
Rubini bought some music, but the files arent showing up in my ubuntu one folder. how do you go about troubleshooting this thing?01:42
kklimondabeuno: I don't have two way sync on my android phone - I get contacts from u1 downloaded to my phone but not the other way.01:46
duanedesignRubin: but you are seeing them online01:57
kermiachey duanedesign :) do you know if there's a workaround for bug 530541? desktopcouch is crash on me today :(01:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530541 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in run_couchdb()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53054101:58
Rubinduanedesign, yes02:00
duanedesignRubin: coiuld you run on the command line:  u1sdtool -s02:00
Rubinsays processing queues02:01
Rubinbut its getting on an hour later now02:01
Rubinis connected is true, error is false, online is true. seems to be working other than that it isnt actually doing anything02:01
duanedesignkermiac: mine was crashing on start up because of a large /etc/hosts. Really anything that could slow down start up could do it02:02
duanedesignRubin: check in the folder ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One02:02
duanedesignsee if you see the folders yet02:02
Rubinduanedesign, yes. its empty02:02
duanedesignyou already been there02:03
kermiacduanedesign: yeah, I've got a default /etc/hosts. I'll have to look into what could be slowing down startup. Thanks :)02:03
Rubinonly just a second before you said ;)02:03
* Rubin was looking at --list-folders02:03
duanedesignRubin: what is the queus:    line say02:04
kklimondahonk, I can't log in - getting ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - ERROR - StorageRequestError during OAuth: TRY_AGAIN02:05
duanedesignright under is_online   for u1sdtool -s02:05
Rubin    queues: WORKING_ON_METADATA02:05
duanedesignRubin: thats good02:05
Rubinit is?02:05
duanedesignRubin: well good its working on something, bad its so slow02:05
Rubini attempted a --refresh=<path to my ubuntu one>02:05
Rubinwonder if that did anything02:05
duanedesignRubin: no i think it is just slow today02:06
duanedesignRubin: there was someone in here this morning with similar.02:06
Rubinalright. thanks for the tips anyway02:06
duanedesignRubin: if it goes to queues: IDLE02:06
duanedesignbefore you get your tunes....02:06
duanedesignkklimonda: storageRequestError?02:07
duanedesignkklimonda: is that error showing up in the UbuntuOne preferences window02:08
duanedesignor did you pull that from the syncdaemon.log02:08
kklimondaduanedesign: it's from syncdaemon-exceptions.log.`current date`02:08
duanedesignkklimonda: looks like rye might of had something similar bug 52260402:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522604 in ubuntuone-client "Client does not handle TRY_AGAIN response from server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52260402:13
duanedesignkklimonda: it seems that this was caused by some temporary server issues and the client isn't able to handle a TRY_AGAIN request from the server.02:14
kklimondahmm, ok - i'll try tomorrow then. thanks02:15
kermiacduanedesign: I got past the desktop couch crash by removing a few non essential things from my startup, but now I'm getting hit by bug 522604. I need to talk to rye when he's online & see how he got around it :(02:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522604 in ubuntuone-client "Client does not handle TRY_AGAIN response from server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52260402:51
duanedesignkermiac: ok02:56
duanedesignkermiac: kklimonda was just being affected by that02:56
duanedesignkermiac: it means something is up with the server02:57
duanedesignits still a bug02:57
duanedesignit seems that this was caused by some temporary  server issues and the client isn't able to handle a  TRY_AGAIN request from the server.02:57
duanedesignso you might affects me the bug02:57
duanedesignkermiac: but definetly worth bringing up to rye as that bug report is a few months old. They deal with a lot so its worth reminding him that it is still an issue03:02
duanedesigni am testing mine now03:02
kermiacok, i just "affects me" to that bug report. I'll try to replicate when I get home - still at work atm03:11
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Leviathan_i have instled lynx, but the ubuntu one client dont want to work06:31
Leviathan_the folder is not refreshing06:31
Leviathan_the ubuntu one preferences window always shows the disconnected status06:36
Leviathan_first trying to synchronise, after discnnect, and my folder is still empty :S06:37
Leviathan_if you have and idea, pls write, when i come back, i reply immediatelly :) thnx06:41
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Gwaihirhi, I have a translation-dev kind of question: what is the purpose of this string:09:00
Gwaihirpicker->priv->total_label = gtk_label_new (ngettext ("0 contact", "0 contacts", 0));09:00
Gwaihirfrom a translator POV, it doesn't make much sense...09:00
tritiumIs something wrong with the ubuntu one servers right now?  I keep getting disconnected.09:06
ryetritium, confirming, checking with devs09:12
tritiumThanks, rye.09:12
kermiachey rye :) I got hit by bug 522604 on a lucid install at work today that you reported a while ago. kklimonda also reported this issue today09:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522604 in ubuntuone-client "Client does not handle TRY_AGAIN response from server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52260409:16
ryekermiac, well, TRY_AGAIN issue is present, but the bad part is that even if manually reconnected, my syncdaemon does not connect properly09:17
kermiacrye: yup, mine does the AUTH_DANCE thing, performs a rescan & then disconnects :(09:20
kermiacdid you find a workaround?09:20
kermiacrye: I tried a LOT of different things today but couldn't seem to fix it. To start with I was getting bug 530541, but I fixed that issue, then TRY_AGAIN started appearing09:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530541 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in run_couchdb()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53054109:23
kermiacby fixed i mean "resolved on my pc", not truly fixed ;)09:24
ryekermiac, admins are pinged, I believe in case nothing is found within 10 minutes I will post update on identi.ca about the outage09:25
kermiacok, thanks rye :)09:25
kermiacalso, I've got a question about the bug workflow page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Bugs/WorkFlow  The last step on "needs more info" bugs is "incomplete until reply or expires". Is there a reason we don't follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Incomplete%20bugs%20without%20a%20response%20from%20submitter  The expired bugs are still displayed in the ubuntu one bugs list09:30
kermiacwouldn't it be better to follow the "normal" bug control process to remove these old bugs from the list?09:31
kermiacatm we have 699 bugs, 173 are incomplete09:32
kermiacfrom having a quick look, the oldest incomplete bug expired 246 days ago09:33
kermiacif we changed to standard bug control practice by asking for more info & then invalidating if no response is received we could potentially knock of 10% - 20% of the ubuntu one bugs in 2 weeks09:39
ryekermiac, i believe we will need to talk about this with joshuahoover once he is available09:42
kermiacrye: yep, I agree this would need to be discussed with joshuahoover... I never seem to be here when he's around09:44
ryekermiac, i have copied your questions and will poke him if I see him09:44
kermiacthanks rye.... another question i wanted to ask is "Is there a reason why bugs that are marked as Fix Released or Fix Commited don't have the associated change logs or even the package version listed on the bug report? If the change logs were listed on the bug report it would make triaging a bit easier as we would know exactly what revision fixed the bug"09:48
ryekermiac, fix committed means that the code is committed to ubuntuone repository but it is not released, therefore there is no info about when will that be actually released09:50
ryebut for Fix Released that's strange that we do not post the changelog info... Listing the bugs in changelog will be sufficient for the service to automatically create "fixed" post... hmm09:51
ryefor client side, the server side is a bit different...09:51
kermiacyes, I possibly understand why the server side change logs aren't publically available. However the client changelogs would definately help us triagers09:53
kermiacI haven't really thought of a good solution for the server side bugs yet :( the best idea I've had so far is to mention that it was a server side issue & was fixed by "dev's name". But this process is basically being followed already if we assume the person who marks the bug as "Fix Released" is the same person that fixed the bug. The reason I believe it is a good idea to mention "who" fixed the server side bug is so that we know who to ping if09:56
kermiac the issue arises again in the future09:56
ryekermiac, we can actually say that was fixed in the following Bzr version. the server headers contain X-Bzr info so that "Fix committed"-server-side bugs can be automatically set to Fix Released when bzr branch appears on the main server09:58
kermiacrye: I didn't know that. That sounds like an excellent idea & would be very helpful! :)09:59
ryekermiac, i will do this once I finish the thing that automatically duplicates the bugs that have common pattern for server-side OOPSes10:00
kermiacif that method is used for server side bugs would triagers be able to see the Bzr revision number or would we need to ping a dev?10:01
ryekermiac, i can't see why bzr revision number should be secret. However I believe that something needs to be changed for the revisions numbers to be seen... I will think about it, "fix committed" event should provide info to the bug report about the bzr version...10:03
ryekermiac, i almost know what to do, now I just need to find out how to do that.10:03
kermiacrye: that would be awesome! thanks for helping with this issue :)10:07
ryekermiac, hey, I haven't done anything yet10:07
kermiacrye: yes, I realise that. but even discussing the issue & offering to poke the right people is a great start ;) I've been thinking about these issues for a while10:11
ryekermiac, i just want to automate whatever can be automated, searching through Oopses manually and matching the stacktraces that takes a considerable amount of time does not look very professional. The format is known, the tools are there, so why all the manual work?10:13
ryeand the fact that we don't have bugpatterns made me very sad10:13
kermiacfor "open" packages, the bzr branch is often linked to the bug report for "fix commited". that would work for the client. a possible way to do fix commited for the server side would be to do something with bzr version like you mentioned earlier10:14
kermiacrye: i agree re bug patterns10:16
ryeok, posted the outage info to identi.ca, it appears to be database issue and everybody is working to find out the reason of such misbehavior10:24
kermiacok, ty rye :)10:24
ryekermiac, thanks for pointing out the issues with bug triaging!10:24
kermiacnp rye, I've been thinking about it for a while10:25
ryeok, could somebody please retry connecting with u1sdtool --connect ?10:46
ryetritium, could you please check whether syncdaemon is working now for you?10:48
tritiumrye: it would appear to be working now.  Thank you very much.10:52
kermiacrye: looks good here to :) although that's not the same pc i was having the TRY_AGAIN issue with earlier. that pc is at work so i don't have access to it for another 11hrs10:59
PaulGitvds: ping12:33
vdsPaulGit: pong12:46
PaulGitvds: Ooops, sorry for late reply.  Any progress been made?  Do you need me to do any further testing yet?13:08
vdsPaulGit: I'm sorry I've been able to solve your problem so far13:13
vdsPaulGit: I haven't13:13
PaulGitvds: No problem.  Is there any test scenarios you would like me to do?13:13
vdsPaulGit: we have problems with the server not been stable enough13:14
vdsPaulGit: hopefully by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one we'll have much better tools to analyze logs13:15
vdsPaulGit: I'm sure that then we'll be able to solve the problem you reported13:15
PaulGitvds: OK, great! I will touch base with you later in the week.13:16
vdsPaulGit: ok, thanks!13:16
elzappI would love it if my compiz settings were stored on UbuntuOne (DesktopCouch)13:31
elzappEvery time I install a new system I spend several hours finding the right options to tweak13:32
beunoelzapp, you can sync that directory13:38
duanedesignelzapp: ping14:17
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joshuahooverrye: so i saw the backlog of kermiac and you talking about some bug related stuff...wanted to follow up on that14:55
joshuahooverrye: as far as incomplete bugs go, i'm cool with following the standard ubuntu process if you are :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Incomplete%20bugs%20without%20a%20response%20from%20submitter14:55
ryejoshuahoover, yep, i believe this is a good thing14:55
kermiachi joshuahoover14:56
joshuahooverhi kermiac!14:56
joshuahooverthe other item is the changelog against bugs that are fix released14:56
joshuahooverrye, kermiac: i need to see why we don't post the changelog on desktop bugs14:57
ryejoshuahoover, i believe because not all the bugs are mentioned in the changelog14:58
* rye looks at the sentence...14:58
ryeignore me14:58
joshuahooverrye: right, but they should be so i need to find out why they are not and help us remedy that :)14:58
joshuahooverrye, kermiac: for server side bugs we should (at the very least) be able to post what bzr revision number the bug was fixed with when we release...i'll follow up on with pfibiger on that one in particular14:59
kermiacI noticed most of the changelogs are on changelogs.ubuntu.com e.g. - http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/u/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-client_1.1.4-0ubuntu1/changelog15:00
kermiacbut it seems the ubuntuone changelogs are affected by bug 523714 too. I'll try to poke someone regarding that bug again15:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523714 in update-manager "[lucid] update-manager shows no changelog for various packages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52371415:01
kermiaci.e. the last 2 releases don't have changelogs on changelogs.ubuntu.com. I'll see if I can ask mvo to look into it if he's not too busy. He told me a while ago that it's got something to do with a script not running or not functioning correctly15:04
duanedesignhi kermiac!15:17
kermiachi duanedesign :)15:19
kermiacjoshuahoover: rye: re 523714 & changelogs - mvo is investigating it atm. He thinks he has tracked down the issue. It may take a couple of days for the"right people" to make the infrastructure changes15:35
joshuahooverkermiac: great!15:35
kermiacok, I'm off to bed... it's already past 12:30 here ;) night rye, duanedesign, joshuahoover. can one of you please let me know how things go regarding the bug triage discussion from earlier?15:38
joshuahooverkermiac: will do, thanks!15:38
kermiacthanks :)15:38
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FlamekebabWell, I pinged16:03
FlamekebabIs the iPhone app currently not working or are my login details/server details wrong?16:04
FlamekebabFrom what I can see it actually is a separate login to my UbuntuOne login. Is that correct?16:11
beunoFlamekebab, hi16:13
beunoyes, that is correct16:13
beunoalthough we're under heavy load16:14
beunoand fixing it, so unfortunately you can't generate the password right now16:14
FlamekebabI thought my login details weren't working due to the load16:14
FlamekebabBut if I need to sign up separately, that's fine16:14
beunothe details to set up are in: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/16:14
FlamekebabI would say that "you" should make that a bit more obvious. I've only found a single mention of it so far.16:15
FlamekebabI shall try to quell my childish glee at being able to easily sync from my iPhone to UO until it starts working again16:16
FlamekebabAny kind of ball-park ETA?16:16
beunoFlamekebab, sure. Where did you find out about the new feature?  maybe we can update a few places16:17
beunowe're trying to get it up and running by the end of the day16:17
FlamekebabI was in bed browsing the iPhone app store and searched for "Ubuntu". I noticed the new app and downloaded it, signed up for UbuntuOne, and then was confused as to why my login details didn't work16:18
FlamekebabIt was confusing in the app because it asks for "username" but I'm not sure if that's supposed to be "flamekebab", "Flamekebab", or my email address16:19
beunoFlamekebab, ah, I see. I thought we had updated the description of the app to reflect this16:19
beunowe've also requested an update to the app itself to inform you16:19
beunomattgriffin_, ^16:19
beunoFlamekebab, thanks for the feedback16:19
beunoif you hang out in the channel, I can ping you when things are up again16:19
FlamekebabI'll be around for a bit, depends if I decide to boot back into Ubuntu to try out UO on the desktop for the first time16:20
FlamekebabIs it true that a Windows client is planned?16:20
beunoyes, some good progress was made during pycon, and more progress is planned16:20
mattgriffin_beuno, Flamekebab: gotcha.16:21
FlamekebabOne other thing - on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/ it says the host is "http" but the default settings in the iPhone app are "https"16:22
Flamekebaba small thing, but I can see that it might matter16:22
beunobotboth work16:22
Flamekebabfair enough16:23
beunowe prefer https, but a lot of phones don't support it well16:23
beunoso we default to http16:23
Flamekebabis the db always going to be "card"? I was wondering why it was a user-alterable setting in the app, I considered changing it to "iPhone" before thinking I'd best try the defaults first16:23
beunoto be honest, I'm not super sure that matters with our existing set up16:26
FlamekebabI hope I'm not being irritating, I'm just trying to mention things that occurred to me when trying to use the app and from what I've read it's time consuming getting app updates approved, so I figured the more fixes one could nail in one update, the better16:28
beunoflnot at all, feedback is super useful16:28
beunoFlamekebab, that is16:28
duanedesignbug 556510 has been marked as a possible regresion. I dont have access to the original to confirm or negate this.17:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556510 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with AttributeError in main()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55651017:01
RubinSo its been 12 hours or so, and still not synchronized17:58
Rubinwhen i click "connect" it says synchronization in progress for a while and then disconnects17:58
ninjaidoes anybody know why i cant have ubuntu one mounted in 10.04 like i did in 9.10? I have to access it through a web browser now...18:02
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duanedesignRubin: what do you get from u1sdtool -s18:04
duanedesignninjai: opening Ubuntu One Preferences and clicking Connect is not connecting?18:04
ninjaiduanedesign: http://pastebin.com/dkF5ZZ7A18:05
duanedesignRubin: i wonder if it still says queues: WORKING_ON_METADATA or has gone to IDLE18:06
ninjaiI click connect and it connects18:07
Rubinstill says working on metadata18:07
Rubinoh, i take that back.18:08
Rubini did --stop and --start a min ago18:08
Rubinand it did say that a bit, but now has gone to IDLE18:08
duanedesignninjai: that is a one 1 not a l "lowercase L".18:09
ninjaiah, ok18:10
duanedesignRubin: is there anything in the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log18:10
Rubin1 sec i'll pastebin18:11
Rubinsome dbus error18:12
duanedesignRubin: ok i have gotten the same thing today18:14
duanedesignrye: i have come across some bug reports with an error that i have been getting http://pastebin.com/4EnQsdsU and now Rubin here is getting similar http://pastebin.com/5CS0WWNn18:16
ninjaiduadendesign: u1sdtool -s18:20
ninjaiState: QUEUE_MANAGER18:20
ninjai    connection: With User With Network18:20
ninjai    description: processing queues18:20
ninjai    is_connected: True18:20
ninjai    is_error: False18:20
ninjai    is_online: True18:20
ninjai    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH18:20
duanedesignninjai: is the problem files added to the Ubuntu One folder are not syncing?18:24
Rubinduanedesign, what does u1sdtool --wait do for you?18:24
Rubinmine sits for a while and then crashes18:24
ninjaiduandesign: no, its that the folder doesn't show up in places18:28
duanedesignRubin: could you try to restart with.  "u1sdtool -d; u1sdtool -c"18:32
duanedesignRubin: then check it with u1sdtool -s18:33
duanedesignand see if it ends up going IDLE18:33
duanedesignninjai: which folder?18:34
duanedesignRubin: also you can check if there any queue items listed when you do  u1sdtool --waiting-meta  or u1sdtool --waiting-content18:35
Rubinback to working on metadata at least for a while18:37
Rubinnope. idle again.18:37
Rubinboth --waiting's printed nothing18:37
Rubinits like it thinks it did it18:39
duanedesignRubin: are the songs in Ubuntu One in the cloud? You can test this by looking at the web interface at one.ubuntu.com/files, under User Defined Folders > Purcased from Ubuntu One18:39
Rubinyep. i downloaded them manually last night so i could listen to them18:39
Rubinso they are def there18:39
duanedesignRubin: ook i thought you had told me that :)18:40
duanedesignRubin: so it is a syncdaemon problem18:40
duanedesignRubin: after the u1sdtoool -d, -c did it print the same error to ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log18:42
Rubinduanedesign, does not look like it did, no.18:43
Rubinbased on the timestamp18:44
duanedesignRubin: ok, what does  u1sdtool --list-folders   say18:47
duanedesignlooking for something like: id=83397113-5af6-4342-9c3d-96aa32853ac5 subscribed=True path=/home/nick/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One18:48
Rubinduanedesign, yep18:52
Rubinduanedesign, seems happy.18:52
webframpis it possible to completly wipe out my ubuntu one config and start fresh?19:04
webframpon my local machine that is, gnome client19:04
Rubini was wondering that too19:06
webframplooks like steps here might work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1447107 I'm going to try it19:09
webframpseems like it worked, fresh start19:21
pgranerAnyone know why its taking 3+ hours to sync a few hundred kb ???19:22
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Flamekebabwb, beuno19:29
duanedesignRubin: could you pastebin the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log after trying a    u1sdtool -d; u1sdtool -c19:30
beunohi Flamekebab19:30
beunorumor has it we found what is killing our servers19:30
Rubinduanedesign, it doesn't change after doing that. all the errors in there are old (likely results of other commands i tried)19:30
beunoso it feels like we're close, jsut not there yet19:30
Flamekebabno worries, thanks for the update19:31
FlamekebabI'll go have a shower and do even more laundry, lol19:31
duanedesignRubin: not the exception.log, the regular syncdaemon.log19:31
duanedesignbeuno: do you think that could cause an issue with someone trying to download their music they purchased?19:34
beunoduanedesign, not at all, no19:36
duanedesignbeuno: ok, thank you19:36
ninjaiduanedesign: in 9.10 it would mount for me and show up in places.  now it doesn't19:36
duanedesignninjai: i am not sure i understand what you mean 'mount'. Items placed in 'Ubuntu One' are not showing up in your other computers 'Ubuntu One' folders?19:38
duanedesignninjai: or your 'Ubuntu One' folder is not showing up at all?19:39
pgranerrye: does not the u1sdtool work over ssh? I keep getting X11 dbus errors on a command line client....???19:43
Rubinduanedesign, i have to run out. I'll check back tonight and post that.19:44
ryepgraner, it will work if you have your dbus environment properly set up19:44
pgranerrye: define properly? This is a stock Lucid install and I ssh'd into it (netbook)19:44
ryepgraner, actually, there are two reasons why headles u1 is not possible at this time - gnome-keyring and OAuth browser interaction19:45
ryepgraner, if you want to try running it headless you will need to run dbus session as well19:45
ryepgraner, e.g. dbus-launch --exit-with-session /bin/bash19:45
ryepgraner, this way you will have new dbus session that _is not_ connected with your desktop one, if any19:46
pgranerrye: there is a head on it, its a netbook, I'm just ssh'd in so I can use a full keyboard and cut n paste into pastebin etc... while trying to debug my sync takes hours problem19:46
ryepgraner, then you will need to use screen19:46
ryepgraner, open a terminal in netbook, start screen19:47
pgranerrye: thx19:47
ryepgraner, login with ssh to the netbook and reattach to existing screen session - all DBUS vars will be intact19:47
duanedesignRubin: definetly I will try and figure something out19:48
pgranerrye: any idea on how I can figure out whats wrong and why its taking hours to sync? Some pointers to where to look first19:49
ryepgraner, grep MARK ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | tail -n 1 ?19:50
pgranerrye: grep MARK ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | tail -n 119:50
pgraner2010-04-07 14:48:45,639 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'SERVER_RESCAN'  (queues WORKING_ON_BOTH  connection 'With User With Network')>; queues: metadata: 4; content: 841; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=84261 miss=4459) ----19:50
ryepgraner, it is now rescanning the server, it has 4 metadata items to complete and then it will start uploading/downloading 841 file19:51
ryepgraner, however SERVER_RESCAN should not take long, it should switch to some different state19:51
pgranerrye: how fast should that be? I'm seeing 3+ hours to sync one file of a few 100kb19:51
ryepgraner, it depends on whether it has actually started syncing the files, could you please check the current status - u1sdtool -s - is it still SERVER_RESCAN?19:52
duanedesignrye: I have been working with [R]ubin for the last couple of days. He has the same problem NickL had last week.19:52
pgranerrye: pgraner@zorak:~$ u1sdtool --status19:53
pgranerState: SERVER_RESCAN19:53
pgraner    connection: With User With Network19:53
pgraner    description: doing server rescan19:53
pgraner    is_connected: True19:53
pgraner    is_error: False19:53
pgraner    is_online: False19:53
pgraner    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH19:53
ryeis_online: False ???19:53
pgranerrye: yep the only thing I've done is power on the machine19:53
rye 'With User With Network'19:53
pgranerrye: that happens to both my boxes19:53
ryepgraner, could you please do syncdaemon restart - u1sdtool --quit; u1sdtool --connect now?19:54
duanedesignrye: music wont DL. u1sdtool -d;u1sdtool -c results in WORKING_ON_METADATA for a minute or so then straight to IDLE. with nothing in --waiting-content/metadata19:54
ryepgraner, and after it restarts - u1sdtool --status19:54
ryepgraner, I wonder why it is not online19:54
ryeor thinks that it is not online19:54
ryeduanedesign, does he have the music transferred to his storage in web ui?19:55
duanedesignrye: yes19:55
pgranerrye: pgraner@zorak:~$ u1sdtool --quit; u1sdtool --connect19:56
pgranerubuntuone-syncdaemon stopped.19:56
pgranerpgraner@zorak:~$ u1sdtool --status19:56
pgranerState: LOCAL_RESCAN19:56
pgraner    connection: With User With Network19:56
pgraner    description: doing local rescan19:56
pgraner    is_connected: False19:56
pgraner    is_error: False19:56
pgraner    is_online: False19:56
pgraner    queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT19:56
pgranerrye: just reran --status19:56
pgranerpgraner@zorak:~$ u1sdtool --status19:56
pgranerState: SERVER_RESCAN19:56
pgraner    connection: With User With Network19:56
pgraner    description: doing server rescan19:56
pgraner    is_connected: True19:56
pgraner    is_error: False19:56
pgraner    is_online: False19:56
pgraner    queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT19:56
duanedesignrye: he left for a bit. But if he comes back later or tommorrow I wanted to let you know where we were. :)19:57
ryenessita, could you please tell what does is_online: False mean?19:57
nessitarye: the client has not finished the server_rescan19:58
nessitarye: once the user asks for connect, the syncaemon transitions to several states19:59
nessitathe latest before being "online" is SERVER_RESCAN19:59
ryepgraner, ok, so if it completes server rescan then it is ok.. hmmm19:59
duanedesignrye: also if you get a chance take a look at this exception.log I have been getting this error last couple days, and also several new bug reports with same. Thank you20:06
duanedesignoops...no pastebin, lol http://pastebin.com/4EnQsdsU20:06
rye"AttributeError: 'UbuntuOneDialog' object has no attribute 'visible'" ?20:07
ryeduanedesign, what's the ubuntuone-client version?20:07
pgranerrye: its been 15min and still in SERVER_RESCAN20:16
ryenessita, ^20:17
ryepgraner, could you please pastebin the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log ?20:17
pgranerrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410689/20:20
nessitapgraner, rye: looking20:20
duanedesignrye: mine is 1.91+r47320:21
duanedesignrye: looks like all the reports are: ubuntuone-client 1.1.91-0ubuntu120:21
ryeduanedesign, how do you reproduce that?20:21
nessitaanyways, the database server is a bit overwhelmed since we're doing some maintenance tasks20:21
ryei am in the middle of vm migration so my network is slooow (WiFi seems to be almost dead during 20Gb sending)..20:22
nessitapgraner: SERVER_RESCAN is already finished in that log20:26
nessita2010-04-07 15:14:45,000 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: SYS_SERVER_RESCAN_DONE, args:(), kw:{}20:26
nessitapgraner: so it's online now20:27
nessitarye: ^20:27
ryepgraner, what's the u1sdtool --status ?20:27
nessita2010-04-07 15:14:45,009 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: SYS_STATE_CHANGED, args:(), kw:{'state': QUEUE_MANAGER (error=False connected=True online=True)  Queue: WORKING_ON_BOTH  Connection: With User With Network}20:27
pgranerrye: pgraner@zorak:~$ u1sdtool --status20:27
pgranerState: QUEUE_MANAGER20:27
pgraner    connection: With User With Network20:27
pgraner    description: processing queues20:27
pgraner    is_connected: True20:27
pgraner    is_error: False20:27
pgraner    is_online: True20:27
pgraner    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH20:27
nessitapgraner: great, it's wokring20:28
ryethat pastebinned log just loaded, awesome20:28
pgranernessita: about how long should it take yesterday it took 3+ hours to move files to the cloud20:29
duanedesignrye: all i have to do is launch Ubuntu One from the Me Menu. (which is unsuccesfull) here is syncdaemon and exception log http://fpaste.org/kU8m/20:30
duanedesignlooks like I can do u1sdtool -c and it connects ok.20:38
ryeduanedesign, is there u1-prefs.log ?20:54
* duanedesign looking20:56
* bilalakhtar jj20:58
duanedesignrye: http://fpaste.org/WIN4/20:59
frantais karmic repo being updated? I have kubuntu 9.10 and it seem kinda outdated21:02
Flamekebabbeuno, should I just check back tomorrow?21:21
beunoFlamekebab, I think it'll be tomorrow, yes21:22
FlamekebabWhich timezone? (I'm in GMT, so it's currently 2122)21:22
=== Fk-arb is now known as Flamekebab
beunoFlamekebab, still around?22:55
beunotry: https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/phones/22:55
FlamekebabI'll give it a shot22:59
FlamekebabSeems to be working, beuno23:01
beunoFlamekebab, yay!  let me know how the sync goes23:02
FlamekebabSeems to be working just fine23:09
FlamekebabAlthough if I edit contacts on UO and then sync it seems to add empty fields23:10
FlamekebabSo I added an MSN address for my friend, she now appears on my phone as before, but with several blank address fields23:10
beunoFlamekebab, ah, interesting23:12
beunowhat's your phone sync username?23:13
FlamekebabIt would also be nice if there was support for profile photos on contacts23:15
FlamekebabAlthough I understand if that's not possible23:15
beunoit is possible23:18
beunowe're waiting for an update on the funambol server23:18
beunowhich should happen around june23:18
beunoand we will support pictures23:18
beunoFlamekebab, can you file a bug for the empty addresses?23:19
FlamekebabGladly, although I've not really filed a bug before23:20
FlamekebabHow and where?23:20
beunoadd in the relevant information like the username you used, and what you edited on th web ui23:22
FlamekebabWhy do I need to include my username?23:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557681 in ubuntuone-servers "Editing contacts on web UI creates blank contact fields on iPhone after sync" [Undecided,New]23:31
beunoFlamekebab, the phone sync username helps us track that sync in the logs23:32
beunoso we can understand what parts of the code it went through23:32
beunothank you  :)23:32
FlamekebabNo probs, hopefully that's enough info23:34
beunoFlamekebab, it is, I've assigned the bug23:35

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