
harry-houdini1hello i am using ubuntu 9.1 karmic with ubuntu-studio-audio installed and am trying to get jack working ...What I want to do is transmit the sound from a windows 7 box to a ubuntu box since sound is not fully supported with version 5 of the rdp protocol (version 7 has full support)15:12
harry-houdini1can anyone help?15:13
holsteinhey harry-houdini115:14
holsteinyou have an ubuntubox15:14
harry-houdini1hi holstein15:14
holsteinand a win7 box15:14
holsteinand you want what?15:15
harry-houdini1i want to stream the sound from the windows box to the ubuntu box15:15
harry-houdini1over the lan15:15
holsteinat what quality?15:15
harry-houdini1very good quality15:15
harry-houdini1i am watching training videos15:15
harry-houdini1its a 100MB ethernet15:15
holsteinSO you want to stream the audio and video?15:16
harry-houdini1testout training videos....I have a remote desktop connection but sound isnt supported15:16
holsteini dont think jack is going to be the anser15:16
harry-houdini1so i figured i could use this as a stop gap measure15:17
harry-houdini1stream the audio separately15:17
holsteinbut what will sync?15:17
holsteinhave you tried VLC15:17
harry-houdini1I cant find any how too's on using vlc with testout..i dont think it will work15:17
holsteinwhy dont you just watch the vids on the ubuntu box?15:19
harry-houdini1cause of the overhead of running a virtual machine15:19
harry-houdini1i wanted to offload the work15:19
harry-houdini1it wont run with wine15:20
holsteinSO ubuntu is virtulized?15:20
harry-houdini1its its own self contained program15:20
holsteinand testout has a proprietary piece of software15:20
harry-houdini1no windows is virtualized on the ubuntu box but its too much overhead so i wanted to stream from another workstation15:20
holsteinthat plays the vid?15:20
harry-houdini1yes exactly15:20
holsteinto train you about opensource sofware ;)15:21
harry-houdini1no actually cisco15:21
harry-houdini1CCNP stuff15:21
holsteinwell, jack is not the answer15:21
holsteinpretty sure15:21
holsteinyou get jack running on ubuntu15:22
holsteinand that doesnt help you get anything into it really15:22
holsteinnot from windows15:22
harry-houdini1sad thing is if rdesktop supported version 7 of rdp it would work15:22
harry-houdini1well jack runs on windows as well15:22
holsteinso your thinking netjack?15:23
harry-houdini1isnt that part of jack215:23
holsteinthat would do it...15:24
holsteinhave you used jack before?15:24
harry-houdini1damn program is totally undocumented15:24
holsteineven best case scenario for me15:24
holsteini had a little latency15:24
harry-houdini1no never used it cant get the deamons to start on either windows or linux get error #215:24
holsteinand some xruns15:24
holsteinto many xruns for me to feel like i could use netjack proffesionally15:25
harry-houdini1whats xruns cause15:25
holsteinor drop-outs15:25
holsteinOR crashing15:25
harry-houdini1that would be anoying15:25
holsteinits challenging to get running15:25
harry-houdini1you aint kidding15:25
holsteinand your not going to ever do anything else with it15:25
holsteinif your not an audio guy15:26
harry-houdini1does vlc some how work with non compliant programs15:26
holsteinhow about a really long headphone extension cable?15:26
harry-houdini1hmmm..lol maybe thats the answer15:26
holsteinif you can get VLC to play the vid15:26
holsteinit'll stream it15:26
holsteinand thats something you can use for other purposes15:27
harry-houdini1nah it  wont play the vid they are encrypted15:27
harry-houdini1its a whole simulator and stuff besides videos15:27
holsteinit seems like something you want to be running native15:28
holsteinin windows15:28
harry-houdini1wine wont run the internet explorer with the web rdp client either15:28
harry-houdini1I guess this is a no go and i give up maybe in 10 years it will work..15:28
holsteini believe a strongly worded email is in order15:28
harry-houdini1what do you suggest holstein15:29
holsteinan email to testout15:29
holsteinabout linux support15:29
harry-houdini1yeah right like thats going to happen...good idea..not a chance in hell i am afraid..maybe i should send an email to the makers of rdesktop15:30
holsteinat least rdesktop has a good reason15:30
holsteinthe same reason15:31
harry-houdini1your right...thanks..I will leave ya alone now ...thanks for you help...15:31
holsteinharry-houdini1: anytime15:31
holsteingood luck15:31
harry-houdini1you too!15:31
tucemiuxim trying to figure out how to go from logic to protools, anyone have any suggestions??19:13
holsteintucemiux: you mean files?19:16
holsteincan you just export/import?19:16
holsteinwavs or whatever they both support?19:16
=== wdreamer is now known as wirelessdreamer
sobukusMan, this system is cursed23:06
holsteinsobukus: lol23:06
holsteinwhats up?23:06
sobukusI had working network manager on monday, including 3G dialup in nm-applet.23:06
holsteini remember talking to you, but i forget23:06
holsteinand no good now23:07
holsteinsobukus: did you get a kernel update?23:07
holsteini have to say23:08
holsteinon my studio machine/install23:08
holsteini dont just go willie-nillie on the updates23:08
sobukusNow today, the modem won't show anymore..23:10
sobukusit's still the same kernel23:10
sobukusThe modem _works_23:10
holsteindid you do anything in the bios?23:10
sobukusbut it does not show in network manager23:10
sobukusI can go online with svdial and a custom script to register in the network23:11
holsteinthats probable the way to go anyways23:11
holsteini dont know how well dial-up is supported in NM23:11
holsteini tried a while back23:11
holsteinhardy or so23:11
holsteinand i gave up pretty quick23:11
sobukusand actually, nm-applet was gone on first boot today23:11
holsteinand went to something like wvdial23:12
sobukusdialup worked fine for me in older ubuntu installs23:12
holsteini think it was the modem i was using23:12
sobukusand it actually worksed initially ... but something beinhd the scenese broke the communication with network manager23:12
sobukusI don't see the point in ubuntu if these clicky-thingies don't work23:13
holsteinbbl... dinner-time23:13
sobukuswell, it's midnight here, so ... too;-)23:13
* sobukus hopes someone will reply to the post on ubuntustudio users mailing list23:13
sobukusperhaps it's just some dbus crap going wrong ...23:14
sobukusbut exactly this mysterious works/does not work of the fancy stuff on top of the basics is very disconcerning23:14
* sobukus prepares to leave the train ... while on 3G dialup from the laptop ... using Source Mage GNU/Linux with custom script23:15
sobukusI am still giving ubuntu a chance here... but I really want to see some progress from the beta ... the shiny stuff should work (besides the other issues like SCSI root disk).23:16
* sobukus off, too23:17

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