
=== mohi_away is now known as mohi1
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rozbeh_hello....could someone help me with a very basic question please?03:43
nhandlerrozbeh_: No need to ask in here as well03:46
swoodyrozbeh_: feel free to ask :)03:49
nhandlerswoody: I'm helping him with it in -launchpad right now ;)03:50
swoodypizza_the_hut: awesome nickname by the way! It makes me want to change mine to Prince Valium ;)03:50
swoodynhandler: gotcha :)03:50
pleia2and I shall be pvespa204:06
swoodylol :)04:08
swoodyof course Bodhi would be Lonestar ;)04:11
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pizza_the_hutmay the schwartz be with you04:57
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man0riaXMorning everyone10:31
Akoshi nhandler12:11
nhandlerHey Akos12:14
ZachK_hello tykaju17:00
ZachK_tykaju: and how are you today?17:03
tykajuwell and you ?17:03
ZachK_tired though...not been to bed yet17:03
tykajuhow it's there ?17:05
ZachK_ok i guess17:05
tykajuwhat time it's there ?17:07
ZachK_eleven am17:08
tykajuok ... here it's 4 pm17:09
* ZachK_ works night shift17:10
transformersyes hello17:11
transformersBodsda, yo17:11
transformerspaultag, YO!17:11
ZachK_transformers: please do not ping multiple people at one time17:13
transformersZachK_, YO'17:13
ZachK_transformers: yes?17:13
Bodsdaim off out im afraid17:13
ZachK_latah Bodsda17:14
paultagyo transformers17:26
transformerspaultag, how are you pal?17:44
transformersima follow u on twitter17:45
paultagtransformers, Thank you :)17:57
paultagtransformers, I'm not bad, how are you?17:57
transformerspaultag, can you do me a favor?17:58
transformerstell me what this means17:58
paultagtransformers, sure17:58
transformersDear #SandraBullock, I feel even worse for you that you're locked up in your own house. Don't be a prisoner to your husband's indiscretions!17:58
paultagtransformers, are you a native english speaker?17:59
paultagtransformers, in simple enlgish it means "I feel bad you are stuck in your own house, don't be stuck there because of your husband's screwups18:01
ZachK_go paultag!18:03
* ZachK_ runs away before anybody catches him18:03
transformersthanks paultag18:04
AJH101hello is it possible for ubuntu and ubuntu studio to share the same home partition?18:14
swoodyAJH101: yes, you can have them installed on the same root partition, too :)18:15
paultagAJH101, were you here asking this the other day?18:15
swoodyhave them both installed, and choose which one to boot into at login rather than dual-booting18:15
paultagAJH101, I could have sworn I answered this one :/18:15
paultagswoody, kinda ;)18:16
paultagswoody, with Studio, you need a low latency audio system ( JACK ), and Ubuntu uses pulse18:16
swoodypaultag: what do you mean? is -studio different from x/k/l/ubuntu?18:16
paultagswoody, so config issues will screw with it18:16
swoodyah, that stinks :/18:16
paultagswoody, the kernel you need ( you need the -rt kernel ) and a few subsystems that are for audio work18:16
paultagswoody, aye :(18:17
Raidsonglubuntu? did they sneak a new buntu on me?18:17
running_rabbit07lubuntu is awesome18:17
AJH101hi yes i did ask but missed your wise words sorry!18:17
paultagAJH101, let me see if I can find them :)18:17
running_rabbit07it use the LXDE environment18:17
running_rabbit07very fast and resource friendly18:17
paultagAJH101, nope lost it :(18:18
paultagAJH101, OK. so you can do that, but it's not recommended, there are config issues that will come up18:18
paultagAJH101, what you can do, and what makes sense is this:18:18
paultagAJH101, make a new partition for your data, and set it up in the fstab to mount as /Share or something. then ln -s the /Share to /home/aj/share on both installs18:18
swoodyrunning_rabbit07: it is awesome, and it's goign to be in Lucid - it's Beta right now :)18:18
paultagAJH101, then what you put into ~/share will be shared on all your partitions ( graphics, audio clips etc )18:19
AJH101ty :-)18:19
swoodyRaidsong: ^18:19
paultagAJH101, sure thing :)18:19
running_rabbit07yep, I installed the beta yesterday, runs pretty darn smooth18:19
Raidsongswoody, sounds nice18:19
transformers<AJH101> hello is it possible for ubuntu and ubuntu studio to share the same home partition?18:21
transformerswhy the hell18:21
pedro3005Raidsong, it uses LXDE, a lighter desktop environment18:21
transformerswould you need to do that?18:21
transformershas anyone used LXDE?18:21
pedro3005I have18:22
running_rabbit07I have18:22
transformersdo you like it?18:22
pedro3005it's nice18:22
paultagtransformers, to share data18:22
running_rabbit07it is very decent, I definitely like it better than xfce18:22
transformersbetter than gnome?18:22
swoodytransformers: I have found it to be much lighter and quicker than xfce18:22
paultagtransformers, if you use one to do development etc, and one to do audio work :)18:22
paultag( as I do :) )18:22
pedro3005I prefer GNOME though - for machines that can run it18:22
transformersubuntu studio doesnt use pulse?18:23
paultagtransformers, No, it uses Jack :)18:23
paultagtransformers, you need a low latency server18:23
paultagand also chaining the streams :)18:23
transformersi hate pulse18:23
Raidsongpaultag can you use 30% less jargon you make us all look bad18:24
paultagRaidsong, sure :P18:25
paultagI'm just leaving anywho18:25
paultagGodspeed ya'll18:25
Raidsonghes off to fight crime in his spare time18:27
ZachK_Raidsong: HEY MAN!!!!!!18:28
ZachK_Raidsong: where the heck have you been dude?18:28
Raidsongive been in the whube room18:28
ZachK_Raidsong: ah cool18:28
Raidsongmy computer had issues so i was using webchat18:28
ZachK_Raidsong: i'm the new Wiki FG lead in case you've not heard....18:29
* ZachK_ is giddy over that fact18:29
Raidsongbut that computer broke so im using my old computer18:29
Raidsongso ZachK_ what does the wiki FG do?18:30
ZachK_Raidsong: ah Wiki/Doc work18:31
ZachK_Raidsong: wanna join us?18:31
Raidsongnah wikis arent my thing18:31
ZachK_Raidsong: the road will be tough, the keyboard your best friend yet worst enemy....18:31
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DuvelhedzIs this the correct way to clone a hard drive "dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/backup.image bs=409618:44
DuvelhedzWill this method get the bootloader and MBR?18:47
ryeDuvelhedz, that method will get everything that the drive holds, right18:47
DuvelhedzGreat. Thanks for the confirmation on that on. I wasnt sure is the bs had to be 512 or not18:48
Duvelhedzthanks rye18:48
DuvelhedzIf anyone else needs help with issues dont hesitate to ask18:49
ryeduanedesign, bs affects the amount of data  that is fetched at once, so it will be the same as with 512, but slower18:54
ibuclawDuvelhedz, bs is just the rate at which it copies18:59
ibuclawno, wrong, lol18:59
ibuclawthe *amount* it copies per run19:00
ibuclawie: you can have 'dd bs=1024 count=5'19:00
ibuclawthat will copy 5MBs19:00
DuvelhedzI thought that it was sector size until now19:04
duanedesignhello rye! good to see you in here :)19:31
ryeduanedesign, yes, especially that my response was not to you :)19:31
ryeduanedesign, i started being here waiting to be enlightened about lxc but it started to work on a different machine, so I am just sitting here19:32
duanedesignrye: i asked bodhizazen about it the other day19:33
duanedesignLXC that is19:34
duanedesignhe said it works great on Debian and Fedora19:34
ryeduanedesign, right now my only issue is that the partition with rootfs can be remounted ro/rw by the container19:34
ryeduanedesign, so I am trying to find out how to apply http://www.mail-archive.com/lxc-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00126.html19:34
duanedesign16:16 < bodhi_zazen> as a follow up from out conversation yesterday on LXC, this was posted to  the LCM mailing list today :19:35
duanedesign16:16 < bodhi_zazen> "Why I can see the root of the host system in the container? Is this  normal?"19:35
duanedesignrye^^ :P19:35
ryeduanedesign, because rootfs is not specified, i believe...19:36
duanedesignrye: i pointed someone else to your blog today who was confused on the way U1 worked. I know you mentioned doing a write up of some kind on the Lucid version. Did you ever get a chance to do that?19:37
ryeduanedesign, yes, kind of, of course with my regular screaming and shouting about the speed19:37
ryeduanedesign, i did no screenshots though...19:37
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paultagWhere did AJ2D or whatever go?20:35
paultagThat's the one20:36
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man0riaXGood night everyone22:41
Bodsdanhandler: ping23:30

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