
Picipleia2: You I'm not completely paying attention, but it seems these trolls are hitting #u-w and #freenode at the same time. And that fellow from before was klined/killed so I removed his bans.00:43
pleia2thanks again Pici :)00:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ^b0ss^)05:35
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)07:30
jussi01[09:29:50] <SHELLZ> In need of a free psyBNC or SHELL account? Simply go to www.freeunixshell.com and follow the instructions.07:30
ubottuIn ubottu, camshron said: karmic is not stable i ran into alot of probs installing it for clients07:35
knomemorning jussi0107:52
jussi01morning knome07:52
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:53
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:53
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:53
dholbachgood morning08:07
knomemorning daniel08:11
elkycyclical troll is cyclical09:53
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from allowoverride)10:08
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from yoda___)11:24
bazhangsomeone masquarading as dr-willis?13:10
Piciyay, idoru killed it13:11
Picialthough it seems to have killed a legitimate user too,13:11
PiciTylerPlack1: Can we help you?13:11
MamarokPici: he doesn't answer since yesterday13:13
Picitomaw: ping, possible issue with idoru (not an immediately serious one though).13:14
bazhangthat user looked familair, checking logs now13:15
tomawPici: oh?13:15
Picitomaw: Looks like if a nick repeats what another user has said a buch of times, it removes both the legitimate user, and the bot. See scrollback in #ubuntu for dr_willis1 and autoclesis for example.13:17
bazhang* [Dr_Willis1] (~dhanesh@ purple13:17
PiciProbably not a big problem, but I don't want to see people exploiting this to get good users killed by idoru.13:17
Picibazhang: banforwarding here13:29
bazhangDr_Willis1, hi13:32
Dr_Willis1hi bazhang13:32
bazhangDr_Willis1, this is neoraj ?13:33
Dr_Willis1what is that neoraj13:33
bazhangDr_Willis1, your previous nickname to this one13:33
Picibazhang: I don't see that in my logs.13:34
Dr_Willis1no no bazhang13:34
bazhangDr_Willis1, okay, what was it then?13:34
Dr_Willis1what are you asking i dont understand13:35
Dr_Willis1what are you asking i dont understand bazhang13:36
mneptokDr_Willis1: is your usual nick Dr_Willis (without the 1)?13:37
Picibazhang: I need to run for a few minutes, can you figure out what this fellow was doing?13:37
Dr_Willis1yes it is bazhang13:37
bazhangPici, sure13:37
Piciwith the repeating and whatnot.13:37
Dr_Willis1 with the repeating and whatnot.13:38
bazhangDr_Willis1, you were repeating what other users were..13:38
mneptokDr_Willis1: do you remember the password you created when you registered the nick Dr_Willis?13:38
Dr_Willis1how are you bazhang13:38
bazhangback in a moment13:38
Dr_Willis1yes mneptok why are you asking that13:39
mneptokDr_Willis1: please use "/msg NickServ ghost Dr_Willis $PASSWORD" (using the correct password for your nick) to disconnect the other Dr_Willis client.13:40
Dr_Willis1oh i understand mneptok13:40
mneptokgreat. please do that now.13:40
Dr_Willis1sexy mneptok13:41
Dr_Willis1michael jackson do you like mneptok13:42
mneptoknot the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?13:42
Dr_Willis1what do you mean mneptok13:42
mneptok!staff Dr_Willis1 impersonating other users and feebly trolling. like, very feebly. it's not even schadenfreude-type amusing.13:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:43
Dr_Willis1what exactly13:44
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)13:44
bazhanghe is spoofing Dr_willis13:44
bazhangstill not found that user in logs, will continue to look13:45
mneptok06:05 -!- greekphreak [~dhanesh@] has joined #ubuntu13:46
bazhangnice :)13:46
mneptok06:22 -!- dhanesh [~dhanesh@] has joined #ubuntu13:46
mneptoka g: on that IP would be most welcome13:47
bazhangalso in as dhanesh right now13:49
bazhangdhanesh, hi13:51
bazhangdhanesh, you are forwarded here, as you were using the nick Dr_Willis1 and had some kind of repeater script on13:54
bazhangdhanesh, you are forwarded here, as you were using the nick Dr_Willis1 and had some kind of repeater script on13:54
mneptokone of the clinical definitions of insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different outcome.13:55
topylibuttons make me do that13:55
dhanesh1i have banned from #ubuntu please tell them to retake me bazhang13:55
bazhangdhanesh1, you were spoofing another users nickname and repeating multiple times others users input13:56
bazhangdhanesh1, specifically Dr_Willis113:56
dhanesh1please tell them to retake me iam forgiving them bazhang13:56
bazhangdhanesh1, forgiving who?13:57
dhanesh1forgiving #ubuntu people bazhang13:57
bazhangdhanesh1, you were the one doing something wrong13:58
bazhangwell this could take a while13:58
knomeoops. bazhang ^still here13:58
bazhangknome, I think it died13:59
knomethat didn't make much sense. :)13:59
knomeprobably, but weird still13:59
bazhanglikely bazhang1 is next nick13:59
knomeor dazhang?13:59
ghmoliam sorry14:00
bazhangghmol, okay...ugh14:00
knomebbl ->14:01
ubottuIn ubottu, Pici said: no zork-#ubuntu-oftopic is <reply> You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.  There is a small mailbox here.14:12
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:12
topyliput house in mailbox14:13
mneptok /connect Freenode14:30
mneptok"You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike"14:30
mneptok /join #ubuntu14:30
mneptok"You are in danger of being eaten by a grue."14:31
bazhang* [dhanesh] (~dhanesh@ purple ban evading it seems14:39
dhaneshwhat are you doing mneptok14:45
mneptokputting an end to your ban evasion.14:45
dhaneshwhy mneptok14:45
dhaneshwhy are you doing this to me mneptok14:46
mneptokban evasion is against Freenode policy14:46
dhaneshplease dont do iam sorry mneptok14:47
mneptokwhy did you impersonate another user?14:47
mneptokwhy did you repeat inputlines of other users?14:47
mneptokwhy did you evade a ban?14:47
mneptoki'm quite interested to know these things.14:48
mneptokas are other ops.14:48
dhaneshno i will do not do it again sorry if i do again you can do it14:48
mneptokthe question was not "will you do it again?" but "why did you do it?"14:49
dhaneshjust played  sorry14:50
dhaneshcan you retake me mneptok14:50
mneptoki have no confidence that your remorse is sincere.14:51
dhaneshno no iam sorry14:52
mneptokthus, the ban will stay in effect for at least 24 hours. feel free to /join this channel after that to discuss things.14:52
dhaneshwhy mneptok14:52
dhaneshiam sorry14:52
dhaneshoh good idea mneptok14:53
dhaneshthank you very much14:53
mneptokyou're quite welcome. see you in 24 hours if you're still interested in getting the ban removed.14:54
dhaneshwe are friends from now onwards14:54
dhaneshwhat do you mean mneptok14:54
dhaneshyes iam interested in removing ban14:55
mneptoki mean "/part this channel and return in 24 hours if you want to discuss the ban"14:55
bazhangdhanesh, return in 24 hours to discuss14:55
bazhangwhoops sorry14:55
mneptokthere will be no further discussion of it today.14:55
dhaneshok ok sorry iam forgiving you14:56
dhaneshwill you forgive me14:57
dhaneshwill you forgive me mneptok14:58
bazhangdhanesh, please return in 24 hrs.14:58
dhaneshok bazhang14:58
bazhangdhanesh, until that time you need to exit the channel14:59
dhaneshok now i will exit14:59
bazhangsorry to interrupt mneptok14:59
mneptokno worries15:00
topyliit's alright bazhang, dhanesh forgives you15:00
bazhangtopyli, haha15:00
mneptokbazhang: sexy interrupt forgive you how are you do you like cheese15:00
topylieither a language barrier, or a troll. i can't tell15:01
persiatrolls like cheese :)15:03
* Mamarok likes cheese, too15:43
Seeker`mmm, cheese15:44
elkyKeep them away from my brie!15:56
Seeker`Cheddar for me!15:56
elkytriple cream brie... omnomnom15:56
knomecheese stinks15:56
elkyor a nice havarti15:56
MamarokGruyère here :)16:05
mneptoki cultivate some lovely stuff between my toes. hearty and smoky, and playful on the afterbite.16:06
Mamaroksmells like one of Switzerland's most smelly cheeses: Appenzeller16:11
IdleOnecan someone please ask ryax.. to stop the windows/troll talk in -offtopic20:06
IdleOnethank you20:06
ryaxnb_guess who?20:10
ryaxnb_I feel it is unfair that someone has to stop when another person demands it.20:10
ryaxnb_This rule doesn't seem to be enforced or clearly seperated and could easily  be spammed20:11
ryaxnb_For instance, i could (but i won't) spam the !stop to get everyone to stop talking randomly and until i was banned, everyone would have to comply? Seems strange.20:11
PiciCommon sense is required as well.20:12
ryaxnb_well, i again feel i was abiding by the code of conduct20:12
ryaxnb_i looked it over.20:12
ryaxnb_There is nothing in there that says that legitmate rants are prohibited.20:12
ryaxnb_As long as they are directed at products not people.20:12
ryaxnb_It does say hate is discouraged, but i wasn't hating.20:13
tsimpsonrespect for others is also a part of the CoC, you should respect that others disagree with you20:13
ryaxnb_i read that as well.20:13
ryaxnb_i respect that.20:13
ryaxnb_Idleone did not20:13
ryaxnb_He was demanding I stop.20:13
ryaxnb_Even though it was just a disagreement20:13
tsimpsonwhere did he "demand" this?20:13
rocket16Friends, the Channel #ubuntu-offtopic is owned by a few people like Atomik-spark, Bazhang and so on.20:14
ryaxnb_And according to the CoC, that is no call to stop, so much as to consult others.20:14
rocket16They all, offend newcomers like me, and they even ban us, when we want to discuss anything there.20:14
rocket16And, even more, they never discuss Ubuntu matters, but all rubbish things.20:14
ryaxnb_ I just requested. I do not need to be an op. any user can request offtopic chat to be stopped20:14
ryaxnb_from idleone20:14
rocket16I request the respected Operators here, to take an action.20:15
ryaxnb_that sounds like he is saying he has the same authority as an op to "request" (read: annoy me until i stop)20:15
Picirocket16: Do you have an active ban in -offtopic right now?20:15
ryaxnb_when according to the CoC we should consult others20:15
rocket16Pici: No, when I tried to discuss an Ubuntu matter, they banned me temporarily,20:15
tsimpsonryaxnb_: that's not how I interpret that message at all20:15
ryaxnb_To see where the disagreement lies.20:16
macorocket16: it's called "offtopic" for a reason, so dont be surprised at the lack of ubuntu chatter20:16
rocket16maco: Thanks, but they should not insult us like that,20:16
ryaxnb_For instance, IMHO we should have IDK, maybe asked spaceghost and dmsuperman, who were also in the debate20:16
Picirocket16: one moment.20:16
ryaxnb_if it should continue on or if we were all pooped out.20:16
tsimpsonryaxnb_: an operator taking action is always the last resort, the rules are always bets enforced by the community20:16
rocket16maco: Also, we too, have the freedom to discuss light-weight Ubuntu matters, but not anything rubbish there.20:16
rocket16Pici: Sure,20:17
ryaxnb_tsimpson, i realise that.20:17
ryaxnb_but frankly i wasn't doing anything wrong.20:17
ryaxnb_So the rules are a bit iffy, because he was requesting forcefully at a point when I had done nothing.20:18
ryaxnb_He wasn't being very respectful, calling me a troll when i clearly had no intention of trolling20:18
rocket16The four people, who always do insults there are "UberNacho, Atomik-spark, Seveas, buzhang"20:18
ryaxnb_on the contrary, i was attempting a lively debate with spaceghostc2c20:19
ryaxnb_rocket16, it is AtomicSpark and UberTaco.20:19
rocket16ryaxnb_: Yes, but UberTaco renamed himself to be UberNacho for a while20:19
ryaxnb_I will leave once i get an answer.20:19
ryaxnb_Do you think honestly , IdleOne was being disrespectful20:20
ryaxnb_I believe he was.20:20
ryaxnb_and inconsiderate as well.20:20
tsimpsonlet me read over the back scroll for -offtopic20:20
ryaxnb_you are scrolling the chat like a troll now20:21
ryaxnb_12:04 PM PST.20:21
ryaxnb_ IdleOne 12:02 PM PST /rantcount ryaxnb20:22
ryaxnb_ 5 bajillion zillion million lines20:22
Picirocket16: Can you give me an example of someone insulting you? I'm looking through my logs, but things aren't exactly clear.20:25
ryaxnb_and also, back to my original compaint, stopping on a dime is unreasonable. Especially when you haven't gone against the CoC or any of the documents i've seen regarding how to behave on #ubuntu-offtopic20:25
rocket16Pici: Sure, may I post it to pastebin?20:26
tsimpsonryaxnb_: all he did was ask you to stop the windows related discussion, he could have been more tactful sure20:26
Picirocket16: Sure20:26
ryaxnb_did you see my quotes20:26
ryaxnb_he called me a troll and a ranter.20:26
ryaxnb_that's more than asking to stop.20:26
tsimpsonryaxnb_: I have the full log myself20:26
tsimpsonI can see it now20:26
ryaxnb_well if you claim he "just asked me to stop"20:27
ryaxnb_your missing something20:27
ryaxnb_because those two lines indicate he also insulted me in a minor way20:27
maco2ryaxnb_: i think tsimpson  was still reading20:27
ryaxnb_which unlike asking someone to stop, is AGAINST the CoC20:27
ryaxnb_maco2: ah.20:27
tsimpsonryaxnb_: your response to "please stop" was:20:28
tsimpson<ryaxnb_> IdleOne, no.20:28
tsimpson<ryaxnb_> i will stop if an op requests ...20:28
tsimpsonwas that also disrespectful?20:28
ryaxnb_I realise that may not have been the best response20:28
tsimpsonor were you two just getting a little heated?20:28
ryaxnb_I do not feel it was disrepectful.20:28
ryaxnb_It's not an either-or choice.20:28
maco2"stop punching me!" "not until a police officer tells me to!" sounds like a more extreme version of your answer20:28
ryaxnb_The real answer is it was not disrespectful because as i had done nothing wrong.20:28
ryaxnb_I simply said no20:29
ryaxnb_maco2, except i wasn't punching anybody now was i?20:29
macoryaxnb_: as i said, more extreme20:29
rocket16Pici: Really, thanks for your help. The link is:http://pastebin.com/cpw2e93Z It is a log I got from my .xchat2 folder.20:29
ryaxnb_Saying No is an acceptable answer when somebody asks you to do something that you don't want to and you have been following the rules.20:30
Myrtti*punch* "black vw!" "stop it" "not until mum says so"20:30
ryaxnb_I didn't say "F*** off"20:30
ryaxnb_I just said no.20:30
macothe point is that if someone is bothered by what youre doing and asks you to stop, its a valid request even if they lack the authority to punish you20:30
ryaxnb_well, i didn't insult him because of his request20:30
ryaxnb_do you view the second line as an insult?20:30
ryaxnb_I just said no.20:30
ryaxnb_And said i wouldn't stop because i didn't feel like it, i had done nothing wrong, and he had no authority.20:31
ryaxnb_I didn't insult him at any time.20:31
tsimpson[20:05:51]<ryaxnb_> haha fakeop.20:31
tsimpson[20:05:56]<ryaxnb_> !ops IdleOne20:31
tsimpsonthis is not taunting him?20:31
ryaxnb_That was because he continued requesting20:32
ryaxnb_even after I said no.20:32
ryaxnb_that was a mistake.20:32
ryaxnb_anyway, the !ops call could have just as much been for violating the CoC by calling me a troll.20:32
ryaxnb_which is a legitmate violation, no?20:32
tsimpsonyou'd already responded to that message with "<ryaxnb_> i'm not trolling."20:33
tsimpsonand "<ryaxnb_> I have legitmate points, even if you already know them, SpaceGhostC2C does not"20:33
ryaxnb_he didn't seem to agree, for he continued to ask me to stop and made no attempt to recant his comment20:33
ryaxnb_he also claimed authority.20:33
tsimpsonhe didn't ask you to stop after that, just that "<IdleOne> I just requested. I do not need to be an op. any user can request offtopic chat to be stopped"20:34
tsimpsonwhich is not a claim to authority20:34
ryaxnb_seems like it20:34
ryaxnb_Because in truth a valid formal request (as  in  a request you must heed)20:35
tsimpsonI think you both just got a little antagonistic towards each other, and took each message in its worst possible meaning20:35
ryaxnb_can only be made either if you violated the CoC or by an op.20:35
ryaxnb_anyway, that might be true20:35
tsimpsonok, thanks for discussing this with us20:36
rocket16Pici: Friend, my sincere request, please stop those #ubuntu-offtopic people there, if possible,20:36
Picirocket16: I don't seem to see you requesting to talk about any Ubuntu matters?  You asked if there were any Windows Haters in the channel (which didn't make a good impression).20:36
ryaxnb_I will now apologize to idleone btw20:36
rocket16Pici: But, that meant nothing but, a comparison between Ubuntu and Windows. I needed help, since Windows users always make fun of us.20:37
rocket16Pici: Also, that is an Ubuntu channel. In Windows channel, people insult Ubuntu a lot.20:38
PiciAnd the people in -offtopic are silly.  I'm not sure if its a language problem, but you seem to take exception to it.20:38
Myrttisince I don't hate Windows, I can be excluded from the group of possible helpers20:39
rocket16Pici: Oh, ok.20:39
Picirocket16: That doesn't make it okay.20:39
rocket16Pici: Sorry, what doesn't make it okay?20:39
Myrttialso: their wrongdoings do not justify yours20:39
Picirocket16: what Myrtti said20:39
Myrttiit's about you, not them. We don't care if someone else has been naughty, it doesn't justify you being naughty too. You are responsible for your own actions20:40
MyrttiSpreading antagonism always goes both ways, btw.20:41
Myrttithere's always backslash.20:41
rocket16Myrtti, Pici But they did it first, and as another user said, they never do welcome people, okay, but they drive people out. Anyway, I had to do wrong, since they did it. But really sorry, to see people supporting tis monstrosity. Anyway, no matter then.20:41
Myrttiwhat montrosity? huh?20:42
macowoah wait a second20:42
maco"i had to do wrong, since they did it"? no, you didn't *have* to. you *chose* to.20:42
rocket16Myrtti: Sorry, that is spelled "monstrosity" as I know. And, any person with self-respect can understand, the offtopic channel, is no one's property. This is monstrosity.20:43
Picirocket16: I don't see people trying to drive you out.  I see you advocating hate, being asked not to, and then you retaliating because someone told you not to do something.20:43
Picirocket16: No.  The channel is the responsiblity of the Ubuntu IRC Team and it has rules20:43
Myrttirocket16: it's not "no one's channel". It has set owners, who have set the rules20:43
macorocket16: i think it comes down to "people in ##windows may hate on ubuntu. no need to stoop to their level"20:44
rocket16Pici: May be, individual views may differ. But what they did, was not right, you may support them, but this does not cover their fault.20:44
rocket16Myrtti: The channel has owners? Do they pay for it? I don't think so. Anyway, bye.20:44
Picirocket16: I believe that topyli already covered that, around line 144420:45
Pici@mark rocket1620:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:45
Myrttithat was... interesting20:45
Myrttisomeone hasn't checked out their terminology charts20:46
macoMyrtti: or the definition of "2 wrongs" (hint: it's not "1 right")20:46
topylinobody owns -ot? i wonder such ideas come from20:46
macoryan & idle just had mutual apologies, by the way20:47
macouhh freenode folks20:49
macoidoru just klined a user named AK for repeating twice in #ubuntu a request for a developer to look at their bug20:49
macoidoru thought it was spam20:49
macoPici: are you a freenode folk?20:49
Picimaco: nope.20:49
macommm who is? cuz id say thats not a legitimate klin20:49
Piciand it was a kill, not a kline (kick, not a ban)20:50
macoi thought was the same thing20:50
macoyou can server-kick?20:50
PiciI used to think so too20:50
tsimpsonyou just close the socket20:50
mneptoktwo wrongs don't make a right. but three rights make a left.21:10
persiaOnly near the equator21:11
output`topyli: I'm not trying to be insolent.21:39
topylioutput`, can we help you here?21:39
output`Well, I'm not kickbanned, so I think not.21:40
ubottuTrek called the ops in #ubuntu (invitado05)22:08
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (invitado05)22:08
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (Anon__ inappropriate)23:05
yofelhi, can someone please update the topic of #ubuntu+1 now that beta2 is out? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-April/000131.html slangasek did it for -devel, but +1 still says beta1 released.23:20
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (LinuxGuy2009 being continuously disrespectful of others)23:39
jpds23:40:26 < LinuxGuy2009>  jpds: Umm hello Im helping not asking questions. get it straight23:42
jpdsyofel: Doneth.23:43
yofeljpds: thanks! bye23:43

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