
tgm4883how do you determine it is 15% faster?00:03
mrandrelease notes?00:03
edomedaI didn't, myth notes say so. :)00:03
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Release Notes - 0.23 - MythTV00:04
tgm4883not exactly sure what that means00:04
tgm488315% less CPU?00:04
mrandI would assume so00:05
edomedayeah, offloading decoding to hardware decoders and/or better code requires less CPU time00:05
mrandOr it can process 15% more fps00:05
tgm4883mrand, decoding, not encoding. Thats why i'm confuxed00:05
edomedaI haven't checked, but don't some purevideo chips support h264 decoding on the GPU?00:07
edomedaI'm pretty sure my eeebox ion supports VDPAU, as the mythtv site says another board with atom/ion does.00:09
mrandgoogle seems to confirm your eee supports VDPAU.00:12
edomedayeah, like I said, I spent a few days trying to beat it for cost, space, and power consumption.00:13
edomedathat said, I've not tested it yet, so maybe there will be something I missed00:14
mrandedomeda: if I didn't want a HD, or a smaller HD, would there be a better box (with VDPAU + HDMI out)?00:16
mrand(in your searching)00:16
edomedanah, the problem is VDPAU is only on newer nvidia cards, so 9400+ (maybe one or two 8800 IIRC)00:17
edomedathere are some asus boxes that wouldn't be bad00:18
tgm4883how did the acer revo compare in your serach?00:18
edomedaIt's the same as the eeebox, spec wise.  But the few reviews I read didn't seem like it was a good as the eeebox00:19
Zinn[www.ehomeupgrade.com] ASRock, ASUS, Zotac Intel Atom N330 + NVIDIA ION Head-to-Head | eHomeUpgrade00:19
edomedadual core atoms with ion is really the best atm00:20
edomedafrom what I've seen, the atom 330 + ion can do two 1080p streams at once00:21
edomedaand using only 40watts of power (max) is killer.  The box would pay for itself in a matter of months over a typical 350w desktop00:21
mrand350 watt?  wow.  My rig is only 120 Watts under medium load.  90 Watts sitting with mythfrontend idle00:22
mrand(measured).  People tend to grossly overestimate power consumption now-a-days.... and the power supply vendors thank you for it.00:23
mrandEven still, your point is valid.00:23
edomedasure, I just said typical 350w psu00:23
tgm4883mrand, what did you measure that with?00:23
mrandI went to my local library and checked out a Kill-A-Watt.00:24
edomedabut, keep in mind that most PSU are rated at 50-80% capacity, so their rating usually 75-85% means that a 350w PSU running at idle will consume more power then a 150w psu00:24
mrandOr you can buy them for not very much.  They are on sale regularly.00:24
tgm4883yea i've been meaning to pick one up00:24
mrandedomeda: huh?00:25
tgm4883do libraries usually have them?00:25
mrandI was surprised to see mine did00:25
mrandI don't know if most do or not.00:25
mrandedomeda: oh, I'm sorry, I misread what you said.00:25
edomedaok, so if your psu is 350w, that's max rating.  Your computer usually runs at 100-150ws00:25
edomedathe lower it uses, the more in-efficient the psu is at the conversion00:26
mrandedomeda: exactly correct00:26
edomedaI need to test my eeebox for actual usage, I'd not be surprised to see 15 watts idle00:26
tgm4883mine heats my house. I have cpuburn running on each core 24x700:27
mrandlol.  I leave some of my computers on in the office to help heat it in the winter time.00:27
tgm4883home time00:30
edomedawell I think the eeebox is really what sealed the deal for me.  It can do it all for a FE, and is the smallest box with best energy usage.00:31
AngryBurritoHaving difficulty getting Mythbuntu 9.10 show my HVR-1250 capture card. Can someone help?01:01
spiffydudexHello, I have setup mythbuntu and so far all is working. I have a problem where when I view liveTV the video is mirrored split down the middle of the screen. I installed TVtime and it shows the video properly. Can anyone point me in the right direction to correct this. I am using an Nvidia ION N330 with Happauge 950q19:34
tgm4883spiffydudex, split left to right, or split top to bottom?19:41
spiffydudexleft to right19:41
tgm4883spiffydudex, what are you using for your deinterlacer?19:44
spiffydudexVPDAU, I have used CPU++ and Normal as well, but they both have the same effect19:45
tgm4883thats not the deinterlacer19:45
spiffydudexah, well that may be the problem.19:45
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Deinterlacing - MythTV19:46
tgm4883spiffydudex, ^^19:46
rhpot1991spiffydudex: with the ion platform you should be fine to run the vdpau normal playback profile19:48
rhpot1991there are some additional tweaks to xorg you can make on the vdpau wiki page19:49
spiffydudexyeah, that is what I originally had it set to.19:49
rhpot1991!vdpau | spiffydudex19:49
Zinnspiffydudex: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/VDPAU19:49
rhpot1991it should also help to update to our auto builds and get the latest nvidia driver from there19:49
spiffydudexOk, I'm just using the stable build 0.22.19:51
tgm4883spiffydudex, if you haven't enabled auto-builds, then no you are not19:52
tgm4883you would be using an RC19:52
spiffydudexits the one that came with the 9.10 mythbuntu release.19:52
tgm4883case in point19:52
spiffydudexok lol19:52
tgm48839.10 shipped with a RC19:52
spiffydudexah that would explain alot then19:53
tgm4883even if it didn't I would recommend auto-builds19:53
mrandspiffydudex: mythtv undergoes pretty rapid development, so bug fixes are frequent, even on "stable" versions... hence the recommendation to enable auto-builds.19:54
tgm4883what mrand said19:54
spiffydudexyeah, I'm looking at how to set that up now19:55
tgm4883!auto% | spiffydudex19:55
Zinnspiffydudex: Auto builds contain more recent bug fixes than the normal Ubuntu repository contains.  It is available for the latest released MythTV (0.23) on Karmic and Lucid, as well as unstable trunk on Lucid.  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.19:55
mrandIt's also available for older revisions (0.22) on 9.10/karmic19:55
tgm4883yea someone should fix that19:56
spiffydudexThanks alot guys, with some luck I'll have this thing running by tonight.19:57
tgm4883you want to take care of that mrand? I'm trying to eat lunch and release a beta here19:57
WhyvasWhat's the best way to batch update movie posters on mythbuntu 9.10?22:04
WhyvasJamu doesn't seem to work for me22:04
Whyvassays it can't find any videos22:04
tgm4883Whyvas, are you using storage groups?22:06
Whyvastgm4883, I'll take a look23:21

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