
wgrantCan someone please land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/amputate-buildergroup/+merge/22198, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/filter-apt_pkg-deprecationwarnings/+merge/22317 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-538844-master-side/+merge/22681?00:48
mwhudsonwgrant: ok00:55
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.00:56
mwhudsonwgrant: they're all headless now01:07
wgrantmwhudson: Great.01:08
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
* thumper struggles with self02:39
thumpermwhudson: ping02:40
StevenKI just merged a branch with devel, and it has conflicts because apidoc.moved didn't exist and then it moves the existing apidoc to apidoc.moved02:41
StevenKSo, I'm confused02:41
mwhudsonthumper: pong02:41
thumpermwhudson: got a few minutes for a skype call?02:41
mwhudsonStevenK: delete the apidoc & apidoc.moved directories i think02:41
thumpermwhudson: I'm struggling with some delegate stuff02:41
mwhudsonthumper: ok02:42
StevenKmwhudson: Then bzr up or rocketfuel-get?02:42
mwhudsonStevenK: no, i think the problem is that the directory was deleted in devel02:42
mwhudsonbut it contains ignored files in your tree02:42
mwhudsonand then i think it was re-added and deleted again or something02:43
StevenKmwhudson: I've just checked, and I've got the same conflicts in devel too02:43
wgrantStevenK: That happens because your local copy of the directory contains ignored *.pyc, so bzr won't remove it itself.03:10
lifelessactually its a really freaking annoying limiation03:19
wgrantlifeless: bzr really-ignore-i-dont-care *.pyc?03:20
lifelesswgrant: our initial plan is a lost+found style approach03:21
StevenKlifeless: Will it get a flagged a conflict, or more of a "These files want to be deleted, do you care?"03:30
wgrantmwhudson: lp:wgrant/launchpad/bug-538844-master-side failed one test; I've just pushed up a fix.05:02
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mwhudsonwgrant: ok, i'll ec2 it again05:09
thumpermwhudson: interested in reviewing that branch, or do you want to pass on it?05:12
mwhudsonthumper: oh yeah, i'll have a look now05:12
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.05:14
* wgrant now needs somebody to land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/more-buildmaster-cleanup/+merge/22735 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/remove-dbnote/+merge/2273605:28
mwhudsonwgrant: i like remove-dbnote on general principle05:30
mwhudsonwgrant: started on both of them05:33
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.05:33
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
thumperI have a feeling it would be easier to start from scratch with the email on needs review branch05:48
thumperthat's now confirmed05:53
thumperit will be easier to start again05:53
thumperbzr pull --overwrite FTW05:53
thumpermake clean schema05:54
wgrantBecause your MP email job stuff makes it all so much easier?05:57
thumpergot rid of all the horrible edge cases05:57
thumperalso added the description to the mp since I started that branch05:57
* wgrant is waiting for implicit WIP MPs and nice diffs.05:59
thumperwgrant: getting there...05:59
StevenKFailed to load application: No module named psycopg206:01
* StevenK stabs things06:01
wgrantStevenK: Just that branch?06:02
wgrantWhat's the full traceback?06:02
StevenKwgrant: Just that one branch, yes06:02
StevenKwgrant: And http://paste.ubuntu.com/410869/06:03
wgrantOoh, trying to develop Soyuz on amd64. Brav.06:04
wgrantThat is an odd one, if it works in bin/py as you say...06:04
StevenKbin/py and then import psycopg2 doesn't give an error, no06:09
mwhudsonfricking wifi06:19
thumperdinner time06:50
wgrantGRUB is telling me "biosdisk read error"07:00
wgrantThis cannot be a sign of good disk health.07:00
spmew. i suspect not; or you've just found a really ikky bug.07:04
wgrantIt's fortunately just a family machine that has no important data.07:07
wgrantBut still, ew.07:07
adeuringgood morning08:04
wgrantbuildbot is upset with me, even though the two branches that I landed are completely unrelated and they both passed EC2...08:09
stubwgrant: Not upset at you, just upset. Your branches landed on launchpad/devel, and that buildbot couldn't checkout the source code for some reason. I'll give it a kick.08:11
wgrantstub: Ah, OK, thanks.08:12
wgrantIt's nice of it to tell me that I broke it, but give no details of what the failure was.08:12
stubdb-devel on the other hand seems to have a genuine failure:08:13
stub    AssertionError: <lp.code.model.branchtarget.ProductSeriesBranchTarget object at 0x1278ea50> doesn't support code imports08:13
wgrantThat'll be james_w's code import export work conflicting with the productseries +setbranch creation overnight.08:15
mwhudsonlooks like james_ws sutff?08:15
wgrantThe former in devel, the latter in db-devel.08:15
wgrantI just had an EC2 run fail because it got a connection timeout while sending the submission email to PQM.09:27
wgrantThe test suite otherwise passed -- can somebody please submit lp:~wgrant/launchpad/more-buildmaster-cleanup?09:28
wgrantI find it interesting that it failed to email PQM, but managed to email me.09:29
noodles775wgrant: there seems to be network issues between amazon and bzr.launchpad.net... buildbot is failing to update-sourcecode consistently right now.09:30
wgrantnoodles775: lovely...09:31
james_wwho landed the +setbranch stuff?09:39
james_wnot to point fingers, but so that I can find the branch to work out the fix09:39
james_wit seems he based his work on top of mine, so I don't know how that will have passed tests09:44
james_wproductseries aren't really valid branch targets for code imports09:45
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james_wyou can't push a branch to lp:~james-w/product/productseries/foo09:45
wgrantI was wondering why ProductSeries were branch targets at all.09:45
wgrantIt doesn't make sense in the current model.09:46
james_wyeah, dunno09:46
james_wwe could either fake it, having it import to the product namespace and setting the official link09:46
james_wbut that sounds like there may be unexpected consequences for people on occasion09:46
james_wso we could just change this new branch to use IBranchTarget(product) and then make the link itself09:47
wgrantIsn't IPerson an IBranchTarget too? How does that work with code imports?09:48
james_wit doesn't09:48
wgrantWell, how doesn't it fail in the same way?09:49
james_wit would09:49
james_wexcept that this isn't a view on IPerson is it?09:49
wgrantShhhhh details.09:49
thumperproduct series aren't branch targets09:51
james_wthumper: the code disagrees09:52
* thumper looks at the code09:53
james_wah no, this was just /really/ bad timing, as he used the changed methods before the restrictions were tightened, so that's my fault really, I didn't count on anyone adding any users of the method and just fixed what was in tree for the first part09:53
thumperjames_w: are you fixing it?09:54
thumperwe could have an adapter from product series to branch target09:54
thumperbut product series aren't branch targets09:54
james_wwell, I'm not sure I'm going to fix that09:54
james_wI'm going to fix the build at least09:55
thumpercan someone please file a bug about that09:56
* thumper isn't working09:56
james_w    ProgrammingError: permission denied for relation account10:19
james_w^ anyone familiar with that?10:19
james_wjust doing factory.makeProduct()10:29
james_wwhen it does IPerson.getByName()10:30
noodles775james_w: that's in a test, or in a console? (if a console, I was going to suggest running make schema first).10:34
james_wI had the same idea, make schema is going now10:35
james_wand it's done, just 14 minutes later10:44
james_wcould someone review ^ please11:04
james_wargh, conflicts!11:06
noodles775james_w: let me know when you've resolved the conflicts. jelmer and I are on OCR today.11:07
james_wnoodles775: please take another look11:13
wgrantjames_w: Note that you can just run database/schema/security.py to reset perms.12:19
james_wah, ok12:19
wgrantNo need for a full >5min make schema.12:19
wgrantIs PQM happy yet?12:20
noodles775PQM is, buildbot's not (same issue I mentioned before, failing update-sourcecode but continuing test run).12:28
wgrantI've three branches that passed EC2 but presumably got rejected by an upset PQM.12:32
noodles775Right, yes it's in testfix (sorry).12:34
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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stubDid a fix for GpgmeError: (32, 176, 'Unknown error code') land? Cause I'm still seeing them.13:55
wgrantstub: No, it hasn't landed yet.13:56
wgrantjelmer: ^^?13:56
stubIs it https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/pygpgme/bug452194/+merge/21635 ?13:58
wgrantThat's the pygpgme fix.13:58
jelmerthe fix for pygpgme itself has landed13:58
wgrantBut there's another fix that is needed to update sourcecode.13:58
jelmerbut my change to update launchpad to update sourcecode hasn't landed yet, because pygpgme in the lp tree needs to be upgraded to 2a first13:59
stubhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/pygpgme/devel says it is 2a now14:05
stubOh - that is the repo, not the branch14:05
stubI can't see an upgrade button - does it need to be upgraded manually by a losa because pqm is too stupid to hit the button itself?14:06
mthaddonyep, I think so...14:07
stubmthaddon: Speaking of losas.... feel free to upgrade that branch :)14:07
wgrantWasn't the problem client-side?14:08
wgrantIn that update-sourcecode won't change the format, so the pull from rich-root to poor-root will fail?14:09
jelmermthaddon: it's the production pygpgme branch that needs to be updated14:12
jelmerperhaps I should just patch update-sourcecode to deal with rich root upgrades?14:12
jmljelmer: I think that would be a good idea14:20
jmljelmer: the only reason I didn't do that for the subunit upgrade was because I wasn't sure what we used in production14:21
jmljelmer: but it turns out that we use update-sourcecode, so making it handle rich-root upgrades would not introduce any new differences between dev & prod14:21
maxbjml: Hello. As the author of https://dev.launchpad.net/ReviewingCodeImports, could I ask you to comment on whether it is safe for community members to be in ~vcs-imports, in the "[Launchpad-dev] Code Import Reviews" email thread?14:23
jmlmaxb: I am merely the copier-and-paster from internal wikis, not the author. But I do know a little about the subject.14:24
maxbah, ok14:24
jmlmaxb: in a nutshell, it ought to be safe (that's certainly the intent) and it probably is, but I would recommend someone flick through the relevant bits of code before opening it up14:26
jmlmaxb: in the past, we abused the ~vcs-imports team as a short-hand for "Launchpad Code team"14:27
jelmerjml: *nods*14:28
=== daniloff is now known as danilos
derycksinzui, ping15:20
sinzuihi deryck15:20
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abentleyleonardr-afk, do you know what /lp/translations/interfaces/webservice.py is for and how it's used?17:11
james_wabentley: it collects things that lazr.restful should scan for exports it should use to generate the wadl (and possibly for serving them too)17:19
james_wat least if it's the same as the one in /code/17:19
abentleyjames_w, why do only code and translations have one?  Why doesn't it have an __all__?17:20
abentleyjames_w, is it a magic name? or is it configured somewhere?17:20
james_wbecause the others haven't caught up to the new way of doing things yet. Because it's not for importing from?17:20
abentleyjames_w, if lazr.restful isn't importing those symbols, how does it know what they are?17:21
james_wit's importing the module and walking over the contents I imagine17:22
abentleyjames_w, if they're imported so they can be used from the module, they should be listed in an __all__.17:22
james_wlib/lp/code/configure.zcml:  <webservice:register module="lp.code.interfaces.webservice" />17:22
james_wI'm not in this to argue with you17:23
abentleyjames_w, basically, I think the lint error is correct, but I'm happy for you to land your code as is.17:24
james_wok, thanks17:24
abentleyjames_w, I want to talk to leonardr-afk about potentially changing it, but that doesn't need to block you.17:27
abentleyjames_w, context: I just submitted an approval review.  Unfortunately, I didn't sign it because enigmail isn't available on Lucid, and it was rejected.17:28
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
bdmurraybac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/launchpad/api-export-messages-count/+merge/22833 is still unmerged as of yet afaict17:49
bacbdmurray: did you get ec2 email about it?17:50
bacbdmurray: thanks for pointing it out.  i'll have a look to see what happened17:50
bdmurraybac: I seem to recall a failure landing it due to multiple? changes trying to be landed at once17:51
bdmurraybac: yeah there was a buildbot failure17:52
bdmurraybac: and I'm certain ;-) it wasn't my change17:52
bacbdmurray: i don't have a failure message for it.  i'll resubmit now.17:53
bdmurraybac: cool thanks17:53
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
sinzuibac: db-devel hates you: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/db_lp/builds/672/steps/shell_7/logs/summary18:12
bacsinzui: wow18:13
sinzuibac: ProductSeriesBranchTarget is an adapter that used by the Involvement menu to go from PR to BT.18:14
sinzuibac: I wonder if something else changed...surely ec2 would have noticed that.18:15
sinzuibac: Thumper was asking me about the adapter today, maybe there is an underlying change.18:16
bacsinzui: ok.  let me try to figure out what's going on18:16
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
sinzuibac: I forwarded you thumper's email and my reply18:17
deryckjml, leaving aside the "don't look the project overview page" issues, how would you suggest dealing with the hot bugs list when it isn't useful to some (usually small) projects?18:21
jmlderyck, I don't know. Sorry.18:22
deryckjml, fair enough.18:22
jmlderyck, I don't mean to scupper the approach you've suggested18:22
deryckjml, no, not a problem to call it to question... just wondered if you had another idea.  Multiple lists seems the only way to handle that.  Short of crazy configuration options, which I don't favor.18:23
jmlderyck, I'm going to keep thinking about it.18:23
deryckok, cool.  thanks.18:24
dhasthadanilos, R u there?18:27
leonardr-afkabentley, do you want to change lazr.restful or launchpad?18:36
=== leonardr-afk is now known as leonardr
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
abentleyleonardr, launchpad, most likely.  I think that lp/translations/interfaces/webservice.py et al should be providing an __all__ if their imports are for external use.18:45
leonardri agree, i didn't know about webservice.py18:46
leonardri thought we were running against the regular interface modules18:46
gary_postersinzui, mars, stuartm is wondering if we have fewer new spammer accounts since the new SSO was put in place.  Apparently the new SSO story makes the captcha more enforced.  Can either of you quickly give any data about that?18:49
sinzuigary_poster, we have fewer accounts since we took links off of person and ppa pages owned by users with no karma18:50
sinzuigary_poster, we had two spam accounts registered in the last 24 hours18:51
marssinzui, how did you catch those?18:51
gary_postersinzui: ok, and is that rate typical?18:51
sinzuiThey registered project18:51
sinzuigary, the spammer used SSO to successfully attack via our wikis. We locked them down last month18:52
sinzuigary_poster, lpnet oopses show that we are under constant attack via search data injection. 1/3 of all oops!18:53
gary_postersinzui: ok, thanks.  so, to be super clear, you are saying "no, the new SSO server does not appear to have reduced our spammer registrations" right?18:53
marsthe background noise of the internet18:54
gary_posterthank you sinzui18:54
marssinzui, mean time to compromise a directly exposed unpatched windows box on the internet was, what 36 seconds last I heard?18:55
marsno surprise that our site would be bombarded in a similar way18:55
sinzuigary_poster, mars: I think some more perspective is need...19:00
sinzuiDec: 2500+ using profile + project19:00
sinzuiJan: 100- using PPA19:00
sinzuiFeb: 50- using PPA (because we ignored the issue)19:00
sinzuiMarch 10- using SSO + wiki19:00
sinzuiApril 2: looking for project vulnerabilities19:00
sinzuiJan-April 20+ search attacks each day19:00
sinzuigary_poster, mars: I review googles results, project, and oops report for new attacks every day,19:02
sinzuiI check the database every Sunday19:02
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
marssilly question: what is wrong with this pqm-submit message?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411169/19:26
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
sinzuithumper, bac and I want to talk when you are available19:38
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
thumpersinzui: can you wait until 21:00 UTC?20:10
thumperjust under 2 hours from now20:10
thumperI need to get dressed and eat20:10
sinzuithumper, thanks20:17
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
jmlg'night all20:25
thumpersinzui: did you want to have a quick chat before my standup?21:54
sinzuithumper, yes. bac and I want to know how we can fix the Involvement menu adapter21:55
thumperlets talk21:55
sinzuibac: can you talk21:55
thumpersinzui: start me off, where is the code for the involvement menu adapter21:56
* sinzui looks21:56
sinzuithumper look in lp/registry/browser/pillar.py for the reason21:57
sinzuithumper the adapter is lp/code/model/branchtarget.py ProductSeriesBranchTarget21:58
thumpersinzui: but where is the pillar.official_codehosting found?22:00
sinzuithumper, product22:00
thumperpillar = nearest(self.context, IPillar)22:00
SlonUAany ideas about such error Transport error: Server refuses to fulfill the request (403 Forbidden) for http://bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev/00/00/00/55/.bzr/branch-format22:00
thumperwhat I don't understand is the need for the product series branch target22:00
thumpersinzui: I can't see where it is used22:01
thumperSlonUA: where are you getting it?22:01
sinzuithumper, the involvement menu is shown on many kinds of objects and we are showing links based on the pillars selection of official links22:01
SlonUAthans for notice .. it's after make sync_branches22:01
thumperSlonUA: probably bad permissions on the local filesystem for the bzr branches22:01
thumpersinzui: right, but a product series isn't a pillar22:02
SlonUAthumper: 1) create branch on dev, 2) push by bzr 3) make sync_branches22:02
sinzuithumper, yes, it is hidden via adaption.links are made form the context, and this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/482256 shows that users want to submit code for a product series, but could not22:02
mupBug #482256: Involvement menu 'Submit code' link OOPSes from the project series <oops> <Launchpad Registry:Fix Released by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/482256>22:02
mwhudsonSlonUA: /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors probably has too restrictive permissions22:02
thumperSlonUA: yes, but in the local setup of lp.dev you should have done 'sudo make install' at some stage22:02
SlonUAthumper: hm ... make run_codehosting is running under root22:02
sinzuithumper, I ring. bac can catchup with us later22:03
SlonUAmwhudson: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2010-04-08 21:24 mirrors22:03
mwhudsonSlonUA: hm, strange22:04
SlonUAthumper: all instalation was under : sudo -i22:04
mwhudsoni wouldn't run launchpad as root though!22:04
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
SlonUAany issues with apache !?22:04
SlonUAmwhudson: agree it's was under chroot before .. i have issues .. so i have VM22:05
thumperdef product_series_to_target(product_series):22:09
thumper    return ProductBranchTarget(product_series.product)22:09
SlonUAmwhudson: the same issue with 777 for mirrors ...22:12
mwhudsonSlonUA: well, http://bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev/00/00/00/55/.bzr/branch-format should be served by apache22:13
mwhudsonso maybe read apache's error.log?22:13
SlonUAmwhudson: i read my mind .... looking =)22:14
SlonUAmwhudson: [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors/00/00/00/57/.bzr/branch-format22:17
mwhudsonSlonUA: well, that looks like an apache problem then22:18
SlonUAmwhudson: yeah .. any ideas to quick look !?22:18
mwhudsonSlonUA: well, i guess you've installed the local-launchpad-apache configuration and gracefulled apache?22:19
SlonUAmwhudson: btw; no special settings for apache was done .. only make install and remote access tunning + one ip using22:19
mwhudsonSlonUA: 'remote access tuning' ?22:20
mwhudsonyou might need to do some more of that i guess22:20
SlonUAmwhudson: <VirtualHost *:80>22:22
SlonUA  ServerName bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev22:22
SlonUA  LogLevel debug22:22
SlonUA  DocumentRoot /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors22:22
SlonUA  <Directory /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors/>22:22
SlonUA    Order Deny,Allow22:22
SlonUA    Deny from all22:22
SlonUA    Allow from
SlonUA    Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch22:22
SlonUA    AllowOverride None22:22
SlonUA    Options Indexes22:22
SlonUA  </Directory>22:22
SlonUAsorry pals for spam =)22:23
SlonUAmwhudson: is such part correct !?22:25
mwhudsonSlonUA: looks ok, i guess you are actually accessing it from localhost?22:27
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
SlonUAso, i run make sync_branchesh from localhost .. but ... i have hosts with external ip22:28
SlonUAmwhudson: oh. u mean ... i got it22:30
SlonUAjust fix it to :22:31
SlonUA<Directory /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors/ >22:31
SlonUAOrder deny,allow22:32
SlonUA    Allow from localhost
SlonUA    Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch22:32
SlonUA    AllowOverride None22:32
SlonUA    Options Indexes22:32
SlonUA  </Directory>22:32
SlonUAmwhudson:  something like this22:32
SlonUAmwhudson: i think i will try to experiment .. to understand it ... thank u for ur time =) ..22:34
thumperjelmer: ping22:58
thumperjelmer: I'm wanting to update launchpad's bzr-git and dulwich22:59
thumperjelmer: should I use tip?22:59
jelmerthumper: please do23:01
thumperjelmer: has the names or locations of the cache files changed?23:01
thumperjelmer: because we'd need to update the launchpad code that stores and looks for them23:01
jelmerthumper: yes, caches are now in .bzr/repository/git/23:01
thumperjelmer: entire directory?23:01
jelmerthumper: yep23:01
thumperjelmer: fixed file names? or can it change?23:01
jelmerthumper: it'll only have two files in it at the moment23:02
thumperjelmer: best to just tar up the directory?23:02
thumpermwhudson: is that easy with the code we have to do an entire directory?23:02
jelmerthumper: but that will change in the future, once Bazaar makes it easier to reuse pack files23:02
* thumper nods23:02
mwhudsonthumper: not trivial, but not very hard i imagine23:03
thumpermwhudson: we have some tar.gz stuff in other parts23:05
thumpermwhudson: so shouldn't be too hard23:05
mwhudsonthumper: exactly23:05
james_wwgrant: hey, any idea how I can get a publishing record for every upload done in lucid after it was opened?23:15
james_wif I grab the total of Published + Superseded with a created_since_date of after it was opened I think that will duplicate some?23:15
wgrantjames_w: You'd need Deleted as well.23:20
wgrantBut yes, that will give you duplicates.23:20
wgrantPerhaps stuff them into a dict by (source name, source version)?23:20
james_wI don't really care about Deleted I don't think23:21
james_wit doesn't need to be exact anyway23:21
* wgrant looks for someone to land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/move-rescueiflost-tests/+merge/2273723:24
jelmerthumper, mwhudson: I've pushed the fix for the -0000 / +0000 issue23:53
mwhudsonjelmer: i guess lp:dulwich is still out of date?23:54
jelmermwhudson: at least until the moment you hit "import now" :-)23:54

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