  with chrome .. i mean i have create plugins folder and put the libflashplayer in the plugin folder and started the chrome /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --enable-plugins %U its still not working i am running 10.0411:14
psycho_oreos!lucid | xerophyte11:15
ubottuxerophyte: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:15
khunter619psycho_oreos: I use that dongle on my big PC...trying to get a 4 way handshake...I am planning to leave my netbook on for 24-48 hours11:15
khunter619psycho_oreos: my big PC has no integrated wireless11:16
psycho_oreoskhunter619, well, if you want it to work with aircrack-ng, expect to get your hands dirty11:17
khunter619psycho_oreos: It was my understanding that madwifi & aircrack-ng work together? i.e. most people use madwifi drivers with aircrack-ng?11:18
psycho_oreoskhunter619, madwifi-ng is an older driver way back before ath5k came about. ath5k would simplify a fair amount of work that was once related to getting things to work with madwifi-ng11:19
psycho_oreosthey both work on different framework but ath5k is the future11:19
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CuriosTigerHrmf. GDM is still not obeying my Xorg.conf11:24
CuriosTigerI just get a 640x480 login window in the middle of the screen11:25
CuriosTigeras soon as I log in, it switches to 1600x90011:25
Dougdoug4the tertiary bundle is higher education than the secondary bundle, correct?11:25
mtduvhey is there a place to go to that ranks popularly used software for ubuntu? i miss the old days of the rating system :(11:26
sebsebsebmtduv: Software Centre in 10.04, gets a popular/recommend software section.  April 29th is the release11:27
khunter619psycho_oreos: thank you for your assitance11:27
neorajtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused11:28
mtduvi see...11:28
mtduvso there is nothing like it atm?11:28
CuriosTigerI tried the 10.04 beta, but I had odd problems with input. Mouse clicks would stop working and require a forced reboot, for example.11:28
sebsebsebCuriosTiger: #ubuntu+1 is currently the 10.04 channel11:28
CuriosTigerMost likely, vmware tools will need an update to support 10.0411:28
CuriosTigersebsebseb: I'm not running it anymore. It was just a comment. :)11:28
CuriosTigerI went back to 9.10, which is rock solid for me.11:29
sebsebsebCuriosTiger: ok well off topic then :D11:29
CuriosTigersebsebseb: You mentioned 10.04 first :)11:29
sebsebsebCuriosTiger: True, but with good reason, anyway nevermind :)11:30
dyllananybody running lucid?11:31
sebsebsebmtduv: There may be something since for example there's that optional populaity contest what software people use thingey.  Popular doesn't always mean good.  What kind of software are you after anyway>?11:31
sebsebseb!lucid | dyllan11:31
ubottudyllan: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:31
* knoppies thinks you should not fight over who was off topic. This channel is for sharing knowledge, not for political debates.11:31
marlenamaginot, now only basic xorg works...11:31
sebsebsebknoppies: it's for Ubuntu support11:31
maginotubottu, ot | knoppies11:32
ubottuknoppies: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:32
marlenamaginot, went to far removing x* from /etc/X1111:32
mtduvwell, there always seems to be a set of software that people find useful such as other terminal applications and irc applications11:32
marlenamaginot, had to reinstall xserver-org11:32
maginotmarlena, I told to remove any xorg.conf file, not x* files..11:32
mtduvi was looking for the applications that would make using ubuntu more productive11:32
sebsebseb!irc | mtduv11:32
ubottumtduv: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:32
marlenamaginot, yeah but I had so many copies...11:33
marlenamaginot, and did some overkill11:33
maginotmarlena, but only xorg.conf had to be removed, not xorg.conf.otherthings11:33
sebsebsebmtduv: Konversation :) KDE app though, so if you haven't already got KDE stuff on, it will want to put on quite a bit.  Anyway Ubuntu isn't Windows, so as long as your partition is reasoanbly sized,  you don't need to worry about apps taking up loads of space.11:33
marlenamaginot, it was stupid but it happend11:34
maginotmarlena, well, if you want to try, this is the last tip I have: http://pastebin.com/KHEYg7hs11:34
sebsebsebmtduv: there are a few terminal apps, but they all use bash11:34
maginotmarlena, its strange not working11:34
sebsebsebmtduv: or most of them anyway11:34
marlenamaginot, tried it, doesnt work11:34
mtduvsebsebseb: thanks a lot for the help11:35
maginotmarlena, okay and without any xorg.conf (just without this UNIQUE file) ?11:35
sebsebsebmaginot: ok np11:35
marlenamaginot, now only the very first config I made works, none of yours (which previously worked) isnt working anymore11:35
mtduvi was just sad to see the rating system was gone11:35
mtduvseemed useful11:35
sebsebsebmaginot:  wrong one.  ok np  mtduv11:35
marlenamaginot, I'll try again without xorg.conf11:36
conb123Is there a directory where all the .desktop files for the main menu are kept?11:36
maginotmarlena, yes, you X11 server must be able to auto configure itself11:36
theadminCan i somehow change the desktop background with the terminal? (GNOME)11:39
micheilHey, is 10.04 server a LTS release?11:40
theadminmicheil: Yep11:40
nimrod10theadmin, look at the feh binary11:40
micheiland that should be out in full when?11:40
theadminmicheil: 29th April11:40
theadminnimrod10: "feh"?11:40
micheilcool, thanks )11:40
theadminnimrod10: Tells me it ain't installed11:40
nimrod10:) install it then and give it a spin11:41
theadminAll i want is to add a crontab line which will switch the background every minute or so11:41
z0manInstalled Ubuntu on Dell inspirion 1545 and it freezes.... I don't know why they say this is verified http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200910-4252/11:42
marlenamaginot, rebooted without xorg.conf I got 800x60011:42
nimrod10theadmin there is also a app called wally that will do that for you11:42
maginotmarlena, well.... sorry, but those xorgs files I gave you (from the first) were to be enough =/11:43
knoppiestheadmin, I use a .sh and .py script that does it for the compiz wallpaper plugin. If you're interested I can get the link to the website.11:44
z0mangah I meant to install 64bit not 32bit11:45
|Vargas|hi everyone11:45
z0manthey shuold put that in the notes11:45
|Vargas|how can I tell gnome to use notification-daemon instead of notify-osd (or whatever it's called) ?11:46
marlenamaginot, maybe i dont have proper drivers for this riva tnt 2?11:47
maginotmarlena, you should take a look at nvidia site, I use nvidia oficial drivers which are always the best choise11:48
xatconmy printer not working11:48
marlenamaginot, on my GeForce GTS 250 I got resticted drivers, but ubuntu didnt offered me to install them on this card11:48
xatconhelp me11:49
maginotmarlena, forget that, take a look on the site, if they have the right driver it will be easy to install11:49
brijithHi all how can I make my own file format  say, *.trc11:50
pagorehey guzy, i can't play wmv files, do you know why?11:51
pagoreeven with vlc it doesn't work11:52
pagorecould somebody help me plz?11:52
pagorei goggled, but i didnt found a solution11:53
brijithpagore: did you install the restricted codecs11:53
pagoreah no, can i find them in synaptics?11:53
knoppiespagore, you might need to add restricted to your sources first.11:54
smerzyes. "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package11:54
brijithpagore:yes.. search in synaptic ... search the word11:54
brijithpagore:yes that ubuntu-restricted-extras11:54
brijithpagore:install it11:54
smerzand nothing needs to be done on the sources from a default install if i remember correctly11:54
pagoreok yes this is installed, (i dont know when i made this)11:54
marlenamarlena, got proper driver should I isntall it with gdm down?11:55
pagoremy problem is, that some wmv files work and others dont work11:55
brijithpagore: hm that sounds strange11:55
smerzhmm mine work. But I only stream .wmv from the same sources pretty much :S11:56
mertlepagore: porn uses a diff type of wmv afaik11:56
|Vargas|can pls someone tell me how can I instruct gnome to use notification-daemon instead of notify-osd (or whatever it's called) ?11:56
pagoreno its not porn, this are animes11:56
marlenamaginot, got proper driver should I install it with gdm down?11:56
brijiththe files may be corrupted11:56
chelzpagore: try different players11:56
pagorehm, but on windows this works :(11:56
chelztry smplayer, gnome mplayer, vlc11:57
pagoreok ill dl it :)11:57
brijithHi all how can I make my own file format  say, *.trc11:57
mertleisn't there a package called w32codecs or similar11:58
mertle!info w32codecs11:58
ubottuPackage w32codecs does not exist in karmic11:58
pagoreah this "w32codecs" i installed as well (found in google) :)11:58
pagoresec, afrter my smplayer is installed ill send u the ppa11:59
mertlepagore: it is in the meiubuntu repo thnx11:59
mertles/ meiubuntu / mediubuntu12:00
luiX_hi all12:05
luiX_I had a package repository working fine without gpg signning, after signning the Release file it doesn't work (aptitude update shows no errors but isn't getting the packages), is it needed to do anything else but signning the Release file? any help?12:06
tHWI know that this has absolutely nothing about ubuntu to do but this such a great channel. Does anyone know C?12:08
tHWarvind_khadri, Hi12:08
pagoretHW: a bit, depending on your question :P12:09
ddavidshello all12:09
arvind_khadritHW, hello12:10
tHWpagore, I don't understand what's wrong with my program. It only 9 rows. Could you take a look at it?12:10
pagoreshow, :)12:10
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ddavidspls i have a fairly used Dell xps M140 that has win xp preinstalled. The issue is tht i cant install ubuntu on it. Each time i get to the install part, it either hangs or chooses the 'try without installing' option itslef... wht can i do?12:11
luiX_I had a package repository working fine without gpg signning, after signning the Release file it doesn't work (aptitude update shows no errors but isn't getting the packages), is it needed to do anything else but signning the Release file? any help?12:13
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ddavids pls i have a fairly used Dell xps M140 that has win xp preinstalled. The issue is tht i cant install ubuntu on it. Each time i get to the install part, it either hangs or chooses the 'try without installing' option itslef... wht can i do? btw, im booting from a CD12:15
pawandrapes not starting automatically in karmic12:15
aurizaddavids: check the CD integrity first.12:16
sirlarkHi, I'd like to install bugzilla3 using postgresql as a db backend, not the default mysql. Can anyone point me to a howto on this?12:16
pawandesktop drapes not starting automaticaaly12:17
ddavidsauriza: but i just used the cd a few days ago... infact i have tried 2 CDs now 9.04 and 9.10 and none worked... i dont think it is possible tht both are bad but i'll check agagin like u said...12:18
aurizapawan: maybe you can add it in startup session12:18
aurizaddavids: there's a menu to check it in LiveCD12:19
aurizapawan: System - Preferences - Session/Startup12:19
hummessehi everybody. I need to use the textext plugin for inkscape, but the website that hosts the plugin is down. Does anyone know where to get it, or is anyone willing to send the package to me? anyone?12:19
ddavidsauriza: thanks, im am checking the integrity now on the 9.10... i'll let u know how it goes...12:20
pawanthere it is enabled still12:20
aurizapawan: add drapes there. (I'm just guessing because I don't use Ubuntu GNOME right now)12:20
ddavidsauriza: thanks, there was an error on one of the files on the 9.10, im trying the 9.04 now... does this mean i have to get another live CD?12:22
aurizaddavids: yes, the CD is corrupted.12:23
freazorhey .. sorry for my lame question, but can someone tell me how to find out my root password ? :( I dont know my root pass :( ..12:26
aurizafreazor: If you forgot your root password, better install it again. :-)12:27
freazorauriza: I didnt forget it .. I never used it or ubuntu never asked me for entering my root pass12:27
ddavidsauriza: thanks, 9.10 - check finished: errors found in 3 files... corrupted too. do u have any ideas wht causes that?12:28
aurizafreazor: Ubuntu asks for root password at first installation12:28
aurizaddavids: maybe just bad CD, I always left in ISO image just in case my CD is corrupted12:29
ortsvorsteherfreazor, you dont need to bee root. you can use sudo. also it is possible to be root as type in terminal sudo i12:29
ortsvorsteher"sudo -i"12:29
mertlefreazor: the password for sudo is the one you login with - that is the same as root12:30
freazoroh nice sudo -i works .. thx12:30
freazorbut when i do su only and enter the same pass i login with it doesnt work12:30
aurizasu needs root password12:31
ortsvorsteherits because of security reasons12:31
ddavidsauriza: thanks a lot12:31
pshrNow So I have nvidia and I managed after buring my hands lot many times.. Should I consider Upgrading / Marking All upgrades or does any one have any suggestions on what to do ?12:31
aurizaddavids: you're welcome12:31
Geekthrashello, I am back again from last night; I had the "transpot point unconneted" error in my /mnt/c. I rebooted, and now the directory is fine but the boot sector still disagrees with its backup.12:32
kr_217hello,is gfxmenu is avaiable in ubuntu 9.1012:32
kr_217i want a fancy grub12:32
Geekthraschelz: if you're up, thanks for trying :/12:33
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kr_217Hello is there any way to have a  fancy menu for grub in ubuntu 9.10?12:35
rocketeerbkwwhen I use `tar -czf backup.tar.gz *` my .htacces gets ignored. does it ignore hidden files by default and how can I turn that off?12:35
mertle!grub2 > kr_21712:35
ubottukr_217, please see my private message12:35
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xerox1hi, are there any known issues with wubi and moving files from ext4 to ntfs12:36
nikolamHOW to report a bug on launchpad now??12:37
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.12:37
kr_217mertle: so it can't happen?12:38
mertlekr_217: I've never tried...12:41
nikolamHOW to report a bug on launchpad now??12:41
aurizasign-in, find your apps, head to bug section12:41
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bazhang!bugs > nikolam12:41
edakirinikolam: usually with apport12:41
ubottunikolam, please see my private message12:41
nikolamhi, 10x its bots pvt msg12:42
nikolamIts just shame there is no evident button for it on launchpad anymore, with even an explanation bazhang12:44
kingtigerdarn... forgot my nick pass...12:45
boxocidehey guys, have any of you had the same problem as me with Google Chrome on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? The problem is when you install the package, after you shutdown or restart its no longer installed?12:45
matataI have problem with pam_mount in karmic, I'm unable to mount cifs during the login, although I check all the configuration and it looks fine!12:46
Piciboxocide : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.12:46
DemiurgeOk, really don't know who to ask about this one.. My mozilla thunderbird won't load my profile anymore, the only thing that appears on screen is a text input gadget. When I rename profiles.ini and start thunderbird with a new, clean profile it starts though. So there's something corrupt in my profile. But is there a way to find out where? Create a new profile and copy the files one by one? Or can I turn on some kind of error reporting?12:46
Hughesboxocide: it is caused by temporary files: sudo rm -Rf /tmp/ *12:46
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:47
Piciboxocide: Please don't run that command.12:47
boxocideHuges what do you mean its caused by temporary files? I installed the .deb package12:47
geekphreakboxocide:  dont run that command12:47
socram_How do i enter ubuntu spanish12:48
overmindsocram_: /join #ubuntu-es12:48
socram_thanks overmind12:49
socram_and .. what kind of chats can I find here in Xchat12:49
socram_i mean, all over the world chats?12:49
socram_and social chats in spain too?12:50
socram_"you're not channel operator"  message appears when I try "/join #ubuntu-es12:51
geekphreakwho had thunderbird problem?12:51
AJW256socram_: /list12:52
IdleOnesocram_: "/join #ubuntu-es" sin comillas12:52
socram_any of you has "blue marine" installd?12:52
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geekphreakwho had thunderbird issue?12:53
DemiurgeI do12:53
DemiurgeTrying to create a new profile now, copying the old files one by one12:54
geekphreak/usr/bin/thunderbird -ProfileManager12:55
geekphreakoh ok12:55
Demiurgethanks anyway :)12:55
geekphreakcreate new profile ^12:55
wroomis there any channel for windows user?12:55
geekphreakwroom:  #windows12:55
AJW256!windows | wroom12:56
ubottuwroom: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents12:56
aurizaDemiurge: backup regularly12:56
wroomgod blessyou12:56
kingtigerbackup more than regularly if youre like me... ive gone through 6 hard-Drives since jan/2009..12:58
geekphreakkingtiger: 6?12:58
cemericklooks like http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com is down?12:59
AJW256cemerick: yep12:59
cemerickAJW256: Is there a status page anywhere, or is this a permanent thing?12:59
AJW256cemerick: I dunno, just tryed connectin myself13:00
cemerickthat's the default apt repo for canonical's EC2 AMIs, so I presume there's others that aren't having a good time. :-)13:00
AJW256cemerick: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com13:01
kingtiger@geekphreak: YEA 6!... most of them Brand-Spankin New... my desktop burns through them like a wild-fire...13:01
cemericksure.  I was more asking whether there'd been a policy change w.r.t. that archive13:01
balaanyone here use "motion" motion detection s/w13:02
AJW256cemerick: sorry, no idea13:02
nasir_i have big problem13:02
geekphreakkingtiger: lol what did you do man ?13:02
balaanyone here use "motion" motion detection s/w13:02
chelznasir_: please state the nature of your ubuntucal emergency13:03
geekphreaklol ^ like that13:03
balaanyone here use "motion" motion detection s/w13:03
geekphreakbala:  not me sorry13:04
chelz!repeat | bala13:04
ubottubala: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:04
IdleOnebala: ask you next question. the real one13:04
balathanks .,13:04
ubottubala: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:04
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kingtiger@geekphreak: check pm's13:07
geekphreakkingtiger: dont see any13:07
geekphreakkingtiger: they are blocked :)13:07
geekphreakwhats up?13:08
sven_(First off; I've posted on ubuntu forums but no luck) Hey, guys, I've been using Galaxium, but I've messed up the proxy setting (fool!) and now it crashes instantly on startup. I removed, deleted all files associated with galaxium I could find (using search) and reinstalled, but no change. What can I do? Thanks.13:08
kingtiger... darn13:08
kingtiger@geekphreak: nothing really, i keep my desktop on 24/7. as a Bit-Torrent client, since my server is too busy over the last few month(for 4.5 months now)13:08
kingtiger@geekphreak:  so my hard-drives take a beating even though im running 8gb of ram... it just gets too backed up with trying to read and seed files. and stresses them to here limit... the first 2 i made a mistake in not backing up anything losing almost all my data, saved games and pictures... sucked horribly13:08
mertlesven_: is there a hidden folger for it in your home dir?13:08
sven_Ill check, thanks13:09
geekphreaktiger ok13:09
geekphreaksven_:  did you use purge?13:09
balaIdleOne: is there a way to record video , when motion is dected in "motion"13:10
sven_yes, I used purge13:10
sven_and no folder13:10
geekphreaksven_: try this man13:10
IdleOnebala: I don't know. I don't use that application13:10
geekphreakis program still installed?13:10
sven_no, its not13:10
bayo_OHello. I lost my MessagingMenu icon on ubuntu karmic, i anybody can help me13:11
geekphreakif u create a new account, can you start the application ?13:11
geekphreaksven_: ^13:11
IdleOnebala: I would think so. accordingto the description of the package " motion - V4L capture program supporting motion detection"13:11
sven_A user account you mean?13:11
geekphreakyes sven_13:11
sven_Ok, Ill try that out. Thanks geekphreak13:12
balaIdleOne: i think so13:12
balaIdleOne: thanks anyways .13:13
ravenffmpeg: how to enable to delete processed input files and to skip existing ones (opposite of -y)?13:13
balaIdleOne: thought someone here might have used it ., i'll tinker around it and solve my prob13:13
geekphreakbayo_O: hello13:15
hmwI have a VGA/DVI adapter, which allows me to use my VGA-CRT on the DVI plug of my graphics card. Will it work the other way around, too? Using that adaptor to connect my Netbook/VGA to a big TV with DVI?13:16
Kris__I'm trying to setup two NICs on Ubuntu 9.10 server, I put in two statics, eth0 and eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces.  I'm having some trouble configuring the static routes to ensure traffic is going through on each.  Anyone around to help out? :)13:17
Richiiei have a question13:18
Richiiehow do i update samba only samba on a ubuntu server from command line ?13:18
Richiieis this possible in any way to just update samba version on a ubuntu server?13:18
AJW256Kris__: $echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward13:19
geekphreaksven_: did it work?13:19
sven_yes it did13:19
geekphreakso application is good, just some setting on ur current account13:20
sven_thanks for you help so far geekphreak, its hugely appreciated.13:21
Kris__AJW256, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_foward....file that contains a "0"13:21
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DasEiRichie: /etc/samba/sm.conf13:21
frxstremis there a program (like joy2key for Windows) that will allow me to use a joystick as mouse and/or keyboard?13:21
DasEismb.conf, Riechie *13:21
RichiieDasEi: yes but can i just update samba?13:21
RichiieDasEi: apt-get update samba ?13:21
AJW256Kris__: yes, run "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"13:21
geekphreaksven_: no problems :)13:22
Kris__AJW256, thanks.  returns back to prompt13:22
AJW256Kris__: I think you need some iptables rules as well, cant remember13:22
AJW256Kris__: yes, there's no output from that command but there should now be a 1 in that file13:23
hateballfrxstrem: a google gives http://code.google.com/p/jkeys/ but I havent tried myself13:23
DasEiRichiie: no, not like that, either you update the whole sys or get a newer samba package / tarball and risk inconsistency n Install, blacklist it from apt (or find a more fresh ppa)13:23
harry-houdini1can anyone comment on if playonlinux is a legit project or spyware /virus of some kind?13:23
frxstremhateball: okay, thanks :)13:23
geekphreakharry-houdini1: never heard of it13:23
sven_its legit harry13:23
sven_I have used it13:23
DasEiRichiie: whats wrong whith a system update/rade ?13:24
ubuntunewbiehi does anyone know how to convert rmvb to avi ? I would like to know what other converting command code beside using vcodec=mpeg13:24
hateballfrxstrem: that seems to work on a per app basis tho, so it wouldnt work on the desktop without some hacking I guess13:24
frxstremhateball: okey13:24
geekphreakubuntunewbie:  try mediacoder13:24
chiefguys,how to tar the .rar13:25
harry-houdini1thanks sven13:25
DasEiubuntunewbie: mencoder13:25
geekphreakchief: rar is already comressed13:25
kr_217Does grub-1.97b4 support gfxmenu?13:25
ubuntunewbieI am using this code mencoder test01.rmvb -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=128 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200 -ofps 25 -of avi -o test01.avi13:25
geekphreakubuntunewbie:  you can also use vlc to convert, if u have vlc13:25
DasEiubuntunewbie: sudo apt-get install mencoder && man mencoder13:25
geekphreaki never used mencoder13:25
ubuntunewbiegeekphreak : it doesn't convert rmvb as I know13:26
ubuntunewbieI wanted to play it ona dvd player which support usb divx format.I tried using mencoder to convert but it doesn't play13:26
toffeeyou have no codex13:26
Jozxyqkhi. what is the best-supported USB wifi adapter for karmic koala?13:26
ubuntunewbieDasEi: reading now13:27
ubuntunewbie<toffee> codex ?13:27
DasEiJozxyqk: can't say, but look in13:27
sven_geekphreak:  would it be possible to manually edit a config file for the offending app?13:27
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:28
geekphreaksven_: yep you an do13:28
Jozxyqkok, looking for anyone with good experience13:28
geekphreaksven_:  try this , open terminal , then run the galaxium command13:28
DasEiJozxyqk: there are newer infos on the net for sure, but as a start..13:28
sven_geekphreak. yep13:28
geekphreakif it does not work, it will throw an error message, why it could not start, can u tell the error message?13:28
toffeein windows, you just need a gui app and you can convert any into any format by simple mouse clicks13:28
geekphreaktoffee:  in window, u can get virus from any place or any where, just few click tick tick13:29
toffeeincluding rmvb files13:29
sven_geekphreak:  2010/04/08 00:28:42 [DEBUG] [TCPConnection.Connect] Connect to
sven_2010/04/08 00:28:42 [FATAL] [Program.Main] Fatal exception while running Galaxium.13:29
sven_FormatException: An invalid IP address was specified.13:29
sven_  at System.Net.IPAddress.Parse (System.String ipString) [0x00000]13:29
sven_  at System.Net.Dns.GetHostByAddressFromString (System.String address, Boolean parse) [0x00000]13:29
FloodBot2sven_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:29
toffeeit has all codex, including codex of open source13:30
Jozxyqkif nobody has any specific recommendations, i'll just trust the wiki. thanks.13:30
toffeeand it's free13:30
toffeethat app is...13:30
Jozxyqkthanks bye13:31
geekphreaksven_:  whats the name of application, let me install it :)13:31
geekphreakman i dont see it on new ubuntu13:32
geekphreaksven_:  do this13:32
ubuntunewbie<toffee> codex ? it's application for ubuntu ?13:32
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geekphreaksven_:  open terminal13:32
geekphreaksven_:  run this command  >> ls .*13:32
sven_geekphreak aye aye13:32
geekphreaksee  any which says .galaxium  ?13:32
Richiienow i've run a apt-get update and upgrade but sambastatus still returns 3.0.28a why is that?13:33
mertle!info galaxium13:33
ubottugalaxium (source: galaxium): an IM application designed for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1748 kB, installed size 3084 kB13:33
geekphreakmertle:  thanks i am lucid :)13:33
geekphreaksven_:  see anything which says galaxium ?13:34
sven_geekphreak, if its alphabetically, there's no galaxium13:34
RichiieAnyone knows why my samba on my ubuntu server does not update? i run an apt-get update & Upgrade but still sambastatus is returns 3.0.28a why is that?13:35
sven_Geekphreak: actually there is an entry under .config13:35
red2kic!info sambastatus13:35
ubottuPackage sambastatus does not exist in karmic13:35
hateballRichiie: What should it read? It doesnt update versions13:35
geekphreaksven_:  ok13:36
=== Nielson is now known as Nielson_
Richiiehateball: what do you mean it dosent update versions ?13:36
geekphreaksven_:  rename that entry also chk this path .gconf/app13:36
ubuntunewbiehi I wanted to ask , I did not install ffmpeg , I remove it but I install smplayer .why it still can play video file ?13:36
geekphreaksee if you see any galaxium , if so rename it to galaxium.bak13:36
ubuntunewbiewhat encoder does smplayer use ?13:36
sven_geekphreak: No such path13:37
red2kicubuntunewbie: Whatever MPlayer use.13:37
geekphreaksven_: its .gconf/apps13:37
geekphreaksorry  :)13:37
ubuntunewbiered2kic : i dont understand ?13:37
ubuntunewbiered2kic : how to check or set mplayer use ?13:38
geekphreaksven_:  hope ur running cd .gconf/apps  from $HOME13:38
dreamhi all!13:38
sven_Am now13:38
red2kicubuntunewbie: SMPlayer is just a front-end client tied to MPlayer. Use "aptitude show smplayer" to see the dependencies/description.  Also, check out "aptitude show mplayer" afterward.13:38
sven_ok, so I cd'd, what now?13:39
=== dream is now known as Guest55290
geekphreaknow do ls13:39
geekphreaksee anything which says galaxium13:39
murbankHow do I manually edit an RCS file?13:40
murbank(to edit the log message)13:40
sven_geekphreak: No13:40
hateballRichiie: lets say you have 8.04 installed. it will give you security updates to whatever packages you have, but new versions are not until new version of the distro13:40
Guest55290use GNOME, but that he was tired lately. I want to try KDE. But they say that ubunut done under GNOME13:40
ubuntunewbiered2kic : thanks :)13:40
geekphreakdid you rename the entry where u saw galaxium  before?13:40
=== Guest55290 is now known as dreamnight
geekphreakconfig file ^13:40
DasEi!latest | Richiie13:40
ubottuRichiie: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.13:40
geekphreakok try to start it now13:40
DasEi!info samba13:41
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 (karmic), package size 6097 kB, installed size 16676 kB13:41
adaszhow can i make the bittorrent client transmission start bevor i log in?13:41
sven_:geekphreak  OMG13:41
sven_YOU are amazing13:41
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:41
indushi folks13:41
hateballadasz: ^13:41
geekphreaksven_:  great it worked13:41
sven_geekphreak: yeah!, that's brilliant, cheers!13:42
geekphreaksven_:  you can delete the test account now  :)13:42
sven_ok, I will indeed.13:42
Richiieubottu: do you have a name?13:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:43
adasztransmission start if i log in but i want that it start bevor i login13:44
crunchbangsomeone today recommend me to install crunchband, cuz its light - i just wanna say thank you million times. this distro is 10x faster :)))13:44
aurzubottu: funny, Turing test?13:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:44
dreamnightuse GNOME, but that he was tired lately. I want to try KDE. But they say that ubunut done under GNOME. whether you want to switch to KDE?13:45
aurzcrunchbang: is it Ubuntu derivative?13:45
odb|fideldreamnight: what?13:45
geekphreakdreamnight:  you can install kde on ubuntu too , or you can get kubuntu13:46
red2kic!crunchbang | aurz13:46
ubottuaurz: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)13:46
odb|fidelif you have an ubuntu install and want to jump to the entire kde-desktop kubuntu would provide - use apt and search for the package kubuntu-desktop13:46
asina12hi..is there a command that returns a processe's pid?13:46
Diverdudewhat is the command for making a tar file of a folder with all subfolders and subfiles?13:47
Piciasina12: pidof13:47
mertleasina12: pidof13:47
dreamnightgeekphreak But they say that KDE does not work under ubuntu, which was originally designed to run on ubuntu GNOME!13:47
odb|fideldreamnight: bla13:47
aurzubottu: thanks13:47
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:47
odb|fideland what is THEY13:47
geekphreakDiverdude:  tar -cf name.tar  /folder13:47
PiciDiverdude: tar cvf archive.tar /path/to/folder/13:47
asina12thanks  Pici and mertle13:48
bazhangdreamnight, it certainly does run. was there a support question in there?13:48
geekphreak<<on ubuntu and has kde :p13:48
odb|fidelto be honest - i dont even understand why there is kubuntu at all - but i guess that’s part of a never answered mystery13:49
dreamnightbazhang Well they say that bad design is displayed and all buggy13:49
cynicushi all, quick question: where can I find the logs for the wifi connection? I need to diagnose a networking issue I'm having... I'm on 9.1013:49
geekphreakodb|fidel:  to each his own, some people  are picky bout there gui :)13:49
bazhangdreamnight, is there an actual support question? or just wish to chat? #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please13:49
odb|fidelgeekphreak: you misunderstood me13:49
geekphreaki guess i did13:50
odb|fidelas we can easily choose KDe, Gnome or whatever after a basic ubuntu install - i dont get why there are kubuntu isos at all13:50
dreamnightbazhang ((13:50
bazhanglets get back on topic please13:50
toffeewhat's the topic?13:51
PiciUbuntu Support13:51
PiciNon-support chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic13:51
red2kictoffee: Type /topic13:51
toffeei don't need13:51
Ganryuanyone here using eclipse in linux to write c/c++ code?13:51
toffeeyou can keep going13:52
geekphreakGanryu:  using geany here13:52
asina12hi...how do i combine pidof with renice?13:52
asina12I want to change the priority of firefox13:52
geekphreakquestion which site i recommend tsoftware to be added ?13:52
dazrenice --something `pidof something` <:13:52
odb|fidelasina12: consider htop13:52
Ganryugeekphreak: the problem is that it doesnt show me the segmentation faults :S13:52
Pici!newpackage | geekphreak13:52
ubottugeekphreak: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports13:52
odb|fidelit gives you an easy access to a tweaked top with i.e. renice options13:53
Ganryuit just ends the program and thats it..no error code or something13:53
geekphreakPici:  thank you :)13:53
asina12this does not work: sudo renice -n -10 -p pidof firefox-bin13:53
dazasina12: `pidof firefox-bin`13:53
Piciasina12: sudo renice -n -10 -p `pidof firefox-bin`13:53
geekphreakGanryu:  i remember having that issues couple of times, thats why i swithced to genay/codelight13:53
Ganryugeekphreak: is it easy to use SVN repositories with those programs ?13:54
geekphreakworks for me :)13:54
tobi__is kde 4.4 SC a stable release? Or does SC mean Stable Candidate? :D13:55
geekphreakanyways be right back13:55
Ganryunoone else had this problem before ? cant be13:55
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daztobi__: it means software compilation13:55
Pirate_Hunterjust added another network card to the system however I have no clue which is the new network card, how do I find out in a server environment?13:56
tobi__daz so is kde 4 stable yet?13:56
asina12pici....when i type ` , a new shell opens up..is this something to do with my key-bindings?13:56
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dazyour question hurts me, but ok. yes it is stable.13:56
norbi905hello, is it possible to use lpr to print straight to an IP shared printer?  I tried searching but couldn't find an answer.  It seems like I have to add the printer first, is this correct?13:56
Piciasina12: You can use sudo renice -n -10 -p $(pidof firefox-bin)    if the grave accent is doing weird things.13:57
kwtmtobi__, daz: I would like to to know the same thing. :)  GOod timing.13:57
tobi__daz I see what you mean :P13:57
geekphreakGanryu:  #eclipse13:57
geekphreaktry there13:57
Ganryugeekphreak: thanks13:57
asina12thx pici...so $() tells bash to expand the string first too?13:57
dazthough plasma may sometimes die while tinkering with the desktop :f13:58
kwtmWhat's the channel where we ask about Lucid?  #ubuntu+1 or somehting like that?13:58
geekphreakkwtm: #ubuntu+113:58
bazhangkwtm, yes13:58
stealurfaceuh i think thats the development chan13:58
bazhangdrow_, ubuntu support question?13:58
An_Ony_Moose Topic for #ubuntu+1 is: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion13:59
drow_i have problem with ubuntu!13:59
An_Ony_Moosedrow_, what are they?13:59
bazhangdrow_, please watch the language13:59
UrdaQuestion: How can I verify that since I just rebooted with my new harddrive sdb configured, that it mounted correctly?13:59
kwtmThanks bazhang, geekphreak.13:59
Pirate_Hunterjust added another network card to the system however I have no clue which is the new network card, how do I find out in a server environment?14:00
An_Ony_MooseUrda, run mount in a terminal and see if it's in the list with the correct mountpoint ;)14:00
drow_i cant connect to a web site14:00
UrdaUrda: oh duh14:00
An_Ony_Moosedrow_, chances are it's your internet connection, but what does it say?14:00
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An_Ony_Mooseare you using firefox?14:00
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drow_the browser wont open the page its only blank even if the url is the right one on my windows computer. so i cant open a page... what do i do????14:02
kwtmHow do I get into the #kubuntu+1 channel?  I want to ask about Kubuntu Lucid.14:03
aurzdrow_: try to uncheck the offline mode in Firefox14:03
UrdaAn_Ony_Moose: Didn't format it right :s14:03
bazhangkwtm, there is none, all flavors in #ubuntu+114:03
kwtmbazhang: that would explain it.  Thanks.14:03
drow_i have14:03
drow_but still it wont work14:04
Bisu[Shield]any reason why my box keeps locking my working svn repository?14:04
aurzdrow: do you mention Windows earlier?14:05
bullgardscp responds: "The authenticity of host '<hostname>(IP-Adresse)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is <32-digit hex number>." How can I authenticate this fingerprint?14:05
kwtmIf I install Ubuntu Studio (with the RT-kernel) and then install Kubuntu over it, will the next kernel upgrade overwrite the RT-kernel with the ordinary non-RT kernel from Kubuntu/Ubuntu?14:05
kwtmI want ordinary Kubuntu but with the RT kernel.14:05
red2kicdrow_: New Ubuntu Installation? Did you check Hardware Drivers to see if there are any indications of your network card needed to be installed?  Also, are you trying via wired or wireless?14:06
drow_yeas all was fine14:06
kwtmbullgard: You need to make sure you know there's no security problem with the host.  If this is your own machine, then you just say "yes".  If it's someone else, you phone or text-message to get the RSA fingerprint.14:06
geekphreaktc guys14:06
geekphreakgot to go, have fun all14:06
bullgardkwtm: If it was someone else's machine, how could he determine the fingerprint?14:07
harry-houdini1can anyone tell me how to install rdesktop from svn I have downloaded it but i dont see how one actually compiles it...svn co https://rdesktop.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rdesktop rdesktop14:07
kwtmbullgard: GOod question.  There's a command to do that if he's running a Linux machine.  Hang on a sec...14:08
wactuaryI'm trying to install ubuntu on a brand new box.  Both 10.04b1 and 9.10 are hanging on either direct installation or liveCD.  But I only see the logo, so I can't see any errors or messages to know where the issue lies.  Is there a way to install without the messages supressed?14:08
joaopintoharry-houdini1, why do you need it from svn ?14:08
a_bughi guys ... a question please .. Suppose I have a byobu session ( or any other running command in its place ), and I want to attach it to a screen session, how can I do that ?14:09
harry-houdini1joaopinto,  cause it has sound support features not contained in the release version14:09
joaopintoah ok14:09
a_bugbasically, can I attach an already running command to a new screen ?14:09
harry-houdini1there is three directories under rdesktop branches tags and trunk14:10
joaopintoharry-houdini1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware14:10
kwtmbullgard: Hmm, web sites list a convoluted way to do it.  I'm still looking for the easy way, but if I can't find it I'll tell you the complex way.14:10
joaopintoyou want trunk, trunk is usually the source dir14:10
bullgardkwtm: Right. Is the program ssh-keygen a solution?14:11
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bazhang!jp | crunchbang14:11
ubottucrunchbang: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい14:11
crunchbangthank you14:12
kwtmbullgard: That's the one the web sites show.  But I recall that, when there was a security flaw in sshd, Debian (and Ubuntu) gave a command that you could use to get the RSA key, without specifying the key file.  (iirc)  Still looking, but ssh-keygen -l seems to be the most common way.14:12
funkwarriorhi all, somebody can help to mount a raid disk?14:15
kwtmbullgard: tried using ssh-keygen -l, but it gave a different key on mine.  So either the command is wrong or I've already been compromnised. :P14:15
funkwarriorI want try to backup data before sending the nas to repair..14:15
fumanchu182quick Q, did a update as per recommendation of system updates and now Namoroka is my default browser.  I can't find any information about this on the ubuntu site.  Is the default behavior to install this Alpha version?14:15
Kre10show can i stop the window manageer14:16
funkwarriorbut I'm not able to mount the partition14:16
fumanchu182Kre10s: log out and choose a different windows session.14:16
wactuaryfunkwarrior, what have you tried?  Have you done sudo mount <device> <dir>?14:17
kwtmbullgard: Okay, got it: you type "ssh-keygen -l", and then at the prompt you type "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key"14:17
mertlefumanchu182: which ubuntu?14:17
kwtmbullgard: Not sure why this can't be all on the command-line, but there you have it.  WIsh I could find that other command, though.14:17
fumanchu182or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop14:17
fumanchu182mertle: Karmic14:18
kwtmwactuary: Anyone answer your question yet?14:18
fumanchu182I just want to make sure a repo I added in sources.list isn't doing anything funny.14:18
wactuarynot yet.14:18
a_bughi guys, is there a way to attach an already running program to a screen session ?14:19
kwtmwactuary: In case no: I *think* you can press Ctrl-Alt-F1 or c-a-F2 or c-a-F3, etc. to find a screen that's not the splash screen but the actual messages scrolling up.14:19
kwtmwactuary: You actually only need Alt-F1/2/3 etc. but Ctrl-Alt will work whether or not you've switched to graphical X Window mode.14:19
joaopintofumanchu182, did you upgrade to lucid ?14:20
wactuarykwtm: let me try that.  I thought I had, but it was last night.  brb.14:20
bullgardkwtm: These two fingerprints are not identical mith me.14:20
kwtmwactuary: try c-a-F4, too.  There are usually 6 text screens and then c-a-F7 is graphical, and I've seen boot messages up to screen 4, although usually it's screen 1 or 2.  Can't remember what it is with Ubuntu.14:21
bdfosterheyoh, need some networking advice14:21
funkwarrior*wactuary: sure14:21
kwtmbullgard: Maybe you can try ssh'ing into your own machine and checking the fingerprint, to make sure it's not an error in the instructions I gave.14:21
bdfosteris it better to have NAT on or off? i have a server (asterisk) that I would like to have open to a few users in the company14:22
funkwarriorrbut returned error is: mount: unknown file system type 'linux_raid_member'14:22
angeliaI'm a greenhand!! Nice to meet you all14:22
kwtmbullgard: Chances of MITM is slim, and the ssh key is mostly to detect if there are any changes after you've been SSH'ing in daily for a month or something.  Having said that, you should check fingerprint anyway, because otherwise it defeats the purpose!14:22
IanBaliadJrdemonoid.com  openreg!14:23
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wactuarykwtm:  Found it!  Esc.  It didn't seem to work last night, probably because it was already hung when I tried.  The Alt or C-Alt didn't have an effect.14:24
ardchoilleIanBaliadJr: Please don't do that here14:24
kwtmwactuary: Good to know!  I sort of assumed you tried pressing Esc and different keys on the keyboard already.14:24
wactuarykwtm:  now, to find out why it's all errors coming through!14:24
IanBaliadJrardchoille: sry but this is a fantastic new!14:24
wactuary*feeling pretty sheepish*14:25
fumanchu182joaopinto: no i did not14:25
fumanchu182i cid cat /etc/issue and i am on 9.10 still14:25
joaopintofumanchu182: ok, the upgrade process is not expected to change your default browser, something went wrong14:25
fumanchu182err s/c/d/g14:25
joaopintofumanchu182, so the upgrade as not successful14:26
fumanchu182Okay how can I trouble shoot this, is there a log.14:26
joaopintofumanchu182, how did you upgrade ?14:26
fumanchu182I got a notice from Update Manager.14:26
fumanchu182I usually trust it so I just clicked 'Update" and off it went.14:26
joaopintofumanchu182, from the command line try: do-release-upgrade14:27
Picifumanchu182: Are you trying to upgrade to a new release? What repo did you add?14:27
fumanchu182No new release found.14:27
fumanchu182No I am not trying to update to a new release.14:27
joaopintoPici, he upgraded to karmic but it failed somehow14:27
fumanchu182Let me scan sources.list14:27
Jesper84Are any of you using eee-control in the Lucid beta1 ?14:28
wactuaryfunkwarrior:  how did you build your raid, is it hardware or built in linux?14:28
joaopintofumanchu182, lsb_release -a14:28
PiciJesper84 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.14:28
Picijoaopinto: Thats not what my scrollback seems to say.14:28
funkwarriorI try to backup data from a failed nas14:28
funkwarriornow I try this solution : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=412157814:28
fumanchu182recently added repos14:29
tripelbemma, delete the text that links. also warning, Tomboy would arbitraritly lose htings, lose it all, for me. Twice and it was too much. I went to gedit.14:29
fumanchu182Okay stop, I did not upgrade to lucid.  I am on version 9.10.  I just did an update as per Update Manager and now firefox is gone and Namoroka is the default.14:29
Picifumanchu182: Thats probably fine.  Are you getting an error when you try to apt-get upgrade or install a package?14:29
fumanchu182but why is firefox gone.14:29
Picifumanchu182: Oh.  Namaroka is Firefox.14:30
Bizzehhi, what command can i run to find out which version of ubuntu im running?14:30
fumanchu182I read Namaroka is FF 3.6 but is it stable?  In the about is says Alpha/Pre.14:30
PiciBizzeh: lsb_release -a14:30
fumanchu182Bizzeh: "cat /etc/issues"14:30
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fumanchu182lsb_release, hmm have to add that to my arsenal14:31
wactuaryfunkwarrior:  OK.  So you know what filesystem it was formatted as?  and specifying type didn't help?14:31
fumanchu182hehe, for the past two years i have been doing "cat /etc/issues"14:31
fumanchu182So Pici, this is the default browser now?14:31
DiverdudeI am trying to untar with this command: sudo tar -zxvf msw2k7.tar   and get this error:    gzip: stdin: not in gzip format   tar: Child returned status 1   tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors    what is wrong?14:32
Bizzehfumanchu182: No such file or directory14:32
Picifumanchu182: Can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy firefox14:32
fumanchu182will do Pici14:32
PiciDiverdude: don't use the "z" switch if the archive isn't gzipped.14:32
joaopintoDiverdude, it's a .tar, not a .gz, remove the "z" from the tar options14:33
fumanchu182Bizzeh: use lsb_release -a14:33
jbwivguys, I'm experiencing pretty regular complete system freezes on Karmic. even the magic sysrq buttons will not work. I've run memtest for over 24 hours, and it found no errors. What should I look at next?14:33
fumanchu182So it is coming from ppa14:33
fumanchu182I added that last entry to sources.list to add smuxi to the machine for 7.1 as the general repo only had .6.414:34
melteris there a way to look at the details of a security update AFTER i've installed it?14:34
fumanchu182So when I did the update I guess it pulled ppa in as well?14:35
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Guest86712can someone tell me what command is executed to open System > Preferences > Sound?14:35
coz_Guest86712,   gnome-volume-control14:35
Bizzehlast question, how can i detect the archutecture of a system?14:36
Picifumanchu182: It doesn't look like the smuxi ppa has firefox in it, are you using another ppa perhaps?14:36
coz_uname -m14:36
funkwarriorwactuary: ok, the tip on the ubuntu forum works fine ;)14:36
coz_Bizzeh,  uname -m14:36
funkwarriorthank you for you support!14:36
fumanchu182I scanned everything else in sources.list nothing seems out of ordinary.14:36
wactuarycool.  good luck.14:36
DasEimelter : /var/log/dpkg.log14:37
Picifumanchu182: It looks like that package version is in the Daily build PPA for the mozilla team.14:37
Guest86712coz_: That doesn't seem right. I'm looking for the gnome preferences thing which lets me disable the system beep. Running gnome-volume-control gives me no such option.14:37
coz_Guest86712,  mm let me look14:38
mosconihi, are new ATI video cards still a problem under linux as it was for old ATS cards (i.e. mobility radeon X700)?14:38
basslinerGuest86712: i would blacklist the kernel module14:38
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coz_Guest86712,  did you look under the Sound effects tab and the pull down for Sound theme?14:38
DasEimelter  , also found : (the "3 is for how many days) : find /var/lib/dpkg/info/ -daystart \( -name \*.list -a -mtime -3 \) | sed 's#.list$##;s#.*/##' | sort14:38
coz_Guest86712,  or simply  disable  "Alert volume"14:39
melterDasEi: when you click on an update before you install it, it shows what was fixed, but after it's installed, that information is gone, and it's not in /var/log/dpkg.log14:39
basslinerGuest86712: grep pcspkr /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf14:39
fumanchu182Well I am going to remove the only ppa i have in sources and see what happens when i remove namoroka as well14:39
Picifumanchu182: try:  grep ppa /etc/apt/sources.list    perhaps theres an repo there that you're just missing when looking through it.14:40
Guest86712bassliner: Yeah, I'm aware I can do that, but I'm pretty sure there is a gnome setting somewhere.14:40
mosconisince i'm going to buy a new pc, and everybody on forums suggests ATI instead of nvidia, but i remeber having much problems with ATI cards under ubuntu in the past...14:40
basslinerGuest86712: no idea bout that.14:40
mosconinobody knows?14:41
fumanchu182pici that's what i thought too, only this was in there deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/meebey/ppa/ubuntu karmic main14:41
john522hi i'm having a problem with ubuntu 8.04, i installed it and everything seemed fine, however when i tried changing the resolution it's now got a "hourglass" shape. No matter how I try and change it back it stays this way. What's the problem?14:41
DasEimelter : so you need a changelog of the package and not changes in your sys14:41
mosconij /#ubuntu-it14:41
Guest86712coz_: That might be it. However I think it doesn't work because I only have Xfce installed and all I did was install gnome-media. :P Adding gtk-error-bell to my gtkrc did it. :)14:42
coz_Guest86712,  and you want that darn beeping to stop ok open synaptic package manager14:42
BluesKajHi folks14:43
DasEimelter : http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic-updates/doc/14:43
elnurI used ssh -f to setup a SSH tunnel. How can I bring that process from background?14:43
elyobBlimey, am  getting really peaved with eclipse in Ubuntu .. anyone have any better ideas for a development platform for PHP in 9.10?14:43
DasEimelter : if you call a specific paket, there's the changelog on the right side14:44
elnurelyob, Zend Studio, NetBeans...14:44
wactuaryTrying to install 9.10 on a new box, getting the following 2 errors on install:  "shpchp 0000:00:01.0: Cannot reserve MMIO region" and then "ACPI: I/O resource piix4_smbus [0xb00-0xb07] conflicts with ACPI region SOR1 [0xb00]-0xb0f]"  Any clue on what might be going wrong?14:44
geekphreakelyob:  aptana14:44
elnurelyob, actually, you might try to ask this question in ##php14:45
fumanchu182So Pici, I removed the ppa, did a update on apt-get and the policy still points to the PPA.14:45
geekphreakelnur:  naaw they dont like ide chat lol :)14:45
DasEiwactuary: mmio i can't say, second looks like a irqmodul conflict, try to change onboard's chips irq in bios if possible, else disable acpi at boot for install and later analysis; does a live cd boot ?14:46
Picifumanchu182: Well, yes, it will never downgrade packages.  Perhaps you have files/entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:46
elnurgeekphreak, lol. the reason i suggest him to talk in ##php is because there are more php programmers, then here ;)14:46
fumanchu182Let me look.14:46
geekphreakelnur:  i know its kool :)14:46
Picifumanchu182: You'll need to apt-get install --reinstall firefox after you remove the offending entries.14:46
geekphreakelyob:  can i post a link14:47
fumanchu182sure enough deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu karmic main14:47
kushaloneHow do I get empathy to display rhythmbox songs in status? I am on 9.10 Karmic with Gnome 2.28.1  (:14:47
coz_Guest86712,  I am looking for the library you have to remove to prevent that gnome sound from sounding14:47
fumanchu182I didn't put that in there.  I think when I clicked on the FF download on their front page the deb added it.14:47
a_bugkushalone: you can use the dbus.14:47
geekphreakkushalone:  on empthy dont think u can do it, with kopete and pidgin yes14:47
justdaveI'm running within Gnome and have an app that runs in full-screen mode.  When I try to print from this app, the print dialog comes up "behind" the full screen app, so I can't get to it, and essentially hangs the GUI because I can't get to it to click on anything.14:48
wactuaryDasEi:  couldn't get live or install to work in either 9.10 or 10.04b1.  I'll retry with ACPI off.14:48
geekphreakhmm dbus interesting14:48
a_bugkushalone: use some scripting language to talk to the dbus about both the applications14:48
justdaveanyone know a way to reorder the windows when one of them is "full screen" ?14:48
kushalonea_bug: any links that I can use?14:48
a_bugkushalone: one second.14:48
bullgardkwtm: On one of my computers the files /home/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa und id_rsa.pub do not exist. How should I create them?14:48
wactuaryDasEi:  or what should I change in BIOS?  Which onboard chip?14:48
justdavehitting Alt-Tab shows the outline for it, and seems to activate it, but it still stays behind where I can't see it14:49
a_bugkushalone: http://atrueswordsman.wordpress.com/2009/08/09/setting-your-currently-playing-rhythmbox-song-as-your-pidgin-status-message/14:49
melterDasEi: thanks, i found what i was looking for at changelogs.ubuntu.com, but i wish that was built into update manager or software center14:49
kushalonea_bug: thanks14:49
kwtmbullgard: I will tell you, but note that thoes are YOUR keys, not your system keys.  Hang on a sec...14:49
geekphreakelyob:  you there?14:49
geekphreaka_bug:  thanks for link , i will check too ;)14:50
kushaloneFor some reason I cannot /j14:51
elyobgeekphreak: Yup, here14:51
Picimelter: You can also use aptitude changelog packagename  Also, apt-listchanges is nice if you want to see better changelogs than what gets published to changelogs.ubuntu.com (sometimes the publishing lags behind when the actual package is published)14:51
* kushalone #gnome14:51
geekphreakelyob:  check this http://aptana.org/studio/download14:52
geniikushalone: Try using the full form: /join14:52
kwtmbullgard: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410559/14:52
ubuntuneed some help with getting pictures off cell phone -- anyone?14:52
kushalonegenii: Unsupported command :(14:52
geekphreakubuntu how is it related to ubuntu?14:52
geniikushalone: What IRC client are you using?14:53
geekphreakkushalone:  which client?14:53
kwtmbullgard: Basically, you use "ssh-keygen -t rsa", but my script gives a way to replicate it if you want.14:53
kushaloneEmpathy :/14:53
kushalonenot really an IRC client14:53
linenoiseSo, I have some mp3's and a video that play at low volume.  I crank my receiver so I can hear the movie and the system sounds sound like thunder (super absurdly loud).  I can't put any of the sliders in mplayer/aumix/alsamix up any higher.  I did not have this problem with alsa (went from an alsa based debian box to karmic)14:53
overmindkushalone: Use a real IRC client, or wenchat.freenode.net14:53
yinlongwho is good at tomcat?14:53
overmindkushalone: sorry, webchat.freenode.net14:53
kushaloneyeah, I am heading over to firefox14:53
geekphreakkushalone:  on main empthy  app, u can click join room14:53
kwtmbullgard: $OTHER_MACHINE is either name or ip address.  Also, they say don't put a password on the id_rsa.pub, just for convenience.14:53
ubuntugeekphreak: wasn't sure if I'd get help here or if this is the correct room to ask that question14:53
linenoiseIs there an easy way to nuke pulse and restore alsa?14:53
elyobgeekphreak: Cheers .. taking a look14:54
kwtmubuntu: if cell phone is Palm device, I might be able to help.14:54
geekphreakelyob:  np14:54
melterPici: thanks!14:54
kwtmubuntu: pvt msg since this is off-topic?14:54
ubuntukwtm motorola14:54
LinuxAdminhi all14:54
kwtmubuntu: sorry, not familiar.  Better luck elsewhere!14:54
ubuntukwtm: tried sudo mount /dev/sda /media/nameofdevice and it said didn't recognize it14:55
ubuntukwtm: but dmesg |tail -20 showd motororal phone14:55
LinuxAdminI'm trying to configure nat in ufw, but it doesn't work14:55
kwtmubuntu: if it appears on /media/nameofdevice, then it would already be mounted (Ubuntu would do that automatically).  Someone else might be able to tell you how to mount it.  Only if the phone acts as a mass storage device; it might not.  (YOu can't mount a webcam, for example.)14:56
LinuxAdminif I insert this two lines in /etc/ufw/before.rules I get an error14:56
LinuxAdmin:PREROUTING - [0:0]14:56
ubuntugeekphreak, is there another room I can go to for some help?14:56
ikoniawhois LinuxAdmin14:56
ubuntugeekphreak: re: motorola cell phone retrieve pics?14:57
geekphreaknope sorry14:57
ubuntugeekphreak: or is there something in the repos I need to install?14:57
LinuxAdmincan someone help me?14:57
geekphreaknot that i know off ubuntu14:58
LinuxAdminis there any firewall expert out there?14:58
overmind!anybody | LinuxAdmin14:58
ubottuLinuxAdmin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:58
ubuntubtw geekphreak, "ubuntu" nics was automated :)14:58
ubuntuforgot how to nick serv14:58
LinuxAdminI used slackware for years and used iptables for my firewall, but now I want to move to ufw14:59
kwtmLinuxAdmin: Post your lines in a pastebin, and then ask your question on 1 line.  WHen you spread your questions over >1 line, other lines show up in between and people can't figure out what you're asking.  You want help with NAT in ufw, right?14:59
geekphreakubuntu try #electronics14:59
geekphreaki aint sure14:59
ubuntuthanks geekphreak14:59
kwtmubuntu: what is the model of your motorola phone?  I'm trying to Google for you, but you haven't supplied a lot of info.14:59
overmindLinuxAdmin: ufw is a programm for configure iptables15:00
ubuntugeekphreak how-to say "geekphreak" without having to type it all the time?15:00
ubuntuthat goes for any nic15:00
geekphreaknormal just type gee, press tab15:00
=== u is now known as Guest4096
ubuntuworked a little bit15:00
kwtmubuntu: in Konversation: type "geekp" then tab.  Not sure in whatever the default is for GNOME Ubuntu.15:00
ubuntuhat to "gee then geekp tab15:00
JesusFreakHello, I cannot get my wireless internet to work on ubntu!!15:00
overmind!ufw | LinuxAdmin15:00
ubottuLinuxAdmin: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.15:00
mynick321Hi all15:00
moppelkotze1hey guys, is there a way to update an ubuntu version, or do i have to install ubuntu new for each version?15:01
JesusFreakit won't connect or it establishes a connection but doesn't get any signal15:01
ardchoille!upgrade | moppelkotze115:01
ubottumoppelkotze1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:01
red2kic!upgrade | moppelkotze115:01
mynick321Hi all15:01
kwtmumm... just to let you know, I'm a bit put off by the nick "JesusFreak".  You have the right to any nickname you want, of course, but I'm just going to let others converse with you.  Sorry, just my personal comfort level.15:01
LinuxAdminbut i like the simplicity of ufw, and want to move to it, but I've got "complex" iptables rules that I want to move also15:01
geekphreakmoppelkotze1:  dist-upgrade15:01
JesusFreakkwtm: I understand15:02
ubuntuwelp, geekphreak: no one in #electronics15:02
kwtmLinuxAdmin: for the record: tried "Guidedog" or "Guarddog"?15:02
fumanchu182Pici that did the trick, thanks for your help.15:02
ardchoillegeekphreak: that doesn't upgrade to the next version15:02
madjoehi! how can I replace any occurrence of string A with B in a file F in bash?15:02
Picifumanchu182: great15:02
ubuntu_greetings ! need some help plz...need to get KeepassX in here but cant get it through terminal as it says theres no such name..and cant install it via software Center as there is no ption to install it..any ideas15:02
kwtmubuntu: do we know yet the model of your motorola phone?  I will give up if no info in 60 seconds.15:02
RoastedWhats the fastest and most recommended way to connect from 1 ubuntu box to another? I have VNC set up, but its kind of slow...15:02
Picimadjoe: sed s/A/B/g F15:03
red2kicmadjoe: Meh. #bash :)15:03
joaopintomadjoe, sed "s/stringA/stringB/g" file > file.new15:03
geekphreakardchoille:  think i got his question wrong, sorry :)15:03
JesusFreakCan someone please help me get my inernet working?15:03
Picimadjoe: sorry:  sed -i s/A/B/g F15:03
madjoePici, joaopinto: thanks!15:03
LinuxAdminI'm using ubuntu server, no graphical interface.15:03
LinuxAdminI'm trying to configure /etc/ufw/before.rules file with the next lines15:03
LinuxAdmin:PREROUTING - [0:0]15:03
LinuxAdmin-A PREROUNTING -i eth0 ....15:03
FloodBot2LinuxAdmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:03
BlaDe^Hi does anyone know why I can't SSH to my iphone via Remote Desktop Viewer?15:03
BlaDe^It says Permission Denied - but the password is definitely correct15:03
ubuntukwtm: someone took out the simm and put another one in T-Mobile I beleive, but with original simm it didn't work either15:03
kwtmRoasted: fastest way is probably text interface with ssh, but do you need a GUI?  if so, then VNC (there are several variants) may be best bet.15:04
Roastedyeah, I need a gui.15:04
Roastedits very slow though, and I'm not even going outside my lan....15:04
kwtmubuntu: You're not giving info I need, so will try again one last time.  What is the model of your Motorola phone?  Example: I use a Palm Treo 650.  What do you use?  What is the machine that connects to your Ubuntu machine?15:05
LinuxAdminit doesn't work15:05
JesusFreakOK so I cannot get my internet to work. It says it established a connection but then is gray and gets no signal. Please help!15:05
al-tabqhow do i change that bookmarked places are not in a submenu of the places panel menu?15:05
ubuntukwtm: have almost no idea15:05
LinuxAdminAm I missing something?15:05
kwtmubuntu: Ah. Thanks for telling me.  I will give up now.15:05
ubuntukwtm: don't have it with me "charging" but not sure if that'll help15:05
madjoePici: what is "g" in sed -i "s/stringA/stringB/g" file?15:06
ubuntukwtm: thanks anyway for your input15:06
kwtmmadjoe: the last "g" is for "global": change all occurrences of stringA, not just the first one.15:06
=== JesusFreak is now known as needhelp
Picikwtm: too fast for me today ;)15:06
madjoekwtm: boy you're fast.. thanks! :)15:06
wastrelon the line15:06
kcw12Hello all im having trouble with my server booting, Buffer i/o erro ron device sdb1 logicalblock 0-915:06
elnurI used ssh -f to setup a SSH tunnel. How can I bring that process from background?15:06
kcw12anyways to fix15:06
ubuntu_greetings ! need some help plz...need to get KeepassX in here but cant get it through terminal as it says theres no such name..and cant install it via software Center as there is no ption to install it..any ideas15:07
kwtmRoasted: Are you using wireless?  Do you know your connection speed?  I am using "g" (I think it's 805.11g?) wireless and it works okay.15:07
geekphreakI/O error not good15:07
coz_who was it that wanted to remove the gnome beep from xfce?15:07
Roastedkwtm, wireless on my laptop, wired on the server. wireless G, no congestion, very few people on it. and its slow.15:07
kcw12geekphreak I know this, drive dieing?15:07
LinuxAdminok, I see can't get too much help here, thanks anyway15:07
kwtmRoasted: You know VNC will be slower than the real machine, right?  It's also slower if you use full colours instead of 256 colours, slower if you scale, and slower if it's over a tunnelled connection.15:07
Roastedkwtm, see this server runs a web based GUI program so I kind of need the gui.15:07
geekphreakkcw12:  backup data mate :)15:08
kwtmroasted: like, unusable slow?  For example, my response lag time is about 0.5 to 1.0 seconds.15:08
Roastedkwtm, I understand, but I really need the desk space, and I dont use this server much but I need it to be somewhat use-able.15:08
kcw12geekphreak i cant even get it to mount15:08
Roastedkwtm, when I click on "Places" in the menu, it shouldn't take a full 20 seconds to render "home, documents, downloads, music, pictures" etc15:08
TecnaIS there a way to control firefox through the terminal? (for example, tell it to save, or close)15:08
Roastedthats why Im irritated with vnc.15:08
geekphreakkcw12:  how old is the drive?15:08
mynick321Hi all15:08
kcw12geekphreak gonna have to pull drive and get data off that way? 526ish days15:08
mynick321Hi all15:09
kwtmRoasted: Oh, 20 seconds is way too slow, I agree. Beyond 2 seconds is probably utterly unusable.  Beyond 1 second is "hard to use".  Hmm...15:09
kwtmRoasted: What version of VNC are you using?  x11vnc, I take it?15:09
mynick321Hi all15:09
mynick321Hi all15:09
Roastedkwtm, I have no idea. I just set it up in the build in remote desktop setitngs.15:09
mynick321Hi all15:09
overmindmynick321: DO you need help with anything?15:09
Tecnamynick: stfu15:09
geekphreakkcw12:  what type of file system ext4?15:09
kwtmRoasted: using KDE or GNOME?15:09
ubuntu_greetings ! need some help plz...need to get KeepassX in here but cant get it through terminal as it says theres no such name..and cant install it via software Center as there is no ption to install it..any ideas15:10
Roastedkwtm, gnome15:10
geekphreakTecna:  watch language plz15:10
mynick321Hi all15:10
mynick321Hi all15:10
kcw12geekphreak ext315:10
overmind!ops | mynick321 is trolling15:10
ubottumynick321 is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:10
Tecna!mods mynick32115:10
mynick321Hi all15:10
mynick321Hi all15:10
kcw12geekphreak when i did a vol_id it said all those buffer i/o erros and unknown volume type15:10
geekphreakkcw12:  wana try something?15:10
kwtmRoasted: Not familiar with GNOME, but I use this: x11vnc (recommended) for server, and I use Krdc for client.15:10
Tecna!ops | mynick321 flooding15:10
ubottumynick321 flooding: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:10
jussi01mynick321: please stop15:10
geekphreakkcw12:  got windows installed there somewhere?15:10
mynick321Hi all15:10
Roastedkwtm, do you connect to VNC machines via terminal?15:10
LALFGMok so I cannot get my wireless internet to work. It establishes a connection, but gets no signal. Therefor no internet.15:10
kcw12geekphreak as long as it doesnt lose data, and no i dont have windows15:11
detrixHello everyone.  anyone here use Teamspeak.  I have 2.0 installed and want to upgrade to 3.0, but only 2.0 is on the repositories, and when I download 3.0 from their web site, the install does not complete.15:11
neXyonI've uninstalled pulse and when I go to system --> preferences --> sound, I get an error "Waiting for sound system to respond"15:11
overmindFinally, thanks jussi0115:11
neXyonhow to fix? :(15:11
AmaranthTecna: Wait more then _one_ minute before calling for ops again, ok?15:11
kwtmRoasted: Might be server slow or client slow.  For gnome, you might try... hmm, tightVNC is often recommended.15:11
TecnaAmaranth: "Again"?15:11
geekphreakkcw12: got any live cd to test hdd or try mounting that way?15:11
AmaranthHeck that was more like 30 seconds15:11
kwtmRoasted: I first SSH into the machine to start the VNC server (it's not running all the time), then I VNC in over a tunnelled connection.15:11
Roastedkwtm, yeah. I just wonder how I connect then when I install tightvnc. Like is that through terminal or what.15:11
Roastedkwtm, what about a standard RDP connection?15:11
kcw12geekphreak i can make one real quick15:11
LALFGMplease help. If not I can't use ubuntu because I need intenret15:12
kwtmRoasted: Like you, I have a server stashed in a closet that I admin from time to time from my laptop.15:12
geekphreakkcw12:  let me get ay a link, hold on15:12
researcher1I want to create free space. I got the message "Low space" . please help urgently15:12
MosesesI've got this mactop and I'm dual booting. I have my mac hd mounted automatically, but I have to enter my password to be able to access the user folders. Can I somehow set it up to give me total access?15:12
AmaranthTecna: Someone just called for ops for the same reason. We don't immediately ban the person you say is bad. It takes a little time to take a look at the situation.15:12
researcher1I am presently able to chat15:12
researcher1but must free space NOW15:12
Moseses(without having to enter my password)15:12
kwtmRoasted: I used to know those technical terms but I set up my VNC system a few years ago and just kept the same config. When you say "use it through terminal", what do you mean?15:12
flossk__Hi i need i little help over here15:13
flossk__my computer it dosnt recgnoize  eth015:13
LALFGMme too!15:13
Amaranthresearcher1: Delete media (photos, video, etc), virtual machine images, and unneeded packages15:13
flossk__can anyone help me ?15:13
Roastedkwtm, like does it have an application that you launch and yout ype in the IP, or do you go into terminal and type out something and THEN it connects?15:13
TecnaAmaranth: I'm sorry that I can't read everything everyone else says while focused on typing.15:13
researcher1how to do VM removal?15:13
Amaranthresearcher1: Do you use any VMs?15:13
researcher1yes I use VBox15:13
geekphreakkcw12:  can i pm ??15:14
kcw12geekphreak sure15:14
kwtmRoasted: I "ssh" in to terminal with "ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 -X remote_server_ip", run "x11vnc -display :0 -passwd mypasswd", and x11vnc starts up and waits for a connection.15:14
Amaranthresearcher1: Then find where virtualbox stores VM images and delete them15:14
geekphreakor ur  not registered15:14
geekphreakdid you get the link kcw12?15:14
Amaranthresearcher1: go to Applications->Accessories->Disk Usage Analyzer15:15
kwtmRoasted: I then run my "Krdc" application (you can use whatever VNC viewer you want), and connect to machine "localhost" on port "5900".15:15
geekphreakchk it out15:15
kwtmRoasted: It asks for my password, then the remote screen appears.15:15
geekphreakgood luck15:15
ubuntu_hello all !15:15
kcw12will do15:15
bullgardkwtm: It worked all right now.  --  Thank you very much for your help.15:16
kwtmbullgard: Glad it worked for you!15:16
researcher1I am seeing Disk usage analyser15:16
kwtmresearcher1: highly recommended: filelight!15:17
researcher1what is filelight?15:17
kwtmLALFGM: Are you using usual Ubuntu (GNOME, 9.10)?15:17
kwtmresearcher1: Shows layered pie chart of file usage.  Makes it obvious which files are hogging room.15:17
LALFGMkwtm: yes15:17
researcher1shall i show image?15:18
researcher1remastersys taking much space15:18
kwtmLALFGM: Do you know how to use pastebin?  Can you pastebin the output of "nm-tool"?15:18
LALFGMkwtm: it is installed inside of wondows if that helps15:18
=== andygray is now known as madChoppa
LALFGMand kwtm: I can't get on ubntu right now because I am using windows because Ihave no internet15:19
MosesesI have my other partition mounted but I have to enter my password to see it. How do I make it so I don't have to enter my password?15:19
kwtmLALFGM: Hmm.. not familiar with Ubuntu-in-Windows.  I think you used Wubi.exe, right?  Do you start Windows and then run Ubuntu while using Windows, or does it reboot into Ubuntu without windows?  Anyone else familiar with Wubi here?15:19
LALFGMkwtm: the second option you described.15:20
kwtmresearcher1: were you talking to me?  You need to put my nick in your line or else it won't highlight your lines and I won't read your lines.15:20
researcher1how to completely remove un install a package using command line?15:20
geekphreakresearcher1:  apt-get purge pacjage_name15:20
kwtmLALFGM: Did you understand what I meant by "Do you know how to use pastebin?  Can you pastebin the output of "nm-tool"?"15:21
blackxoredhi guys15:21
detrixHello everyone.  anyone here use Teamspeak.  I have 2.0 installed and want to upgrade to 3.0, but only 2.0 is on the repositories, and when I download 3.0 from their web site, the install does not complete.15:21
kwtmresearcher1: if that doesn't work, add "sudo" in front of that command. :)15:21
blackxoredhow can I have multiple desktops on a notebook with vga output ???15:21
DasEiresearcher: sudo apt-get remove --purge   AnyPaketHere15:21
kwtmresearcher1: see what DasEi said in that line that contains a nick similar to your own. :)15:22
DasEihe, researcher1, , =)15:22
dumhow do i sudo apt-get when behind a proxy...15:23
researcher1I got this message when I tried to purge remastersys dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:15:23
researcher1 unable to fill /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i with padding: No space left on device15:23
williamHi can anyone help me with a pakage manager error. My software updates keeps telling me to install xorg-driver-fglrx but it wont let me. IT reads the message15:23
dumseems like i can't download packages from command line using my proxy settings15:23
DasEidum: basically the same, your network has to be set up correctly15:23
theadminHow can i determine file mime-type trough a terminal?15:23
theadminAlso, is it safe to create a shortcut to launch the terminal session as root>15:23
rajan_theadmin: Use file command.15:24
Pici!it | albertoflorio15:24
ubottualbertoflorio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:24
dumDasEi: well not the same.. cos it doesn't seem to work15:24
DasEidum: transparent proxy ?15:24
DasEidum : nat ?15:24
LALFGMkwtm: I will come in later and tell you the info what you asked. Will you be here later?15:24
dumDasEi: what are transparent proxies.. its a http proxy that acts as a firewall15:24
DasEidum : can you call a webside, like google atm ?15:24
kwtmLALFGM: I don't come here that often.  You might want to try Ubuntu Forums on the web, where: 1) more people can see because it's not just for people who are here right at this instant, and 2) others can get help from what you learned.15:25
skrite99anyone know when beta2 of lynx is being released?15:25
geniiwilliam: Enable the "restricted" repository15:25
kwtmskrite99: TOMORROW!!! (Can't wait.)15:25
Piciskrite99: See the topic in #ubuntu+115:25
DasEiskrite: #ubuntu+115:25
LALFGMkwtm: how do I access the forums?15:25
kwtmskrite99: It will be release UbunTUMORROW.  (joke, joke)15:26
GuiriDoes anybody know anything about recroding digital video, or maybe doing screen splitting in Ubuntu?15:26
DasEidum: does your browser work ?15:26
skrite99Pici, DasEi, thanks15:26
blackxoredhow can I have multiple desktops on a notebook with vga output ???15:26
skrite99kwtm, great, thanks15:26
orangejuiceHello, when I started my computer today I was left in the grub prompt as opposed booting up into ubuntu, now I am following the basis of the Grub2 recovery but it doesn't seem to work. I am getting the error: "No init found. Try passing init = bootarg" Any ideas?15:26
skrite99kwtm, been waiting for my laptop install :)15:26
dumDasEi: i set authentication on browser and synaptic as well15:26
kwtmLALFGM: Go to http://ubuntuforums.org/ and start with searching for posts that might help.  If you can't find any, register as a new user, then post your question.15:27
dumDasEi: things just dont work from command line15:27
DasEidum : so it seems more a firewall,  err auth, need usr/pass for that proxy ?15:27
kwtmLALFGM: Don't forget to include the output of the command "nm-tool".  It might take a few days to get all your questions answered, but the help is more thorough.  I'm not that good at Ubuntu.15:27
geekphreakwow big list15:28
dumDasEi: huh?15:28
DasEidum : what did you set in browser ? a username and pass for the proxy ?15:28
researcher1How do I correct this error  "dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: unable to fill /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i with padding: No space left on device" I want to uninstall packages15:29
DasEiresearcher1 : df -h  , disk full ?15:29
dumDasEi: yes, as well as the port and http proxy server name15:29
researcher1DasEi: yes disk full.please help15:29
Piciresearcher1: Are /home and / on different partitions?15:30
Pici!ask | ihernandez15:30
ubottuihernandez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:30
researcher1different partitions i guess.How to ascertain that?15:30
researcher1Pici: different partitions i guess.How to ascertain that?15:30
Piciresearcher1: Can you pastebin out output of df -h ?15:31
ihernandezjust curious... is there some indicator plugin for thunderbird?15:31
barrandowhatis the proper and reliable way to check if I'm connected to a router(switch) or not through cli? I'm with karmic, be assigned ip by dhcp15:31
researcher1Pici:Yes instantly15:31
ihernandezi'm trying the 10.04 beta1 and like the concept, but evolution is really not my favourite mail system15:31
sjorsrbarrando: you could try and ping the router15:31
geekphreakihernandez:  what indicator?15:31
=== kasun is now known as Guest4623
Piciihernandez : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.15:32
ihernandezIndicator Applet 0.3.6: An applet to hold all of the system indicators.15:32
barrandosjorsr: I'm kind want to write a startup script in which i wanna check the status of "if im online or not"15:32
ihernandezthat one :)15:32
sjorsrwell, what i use on kiosk machines with 3g here is the following15:32
ihernandezPici, thanks . i will!15:32
kingtigeranyone active?15:32
geekphreakkingtiger: nope15:33
Picibarrando: You can sheck if you have an inet entry in ip addr show dev eth0   (or whatever you ethernet device is)15:33
sjorsrif eval "ping -c 1"; then /usr/bin/xulrunner /usr/local/xul/mwa/application.ini &; fi15:33
kwtmresearcher1: I too am curious about pastebin'd output of "df -h".  Did you crash due to disk full or you're just getting around to it?15:33
researcher1Pici: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/y2Yp5ty615:33
DasEidum : http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html15:33
sjorsrthat only shows your interface is up and has an ip-addres though, which doesn't guarantee you actually have a connection (like on these machines), but the concept is the same.15:33
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
DasEiresearcher1 : how much space left15:34
barrandoPici: you mean $ifconfig and find the inet line?15:34
kwtmresearcher1: Whoa, you are COMPLETELY full!  Free up a meg or two with just plain "rm <something>" and then start uninstalling. :P15:34
geekphreakwow 0 lol15:34
DasEiresearcher1 : anything in trash or a file you can easily delete ?15:34
kwtmresearcher1: Like, you could probably uninstall OpenOffice and then reinstall it later.15:35
researcher1yes I can delete anything for this moment15:35
researcher1but u please see image also15:35
geekphreakresearcher1: got any external drive?15:35
sjorsrip addr show dev eth0 | grep -V inet6 | grep inet should give a result if your interface is up15:35
sjorsrand you have an ipv4 address15:35
kingtigerany suggestions on a 56k modem for a PBX15:35
researcher1no external drive just a pen drive15:36
DasEikwtm: prob is now apt not working due to lack of space15:36
kwtmresearcher1: What image are you talking about?  Pastebin?  I must have missed a URL to a graphics image.  (wow, 92G and 0 bytes available...)15:36
geekphreakresearcher1:  move some downloaded data/ files to it15:36
williamgenii: how can i enable restricted repository?15:36
=== luke is now known as Guest80301
Picibarrando: Actually, this should command should only report information if eth0 is up: ip link show up dev eth015:36
kwtmDasEi: Yeah, I mean researcher1 needs to just plain "rm" something to free up a few megs.15:36
researcher1where can i paste image so that u can see disk analyser report15:37
geekphreakkwtm:  yeah 0 left15:37
kwtmubottu: !pastebin15:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:37
Piciresearcher1:  http://tinyurl.com/imagebin15:37
genii!repos | william see third link from the bot:15:37
ubottuwilliam see third link from the bot:: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:37
ubuntunewbieDasEi: I had encode the rmvb with the provided link but the sound and video doesn't synchronize15:37
DasEidum : export http_proxy="http://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<IP_OF_PROXY>:<PORT_OF_PROXY>"  , without the <>15:38
kwtmWow, I'm getting good at learning these factoid keywords.15:38
kwtmubottu: !kwtm is so smart.15:38
ubuntunewbieDasEi: the original file is fine but after converted it off syn15:38
geekphreakkwtm:  i am still new :(15:38
DasEikwtm : right15:38
barrandoPici: thank you and sjorsr, those really works15:38
tobi__can I use kwin in gnome?15:38
kwtmgeekphreak: What?  I thought YOU were the expert, and *I* was the new guy!15:38
kwtmtobi__: Yes.15:38
dumDasEi: i have that in the bash.bashrc file.. but it never worked..15:38
DasEi!brain > geekphreak15:38
ubottugeekphreak, please see my private message15:38
geekphreakkwtm:  naaw ur the guru :)15:38
overmindtobi__: All/most of KDE applications can be used in gnome15:38
researcher1this is the report :http://imagebin.org/9205815:39
geekphreaklol ty bot15:39
kwtmgeekphreak: I just toss out jargon and make up acronyms on the spot. :)15:39
geekphreakDasEi: :p15:39
johsancahola alguien me podria ayudar con este error que tengo en mi ubuntu 9.10 en el virtual box http://www.flickr.com/photos/johsanca/4498692794/15:39
kingtigerany suggestions on a 56k modem for a PBX15:39
DasEidum : after you did n saved it, gotto open another terminal window for it to work15:39
overmindjohsanca: ve a #ubuntu-es para ayuda en español :)15:39
tobi__how do I set up kwin?15:39
kwtmwilliam: Anyone answer your question yet?  You can use Synaptic (I don't use it, though, so not sure how) or you use Adept.15:40
DasEiubuntunewbie: hmm, I never did it on rmvb15:40
geekphreakresearcher1:  did you post the image?15:40
ubuntunewbieDasEi: oh15:40
kwtmtobi__: Oh.  For that I'm not that familiar.  I know you can use it, though... and it might not have all teh features of a KDE system if it's put into a GNOME system.15:41
nocleaderAn outgoing ping without a source IP defined would pick up the IP of the outbound interface correct?? .. not a secondary IP range on that outbound interface .... not some random loopback IP or other interface IP ... true?15:41
DasEiubuntunewbie: does it play in vlc (the original) ?15:41
kwtmresearcher1: Personally, I think you just need to move a few files off to your pen drive first, or just plain delete some files.  The disk analyzer report is almost irrelevant.15:41
ubuntunewbieDasEi: you mean the rmvb ? nope vlc doesn't support rmvb15:42
researcher1what it is which I can safely delete without destabilising the system?15:42
RalphSpencergeekphreak, XD ;P15:42
DasEi!trash | researcher115:42
ubotturesearcher1: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:42
ubuntunewbieDasEi: tested with the converted .avi in vlc still it's off synchronize15:42
researcher1ubottu:what do i do?15:42
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
geekphreakresearcher1 wow all full15:42
researcher1geekfreak: what is next step?15:43
DasEiresearcher1: ubott... is the channel ro-bot15:43
nocleaderopps ... wrong channel .......15:43
kwtmresearcher1: Okay, your home directory has 84GB of stuff.  Surely there is SOMETHING you can delete.  Do you know how to get to a terminal to delete?15:43
DasEiubuntunewbie: that is .. sound and vid not in syc ?15:43
researcher1Im into terminal15:43
geekphreakresearcher1 clean trash ,15:43
DasEiresearcher1: cd ~/.local/share/Trash15:44
DasEiresearcher1: ls15:44
kwtmresearcher1: Find something that you can download another copy of, or something.  Free up 100MB if you can, or even 10MB or 1MB.  Then do "apt-get remove openofficve.org-core" or something.15:44
researcher1just a moment let me follow u15:44
DasEiresearcher1: sth in  ?15:44
kumar-kle# join linux-belgaum15:44
kwtmresearcher1: Wups, put a "sudo" in front of that.15:44
geekphreakresearcher1 anything in downloads that can be deleted?15:44
kwtmkumar-kle: I think you mean "/join #linux-belgium"?15:44
ubuntunewbieDasEi: yep , following this code mencoder samplerv.rmvb -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=standard  -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200:mbd=2:trell:v4mv  -ffourcc XVID -mc 0 -noskip -o out.avi15:44
researcher1Now Im here cd ~/.local/share/Trash15:44
ubuntunewbieDasEi: Now I convert again without the -mc 0 -noskip -o15:45
kwtmwow, is this disk usage analyzer the default in Ubuntu (GNOME)?  It doesn't look that useful.  Install filelight (*AFTER* you remove OpenOffice!) and go with that.15:45
kumar-klethanx kwtn.. i looki for a soln..15:45
kumar-klethanx kwtn.. i lookin for a soln..15:45
DasEiubuntunewbie: but the video is now played by vlc, but sound not in sync ? you can make vlc syny that,  and right, deeper look in mencoders options15:45
researcher1geekfreak: I can delemte many thing from Downloads15:46
ubuntunewbieDasEi: how to do that?15:46
kwtmresearcher1: Okay, "rm <filename>" and delete some from downloads.  You can do "ls -lh" to list file sizes.15:46
socramjoin/ #ubuntu-es15:46
researcher1kwtm: can i delete it from GUI?15:47
DasEiubuntunewbie: vlc > extras > second item15:47
overmindsocram: /join #channel :-)15:47
kwtmresearcher1: Sure.  It's just sometimes the GUI chokes ... oh, wait, the GUI's going to stick it in Trash, isn't it?15:47
kwtmresearcher1: Is there a command, like, "empty the trash can" or something?  (I use KDE, so I have a different system.)15:47
researcher1kwtm:then after delete I will empty trash. Is it ok?15:47
DasEikwtm: nope, and CAREful with rm, gone forever it is15:48
kwtmresearcher1: Why don't you empty trash now?15:48
researcher1I emptied trash15:48
kwtmresearcher1: Unless your trash is already empty (and you're still at 0 bytes!)15:48
DasEiresearcher1 : rm is gone w/o  trash, might need sudo for it on some files15:48
barrandohow to remove the gdm splash screen? the one showing up after you type in your name and pass a screen showing "ubuntu" just like the OS splash.  it's really taking a while15:48
kwtmresearcher1: what does "df -h /" say now?  Any more availble space?15:49
tobi__how do I configure kwin in gnome?15:49
DasEiubuntunewbie: found it ?15:49
researcher1let me past again15:49
ubuntunewbieDasEi: I tested now ,15:49
=== ubuntu is now known as user0
ubuntunewbieDasEi: Now I am converting , will give you an reply later :)15:50
researcher1It says /dev/sda7              92G   92G     0 100% /15:50
kwtmtobi__: I suspect that kwin in GNOME is probably advanced enough that you need to google the forums.  Probably won't get that much help here in #ubuntu.  Try #kubuntu?  But probably web.15:50
researcher1avaialbe 0 usage 100%15:50
ubuntunewbieDasEi: using amd 2.0 ghz slow processor.15:50
geekphreakresearcher1 delete any stuff which aint imp.15:50
ubuntunewbieDasEi: btw , what processor you are using ?15:50
kwtmresearcher1: Okay, so trash was already empty.  Yeah, go delete something, and then empty trash after you verified that you really want it gone.  Find something big and useless.15:50
researcher1from Downloads?15:50
kwtmresearcher1: from downloads, or wahtever.15:51
geekphreakresearcher1 you can move some stuff to ur pen drive too15:51
jakubohi, does anyone know anything about jard disks getting too hot?15:51
kwtmI might have to go soon.15:51
blackxoredhow can I have multiple desktops on a notebook with vga output ???15:51
user0I've done the unthinkable and lost my home partition when the karmic installer tried to change it to ext4. It was formatted, is there any way it can be recovered?15:51
blackxoredwhat does "toggle redirect" window management in compiz does?15:51
DasEiubuntunewbie: mystic heater, nah about same , hints for mencoder research : http://hubpages.com/hub/1001-mencoder-tips15:52
soreaublackxored: Where do you see this option?15:52
researcher1Im doing deleting then emptying trash15:52
blackxoredsoreau, on Extra WM Actions15:52
geekphreakresearcher1 kool15:52
DasEijakubo: never had that problem, you can monitor their temps if you like15:53
blackxoredsoreau, the window screen shows my background but does anything else15:53
DasEiresearcher1: as said above, rm really kills, doesn't move to trash15:53
ubuntunewbieDasEi: thanks , ! , trying now15:53
ccmonsteris there an openoffice chan?15:54
blackxoredis is possible to setup multiple monitors to  not expand my monitor, and to show a different workspace instead?15:54
blackxoredsoreau, did you see it??15:54
Piciccmonster: #openoffice.org15:54
HollenthonHey, new user here, and I am trying to instal Qmmp from ubuntu software center but it says "Requires installation of untrusted packages"...What do I do? Allow it to install untrusted packages?What riscs are there if I allow?15:54
DasEiubuntunewbie: it would be nicer, not to have the relatively slow vlc do it each tie on a new box, mmh15:54
dumnot sure if this is the right place to ask.. but is it possible to set a broadcast address for loopback ethernet interface?15:54
Dr_Willisblackxored:  it dosent really work that way.15:54
geekphreakpici you are fast :)15:54
geekphreakDr_Willis: howdy15:54
blackxoredDr_Willis, I can't do anything about it ???15:55
blackxoredit's ugly15:55
jakubodoes anyone know anything about heting problems?15:55
howelldNew user here, I have a password question if anyone can help me??15:55
Dr_Willisblackxored:  it dosent really work that way with workspaces.. so not really. You could run 2 X sessions , one on each monitor if you wanted to.. but i dont see the point in it.15:55
blackxoredand rather cumbersome, since I want to run qemu on full screen or seamless virtualization on a second workspace *and* monitor15:55
geekphreakjakubo:  problem aint related to ubuntu :)15:55
Dr_Willisblackxored:  i dont really see any reason to want differnt workspaces  on different monitors either15:55
blackxoredDr_Willis, see up15:56
Picihowelld: Don't ask to ask, just ask :)15:56
jakuboi guess, but still someone might know anything15:56
DasEiblackxored: funny expression in that request, either you stretch or you clone15:56
AJW256jakubo: try #b&q :)15:56
Picijakubo: Try ##hardware15:56
blackxoredDasEi, sorry?15:56
Dr_Willisblackxored:  i find twinview works very well for me.  with one big desktop across 3 monitors.15:56
howelldWhen I log on, a box pops up and says  to enter a password for network manager applet.  How do I disable that?15:56
blackxoredDr_Willis, that's for nvidia15:57
geekphreakhowelld:  did you change your acount password?15:57
howelldNo i haven't changed anything..15:57
BlaDe^can I disable CPU Frequency Scaling?15:57
Dr_Willishowelld:  you set a blank password in the  apps -> accessories -> password and keys.. tool.15:57
DasEiblackxored: you can stretch your desk in two different workspaces15:57
BlaDe^It never lets my CPU run at 100% and things are going clunky atm.15:57
blackxoredand how do you exactly do that??15:57
Dr_Willishowelld:  check the right click menus in that tool for a 'change password' item. you use it.. enter old password.. then just blank for the new one15:57
kcw12geekphreak can i pm you?15:58
howelldok thanks, let me try that.15:58
pinoyoragonany ldap users here?  I'm having trouble with ldap in ubuntu 9.10, i get an Invalid Credentials (49) when i issue "ldapsearch -xLLL -b cn=config -D cn=admin,cn=config -W olcDatabase=hdb olcAccess"15:58
DasEi!dualhead | blackxored15:58
ubottublackxored: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:58
geekphreakkcw12: 1 sec15:58
scottderHey all, is there a way in 9.10 to have the middle mouse button paste use the gnome clipboard15:58
DasEiblackxored : nvidia ?15:58
scottderrather than x15:58
researcher1geekfreak,DasEi:Yes I did it under your most valuable guidance15:59
Dr_Willisscottder:  install one of the clipboard manager tools that exist.. theuy can sync the clipboard and selection buffers15:59
islingtonscottder: I dont think so, afaik that can be done only with a clipboard manager15:59
DasEiresearcher1: apt running again ?15:59
geekphreakkcw12:  go for it15:59
Sh3r1ffpinoyoragon: invalid credentials, you have the correct password? ;)15:59
HollenthonCan someone tell me please what do I do in this situation?15:59
DasEiresearcher1: sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-games openoffice*15:59
researcher1yes Done16:00
researcher1so nice16:00
researcher1it is creating good space16:00
dumDasEi:  where can i add a start up script in ubuntu.. i would like to run a script each time my PC starts up16:00
pinoyoragonSh3r1ff: last time i was asked for a password it worked, but when i issue that command, the same password don't work...btw it's my first time to setup ldap16:00
DasEiresearcher1: time for a hot drink of your choice > disk management16:01
erUSULHollenthon: do you have third party repositories enabled or added?16:01
Dr_Willisdum:  at boot time -> /etc/rc.local    unless you mean when a user logs in.16:01
researcher1what disk management?16:01
researcher1whats that?16:01
DasEidum : /etc/rc.local is one solution16:01
HollenthonerUSUL, aaa I'm a new user, don't know how do I check that.16:01
pop2Hi. XFCE4 crashes upon login, basically it's the blue swirly loading thing then black for a second then back at the login screen. I can login using openbox, but starting xfce4-session crashes everything again. I checked the log, xfdesktop: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0.16:01
geekphreakkcw12: ??16:01
scottderDr_Willis: any recommendations on a clipboard manager?16:02
erUSULHollenthon: i would accept the install. probably some minor error with the mirror you are using16:02
HollenthonerUSUL,  I went to software sources and I have there multiverse enabled, if this helps.16:02
Dr_Willisscottder:  i think theres only like 4 in thepackage manager.. try them out16:02
scottderOk, thanks16:02
pop2So I couldn't even get NetworkManager to show up in the panel, I found out that "sudo xfce4-session" actually does work. I'm in root's xfce4 account now apparently, though most of the stuff is my own16:02
HollenthonerUSUL, Maybe if I change the repository I download from the problem would be resolved?16:02
geekphreakyo yo16:03
dum Dr_Willis: DasEi:  thanks16:03
DasEidum : kinda program ? services needed ? interactive ?16:03
erUSULHollenthon: you may want to try the main repositorie16:03
HollenthonerUSUL, if I change to main server or United states ..server16:03
geekphreakresearcher1:  freed some space?16:03
Dr_Willispop2:  you proberly just goofed up a lot of permissions and ownership of files inyour users Home dir by doing that.. but they may of been goofed up befor.16:03
HollenthonerUSUL, i changed it to main server, I hope it works.16:03
pop2Dr_Willis: mkay16:03
dumDasEi:  i need some applications to run at start up16:03
tiinaHi anyone here who could help me to install my LG mobilephone on ubuntu 9.10?16:04
pop2So for future reference, how do i connect to/explore wifi network on the command line?16:04
dumDasEi:  some scripts to run..16:04
DasEi!startup | bum,  so no script then16:04
ubottubum,  so no script then: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot16:04
Dr_Willispop2:  make a new user. see if it works proerly for them. also check to see who owns all the files in you problem users home. it should be owned by your user, and the group should also be you rusers name. not 'root'16:04
dumDasEi:  scripts that set up network stuff16:04
HollenthonerUSUL,  thanks, changed to main repositorie and it works like a charm now, no untrusted packages error anymore.16:05
Dr_Willisdum:  if you want them to run at boot time.. without a user logging in.. and they have no gui.. /etc/rc.local is a good place for them16:05
DasEidum : can be set in rc.local, I assume your proxy stuff16:05
erUSULHollenthon: no problem16:05
eguest039 /mesg16:05
pop2how do i get ls to show hidden files16:05
DasEipop2: nautilus ?16:05
Dr_Willispop2:  ls -a16:05
Dr_Willispop2:  'man ls' for details16:05
tiinacould someone help me with lg mobilein ubuntu?16:05
pop2DasEi: XFCE :P16:05
DasEipop2: ctrl+h16:06
DasEipop2 : #xubuntu is there, too16:06
pop2DasEi That way i'd have to inspect the properties of each file to see who owns it so i'm just using ls16:06
tiinaIngen som kunde hjälpa mig att installera pc suite för LG i Ubuntu16:06
pedroSomeone noticed editing videos?16:07
pop2is root supposed to own ICEAUTHORITY16:07
DasEipop2: no, stard user, classical cripple after certain updates16:07
outoftimehi all -- i keep doing some typo keybinding that makes my gnome-terminal window semi-transparent -- the transparency extends to the titlebar, so I'm guessing it's a window manager thing rather than a gnome-terminal thing, but i can't for the life of me figure out what I did or how to get it back to normal.16:07
Dr_Willispop2:  its owned by my user here.16:07
DasEipop2: sudo chown $USER ~/.Iceauhtority16:08
pedroSomeone noticed editing videos?16:08
pop2DasEi: Yeah :)16:08
Pici pedro noticed?16:08
pedroYes .16:08
dumDasEi: not just my proxy.. actually.. i want to set up static route in my routing table each time i reboot.. I have written the script to do that.. just want to but that code in the right place16:08
Dr_Willisoutoftime:  its a compiz thing.   install/check the ccsm tool. disable the plugin for transparency if you want.16:08
pop2in ls -l there are two columns with my username... is one a group?16:08
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:08
Dr_Willispop2:  yes. user:group16:09
DasEidum : once script is fine, there you go16:09
Picipedro: I don't understand your question, perhaps #ubuntu-br would be able to help you better16:09
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:09
rocket16In Xchat, I need to identify again and again, when I start. Can't there be a start-up script?16:10
Pici!crosspost | dum16:10
ubottudum: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.16:10
rocket16IN Empahty it automatically identifies me,16:10
Dr_Willisrocket16:  xchat settings has a identify  setting or  yocan set up an on connect. command/script16:10
rocket16Dr_Willis: Oh, thanks,16:10
Dr_Willisrocket16:  theres also other scripts you can use for xchat to automate it. see the xchat homepage16:10
pinoyoragonSh3r1ff: still there?16:10
rocket16Dr_Willis: Ok, thanks16:11
outoftimeDr_Willis: looks like "Fading Windows" was at fault -- disabled it and all is good. thanks!16:11
DasEirocket16: xchat allows that too, set up account properly16:11
pop2changing .ICEauthority to my user/group didn't solve the login crash16:11
pop2any other ideas? :P16:11
pop2and that's basically the only file in my homedir that was misowned16:11
dumubottu: sorry..16:11
DasEipop2: check /var/log/syslog and messages in same dir16:11
pop2dum: lol16:11
dum pop2: just desperate.. ;)16:12
Dr_Willispop2:  check ALL the files in every dir.   test with a new user.. if a newly made user crashes also.. well theres some deeper issues going on.16:12
Dr_Willispop2:  if a newly made user works.. then it points to the problem users settings being to blame16:12
DasEidum : ubott... is the channel ro-bot16:12
pop2Dr_Willis did you see I said xfdesktop: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0.16:12
dumDasEi:  lol.. just found out.. ;)16:13
Dr_Willispop2:  it could be a user setting..   if it fails for a new user.. that would point to it not being a user setting.16:13
DasEidum:and I'm his sister, hehe16:13
pop2ah alright16:13
DasEi!brain > dum16:13
ubottudum, please see my private message16:13
dumDasEi: new to this irc thing.. but loving this room16:13
pop2how do i add a new user on the commandline (for future reference :P)16:13
DasEipop2 : sudo adduser16:14
geekphreakdum good people here , oh wait i am one of them ;)16:14
Dr_Willispop2:  sudoadduser billgates16:14
Dr_Willispop2:  sudo adduser billgates16:14
e-DIO-tsudo useradd -m [create home] -s /bin/bash [shell selection] username16:14
dalton2345Hi everybody, I have a question, I have an ubuntu partition, if i upgrade vista to 7, will it wipe ubuntu?16:14
geekphreakDr_Willis:  lol nice name16:14
dumDasEi:  and arrogant = DasEi16:14
e-DIO-tdalton2345:  guess no, but i got no proofs16:14
pop2adduser prompts me for the user's ROOM NUMBER??16:14
geekphreakdalton2345:  it wont wipe ubuntu, but ubuntu boot loader grub 2 yes16:15
Dr_Willispop2:  just enter some info or hit enter...16:15
Dr_Willispop2:  logical eh..16:15
geekphreakdalton2345:  you will have to reinstall grub16:15
pop2haha okay16:15
e-DIO-tpop2:  try "which useradd && which adduser"16:15
dalton2345geekphreak: so when i reboot i wont have grub?16:15
pop2When prompted for [Y/n], the capital letter is the default if you just push enter, right?16:15
geekphreakdalton2345: nope16:15
geekphreakdalton2345:  you will have to use ubuntu cd, to  install grub back16:16
Dr_Willispop2:  just hit enter a few dozen times.. and set a password.. :)16:16
geekphreakdalton2345: ubuntu partition will be still there16:16
pop2Dr_Willis I did :P16:16
Dr_Willispop2:  then its added.16:16
pop2Dr_Willis: Gonna test it now with xfce16:16
dalton2345geekphreak: so i will have to insert the cd and it will tell me to install grub?16:16
barrandoany idea about remove the gdm splash? I'm moving to openbox wm and really feel that it's too long to wait, when you frequently login and out16:17
geekphreakdalton2345:  run the cd in rescue mode16:17
geekphreakrescue a system mode16:17
dalton2345geekphreak: then what?16:17
NiksoniWill there be Ubuntu DVD? :D16:17
geekphreakit will do it thing, then it will give you option to drop to shel, or reinstall grub16:17
dumgeekphreak: real good people here and DasEi: is the greatest. ;) sucking up;)16:17
pop2Dr_Willis: Yup works16:17
geekphreakdum yeah he is and he did not pay me to say that ;)16:18
dalton2345geekphreak: have u done it?16:18
ZykoticK9Niksoni, there already is an Ubuntu DVD, it simply contains more packages then the CD version16:18
geekphreakdalton2345:  many times :)16:18
Dr_Willispop2:  you could just start deleting settingt files.. and  clean them out. :) and perhaps  find theone thats the problem16:18
NiksonizykoricK9: Where?16:18
geekphreakdalton2345: 1 thing to keep in mind dalton234516:18
pop2How do I sudo from a user that's not supposed to sudo16:18
dalton2345geekphreak: is 7 much better?16:18
Dr_Willispop2:  you dont. :)16:18
geekphreakdalton2345:  just do this test for me16:18
pop2Dr_Willis: lol which ones16:18
Dr_Willispop2:  no idea. ones related to xfce i imagine.16:19
geekphreakinsert cd in drive , and try to boot from , just boot , dont install or anything16:19
geekphreakdoe you see "rescue a system option"16:19
XethronHey guys16:19
e-DIO-t[Noob -> which is the actual use of exec? is the "long" for `command` ?]16:19
geekphreakdalton2345: yes windows 7 is good16:19
dalton2345geekphreak: how long is the upgrade just so i know16:19
pop2Dr_Willis: Forbidding sudo is a bit silly, the user can still ctrl+alt+f1 and do the same thing16:20
geekphreakdalton2345: depend on system speed ,16:20
geekphreakdalton2345: normally like 30-45 min16:20
Dr_Willispop2:  you dont really know enough to understand it then i guess...16:20
geekphreakrocket16:  dont pm me16:20
dalton2345geekphreak: sound good, let me insert the cd if i see system rescue mode, brb16:20
Dr_Willispop2:  you could have 10 users logged in at the same time also.. only sudo enabled users can do sudo 'tasks' thats how it works16:20
Dr_Willispop2:  you could also set up specific users with specific sudo rights where they can only do specific commands.16:21
Dr_Willispop2:  in short.. theres a LOT more to 'sudo' then 'a command you use to get root access' :)16:21
pop2hmm, #xubuntu is dead. Does anyone here know where xfce4's user setting files are16:22
nokia_help me with the error... thrown by QT 4.5.216:22
nokia_Running build steps for project prj...16:23
rocket16My God!16:23
nokia_Starting: /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 /home/nokia/prj/prj.pro -spec /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -r CONFIG+=debug16:23
nokia_Exited with code 0.16:23
nokia_Starting: /usr/bin/make -w16:23
nokia_make: Entering directory `/home/nokia/prj'16:23
nokia_/usr/bin/uic-qt4 mainwindow.ui -o ui_mainwindow.h16:23
FloodBot2nokia_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:23
Dr_Willispop2:  check the newly made users home - the files should be shown in there.16:23
UrdaQUESTION: Ubuntu 9.10 Server, OpenSSH SFTP, how do I make a user that logs in over SFTP to automatically cd to a specific directory?16:23
* Dr_Willis wonders how many other people are getting 'bot' type messages from rocket1616:23
pop2haha yeah he's turning it off now16:23
pop2or trying to16:24
axisysneed help upgrading puppet from 0.25.1 to 0.25.4 on ubuntu karmic .. i am trying to install the deb pkg from ubuntu lucid .. but it is failing like this http://pastebin.com/dziSVrwU16:24
rocket16Everybody, please excuse me, my IRC Chess is troubling it!16:24
UrdaDr_Willis: I was16:24
pop2Dr_Willis: He tried to run chess over IRC but now it responds to everyone who says anything in rooms he's in16:24
yofelnokia_: do you have the error in a pastebin now?16:24
Picirocket16: Then please part this channel until you fix it.16:24
rocket16I am quitting, here it is sending bot messages to eveyi\one16:24
UrdaAlready ignored rocket1616:24
geekphreakme 216:24
jambulвсем прив. нужна помощь. asus f5rl не работает камера... что делать? линукс юзаю всего пару дней.16:24
Pici!ru | jambul16:24
ubottujambul: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:24
rocket16Ah, I think it is free now,16:25
Picirocket16: Fixed?16:25
rocket16Yes, :)16:25
=== mfacenet_ is now known as mFacenet
Picirocket16: Thanks.16:25
pop2so how do i give a user sudo access through a commandline that's already logged in as root16:25
pop2(would speed things up)16:25
rocket16Pici: My pleasure, :)16:25
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:26
rocket16Acutally, although offtopic, but a single line, that is, I am a great Chess fan, and caught the attention of this IRC Chess system. :) Please excuse me all.16:26
pop2admin? :P16:26
nokia_u doesn't need to. every cmd 'll exec as superuser16:26
geekphreakrocket16:  no harm done !!16:27
Urdaok so any way16:27
UrdaQUESTION: Ubuntu 9.10 Server, OpenSSH SFTP, how do I make a user that logs in over SFTP to automatically cd to a specific directory?16:27
rocket16geekphreak: Thanks, :)16:27
* rocket16 wonders whether anybody here is really interested in Chess or not, although offtopic.16:28
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
yofelpop2: as nokia_ said, if you run a root shell you don't need sudo, and if you want to give someone else sudo rights add him to the admin group16:28
skrite99Urda, change his home directory16:28
honzahello guys, I'm really stuck, I created a new user in my 9.10 ubuntu, when I try to run e.g. xlock or xterm I get an error: No protocol specified .... any suggestions? I tried exporting DISPLAY as localhost and other ip's to no avail ....16:28
nokia_yep.. the root group....16:28
skrite99Urda, to the directory that you want to auto cd into16:28
Urdaskrite99: I did that and it isn't jumping to it on login, I should also mention I am jailing the user to their home directory, and want them to jump down one to incoming16:28
pop2yofel Yeah I was asking how to do that over the commandline (and found it on google :P)16:29
yofelnokia_: no, the admin group, the root group isn't used16:29
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
Urdaso /store/sftp/test and on login should jump to /store/sftp/test/incoming16:29
nokia_you can add user with admin rights. no harm16:29
yofelpop2: oh, didn't read the full backlog ^^16:29
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:29
yofelnokia_: yes, as I said16:30
Urdaskrite99: is it something I can do in OpenSSH or a config?16:30
Urdaso right now I have test:x:1002:1001::/store/sftp/test/incoming:/bin/false but when you use the sftp command to conenct they are still in / as their pwd16:30
yofelnokia_: do you have your qt error in a pastebin now?16:30
oalDoes anyone know how to use a Wacom with dual monitors? A circle isn't a circle, it's an eclipse16:30
pop2is deleting .ICEauthority okay16:30
rocket16Hm, I started the Chess Server, and now it might be running, because my System is slow. I closed the terminal though. :(16:30
nokia_ya want to see it.16:30
honzahello guys, I'm really stuck, I created a new user in my 9.10 ubuntu, when I try to run e.g. xlock or xterm I get an error: No protocol specified .... any suggestions? I tried exporting DISPLAY as member:localhost and other ip's to no avail ....any idea is welcome16:31
yofelnokia_: well, that's why you came here, wasn't it?16:31
Urdaskrite99: got it, I had to do a home dir Relative to jail16:31
justdaveUrda: look into a package called 'scponly'16:31
yofelnokia_: and floodbot cut you off when you pasted it so you don't spam the channel16:31
Urdaskrite99: /incoming16:31
justdaveUrda: it'll probably do what you want16:31
Urdajustdave: Already have a SFTP jail set up, with no scp on for users. Just got my home dir working16:31
nokia_the compilation error is16:32
nokia_make: g++ command not found16:32
justdaveUrda: the name is slightly misleading these days, it's a little more flexible than just scp :)  it's a general chroot's restricted shell these days16:32
justdaveer, chroot'd16:32
axisyslooks like i am on a catch 22.. puppetmaster wont install w/o puppet-common and vice versa16:32
Urdajustdave: oh but I just got openssh chroot to work perfectly :s16:33
=== JonMelamut is now known as JonMelamut-brb
rocket16What is the command to kill a local server? I started one with "java Chess 1234" command, and then killed the terminal to end it. Is it still running?16:33
=== JonMelamut-brb is now known as JonMelamut
yofelnokia_: please install 'build-essential'16:33
jambulкто-нибудь понимает русский? =)16:33
yofelnokia_: the c++ compiler isn't installed by default16:33
dv_hi, I have two keyboards attached to my pc16:33
nokia_what it does..16:34
wadSetting up some virtual Ubuntu machines. They need to be lightweight, just going to run some scripts and such. They do run X, unfortunately, though. How much RAM should we allocate to these virtual machines? How much RAM does Ubuntu need to work okay?16:34
dv_is it possible to use different keymaps for them?16:34
dv_one DE, one US16:34
psusiwad: why not get rid of x?16:34
yofelnokia_: it will install the minimum requirenments to build c++ source16:34
nokia_so what should i run the command on terminal16:34
pop2wad You're running GNOME on them?16:34
yofelnokia_: sudo apt-get install build-essential16:34
wadpsusi: We're looking into that right now. But in the meantime... (Yes, pop2, Gnome)16:34
yofelnokia_: it will install a few other things too (g++ included)16:35
pop2wad In the meantime probably replace GNOME with openbox or something, lol16:35
psusiwad: yea, I'd say install server edition without x if you don't need desktop.... that will lower the footprint a good bit16:35
pop2wad if you're looking to minimize ram usage :)16:35
wadpsusi, pop2, yes yes. We're working on that. But for now, it's a pre-packaged image that has gnome. How much RAM, would you estimate?16:35
psusiwad: but for desktop you really want at least 512 megs16:36
nick2Hello people, i need to restore the content of my /var/lib/dpkg/infos folder... is there a way to regenerate this metadata?16:36
runarfreyrAnyone who might possibly help me out, ? Desperate for assistance, trying to set up a file server in ubuntu 9,10. I can share the EXT4 file system using samba without problems and other windows machines can identify it but when I try to share another hd (even tried converting the fs from ntfs to fat32) the windows machine cant access :--/. It can see the share but not access it16:36
wadOkay, 512. Thanks psusi!16:36
psusinick2: yea, reinstall ;)16:36
nick2psusi thanks anyway :)16:36
yofelnick2: how did you loose it? and yes, you'll have to reinstall I fear16:37
pop2wad I just read it can run on 64mb (LOL) but 384 is a comfortable minimum16:37
nick2yofel: by accident, and to be precise. it wasn me but a coworker16:37
nick2yofel: :)16:37
pop2wad especially if you aren't doing much graphically16:37
wadpop2, okay, we'll go with 384 then. Thanks!16:38
psusirunarfreyr: fat/ntfs fake the permissions so all the files appear owned by one person and are only accessible to them... usually that is the logged in desktop user... that's a problem for samba16:38
runarfreyrpsusi: So your saying theres no way to share these files on a local network with anymous access? :(16:39
=== bigjb is now known as bigjb_gone
pop2#xubuntu is still dead. Does anyone have any idea what user settings/files might cause X to be weird/kill xfce?16:39
psusirunarfreyr: you can change the permissions when you mount the drive to allow everyone access16:39
barrandoanyone knows why my battery's discharging when my acadapter's online? NOW!!16:39
skinnypupDoes anyone know the name of the USB installer? Mythbuntu for some reason left it out of the menu.16:40
runarfreyrpsusi. Can you instruct me how to automount it on start with these permissions?16:40
psusirunarfreyr: add a line to your /etc/fstab to describe the mount, and you want to use the umask=000 mount option... should be some examples on the wiki if you search for umask16:41
nokia_thanx  yofel i's working :)16:41
runarfreyrthank you psusi. I will try that16:41
skinnypupSomeone here has 9.10 i know, could you please launch the usb boot disk creator and see what process it is? Mythbuntu left the usb installer out for some reason.16:42
pop2skinnypup: usb-creator-gtk16:44
pop2skinnypup: and the other packages are usb-creator, usb-creator-common :)16:45
skinnypuppop2 thanks a ton man!16:46
pop2skinnypup:  :)16:46
Vigoskinnypup: Have you tried the Mythbuntu on an existing Ubuntu?16:46
skinnypupThat box has 9.04 mythbuntu on it now and wanting to try out the 0.22 mythtv before commiting to change16:47
skinnypupSeemed to be the easiest way16:47
geekphreakpop2 welcome back16:48
Vigoskinnypup: I just read at the Mythbuntu site, oh heck, here it is: >http://www.mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu16:48
=== klaudia is now known as clauthienxX
skinnypupCool just that i don't have a 9.10 install on that box at the moment and don't want to bork my working 9.04 myth 0.21 setup that is on it16:49
skinnypupThank you all though :)16:50
skinnypupTHanks again guys, USB install humming along now :o)16:55
wrinkliezhey guys. any good gnutella clients?  like... up to date gnutella clients? lol16:59
cih997hi, what's the different between kernels 386, generic, virtual, image-386, image-generic and image virtual?16:59
padhuhow can i configure mailserver for local network? any tutorials?17:00
ZykoticK9wrinkliez, FrostWire is available on getdeb.net17:01
wrinkliezZykotickK9: ah thanks dood17:01
tobylanedoes anyone have the waik kit on their windows computers? you might have used it for vlite17:01
New2LinuxGu1Is there a way to speed-up the playback in Amarok.  (I like to listen to my podcasts slightly faster than normal.)17:02
Oercih997, about difference kernels > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#What%27s%20the%20difference%20between%20kernel%20linux-image-server%20and%20linux-image-generic?%20What%20architecture%20is%20linux-image-server?%20Which%20one%20should%20I%20use?17:02
Dr_WillisNew2LinuxGu1:  i know mplayer and vlc can do it.. but no idea on amarok.17:02
Oertoo much to copu17:02
New2LinuxGu1OK.  Thank you.17:03
geekphreakDr_Willis: did what ya suggested, it worked great ty17:03
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  i dont even rember what i suggested...  im lucky to rember my own name. :)17:04
OerDr_Willis is great +1 :-D17:04
geekphreakDr_Willis:  lol its ok :)17:04
opticonwhen i save my theme in ubuntu where is that stored at?17:08
geekphreakDr_Willis:  you owe me 500$, i think you forgot :)17:08
cih997Oer: thx!!17:08
geekphreakopticon:  tried /usr/share/themes  ?17:09
padhuhow can i configure mailserver for local network? any tutorials?17:10
_James_i've installed ubuntu 10.04 beta on one of my systems but im having a problem booting due to a supposedly incorrect UUID17:10
=== daz is now known as DaZ
geekphreak_James_:  #ubuntu+117:11
_James_now, in previous ubuntu versions i'd edit menu.lst to the correct UUID but this has no menu.lst, so how do i go about doing it17:11
=== nawst2 is now known as mawst
Trek!lucid | _James_17:11
ubottu_James_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:11
_James_yeah yeah ok17:11
_James_stupid american keyboard layout in live cd ftl17:11
andaiwhat config files contain stuff like my cursor / theme settings?17:15
andaican deleting .cache mess up the theme settings?17:16
timposeyI am missing a file that zoneminder needs in ubuntu, it is the /dev/video file, can anyone help with this?17:19
AcidictadpoleHey, I'm looking for some help with tcpdump, is anyone familiar with it?17:19
syomasomebody alive?17:25
syomai need help with multiple monitors17:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:25
syomaI need to rotate the display contents of each of the monitors, for example the content of Monitor1 move the content to Monitor2, monitor 2 move the content to monitor317:25
slaytonI have an AFS file server that I am trying to recover data from, the sysadmin who used to administer it left and its been a real pain trying to get him to come back and transfer over our data, I have root access to the machine, what is the easiest way to get the data off?17:26
syomaany idea friends?17:26
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
Shuntanyone know how to enable xmms2 in conky?17:28
olvaphi, im trying to use a version plugin, i saw a few, but i need one that alow me to versionate the relations too.17:29
olvapi tried with vestal_versions17:30
geekphreaksorry got disconnected17:30
olvapbut vestal_versions dont save the realations, only text, and user_id17:30
muszekhi... i'm testing lucid on my laptop and the sound is not working... would someone please help me troubleshoot it?17:30
muszekdon't want to file a non-descriptive bug17:31
olvapups, wrong channel17:31
rob_codtesting 1 2 317:31
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
Trek!lucid | muszek17:33
ubottumuszek: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:33
muszekTrek, yeah, I know, my bad... I'm already asking there17:34
FeasibilityStudyAnyone know why when i turn off Ipv6 and reboot that i still have ipv6 services listening?17:36
sqwertleI removed ubuntu the other day to free up hard drive space on my desktop (I never seem to use ubuntu on it) and I seem to have messed up grub in the process. I'm no longer capable of booting any OS :(17:36
codeshahhow do I reattach to a disowned process? I want to see its output etc :(17:36
Dr_Willissqwertle:  reinstall the windows bootloader.17:36
Dr_Willissqwertle:  you removed all the grub config and other files when you removed linux.17:36
JadozaIsn't there a grub bootdisc for these purposes?17:37
sqwertleDr_Willis: how might i go about that? I figured that was what had happened :(17:37
sqwertleJadoza: I don't know =/17:37
Dr_Willissqwertle:  totally depends on your windows version. #windows may also know more.17:37
sqwertleis there a way to do it from ubuntu livecd?17:37
JadozaI remember when windows removed the Truecrypt-bootloader, thinking it was a virus. Thank f*ck I had saved the truecrypt resuce disk17:37
Dr_WillisI always just boot one of my windows cd's and use the tools on it.17:38
Trek!language | Jadoza (I assume you used the F word)17:38
ubottuJadoza (I assume you used the F word): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:38
deostrollhi "ooffice -writer" fires up open office's writer program...is there anyway I can simply type "writer" in the shell and have the same program executed?17:39
JadozaTrek I did watch it ... I added a asterisk, it's a pain in the a*s17:39
petar_can u pls help me? my terminal is bugged17:40
theadminpetar_: What's up17:40
k0nataWhats happenign?17:40
bindaashi,i can't find initlocation command for postgresql,what package do i need to install? ,i am using postgres-8.4 and ubuntu 10.04 beta17:40
TrekJadoza: censoring doesn't make a difference, its still flagged with !language17:40
Trek!lucid | bindaas17:40
ubottubindaas: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:40
napsterHow to access grub menu?17:41
petar_when i launch it keeps disappearing nad appearing on other coords17:41
Myrttinapster: in karmic, with pressing shift on boot17:41
Oerdeostroll, the command of writer is 'ooffice -writer %F'17:41
napsterMyrtti, I use lucid!17:41
seyfarthstrange question: running ubuntu server without x. there a way to increase the resolution?17:41
Myrttinapster: then it's probably shift too17:41
theadminnapster: Take Lucid questions to #ubuntu+117:41
k0natapetar tried other terminals like konsole or urxvt?17:41
Trek!lucid | napster17:41
deostrollOer: whts the %F part mean?17:41
ubottunapster: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:41
ubuntunewbieDasEi: thanks it works :-)17:41
bindaasTrek: thanks for info17:41
rhinorrheai'm using xubuntu. can anyone tell me what file the default apps to open files in thunar is stored?17:41
napsterMyrtti, Trek theadmin  will try anyway... Thanks...17:42
researcher1whats the way to increase resolution? My office PC has a limited display17:42
Oerdeostroll i dont know, i just copy the starter commandline17:42
Oerno problem to put that in bash also ?17:42
petar_when i launch my terminal it keeps disappearing and appearing on other coords in a loop.. but when i launch root terminal from system tools everythings ok.. any1?17:43
thevishyi need to install my old laptop thru PXE installation ...all I have is a windows computer in network17:43
JadozaResearcher, System -> preferences -> monitors17:43
deostrollOer: is it possible to symbolic link it?17:43
theadminpetar_: What's in your .bashrc ?17:43
rhinorrheahectic in here. :x17:43
rhinorrheacan anyone tell me where the default apps are stored for xubuntu?17:44
theadminrhinorrhea: What do you mean, stored?17:44
Jadozarhinorrhea, Must be primetime somewhere in the world :)17:44
rhinorrheawhat config file?17:44
k0natarhinorrhea whats with the thunar manpages?17:44
thevishyi saw this nice blog http://hugi.to/blog/archive/2006/12/23/ubuntu-pxe-install-via-windows17:44
o-brownHello, could someone help me making work my card reader on my laptop (karmic) ?17:44
k0natao-brown whats your problem?17:44
thevishybut my problem is that I have downloaded one iso and burned to CD , can i use that fgor installing via PXE17:45
petar_theadmin: .bashrc stuff.. what should i look for?17:45
rhinorrheak0nata: i couldn't find it.17:45
o-brownWhen I put the card in, nothing happens17:45
k0natarhinorrhea google?17:45
Oerdeostroll, iḿ not shure howto make a symbolic link17:45
Jadozarhinorrhea, Checked /bin?17:45
theadminpetar_: Could you pastebin it for me? Most likely the problem is somewhere there since root terms work fine17:45
k0natao-brown is there something in /dev?17:45
theadminOer: ln -s source target17:45
fredfallWhat port is FTP on?17:45
rhinorrhea /bin? shouldn't it be in /etc?17:46
nevoeirohello. installed 10.04 beta 1 in my eeepc 1000he and at start everything was working fine. but now, after making the usual updates, can't connect to wireless. it's always asking for authentication and never connects... help? :(17:46
o-brownk0nata: one moment I check17:46
Oerthnx theadmin :-)17:46
k0natafredfall port 20 i guess17:46
theadminubottu: lucid | nevoeiro17:46
ubottunevoeiro: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:46
fredfallok, thanks17:46
sipiorfredfall: "grep ftp /etc/services"17:46
Jadozarhinorrhea, Depends on the application I guess. Plenty of applications are located in /bi17:46
o-brownk0nata: do I check this when the card is in the slot ?17:46
thevishycan I install ubuntu via PXE ( pxe server is a windows machine  )  ------ uising a iso image17:46
nevoeiroyes, i know it's not stable.. it's beta. but still..17:46
k0natao-brown yes17:46
k0natao-brown unmounted filesystems are there17:46
theadminnevoeiro: Point is, we don't support Lucid here, you need to join #ubuntu+117:47
o-brownk0nata: ok, in fact there are a lot of folders and files17:47
fredfallsipior, thanks!17:47
k0natao-brown sorry, /dev/mapper17:47
thevishycan anyone help me with pxe INSTALLATION ?17:47
theadminthevishy: Someone posted a link for that above, also, do not repeat your question too often17:48
o-brownk0nata: there is only one file in dev/mapper which is "control"17:48
k0natao-brown do it in terminal with las17:49
thevishytheadmin i only posted that link because I dont have clarity on what is mentioned there17:49
k0natao-brown *ls not las17:49
o-brownk0nata: ok one sec17:49
petar_theadmin: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UBB9kS4917:49
o-brownk0nata: I should do it with sudo, right ?17:49
k0natao-brown no, not sudo17:50
o-brownk0nata: ok17:50
petar_theadmin: i changed som stuff but not before it started respawning17:50
Trekis it possible to create a new thing in /dev/?17:50
theadminpetar_: Hm, strange, everything looks fine here. Sorry, no idea17:50
Treksuch as /dev/oblivion?17:50
theadminTrek: Point of that?17:51
o-brownk0nata: /dev/mapper$ ls   only returns me the same file "control"17:51
petar_theadmin: added [ ] in the ps1.. dunno if that can mess things up17:51
Trektheadmin: because I want to...?17:51
theadminpetar_: Might be17:51
theadminTrek: Well, root can do anything :D17:51
Treki'm looking for the commands tho17:51
k0natao-brown there are all my partitions...17:51
theadminTrek: "touch somefile" creates an empty file17:51
petar_theadmin: where can you set the size of the terminal?17:51
yeikshow do you convert a .tar.gz to .deb17:51
k0natao-brown like swap, root and all17:52
geekphreakbe right back17:52
geekphreaktheadmin:  hi dude17:52
k0natayeiks compile it17:52
petar_theadmin: some kind of config.. not the geometry parameter17:52
yeikshow do i do that17:52
sipiorTrek: have a look at the "mknod" man page.17:52
theadmingeekphreak: Hiya. Know what, you always get my mood up :D Say hello randomly to me but don't go offtopic :D17:52
andrew-how do i mount an amazon s3 bucket to ubuntu?17:52
theadminpetar_: No idea :/17:53
o-brownk0nata: ok, so do you think ubuntu dosen't support my card reader ?17:53
yeiksk0nata how should i compile it17:53
geekphreaktheadmin:  i do really :)17:53
k0natao-brown i think it should work with every usb standard compatible card reader, did you checked it on windows?17:53
theadminIs it safe to create a shortcut to something like "gksu gnome-terminal"?17:54
k0natayeiks google for make and compiling on ubuntu17:54
Dr_WillisIve had issues with built-in card readers on some laptops. but tose where not usiong the 'usb' connections17:54
Treksipior: what type should I be looking at?  i'm not 100% sure what each type does17:54
o-brownk0nata: yes on windows it always worked properly17:54
k0natatheadmin i think there shouldnt be a problem17:54
o-brownk0nata: but my card reader is not an usb card reader, it's a built-in one17:54
theadmink0nata: Thanks17:55
k0natao-brown anyway your /dev/mapper seems awkward17:55
sipiorTrek: if that's the case, playing around in /dev is ill-advised :-)17:55
theadmink0nata: What's the problem? My one also has only 'control'17:55
k0natao-brown its build in? sata or ide i think?17:55
Dr_Williso-brown:  that can be a problem.  -  I had a laptop where only the sd slot worked.. but a release of ubuntu later it started working with the other slots as well.17:55
Treksipior: true.  :P17:55
Treksipior: is it possible to symlink, then, to /dev/null?17:55
Dr_Williso-brown:  it can depend on what chipset thelaptop is using. I found it wasier to just track down a $5 usb multi-card reader to carry around17:55
k0natatheadmin maybe its because im using encrypted partitions with dm-crypt17:56
Treksipior: so if I move something to that symlink, it sends it to /dev/null?17:56
theadminTrek: actually, /dev should be managed only by udevd, nothing else. But as per symlinking to files in /dev it is no prob17:56
sipiorTrek: try it and find out.17:56
theadmink0nata: Ah yeah, dmcrypt/truecrypt do put stuff there17:56
o-brownDr_Willis: yes I think that will be the best solution17:56
o-brownk0nata: ok thanks for the help17:57
k0natao-brown youre welcome17:58
Lydia`I wonder when the final 10.4 LTS is coming out.17:59
Pici!lucid | Lydia`17:59
ubottuLydia`: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:59
Lydia`Pici, thank you :-)17:59
theadminLydia`: 29th April18:00
petar_when i launch my terminal it keeps reopening.. always a new terminal (old one closed).. any solution pls ?18:00
Lydia`theadmin, thanks18:00
naijageeki'm experiencing slow internet speeds with 64-bit ubuntu 9.10. need help please18:00
geekphreaknaijageek:  dont think its operating system issue18:00
theadminI know this is a weird place to ask but is there a LaTeX support channel?18:01
=== ri is now known as Guest8148
Guest8148Thunderbird is giving me all this popup crap I DO NOT WANT.18:01
naijageekmy internet is fine on my windows 718:01
geekphreakGuest8148: what kinda of popups?18:01
Guest8148How do I turn off the popup message notifications and the popup message subject yellow things?18:01
x11danieltheadmin: dunno. what do u want to know?18:01
theadminx11daniel: what's the code for a newline? :P I'm kinda noobish in this stuff18:02
naijageekgeekphreak: are u running 64-bit?18:02
Guest8148geekphreak:  After a download, I get the message notification popup in my lower righthand corner saying what I just got.  I don't want that.18:02
geekphreak32 bit18:02
x11daniel\\ will break the line18:02
theadminx11daniel: Thanks18:02
Guest8148geekphreak:  I also don't want the little subject line duplications in wheat color.18:02
progre55hi people! I have troubles with microphone on my sony vaio nw21sf with karmic installed on it. Any hints, please?18:03
x11danieltheadmin: also after \\ try an extra empty line to split paragraphs.18:03
Guest8148geekphreak: 32 bit18:03
theadminx11daniel: As in "\\\\"?18:03
progre55btw, karmic 64bit18:03
geekphreakGuest8148:  i think notification is a good thing18:03
geekphreakcolors can be changed18:03
geekphreakprogre55: hey dude18:04
x11danielnope.. \\18:04
Guest8148geekphreak:  It is not good for this account.  It gets in the way of my work and causes me to make editing errors.18:04
progre55geekphreak: yeah dude )18:04
petar_is there a gnome-terminal support channel ?18:04
m3asmihow to View a password hidden by stars in C langage?18:04
progre55geekphreak: how is it going?18:05
geekphreakGuest8148:  in thunderbird , click edit >> prefrence, unchk show alert on new mail  or play a sound18:05
theadminm3asmi: No idea what C app are you running, it would be different for each of them methinks.18:05
progre55geekphreak: can you help me out again? with my mic this time =)18:05
geekphreakprogre55:  good thanks man, you?18:05
geekphreakprogre55: i can try, whats up18:05
progre55geekphreak: yeah not bad.. just some little problems =)18:05
Guest8148geekphreak:  Thank you.18:05
* theadmin wants mic help too. Ubuntu sees it perfectly but it totally ignores any input18:05
Picim3asmi: Thats not really something we provide support for, and it sounds a bit suspicious as well.18:06
geekphreaktheadmin: which sound card/18:06
manhunterwhat's the meaning of ubuntu?18:06
theadmingeekphreak: I believe "lspci | grep sound"?18:06
geekphreakPici:  ok sorry i back out18:06
fredfallHow do you add panel-applets in gnome-shell?18:06
theadminmanhunter: "Humanity"18:06
naijageeki'm experiencing annoyingly slow internet speed with amd 64-bit ubuntu 9.10. any help please18:06
progre55geekphreak: sony vaio nw21sf with karmic 64bit, mic not working..18:06
geekphreakPici:  was just trying to help :(18:06
manhuntertheadmin: which language word ?18:06
m3asmiso is impossibel ?18:06
Picigeekphreak: What?18:07
theadminmanhunter: Some south-african stuff, no idea18:07
Picim3asmi: This is not a programming support channel, nor can we help you crack passwords.18:07
theadminPici: There was a person here who we helped with rarcrack, is that bad?18:07
geekphreakprogre55:  kool18:07
=== jnperlin_ is now known as jnperlin
andaiFor a shared partition (windows and ubuntu access) is NTFS a good idea (yet) ?18:08
geekphreakprogre55:  can ya install qamix?18:08
Guest8148geekphreak:  Okay, I did that, but I am still getting this yellow box reprinting the subject when I mouseover it.18:08
progre55geekphreak: "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)" and "01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series]", I believe the first one is responsible for the mic18:08
progre55geekphreak: and what's qamix?18:08
theadminandai: NTFS is fine but 2 problems, 1) it considers all files executable, 2) it's kind of a slow18:08
m3asmithink :)18:08
Picigeekphreak: Hey, I'm not sure what you're talking about in #ubuntu, I didn't see anything from you to m3asmi.18:08
Picioh, forgot the /msg18:08
x11danielubuntu has it's origin in the Bantu language18:08
geekphreakprogre55: , its advance sound controller, trying to turn boost on mn18:08
progre55oh I see, sec18:09
progre55let me install ke18:09
geekphreakPici:  no worries18:09
andaitheadmin What about the /home folder? that can't be on a FAT or NTFS partition can it?18:09
Guest8148geekphreak:  It is a wheat or light yellow box that blocks out your ability to type, and is really irksome.18:09
theadminandai: It'd better not be o_O18:09
x11daniel"Humanity to others"18:09
geekphreakGuest8148:  ok 1 sec man18:09
Picitheadmin: It mostly depends on the context. This is 99% a programming question, otherwise, if it feels legally questionable, then its probably not fit for here.18:10
sipiorm3asmi: have a look at the man page for "getpwent"; i think you'll see the problem. you'll need to do some reading about PAM.18:10
theadminPici: Thanks, i see18:10
andaitheadmin: Could you replace the desktop/download/pictures folders with symlinks to their NTFS counterparts?18:10
geekphreaktheadmin: which card you have?18:10
progre55geekphreak: I've installed it, but how do I use it now? )18:10
Picitheadmin: You can always pm an op or ask in -ops if you're not sure.18:10
sipiorm3asmi: that's "Pluggable authentication modules", sorry.18:11
m3asmigetpwent ! ok I'm goint to find18:11
Guest8148geekphreak:  I'm running ubuntu 9.10 32 bit with this thunderbird version:  version (20100317)18:11
andaiCould I replace the desktop/download/pictures folders with symlinks to folders on a NTFS partition?18:11
geekphreakGuest8148:  ok18:11
nonameNNandai: totally18:12
geekphreakprogre55:  you should see it under application >> sounds18:12
andainonameNN: And that would work well?18:12
progre55geekphreak: yeah I've opened it, but now what I mean? )18:12
nonameNNandai: yes... dont worry... just create the links cut paste and replace them all... no problem18:12
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geekphreakprogre55:  you will see like tabs there18:13
andaiOn ubuntu is NTFS slower than FAT?18:13
geekphreakcan u clikc view>> columns i think18:13
naijageekneed help with slow internet download speeds on 64-bit karmic18:13
progre55geekphreak: there is Full, Master, Simple under View18:14
Jadozanaijageek, Do you have some reliable bandwidth test service to try out?18:14
geekphreakprogre55: pm?18:14
ratdogi have broken packeges in KDE, is there a command for termanl to fix them, sudo apt-get dpakg18:15
progre55geekphreak: is pm = personal (private) message? =)18:15
joaopintoratdog, sudo apt-get install -f18:15
andaiis fat [significantly] faster than nfts?18:15
ratdogits why i like synaptic18:16
sipiorandai: it might be. why not test it yourself and tell us?18:16
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andaisipior: I'll google it first, lol18:17
Ls2I cannot get my webcam to work with Ubuntu on internet applications...I can get it to work with Cheese. How can I fix this problem?18:18
naijageekjadoza: yes18:18
sipiorandai: you'll google it second, i guess.18:19
andaisipior: I'm helping someone in #xubuntu, i basically just repeat everything he says here18:19
ratdoghey ph33r ya h33r18:20
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TLFfor some reason, my system stopped detecting my sound card, what can i do?18:21
geekphreakPici:  are you on lucid?18:25
Picigeekphreak: Yes.18:25
geekphreakkool system18:25
ratdogok, other porblem is with kaffine, multiplexerduplex an watching tv..18:25
secure_hiii ! :)18:25
ratdogvery consistan bug18:26
h0dg3sif I installed git with ./configure & make & make install, how do I uninstall it?18:26
campeemy soundcard randomly stopped working in 9.04 :(18:26
TLFsame here18:26
TLFand I don't know how to restart18:26
Jadozah0dg3s, I'm looking forward to that answer :)18:26
campeei try 'echo "blah" > /dev/dsp' and it says it's busy18:26
TLFcampee: same here18:26
campeebut i can't find what is making it busy..18:26
campeeTLF WHAT WILL WE DO?18:27
geekphreakh0dg3s: normally the package contains readme.txt , telling you howto do it18:27
TLFcampee: I don't know :(18:27
campeeTLF: did this start for you last night? who makes your sound card?18:27
TLFIt's an HD sound card18:27
campeei have: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)18:27
campeeaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:27
campeewhen i go to preferences/sound/test playback18:27
TLF00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)18:27
ratdogsoreau you around..18:27
TLFbut it's an intel HD audio, too18:28
andaiin fstab, what's the difference between ntfs and ntfs-3g18:28
campeei've tried restarting, killing off pulseaudio etc18:28
h0dg3sgeekphreak the file "README" doesn't say anything about that18:28
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
TLFrestarting doesn't solves the problem, either?18:28
campeenope. restarted several times18:29
h0dg3smake uninstall doesn't work18:29
andaisoy: Yes my child?18:29
esfahankidshi how i can remember my password in irc?18:31
jbwivguys, I'm experiencing pretty regular complete system freezes on Karmic. even the magic sysrq buttons will not work. I've run memtest for over 24 hours, and it found no errors. What should I look at next?18:31
wactuarytrying to put a fresh install on a new AMD X4 based mobo and get an error on both 9.10 and 8.04b1 disks:  "ACPI: I/O resource piix4_smbus [0xb00-0xb07] conflicts with ACPI region SOR1 [0xb00-0xb0f]" and then a second error:  "shpchp 0000:00:01.0:  Cannot reserve MMIO region".  On 9.10 the same errors, but in opposite order.  I've tried shutting off ACPI in BIOS without help.  Tried using the boot options to disable ACPI as well.18:31
QueenZjbwiv: oh i see18:31
CyberCrasherci sono italiani?18:31
sipiorjbwiv: nothing dumped to logs?18:31
wactuaryanythoughts on what might be going wrong?18:31
jbwivsipior: nothing noticeable. which log? messages? syslog? dmesg?18:32
geekphreakgoodnight people18:32
jbwivI upgraded NVIDIA drivers, but still get the freeze18:32
QueenZjbwiv: try passing a few parametrs to kernel on boot like nolapic apic=off and failsafe see if it helps18:32
futeianyone uses ubuntu server and YAMJ and has it working? im having abit of java problem18:32
jbwivaveraging around 3-4 reboots a day now18:32
QueenZjbwiv: there's a glitch in kernel18:32
TLFcampee: no idea18:33
TLFanyone here with problems in sound card????18:33
jbwivQueenZ,  a known glitch18:33
sipiorjbwiv: well, i was thinking syslog in and kern.log in particular. are you doing similar things when the crashes occur?18:33
QueenZjbwiv: you can upgrade to a newer or older kernel version, it helped me (both newer and older worked)18:34
jbwivsipior: no, completely random18:34
andaijbwiv: How do I pass parameters to the kernel?18:34
QueenZandai: on grub press e18:34
andaijbwiv: What you just said solves that problem with the gfx (that can also be solved by removing ram right?)18:34
jbwivQueenZ: i'm on the latest18:34
andaiQueenZ: And add the params to the end of the line?18:34
QueenZjbwiv: 33?18:34
jbwivandai: i'm not sure I said anythign to you18:34
QueenZandai: yes18:35
ratdogwhat directory would i find synaptic in so i can add to menu18:35
jbwivQueenZ: no, Linux pdesk 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:38:19 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:35
oalAny password managers you guys could recommend?18:35
andaijbwiv: You didn't but i had a problem and the solution said to pass params to the kernel (to do with gfx and the amount of ram and some glitch in the kernel) and i didn't know how to do that :P18:35
jbwivQueenZ, latest from Karmic apt though18:35
sipioroal: keepassx is first-rate.18:35
oalsipior: Secure?18:36
QueenZjbwiv: i see, i would recommend installing an older version then, the one of 9.04 works18:36
sipioroal: i'm not sure how it would be first-rate otherwise...18:36
oalsipior: Haha, ok, I'll try it :)18:36
QueenZjbwiv: how did you install 9.10? did you do a distro upgrade or a clean install?18:36
|sqwertle|how can I go about installing grub to be used for the mbr with a livecd?18:36
esfahankidshi how i can remember my password in irc?18:37
jbwivQueenZ: clean install18:37
shadowlingHello, I am trying to change my domain name and host name in Ubuntu 9.10. The Network Manager looks different that I am used to. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to change them.18:37
QueenZjbwiv: so you don't have an older kernel to choose from...18:37
andaiesfahankids: in Pidgin?'18:37
jbwivQueenZ, actually re-installed a few days ago, because I was trying to solve this issue by upgrading to Lucid beta, but had issues18:37
jbwivQueenZ: no, but of course I could probably install an older version18:38
thevishycan we use the iso image to pxe install ?18:38
jbwivhowever, it was happening on the older kernels too18:38
jbwivQueenZ, memtest86 doesn't find any issue with the ram18:38
jbwivso I'm left wondering what to hit next18:38
QueenZjbwiv: if you don't know how to install an older version of kernel you can install 9.04 and do a distro upgrade, then choose an older kernel from the grub menu18:38
|sqwertle|I removed ubuntu from my machine yesterday and lost grub, and have no way to boot windows again. How can I recover grub without installing ubuntu so that I may boot with windows?18:39
jbwivI wonder if Canonical's support would help tracing down issues like this...I'm willing to pay to have it resolved18:39
esfahankidsandai: no - by what commad?18:39
jbwivQueenZ, it happened in the older kernels, so that probably won't help18:39
campeeTLF: yesterday i tried enabling a sound card in my vmware workstation windows xp vm. i wonder if that had something to do with it. do you use vmware workstation?18:39
andaiesfahankids: dunno I use pidgin :P18:39
ratdoghello, how can i start synaptic from run with admiistrative privilages.?18:40
QueenZ|sqwertle|: what version of windows do you have?18:40
|sqwertle|QueenZ: 9.1018:40
TLFcampee: yes, but no when this problem came18:40
QueenZ|sqwertle|: windows?18:40
|sqwertle|QueenZ: XP18:40
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esfahankidsandai: i use pidgin too but i forget password of my irc account18:40
QueenZ|sqwertle|: do you have the installation cd?18:40
jbwivanyone every worked with Canonical's support staff?18:40
campeeTLF: interesting. that's something we have in common then..18:40
jbwivpaid support staff?18:40
=== joshbuddy_ is now known as joshbuddy
thevishy0can we use iso to install via PXE18:40
|sqwertle|QueenZ: All of the installation cd's ive tried are bosding and wont let me access the recovery console for fixmbr fixboot18:40
campeei renamed the vmware init script in /etc/init.d so it didn't load at startup and i still have the issue though18:41
Piciratdog: gksudo18:41
TLFcampee: try this in a terminal18:41
Noxilenticusok so i configured a VPN at my home on windows 7, i connect through pptp in ubuntu 9.10 using18:41
QueenZ|sqwertle|: did you try running a memtest?18:41
Noxilenticus                      network-manager-pptp GUI. I can connect, my Windows 7 machine shows I am connected, the Windows 718:41
Noxilenticus                      machine can ping my connected laptop, but the laptop cannot see anything on the network18:41
|sqwertle|QueenZ: no18:41
TLFcampee: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel18:41
jbwivsipior, what's the first thing written to kern.log on reboot? I'm trying to find what the last message was before reboot18:41
Noxilenticusanyone have an idea what may be wrong ?18:41
ratdogPici in terminal18:42
Piciratdog: gksudo synaptic18:42
|sqwertle|QueenZ: Is it not possible to just recover grub using a livecd without an installed distro?18:43
TLFcampee: works?18:43
campeeTLF: comes back with nothing18:43
QueenZ|sqwertle|: of course it is18:43
TLFcampee: what do you mean "with nothing"?18:43
TLFcampee: yes18:43
sipiorjbwiv: all the entries are timestamped, aren't they?18:43
TLFcampee: just test if sound works again18:43
|sqwertle|QueenZ: Do you know where I could find information on doing that?18:43
campeei enter that command and there is no output, i am immediately given a new command prompt line18:44
Edward123i use VLC but the screensaver seems to kick in after 10 mins. this is just after upgrading to 9.10, was fine before. any clues?18:44
QueenZ|sqwertle|: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435118:44
petar_pls help my terminal is broken18:44
campeesound does not appear to be working. it actually seems worse now. before my mp3 player would pretend to play music but now it immediately gives an error18:44
geniipetar_: Please define "broken"18:44
TLFcampee: yes, that's right18:44
TLFcampee: mmm18:44
jbwivsipior, true, and nothing sticks out there18:44
TLFcampee: in that terminal window, run "alsamixer"18:44
tcsmith1978hello - could anyone give me some assistance and advice with wireless bridging?18:44
TLFcampee: without the ""18:44
petar_genil: when i launch it it keeps closing and reopening again as a different process18:45
campeeTLF: i'm entering it correctly, i am pretty decent with a terminal :)18:45
TLFcampee: yes, try the alsamixer thing18:45
|sqwertle|thanks, god i hope this works18:45
campeewhat alsamixer thing?18:45
tianshaohi all18:45
petar_genil: under the root its ok18:45
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:46
TLFalsamixer in terminal18:46
Ls2can someone help me out with a webcam problem i'm having18:46
VigoNoxilenticus: I do not do Windows7, could it be a security thing in the setup, let me look some more.18:46
campeeTLF: i get a graphical mixer window. all levels are at 100%18:46
TLFcampee: ok, press "q" to quit18:46
|sqwertle|QueenZ: I have tried this, I can't seem to mount /. Because of this find is not finding anything at all18:46
TLFcampee: and now restart your mp3 player18:46
campeedoes not work18:47
QueenZ|sqwertle|: did you sudo mount?18:47
QueenZ|sqwertle|: what error did you get?18:48
|sqwertle|wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,18:48
campeei can test my audio and not get an error message in preferences/sound now though. but no sound comes out18:48
|sqwertle|       missing codepage or helper program, or other error18:48
|sqwertle|       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try18:48
|sqwertle|       dmesg | tail  or so18:48
FloodBot2|sqwertle|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:48
|sqwertle|gah =/18:48
campeeand i can echo "blah" > /dev/dsp without getting "device or resource busy"18:48
TLFcampee: mmm18:48
|sqwertle|sorry about that =/18:48
jbwivsipior, nothing in syslog either, except some "wpa_supplicant[1801]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS" entries18:49
campeethe hell does that do?18:49
TLFcampee: start padevchooser18:49
TLFand in default sink, server and source check "Default"18:49
campeei don't even have that installed. what is padevchooser?18:49
|sqwertle|QueenZ:  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1 missing codepage or helpler program, or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog -try dmesg | tail or so18:49
TLFa pulseaudio app18:49
campeemaybe i should just uninstall pulseaudio18:50
campeeand reinstall18:50
shadowlingAnyone know how to check what my current Domain Name is?18:50
QueenZ|sqwertle|: what did you mount command look like?18:50
|sqwertle|QueenZ: (sudo su) mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/root18:50
shadowlinghostname just shows me the name of my host.18:50
KenBW2is quitting an svn commit half way through likely to cause problems?18:50
campeewhat do you mean by your domain name?18:50
campeeif you have configured your host with a fully qualified domain name then you will see the host + domain18:51
thevishyhas anyone install ubuntu from iso via PXE from a windows based server ?18:51
QueenZ|sqwertle|: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/root (make sure you mkdir /mnt/root first)18:51
campeeif you mean your DNS suffix list, you can cat /etc/resolv.conf18:51
h0dg3sthevishy: I don't think you can do it from ISO, I think it needs to be mounted to NFS18:51
shadowlingI miss my old Network Manager. hehe.18:51
|sqwertle|QueenZ: you must specify the filesystem type18:51
QueenZnot necceserily18:52
shadowlingUnder that it was just in general or something and I could change the Domain.18:52
|sqwertle|QueenZ: thats the error it gave me =/18:52
petar_pls help my terminal is broken18:52
shadowlingWith Ubuntu 9.10 I can't do that anymore 'cause that app isn't installed or something.18:52
geowanyWhat do you think about 10.04?18:52
Coded1is there a pre-packaged control center app for ATI drivers?  I can get it from their website but I don't want it to screw with the ubuntu packaged ones installed already18:53
campeei think setting your domain name is just a matter of configuring your DNS suffix search list. you can add that to /etc/resolv.conf18:53
Picigeowany: I think that the 10.04 discussion/support channel is #ubuntu+118:53
Pici!hostname | shadowling18:53
ubottushadowling: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:53
campeeTLF: padevchoose just hangs when i try to run it as myself or using sudo, heh18:53
TLFoh :(18:53
campeeoh wait. it opens a tiny little gnome applet in the top right of my screen that i can barely see :P18:53
geowanyPici: thanks!18:54
jbwivis there a tool out there (aside from memtest86) that helps find hardware issues? What could the possibilties be? CPU? Gfx card?18:54
QueenZ|sqwertle|: mount -t ext3fs /dev/sda1 /mnt/root18:55
Zamolxehello.i just installed ubuntu server and my password doesn't work. what can i do?18:55
shadowlingI set a line in the hosts file with : mydomainname  myhostname18:55
Picijbwiv: smartmontools can be used to find hard drive errors.18:55
erUSULZamolxe: define doesn't work?18:55
Zamolxecan i boot with a special option to reset my user password18:55
QueenZ|sqwertle|: see if that works18:55
kartasWitam wszystkich18:55
erUSUL!details | Zamolxe18:55
ubottuZamolxe: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:55
|sqwertle|QueenZ: ext3fs: unknown filesysetm18:55
tavelramId like to create a samba-share with a username+password not related to the unix users, is that possible? Ive googled and got the impression that it is possible, but not sure what to write in smb.conf...18:55
erUSUL|sqwertle|: is just ext318:56
kartasCzy ktoś mówi po polsku?18:56
jbwivPici: yes, thanks. I'll be a harddrive wouldn't cause a hard freeze though18:56
Pici!pl | kartas18:56
erUSUL!pl | kartas18:56
ubottukartas: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:56
shadowlingI just want it to show me what my domain name is to make sure that I did it right. hehe.18:56
Picijbwiv: You didn't specify. I was just talking about a tool that could find hardware issues.18:56
ZamolxeerUSUL: installed ubuntu server, i've chosen a user, a password. after install,reboot, when i enter my username at the console with the password it just fails18:56
shadowlingI type in hostname it shows me.18:56
thevishy0if I installaing via PXE , where should the iso image be placed ?  i have setup local APACHE18:56
QueenZ|sqwertle|: mount -t ext2fs /dev/sda1 /mnt/root18:56
shadowlingI type in domainname and it wants me to install something.18:56
jbwivPici: yes, I know. thanks18:56
al-tabqhi all, does anyone know whether one can change the bookmarks in the places panel back, from a sub-panel into the original form?18:57
erUSULZamolxe: reset it.18:57
|sqwertle|QueenZ:  unknown filesystem type18:57
ZamolxeerUSUL: i installed it the second time, still the same. i have a development version picked yesterday from their site18:57
erUSUL!lostpassword | Zamolxe18:57
ubottuZamolxe: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:57
QueenZ|sqwertle|: hmm that's strange...18:57
ZamolxeerUSUL:  how can i reset it? i'm at the boot screen18:57
QueenZ|sqwertle|: try adding it to fstab18:58
erUSULZamolxe: read the link ubottu gave you18:58
|sqwertle|QueenZ: fstab?18:58
QueenZ|sqwertle|: /dev/sda1              /mnt/root              ext2fs      rw,late         0       218:58
QueenZ|sqwertle|: /etc/fstab18:58
erUSULZamolxe: the lostpassword one18:58
ZamolxeerUSUL: i've read it.i don't seem to have a grub prompt18:58
ZamolxeerUSUL: i'll restart18:58
QueenZ|sqwertle|: file system table18:59
erUSULZamolxe: press "shift" during boot to make it appear18:59
ZamolxeerUSUL:  i see18:59
|sqwertle|QueenZ: do i add the entire /dev/sda /mnt... line?18:59
QueenZ|sqwertle|: yes18:59
shadowlingHmm....., looks like dnsdomainname was the command I was looking for. I think I have it setup now.19:00
shadowlingThanks. :-)19:00
dmarkeywhere can i get the lucid kernel package(off a webserver) sorry i have no idea how the archive directory structure works19:00
Picidmarkey: See http://packages.ubuntu.com19:01
|sqwertle|QueenZ: still getting unknown filesystem type for "mount -t ext2fs /dev/sda1 /mnt/root"19:01
ZamolxeerUSUL: did it. thanks!19:01
erUSULZamolxe: no problem19:01
dmarkeyPici: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/kernel/ doesnt contain the kernel package19:02
erUSUL|sqwertle|: again drop the "fs" part it is just ext219:02
john heyy19:02
|sqwertle|erUSUL: that just gives me the original bad fs error19:02
QueenZ|sqwertle|: /dev/sda1 /mnt/root ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 119:02
Edward123could it be that this is just a known issue which hasn't been fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/42888419:02
|sqwertle|QueenZ: is that to be added to fstab?19:03
Picidmarkey: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/linux-image does19:03
QueenZ|sqwertle|: replace it the one you just added with that19:03
h0dg3show do I call a shell script from another shell script?  kind of like CALL in DOS19:03
QueenZ|sqwertle|: that was from bsd..19:03
|sqwertle|QueenZ: alright, I've saved it, should i try to mount again?19:03
Picidmarkey: Find your arch and the download link will be on the bottom of the next page19:03
tHWIs there an active programming channel some where?19:04
QueenZ|sqwertle|: mount /dev/sda119:04
PicitHW: What language?19:04
ubuntuanyone could help me triaging this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/54162019:04
|sqwertle|QueenZ: bad fs type..... | or so" again19:04
Piciubuntu: #ubuntu-bugs or #ubuntu+1 would be better for that19:04
tHWPici: English, Swedish, Spanish or German19:04
|sqwertle|QueenZ: oh dear.... umm... how might i see if sda1 is correct?19:05
tHWWhat do you recommend19:05
PicitHW: What programming language?19:05
grommitI went to log into my EMC motherboard today and the display is all hosed.  I can get it into 800x600 (should be 1024x768) but it is all yellow on top of being too small.  I tried another monitor so it must be some config parameter in Ubuntu, but I have played with everything I could find and can't get it to work.  It is odd because it has been working just fine until today...Any ideas?19:05
QueenZ|sqwertle|: sudo fdisk -l19:05
tHWACH SO!19:05
PicitHW: If just just general, try ##programming19:05
|sqwertle|the only /dev/... there is sda1 which is ntfs QueenZ19:05
tHWPici: of course, how stupid of me. C is the programming language19:05
QueenZ|sqwertle|: so it's ntfs19:05
toniperonihello, how do i get tv output in ubuntu...?? help19:05
QueenZ|sqwertle|: problem solved :)19:06
PicitHW: Try ##C, but you may need to register to nickserv to join.19:06
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|sqwertle|should i do "mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/root?19:06
tHWpici: I'll try ##programming19:06
QueenZ|sqwertle|: yes but first change fstab again19:06
ionutdoes anyone knows any graffiti theme for ubuntu?19:06
toniperonitv output via ubuntu ?? don't understand how19:07
QueenZ|sqwertle|: try19:07
|sqwertle|http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/kwyYjp0T QueenZ19:07
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Guest14027hey guys. i'm having trouble with f-spot - is this the right place to come to, or is there a specific f-spot channel?19:07
toniperoniis this the good place to get help in ubuntu ?19:08
petllamawith lftp, is there any way to do segmented downloads recursivly? mirror seems to not be segmented19:08
QueenZ|sqwertle|: did you try sda instead of sda1?19:09
QueenZ|sqwertle|: as it suggested19:09
|sqwertle|QueenZ: yes, same error19:09
grommitAnyone know how to reset one's video configuration (8.04)?19:09
QueenZ|sqwertle|: The device '/dev/sda1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.19:10
tobi__I need help with kwin in gnome. Do I need some kind of kde panel taskbar to get thumbnail preview of it's items?19:10
QueenZ|sqwertle|: does your windows partition work?19:10
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Picigrommit: Its been a while, but try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -p high19:11
|sqwertle|QueenZ: last time i used it yes, the only trouble with it that i have had happened when i formatted ubuntu and expanded the windows volume to the space ubuntu had been using. after the reboot it had lost grub19:11
jbwivanyone used Canonical's support service before?19:12
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|sqwertle|QueenZ: is it possible that grub would be automatically configured if i just installed ubuntu?19:12
QueenZ|sqwertle|: the thing is that the next time you would boot windows it would do a partition scan/test, and you would need to do a clean shutdown19:12
grommitPici: I got a warning about overwirting config (fine), then:  "FATAL: Module battery not found."   ?????19:13
Picigrommit: er, thats weird.19:13
QueenZ|sqwertle|: it would19:13
QueenZ|sqwertle|: but you didn't want to install ubuntu19:13
QueenZ|sqwertle|: that would be the easy way19:13
pingvinqqanybody knows how i make a .sh file.. when i just can doubble click on it, and then it open?19:13
|sqwertle|QueenZ: im just going to install it I suppose, ive spent too long doing this at this point19:14
Picigrommit: Is this on a non-x86 architecture?19:14
|sqwertle|QueenZ: thanks for the help19:14
grommitIt is on an Intel Atom MB19:14
eraggopingvinqq: maybe you should give run priviledges to it?19:14
QueenZ|sqwertle|: no problem :) take care!19:14
pingvinqqeraggo: yes .. apt-get update && apt-get install samba     .. :D19:15
petar_pls some1 help me with that terminal why is it always relaunching??19:15
eraggoduh..? just came here19:15
lamplitergot a small itx system.  installed 9.10 server on it and it worked fine for a few days.  now it boots part of the way and then hangs at a blank screen19:15
progre55hi people! I manually compiled the alsa driver and now my volume control does not have any effect on the volume. even if I mute it. btw, karmic 64bit. any suggestions, please?19:16
Tsumugistupid question -- how do i make it so that sshd or other daemons will start automatically?  there are /etc/init.d/ scripts, and links to them in /etc/rc#.d/, but no luck19:16
lampliterany ideas why?19:17
=== uRock is now known as running_rabbit07
Picigrommit: It looks like that bug was fixed, see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/netbook-remix/+bug/299686 , but it may just be in more recent versions of Ubuntu/oxrg19:19
RunegWhen I ping freenode specifically I get a 'packet filtered' at the end of the ping response, but not to other sites. I'm running Firestarter, but it still does the same with or without it enabled.19:20
Runeg"From corv-car3-gw.nero.net ( icmp_seq=1 Packet filter"19:20
tobi__I need help with kwin in gnome. Do I need some kind of kde panel taskbar to get thumbnail preview of it's items? Is it possible with gnome panel somehow?19:20
peterPPPAfter I update resolv.conf with new nameserver, do I need to restart anything to make the changes work?19:21
RunegpeterPPP, sudo newaliases19:21
progre55peterPPP: networking19:21
grommitPici:  I don't see links to the fix in that link.  Do you know how I would fix it?19:21
Neo--guys, do I correctly recall than at first boot after installation, ubuntu does not present a user with notification of what is new in this release or shows him/suggest where to configure wifi, mail, etc. ?19:21
RunegpeterPPP, nix the newaliases, that's a mail thing.19:21
raboofdoes ubuntu also offer cd/dvd (image) sets which include universe and multiverse, so you won't need an internet connection and still have access to all the packages you'd want?19:22
peterPPPSo do I need to restart networking?19:22
Picigrommit: I don't.  That was just from googling your error message, I admit I didn't look much further than that.19:23
progre55peterPPP: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:23
Piciraboof: DVD ISOs are available via http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/19:23
erUSULraboof: not oficially (there were some dvd images from third parties at soe point)19:23
jessyrooNot sure what channel to ask this question in, but maybe someone has some incite here... I am looking for an application to host on a windows server that allows people to upload anytype of file, put it in a category, and view/download all uploaded files... Anyone know of anything like this?19:23
jerry416how do i check my drivers, i think theres problems with my (2) soundcards19:23
RunegPici, Any idea why 7.x isn't listed on that releases page?19:24
PiciRuneg: Because 7.04 and 7.10 are both EOL.19:25
Runegjessyroo, #windows might help19:25
Pici!EOL | Masteredu19:25
ubottuMasteredu: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:25
=== tobi__ is now known as tobiash
RunegI ask 'cause there are some KDE screensavers on 7.x series that I love, hah.19:26
MastereduWhy Ubuntu does not implement openshot, but pitivi?19:26
tobiashcan someone help me make kwin my default window manager in gnome?19:26
progre55jerry416: lspci | grep Audio19:26
progre55jerry416: lspci -v | less19:26
tobiashalso how do I get the taskbar elements display a preview while hovering over them19:26
progre55jerry416: lshw -c multimedia19:27
Masteredutobiash: i think you can make an autostart entry, with killall metacity && kwin --replace i think . this might help19:27
h0dg3strying to run a bash script but it keeps saying permission denied19:27
jribh0dg3s: what bash script?19:27
Mastereduh0dg3s: you have to do chmod +x NAME on it19:27
progre55tobiash: try compiz fusion icon19:28
Mastereduh0dg3s: Then you give the rights to execute it19:28
progre55tobiash: apt-get install fusion-icon19:28
raboofPici: thanks19:28
tobiashprogre55 I've got it, but it logs in with metacity always19:28
h0dg3sMasteredu: Thanks19:28
Am4no_tobaish.why dont u use compiz instead. it can do taskbar previews19:28
tobiashkwin is marked as enabled, but metacity is running anyway19:28
Mastereduh0dg3s: youre welcome19:28
ratdogwhat directory can i fined installed apps?19:29
tobiashcompiz is not stable, and has problems with games19:29
Masteredutobiash: try killall metacity && kwin --replace in a terminal, and then make for this an entry in the autostart list.19:29
tobiashkwin is more mature than compiz19:29
progre55tobiash: hmm.. did you try running fusion-icon and changing the windows manager from it?19:29
ratdogso disable compix wjile playing?19:29
tobiashprogre55 read what I've wrote19:29
Masteredutobiash: do you allready tried it, to kill metacity and the kwin --replace option?19:30
ratdogwhat directory can i fined installed apps?19:30
tobiashMasteredu going to try now19:30
Masteredutobiash: good19:30
kazaa_litehi all19:30
Mastereduratdog: it gives many directorys19:30
babarogaratdog Application Menu19:30
ratdoggoogle earth19:31
progre55ratdog: system> administration> synaptec packet manager19:31
ionutdoes anyone knows a graffiti theme??19:31
kazaa_litehow can i find whether kernel installed on my 64-bit ubuntu is PAE or non-PAE kernel?19:31
Mastereduratdog: most programms that are not important are located in /usr but use instead of this bether the synaptec package manager19:31
ratdogits installed already19:31
erUSUL!fhs | ratdog19:31
ubotturatdog: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier19:31
babarogaratdog if you want to see files you can go to /usr/share19:31
brontosGood day all, have you guys seen a case where the hdd is at 100% used but after deleting a substantial amount of data it still shows 100% used?19:32
kazaa_liteuname -ars gives 2.6.31-20-generic x86_6419:32
progre55brontos: empty your trash =)19:32
erUSULbrontos: empty trash ?19:32
Masteredukazaa_lite: helps that you?19:32
^paradox^ok small problem. a person downloaded one of my zip files that was created with archive manager and claimed the password didnt work. he was typing it right and i doubled checked it. why would this be?19:32
h0dg3sMasteredu: The script runs sudo apt-get and then a list of programs.  If I paste it into a terminal it works fine, but the script says No such file or directory.  Any ideas?19:32
kazaa_liteMasteredu: does not make sense to me:(19:32
jrib^paradox^: does it work for you?19:32
brontosprogre55, erUSUL I should also mention this is a headless machine that is done via rm through ssh19:33
petar_how can i record videos in linux? record the desktop with the taskbars 219:33
^paradox^jrib: yes with no problems19:33
brontosprogre55, erUSUL or will it still collect in trash?19:33
Mastereduh0dg3s: ehm what script?19:33
jrib^paradox^: version issue or pebkac19:33
h0dg3sMasteredu: I made one to grab the dependancies for Chromeos19:33
Masteredukazaa_lite: do you tried uname -a?19:33
erUSULbrontos: ook... then there is a problem :) . bad disk or amother filesystem error; sometimes a fsck frees up the space19:34
progre55so, I manually compiled the alsa driver and now my volume control does not have any effect on the volume. even if I mute it. btw, karmic 64bit. any suggestions, please?19:34
erUSULbrontos: dunno if you can afford a fsck on the machine19:34
Mastereduh0dg3s: when it says that a directory is  not found, the path is wrong19:34
^paradox^jrib: i dont think he was using archive manager19:34
Mastereduh0dg3s: in the script19:34
kazaa_liteMasteredu: this is what I mentioned.... it gives 2.6.31-20-generic x86_64... does that mean it is non-PAE kernel?19:34
h0dg3sI think I put too much crap in one line.  It looked right in notepad++ but in gedit it's multiple lines19:34
^paradox^i think he was windows or mac19:34
tobi__Masteredu it works but I need to restart kwin from fusion icon anyway because, there is no window decoration :/19:35
erUSULkazaa_lite: it is 64 bits ; there is no need for pae19:35
tobi__Masteredu at the start19:35
Masteredukazaa_lite: is PAE standard included?19:35
kazaa_liteerUSUL: so PAE is issue of 32-bit and non 64-bit?19:35
Masteredutobi: then you can maybe make before this an entry for fusion icon in the autostart list ?19:36
M4rotkuhey guys, is it possible to mount an external hard drive (or any drive) via command line without using sudo?  I don't want to use sudo b/c I don't want to mess up the permissions19:36
erUSULkazaa_lite: yes19:36
kazaa_liteerUSUL: cool:D19:36
jrib^paradox^: you should verify with a third-party19:36
^paradox^jrib: i forgot others have successfully opened unprotected zips of mine if it matters19:36
jerry416this terminal stuff is cool, it says i can set hardware modes.19:36
erUSULM4rotku: you can use "devkit-disks --mount /dev/sdxx"19:36
h0dg3sMasteredu: Does that mean I should have something other than #!/bin/bash at the top?19:36
MastereduM4rotku: mounting is allways posible as root19:37
jrib^paradox^: I would give the same file to someone else and see if it works for them.  Also, have this user check the md5sum19:37
tobi__Masteredu it works fine except for title bar not being shown xD I need to restart kwin from fusion icon every time :/19:37
^paradox^jrib: i would if any my friends were on19:37
thevishyhi friends , i have setup a machine as PXE server ... ( windows ) ....but i dont want a net install - i have a iso file19:38
thevishyplease someone enlighten how I can achieve this19:38
Mastereduh0dg3s: #! /bin/bash is right, but i use a space for this , i mean between ! and the /19:38
Mastereduh0dg3s: jeah it is right19:39
h0dg3sstill doesn't find it :(19:39
Mastereduh0dg3s: it must an other thing be19:39
Moral_I need to bind a proxy so nslookup can use it, how would I go about doing so?19:39
Mastereduh0dg3s: use pastebin19:39
M4rotkuthanks erUSUL19:39
erUSULM4rotku: no problem19:39
Mastereduh0dg3s: to post your script19:39
^paradox^jrib: the archive was created on my external hard drive and uploaded to a file host from there. would that make any difference?19:40
jribh0dg3s: and what exactly you are typing when you try to run it19:40
jrib^paradox^: nope19:40
jrib^paradox^: does the md5sum he gave you match yours?19:41
Mastereduh0dg3s: the standard syntax is ./NAME , but only when you are in the right directory19:41
h0dg3sMastredu: http://pastebin.com/puqDyGYK19:41
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
shay2772Hello I installed Ettercap on my computer , when i start Ettercap using the next command : sudo ettercap -G i get the following message : Dissector "dns" not supported (etter.conf line 70) what does it mean ? how can i fix that ?19:41
h0dg3sI was typing ./scriptname.sh19:41
^paradox^jrib: he hasnt given me one. hes not on right now19:42
jrib^paradox^: wait until he is then, not much else you can do19:42
^paradox^jrib: ok i appreciate the info19:42
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
tobi__any clue?19:43
=== tobi__ is now known as Tobiash
PenquiteHi all, I have managed to break my apache2 server, is there an easy way to set it back to it's default configuration?19:44
jribPenquite: how did you "break" it?19:44
MastereduPenquite: sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache2 ?19:44
PenquiteI accidentally deleted the default virtual host configuration19:45
Mastereduh0dg3s: sry, i cant find an wrong line too19:45
h0dg3sthanks for looking19:45
Mastereduh0dg3s: np, ehm i can ask the german community when you allow it to me19:45
Mastereduh0dg3s: i have there many friends19:45
jadakren# /ignore -channels #mwsf * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS19:46
jribh0dg3s: you never answered my question about how you are attempting to execute the script19:46
* jadakren shudders19:46
warpihi! does anyone know how to adjust the column width in compact mode in nautilus?19:46
h0dg3sit fails on the first line.    "apt-get install bison fakeroot flex g++ g++-multilib gperf libapache2-mod-php5 libasound2: No such file or directory"19:46
newbuntuwhy can't vino-server process be killed even as root? Anyone?19:46
h0dg3sjrib yes I did19:47
h0dg3salso tried sudo ./scriptname19:47
h0dg3sbrb need a cig19:47
PenquiteThanks, I have tried that, but then get the message that NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts19:47
jribh0dg3s: when you come back, pastebin your entire session when you try to run the script and the full output19:48
Low_enduserhi, how do I change resolution?19:48
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:48
jribLow_enduser: try the menu item about screen preferences in the admin or preferences menu first19:48
newbuntuKilling a Process doesn't work19:49
Low_enduserhi, there isn't such setting to change my resolution19:49
jribLow_enduser: system -> admin -> screen *  iirc19:49
Mastereduh0dg3s: until where the script is executed, or where comes the error?19:49
erUSULLow_enduser: System>Pereferences>Display19:49
durtballim a noob need help with getting an 878a conexant card working19:49
jribLow_enduser: sorry, see erUSUL19:49
Mastereduh0dg3s: stand there a line number somethink like 32: or anything ?19:49
ratdogis there any reason desktop icons dont show19:50
Tobiashhow do I make kwin my default window manager?19:51
ratdogmy saved downloads are desktop they dont show19:51
erUSULTobiash: #kubuntu ?19:51
durtballcan anyone help with 878a capture card setup in karmic19:51
TobiasherUSUL I am using gnome19:51
jadakrenTobiash: i dont think you can use kwin without running a full kde environ19:52
erUSULratdog: can you do « grep -i desktop /home/alex/.config/user-dirs.dirs »19:52
TobiasherUSUL don't tell me about compiz, because it is not going well with games and flash19:52
Tobiashjadakren I think I can, because that is what I am doing19:52
Low_endusererUSUL: thanks but i am running ubuntu under a virtual enviroment19:52
erUSULTobiash: xcompmanager ?19:53
Tobiashjadakren I just need to set it to start after login19:53
erUSULLow_enduser: so?19:53
jadakrenTobiash: then why ask how if you already can?19:53
Low_endusererUSUL: it won't fit19:53
ratdogi no directory19:53
erUSULratdog: ?? what does the command outputs?19:53
triptecwhat package holds the manpages for c++ 4.4 stl? functions like copy, vector, iterator etc???19:53
ratdoggrep: /home/alex/.config/user-dirs: No such file or directory19:53
ElsharHey, somehow I messed up my ubuntu install. When I boot it says "error 15: file not found" or somesuch. Also, when I try to reinstall grub, there's no /boot/grub/stage1 file. What can I do to fix this?19:54
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:54
ratdogwhos that19:54
ElsharI've tried reinstalling grub, and the kernel from a chroot environment on a livecd19:54
erUSULtriptec: manpages-dev ?19:54
ratdogmy root is deadhead19:54
Am4no_it's possible to run kwin in gnome. just not common to do19:54
progre55I've fcked up my sound on ubuntu karmic trying to recompile alsa, is there any ways to rollback everything and install the native libs? =)19:54
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:54
ratdoghome is deadhead19:54
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:54
erUSULratdog: sorry is « grep -i desktop ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs »19:55
shay2772Hello I installed Ettercap on my computer , when i start Ettercap using the next command : sudo ettercap -G i get the following message : Dissector "dns" not supported (etter.conf line 70) what does it mean ? how can i fix that ?19:55
ratdoghm no icons19:55
erUSUL!es | jesus_19:55
ubottujesus_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:55
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ElsharAh, I think I just figured out how to regenerate stage119:56
Am4no_tobiash:have u tried running game in seperate X or use compiz fusion icon to switch to metacity when running game19:56
triptecerUSUL: na, installed it but nothing19:56
TobiashAm4no_ I don't want it this way, I did yes19:56
erUSUL!info stl-manual19:56
ubottustl-manual (source: stl-manual): C++-STL documentation in HTML. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.30-9 (karmic), package size 454 kB, installed size 3268 kB19:56
TobiashAm4no_ compiz is not mature enough, kwin feels a lot better19:57
durtballcan anyone help with 878a capture card setup in karmic19:57
erUSULratdog: and your ubuntu OS is in english ?19:58
ratdogerUSUL yep19:58
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erUSULratdog: ok then try in gconf-editor go to apps>nautilus>desktop19:59
cptbloodhow do i add a user to the sudoers file?20:00
Low_endusererUSUL & jrib: thanks guys I guess I will just keep it small for now XD configuring xorg seems to be troublesome XD cya20:00
Picicptblood: Easiest way is to just add them to the admin group, then you don't need to touch /etc/sudoers20:00
triptecerUSUL, yeah found that one to, but I need the manpages20:00
cptbloodokay, how to do that Pici?20:00
ratdogRROR:gconf-tree-model.c:59:gconf_tree_model_get_tree_path_from_gconf_path: assertion failed: (key[0] == '/')20:01
Picicptblood: sudo adduser someuser admin20:01
cptbloodand how to add an already existing user?20:01
erUSULtriptec: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1721020:02
Picicptblood: That was for an existing user.20:02
tf2how do i catch an input prompt and send a variable to it in BASH ?20:02
Picitf2: Best to ask in #bash for something like that.20:02
tf2Pici, thanks, thought i was in there o.O20:02
cptbloodah, okay Pici :) thx20:02
ratdogaww well20:03
ratdoganyone installed hotbabe20:03
triptecerUSUL: yeah got thatone http://packages.ubuntu.com/sv/karmic/i386/libstdc++6-4.4-dev/filelist ,no manpages in it20:04
ratdogno icons :/20:04
h0dg3smasteredu: nope I just get the message I posted above about no such file or directory20:04
triptecoh sorry20:05
pionarok, here's the situation: I just upgraded to 10.04 beta 1 today.  I rebooted, everything started fine, then my screen goes blank and then this displays: "Could not write bytes: broken pipe".  It flashes for three or for times to this written on the screen and a black screen, then the monitor shuts off, but the computer is still running.  Any suggestions?20:05
ratdogmabye a restart20:05
steve_can someone help me, I installed the 9.10 file and then ran the updates. This made my top and bottom panel disappear. How can I get them back?20:05
HollenthonHey, I have a question. I checked wine appdb and silkroad mmorpg is suported but how can I download it since I'm not on windows and only windows users are allowed on the page?Tried with ie7 under ubuntu but can t enable active x.20:05
erUSULpionar: #ubuntu+120:06
Moral_I need to bind a proxy so nslookup can use it, how would I go about doing so?20:06
ratdoganyone notice webui.exe never works?20:06
pionarthanks erUSUL20:06
erUSUL!resetpanels | steve_20:06
ubottusteve_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:06
ratdoginstalls then after restart grub failes to boot anything20:07
steve_Thanks Ubottu20:07
sqwertleQueenZ: It didn't work =O20:07
ratdogwebui.exe has serious flaws20:07
sqwertleI've just reinstalled ubuntu and windows xp is not on the grub menu, how can i fix this?20:08
erUSULratdog: yes wubi is quite brittle20:08
erUSUL!grub2 | sqwertle20:08
ratdogi stopped using it20:08
ubottusqwertle: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:08
Mastereduh0dg3s: ehm maybe you can look up in /var/log under apt20:09
ratdoganyone have experiance with debian windows installer?20:10
jribratdog: #debian?20:10
ratdogjust curious20:10
steve_Hi Ubootu, I tried that command and the reply was no process found20:11
ratdogunubuntu is a offsping of debian dont get upset, lol20:11
suboneI am trying to create a web control for operating my computer, however sometimes sendingh dbus-send messages crashes gnome-mplayer. How can I debug this/ figure out why gnome-mplayer closes suddenly?20:11
mark_758Anyone have any tricks for making the camera on my Asus g50 vt x-5 laptop view right side up? It has either a chicony or suyin camera.20:11
jribratdog: I understand, but this channel is for ubuntu support, so you should ask in #debian about debian20:11
erUSULsteve_: then just do alt + f2 run "gnome-panel"20:11
* ratdog looks at ph33r and chuckles with him, inside joke.20:13
=== dusty is now known as g0aliath
kcantinHello all ;)20:13
brontosaurusrexshould chromium (5.0.370.0 (43799) Ubuntu) play h264 stuff?20:13
ratdogvisit with us on dal20:13
steve_Thanks erSUL, that did the trick!20:13
Sale023Hi to all people.. I'm paying about 5$ via PayPal for install Counter Strike 1.6 Non-Steam on my Server. Thanks :) PM me...20:14
jrib!appdb > Sale02320:15
ubottuSale023, please see my private message20:15
kcantinBeen working at it for over a month but, does anyone think they can help me to solve the issue I am having with not being able to set my screen resolution any higher than 800x600??20:15
erUSULsteve_: no problem20:15
jribSale023: ah, actually cs probably has a native linux server, so use that.  It should come with instructions from valve20:15
ratdogi am havin troubles with demuxer plugin20:15
Sale023Hi to all people.. I'm paying about 5$ via PayPal for installing Counter Strike 1.6 Non-Steam on my VPS i repeat VPS Server. Thanks :) PM me...20:16
=== ganja is now known as gunji
jrib!repeat | Sale02320:16
ubottuSale023: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:16
ratdogSale023 bubye20:16
Sale023it's VPS someone?20:16
Sale023I am giving money away..20:16
jribSale023: I already gave you some advice20:16
Sale023only wine?20:17
=== gunji is now known as ganja
FloodBot2Sale023: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
jribSale023: read what I said afterwards...20:17
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:18
kcantinI've even tried the resolution script and it does not work.20:18
zaggynlso, how should I disable the startup sound in ubuntu 9.10?20:19
Pirate_HunterI want to download a random file from a server and wish to keep track of the download speed, any suggestion on apps or commands that can let me do this?20:19
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: axel20:20
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: it works like wget20:20
inibido0boa tarde. Instalei o ubuntu 9.10 e gostaria de saber se o iptables já vem por default instalado?20:20
jrib!br | inibido020:21
ubottuinibido0: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:21
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: downloads from multiple sources as well20:21
frenzy1how can i fix having to source .profile each time i open a gnome terminal20:21
kcantinnot sure how to configure xorg.conf20:21
jribfrenzy1: have you logged out and logged back in since making changes?20:21
Pirate_Hunterswitch10_: nope I want to keep track of the download speed not do multiple connections to a server in attempt to speed up download20:21
dotblankHow much data can A fifo file hold?20:21
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: it does that as well.20:21
erUSULdotblank: a fifo file holds no data ... it passes it around just like a pipe in shell20:22
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: or just put the output of wget to a log file..20:22
erUSULdotblank: if you ask the buffer size of a fifo file in linux... i dunno20:22
dotblankerUSUL, Ok if I cat file > fifo and then use mplayer where it slowly reads the fifo file into a buffer20:23
dotblankcat wont finish until the entire file is catted right?20:23
[Screamo]Can anyone help me set up an Eggdrop bot?20:23
erUSULdotblank: i think that cat will block when the buffer is full untill the reader makes room (by reading from the buffer)20:23
jrib[Screamo]: install eggdrop from the repositories.  Then read its documentation or try #eggdrop for configuration help20:24
dotblankthanks.. This behaviour is absolutely perfect for me needs20:24
[Screamo]yea im getting the tcl error20:24
[Screamo]i cant find the files it needs, but i know its installed :|20:24
kcantinOk, sounds like no one is farmilliar with my issue.20:24
frenzy1jrib: is there a way to make .profile work without logging out and back in again?20:24
dotblankabout to add a fifo to my phone with a background process while loop catting random SC sound bits into the fifo and have my phone use the fifo as the instant message alert20:25
jribfrenzy1: source like you are doing20:25
thevishy9during pxe install it asks for archive ... i need to give local archive on my own apache20:27
progre55how come my firefox has sound, but mplayer does not..20:27
aloneaprogre55: missing codecs maybe? is all the ffmpeg stuff installed?20:28
erUSULprogre55: try « mplayer -o pulse file »20:28
thevishy9where is the release file in ubuntu archive20:29
Mastereduthe release is written on the website or?20:30
progre55erUSUL: Option -o has been renamed to -vo (video-out), use -vo20:30
MastereduerUSUL: and -ao is for audio-out :)20:31
erUSULprogre55: -ao (audio output)20:31
progre55alonea: it was not installed20:31
erUSULprogre55: sorry typo20:31
Masteredu:) first :D20:31
grendal_primeok got moblin off the system from what i can tell..but damn i still just have this white screen...the gnome services are running but i can see whats going on..what would be missing from gnome that would cause that?20:31
progre55erUSUL: Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)20:32
progre55it seems to play the file, but no sound20:32
progre55even after installing ffmpeg20:32
erUSULprogre55: check the volume settings ? maybe mplayer is silenced?20:32
Masteredugrendal_prime: you mean you dont even see one menu?20:32
aloneaprogre55: try that. I generally don't want a lot of videos on my nix machine, but codecs tend to be an issue. What kind of file is it? and check if itsd silenced of course20:33
erUSULprogre55: pulse has per app volume and all that fancy stuff20:33
Masteredugrendal_prime: then it is maybe a X-Server or X.org problem20:33
Masteredugrendal_prime: X.org i think20:33
grendal_primenothing just white. and a mouse cursor..now the pacage upgrade app runs fine. If i put in a usb stick the nautilus window opens up.20:33
progre55erUSUL: how do I check the "per app" sound?20:34
grendal_primeits like the window manager is just not there..or the taskbar, or the walpaper...20:34
Masteredugrendal_prime: lol , mysterious . do you tried to reconfigure gnome, or the gnome-panel ?20:34
gluonmanHow do I use 'cat' to replace all instances of a word in a textfile with another word?20:34
erUSULprogre55: right click on the volume icon in the panel Sound preferences20:34
grendal_primei uninstalled moblin20:34
jribgluonman: you don't use cat, use something like sed...20:34
Masteredugrendal_prime: Nautilus manages the background20:34
erUSULgluonman: cat can not do that. use sed20:34
grendal_primeand installed the ubuntu desktop.20:34
jairoyou are speak spanish?20:35
gluonmanjrib, erUSUL, I'll check documentation for sed. Thanks.20:35
guntbert!es | jairo20:35
ubottujairo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:35
Masteredugrendal_prime: and the ubuntu-desktop works fine?20:35
erUSULgluonman: sed -i 's/search_word/replace_word/g' file.txt20:35
wastrelthe mayor of the canals of ubuntu only speaks in english20:35
stercorDo I need to be concerned with update failures for the Translation-en-US package?20:35
scott_ino2anybody have experience with dvd::rip? It's hanging at end of transcode20:35
gluonmanerUSUL, thank you.20:35
grendal_primeno..thats the problem20:35
kimany way installing w32codecs now?20:35
grendal_primenothing displays...like..not even the gdm.20:35
wastrelyes busk yesterday in spanish or chart into the canal20:36
grendal_primejust white...but it logs in to the one uses desktop aparently.20:36
progre55erUSUL: yeah and the thing is, I tried to re-compile alsa, and now the audio-controls have to effect to the audio20:36
Masteredugrendal_prime: but you can use nautilus?20:36
Mastereduhello :)20:37
guntbertwastrel: stop that please20:37
wastrelguntbert: already did!20:37
Masteredugrendal_prime: then gdm is allready started20:37
grendal_primewell like i say if something automated...like pluging in a usb stick...ya i know20:37
Masteredugrendal_prime: you can test it with top | grep gdm20:37
BlaDe^hi, PHP is unable to include files right now. Should I run apache as a different user or chmod differently? What is the recommended solution?20:37
BlaDe^I'm quite new to linux20:37
Masteredugrendal_prime: on the commandline20:37
Godslasteringif i go to the network connections manager, click eth0, edit, then on ipv4 settings, click share with other computers...on the OTher computer, if i type dhclient, it SHOULD give me an ip, and connect me to the network correct?20:37
grendal_primeya i can get to term and run i run htop to see whats going on.20:38
[Screamo]Godslastering it should20:38
Godslastering[Screamo]: it doesn't seem to be working..on the first computer i am getting internet via an internal wireless card, and i want to share to computer 2 thru ethernet...20:39
[Screamo]when i do that, the second pc trys to use the fisr for DNS20:39
[Screamo]check the DNS settings20:39
Godslastering[Screamo]: well how should i set it up then?20:39
grendal_primeaaahhhhh i think its a compiz issue20:39
grendal_primei dont think this thing supporst a compiz desktop20:40
[Screamo]Godslastering what OS is the second pc?20:40
Godslastering[Screamo]: newest debian release... can't remember exact version ;p20:40
[Screamo]Godslastering, go edit the connection settings on the 2nd pc, and add, and as the dns servers20:41
grendal_primenope that wasnt it20:41
Godslastering[Screamo]: mind helping me in pm? I'm not sure how to do what you just said ;p20:42
soreaugrendal_prime: Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log? white screen typically points to a driver problem20:42
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf
thevishy9hwo to dela with bad archive mirror while installing Ubuntu20:43
jcrawfordhey guys is there any obvious reason why Ubuntu's FireFox build would not open XML files like Firefox normally does?20:44
jcrawfordWhen I open an XML file it all appears on one single line as it does when I view source20:44
kusznirHi: I've got a 9.10 system that is used by multiple users.  Suddenly, a lot of users are not able to do basic things like open evince, or in one case, even log out doesn't work.  The only reasonable pointer so far is messages like: [ 2046.652980] type=1503 audit(1270669058.570:40): operation="open" pid=3348 parent=3322 profile="/usr/bin/evince" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" fsuid=11108 ouid=11108 name="/net/files/home/bthomas/.Xauthority"20:44
xTheGoat121xIf I format with ext3 instead of ext4, will I notice a severe ding in my performance?20:44
kusznirThe files in question do exist and are owned by the user...20:44
MastereduxTheGoat121x: if you use SSD yes, with sata , not realy20:45
xTheGoat121xMasteredu, how about with a USB flash drive?20:45
=== eddie is now known as Guest30284
xTheGoat121xMasteredu, b/c everytime I try to format it, ext4 reports a bad superblock when I try to mount it20:46
MastereduxTheGoat121x: A little bit maybe. but i dont think that it makes a big deal. and why you not use FAT 3220:46
MastereduxTheGoat121x: and what is with ext3?20:46
aeon-ltdxTheGoat121x: are you using ext4 on usb stick/ssd/flash mem.?20:46
Mastereduaeon-ltd: on usb-stick20:46
* etsorbme8 is now known as etsorbme820:46
Darkyubuntu ... on a stick20:47
xTheGoat121xaeon-ltd, I was hoping to but it's not cooperating20:47
Mastereduaeon-ltd: usb = flash20:47
Pirate_Huntercan anyone tell me who are they cheddar.halon.org.uk, which group this address belongs to and what they do?20:47
aeon-ltdxTheGoat121x: i wouldn't reccommend it due to journaling flash mem = limited writes20:47
MastereduxTheGoat121x: you can use ext3. its not bad20:47
aeon-ltdxTheGoat121x: ext2 for long term ext4 for speed20:47
MastereduxTheGoat121x: ext2 dont has journaling20:47
xTheGoat121xaeon-ltd, I'm aware of that -- it's just b/c it's the drive I'm installing Ubuntu onto20:48
MastereduxTheGoat121x: and like i asked before: why not FAT32?20:48
xTheGoat121xMasteredu, you can install Ubuntu onto a FAT32 partition?20:48
MastereduxTheGoat121x: i think i saw it somewhere20:49
=== ted____ is now known as stercor
KaOSoFtHmm... if I click the Places or Systems or Applications menu, and let the menu displayed, "Print Screen" command won't activate. In fact, even if I have something like a context menu (after right-click) active, it still won't work. Do you know if this can be suggested to be "fixed"?20:49
grendal_primepretty sure its something to do with gnome setup20:50
grendal_primedesktop is just wonky..20:50
MastereduxTheGoat121x: you can use it with fat32 , but it is not recommended20:50
=== mike is now known as Guest7726
ubuntuwicd 1.7.0 cannot read SSID properly but Ubuntu 9.10 Network Manager has no problem.  Any idea?20:50
grendal_primeapplications that run ..look great.20:50
soreaugrendal_prime: Can you pastebin your X log though?20:50
soreaugrendal_prime: Or even the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'20:51
stercorWhat's the key combination to get a terminal session?  Like Alt-Fn or Ctrl-Fn or Alt-Ctrl-Fn?20:51
suboneI am trying to create a web control for operating my computer, however sometimes sendingh dbus-send messages crashes gnome-mplayer. How can I debug this/ figure out why gnome-mplayer closes suddenly?20:51
Godslasteringstercor: ctrl-alt-f7 to get back your WM20:51
=== pepino is now known as Pepino
Guest7726Hello, I have a question.  I am on 9.10.  My computer keeps freezing and I have to do a hard shut down. Can anyone point me to the specific log file to figure out why this is happening?  I think it might have something to do with Adobe Flash.20:52
soreausubone: You can use a tool like gdb and attach it to the problem process to get a back trace20:52
xTheGoat121xMasteredu, yeah, i just found that20:52
aeon-ltdsubone: what are you using now to control your computer? rdc/vnc?20:52
xTheGoat121xMasteredu, the more I read the more I think part of this is the flash drive I'm using20:52
grendal_primeinteresting..i dont have an xorg.conf20:52
MastereduxTheGoat121x: You know, WUBI, the ubuntu under windows project, uses to an NTFS partition, that is not fat32 but their both come from the same company20:53
grendal_primeim going to try a clean install...of 91020:53
grendal_primei cot it on a usb stick20:53
progre55hi people! I've removed pulseaudio, and now gnome-volume-control is not running, with the following error "** (gnome-volume-control:5100): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting..."20:53
progre55any suggestions please20:53
joe__hey guys.  Anyone up to troubleshooting?20:53
MastereduxTheGoat121x: I think you should use your Usb stick with Fat32 . it works good with windows too20:53
soreaujoe__: Nope. Just ask your question20:53
ubuntuwicd 1.7.0 cannot read dd-wrt SSID properly.  But Ubuntu 9.10 Network Manager has no problem.  Any idea?20:54
joe__OK.  Just an ole man of advanced age, trying linux instead of windows.  Hate MS20:54
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Mastereduubuntu: network Manager has a biger community?20:54
joe__Installed new printer, HP 6500 Wireless 709e20:54
guntbert!enter | joe__20:55
Mastereduubuntu: and why you not use network manager20:55
ubottujoe__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:55
natrixnatrixIs there a way I can make skype use grayscale video, when using webcam? not the ordinary with colors.20:55
aeon-ltdubuntu: what does it show instead of the SSID20:55
joe__It works with the package that I downloaded from HP, but how do I make this wireless, which it is supposed to be20:55
ubuntuMasteredu: it is because I want to use Kubuntu and run wicd.20:55
Edward123hey chaps.... i've just upgraded to 9.10 and now my screensaver comes on during VLC fullscreen movie viewing? i've done a fair amount of googling but can't find any one consensus on howto solve the problem. the most likley looking solution has been to upgrade to vlc from a non-ubuntu repo?20:56
Edward123does it really have to come down to that or does anyone have a suggestion?20:56
Mastereduubuntu: KDE has a network manager to20:56
grendal_primethis seems to be working just fine20:56
grendal_primeim gonna give it a try20:56
natrixnatrixIs there a way I can make skype use grayscale video, when using webcam? not the ordinary with colors.20:56
Edward123nobody else had issues with the screensaver coming on when watching movies in vlc, or indeed any other media player?20:56
MastereduEdward123: Does it not give an option for that in the vlc you using at the moment20:57
Edward123Masteredu: there is an option, 'disable screensaver while playing' - no joy though, screensaver still comes on20:57
natrixnatrixEdward123: i use the inhibit applet20:57
Masteredunatrixnatrix: what pc specs you have20:57
ubuntuaeon-ltd: it shows 2 boxes with some 4 numeric characters inside.  something like a missing character to be displayed.20:57
MastereduEdward123: why you not try the unofficial repo20:57
Edward123natrixnatrix: i tried apt-cache search inhibit, but no useful results?20:57
natrixnatrixMasteredu: I'm using v4l2, so when I launch skype i use that env .. command20:58
aeon-ltdubuntu: so the SSID hasn't changed neither has any router settings since your network manager/wicd switchover?20:58
natrixnatrixEdward123: but you know the applet, that can be added to the panel?20:58
Masteredunatrixnatrix: webcamstudio4gnulinux is realy cool. that must support this option. the prob is , it is written in java and requieres a good pc20:58
Edward123Masteredu: i'd like to keep everything coming from the offical and offical non-free repos if possible, don't want to have sto start messing around with whatever the ubuntu equiv. of yum priorities is just to get the screensaver off while i'm watching movies - which seemed to be working fine on 9.04 before i upgraded?20:58
joe__I guess this was bad idea. No idea what line goes with what.  I'll try the linux forum.  Thanks20:58
natrixnatrixMasteredu: thanks20:59
ubuntuaeon-ltd: the dd-wrt SSID can read by iPod and Ubuntu 9.10 properly.  I think it is the problem of wicd.20:59
Masteredujoe__: you can use the ubuntu wiki20:59
paco__buenas noches20:59
Edward123ah natrixnatrix i see it's already installed, all these applets heh - new to me, i usually just use linux on console. that does look cool but it would be sexier if it was all happening automatic20:59
ubuntuMasteredu: how to find the kubuntu network manager?20:59
aeon-ltdubuntu: yeah if no changes have been made to the router or character sets your using then its most definitely a bug21:00
natrixnatrixEdward123: yes. I agree. But I know no better solution so far.21:00
Mastereduubuntu: you mean that one from kde? is it not included in the kubuntu-desktop package?21:00
aeon-ltdubuntu: wait are you using the gtk interface or ncurses?21:00
Mastereduaeon-ltd: he uses gtk i think21:00
ubuntuaeon-ltd: I am using backtrack's KDE.21:01
guntbert!es | paco__21:01
ubottupaco__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:01
Mastereduaeon-ltd: and backtrack uses wicd?21:01
adalalhey, all what does the following line mean:21:01
adalaldpkg-divert: mismatch on package21:01
adalal  when removing `diversion of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so to /usr/lib/fglrx/libdri.so.xlibmesa by fglrx'  found `diversion of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so to /usr/lib/fglrx/libdri.so.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx'21:01
FloodBot2adalal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:01
man0riaXDoes anyone of you know an Empathy-screenlet, like the Pidgin-screenlet?21:02
ubuntuMasteredu: Yes, BackTrack use wicd 1.5.x and it has the problem too.  I upgraded to 1.7.0 and the problem is still there.21:03
adalalanyone aware of how to deal with dpkg-divert mismatch?21:03
sausyI have a big problem... I'm new in xubuntu, and my desk doesnt show any menu bar!!21:04
maginotadalal, what you mean with deal? Did you tried downloading the package again?21:04
adalalabout 6 times21:04
maginotsausy, try #xubuntu21:04
LlywelynHello :)21:04
Godslasteringwhen i click share connections on ipv4 on eth0 in my network manager, what is it really doing? how would i do the EXACT same thing via command line?21:04
LlywelynWhen I try to connect with Wireless, I only get one little "ball" green and nothing happens :(21:04
maginotadalal, how do you did ?21:05
suboneaeon-ltd, a web interface, lamp stack, php calls bash scripts21:05
Llywelyni'm on 9.0421:05
progre55does gnome-volume-control-applet work without pulseaudio?21:05
adalalmaginot: basically, im trying to install fglrx, but the error shows a dpkg-divert error, and the files that i listed above don't even exist21:05
trevorget knetworkmanager i just installed it and it made my wifi work. hope it helps!21:06
aeon-ltdsubone: just to simplify things why not use a vnc client?21:06
suboneaeon-ltd, from my phone?21:06
maple1how do I remove ubuntu and reinstall an OS that actually works, such as windows xp?21:06
aeon-ltdsubone: damn,.......... iphone?21:06
Godslasteringmaple1: in the os you want to install, just say "uise entire drive"21:06
suboneaeon-ltd, cliq android21:06
Godslasteringmaple1: "use entire drive" rather21:06
suboneaeon-ltd, id rather have these things in a customized interface21:07
aeon-ltdsubone: double damn21:07
adalalmaple1: you insert the windows disc, and select the install option, and wait for 4 hours :)21:07
maginotadalal, but did you tried install fglrx with "apt-get install  xorg-driver-fglrx" ?21:07
KaOSoFtHmm... if I click the Places or Systems or Applications menu, and let the menu displayed, "Print Screen" command won't take the picture. In fact, even if I have something like a context menu (after right-click) active, it still won't work. If no menu is active, "Print Screen" will work flawless.21:07
trevori would just install them side by side21:07
adalalmaginot: yes, i have, gives the same error21:07
suboneaeon-ltd, i was gonna make an android app for it, but decided it would be easier to do it this way21:07
trevori had a laptop that didnt work with ubuntu and it turned out to be a faulty harddrive boot section21:08
suboneaeon-ltd, i just cant figure out why sometimes when i send dbus-send messages to gnome-mplayer it terminates randomly (or at least it seems random)21:08
maginotadalal, I can't imagine what is going wrong there, here I have no problem installing with apt-get ... sorry21:08
GodslasteringHow do i fix depends with apt-get?21:08
trevoris it protected by a password21:08
adalalmaginot: do you know how to correct a dpkg-divert error, that seems to be the online problem21:08
EnelarHi all. I have a little question. I configure apache2. Default root dir is /etc/www. I create virtual host develop-project.ru, with document root /etc/www/develop-project.ru, restart apache daemon, and if I connect to develop-project.ru, I see a /etc/www dit21:09
FloodBot2Enelar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
adalalEnelar: go to the apache chat room21:09
maginotadalal, did you tried : "dpkg-divert --remove <package>" ?21:09
Enelar<Enelar> hello21:09
Enelar* #apache :Cannot send to channel21:09
trevori installed knetworkmanager and my wifi worked instantly so i dont know what is wrong adalal21:10
guntbertEnelar: its #httpd channel21:10
KaOSoFtEnelar- Go to #httpd then. :D21:10
adalalmaginot: no actually21:10
magn3tsI need someone to help me troubleshoot ridiculously terrible wireless performance21:10
magn3tsI'm tired of having a laptop that can't use the internet21:10
trevortry uninstalling then reinstalling it21:10
Enelarok thnk21:10
suboneguess i should ask in mplayer or something21:10
adalaltrevor, what is this for?21:10
maginotadalal, if the problem is to remove the divert... try that =)21:11
trevorfor the wifi problem21:11
haavarosHi! What does "recursive" as in 'chown -r" mean? That the changes are applied to all subfolders?21:12
maginothaavaros, yes21:12
maginothaavaros, and files...21:12
abulwleedhi maginot21:12
Godslasteringwhen i click share connections on ipv4 on eth0 in my network manager, what is it really doing? how would i do the EXACT same thing via command line?21:12
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CyberCrasherhi all21:13
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CyberCrasherthere are italians?21:13
maginotubottu, it | CyberCrasher21:13
ubottuCyberCrasher: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:13
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maginotGodslastering, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding21:14
bahaamaginot I'm the guy you helped two days earlier I'm talking from my friend laptop21:14
Godslasteringmaginot: thats it?21:14
maginotGodslastering, this starts ip forward, what is used for connection sharing ..21:14
maginotGodslastering, you still will have to enable dhcp and things like that to make all work of course21:15
Godslasteringmaginot: how can i set that up? i want to emulate the EXACT results of enabling that option in network manager21:15
jmcantrellwhere does empathy store account information? i checked gconf, but it doesn't appear to be there.21:15
Didhirserver /AlphaIRC21:16
bahaamaginot: I marked the thread I showed you last time (in ubuntu forums) as solved (and this is the url : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1442883&highlight=tty1+to+tty621:16
maginotGodslastering, I told what a connection share basicly is, but I think you are talking about "Shared with other computers"  optiong in the Method option, aren't you ?21:16
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Godslasteringmagical: yes, that option21:17
Godslasteringmaginot: ^21:17
Godslasteringmaginot: i want to do that exact thing via command-line21:17
maginotbahaa, okay, that is god, thanks by the quoting :)21:17
Godslasteringmaginot: i need to do the exact thing via command-line since i dont have a window manager :p21:18
maginotGodslastering, I think that is a complete different thing...21:18
Godslasteringmaginot: ah, do you know how to do it?21:18
maginotGodslastering, what happen when you choose that option ?21:18
aloneahas anyone been able to get Kindle for PC to work? Wine says its supposed to work, but I am unable to get it to run. It will install and uninstall, I have it in Win 98 mode. It starts, and then the window dissapears.21:18
bahaamaginot: thanks again(I'm enjoying the full screen command line soo much) (you are welcome :D )21:18
Godslasteringmaginot: i CANT choose the option, because i dont have a window manager lol21:18
HollenthonI have enabled paint fire on the desktop but how do i use it? what key combination?21:19
jmcantrellwhere does empathy store account information? i checked gconf, but it doesn't appear to be there.21:19
Communealonea: what does kindle for pc do?  i can transfer books to my kindle fine without wine21:19
=== bahaa is now known as abulwleed
maginotGodslastering, ok, but if you need that option so I suppose you know what you expect to happen, right?21:19
aloneaCommune: allows you to read your books from your account on your PC.21:19
abulwleedhi all21:19
abulwleedgood by21:19
FloodBot2abulwleed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:19
coz_Hollenthon,  the defaults are  shif+super+Button121:19
coz_Hollenthon,  shift+super+c21:20
LucidGuySimple licensing question.  My windows boxes are licensed via the vendor (Dell XP sticker), yet I connect them to a linux Samba server.  Do I need to purchase some kind of site wide calls for these systems to communicate with the samba shares?  Or does that only apply if it was a real windows server?21:20
Hollenthoncoz_,  super?21:20
coz_Hollenthon,  super is the orginal name for the  "windows" key21:20
Godslasteringmaginot: yes, i know what it does, because i use it on another computer which DOES have a window manager, i just now need it on a computer without a window manager21:20
Hollenthoncoz_, ohh:) thanks21:20
coz_Hollenthon,  no problem21:20
maginotGodslastering, so, that is what I'm asking you, what it does, if you tell me maybe I can tell you what to do in command line21:21
oldtopmanhello, how do you get gnome-pilot to work21:21
Hollenthoncoz_,  and the cube?21:21
Hollenthoncoz_,  I enabled this things because i was curious how they work:)21:21
Godslasteringmaginot: it allows computer 2 to get an internet connection through computer 1's connection21:21
coz_Hollenthon,  well you first have to go into  ccsm general options   Desktop size tab21:21
coz_Hollenthon,   horizontal virtual size = 4  the other two settings = 121:21
Communealonea: if you're already running in win 98, i'm not sure.  i just googled it a bit and that was all that turned up.21:22
maginotGodslastering, so the answer is the echo command  I told you in  the first moment =)21:22
wildc4rdevenin' all21:22
coz_Hollenthon,  then be sure the Desktop cube    Rotate cube and viewport switcher plugins are enabled21:22
Godslasteringmaginot: aye aye, thanks :^)21:22
wizard_I have 2 computers that connact conenct physically.  I would like to access files from computer A from computer B, and also the opposite of that.  Im sort of a noob when it comes to this stuff, any links to GOOD tutorials for noobs?21:22
wizard_that CANNOT connect physically21:22
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
coz_Hollenthon,  also click on the rotate cube plugn and push up the "zoom" slider to about half way21:23
maginotGodslastering, but like I said, maybe in command line you have to do other things too21:23
coz_Hollenthon,  then either  middle click and move mouse around on desktop to initate the cube or  if a lap21:23
Godslasteringmaginot: ok, ill try it out21:23
Hollenthoncoz_,  Could you please tell me where do i check the desktop cube rotate cube and viewport switcher plugins are enabled or not?21:23
coz_Hollenthon,  or if a laptop   ctrl+alt+left or right arrows21:23
coz_Hollenthon,  do you have ccsm installed?21:23
coz_Hollenthon,   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:23
Hollenthoncoz_,  I m in compizconfig setings:D21:24
Enelarcan you check config file? http://apache.pastebin.ca/185815921:24
Hollenthoncoz_,  Yes, it's installed:)21:24
coz_Hollenthon,  ok  general options...Desktop size tab21:24
Hollenthoncoz_,  I have done that step:)21:24
Hollenthoncoz_,  after that I'm lost21:24
coz_Hollenthon,  ok now Desktop category21:24
coz_Hollenthon,  enable Desktop cube   Rotate cube  and Viewport swticher plugins21:24
oldtopmanhello, how do you get gnome-pilot to work21:25
Hollenthoncoz_,  done:)21:25
wizard_I have 2 computers that cannot conenct physically.  I would like to access files from computer A from computer B, and also the opposite of that.  Im sort of a noob when it comes to this stuff, any links to GOOD tutorials for noobs on SSH?21:25
Hollenthoncoz_,  and now?:)21:25
coz_Hollenthon,  ok now click on the Rotate cube plugin to get into its settings and push up the "zoom" slider to about half way21:25
coz_Hollenthon,  is this a desktop or laptop?21:25
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Hollenthoncoz_,  a laptop:)21:26
Hollenthoncoz_,  15,6"21:26
coz_Hollenthon,  ok  ctrl+alt+ left click and hold or   ctrl+alt+left or right arrows21:26
Vigojmcantrel: Did you locate it?21:26
Hollenthoncoz_,  Sorry maybe it's a stupid ideea, I'm a beginner ubuntu user, but tought it's interesting and always wanted to try it.21:26
coz_Hollenthon,  no problem21:26
Hollenthoncoz_, wow21:27
coz_Hollenthon,  I take it ..it's working?21:27
Hollenthoncoz_, wow, thank you from the bottom of my heart, this is so awesome!!!21:27
Vigojmcantrell: Did you locate it?21:27
Hollenthoncoz_, Thank you so much!21:27
coz_Hollenthon,  there you go   and have fun :)21:27
Hollenthoncoz_, And another thing regarding paint with fire:P21:27
coz_Hollenthon,  if you need more help with compiz  you can contact me in #compiz most of the time or one of the other support people21:28
Hollenthoncoz_,  i was only able to move the cursore but the paint fire would not last...21:28
coz_Hollenthon,  mmm21:28
Hollenthoncoz_,  i see the fire paint moving with my cursore but it doesn't last...21:28
coz_Hollenthon,  hold on21:28
magn3tsCan someone please help me troubleshoot bad wifi performance using the STA/Broadcom driver?21:28
Hollenthoncoz_,  Shure, excuse me.21:28
coz_Hollenthon,  hold down shift+super while using the left click to draw21:29
coz_Hollenthon,  then let go it should remain there until you hit  shift+super+c21:29
Hollenthoncoz_,  it's working now:)21:29
coz_Hollenthon,  there you go :)21:29
Hollenthoncoz_,  Thank you so much! :)21:30
coz_Hollenthon,  no problem21:30
jetienneq. how to install the libc dev manpage ?21:34
hugliWhen creating custom keyboard shortcut, can I pass current context (e.g. files selected in Nautilus) as parameters of the Command?21:36
maginothugli, how are you creating those commands?21:37
hugliSystem > Preferences > Keb'd Short's. The Command is Python script. I'd like to pass it parameters just as in Nautilus right-click menu (%d, %M etc.)21:39
maginothugli, I don't think could work using file names and thing other then keyboard keys... but you can try...21:40
el_juncohi everybody21:41
hugliThat's a shame. I wanted it for some sort of  "open selection  in ..." without right clicking21:42
el_juncohow do I compress a folder in Ubuntu?21:42
maximus_well, i just started dumping windows and getting used with linux21:42
maginothugli, maybe there is some program who implement that, I don't know, any command I need I type with Alt+F2 or now on my tilda ;)21:42
maximus_so any fellaws here help me how to start a process in linux21:42
man0riaXel_junco, right click on the folder and choose "compress"21:43
maginotubottu, ask | maximus_21:43
ubottumaximus_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:43
=== sam_ is now known as Guest32816
el_juncoman0riaX, how do I compress it to make it compatible with Windows? I have to open it on my PC at work and it has Windows XP21:44
maximus_damn bots21:44
maximus_how in the world i could start a new process ppl21:44
maginotmaximus_, new process? with what... bash script, C, what? you could use exec for example21:45
el_juncohow do I compress it to make it compatible with Windows? I have to open it on my PC at work and it has Windows XP21:45
maximus_no i just terminated this gnome-power21:45
maximus_need to start it again but how21:46
maginotmaximus_, your question is bad formulated, I can't understand what you want to do.21:46
maximus_sorry abt that, c i terminated a process named "gnome-power-manager" via task manager21:47
maximus_now i need to start tat process21:47
maginotmaximus_, just type in the terminal or with Alt+F2 "gnome-power-manager" if that is the program21:48
man0riaXel_junco, choose the file ending ".zip", and you'll be able to open the file on Windows, aswell21:48
el_juncoman0riaX, ok I see. great, thanks21:48
decoderhi, as I stated in the last comment at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-backports-modules-2.6.31/+bug/404575 this bug affects also current lucid beta.. but i seem to be unable to link it to the appropriate package21:49
decoderif someone could do that, that'd be great :)21:49
jribdecoder: #ubuntu-bugs21:49
decoderI hope this bug gets fixed soon.. it has been fixed in mainstream kernel already longer ago21:49
decoderah ok thx21:49
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:49
maximus_ye works when using alt+f221:50
maximus_thanks maginot :)21:50
maginotmaximus_, you're welcome =)21:50
suboneWhere are the files located that define my "open with..." options?21:54
suboneah nvm found it ~/.local/share/applications/21:55
gps23how i can get the effect of 'aptitude update' in an offline machine?21:55
maginotsubone, /usr/share/applications21:55
maginotgps23, how would that work ?21:56
drd_does anyone know why there are 2 packages for glfw?21:56
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maginotdrd_, what packages?21:56
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maginotdrd_, -dev is the development headers21:57
amosdrd_: one is a development pkg21:57
gps23maginot: i mean i can copy the latest packages from /var/cache/apt/archives/ from one system to another, but the other system won't pick that packages as they are of latest versions, so i want to do aptitude update offline, may be by copying some files21:58
maginotdrd_, you probably need the one that is not development21:58
drd_well, i have the headers21:58
drd_thanks, i'll try21:58
maginotgps23, but for that to really work without any future problem the packages inside archive must be the ones installed on your system, otherwise they weren't there21:59
maginotgps23, but if you are aware of the problems, you could use /var/lib/dpkg/status from one machine on the other, maybe you want to make a backup of the file before overriding anything22:00
gps23maginot: thats right so i _need_ to do update before my other system would start using those .deb files22:00
Vigogps23: And make a backup of the stable system.22:01
maginotgps23, the packages that are inside archive are expected to be installed already22:01
MrGoose1hello I need help getting my webcam to work,22:01
maginotgps23, isn't enough to be inside the cache, it had to be installed too22:02
MrGoose1it shows up as Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0303 WebCam in lsusb22:02
PyroPhelianoobie question, how do I search for a file in a dir, and it's subdirs for a filename containing the word disclaimer.22:02
HollenthonI installed a theme but that theme has also a dock, how do i get that running?22:02
ownlifeQuick yes or no type question: I want to install XP second to Ubuntu for the gaems and what not, should I do a separate partition or use a virtualpc equivalent?22:02
gps23Vigo: the scenario is i have all the packages already installed, now i want to go a friend's home who dont have internet access and donate my .deb files to him but i also need to do aptitude update on his system which i don't knw how to22:02
maginotgps23, if you just need any package, just copy the .deb package from on machine to the other and run "dpkg -i <package>"22:02
MrGoose1running it in skype I get some garbage22:03
trism!aptoncd | gps2322:03
maginotgps23, ^22:03
ubottugps23: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline22:03
Vigogps23: Ok, make a backup then use APTonCD, oh ok, thank you trism.22:03
maginotgps23, well, if you just need some package, copying the .deb package and issuing "dpkg -i <package>" work too22:04
gps23wow, i think thats what i wanted to know, thanks maginot and trism22:04
VigoI am just a nut for making backups, and that is a good thing.22:04
* maginot is surprised with APTonCD22:04
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD22:05
jetienneq. how to install the libc dev manpage ?22:05
frxstremis there a good way to convert m4a files to mp3? (I don't care about quality loss or anything like that)22:05
maginotjetienne, apt-get install man-dev22:05
frxstremor possibly wav, if mp3 doesn't work22:05
skuzzelGrub is loading ubuntu without giving me the option to load windows, can anyone help me?22:05
jetiennemaginot: man dev doesnt exist. E: Couldn't find package man-dev22:06
Vigofrxstream: Have you tried or looked at ffmpeg?22:06
maginotjetienne, manpages-dev22:06
dvheumenhi. okay, I got a very strange issue with disappearing partition "devices" (/dev/sda{1,2} etc.) during the installation (alternative install) in both Karmic and Lucid Beta 1. Where is the best place to ask this, this channel, or ...?22:06
Steve^What can I use to do a whole screen zoom in kubuntu?22:06
jetiennefrxstrem: ffmpeg does it, but you need libavcodec-extra-52 to encode in mp322:07
maginotubottu, lucid | dvheumen22:07
ubottudvheumen: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:07
jetiennemaginot: thanks22:07
amosjetienne: apt-get install manpages-dev22:07
frxstremjewtienne: I don't know how to use ffmpeg for it22:07
jetienneamos: a bit too late, but thanks anyway22:08
skuzzelGrub is loading ubuntu without giving me the option to load windows, can anyone help me?22:08
jetiennefrxstrem: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-5222:08
jetiennefrxstrem: then "ffmpeg -i mysuper.m4a mysuper.mp3"22:08
frxstremjetienne: okay, thanks22:08
ihaveitnowCan someone explain the difference between -zxvf and -xf when extracting tar.gz files? Anda  good day to all22:08
jetienneihaveitnow: -z is to decompress gzip, and -v is for verbose, to get more info22:09
Vigofrxstream: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 <<that might help22:09
frxstremVigo: you misspelled my name :/22:09
VigoMy apologies22:09
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:09
jetiennestill work! :)22:09
ihaveitnow@jetienne So why have them both in the same extraction code?22:10
jetiennegood bot22:10
jetienneihaveitnow: ? i dont understand "same extraction code"22:10
Vigofrxstrem, Is that better? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 <<that link explains ffmpeg install and stuff.22:10
frxstremVigo: yeah, I saw your link22:11
amosihaveitnow: -xf is for .tar while -zxf is for .tar.gz (.tgz) .. -v is just verbose22:11
progre55how to replace alsa with pulseaudio so that the volume control works?22:11
Steve^is desktop zoom not possible without compiz?22:11
bjarkefihaveitnow: x is extract, v is verbose, z is unzip, f is do this to the file mentioned next. zxvf is all of them, xf is just extract this file.22:11
ihaveitnow@jetienne : Maybe im not understanding the meaning of verbose22:11
maginotprogre55, pulseaudio is already enabled and default on ubuntu...22:11
jetienneihaveitnow: verbose  = a lot more details for the human to see22:11
amosihaveitnow: verbose - show progress while extracting22:11
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions22:12
progre55maginot: well, I removed it =)22:12
jetienneand ou can remove pulseaudio if you want sound :)22:12
maginotprogre55, install again with apt-get ...22:12
bjarkefihaveitnow: tar is usually able to guess that you need to do unzip first, so you can usually drop the z parameter. Which  is why tar xf works on .tar.bz2, .tar.gz and just .tar files.22:12
ihaveitnow@bjarkef : @amos: @jetienne:oh oh oh oh, I get it. Thanks for the speedy and co-operative responses guys. I appreciate it. Good day to all22:12
bjarkefjetienne, amos: pro and con, you are supplementing each other nicely. ;)22:13
progre55maginot: I tried to re-compile alsa, and my volume control lost control over volume =) and I removed pulseaudio. When I install it again, it doesnt work, because maybe alsa is taking over or smth22:14
ownlifeWhat is the site that lets us share large sections of text with each other?22:14
progre55maginot: for instance mplayer plays files, but no sound, but when I specify -ao alsa, it works okay22:14
maginotsorry, can't help with custom setups... you should know what you were doing when you manually replaced something22:14
frxstremcan ffmpeg only be used for audio, or can it be used to exctract audio from video too? (although I doubt it, I just have to ask)22:14
bjarkefownlife, pastebin.com22:14
ownlifebjarkef, thanks!22:14
progre55maginot: no prob. thanks for attention though )22:15
progre55anyone? how to replace alsa with pulseaudio so that the volume control works? or, how to revert back the changes made to alsa? )22:15
skuzzelGrub is loading ubuntu without giving me the option to load windows, can anyone help me?22:16
ownlifeI'm not positive on what I'm looking at regarding whether or not I have a 64b/32b proc: guru willing to take a look? http://pastebin.com/sZMevzHY22:16
ihaveitnowHey guys, back again. I just typed the code : tar -zxvf php-5.3.2.tar.gz : in the terminal. saw a bunch of things happen...No errors. But I got an error when I typed : ./configure : im assuming the tar i just extraced is in another location. Where do I find so I can configure?22:16
zek152I read that there are some issues with 64 bit systems running flash.. are there ways of keeping it from slowing the system up so much?22:16
drd_hmm, any advice for this?22:16
drd_/usr/lib/libglfw.a(x11_fullscreen.o): In function `_glfwPlatformGetVideoModes':22:16
drd_(.text+0x195): undefined reference to `XRRGetScreenInfo'22:17
aloneahas anyone been able to get Kindle for PC to work? Wine says its supposed to work, but I am unable to get it to run. It will install and uninstall, I have it in Win 98 mode. It starts, and then the window dissapears.22:17
bjarkefihaveitnow, usually .tar.bz2 or .tar.gz archives contains a folder. Did you change directory into the folder just extracted?22:17
wizard_I have 2 computers that cannot conenct physically.  I would like to access files from computer A from computer B, and also the opposite of that.  Im sort of a noob when it comes to this stuff, any links to GOOD tutorials for noobs on SSH?22:17
ihaveitnow@bjarkef: No...I dont think so. I cd'd into the proper directory. and ran the tar -zxvf code on the php download. Then code came up. And now it wont configure22:18
ihaveitnow@bjarkef: No such file or directory22:18
bjarkefihaveitnow, do a "ls", find the name of the directory, which probably is php-5.3.2, and do a "cd php-5.3.2".22:19
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ihaveitnow@bjarkef: yeah, I see the directory listed. So I just cd there, and run the configure again right? Will keep you updated if thats no problem22:20
blindxHi, I have 9.10 and I went on gnome-look.org to find themes, but I don't know what category to search under.. gtk, metacity, compiz?22:20
skuzzelGrub is loading ubuntu without giving me the option to load windows, can anyone help me?22:20
wizard_skuzzel: you need to update grub probably22:21
mkquistwizard_: you dont need ssh just to share files22:21
skuzzelwizard: I just installed it off the live CD 9.10 today22:21
blindxskuzzel, have you updated all packages?22:22
ihaveitnow@bjarkef: Gave me an error...Saying libxml2 not found. But when I :apt-get install libxml2: it says its at the most recent version...22:22
bjarkefihaveitnow, exactly. Sorry, would be no problem, but I have to run. Somebody else here can take over if necessary, but you should be able to follow any php compilation guide from there.22:22
bjarkefihaveitnow, you probably need libxml2-dev22:22
ihaveitnow@bjarkef:will do, thanks again22:23
wizard_mkquist: please elaborate.  Hwo do I connect two computers without SSH?22:23
mkquistwizard_: are they on a network?22:23
GuitchHi, anyone use ARISTA TRANSCODER?22:24
wizard_mkquist: no.  They both get wired internet from the same router, but they are not networked to share files.  I want to connect via the internet to the other machine. SSH is what I need help with.22:24
skuzzelblindx: what do you mean?22:24
bjarkefihaveitnow, You always need the -dev package variant, they contain the extra "stuff" that is necessary for manually compilation against. And you probably will need quite a few for compilation of php, but you will get the names one by one when you try to redo the ./configure22:24
GuitchI have choosen what i want but nothing happen22:24
Guitchno play or execute22:24
horst-peterHi, i've got a Ubuntu 9.10 Problem. My Display Brightness isn't ajustable. It worked on Hardy Heiron, but no longer in Karmic Koala22:24
amosihaveitnow: do you really need to build from source or pkg from repo will be enough?22:24
Guitchhow to use22:24
ihaveitnow@bjarkef: it worked with the -dev attached. Thanks again22:25
blindxskuzzel, system>administration>update manager and download all the new versions for everything since 9.10 was made.22:25
mkquistwizard_: ok, my mistake, thought you wanted to share between them22:25
bjarkefHave a nice day22:25
skuzzelblindx: my up to date with ubuntu I'm fairly certain22:25
wizard_mkquist: I do want to share between them.22:25
james__THERE'S A WIZARD?22:25
horst-peterAny ideas?22:25
skuzzelblindx: I have had for a few weeks now22:25
ihaveitnow@amos: im doing it so I can understand the coding behind linux and be a better programmer. And id like to become apart of the community through interactions. So I dont mind it. Thanks for the recommendation though22:25
blindxoh, i only asked cause i thought you said you just installed the live cd22:26
amosihaveitnow: np22:26
skuzzelblindx: I installed Grub with the install CD22:26
mkquistwizard_: have you tried - in terminal "shares-admin"?22:26
amosblindx: have u added ur win partition to grub while installing ?22:26
wizard_mkquist: no, what is it?22:27
amossorry skuzzel :D22:27
mkquistwizard_: controls shares on computer22:27
wizard_mqueiros: do both computers need the packages needed for shares-admin installed?22:28
skuzzelamos: I'm fairly certain I didn't22:28
skuzzelamos: I think that's the problem,22:28
drd_ok... i've never worked with minux really, so here's a silly question22:28
mkquistwizard_: its installed by default i believe, for ubuntu anyway22:28
drd_why don't the executables have a file extension?22:29
skuzzelamos: how do I do that?22:29
drd_i'm trying to run a program i just compiled from console, but i can't seem to do it22:29
brummbaerdrd_ executable is a property set with permissions, not file extensions22:29
amosskuzzel: when u boot ur pc, does it show a menu with a list of options or it just boots straight into ubutnu22:29
wizard_mkquist: thats not what I asked.  I asked if both PCs need the EXTRA packages that shares-admin installs.22:29
skuzzelamos: strait into ubuntu22:29
mkquistwizard_: both linux machines?22:29
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wizard_mkquist: yes.22:30
skuzzelamos: although it dos say "grub loaded" at the top22:30
drd_ok, so say i have a program i compiled "FBO_As_Surace_Lin"22:30
drd_damn it22:30
mkquistwizard_: and the only thing it installs is whats required to share on windows network22:30
drd_it's an opengl test...22:30
amosskuzzel: what win is it ? xp ?22:30
skuzzelamos: yep22:31
drd_how can i run that from the console and see what the output is on exit?22:31
wizard_mkquist: why would I want to share with windows?  Who mentioned windows?22:31
Vbitzany reason why a problem with boot will spawn a root prompt without login22:31
nonameNNis there any pdf reader that allows you to make marks and comments while reading?22:31
drd_i have a terminal window open, and navigated to the directory where my compiled program is22:31
Vigodrd_: To run Gunshots_at_Midnight, type Gunshots_at_Midnight, and so on.22:32
zapallo-electricHi! I want to change my default gfortran version from 4.4.1 to 4.3.4. I was trying update-alternatives --install [...] but I'm not sure how to do it correctly. Can anyone help me?22:32
mkquistskuzzel: have you updated grub? grub 2 usually 'finds' the o/s's itself22:32
grobda24I seem to be in a trap with Lucid. I does not have a full version of Vim and installing older versions from other releases is not working. Any suggestions ?22:33
randomusrwhat's the option to search for a package using apt-get?22:33
Vigodrd_: Did you make dir?22:33
shashikei have a problem, my mic doesnt seem to work22:33
* grobda24 I = It22:33
jrib !lucid | grobda2422:33
ubottugrobda24: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:33
drd_well, the dir already exists22:33
philip_Hi, how does one update an ubuntu server from jaunty to karmic via the command-line? All docs appear GUI friendly.22:33
Vigo!make | drd_22:33
ubottudrd_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:33
* remczas gives Vigo a fat walrus22:33
drd_i can double click the ico and run it, but when i try to run from terminal, it says command not found22:34
skuzzelmkquist: yeah I have 9.10 so I loaded grub 222:34
maginotdrd_, and how are you trying to run from the terminal?22:34
skuzzelalthough honestly I would have prefered grub one because I'v done this multiple times with it and never had a problem22:34
maginotdrd_, if is in the same directory you are you must use ./ on the front of it or give the full path22:34
trismzapallo-electric: sudo update-alternatives --config gfortran; (if gfortran is the name of the executable)22:34
amosskuzzel: check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 this will help you22:35
drd_ahh, lemme try that :)22:35
drd_yeah, that was it, thanks bro22:35
drd_i just have to figure out why everything opengl causes a seg fault22:35
mkquistskuzzel: so in terminal youve tried sudo update-grub2?22:35
progre55anyone? how to replace alsa with pulseaudio so that the volume control works? or, how to revert back the changes made to alsa? ) ubuntu karmic 64 biy22:36
zapallo-electrictrism: I tried that but I get "there are no alternatives for gfortran" and I'm pretty sure I have gfortran 4.4, 4.3 and 4.2 installed22:36
drd_i'm running ubuntu under virtual box, btw...22:36
wizard_mkquist: did you just walk me through a bunch of nonsense about Windows sharing for nothing, or does that stuff work for linux sharing?22:36
mkquistwizard_: just try it22:36
drd_i'm sure this isn't the optimal scenario, but that's all can do for now22:36
skuzzelmkquest: no, I will though22:37
mkquistskuzzel: usually it finds the o/s's pretty well, it'll tell you as it does... g/l22:37
wizard_mkquist: Just try it?  Is that seriously how you give help out to people?  you give them shotty responses to complex questions when you have no idea what you're talking about, and then jus tell them to "try it"?22:38
skuzzelmkquest: I think that did it22:38
skuzzelterminal says it recognizes windows xp22:38
skuzzelnow I have to reboot to make sure, wish me luck22:38
man0riaXGood luck22:38
trismzapallo-electric: that is how you update alternatives in general, but I don't have fortran installed, so I'm not really sure how it configures it22:38
shashikeubuntu 64bit vs 32bit??22:39
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Jadozashashike, I have a 64-bit processor, but stick to 32-bit ubuntu. I only have the four gigs of ram, and I have experienced enough weird problems to use 64-bit ubuntu22:41
shashikei have  a  64bit processor22:42
shashikebut should i use 32bit ubuntu ?22:42
Jadozashashike, Although things have gotten better since 8.04 when I last tried 64-bit ubuntu of course :)22:42
maginotshashike, it really depends on your needs...22:42
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switch10_shashike: how much RAM do you have?22:42
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maginotshashike, I still prefer the 32bit support since I don't use almost nothing 64bit (and look that I have 64bit for a while now)22:42
UbuntuNoobHello, I was wondering if someone could help me with figuring out what GLX is not working.  I checked and the nvidia-glx-185 package is installed, and even did a dpkg-reconfigure on that package and still when I run glxinfo I get Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:43
shashikei have 4gigs of ram22:43
shashikeand a 64bit processor22:43
switch10_shashike: use 32 bit.22:43
maginotubottu, pae | shashike22:43
ubottushashike: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info22:43
shashikeis it safe?22:44
Jadozait is more than safe22:44
HollenthonI uninstalled empathy but it's still up there near the clock in that envelope ....why?22:44
andrew____HELP snaptic package manager wont let me install packages22:44
maginotshashike, sure22:44
Sensivashashike if you don't use application like video processing , mathematical computing then 32bit you go22:44
HollenthonAnd if I click it, it shows me empathy window:|22:44
switch10_shashike: is what safe?  installing 32 bit on a 64 bit CPU?  if so, yes, its fine22:44
zapallo-electrictrism: I know for example that in order to configure gcc, it is necessary to use "update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.3 43 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.3 --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-4.3" What should I put as "slave" for gfortran is what I don't know22:44
maginotshashike, even if you use a 64 bits OS many application still run with 32bits22:45
JadozaHollenthon, That's an applet. You can hide/remove it if you want22:45
minimecandrew____: what are the symptoms. do you get an error message? COuld there be any broken packages...22:45
irvkenI get sound on booting my box, but no more sound from applications when up and running, how I can I fix this?>22:45
JadozaHollenthon, Right clock :)22:45
andrew____minimec: it says that i can view but i dont have privileges to install22:46
HollenthonJadoza,  Yes, but If i click it, empathy starts...isn't this to transparent? :)22:46
shashikei am an ubuntu noob, but is there good gaming on ubuntu?22:46
HollenthonJadoza,  I uninstalled it, why is it there, and if I click it why does it start?22:46
switch10_shashike: world of goo22:46
HollenthonJadoza, Uninstalled doesn't mean erased?:)22:46
andrew____and i doubt there and any broken packages22:46
minimecandrew____: <alt>F2 gksudo synaptic ;)22:46
JadozaHollenthon, I was under the impression you were talking about the indicator applet ... appearantly not :)22:46
C-S-B-N900shashike: doom 322:47
maginotshashike, game? Well, like there is almost none support from the big developers for linux you will keep going back to Windows to play, unfortunately22:47
maginotubottu, es | huesos22:47
ubottuhuesos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:47
HollenthonJadoza, Sorry, maybe my explication was not too good...22:47
hiexpohello all22:47
HollenthonJadoza,  The problem is that I uninstalled empathy but it still runs:|22:47
andrew____thanks that worked22:47
trismzapallo-electric: you aren't required to provide a slave, the slave is only so if one link is updated, the slave will be too22:47
shashikeguys i have an ipod touch 2nd gen 16gigs, is it possible to sync it in ubuntu?22:48
switch10_shashike: yes, after a little work22:48
C-S-B-N900shashike: i think with lib ipod, yes.22:48
andrew____shashike: if its windows formatted its ALOT easier22:48
zapallo-electrictrism: Thank you! I'll try without "--slave"22:49
switch10_shashike: hold on ill get you a link..  with a walk through22:49
Hollenthonjadoza, Ok I figured it out.22:49
randomusr_what's the option to use in bash to search for a package with apt-get?22:50
switch10_shashike: http://u-bunted.blogspot.com/22:50
HollenthonFor those of you who have trouble uninstalling empathy do "sudo aptitude purge empathy".22:50
switch10_randomusr_: apt-cache search22:50
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frecelCan anyone help me with some trouble I have with Scribus?22:51
mattg-monsterhey all22:51
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mattg-monsterim running 64-bit ubuntu and am having issues with getting the nvidia 190 driver installed.  anybody have any ideas?  i followed forum tips and everything, but can't seem to get it done...22:52
shashikeguys , my computer just restarted, and i lost the link that you provided me to sync my itouch, can someone pls give it to me?22:53
progre55anyone? how to replace alsa with pulseaudio so that the volume control works? or, how to revert back the changes made to alsa? ) ubuntu karmic 64 bit. I recompiled alsa as in here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1292587 but then my volume control stopped working..22:54
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HollenthonIt's better to use the repository version for thunderbird or to get the latest version from the website?22:54
switch10_shashike: http://u-bunted.blogspot.com/22:55
NattuHi, can someone help me fix driver for sound card? just installed Ubuntu 9.1022:56
millhousenattu what sound card you have?22:56
NattuNow how do I find out using Ubuntu?22:56
UbuntuNoobIs there a way to run 1 ubuntu install over 2 computers? like share ram/video/processor/hard drives as if they were 1 PC?22:56
NattuI have a sony vaio e series plapto22:57
millhouseNattu first thing bud... update ubuntu and go to system > hardware drivers22:57
millhousesee if there are any prop drivers avalible22:57
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:59
NattuI did that and I get msg No proprietar drivers are in use on this system22:59
shashikehas anybody sync their ipod touches and iphones with ubuntu 9.10??22:59
millhouseNattu, can you google the chipset make and model for your driver?22:59
Migi32why is Places>Search for files so insanely slow compared to grep?22:59
millhousesee if you can find the specs22:59
UbuntuNoobhiexpo, don't be a jerk I have said alot of stuff with no reply23:00
millhouseand more specifically the audio chipset23:00
switch10_shashike: yes i am doing it right now...23:00
millhouseand google "installing XXXX chipset 9.10" sorry mate but not great with audip drivers23:00
millhousethats what i would do23:00
Slade-does bash have a way for specifying default params for arbitrary commands?  (like forcing -l  to the end of ls always)23:00
shashikewow thats a relief. coz i have entirely wiped windows 7 off my harddrive23:01
switch10_shashike: follow those directions to a tee and you will be fine.23:02
shashikethanx a lot man, i am doing it right now23:02
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switch10_shashike: i wrote it so if you run into any trouble let me know..23:03
NattuIn the process of finding pls bear with me23:03
darksideruhm, hi all..i reinstalled 32bit ubuntu because the 54bit cd wont let me select anything other than "boot from hard disk" when i run it on startup. ... now my new lappy crashes as soon as i turn it on23:04
shashikeok man, your my hero :)23:04
switch10_shashike: FYI, you can't sync videos.  Also I have only tested this with rhythmbox.23:04
millhouseNattu no worries mate23:04
shashikeits  fine  actually23:05
andai1Someone encrypts something with your public key, only your private key can decrypt it, right?23:07
andai1or reverse?23:07
drd_does anyone have any advice about updating my gfx drivers since i'm running under virutalbox?23:07
drd_i mean like, "don't do it!"23:07
drd_or, "it's ok." :p23:07
drd_i've figured out how to get it all going and everything... but i don't really know if i should commit to it23:08
mcgyber0o0grub fails to load windows 7. any help would be awesome.23:08
jammis there a way I can "combine" two or more different distros/ISO discs into a single one and choose at boot wich one I want to use? (the reason is that I don't want to waste more discs as long as they can fit on a DVD for example)23:09
NattuHi u there? can I share you the link which has the user manual23:09
IsoLinCHiPdrd_: Well, if your running under vbox anyway, just try it after making a snapshot, or are you talking about the hosts gfx drivers?23:09
NattuI am no expert in this area23:09
shashikeno, its  not working23:09
traceri upgraded from karmic to lucid and everything went well, but graphics not 100%,have correct resolution but video playback sloppy and boot screen is black and white instead of the nice blue boot up with nice graphics. any help appreciated.23:09
drd_well, i browsed to add/remove programs, entered opengl in the query box, and it offered several drivers23:09
drd_so... i guess what i'm saying is a local driver update for ubuntu23:10
drd_it currently unchecked23:10
IsoLinCHiPdrd_: What is your host os?23:10
hiexpojamm, no23:10
drd_vista 6423:10
IsoLinCHiPdrd_: So were talking about, whether you should update the drivers within VirtualBox?23:11
mcgyber0o0grub fails to load windows 7. any help would be awesome.23:11
drd_well... from within ubuntu23:11
drd_but yeah... ubuntu will be running under virtualbox23:11
millhousenattu yea sure23:12
millhousesorry about the slow responce23:12
drd_every opengl program i try to run crashes with a segfault, so this is my only idea left23:12
Nattuyes just sent you the link23:12
IsoLinCHiPdrd_: Ok, then first of all. Make sure you installed the guest additions inside ubuntu. Then you probably wont need to do anything about gfx drivers in ubuntu. And if you want to try it anyway, make s snapshot, see if it works, if not revert back23:12
millhouseok mate23:13
millhousego into private chat mate23:13
Myrtti!lucid | tracer23:15
ubottutracer: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:15
traceroh ok thanks myrtti23:16
kerebrusHow do you unzip a 7z file in cli?23:16
jribkerebrus: 7z e ...23:16
kerebrusjrib thanks23:17
mazda01_anyone else have this CIFS VFS: No response for smd 50 mid XXX error? It's during shutdown always. What the heck is the deal?23:17
drd_IsoLinCHiP, i installed the guest additions, so i guess i'll go ahead and try23:18
mazda01_im running an upgraded lucid from karmic23:18
drd_gah, how do i make asnapshot? :p23:19
Alcordrd u on Ubuntu?23:20
drd_ Ubuntu 9.0423:21
drd_                - the Jaunty Jackalope - released in April 2009.23:21
drd_i've made a bunch of games and always made sure to use cross-platfrom libraries, but i've never bothered to actually try compiling for linux... i just finally decided to go for it :p23:22
drd_i have a friend who has been using linux for years, and he was helping me, but he went on holiday23:23
Alcordrd look on your Accessories down about 2/3 of the list23:23
leonlivea litle help for beginners here: about DVB_S23:23
drd_hmm, i don't have a "snapshot"23:24
IsoLinCHiPdrd_: Theres a button on the snapshots tab in the manager window23:24
IsoLinCHiPdrd_: At least, Im guessing thats what its called in english23:25
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IsoLinCHiPdrd_: Should be the middle tab when you select the VM in the manager window23:25
drd_oh crap, i see... i was looking for it in ubuntu :p23:26
jrib!away > s4h|off23:26
ubottus4h|off, please see my private message23:26
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drd_ok, i guess i either need to pause the vm or shut it down... will try, thanks23:27
jrib!away > whiter-shower23:27
ubottuwhiter-shower, please see my private message23:27
=== joshbuddy_ is now known as joshbuddy
bistongood morning, i just installed ubuntu server latest version, but i can't seem to login using SSH. SSH service is running and im sure, even port 22 shows open with nmap but i still can't SSH to it, connection refused, even if i do 'ssh root@<ip>' locally23:28
bistonwhat can be the problem in this case?23:28
jribbiston: ssh as your first user, not root23:28
helkaluinLatest being 9.10 or Lucid?23:28
bistonthe whole ssh connection is being refused jrib23:29
jribbiston: locally?23:29
bistoni don't even get to a stage to pick a username23:29
IsoLinCHiPbiston: Most likely root isnt allowed to login, I think thats default meanwhile check /etc/ssh/sshd_config23:29
bistonyes, was just trying out of curiosity23:29
jribbiston: that happens during install23:29
jribbiston: I mean, ssh as your first user locally now23:29
bistoni did, same result23:29
jribbiston: what does "same result" mean?23:29
biston'connection refused'23:30
jribbiston: what are you executing?23:30
jrib!who | biston23:30
ubottubiston: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:30
Statuspeopl...does anyone here have ubuntu+windows7 on grub?23:32
bistonjrib: alrite, i'm not executing anything, yet. i've just installed ubuntu, trying to login from my pc to start workn on it, but putty says 'connection refused', so i tried it locally, it works with 'ssh <root/firstUser>@localhost' but not when i try 'ssh <root/firstUser@ip'23:32
chelz!ask | Status23:32
ubottuStatus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:32
mkquistchelz: i think he did ask...23:32
Statuschelz the question is obvious ;p23:32
jribbiston: I don't understand why you said it didn't work locally before and now you are saying it does work.  By "ip" you mean your computer's ip on the lan?23:33
chelzStatus: are you encountering a problem? if so, what is the nature of the problem?23:33
mkquistStatus: yes23:33
chelzif you want to conduct polls do it in #ubuntu-offtopic23:33
bistonjrib: by ip i mean the box's ip on WAN, and locally i meant trying to do ssh firstUser@WANip from the box itself23:33
rajhello guys does anyone use avast linux edition and has been crashing lately? engine failure? I have a FIX FOR IT. let me know23:33
Statuschelz I got windows7 on raid (pci-express card 2 sata drives) and ubuntu on an ide drive (connected the the board)23:34
jribbiston: you need to have your router forward port 22 to your machine, then try from the window's machine again23:34
Statusmy problem is getting windows7 to boot...23:34
StatusI found something online about having to map grub but since ubuntu uses the latest grub version...commands are different...23:34
bistonjrib: as i said, that is WAN ip, accessible from anywhere23:34
bistonreal ip23:35
jribbiston: yes, I read that23:35
Statusmkquist can you show me your conf?23:35
jribbiston: is your computer not behind a router?23:35
bistonjrib: nope23:35
dragonI'm wondering if there's a way to set the initial brightness of GDM.23:35
dragonI found this post with the same question, unanswered: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=772078223:35
jribbiston: you have a separate connection for your windows computer?23:35
bistonjrib: yes, the box is not at my house, it's at the company, i'm accessing it thru IPKVM23:36
jribbiston: I'm not familiar with what IPKVM is but if you can connect locally, that means it's some sort of network issue23:36
jribbiston: does ipkvm imply some sort of firewall?23:37
bistonbiston: nah, i'm writin something, let me just finish that23:37
bistonjrib: there are no routers/proxies/filters separating this box from the ISP, it had CentOS 20 minutes ago, and it was doing fine, this is what we call a test box, and i am just learning my way in to ubuntu23:38
bistonjrib: heh i just replied to myself, sorry23:38
Statusjrib ipkvm is just like using a regular kvm but using an ethernet cable instead of the regular kvm one (or the internet)23:38
jribStatus: I see, thank you23:38
bistonjrib: ubuntu has iptables too, right? how to disable these?23:39
jribbiston: nothing more than installing openssh-server is required to be able to connect through ssh.  Did you try to ssh as firstuser remotely?  (iirc root is not allowed to ssh by default).  Ubuntu has no iptables rules set by default (check with « sudo iptables -L »)23:39
Statusman..over a thousand people on this thing..and nobody has ubuntu+windows7? :/23:40
Eighteensi have ubuntu and windows23:41
bistonjrib: openssh-server is already installed of course, true iptables are all accept for INPUT, and i'm not even getting to the stage where i can pick my username. connection is refused, not even the login headers appear on putty23:41
mkquistStatus: have you tried updating grub yet?23:41
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
Eighteensit gives me a option to boot win 7 or ubuntu23:41
StatusEighteens can you show me your conf?23:41
jribbiston: I haven't used putty in a real long time?  You don't have some sort of unix machine to test with?23:42
Eighteensbut it gets into  ubuntu about 51% of install gives me a error, and then fails, and goes to live cd23:42
mkquistStatus: are you trying to manually add i windows 7?23:42
bistonjrib: just imagine you're doing 'ssh <ip>' instead of 'ssh <user>@<ip>'23:42
Statusmkquist doesn't work23:42
rajGUYS IF you USE AVAST linux edition  and after the recent updated it crashed with you " engine failure" I HAVE a FIX  follow my thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9090501#post909050123:42
mkquistStatus: ic23:42
jribbiston: ssh would connect as "jrib" then23:43
Statusthat's why I need a regular example of it..so then I can try my own way into the raid thingy23:43
bistonjrib: hmm never tried that one to be honest, let me go into another linux box and try23:43
bistonjrib: ssh: connect to host *.*.*.* port 22: Connection refused, same thing23:44
bistonjrib: i think i'll reinstall  openssh-server and see what happens23:45
jribbiston: it's not going to change anything23:45
drdthat worked...23:45
drdinstalling the ati drivers worked, and the guest extensions(or whatever that's called) still works :)23:46
bistonjrib: oh wow, i removed it, and coming to install it again, it said it needed to download 212 mb. i believe some files were corrupted on installation cd23:46
Rafael__ I have the following question, i am very please with the help of this IRC that i have recieve since my windows cleint copies a folder into the ubuntu server every using rsync and Cron. what i would like to know if there is a way to aboid shring my wiindows fodler with everybody?23:47
markl_anyone here know if there is a way to modify the behavior of the one button touch pad on a macbook pro?  right clicking and middle clicking are practically impossible with the default setting23:47
magaioIs anyone else having issues installing ATI Catalyst 10.3 on 64 bit? I keep getting messages about missing libatiuki.so.1 even after linking them in the lib directories23:47
Statuscan anyone that has windows7+ubuntu please paste the menuentry for it? (cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg) ....copy the menuentry for windows7 by (selecting it with the mouse and copy) and paste it on my PM or online somewhere... thank you23:47
jrib!grub2 > Status23:47
ubottuStatus, please see my private message23:47
javyneed to edit my grub .lst23:48
bistonjrib: as u said, didn't work, i can't figure this out23:48
Statusjrib that doesn't help me23:48
javyneed to edit my grub .lst23:48
Matissehave a question about ssh: is it possible to start a program remotely via ssh - and leave the program running when ending the ssh session?23:49
jribStatus: I'm just letting you know about the changes in grub2 (i.e. you shouldn't edit the file you mentioned directly)23:50
StatusMatisse screen23:50
nikolaj_basherIs there a program like synaptic in the terminal instead? have seen it but can remember the name23:50
campeeif i cat /dev/dsp and i get a bunch of random output, does that mean that something is writing data to my soundcard?23:50
MatisseStatus, thx!!23:50
Statusjrib there's custom...23:50
Statusbut I need the entry23:50
mkquist_Status: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410757/23:50
mkquistStatus: hope that helps in some way23:51
jribbiston: well if you hadn't said that the same setup worked when you used centos instead of ubuntu, I would insist that this was some sort of firewall issue23:51
Statusmkquist guess not..I have the exact same crap ;]23:51
javyneed to edit my grub .lst23:51
mkquistwhats with this cheap casket thing?23:52
bistonjrib: i know ey, that's what driving me crazy23:52
yofeljavy: and what do you need to edit?23:52
javythe grub list ..ubuntu appears like 10 times23:52
javyyofel: each time ubuntu updates, it hadd a new row in the grub23:53
Statusjavy edit the file and delete the entries...23:53
javyi need the pad or the terminal command23:53
Statusubuntu keeps adding entries so you have to remove it manually...23:53
yofeljavy: if the entries have different version numbers then those a different kernels installed23:53
KenBW2http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=32483 <-- is there any reason that cron file should fail to run the second command? It runs fine when run on its own23:53
Statusjavy sudo nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:53
yofelStatus: that's not menu.lst, and grub.cfg is NOT meant to be edited23:54
jribjavy: just remove the old kernels you don't use anymore23:54
Statusyofel grub.cfg is the file loaded by grub on ubuntu..23:54
ardchoilleKenBW2: That second commands gets run every 60 seconds?23:55
Statusmenu.lst doesn't even exist on the latest version...23:55
jribbiston: did you do anything else other than install ssh?23:55
KenBW2ardchoille: correct23:55
Statusso either menu.lst grub.conf or grub.cfg23:55
Statusthat's the file he needs to edit and delete those entries23:55
jribStatus: no, it would be better to just remove the old, unused kernels23:55
bistonjrib: just apt-get update; apt-get upgrade23:55
yofelStatus: yes, but menu.lst is grub1 and grub.cfg is grub2, so we need to know what he's using, and if he even needs to edit it23:55
bistonjrib is there a GUI for network config on ubuntu server ?23:56
Statusjrib I dont have old kernels..and each time I update grub with the automatic tool it adds entries to it..23:56
Statusthe same stuff that, that's already there23:56
Statusand I have to always go there and remove it manually...23:56
ardchoilleas jrib mentioned, it's better to remove unused kernels.. that will update grub and keep the system clean23:56
Statusso yeah..he needs to edit that file if he's having the same problem23:56
yofelStatus: please note that grub.cfg is always deleted and created new when update-grub is run23:56
jribStatus: I didn't tell you to remove old kernels, it was for javy23:56
bistonjrib or if you would be kind to guide me where would my net conf files be on ubuntu23:56
javyjrib: thankd23:56
Statusyofel nop23:57
yofelStatus: so your changes to grub.cfg will always be overwritten23:57
jribKenBW2: did you forget a final newline?23:57
Statusits parsed...the entries in there are saved..and its recreated with new ones23:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:57
bistonjrib: found them, nvm23:57
KenBW2jrib: no - the same file works fine on my karmic PC23:57
git__does anyone know of a good project management software for Ubuntu?23:57
jribKenBW2: did you install subversion?  install an mta and check for mail for cron or redirect the output somewhere and check it23:58
KenBW2jrib: if i run the command outside of cron it works fine23:58
yofelStatus: no it's not, update-grub runs grub-mkconfig and just redirects the output to grub.cfg, grub.cfg is never read, unless you messed with the grub scripts23:58
javyyofel: its doesnt let me save23:58
javyits says is only read file23:58
bistonjrib: thanks for the help, i'll carry on with this tomorrow, it's 2 AM, need some sleep23:58
yofeljavy: do NOT edit grub.cfg23:58
jribbiston: night, good luck23:59
bistonthanks mate23:59
Statusyofel try it for yourself... ;]23:59
jribbiston: remember to connect with first user though, root is definitely not allowed to ssh by default23:59
javyyofel: :( so what im gonna do?23:59
Statusgrub will not remove the default ones...23:59
ardchoillejavy: editing grub.cfg is NOT the way to do that23:59
bistonwe'll see about that23:59
ardchoille!grub2 | javy23:59
ubottujavy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:59
yofelStatus: I'm an ubuntu alpha tester and I had my share of debugging grub issues, so I know how it works23:59
Statusbut will add the same ones in there... as ubuntu kernel so and so.. (on sdc whatever)23:59

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