
lifelessthumper: ping00:03
lifelessthumper: did you seem my reply last night ?00:03
maxbWhy would I see a contents conflict on merging, instead of a text conflict, for a file which is ostensibly text, and has common ancestry between the branches being merged?00:13
spivmaxb: good question.  Not sure!00:14
maxboh, oops, it was removed at one point on the merge target branch00:15
abadger1999Another question for my request to update the EPEL bzr -- what's the API policy and release lifecycle of the 2.x branches?00:31
abadger1999is it 2.x is compatible but 2.(x+1) can have API breaking changes?00:31
abadger1999And is it 2.x will be supported for 6 months?  1 year?  Undetermined?00:32
abadger1999I'm trying to find the best release to put into a repository that's supposed to remain API stable for 4 more years.00:34
james_w2.X.Y should be stable across Y00:36
james_was for support timeframes, they are longer, but not sure about 4 years00:36
abadger1999Is there a doc that tells what hte expected timeframe is?00:36
james_w2.1.1 is in Ubuntu lucid, which will be around for years00:37
james_wso 2.1.X might be a good choice00:37
james_wI don't think so00:37
james_wMartin started a discussion a couple of weeks ago on the list about what sort of timeframes people would be interested in for the various releases00:37
james_wmaybe you would like to weigh in there00:39
abadger1999yeah, I saw that in passing... wasn't sure how to ask for a seven year release lifetime, though :-)00:39
abadger1999LTS releases are approximately 5 years?00:39
james_w3 on the desktop, 5 on the server00:40
james_wnot sure where bzr falls00:40
abadger1999Night.  And thanks!00:41
lifelessabadger1999: we don't have any release thats stable for 4 years for bzr itself00:42
lifelessabadger1999: our policy is to minimise API changes totally on the .Y as james_w says00:43
lifelessbut the bzr community doesn't do bugfixes for 5 years on a given X.Y00:43
lifelessmore like 6-12 months00:43
lifelessso no API changes on .Z unless its fully compatible or needed for security00:44
lifelessfew changes in .Y's, but they happen00:44
lifelessand anything goes on X's00:44
lifelessa new .Y every 6 months00:44
lifelessa new .Z every month, for the last few .Y's00:44
abadger1999Okay.  So .Y's are expected to break compatibility but hopefully in little used areas, .Z's are expected to not break anything (barring no other way to fix a security hole)?00:46
abadger1999Or is it more accurate to say .Y's can break things but porting should be straightforward?00:47
* abadger1999 trying to figure out how best to phrase this in the request to update00:47
thumperlifeless: yes I did, thanks00:49
lifelessthumper: cool00:49
lifelessabadger1999: .Y's *may* break it, if doing so makes things better for bzrlib API's. Not expected, but also not unexpected.00:49
lifelessso yes, '.Y's can break things but porting should be straightforward?'00:49
abadger1999lifeless: Thanks!00:50
igchi all00:58
abentleyI just got a local delivery failure sending a message to the Bazaar mailing list: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411371/01:15
spivabentley: ouch.  I guess that's something to ask IS or at least a losa about?01:16
abentleyspiv, wanted to make sure it wasn't a known issue.01:17
spivabentley: well, not known to me :)01:17
spivIt wouldn't surprise me to find that #is knows already.01:17
lifelessthere has been no chatter01:17
LaserJockhow can I undo a commit, not revert, just get rid of the log entry, etc.02:02
jelmerLaserJock: bzr uncommit02:02
LaserJockjelmer: awesome, is there something like unadd?02:05
LaserJockoh, maybe rm --keep or something02:06
jelmerLaserJock: yep, sounds like it02:06
fullermdIf the two are related, it sounds more like you want 'pull' than 'uncommit'...02:07
spivWoo, 0 new bugs again.02:08
LaserJockfullermd: but I have nothing to pull from02:08
fullermdYou have itself.02:09
fullermdbzr pull --overwrite -r-2 .02:09
LaserJockhmm, interesting02:09
fullermdThe different between pull [--overwrite] to a prior rev and uncommit is that uncommit leaves your WT in the state it's in right now, with pending edits and adds and rm's and merges equal to the commit you were at.02:10
fullermdpull goes back to that rev (roughly; mod currently uncommitted changes which get merged)02:10
spiv"bzr uncommit" followed by "bzr revert" is probably a less confusing way to do that, even if it is two operations.02:10
spivpulling from ". -r-2" is a bit subtle.02:11
LaserJockwell, I was trying to unadd mistakenly added files02:11
LaserJockso i wanted to uncommit, unadd, then recommit02:12
spivLaserJock: sounds like the uncommit and rm commands you found were just what you wanted, then :)02:13
fullermdWell, if you want to be unsubtle, there's always `git reset --kinda-soft-like-a-spring-rain` or whichever variant it is...02:14
lifelessLaserJock: you can safely revert an added file, btw02:16
lifelessit will just get unadded02:16
LaserJockI get mixed up between git revert and bzr revert so I tend to avoid both02:17
LaserJockthe curse of the multiple-DVCS world02:18
* RAOF grumbles at git deliberately using different terminology to everyone else.02:18
lifelessLaserJock: apt-get install bzr-git; never look back.02:18
RAOFWell, look back a *little* bit, at least until there's some way to refer to a colocated branch.02:19
lifelessRAOF: there is02:19
LaserJockwell, I do like git sometimes, I don't know that I want to get rid of it altogether02:20
lifelessLaserJock: I wasn't suggesting migrating02:20
LaserJockbut it is annoying that they seem to use different terminology form everybody else02:20
lifelessLaserJock: just using bzr :)02:20
LaserJockright, but that's full of FAIL, IMO02:20
RAOFlifeless: Make my life better.  Point me at docs :)02:20
lifelessRAOF: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/colo-urls/+merge/2086002:21
LaserJockis it easy to push and branch with bzr-git?02:22
LaserJockthe "consumer" end isn't so bad02:22
LaserJockbut if I'm the only bzr user in a team of git-heads I think I'm at a disadvantage using bzr-git02:23
RAOFBranching just works; to push you need to use “dpush” rather than “push” (unless that's been resolved), but that also works.02:23
LaserJockthen there's that branch-as-a-dir thing that still gets me about bzr even after years of use02:24
LaserJockI'm getting there though :-)02:24
LaserJockI just have to force myself to stop blowing away branches02:25
lifelessI delete branches all the time02:25
lifelessI just deleted 502:25
LaserJockbecause then I don't ever branch02:25
LaserJockI think branching should be a useful thing, but I don't think I'll use them if I just keep deleting them02:26
LaserJockmaybe it's repos I don't like more than branch-as-a-dir02:26
LaserJockI suppose it's just psychology, I find it somewhat intuitive to mix VCS and non-VCS dirs02:28
LaserJockI regularly do that with bzr and I often don't know what's a branch and what isn't02:28
lifelessLaserJock: so I have one work dir02:28
lifelessand N branches02:29
LaserJockI go and blow away a branch thinking it's something else02:29
LaserJockso is that like using bzr switch?02:30
LaserJockI was reading something about being able to do something git-esque by switching working dirs or something02:30
LaserJockseemed overly complicated02:30
lifelessspiv: are you around ?02:31
lifelessLaserJock: bzr switch? 2 extra commands to setup, after that no-brainer02:31
spivlifeless: I am02:32
lifelessI want to talk commands02:33
lifelessif you're working02:33
spivI am working02:34
spivNow's as good a time as any, I suppose102:34
* igc out for a few hours02:43
thumperlifeless: got a few minutes?02:57
thumperevery time I try to use the bzr command line client I get:03:00
thumper$ bzr info03:00
thumper/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/lazr/uri/__init__.py:19: UserWarning: Module launchpadlib was already imported from /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/launchpadlib/__init__.py, but /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6 is being added to sys.path03:00
thumperanyone know what I need to stab to make it go away?03:00
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lifelessthumper: sure03:39
lifelessthumper: uhm03:39
lifelessthumper: pkg_resources sucks.03:40
lifelessthumper: file a bug on lazr03:40
thumperlifeless: and the short solution to stop bzr complaining at me all the time?03:40
lifelessapt-get remove python-launchpadlib, I guess03:41
lifelessthumper: you can make it break - and get a backtrace03:41
lifelesspython -Werror BZR_PDB=1 /usr/bin/bzr info03:42
thumperdidn't stop unfortunately03:43
lifelessthumper: poke around /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.603:43
thumperand BZR_PDB=1 had to go first03:43
lifelessits a nuts error03:45
lifelessthumper: do you have python, or setuptools, or soething like that coming from the lp ppa ?03:46
thumperprobably something03:46
thumperhow can I see?03:46
lifelessapt-cache policy <package>03:46
lifelessaptitude search ~o03:46
lifelessits a nuts error because for /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/launchpadlib/__init__.py, to have been imported /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6 has to be on the path already03:48
lifelesshave I mentioned I hate pkg_resources ?03:49
SamB_XPlifeless: what IS that ?03:49
lifelesswhat is what ?03:49
SamB_XPthat thing you keep saying you hate03:49
SamB_XPah, something from the infamous setuptools then ?03:50
lifelesspep 365 is pkg_resources, but its a pje special03:50
lifelessnote the status - rejected ;)03:50
lifelessphillip J eby03:51
SamB_XPI'm assuming he's one of the people behind the infamous package mentioned above03:51
lifelessthe guy that brough setuptools and easy_install to life03:51
SamB_XPexarkun, I believe, is often ranting about setuptools03:52
lifelessMost Hated Module Ever03:52
lifelessit has caused more bugs than I want to think about03:53
lifelessfor fun, read /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py03:53
SamB_XPno thanks ;-P03:53
lifelessnote the 15 line vertical whitespace03:53
lifelessI mean, thats a trivial thing right. But so unnecessary03:53
SamB_XPand I thought that one NES emulator was bad!03:54
SamB_XPit used like up to 5 lines of whitespace in a row for different reasons ...03:54
lifelesshave a look at this:03:54
lifelessif (modname not in sys.modules or modname in nsp03:54
lifeless    or modname in _namespace_packages03:55
lifeless    continue03:55
lifelessfor indenting03:55
lifelessthumper: so the bug is03:57
lifelessthumper: that pkg_resources has a bug (surprise)03:58
lifelessthumper: if you add03:58
lifelessif fn in sys.path:03:58
lifeless    continue03:58
lifelessat line 2333 of /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py03:58
lifelessit will probably silence the error03:58
lifelesswell, I'd put pdb in there and inspect04:02
lifelessI guess there may be an egg magic causnig it to be loaded without the containing dir being on the path.04:02
lifelessMoar reasons to hate eggs04:02
* SamB_XP wonders if there is such a thing as "build-conflicts"04:03
lifelessfor debian packaging? yes04:04
lifelessI forget the exact header name04:04
lifelessspiv: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/commands/+merge/2306805:10
abentleylifeless, do commands need to call  ui.ui_factory.clear_term if they might have caused progress messages?05:24
lifelessabentley: I think thats the current workaround05:25
lifelessabentley: there is some discussion about makeing self.outf do that if needed, automatically.05:25
abentleylifeless, I've looked at builtins.py and I only see one command doing that (ls.)  I guess the rest are doing it lower down?05:27
lifelesslet me have a squiz05:29
lifelessgpg strategy does it05:30
lifelessabentley: note() does it05:30
lifelessand so does warning()05:30
lifelessabentley: so yes, I think that that accurately summarises - the rest are doing it lower down05:31
parthmlifeless: ping05:51
parthmso i am trying to understand rio better. if i get it right, right now its a binary format meant to be written to a file?05:51
parthmwhat does rio stand for?05:53
lifelesssee the top of bzrlib/rio.py05:55
parthmlifeless: thanks. i am just trying out your tags diagnostic patch.06:00
lifelessparthm: as martin_gzlist says, its not that06:04
parthmlifeless: yes. just noticed that. so rio is more of an internal binary format (ascii + utf-8) not really meant for stdout. so what would be a good fix for this?06:06
lifelessparthm: as per the list/bug - change the command to take a filename06:07
lifelesspermit '-' for people to that want to use it06:07
parthmin 'version-info [location]' with location being optional we probably need a option --output or something. so if the file is open-ed with the correct encoding that should take care of making rio readable?06:12
lifelessif we are breaking compat06:14
lifelesschange it to version-info filename [location]06:14
lifelesschange it to version-info filename [-d location]06:15
lifeless(-d is a common argument we want to support for 'look elsewhere for stuff')06:15
parthmlifeless: sounds fine to me. so this is probably more of a 2.3 change. i still need to understand rio better will probably spend some more time on that.06:17
parthmi will discuss this on the mailing list in case there are some more suggestions/refinements.06:17
parthmlifeless: thanks for the help.06:18
mwhudsonso what are actual good tools for visualizing conflicts?06:30
spivmwhudson: http://blogs.mathworks.com/images/steve/2009/windowing_fft_2_03.jpg06:32
lifelesswarn usbefore doing that :P06:33
mwhudsonspiv: thanks06:33
mwhudsonlifeless: hm, bit underwhelmed by meld in this case, how do you invoke it?06:33
lifelessthere is a plugin I believe06:33
mwhudsonoh right 'extmerge'06:35
mwhudsonjelmer: hooray for inconsistent tabs vs spaces in dulwich's _pack.c06:40
mwhudsonat least i assume that's what's going on, not just inconsistent indentation06:40
lifelessthumper: have you seen https://edge.launchpad.net/codewiki ?09:14
* igc night all09:20
thumperlifeless: I took a brief look, yes09:46
lifelessvila: ping10:31
lifelessmwhudson: do you know, is paste able to run on unix sockets ?10:33
jelmerlifeless: I ran an evolution git import overnight with profiling: commit_write_group(): 22%, add_inventory_by_delta: 10%, insert_record_stream (overall) 60%10:38
jelmeranyway, food for thought :-)10:41
* jelmer goes back to soyuzy issues10:41
Kinnisonmmm soyuz10:45
thumperhow do I override create_signatures when calling workingtree.commit() ?11:38
thumperI want to get the committer from the config11:39
thumperbut not sign11:39
lifelesspass in your own config object if you want to control that sort of thing11:39
thumperhow do I create a config object?11:39
lifelesswhy don't you want the users signing policy to apply though?11:39
thumperlifeless: because I don't want a box popping up when editing a wiki page11:40
lifelessthumper: uhm11:40
thumperand I'm explicitly setting the committer11:40
lifelessthumper: give me more context, but this sounds like something you shouldn't be bothering with, to me.11:40
lifelesssome folk may want signed wiki changes11:41
lifelesssome folk won't, and bzr lets users choose11:41
thumperI'm making an executive decision for now11:42
thumperpeople can haul me up on it later11:42
thumperit bugs me11:42
lifelessthumper: so change your config11:42
thumpermy local commits are always signed11:42
lifelessthe default isn't to sign11:42
lifelessthumper: are your wikis in a specific subdir ?11:43
thumpercurrently it is11:43
thumperit'll always point to a branch though11:43
lifelessthumper: so, I suggest you set the signing policy in branch.conf when you create a wiki branch11:44
thumperok, you've convinced me to at least make it an option11:45
thumperbut the original question still stands11:45
thumperhow to I override the config11:45
lifelessbzrlib.config has a number of config objects11:45
thumperthanks, I'll take a look11:46
lifelessI still say, don't do it.11:46
lifelessyou're certain to regret it11:46
thumperI regret many things11:47
thumperI already regret some code I wrote three days ago11:47
Kamping_Kaisercould someone look at this and say if it looks like a bzr bug? i type 'bzr ignoreb' and press tab. result is the paste here http://paste.debian.net/68133/11:49
thumperlifeless: if it is sign when required, when is it required?11:51
lifelessthumper: not implemented11:52
james_wKamping_Kaiser: you have a conflict in /home/kgoetz/.bazaar/plugins/rewrite/commands.py11:55
Kamping_Kaiserjames_w: thanks. is that a conflict between bzr and rewrite?11:56
james_wyou edited the file at some point or something11:57
james_wand then did a pull and it put conflict markers in the file11:57
james_wso it's not valid python11:57
james_wso bzr crashes trying to load it11:57
james_warguably that last bit is a bzr bug11:57
james_wbut you can fix the issue by resolving any conflicts in /home/kgoetz/.bazaar/plugins/rewrite/11:57
Kamping_Kaiserjames_w: i've never edited the file, but i'll make sure my branch is valid11:59
BoobekI have a question before I send a bug request:12:00
Kamping_Kaiserjames_w: loads of conflict markers, reverting them fixes the tab issue. thanks :)12:00
Boobekcan I make a branch from a launcpad project on my localdrive? (for example: bzr branch lp:slip-cover12:00
thumperBoobek: yes12:01
thumperthat's one of the main points :)12:01
Boobekok, but in bzr 2.1.1 i get the following output:12:02
Boobekit's normal?12:03
thumperBoobek: looks like you haven't told launchpad your ssh key12:04
thumperBoobek: but you have done a bzr lp-login12:04
lifelesshg ships its own bindings to inotify12:05
* thumper is done hacking for a friday night12:06
BoobekI told it from browser but this command isn't work12:06
BoobekI have the same output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/411559/12:07
jelmerthumper: how did the linux import go?12:08
* thumper looks12:08
jelmerthumper: I don't see how many revs it's already done12:09
thumperabout 65k revs12:09
thumperlook at the most recent log12:09
jelmerthumper: where do you see that?12:10
thumperBoobek: ask in #launchpad and someone should help12:10
thumperhttps://code.staging.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/linux/trunk - see the log links12:10
* thumper signs off12:10
jelmerthumper: That's what I'm looking at :-)12:10
Boobekthumper, thx12:10
Boobekjoin #launchpad12:11
jelmerHave a nice weekend thumper12:11
thumperjelmer: it started at around 215k revs, now down to 150k ish12:11
thumperjelmer: you too12:11
jmlmy records aren't good enough to file a proper bug13:08
jmlbut the way that bzr handles "conflicts" when deleting directories that contain non-versioned content just cost me quite a lot of time and inconvenience13:09
lifelessjml: there is a bug. its a real pain.13:12
lifelessjml: there is a plan too; I believe vila is working on it.13:13
LeoNerdMmm... gotta love sshfs. I've double-mounted router -> server -> desktop via sshfs. bzr on my AMD64 2.2GHz desktop is still faster, over all that, than bzr natively on the AMD Geode 266 router.13:31
hersonlscan i ignore all symlinks in a repo with .bzrignore?13:43
bialix.bzrignore is filenames pattern matching, not file kind pattern matching13:44
lifelessno, though that might be an interesting extension; some way to say that an ignore rule applies by kind13:44
hersonlsexists another way to do this?13:48
bialixhersonls: one can write pre_commit hook to blacklist symlinks from commit?13:58
hersonlsbialix, i go see in documentation how do this14:04
hersonlsa pre_commit14:04
SamB_XPlifeless: so should someone make a ticket requesting that?14:24
LeoNerdUgh... Why is Module::Pluggable soooooo slow?14:26
LeoNerdIt takes 7 seconds on my slowtiny AMD Geode 23314:27
LeoNerder... wrongchannel ;)14:32
bialixhersonls: you can look at the checkeol plugin14:33
bialixit has pre_commit hook check14:33
orattueHey I am moving from a backup of an old repository to a new one and have run into a small problem when pushing the revision history.16:13
orattueWhen I push to my new repo it becomes a working tree but I want to keep this a treeless repository. How could I achieve this?16:14
fullermdJust use remove-tree to get rid of it?16:16
orattuefullermd: perfect many thanks16:17
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lelithi all, is there a command to get rid (if at all possible!) of .bzr/obsolete_packs, after a branch taken out of svn?16:51
MvGHi! I just noticed that RegistryOption.from_kwargs adds arguments to the help text in the order kwargs.iteritems() returns them, which seems to be arbitrary and in particular not the one they were given at invocation time. This yields to non-deterministic help texts, which shouldn't be a real problem but feels a bit ugly nevertheless. Opinions?16:53
jelmerMvG: I agree16:55
jelmerlelit: not yet afaik, other than rm -rf .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs16:55
MvGSo maybe I should file a bug.16:55
jelmerMvG: or submit a patch :-)16:56
lelitjelmer: that's good enough, if its safe :)16:56
MvGjelmer: I'm not sure enough what the "right" approach would be. Alphabetical order? Or is there a way to get at the argument order of a **kwargs?16:56
lelitare those effectively garbage-able?16:56
jelmerlelit: generally, yes16:57
MvGIs there a proper way to include the help text of the alternatives of a RegistryOption in the generated help? RegistryOption.from_kwargs does that, but when I use a proper registry I don't see a way.17:23
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krisives-gearboxDoes bzr support scripts in .bzr/hooks ?17:35
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LarstiQanyone know where I should ask to have my two bazaar-vcs.org wiki users merged? (openid based and old style)17:48
fullermdI gave up and hoped to $DEITY I'd never have to change any of my settings.17:53
LarstiQfullermd: well, I do :)18:07
MvGjelmer: For the record: Filed bug 559409, attached a branch and requested a merge.18:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559409 in bzr "RegistryOption lists help strings in arbitrary order" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55940918:21
MvGI just hope such a trivial fix can do without NEWS item.18:21
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bialixMvG: hi18:40
MvGbialix: hi!18:40
bialixI have a question on trac-bzr18:40
bialixMvG: https://answers.launchpad.net/trac-bzr/+question/10678318:41
bialixcan you comment on that?18:41
MvGI wonder why I haven't seen a mail for this...18:42
bialixMvG: maybe because there is no answer contact set?18:43
bialixI'm not sure how this part of LP supposed to work18:43
MvGGrrrr! news_merge seems to be causing backtraces.18:44
marcingyhi - just wondering if there is anyway to prevent a file being committed as part of a bzr commit command. The file is part of the tree but I have a need for a specific local change for testing purposes that doesn't need to be committed to the trunk ever. and I don't want to have to cotinually remember to enter bzr commit .18:47
bialixMvG: for bzr-explorer we have answer contact set to bzr-explorer-dev group, and therefore we get notifications on the questions and answers18:48
bialixmarcingy: maybe you need to use loom or pipeline plugin to keep your changes in separate place?18:49
MvGNow that I've reported bug 559436 I can return to that question...18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559436 in bzr "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_config'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55943618:49
LarstiQmarcingy: that, or consider commit -x18:55
marcingythanks and I'll go and have a look at loom and pipeline18:55
MvGbialix: answered.18:58
bialixheya LarstiQ ! how are you?18:59
LarstiQbialix: heya! :) Done well with studies so far, but pressure building up again with several deadlines19:02
bialixare you planning to attend UDS?19:03
LarstiQah, there is one coming up again I guess19:03
LarstiQbialix: no, not so far19:03
bialixI understand19:04
* LarstiQ has been focusing on studying, little time for anything else19:05
LarstiQbialix: ah, and I still have lectures and one exam in that week, so no19:05
LarstiQbialix: how about you?19:05
bialixI'll be there19:06
bialixfirst time to meet all legendary bzr hackers19:06
LarstiQcool :)19:07
bialixyeah :-)19:07
fullermd_all_?  Better hope an asteroid doesn't choose that time and place to fall on...19:08
bialixfullermd: if there won't be you then of course not all, but many19:09
LarstiQor one very big bus19:10
fullermdLegendary bzr hacker?  Me?  I guess that's true...   my great bzr hacks never really happened, which makes them pretty dang legendary   :p19:11
LarstiQbialix: will you be in Brussels the weekend after UDS?19:11
bialixfullermd: common, I'd like to meet you anyway, you adding the charm to this channel :-)19:12
bialixLarstiQ: no, fly away at Saturday19:13
fullermdWell, exactly.  If I went somewhere, what would the channel do while I was gone?   8-}19:13
bialixthat's true, silly me!19:13
fullermdHave a sprint in my backyard, I'll be there.19:14
fullermdIt's beautiful this time of year, and for probably at least another week, or even two.  Then it gets mother-letching hot and miserable.19:14
bialixwhat it means "mother-letching"?19:15
LarstiQbialix: ok, I'll see if I can maybe be there on Friday evening then19:17
fullermdIt's a content-free emphatic.  A polite euphemism for a more profane way of saying it.19:17
bialixok, got it19:17
fullermd...  OK, not especially polite, but at least politER.19:18
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MvGIs someone around here empowered to make me either an additional or the sole owner of the LP trac-bzr-team?20:32
lifelessMvG: its owned by ~bzr21:07
lifelessMvG: so I could transfer ownership, but why? Perhaps administrator is what you want?21:07
jelmerMvG: thanks (for filing that bug report about option ordering)21:34
MvGlifeless: Dunno what the difference between ownership and admin is. I only realized that I couldn't make the team the answer contact, and assume it's due to missing privileges. You could make me admin, see if that helps.21:44
mwhudsonlifeless: i don't know, sorry23:48
dark_soulhow do we change the commiter name? without having to reininstall23:56

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