
livingroomHi Guys!00:45
livingroomneed help/info regarding installation of ATI Radeon HD 545000:45
ubot4For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:45
aramorning all07:07
grantbowmorning ara07:25
aramorning grantbow07:25
aragrantbow, do you have some spare time to cover some of the uncovered tests at the tracker? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build//all07:26
grantbowwhat does this mean?  Netboot i386 (20081029ubuntu95)07:29
aragrantbow, you download a small 12MB iso, and the rest is done via network07:31
arahere's the iso07:32
aragrantbow, I am doing the ubuntu netboot one, make sure you pick a testcase that is not marked as "started"ยท07:34
grantbowok, I'll try the server07:39
aragrantbow, netboot is fine, but pick another testcase07:40
aragrantbow, like kubuntu07:40
arahey ttx07:40
ttxI'm on server/amd64/JeosOnKVM and server/i386/JeosOnKVM07:40
grantbowI mean netboot server test case07:40
aragrantbow, ah, ok :-)07:41
ttxand also on server/amd64/UEC-separate-networks-topology07:41
arattx, mark those as "started", please07:41
grantbowhmm, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/3901 says the rsync command is but that gives an error from rsync -tzhhP rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/cdimage/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/ . so I will try a direct download07:42
aragrantbow, yes, direct download should be easy enough, it is only 12 mb07:47
grantbowara: The netboot version doesn't have an F6 option to give the work around for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose/+bug/508777 in my test environment - I'll try updating my virtualbox and then try to start the test.07:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 508777 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu) "virtualbox: Lucid alpha2 does not boot (dup-of: 510571)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 7 other projects) "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox (affects: 35) (dups: 2) (heat: 194)" [High,Triaged]07:58
aragrantbow, ok07:59
aramorning xdatap07:59
xdataphello ara :)07:59
xdatapara: are we expecting an iso build for next hours?07:59
araxdatap, noooo, please08:00
araxdatap, there is a lot of testcases you can help with :)08:00
xdatapara: LOL08:00
araxdatap, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build//all08:00
araxdatap, if you have some spare time, please, pick an untested one08:00
xdatapara: so this is the final beta2 image, right?08:01
araxdatap, we don't know yet08:01
araxdatap, because we need to test it fully to be confident08:01
araxdatap, that's why we need help ;-)08:02
xdatapara: ok, understood :)08:02
grantbowfyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/510571 is the master bug for the virtualbox issue and https://launchpad.net/~arand/+archive/virtualbox is the ppa08:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 7 other projects) "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox (affects: 35) (dups: 2) (heat: 194)" [High,Triaged]08:04
xdatapara: meanwhile I think I've found a bug in ISO Tracker. Interested? ;)08:09
araxdatap, sure08:09
xdatapara: something wronk with link in status box. I'm gonna reproduce it08:10
aracking, morning!08:16
* cking waves to ara08:16
aracking, are you bringing laptop stickers to next UDS? I want one! :-)08:16
ckingara, I will bring a whole load - do you want the happy cking ones? ;-)08:16
aracking, hopefully my laptop will deserve it08:18
ckingwell, if it suspend/resumes 300+ times, I may just allow it ;-)08:18
aracking, but I will wear the unhappy one if it does not make the cut08:18
moteHi. Im triyng to join for testing on my new laptop. If there any reason i should wait or not joining?08:21
aramote, no, this is perfect time08:25
aramote, when you say "trying" what are you saying?08:25
xdatapara: you got mail08:26
moteIts a bit confusing. and im having a hard time finding out where to start.08:27
motei almost finished my launchpad profile.08:27
aramote, nice, that's a good start08:28
aramote, we are doing now ISO testing for Lucid Beta 208:28
aramote, have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures?08:28
aramote, I would also recommend you to join the ubuntu-qa mailing list08:28
motei joined the list yesterday.08:29
motei havent seen the Procedures page yet08:29
aramote, ok, once you have your launchpad account, please, read that and let us know if you have any doubt08:31
moteIm reading it now. ? what do i put in the wiki pat08:32
motepart in my profile?08:32
aramote, where about?08:32
moteWhere im from?08:36
* grantbow cheers, ppa worked, restarting testing of netboot server test case08:37
aramote, no, I was saying, that were in your profile you see a wiki page?08:37
moteIn the launchpad profile. i cant find the pages now. but somewhere i said that i have to fill the wiki part i my profile before testing.?08:43
moteMaybe i got it wrong?08:44
aramote, ok, you can create a wiki page at wiki.ubuntu.com/YourName, so people can know more about you08:44
aramote, where are you from, when did you start using ubuntu, etc. are common things to put on that page08:45
moteOk. but its nothing to do with the tesing. -i guess i got it wrong.08:45
moteThanks for now. i will read the procedure and go on..08:47
araxdatap, can you file the iso tracker bugs in the ubuntu-qa-website project in launchpad,  please?08:53
xdatapara: sure08:53
araxdatap, and tag them as "qa-tracker"08:54
araxdatap, thanks!08:54
xdatapara: you're welcome08:54
* ara goes for a coffee09:03
* primes2h too :p09:05
* ttx shares the coffee before attacking the next test09:10
davmor2morning all10:49
aragood morning davmor210:49
davmor2ara: I got a bit of time this morning so I'll hit what wubi,m-a,ltsp's I can for you :)10:49
aradavmor2, nice :)10:51
grantbowara, I filed bug #558339 and failed the test case.  I'm still working on getting the syslog attached to the bug.11:21
arabug 55833911:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 558339 in ubuntu "netboot i386 lucid failed install (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55833911:21
aragrantbow, ok, thanks for testing. once you get the logs, we will reassign it to the correct package/project11:23
persiaIsn't it always assigned to debian-installer initially for netboot issues?11:38
sbeattiegrantbow: you most definitely can point the netboot installer at a different mirror.11:48
arapersia, but it looks like it is going to be a mirror issue11:49
persiaand likely a transient one to boot, which is frustrating, as failures go :(11:50
davmor2ara: I'm gonna blitz these as I can so I probably won't be marking them as started just a forewarning12:02
sbeattiedavmor2: which are you blitzing?12:03
aradavmor2, fair enough12:03
davmor2sbeattie: wubi, ltsp, migration-assistant12:03
sbeattiedavmor2: awesomesauce.12:04
* sbeattie marks the two amd64 netboot tests he's started.12:05
grantbowsbeattie: I just didn't see a way to change it - did I mistakenly say it didn't exist?12:13
grantbowI'm still trying to get the beautiful syslog to attach, sorry for the delay12:13
grantbowI looked for a way to change it but failed12:19
sbeattiegrantbow: after it asks you for the system's hostname, it asks you what country to use for the archive mirror. All the way at the top is an option to enter a manual archive mirror.12:21
sbeattieI use this to point it at my personal mirror.12:22
sbeattieis it known that partman has issues sometimes fitting things in to prior created partitions?12:25
grantbowat the top?  I'll look for it there next time12:32
ttxsbeattie: we'll need you to cover the Server / JeOS on ESX tests, again :)12:32
grantbowfiles are attached, and since it's 4:30 AM here I'm going to bed.  goodnight all :-)12:33
sbeattiegrantbow: goodnight and thanks!12:33
sbeattiettx: yeah, just poking at that in the background.12:33
ttxsbeattie: cool, thx12:34
davmor2ara: 32 and 64bit wubi on ubuntu work fine12:39
aradavmor2, \o/12:40
aradavmor2, miracles do happen12:40
davmor2ara: shhh you might jinx the lynx12:41
arais there a list somewhere of things that the migration assistant is supposed to migrate?12:46
davmor2ara: No but off the top of my head, It's desktop background (pre vista), My docs, My Pics, My Music, IE, FF, mail (pre vista)12:50
aradavmor2, what about ubuntu/ubuntu12:51
davmor2pass I only thought is was designed for windows -> ubuntu for the bulk.  have a word with ev should be in brum by now12:52
slangasekara, davmor2: how are we looking?  any ETA for completing the testing?13:22
araslangasek, I will download kubuntu netbook to cover two testcases (at least Ridell can cover them)13:23
araslangasek, but, apart of that, there is not much that I can do13:23
araslangasek, and I just send an email to the edubuntu-devel mailing list asking for help on the edubuntu upgrades13:24
arattx, hggdh_: are you going to be able to cover the rest of the server tests? (upgrade i386 + JeOS on ESX)13:27
ttxara: zul is on upgrade386 -- sbeattie on the ESX ones13:28
arattx, nice13:29
fader_Morning folks... I'm zsyncing everything and then will start picking up any stray test cases that I can do13:31
aramorning fader_13:36
arafader_, thanks mate13:36
fader_ara: buen dia... no problema13:37
arafader_, impressive :)13:37
davmor2slangasek: I'm merrily trudging through the wubi's at the moment will be on m-a shortly13:37
davmor2morning fader_ cr313:37
fader_Of course by the time I finish zsyncing you folks might not have left anything for me!13:38
cr3fader_: I'm sure you planned it that way all along13:40
* fader_ whistles innocently.13:40
* davmor2 slaps fader_ for trying to act nonchalant, as if he didn't mean to ;)13:52
* ara -> lunch13:57
zulim about half way done the update-386 fyi13:57
hggdh_ara: I am unable to run KVM right now -- system instability13:57
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
sbeattieerk; one of my server installs on esx has no grub installed.14:20
fader_sbeattie: Hmm, the ESX systems in certification seem to be okay (except for one of them that seems to have something preventing it from being booted automatically, but I think that's on our end -- I'm kicking it off by hand right now to be sure)14:23
sbeattiefader_: something happened with my i386 test install; dpkg was left in an inconsistent state; I don't think it completed successfully.14:25
* sbeattie will try to dig more deeply.14:25
* sbeattie kicks off a couple of edubuntu upgrades in the background.14:27
sbeattiefader_: one thing that I suspect is different between cert runs and my test is that I do a minimal virtual machine install.14:34
fader_sbeattie: Ah, yeah could definitely be... we do a standard server install14:35
davmor2ara: Wubi tested14:41
davmor2slangasek: m-a next14:43
zulara: upgrade i386 tested14:46
arazul, davmor2: great!14:54
fader_sbeattie: Whoops, sorry -- I think I was messing with your VM for a sec.  I clicked on the wrong one in the ESX server console :[15:00
sbeattiefader_: heh15:00
slangasekis someone taking Ubuntu alternate i386 LTSP server?15:02
davmor2slangasek: soon15:08
slangasekdavmor2: great, thanks15:08
=== primes2h1 is now known as primes2h
sbeattieokay, esx knocked off. Not sure what happened the first time, but it worked the second time.15:42
davmor2m-a tested against vista works on both15:54
davmor2slangasek: hitting ltsp now16:01
xteejxHey guys16:01
persiaHey xteejx.16:02
xteejxDuring ISO testing I noticed that the slideshow during installation misses out the Firefox logo16:02
xteejxhey persia16:02
slangasekdavmor2: cheers16:05
xteejxIs this where the Canonical devs hide from us all? :P16:05
primes2hxteejx: bug 42186416:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 421864 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity-slide-show fails to display an image for Internet Browsing (affects: 12) (dups: 6) (heat: 108)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42186416:06
xteejxprimes2h: Ahhh thanks didn't see that one :)16:06
arasbeattie, did you start the kubuntu netbook long ago?17:07
sbeattieno, I just started it, but trying to install something on the disk that it'll recognize to do a side-by-side install one.17:08
arasbeattie, if you want I can cover that one, and you can focus on the amd64 ones17:09
ara(as I can't do amd64)17:09
sbeattieara: it's all yours.17:10
arasbeattie, ok17:10
davmor2ltsp is playing up again I'll get back to it a minute17:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bladernr_davmor2:  have you done an ltsp setup w/ lucid?18:24
davmor2bladernr_: I have finally on i386 just18:54
davmor2can you do 64bit though18:54
bladernr_bug 203954 why does that still exist?18:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 203954 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "amd64 server installation has wrong default dhcpd.conf (s/i386/amd64/) (affects: 2) (dups: 3) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20395418:55
bladernr_I have to hack the dhcpd.conf to get it working18:55
bladernr_thanks to the guys in #ltsp18:55
davmor2bladernr_: as far as I know yes18:55
bladernr_that should not occur...and that makes me a sad panda18:55
davmor2bladernr_: it's been like it for ages18:55
bladernr_yeah, but it shouldn't be...  it's just if 32bit use this conf if 64bit use that conf... <-- overly simplistic explanation ahoy!18:56
davmor2easy way is gksudo gedit /etc/ltsp/dhcp.conf find and replace i386 for amd64 save and reboot18:56
* slangasek grins18:56
bladernr_that's just one of those things that seems so simple it should NOT have been around this long18:56
bladernr_woot... I now have a virtual LTSP running and a virtual thin client19:01
bladernr_after a morning spent tryin gto figure out what the heck I messed up19:01
davmor2bladernr_: as I understand it there is a big arguement going on about whether 64bit should use an i386 image for clients rather than build the image from the cd, in the same way the edubuntu does now but it still hasn't happend19:03
bladernr_there's one on #ltsp right now about using a newer PXE environment and just installing BOTH images on the LTSP server...19:05
bladernr_either way, I bet I'm going to upset someone for bumping that bug ;-)19:05
bladernr_I started working on this last night after dinner (well, just slightly before dinner) and it's taken me until now to really get it working :(19:08
slangasekbladernr_: how's the "Free Software Only" test going?19:22
bladernr_just getting back to it now19:22
bladernr_running the install right now, so I'll have it finished shortly19:22
bladernr_I had just started on it yesterday when marjo grabbed me and forced me to do a studio install19:23
slangasekis someone taking kubuntu desktop amd64 auto-resize?19:33
slangasek(I don't have the image synced here, so I'm no help)19:33
sbeattieslangasek: I'm about to give it a go, though I'm sure I've got a disk image around that it'll recognize to resive.19:37
slangasekok, thanks19:38
bladernr_slangasek:  anything else need love?  Free Software Only is done now19:44
bladernr_iso.qa looks all green to me though19:44
slangasekbladernr_: you could do http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3910/81, but that's expected to fail anyway19:44
bladernr_let me see if I have the image on hand...19:45
bladernr_slangasek:  I'll work on it but I've got to pull the image first... not sure how I missed pulling that one, I've got all the kubuntu images BUT DVD19:47
slangasekwe should test that for the sake of completeness, but I won't wait for that result before publishing the beta19:48
* sbeattie has got the kubuntu dvd oem test going in a guest as well, just not marked19:51
sbeattieokay, why does the dvd need to download language packs?19:52
slangasekhum, good question19:53
sbeattieof course, I've never quite figured out why all the en_US installs need to download langpacks and don't honor proxy settings while doing it.19:55
slangasekthat doesn't sound like it's by design, either19:56
sbeattieslangasek: we're green on all required testcases.20:41
slangaseksbeattie: great, thanks20:42
bladernr_slangasek:  sorry... sbeattie beat me to it.  Unless you need me to run it here for some reason...21:31
slangaseknope, just want 'em all done :)21:31
bladernr_slangasek:  I could try on a netbook, but honestly, that doesn't seem like a failure that would be resolved by trying on bare metal21:32
cr3alexmoldovan: so, after installing the bootchart package, does the system still reboot constantly?21:55
alexmoldovanI had it blacklisted and it works22:03
cr3alexmoldovan: awesome, there are more than one ways to skin a cat22:09
fader_cr3: Wow, checkbox has a cat-skinning plugin?22:12
zulis there something checkbox cant do?22:37

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