
lamontslangasek: how does https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/557671 sound to your ears?00:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557671 in ubuntu "Update Terminator to 0.92" [Undecided,New]00:52
lamontslangasek: btw, it would appear that acorn did not appreciate what we did to it.00:54
lamontdid the build finish before it went *splat*?00:54
* lamont afk00:55
ScottKlamont: If you or nxvl marks in the bug that you've test the package, I'll ack it.00:56
lamontah, ok.  Once I get home, I'll do that00:56
lamontand really afk00:56
slangaseklamont: dunno; says the build failed 30min after starting00:56
lamontslangasek: meh01:53
slangasekstgraber: uhm, we've had several publisher runs now and the slideshow package is still in the edubuntu-live task01:56
lamontScottK: works for me.  now to update the bug01:57
slangasekstgraber: ... or is that the wrong package name?01:58
slangasekstgraber: from what I see, the edubuntu-live task is inherited directly from the ubuntu.lucid seeD?02:13
cody-somervilleslangasek, re: request for beta2 announcement input, I forwarded your initial request to mr_pouit who has/is transitioning into the Xubuntu project lead role. He must not have been able to get around to getting back to you. I'll follow up with Xubuntu community ASAP to get something written up.04:31
cjwatsonScottK: queuebot restarted, but it's going to vanish today as the electricity is supposed to be off all day today05:14
cjwatson(I'll be elsewhere as a result, hence being up at this godawful hour ...)05:15
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slangasekcody-somerville: ok, thanks05:38
slangasekcody-somerville: does that mean I should also look to mr_pouit for final sign-off of xubuntu for release (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseManifest)?05:42
ScottKslangasek: I notice that there is still a ? by the KNR support committment.  What needs to be done to resolve the question?05:45
slangasekScottK: is anyone expecting anything other than 18 months for KNR?05:46
ScottKslangasek: Not AFAIK.  It was established up front it's not LTS.05:46
slangasekok, then that takes away the question mark :)05:47
ScottKslangasek: I fixed a number of Python packages tonight.  I'm finding cases where python 2.6 parts of the build were working before only due to python 2.5 build artifacts (e.g. stuff in site-packages) being left around by the build for 2.5.  Now that 2.5 is no more, poof.06:01
aragood morning all07:07
ttxGood morning07:24
aramorning ttx07:26
ttxara: hey, how is it going ?07:30
arattx, good, trying to cover the rest of the testcases07:31
arattx, how are you?07:31
ttxfine, no disaster revealed during the night... and 20 days to go :)07:31
arattx, nice :)07:33
ttxara: you coordinate missing tests on #ubuntu-bugs ?07:39
ttxah right07:39
* ttx joins07:39
cjwatsonslangasek: bug 543838 might need an erratum for beta-2.  Is TechnicalOverview still the right place?10:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543838 in parted "unable to create filesystem on 7.5TB partition with lucid beta" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54383810:50
slangasekit is, yes10:50
ograslangasek, hmm, i asked StevenK to re-roll ports ubuntu-server while i was travelling the last days, that seems to not have happened buut i'd like to have the d-i changes in the image for bate so i can point omap users to something, would it be possible to re-roll ports ubuntu-server ?10:59
ogra(i know how late it is)10:59
slangaseksure, rolling now10:59
slangasek(the lateness is not an obstacle for ports images, which are as-is anyway)10:59
slangasek(and are /meant/ to be up-to-date with the rest of beta)11:00
ograslangasek, btw, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/ports/daily/20100405/ says LTS ... i wonder if we should have special casing for the page headers for images that arent actually LTS11:06
slangasekI think the distinction of ports being non-LTS is a subtle one - they pretty much get security updates for free as long as we have the buildd hardware11:09
ogralamont, what did the OO.o testbuild on the pegatron get us ?12:29
ogradid it fail or finish ?12:30
lamontogra: I didn't look12:31
slangasekhmm, mumble is unkind to my CPU12:47
araRiddell, around?13:20
Riddellhi ara13:34
arahey Riddell, can you cover the remaining kubuntu netbook testcases?13:34
jdstrandslangasek, ogra: re ports> in the vast majority of cases slangasek is right, however if something ftbfs on a port (but didn't for some reason in release) it's possible we will publish without it. we always try to get it going, and I could count on one hand how many times that happened13:36
Riddellara: I can't do wubi13:37
jdstrandslangasek, ogra: most often it is something on the buildd that has to be tweaked, so we just ask a buildd admin to fix it, and they usually do right away13:37
araRiddell, ok, but the two others?13:37
Riddellara: yes can do13:37
Riddellara: is anyone doing wubi testing?13:37
davmor2Riddell: me13:37
araRiddell, I think davmor2 is trying to cover some, but he is busy13:37
davmor2cover kubuntu and ubuntu now13:38
davmor2covered even13:38
davmor2Riddell: only thing I noticed was the k menu flashed a bit the first time you use it after that it's fine13:42
slangasekara: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases doesn't include optional test cases, does it?13:59
slangasek(I think that's the one place where we need to have optional testcases reported, to have an overview)13:59
ttxslangasek: about server-related release notes, the only significant bug we have is bug 557429 -- not sure it's generic enough to warrant an entry though...14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557429 in linux "booting out of sync RAID1 array fails with ext3 (comes up as already in sync)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55742914:13
slangasekit's certainly high-risk enough that I was planning to include it in the errata14:15
ttxslangasek: ok, that's all from us right now14:15
ttxtest coverage shoudl be complete in a few14:15
slangaseksweet, thanks14:16
ttxslangasek: I've had strange behavior from netboot, where it would detect the only disk as SCSI2 (/dev/sdb) in partman, but not sure that's a clear failure14:16
ttx(made some of my old preseeds fail)14:17
ttxnot a clear failure = just pressing enter all the way still gives you something that works14:17
slangasekhuh, strange14:17
slangasekwould be good to know why it wasn't sda14:17
cjwatsonif the difference matters, it's a bug, though :)14:18
cjwatsonit's possible to write a preseed file such that it won't care14:18
ttxcjwatson: well, it matters to previously-working preseeds, yes.14:19
* ttx digs deeper14:19
cjwatsonyeah, but device names are always subject to change14:20
cjwatsonif nothing else, hda->sda has happened :)14:20
ttxyes, I know we shouldn't mind the changes in device names, hence my question about "should this be considered a bug" :)14:22
ttxthing is, in the end, you still ask grub to install on /dev/sda :)14:22
ttxMy working preseeds have:14:23
ttxd-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/sdb14:23
ttxd-i grub-installer/bootdev string /dev/sda14:23
ttxI'll file a bug for tracking purposes, even if in the end we wontfix it14:24
slangasekev: bug #529366 is still targeted to beta-2; are you intending to have that fixed in the archive immediately post-beta, or should it simply be retargeted to final?14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529366 in usb-creator "Regression: usb-creator-gtk fails to set the boot flag on the partition and exits." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52936614:29
ttxslangasek, cjwatson: filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/558426 to debug the issue14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558426 in ubuntu "netboot's partman sees only disk as /dev/sdb (SCSI2)" [Undecided,New]14:36
cjwatsonttx: your grub-installer/bootdev thing is totally unnecessary14:58
cjwatsonjust omit it14:59
ttxcjwatson: ack15:01
ttxcjwatson: looking at installer syslog in parallel, it just appears to be detecting some usb multicard thing before the disk in the netboot case15:02
ttx(and the other way around for iso)15:02
cjwatsonwell, that's always a possibility15:02
cjwatsonit is formally Not Really A Bug15:02
slangaseknot a bug, then15:02
ttxcjwatson: ok, will close it15:02
slangasekyou made it sound like sdb was "the only disk"15:02
slangasek/that/ would be a bug15:03
ttxslangasek: well, it is. I wonder what that thing is :)15:03
* ttx cracks the laptop open15:03
cjwatsonit's something the kernel thinks is a block device ...15:03
ttx(sorry for the noise)15:03
cjwatsonttx: and, as kirkland pasted into the bug, you don't need to set partman-auto/disk on a single-disk machine either - although whether this counts as single-disk in the relevant case, not sure15:04
evslangasek: final - I've updated the bug15:04
cjwatsonrun 'list-devices disk' in the installer to see15:04
slangasekev: ta15:04
cjwatsonor maybe better, parted_devices15:04
slangasekev: do you know if there's a workaround for bug #543032 that we could document for beta2?15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543032 in wubi "Selecting reboot doesn't reboot" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54303215:23
evslangasek: I think manually rebooting windows will work, but I have no way of confirming that at the moment15:24
ev99% sure though15:24
slangasekdavmor2: in your follow-up to that bug, you said you couldn't reproduce the problem?15:26
davmor2It reboots here on hardware so that might of been a vm issue15:27
davmor2I said I'd add if it worked or not on hw15:27
slangasekthe bug reporter didn't say anything about using a vm15:27
davmor2ah sorry my bag I thought they were both bugs that bladernr had reported15:29
davmor2mind you still worked for me anyway15:29
* slangasek nods15:31
ScottKI think I'd do more ISO testing if it didn't cause me to have to spend so much time filing bugs.15:32
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KeybukScottK: I test ISOs every day!16:55
Keybukwell, when I say *I* test them16:55
Keybukmy house tests them for me ;)16:55
Keybukit's quite nice16:55
lamontoh hey slangasek: could you kick another livefs/armel image off on acorn pls?16:55
KeybukI get this little four ubuntu jingle alarm clock about 9am every morning16:55
slangaseklamont: running16:57
lamontthis time, I have console16:57
ttxslangasek: eod here, will keep an eye on IRC over the evening. Let me know if you need anything from me.17:02
slangasekttx: ok, bonsoir17:03
ttxslangasek: still planning to release today ?17:04
slangasekyes, once validation is finished17:04
ttxslangasek: ok.17:05
pittiKeybuk: and if the jingle is missing, that's the "alarm bell" state for "OMG our installer is broken"? :-)17:06
Keybukpitti: kinda, except I don't tend to notice :p17:09
Keybukas Colin has just attempted to sarcastically point out about my habit of starting work around midday17:09
=== ttx_ is now known as ttx
cjwatsonI used to be well-known at both Zeus and nCipher for being basically the last one in in the morning17:10
cjwatsonI once managed to show up at 1pm, admittedly after a work Christmas party the night before17:12
ttxcjwatson: that's a perfectly acceptable timing in Spain.17:13
slangasekit would be much easier for me to stay up late to catch up with the UK if that didn't mean staying up till 5am :)17:15
cjwatsonttx: I would move, except that these days I often get woken up at 7:30am whether I like it or not17:17
ttxcjwatson: you get the sun as an additional benefit.17:20
slangasekand as all the Spanish DDs are moving to Ireland, it would restore balance17:22
Keybukslangasek: whuh?what?17:38
Keybukhave you moved beyond the last cup of coffee?17:38
slangasekis that a euphemism?17:38
lamontcjwatson: that's what kids are for17:43
cjwatsonlamont: I gather that I should count myself lucky it's only 7:30am17:43
lamontcjwatson: I'm the one that wakes the kids up at 6AM17:43
cjwatsondifferent when they're older :)17:45
slangasekRead from remote host acorn.buildd: Connection reset by peer18:24
slangaseklamont: ^^18:24
lamontslangasek: yeah... disk went *splat*18:25
cjwatsonshouldn't have installed it under the giant anvil then18:25
lamontslangasek: on the bright side, I'm gonna make it autoreboot on panic.18:25
slangaseklamont: so we'll have multiple livefs build failures per hour instead of having to wait 4h for each one? :)18:26
lamontslangasek: 'zactly18:26
lamontmore to the point, when the only way to reboot the box requires physical presence, I'd rather have it autoreboot on panic18:27
lamontwell. then.18:27
lamontstupid machine18:27
* slangasek nods18:27
smoserslangasek, i've got amis pre-published for beta-2 and ami page content ready.19:00
slangasekgood-o, thanks19:01
slangaseknow if we could just close out the testing, we can release this puppy19:01
stgraberslangasek: do you have a link to the release notes ? I'd just release note the lack of hardware for edubuntu.19:02
stgraber(unless highvoltage did it already ;))19:03
slangaseklack of hardware?19:03
stgraberdoh :) artwork ;)19:03
slangasekah, yes - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/TechnicalOverview19:03
slangasekthen let me know when you're done editing so I can request a pull to ubuntu.com19:03
stgrabersorry, received a lot of new stuff at the office, so talking + IRC makes some weird mixes ;)19:03
stgraberslangasek: done19:05
stgraberwell, it's saving ...19:05
stgraberok, saved19:06
highvoltagestgraber: I will have in just a bit, I updated my repositories and didn't see the new package in there yet19:08
ScottKhighvoltage: edubuntu-artwork is still in queue.  Do you want it accepted.19:10
ScottKstgraber: ?19:12
highvoltageScottK: yes please!19:15
ScottKhighvoltage: Accepted.19:16
ScottKcjwatson: Your debconf upload may be the fasted bugfix turn around time I've gotten in Ubuntu.  Thanks.19:17
highvoltageScottK: thanks19:20
ScottKslangasek: I think lucas is going to do another rebuild over the weekend.  I think it'd be good to get New (particularly binary New) cleared before then to minimize false positives.  I accepted a bunch, but had something to do with uploading (IIRC) the remaining ones.19:42
highvoltagestgraber: installing ltsp on ubuntu server works fine, I haven't tested with an application server but20:12
highvoltagestgraber: it works as expected20:12
lamontScottK: oh hey, please to bless ftbfs fix for spew when it shows up, kthx20:20
ScottKDon't see it yet.20:22
lamontit was literally uploading when I said that20:28
lamontbut I'm about to EOD20:28
slangaseksmoser: EC2 publicized, UEC published; can you publish the page contents?20:30
ScottKlamont: Done.20:30
smoserslangasek, done.20:35
slangaseksmoser: yay!20:35

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