
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
thorwilunexpected result13:34
vishmy damn ISP is down! i cant access http or bzr :/13:37
vishi though all access was off but i can irc :(13:38
thorwilah, so the only the worst of the 3 still works for you!13:45
vishexactly.. :s13:47
knomewot? the BEST of the three.13:49
* darkmatter is having a kludge.org discussion :D14:20
darkmattererrr... xorg. I always misspell that14:21
kwwiihttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown is done!14:50
thorwili vaguely recall i pasted that link yesterday ;)14:52
thorwillol. i'm creating my profile on behance.net. selected country Germany. enter "Mönchengladbach" for City. can't save the profile because behance demands a City form a fixed list of completions they offer. they don't even know Düsseldorf. should have tried Cologne, everyone seems to know that one15:02
kwwiiI often find sites which are lacking in country info15:04
kwwiilots of sites are only set up to deal with american addresses as well15:05
thorwilsure, but i think that's the first time i see City as anything but a free-form entry15:05
kwwiiyeah, true15:07
darkmatterahhh... much more consistent now, plus better visibility on inactive tabs!15:41
darkmatterkwwii: thorwil: vish: which do you think looks better, http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/7913/screenshotey.png or http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/733/screenshot1jf.png ?15:47
akgranerHi!  I am probable about to ask a question that is annoying as "is it out yet" so forgive me - but will the new font be ready on the 29th released sooner?  just curious looking at redoing the font part of the Ubuntu Women Project Logo15:47
akgranerprobably  even15:48
akgranerspelling fail today :-(15:48
vishdarkmatter: /me blind right now .. ISP fail :/15:49
kwwiiakgraner: I do not think that the font will be ready in time for lucid15:51
kwwiiakgraner: we will have logos ready but not the whole font15:52
kwwiidarkmatter: I prefer the one without the toolbar line/bg15:52
thorwildarkmatter: ^ same15:53
darkmatterok. thanies :)15:54
akgranerkwwii, ahh ok :-) cool I only need the b, e, m, n, o, t, u , and w   hehe :-D  (just teasing)  thank you I appreciate the quick answer  - you all rock!!!15:57
darkmatterI'm considering changing the roundness for menu items to 1 pixel though16:43
kwwiidarkmatter: I think that would be an improvement17:22
akgranerkwwii, ping got 5 mins? mind a PM?18:51
darkmatterbleh. I'd love to keep rounded menu items, but the bloody gtk devs can't seem to include a basic algorithm in the core to round the corners on the menus themselves, lol19:48
darkmatterhaha! crispy listview headers :D http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/1153/screenshotoq.png20:54

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