
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
ultrav1oletanyone alive here?08:06
ultrav1oletcan anyone help me with Fedora 13 upstart? I have changed tty.conf to this: http://pastebin.ca/1858626 but no mingetty ever starts08:06
ultrav1oletIs "\" supported for breaking the lines into two?08:06
plautrbaultrav1olet: you need to have line 9 and 10 inside script ... end script08:18
ultrav1oletplautrba: in Fedora 13 this file is started by another file08:19
JanC"Line breaks within a stanza are permitted within single or double quotes, or if preceeded by a blackslash." (from the manual)08:20
ultrav1oletJanC: so, my file is OK?08:20
plautrbaultrav1olet: you cannot use just '[ "$tty" = "tty1" ]', it has to be in 'script' stanza08:21
ultrav1oletplautrba: I got it08:21
ultrav1oletso script/end script denotes bash section? :)08:22
plautrbait's executed as '/bin/sh -e -c <content of script stanza>'08:23
JanCcertainly not *bash* section08:34
caolanmit seems like "start on startup" fires before my home partition is mounted in lucid, should I be waiting for some other event?11:29
Keybukstart on filesystem11:29
caolanmKeybuk: it still doesn't seem to find anything on other partitions than root (I also have encryption turned on for /home if that makes a difference)11:42
Keybukfilesystem only happens after everything in /etc/fstab is mounted11:42
Keybuk(and root is r/w)11:42
caolanmthe works fine if run manually once the machine has booted, but can't seem to find files when run during boot.... what is the latest possible stage in the boot process I could run a job?11:44
Keybukcaolanm: shutdown? :-)11:51
Keybuk"filesystem" is generally the last significant event11:51
Keybukeverything after that is services11:51
caolanmthis is seriously confusing then11:52
caolanmKeybuk: hey, sorry to keep bugging you on this, but I'm pretty sure its related to mounting /home... if I move it to /opt (on the root partition) it works!13:29
Keybuk/home isn't boot essential in Ubuntu13:30
caolanmah I see13:30
Keybukadd "bootwait" to the options for it in /etc/fstab13:30
caolanmI saw a bug related to that in karmic, stopping the computer from booting13:31
caolanmany idea if that was fixed for lucid? ...I'm working on a remote machine and don't want it to go down :\13:31
caolanmwell, I can risk it I suppose :)13:32
Keybukit's deliberate13:34
Keybuklucid still won't wait for /home13:34
* caolanm crosses fingers13:36
caolanmdamn, it didn't come back up13:38
caolanmKeybuk: thanks for your help, I have a much better idea of what to look into now!13:38
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bencccan upstart rotate logs?20:20
benccI'm using ubuntu lucid20:21
sadmacbencc: no. You need logrotate or what have you (though upstart can certainly /run/ that program)20:22
benccsadmac: it'll be cool if I could define it as part of my upstart script21:09

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