
wgrantabentley, bac: Can you please land my branches that you reviewed? They're all Soyuz-approved™.00:20
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abentleywgrant, I'm not currently able to run the test suite to completion.02:04
wgrantabentley: Urgh. Anyway, mwhudson has EC2ed them.02:05
abentleymwhudson, thanks!02:05
abentleywgrant, wait-- do you mean that they've been tested but mwhudson isn't landing them.02:05
wgrantabentley: They are in the process of landing through ec2.02:06
abentleywgrant, cool.02:06
thumperhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/package-branch-listing-speedup/+merge/22993 1070 lines03:59
* thumper popping out to get real coffee and drop off some children's dvds back to the video store04:07
StevenKthumper: The question is, who watched them?04:07
thumperStevenK: I watched a part of the black stallion, but not all, nor the sequal04:08
wgrantIs it just me, or does download-cache only have a 2.6 x86_64 meliae egg, and not a 2.6 i386 one?04:11
StevenKSigh, devkit-disks, I hate you.04:18
StevenKWhy does it only mount Mass Storage devices *sometimes*04:19
wgrantStevenK: Isn't that one of DX's new decisions?04:19
StevenKOooh, bitter much04:20
wgrantWell, "why not" is enough rationale.04:20
* StevenK puts his fingers in his ears and says Lalalalala a lot04:21
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jtvmwhudson: hi, any news on allow-import-password?06:28
mwhudsonjtv: no, got kind of sidetracked06:28
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=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: noodles775 || reviewing: -, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
noodles775jelmer: do you want to take a look at james_w' branch first? (it's a non-soyuz one ;) ), otherwise I'll jump right in.11:13
james_wit's rather simple :-)11:14
noodles775Oh, I was going by the line count before you resolved the conflicts :)11:14
noodles775jelmer: nm.11:14
james_wplease twiddle the knobs and I'll throw it at ec211:15
james_wand I need to use [testfix], correct?11:15
noodles775Yep, `bzr log --limit 50 | grep testfix` will show you an eg or two.11:17
* james_w just used --textfix11:19
* noodles775 didn't know about that option... great.11:19
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bacwgrant: is mwhudson landing all of your approved branches or do you need me to help?13:36
wgrantbac: They're all approved and all but one is tested, but PQM rejected three of them due to testfix.13:45
bacwgrant: i'll be glad to help but i don't want to duplicate effort.  why don't you send me an email with the URLs of the MPs and what you need me to do for each.  please copy noodles775 and mwhudson.13:47
baci'll then land them when we're out of testfix13:47
jml... which should be any moment now-13:50
noodles775bac, wgrant : I've sent off ~wgrant/launchpad/bug-549907-stop-using-slave-build-id a few hours ago too.14:24
noodles775(still playing)14:25
* bac wishes he could send a branch off for testing and landing from the MP page14:28
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wgrantPQM is alive?14:56
wgrantIf it is... can someone please land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-538844-master-side/+merge/22681, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/more-buildmaster-cleanup/+merge/22735 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/remove-dbnote/+merge/22736? They all passed ec2test a few hours ago (with the current devel rev), but were rejected by PQM.14:59
noodles775Sure. Hrm, how do I land something *not* via ec2, without branching?15:03
* noodles775 looks at ec2 land code.15:03
wgrantnoodles775: bzr lp-land, maybe?15:05
noodles775wgrant: yep, was just reading bzr help lp-land, thanks!15:06
wgrantNot sure if that handles generating the [r=foo] stuff, though.15:06
noodles775ugh, bzr: ERROR: exceptions.ValueError: Cannot determine Bazaar host. "https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/" not a recognized Launchpad API root.15:07
wgrantYay, version-naïve code.15:08
* noodles775 updates pqm plugin15:08
noodles775OK, that helped, but now it complains about lacking revisions... I'm guessing lp-land still requires a local branch?15:10
noodles775bzr: ERROR: Public branch "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-538844-master-side" lacks revision "launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100407001252-2bvaz1hi60knsrnp".15:10
* noodles775 branches and tries.15:10
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rockstarabentley, can you do a review (maybe two) for me?19:58
abentleyrockstar, sure.  Working up the description for my merge request right now.19:59
rockstarabentley, great.20:01
rockstarabentley, here's the easy one: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/ihasrecipes-person/+merge/2304520:04
rockstarabentley, the next one still needs changes since I'm not making DistroSeries implement IHasRecipes20:04
abentleyrockstar, I recommend using lp-propose (née lp-submit) and the lp_review_body plugin.20:09
rockstarabentley, yeah, I've been meaning to set that up.20:11
abentleyrockstar, maybe I'll walk you through that on our next call.20:12
abentleyrockstar, test_person_implements_hasbranches looks misnamed.20:13
abentleyrockstar, similarly test_product_implements_hasbranches20:14
abentleyrockstar, test_product_getRecipes comment looks wrong.20:15
abentleyrockstar, docstring in lib/lp/registry/model/product.py is wrong.20:16
rockstarabentley, argh. c-n-p errors...20:17
abentleyrockstar, originally you were going to try adaptation, right?  What problems did you run into with that?20:18
rockstarabentley, the fact that I wanted to get something done and not fart around with zope oddities.20:19
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rockstarThe docstring was a thinko, not a c-n-p error.  *facepalm*20:21
abentleyrockstar, adding coupling between Person and Recipe seems like tech debt.  could you file a bug to reexamine it?20:21
rockstarabentley, what do you mean "adding coupling" ?20:22
abentleyrockstar, Person (and Product, I guess) now have to know what a Recipe is.20:22
abentleyThere is a dependency now that wasn't there before.20:23
rockstarabentley, yeah, I guess you're right.  I'll file a bug and say "let's think about adapters again"20:23
abentleyrockstar, cool.20:23
rockstarabentley, by that reasoning though, IHasBranches should probably also be an adapter.20:23
abentleyrockstar, yes, there should be an adapter for Person that provides IHasBranches.20:24
rockstarabentley, yeah, I bet that would happen more often if zope wasn't stingy.  :)20:25
abentleyrockstar, at least in the ideal, registry doesn't depend on us and we don't depend on other apps like Soyuz.20:25
* rockstar nods20:26
sinzuiabentley, yes, and we must do better at decoupling the features20:26
rockstarsinzui, we aren't in the habit of it.  I think that's what the problem really is.20:27
abentleyrockstar, could you ping me when you've updated those doc errors?20:27
rockstarWe haven't really focused on not coupling features.20:27
sinzuirockstar, indeed. It is easier to see the problem now that we have separate trees20:27
rockstarabentley, pushed, waiting for scanner...20:27
rockstarsinzui, yeah, that is helpful.20:27
abentleyrockstar, cool.  I'll watch it then.20:28
rockstarIt would probably reduce the risk of circular imports by an order of magnitude also.20:28
rockstarabentley, just noticed one of the comments is still wrong...  :/20:33
* rockstar waits for scanner again.20:35
rockstarabentley, alright, everything should be kosher now.20:43
abentleyrockstar, looking...20:44
abentleyrockstar, products can have sourcepackage branches, but your product.getRecipes() doesn't include them, right?20:46
rockstarabentley, good question.  I have no idea.20:47
rockstarabentley, I was under the assumption that querying the Branch table would bring them all in.20:47
rockstarIf that's not the case, "eep."20:47
abentleyI don't think it would do that.20:48
abentleyI thought you were deliberately excluding them.20:48
rockstarabentley, I don't know why I would deliberately exclude them.20:48
abentleyAIUI, sourcepackagebranches do not necessarily have a product.20:48
rockstarabentley, ah, well, in that case, they wouldn't come up associated with the product then.20:48
abentleyYou need to have a link between the sourcepackage and the product.20:48
abentleyAnd then to find sourcepackagebranches, you'd need to find the branches whose sourcepackage was linked to that product.20:49
rockstarabentley, hm, I question whether or not it matters then.  If the source package doesn't have a product, than it shouldn't show up by product anyway.20:49
rockstarI suspect we'll probably want related recipes for a source package, but I wasn't going to implement that until someone wanted it.20:49
abentleyrockstar, if you want to exclude sourcepackagebranches for now, you need to tweak your comment slightly.20:50
abentley"IProduct.recipes should provide all the SourcePackageRecipes attached to that product." => "IProduct.recipes should provide all the SourcePackageRecipes attached to that product's branches"20:51
rockstarabentley, Sure.20:51
rockstarabentley, done.20:51
abentleyrockstar, r=me.20:52
rockstarabentley, cheers.20:52
abentleyrockstar, could you please review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/answer-ordering/+merge/23050?21:35
abentleyrockstar, Also, request-build is ready for review: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/request-build/+merge/2257021:36
rockstarabentley, gotcha.  I'm on it.21:37
rockstarabentley, r=me on the ordering one, looking at the other one now.21:37
rockstarabentley, what's up with pylint now?21:39
abentleyrockstar, I don't know.21:40
rockstarabentley, I wonder why we still have pylint when it never seems to do anything but give us false positives.21:40
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