
=== Martyn is now known as MartinB
eggonleaNCommander: Great! Could we use NFS root with default uImage/uInitrd/rootfs now?02:23
NCommandereggonlea: you have to rebuild the uInitrd for NFS mode02:23
NCommandereggonlea: its not difficult02:23
NCommandereggonlea: once you do that, it should just work02:23
NCommandereggonlea: basically, you'll have to TFTP a boot.scr file that will download a uImage and uInitrd, set the command line, and boot02:24
eggonleaBut why? I've looked into the initramfs which should have the ability to mount NFS already.02:24
NCommandereggonlea: it does, but you need to flip the switch to tell it to actually try and do that ;-)02:24
eggonleaAnd actually I've tried that before with default initramfs. It did work.02:24
NCommandereggonlea: hrm, interesting. Where'd you run into problems then?02:25
eggonleathe problem is in 1) /etc/fstab; 2) /etc/network/interface; and 3) /etc/init/network-manager02:25
* NCommander got tripped up by finding out you have to set rw on the command line02:25
NCommander1 is easy02:25
NCommander2 is easy02:25
NCommander3 needs an off switch02:25
NCommanderHere's the fstab I'm using on my board02:26
eggonleaby specifying "nfsroot=xxx" and "boot=nfs" at the same time, I could use the default initramfs.02:26
NCommandereggonlea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/410807/02:26
NCommandereggonlea: ooh, thats good to know, that means the documentation is out of date02:26
eggonleaand I commented out all items in fstab to use NFS.02:26
eggonleaYes, the doc is really old.02:26
NCommanderYou can force network-manager to off by specifying the interface in manual mode in/etc/interfaces/network02:27
NCommanderauto eth002:27
NCommanderiface eth0 inet manual02:27
NCommanderPut those lines in, and NM will ignore eth002:27
eggonleaOnce "boot=nfs" is there, initramfs would deal with "nfsroot=xxx" correctly.02:27
NCommandereggonlea: seems your one step ahead of me02:27
eggonleaYes, I deal with interface eth0 as manual02:27
NCommanderhrm, that should turn NM off02:28
NCommanderIf it doesn't, that's a bug02:28
NCommanderand can be worked around with apt-get remove network-manager :-)02:28
eggonleaIt doesn't work until I remove NM from init.02:28
NCommandereggonlea: is your eth device 0?02:28
NCommandersometimes it likes to move to eth1, eth2, etc.02:28
* NCommander got as high as eth3702:28
* NCommander was personally interested in seeing what happened when it got to eth255 ...02:29
eggonleasee line 25-53 of my /etc/init/mountall.conf02:30
eggonleaIt's a bug.02:30
eggonleaWe could follow up this.02:30
NCommandereggonlea: if interfaces.nfs doesn't exist, it should work properly, my /etc/network/interfaces persists reboots02:31
eggonleaI'm wondering if standard Ubuntu could integrate something like that to deal with NFSROOT and normal boot smartly. :)02:31
NCommandereggonlea: integrate in which way?02:32
* NCommander notes that except for LTSP, we don't do a lot of network booted except for Mythbuntu02:32
eggonleabut the current initramfs DOES include NFS support already.02:33
eggonleawhy not make one step forward to complete it?02:33
NCommandereggonlea: definately something we can look at fixing although its too late for said work to land for 10.04. We can have a spec at UDS and look at improving the existing NFS support there02:34
eggonleaif ethx is configured already, just have NM leave it there (don't re-configure again).02:34
eggonleaThat's fine.02:34
NCommandereggonlea: NM is designed for normal users. We're not normal users :-/02:34
* eggonlea agrees.02:35
eggonleaCould NM be dynamically switched off (when initramfs detects "boot=nfs") by passing some parameter easily?02:36
NCommandereggonlea: what do you use NFSroot for specifically?02:36
NCommandereggonlea: hrm, it won'tbe hard to extend its init script to do extactly that. If your doing NFS root, its unlikely to want network-manager (unless you want to configure a WLAN device, but thats really pushing the usecase)02:37
eggonleaI use NFSroot the most time I use Ubuntu. It helps a lot when I transfer files between my development PC, share the powerful utilities in PC, etc.02:37
eggonleaI could even restore a broken rootfs easily by just tar and untar a backup.02:38
eggonleaI only use HD as root when installing a fresh one from livecd and release customized Ubuntu to customers (the released tarball would contains the scripts I pasted just now to support both of HD and NFS).02:39
NCommandereggonlea: that's true. You can even do squashfs over NFS to get a clean environment every time02:40
* DanaG wishes networkmanager wouldn't ignore usb0 ("can't determine driver")02:58
persiaDanaG: Please file a bug about that: it's surely fixable.03:43
DanaGI know why it can't determine driver: /sys/class/net/usb0/device/driver symlink doesn't exist.03:44
persiaThen that's a kernel bug (and still fixable) :)03:45
eggonleaNCommander, I cannot even launch Chromium browser here (instead of rendering wrongly). Just install it from archive. Would try it on a latest fresh livecd.04:06
MartinBI can04:06
NCommandereggonlea: can't test it on Dove ATM (my PSU is MIA ATM), but I'll put it on a TODO item04:06
MartinBeggonlea : What plaform are you testing on?04:06
NCommanderMartinB: he's on Dove ;-)04:07
MartinBNCommander : I've got a tegra2 working here...04:07
MartinBthanks .. one sec04:07
MartinBY0, right?04:07
NCommanderMartinB: X004:07
NCommanderThere are issues with Y0/Y1 on Lucid04:07
MartinBSure ... MAKE me go to the garage to get it.04:07
NCommanderas in, it doesn't work :-)04:07
MartinB2 mins04:07
NCommanderMartinB: where'd you get a dove board?04:07
MartinBNCommander : Asked nicely after last UDS04:08
NCommanderMartinB: wow04:08
MartinBNCommander : remember, I /live/ in Austin04:08
NCommanderMartinB: that's true04:08
eggonleaMartinB, so you are running Karmic on Y0?04:08
MartinBeggonlea : No, I'm running something custom on the Y0, but I can always switch the image .. I just got the X0 out of the garage04:09
MartinBI need to run an aptitude update and safe-upgrade, then we'll be in good shape04:09
MartinBokay, done04:10
MartinBwhat's the issue?  Chromium doesn't run?04:10
MartinBI use a SATA rootfs04:11
eggonleaNothing happened after I clicked the icon.04:11
eggonleano GUI launched, no segfault.04:11
MartinBwhich build of chromium?04:11
eggonleathat in archive.04:13
eggonleanot PPA04:13
* eggonlea reinstall it in case it's broken.04:14
eggonleaGet:1 lucid/universe chromium-browser-inspector 5.0.342.7~r42476-0ubuntu1 [598kB]04:14
eggonleaGet:2 lucid/universe chromium-codecs-ffmpeg 0.5+svn20100326r42726+42573+42890-0ubuntu1 [251kB]04:14
eggonleaGet:3 lucid/universe chromium-browser 5.0.342.7~r42476-0ubuntu1 [15.1MB]04:14
eggonlea10.38.164.98 is my local mirror to ubuntu-ports04:15
MartinBp   chromium-browser                                                                      - Chromium browser04:15
MartinBgot it04:15
MartinBinstalled ... and I'm assuming you're using the default gnome desktop?04:15
eggonleaNetbook by default.04:16
MartinBI've got both a server image, and a full desktop04:16
MartinBI'll boot the desktop to check04:16
MartinBno issue at all04:19
eggonleaThen, there must be something wrong with my rootfs.04:20
MartinB*** glibc detected *** aptitude: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x002a1198 ***04:20
MartinBhmm .. new error with aptitude install though04:20
MartinBhaven't seen that before04:20
* eggonlea drop the current rootfs upgraded by apt-get update/upgrade and is going to install a fresh one from livecd04:21
MartinBgood idea04:24
MartinBin fact, I should probably do the same04:25
MartinBthis one was built mid-Feb04:25
MartinBI just hate wiping the hard disk :)04:25
MartinBbut with all these ARM devices around now, I can more easily create a rootfs04:25
eggonleaIt would help if Ubuntu provides a mode to install automatically.04:26
DanaGinteresting... is the chromium ffmpeg-nonfree supposed to do h.264?04:26
persiaeggonlea: How do you mean?  Do the dailies not work?04:27
eggonleaDanaG: Personally I don't think so because of license. But I'm not sure until I got it running here.04:27
DanaGhmm, but I would've thought "nonfree" meant "includes things you're not supposed to install... but probably will install anyway."04:28
eggonleapersia: To install a Ubuntu to SATA from Livecd.04:28
DanaGas in all those medibuntu things.04:28
DanaGAlternately, we just need an ARM medibuntu.04:28
MartinBI also just verified the chromium package works remotely04:29
persiaeggonlea: That should just work from the live images.  How does it fail?04:29
eggonleapersia, e.g. record the install information on one machine and then apply this on all of the other machines.04:29
persiaeggonlea: That's installer preseeding, which should be well supported (and bugs are appreciated if it doesn't work)04:30
* persia hunts up some docs04:30
eggonleapersia, sorry, I don't know our livecd support that already.04:30
persiaSo, there's a bug :)  https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/armel doesn't exist.  https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/ should be mostly the same for most preseeding.04:31
MartinBRunning chromium remotely via X from the X0 to my mac :)04:32
eggonleaMartinB, looks good. I did not see any rendering error there.04:32
MartinBworks great04:32
MartinBI'm also browsing the filesystem, as well as looking at images04:33
eggonleaMartinB, it's said rendering abnormally on Dove.04:33
MartinBworth verifying again tomorrow, but I'm not seeing an issue04:33
* eggonlea reading...04:34
sijiAnbody from Compulab is here07:06
persiasiji: If nobody answers after a while, you might try asking the question you had intended to pose to someone from Compulab: it may be that someone else also has the answer.07:11
sijipersia,am really sorry07:11
sijiI was trying to get somebody from Compulab07:12
sijiearlier one mike used to be here alive07:12
sijiI just want to knw more details abt compulab's omap based COM07:13
sijispecially performance point of view07:13
sijiwith Ubuntu07:13
persiaNo need to be sorry.  I just believe in generalised questions :)  I would have asked "Does anyone have any pointers to information about compulab's OMAP based COM, especially any information about performance?"07:14
persiaUnfortunately, I don't have any such pointers.  Sorry.07:14
sijipersial, not only that, I posted a query to compulab last week and till havent got any reply (abt the pricing etc)07:20
persiasiji: If I were you, I'd be increasingly tempted by other solutions :)07:27
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
hrwguys: how much builds you do on your x86(-64) boxes and how much on arm boards?11:11
amitkall builds are done natively11:12
amitkwe might cross-compile _occassionally_ for quick compile-testing..11:12
hrwok, so next question11:12
hrwhow much you compile at all and how much take from repositories?11:13
hrwI am trying to find out build power requirements11:13
ograat least in lucid we recompiled the whole archive for v7 and thumb211:13
ograno ?11:14
persiaWe recompiled *most* stuff.  There's still stuff that hasn't been updated since warty.11:14
* persia digs up automated lsits11:14
ograi thought that fell under the "dont build it" policy11:14
ograi.e. did we have a policy to remove binaries for stuff that wasnt built in lucid ?11:15
* amitk guesses that all of 'main' was native compiled?11:15
persiaWe recompiled everything listed at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/unchanged/changed_since_karmic for lucid11:15
persiaWe didn't recompile anything listed at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/unchanged/unchanged_since_karmic (yet)11:15
ograamitk, everything was native compiled ... either in ubuntu or debian :)11:15
persiaNo.  Everything was native compiled in Ubuntu.11:15
ogradebian does native too11:16
ograat least as far as i know11:16
amitkogra: I meant all of 'main' was native (RE)compiled (for armv7)11:16
persiaYes, but we don't use those results (which is part of why we don't, for example, have a working fpc today)11:16
ograamitk, right11:16
persiaamitk: That is believed to be true, but I'm not sure anyone did confirmation.11:16
ograpersia, its only not true if asac made a mistake assembling the give back lists11:17
persiaA script was used that *tries* to identify ELF2 images to target which packages needed recompile.  The script may have been buggy.11:17
ogratheoretically all of main should have been recompiled11:17
* amitk guesses hrw has too-much-info now :)11:18
ograplus everything that was uploaded during the cycle in universe11:18
ograor synced11:18
persiaInded.  Everything in the first URL I posted above.11:18
asacwe recompiled everything thats in main and that isnt arch all11:18
persiaDid we?  Did we recompile libx86 for armel?11:19
ograpersia, we tried to :P11:19
* persia expects the answer is (slightly) more complicated11:19
persiaOh, heh.  12th March.11:19
ogragiven that it cant build on armel thats a moot point11:19
ogralibx86 should really be in PAS11:20
persiaThat's kinda why I picked it.  I thoguht the pointless-to-recompile ones were intentionally skipped.11:20
persiaAnyway, doesn't really matter.11:21
asacright ;)11:21
persiahrw: The real answer is that most stuff has been recompiled, and anything that can be demonstrated to have a bug that would be solved by recompilation can be trivially recompiled.11:21
hrwamitk: on 26th April I start Ubuntu/ARM work and try now to find out which kind of build will I use. now I do all on my desktop (+ potential VMs if needed) and sometimes run configure scripts on boards to check for strange variables. With Ubuntu/ARM I suspect more builds to be done on arm boards (beagleboard for example) but it takes much more time11:21
persiaWe do all compilation in the repositories, but most of us test-compile before uploading.11:22
* persia glares at asac11:22
asacpersia: libx86 was tried to recompile ;)11:22
asaclast attempt 3rd marc11:22
asaci skipped stuff that was ftbfs since the beginning11:22
persia12th according to my logs, but sure.11:22
ograhrw, get an XM :)11:22
ograthe 512M will really help11:22
hrwogra: I have b7/c3/c3 here11:23
ogranot enough ram to be speedy11:23
hrwogra: and would prefer armv7 with 1GB ram11:23
persiahrw: Other commercially available stuff that can build is Efika MX and Netwalker, but there aren't kernels for those11:23
* ogra wouldnt seriously build on a B or C beagle11:23
* persia really approves of unified-omap kernels11:23
ograpersia, for 10.10 probably11:23
persiaogra: Sure.  Both of those are ARMv711:24
hrwogra: thats why I do builds on my x86-6411:24
ograbut have different (and sometimes conflicting) peripherials on the SoC11:24
ograand we dont have any time left11:24
persiahrw: Lots of packages *can't* cross-compile.  Many of them can compile with qemu-system-arm or qemu-static-arm, but that's not that much faster than native (but RAM helps).11:25
hrwefika mx uses i.mx chip from freescale... that company and their linux support....11:25
hrwpersia: name one of them?11:25
persiahrw: gcc11:25
hrwpersia: I crosscompiled gcc yesterday11:25
ograbeyond that you need the same toolchain to be sure your binaries are sane11:25
persiahrw: Not the Ubuntu package, you didn't, or you intentionally disabled the test suite.11:26
hrwpersia: and then build vim with it on armv7a11:26
persiaAnd history aside, my Netwalker runs Ubuntu just fine (and ships with it).11:27
persiahrw: Anyway, the general issue with cross-compilation in Ubuntu is that lots of packages need to run the results of the compile post-build/pre-install and so those need to run either natively or in emulation.  Packages without test-suites are (wishlist) buggy.11:28
hrwhow open and current is efika mx?11:28
hrwI have i.mx31 devices here and very bad kernel experience with them11:29
persiaFrom what I've heard, userspace is stock Ubuntu 9.04, the kernel source is available (but not upstream).11:29
* persia doesn't have an Efika MX11:29
hrwnetwalker use which SoC?11:29
ograimx51 is currently our best supported arch11:30
persiaIn terms of retail, cetainly.11:30
ograat least it has the least glitches atm11:30
hrwogra: with 5MB patch applied on mainline kernel?11:30
persiaOther SoC vendors need design wins :)11:30
* ogra is expecting omapo to take that role in 10.10 but omap in 10.04 is still young and to late for making it sexy11:31
hrwogra: :D11:31
persiaEspecially with the unified kernel: it should almost auto-port to all sorts of retail stuff.11:31
ogralool, Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0xc020660b have you seen that in arm chroots ?11:47
loologra: Yes11:49
neurrei've got a beagle board11:49
neurreshould i try ubuntu on this?11:50
ogralool, seems to not do any harm, do you think we could quieten it for release ?11:50
persianeurre: Of course :)11:50
persianeurre: Be warned that you may find the memory a bit low for the standard installs though.11:51
neurrehow easy it is to try?11:51
persianeurre: Very.  Download the omap image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/current/ , dd to SD, and boot it.11:51
ogradont do that on a rev B board !11:52
persiaI believe it's currently buggy in a couple annoying ways (like broken USB support), but it ought boot.11:52
ograit wont boot in 128M11:52
persiaOh :(11:52
neurrei have 256MB11:52
persiaDo we have anything that boots on rev B?  Server maybe?11:52
ograserver might boot11:52
neurreso this is rev C i suppose?11:52
ograthe board should ahve a little sticker11:52
ogranext to the USB port11:52
neurrehow do i get the thing to sd card?11:52
ogrause dd11:53
persiaThere are some graphical tools too11:53
* persia hunts a link11:53
neurrei need sdcard thing for my pc i suppose?11:53
hrwogra: easier check is availability of normal USB connector - Bx lacks them, Cx have11:53
neurregotta go get one, then..11:53
hrwogra: or placement of hdmi connector. Cx have hdmi/svideo/audio, Ax/Bx have hdmi on same side as expansion connector11:54
ogramy B6 has a USB connector11:54
hrwogra: EHCI one?11:54
ograoh, i lied11:55
* ogra hasnt looked at the B board for a while11:55
hrwI just unoacked B7 to compare11:55
neurrewill lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img boot on beagleboard?11:55
ograi always mix up the HDMI for USB11:55
loologra: I didn't look into it11:55
neurrejust like that, without need to do some boot time setenv stuff?11:55
persianeurre: On rev C, yes.11:55
neurredoes it include PVR drivers?11:55
hrwneurre: it will boot but default kernel does not have usb working yet11:55
ograneurre, it will just boot, but still has lots of issues we hope to resolve before release11:55
persianeurre: If you don't like dd for some reason, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles has some other options (although I don't know how well tested they are with SD targets instead of USB targets)11:56
neurrehow about anything older?11:56
ograhrw, it wont install either :)11:56
hrwogra: yep11:56
ograi still need to find the right installer magic ... but that requires a working kernel that lets me start the installer at all :)11:56
persianeurre: Unfortunately, support for omap is very new in Ubuntu.  There are some self-build instructions on elinux.org for older releases, but helping test the upcoming release helps make it great :)11:58
persiaogra: You could always just add a hack in casper that added ubiquity to the session (in 10adduser) for testing purposes :)11:58
ograpersia, doesnt help if i hit OOM because of missing compcache :)11:59
ograi can also boot with only-ubiquity to not load the desktop11:59
ogra(which is my fallback if compcache isnt sufficient actually)12:00
persiaheh, OK.12:00
=== neurre is now known as neure
ogralool, why did we never use genext2fs for image building ?12:22
* ogra is really thankful hrw pointed him to that12:22
loologra: Because we didn't need it so far?  no idea really12:26
ograits quite awesome for creating ext2/3 images without root privileges12:26
* persia reads avidly, and discovers the dual meaning of "board" :)12:51
persiaThere's a session starting in #ubuntu-classroom in about 10 minutes entitled "Q&A about the Developer Membership Board"12:52
persiaJust an amusing coincidence, really.12:53
persiahrw: Reviewing that post: why uboot only?  Shouldn't OF or UEFI be also suitable?13:04
hrwpersia: so far I used arm (armv4/v4t/v5te/v6/v7a), avr32, x86 devboards/embeddeddevices. most of them used u-boot, 2 were redboot (one migrated to u-boot later), x86 were standard bios13:07
loolhrw: Did you try sheevaplug?13:07
hrwlool: have one under desk13:07
hrwlool: want to buy?13:07
loolhrw: I wonder why you listed 2 serial ports and a JTAG connector on your wishlist after having used a sheevaplug13:07
loolI really liked having the serial console and JTAG FTDI on the USB bus myself13:07
persiahrw: I'll agree that redboot can be limiting :)  I just was under the impression that OF and UEFI both were even more friendly than uboot when it came to nice flexible boot systems.13:07
hrwlool: sheevaplug is not devboard13:07
hrwlool: and usb serial/jtag on sheeva unregister from usb bus when you press reset13:08
loolhrw: Still, it's a single USB cable to multiplex pretty much everything; uncluttered my desk13:08
hrwpersia: did not used any of them13:08
hrwlool: agreed - I even got one or two devices move to that scheme13:08
loolhrw: So you find it a problem that the JTAG has to be reconnected across reboots?13:08
hrwlool: but my desktop has 7 real serial ports ;D13:09
ograwhile redboot is limiting, its very fast ....13:09
loolWhich is increasingly rare; laptops are now more numerous than desktops!13:09
hrwogra: not if you have to load kernel from tftp on ep9301 cpu ;(13:09
ograindeed, i meant for loading from local media13:10
hrwlool: I do not remember when last time I used my laptop for development... but it is so old that it has one real serial port13:10
persiaNew laptops sometimes have real serial.13:12
hrwand costs extra for it13:12
amitklastlog ioctl13:13
persiaWell, maybe.  I've never seen two models that were identical except for presence/absence of the port :)13:13
persiaAnd there's USB octopus serial cables with DB9/RJ48 on the ends.13:14
loolamitk: You mean dmesg | grep oops13:19
amitklool: no, I was doing a search in my irssi log about your discussion about ogra> lool, Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0xc020660b have you seen that in arm chroots ?13:21
loolamitk: Yes, using qemu13:24
loolamitk: qemu syscall emulation that is13:24
loolamitk: I was just kidding with the grep BTW   :)13:27
ogramy d-i fixes work, server gets further than the kbd selection13:41
ograto sad it doesnt fins a target disk now :(13:42
ograit doesnt find ubuntu.seed ....13:43
ograindeed because we build -server13:44
ograso do i default to ubuntu-server.seed for *all* alternate omap images now ?13:54
ograwe dont have a way to differentiate wrt cmdline13:54
ogralool, we stopped building normal alternate images and the debian-cd code defaults to file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed atm13:55
loolYou mean alternate desktop images?13:56
ograthe server images we build use /cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed13:56
ogralool, right13:56
loolI don't understand why there would be any ARM specificity here though, it's just package selections and files in the image?13:56
ograi wonder if we might care for desktop alternate images again at some point13:56
loolYeah, well if it's not desktop it might be netbook or something else13:56
ogralool, the bootloader setup and cmdline code is arm specific13:57
ogranot the image13:57
loolIn any case, you can set the seed to the server one for server builds, but not for anything else13:57
ograwell, i cant13:57
ograboot-armel+$subarch doesnt know its building server or desktop13:58
ograit only makes a distinction if its live or alternate atm13:58
ograand sets the seed based on that13:58
ograand given that we dropped alternate desktop completely (since we dont support desktop on armel anymore) the seed thats getting added to the cmdline is wrong13:59
loologra: Don't we build alternate desktop images on i386?14:03
ogralool, we do14:03
ograbut we dont on armel targets14:03
loolWhy can't we use the same logic to set the seed?14:03
ograwhy didnt we ?14:03
loolWhat I see currently:14:05
loolSo there's a base ubuntu-server seed and per subarch overrides if needed14:05
ogranot in the scripts14:05
loolthere's a base ubuntu seed (desktop), no override needed14:05
ograi'm talking about boot-armel+$subarch here14:06
ograwe never added any logic to be selective based on $PROJECT14:06
ograand if you build ubuntu-server it will still default to /preseed/ubuntu/ubuntu.seed14:06
loologra: Apparently there's a simple macro you can call to get it14:06
loolI suspect it's what "default_preseed" computes14:06
loolRight, exactly, see tools/boot/lucid/common.sh for its code14:07
loolSo just source that and call default_preseed, then use $DEFAULT_PRESEED on the cmdline14:07
ograah, sweet14:07
ograi thought i'd need to add a ton of "if [ "$PROJECT" = ubuntu-server ]; then"14:08
ograwhich is why i brought it up here14:08
lool(Perhaps not the best channel to discuss cdimage stuff though)14:09
ograwell, its debian-cd14:09
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=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
* XorA wishes there was an ubuntu for his n81016:07
persia9.10 ought be installable.16:08
persiaI know the Mer folk spent a lot of time working on that as the basis for their releases.16:08
ograXorA, i had jaunty running on my n800, karmic should also work16:09
XorAogra: but how would I install it?16:10
XorAMer is sort of based on ubuntu, but touching apt-get leaves you with unbootable system 100% of the time16:10
persiaXorA: http://blog.linuxniche.net/?p=16 or similar is probably a sane place to start16:10
ograwell, i instealled the bootmenu stuff from maemo that enables you to run your rootfs from SD16:10
persiaMer is more than sort-of based on Ubuntu.16:11
ograthen just created a chroot on the SD16:11
persiaThe main reasons Mer wasn't *part* of Ubuntu for 9.10 were 1) issues with finding a way to handle the GTK+ patch, and 2) issues with the overhead of creating flavours in Ubuntu.16:11
prpplagueXorA: ping16:11
ograand installed ubuntu-desktop in it (which wasnt a good idea, if you try that, take rather something like lxde :) )16:11
XorAogra: I just install lxde into Mer, now Ive got an unbootable system :-)16:12
persiaHrm?  That shouldn't be possible.16:12
persiaHow did you install lxde?16:12
ograunbootable or do you just dont have any X16:12
XorApersia: apt-get install lxde16:12
XorAogra: dont have any X16:12
persiaThis really shouldn't affect kernel config.16:12
persiaWhat's the Xorg.0.log say?16:13
XorApersia: I cant get to it16:13
XorApersia: no ethernet on n81016:13
* XorA will extract the MMC card and fiddle with it on desktop16:13
persiaIf anything, you might have a wonky Xsession, but just installing lxde *really* shouldn't break X.16:14
prpplagueXorA: when you have time, i want to pick your brain on a beagleboard case16:16
XorAprpplague: can do now16:17
XorAIve always found Mer to be really delicate, which is a real pity as the default maemo sucks these days16:18
StskeepsXorA: look into what tricks we use to boot and getting a ubuntu running should be trivial16:18
prpplagueXorA: see /msg16:19
prpplagueogra: ping16:25
prpplagueogra: hey, quick question regarding out discussion on a dev case for the beagle and beagleXM, how important would it be to provide a power switch(true power disconnect) on the case?16:26
ograwell, assuming you have a socket where you plug in a power brick i wouldnt really think its that important ...16:27
ograthe question is though what kind of users are you adressing16:27
ogramy mother would definately not get the concept if there was no power button16:27
prpplagueogra: targeting canonical developers16:28
ografor developers you dont need a power button as long as there are other ways to make the device powerless16:28
* persia likes power buttons16:31
ograyou are special16:32
ograyou also talk into hamster coffins when phoning :)16:32
persiaprpplague: And unless you have some reason for restriction: please make these available (even for money) to any Ubuntu developers, regardless of their affiliation (or an even wider audience)16:32
persiaogra: I've not ever made even one phone call from that :p16:32
ograoh, i thought it was fixed so you *could* make calls with it16:33
prpplaguepersia: they will be available to everyone, but my first priority is to satisfy canonical developers16:33
persiaogra: I can make calls in Windows.  I've never booted Windows on it.16:34
persiaprpplague: Fair.  The rest of us can wait (but I hope not too long) :)16:35
prpplaguepersia: all of TinCanTools products are available to everyone16:35
prpplaguepersia: (with regards to the beagle related items)16:36
persiaNow I just have to get a Beagle (but I'm waiting for more RAM) :)16:36
prpplaguepersia: beagleXM's should be available soon16:37
persiaThat's what I hear.16:37
* prpplague beagle has more ram that i will ever use16:37
persiaI like to do lots of test-builds.  1G+ will still make me swap.16:38
hrw|gonebeaglexm is supposed to be in June18:50
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prpplagueogra: ping21:19
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* opotin 22:08
* Olivier83 is happy22:44
persiaWhy, particularly?22:48
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone

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