
Oxymoronyofel: Now that error is gone, but "[mpeg4 @ 0x8c03980]Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected" still there00:05
yofelthat seems like a decoder error, don't know about that00:06
aviscan anyone explain to me the mechanics of having apache as a dependency of personal file sharing ?  is the apache for LAN wide exclusive sharing, or can over the net be done as well ?00:24
mazda01i've upgraded so many times that my menus have these extra and duplicate apps in them. is  there a virtual package that I uninstall and remove from a tty1, then purge them, then reinstall them so that I have a lucid desktop with all default apps plus only apps i installed? example: within system, prefs, I have 2 Appearances, 2 removable drives and media, 2 preferred applications. how can I clean this up? do I just have to go through the00:29
mazda01main menu editor and remove them>00:29
BUGa_vacationsFYI lp:~nafai/gwibber/gnomekeyring-fix00:38
BUGa_vacationsreally fixes gwibber bug with gnome keyring00:38
BUGa_vacationsno more ubber cpu usage00:39
BUGa_vacationsnight guys00:47
avisnight BUGa_vacations00:48
NCommanderHas anyone attempted to do NFS root with lucid on x86?00:48
BUGa_vacationshi NCommander00:48
BUGa_vacationsbye NCommander00:48
NCommandernight BUGa_vacations00:48
=== BUGa_vacations is now known as BUGa_sleeping
magaioI just installed ATI Catalyst 10.3 successfully, but it seems that libGL.so.1 is missing, I can't run aticonfig or fglrxinfo. Is there a package I'm missing?01:05
yofelmagaio: that file should be provided by the fglrx package using the alternatives system01:10
magaioyofel: I think I might have messed this up by having installed xorg-edgers, I think I forgot to revert that01:12
yofelmagaio: hm, it's a bit different it seems, the file should be in /usr/lib/fglrx/ now, and /etc/ld.so.conf.d/GL.conf should tell ldconfig to look there01:15
magaioyofel: I just installed the ATI fglrx from their website, GL.conf only has /usr/lib/mesa and /usr/lib32/mesa. lib32 has it, but this is a 64 bit build...01:17
yofelurgh, I have no idea how much the ati driver from the website might mess with the OS01:17
yofelwe certainly don't support them01:18
magaioit's strange, I had installed 10.2 just fine, no problems, I think it's xorg edgers that messed things up01:18
yofelit certainly could, as the system should prefer the mesa libGL over the at one01:19
voss749Why didnt freeciv 2.2 get added to 10.04?01:22
yofelit might have missed feature freeze01:23
voss749When was feature freeze?01:23
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:23
magaioYep, running ppa-purge on edgers now01:23
yofelvoss749: february 18th01:24
voss749Omg, freeciv 2.2 stable release missed feature freeze by 3 days.01:24
yofelvoss749: you could file a sync request from debian testing and try to get a feature freese exception if you think it should be added to lucid, the MOTU folks in #ubuntu-motu should be able to tell you more about that01:26
yofelmaybe you'll make it before final freeze01:27
voss749Nah ive checked the schedule at this point it would be easier to get it into backports01:34
mawstgamestop crystal01:39
bsmith093is anyone else having nearly continuous screen refreshes01:45
bsmith093where the screen goes dark for a second like its maybe a power issue or something?01:45
bsmith093its really annoying01:45
markl_for awhile in the alphas it would refresh once when i tried to log in01:47
markl_but they fixed it at some point01:47
bsmith093how can i find out if they fixed it for my model of monitor01:48
bsmith093also ive been running since alpha 301:48
bsmith093should i reinstall from the beta01:48
bsmith093itsrefreshing about once every 15 secs01:48
yofeldid you check in dmesg if the driver gives some sort of reason for the refresh?01:50
bsmith093how do i do that01:50
markl_reinstalling can't hurt i guess01:50
bsmith093is beta 2 out yet01:50
markl_but it would be frustrating to reinstall and have it still be broken :)01:50
markl_no just beta 1 i think01:51
yofelopen a terminal and type 'dmesg'01:51
bsmith093yes it would01:51
yofelit will print the kernel log01:51
bsmith093no change01:51
yofelwell, it just gives the log, but does the log say something at the times when the screen refreshes?01:52
yofelhm, then check /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages and /var/log/Xorg.0.log too01:53
bsmith093is there a fast way to check thema ll at once01:53
yofelhm, there should be a log viewer in the system menu I think01:54
bsmith093yofel something changed ill pastebin02:03
yofelif that's what was added, the intel graphics driver seems to rescan for possible display modes, no idea why it would do that though02:06
yofelwell, I have to go, good night02:07
bsmith093any ideas02:07
TohuwCan someone who is NOT using fglrx provide me with the ls of the following directories on their 10.4 Beta install? /etc/ati /usr/lib32/fglrx /usr/lib/fglrx02:31
ZykoticK9Tohuw, no - because non of those paths exists without fglrx installed!  I'm running nvidia - an non where present02:33
TohuwPerfect, thanks02:33
lamalexTohuw: same is true on intel02:33
TohuwI'm trying to fix a fun issue with fglrx on some Radeon cards, so I want to purge as many flgrx-related files as possible, and those directories persisted after an aptitude purge.02:34
TohuwFor those bored enough: Hi, I'm having an issue with my ATI Radeon HD 3650 (AGP). The card is detected properly, and I have installed ATI's proprietary driver (fglrx 8.721). However, the following error is logged in Xorg.log: "(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@2:0:1) found" This renders fglrx inoperable and reverts me to a low-graphics mode. I'm wondering if it has to do with my monitor, a Dell E207WFPc,02:35
Tohuwbecause it does not seem to detect the right resolutions or refresh rates. It is also worth noting that fglrxinfo crashes with a segfault.02:35
Tohuwhttp://pastebin.org/140795 is the xorg log02:35
Tohuwkilling X, brb02:36
Berzerkercan anyone suggest good backup software?02:46
danyRBerzerker, Déjà Dup, Backintime02:48
Berzerkerwhich one works easiest/most similarly to time machine?02:48
CommuneAnyone know why AIM accts won't connect anymore?02:49
CommuneIn lucid02:49
danyRDéjà Dup has nice Nautilus integration02:49
danyRbut probably Back in Time is the most similar02:50
ZykoticK9Commune, http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-04-07-025-35-OS-NT&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+linuxtoday%252Flinux+%2528Linux+Today%252902:50
danyRBerzerker, http://code.google.com/p/flyback/02:51
BerzerkerDanaG: says it can't install python-gnome2-extras02:55
Berzerkerif I replace my motherboard, will I have to reinstall ubuntu?03:05
azopBerzerker: you shouldn't03:08
Berzerkeryou're a nub lol03:09
Berzerkerazop: thanks03:09
brummbaerafter updating lucid, the boot-splash screen-res dropped. i tried increasing w/ startup-manager, and now it's a solid color and pretty hideous text. anyone know how to fix this? i'm not familiar w/ grub2 yet.03:10
ZykoticK9brummbaer, if you are using proprietary nvidia - plymouth resolution is set to 640x480 - and without jumping through a lot of hoops i believe it's pretty set03:12
brummbaerZykoticK9, proprietary ATI over here, you think it's the same thing?03:12
ZykoticK9brummbaer, no idea - best of luck man.03:13
shane2peruok, it seems as though when I boot it wants to check the disk, and it hangs in the process, and I don't think it is checking, it won't let me switch to another terminal either, anyone else having this problem?03:14
brummbaerZykoticK9, thx anyways. guess now's a good time to start learning grub2 :)03:15
shane2perubrummbaer, what is the prob?  not booting?03:15
ZykoticK9brummbaer, what i can say is VGA= lines are not compatible with Lucid kernel - other then that i know nothing about frame buffer (don't see the point myself)03:16
brummbaershane2peru, nah, just being picky about the boot splash. it was low-res after an update, and i tried using startup-mgr to fix... now no bg img at all03:16
shane2perubrummbaer, ahh, ok, well enjoy, grub 1 was easier in some ways, however updating grub 2 is less involved03:17
brummbaerseems that way indeed.03:17
DanaGweird thing keeps happening to me with thunderbird: it asks me two times, at the same time, for my master password... and ALWAYS rejects it (and asks again) the first time I enter it.03:17
shane2peruDanaG, from radeon?03:17
psusiwhenever I try to use the usb startup disk creator to create a liveusb, the settings to enable reserving space to store your changes are always greyed out... anyone else have this problem or not?03:18
DanaGto anyone who would've needed VGA=, try uvesafb.03:18
shane2peruDanaG, I think you helped me out on #radeon, or you have the same name. :)03:18
DanaGyeah, I hang around there.03:18
DanaGuvesafb should be a googleable term.03:18
brummbaerthx for the tip03:19
DanaGuvesafb also can mode-switch on the fly... though it's still limited to VESA modes.03:19
brummbaeri read something about vbeinfo for finding supported modes?03:19
shane2peruDanaG, ok, quick question, for the settings you told me to pugin on the grub line: add radeon.mode=1 etc  is that just for the first time I boot?  or do I need to plug that in permenantly into grub.cfg? the one that they say not to edit by hand\03:21
DanaGThe place to make it persistent is /etc/default/grub03:22
DanaGan example (with uvesafb, in my case):03:22
DanaGGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="video=uvesafb:mode_option=1280x960-24@60,scroll=ywrap,blank=1 splash"03:22
shane2peruDanaG, ahh, ok, I"m not real proficient with this grub2 stuff yet, I had grub1 down pretty good.03:22
shane2peruDanaG, thanks, one more thing, what is the difference between the drm kernel and the normal kernel?  drm has radeon stuff in it?03:23
shane2peruDanaG, sorry to hound you with all these questions, just trying to understand this better.03:23
DanaGdrm-next kernel has brand-spanking-new radeon (and intel, and such) drivers.03:23
DanaGThere are 3 basic parts to the driver, I believe:03:24
DanaGThe kernel part ("drm", "radeon" module); the display driver (package xserver-xorg-video-radeon), and Mesa (the 3D driver).03:24
DanaGdrm-next has bleeding-edge of the first; xorg-edgers has bleeding-edge of the other two.03:25
shane2peruDanaG, ok, so the drm kernel is working together with the edgers ppa, got it, what ever took place made my laptop actually usable, before opening two tabs in FF would overheat it!03:26
shane2peruDanaG, thanks a bundle for the info, wish I could help you with the Thunderbird issue, but don't know anything about it.03:29
Communeso what flash plugin works with lucid?  i didn't see anything about it not working in the release notes.03:31
macoadobe's works for me03:31
Communewhat version?03:31
Communeokay, do you know the name of the package?03:35
Communesearching for it in repositories03:35
ZykoticK9Commune, you can try Icedtea plugin which used the OpenJava - or add the Partner repo and add Adobe's plugin03:35
CommuneOkay, I'll try both of those, thanks!03:36
nigelbCommune, the one maco told you is 'flashplugin-nonfree'03:36
macoflashplugin-installer is the one03:36
macoZykoticK9: er... youre mixed up03:37
macoicedtea is a java plugin, not a flash plugin03:37
macojava != flash03:37
ZykoticK9maco, oh sorry java vs flash -- sorry!03:37
ZykoticK9Commune, sorry i was in the wrong brain03:37
nigelbisn't flashplugin-nonfree = flashplugin-installer?03:38
Communezykotick9, all good.  i'm installing the flashplugin-installer package, see if that works...03:38
nigelbah, transitional package :)03:38
Communeis there any distinction there?03:38
Communenice, works.03:41
TohuwI haven't STFW very hard for this yet, but are there plugins or such for Empathy that give features like masking excessive join/part messages and remaining in a chat room after the window is closed?03:41
TohuwI like a lot of things about Empathy, but I miss my Pidgin plugins :(03:42
=== peter is now known as Guest25769
almoxarifehow do I completely uninstall kubuntu and reinstall gnome?04:00
almoxarife!uninstall kubuntu04:01
ZykoticK9!puregnome | almoxarife04:01
ubottualmoxarife: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal04:01
ubuntufreakafter upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 the 'fglrx' package is broken and i am not able to install it, any help would be welcomed.04:14
alex_mayorgaCan anyone de-duplicate this http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/item/558804:18
alex_mayorga"Idea #5588: Make my desktop/laptop works as a bluetooth headset"04:19
alex_mayorgajust came along the use case minutes ago, this should be great to have on Lucid ;)04:19
TohuwMy desktop has a Blank CD-Rom Disc on it all the time, but no disc is in any drive. Unmount does nothing, and it persists through restarts. Any ideas? Ubuntu 10.04 Beta amd64, updated as of today including backports and proposed04:21
bsmith093is there a way to convert a partition with windows installed into a virtual machine04:23
Tohuwbsmith093: what program are you using for virtualization?04:24
bsmith093i was thinking virtualbox but if you can recommend something better im open to suggestions04:24
Tohuwbsmith093: then no, you can't. And for the price (free), I find VirtualBox to be the best solution for small-scale easy to use virtualizing04:28
bsmith093really there's no way to convert it04:29
TohuwThe only virtualization solution I'm aware of that would do something similar to what you're describing is VMWare Enterprise, and it's not really ideal to do it that way either, at least when I was toying with that.04:29
bsmith093ok thanks04:30
Tohuwbsmith093: virtualizing is not the same as imaging an OS from one machine to another; there's a lot more involved. Someone out there may have a solution for you, but I would suggest just installing a fresh instance.04:30
=== freevryheid is now known as fvs
keanuI seem to be having a slight problem...gdm's letting me log in, but then it just sits trying to load my desktop04:41
keanuTried a couple restarts, using an old kernel, shutting off apparmor, even as far as simply creating a new user...nothing seems to let me get to the desktop04:43
fvsGame Quadrapassel fails to load on amd6404:45
keanuusing amd64, by the way04:50
keanuactually, slight correction04:58
keanuoriginally, it was just a loop where it'd bring me back to the purple login screen04:58
keanubut now it's just stuck trying to load my desktop04:59
MuscovyDoes anyone know how to make changes in /usr/share/applications? Any i make are resetting themselves when I log out.05:05
QueenZwhen is Ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 coming out?05:13
ZykoticK9QueenZ, should be sometime tomorrow05:13
QueenZsounds good05:14
MTughanOoh, nice... I have to reinstall Ubuntu and Fedora on my laptop anyways. Fedora's done, but I'll hold off on Ubuntu then.05:14
hellyeahi have a problem05:15
hellyeahi cant enable all compiz settings in ubuntu lucid05:16
hellyeahwha  is the reason of that05:17
Damascenewhat is your graphic card?05:17
MTughanhellyeah: Probably something graphics related. What graphics card and driver do you have?05:17
ZykoticK9hellyeah, some are working and others are not?05:17
hellyeahnvidia 8400 g ms05:17
hellyeahyes ZykoticK905:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment05:17
ZykoticK9hellyeah, that's very strange - you might want to try and ask in #compiz if you don't get an answer here first05:18
hellyeahi played sauerbraten that works great first person shooter game05:18
ZykoticK9hellyeah, oh - but none of compiz is working?05:19
hellyeahfor example05:20
hellyeahsmoek effect works but wobby windows not work 3d  cube works but any other animation not work05:20
hellyeahthat is weird05:21
hellyeahwobby windows enabled soapping windows disabled but i cant see any wobby effect wo windows05:23
hellyeahi downloaded all compiz package from lucid rpo but it seems some compiz package has different version some package has 0.8.4 other 0.8.2 and other have 0.7.4 can it be the reason05:25
ranjanthe gwibber in lucid is not showing my tweets :( any help??05:44
ranjanis there any authorisation needed with twitter?/05:44
akkan84gma 950, titlebar disappear after turnin visual fx on05:49
akkan84anyone else has/had the same problem?05:49
akkan8410.04 doesnt agree with my gma950....heeelp05:51
akkan84does any1 have intel gma950?05:55
Am4no_akkan84 are u getting a black screen on boot?05:58
akkan84ok,im back06:05
akkan84gma 950...no titlebars when compiz turned on06:06
adelcampoi installed the oxygen cursors and picked the orange color. But it always shows the black version when doing right click menus or anywhere on the desktop. It only shows the orange cursor when my mouse is on most other applications. Any ideas?06:21
LordKowwell this is a new problem for me i have not seen before: virtualbox host drivers and nvidia not getting along06:58
LordKowit seems as if the modules are not being loaded in the right order. if both the vbox drivers and nvidia load at boot I get an "out of memory" error from the nvidia driver in the Xorg.log. however, if I let X start using the nouveau driver and then logout (effecting restarting X), nvidia works fine06:59
LordKowi would rather fix the problem then work-around it by using a shell script to load the vbox drivers upon login... because I am willing to bet this problem will resurface once lucid is released.06:59
ddecatoranyone else having nautilus crash on them? i'm trying to open /usr/bin and it crashes every time07:00
LordKowworks fine for me, run it in a terminal and look for error msgs07:01
VigoLordKow: Was that an upgrade or fresh install from media?07:02
LordKowwas a fresh install07:02
hiredgoon1/win 307:02
hiredgoon1/win 207:02
LordKowdoes ureadahead profile modules?07:02
ddecatorLordKow: just tried that. once nautilus launches, the terminal ends its process07:03
VigoLordKow: I had a like error, fresh install seemed to fix it.07:03
LordKowVigo: yea but thats not fixing the problem :P07:03
VigoLordKow: I agree07:03
LordKowit appears my hypothesis is correct, virtualbox and nvidia not getting along.07:06
LordKowi believe nvidia should be loaded first followed by virtualbox not at the same time.07:06
VigoLordKow: Beta2?07:07
alex_mayorgaHow to de-duplicate ideas over at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com07:09
alex_mayorgaDid #ayatana moved the buttons once more?07:09
LordKowalright i have narrowed down the problem: ureadahead07:17
LordKownot that im surprised07:17
LordKowtime to disable it... only saved me 1 second on my boot time.07:18
LordKowwhy ureadahead is a dependency of ubuntu-minimal baffles me... you dont NEED ureadahead.. it should be a recommend07:20
VigoWhy Tomboy?07:40
LordKowi was looking for a good reason to switch back to qemu, now i have it07:42
VigoLordKnow: Are you on an older box or laptop?07:43
LordKowVigo: old school dual opteron cpu07:47
LordKowno kvm :(07:47
DanaGhmm, how about vbox?07:51
LordKowDanaG: cpu must support virtualization07:52
DanaGI think you can run it without VT support.07:53
LordKowso can qemu07:53
LordKowand vmware for that matter07:53
LordKowand virtualbox does not have problems with the proprietary nvidia driver and virtualbox :)07:53
Vigonouveu? <spell check that>07:55
LordKowyea i really just want to call it nv... fewer letters and im lazy07:55
VigoI was reading up on that a bit, still reading...07:56
DanaGjust say nv binary.07:57
DanaGor nvrm.  though few people will know what that is.07:57
DanaG!g NVRM07:57
thakI was wondering if anyone else has a problem with deluged in 10.4?08:02
ezequielHI every body08:04
daroluI'd like to use the font used in the new Ubuntu logo, does the font have a name? is there a font package already available? a similar one at least?08:08
ezequielwhy are people saying lucid linx will not have gimp in it's repositories???08:09
VigoPeople talk08:09
VigoIt is in there already.08:10
daroluI've never heard/read this gimp rumour until now08:10
VigoI have not either, but peoples do talk.08:11
alex_mayorgawhat do you think of this idea http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/5588 ?08:11
alex_mayorgaIdea #5588: Make my desktop/laptop work as a bluetooth headset08:11
alex_mayorgajust today I stumbled into the use case myself08:12
ezequielI read it in a webpage from someone writting an article about lucid linx08:12
alex_mayorgais it an easy hack?08:12
darolualex_mayorga, the idea is good, compatibility with all mobiles may be a pain in the neck though08:13
Vigoalex_mayorga: I think, I am not certain, but I think Ekiga does that.08:13
alex_mayorgadarolu: I know, but honestly I was kind of baffled to find out my laptop can't "fake" being a headset08:14
alex_mayorgaVigo: got links?08:14
ezequielI want to know the features that will come with Lucid Linx so to decide to upgrade or keep Karmic on my PC but where can I find some information about Lucid???08:15
alex_mayorgaI believe if anything it should be a bluetooth preference somewhere08:15
DanaGalex_mayorga: it's possible if you edit /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf...08:15
DanaG... but when I try that, pulseaudio dies on an assertion failure, repeatedly.08:15
Vigoalex_mayorga: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga08:15
alex_mayorgaezequiel: IMHO you should just upgrade, if anything you'll get more/better functionality08:15
alex_mayorgaDanaG: you mean you've already tried it?08:16
bbordwellezequiel, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta108:16
alex_mayorgaDanaG: did you bug pulseaudio?08:16
DanaGA bug report already exists, though not in Ubuntu.08:16
alex_mayorgaVigo: thanks, I 'know ekiga, but I'm more interested on taking my cellphone calls on the PC if possible08:17
daroluezequiel, you can read the release notes http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 just keep in mind it is beta right now. In general, upgrading is (most of the times) recommended, 10.04 is a LTS release so I would STRONGLY recommend upgrading.08:17
DanaGIn my case, it was with a2dp only.08:17
ezequielthank you! :)08:18
alex_mayorgaDanaG: I see, I wonder if bluez was bugged also08:18
alex_mayorgaI'll download ekiga if just to chat with that 500@ekiga.net gal :)08:19
DanaGgoogle terms:08:19
DanaGpulseaudio bluetooth assertion source08:19
alex_mayorgaDanaG: Thanks!08:19
DexterLBwhen is beta2 due?08:22
Vigo5 hours ago08:23
DexterLBbut it still isn't released08:23
DexterLBbloody early deadlines08:23
DexterLBdevs can never keep up to them08:23
VigoYeah, is all fun08:23
ubuntuI am using Ubuntu 10 04 beta live cd, every now and then the entire SCREEN turns GRAY and everything slows down08:23
daroluDexterLB, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:24
DexterLBdarolu: yeah, and it says today08:24
arand8th, they've got a whole day to go.08:24
daroluDexterLB, :D yup, I dunno what is their time zone though08:24
DexterLBtime zones08:25
DexterLBI thought it was UTC08:25
bbordwellDexterLB, yep it is still wed night in some places08:25
arandDexterLB: It is, usually.08:25
daroluubuntu, well it is "Beta", bugs like that are expected; check your memory integrity though... just in case.08:25
arandDexterLB: But the relase is always "sometime during..."08:25
DanaGugh, bedtyme08:26
DanaGThu Apr  8 00:26:07 PDT 201008:26
* DexterLB : Thu Apr 8 10:26:15 EEST 201008:26
bbordwellTorrentow_, hello08:26
DexterLBTorrentow_: hey08:26
arandAnd the best is really to check back tomorrow, then if there's no delays, it will have been released..08:26
Torrentow_we're use ntfs on ubuntu?08:27
* DexterLB loves bleeding edge though08:27
DexterLBTorrentow_: I didn't understand you08:27
daroluwe are using ntfs on ubuntu??08:27
Torrentow_*we are08:27
daroluwe are used? using?08:28
DexterLBntfs is supported to some extent08:28
daroluTorrentow_, you can use NTFS partitions08:28
DexterLBbut certainly not recommended08:28
DexterLBthey are known to cause trouble08:28
alex_mayorgaDanaG: seems they've reached PoC using oFono, whatever that is08:28
arandFor root FS, really? (apart from wubi)...08:28
daroluwell... interact with; I wouldn't use ntfs as my main file system (i.e. for / or /home)08:28
alex_mayorgaDanaG: see http://jprvita.wordpress.com/2010/01/30/handsfree-hs-role08:29
Torrentow_i have a small bugs, he is on lauchpad08:29
DexterLBfor rootfs - hardly08:29
Torrentow_i wailt a updates08:29
arandDexterLB: certainly ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs works very well for everything except chkdsk and defragging.08:29
DexterLBntfs needs chdsk and defragging08:30
DexterLBit's a primitive FS you know08:30
arandThat was probably meant for Torrentow_ , btw08:30
daroluDexterLB, that is correct08:30
DexterLBand M$ are stuck with it08:31
DexterLBafraid to make change as we, humans, always di08:31
bbordwellDexterLB, supposed to be a new fs for vista....got delayed to windows 7.....hmm still no new fs08:31
arandI'm excited about btrfs, snapshotting sounds sweeet.08:31
Torrentow_my partitions on ntfs, i must change my fs to xfs08:32
Vigois tzdata the route if I wish to change to UTC?08:32
SandGorgonhmm... a lucid bug hit hacker news front page.. with criticisms http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=124872508:32
daroluWell Microsoft and all of its associates benefit from a crappy, rudimentary and ancient file system; they can sell you apps to defrag/fix them that way08:32
DexterLBVigo: tzconfig and tzselect08:33
DexterLByeah, tzdata08:33
VigoDexterLB: Thank you08:33
daroluTorrentow_, your / partition should be either ext4 or xfs; yeah. xfs is more reliable although ext4 is faster and has neat features08:33
bbordwelldarolu, but windows includes a defrag utility so you would have to be stupid to buy one?08:33
Torrentow_i will test raifaser fs08:34
DexterLBhmm, I have ext3 for / on lucid08:34
DexterLBis that bad?08:34
bbordwellDexterLB, nope08:34
darolubbordwell, they also offer anti-virus solutions which in my opinion is far more stupid08:34
darolubbordwell, I haven't used windows in a while, but I remember a "CCleaner" app (or similar name) that was quite popular, I bet there are hundreds of similar apps out there08:35
daroluDexterLB, is not bad at all08:36
VigoI use ClamAV and others on this GNU/Linux/BSD box because MS is still 95% or more of the users worldwide.08:36
daroluI'd like to use the font used in the new Ubuntu logo, does the font have a name? is there a font package already available? a similar one at least?08:38
aranddarolu: I'm not even sure it's all finished...08:38
Vigodarolu: I am still looking for that for you, no luck yet..08:41
daroluarand, I'm not sure either, but I suppose it's been finished for a while now; anyways a similar font would be nice; is there a similar one? I love the "u" and "t" look08:41
daroluVigo, thanks I'm still looking for it or a similar one... sadly I see no "ttf-ubuntu-title" package in lucid's ones08:43
Vigodarolu: Maybe here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lucid-changes/2010-March/009224.html <>Regenerate font, among other things including more Kazakh characters08:44
daroluVigo, the link seems to be a thread about a boot loader :( the package I pasted installs the "regular/old" ubuntu font08:48
Vigodaralu: It is not the Kazakh thing?08:50
Vigodarolu: Or here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/0.9.808:54
daroluVigo, Kasakh refers to a ethnic group, the thread talks about the characters they use; the second launchpad link you pasted talks about a boot theme also.08:56
VigoIt is a Humanity towards all thing, maybe08:57
darolu(well seems to contain sources of a boot theme)08:57
VigoSo the gfxboot may have it listed...?08:58
daroluI'm looking for the latin/utf-8/iso-8859-1 version of it; thanks man08:59
Vigodarolu: You are quite welcome, I hope that path works.09:05
gentoo4lifethe new flgrx drivers that ubuntu got early are working pretty good. anyone else using them now?09:08
yatin_I have installed ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, works great... I have tried installing on my desktop but cant make it to work... i have nvidia 7200 gs graphics card..09:09
VigoI am sleepy now, Thank you all and have a great time.09:10
titan_arkhi. I just wanted to report that its the 2nd time in 2 weeks my lucid boot has failed09:10
gentoo4lifeanyone else having shutdown issues? like it just goes black and the computer doesnt power off09:11
titan_arkgentoo4life, yes i had something similar now.09:11
gentoo4lifetitan_ark, you firgure out whats causing the problem?09:11
titan_arkactually FF was instantiating and also the terminal was inaccessable no buttons or text was visible in the dialog boxes that came up etc09:12
titan_arkso i tried to reboot and it was not09:12
titan_arkso i had to force reboot09:12
titan_arkand now i cant boot in!09:12
titan_arkcould not figure out whats wrong09:12
gentoo4lifeouch, you running a raid?09:12
gentoo4lifeit fucks up the stripe when you power off using raid... ive done it too many times lol09:13
titan_arki dont think raid. not much idea. its an hp dv4 notebook09:14
titan_ark2nd time i had to re install lucid :(09:14
titan_arki think i will have to wait for rc. beta is too buggy09:14
gentoo4lifeim using the daily, its running great on my desktop although its only been a couple of days since the ati drivers got fixed09:15
titan_arkthat is good09:16
titan_arki have been having trouble since day 109:16
titan_arknti**.bin crashes on every boot09:16
titan_arkquite a few crashes09:17
gentoo4lifethis is the first 64bit linux distro ive used on this computer that had flawless 1080p and didnt have those horizontal line artifacts in openarena. im quite impressed09:18
BigMack83im using lucid on my HP pavillion dv7, anytime i put a dvd in to play it, it tells me unable to play: cannot read from resource. does anyone else know of this issue?09:19
bbordwellBigMack83, do you have libdvdcss2 installed?09:20
BigMack83ill look, hold on09:20
BigMack83um updating my sources. so just a sec09:21
gentoo4lifeits libdvdread is think now09:24
bbordwellgentoo4life, that is a diffferent package09:24
bbordwellgentoo4life, libdvdcss2 is for the encryption09:24
bbordwellBigMack83, also check for libdvdread though as that is needed as well09:25
bbordwellgentoo4life, he left the channel09:26
gentoo4lifejust incase anyone else was lurkin09:26
BigMack83bbordwell: i guess i didnt have it installed. i dont see why you cant just play encrypted dvd's by default. i can see ripping them, but just to play. seems kinda lame.09:26
gentoo4lifehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs you missed this a second ago09:26
bbordwellBigMack83, it is illegal to ship ubuntu in some countries with it included09:27
bbordwellBigMack83, http://packages.medibuntu.org/lucid/libdvdcss2.html09:27
bbordwellinstall that package09:27
BigMack83yea i found the page to install it. thanks09:27
BigMack83in the package manager, in the description for the*buntu-restricted-extras it said it wasnt installed and gave a link to install it09:28
qwertyjustinhey my computer just froze coming out of suspend mode. it happens occasionally, what's the best log file to look @ for this issue??09:31
Machtinwhy does my hp-printer not print duplex, although i set it to do so?09:32
qwertyjustintype in ur printer model and 'ubuntu' in google09:34
qwertyjustinthey'll help u get it good mate09:34
qwertyjustini just through on my hp the other day09:34
qwertyjustinworks brilliant09:34
Machtinhm, i'll check09:34
linuxrevolutionwaiting for beta 2 :-/09:49
bullgard'~$ uname -a; Linux T42 2.6.32-19-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 31 17:46:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux.' My Ubuntu is up-to-date. is this Beta 2?09:49
bbordwellbullgard, yes09:51
bullgardbbordwell: Thank you.09:52
bbordwellbullgard, unless they upload some new packages fro bug fixes at the last minute.09:52
RHansenit looks like my updated beta1 kernel09:52
RHansenis beta2 equal to beta1 with updates?09:53
bbordwellRHansen, since april first pretty much09:53
bbordwellRHansen, a week before the beta release there is a package freeze so no changes are made unless it is minor bug fixes to ensure the beta2 disk will be (mostly) stable09:55
RHansenI'll go see if I can replicate a bug then, I have a server install and the console doesnt show up when booting. I can ssh to the box fine though. I searched the bug-site, but couldnt find it there.09:56
linuxrevolutionbbordwell: I change theme but nautilus is classic theme!!09:58
BUGabundodiæs !09:58
bbordwelllinuxrevolution, changing themes is working fine for me. have you tried rebooting?09:59
linuxrevolutionbbordwell: yes, sometimes when I start ubuntu, theme is classic and I have to change it again10:00
linuxrevolutionbbordwell: yes, sometimes when I start ubuntu, theme is classic and I have to change it again10:07
ranjanhai all the plymouth is missing after the latest update.10:08
ranjanany work around10:08
RHansenOk, so I installed a second Lenovo T500 with 10.04beta1 32-bit server-edition, and there is only a blank console on that one too. Clean server install with only openssh-server. Does that warrant a bug-report?10:22
BUGabundosomeone check something for me , please10:23
BUGabundo should click images attached to LP open a new tab? or use the same?10:23
Sweetdoes anyone know when beta2 is going to be released10:28
jpdsSweet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:33
jackhigh1anyone familiar with the ayi open driver it cant detect my screen and i cant get a decent resoulution10:34
Sweetjpds: I know its today but I was just wondering when exactly ^^10:34
jpdsSweet: No idea.10:34
sebsebsebSweet: probably in a few hours or so10:35
allardHey, I tried to upgrade to beta1. The upgrade worked, but now my nvidia video card does nothing on 2.6.32. That is, the monitors go black and it looks like there is no video output what soever. The old 2.6.31 kernel still boots and X works fine. Where should I go and file a bugreport10:35
coz_allard,  did you reinstall the nvidia driver?10:36
allardyeah, I tried to reinstall, lemme see10:36
allardapt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx-18510:36
allardI also ran dkms10:36
coz_allard,  let me check on my lucid machine for the correct one hold on10:37
allarddkms status shows an installed module for 2.6.3210:37
allardthat would be the latest... )10:37
coz_allard,  I believe it would be   sudo apt-get install  nvidia-current10:38
allardah, 195.36.1510:39
allardreinstalling now10:39
allardmust be mode settings support that is borked10:39
marienzI think I'll upgrade my laptop from karmic once beta2's officially released10:40
allardallright, this did something :)10:41
allardthanks, coz_10:41
coz_allard,  let me know if it in fact worked10:42
allardnow to test it :)10:42
allardbrb ;)10:42
zeneti'm trying to install the ubuntu 10.04 beta on my intel 2 Quad 64 and the install process freezes !!11:02
zenetanybody here ?11:04
sebsebsebhi duffydack11:04
gnomefreakzenet: yes people are here, someone will help you if they can help with your issue11:04
duffydacksebsebseb, lol, I was just about to post that11:05
sebsebsebduffydack: beat you to it then :D11:07
BUGabundognomefreak: see log from this # for about 22:00 GMT+1 yesterday for more insite on google vs yahoo11:16
gnomefreakBUGabundo: im looking at the mailing list post11:17
[diablo]afternoon all11:22
[diablo]guys, beta2 is out today yeah?11:22
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:23
[diablo]yep, I´ve seen it11:24
chazcoHi... on 9.10 i can enable and calibrate my touchscreen using a HAL FDI file... how can I do this on 10.04? (the touchscreen doesn't work on the live cd)11:24
[diablo]any torrents kicking about as I see no ISO images atm11:25
coc0nutIs it even out yet?11:26
coc0nutI thought it'd be released later as half the world isn't even awake yet. ^^11:26
duffydackin cdimages.ubuntu.com there is Archive-Update-in-Progress-chromium.canonical.com   ?)11:26
duffydackguess im beta 2 already, there aint been any major updates for sometime11:39
neurreis there net installo cd image somewhere?11:42
BUGabundoneurre: ^^^^^^11:44
BUGabundoyou can also use netboot.me or boot.kernel.org11:44
BUGabundobut will need to set the proper mirror to point to lucid11:45
mkulkehello, i updated my packages today and now my laptop does not shutdown any more. it just hangs on the splash screen forever :/11:58
mkulkeanyone had this problem?11:58
bpat|WorkFor the beta, is the netbook remix using gnome available?  Or is there only one and that which is on the Kubuntu (and assumingly uses KDE) the only one?11:59
[diablo]and does anyone know about JEOS 10.04 at all please?12:02
yellabshello everybody12:02
yellabshow is it going?12:02
[diablo]afternoon yellabs12:02
yellabsis there a freeze in the daily builds ? its at april 6, thats the latest version...12:03
yellabsso there is no 7 april or 8 april version?12:03
yellabsor is my cache playing tricks?12:03
yellabsany tips are welcome12:04
yellabsdaily live, cd is what i am talking about by the way12:05
yellabscould some one take a quick look?12:06
yellabsdoes it say 6 april ?12:06
Sensivayellabs Beta2 freeze happened on the 1st of Apr.12:07
Sensivaaccording to the schedule Beta2 will be released today12:07
yellabsah , i see12:08
yellabsi will wait a bit then , cool12:08
yellabsthanks for the info12:08
=== neurre is now known as neure
Sensivayou welcome12:09
HagenaarsDotNu1Is there an eta for the beta 2 or is it merely sometime today?12:22
yofelHagenaarsDotNu1: some time, there'll be a mail on the devel-announce mailing list once it's out and the topic will be updated12:27
yofelHagenaarsDotNu1: you can just get a daily build from yesterday though, not much has changed since then12:27
quentusrexanyone know what time the beta is coming out?12:30
BUGabundo!schedule > quentusrex12:31
ubottuquentusrex, please see my private message12:31
zekoZekosomeone please update the topic, only questions today seem to be about beta2 release :)12:31
quentusrexyes, someone please update the topic12:31
BUGabundooh noesz12:32
BUGabundorelease day again?12:32
alvinHmm, if you set 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' in /etc/network/interfaces, Lucid does not create /etc/resolv.conf at boot, but does give you an IP address. Against what package do you file such a bug?12:32
quentusrexsince many people avoid the first beta's like the plague, but are willing to test the 2nd beta12:32
BUGabundoI better mute this # then12:32
quentusrexit ain't me, but it's always the top thing for release days...12:32
BUGabundoalvin: did you change NM to managed mode?12:32
BUGabundocause in unmanged it will ignore /etc/network/interfaces12:32
jo-erlenddoes anyone know the actual reason for switching back to Google?12:33
quentusrexBUGabundo, thanks for the pm, but I already know today is the release. I asked about the time.12:33
alvinBUGabundo: NM should see that I'm using /etc/network/interfaces. Has that changed?12:33
BUGabundoalvin: like 3 cycles ago?12:33
yofelzekoZeko, quentusrex: the topic will be updated once beta2 is out, be patient12:33
BUGabundoor am I missinterperting ?12:33
yofelhey BUGabundo12:33
BUGabundohey yofel12:33
alvinBUGabundo: I think you are wrong there.12:34
BUGabundoI totally forgot today was B2 :(12:34
zekoZekoyofel: update it to: beta2 is not out yet, be patient :)12:34
BUGabundoalvin: please ask asac in #ubuntu-mozillateam12:34
BUGabundoNM is his work12:34
BUGabundozekoZeko: LOOOOOOOOOL12:34
yofelhm, here NM shows that the interface is unmanaged I think if interface is used12:34
yofeldon't have gui access to my server atm to check it12:34
alvinBut /etc/network/interfaces is not NM. Otherwise I could file the bug against NM. Wehn using NM, itactually works wel.12:34
yofeloh, I'm using static configuration12:35
alvinyofel is right. That's that way it should be. If I say: auto eth0 and iface eth0 inet dhcp, NM should not do anything.12:36
quentusrexthanks yofel just checking.12:36
yofelbut I think my server still uses dhcp for DNS12:36
alvinAnd it doesn't. Only weird thing is: I do receive an IP address, but resolvconf does not create /etc/resolv.conf12:36
alvinWhich causes the boot process to break12:37
yofelI'm  not exactly sure how interfaces works, but here's mine: http://yofel.pastebin.com/6bWhX0Ar12:37
alvinI wish we had boot logging, but the Ubuntu faeries have not been kind in that regard :-(12:37
yofelresolv.conf is properly set12:37
alvinyofel: That is a perfectly valid /etc/network/interfaces. You're not using NM. (neither was I)12:38
alvinthat's because you set it by hand. When using dhcp, it gets overwritten12:38
yofelalvin: well, upstart doesn't talk much by default, use --verbose or --debug to make it talk, it should log the boot too then I think12:38
yofel(use them where quiet splash is set)12:39
alvinWhere is that exactly? Some grub configuration? I lost track when they removed menu.lst12:39
avishow is rv620 support in lucid ?  what i'm wondering specificly is video playback12:39
yofelalvin: said it wrong: I didn't set my resolv.conf, but it does have the proper content12:40
alvinthere's /etc/default/bootlogd, but we shouldn't touch that according to the upstart dev12:40
yofelmaybe it's left over my NM...12:40
alvinyofel: Probably :-)12:40
alvinIt's generated by resolvconf when using dhcp12:40
yofelalvin: it's the grub kernel line (GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub)12:40
BigMack83sorry for asking again, but i was disconnected after i asked and dont know if anyone answered. But, i have managed to get flashplayer 10 x64 installed and working for firefox, but how can i get flash player 10 to work under chrome on a x64 machine? i have the x64 libflashplayer.so file12:41
yofelalvin: I haven't used them much though except for debugging hung boots. --debug slows boot down quite a bit12:41
alvinyofel: Thanks. Is there any documentation (man page) about what --verbose  and --debug do?12:42
yofelalvin: man init mentiones --verbose, --debug was mentioned by someone in here12:42
alvinyofel: With the lightning fast boot we have now, I don't care. I'm suffering from having LVM and Lucid has big troubles with that. A bit of debugging can't hurt12:42
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
alvinThat man page does not say anything about grub.cfg, but about init. I'll just delete splash and quiet for now. (Splash is plain ugly and I can only read the middle of a message anyway because 1 line is larger than the 21" screen), so I won't miss that12:45
yofel!grub2 | alvin12:45
ubottualvin: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:45
* alvin reboots while quasselcore stays here12:45
yofeloh, a fellow quasselcore user :D12:48
dholbachPackaging Training session in #ubuntu-classroom with geser in 10 mins: Q&A about the Developer Membership Board12:50
alvin...I forgot to run update-grub. But I can confirm the bug. No resolv.conf12:52
yofelhm... the only thing that the networking init script does today is run 'ifup -a'12:54
yofelalvin: maybe file a bug against that?12:55
yofelpackage 'ifupdown'12:56
* yofel goes to his desktop and messes with the network configuration...12:57
theadminWill Lucid already be as Lubuntu as stand-alone system?13:00
Dr_Willisthere is a lubuntu iso i thought allready. but i did not see it at the normal ubuntu download servers13:01
Dr_Willisbut at the lubuntu homepage13:01
bazhangperhaps #lubuntu would know13:01
alvinyofel: I'll do it like that without looking for extra logs. There are way too many problems with booting. Due to the LVM volumes not mounting, I have to skip mounting during boot and issue a mount -a afterwards. Now, plymouth asks nicely if I want to wait for all eternity for the filesystem to come available or press 'S' to skip. (I press S). Without splash, there's no such option, and not even a notification of trying to mount the volume.13:02
alvin Pressing S does work however,...13:02
* yofel would be curious why we have no lubuntu dailies13:02
theadminDunno, when i click "get Lubuntu" on their homepage it redirects me to Bazaar branch list on Launchpad13:02
yofelalvin: yeah, boot interaction is horrible, I had similiar issues with plymouth waiting for nfs4 here without network being up13:03
alvinrestored splash. I can live with an ugly kubuntu logo for a few seconds. (Blame nvidia and their proprietary drivers.)13:03
yofeloh, I have 1600x1200 plymouth here with nvidia thanks to framebuffers :D13:03
alvinyofel: Don't get me started about NFS mounts in /etc/fstab! Canonical support told me it would be better in Lucid. That's the primary reason I'm testing now.13:03
alvinThey also told me there are not many users suffering from that, according to the bug report :-( I think they are wrong there.13:04
yofeloh nice, after setting eth1 in interfaces here it's not even started o.O, eth0, wlan0 and lo yes, but eth1 not13:05
alvinifupdown it is13:05
yofelhm,  ifup -a doesn't start it13:05
yofelI have to manually run ifup eth113:06
alvinErase your /etc/resolv.conf and see what happens (well, move, not erase)13:06
yofelresolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf must be a symlink -> wtf?13:06
alvinYeah, I thought I had seen messages like that13:06
alvinOh? Apparently it is13:06
yofeldhcp is run, and gets the proper values, but can't set resolv.conf13:07
yofelit isn't here13:07
yofelfor whatever reason13:07
alvinWell, if you use NM. It's a link to /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf13:07
yofellet me fix that and try again13:07
yofelok, now ifup -a brings eth1 up  properly with IP, and a useless resolv.conf13:08
yofeloh come on13:09
yofelnot that stupid postfix error again...13:09
alvinyofel: Here's the bug 55838413:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558384 in ifupdown "Settings dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces does not create /etc/resolv.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55838413:11
yofelthat's my ifup eth113:12
yofelfirst it complains about it not being a symlink and then it complains about it being the same file...13:12
alvinlol, I like: cp: `/etc/resolv.conf' and `/etc/resolv.conf' are the same file13:12
alvinHmm, I should probably have reported against resolvconf instead of ifupdown13:14
alvinaptitude why resolvconf says: plasma-widget-networkmanagement13:14
yofelfixed by adding '|| exit 0' after the cp command...13:14
yofelok, now resolv.conf is set properly13:15
yofelactually the error that makes the whole thing fail comes from a postfix script13:15
yofeland I think I had that error months ago with bind9 already...13:16
yofelstill not fixed13:16
yofelok, let me reboot and try again13:16
alvinYeah, Ubuntu is in need of more resources for bug fixing.13:16
yofelactually I could write up a debdiff for that now, I'll check on the bug report from back then later13:17
yofelif you want bugs fixed fix them yourself...13:17
alvinI know that sentence, but I'm no programmer. I did pay Canonical for support (if many people do that they can hire more devs), but that does not entitle me to requests fixes.13:18
alvinThey provide workarounds instead.13:19
yofelwell, if it's simple script errors I know how to fix them, and I learned a bit about debian packaging since I last had that error13:19
alvinIt's certainly sensible, but most production problems when using Ubuntu come from bugs13:19
yofelalvin: just to make sure, you do have postfix installed?13:22
alvinyofel: No, I don't13:22
yofelok, booting now, let's see what happens13:22
videorechnerhi, I booted a live image over network to ram, things worked great, but Knetworkmanager wont be able to connect to the network. All it says is: Trying to retrieve network adress13:23
yofelalvin: ok... resolvconf still empty...13:24
yofeland eth1 not up again o.O13:24
alvinempty or non-existing?13:25
yofelresolv.conf existing with the 2 comment lines13:25
alvinAh, true. I have the same13:25
alvinBut I believe, after the upgrade, I had no file. The 2 comment lines where created after using NM (I think)13:26
yofelok, let me check something...13:26
yofelnow plymouth crashed on fsck...13:28
alvinDon't worry. It will be an LTS release. More stability is coming. ;-)13:29
alvinThey wouldn't put beta quality software in an LTS.13:29
yofelwell, it'll be better than karmic at least13:29
alvinI certainly hope so!13:29
yofelthe bug I had just now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/55407913:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554079 in sysvinit "Lucid boot failed to complete after fsck" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:30
yofelnot sysvinits fault, but I think even scott isn't sure what's wrong13:30
yofelI forgot to add eth1 to 'auto lo' ...13:31
yofelok, now eth1 is up on boot, but resol.conf is still unusable13:31
yofellet me confirm your bug13:31
alvinI use Ubuntu a lot for my freelance work, but I didn't dare install karmic at most places. If Canonical succeeds in getting Lucid stable, I think I'll buy some landscape licenses from them. Otherwise, I don't really know what way to go.13:31
alvinscott just has too much work. That's a big project for one man13:31
coc0nutWhat does Scott do?13:31
yofelindeed, and then he has to bear with bugs like https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/55717713:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557177 in mountall "init: support mandatory arguments, or prevent starting of tasks without any arguments" [High,Fix committed]13:32
yofel(the comments)13:32
alvinWell, he writes it in his last comments in that bug "I have to maintain just about every line of code between the Ubuntu kernel and the X server and basically the entire boot system"13:33
coc0nutOne person does that?13:33
alvinI must admit I see his name in quite a lot of bugs that are critical to production (at least for me)13:33
alvinHe's the one that might eventually give us boot logging.13:34
yofelalvin: does running 'sudo ifdown -a; sudo ifup -a' fix the resolv.conf after booting?13:39
alvinlet me try13:39
alvinHeh, I can actually keep typing without resolv.conf now :-)13:41
alvinresolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf must be a symlink13:41
alvinrun-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/000resolvconf exited with return code 113:41
yofeland if it's a symlink?13:41
alvinThat works.13:43
alvinSo, conclusion: It only goes wrong during boot?13:43
yofelthis should be bug 448095 then13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448095 in resolvconf "resolvconf starts after ifupdown, does not pick the dns-nameserver and dns-search lines up from /etc/network/interfaces" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44809513:44
koltrollhas something changed in lucid when it comes to NTFS-support ?13:46
alvinyofel: Hmm, I didn't use those lines. I don't think it's the same bug, judging from the comments. (Some of the comments are also not about the bug itself)13:47
koltrollBecause I can mount my NTFS-partition and write to it without any problems whatsoever. And as far as I can understand, that shouldn't be possible with Karmic, at least not with the default kernel drivers.13:47
alvinyofel: However, I do remember from Karmic that the search domain was indeed not respected! Subscribing to the bug...13:48
yofelkoltroll: mounting ntfs in gnome should use ntfs-3g which has proper write support13:48
alvinlol, one of the comments: resolvconf is in universe. That means it isn't even officialy supported.13:48
yofelwhich is actually true, insane but true13:49
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:49
koltrollyofel, ooh is that how it works. Hmm. Well that's brilliant. Then I should happily be able to convert my ext4 to ntfs and then be able to work with the partitions from both os'es - yes?13:49
yofelkoltroll: depends on what you need, ntfs has no support for linux permissions, so you can only use it for data storage not as a system partition13:50
alvinkoltroll: Yes, don't put / on ntfs.13:50
yofelalvin: I'll confirm and reassign your bug to resolvconf, as ifup brings the interface up properly but only the DNS settings are missing13:51
koltrollyofel, alvin - it's my warez really. I've got an iphone, and those I need iTunes. The win system is on a separate partition13:52
alvinyofel: Yes, do that. ifupdown is not to blame13:52
alvinkoltroll: I believe there are linux programs that let you put stuff on an iPhone too.13:52
koltrollis that how you say it. "and those". it's not, is it. and word you use instead of "there for"13:53
koltrollalvin, yea there are, but it's just alot easier with itunes. everything just works, no hustle.13:53
BUGabundo_lunchkoltroll: better put all in ext4 and install the extfs driver on windows13:53
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGa_vacations
koltrollBUGabundo_lunch, there's such a thing? yea that sounds way better!13:54
koltrollI just realized I got my super warez partition mounted as /home here so I want be touching it :)13:54
yofelBUGa_vacations: is extfs able to properly access ext4? I'm not sure about extends13:54
alvinkoltroll: It' 'therefore' (I suppose. Not native English either). But we did understand what you meant.13:54
yofelalvin: done13:55
BUGa_vacationsyofel: I had no prob with ext 2 or 313:55
BUGa_vacationsand for most of what it needs from ext4, it _should_ work13:55
alvinBUGa_vacations: Actually, the most stable way is ntfs-3g. ext2fs on Windows could destroy stuff and (as far as I know) does not work with ext413:55
BUGa_vacationsbut I'm sure koltroll won't mind testing on a backup disk13:55
alvinMy brother used it for a long time on ext3 and it did go wrong.13:55
koltrollalvin, "thus" is the word as I was looking for :) "  Therefore; consequently: Thus it was necessary for me to resign."13:55
yofelI know it works with ext2/3, haven't tested 4 myself yet13:56
alvinkoltroll: Nice :-)13:56
yofelI certainly won't try to enable write support though13:56
BUGa_vacationsalvin: until ntfs-3g re-writes the the kernel hooks, I'm sticking with " extfs driver is better"13:56
BUGa_vacationsplus I have 3 disks that are accessed by windows for a lot of IO, and they are much better in ext313:56
BUGa_vacationsplus no fragmentation13:56
alvinSuit yourself. I don't mix anymore and put important files on a server13:57
* yofel remembers that he wanted to convert is ext3 storage driver to ext4 sometime...13:57
BUGa_vacationsohh ntfs-3g is DEAD slow13:57
alvinAh, fragmentation :-) I often forget it exists13:57
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
Raydiationhi could it be that the disc check at startup freezes?14:02
Raydiationafter i restartet it froze at 79% now at 56%14:02
yofelRaydiation: with plymouth yes, at ~70%14:02
Raydiationyofel: anything to do against this?14:02
yofelRaydiation: set bug 554079 to affect you14:03
Raydiationany boot param14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554079 in sysvinit "Lucid boot failed to complete after fsck" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55407914:03
yofelnot really, reboot without fsck is the workaround for now14:03
Raydiationhm do i have to boot from live cd and check from there?14:04
Raydiationor do i have a way to not check without having to chroot with a live cd14:05
yofelunless you have forcefsck set it should boot fine after ctrl+alt+del without the fsck on boot. as the fsck run itself runs fine, but mountall gets stuck somewhere14:06
yofelif you have that file though you'll have to remove it somehow, maybe try to boot with 'rw init=/bin/bash' instead of 'ro quiet splash' on your kernel grub line14:06
yofelor do it from a live disk14:07
Raydiationk it worked14:09
Raydiationi just deleted quiet and splash from the params14:09
Raydiationwill this be fixed til stable?14:09
Raydiationand can i temporarly disable it or set it up to 100 mounts14:10
yofelRaydiation: you can disable auto check in /etc/fstab or set the mount count with tune2fs -c (if you use ext234)14:11
QueenZIs Beta 2 out yet?14:11
BUGa_vacationsQueenZ: /topic14:11
alvinQueenZ: no, but you could download a daily and then zsync when beta2 is out if you want it faster14:11
QueenZalvin: what is zsync?14:12
alvinMaybe ubottu knows14:12
BUGa_vacationsalvin: stealing my line??14:12
yofel!info zsync14:12
BUGa_vacationszsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync14:12
alvinBUGa_vacations: :-)14:12
ubottuzsync (source: zsync): client-side implementation of the rsync algorithm. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 104 kB, installed size 244 kB14:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:13
BUGa_vacationszsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso.zsync14:13
* BUGa_vacations is now known as the bot14:13
jo-erlendwhat about jigdo, wasn't that supposed to do that?14:13
alvinOooh, jigdo. I believe it is something similar, yes.14:14
jo-erlendis there any historical record of the time of day when each iso has been released? I mean, if there is a clear pattern, then we can extrapolate. :)14:16
BUGa_vacationsabout 16h GMT+1 for final releases14:17
BUGa_vacationsbut milestones have no such thing, and the tests have many more itearations14:17
=== Potato is now known as allquixotic
QueenZwindow buttons are going to change again!!!! :(((14:23
joaopintoQueenZ, they are ?14:26
QueenZjoaopinto: yep14:26
QueenZThey will stay in the upper left, but the order will change from how they appeared in the beta; now it will be (from left to right): close, minimize, maximize.14:27
BUGa_vacationsill open a guest session in  bit14:27
PiciQueenZ: Read that again.14:29
QueenZPici: i told you they would chang14:30
PiciQueenZ: The order of the buttons is changing, not their placement on the window.  also, I believe  that this fix was already commited and published.14:30
QueenZit wasn't a bug14:31
QueenZpeople are already used at the new order14:31
QueenZnow it will change again14:31
LinuxGuy2009Beta2 expected today guys?14:31
BUGa_vacationswell, it's a devel cycle14:31
BUGa_vacationschanges do happen14:32
QueenZLinuxGuy2009: yep14:32
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: yes14:32
ZykoticK9QueenZ, good thing Beta testers are flexible ;)14:32
ryeQueenZ, it took a day to re-configure my brain to start using new layout14:32
BUGa_vacationsspecially for important milestones14:32
BUGa_vacationsas Betas14:32
QueenZrye: gonna have to reconfigure your brain again :D14:32
QueenZi'm glad i'm not a beta tester :D14:32
ryeQueenZ, no, I mean after "big little gone" to "gone little big"14:33
LinuxGuy2009There isnt any reason to do a fresh install with beta2 when its done is there? As long as your updated then you already have beta2 right?14:35
yofelLinuxGuy2009: yes14:35
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: don't always get what your  meant to have, when upgrading development versions14:35
LinuxGuy2009ok just making sure14:35
yofelwell, it shouldn't be much different, maybe some setting here and there14:36
LinuxGuy2009so then a clean install would be recomended, yes?14:36
yofelI wouldn't do one, but it might be cleaner14:37
BluesKajHey all14:54
h00kBeta 2 todayCC!15:03
JoshuaLbefore i login my touchpad works fine, after logging in it doesnt work. my usb mouse seems to work fine15:04
Italian_Plumberwow just checked the schedule... beta2 due out today?  Any big changes from Beta1?15:06
spJoshuaL: could be that the touchpad is disabled when the mouse is plugged in... try unplugging the mouse :)15:07
spJoshuaL: just an idea though15:07
JoshuaLsp, it does work fine before logging in? even with the usb mouse attached. unplugging the mouse doesnt help15:07
spJoshuaL: ok, must be something else then... that was just a wild guess15:09
* alvin is looking wide-eyed at hist monitor15:11
alvinaptitude just dumped core15:11
yofeloh, that15:11
yofeldoes it work if you run it with -q ?15:12
* alvin runs aptitude -q update15:12
alvinLooks like it just hangs now15:13
alvinAh no, it continues15:13
yofel-q is quiet so it might look like it hangs15:13
alvinApparently you have had this issue before?15:13
yofelalvin: bug 51552515:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 515525 in aptitude "aptitude assert failure: *** glibc detected *** aptitude: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08f9d658 ***" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51552515:14
alvinThat's the message. Thanks15:14
alvinO! I think I haver never seen that much duplicates before.15:15
alvinLaunchpad should take a sum from the duplicates too. This bug affects .... people.15:15
yofelcrash bugs tend to get a lot of duplicates15:15
cwillu_at_workalvin, sounds like the terminal sizing fixes that broke things for me15:16
cwillu_at_workI've had aptitude pinned for a while now15:16
yofelyep, it's the terminal sizing15:16
yofelbad patch15:16
alvinlol, indeed. If I resize the terminal, it works fine15:16
* alvin is half expecting a 'Milennium Edition' logo on the new cd's15:17
yofellol XD15:18
yofeleveryone complains, but ubuntu has always been more stable for me than my old copy of Win98SE15:18
yofelwe're getting off topic though...15:19
alvinYes. (To be fair, I do agree that it's more stable than win98/me. But it's certainly not more stable than plain debian.)15:20
yofelactually I have a fun case here: I tried aptitude-gtk on sid once and wanted to backport it to ubuntu so I merged it, now aptitude-gtk works perfectly fine on sid, but segfaults on start in ubuntu with some critical gtk assertion15:21
yofelmaybe debian doesn't have as strict compiling settings than ubuntu?15:22
spyofel: might also be related to Debian still having a slightly older version of both Gtk and Gnome installed15:24
spthat would explain segfaults with the combination of a critical gtk assertion15:24
spjust an idea :)15:24
yofelcould be, they fixed a few bugs in aptitude since then, I'll merge it again when I get the time15:24
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
alvinYofel, you seem to know a lot about current bugs. Do you happen to know something about an io_scheduler problem in the kernel (karmic). I hope to see that this problem no longer exists in Lucid.15:30
alvinI went offline because of it. kvm server runs a quest that has quasselcore. kvm host (karmic) went down. Probably a kernel panic. I can check tonight. The server isn't even under load15:31
yofelnot sure, I don't follow kernel related bugs that much, if you know more details you could search on google with 'site:bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux <search_term>' and see if you find any bug reports that sound like your issue15:33
alvinI need to reboot the server by hand, and I'm on another location now. Will do tonight if I have the logs.15:34
alvinLooks like this lucid bug 55506715:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555067 in linux "Bug with IO scheduler in kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55506715:38
fabio333hi there15:40
yofelalvin: if that's your bug don't forget to make it as affecting you and set the status to confirmed15:40
fabio333i'm trying plymouth with my old ati igp 345: it works but kms is slower...15:41
fabio333less acceleration with kernel modesetting on than before...15:41
alvinyofel: the messages and symptoms are the same, but it is on karmic. They also match bug 262843 (Jaunty)15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262843 in linux "[2.6.27-2.3] (sometimes temporary ?!) system deadlock with io_schedule " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26284315:42
yofelfabio333: you could try disabling KMS by adding 'nomodeset' or 'radeon.modeset=0' to the kernel grub line15:42
yofeland see if it works better then15:43
alvinThen there's bug 276476. Same symptoms, but 'fixed'15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276476 in linux "INFO: task blocked for more than 120 seconds causes system freeze" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27647615:43
fabio333<yofel>: i know but it supposed to be slower or it's just my old card?15:43
yofelfabio333: no idea, I don't know much about ati cards, but kms does indeed not work very well with some cards15:44
fabio333plymouth animation start very late... too15:44
slibuntuHey all, anyone know when we can expect lucid beta 2?15:45
PiciWhen its done.15:45
kklimondaslibuntu: you can just download the latest daily image15:46
alvinAha, ubuntu-server uses another scheduler (deadline). Can someone confirm this?15:46
SwedeMikeslibuntu: google for lucid release schedule15:46
slibuntukklimonda: might just do that then so15:47
jo-erlendalvin, and the kernel uses PAE.15:47
alvinThat could explain why I'm only seeing these freezes and crashes on the server edition15:47
slibuntuSwedeMike: It's projected to be released today15:47
jo-erlendserver edition uses selinux by default too, doesn't it?15:47
kklimondajo-erlend: no15:48
alvinjo-erlend: Could PAE be a problem? The servers I'm talking about have 16 à 32 GB ram and are 64bit machines15:48
alvinno, apparmor15:48
gorgaporslibuntu, i'm sure you're tired of hearing about this, but any idea what time today beta2 might land?15:48
slibuntugorgapor: That's what I logged on to ask, the best answer so far has been, "when it's ready" :)15:49
gorgaporslibuntu, heh, thanks15:49
gorgapor!schedule > gorgapor15:51
ubottugorgapor, please see my private message15:51
yofelthe schedule link is in the topic btw...15:52
* alvin is going home and kick his buggy karmic server back into service.16:03
doru_Hello what's up with Lucid Beta2? When is it going to be released?16:04
PiciWhen testing is completed.16:04
POEwhen is testing completed then?16:12
BUGa_vacationsPOE: when it ready16:14
doru_Pici: Sorry, let me rephrase please! When Lucid Beta2 is going to be released?16:14
BUGa_vacationsdoru_: when its ready16:14
BUGa_vacationsif you guys are in an hurry get a daily16:14
BUGa_vacationsthen zsync the beta216:14
doru_Do you happen to have a tutorial on how to do that?16:15
BUGa_vacations$ zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso.zsync16:16
Mocno beta2 yet ?16:16
doru_BUGa_vacations: Uh, that's it?16:16
BUGa_vacationswhen you get an email from announce ML16:16
BUGa_vacationsdoru_: want me to complicate it for you ?16:17
Mocalot of small issues in 10.04 b116:17
doru_BUGa_vacations: No thanks, I'm making a lot of mess myself.16:18
BUGa_vacationsMoc: B1 is so darn old!16:18
doru_BUGa_vacations: :)16:18
BUGa_vacationsdon't you upgrade daily like the rest of us ?16:18
Mocdoes canonical keep package update away until b2 is released ?16:18
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, did I tell you about the long-existing dpkg bug that I tripped over recently?16:18
PiciMoc: The archives are frozen while changes are made to stabilize the beta cd.16:19
BUGa_vacationsMoc: not canonical! release team, makes a archive freeze for Main packages16:19
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, dpkg uses readdir to go over /var/lib/dpkg/info, moving files from an unpacked package into there if they exist, and deleting them if they don't16:19
Mock, because even latest update as of last night didnt resolve most issue16:20
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, however, readdir is allowed to repeat a file entry if the folder is modified while readdir is still being read16:20
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, causing random /var/lib/dpkg/info files to go missing :)16:20
cwillu_at_workbtrfs triggers it deterministically due to an optimized readdir, other fs's trigger it probabilistically (and extremely rarely)16:21
oKtosiTeQuick question; will something be done about the terrible state we're in with Karmic's grub2 before Lucid releases?16:21
BUGa_vacationsMoc: have you filed bugs for all of those bugs? what's their current state?16:21
cwillu_at_workoKtosiTe, can you be more specific?16:21
BUGa_vacationsit has NOTHING to do with releases!16:21
BUGa_vacationsliam: please don't post links16:22
MocBUGa_vacations: I filled one at the beta of 8.10 and it still unresolved today..16:22
Mocso I don't care much to fill them anymore16:22
oKtosiTeWell, I've previously set my non-linux OS as the default boot option, and after upgrading the kernel, I'm back with Ubuntu being the default.16:22
cwillu_at_workMoc, if you haven't filed bugs, and kept up with them, don't be surprised if they don't get fixed16:22
cwillu_at_workoKtosiTe, how did you set it?16:22
oKtosiTecwillu_at_work ^^16:22
BUGa_vacationsMoc: then don't complain!16:22
liamBUGa_vacations, sorry16:22
BUGa_vacationsif you don't file, we can't fix them16:22
cwillu_at_workoKtosiTe, it sounds ilke you just modified /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:22
MocBUGa_vacations: you missed the first part... I did back then, but it didn't help..16:23
cwillu_at_workMoc, link or it didn't happen16:23
BUGa_vacationsoKtosiTe: don't change grub.cfg by hand! use the /etc/defaults/ dir16:23
BUGa_vacationsMoc: I say you filed ONE bug, no bug ID we can check up16:23
BUGa_vacationsI file dozens weekly16:23
oKtosiTecwillu_at_work, it was a while ago... believe I changed the generating script, so it may as well have been after a grub update. Sorry for being so vague, I'm currently not on Linux.16:24
BUGa_vacationsover 50% of those are triaged over 2 weeks16:24
Mochold on, need to find the bug tracker16:24
BUGa_vacationsbut I still have bugs from 6.06 open :)16:24
Mocand my loggin16:24
BUGa_vacationsMoc: even if I wanna help, I won't look up on 8.10 bugs now... its close to EOL too16:24
liam i found what seems to be the beta 2 looks live but it could be a daily build16:24
BUGa_vacationsMoc: please search for those bugs you have in CURRENT lucid, or file new ones if they don't existe16:25
Piciliam: Thats why we have release announcements.16:25
cwillu_at_workoKtosiTe, so we're just taking it on faith that karmic's grub is in horrible condition, despite it working on all my systems running weird root filesystems and such? :)16:25
BUGa_vacationsliam: again, until oficial email, we won't promote it16:25
BUGa_vacationsif you are in an hurry, liam get a daily, then zsync the beta2, or any other daily16:25
* cwillu_at_work thinks BUGa_vacations is ignoring him :(16:26
BUGa_vacationscwillu stuff works best on weird stuff then normal deploys, don't you know ?16:26
* BUGa_vacations pokes cwillu with a 20" pole16:26
* oKtosiTe sees it's "act like a twat day" in Ubuntu land.16:26
BUGa_vacationsoKtosiTe: its release day. we all go into auto16:26
oKtosiTeBUGa_vacations, is it really? Sorry 'bout that.16:27
BUGa_vacationsoKtosiTe: stick around and try to count how many "is it out yet" you get over 10 min16:27
oKtosiTeI had no idea.16:27
MocI filed the bug for the beta of 9.04, id 36336316:27
AscavasaionWhat is the small commandline utility to create samba shares?  It opens a small Gnome application just for shares in samba16:27
oKtosiTeIn that case I'll leave you to it and just try for myself after it's out. :-)16:27
cwillu_at_work!bug #36336316:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363363 in gnome-control-center "Keyboard Layout Key(s) to change layout doesn't work" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36336316:27
cwillu_at_workMoc, you have that set currently?16:28
cwillu_at_workMoc, if so, can you check if right-alt works with alt-shortcuts?16:28
Moccwillu_at_work: I switched to alt-shift like in windows now16:28
cwillu_at_workMoc, can you set it back to the other way to check that?16:29
BUGa_vacationsAscavasaion: smb-client?16:29
Mocsure, what is alt-shortcuts ?16:29
BUGa_vacationsoKtosiTe: all help is appreciated16:29
BUGa_vacationsspecially for installs16:29
cwillu_at_workMoc, like a keyboard shortcut that uses alt16:29
cwillu_at_workalt-tab, etc16:29
BUGa_vacationsif you are willing to help out, over the usual nagging of new users, please visit #ubuntu-testing16:29
BUGa_vacationsoKtosiTe: ^^^^^^^16:29
oKtosiTeBUGa_vacations, will have a look.16:30
* BUGa_vacations goes kill more blinking lights on other tabs16:30
Mocalt-tab using the right ALT doesn't work16:30
AscavasaionBUGa_vacations: No... it is something like share-smb or something.16:30
BUGa_vacationsAscavasaion: doesn't ring a bell16:30
BUGa_vacationsthen again I only use ssh and sshfs16:30
Mocwith or without the both alt to switch language set16:31
plitteris the beta 2 out yet?16:31
AscavasaionBUGa_vacations: I remembered it I think... shares-admin16:31
BUGa_vacationsplitter: /topic16:31
cwillu_at_workMoc, with16:31
BUGa_vacationscwillu that's a 9.04 bug... let it go16:31
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, I tripped over it yesterday16:31
BUGa_vacationsfocus on 10.x16:31
cwillu_at_workor something that seems similar16:31
BUGa_vacationswhat? the locale?16:31
MocBUGa_vacations: it a 8.10,9.04,9.10 and 10.04 b1 bug16:31
cwillu_at_workI couldn't turn _off_ both alt-keys, and it broke the right alt-key16:32
cwillu_at_workand then like magic it started working properly16:32
BUGa_vacationsplease update such bug with lucid packages16:32
plitterBUGa_vacations: it is supposed to be released today16:32
cwillu_at_workso if it's a long-standing glitch, I'd like to know thankyouverymuch :p16:32
BUGa_vacationsMoc: apport-collect 36336316:32
BUGa_vacationsplitter: so?16:32
BUGa_vacationsplitter: did you get an email from announce mailinglist?16:32
BUGa_vacationscause I didn't, so its not out yet16:33
plitterBUGa_vacations: it is in the release schedule16:33
BUGa_vacationsare you in an hurry to try ?16:33
BUGa_vacationsget a daily16:33
BUGa_vacations!daily | plitter16:33
ubottuplitter: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:33
cwillu_at_workplitter, so, come back tomorrow when the end of today is certainly over and done with :p16:33
BUGa_vacationsyou can't then zsync to beta2 or any other iso16:33
cwillu_at_work"you have until sunset on april 8th to deliver, or the penguin gets it"16:33
plitterawww..... doesnt seem like i have a choice though....16:34
Moccwillu_at_work: Another bigger issues in 10.04 is the Fn key on my dell notebook doesn't work anymore16:34
Moccwillu_at_work: it work for the regular numpad stuff, but for switching the screen mode, or showing the battery status, it doesn't work16:35
cwillu_at_workMoc, sounds like there's just no key binding for some of those keystrokes16:35
cwillu_at_workMoc, presumably you've filed a bug? :D16:35
Moccwillu_at_work: nope16:35
MocI got about 18 issues like this in my local list16:36
cwillu_at_workMoc, so you really should have 18 bugs filed.  Waiting for them to get fixed magically is a good way to make sure at least some of them get neglected16:36
Moclike alt-shift-tab isn't set by default16:36
BUGa_vacationsMoc: known bug16:36
BUGa_vacationsI filled that one16:36
BUGa_vacationsconflit with compiz defaults16:37
Mocfirefox have no default browser set16:37
cwillu_at_workMoc, your alt bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg-server/+bug/25144316:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251443 in xorg-server "keyboard layout switching shortcuts like Alt+Alt do not work anymore" [Unknown,Confirmed]16:37
BUGa_vacationsMoc: ???? what?16:37
Moclol sorry, thunderbird have no browser set for link16:38
BUGa_vacationswhat's the bug id for that?16:38
BUGa_vacationsdon't use TB so can't confirm16:38
BUGa_vacationsI'll ask gnomegfreak if I see him16:38
cwillu_at_workMoc, generally, the first thing you should doo on finding a bug is to see if it's already reported on launchpad.  If it is, see if it's blocked waiting for some information or work that you can provide16:40
cwillu_at_workif you can't find a bug, it's _very_ important to file one16:40
BUGa_vacationscwillu don't you love when ppl assume, they don't need to file bugs, cause someone else will, and it ends up never reaching the devs?16:41
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, only when they're not using a released operating system :)16:41
cwillu_at_work"beta" is not "cool and exciting", and alpha is not "cooler and more exciting!"16:41
cwillu_at_workbeta is "broken in known ways" and alpha "known to be broken in unknown ways"16:42
BUGa_vacations_dbus_connection_lock (connection=0x5f004e004f005a) at dbus-connection.c:35516:43
BUGa_vacationsmade chromium chrash16:43
BUGa_vacationswithout even touching it16:43
BUGa_vacationsNo symbol table info available.16:43
cwillu_at_workthat'll teach you to not install the -dbg libs16:43
BUGa_vacationsdude I already have all the dbg there are in servers16:44
BUGa_vacationssee anything there?16:44
Moccwillu_at_work: I know it would be the best thing to do, but there is soo many open bugs, it hard to even find one that isn't the same16:45
BUGa_vacations$ dpkg -S libdbus-glib16:45
BUGa_vacationsis HUGE16:45
cwillu_at_workMoc, your google-fu is weak :)16:45
QueenZis beta 2 out yet?16:45
cwillu_at_workQueenZ, no16:45
cwillu_at_workQueenZ, if you have to ask, it's not out yet16:45
QueenZwill it be out today?16:45
cwillu_at_workQueenZ, now that you asked, it's been postponed yet another day16:46
Moccwillu_at_work: hehe, I'm native french speaking, so my english search doesn't always match other people english16:46
cwillu_at_workat this point, it'll be out 3 weeks after 10.04 final is released :p16:46
cwillu_at_workMoc, fair enough16:46
QueenZh===haha very funny16:46
cwillu_at_workMoc, searching for the specific terms involved will usually get things down to a couple dozen bugs16:47
Mocso atless I got my internal bug list ;)16:47
cwillu_at_workMoc, the people who fix bugs can't see your internal bug list16:47
MocI got one what very annoying, sometime clicking at the window border make the window under it get selected instead16:47
Moccwillu_at_work: true ..16:47
cwillu_at_workand listing them in here doesn't count as filing them16:47
Moccwillu_at_work: darn !16:48
cwillu_at_workMoc, file the alt-shift-tab one, I didn't see that filed yet16:48
cwillu_at_workI'll try to help sort through it a bit :p16:48
cwillu_at_workMoc, can't say I've ever seen that16:48
cwillu_at_work(clicking on the window selects the window under it)16:49
cwillu_at_workMoc, are you sure you're not just missing the window by one pixel?16:49
Moccwillu_at_work: i don't16:49
Mocit occur too often16:49
Dr_Willisor clicking on a shadow.16:49
Mocbtw, I don't use xgl stuff16:49
cwillu_at_workMoc, define xgl16:49
Moccompiz or whatever it called today16:49
cwillu_at_workMoc, xgl hasn't been in use in years16:49
Dr_WillisI find that often windows have children/dialogs are poping up UNDER the parent window a lot for me16:49
cwillu_at_workDr_Willis, sounds like you've got focus stealing prevention set very high16:50
Dr_Williscwillu_at_work:  it may be. but i dont recall setting it that way.16:50
Mocgot the terminal display freezing bug too... I think I was suposed to update it16:51
cwillu_at_workMoc, so, metacity then?  can you check gconf-editor -> apps | metacity | general | compositing_manager is on or off?16:51
cwillu_at_workMoc, also, are you using focus follows mouse or anything like that?16:51
Moccwillu_at_work: it off16:52
Moccwillu_at_work: the rest is default ubuntu.  I try to stick to the default setting as much as possible16:52
MocI hate changing my desktop everytime I install16:52
AscavasaionI cannot get my Windows 98 or my Windows XP machines to connect to my Ubuntu Samba share.  I have created an exception rule to allow Samba connections,but nothing.  Please somebody help!16:53
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, and it worked in karmic?16:53
MocAscavasaion: better ask in samba or in general ubuntu maybe16:53
Ascavasaioncwillu: Yes, it worked in 9.116:54
cwillu_at_workthere's no such thing as ubuntu 9.1 :p16:54
AscavasaionYes, 9.1016:54
PiciIf it worked in 9.10 and doesn't work in 10.04, then #ubuntu will not support it, please continue to use this channel.16:54
cwillu_at_workidentical config?16:54
Ascavasaioncwillu_at_work: No idea... doubt it,16:55
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, can you pastebin your /etc/samba/smb.conf16:55
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, is this an upgrade or a fresh install?16:55
cwillu_at_workand what are you using to configure smb.conf?16:55
cwillu_at_workalso, are you attempting to connect via ip or hostname?16:55
AscavasaionI have added the share via Nautilus and via shares-admin and neither shows anything in smb/conf16:55
Ascavasaioncwillu: IP, hostname never works in my opinion.16:56
Dr_Willismake a samba password for theusers via 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' perhaps?16:56
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, hostname works perfectly fine if you know how to configure it :p16:56
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, can you browser via the smb command line tools?16:56
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, smbclient et al16:56
Ascavasaioncwillu_at_work: Okay... not in my opinion... in my experience hehe16:57
cwillu_at_workdo the windows machines show the server at all? if so, do they list the shares?16:58
Dr_Williscan they access the server via ip also..   //###.###.###.###/share16:58
Ascavasaioncwillu_at_work: They show the machines, but when you try to see the shares they do not work.  The Windows machines can see one another though.  Which leads me to think the problem is on the Ubuntu machine.,16:58
Filthpigahoy. When will the Beta2 iso be available?16:59
Dr_Williscan the ubuntu machine see its own shares. :)   also check output of 'smbtree' and 'findsmb'16:59
Ascavasaion/IP/share does not work.16:59
Filthpigit should arrive today, shouldn't it?16:59
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:59
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:59
MocI wish launchpad was faster17:00
Filthpigyes, and the schedule says today. I'm wondering -when- today17:00
MocFilthpig: when they think it ready17:00
Mocflash 64bit not been proposed is a bug or not ?17:01
Ascavasaioncwillu_at_work: And no... ubuntu machine cannot see share when I use smb://IP.sharename17:01
cwillu_at_workMoc, flash 64bit is an development snapshot with no security updates or support of any kind from adobe17:01
Moccwillu_at_work: work better than the 32bits version17:01
cwillu_at_workMoc, and is utterly unsupported17:01
BUGa_vacationscwillu love that... will start increasing the release counter everytime some one asks :)17:02
Moccwillu_at_work: better than unsupported but working very well, than no flash at ll17:02
Ascavasaioncwillu_at_work: Nope... doe snot work with smb://IP/sharename17:02
cwillu_at_workMoc, the alternative isn't no flash at all, it's the use of a plugin-wrapper that we can at least provide security updates for17:02
MocI know how to download it and install it, but not 90% of the planet ubuntu trying to target17:02
Dr_Willissamba does have some log files taht may give a clue17:02
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, what Dr_Willis said.  :p17:03
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, also, might want to verify that samba is actually running17:03
Moccwillu_at_work: well when I tried to install flash on my 64bit install, it didn't work, I had to dl the 64bit version and install it manually17:03
Ascavasaioncwillu_at_work: I did a sudo service smbd restart and it gave no error.17:03
cwillu_at_workMoc, how did you try to install it the first time?17:03
Mocsame issue for acrobat reader17:03
cwillu_at_workMoc, ugh, acrobat reader is junk17:03
Mocubuntu software center I think17:03
cwillu_at_workMoc, hmm, that should have worked17:04
Mocthere the canonical partner thing17:04
MocSorry, 'Adobe Flash Plugin 10' is not available for this type of computer (amd64).17:04
cwillu_at_workbut that said, we can't support a proprietary 64-bit binary17:04
Berzerkerjust trying to get confirmation17:04
Moccwillu_at_work: that what it said when I press more info17:04
BerzerkerIf I replace my motherboard, will I have to reinstall ubuntu? (I have it on a RAID 0)17:04
cwillu_at_workand if adobe also doesn't support it, we're not going to say that it's supported17:04
kklimondaMoc: there is a flashplugin-installer in multiverse17:05
MocBerzerker: if the raid info is still valid, and your bios is set correctly, and it the same architecture, nope17:05
kklimondaMoc: we can't redistribute x64 version of flash plugin17:05
BerzerkerMoc: I created it through linux, it's software raid17:05
MocBerzerker: it should work if the controler is supported by linux17:05
MocBerzerker: but you never really know until you try it17:06
Berzerkerit's the same controller, Intel ICH10R17:06
trrichardHey, I haven't been able to download the WMA codec from the repo through rhythmbox with restricted-extras enabled, is this a common problem?17:06
BerzerkerI just needed a new motherboard17:06
MocThis software is available from the 'lucid-partner' source, which you are not currently using.17:06
Mocthat a kinda stupid error msg17:06
AscavasaionI did a sudo testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf and it gave...17:06
AscavasaionLoad smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf17:06
Ascavasaionrlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)17:06
AscavasaionProcessing section "[printers]"17:06
AscavasaionProcessing section "[print$]"17:06
AscavasaionLoaded services file OK.17:06
AscavasaionServer role: ROLE_STANDALONE17:06
AscavasaionShould it be a stand alone server?17:06
Mocespecially that partner repo is selected17:07
BerzerkerMoc: so you think it'll be fine?17:07
pionarbillybigrigger, you there?17:08
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, nautilus shares are defined in /var/lib/samba/usershares17:08
cwillu_at_workAscavasaion, you'll want to see if those are there, and are showing up in the log files17:08
MocBerzerker: should be, make sure the same boot disk is selected17:08
BerzerkerMoc: alright, thanks17:09
trrichardHey, I haven't been able to download the WMA codec from the repo through rhythmbox with restricted-extras enabled, is this a common problem?17:09
Ascavasaioncwillu_at_work: they are there... #VERSION 217:10
Ascavasaioncwillu: Do you think it might be because the folder I want to share is not in my home folder?17:11
Dr_Willisthe term 'wma codec' isent correct.. a wma file can be using any of several dozen if not hundered codecs17:11
MocCan't we get the List of Affected bugs we have set ?17:13
Mocon launchpad17:13
AscavasaionI give up for now... supper time... I will be back later to try again :)  Thank you cwillu_at_work17:13
FilthpigI dunno if this question is valid in here, but will it boost performance on low-memory computers to use i.e. an USB2.0 flash device as swap instead of lets say an old 5400 rpm HDD?17:13
MocFilthpig: flash drive are extramly slow normally17:14
skrite99is the new plugins for rhythmbox going to be portable? the one for the Ubuntu One music store, or the interface with the iphone? i have a debian box that i would like to put them on17:14
Moc5400 rpm hd will beat most flash drive in performance17:14
DanaGOnly expensive flash drives are fast.17:14
DanaG... especially when it comes to writes.17:14
FilthpigMoc, if you use i.e. a class 6 SDHC card too?17:15
MocFilthpig: that not a flash drive17:15
FilthpigMoc, can still be used as one, can't it?17:15
beerwhere can I find ubuntu 10.04 beta 2?17:16
MocFilthpig: also, swap on any flash drive isn't a good idea, it will kill it pretty quickly17:16
* cwillu_at_work giggles, but doesn't really feel up to explaining the subtle flaws which make the previous few answers slightly incorrect17:16
Dr_WillisFilthpig:  i think swap on a hd would still be faster.17:16
Moccwillu_at_work: I don't even want to go in details17:16
DanaGsdhc IS flash... it's just not a "USB" flash drive.17:17
cwillu_at_workFilthpig, it's possible to get improved performance, but it's quite complicated to get right, and depends very much on the internals of the flash controller that's in use17:17
MocAlso SDHC class 6 = only 6MB/sec... very slow for swap(everything is slow for swap, but this is praticulary slow ;)17:18
cwillu_at_workFilthpig, you'll get a better end result if you take the 40 hours you'll spend on it working at mcdonalds, and using that money to buy a small intel ssd drive17:19
Filthpigcwillu, ok. But it would reduce HDD load and noise though :p17:19
MocFilthpig: just disable the swap all together and get more ram17:19
Moclinux doesn't need swap to work like windows17:19
cwillu_at_workMoc, that's not really a good tradeoff17:19
cwillu_at_workand that's just being dumb17:19
FilthpigMoc, Linux isn't very happy if you don't have swap17:20
cwillu_at_workwindows doesn't need swap either, and both will perform better17:20
Dr_Willisunless you got ooooodles of ram.17:20
Moccwillu_at_work: windows does need swap, or it will act weird...17:20
cwillu_at_work... both will perform better with than without17:20
cwillu_at_workMoc, as will linux17:20
Moccwillu_at_work: never had issues with linux and no swap17:20
Filthpigwindows has a swap FILE while Linux uses a swap partition17:20
Mocswap actually will create more problem for me than without17:20
cwillu_at_workFilthpig, irrelevant17:20
Mocmost of the time, when linux need the swap (17:21
Moc(for me anyway) it because something is wrong, and when it try to work out of 5gig of swap, even SSH is unresponsive and unable to kill the bad process17:21
Dr_WillisHibernate/suspend in linux needs a swap partition (i recall)  i dont think a swap file will work.17:21
Filthpigcwillu it was a reply to "linux doesn't need swap to work like windows" from Moc. A bit late though :p17:21
Mocwhen swap off, the kernel will kill it automaticly (just hope it doesn't kill SSH server ;)17:21
cwillu_at_workDr_Willis, swap file can work, yes17:21
Dr_Willisswap file can work for hibernate also?17:22
MocDr_Willis: ok maybe hib/suspend need swap, donno about that17:22
Dr_WillisSwap on , swap off, the swapper.17:22
markl_i have a machine here that boots the centos 5.4 kernel fine but freezes on the ubuntu lucid kernel; what is the best way to report this?17:23
MocI run off a 128gig SSD laptop with 8gig of ram... so swap is off17:23
DanaGForget Intel SSD.... the OCZ Vertex ones are often cheaper.17:23
Mocgot a samsung in mine17:23
DanaG120 gigs for 300 bucks is just starting to become sane-ish.17:23
ftornelleta on beta 2?17:23
kklimondaftornell: eta is "when it's done"17:24
DanaGI've had issues trying to resume-from-suspend without swap, with fglrx... it'll sometimes make my laptop just hard-reset.17:24
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:24
Mocmy boot time :
ftornellDr_Willis: its suppose to be released today right? has it been changed?17:24
Mocftornell: will be released when the iso is ready17:24
Mocimpossible to do before17:24
kklimondaMoc: hmm.. pretty slow17:24
ftornellok, they are compiling it as we speak?17:24
Dr_Willis'when its done'17:25
Mockklimonda: ??17:25
Dr_Williseverytime someone asks.. they delay it another nr.17:25
ftornellhave been refreshing the webpage all day! :)17:25
MocUI showed after 5 second of POST17:25
kklimondaMoc: it actually doesn't look like the right bootchart17:25
Moci find that pretty quick17:25
skrite99ftornell, so have i17:25
kklimondaMoc: your ureadahead doesn't seem to be working right17:26
Mocissues I got on boot now is when I try to login, it freeze on logout of the login screen because of the power monitor is still running17:26
kklimondaor rather it looks like it's in profiling mode on this bootchart17:28
Mockklimonda: I just did install of bootchart and rebooted17:28
kklimondaMoc: you have to reboot twice to get the right chart17:28
Mockklimonda: take 51secondes now17:29
kklimondaMoc: 51 way too much ;)17:29
Mocit the ksoftirq bugs that take 100% of 1 cpu thing17:30
Filthpigoh, and while I'm here: I've had some issues with desktopcouch-service going into overdrive and eating 90-100% CPU, especially after suspend on my laptop. Simply killing it fixes the problem, but I wonder what it is and why it starts eating my CPU.17:31
TohuwIs anyone using Evolution on 10.04 Beta with Google Contacts? I am experiencing errors and I want to see if they happen to anyone else.17:32
MocTohuw: I never used evolution.17:33
kklimondaMoc: well, it does start pretty well ;)17:33
MocI'll do auto login and see if iti bette17:34
BUGa_vacationsFUUUU http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4080317:34
BUGa_vacationskklimonda: 51 too much? what do you say to mine 1:30 ?17:34
BUGa_vacationsFilthpig: Moc: full cpu bug is known17:35
BUGa_vacationsa keyring bug17:35
BUGa_vacationsgwibber and desktop coutch have patchs17:35
kklimondaBUGa_vacations: you have a really old computer? :P17:35
BUGa_vacationskklimonda: here are mine http://bootcharts.f.bugabundo.net/17:35
BUGa_vacations2yo laptop17:35
kklimondaBUGa_vacations: also you benchmark using fully blown desktop with dozens of applications starting :P17:36
kklimondaBUGa_vacations: why are they so small?17:37
kklimondaw/w 817:37
BUGa_vacationsclick to open?????17:37
kklimondastill small17:38
kklimondaMoc: that's more like it17:38
KorciaBUGa_vacations: is that your bootchart?17:39
marienzhmm, perhaps I should make one of those17:39
Mockklimonda: hehe was freaking fast to boot17:39
marienzmy ancient system is rather slow at booting17:39
KorciaI mean, 47.49 with a core2 t8300?17:39
yofel_while we're at it: http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/bootchart/17:40
BUGa_vacationsKorcia: those are ALL my bootchart17:40
BUGa_vacationsI have them all since old laptop in 7.0417:40
yofel_and for some odd reason ureadahead actually worked for the first time in ages on my desktop it seems: http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/bootchart/yofel-desktop-lucid-20100408-5.png17:40
BUGa_vacationsKorcia: best I had was 9.10 alpha2 with 19 sec boot17:40
Mocyofel_: you need to kill gwebber-service ;)17:40
BUGa_vacationsI miss that time :(17:40
* marienz wanders off to reboot twice, once to reprofile ureadahead and once for the actual bootchart17:41
BUGa_vacationsyofel_: I have patch, wait17:41
yofel_huh? oh no, that's boinc, not gwibber :P17:42
BUGa_vacationsrickspencer3 @travisbhartwell has uploaded a branch to address gwibber from pegging your CPU: lp:~nafai/gwibber/gnomekeyring-fix17:42
KorciaBUGa_vacations:  well, you should and you can, for sure, boot under 20 seconds.17:42
BUGa_vacationsKorcia: PLEASE tell me how17:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
KorciaBUGa_vacations: it is too long to explain in a chat I promise I am going to post a message in ubuntu forums how to do it17:43
KorciaBUGa_vacations: is a desktop or a laptop?17:43
BUGa_vacationsKorcia: fill free to PVT me17:43
BUGa_vacationsand why haven't I ever heard of your nick before?17:43
* BUGa_vacations greps logs17:43
Korciawith a laptop you can do all the tweaks you need17:44
tumiiis there some sort of list of the new features of lycid lynx?17:44
BUGa_vacationstumii: sec17:44
JoshuaLsp, my touchpad works again, no idea why it didnt work before :)17:45
KorciaBUGa_vacations: the problem is that it must be do it precisely because you need to edit fstab, grub, you need to use tune2fs, sysv-rc-conf and nothing else, I am writing by memory, but I have written out the whole process17:46
An_Ony_Mooseo.O why is the default search engine yahoo by default now?17:47
FilthpigAn_Ony_Moose: they got some kind of deal with yahoo, but they will be reverting back to google before final17:48
KorciaBUGa_vacations: last week my machine (core quad) was booting in 53 seconds, now it boots in 14 secons17:48
MocFilthpig: ??? really ?17:48
BUGa_vacationsAn_Ony_Moose: its not! its google _again_17:48
Mocwhat happend ?17:48
BUGa_vacationsKorcia: your next beer is on me! _if_ mine drops to half17:49
yofelBUGa_vacations: did you hear any details about that by now?17:49
BUGa_vacationsnot asking 14 even17:49
BUGa_vacationsyofel: which ?17:49
BUGa_vacationssorry to many subject17:49
yofelBUGa_vacations: google/yahoo17:49
BUGa_vacationswe talked about that17:49
BUGa_vacationsyou are even worse then me17:49
yofelyeah, I remeber, but there might have been some news in the meantime, I didn't check the other # much today17:50
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, what's taking 8 seconds to modprobe?17:50
BUGa_vacationsnothing to my knowlage17:50
BUGa_vacationsyou are asking me???17:51
BUGa_vacationsas if I would know17:51
cwillu_at_worklooking at your bootchart :p17:51
BUGa_vacationsI don't even read my logs :)17:51
BUGa_vacationsI just want it _to work_17:51
BUGa_vacationsits up to you17:52
BUGa_vacationsnext beer on me, to who ever drops my boot in half17:52
MocIm very happy with my boot time in auto login... but less with the gdm thing17:52
BUGa_vacations20 secs. its all I ask!17:52
Mocthe power management that hang on the logout of the login screen is annoyin17:53
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, you're not running nvidia are you?17:53
yofelthe oddest thing here is, ureadahead started working today and now by boot has gotten much slower than before, when it was  broken...17:53
Korciaone of the issues with booting is that Lucid is very conservative, this is logical, with the ext4 parameters. If you have a laptop or a desktop with UPS you can use different parameters than the default one17:54
cwillu_at_workKorcia, journals aren't just about protecting from power failures :p17:57
Korciafor example, you can use noatime, barrier=0, writeback, nobh, commit, etc... but this is a very aggressive configuration with you are using a desktop without UPS17:57
TohuwBUGa_vacations: to apply the gnome-keyring fix, bzr branch lp:~nafai/gwibber/gnomekeyring-fix and then restart the keyring service?17:57
cwillu_at_workturning off barriers is suicidal17:57
cwillu_at_workand relatime has almost all the benefits of noatime, without breaking 99% of apps that use atimes17:57
alvinunless you use LVM, in which case they are disabled by default, no?17:58
cwillu_at_work(relatime is the default)17:58
Korciais you have UPS or a laptop I do not think it is suicidal17:58
Tohuwcwillu_at_work: what are the "barriers"?17:58
cwillu_at_workalvin, under some configs, you need to disable writeback because barriers aren't pass through17:58
cwillu_at_work"Korcia, journals aren't just about protecting from power failures :p"17:58
Korciaright, I use LVM17:58
cwillu_at_workKorcia, in which case writeback is just as suicidal17:59
alvinI always use LVM. Only thing I know is that I no longer have to disable them in /etc/fstab since karmic. Before that, you had to.17:59
Tohuwhow do you restart the gnome-keyring service? I can't find the name of it.17:59
cwillu_at_workif and only if your particular config doesn't pass barriers down to the lower levels17:59
cwillu_at_workthat sort of aggression is suitable for a laptop which contains literally nothing you don't mind losing18:00
Korciacwillu_at_work: I have been working with jaunty with that configuration in ext4, with several power failures, (but I have UPS), and I have never had any problem18:01
cwillu_at_workKorcia, that's a pure fluke.  You're disabling all the safeguards18:02
marienzprobably not surprising but apparently about half of the 30ish seconds this system spends booting it's just ureadahead-ing things in18:02
cwillu_at_workold data will show up in files, and you're risking actual filesystem corruption of the sort where fsck puts lots of things in lost+found18:02
BUGa_vacationsTohuw: no. you have to run THOSE services! like $ ./bin/gwibber-service and $ ./bin/gwibber18:02
Korciaok, I'm telling you, I promise, that I have had more than 10 power failures (I am working in Madrid and it seems this is normal), and no problem at all, I respect if you do not believe me18:03
cwillu_at_workKorcia, I don't doubt that you haven't experienced problems yet, but I assure you that it's just that you've been lucky so far18:03
cwillu_at_workyou _will_ get old data in recently written files on a crash, that's what writeback _does_18:04
Korciacwillu_at_work: but why? please tell me18:04
macoKorcia: because writeback means that it only writes your data as you go to *cache* ie RAM. it doesnt write it to disk until later18:05
macoKorcia: so if your system crashes after youve made a change but before it gets around to writing to disk, its like those changes didnt happen18:05
caolanmmy /home partition doesn't seem to be available at boot time despite adding bootwait to fstab (the partition is also encrypted)... any ideas?18:05
KorciaI know but you can tell with commit when you think it is secure18:06
cwillu_at_workKorcia, nobh is a no-op on ext418:06
cwillu_at_workand disabling barriers on hardware that isn't designed for it risks actual corruption of the filesystem (not just the file contents)18:08
Korciawith commit you can fix the interval to sync the data and metadata, well, I will check it this weekend, you can be right and I was just lucky18:08
z0netanybody using gnome 3?18:09
cwillu_at_workKorcia, the probably is mainly regarding faults which occur while the system is in the process of writing;  this isn't related to commit18:09
cwillu_at_workor rather, this is related to what happens if a fault occurs when the commit is actually happening18:10
cwillu_at_workchanging the commit time just moves that point around18:10
CardinalFangHi.  In my Gnome notification-area, there's a blank space where some app's icon should be.  How can one find out what is claiming that spot, yet drawing nothing?18:11
avisthere is a release candidate beta for 64 bit linux before they only had an alpha, this looks like progress.  it contains only one file libflashplayer.so and i'm not sure the proper way to install it user wise or system wide.18:11
Korciacwillu_at_work: so, whats the point of using ext4 instead of ext3?18:11
jpdsCardinalFang: NetworkManager?18:11
cwillu_at_workKorcia, eh?18:12
cwillu_at_workall sorts of things, improved performance among others18:12
BUGa_vacationsso. I can't slash my boot time :((((18:12
CardinalFangjpds, Well, probably not, as I have a Net Man icon three spots to the right.18:12
cwillu_at_workKorcia, not sure what that has to do with your suicidal rootfs parameters :p18:12
BUGa_vacationsCardinalFang: printscreen?18:13
[diablo]anyone know the ETA on beta2 images please?18:13
cwillu_at_work[diablo], less than 24 hours18:13
[diablo]cwillu_at_work, ok cheers18:13
Korciacwillu_at_work: sorry if I explain myself badly, what I mean it's that using ext4 with the defaults ubuntu parameters it does not give you an advantange in performance comparing to ext3, you can see it for example in phoronic18:15
liamany word on beta 2?18:16
CardinalFangBUGa_vacations, all:  Notification area blank spot, marked in red:  http://sandbox.chad.org/notarea-blank-spot.png18:17
LinuxGuy2009sebsebseb: Do you know if the wallpapers from the contest are gonna be included in Beta2 or maybe not till the RC or final?18:17
BUGa_vacationsliam: again?????18:17
yofelKorcia: well, I do remember that one bug from jaunty alpha where a simple crash caused you to loose your desktop configuration as the config files had 0 bytes, after that ext4 lost quite a bit of performance to make it more crash resistent by default18:17
BUGa_vacationsyofel: ext4 bug18:17
cwillu_at_workKorcia, phoronix isn't the golden standard of testing :p18:17
Korciayes, I remember that18:17
BUGa_vacationsfixed in kernel .3018:17
liamBUGa_vacations, sorry18:17
CardinalFangBUGa_vacations, my power-manager-applet disappears, too, though it usually shows up on the end, on right.  It's been wonky for a little while, and I don't think it's the same problem, but I don't want to omit anything.18:20
avishere is a script that will install 64bit release candidate flash player for 64 bit linux systems  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1506474/relecand-flashinst.sh  it wont be there forever18:20
DanaGactually, phoronix says the 64-bit hasn't had RC released.18:20
cwillu_at_workpeople need a script to copy a .so file to their plugins folder?18:20
DanaG... it's still alpha.18:20
avisi believe i read today on the page that had that same filename the script catches, say it was a release candidate18:21
cwillu_at_workrunning the script is like the smallest possible step easier than just moving the file :)18:21
avisi've no idea where to move these things :)18:21
avisthe script i did not write18:21
cwillu_at_workavis, ~/.mozilla/plugins18:21
avisooh ok :)18:21
cwillu_at_workthe system directory is basically just as simple18:21
Korciais there a new rc for flashplayer for 64b?? I thought it was just for 32b18:22
cwillu_at_workdo a search for the name of the plugin's .so, and you'll see where it normally goes18:22
cwillu_at_workKorcia, adobe has a 64bit alpha availabe which they don't support18:22
KorciaI have that one18:22
avislaunched the script for the first time, the filname matches the one that i read was a release candidate18:22
Korciabut I have read yesterday that a RC it was just released for 32b18:23
aviswhen i clicked on download release candidate it took me to this page http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html18:23
aviswhich has the linux tarball18:23
cwillu_at_workhttp://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/ is the dev blog18:25
aviscwillu the file the script i posted fetched is also 64-bit it would be interesting to compare them both18:25
cwillu_at_workavis, no, it wouldn't :p18:25
cwillu_at_workat best it's the same file, at meh, it'd be the older alpha, and at worst it's a trojan :p18:25
cwillu_at_workdon't make this more complicated than it needs to be :)18:26
cwillu_at_workyou're running an unreleased operating system, you're a big boy:  you can do this :)18:26
BUGa_vacationsyofel: cwillu: are you sited down? http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/96935518:26
* cwillu_at_work sits and clicks18:26
avisthe file matches, it was the adobe site, i assume they had some confusion when they put both pages up18:26
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, um18:27
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, you looked at the date on that, right?18:27
zekoZekohmm... I'd like a writable /proc/cpuinfo too. And a great 3D printer to make me a new CPU based on what I write to that file :)18:27
Dr_Willissounds like an april fools joke t me. :)18:27
BUGa_vacationsstupid cwillu18:27
BUGa_vacationsno you took all the fun18:27
yofelstill a nice choice for a joke, heh18:28
Dr_Willisive seen people try to similer things....18:28
* Dr_Willis recalls years ago - someone in a local store mad because he bought some CD-burning software.. and dident realize he ndded an actual cd BURNER.. and burnable disks...18:29
cwillu_at_workI bought a game card when I was a kid, thinking that I could just twist the mhz dial on it to speed up my computer18:29
* Dr_Willis hit cwillu_at_work turbo button.18:29
cwillu_at_workDr_Willis, those actually did somethign though! :p18:30
BUGa_vacationsand crashed18:30
Dr_Williscwillu_at_work:  if yours read '66' you could turn it upside down and make people think your pc was running at 99mhz!18:30
cwillu_at_workDr_Willis, or you could just change the jumpers and make it read anything you want :p18:30
BUGa_vacationscwillu I'm being told to read the rest of the tread... try it!18:33
DanaG"If you are looking for the 64-bit  Flash Player 10 prerelease for Linux, the latest alpha refresh is  available for download."18:33
DanaGadobe, you fail.18:33
cwillu_at_workBUGa_vacations, try which?18:33
cwillu_at_workonly saw three posts in that thread18:34
* cwillu_at_work starts cross-compiling firefox... again...18:34
LinuxGuy2009flash is a necessary evil. I wish they would come up with some open standard replacement.18:36
avisdo any of you who are non-games have any issues with only have directx 9.0 support on a video card ?18:36
Dr_Williswhat other then games use directx anyway? guess some video players/tools could.18:36
LinuxGuy2009directx has nothing to do with linux18:36
charlie-tcaLinuxGuy2009: that's what I was thinking too18:37
Dr_Willisavis:  or are you refering to video cards that have dx9 suport and not dx10 support? in hardware18:37
charlie-tcaavis: what has that got to do with lucid?18:37
edgyHi, when I dist-upgrade I get this error: Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.18:37
edgyYou should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that18:37
edgythis is what you want to do.18:37
edgy  sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin ia32-sun-java6-bin sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-demo18:37
LinuxGuy2009Looking at DX capabilities, those are only relevant for a Windows OS.18:37
avisDr_Willis, yes, if i may ask.  i know #ubuntu is not a #ubuntu+1 support channel18:38
LinuxGuy2009Linux uses mostly OpenGL I believe.18:38
charlie-tcaedgy: Those are no longer valid18:38
yofeledgy: run apt-get update again, and if that gives a gpg error make sure it's the righ tkey and add it18:38
Dr_Willisavis:  for non games.. i doubt if its an issue at all18:38
Dr_Willisavis:  theres DX11 cards comming out now. :)18:38
yofelcharlie-tca: they sure are in the partner repos18:38
jMylesAm I right in noticing that gwibber in lucid doesn't recognize hash tags?  Is this a problem of gwibber in general?18:39
* charlie-tca goes back to hiding18:39
LinuxGuy2009avis: Do you run Windows?18:39
avismy father let me use his windows box for itunes18:39
LinuxGuy2009avis: Unless you have an iPod touch 2Gen or 3Gen or iPhone of the same Gens, I think most iPods are supported in Linux now in case you didnt know.18:40
LinuxGuy2009Actually I think they are supported now with newer libraries.18:41
Dr_Willisgee i wonder when apple will break that.. :)18:41
LinuxGuy2009hehe yep18:42
LinuxGuy2009Well it will only break if you plug into Windows box with iTunes and apply a new firmware update.18:43
edgycharlie-tca,yofel: I just did update and I get this error W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>, how am I supposed to handle it?18:43
avisLinuxGuy2009, i made no reference to a mp3 device.18:44
edgycharlie-tca, yofel: I even did clean and and still the errors persist18:45
LinuxGuy2009avis: I was just pointing it out cause you mentioned using iTunes.18:45
LinuxGuy2009avis: iTunes is serious bloatware too. Like 90+MB download now.18:45
yofeledgy: that has nothing to do with the apt cache/DB, but with the trusted archives signatures DB, I'm trying to find out what key it has here18:46
avisoh i know it is, i usually only use it for things i can't get anywhere else18:46
edgyyofel: yes, please do and tell me how to fix it18:47
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: Itunes sucks, but plays it's role in  the commercial software vender lock in. That most Windows users suffer badly from.18:48
LinuxGuy2009Oh I know. I have an iPod Video 30GB but havent touched iTunes in like forever now.18:49
avisooh ok.  i actually like those nanos.  as awful it is with directory structure, i actually like nanos18:50
avisLinuxGuy2009, may i PM you a sec ?18:50
LinuxGuy2009avis: Sure18:51
EagleScreenboot splash in Ubuntu lucid appears very late, have you also seen this?18:51
kklimondaEagleScreen: that's a design decision18:51
LinuxGuy2009EagleScreen: You mean the screen with the loading dots or the login screen?18:51
ftornellhas beta2 been delayed or is it still aimed for today?18:52
EagleScreeni mean the plymouth splash18:52
charlie-tcaftornell: today18:52
ftornellcharlie-tca: wich time? its 8pm in sweden! :)18:52
kklimondaEagleScreen: for the workaround and a discussion see bug 54080118:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540801 in plymouth "X server starts before Plymouth, or a very short time after (no or brief splash)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54080118:53
charlie-tcabefore midnight UTC normally18:53
charlie-tcaIt is almost 18:00 UTC18:53
yofeledgy: can you pastebin your output of 'sudo apt-key list'?18:53
ftornellis it the same to do a apt-get dist-upgrade from beta 1 as a complete reinstallation of beta2?18:54
kklimondaftornell: more or less - you keep all the packages you had installed18:55
charlie-tcaftornell: You could just do the daily updates, and have it up to date. Beta1 and Beta2 are simply the daily updates on an image that date18:55
kklimondathey are just updated18:56
ftornellok, thx18:56
Tohuwis anyone using Google Contact syncing with Evolution? I'm having an issue with non-editable contacts and I need to see if someone can dupe it.18:56
ftornellbeta2 or rc to the final version then?18:56
EagleScreenyes ftornell18:56
edgyyofel: http://pastebin.com/yx56p9iB18:57
EagleScreenyou can update from any alpha, beta, RC, or previous release18:57
ssx3maxftornell: When you passed to the 10.04, you need only 1 dist-upgrade (9.10->10.04) or just a reinstall18:57
ftornellok, thx18:57
ssx3maxThen, when you have the 10.04 (alpha, beta, whatever), just do apt-get upgrade :)18:58
Tohuwif updating from Alpha 2 make sure you hand-update libmysql! See the patch notes on the download page18:58
yofeledgy: seems right, can you pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-key adv --fingerprint' too?18:58
ftornellim used to archlinux (rolling releases)19:00
edgyyofel: http://pastebin.com/3bL7HMXg19:01
ftornellconverting to ubuntu 10.0419:01
yofeledgy: ok, you do have the proper key, maybe your connection was hijacked/corrupted so apt-get update didn't recieve a proper server key19:02
LinuxGuy2009lol @ hijacked19:03
BUGa_vacationsbye guys. see you tomorrow. good release19:03
marienzcan someone guesstimate how much temporary free space you'd need for an upgrade from karmic to lucid? Or does the upgrader know and check?19:04
yofelwell, we have gpg to protect against connection hijacking, so that the packages we recieve actuall do come from the ubuntu servers :P19:04
yofelmarienz: update-manager should check, but for the default installation 1-2GB free space on /var should be enough19:05
edgyyofel: i tried this from different connections and still same problem !19:05
marienzthanks, that's the kind of guesstimate I was looking for19:05
alvinmarienz: The upgrader knows19:05
yofeledgy: well, you can try to run 'sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B5' but I make no guarantees on what will happen19:07
hhlpanyone now if ubuntu beta2 is release today19:07
yofelhhlp: today yes, but that's as precise as we can get19:08
edgyyofel: I tried the solution mentioned here and it works http://en.newinstance.it/2009/06/22/the-following-signatures-were-invalid-badsig-40976eaf437d05b5-ubuntu-archive-automatic-signing-key/19:09
yofelcorrupted package list, huh..19:10
* marienz wonders what's up with the ppa build queue all of a sudden19:10
* yofel checks19:10
marienz"16471 jobs (seven days) "19:10
edgyyofel: but if the package list is corrupted why apt-get clean won't clean it?19:12
=== uaa is now known as damascene
yofelapt-get clean will only delete the downloaded .deb files, the package database (what the lists are a part from) is never deleted19:13
yofeland it should never be corrupted too, you have a serious bug somewhere if that happens19:13
marienzI'd expect "apt-get update" to refresh it19:15
yofelme too, but that didn't help him for some reason19:16
LinuxGuy2009apt-get clean - cleans out the package cache.19:17
LinuxGuy2009What are you trying to do?19:17
yofelLinuxGuy2009: his package list files got corrupted somehow19:18
yofelhe fixed it alreay by removing them19:19
LinuxGuy2009Well "apt-get clean" will not solve that19:20
yofelmeh, you can see the ubuntu build queue, but I can't find the ppa build queue19:21
yofelmaybe they're using them for a archive rebuild test again19:21
LinuxGuy2009maybe "apt-get update"19:21
ftornell_is it safe and possible to upgrade 9.10 to 10.04 beta2? update-manager -d or apt-get dist-upgrade?19:22
PolitikerNEUftornell_: yeah, the former is better19:22
ftornell_PolitikerNEU, update-manager -d?19:22
PolitikerNEUwith sudo19:23
ftornell_PolitikerNEU, thx19:23
PolitikerNEU(if it works)19:23
yofelftornell_: possible yes, safe... well, not 100%, but it u-m -d should work19:23
PolitikerNEUwell - fglrx isn19:24
PolitikerNEU't really stable atm19:24
PolitikerNEUand plymouth is extremly ugly, but the rest works ok IMHO19:24
sebsebsebPolitikerNEU: there are a few Plymouth themes in the repo :)19:25
PolitikerNEUreally low resolution - maybe 640x480 or so19:26
PolitikerNEUand 16 colors, maybe some more19:26
yofelI have nvidia with 1600x1200x32 plymouth after setting framebuffers up19:26
PolitikerNEUFor me it neither works with nvidia nor fglrx-drivers19:26
yofelseems to make boot unreliable for some though19:26
PolitikerNEULow resolution everywhere19:27
yofelPolitikerNEU: what did you use? by default it uses 640x480x4 yes19:27
PolitikerNEUyofel: I use the "default" plymouth theme19:27
erossis the music store set up yet so I can see prices19:28
yofelah, I meant for framebuffers, nvidia and fglrx are ugly by default as they don't have KMS support19:28
PolitikerNEUah, ok, that could be19:28
PolitikerNEUI use the proprietary drivers19:28
yofelme too, had to set the framebuffer res to get it to look nice19:29
yofelyou have to do that by hand for non-KMS19:29
PolitikerNEUhmm ... is there an easy way to do that?19:29
yofelwell, you need to set 'GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1600x1200x32' in /etc/default/grub for example (use 'vbeinfo' to find out what modes you can use first or you might not be able to boot at all!)19:30
yofelit replaces the old 'vga=...' parameter19:31
erossfound it - i can finally update my iphone using linux?19:31
yofelvbeinfo from the grub console that is19:31
PolitikerNEUgrub> vbeinfo19:32
PolitikerNEUError 27: Unrecognized command19:32
yofelPolitikerNEU: I meant the grub shell when you boot, make sure the module is loaded with 'insmod vbe' and then run 'vbeinfo'19:33
LinuxGuy2009eross: The music store shows up in Rhythmbox yes. Prices and all.19:33
yofel!grub2 | PolitikerNEU19:33
ubottuPolitikerNEU: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:33
yofelPolitikerNEU: there's a short explanation there too19:34
PolitikerNEUyofel: ok, thanks19:34
PolitikerNEUyofel: I'll try that late19:34
Phantisnas tardes, alguien me puede echar una mano con samba en lucid beta1?19:37
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: hola19:37
SiDiHi. I just upgraded to lucid and now my brightness keys are broken (HP 6730b laptop). Any idea where to look at?19:38
iamfossyhi all19:40
LinuxGuy2009SiDi: File a bug?19:40
iamfossyhi ppl , why are xfce packages  and mythubuntu themes being included with 10.04 lucid upgrade ?19:40
charlie-tcaDid you install the xubuntu or mythbuntu or lubuntu desktops?19:40
iamfossynone, i unly used 'update-manager -d'19:41
iamfossyand kept on updating regularly19:41
charlie-tcaAnd they are installing now?19:42
iamfossynope all installed , thunar filemanager, xfce settings, even gdm splash screen shows mythubuntu19:42
charlie-tcaThose are part of mythbuntu19:43
Phantishi all, somebody could help me with samba on lucid beta1 in spanish language please?19:43
iamfossywhat are my options now ?19:43
iamfossyso much data on my ubuntu i do not want a clean format :(19:44
charlie-tcaRemove them ? install ubuntu-desktop ?19:44
iamfossyyou have any idea, how did update manager went wrong ? technically ? if other users have same problem19:45
iamfossythis would require filing a bug.19:45
charlie-tcanone here. I have never seen that happen19:45
yofelsome wrong package dependency I think, and I think we had some issue with pulling in mythubuntu19:46
iamfossyi'll try removing those and installing ubuntu packages manually from synaptic19:46
yofelbut I think that was fixed19:46
coz_iamfossy,  I generally use synaptic  or just terminal for updates  so  I dont know if it has been causing problems19:46
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: remove xubuntu-desktop and autoremove the rest will fix you right up on those things.19:46
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: Anything else you dont want can be easily removed.19:46
iamfossyThanks a bunch !!!!! guys19:47
iamfossyi'll try that19:47
iamfossyshall i goto synaptic and do that removal ?19:47
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: you can yes19:47
iamfossyand if gdm crashes after i remove those ?19:48
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: if you want to autoremove any dependecies that are no longer needed on the system "sudo apt-get autoremove"19:48
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: GDM is a dep of gnome.19:48
iamfossyjust checked from synaptic, none of xubuntu packages installed19:49
ThevorSo was the beta2 released today? :)19:49
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: What exactly is installed that you dont want?19:49
charlie-tcaThevor: will be by midnight UTC19:49
uffohello what happened with 10.04 file based swap?19:49
Thevorcharlie-tca: Oh ok cool.19:49
Thevorcharlie-tca: is there anywhere to read up on what will be different? Will it be much different than the beta 1?19:50
iamfossy xfce packages  (thunar file manager, xfce settings) and mythubuntu (usplash)themes19:50
charlie-tcaRelease notes aren't published yet19:50
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: so look for thunar and others and remove them. Not hard.19:50
iamfossyyes not at all , but why on earth did they land up on my upgrade list19:51
Phantiswell, i will try to explain my trouble in english but my english it's very poor sorry19:52
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: If you want only default installed packages then you could try something like "sudo dpkg --clear-selections", "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", "sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade". That shoudl get you back to a default installation.19:53
LinuxGuy2009Or maybe not. I think it would.19:53
LinuxGuy2009Anyone agree or disagree with that?19:54
iamfossydeselect-upgrade ?19:55
iamfossydoes this take me back to my 9.10 ?19:55
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: nope19:55
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: takes you back to default install of currently installed release version.19:56
Phantisi have installed lucid beta 1 trough update-manager19:57
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: ok19:57
Phantisi have various sylinks in a folder that is shared with using nautilus share19:57
Phantisi have various sylinks in a folder that is shared with samba using nautilus share19:58
iamfossyoh man its removing every package on my system :(19:58
mvo_iamfossy: if you get a bunch of themes and stuff after the upgrade, could you file a bug and attach the logs from /var/log/dist-ugrade/* please?19:58
LinuxGuy2009iamfossy: Then you missed the "apt-get install gnome-desktop" before the apt-get dselect-upgrade:\19:59
nemodpkg-divert: mismatch on package when removing `diversion of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so to /usr/lib/fglrx/libdri.so.xlibmesa by fglrx'20:00
nemoany ideas?20:00
nemotrying to install fglrx20:00
LinuxGuy2009mvo_: I think it just comes down to someone new and not knowing what they are doing. Not a bug.20:00
iamfossyyes i'll do that, i did not miss gnome-desktop, u had told ubuntu-desktop i did that20:02
iamfossypresently its removing all older kernels except current one20:03
LinuxGuy2009 iamfossy: Thats because the old kernels are not dependencies of gnome-desktop20:04
iamfossygnuplot, google chrome, nexuiz , latex , nvidia all packages gone20:04
LinuxGuy2009 iamfossy: Yes.20:04
LinuxGuy2009 iamfossy: Default desktop means just that.......default desktop20:04
iamfossywhat about my data20:05
LinuxGuy2009 iamfossy: None of those are part of the default desktop20:05
LinuxGuy2009 iamfossy: Your home directory is not touched20:05
iamfossyno issues, all good till now i can reinstall all those later20:05
LinuxGuy2009 iamfossy: K so are you happy now you got your default install?20:06
LinuxGuy2009Hmm guess so20:06
nemo  found `diversion of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so to /usr/lib/fglrx/libdri.so.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx'20:07
nemoxorg-driver-fglrx ??20:07
* nemo tries dpkg-divert --package xorg-driver-fglrx --rename --remove /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so20:07
nemothat seems to have done the trick20:07
Phantiscan i continue?20:08
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: Continue what?20:09
Phantiswell, i will try to explain my trouble in english but my english it's very poor sorry20:09
Phantisi have installed lucid beta 1 trough update-manager20:10
Phantisi have various sylinks in a folder that is shared with samba using nautilus share20:10
Phantisi access that shares from a remote videoplayer20:10
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: Yeah Enrish would be a good idea.20:11
Phantiswhat is the meaning of....?20:12
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: Engrish 101/20:12
Phantissorry but i dont understand20:12
donpdonpis beta2 out yet?20:12
charlie-tcadonpdonp: will be by midnight UTC20:13
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: Ok so you have samba shares that you access with a media player and?20:13
donpdonpah, less than 5 hours.20:13
Phantis"symlinks" into shared folder with samba20:13
donpdonpi was hoping to have a fresh iso for breakfast :)20:13
Phantisbefore update i can access that symlinks from the player20:14
Phantisbut now i cant20:14
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: Maybe you need to recreate the shares?20:14
Phantisi have various searches o inet but results no solve trouble20:14
Phantisshares are ok, only thing that not go on are that symlinks, the share were refreshed then than update20:16
Phantisi have tried follow symlink 0 yes on global section of smb.conf, but that no solve trouble20:16
Phantisi have tried follow symlink =0 yes on global section of smb.conf, but that no solve trouble20:17
Phantisand wide links = yes not solve trouble20:17
Phantisim now in death point?20:17
Phantisi dont think how about next step to probe20:18
kklimondaPhantis: and unix extensions = no ?20:18
Phantisno, that i haven't tried?20:18
Phantisi will go to try that now,  then reload not?20:19
LinuxGuy2009Phantis: then reload not?20:20
Phantis/etc/init.d/smbd reload20:20
marienzhey, a beta220:20
Phantisthats ok?20:20
marienzquick, someone update the topic :)20:21
marienzoh wait, I guess it's not entirely released yet, since the ubuntu.com frontpage still says beta1?20:22
* marienz had cunningly deduced the http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2 url and was reloading that20:22
charlie-tcaIt was not released yet. Have patience, it should be released by midnight UTC.20:22
kklimondacharlie-tca: it was actually20:23
LinuxGuy2009its here20:23
kklimondacharlie-tca: at this time there would have to be a rm -rf / in boot scripts for them to pull it out ;)20:23
charlie-tcaWhere were the announcements?20:24
marienzhow does one determine releasedness?20:24
robin0800LinuxGuy2009: yes and I'm running it right now20:24
kklimondacharli/w 820:24
charlie-tcaWhen the official announcement is made both in IRC and on the mailing list20:24
marienzI mean, I'm pretty sure I'm effectively already running beta2, since I've been upgrading since some alpha and I don't think any packages I have installed changed at the last minute.20:24
marienzcharlie-tca: on this channel?20:25
LinuxGuy2009Im downloading the new image now . Doing a fresh install of Beta2.20:25
charlie-tcaHere, devel, #ubuntu-release, #ubuntu-testing20:25
robin0800still got broken pipe messages but everything else seems ok20:25
marienzthank you :)20:25
marienzrobin0800: from any specific command?20:26
LinuxGuy2009Why are you guys chatting about official release? Its there already.... download and try it.20:26
marienzLinuxGuy2009: because we're pedantic, probably :)20:26
charlie-tcayes, if you are up to date, you already have beta220:26
jrranyone had problems running 10.04 as a guest in virtualbox?  it doesn't seem to want to boot after initial install.20:26
Phantisohhh unix extension = no not solve , thaks anyway20:26
charlie-tcaruns fine here20:27
jrr(ubuntu that is)20:27
Nivexjrr: I had that problem in one of the alphas but beta1 cleaned it up20:27
lullabudi tried updating my beta1 from the CLI and it didn't find beta220:27
kklimondalullabud: it's not going to find beta220:27
marienzlullabud: just do a regular apt-get update + upgrade (or a regular update-manager run)20:27
kklimondalullabud: you just do dist-upgrade and watch for partial upgrades20:27
marienzlullabud: beta 1 and 2 aren't separate releases, you don't have to do another release upgrade20:27
charlie-tcaBecause beta is an image created from the daily. If you update your installation, it is equal20:27
robin0800marienz: during start up I have seen these messages but not on every boot or reboot20:28
LinuxGuy2009lullabud: Its just gonna install updated packages, therefore giving you beta2.20:28
Phantissee u later guys..... thanks.....20:28
* marienz suspects "release" wasn't the right term there20:28
charlie-tca"release" = "milestone"20:28
Nivexit's on the front page of ubuntu.com.  I'd say that counts as being "out"20:29
marienzor maybe it was, since the update-manager manpage also uses it20:29
marienzah yes, there went the frontpage20:29
marienztime to upgrade the laptop20:29
* Nivex jigdo's alternate from local mirror, zsyncs desktop20:30
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tbicwhere is the setting for toolbar icons / text?20:31
iamfossyhi all20:31
kwtmHi.  I see from http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ that beta-2 is only in CD form and not DVD form, correct?20:31
DrHalanim experiencing freezes recently using x. anyone?20:31
marienztbic: that *might* not have ui out of the box now (but I'm not 100% sure)20:32
iamfossymy ubuntu's gone unable to boot after the default desktop option, all kernels are gone20:32
tbicok, so does any one know where it is oin gconf?20:32
marienztbic: let me try to look it up20:32
lullabudmarienz: oh, well it didn't find those either.  maybe i did it last night in my sleep...20:33
iamfossygrub's safe only kernel gone, can someone upload all kernels and its image plz20:33
marienztbic: it used to be in preferences -> appearance -> interface, but that tab was removed20:33
nemoSooo. I accidentally installed grub on the wrong drive20:33
lullabudoh well, whatever.  i've been keeping up on dist-upgrades anyway.20:33
nemonot a big deal, I can change boot order20:33
nemobut. I was wondering, rather than doing commandline setup, can I call that pretty little checkbox tool that showed up during the upgrade?20:34
tbicmarienz: that was where I looked.20:34
nemothe one I checked off /dev/sdb on in the first place?20:34
iamfossyhi linuxguy are you there ?20:34
iamfossyplz plz help20:34
nemoor is that part of dist upgrade, and not a standard gui tool.20:34
tbicmarienz: is there a gconf setting I can change?20:35
marienztbic: /desktop/gnome/interface/ has it, I think. Checking.20:35
marienztbic: yeah, /desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style is probably it20:36
marienznemo: if it appeared during the upgrade my wild guess would be that dpkg-reconfigure-ing some package would show it again20:36
nemoit was20:37
nemoand I just tried that :)20:37
nemoI assume was using the gtk version20:37
DrHalanmy desktop freezes after some seconds...can anyone help me?20:37
nemoyep. that's prettier20:37
tbicmarienz: I don't have that key.20:37
nemomarienz: grub-pc fwiw20:37
iamfossycan anyone help me ?20:37
marienztbic: which tool are you checking with?20:37
marienznemo: that sounds right, but I couldn't be bothered to check :P20:37
marienziamfossy: I'd boot off some livecd, chroot in and install a kernel20:38
tbicmarienz: gconf-editor20:38
marienztbic: weird! it exists here20:38
iamfossycan u upload some 10.04 kernel plz20:38
marienztbic: at what point does that path stop existing?20:38
marienziamfossy: I don't understand the question. Those kernels are already in the archive.20:39
tbicmarienz: just toolbar_style does not exist20:39
iamfossyit required initrd, image and layout all those files right20:39
marienziamfossy: you're not going to get very far with just an initrd and image, you need the modules too20:39
marienziamfossy: I really think you're better off booting off any livecd, chrooting in, and apt-get installing a linux-image normally20:40
iamfossymarienz  : yes i need all those, can i get all those files on launchpad ?20:40
iamfossyyes i'll do that20:40
iamfossygot it20:40
charlie-tcakwtm: should be dvd's also20:41
tbicmarienz: I think I got it, i created the key as a key and set it to "icons" thanks20:41
* marienz needs to do some housecleaning to have enough space on the laptop to upgrade20:41
marienztbic: weird, it looks as if it's properly in the schema here20:41
iamfossydoes linux-image finish the task or should i specify version number ?20:41
linuxrevolutionwhat's the kenel version of beta2?20:41
marienztbic: if it's not on your end it's possible I gave you the wrong key20:41
kwtmcharlie-tca: Oh?  Please help: where?  I will be travelling with spotty Internet connection, would prefer to have DVD on hand.20:42
marienziamfossy: I'd expect linux-image-generic or something like that to suffice, but I'd also expect you to already have a kernel, so who knows20:42
charlie-tcaIt's the image tested for the beta2 release20:42
iamfossyi checked from  a love CD no kernels were there20:42
kwtmcharlie-tca: Thanks how do I go to the containing web page to look for the DVD version of Kubuntu?  Is it cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/20100406?20:50
kwtmThe Ubuntu beta-2 has 33 seeders and 90 people downloading.  Kubuntu beta-2 has 1 seeder and 2 people downloading.20:51
ZykoticK9kwtm, which is more popular do you think?20:51
linuxrevolutionwhat's the version of kernel in beta2?20:52
kwtmZykoticK9: I guess, despite Operation Timelord, people still don't trust the KDE team on Ubuntu.20:52
kwtmCan't say I blame them, but would be nice to have a beta-2 for Kubuntu.  Perhaps cdimage.kubuntu.com/dvd/20100406?  Will check.20:53
ZykoticK9linuxrevolution, i would "guess" 2.6.32-1920:53
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: ok thanks20:54
Myxbi've installed lucid. couple of question: is there a way to remove the language and email icons from the notification area? they kinda have no use for me there.20:54
marienzthere's a language icon?20:54
ZykoticK9Myxb, i'm with marienz - i've never seen a language icon -- but to remove the mail (and leave the volume) "sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages"20:55
marienzand ZykoticK9 just beat me to it, I was looking up that package name20:55
charlie-tcakwtm: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/20100406.1/lucid-dvd-i386.iso20:56
Myxbthe "language icon" is the keyboard layout indication "USA" "RUS" etc. i normally use a more convenient for me kkbswitch and have no need for the system indicator.20:56
marienzI haven't seen that one at all (I don't know which package provides it)20:57
MyxbZykoticK9: thanks for the email tip, will try in right away!20:57
kwtmcharlie-tca: Thank you!  Will try.20:57
linuxrevolutionubuntu beta 2 came but I have no update!20:57
ZykoticK9Myxb, wrong person perhaps?  I don't think i send any email tips...20:57
marienzZykoticK9: check for something suspicious in /usr/lib/indicator/3/ ?20:57
marienzZykoticK9: check for something suspicious in /usr/lib/indicators/3/ even20:57
charlie-tcalinuxrevolution: You already have it lucid installed and updated?20:58
marienzerr, Myxb: ^^^ that was for you20:58
linuxrevolutioncharlie-tca: I have lucid but after releasing of beta 2 there is no update at all20:58
marienzlinuxrevolution: normal20:58
charlie-tcaCorrect. the updates to it were about two days ago20:58
ZykoticK9marienz, i don't even have a /usr/lib/lindicator/3 directory20:59
marienzlinuxrevolution: if you updated your beta1 install normally within last couple of days you're already on beta220:59
marienzZykoticK9: I was using the wrong nick, and it's "indicator", not "lindicator" :)20:59
charlie-tcaAs long as you keep up to date, you don't need to try to update to alpha and beta releases20:59
marienzerr, "indicators"20:59
ZykoticK9marienz, yes and yes20:59
linuxrevolutionmarienz: ok but some bugs exist without any change!20:59
Sweethow do I update to beta2 from terminal?21:00
charlie-tcalinuxrevolution: maybe they just haven't been fixed yet21:00
yofelSweet: 'do-release-update -d'21:00
marienzSweet: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2 mentions this21:00
ZykoticK9Sweet, just update as you normally would!21:00
linuxrevolutioncharlie-tca: :(21:00
ZykoticK9Sweet, from karmic or lucid?21:00
DASPRiDhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/542210 | not fixed in beta2 :/21:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542210 in debian-installer "/boot destroyed during install even when formatting disabled (alternate installer)" [Undecided,New]21:00
SweetZykoticK9: lucid21:00
marienzSweet: that is: if you're updating from an older release. From an older lucid it's just a normal update (apt-get dist-upgrade for example)21:00
ZykoticK9Sweet, then just update normally21:00
yofel!beta | Sweet21:01
ubottuSweet: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.21:01
SweetZykoticK9: I did, but I didn't get any updates!21:01
SweetZykoticK9: It says System up to date!21:01
ZykoticK9Sweet, if it's up-to-date with your mirrors (then it's up-to-date) already21:02
linuxrevolutionthanks mates bye21:02
SweetZykoticK9: ok thanks for the info!21:02
busatahas there been any update since beta freeze?21:02
Sweetbusata: you noob21:02
guntbert!noob | Sweet21:03
ubottuSweet: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.21:03
charlie-tcabusata: beta freeze was a week ago. Yes, there were updates since then21:03
Sweetubottu: i'm sorry was my co-worker ;)21:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:04
busatayea, he's my roommate, not that used to how to behave in irc channels :)21:05
tepelstreeltjebusata: are there any updates since the beta freeze21:05
charlie-tcabeta freeze was a week ago. Yes, there were updates since then21:06
uffoexperts advice needed: what is better for file based swap, is it swapd or swapspace21:23
boournsever since upgrading to lucid, whenever i open a new window it seems to be opened under all the open windows, like a "popunder" window as they've been called... how can i fix that?21:23
mfraz74any idea how to fix the menus in skype? they're dark on dark21:25
bj0rn2Is it possible to force an upgrade from karmic to lucid beta by running some kind of command in karmic?21:25
boournsbj0rn2, yes, if i remember correctly its the #1 result when u google for "upgrade to ubuntu lucid"21:26
bj0rn2oh.. thanks, and sorry21:26
boournsnp, if it were an easy to remember command id just tell ya21:27
mfraz74i have used it before, can't remember now though21:28
alvindo-release-upgrade -d21:29
nemogpg: requesting key EF8FBB99 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com21:30
nemogpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host21:30
nemodig says it is
nemowhat port is it requesting on, I might be firewalled off21:31
alvinThe line you pasted says HTTP21:32
TommyThaGunquesion: If I install the Lucid beta, when the final release comes out, will I be able to do a dist upgrade? or will I have to do a reinstall?21:32
guntbertTommyThaGun: neither - you just keep updating - the you got the final version21:33
TommyThaGungot it21:34
nemoalvin: that's a protocol, not a port ;)21:37
alvinnemo: well, by default it's 80. You may change that, but I don't expect a http fetch script to be created for other ports. That would cause more trouble than it's worth.21:39
nemoalvin: 80 should be fine. hm. wonder what the problem is then21:41
TommyThaGunsweet, you can upgrade to 10.4 through the update-manager app21:42
TommyThaGunI didn't think you could do that21:43
robertzaccourwhich button is it for grub menu now?21:46
ZykoticK9The new install screens look good, very modern.  Firefox icon seems to be missing, just getting a little box.21:46
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, hold shift21:46
robertzaccourZykoticK9, i tried shift, didn't work21:46
robertzaccouri meant tab21:46
robertzaccouri'll try shift thanks21:46
robin0800robertzaccour: keep trying shift dosn't always work21:47
plitteris there a way to upgrade from beta 1 to beta 2? or a way to check if u have upgraded?21:51
charlie-tcaplitter: run updates21:55
plitteri did but nothing new there....21:55
charlie-tcathen you are at beta221:56
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.21:56
holsteini run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:56
holsteinand if theres nothing there, im up to date21:56
charlie-tcaand an up to date lucid installation is already at beta221:57
ZykoticK9holstein, in a vm that hadn't been updated in 15 hours there where no new updates21:57
holsteini think i was expecting some new stuff21:57
holsteinbut same thing here21:58
ZykoticK9holstein, I believe the install appears to be new21:58
ZoraelLucid fails to put my machine on suspend, freezing completely instead (not reacting to sysrq commands). What can I do to troubleshoot?21:58
plitteris there a way to check?22:00
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charlie-tca|beta > plitter22:02
DjSylvesterany help online?22:05
IdleOneDjSylvester: go ahead and ask your question22:06
IdleOneif someone knows they will probably answer22:06
marienzI really need to fix things so I can plug my laptop into ethernet again, updating over wireless is a bit slow22:06
DjSylvesteri have problems with ubuntu sotware center22:07
DjSylvester*software  center22:07
nemohm. my DNS resolution has slowed waaaaaay down in Lucid22:09
nemoADS integration at fault or something?22:09
bjsnider!find liveMedia.hh22:09
nemomaybe IPv6?22:09
ubottuFile liveMedia.hh found in liblivemedia-dev22:10
bsmith093!find liveMedia.hh22:10
ubottuFile liveMedia.hh found in liblivemedia-dev22:10
bsmith093the bot is a package examiner too22:10
bsmith093that is so useful!22:10
DjSylvestersoftware center crashed with AttributeError in _parse_and_or_not_tag()22:12
DjSylvestercan anyone knows how to fix this?22:12
DjSylvestersoftware center crashed with AttributeError in _parse_and_or_not_tag()22:14
bjsnider!find ac_nonexistent.h22:15
ubottuPackage/file ac_nonexistent.h does not exist in lucid22:15
DjSylvester!find software center22:15
ubottucenter is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable22:15
bsmith093is there a way to make encrypting things like email and documents ( and generating a key) completely idiot proof22:15
DjSylvester!find software_center22:16
ubottuPackage/file software_center does not exist in lucid22:16
IdleOneDjSylvester: I don't see any bug that relates to that error22:16
bsmith093probably hyphenated22:16
IdleOnereport a bug on launchpad.net22:17
bsmith093!find ubuntu-software-center22:17
ubottuFile ubuntu-software-center found in app-install-data, software-center22:17
DjSylvesterIdleOne:  there is other way to repair this package ?22:18
IdleOneDjSylvester: possibly but I don't know how. do you have all the updates installed?22:18
IdleOnewhat were you doing when this error happened?22:18
DjSylvesterwhen i made the update i get some errors22:18
DjSylvesterno updates found22:19
IdleOneDjSylvester: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:19
IdleOneohh well22:19
IdleOneok tell me what you were doing and I can try to reproduce the error and report also22:19
DjSylvesteri send the report to  launchpad22:21
Berzerkeris beta 2 out yet?22:21
Berzerkeralright thanks22:21
IdleOnewell the email was sent but the topic has not been updated22:22
DjSylvesterwhen i upgrade  from 8.04TLD i get some install errors22:22
DjSylvesterand i think those errors are the problmes22:22
IdleOneoh LTS22:22
IdleOnewhat errors ?22:23
DjSylvestersome about libc.622:23
DjSylvesteris possible to try reinstall again ?22:24
IdleOneDjSylvester: of course22:26
IdleOneuse the live cd22:26
IdleOnebackup any important files you don't want to lose22:27
johnnyCbadHi, after updating to the latest packages and rebooting I cannot mount filesystems in Lucid beta 1, any help?22:27
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:27
bsmith093how do i generate a key in lucid22:31
bsmith093according to my screen no one has typed anything for over 20 minutes22:56
bsmith093its just that a full 20 min of nothing but status messages  seem wierd23:00
sebsebsebhrm looks like, just like  Beta 1, Beta 2 will be delayed23:02
GlowballWill the Human theme still be available in the final version of Lucid (Not as default of course, but in System > Preferences > Appearance)? It isn't in beta 1.23:04
FunnyLookinHatsebsebseb: Beta 2 was already released....   http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta223:04
marienzGlowball: I still see a human-theme package available. I have no clue if that's installed by default.23:05
sebsebsebFunnyLookinHat: oh23:05
sebsebsebFunnyLookinHat: so the ISO's are there, just this channel's topic hasn't been changed yet?23:05
marienzafaik the isos are there and the website is updated23:06
yofelsebsebseb, FunnyLookinHat: it's not officially released yet as we are missing the release announcement, but the isos are ready23:06
Glowballmarienz: It isn't in the beta. I think it should be, for the users who don't like the new theme(s) and want to change back to the previous one in an easy, effortless way23:08
FunnyLookinHatyofel: release announcement arrived in my inbox about an hour ago...23:08
bongokarlhi there23:08
FunnyLookinHatHowdy bongokarl23:08
bongokarlanybody is having problems with lucid - empahty and icq?23:08
bongokarli won't comlain for sure about anything - just wondering that its not working anymore23:09
FunnyLookinHatyofel: See this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-April/000131.html23:09
FunnyLookinHatI'd change the channel message if I had the authority...23:09
bongokarlhehe allright23:09
bongokarldo-release upgrade something23:10
* marienz doesn't care that much about what's in the default install23:10
yofelFunnyLookinHat: duh, then slangasek forgot to send the mail to ubuntu-devel-announce too which is what most of us here follow23:10
Glowballmarienz: I don't either. I can go to Synaptic at any time I want. But I know people whose grandma are using Ubuntu, and they can't. Ubuntu is supposed to be as user friendly as possible for anyone. Not adding in the Human theme, would be one of those 'paper cuts' to me.23:12
jrrokay here's some comical behavior23:13
jrrselect multiple text files in nautilus, right click, open with gedit23:14
jrrit will open a whole bunch of gedits, and then they'll all collapse back down to one editor with multiple tabs23:14
jrrthat made my dad23:14
jrrday too23:14
FunnyLookinHatjrr: it's to keep epileptic people off of ubuntu.  ;)23:16
DrHalanlol who got the idea of transparent buttons in the new theme? all buttons on youtube are unusuable because background AND font are white23:16
sebsebsebmarienz: I do, but I also know I can remove features that I don't like :)23:16
sebsebsebmarienz: and change things here and there if I want to23:16
jrrDrHalan: repro instructions?23:17
jrr(i can see them just fine)23:17
DrHalanjrr: im using epiphany. dunno if firefox is using native gtk buttons23:18
jrryeah in ff they're fine23:19
bongokarli'm very sorry i have to ask one more question. i guess i'm having beta 1 installed. update-manager -d nor do-releasge upgrade -d work. is it that apt-get upgrade does everything to move to beta 2?23:21
yofel!beta | bongokarl23:21
ubottubongokarl: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:21
bongokarlallright! thank you very much!23:21
bsmith093opengpg question how do i know if ive accidentally released my private key instead of my public key when i published them to the keyserver23:23
DrHalanjrr: yeah i just checked. firefox is rendering the buttons fine23:24
piderjust installed beta2 in virtualbox and also guest add, full screen worked just fine (1440x900) and compiz, very nice23:24
neezeris there a program that I can use to resize a bunch of images in 10.04? I'm not finding that option in fstop.23:26
bsmith093anyone else having no sound in lucid for a while now23:28
kklimondaneezer: convert23:29
neezerbsmith093, I don't have startup bongos or whatever they are, but I still have sound.23:29
neezerkklimonda, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.23:29
bsmith093how do i get my sounfd bakc23:29
bsmith093sound back23:29
marienzthat depends on where it went :) iirc there's a wiki page with debugging steps23:29
kklimondaneezer: it's a name of a utility that can resize bunch of imabes23:30
moonlite11How do i make gnome-power-manager not start when i log in to gnome? Reason: my screen flickers and it decides that it needs to hibernate every 10th minute even with the power plugged in.23:31
moonlite11(this is in lucid ofcourse, and i will report bugs as soon as i get to a desktop that i can use for more than 10 minutes in a row :))23:32
nemomoonlite11: uncheck power manager in startup applications?23:34
nemojust a guess23:34
bsmith093can someone answer an encryption key question opengpg question how do i know if ive accidentally released my private key instead of my public key when i published them to the keyserver23:35
kklimondabsmith093: is it even possible to do that?23:37
bsmith093thanks i was23:37
bsmith093i dont know could u help me please i am an encryption noob just generated my first key about an hour ago23:38
kklimondabsmith093: how have you uploaded it and why do you think it could be the private key?23:40
bsmith093kkilonda i published it to the keyserver23:43
=== jpds changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2
bsmith093but in dont know which one it sent23:43
bsmith093i only have one key listed in the passwords and encryption thing23:44
abolethI upgraded to the beta about maybe two weeks ago and since then I've not been able to boot since then. The first time I tried it got to the loading screen and it said something about the sda drive and continued going through the progress bar thing for maybe half an hour. Since then I didn't get anything about the sda drive but it just stays loading for an extremely long time. What should I do?23:46
kklimondabsmith093: I think it's impossible to send private key to the keyserver23:46
bsmith093k thgen so how do i use the key23:46
kklimondabsmith093: what do you want to use it for?23:47
bsmith093encrypting email23:47
kklimondawell, that depends on your email client then23:47
bsmith093web interfacre23:48
kklimondathere is some firefox extension for that - firegpg I think23:48
bsmith093i got that23:48
bsmith093about ten min ago23:48
kklimondathen please read the documentation for it23:48
kklimondaI haven't used it23:49
bsmith093k then bye23:49
marienzhum, this upgrade went mostly ok except for the part where the screen didn't come back on when I rebooted :)23:51
sirninjaIs the banshee notification area icon messed up for anybody else using lucid?23:52
FishsceneGreetings. I see that the Beta 2 is supposed to be released today. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule) My question is, is it available right now? or will it be available tomorrow?23:52
marienzlet's see if that's a one-time only bug23:52
marienzFishscene: looks pretty available to me23:52
FishsceneAwesome. I shall update and see how it goes. Hopefully they fixed the grub error.23:52
marienzargh, this is going to be annoying23:53
marienzurgh, if toggling this undocumented new openchrome X driver option fixes it I'm going to be annoyed23:59

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