
persiaHey, that's why ubuntuwire exists: it's donated hardware intended to provide resources to developers.00:00
JontheEchidnaamichair: got backtrace?00:02
amichairI'm hoping it's just because the intallation was under bad conditions. If I manage to recreate, I'll let u know00:05
amichairthe one thing I did after reboot was type konsole in the k menu search field00:07
amichairinterestingly, it didn't show (only 'run konsole', not the real konsole choice/icon)00:07
amichairand then plasma was no more00:08
apacheloggerclearliy it wanted to prevent you from using konsole :P00:08
apacheloggerit probably knows that gnome-terimanl is superior00:09
DarkwingDuckDid nixternal survive the storm?00:39
amichairJontheEchidna: can't recreate. I'll write it off as a bad installation on my part.00:46
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ScottKryanakca: Did you fix Bug 479534 in Kobby?05:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479534 in kobby "Kobby in section Office when Internet would be better" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47953405:40
freinhardhi! is there a wiki page for things like 'which standards version should i use for packaging in lucid"?06:33
ScottKfreinhard: You should look at the version of the package debian-policy in Lucid and use that.06:35
freinhardScottK: thx06:36
freinhardand debhelper 7.4?06:38
freinhard(i know it builds with less)06:38
ScottKdebhelper version requirement (and also debian/compat) should refer to the lowest version the package will build with.07:00
ScottKTested on Kubuntu Hardy -> Lucid and Kubuntu-kde4 Hardy -> Kubuntu Lucid and it went pretty smooth.  Found a few file conflicts.  Fixes are either uploaded or in bzr.07:09
apacheloggerbad weekend weather :(10:08
* apachelogger hates the weather widget10:09
Tm_TrI'm hoping some snow rain10:09
apacheloggeroh dear10:09
Tm_TrI'm dear, yes10:09
* Tm_Tr hides10:10
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Tm_T
* Tm_T hates linker problems10:10
Tm_Thi smarter10:10
apacheloggerlex79: kde rev 1112824 kde rev 111282810:27
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1112824&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 111282410:27
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1112828&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 111282810:27
Tm_Tapachelogger: (:)10:27
ofirkamichair: are you here?10:36
CIA-6kubuntu: Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * rapachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100409095748-5lil301pr5j7k1c0 kdeedu/debian/changelog: releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu210:57
* apachelogger sends Tm_T a cookie basket11:23
ryanakcaScottK: Unfortunately not. I'll do so now and see if pos minds reuploading.11:28
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apacheloggerhttp://img717.imageshack.us/i/screenshotai.png/ friend just fried his gtkrc because the appearance thingy in gnome crashed ^^11:47
sebasapachelogger: is the left or the right window the "fried-gtkrc-one"?11:55
* apachelogger giggles11:56
apacheloggerthe left ^^11:56
sebasthe gradients are too heavy for my taste in the right one11:56
sebaslooks like someone discovered photoshop, or the 90s11:57
apacheloggerif I were an ubuntu user I would listen to one song only11:57
apacheloggerkubotu: np11:57
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "A Pain That I'm Used To" by Depeche Mode [http://open.spotify.com/track/4fd8IurnMUySXCXYeJ0MlJ] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more11:57
sebasthe first version of the oxygen style had similar heavy gradients11:58
apacheloggerthe one that was eating resources and became bespin?11:59
sebasand the one that was an atrocity code-wise, and looked like Perl12:01
apacheloggerjust thinking about it, made the sun hide Oo12:04
sebasyeh, a close second after keramik, aesthetically :)12:05
* apachelogger never got why so many people used keramik in KDE 3.5 times12:06
apacheloggerwith plastik and lipstik around12:06
sebaskeramik was default :/12:10
apacheloggersebas: in 3.5? seriously?12:30
* apachelogger is fortunate enough to cant remember that :)12:30
Tm_TI think Plastik was default in 3.5 but before that...12:30
* apachelogger only had KDE 3.4 for like a month or two12:31
Tm_TI switched Keramik away in 3.2 too, haven't seen it in use in my desktop since12:32
apacheloggerbetter that is12:32
apacheloggernow since I misplaced my gsoc stuff for ubuntuone I think I need to start over again12:33
apacheloggeroh my12:33
* apachelogger should have doen it in the wiki12:33
Tm_Tso, when we move our akonadi defaults to postgres?12:37
ScottKryanakca: For reference, that's the same section Gobby is in.  It doesn't make sense for them to be different.12:37
ScottKTm_T: Did you see we have powerpc live CDs that fit?12:38
Tm_TScottK: oh, have to try that one (:12:38
ScottKTm_T: Yes.  Please.  With nixternal out of action, you're my only hope;12:39
Tm_Tlet's see if I have empty discs or any -rw that works12:39
* Tm_T places that to tomorrows schedule12:41
* apachelogger just wrote half an hour about why he is interested in open source ^^13:18
apacheloggerI suppose that question is worth a book really13:18
* evilshadeslayer oogles at kpk...13:24
* apachelogger points at the cloud ^^13:25
* apachelogger doesnt like cloudy days13:25
apacheloggerthey are mostly followed by rainy days13:25
evilshadeslayeramazing... its showing the list of changes... even though its just 1 package :P13:25
apacheloggerand those I do not only not like, I actually hate them13:25
evilshadeslayerout of 120 :D13:25
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: magic13:26
* evilshadeslayer seeds normal clouds with rain... and lo! apachelogger gets wet :P13:26
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: looks like it :D13:26
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: thats the first time its shown the list of changes13:26
evilshadeslayer( for the time ive been using it )13:26
apacheloggersince like yesterday? :P13:27
evilshadeslayernope... it didnt show the list of changes ever... :D13:27
evilshadeslayerthe lucky app is app-install-data13:27
apacheloggerthose changes must be intersting13:28
apacheloggermay I say that wirting gsoc projet proposals is a rather annoying thing to do?13:29
apacheloggerif I do not get accepted I wasted hours I could have spent triaging bugs for nothing :S13:29
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: hehe... are you always this negative?13:29
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, I will not propose something for KDE, in lack of mentor and my projects are far too big13:29
apacheloggerjust getting a design for a khc rewrite would take ages13:30
apacheloggerbecause it must rock13:30
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: why negative?13:30
* evilshadeslayer picks up a stone,writes khc on it and hands it apachelogger 13:30
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: heh.. if you dont get selected no one else would :p13:30
apacheloggerthose people that constantly blame canonical for being kubuntu unfriendly would disagree :P13:31
apacheloggerlet me draw a conspiracy picture here13:31
evilshadeslayersure :D13:32
=== evilshadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer_
evilshadeslayer_apachelogger: ill be back in a few mins... snack time :D13:34
evilshadeslayer_apachelogger: http://www.cambridgenow.ca/cnt/files/Image/Grain_Of_Salt/Samosa.jpg13:34
apacheloggerthere are 47 ideas from ubuntu in the wiki13:35
apacheloggerso say on average ther are two applications per idea (which is probably too low), but lets just use that13:36
apacheloggerthat makes around 100 applications13:36
apacheloggerfrom http://linuxgazette.net/119/oregan.html  it would seem that at some point KDE got around some 30 project slots or something13:37
apacheloggerI doubt that Ubuntu will get that many, but be it so13:37
apacheloggerso out of those 100 applications about 80 or 90% will probably not qualify at all13:38
apacheloggerso lets say 15 projects will be considered, likely enough google will not devote slots to ubuntu that cannot be filled with sensible projects, so the actual slot amount will be between 15 and say 713:39
apacheloggerout of those some 50 gsoc ideas are 5 for kubuntu in specific, 6 if you include the Qt4 Quickly idea13:40
apacheloggerso even if my application is in the pool of those 15 that qualify, there is a 90% chance that my propsoal will not be chosen13:42
apacheloggersimply because it does not beneift ubuntu but kubuntu13:42
apacheloggerthus I will not get accepted13:42
apacheloggernow lets just hope none of those blue-headed stepchild fanboys reads this13:43
apacheloggerhell may break loose13:43
apachelogger"kubuntu developer proofs neglect of kubuntu"13:43
apacheloggeror "kubuntu only 10% of ubuntu's importance" ^^13:44
apacheloggerman, I should have joined the blue-headed stepchild bandwaggon, there is so much one could do conspiracy theorie about13:45
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evilshadeslayerapachelogger: ah...13:47
ScottKBased on popcon data, the ratio of Ubuntu to Kubuntu popcon users is ~ 6:1.  No idea how that relates to the actual user ratio.13:48
ScottKGiven the amount of effort that gets put into Ubuntu, I find that pretty good for Kubuntu.13:49
apacheloggersomeone should blog about that13:49
* apachelogger should blog about l10n in lucid13:50
* apachelogger should finish his gsoc stuff13:50
* evilshadeslayer watches his gmail inbox fill up with bug mail13:58
apacheloggeroh noes :(13:58
evilshadeslayerit grown by 2 pc since i subscribed to kubuntu-bugs ML :D13:59
evilshadeslayerpercent :P13:59
evilshadeslayer% :D13:59
apachelogger * Please describe a tentative project architecture or an approach to it:14:00
apacheloggershould I go as far as world domination?14:00
evilshadeslayerhmm... i could fill my mailbox on a CD... 627 MB.. :P14:00
* apachelogger isn't sure how much implications he should highlight14:00
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: a bit further... nuclear holocaust as well14:01
* apachelogger delets loads of shiz and is at 19% or os14:01
apacheloggerYou are currently using 1481 MB (19%) of your 7442 MB.14:01
evilshadeslayeri have :14:01
evilshadeslayerYou are currently using 627 MB (8%) of your 7442 MB.14:01
* apachelogger cleans commit and bugs folders from time to time14:02
apacheloggerotherwise I probably would be out of space ^^14:02
Torchwhere are the debug symbols for libdbus-1-3? shouldn't there be a package dbus-dbg?14:02
* apachelogger monitors most of KDE SVN 14:03
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: ive made tags for them... all my mail gets tagged as soon as it enters my mailbox14:03
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures14:03
apacheloggerTorch: ^14:03
apacheloggerTorch: debug symbols get stripped to a specific repository14:03
apacheloggerhow to get them is somewhere explained in a page linked from the one above ^^14:03
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: then just go clean out them tags ;)14:04
Torchapachelogger: thanks.14:04
* apachelogger does that so he gets his mails read14:04
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: yeah..deleted 1500 Mails.. all of them bugs14:04
apacheloggerlike currently I have 4266 unread in kde-devel14:04
apachelogger3208 in promo14:04
apacheloggerthat is mosty because I do not read followups on stuff that doesnt sound interesting though ^^14:05
apacheloggerand since the kmai ingore setting does not get transferred via imap i do not even bother setting those, because I might end up reinstalling the system any time ;)14:05
apacheloggerYou have successfully confirmed your subscription request for "apachelogger@ubuntu.com" to the ubuntu-soc mailing list.14:06
apacheloggerone more list to not read ^^14:06
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: heh... bug mail was only 13 MB14:08
* apachelogger just quit rekonq without wanting to14:08
apacheloggerstrg q is dangerous14:08
* apachelogger needs other browser14:08
Torchapachelogger: i don't seem to make any progress with that link though14:09
Torchapachelogger: i have that ddebs repository, of course14:09
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/ETrhEBpZ14:09
apacheloggermaybe it is crap14:09
Torchapachelogger: if that is what you meant.14:09
Torchapachelogger: it has a dbus-dbgsym package. i have that installed. and still no symbols for libdbus-1-314:10
apacheloggerdear lord in heaven14:10
evilshadeslayerTorch: your in lucid?14:10
apacheloggerif that was any more out-of-date14:10
apacheloggeroh my14:10
Torchevilshadeslayer: no. karmic.14:10
apacheloggerTorch: maybe you need another package then14:10
apacheloggerTorch: also, did you remember to reload the symbols in gdb?14:10
evilshadeslayerTorch: hehe... well in lucid we have the 'Install Debug symbols' Button14:10
Torchapachelogger: drkonqi14:11
apacheloggerdid you remember to reload the backtrace in drkonqi? ;)14:11
Torchevilshadeslayer: we (as in KDE) have had that for a long time, i think.14:11
Torchapachelogger: heh ;-)14:11
Torchapachelogger: look at the contents of dbus-dbgsym14:11
evilshadeslayerTorch: it wasnt enabled for kubuntu users tho14:11
Torchapachelogger: how can it provide debug symbols for that lib? i'm not too familiar with how these packages are built, but i'm not sure it works without a file that somehow is called libdbus-1.so in any form14:12
apacheloggerTorch: libdbus-1-3-dbgsym14:12
Torchapachelogger: huh?14:13
apacheloggereach binary package gets a -dbgsym packgae14:13
apacheloggerthey get stripped at build time and then dumped into these special packages in this special ddebs archive14:13
Torchapachelogger: ah. is that new?14:13
apacheloggerTorch: no14:13
apacheloggerTorch: -dbgsym is per-binar-package, -dbg usually per-source-package14:14
Torchapachelogger: i was under the impression debug package == source package + -dbg14:14
apacheloggerso you have kde4libs-dbg for all of kdelibs14:14
apacheloggerTorch: http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/03/10/debug-packages-and-ppas/14:14
Torchapachelogger: right, that's how i've known that. and the ddebs repository changes that?14:14
apacheloggerddebs is completely independent from -dbg packages14:14
apacheloggerin short: -dbgsym are autogenerated -dbg are manually maintained by the package maintainers14:15
apacheloggerthat is also the reason the -dbg packages show up in the regular archives... they are part of the regular source package14:15
Torchapachelogger: thanks for clearing this up for me ;-)14:17
apacheloggeryou're very welcome :)14:17
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ScottKryanakca: libqinfinity is through binary New, so the package should hit archive.ubuntu.com in ~95 minutes.  Then you shoud be able to test Kobby and ask for that sync.15:09
* apachelogger should become artist15:11
apacheloggeroh oh oh15:12
apacheloggerI need a cloud!!!! ^^15:12
ScottKWould someone who cares about PPAs please deal with Bug 519751?15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519751 in python-qt3 "Can't install python-qt3 with ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta in the sources list for APT" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51975115:16
evilshadeslayer_apachelogger: which app did you make that in?15:29
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer_: inkscape15:30
evilshadeslayer_apachelogger: gnome app?15:31
apacheloggerinkscape isnt a gnome app15:32
apacheloggerregardless of that, eitherway inkscape is the best free SVG editor ^^15:32
apacheloggerin fact, I would go as far as calling it the best of all15:32
evilshadeslayer_cool... installing to check it out :)15:33
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ofirk_just noticed that the kubuntu logo in lucid's menu is big16:15
ScottKapachelogger was going to fix that.16:16
ofirk_apachelogger: do you need help with that?16:16
apacheloggerofirk_: should be fixed already16:17
apacheloggerits not getting any smaller than it is now, otherwise the circle gets too blury16:17
* apachelogger forgot to mention the auth handler in his gsoc proposal 16:18
ofirk_apachelogger: I managed to scale it down to 123x24 and the circle is just fine16:29
apacheloggerofirk_: we do not do scaling16:29
apacheloggerkickoff does that16:29
ofirk_kickoff uses the svg as the original?16:29
ScottKdebfx: Would you have any time to help with coding up a fix for a display control problem?16:30
ofirk_I modified the svg, so I can send it to you, or test it myself if it is possible16:31
ScottKAnyone else up for a bit of C++/Qt bug fix coding?16:31
apacheloggerofirk_: just dump it somewhere in /usr/share/kubntu-default-settings/...16:31
apacheloggerdunno the exact path16:31
apacheloggerit is super long ^^16:31
ofirk_lol, I will look for that16:32
ofirk_apachelogger: there is /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/desktoptheme/default/widgets/branding.svgz is that it?16:34
ofirk_apachelogger: how I can change the logo size in kickoff? do I need to recompile it?16:35
apacheloggeryou need to restart16:36
apacheloggerthat should trigger a redrawing16:36
apacheloggermaybe you need to delete the kdepixmap cache16:36
apacheloggerwhich is in .kde/*-cache/kpk IIRC16:36
apachelogger/kpc of course16:36
ofirk_but how I specify it to redraw it with 130x40?16:37
apacheloggeryou dont16:37
apacheloggerit will redraw to whatever the svg is I think16:37
apacheloggerso if the SVG workspace size is 100x80 it will render to that size16:38
ofirk_ok, I will try that16:38
apacheloggeroh noes!16:43
apacheloggerkubotu: weather graz, austria16:43
kubotuWeather info for Graz-Andritz, Graz, Austria (updated on 5:40 PM CEST on April 09, 2010); Temperature: 64.7 F / 18.2 C; Humidity: -999%; Wind: North at -; Pressure: - (Steady); Conditions: Clear; Sunrise: 6:22 AM CEST; Sunset: 7:38 PM CEST; Moon Rise: 4:05 AM CEST; Moon Set: 2:38 PM CEST; Moon Phase: Waning Crescent16:43
ScottKInteresting humidity.  Doesn't sound like rain.16:44
apacheloggerit is cloudy as hell and raining slightly16:44
apacheloggerScottK: kubotu is a liar ;)16:44
apacheloggerrain is getting stronger16:44
apacheloggerkubotu: np16:45
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Raining Again" by Moby [Hotel, 2005] [http://open.spotify.com/track/6UOvd5f3oyfIGW3GA8dn89] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more16:45
apacheloggerit stopped16:45
apacheloggerkubotu: np16:46
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles [1] [http://open.spotify.com/track/66AdsR6hDPlQxkASDqtRvK] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more16:46
lex79thanks for the commit apachelogger16:48
ScottKOhh.  lex79: You do C++, right?16:49
lex79ScottK: nope, I just change the Cmakelists in kdeedu :)16:50
ScottKHopefully debfx shows up.16:51
lex79apachelogger: after the updates today, I have this kickoff icon http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/229/kickoff.png16:53
ScottKTonio__: Could you join #debian-qt-kde on OFTC?17:00
apacheloggerlex79: yeah, someone didnt obey the icon spec17:01
apacheloggerlex79: you need to manually change it17:01
apacheloggerit was renamed17:01
* apachelogger meant to send a mail about that17:01
apachelogger.. more about the fact that we used an invalid icon name, rather than icons being broken ;)17:02
lex79apachelogger: but if you upgrade from karmic to lucid...does it work? or you have to change manually?17:02
apacheloggerobviously enough, I as an oxygen tech dude care more about the names than the broken icons :P17:02
apacheloggerlex79: change manually17:02
apacheloggerI suppose we could dump a plasma update script17:02
ScottKTonio__: Nevermind.17:03
apacheloggerbut I refuse that until aseigo stops hiding from me so that I can blame him for the 327 complaints I have on my things-that-are-wrong-with-plasma-list :P17:03
apacheloggerno jonny when you need him :(17:04
Tonio__ScottK: oki ;)17:05
ScottKTonio__: Nevermind17:06
lex79apachelogger: what's the name of the icon?17:06
Tonio__ScottK: the "oki" was also for the "nevermind" :)17:06
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
apacheloggerlex79: start-here-kubuntu in places17:06
apacheloggeractually I was wondering why kickoff defaults to apps icons anyway17:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping17:07
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong17:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can I desginate you as backup student for my ubuntu one proposal?17:08
evilshadeslayercan someone reproduce bug 559364 ?17:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559364 in kpackagekit "kpackagekit refuses to obey users settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55936417:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: cool17:08
JontheEchidnaI didn't specify anyone for mine17:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you can specify me, I would port all of language-selector to C++ and send arne a cookie basket so he doesnt start look for an assassin ;)17:10
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apacheloggermaybe i would even write in C17:11
* apachelogger hasnt had written any useful thing in C yet17:11
apacheloggerwell, nothing big anyway17:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, check out my cloud http://i.imagehost.org/view/0021/drawing ^^17:12
apacheloggerthat was stuff i didn't want to draw, so I made it a cloud ... fancy, huh? ;)17:13
evilshadeslayeroh and btw plasma-widget-networkmanagement is named wrong in the experimental ppa... extra r in ppa17:14
ScottKapachelogger: What's your dbusmenu is FUBAR bug number?17:15
lex79someone can upload the fix for that bug 554069 ?17:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554069 in xscreensaver "xscreensaver activated on kubuntu after upgrade to lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55406917:15
apacheloggerScottK: check out the stuff assigned to agateau17:15
* apachelogger carefully shuffled everything his way ;)17:15
agateauapachelogger: it works for me now, is it still broken for you?17:16
apacheloggeragateau: do I need ot relogin?17:16
agateauapachelogger: you probably need to at least restart plasma-desktop17:17
* apachelogger crashes plasma ^^17:17
ScottKshtylman: There's going to be a Ubiquity upload today.  Do you have anymore fixes ready to go in?17:17
agateaukquitapp plasma-desktop17:17
agateauis usually enough17:18
apacheloggeragateau: crashing is faster though ^^17:18
apacheloggerseems all fixed17:18
apacheloggerand usbalen now :D17:19
* txwikinger wonders why none of his Kubuntu desktops have any sound anymore17:22
* apachelogger turned it off :P17:22
* txwikinger thought so17:22
apacheloggerpop music makes so much more sense if you dont hear it ^^17:23
* txwikinger wouldn't listen to that anyway17:23
shtylmanScottK: nope17:23
ScottKshtylman: OK.  Kubuntu installer is an item of concern at the release team meeting today.17:23
shtylmanamichair: do you have any pending ubiquity fixes? or have they all been merged?17:23
shtylmanScottK: concern? like too many open bugs?17:24
ScottKshtylman: Yes.  And stuff at least some people thought was fixed that wasn't.17:24
shtylmanScottK: maybe cause amichair's branch wasn't merged yet?17:28
=== evilshadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer_
=== evilshadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer_
ScottKshtylman: That'll help a lot?17:32
ScottKcjwatson mentioned there would be some KDE fixes in today's upload.  I hope that's it.17:32
* apachelogger notes that merging from amichair branches always helps with getting rid of bugs in his experience17:32
shtylmanScottK: it can't hurt :) ... what were the major issues?17:34
ScottKshtylman: I don't have an exact list, just some concern from the meeting.17:37
shtylmanScottK: gotcha17:37
ScottKMaybe you and amichair could get together over the weekend and review the open bugs?17:37
shtylmanScottK: well.. I will devote some time to the installer this weekend17:37
shtylmanunfortunately not much time during the week (you know how that goes)17:38
ScottKqt4-x11 built on ia64 this time.17:41
* apachelogger thinks he wrote quite a bit there ^^17:41
shadeslayer_heh.. the universe repo has gone wonky here17:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GSoC/2010/HaraldSitter if someone wants to proof read what I have so far17:51
* apachelogger is afraid his eyes will start bleeding soon17:51
apacheloggerNightrose: ^ look how much writing I did ^^17:52
Nightroseapachelogger: sorry - just got back17:57
Nightrosewill have a look17:57
apacheloggerNightrose: no worries, I just wanted to show off with my massive proposal ^^17:57
ScottKapachelogger: You might care to mention that a prototype desktopcouch backend for akonadi exists.  It was demostrated on the joint desktop summit at gran canaria.18:02
lex79we haven't kdevelop in karmic or lucid archive18:02
apacheloggerScottK: where?18:02
ScottKapachelogger: In your proposal.18:02
apacheloggerScottK: I mention it in the architecture18:03
apacheloggerand the time estimates down at the bottom18:03
* apachelogger doesnt know how far along it really is though18:03
apacheloggerno work happened for quite some months now18:03
lex79but we have kdevplatform beta in lucid https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevplatform18:03
apacheloggerand last i checked I didnt exactly get it to work18:03
ScottKapachelogger: Ah.  I think I was in TLDR mode through that part.18:04
ScottKYou might also mention that integration with akonadi gets integration with other PIM applications for free.18:05
* apachelogger finds the template a bit ugly tow ork on anyway18:05
apacheloggerI would hav emade most of that stuff headers instead of list items18:05
ScottKapachelogger: Nice architecture diagram.18:05
apacheloggerScottK: I also mentioned that somewhere18:05
apacheloggersearch for pim18:05
apachelogger"When the basic DesktopCouch DB resource is done, we can dive into making Akonadi read and write data to the Ubuntu One database, which essentially means that we can sync about any PIM data via Ubuntu One."18:05
ScottKThat's any pim DATA.  Not any pim APP.18:06
apacheloggerwell, any pim app is actually not true18:06
apacheloggerany pim app that uses akonadi18:06
apacheloggerevne more correct, any app that uses akonadi18:06
* ScottK nods18:06
apacheloggernot even that is true18:06
apacheloggerany data that akonadi can eat18:07
apacheloggerfor example the bookmarks resource does not require anything on the kbookmark side of things AFAIK18:07
apacheloggerthe akonadi resource just parses the bookmarks.html of kbookmark and uses that as data resource18:07
ScottKJust make it clear that investment in akonadi integration is a one time non-recurring effort that will enable Uone data to move to any number of applications as they are ported to use akonadi's data store.18:08
apacheloggerScottK: implemented18:23
ScottKAre there any K* related GSoC proposals we might want to see if Debian wants?  It can't be upstream stuff.18:25
debfxScottK: what display control problem?19:19
ScottKdebfx: tseliot is started looking into Bug #554948, but doesn't think he has time to code it all.  Could you help?19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554948 in kdebase-workspace "Display settings change defaults to keep, not revert" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55494819:20
ScottKIt's a pretty important bug, IMO.19:21
debfxyeah, I'll have a look at it19:24
apacheloggerwell then19:26
apacheloggertime for supper I suppose19:27
apacheloggerkubotu: time19:27
kubotuapachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Fri Apr 09 20:27 CEST19:27
ScottKdebfx: Here's the conversation we had about it: http://paste.debian.net/68192/19:27
apacheloggerhalf an hour until deadline for gsoc proposal sanyway19:27
ScottKJontheEchidna: There's a new mlt to go with the kdenlive.  Could you look into it.19:34
JontheEchidnasure. will do after I work on travel arrangements19:35
JontheEchidnaSo is there anything special I have to do when contacting the agency to ensure that it's covered by Canonical?19:41
ScottKTell them it's for Canonical.19:41
shtylmanJontheEchidna: you gonna be at UDS?19:54
JontheEchidnashtylman: that's the dream19:54
shtylmanoooo cool...19:54
JontheEchidnashtylman: you going?19:57
shtylmanJontheEchidna: indeed19:57
debfxScottK: it looks like reverting the screen size doesn't work at all20:03
ScottKdebfx: I believe it.20:27
Nightrosesorry - wrong channel20:36
JontheEchidnaScottK: latest mlt is a 0.4.x ->0.5.x jump for us21:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: There's an FFe.21:16
JontheEchidnaah, ok21:16
ScottKIt's approved.21:16
JontheEchidnasource format 3.0 too, neato21:17
JontheEchidnaScottK: but isn't it a sync request? What's stopping a sync?21:17
neversfeldeuh, something is pulling in gconf2 gconf2-common gnome-keyring libgconf2-4 libgcr0 libglade2-0 libgnome-keyring0 libgp11-0 libidl0 liborbit2 libpam-gnome-keyring libparted0debian121:20
neversfelde  network-manager-pptp-gnome21:20
neversfeldeuh, something is pulling in gconf2 gconf2-common gnome-keyring libgconf2-4 libgcr0 libglade2-0 libgnome-keyring0 libgp11-0 libidl0 liborbit2 libpam-gnome-keyring libparted0debian121:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: Oh.21:20
* ScottK looks.21:20
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Test ISO images! | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
JontheEchidnazomg, no more kubuntu kmenu logo!22:00
JontheEchidnamaybe a bzr add was missed?22:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: There is a kdenlive debdiff that was well hidden in Bug #527158 that would have merged  Would you mind having a look at that to see if we'd rather have it?22:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527158 in mlt "Please sync mlt 0.5.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52715822:10
* ryanakca sighs and wonders why it is taking five minutes and counting for bzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/\~ubuntu-core-dev/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/mainline to do its thing22:34
lex79ScottK: qt4 built fine on ia64 with the last upload https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.6.2-0ubuntu422:47
lex79I removed 90_ia64_opts.diff22:48

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