
kklimondaopenchrome? back to the future? ;)00:04
AKI had upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 with latest kernel 19 , my sound recorder not working00:05
AKcan anybody help me00:05
FishsceneAK - just to be sure, you know that 10.04 is in Beta, correct?00:05
AKIts in development stage00:06
AKIf my sound recorder works then skype for 2.1 (beta) will work00:06
FishsceneUnfortunately, I can't be of much help. Currently I'm upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 (Hopefully beta 2)00:07
kklimondaAK: you should report it00:08
nonameNNis any one having problems with exaile radio plugin?00:09
bowserhi all, in CCSM how can I enable something like "present all windows"?00:09
bowserlike expose on mac00:09
nonameNNbowser: expose plugin does it00:10
ZykoticK9neezer, convert is part of the imagemagick package BTW (sorry if this is a repeat)00:10
AKI reported it to lunchpad Bug#55597800:11
bowsernonameNN, doesn't it just present the desktops?00:11
nonameNNbowser: u can configure it so that when u touoch one corner of ur screen it shows all windows00:12
nonameNNbowser: sorry its Scale plugin...00:12
kklimondaAK: Daniel is like the best person to deal with that - if he's working on this bug there isn't much we can do to help.00:13
yofelbug 55597800:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555978 in alsa-driver "Internal microphone doesn't work - Vostro Notebook 2510 - Intel HDA ALC268" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55597800:14
bowserknoppies, got it, thank you!00:15
AKThanks KKlimonda . we had produced some file.. There is some workaround should be there00:15
AKYes ubottu ur correct00:15
AKinternally some where needs to be adjusted to fix00:18
yofelAK: maybe talk to Daniel, he's called crimsun in here, I don't know if he's online and can answer you at the moment though00:19
AKHe was online in ubuntu .. but was away00:22
AKI hv fedora running , dont face any issue like sound recorder, skype..Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04 facing any issues00:24
AKbut like Ubuntu desktop, multimedia and CLI00:25
marienzhow peculiar. apt-get dist-upgrade wants to install libffado2 libqt4-xml libxml++2.6-2, and apt-get autoremove wants to remove them again (this loops)00:31
holsteinmarienz: do you have ubuntustudio packages installed?00:31
marienzholstein: not according to dpkg -l '*ubuntu*', no. It's possible some leftover bits from my ppa are interfering. It'd help if apt-get dist-upgrade told me *why* it wants to install this stuff :)00:32
Picidoes  aptitude why somepackagename help?00:33
Picior why-not ?00:33
marienzlibffado2 depends on libxml++2.6-2, so that's 1/3 explained00:35
marienzis there a way to find packages I have installed that aren't in any currently enabled repo?00:36
__ka__Hey folks, anyone know if there's better NIS support in 10.04?00:36
holsteini would probably just search around in synaptic00:36
marienzhmm, I'll do that once I have X working again then00:37
__ka__The main problems we've had in 8.04LTS is with hardware (i.e. USB sticks, sound cards, Administration stuff/sudo)00:37
holsteini forget what aptitude is like for a search00:37
marienzlack of working X is completely unrelated to that dep loop00:37
__ka__I was hoping someone could point me to some info on any updates/fixes here00:37
holstein__ka__: updates for lucid?00:38
marienzgrr, still no X00:38
holsteinupdating to lucid?00:38
marienzyep, some kind of openchrome driver bug00:38
holsteinmarienz: i got a mininote00:39
marienzX works just fine except for the part where it turns off the lcd00:39
holsteinthat thing is a pain00:39
holsteinthe VIA chip00:39
marienz(I'm logging in blindly through gdm because that brings the wireless up so I can ssh in)00:39
holsteinits my girlfriends00:40
holsteinits running JoliCloud right now00:40
marienzonly now I'm not logging in. Bah, let's reboot.00:40
__ka__holstein, yeah, the NIS support00:40
holsteini need to get some time to try the lucid daily on it again though00:40
DanaGmarienz: try ssh'ing into it, and using nm-connection-editor to set the wifi to "available to all users"00:41
marienzDanaG: it shouldn't be available to all users :)00:41
marienzbut thanks for teaching me about the existence of nm-connection-editor00:42
DanaGWhat that does, anyway, is make it auto-connect even before login.00:42
marienzoh, that's that X app. nvm.00:42
holstein__ka__: so your running a NIS server?00:44
holsteinon hardy?00:44
holsteinand you want to upgrade to lucid?00:44
idyleHi, for some reason when I resume lucid firefox doesn't respond to keyboard input, but once I close it and restart it's fine. Firefox is the only app that does this. Anyone heard of this/suggestions (file a new bug)?00:48
__ka__holstein, no, actually the server is a Mandriva box, I want the clients to be Lucid 10.04 LTS00:52
__ka__holstein, I've had issues with 8.04 as a client, because it required a lot of udev rule rewriting to get the groups to work out (i.e. local audio group had to be mapped to the NIS group id)00:52
__ka__holstein, honestly, though, I can switch to LDAP if Ubuntu supports that better -- I'm not married to either00:53
holstein__ka__: can you just try lucid?00:53
holsteindo you have a machine you can install it on to test?00:53
__ka__holstein, as long as it's very, very secure (we get a *barrage* of attack attempts, constantly... we're sitting on a gigabit fiber network with 100+MBPS upload and 700+MPBS download... that's a lot of bandwidth to do a DDoS attack on)00:54
__ka__I'll try, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it00:54
sayaoare there kernel 2.6.33 packages for lucid?00:54
holsteini cant imagine it getting less secure00:54
__ka__I was trying to find a list of changes in Lucid, and the few lists I found didn't mention NIS00:55
__ka__yeah, that's a really good point00:55
__ka__actually, has anyone here by any chance gotten Ubuntu to play well with a LDAP configuration?00:56
FishsceneWhat version of Ubuntu?00:56
__ka__8.04 right now, but I was thinking if anyone's played around with the new likewise stuff in Lucid00:57
__ka__or ldap, even (still doing research on what likewise's capabilities are)00:58
VigoHave the devs or anyone tried V8 ?01:06
__ka__the javascript engine?01:06
adalalanyone know of a touchscreen calibration tool?01:09
Vigoadalal: I found something on the forums,,,,01:12
Vigoadalal: Is it a MicroTouch?01:12
adalalVigo: oo, i'll have a look, thanks, do you remmeber where?01:12
Vigoadalal: here> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158666<>is kinda older, but is a Hardware link in the third thread.01:13
adalalthanks again01:14
VigoYou are very welcome, I am still looking.01:14
adalalwhat's the program that shows you what the inputs are when you click them?01:15
Vigoadalal: I do not know of a program, yet,,,cat /dev/ttyS001:16
VigoThat is a CLI command, I normally do not post those in IRC, that was a cpy/pste from that Ubuntu Forum thread, as I stated is rather old.01:17
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jbuncherI upgraded from Karmic to lucid sometime during the beta, and my plymouth doesn't seem to be loading correctly.  It originally was kubuntu (I have both gnome and kde installed). I tried to switch it to the ubuntu plymouth by running the update-alternatives, but it only shows on shutdown, not on boot.  Can anyone assist?01:29
Vigojbuncher: I did the Alt-f2 upgrade and it went very wrong, I had a backup, I ran that and did a download of the B1, seems to work well.01:37
jbuncherVigo : well, I'm hoping to be able to upgrade my production partition in place without the reinstall01:39
Vigojbuncher: Yes, and I hope that goes well, but the rule has always been make a backup of the stable OS and files.01:42
jbuncherwell yeah, I keep backups.  Just want my pretty plymouth!01:44
Vigojbuncher: Especially with Beta/Alpha stuff, it is stated do NOT put on a production machine.01:44
VigoBut I did.01:44
* DanaG doesn't get a plymouth splash, since he happens to have a serial console in addition to local tty.01:44
jbuncherVigo : I know, just wondering if it can be fixed, or if the bug will be fixed by the time of the official release.01:44
Vigojbuncher: I am most certain that will or could be fixed by RC1, or later.01:45
robin0800adalal: there is gpointer device in software centre01:45
Vigoadalal: still here?01:59
Vigorobin8080: I also found another touchscreen thing in the Software Center.02:00
Vigorobin8080: It is in Themes and Tweaks section, pkg Calibrate Touchscreen.02:01
grusumjbuncher: the last update about an hour ago had two plymouth updates - don't know the result. have updated but not rbooted...02:04
jbuncherI think I got those already, no success.02:05
jbuncheras I mentioned, it works fine on shutdown, just not on boot.  I'm trying to find a way to look at the messages that get printed to the screen during the boot process  Does anyone know if those are stored in a log file?02:06
Vigojbuncher: Yes, I am most certain they are. there is also a widget/tool that gives the output of boot process.02:07
jbuncherVigo, I can't seem to find what file in /var/log/ it is.02:08
thiebaudebug 55231602:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in ubuntu "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231602:08
Vigojbuncher: I am relooking also as I am trying to update.02:08
DanaGoh yeah, for me, plymouth refuses to show a splash, since I happen to have a serial console.02:08
thiebaudehope they get my bug fixed soon:)02:09
jbuncherDanaG, serial console?02:11
DanaGyeah.  it's good for grabbing logs of kernel panics.02:12
DanaG... and such.02:12
jbuncherVigo, DanaG : ahh...I bet I'm getting the issue because I didn't update-initramfs after I changed the plymouth theme link using update-alternatives02:15
jbuncherVigo, DanaG :  will try it once these current updates come though (server going slow)02:15
VigoJust fetched updates, did not see a plymouth thing, but lots of other things, let me boot and see if it is still stable.02:17
DanaGer, no need to ping me; I'm not a dev.  =þ02:17
thiebaudewhen i click shutdown the computer restarts, anyone know a work around that?02:18
thiebaudebug 55231602:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in ubuntu "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231602:19
BookmanI just tried to update but got a "Could not calculate update" error....is this a bug that should be reported?02:29
FishsceneNope. The grub issue is still there.02:38
FishsceneIt looks like when I update from 9.10, when it is installing the packages, I get a message with a tick box that says "continue without installing grub?". If I leave it unselected and click "next" nothing happens. It will only continue if I select that tick. This causes the OS to fail to boot.02:40
FishsceneI'm not quite sure how anyone can get the Beta's installed because this error occurs on the live CD installer, the internet-update method, live boxes and vm's.02:41
Fishscenelive boxes = bare metal computers.02:41
nhainesFishscene: it definitely wouldn't be a problem with bare metal vs. virtual machines.02:43
FishsceneI tested it just to be sure.02:43
nhainesFishscene: much appreciated.  :)02:43
FishsceneHas anyone else reported this problem?02:43
nhainesYou can install grub-pc afterwards, I believe, to actually install grub2.02:43
nhainesI am not aware (but am ignorant) of any active bugs.02:44
Dr_WillisHmm. Still not seeing 'Lubuntu' mentioned along with xubuntu/kubuntu/otherbuntus - wasent it supposed to become an officially supported variant?02:48
Dr_WillisOr is it just a little slower in its releases.02:49
FishsceneWhat is Lubuntu?02:49
jbuncherDr_Willis, I didn't think it was an officially supported variant.02:49
bsmith093can i extract an iso and burn it regularly02:49
bsmith093or do i have to write it as an image02:50
jbuncherbsmith093, write it as an image02:50
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  you want it bootable?02:50
Dr_Williswrite as an image then.02:52
bsmith093im dualbooting xp and ubuntu lucid i want to resize the xp partition but gparted wont let me02:52
Mocgoing to try this b2 now02:52
bjsniderDr_Willis, what is lubuntu?02:52
holsteinLXDE ubuntu02:53
bsmith093i can delete it or format it but the resize option is grasyed out02:53
holsteinbsmith093: have you tried from a live CD?02:53
holsteinmight be becasue you are in a mounted partition02:53
BookmanI'm getting while trying to update: Could not calculate the upgrade02:53
BookmanAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:02:53
BookmanThe package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.02:53
Dr_Willisthats interesting.02:54
Dr_Williswonder qwhat would happen if you removed it manually then upgraded02:54
holsteini thought lubuntu was official now too02:54
holsteinmaybe on final release day02:55
Dr_Willisholstein:  yea. I seem to recall that statement   somewhere... from some official site.. :) but  who knows.02:55
Dr_WillisId really like to see some Ubuntu-pick-a-desktop option on install.. so i dont need as many diffrent live cds :)02:55
Dr_WillisIve also noticed some annoying clonflicts when trying differnt WHATEVER-desktops together on the same install02:56
holsteinyeah... WM-chooser02:56
holsteini guess theres a lot of themeing envolved02:56
Dr_WillisLast i installed Lubuntu-desktop  it removed nm-applet and installed wicd.. which is really NOT what i wanted to use.02:56
holsteinthat keeps things the way they are02:56
Dr_WillisIm talking about deeper issues the themes.02:56
Dr_Willisthings like the default file manager for gnome gettting changed to thunar because you installed lubuntu-desktop :)02:57
holsteini would like to use LXDE with nautilus and NM02:57
Dr_Willisor kde's default file manager getting changed to thunar, or nautilus, when it shouldent be.02:57
Dr_Williseven having Ubuntu-desktop and the Unbuntu netbook  - on the same install. can cause some annoying quirks as well02:58
holsteinyeah, you almost have to choose02:58
Dr_Williskde4 has their netbook and normal interfaces  much easier to change btween02:59
vexati0nhelp! .. i installed KDE, hated it, so I uninstalled it, and now I don't have any sound at all.02:59
Dr_Willisvexati0n:  try reinstalling the 'ubuntu-desktop' package02:59
vexati0nDr_Willis, i've tried that. also tried reinstalling alsa-base, alsa-utils, and pulseaudio03:00
Dr_WillisI tend to rarely Uninstall things. :)03:00
vexati0nwell kde is bad enough to warrant it :P03:00
holsteincase in point...03:01
Dr_Willisvexati0n:  run  the alsamixer tool from the terminal. be sure your mixer leveles are not down.. I had that issue ages ago03:01
Dr_WillisI find KDE4 very useable now a days.03:01
vexati0nDr_Willis, I did check alsamixer. the pulseaudio output monitor shows audio playing, but nothing comes from the speakers.03:01
Dr_WillisRuns very well on my netbook03:01
Dr_Willisvexati0n:  that is an odd issue then.03:02
vexati0ni can hear the pop sound when the system boots so i know the speakers are connected.03:02
Dr_Willisvexati0n:  dont have a headphone plugged into  the box do you? :)03:02
vexati0nso i'm at a loss03:02
vexati0nno, no headphones. this is an add-on card anyway not the on-board.03:02
Dr_WillisI spend an hr+ trouble shooting then realuised i had a adaptor jack plugged in so it thought i had headphones in :)03:02
Mocok b2 install cd still bugy03:03
Dr_Willisbye all03:03
Moc10 min and it still havent loaded the ui03:03
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Moccd stop spining also....03:04
Mocalt-ctrl-[0-9] does nothing03:06
Moctrying again03:09
TohuwWhy is compiz being removed in today's dist-upgrade?03:11
Mocwhy wont b2 cd work03:12
TohuwAlso, bug 514950 is marked as "fix committed". how can i get my hands on this fix? I don't see it attached03:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 514950 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-tool crashing on encrypt/sign & segfault on decrypt" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51495003:12
Mocnope cd stop spinning again03:14
Mocchannel quiet03:15
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nhainesMoc: did you verify the CD?03:16
Mocnhaines: how ?03:16
Mocmd5 of the iso was fine03:17
Mocno idea hoe to test a ubuntu cd03:17
nhainesMoc: when you boot from it, if you press a key at the logo, you can do a media test.03:18
Mocwill do03:19
Mocwill it try to load the ui ?03:22
Mocbecause it fail before that03:22
Mock got the check text03:22
nhainesMoc: great.  :)03:30
Mocmy cd test  OK03:35
Mocno errors03:36
Mocanyone got b2 install cd problems ?03:38
FFForeverhow do I install fonts?03:39
Moccp in ~/.fonts folder03:40
nhainesDouble-click on font.03:42
Mocb2 cd wont boot for me03:44
jbuncheranyone else have metacity updates that want to remove compiz?03:47
* holstein checking03:47
nhainesMoc: try to run the CD with 'splash' removed from the kernel parameters.03:52
nhainesyou can do this at the same menu where you can choose to test the CD>03:53
holsteinjbuncher: i do see that03:54
holsteinThe following packages will be REMOVED: compiz compiz-gnome03:54
jbuncherholstein, ok, thanks.  I can't seem to find *why* it wants to remove compiz.  Doesn't show up in the conflicts list.03:54
holsteinmaybe i'll wait til tomorrow03:54
holsteinto update ;)03:54
bencc1does iptables block everything by default on lucid?03:57
bencc1on Jaunty a webserver worked and now on lucid desktop I can't access it03:57
nhainesNo, because then networking wouldn't work at all?03:57
bencc1thanks. so it must be some other problem03:57
bencc1nhaines: works. thanks03:59
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nhainesbencc1: :D03:59
nhainesWhat fixed it?04:00
DanaGargh, ubuntuone-syncdaemon is using 100% CPU.04:01
bencc1nhaines: I'm using luxid under vbox and I needed to change the connection type (bridged connection)04:01
nhainesbencc1: great.  :)  Glad you found it.04:01
DanaGIt doesn't deal well with huge numbers (thousands) of files.04:02
DanaG22,189 items, totalling 154.6 MB04:03
Moci see hardware error for st004:08
Mocun hanfled sense code04:09
Moclol with quiet and splash i get to the ui04:10
Moc^^^^ removed04:11
randomusr_I installed nagios on 10.04, but apparently Forgot the password. how can I reset it?04:22
BerzerkerThe following packages will be REMOVED:04:22
Berzerker  compiz compiz-gnome04:22
Berzerkerwhat's with the latest update?04:22
vbabiyAny one elses window borders break in updating to beta204:22
vbabiyand no compiz04:23
BookmanI am getting the following and I'm not sure how to correct it when trying to upgrade from Beta1 to Beta2:Could not calculate the upgrade04:23
BookmanAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:04:23
BookmanThe package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.04:23
Bookman  04:23
justin_can anybody help me with a KDE issue?04:24
James147justin_: ask your question :)04:24
justin_I can't get sound from anything but Amarock, Dragon player, or the system sounds04:25
justin_Mostly, i's like to watch non-muted youtube videos04:25
Mocfound the issues with the setup CD04:26
James147justin_: by anything, do you mean anything, or jsut flash?04:26
justin_I dunno, pandora doesn't work04:26
Mocmight be related that I use a docking station for my laptop, and it try to set my external monitor resolution to my laptop internal screen04:26
justin_and i have pingus (a lemmings clone) installed and dont get that sound04:27
Berzerkerso the latest beta2 removed compiz? now I have no visual effects...04:27
Mocafter B2 install, software update say partial install was present04:28
Mocit say distribution upgrade here04:28
justin_berzerker: could be because of Apple getting patent on coverflow04:28
Berzerkeroh really?04:28
justin_yeah, check out OSNews04:29
justin_Apple is crazy these days04:29
Zenkeri want to install the new beta, and i want it to be a freash install, i currently have ubuntu 9.10 i want to complete wipe it out n reformat or whatever, what steps do i need 2 take?04:29
MocZenker: if you did your backup, when booting the b2 cd, it will ask you where/how to install it on your hd04:30
Mocjust select the option that will wipe everything if that what you want04:30
ZenkerMoc no backup needed i was dual booting  w windows vista and i moved all the files i wanted 2 save over to my  public folder04:31
Zenkeri do want to keep vista though04:31
MocZenker: hhaa ;) different story04:31
Mocjust tell to keep the current partition and format only the one you want to format04:31
Zenkerright , i should said that form the get=go rofl04:32
Mocb2 nvidia driver install is broken !! great04:32
MocZenker: wait a bit, b2 is more problematic than b1 for me so far04:32
Zenkerwill it run from disk?04:32
Zenkeri did plan on testing n stuff 1st :)04:33
bjsnidernvidia-current is not borked04:33
bjsniderit works fine04:33
Mocbjsnider: I just installed B2 CD, and the hardware nvidia install process fail04:33
flansuseWill upgrading to Lucid be the only way to get Tomboy Notes 1.2.0?04:33
Zenkeri dont have nvidia, thankfully, but last time i tried it i couldnt get any sound (the old beta)04:34
bjsniderMoc, there's an error message that's completely meaningless. it installed and will work after a reboot04:34
Mock trying to reboot04:35
Zenkerdo i need to mess with the swap or anything?04:35
Zenkeri reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 once and i had 2 do something with it, but i cannot remember what i had 2 do or even what i did to reinstall04:36
justin_zenker: you should probably leave the swap where it was from the previous install.04:36
Mocbjsnider: your right, it working now04:36
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Zenkeroh, i can still run it from the disk right? just 2 check it out?04:36
Mocbjsnider: didn't had this problem in B104:36
justin_zenker, yes04:37
flansuseIf I am using Karmic with full encryption (swap, root, home), will doing a dist-upgrade continue to use the encrypted partitions and load the proper modules, etc?04:37
MocFn+ still doesn't work04:37
Mocanyway, sleep time04:37
Zenkersleep well04:37
flansuseIn others, will upgrading to Lucid retain my full disk encryption setup?04:37
justin_is this the correct channel for Kubuntu issues04:38
justin_if they are lucid04:38
sebsebsebjustin_: yes04:38
justin_sebsebseb: I am having sound issues04:39
sebsebsebjustin_: not my area, plus I don't tend to use Kubuntu04:39
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:39
justin_I but I can get sound from Amarock and Dragon player04:40
justin_just not anything web based or games04:40
sebsebseb!details | justin_04:40
ubottujustin_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:40
justin_I am running Kubuntu 10.04. I started Konqueror and went to Youtube. The video plays. The sound does not. I expected the sound to play with the video04:41
BookmanThis Bindwood is now trying to start up everytime I start up Firefox, but it never completes its startup.  Just a continuosly growing dotted line.  Is this a new feature of some sort?04:44
BookmanOne that maybe doesn't work?04:49
BookmanAnyone here?04:50
BookmanIs this channel working?04:55
hanasakianyone else having issues wit the volume applet in the panel disappearing?  how can I get it back?04:55
hanasakiBookman:  shhhhhhhhhhh04:56
MTughanBookman: We see your messages. Probably no one paying attention ATM.04:56
randomusr__other than ffmpeg is there any other codecs i need to play dvd's?05:05
randomusr__other than ffmpeg is there any other codecs i need to play dvd's?05:06
bahodirhi guys, can anybody help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9095949#post909594905:08
randomusr__do i need to add repos to 10.04 to get modules to play dvd's?05:13
othoinstalling ubuntu-restricted-extras from the main repos helps here05:14
randomusr__how can i do that otho?05:14
othosudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:15
othobahodir, have you tried just running "sudo apt-get -f install"05:17
bahodirotho, yes, I've tried it05:17
bahodiri get the same error05:17
bahodiri can't even install insall-info package manually because I get the same error05:17
voss749I find it funny that 10.4 beta is more stable than the 9.10 release version05:20
DanaGargh, trying to add a certificate exception keeps segfaulting my firefox.05:28
DanaGNote: yes, there is a security error there, and no, you shouldn't have a login...05:30
DanaGbut I want to see if it segfaults anyone else's firefox.05:30
AnxiousNuthelp, im facing major bug, look at these images, this isnt the first time this happens to me http://imgur.com/a/Z8L68/ubuntu_lucid_major_bug05:32
ZykoticK9otho, just an FYI but DVD playback isn't in restricted-extras but can be installed using libdvdread4 (then running a script, which will install dvd from medibuntu without adding the repo), just saw your advice to randomusr_ but they're gone05:32
AnxiousNutthat is english, by the way05:34
ZykoticK9AnxiousNut, i don't mean to alarm you, but you seem to be missing some letters!  sorry, it's a humour bug/issue (if you're not experiencing it firsthand ;) I have no ideas at all though.05:36
AnxiousNutthey are not missing, they're colorless!05:37
ZykoticK9AnxiousNut, distinction noted ;)05:37
AnxiousNutand i wouldnt be able to read this if it was still on my screen, restarting gdm helped to remove it05:38
stealth-hola :)05:41
ZykoticK9stealth- basically so long as they keep there system up-to-date it will be the same as the final release.  I'm gonna send the !beta message after.05:41
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.05:41
stealth-Awesome, thanks :D05:41
stealth-Sorry for being a little dumb there, I usually don't deal with ubuntu05:42
ZykoticK9stealth-, it isn't "dumb" at all!  most people don't know that fact.05:42
digital_1Ok Beta 2 has turned my PC into a bowling alley hand dryer... just puts out hot air.05:43
stealth-ZykoticK9: Ah, okay then :)05:43
ZykoticK9stealth-, that !beta message was created for a reason!  (I believe it's fairly new as well)05:43
digital_1Anyone else getting stuck on the boot splash?05:43
digital_1How can I see what's going on under the hood-- the console output?05:43
ZykoticK9stealth-, one other thing.  Be sure the person doesn't do "Partial Upgrades" from Update Manager - you should warn them not too.05:44
digital_1This is the first Ubuntu beta that did this- and I have a pretty mainstream PC.05:44
digital_1I think it's related to Plymouth05:44
stealth-ZykoticK9: Okay, I'll keep that in mind.05:45
ZykoticK9digital_1, it is freezing at plymouth?05:45
stealth-digital_1: I think it's alt+F2 to see console output while booting05:45
Blank__alt+F2 is to run something while logged into a DE05:46
Blank__ctrl+alt+F2 would change your screen to the second virtual terminal05:46
ZykoticK9digital_1, can you do what Blank__ suggested above?  ctrl+alt+f1 working?05:47
digital_1ZykoticK9:  Yes, trying now.  Typing from a netbook so I'm a bit slower.  Sorry.05:47
stealth-Blank__: yeah, but while booting I thought it was just alt+f205:49
digital_1Ok this is really strange.  The first two times it hung.  This time it booted into the Live CD.   I'm going to try to re-create the error that happened the first two times.05:50
Blank__not sure stealth-... haven't really needed to05:50
NalfDoes anyone know the status on the ATI drivers?05:53
FishsceneWhat is the official Ubuntu 10.04 theme called?05:54
ZykoticK9Fishscene, light - but there are 2 sub themes05:54
FishsceneI see Ambiance and Radiance which have the new look of the toolbar.. are those the 2 new ones?05:55
ZykoticK9Fishscene, yes - those are the 2 sub themes05:55
Fishsceneok. Thanks :)05:56
theyCallMeJohnnyhi where can i configure the sound volume?05:56
theyCallMeJohnnyi cant find the applet any more05:56
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, indicator05:56
digital_1The installer is well-polished.  They did a nice job on that.05:57
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, side note if you want to remove the mail, but leave the volume - just remove indicator-messages05:57
ZykoticK9that's a package btw05:57
ZykoticK9digital_1, i think the beta2 install is good as well!05:58
ZykoticK9digital_1, was the firefox icon missing in your install?05:59
theyCallMeJohnnyZykoticK9: i cant find it -.-05:59
digital_1ZykoticK9- I'll check its installing now05:59
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, are you using Ubuntu?05:59
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, "indicator Applet" in "add to panel"06:00
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, do you see a mail icon in your panel?06:01
theyCallMeJohnnyZykoticK9: no :)06:01
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, "indicator Applet" in "add to panel"06:01
theyCallMeJohnnythats the porblem, plus i dont have an english installation06:01
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, "indicator" is translated differently that's for sure!06:01
theyCallMeJohnnyZykoticK9: ah found it06:01
theyCallMeJohnnyugly translated06:02
theyCallMeJohnnythe one is like "notification field"06:02
theyCallMeJohnnyand the one i looked for is named "notifiction area"06:02
ZykoticK9i noticed that when someone else posted it - forget what language it was - but it didn't seem like a clean translation06:02
theyCallMeJohnnygerman here06:03
ZykoticK9i wouldn't understand german, so it was something else06:03
theyCallMeJohnnywhy is it that applet grouped togheter?06:04
theyCallMeJohnnyfeels completely unlogical06:04
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, ? new design06:04
ZykoticK9i find there is too much space in between the icons06:05
theyCallMeJohnnyimho the ubuntu specific changes kinda suck whereas the gnome 2.30 changes rock06:06
vengerif you don't want the indicator you can add the volume control in startup apps so it comes up by itself06:06
theyCallMeJohnnyvenger: whats the cmd?06:07
ZykoticK9OMG they fixed the mouse wheel control of the volume!06:07
philsfhello, I can't use apport-collect - it crashes all the time, since I upgraded to the beta today http://paste.ubuntu.com/411195/06:08
philsfany hints on how to fix this?06:08
vengertheyCallMeJohnny, i'm on console compiling on my lucid box but i think it was gnome-volume-control something like that ,, you may want to try it in terminal first06:08
theyCallMeJohnnyvenger: ty06:09
DanaGCan someone see if trying to add a security exception for here, crashes firefox?06:09
philsfDanaG, no crash06:10
DanaGIt crashes Firefox for me.06:10
philsfDanaG, everytime? tryed in safe mode?06:10
vengerDanaG, you could launch fox from terminal to see what it dumps06:11
DanaGit's crashing in hash4.06:11
theyCallMeJohnnywhat was the package called again with dontzap06:11
digital_1DanaG didn't crash for me either06:12
digital_1Did it crash before it tried to authenticate you06:12
ZykoticK9!dontzip > theyCallMeJohnny06:12
theyCallMeJohnny!dontzap > theyCallMeJohnny06:13
ubottutheyCallMeJohnny, please see my private message06:13
ZykoticK9!dontzap > theyCallMeJohnny06:13
ZykoticK9sorry you got it06:13
DanaGOh, and now clicking the "Add exception..." button is doing nothing.06:13
DanaGError: this._observerService is undefined06:14
DanaGSource File: file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.6.3/components/nsSessionStore.js  Line: 258206:14
theyCallMeJohnnyZykoticK9: wow, thats great solution06:15
theyCallMeJohnnybut why is it in options in keyboard instead in keyboard shortcuts :P06:16
theyCallMeJohnnyhm i cant install gnome-shell06:18
theyCallMeJohnnynot ready yet?06:18
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, do you have a xmlrunner or similar stuck in your update manager?06:19
theyCallMeJohnnyZykoticK9: metacity and kde workspacedata are currently stuck06:19
ZykoticK9sorry it's xulrunner-1.9.1 - requirement of gnome-shell that's currently not ready06:19
ZykoticK9gnome-shell is working on my machine, but was installed before said update06:20
theyCallMeJohnnyhm is it safe to run apt-get dist-upgrade?06:20
theyCallMeJohnnyit wants to remove metacity06:20
DanaGhmm, still segfaults even in safe-mode.06:20
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, i'm a big fan of apt-get, but after running a development release i think - "aptitiude safe-upgrade" is the way to go!06:21
theyCallMeJohnnyy ty06:22
digital_1I've installed but I can't boot cleanly... hmmm06:23
digital_1Anyone remember how to supress the boot splash?06:23
digital_1I want to see where it hangs06:23
EruditeHermithello, is there a way to work around the pre dependency problem on amd64 when upgrading to lucid?06:24
vbabiyAny one else have window decorator issues after the update.06:25
ZykoticK9digital_1, see "show text..." on http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/plymouth06:25
digital_1Thanks ZykoticK906:25
theyCallMeJohnnyhehe cool empathy supports irc06:26
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, BARELY06:26
theyCallMeJohnnyat least you can chat06:26
theyCallMeJohnnyand why cant i resize the input window :/06:26
ZykoticK9theyCallMeJohnny, there is a bug where you can't add irc account as the first account - empathy basically says they won't fix it, as they're irc support is so poor06:27
theyCallMeJohnnypidgin started that bad idea with the really small inputwindow06:28
theyCallMeJohnnywhy do they have to copy it06:28
digital_1ahhh cool your info helped me disable the splash and now it boots fine... weird.06:32
digital_1Thanks Zykotick906:32
ZykoticK9digital_1, glad to help06:32
digital_1You're on here alot helping.  That's pretty cool.06:37
ZykoticK9potatofamily,  Nvidia Proprietary driver users only got a GUI plymouth about 10 days ago - until now we've had text plymouth (which is more lame then what we have now), but i think the nvidia is locked to 640x480 right now.06:39
potatofamilyZykoticK9, thanks06:39
vrhahahahi guys, i need help with wubi lucid installation06:40
DanaGhmm, I wish they'd use uvesafb, not vga16fb.06:40
vrhahahait has stuck at 94% Installing language packs Running dpkg for quite some time now06:41
vrhahahaany suggestion for what i should do with it?06:41
ZykoticK9vrhahaha, downloading language packs took FOREVER on a couple of my installs - there is a skip button06:41
digital_1Is it looking for an outside connection it can't get to?06:42
Tohuwugh, this latest update (removing compiz) has utterly borked me. what do i do to make metacity --replace permanent?06:42
vrhahahai am assuming there is an internet connection, since i can browse fine with mozilla from the installation slideshow links06:43
ZykoticK9Tohuw, did you do a Partial upgrade of some sort?06:43
TohuwZykoticK9: all that was available06:43
Tohuwwas trying to get some other needed updates06:43
ZykoticK9Tohuw, when it started did you get a Partial message?06:43
Tohuwi can just reinstall compiz, but that breaks ubuntu-desktop06:43
chandru_inFor some reason today's update has removed compiz from my system.  And I'm unable to install it back without removing metacity.  Why have they been made mutually exclusive with this update?06:44
ZykoticK9Tohuw, in future - DO NOT do partial upgrades!  use "aptitiude safe-upgrade" instead06:44
jdsbluedevlchandru_in: that's exactly what I was going to complain about06:44
dubbydubbyyeah i was reading my update and went online to check what was going on before pressing go06:44
TohuwZykoticK9: I've been doing partial upgrades in every beta since 6.10, and this is one of the worst breaks yet :P06:44
dubbydubbyobviously someone messed up06:44
ZykoticK9chandru_in, jdsbluedevl see my message to Tohuw06:44
digital_1ZykoticK9:  I think it was you who asked about the Firefox icon?   They're installed for me.06:45
jdsbluedevlZykoticK9: I used the Update Manager06:45
chandru_inZykoticK9: I didn't do a partial update.  I did a normal apt-get distupgrade06:45
ZykoticK9digital_1, it was only during the install that the icon was missing06:45
ZykoticK9jdsbluedevl, i use Update Manager too - but as soon as it says partial - i use the aptitude command to not remove anything06:45
potatofamilyZykoticK9: I want use usplash again, but 10.04 can not use usplash now06:46
ZykoticK9jdsbluedevl, removing things is bad, cause you can't reinstall until the dependancy is ready06:46
chandru_inZykoticK9: What is the whole point of partial upgrades?06:46
TohuwZykoticK9: I'm just trying to follow the mainline and see where it goes. and right now the mainline dictates compiz and metacity are mutually exclusive (though it didn't touch compiz-core)06:46
dubbydubbyits because compiz does not use the new metacity yet06:46
ZykoticK9potatofamily, good luck with that!  not sure if it's even possible06:46
jdsbluedevlAlso, I'm getting something about a Deskbar Applet is having a problem06:46
Tohuwdubbydubby: ah06:46
vrhahahaZykotic9, the skip button is not there06:46
ZykoticK9chandru_in, Partial Upgrade = break system06:47
jdsbluedevlZykoticK9: I was upgrading from Karmic06:47
dubbydubbyin the package manager, package - force06:47
dubbydubbyand keep metacity to the current version06:47
dubbydubbyto keep compiz06:47
dubbydubbyand do the rest of the update06:47
chandru_inZykoticK9: But what's the point in pushing such an update (even if it is just beta still)?06:47
DexterLBhow do I update from beta1 to beta2?06:47
dubbydubbyDexterLB it does so auto06:47
DexterLBin update-manager -d there are lots of packages under "Distro upgrade" section06:47
DexterLBis that it?06:47
Tohuwbecause advance relases are for testing06:48
ZykoticK9chandru_in, in a day (or many more) the dependant package will be fixed and all will be well again.  If you don't feel like waiting on a particular package, you can use aptitude to install what can be upgraded06:48
Tohuwnot for stability06:48
joey_Question: I recently upgraded to the lucid beta, it's working great, except I can't get the Indicator Session Applet to update my status on facebook. What outputs would be helpful in diagnosing this? Does anybody know if this is a common problem?06:48
jdsbluedevlZykoticK9: I guess I'll just wait, then.  I just want to make sure that the Internet pass-through to my Roku box still works, though06:49
chandru_inZykoticK9: now that my compiz is removed I'd have to manually install it back when the dependencies are fixed right?06:49
Tohuwchandru_in: chances are a new version of compiz will appear in an upcoming upgrade06:49
vrhahahaZykoticK9: in the case there is no skip button, is there anything else that i can do?06:49
ZykoticK9chandru_in, i'm under the impression that you won't be able to reinstall anything that was removed until it's fixed (thus don't remove anything! metacity/compiz/gnome-shell are all working on my system right now, cause i don't remove anything)06:50
Tohuwvrhahaha: you can always skip or cancel an update06:50
ZykoticK9vrhahaha, wait i guess06:50
Tohuwif you want a system that isn't broken, +1 isn't for you06:50
chandru_inthanks ZykoticK906:50
vrhahahaTohuw: it is not an update, but a wubi install06:50
Tohuwof 10.04?06:50
jdsbluedevlI was under the impression that Beta 2 of an LTR would be more stable06:50
jdsbluedevlbeing that it's running right up to the RC06:51
Tohuwyou don't expect stability until final release06:51
Tohuwthat's the way it works06:51
jdsbluedevland being that it's an LTR, it should be super-stable06:51
vrhahahaZykoticK9: i have been waiting for more than half an hour06:51
ZykoticK9vrhahaha, i don't know what to suggest, sorry.06:51
digital_1Tohuw:  This seems a little rougher around the edges than most betas06:51
Tohuwonce you're on a pre-release and running dist-upgrades, you are on more or less the nightly trunk06:51
jdsbluedevlto tell you the truth, I haven't had problems with Ubuntu betas up until Karmic06:51
Tohuwdigital_1: I take it you weren't around for 7.04 beta 1 then06:51
vrhahahaZykoticK9: thanks anyway06:51
Andre_GondimMy firefox isn't browsing06:52
Tohuwmost wifi support dropped completely, nvidia-glx was broken and fglrx completely disappeared06:52
dubbydubbyxserver-common is also being updated06:52
jpghow to install firefox 10.04 on ubuntu 10.0406:52
dubbydubbythats important06:52
digital_1Tohuw:  Wish I could remember that far back!06:52
Tohuwthere is no firefox 10.0406:52
dubbydubbythat might also be a big break06:52
joey_Anybody know of problems with the Me-menu?  I recently upgraded to the lucid beta, it's working great, except I can't get the Indicator Session Applet to update my status on facebook. What outputs would be helpful in diagnosing this? Does anybody know if this is a common problem?06:52
jpghow to installl firefox 3.5 on ubuntu 10.0406:52
DexterLBAndre_Gondim: explain06:52
dubbydubbyfirefox 3.6.306:52
dubbydubbyis the newest06:52
Andre_Gondimsince last update I cant see any page06:52
Tohuwjpg: it's already installed, unless you've done something strange06:52
jdsbluedevlany hopes of getting Firefox Lorentz in the repos?06:52
DexterLBjpg: why'd you need an older version06:53
dubbydubbyfirefox 3.5 is in synaptic package manager06:53
Tohuwjoey_: file a bug against me-menu on launchpad, ask them what logs they want06:53
digital_1Andre- try running Firefox in safe mode?06:53
dubbydubbyeveryone is getting lorentz06:53
dubbydubbyits the default06:53
jdsbluedevlAlso, I seem to be having trouble with alsamixer, something that has been a problem since Karmic.  Every time I boot up, alsamixer mutes the master and PCM controls, forcing me to open it up after every boot and undo the damage06:54
digital_1So what's the deal with Yahoo search as the default?  Blah!06:54
Andre_GondimNow I see a bindwood when Firefox is starting06:54
jdsbluedevlis there a way to fix this?  this was really annoying in Karmic, and it isn't fixed in Lucid, so I'm sure it's something particular about my system06:54
DanaGLorentz?  What's that?06:55
dubbydubbyits a plugin for firefox that stops other plugins from crashing firefox06:56
dubbydubbyso flash crashes it doesn't crash the whole browser06:56
jdsbluedevlcan anyone help with my alsamixer problem?06:56
DanaGSame idea as nspluginwrapper?06:56
Tohuwinteresting, compiz is now bound to compiz-kde06:56
joey_Tohuw: I could file a but, I'm just wondering if anybody else is having the same problem cause I'm not 100% sure that it's a problem on the desktop end...06:56
PolitikerNEUHello, does anybody else have the problem that since the last update nautilus doesn't display all hard disks but the mounted ones in computer:///?06:57
dubbydubbynot I PolitikerNEU06:58
Andre_Gondimmy firefox in -safe-mode don't see any page too06:58
ZykoticK9PolitikerNEU, i've never looked before (so can't confirm really), but currently my Nautilus is only showing mounted in computer as well.06:59
digital_1jdsbluedevl: Have you tried Googling that?  That seems a familiar issue.06:59
Tohuwwhy does gnome-shell require kdebase-runtime? how odd06:59
TohuwAndre_Gondim: are you connected on the system in question, or from another computer?07:00
ZykoticK9Tohuw, "apt-cache showpkg gnome-shell" doesn't show kdebase-runtime as a dependency on my system?07:01
TohuwZykoticK9: you didn't upgrade ;)07:02
Tohuwthe "partial upgrade" includes the latest package changes07:02
Tohuwsuch as compiz-gnome conflicting with metacity07:02
xfactI have one problem after running one partial upgrade in Lucid (Probably to B2) my visual effects totally disabled and can't be enabled, whats should I do?07:03
Tohuwxfact: compiz was removed. More specifically, compiz-gnome07:04
TohuwYour visual effects will be broken until further updates07:04
Tohuwif your title bars are gone, run metacity --replace07:04
Tohuwand wait07:04
digital_1Tohuw- Why do I have Compiz then?07:05
jdsbluedevldigital_1: some of the solutions I found are old and useless07:05
DanaGWe have to wait for compiz to be rebuilt.07:05
xfactMy title bars working (sometimes not)07:05
Tohuwdigital_1: if you have compiz installed still, you didn't upgrade07:05
DanaGaptitude changelog metacity07:05
digital_1I saw a bug filed related to Pulse Audio that's been going on for quite some time...07:05
Tohuwhi DanaG07:05
Tohuwmy fglrx broke again, so i fixed it again07:05
Tohuwati is pretty swell that way07:06
xfactIs the problem with graphics card driver? Should i reinstall it?07:06
Tohuwxfact: no.07:06
Tohuwif your title bars are not working, run metacity --replace07:06
digital_1jdsbluedevl:  Take a look at this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/40295007:06
Tohuwyour desktop effects will not work until further notice07:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402950 in pulseaudio "PCM volume is reset to zero each time I log in" [Undecided,Fix released]07:06
Tohuwdigital_1: btw you can just say bug 40295007:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402950 in pulseaudio "PCM volume is reset to zero each time I log in" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40295007:07
Tohuwjust so you know07:07
xfactTohuw, Ohh, I am little visual effect lover, so it's a bad news for me :(07:07
Tohuwwe need this in the topic: "If you don't like things breaking, don't use alphas, betas and RCs!"07:07
Tohuwthese are for testing. stuff will break. live with it or don't upgrade. *rant off*07:08
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:08
jdsbluedevldigital_1: I guess that means I have to manually download the pulseaudio package, right?07:08
digital_1Tohuw- Do they even change the RC very much?  I mean they only have a week to work with.07:08
TohuwZykoticK9: "(02:07:50) Tohuw: we need this in the topic:" ;)07:08
xfactOk ok, I understand I said 'it's bad news' not I am unhappy :)07:08
gatestoneWorking quite nicely in VMware Player here, on top of XP.07:08
Tohuwdigital_1: not really, most of it is frozen. but some rcs have issues that are fixed hours before official release07:09
gatestoneExcept that the VMWare Tools said that X version is not supported, and resolution does not change automatically when resizing VMware guest window.07:09
digital_1jdsbluedevil:  I'm not sure.  All I'm saying is that you have company out there with this problem.   I know I've seen it before.  I'd do a little more background research before I'd install a newer version of PulseAudio outside the package manager.07:09
Tohuwgatestone: xserver-common just got an update. VMWare has layered emulation or somesuch for X that probably does not yet correctly support the latest version of X Server07:10
gatestoneBut you can change manually. BTW, changin resolution from  "Monitor" is confusing. Why "Screen resolution" was removed?07:10
digital_1Tohuw:   I thought that I was the only developer who submitted builds hours before a release. : )07:10
Tohuwgatestone: because you can change more there than just the screen resolution07:10
Tohuwdigital_1: nope :P07:11
gatestoneAnd I wonder, when will there an easier way to give feedback. Like now if I would like to complain about Empathy and Gwibber bugd/misfeatures, I would have to know which of the half-a-dozen Ubuntu support channels is the right one, or which of the hard-to-find-upstream supoort channels are appropriate...07:12
Tohuwgatestone: if you want to give feedback, support channels are not the place, bug reports are :) most of ubuntu's managed projects are on launchpad. most of gnome's managed projects are on gnome's bugzilla07:13
DanaGFor me, gwibber is quite literally unusable.07:13
DanaGAs in, it doesn't even open.07:13
Tohuwfor everyone07:13
Tohuwit is various kinds of unstable07:13
Tohuwfrom not opening to 100% cpu utilization07:13
Tohuwthere's a fix committed; it inappropriately calls gnome-keyring07:13
gatestoneTohuw, I want a system, where every opionion of the potential billion not-yet-Linux users will get semiautomatically collected, triaged and handled.07:14
Tohuwgatestone: /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c %f07:14
digital_1NTFS file ops seem faster07:14
Tohuwgatestone: how will you get every developer of every software to all agree on one system?07:14
gatestoneI am using Empathy here. Though wou can not create an IRC account on the opening wizard, you have to quit it and then create a new account, which gives more oprions like IRC....????07:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546392 in gwibber "gwibber crashes on startup with system default-font-size set to non-integer (eg. 10.5pt)" [Medium,New]07:15
Tohuwgatestone: my brother wrote a good article on this issue: http://joeyaa.blogspot.com/2009/08/idea-centralized-minimal-effort-bug.html07:15
DanaGQuite literally unusable.07:15
Tohuwgatestone: I still hate empathy and don't use it07:16
gatestoneTohuw, the question is not how you execute a better system, the question is that WE HAVE TO or Linux for the billion will never happen.07:16
Tohuwgatestone: windows has no such system in place, and it does fine.07:16
gatestoneWindows has other systems in place. Like history.07:16
* DanaG repeats in holler mode.... piped into /dev/null07:16
gatestoneTohuw, thx for the link to your brother's article. I will check it.07:17
gatestoneNow, before I start to look at...how do I install Chrome? Or should I use Chromium?07:18
EruditeHermithello, does anyone know how to get past this error? 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6-i386 for lib32asound2, probably a dependency cycle.' when upgrading to lucid?07:18
digital_1I don't think Linux for the billion is ever going to happen.07:18
TohuwI really don't care about "linux for the masses". I care about what works for me, and what's open source. Freedom and what works, in other words. I'd say the community involvement and feedback to decision makers is better in Ubuntu than Windows, so that's not the real weakness. At least, not the root of it.07:18
Tohuwgatestone: www.google.com/chrome07:18
digital_1But I'm happy with Linux for the millions07:18
ZykoticK9gatestone, chromium is not in the default repo :)07:18
ZykoticK9s/not/now !07:18
Tohuwor that07:18
TohuwI use chrome for the fuller featureset07:18
Tohuwthen again, i haven't looked at the latest chromium07:19
ZykoticK9Tohuw, Google Chome actually lags behind chromium in features!  you'll see them in chromium first07:19
Blank__digital_1, i'd be happy with people being aware of what software/operating systems are available, and what impinges upon people's freedom and what doesn't07:19
digital_1Why upgrade?  You're just asking for trouble.07:19
TohuwZykoticK9: extensions were correctly supported in chrome first :)07:19
ZykoticK9Tohuw, that might be true.  i have no idea.07:20
* Tohuw shakes Blank__'s hand enthusiastically07:20
h4wkmoonhello. how to fix nvidia driver install | 10.04 beta2, x64 ?07:20
Blank__too many people are force fed things like windows, and that's really a sad state of affairs07:20
TohuwZykoticK9: but agreed, there's more bleeding in chromium in general07:20
digital_1Apple with all its warchest can't make a dent in Windows.07:20
ZykoticK9h4wkmoon, did you try to install the driver from nvidia's site?07:20
Tohuw!doesntwork | h4wkmoon07:20
ubottuh4wkmoon: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:20
DanaGToo bad I never have luck convincing family to try non-Windows.07:20
digital_1And they are lightyears ahead of us in marketshare07:20
h4wkmoonyes, but with error07:20
Tohuwdigital_1: 12% maketshare is a huge dent, I'd say.07:20
Blank__that's the worst part, DanaG07:20
Blank__microsoft has them right where they want them07:21
DanaGHave to give one of our old laptops to my grandma (who lives across the country).... now, do I leave ubuntu on the thing, or stick winxp on it?07:21
TohuwAs well as being the largest mobile device manufacturer in the world07:21
DanaGNote, this is the "toshitba" laptop I've complained about, before.07:21
ZykoticK9h4wkmoon, good luck man.  fyi the release notes, know issues i believe the first one is nvidia driver from site doesn't work07:21
TohuwDanaG: ubuntu!07:21
Tohuwwhat doesn't work07:21
Blank__DanaG, i've heard of several success stories involving ubuntu and grandparents07:21
digital_1Tohuw- W7 is growing faster than Mac OSX sales07:21
DanaGOh, and bonus points for it having gwibber.07:21
Tohuwdigital_1: and?07:22
digital_1The rate of growth not overall sales07:22
Tohuwthat's to be expected07:22
Tohuwthere's more windows users07:22
gatestoneHow do I disable automatic scrolling in Empathy?07:22
Tohuwso a new windows release will sell faster07:22
ZykoticK9Tohuw, digital_1 please don't get into a linux/mac/windows discussion - this is lucid support/discussion channel07:22
DanaGThis grandmother is coming from a WebTV, so ubuntu would be a huge improvement.07:22
digital_1Well its just that a company with a warchest the size of Apple, if they're second we'll always be third.  I think embedded Linux has the best chance.07:23
h4wkmoonZykoticK9: here is log http://www.osadapohadka.cz/jockey.log07:23
TohuwZykoticK9: agreed with your request :)07:23
DanaGBiggest problem with that laptop: the nv17 chip.07:23
ZykoticK9h4wkmoon, sorry man - i'm no help to ya.  but i wish you the best of luck trying to get it working again.07:23
digital_1Sorry ZykoticK907:23
digital_1Is the repo Flash still flaky on 64-bit?07:24
digital_1Dang it07:25
gatestoneTohuw, you said you don't care about Linux for the masses. I think that attitude is the root of the problem. Personally I don't care for 'Linux for me', because I am perfectly happy with Windows. But I believe that society at large would benefit if we standardize on FOSS operating systems.07:25
Tohuwstill can't click some elements in flash, still lag in some videos07:25
digital_1I think the no response to clicks issue was resolved for me by turning off Compiz07:25
Blue11digital_1: i see they remove compiz-gnome07:25
joelzAny idea how to switch to the new GNOME Shell as a live user?07:26
Tohuwgatestone: who said I don't care about FOSS? one of the problems is FOSS is being bound irrevocably to Linux, and that's limiting innovation. see also: the haiku project. but if you want to talk about this further, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place07:26
ZykoticK9to fix flash clicking not working on 64bit see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working -- then you don't have to disable compiz07:26
TohuwZykoticK9: cool, thanks07:26
digital_1ZykoticK9- thanks but I also run VMWare with Unity and Cedega and such and it's just easier to leave it off.07:26
jdsbluedevlone more thing:  I'm getting an error message about an "over-current charge"07:26
Blue11joelz: i didn't know they had a new gnome shell - what do you mean?07:26
jdsbluedevlthat just started with Lucid.  What does that mean?07:27
ZykoticK9digital_1, in VM environment compiz has no place (although it works OK with VBox)07:27
joelzI thought I read that there was some kind of preview of the new shell in the new beta.07:27
Tohuwit means it thinks your battery is overcharged, or the adapter is providing too much current07:27
Blue11joelz: i hadn't heard.  seems to be bash here.07:27
Tohuwjoelz: gnome-shell was available over a year ago in the repos07:28
Tohuwand it's still not done or feature-complete07:28
Tohuwif they released it as standard now, it might actually surpass kde 4 "final" in terms of bad jokes07:28
h4wkmoonok, so im goind try x86 10.04 beta 2 version07:28
ZykoticK9Tohuw, agreed with your "not done or feature-complete" part - but gnome-shell is pretty neat -- i just got into it the other day07:29
joelzTohuw: I tried it in 9.10 and didn't see much of what the "sneak peaks" were referring to.07:29
TohuwZykoticK9: oh don't get me wrong, i like where it's going07:29
Tohuwfyi, new xorg update just hit the repos07:29
Tohuwget it while it's hot and extra-broken07:29
Tohuwapt and xorg in the same dist-upgrade? what can possibly go wrong?!07:30
* Tohuw lights the fuse07:30
joelzThis post got me interested in trying out gnome-shell: http://www.ghacks.net/2010/04/06/a-sneak-peak-at-gnome-3/07:31
* Tohuw reminds himself to go check the roadmap for gnome 307:31
Tohuwbrb, restarting X to see if it still works!07:34
digital_1looks like isn't working?07:40
Blue11x errors can be hard to find07:46
ter10_hi anyone there07:50
PolitikerNEUwhat is your problem?07:51
ter10_i wanna install firefox 3.5 on Lucid07:51
PolitikerNEUwell - it is File temp = File.createTempFile("","~temp",participant.getMatchingRevisionDir(input));07:51
ter10_instead of firefox 3.607:51
PolitikerNEUhmm ...07:51
PolitikerNEUand you want a package for it?07:51
PolitikerNEUter10_: try that: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa07:52
PolitikerNEUumm ...07:53
PolitikerNEUor just install firefox 3.5?07:53
PolitikerNEUit's in the repositories07:53
PolitikerNEUsudo aptitude install firefox-2.507:53
Blue11PolitikerNEU: why install an old version of ff?08:01
xfactWell, I have another question (Guesstimate): After stable release of Lucid within few days will it be available on the store for shipping/ordering? (or it will take time)08:20
ter10_hi politickerNeu08:22
ter10_u r there08:22
ter10_hi blue1108:23
ter10_i wanna install older version of firefox b'cause the newer version of firefox does'nt suppourts some of addons08:24
Blue11xfact: it will be a free download08:25
arandter10_: if you search for firefox: "aptitude search firefox" there should be a few versions available for install.08:25
xfactYea but I want to order cd/dvd because download can easily get corrupted08:26
xfactso I was asking, anyways I'll wait and see, thanks :)08:27
areichmanxfact: the md5sum's for all the downloads are supplied so you can check if it got corrupted08:27
arandxfact: For that, make sure you do your checksumming correctly, but for the oficiall CDs, no, I'm afraid I don't know either.08:27
Blue11xfact: that's what md5sum is for08:27
ter10_arand : it takes the higher version automatically i wanna install the older version08:27
xfactOkey I understand08:28
Blue11ter10_: synaptic?08:28
ter10_blue11 : in synaptic also it takes the higher version automatically]08:30
Blue11ter10_: looks like the only version available to lucid is ff 3.6.308:31
Blue11ter10_: you would have to use a karmic repo for that08:31
Blue11or let me see what's on their site08:32
ter10_but i wanna install ff 3.5 is'nt it possible with deb file  of ff 3.508:32
Blue11ter10_: like I said, you'd have to point lucid at the karmic repos -- 3.5.9 is avail. from the mozilla site08:33
Blue11ter10_: some of the libs may have changed -- YMMV (your mileage may vary)08:34
ter10_blue11 : how to use karmic repo08:34
arandter10_: What I would try also is to find development versions of the extensions.08:34
Blue11ter10_: i don't remember, how I did that - it was too long ago back in the 8.04 days08:35
Blue11ter10_: i do know you have to add the deb to the repo files08:35
ter10_blue11: ca u just do a last favour to me08:37
Blue11ter10_: this is how to get a list of all the repos apt-get uses:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=20508:37
ter10_blue11 : just tell me path of repo fiels08:37
arandDoing so will likely pose the risk of a rather messy system, so careful in doing it...08:37
Blue11arand: sage advice08:38
ter10_Blue11 : thanks dude08:40
Blue11ter10_: best I can do -- hope that helps08:40
Blue11arand: I sweat --force archetecture - I had to shoe horn 32 bit light scribe onto my 64 bit system.08:41
realcnbs hey, i'm on lucid, and something weird is going on with compiz after this morning update08:41
realcnbsupdate manager removed compiz-gnome08:42
realcnbsi have no effects now08:42
Blue11realcnbs: yes indeed they did remove it08:42
arandter10_: What I would do is take the list in /etc/apt/sources.list change the references from lucid to karmic, place it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/karmic_danger.list, install the specific karmic version of firefox, then disabe that repo, and periodically check for security updates, but never keep the repository enabled, and also mind that likely it's going to always try to upgrade to the blank lucid version of the package, which to avoid you'll ne08:42
arand!pinning | ter10_:08:42
ubottuter10_:: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:42
realcnbsreplaced by smth else?08:43
Blue11realcnbs: compiz causes x lockups here - but I have an ati card, and i expected that.08:43
Blue11i am really hating the pulse audo though08:43
realcnbshm, what should i do then?08:44
Blue11audio even08:44
realcnbsif i try to install compiz-gnome it removes metacity )08:44
Blue11realcnbs: you have to use metacity, until they re-release compiz08:44
realcnbswas not expecting smth like this in beta 2 )08:45
Blue11realcnbs: i don't care much for eye candy so meta city works great for me --08:45
arandBlue11: Pro tip: "pasuspender -s alsa application"08:45
realcnbsi do care )08:45
Blue11arand: what does that do?08:45
arandBlue11: As far as I can tell, bypasses PA for a certain application, routing directly through alsa instead, it seems to work fairly well here on karmic at least.08:47
quiritiushi, i've noticed, that laptop-mode-tools is not installed by default, but it conflicts with pm-utils-powersave-policy. is laptop-mode obsolete somehow? what is better to use?08:47
whitmanI've just updated lucid this morning and compiz/compiz-gnome was removed.  Was that meant to happen?08:47
Blank__whitman, compiz broke, i've heard08:48
whitmanAh, that's ok then.  Well, it's not, but at least it's not just me. :)08:48
Blue11Blank__: I believe they said:  "It's dead, Jim!"08:49
Blue11we could always have a flame war over the left/right button placement08:49
arandHmm, doesn't seem like that compiz package is going anywhere here on my vbox install, is it driver dependent then?08:51
Blue11arand: well it searcher for available hardware drivers08:51
arandYOu could try running "aptitude why-not compiz-gnome" to see if it's a specific conflicting package.08:52
Blue11on this system is uses the stock ati driver08:52
vegais the button placement changed in kubuntu also?08:52
* arand likes aptitude's why/why-not 08:54
arandvega: I don't think so...08:54
linuxrevolutionhmmmmm there are some problems after installing Beta 208:55
Blank__linuxrevolution, join the club08:56
Blank__several people have already discovered compiz broke :(08:56
linuxrevolutionBlank__: heheheheh me too08:56
linuxrevolutionBlank__: keyboard layout and compiz08:57
joaopintohum, compiz was removed today, is it broken ?08:57
Blank__correct joaopinto08:57
DanaGweird... rhythmbox ubuntuone music store doesn't do dpi scaling.08:58
DanaGANd it doesn't do tabbed browsing (middle-click), either.08:58
Blue11joaopinto: like they said in the wizard of oz "it's not only merely dead, it's really most sincerely dead"08:58
peepsi haven't tried the beta yet, just wondering what people think of 10.04 so far?  is there anything notably different besides the design?08:59
DanaGAnd alt-left to go back doesn't work.08:59
Blue11peeps: it's okay, but I di NOT like the buttons on the left.08:59
peepsso it's the same but with moved buttons09:01
Blue11peeps: yeah the default is to put the buttons on the left side of the window - fortunately can change that09:01
arandpeeps: I mean the default theme is completely new, a whole bunch of integrated chat/microbloggin stuff..09:02
joaopintopeeps, the design is cool and  I find it quite stable overall09:02
peepsi see09:03
joaopintosoftware center also as a better look09:03
joaopintomost of the bigger changes are happening under the wood09:04
peepswell, i gotta head off to bed, thanks for the input.  i guess i'll just wait 20 more days09:04
jmfthevciThe latest Metacity update 1:2.30.0 wants to remove Compiz and Compiz-Gnome. Why?09:05
arandjmfthevci: known issue.09:07
jmfthevciIs there a pointer to the problem number?09:07
arandI don't know, but you're the third to mention it here in the channel I think..09:08
linuxrevolutionmy bro has made a fresh install and it seems he has a better situation!!09:11
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_travelling
jmfthevciLooking at the Metacity branch on launchpad and there is nothing obvious that indicates that Metacity and Compiz are now mutually exclusive.09:12
arandjmfthevci: I think it's video-driver dependent, e.g. I don't see it removed here on my virtualbox install.09:13
DanaGtry this: aptitude changelog metacity09:14
DanaGlooks like it had api changes.09:14
DanaGWaiting on rebuild.09:14
arandRelevant changelog entry:  * debian/control: add breaks to compiz-gnome if < new rebuild09:18
jmfthevciLooks like it is as a result of the fix for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/metacity/+bug/53508809:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535088 in metacity "Metacity bug when using background for buttons" [Low,Fix released]09:18
jmfthevciThe equivalent Compiz fix is stuck behind the Beta2 freeze09:18
DanaGdoes that mean compiz on the CD will be broken or missing?09:19
DanaGso, is it still lefty for final?09:20
arandAnd it seems like compiz (1:0.8.4-0ubuntu15) just completely broke in building...09:20
jmfthevciNo idea. This was a fix release overnight. Apparently compiz will not compile for the developer.09:20
arandDanaG: buttons you mean? If nothing has been said recently...09:20
arandDanaG: Although, opinions are mixed regarding the propriety of ubuntu-tweak...09:23
arandAh, and it seems compiz in turn failed due to dependencies on libmetacity... heh, messy.09:24
acusterhey all, how is beta2 shaping up? Any showstoppers so far?09:25
coz_acuster,  i dont see any showstoppers:)  but then I have been updating since bea1  so that may be an issue :)09:31
acustercool, thanks. Perhaps I'll have the time to load it up this weekend... go 'butu go!09:33
Zenkerhi everyone, i am now running 10.02 - beautifully i might add :)), but i already have some confusion, im trying to install blender 2.49b i tried the deb but it has a dependency error guess its bc its for 9.10, ha. so i dl'd the linux 64bit version, now, how do install it?09:47
RPG-MasterI just update to the beta 2 and ALL MY MESSAGES IN EVOLUTION ARE GONE09:48
RPG-MasterHELP :(09:48
joaopintoZenker, did you try to install blender from the offficial repositories ?09:49
Zenkerjoaopinto isnt the one in the repo's 2.49 A?09:49
joaopintoblender is available frm the software center and should install without problems09:49
joaopintoVersion: 2.49.2~dfsg-1ubuntu109:50
joaopintoI don't know about a/b versions :P09:50
Zenkerb/c 2.49b fixes a bunch of stuff and adds some stuff :)09:50
ZenkerOH! cool it runs right out of the folder :) guess ill just have 2 place it somewhere and make links09:51
joaopintoif 2.49b is not very new I assume those fixes are the ubuntu version09:51
joaopintoin the09:51
joaopintobut I am not a blender user to comment :P09:51
joaopintoRPG-Master, stop, you will not get help like that09:51
joaopintoI am not an evolution user so I can't help09:51
Zenkeryea its kinda new, in ubuntu9.10 it was the older version, so its prolly the older version here as well, tok though09:52
RPG-Masterjoaopinto: I was just being over dramatic :P09:52
joaopintoRPG-Master, anyway you should have an .evolution/ folder with your data09:52
joaopintoZenker, in 9.10 that was expected, it doesn't get major updates, I would check the lucid version09:52
joaopintoRPG-Master, du -sh ~/.evolution09:53
jmfthevciRPG-Master or a .thunderbird etc.09:53
Zenkergood idea, i will. next q, did they include a way to move the close window, minimize/maximize buttons?09:53
joaopintojmfthevci, .thunderbird for evolution :P ?09:54
Zenkeror will i need 2 use the method how-to-geek has on that site?09:54
joaopintoZenker, the easier way to do that is with the ubuntu tweak tool09:54
jmfthevciZenker. Metacity Config Editor will enable you to move the order of buttons.09:54
joaopintoubuntu tweak allows you to customize the buttons and their position on the window09:54
jmfthevcijoaopinto..ha-ha... just being helpful in case RPG has thunderbird and, like me, does not use evolution09:55
Zenkeris that a repo's prog? like sudo apt-get install metacity r smthin?09:55
joaopintoZenker, yes09:55
jmfthevcijoaopinto. Is there a ppa for ubuntu tweak. I did not see one on their website09:55
Zenkerkk thank yall09:55
joaopintoZenker, oh, but is not availale from the official repository09:55
joaopintozekoZeko, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ or get it frm getdeb09:56
Zenkerkk its installed, so where is that option?09:58
joaopintodid you run the app ?09:58
joaopintoI am using a translated version09:59
joaopintoits the last line from Desktop09:59
joaopintowindows manager settings09:59
joaopintosomething like that on english :P09:59
Zenkeryup thats the right one i can see the radio button, but its greayed out10:00
joaopintoBUGabundo, tks :P10:00
joaopintoZenker, you need to enable/disable custome10:01
joaopintoanyone here uses gnome-do ?10:01
jmfthevcijoaopinto, Gnome-do, sure-do10:01
caolanmthe "bootwait" option in /etc/fstab doesn't seem to have any effect in lucid server beta 110:01
joaopintojmfthevci, can you go to help about ? the about dialig does not close for me10:01
joaopintoBUGabundo, erm :P10:02
BUGabundojoaopinto: did you forget to take the English pills today ? :)10:02
Zenkerah haa, thank you again, and btw i think your english is just fine ON english or in english whatev, i knew what you ment :)10:02
jmfthevcijoaopinto, it closed for me...10:02
BUGabundoor is it because I'm coming to Lisbon ?10:02
joaopintohum, there is something broken with my gnome do10:02
joaopintoit goes into raw mode when I type10:02
joaopintoand the about window does not close10:02
jmfthevcijoaopinto: is my Gnome-Do. I use it in Docky mode.10:03
BUGabundodon't start with '.'10:03
joaopintoI am using regular letters10:03
joaopintoI am using a regular mode (I guess)10:03
BUGabundo  Installed:
BUGabundo        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/universe Packages10:04
BUGabundohmm what happened to my PPA?10:04
* BUGabundo goes messing with sources.lst10:04
joaopintoerm, now it works10:04
joaopintothere was something wrong with the key detection10:04
ZenkerOHH cool i can drag n drop them n move them n stuff, i need 2 spend some time getting 2 know this Tweak prog D:)10:04
RPG-MasterFIXED IT!!!! :D10:04
Zenkerim sure ill be back, thanks again guys for helping, have a good one10:05
DuzchipHi, just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and when GDM starts i login but gnome doesn't start, just some twm-lookalike (pretty much just a terminal)10:19
Duzchipwhats up with that?10:19
excoDuzchip: when gnome is selected on login?10:20
Duzchipi cannot find anywhere to select it10:20
excoafter you click on your username on the login screen it should be in the bottom bar, Duzchip10:20
Duzchipi only get to select language and keyboard-layout and settings for universal something and how to shutdown10:20
excoDuzchip: tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop?10:21
Duzchipmight be a good idea :)10:21
Zenker1 last q for the night, well morning rofl, i cannot remember how, but i know its possible to have root permissions with the file browser can someone refresh my memory..i remember i could right click, open as administrator or smthin10:21
excoZenker: alt+f2: gksu nautilus10:22
Zenkerahh it was nautilus, thanks exco10:22
excoI also do have a question: when unmounting a USB drive in Lucid, why isn't it even showing in /dev anymore? e.g. as /dev/sdc10:22
robin0800Zenker: nautalus exstension nautalus-gksu10:23
Duzchipexco: for some reason ubuntu-desktop was removed during the upgrade. had it before and didn't have it now :)10:23
excoDuzchip: that maybe because you did a partial upgrade? ... anyways that seems to be because of a temporary metacity issue ... that could also remove compiz today ...10:24
Duzchipexco: well no, its because i'm stupid. i started the upgrade with the GUI last night but got tired and stupidly enough pulled out the charger for the laptop so the computer died halfway through the upgrade. when i started it now i did a apt-get dist-upgrade and it continued the upgrade but said something about ubuntu-desktop10:25
DuzchipSo my own fault10:25
excoDuzchip: happens. you can just reinstall it ...10:26
Duzchipexco: yeah installed it now and seems fine10:26
excocan anyone confirm that unmounting a usb drive also removes it from /dev10:26
excothat shouldn't happen imo10:27
pwuertzhi, compiz just broke after the last upgrade. it won't start because it "Found no decorator to start"10:28
coz_pwuertz,  oh darn and I just initiated updates :(10:30
coz_poizan42,  let me restart after this update and check10:30
pwuertzmaybe its just me... but if you like, you could cheer me up with a "me too" post ;)10:31
coz_"removing metacity" ??10:31
pwuertzyou tried compiz gnome decorator?10:31
coz_sorry replacint it now :)  i jumped too soon10:31
pwuertzI'm not sure if compiz-gnome is the preferred decorator, I thought compiz was somehow using metacity for the decorations10:33
pwuertzlet me check ^^10:33
pwuertzok.. compiz-gnome is not the right decorator10:34
coz_pwuertz,  ok restarting ....and......compiz started10:35
pwuertzand gnome-appearance-properties is crashing now10:35
coz_poizan42,  try   gtk-window-decorator --replace10:35
pwuertzsomething went terribly wrong here ;)10:35
coz_pwuertz,  mm  the only thing I am finding at t his point is the cursor wont hold onto the cursor theme10:35
pwuertzcoz_, maybe its time for a new lucid installation ^^10:37
coz_pwuertz,  probably    I will do that after release though ...right now on the lucid machine it is just for testing :)10:37
coz_play time and reporting bugs  is what it is useful for right now :)10:38
pwuertzwait... do you have "gtk-window-decorator" ?10:38
pwuertzdid you install compiz-gnome and uninstalled metacity?10:39
coz_pwuertz,  no   I didnt  but the updates updated metacity10:42
Sweetwhy did dist-upgrade remove compiz? not that I need it but still...10:44
ubuntujenkinssweet i was wondering the same i haven't done it because i want compiz10:46
=== TheImp is now known as TheInfinity
ryeanybody using Lucid in virtual machine under Lucid with virt-manager ?10:46
excoSweet, ubuntujenkins http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145028210:47
ubuntujenkinsexco: thanks i will wait for the updates to come though10:49
lorenzosuIt seems the decision about buttons on left for Lucid is definitive, right?10:49
jordanli just did a fresh beta2 install and got this error when trying to boot: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/6d00675b-3a30-4f66-b980-bd23e2fa44ae does not exist.10:51
jordanland it puts me at a BusyBox shell10:52
monkey_dusthi - beta 2 is out - do i have to install it, or will beta 1 be upgraded to beta 2, if i do apt-get update/upgrade?10:52
coz_lorenzosu,  not sure I think they are on the right although I installed the fix for the light themes10:52
coz_monkey_dust,  it should upgrade   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:52
jordanlany ideas?10:53
excomonkey_dust: it will upgrade ... read the stickies in http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=37710:53
lorenzosucoz_, I mean a vanilla install10:54
monkey_dustexco, if needed i can try downgrading, never did that before, tho10:54
coz_lorenzosu,  that's essentially what I have on my lucid machine  and I just  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade couple times a week10:54
lorenzosucoz_, ah so it's keeping your original theme10:55
coz_lorenzosu,  but  I cant be sure10:55
coz_lorenzosu,  as I said I think it was the fix I installed and not the default10:55
lorenzosucoz_, I see10:55
excojordanl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=alert+uuid+does+not+exist&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_n10:55
coz_lorenzosu,  it;s a shame they are on the left with no tick box to revert it in the gui itself for left or right handed people10:56
coz_lorenzosu,  however it is not often that these smaller options are incorporated and certainly takes longer for things like left or right handedness10:56
coz_lorenzosu,  this decision withouth options is very disappointing10:57
coz_lorenzosu,   if you want to switch it you can10:58
jordanlexco: i've been working on this for over 5 hours and i've seen these bugs10:58
lorenzosucoz_, The interesting thing is that nearly *nobody* (tm) likes them on the left, yet the ubuntu people seem to refuse admitting it was a mistake10:58
jordanlexco: all are using grub1, ubuntu 9.10, non-raid setup10:58
jordanlexco: i've tried many of the solutions that worked for other people on them. i've come to the irc channel now after exhausting my web searches in hopes that someone wouldn't just point me to a google search or bug search10:59
coz_lorenzosu,  It has been suggested there are valid reasons for the switch... I have not seen them to date... and  it is certainly inconvenient for right handed people10:59
excojordanl: my bad then10:59
lorenzosucoz_, It's also been suggested that it's a mac copycat :)10:59
coz_lorenzosu,  I hope that was not the reasoning behind the switch... no one will like it if so :)11:00
coz_lorenzosu,  there is a ppa for the fixed theme11:00
jordanlexco: i'm sorry if i seem snappy about it. it has just been a long night of working on this. (i also reinstalled twice)11:00
lorenzosucoz_, I'm still sticking to karmic for some time, I'm just curious about this affair which seems silly, I mean you can fix a theme in 30 seconds..11:01
lorenzosucoz_, Just interested in the ubuntu 'attitude'11:01
coz_lorenzosu,  well if you "fix" it in  gconf you actually get the max and min buttons in the wrong order11:01
excojordanl: did you try changing the uuid to the corresponding one of the partition you installed on?11:01
sobersabrehi guys, I have tried to aptitude dist-upgrade today, and the program aptitude says metacity breaks or is broken by compiz. shall I wait for the rest of the packages to update on the mirror ?11:01
coz_lorenzosu,  I meant if you install the themes in karmic11:02
lorenzosucoz_, I see11:02
ubuntujenkinssobersabre: yes wait for them to update http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145028211:02
coz_lorenzosu,  they can be installed also with a fix in karmic   I like the thems but have switched now to the elementary theme along with the elementary nautilus cover flow11:02
jordanlexco: i booted into rescue mode and checked the output of "blkid". the boot failure message matches it. so does the contents of /etc/fstab11:02
sobersabreubuntujenkins: thanks11:02
jordanlexco: so the uuid seems to match11:02
excojordanl:  thread about your problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9054097&highlight=uuid#post905409711:03
coz_lorenzosu,  however this is best left discussed in #ubuntu I believe :)11:03
excojust reading it atm, jordanl11:03
lorenzosucoz_, Not really, this is for lucid11:03
coz_lorenzosu,  this is true but the light themes can be installed on karmic as well11:03
lorenzosucoz_, Acutally it's pretty definitive: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56411:11
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/532633)11:11
coz_lorenzosu,  yeah I read that ...it makes no sense11:12
lorenzosucoz_, Well but the author does have it's importance11:13
coz_lorenzosu,  well the design on the left or right leaves as much space on the opposite sides... it stillmakes no sense but I will wait to read something valuable for the switch11:14
jordanlexco: only one that one posted in the thread seems to have something similar11:14
jordanlexco: i'm booting into rescue mode and will try to install the .16 kernel and boot into11:14
excojordanl: good luck ... I guess you already tried updating grub as well as initramfs?11:15
excoalso chrooting and reinstalling gdm and mountall couldn't hurt, not? jordanl11:16
jordanlexco: i didn't try those11:18
jordanlexco: how to update grub & initramfs?11:18
joppanpoooruuu priyakaamini11:33
joppanohh rabba rabba poooru priyakaamini....11:33
joppanenthoru maire aaanuuu evide11:35
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:36
bazhangjoppan, do you have a support question?11:36
SandGorgoni'm getting a crash in stock ubuntu lucid compiz.. after updating a few minutes ago11:37
excojordanl: you run "sudo update-grub" "sudo update-intitramfs -u" (sorry, was having lunch)11:38
bazhangjoppan, what is it11:38
joppanmy beta 1 iso image downlaoded showed postitve md5sum check but after burning it does not boot11:40
bazhangjoppan, did you burn at low speed? what error did you get upon startup if any11:40
joppanmairen mar ninte onnum appante vakayoonoooo ee11:41
bazhangjoppan, you'll have to speak english only here11:41
joppanbazhang it show a prompt and then burned at 8x sony cd-r11:41
joppanbazhang after the prompt displayed nothing happens i waited for 30 mts11:42
SandGorgonthis is a crash I'm getting with Google Chrome where the window decorator is crashing - http://paste.ubuntu.com/41154311:42
CryptoQuickhey folks, I just want to let you guys know that I can repeatably crash Metacity into a full system lockup by repeatedly right-clicking on the system title bar in Google Chrome.11:42
joppanon my 9.10 am not able to install picasa 3.611:42
bazhangjoppan, what sort of prompt? busybox?11:42
SandGorgonCryptoQuick, ha11:42
joaopintoCryptoQuick, file a bug report about it please11:42
joppanbazhang a prompt a blinking underscore kind of11:42
SandGorgonCryptoQuick, pass me the bug #, so I can add a comment11:43
CryptoQuickalright, I'll do that11:43
CryptoQuickUbuntu uses Launchpad for bugs, right?11:43
CryptoQuickhaha, yeah11:44
CryptoQuicknever filed one for Ubuntu before, but I might as well start ;)11:44
joaopintoCryptoQuick, on the terminal: ubuntu-bug metacity11:44
CryptoQuickoh, cool11:44
zekoZeko10:56 ## Auto-reply in window 5 (#ubuntu+1)11:44
joppanbazhang hello on my 9.10 am not able to install picasa 3.611:45
zekoZekoi don't have that much history. who wanted to taÄlk to me?11:45
joaopintojoppan, this channel is for help with 10.04, not 9.10, use #ubuntu for that11:45
bazhangjoppan, this is not support for lucid, you were asking for lucid support a moment ago11:45
arand09:56 < joaopinto> zekoZeko, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ or get it frm getdeb11:46
joppanbazhang soory so how to install picasa on my ubuntu if so 10.0411:46
arandzekoZeko: That's what I've got.11:46
zekoZekooh well, that wasn't meant for me :) thanks arand11:46
bazhangjoppan, which version of ubuntu are you using11:46
joppanbazhang on vmware i have a beta 1 10.0411:47
appCan you add Xchat as the default client to access #ubuntu? People need something, and Empathy is not really suitable for beginners IRC access.11:51
hhlpi want to update from karmic to lucid i execute gksudo update-manager -d and nothing happened (your system is up to date and no new release available message)11:51
CryptoQuickSandGorgon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/55911311:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559113 in metacity "Metacity crashes upon repeated clicking on the window title in Google Chrome" [Undecided,New]11:51
CryptoQuickif I've made any mistakes or could have done that better, please let me know11:53
appSo far my experience with Lucid is a bit scary. Empathy is hard to use to access IRC, Gwibber works unreliably and crashes. Just a few moments ago my cursor was stuck with a weird "add document" icon and click did not work at all. Had to Alt-F2 to terminal and "sudo killall gdm-binary" to restart with "startx". DIFFICULT!11:54
arandapp: It is very true, but also not going to happen I have a feeling, too late in the cycle, etc.11:54
CryptoQuickapp: you know, it's funny, 10.04 has been pretty rock-solid for me for the past few weeks I've had the beta installed. I've used it on the bus with WWAN, all kinds of development and compiling, I've really pushed it hard and the OS has really held up like a champ. So, I guess there's all sides.11:56
appAnd the same old bug is there as always: the icons in panel keep moving around inconsistently. Now two are at far right, then there is 5 cm space to left and then  the others.11:56
CryptoQuickIt's been more stable, faster, and feels nicer than the more recent versions of Mint or Fedora I've tried, too.11:56
appI wonder, how much this has been tested on VMWare....then.11:57
CryptoQuickhm? I'm using this straight native on my ThinkPad X301.11:58
mvohhlp: try without sudo please11:58
CryptoQuickhow else would I relish in a 15s boot? :)11:58
appBTW, in corporate use I bet 90% of users run Linux in VMWare....11:58
appAlmost no corporation support native Linux on  desktops...11:58
arandapp: The problem with that bug is that no-one seems to know how to solve it, there was a patch lately, but I think it was only a minor/partial improvement11:59
martinerHello, I cant get my logitech quickcam fusion to work in lucid, I need both audio and video to work, can anyone please help me?11:59
SandGorgoni'm not very happy with Lucid either - i'm having problems with installation (it checks for a floppy drive and fails even if there is none), boot up screen looks really bad (I think the new splash screen does not work well on my XPS 1210). All these are regressions from 9.10 which worked beautifully12:01
joppanpooooran maareeeee12:02
SandGorgonmartiner, you need to google for UVC drivers in ubuntu.. be warned there is some compilation of drivers involved12:02
martinerBut ofcourse there is, haha.... I will do that, thank you very much12:02
appDoes anyone have any experience, if the Canonical paid support is worth it?12:03
zekoZekoi'm quite happy with lucid. there have been some problems, but nothing too serious. Just as with any other Ubuntu release so far.12:03
SandGorgoni would much rather that they included out-of-the-box support for webcams, more wireless cards, etc.12:04
appPersonally, I am not waiting for more features in new distros, but more idiot-proof reliability and usability, Apple style.12:04
SandGorgonapp, seconded12:04
arandapp: Indeed, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/44082?comments=all12:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 44082 in gnome-panel "GNOME Panel icons (on right side) move apparently randomly on session start in some situations" [Low,Confirmed]12:05
appI always has the idea, that let every second upgrade be bugfixes and optimizations only, then let the next one be features. So you could skip very other upgrade, if you would never want to test premature features...12:06
apparand, good that it is documented12:06
zekoZekoapp: but it is somewhat like that... LTS releases, every third one.12:06
zekoZekoapp: just don't upgrade as soon as they come out, wait a month or so (like windows, waiting for SP1 :)12:07
appzekoZeko, yes that is good. That's why I am more active now, I usually try to avoid using non LTS-versions...12:07
appHere we run usually Karmic, these days.12:08
appBut personally I would hope I could stick with LTS only12:08
arandAlthough, I don't really feel that currently, there's much "LTS" about Lucid apart from the prospective support..12:09
arandIf ever "LTS" meant anything else...12:09
joppanubottu bug to report my Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC worked fine with ubuntu 9.10 but did not show up with live cd of beta 1 10.0412:12
joppanwhat should i do to report the bug12:12
yofeljoppan: did you try it with beta2?12:15
SandGorgonjoppan, go to bugs.launchpad.net and file it12:19
SandGorgonjoppan, do include the word "Lucid" or "10.04" in the subject line12:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:20
yofelplease report them as explained on the help page12:20
fabio333some trouble with huawei 169 in lucid:...12:20
yofelSandGorgon: instead of mentioning lucid in the subject, rather tag the bug with lucid12:20
fabio333i have to load the option module manually (or with udev)12:20
fabio333but usb_modeswitch is not required.12:22
Zenkercan someone help me set up evolution so i can get my emails from live.com?12:26
BUGabundoZenker: running lucid?12:27
tux_running most up to date lucid, my sandisk cruzer doesn not show up with inserted12:27
Zenkeri think so, i just installed ubuntu 10.0212:27
tux_i can see it in lsusb output, any ideas?12:27
Joricwhoa beta212:28
joppanZenker it is 10.04 ie y.mm format 2010 april(10.04) next 10.1012:28
Zenkerjoppan huh?12:29
Dr_Willistux_:  check 'sudo fdisk -l' try mounting it manually12:29
joppan10.10 is maverik meerkat12:29
* Dr_Willis is sick of the cutesy names..12:29
tux_Dr_Willis, doesn't show up12:29
tux_Dr_Willis, scratch that, i removed it, i'll get back to you :P12:30
joppanZenker enthada paaniii did u get the concept12:30
Dr_Willistux_:  if fdisk dosent show it.  thats a sign of deeper problems12:30
joaopintotux_, check "dmesg" after plugging it12:30
tux_thanks lads12:30
tux_back later :)12:30
Zenkerjoppan its the nick name?12:30
tux_or gals12:30
BUGabundosee you Sunday12:30
joppanZenker yes kutta is concatenation of joe and joe that is it12:31
Zenkerumm ok, i just want 2 know how to set up evolution to get my live.com emails12:32
SandGorgonhey guys.. is this the right place to ask about kubuntu 10.04 ?12:32
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  yes12:32
joppanjust try google check for specific protocaol:port settings for POP3 amd smtp12:33
Zenkeroh, my bad i have "Lucid Lynx" rofl12:33
joppanZenker  :just try google check for specific protocaol:port settings for POP3 amd smtp12:33
SandGorgonok.. just wanted an opinion on performance of kubuntu 10.04 vs ubuntu . Also do chromium/firefox look decent on kubuntu ?12:34
joppanZenker check for live.com server12:34
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  its faster to boot and they work fine for me.12:34
SandGorgonDr_Willis, what about regular performance - do you feel that kubuntu is any slower ?12:35
yofelSandGorgon: chromium has it's own white/blue theme here in kubuntu and I've set a custrom gtk style for firefox, not sure how the default looks like12:35
yofelSandGorgon: and it's hard to judge the performance, KDE needs a bit more cpu power for kwin than compiz needs I think, but I don't feel much difference most of the time12:36
joppanSandGorgon ;i logged at bugs.launchpad.net where to click and report only provsision for seraching bugs12:36
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  kubuntu runs fine on my netbook. I did turn off all the eyecandy/effects12:36
yofel!bugs | joppan12:36
ubottujoppan: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:36
Dr_WillisUnless you got a very low end machine.. Kubuntu should run fine.12:37
yofelactually kwin works even on my EeePC, a bit sluggy though12:37
yofelwithout compositing kde works quite fast12:37
SandGorgonDr_Willis yofel , I actually develop on my laptop .. so have postgres running in there, with couple of rails apps. So just worried about RAM usage12:38
fabio333kwin composite is useless...12:38
yofelfabio333: not less than compiz12:38
pmatulisso no upgrade unless you want metacity to be sacrificed?12:38
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  there was some benchmarks at  a few sites comparing kde vs gnome vs lxde.  kdeused themost.. but not a lot more12:38
ZenkerAGGGH, i dont get it :(12:39
SandGorgonDr_Willis, thanks for that info. last time I tried, I almost gave up on the network manager... so just wanted to be sure12:39
Dr_WillisHavent any issues with Kdes networkmanager.. for hookingup to wireless the gnome one does take fewer clicks.. but its not a big deal12:40
fabio333yofel>: compiz is faster though12:40
Mulderhmm, latest updates appear to force removal of compiz and compiz-gnome in order to upgrade metacity and ubuntu-desktop packages. is this a bug or is compiz being phased out?12:40
arandMulder: Temporary issue afaik.12:41
=== mungojerry_ is now known as mungojerry
SandGorgonMulder,  dont upgrade. i have a broken system now12:41
arandRelevant changelog entry:  * debian/control: add breaks to compiz-gnome if < new rebuild12:41
Mulderarand, ok12:41
MulderSandGorgon, too late heh12:41
yofelfabio333: a bit maybe yes, but I kwin just fits better into kde than compiz, and I think kde looks generally better than gnome12:41
SandGorgonyofel, with the right theme.. its too .. er flower-power for me ;)12:42
Dr_WillisWe were discussing Lubuntu yesterday - seems its  getting pushed back a bit --> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/lubuntu-not-joining-ubuntu-family-until.html12:42
Mulderi'll just sit tight until a newer package hopefully unbreaks :)12:42
Dr_WillisI just updated and dident notice the removal of compiz..12:43
yofelSandGorgon: haha12:43
Dr_Willisbut thats on my netbook. using the Netbook Ed.. soit may not matter. :)12:43
joaopintothe last time I have checked lubuntu it was not integrated with networkmanager, I was unable to setup wifi :\12:44
yofeldidn't they use wicd back then?12:45
joaopintono idea, i got nothing to configure the network, at least that I could figure :P12:45
ZenkerWOO HOOO i found the answer on this page   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126549012:45
arandAs per https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/1:0.8.4-0ubuntu15 i386 and amd64 are now okay, so it seems to slowly straighten itself out.12:45
Dr_Willisjoaopinto:  last i used lubuntu - it used wicd.. but that was in the old ubuntu release.12:46
kwtmHi.  I downloaded the kubuntu lucid beta2 dvd via Firefox (I think it was charles-tkc that gave me the http address).  Anyone know where I can get a MD5 sum for that?12:47
yofelkwtm: cd or dvd?12:50
ftornellis beta 2 much faster than beta 1 using the netbook remix?12:51
* yofel should be more concentrated when reading...12:51
yofelkwtm: this page? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/10.04/beta-2/12:52
=== ftornell is now known as ftornell_
ftornell_is beta 2 much faster than beta 1 using the netbook remix?12:53
kwtmyofel: DVD version.  Will try your link.12:53
Dr_Willisftornell_:  Idoubt if any speed increase will be very noticeable.12:53
Dr_Willisit allr eaddy boots so fast. I sit down and its done booted. :)12:53
ftornell_Dr_Willis, ok12:54
MulderDr_Willis, yeah... unlikely that compiz is installed on your netbook in the first place12:57
xfactwell, after running the Beta 2 upgrade sometimes my window border disappears, so how to get them back?12:58
Dr_WillisMulder:  I have the full gnome desktop also. i can select either one.12:58
Dr_Willisand i got kde :_)12:58
Dr_WillisIjust double checked.12:58
Dr_Willisrebooting it now.. let see..12:58
xfactsome said --replace metacity or something but I maybe incorrect12:59
kwtmyofel: That page worked.  Thank you!12:59
xfactMay I have my answer? How to get my window borders back, it's gone after Beta 2 upgrade13:02
pmatulisxfact: wait for the next metacity update i guess13:03
Mulderand not the one that disables compiz!13:03
pmatulisxfact: there have been problems with metacity and compiz13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558998 in compiz "[lucid] compiz-gnome broken because of metacity update" [Undecided,In progress]13:04
Mulderhere come the bug reports!13:04
xfactAny guess when the next update gonna take place?13:04
pmatulisxfact: no13:04
xfactFair enough, thanks13:05
Dr_Willisbooting to gnome.. lets see13:07
SandGorgonDr_Willis, can akonadi, strigi, nepomuk and virtuoso all be disabled permanently ? I know for sure that they will kill my machine13:07
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:   proberly can.. i dont even recall wqhat most of those do13:08
Dr_Willisyou canalways remove thepackages13:08
SandGorgonDr_Willis, they are part of "kubuntu-desktop"13:09
Dr_WillisSandGorgon:  so?13:09
Dr_Willisthats just a meta-package13:09
hhlphi, i want to update from karmic to lucid i execute update-manager -d and nothing happened (your system is up to date and no new release available message)13:10
Mulderhhlp, because lucid is in beta. it's not a the release version yet.13:11
hhlpohh ok thx Mulder, then i wait13:11
Mulderunless you want to try the beta... but beta has bugs13:12
yofelSandGorgon: most of KDE wants nepomuk with akonadi and virtuoso to be running, but you can easily turn off strigi, uses far too much resources. I usually don't notice that the others are running13:12
DASPRiDMulder, finals have bugs as well ;)13:12
MulderDASPRiD, yes, but hopefully less bugs13:12
Mulderhopefully not ones that make users go sadface13:12
DASPRiDMulder, i'm still waiting that the alternate installer gets fixed so you can install with raids13:13
MulderDASPRiD, ah13:14
SandGorgonyofel, I was reading http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/PIM/Akonadi#How_do_I_completely_disable_Akonadi_startup.3F . I dont want Kmail, Kaddressbook, Korganizer (gmail ftw). Do u think it can be removed then13:19
yofelwell, I can't give  feedback about disabling akonadi, but you should be able to remove the others I think as long nothing depends on  them13:20
BluesKajHi Folks13:27
dsl558ban jo13:28
bazhangdsl558, what?13:28
Oli`````just upgraded. system stalls after adding swap. any ideads on what i should try?13:29
BluesKajOli`````, stalls when ..?13:31
Oli`````i don't know how to be more descriptive13:33
BluesKajdo you get a prompt or what ?13:33
yofelhm... my EeePC just hard froze o.O13:34
Oli`````nope its before that. ive tried recovery mode and right after the message telling me it's mounting swap, it dies with no further disk activity (although thats hard to tell becuase its's an ssd)13:35
yofelok, reisub worked at least13:36
Oli`````probably has nothing to do with swap and more to do with what happens after in /scripts/init-bottom... but I've no idea13:37
yofelargh, why the hell isn't bootchart niced after boot *-.-13:39
BluesKajuse a partition manager like gparted live-cd to reassign /  and boot to your linux partition , that may have changed after you repartitioned the swap13:39
Dr_Willisor the uuid's changed13:39
yofelmaybe he forgot the adjust the uuid in /etc/fstab?13:39
yofelmountall doesn't like any mistakes in fstab13:40
Dr_Willisjust update/upgraded.. compiz-core and some other compiz packages got updated.13:40
VigoI am getting a message on boot that says BSDutilities are not configured, or something, it happens real fast, I need to configure those and stuff, is that or would that be in/var/logs?13:40
BluesKajyofel, would he get an error message to that effect ?13:40
Dr_Williscompiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins13:40
whyzhi. I tried setting effects to Normal in Appearance preferences. I get the "Keep settings" dialog, but clicking on "yes" hangs the process.13:40
BluesKajor not13:40
aldanonhas anyone figured out how to get the proprietary ATI drivers working in 10.04?13:42
Moc10.04 as a LTS will need alot of work13:42
aldanoni just wanna play wow again hehe13:43
dsl558should i use a lts version?13:43
SandGorgonwhyz, just type "metacity --replace" in a command-shell13:43
yofelwtf? I just had about 100 kio_http processes open using >200MiB RAM o.O13:43
whyzSandGorgon, yepp, but it never turns on the effects. they worked fine in ubuntu 9.10..13:44
aldanoni take it nobody has gotten 3-d acceleration working with 10.04? hehe13:44
yofelI guess I can blame choqok for that...13:44
whyzSandGorgon, the "Keep settings" dialog is still there.. empty. only the window borders look normal.13:45
Dr_Willisaldanon:  check the forums - is the best place. I dont use ati any more. but i recall there being ongoing issues with it and the latest X/13:45
SandGorgonwhyz, until next update, this will let u use ur desktop atleast13:45
yofelaldanon: I'm not sure how it is now, but fglrx was broken for a long time and the one that works now only support quite new cards, use the open source driver if possible13:45
whyzSandGorgon, ok, so this is a known bug? the reason me being here is that i want to help13:46
aldanonfglrx was working fine with 9.10 with an ati 485013:46
Dr_Willisuntill ati decides to stop supporting things again.. :)13:46
yofelaldanon: yes, but we have a new kernel and new X server in lucid13:46
aldanonafter doing some hunting online, i've discovered 3-d support is not supported with open source drivers on lucid13:47
Dr_WillisNewer versions of X and ATI have not yet gotten to  play so nicely13:47
yofelaldanon: did you check if hardware drivers offers you fglrx?13:47
aldanonand i've getting a strange error when i try to install "hardware drivers" in ludic13:47
aldanonerr *i'm13:47
aldanongonna try again, i'll let ya know what message i get13:48
yofelaldanon: try to update, and please tell us the error if possible13:48
Dr_WillisWow - scary.. 'adobe air' actually let me just 'click on it in the browser' and it installed properly to /opt/ and the air app also installed.. (neat little app) -->  http://bcdef.org/antenna/13:48
aldanonmight have been a case where i just needed to remove the old fglrx13:48
aldanonwhich i just done a moment ago13:49
aldanondownloading the new one now13:49
aldanonvia "hardware drivers"13:49
yofel"remove the old" o.O, the update should update the package by itself13:49
vbabiyIs there any fix for the broken window decorators in the latest update.13:49
Dr_Willisvbabiy:  they worked here. If its compiz broken . use metacity till it gets fixed.13:50
Dr_Willis'metacity --replace'13:50
aldanonwow well it let me use hardware drivers now =)13:50
vbabiyDr_Willis, I was using the standard stuff but now login I don't see window borders13:50
kushal2Hi, I am on 10.04 on an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ with 512 MB RAM. I, as a desktop user, get logged out from the computer randomly and I don't know why... any ideas?13:50
Dr_Willisvbabiy:  window decorationis handled by compiz and/or metacity.13:51
Dr_Willisvbabiy:  if compiz breaks - fall back to metacity13:51
vbabiyDr_Willis, alright13:51
vbabiyis there I can make it always fallback to metacity13:51
aldanonnow i wonder if i need to reinstall amdcccle13:51
IdleOneDr_Willis: does that app work ?13:51
vbabiybecause every time I login I have to play with the setting to get it to work right.13:52
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  listing to it now. seems to work well. but the selection of stations is a little sparce.13:52
IdleOneI mean as a radio broadcast finder thingy magigy?13:52
* IdleOne installing also13:52
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  it only showed wha ti think are specific types of streaming stations.13:52
yofeloh nice, someone uploaded my sun-java6-plugin fix :D13:52
Dr_Willisnot ones that use their own special web interface/sites/stuff13:52
aldanondr_willis: since the hardware drivers worked that time, i'm gonna reboot and try to turn amdcccle - i'll come back and let you guys know what my results are13:52
jrrit's fun to try out ubuntu every release or so to check out progress13:53
Dr_Willisenabling effects  just hung at 'keep settings' here also.13:53
jrrsome time in the last few years gnome learned to only put taskbars on one of your two screens in an nv twinview configuration13:53
jrrthat's nice13:53
jrr(instead of stretching across both monitors)13:53
Dr_Willisjrr:  its worked for me that way for the last 4+ ubuntu releases at least13:54
jrrmaybe someday in the future i'll be able to rotate one of the displays13:54
Dr_Willisjrr:  i did have to be sure to restart the X server after enablaing twinview the first time.. or it would be conrused for that session.. but worked afterwards corectly13:55
IdleOneDr_Willis: sparce? I have 4400+ stations listed from all over the world13:55
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  i mean for select area. I Know indinapolis has more then the 2 its showing13:55
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  and its not showing any in Kokomo13:55
IdleOneohh, I haven't gotten that deep yet :)13:56
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  its main feature is the global finding/layout :)13:56
Dr_Williswell off to get some groceries.. bbl13:56
kushal2Are the developers even aware of the X crashes happening seemingly randomly? :/13:56
IdleOnelater and thanks for the neat find :)13:56
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  yea. too bad its using adobe air.. (ick!) :)13:56
Dr_WillisHTML5 would be better. heh13:57
Raistlin_hey guys just to let you know everything is working fantastic now on an ATI 485013:58
Raistlin_so i suppose what we learned from this was that the upgrade is not removing the old proprietary drivers13:58
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Raistlin_or something....13:58
Raistlin_glxgears is reporting over 10k fps in 5 seconds13:59
Raistlin_oh and xinerama is magically back with 10.0414:00
kushal2its own wikipedia article too ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIGSEGV14:01
Raistlin_no feedback dr_willis?14:03
yofelRaistlin_: where did you get the old driver from14:03
Raistlin_was installed from hardware drivers using 9.1014:03
Raistlin_after upgrading i got a few errors about the driver14:04
yofelmaybe the new package is missing a conflict on the old one...14:05
Raistlin_i dunno, honestly i just removed the proprietary driver on a hunch14:08
Raistlin_hoping i'd get to use the open source driver, but then i found it the open source one doesn't support 3-d graphics with the 4000 series14:08
yofelwell, I need to go for now, bbl14:09
Raistlin_alrighty laters14:10
switchgirlhi i updated to beta2 and it are brokedd14:22
switchgirlcomposting not working and java applets STILL NOT ABLE TO RESIZE WITHOUT LOOSING TEXT14:23
ubuntujenkins i am using compiz 8.4 in ubuntu lucid. i have a logitech mx1100 mouse which has 10 buttons. with the scale plugin i use to set "initiate for all windows" to button10 by clicking the pencil icon. However now every time i enter button10 it disables that function. Is anyone else having a problem with this?14:23
jpdsswitchgirl: Yes, there was a compiz update a few hours ago.14:23
switchgirlupdate implys improvement....14:25
kklimondanot really, update implies change14:26
switchgirlchange is improvement14:33
switchgirlanyway compiz is broken14:35
bobo123switchgirl: mmm.... I pressed [Abort] when the updatemanager said something about deleting Compiz14:36
switchgirlit didnt say anything abut that14:36
bobo123ohh I guess you are running ubuntu10.04beta2.... is compiz broken out-of-the-box so to speak in beta2?14:37
Muldernot out of the box only after latest update14:38
switchgirlahhh whyd it del them?14:38
* bobo123 will wait some hours to get next update before updating14:38
switchgirlno it works bobo14:39
switchgirlits me being blonde/red/brunette14:39
matmatyou gotta get blondebuntu then14:43
bobo123are there a webpage somewhere that lists the default stuff in the upstart-programs (or what it is called in english, I'm using swedish wher it is called "uppstartsprogram") the thing that lists stuff that autostarts ?14:44
bobo123matmat: blondbunt sounds like a nice thing hehe..... will it come with mp3 and flash support out-of-the-box?14:46
sinistradJust did an upgrade from Karmic, and my window frames (including min/max/close buttons) are gone.14:53
brushas i see, the early morning update removed compiz. just for me?14:54
sinistradI don't think mine removed compiz, but it did set my effects back to "no effects"14:55
brushlike me14:55
brushbut i reinstalled compiz14:55
brushget compiz again with apt14:56
sinistradYeah, I'll worry about it being fancy once I'm settled on the basics14:56
sinistradSeems I'm not alone in this14:59
sinistrad[Bug 559205] [NEW] Title bar missing from all windows14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559205 in gedit "Title bar missing from all windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55920514:59
sinistradThanks ubottu14:59
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, just the titlebar or all decorations?14:59
sinistradwell, I have no max/min/close buttons....not sure what "all" entails15:00
cwillu_at_workthe window frame border, the titlebar itself, etc15:00
sinistradRight, none of that is there15:00
cwillu_at_worksounds like you don't have a window manager running at all15:00
cwillu_at_workcan you alt-drag a window around?15:01
sinistradhrm....I don't think so.  I tried that a little while ago15:01
cwillu_at_workcheck ~/.xsession-errors, and try running compiz or metacity from a terminal15:01
cwillu_at_work(copy .xsession-errors first)15:01
sinistradjust checked. no dragging with ALT15:01
sinistradI'll go to the other system and do what you ask.  Might take a minute15:02
sinistradhrm, seems to not have a windowmanager.  It might take me a few to pastebin it15:07
sinistradI'll have better luck ssh'ing into it15:07
sinistradcwillu_at_work, http://pastebin.com/VgbVBGVv15:12
switchgirlhow to clean the log up - its 82.4 GB atm15:13
sinistradswitchgirl, logrotate?15:14
switchgirlno sys log15:14
yofelswitchgirl: well, which log?15:14
sinistradI use logrotate to clean up logs, keeps the last few gzipped, deletes anything older15:15
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, looking now15:16
switchgirlthats geek based15:16
switchgirlie text15:16
switchgirlaka not assessable to all15:16
sinistradwebmin might be up your alley then15:16
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.15:17
sinistradOh noez15:17
Oli`````is there a known issue with the B2 live cd mot booting?15:17
yofelhm, shouldn't rsyslog pull logrotate by default?15:17
sinistradyep, ebox is an alternative for admin tasks that you don't want to deal with command-line stuff15:17
* switchgirl wnders if sinistrad is a lolzcat?15:18
sinistradI can haz webminz?15:18
sinistradyofel, it might pull it.  I've always grabbed it if my system didn't already have it15:19
yofelhm, rsyslog recommends logrotate, so it should be installed by default15:19
yofelsinistrad: can you check what log takes so much space?15:19
sinistradswitchgirl has the problem15:19
sinistradI was just making a suggestion15:20
yofelswitchgirl: ^15:20
yofeltab fail -.-15:20
sinistradhaha, now who's the lolzcat?15:20
switchgirlvar log grows and grows mine is 80 GB!!!15:20
yofelmy server that has been running 24/7 with a few reboots for almost 3 months now with bootchars only has a /var/log of 578M15:21
yofelso 80GB is very out of the ordinary15:21
ZykoticK9switchgirl, my /var/log is over 200GB, but 194GB of that is bootchart (do you happen to have it installed?)15:22
switchgirlwhats that?15:22
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot15:22
ZykoticK9guess that's a no15:22
switchgirl:~$ bootchart  The program 'bootchart' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install pybootchartgui15:23
switchgirlso nope15:23
Oli`````is there a known issue with the B2 live cd mot booting?15:23
Piciswitchgirl: bootchart isn't a cli application, it runs automagically at boot and puts the boot charts in /var/log/bootchart/15:23
yofelwell, you can run it from a cli too if you want custom charts15:24
yofelbut it's not installed anyway15:24
arandswitchgirl: bleachbit can do it gui-wise it seems.15:24
yofelmaybe check with baobab what's taking so much space?15:24
yofel(assuming you're using gnome)15:24
Idleheadi tried to boot the lucid beta 2 from usb on my netbook today but it only comes to the start splash (where you can select your language and what to do) and keeps rebooting. i tried to run it on a asus eee pc 1005P. any ideas?15:25
arandyofel: but that will only show it folder-wise I think..15:25
sinistradI've had this system running for a year or better, my /var/log is 29Megs15:25
Oli`````Idlehead i'm also having issues15:25
IdleheadOli`````, what did you try to run the beta on? also an eee pc?15:26
Oli`````locking up in plymouth somewhere (though the off switch repsponds)15:26
yofelarand: well yes, but you can then check what folders take how much space and go into more details15:26
Oli`````no, regular desktop (i7, 12gig ram)15:27
Oli`````"regular" lol15:27
arandyofel: provided it isn't any of the /var/log/* files that are taking the space, yes15:27
kklimondaswitchgirl: do you have logrotate installed? can you launvh it from terminal with debug or verbose switch?15:27
Idleheadstrange. i tried to install it on virtualbox. it worked there, so i am really confused why that is...15:27
switchgirlkklimonda: in english?15:28
yofelarand: ah, you're right15:28
kklimondaswitchgirl: well, if your var/log is 80GB then it sounds like your logrotate does't work for some reason. all typos brought to you by a phone keyboard ;)15:29
switchgirlwhat would happen if i just selected all the var log and deleted it by pressing delete?15:29
sinistradswitchgirl, your problem wouldn't go away15:29
LinuxGuy2009Whats the name of the package that is used for the live CD installer? I need to file a small bug.15:30
sinistradswitchgirl, you'd just have no way of investigating what happened15:30
switchgirli removed samba apache2 and icecast15:30
arandswitchgirl: I would assume some error message is getting spammed to one of the log files, and hence it's getting out of hand..15:30
ubuntujenkinsLinuxGuy2009: ubiquity15:31
MocI give up15:31
LinuxGuy2009ubuntujenkins: thank you15:31
sinistradswitchgirl, you can check if logrotate is installed, but you'll need a terminal open15:31
Idleheadno one got any idea on the live cd rebooting issue?15:31
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, still working on it?15:31
sinistradcwillu_at_work, lol, working on switchgirl's logrotate15:32
switchgirllogrotate 3.7.8 - Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Red Hat, Inc.15:32
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, metacity in a terminal should get you running again;  you probably want to reinstall ubuntu-desktop in order to get compiz reinstalled15:32
yofelIdlehead: hard to say, I personally haven't yet heard of any boot failures *that* early15:32
sinistradcwillu_at_work, ok, I'll give that a shot.15:33
sinistradswitchgirl, so we can assume it is installed?15:33
cwillu_at_workswitchgirl, re: geek-based:  logrotate is installed by default, you shouldn't need to do anything to have it running15:33
Mocb2 is problematic when installing on a laptop with a docking station15:33
cwillu_at_workswitchgirl, which files are huge?15:33
Idleheadyofel, i had this issue with 9.10 as well. lucid beta 1 would start, but not start gdm, so console only...15:33
Mocit tried to force 1920x1080 on my laptop display15:33
cwillu_at_workswitchgirl, re: java, have you filed a bug?  and is there any activity on that bug which implies that it's been fixed?15:34
yofelIdlehead: well, I don't know much about boot failures, but what's your graphics card?15:34
cwillu_at_workbeta releases don't magically fix bugs :)15:34
Moccwillu_at_work: I'll change the definition on wikipedia and it will !!!15:35
switchgirlmay suddenly go - the electrric is on the blink15:35
cwillu_at_workMoc, eh?15:35
Idleheadyofel, according to the manufacturer specs it is an intel gma 3150 chipset15:35
Moccwillu_at_work: wikipedia is so factual, that changing a definition about something make it true15:35
yofelIdlehead: never heard of it, 1005P are those brand new ones right?15:37
Idleheadyofel, sort of, yes15:37
sinistradcwillu_at_work, Metacity gave me back my borders and all. I tried apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop, and it did its thing...about to see if that took care of it all15:37
MocI personally can't use 10.04 beta anymore, I switch docking station all the time, and no Fn+Monitor key working is a deal breaker15:38
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop is 8 less characters15:38
Mocgot to force shutdown my laptop everytime I move (or force the screeen before I undock15:38
yofelIdlehead: hm, not sure then, you could try to disable quiet splash on the grub line and see if that works better, but I don't know how to do that for the live session15:38
cwillu_at_workMoc, I'm going to put this bluntly :)15:38
DimmuxxWill the arrow icons get the new color too eventually? It looks really strange now when they are yellow and the folder icons are amber15:38
cwillu_at_workMoc, the beta isn't for your enjoyment15:38
yofelIdlehead: maybe ask again later if you have the time15:38
cwillu_at_workMoc, if you're not filing bugs and working with developers to fix them, you're just making things worse15:38
* Dr_Willis helps in here. :)15:39
Idleheadyofel, i'll do some more research in the mean time. thanks so far :)15:39
Moccwillu_at_work: I tried the other night to report them, launchpad speed was the limiting factor15:39
ubuntujenkinsDimmuxx: what arrows?15:39
sinistradcwillu_at_work, yes, but less geeky.  That didn't bring up windows by default.  I may try aptitude, perhaps it handles the meta-package differently15:40
Dimmuxxback forward etc in nautilus/firefox15:40
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, have you restarted x?15:40
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, aptitude is superior to apt-get for basically every case15:40
ubuntujenkinsDimmuxx: I see what you mean15:41
sinistradcwillu_at_work, I restarted the machine to make sure15:41
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, did it install compiz when you installed ubuntu-desktop?15:41
Dimmuxxubuntujenkins: and also the cd/dvd creator icon is the old yellow color15:41
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  that little radio app is neat. but I noticed somnthing weird.. theres like No stations  in London.. seems like there would be at least one.15:42
ubuntujenkinsDimmuxx: it does look odd, I don't know if they will change.15:43
Dimmuxxokay, I hope they do15:43
sinistradcwillu_at_work, it didn't install compiz, or even download anything new. Just re-installed the cached packages.  I did use aptitude the 2nd time around, and did a "restart gdm" Should I restart X itself, or is gdm sufficient?15:44
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, you said before that compiz was uninstalled15:44
sinistradcwillu_at_work, well, the xsession log file was complaining about compiz15:45
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, is compiz installed?15:45
sinistradI'll check.  It was before upgrade15:45
=== repete is now known as repete-afk
sinistradcwillu_at_work, OK. Now some good info.  "aptitude install compiz" reports that metacity is broken, and it wants to remove metacity and ubuntu-desktop to repair them.  It also gave me a Score of 188?15:48
cwillu_at_worksinistrad, how do you usually apply updates?15:48
sinistradapt-get update/apt-get upgrade, unless the update-manager gets it first15:48
cwillu_at_workand if your answer contains the word "apt-get", can I recommend that you use aptitude full-upgrade instead?15:49
sinistradthe upgrade to lucid was using update-manager -d15:49
cwillu_at_worknot talking about the -> lucid15:49
Tohuwdoes anyone have gnome-do working right now in lucid?15:50
sinistradcwillu_at_work, kk, Yeah.  I was a bad updater *shame*.  Aptitude from now on15:50
Tohuw(fully upgraded as of this morning, I mean)15:50
Dr_WillisTohuw:  Hmm.. Not right now.. :)15:50
ZykoticK9Tohuw, i've switched to Docky but it's working today.15:50
yofelthe usual way to install updates should be: 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade && sudo aptitude full-upgrade', or use the curses interface15:50
Dr_WillisTohuw:  installing it now.. you had an issue?15:51
yofeland compiz/metacity should be held back right now iirc15:51
yofelsinistrad: ^15:51
sinistradyofel, it offered to remove and reinstall15:51
TohuwZykoticK9: mine still isn't, getting segabrts. I've done a complete removal and purged any config files in ~/.gconf/apps, but to no avail. See bug 55883515:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558835 in do "gnome-do crashes on start with SIGABRT while executing native code" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55883515:52
yofelnot sure, I have metacity held back here (it wanted to remove metacity at first though) so waiting a few hours might be a good idea15:52
TohuwDr_Willis: see my message to ZykoticK915:52
sinistradyofel, This seems to have partially fixed it.  Now I have borders by default15:52
Dimmuxxnew metacity/compiz seems to work fine now on my netbook15:53
ZykoticK9Tohuw, are you using gnome-go for docky?  if so try installing the separate docky package and see if it works.15:53
yofelah, I'll try to update again then15:53
TohuwZykoticK9: will do15:53
Dr_Willisdocky isent even included in gnome-do any more i thought15:53
bobenthHello every one15:53
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, i didn't think so either?!15:53
Tohuw!hello | bobenth15:53
ubottubobenth: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:53
Dr_Willisgnome-do seems to be working fine here.15:54
phibxrDr_Willis: I'm running gnome-do from the 10.04 reps, and Docky is indeed included. :)15:54
Dr_WillisI got a few error messages. but thats due to  me running the netbook stuff i think15:54
Dr_Willis!info docky15:55
ubottudocky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-1~ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 596 kB, installed size 2464 kB15:55
ZykoticK9phibxr, you're right - but I doubt for much longer15:55
bobenthMy ubuntu lucid is displaying the wrong splash screen since its 1st update ( it shows "Mythubuntu" instead of the classical "ubuntu")... Does anyone heard something about that? :$15:56
ZykoticK9phibxr, not that i doubt you'll be "right" for much longer - just that docky will probably be removed from gnome-do soon :)15:57
phibxrZykoticK9: I see. :)15:57
JoshuaLim unable to enable desktop effects after todays updates..15:57
sinistradyofel, should I submit a bug for this, or was it mostly due to operator-error?15:57
=== repete-afk is now known as repete
yofelsinistrad: missing window borders?15:58
phibxrJoshuaL: Did your kernel get updated without your graphics drivers being updated perhaps?15:58
sinistradyofel, yes15:58
bobenthJoshuaL> i had the same problem15:58
ZykoticK9JoshuaL, prior to starting updates did you get a message about Partial Upgrade15:58
JoshuaLphibxr, to be honest i have no idea, im using nvidia15:58
JoshuaLZykoticK9, yes15:58
yofelsinistrad: that's known and in progress/fixed15:58
ZykoticK9JoshuaL, in future DON'T do partial upgrades15:58
cwillu_at_workI'm distressed that it took me this long to realize that aptitude could do this:  aptitude search '~RB^Ccommends:~i'15:58
bobenthJoshuaL>  try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:58
phibxrJoshuaL: So am I. Let me check if I can enable effects. The drivers are up and running, so it should be possible here at least.15:58
cwillu_at_worker, minus the random interrupt in the middle15:58
cwillu_at_workaptitude search '~RBrecommends:~i'15:59
JoshuaLZykoticK9, ill remember that for next time15:59
JoshuaLbobenth, doin gthat now, thanks15:59
sinistradyofel, ok.  Thanks for the help!16:00
sinistradcwillu_at_work, Thanks for your help as well16:00
phibxrJoshuaL: Hmm. I could enable them, but now one of my monitors got a black desktop instead. xD16:00
JoshuaLph8, odd16:00
ZykoticK9JoshuaL, FYI "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" will update everything that can be updated (without breaking your system, which is a big bonus)16:00
JoshuaLphibxr, odd16:00
JoshuaLZykoticK9, ty :)16:02
ZykoticK9JoshuaL, you only have to use above when you see Partial upgrade from Update Manager16:03
JoshuaLZykoticK9, ok16:03
bjsniderZykoticK9, i think "partial upgrade" is just a generic message that pops up whenever a deprecated package has to be removed to complete an upgrade16:03
TohuwZykoticK9: docky works, but it doesn't have the power of gnome-do, and I use that for doing most things16:03
ZykoticK9bjsnider, agreed but i can cause a lot of problems - as we've seen from compiz/metacity in the last 24 hours or so16:03
JoshuaLupdates installed and im still unable to enable desktop effects16:04
bobenthJoshuaL> I had to reboot :$16:04
ZykoticK9Tohuw, ya that's true - if you used the gnome-do parts of docky then it might not be suitable for you.  But you might want to try temporarily moving your gnome-do settings and see if that fixes gnome-do16:04
JoshuaLbobenth, ill try that :)16:05
TohuwI already have, unless there's settings somewhere else than ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-do16:05
JoshuaLback in a bit16:05
bobo123anyone else hade any problem with the help-program? I tried use the search-field in it, and when I then clicked on one of the links for heptopics it found, nothing is happening16:07
bobo123and now when i tried search for something else, it crashes16:08
ZykoticK9bjsnider, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/UsingDevelopmentReleases#Getting%20Started includes the quote: "Never do a partial upgrade, things are held back for a reason."16:09
TohuwDr_Willis: do you mind trying to install and run gnome-do and see if it works? Also, does anyone know if there are more gnome-do settings files besides in "~/.gconf/apps/gnome-do"?16:09
edgyHi, I cannot install gnucash I get errors like: The following packages have unmet dependencies:16:10
edgy  gnucash: Depends: slib (>= 3a2-5) which is a virtual package.16:10
edgy  guile-1.6-slib: Depends: slib (>= 3a2-3) which is a virtual package.16:10
ZykoticK9Tohuw, gnome-do is working on my system (in docky mode anyways)16:11
JoshuaLhmm a reboot didnt help16:11
TohuwZykoticK9: odd... i wonder what's causing these sgabrts. Also, it's looking for plugin information for plugins i selected in an old install, but i've since removed the config files!16:12
ZykoticK9Tohuw, sorry I have no insights/ideas for you.  Best of luck.16:12
tsyj2007hi what is new in 10.0416:18
nonameNNtsyj2007: u mean ubuntu 10.04?16:21
yofeltsyj2007: see the beta2 release page in the topic16:21
tsyj2007nonameNN: yes16:22
nonameNNtsyj2007: there are a lot of changes under the hood... but in the GUI its the same... new theming but not much about that... solid so far... i liked it16:22
tsyj2007nonameNN: yeah,very well16:23
tsyj2007nonameNN: i like it too16:23
mitc0185Just starting to use Lucid Beta 2... can I have the mail notifier in the upper right corner check my Gmail account? when I go to set up mail it starts the Evolution setup, and I don't want to use Evolution.16:23
nonameNNtsyj2007: but you know... linux is alwayes solid... ubuntu is just a distro... some apps may have bugs...16:24
JoshuaLthe Appearance window has to be quit by force now..16:24
JoshuaLill leave it like this and wait for another updates :)16:24
tsyj2007nonameNN: but ,if you can ,you can read the codes and modify them16:25
jdsbluedevlhi, got a new issue.  After leaving the computer on overnight, I saw that CPU usage in polkitd shot up significantly and can't be brought down.  Is there a fix to this issue?  I tried Google and Ubuntu Forums, and no luck16:25
bobenthJoshuaL> Sad to hear that i didn't solve your problem :'(16:26
tsyj2007nonameNN: nothing is always no bugs,include linux16:26
nonameNNtsyj2007: any linux distro has that benefit... im not a developer nor a programmer either... just regular user...16:26
Berzerkerall of my bars have disappeared on my windows (title bar with close/minimize/maximize on them) how do I get them back?16:26
phibxrJoshuaL: I had to kill my appearance window after activating the Desktop Effects too.16:27
ZykoticK9Is there a fix for the people who did partial upgrade recently?  or is it just a matter of "wait for the packages to be ready"?16:27
jdsbluedevlBerzerker: compiz was broken in yesterday's build.  It happened to me too.  For now, type "metacity --replace" into your terminal16:27
jdsbluedevlZykoticK9: well, excuse me for thinking that the release date of the beta meant that the whole beta was ready16:28
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:28
tsyj2007nonameNN: yes,but i majored computer in college.16:29
jdsbluedevlanyways, do you know what the matter with polkitd and CPU usage is?  It seems to be an existing problem, yet I can't find any solutions16:29
tsyj2007nonameNN: i am not too worried16:29
nonameNNtsyj2007: you could then enjoy more the Linux experience... ive just chosen what worked for me...16:31
Dr_WillisHmm how can a beta be ready when the term beta means   its a work in progress. :)16:32
jdsbluedevlDr_Willis: true, but I wasn't expecting yesterday's beta release to be a partial upgrade16:33
jdsbluedevlanyways, anyone know about the polkitd CPU hog thing?16:33
Berzerkeryeah wow it's broken16:33
Berzerkerany word on a fix?16:33
Dr_Willisi upgraded here with no issues.. but i also only update/upgrade about every 3 days.  I did update/upgrade yesterday and it worked this morning.16:34
Dr_WillisI find it wise to always have a backup window manager installed :)16:34
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, it all depends on HOW you are upgrading that determines if you have an issue or not.16:34
JoshuaLphibxr, i wonder how i can fix this issue16:35
jdsbluedevlBerzerker: yeah, I wish I knew.  That and how the lock screen came on by default after waking my monitor16:35
jdsbluedevlBerzerker: also, compiz is ready for today's release.  Type sudo aptitude install compiz16:36
jdsbluedevlmake sure one of the packages being installed is compiz-gnome16:36
Berzerkerjdsbluedevl: can I enable it without a restart? (and yes, one of them was)16:37
funkyHatHas anyone filed a bug about metacity's appearance when the window only has a close button?16:37
phibxrJoshuaL: Did your desktop effects get activated, or did your appearance window just freeze?16:37
jdsbluedevloh, of course right after updating your package list16:37
jdsbluedevlooh, I don't know.  I just restarted16:37
phibxrfunkyHat: I hope so, because it does look pretty crap. :)16:37
JoshuaLphibxr, the window just froze, it even disabled my effects (i had them enabled before the updates)16:37
jdsbluedevlI also want to test the whole polkitd thing after a boot16:37
Dr_WillisfunkyHat:  its been complained about at several news/ubuntu blogging sites16:37
andybhow do you remove the little envelope icon in the top right?16:38
phibxrJoshuaL: Have you gone through the usual routine of checking if direct rendering is enabled and your drivers are running fine?16:38
lucitufresh b2 install. firefox won't start16:38
funkyHatWhat's the name of the theme package?16:38
funkyHatNever mind, it's light-themes16:39
lucitugetting xml parsing error: undefined entity16:39
JoshuaLphibxr, i have disabled the driver for now, ill do those steps and see if direct rendering is working :)16:39
phibxrJoshuaL: Righty. Good luck. :)16:39
lucitulocation: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul16:39
Dr_Willisandyb:  did you check the links i mentioned at http:delicious.com/dr_willis - I recall bookmarking a guide on doing that16:39
Dr_Willisandyb:  oops  http://delicious.com/dr_willis16:40
andybDr_Willis:  working my way through them.16:40
billybigriggerandyb, have you tried the right click "remove from panel" ???16:40
lucitu<window id="main_window" -- looks like complaining of the '<'16:40
andybbillybigrigger, doing so makes me lose the volume control applet which is also in that area16:40
Dr_Willisandyb:  the envelope is part of another applet - the 2 icons are from the same applet. Nasically you remove it  but you lose the volume controll i recall16:40
ZykoticK9andyb, uninstall indicator-messages16:40
arandfunkyHat: a long time ago, afaik, and on metacity I think, I think it also was fixed just recently..16:40
funkyHatarand: it is not fixed16:41
jdsbluedevlyes, I still have polkitd CPU issues after a reboot16:41
funkyHatarand: unless it's not released yet16:41
arandfunkyHat: Yea, just noticed..16:41
arandfunkyHat: I think https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/1:2.30.0-0ubuntu1 is supposed to fix it, but yea, it seems like it's been pulled back from the repos dues to the breakage of compiz.16:43
jdsbluedevlyou know, it's really annoying me that such a major problem as a CPU hog is getting very low attention in the Ubuntu Forums16:43
JoshuaLi reinstalled the nvidia driver and direct rendering is enabled16:44
andybWhomever suggested removing the indicator-applet package was dead on.  Thanks.16:44
ZykoticK9andyb, :)16:45
yofeljdsbluedevl: nothing uses cpu without reason, but i'm not very good at debugging those cases, maybe you could attach strace to the process and check what it does?16:45
ZykoticK9andyb, doesn't that remove volume control as well?16:45
andybhad to reboot to see a reload or i'd have remembered the name.  ;)16:45
andybNope, the volume control is retained.  woohoo.16:45
arandfunkyHat: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/535088 btw16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535088 in metacity "Metacity bug when using background for buttons" [Low,Fix released]16:45
edgyAny one able to install gnucahs?!16:46
ZykoticK9andyb, just for future it isn't indicator-applet, it's indicator-messages that removes only the email icon16:46
andybhrm.  now i've got two volume controls, because I added one prior ;)16:46
andybZykoticK9, you're right :)  didn't remember the right name in my excitement.16:46
yofeljdsbluedevl: strace shows system calls of an app, might help if you don't know what the application does all the time16:47
jdsbluedevlok, so strace polkit-gnome?16:47
ZykoticK9andyb, just right click remove one16:47
funkyHatarand: bug #532224 if you're interested16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532224 in light-themes "[ambiance, radiance] no rounding when window has no maximise icon" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53222416:47
yofeljdsbluedevl: is the process running right now?16:47
jdsbluedevlthe process is polkitd, but strace isn't picking that up16:47
andybZykoticK9, did.  playing with it a bit now. :P  is there a way to reload my x session without rebooting?16:47
jdsbluedevlnot polkit-gnome either16:47
ZykoticK9andyb, restart gdm "sudo services gdm restart" - will log you out mind you16:48
phibxrfunkyHat: I just checked by opening Gimp, and the issue with the one button is fixed in Beta 2. :)16:48
yofeljdsbluedevl: try 'sudo strace -p $(pidof polkitd)'16:48
ZykoticK9andyb, sorry it's service not services16:48
jdsbluedevlyofel: how long is the readout supposed to run?16:49
jdsbluedevlit doesn't seem like it's ever going to end16:49
andybyou can alternately use gnome-indicator-control-applet for volume control, but it's not as pretty really.16:49
jdsbluedevlas a matter of fact, I'm wondering whether it's looping16:49
yofeljdsbluedevl: as long as the application runs, it does real-time monitoring, can you pastebin a part of it? (you can quit strace with ctrl+c)16:50
yofeljdsbluedevl: well, looping might be a reason  for wasting cpu time16:50
andybMust say, it feels like getting 10.04 to do what i want it to do seems harder than the past.  Must just be used to the old setup.16:51
FishsceneI have to admit, I like the new themes for 10.0416:51
FishsceneIt seems to add a level of refinement that wasn't there before.16:52
jdsbluedevlyofel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411666/16:52
funkyHatphibxr: you're right. I hadn't restarted metacity since the last round of updates16:52
yofelandyb: ubuntu tries to get a sane default for everybody at the cost of customization ability, if that's good or bad I don't know, I use Kubuntu16:52
virtualdubottu: help16:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:52
phibxrfunkyHat: Hehe. I'm happy to see it fixed. I noticed a few days ago when I started Gimp and thought 'damn, this doesn't look good'. :P16:52
boournsany idea why new windows are not opening on top in lucid?16:52
ZykoticK9Fishscene, personally i don't like the new themes much - but I do think they are a good thing to encourage Ubuntu adoption (just sayin')16:52
jdsbluedevlyofel: and yes, it appears from the readout that it is looping16:52
andybyofel:  i agree, and it helps make things more passable for most.  Just seems like a limited or more difficult curve for customizing16:52
Dr_Willisboourns:  ive noticed some windows opening below their parents also.16:54
virtualdanyone know if ubottu can search launchpad for me and message me the results?16:54
FishsceneI've never really checked into it, but are there other themes that can be downloaded and used? Say, something a bit more for corporate taste?16:54
andybFishscene, what, no more naked lady themes? :P16:54
boournsDr_Willis, I have 2 machines that i upgraded, i notice it consistantly on both.  when i open a program, or get a popup window in chrome16:54
yofeljdsbluedevl: it seems to re-check something all the time, but I'm clueless what exactly, can you run 'tail -n ~/.xsession-errors' and see if it prints something there?16:54
Dr_Willistheres dozens of not hunderds/1000's of themes out there. :)16:54
phibxrOn a very unrelated matter, I had issues booting the Beta 2-install CD. Tried several of the CDs and even burned them on several computers after md5-checking them, still they stopped at the Ubuntu-logo with orange dots beneath. Didn't matter much to me since I just updated my Beta 1, but testing the updated installer would have been interesting.16:55
yofeljdsbluedevl: err, sorry, tail -f16:55
avisdid i hear ubuntu dropped support for ATI cards, what i mean is, not just the really old ones ?  or that support was lacking from AMD ?16:55
Fishscenephibxr: That's the problem I had with Beta 1. Turns out it's not updating grub or something like that and the kernel can't read the filesystem. If you press "esc" during the boot sequence, it will tell you the exact error16:55
jdsbluedevljust tail -f or tail -f ~/.xsession-errors ?16:55
Dr_Willisavis:  actually its ATI dropping support for a lot of their cards.16:56
yofeljdsbluedevl: latter16:56
avisFishscene, its left shift you hold down under invisible grub2 to access the menu16:56
avisi think anyway16:56
jdsbluedevlyofel: ok, tried that, getting something about the gnome-settings-daemon failing to connect16:56
avisDr_Willis, oh wow that is very sad16:56
Dr_Willisavis:  more and more cards gettting dropped from the fglrx and moved in to the ati/radeon driver16:56
FishsceneI had this problem last night and fixed it by running: "sudo apt-get remove grub-pc" and then running "sudo apt-get install grub-pc". But that wasn't on a live disk - only upgrading from 9.1016:56
Dr_WillisI gave up on ati ages ago.. glad i did16:56
jdsbluedevlyofel: and trying to reconnect16:56
phibxrFishscene: It shouldn't really be trying to access Grub if it's booting from a CD, but I'll look into that later.16:57
avisthank you Dr_Willis16:57
FallenSparrowok dont mean to be a tool but how stable is teh new insatll16:57
yofeljdsbluedevl: maybe it failed for some reason, but I don't know where to look next...16:57
Fishsceneah- didn't realize it was booting off the CD - I thought after installation.16:57
andybFallenSparrow, hasn't crashed yet. ;P16:57
Dr_WillisFallenSparrow:  ive heard the installer has a few issues in the b2 release.. but not tried it.16:57
yofeljdsbluedevl: guess I would just reboot if you don't have any critical reason not to16:57
FallenSparrowbasically all i do is newsgroups, movies, tv, music16:58
Tohuwhorray, Do works again for me: bug 55883516:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558835 in do "gnome-do crashes on start due to corrupt YouTube plugin settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55883516:58
jdsbluedevlyofel: rebooting doesn't fix it16:58
yofeljdsbluedevl: or re-login should be enough16:58
FallenSparrowdual boot with windows on ssd16:58
yofeljdsbluedevl: oh? odd...16:58
Dr_WillisTohuw:  hmm.. it worked for me without any tweaking.. but that may be because this upgraded/user had some older gnome-do settings allready there16:58
yofeljdsbluedevl: well, I'm out of ideas, sorry16:58
jdsbluedevlyofel: well, damn16:59
TohuwDr_Willis: many of the setting seem to live somewhere else that I still haven't found, and that was the root of my problem16:59
jdsbluedevlI guess I'll try to post the loop to the same forum message I posted16:59
Dr_WillisTohuw:  during beta testing i often totally clean out all my user settings to see how good things default. :)17:00
FallenSparrowrepair  gruyb17:00
FallenSparrowwrong chan17:01
MocReinstalling my pc was my idea.17:01
TohuwDr_Willis: same here, wish i knew where those settings were ;)17:01
Mocwrong window... not funny without the context17:01
Dr_Willis.config or .gco* proberly :)17:02
andybok, wish me luck.  guess it's time for a partial upgrade :\17:02
Tohuwandyb, update your sources and you should be ok now17:02
Tohuwlast night, not so much17:02
andybwant to say i installed this either yesterday or a day prior17:02
Dr_WillisTohuw:  seem to be some (sstem wide defaults?) in ->  `/apps/gnome-do/preferences/Do/CorePreferences/QuietStart'17:03
TohuwDr_Willis: yep, saw that, but it's the only default schema for gnome-do, and this isn't default: removing ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-do completely does not remove docky preferences or what plugins are selected and many of their settings17:04
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
Dr_Willisone of these days i need to explore how to change the default gnome settings for all users.17:05
sinistradI have an odd problem. At the login screen, my mouse is invisible. As I move it around, the things I mouse over, seem to light up. I can hit enter and get the password prompt, and log in, once the login screen falls away, the mouse is visible again.17:06
Dr_WillisSaw a guide yesterday on geting UNR working right with ubuntu-desktop  and stuff.. and now i got some odd settings set and locked.17:06
=== bigjb is now known as bigjb_gone
Dr_Willis Encountered error setting GConf key Do/CorePreferences/QuietStart: Can't overwrite existing read-only value:17:07
Dr_Willisseems i locked down some gconf stuff.. or somthing. :)17:07
Dr_WillisTesting out using the Netbook Interface on my Desktop Machines.17:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Dr_WillisHas anyone noticed some quirks with Okular - I go to change file default appliations and Okular is listed in the list like 10 times.. In alacarte its also shown in the menus like 10 times.. (all unchecked so they dont appear in the menus)17:12
jmfthevciAnyone noticed that the MeMenu shutdown/reboot or the standard System>Shutdown options don't actually take effect sometimes?17:12
jmfthevciI quite often have to do: sudo shutdown -h now to get the system to stop17:12
SiegfriedIs there something wrong with image libraries on Lucid? I've taken screenshots with the gnome tool, no windows users can view them, converted to jpeg with gimp/imagick/xpaint, no windows user can view them17:13
Siegfriedjmfthevci, i actually don't remember of using shutdown, it actually crashes before i can do it :P17:14
Dr_Willisjmfthevci:  not seen that issue. I do notice some options do not appear if you use kdm to run gnome.. or gdm to run KDE..17:15
AirellsHi have you noticed a little problems with  X  ?  When X are going to start there is only  Black screen or screen with noise SS of last using os with GUI ?  Both Kubuntu 10.4b2 ubuntu 10.4b1  , nvidia 102m  asus k50in ,  i have no tested others beta17:15
Airellsshortly : i see only one screen shot from i bet graphics memory instead of gui17:16
OxymoronCould someone explain this for me (From Konsole command "dragon" output when starting dragonplayer):17:18
OxymoronBus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address.17:18
OxymoronIBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon17:18
Dr_Willisibus is a way for programs to talk to eachother.17:19
arandAirells: That is a problem in the kernel nouveau drivers I think, I'm seeing that as well, but not on the nvidia blob. YOu do succeed to get into DE after that?17:19
Dr_Willisthe ibus daemonis not  running.. if the player works.. its not really an issue17:19
Airellsarand sorry my english fails , what does "DE " mean ?17:20
avisnouveau is literally becoming the new standard, even though its reverse engineered ?17:20
kubuku_Airells: Desktop Environment17:20
arandAirells: sorry, desktop environment, gnome or kde, that is, the desktop.17:20
Airellsnah, screen sreen is freezy17:20
Airellscould change anything even go to tui17:21
Airellsi see splash and after that that freezy screen instead of gui17:21
arandavis: indeed, especially since nvidia just dumped the nv driver saying "nah, let them use vesa untill they can don'oad the real stuff from our homepage and get the real driver."17:22
yofelAirells: maybe try to add 'nomodeset' to the kernel line in grub?17:22
yofelAirells: if you're using the default driver with your nvidia card17:22
avisarand, oh wow it sounds like ati and nvidia are both awful17:22
Airellsi dont know what i am using just put CD into cd rom and try to start it , ok i will try add nomodest17:23
andybthe nvidia driver takes some... finesse :\17:23
avisat least ubuntu has the ability to use their driver though i think i recall hearing it cannot be installed on lucid (the official installer)17:23
yofelwell, nouveau is still quite new and actually quite good for that, let's see how 3d support will play out17:23
arandavis: Of course, did you think otherwise? Are you new to GNU/Linux by any chance? :D17:24
avisarand, no, i've been with ubuntu since the beginning :)17:24
avisarand, i simply don't know certain things :)17:24
yofelavis: then you should know that we always had the nvidia driver available in the repository17:24
avisyofel, indeed i do, and that'll be fine.17:24
Dr_Willisati made a lot of promises... and sort of  dissapointed people.17:25
yofelavis: and using the driver from nvidia might work, but you'll never be able to remove it again17:25
avisDr_Willis, it sounds like they were truely disappointing :/17:25
arandavis: I've been able to use both nouveau and nvidia blog in lucid on my machine, but then again, this graphics card has simply been no less than three for me.17:25
Dr_Willisavis:  yes.. :) i was just being VERY VERY VERY nice..17:25
yofelavis: and you'll have to rebuild it yourself on ever kernel update etc... too much work, use the package17:25
bobo123whenn I still used the default driver in 10.04beta1 (noveau) I coun't set higher resolution than 1024x768, should I report that bug somwhere?17:25
yofelbobo123: if possible can you use nouveau again and at that time run 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-nouveau' ?17:26
yofelbobo123: that will add necessary debugging information for the X team17:27
bobo123btw, which one of the nvidia driver should I select of the 3 in the dialogbox? "(version 173)",  "(version 96)" or  "(version current)"  they have the same descrotiption17:28
arandbobo123: to revert back to nouveau, simply disable the nvidia blob through the hardware drivers dialogue..17:28
Airellscould i add nomodeset from grub menu ? ( there is "e" to edit ) ?17:28
yofelbobo123: it should recommend one17:28
yofelAirells: yes, add it to the line that begins with kernel ...17:28
arand"(version current) [reccomended]" is presumably reccommended..17:29
bobo123hmm yes "version current" says [Rekommenderad] after. so I guess I should select that one instead. What version is that? I guess it have a number too? and why are there 3 versions? is one of them a beta-driver (the 173?) and 96 is previous version and current is the latest non-beta?17:29
avisi'll try that one17:29
bobo123yofel: ok I try that ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-nouveau later17:30
avisi'm actually running that one17:30
avisi'm good17:30
trismbobo123: there are several versions because support for older cards is eventually removed from the latest driver, but they maintain older drivers so those cards will still work17:31
yofelbobo123: no, current is current stable [195.15.36] and the other are legacy drivers for older cards17:31
yofelerr... 195.36.1517:31
AirellsOOkk it works good with nomodeset  <<< so "new graphic  drivers" are a little shitty ?17:32
bobo123trism: aha...... someone should update the descriptions so that info is in it. perhaps even what cards are not supported (in '173' and 'current' i guess)17:32
bobo123yofel:  aha17:33
bjsniderbobo123, what graphics card?17:34
bobo123yofel: I assume that if I have selected "current" then ubuntus updatemanager upgrade me to later version when nvidia releases a new?17:34
trismbobo123: wouldn't be a bad idea, there is a list here http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html17:34
yofelbobo123: that would be a rather long list... and it will recommend the newest one that supports your card17:34
bobo123bjsnider: I have nivida 7600GS17:34
bjsnideruse nvidia-current17:35
bjsniderBoboubuntu will not be adding new nvidia drivers in the official repos. you will be able to get them from ppas17:35
Dr_WillisBoBoBuntu :)17:35
Dr_WillisSounds like a Pro Wrestler.17:36
Dr_WillisI recall sp3ending a few hrs trying to figure out why nvidia drivers dident work after i changed cards oncce..17:36
yofelbjsnider: are we going to at least see 195.XX in -updates?17:36
Dr_Willisthe card i had used a different version  then the card i replaced it with.. took me forever to realize that17:36
* bobo123 must resist urge to create a new ubuntu derivate calle Bobobuntu :-)17:36
Dr_WillisSo it pays to learn what versions are for what cards17:37
yofelbjsnider: backports? or only in the updates ppa?17:37
ubuntuupgrading from 9.01 I had a HD power failure at the last moment and GRUB wasnt' updated, can't boot from HD now, I'm booting from Pendrive on 9.01 I an see the HD and its accesable, how can I fix the GRUB?17:37
bjsnideryofel, no17:37
Dr_Willisubuntu:  with the proper commands you can reinstall grub. - IF that was the only thing that got broke when the power failed17:37
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:37
Dr_WillisYou need to figure out if you are using grub1 or 2 for starters17:38
bobo123Yeah about grub(2).... I installed a second copy of ubuntu (that I dont use) when my windows-fiddling destroyed the grub-menu for this one.... so now that second ubuntu have the grubmenu. How do I get the grubmenu back to hits ubuntu-installation?17:39
bjsniderwhat is the nature of the compiz bug right now?17:40
bobo123so I can delete the other one I mean17:40
Airellsk thx for help17:40
erryFix ati driver in 10.04 so the screen doesnt flicker like crazy.17:44
bobo123I looked at the nvidia-list there...  I have an old computer with GeForce2GTS somewhere, if I installed ubuntu on that, would it select the version 71 driver for me or would it let the user select 173/96/current (and nothing would work after that) ?17:46
yofelnot sure, 71 doesn't support the current X version anymore17:48
billybigriggerlol @ erry17:48
billybigriggerexactly why dev-releases shouldn't be open to the public17:49
OxymoronBut the dragonplayer doesnt work Dr_willis thats the thing :P17:49
arandbillybigrigger: I disagree with "shouldn't be open", but rather "shouldn't be hyped and touted as the primary download from the homepage"17:50
yofelOxymoron: the ibus error shouldn't be the issue though, and you can always start the ibus daemon by hand to test it17:51
billybigriggerarand, i'll agree to that :)17:52
arandBut then again, it may be that it does fix bug1 at the end...17:53
bobo123yofel: aha ok.17:56
yofelI doubt that novice users using and unfinished version of ubuntu and being disappointed will fix bug1...17:56
rippsAll of a sudden, after updates this morning, Xorg has been using way too much cpu usage. It's causing pulseaudio music from mpd to stutter it's so bad. I don't even have to be doing anything or have any apps open for sound to stutter. Is anybody else experiencing this?17:58
rippsIt's still around even after reboot17:58
Fishscenewow that's weird. I installed some gstreamer codecs and it uninstalled my video converter.17:58
robertzaccourhow do i change the color of the window borders?17:59
bjsniderbobo123, you can select whatever driver you want, but none of them are guaranteed to work17:59
Oxymoronyofel: Yes it works by manual test, but still Dragonplayer doesnt work. You rememeber when I isntalled ibus right? Then Dragonplayer worked awhile but then suddenly after a update or two it doesnt work again and same error as before.17:59
robertzaccouri changed the theme and now the wireless icon won't change back to default theme look18:00
yofelOxymoron: yes, but I'm as clueless as you what the reason might be, I have never had *that* many issues with video playback18:00
bobo123bjsnider: whould be wonderfull if ubuntu told the user what to (not) select, so the user don't have to know :-)18:00
Oxymoronyofel: I dont know myself either I have tried like everything and my video card works, glxgear and all that works perfectly and so on.18:01
TomTomgood evening, beta-2 is out. but it seems that still no sun-jdk is supported? how to get a sun-jdk going on lucid-server ?18:01
ZykoticK9TomTom, add the partner repo18:01
TomTomZykoticK9: which one?18:02
ZykoticK9TomTom, i believe there is only one18:02
Oxymoronyofel: Its only Kaffeine and Dragonplayer as far as I know. Strange is that it works by running xine and mplayer in temrinal ...18:02
robertzaccourok fixed it18:02
yofelhuh? now dragon only skipst through a file here instead of playing it o.O18:02
robertzaccournow how do i change the color of the window borders?18:02
Oxymoronyofel: Weird, for me it plays the file with sound but cant render video window.18:02
yofeloh wait, I don't have libxine1-ffmpeg installed ^^18:03
ZykoticK9TomTom, you don't need the Source one, just the regular partner one18:03
robertzaccourthis is a question that I don't know and is being ignored most likely because its deemed a "stupid question" i suppose18:04
yofelrobertzaccour: not all of us use gnome for one thing, and I have no idea how to change the color of window borders18:04
guntbertrobertzaccour: most questions are not really ignored - there is probably no one who knows an answer :)18:05
robertzaccouryofel, what makes you think i use gnome?18:05
robertzaccourguntbert, oh ok18:05
yofelrobertzaccour: if you don't say anything, we always assume you use gnome, as that's the most used DE here18:05
yofelbut I don't know how to do it in KDE either, except change the border theme18:06
aviscould a geforce 6800 play adobe flash videos ?18:08
yofelavis: it should I think, as long as you have the flash player installed18:10
robertzaccourwhat differences are there between gnome and xfce on a 64 bit?18:10
Oxymoronyofel: ffmpeg is installed for me though18:11
yofelgnome and xfce are different desktop environments, and there shouldn't be any difference between the 32 and 64 bit version18:11
Oxymoronyofel: Its weird it istn say anything either it jsut plays file with a transparent window18:11
robertzaccouryofel, i get what you mean. i do use gnome, but seemed like you were saying almost no one uses somethin else sorry18:11
robertzaccouryofel, i mean performance wise18:11
yofelcan't say really, I don't use xfce frequently enough18:12
OxymoronI got this all the time:18:13
OxymoronBus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address.18:13
OxymoronIBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon18:13
Oxymoronibus-daemon is running or should anyway.18:13
robertzaccouri remember before lucid changing window border colors was in the theme menu18:14
Oxymoronyofel: And isnt ibus gnome specific?18:15
yofelOxymoron: no, ibus can be used by gtk and qt418:16
Oxymoronyofel: Well it sure updated both ibus-gtk and ibus-qt4 yesterday :P18:17
Oxymoronyofel: I started ibus-daemon and got the icon in systray and then go to settings and check input modes and nothing is in the list? :S18:19
TomTomZykoticK9: thanks, you made my evening. why there is no "announcement" attached to the bug? they just say need packaging/fixed18:20
ZykoticK9TomTom, I wasn't even aware there was a bug about it...18:20
yofelOxymoron: in the input methods I have 'English - ispell (m17n)' only18:20
Oxymoronyofel: I have nothing xD And whats input methods in ibus anyway? :P18:21
yofelodd thing is when I start the settings it gives me the 'ibus not started' error box twice o.O18:21
yofelOxymoron: no idea :D18:21
Oxymoronyofel: Seem to be a bug in ibus I guess because I saw it being updated today and yesterday. Then now with Beta2 released they have sure been updated more htings :P18:22
yofelnot really, there were almost no updates the last 2-3 days, all those new updates are post-beta2freeze18:24
thevishyi did a pxe install , and managed to install a system thought a bit broken . during pxe installation it failed during apt installation of ubuntu as a desktop option ....and hence seems like apt installation was incomplete18:25
thevishyso now I see only the prompt ... i need to use apt to install the system as a usable desktop with GUI18:25
schmukkkdoes lucid work with poulsbo, aka gma500?18:26
spschmukkk: from what I've read so far: no18:26
schmukkkwhen will it?18:26
kklimondano idea18:27
schmukkkmaybe I could upgrade all but kernel, xserver?18:27
thevishydo guys get my issue ?18:27
spsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-psb/+bug/33090618:27
kklimondaschmukkk: not really18:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330906 in xserver-xorg-video-psb "MASTER: GMA-500 lacks driver for 8.10 and 9.10 (poulsbo works only on 8.04 and 9.04)" [Wishlist,Won't fix]18:27
schmukkkcanonical released a official netbook with gma50018:28
schmukkkand now they are dropping it?18:28
schmukkkthat is pretty sloppy18:28
kklimondathevishy: install ubuntu-desktop package, it should pull the rest18:28
Oxymoronyofel: Alright, I dont really know but its a lot with ibus, dragon, xserver and video related things updated18:28
spschmukkk: canonical has never ever released hardware18:28
yofelschmukkk: we don't want to drop it, intel doesn't have a new driver that works18:28
schmukkkdell released a 8.04 netbook with gma50018:28
nonameNNdid any one have problems with openoffice spreadsheet and compiz?18:28
schmukkkyofel, that is true18:28
spschmukkk: also, it's Intel who are to blame, for not being able to provide a driver working with a more recent X server and/or kernel18:28
schmukkksp, yes18:28
spschmukkk: have a look at the bug report I pointed you to, details inside18:29
schmukkkand I should have done my research before buying it18:29
schmukkkbut i though, its intel, it will work18:29
spschmukkk: I'm owner of a psb device though, had the same assumption and am stuck on 9.10 for now too18:29
kklimondawell, in my opinion it's the biggest scam of this decade ;)18:29
schmukkksupposedly it is getting worked on in mailline18:30
nonameNNwhen i play presentations on Oo they appear in the side of the screen... not even maximized....18:30
spthat's true... I don't know why Intel gave their rather good brand name for a device that is neither theirs nor one they have control over the driver code18:31
spwhich is a schame18:31
schmukkkcause the other gma's work great on line18:31
nonameNNsorry its not Oo spreadsheet if presentation18:32
schmukkknow i just need an ARM netbook....18:32
schmukkkthey are taking forever18:32
schmukkkand the netwalker is too expensive18:32
nikolamHow one can send bug report when he can not log in to system after installation18:41
k1llm3kw1kI have been having a very strange issue with xorg in 10.04 Beta1 / Beta218:42
k1llm3kw1kit seems to go 8-bit and tile randomly and artifact18:42
k1llm3kw1k9.10 worked perfect18:42
nonameNNhey does any one know how to fix a problem with openoffice presentation, when i click on play i can still see the gnome panels...18:43
k1llm3kw1kI tried removing my xorg config and also tried to use the oss radeon driver and the fglrx one18:44
k1llm3kw1kusually the web triggers the effect. Sometime locking then unlocking removes artifacts...not always though18:44
dr3mrodoes the fn+vol up and down key stuck in Amilo laptop fixed in lucid lynx18:45
k1llm3kw1kGraphics:  Card ATI RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] X.Org 1.6.4 Res: 1366x768@60.0hz18:49
k1llm3kw1k           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI R300 (RS690 791F) 20090101 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE2 NO-TCL GLX Version 1.5 Mesa 7.6 Direct Rendering Yes18:49
bobenthMy ubuntu lucid is displaying the wrong splash screen since its 1st update ( it shows "Mythubuntu" instead of the classical "ubuntu")... Does anyone heard something about that? :$19:00
quellhorstis there a list of whats new in ubuntu 10.x?19:01
phibxrThis is interesting. When receiving a new mail, the letter-icon up by the systray will only be green on the desktop where Evolution was opened if you're running with dual monitors, even if both desktops have the icon. I guess it's due to both desktops running in separate X-sessions or something? :)19:04
ZykoticK9bobenth, this is a bug somewhere, but i can't find it :(  a number of people where running into this mythbuntu plymouth on non-mythbuntu machines - i'm still searching for bug19:06
ZykoticK9bobenth, sorry i can't find anything relevant - don't think Bug #550237 applies...  sorry.19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550237 in plymouth "[lucid] update to lucid shows as mythbuntu and doesn't work" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55023719:10
ZykoticK9bobenth, actually the steps documented at the top of that bug are probably what you need :)19:11
Berzerker-is it safe to upgrade now if we want to keep compiz?19:12
thevishywhat is the lucid beta 1 official site19:13
thevishyrather mirror site19:13
thevishywhere wil the directoyu /pool be19:13
bobenthThank you so much ZykoticK9 and ubottu , i ll try that :)19:15
hhlphi 'm trying to update from karmic to lucid with update-manager -d but i dont have any new version message what can i do ?19:18
avishhlp, i heard that was not the proper way to upgrade some other method was preferred19:18
aahjust installed lucid; the indicator applet doesn't allow me to tell empathy I'm available (though it does allow me to say I'm offline).  Anyone else seeing this?19:20
ZykoticK9aah, try setting yourself as available in empathy and see if the me menu updates19:21
kklimondahhlp: what is the output of "grep -i prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" ?19:21
hhlpkklimonda, prompt=lts19:22
kklimondahhlp: it should be normal19:22
aahZykoticK9, it does.  but in karmic I could go on / offline with the applet -- in lucid I can only go off.19:22
aah(options are greyed out, not even clickable)19:22
hhlpkklimonda, ep but no new version message19:22
ZykoticK9aah, i'm not sure man - i just remember someone else being able to set status from empathy...  i don't really use empathy or memenu myself.  hope you find a fix.19:23
TommyThaGunthere is a screen full of the same error when I boot ubuntu19:23
TommyThaGunwhere is the log for that?19:23
acusterhey all, how do we enable focus-follows-mouse ?19:23
aahZykoticK9, kk, thanks.  there goes support avenue #1 down the drain.  :P19:24
kklimondahhlp: try changing prompt to Prompt19:24
acusterah, got it19:24
phibxracuster: Most likely not the right channel to ask that in, I think. But at least you've got it working now, I take it. :)19:25
bobenthThank you so much ZykoticK9 , it works!!! :)19:25
ZykoticK9bobenth, glad you got it working.19:25
TommyThaGunSorry, let me ask my question in one line: I have an error when I load ubuntu that goes by way to fast to read what it is. Where would I find the log files with those errors?19:26
phibxrTommyThaGun: There is a boot.log in /var/boot. I don't know if that's what you're looking for though. :)19:27
hhlpkklimonda, this work great  thxs19:28
TommyThaGunI guess I'll see in a sec19:28
phibxrTommyThaGun: Eh. /var/log, I mean.19:28
TommyThaGunphibxr, that doesn't contain it19:29
phibxrTommyThaGun: Then I'm out of ideas, I don't know much about log files. :)19:29
ZykoticK9What package are installer bugs filed under?19:30
kklimondaZykoticK9: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage19:30
ZykoticK9kklimonda, ubiquity - thank you19:32
TommyThaGunfound it in a different log19:33
TommyThaGunI get a screen full of something resembling this "end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0" when I load19:33
kklimondait sounds like either damaged disc or cd drive19:34
TommyThaGunit might be the cd drive19:34
TommyThaGunlet me pop that out and reboot to test that theory19:34
TommyThaGunthe cd in it is scratched like crazy19:34
bcurtiswx_laptopwhat package allows you to re-calibrate your touchscreen on your laptop?19:34
bcurtiswx_laptopor command..19:35
* maxb swears at compiz' refusal to allow a window spread across multiple monitors, and runs metacity --replace19:36
TommyThaGunthat resolved it19:37
TommyThaGunI took that disk out19:37
TommyThaGunnext question: why do I get about 10 of these errors in my log file every time I boot? "Apr  9 14:35:53 spidersense init: kdm main process ended, respawning19:39
TommyThaGunApr  9 14:35:53 spidersense init: kdm main process (1182) terminated with status 1"19:39
TommyThaGunWhen I don't use KDM19:39
TommyThaGunor have k installed at all19:39
TommyThaGunno one?19:46
VoJeWhere do i have to go to get some help with moonlight?19:47
kklimondaVoJe: try #moonlight @ gimpnet19:48
VoJethank you!§19:49
idiotequehi im unable to get the ATI Drivers working for my onboard 420019:49
idiotequeany suggestions? ;)19:50
raphaHi all!19:51
raphaIs there any way to get the HTMLValidator plugin to work in Lucid?19:51
idiotequeany ATI DRIVERS that may work with 4200 for lucid? :( please help... i've been struggling for hours now...19:52
NinoScriptHi! I'm quite sure this is a stupid question, but I want to be sure :P The alpha 3 has the latest, the beta 2 *should* be more stable, right?19:52
danyRNinoScript, right. we're in a much more advanced state of the development cycle19:53
danyReverything is pretty much tested, by npw19:53
psusiNinoScript: that sentence did not parse... has the latest what?19:53
psusiNinoScript: beta 2 is newer than beta 1 is newer than alpha 319:53
NinoScriptpsusi: mmm… stuff?19:53
NinoScriptpsusi: So, the latest version is the beta, not the alpha?19:54
psusiNinoScript: of course... betas always come after alphas19:55
raphaAnybody using HTMLValidator at all under Ubuntu?19:55
idiotequeeverything is crashing under lucid for me... :S is it also a display driver problem?19:56
NinoScriptpsusi: :O, I thought it was something like… we're almost stable, let's name it beta 2, now, let's try newer things that could break things, let's name it alpha 3. I guess it was a good idea to ask :P19:56
idiotequeany ATI DRIVERS that may work with 4200 for lucid? :( please help... i've been struggling for hours now...19:57
jordanli just did a fresh beta2 install and got this error when trying to boot: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/6d00675b-3a30-4f66-b980-bd23e2fa44ae does not exist.19:58
jordanli booted from the livecd in rescue mode and am now in a chroot19:58
raphaAnother question, how to get libstdc++ 5 in Lucid? Is there a Repo that has these old compat libs?19:58
jordanlcan anyone help me poke at some internals to try fo find the cause?19:58
Joeseph64I delted the "me menu" off gnome panel. How do I get it back?19:59
idiotequeam i the only one whose using ATI or this channel is dead? :(19:59
ZykoticK9Joeseph64, i believe the memenu is called "indicator applet session"20:00
Joeseph64ZykoticK9: That's confusing.  I figured it would be called "Me Menu".20:01
Joeseph64ZykoticK9: But that is what it is.20:01
joaopinto_per chance anyone had a corrupted filesystem to see the recovery options :P ?20:01
ZykoticK9Joeseph64, you want really unclear -- alt+tab is called Next Window in compiz, in keyboard shortcuts it's called "Move between windows, using a popup window"20:02
Joeseph64ZykoticK9: That's funny.20:03
idiotequeany ATI DRIVERS that may work with 4200 for lucid? :( please help... i've been struggling for hours now...20:04
ZykoticK9idioteque, if someone has an answer for you - i'm sure they'll speak up (mainly nvidia/intel in this channel i believe)20:05
TommyThaGunQuestion: Is there a way to reconfigure gnome's appearance to the default upon installation? I upgraded from karmic and made tons of alterations to it when in Karmic... I'm curious how it is upon a fresh install of lucid.20:05
ZykoticK9TommyThaGun, i'd recommend creating a new user to see/test20:05
b_how to install GYACHI in LUCID BETA since SH is not workin!!!... Anyone plz  help?20:06
TommyThaGunoh yeah, great idea20:06
TommyThaGunthanks ZykoticK920:06
ZykoticK9TommyThaGun, glad to help20:06
guntbert!shout | b_20:07
ubottub_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:07
Fishscenesh worked perfectly fine for me.20:08
b_@ubot caps was accidently on,.. sorry20:08
b_i do open with sh on gyachi n nothin happens20:09
idiotequeeverything is crashing for me... all the programs... almost... all! :S could this be a display driver problem?20:10
b_is there any other iIM with YAHOO CAM N VOICE N CHATROOMS??20:11
kklimondab_: you are still shouting...20:12
b_im noob to irc n ubuntu20:12
FishsceneDoesn't mean you have to speak noob.20:12
b_how to send message to a person @kklimonda20:12
kklimondab_: you don't have to send it to a person, public channel is just fine20:13
b_what does shouting mean?.. wat does caps lock do?20:13
ZykoticK9Anyone have a link covering Proprietary nvidia driver + plymouth resolution?  Is it locked to 640x480, or is there a method to increase this resolution?20:14
b_no i mean when u want to address a message to a particular person20:14
kklimondab_: it makes you type capitalised text and it doesn't make it easier to read it20:14
kklimondab_: well, just type his or her name before message just like I do20:14
b_the way when u send a message it reffers to me with my name in the beginning of the message20:14
b_kklimonda, like this ..cool20:15
b_kklimonda, how to make gyachi wwork on lucid?.. i loved it in karmic20:16
kklimondab_: no idea, if there is no package available yet you'll have to wait20:16
kklimondab_: ask the person you got the karmic package from20:16
yofelZykoticK9: you can set up a higher resolution for the framebuffer20:16
b_kklimonda, any other imms like empathy or pigdin or somethin else that offers yahoo cam, voice and chat rooms??20:17
yofelZykoticK9: I have plymouth with nvidia with 1600x1200x32 here, so it works20:17
ZykoticK9yofel, are you aware of any online documentation covering that?20:17
kklimondab_: I don't use yahoo im myself so I have no idea20:17
yofelZykoticK9: we have almost no documentation on plymouth actually it seems :( you can find the way to set GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX up on the grub2 wiki page in the /etc/default/grub section20:18
ZykoticK9yofel, thanks :)20:18
b_kklimonda, i heard the only time u need to restart or reboot is when u do a kernel update... but now when i did an update without anythin related to kernel... it asked to reboot why is dat?20:18
JohnTedThere are no ubuntu+1 alternative daily images? or beta images even.20:19
kklimondab_: I think every package can request a reboot if it's required for some reason.20:20
yofel!daily | JohnTed use the daily for alternative20:20
ubottuJohnTed use the daily for alternative: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:20
yofelJohnTed: and you can find the beta2 images here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ (that's linked from the release page actually...)20:21
b_kklimonda, if i keep updating my box... it means i will automatically get the LTS version rite?.. no need for fresh install?20:21
JohnTedo good20:21
kklimondab_: yes, you will get LTS20:21
raphaCan you tell Nautilus to open the extra pane by default?20:22
JohnTedI was checking daily's for awhile, I didn't see any alternatives.20:22
b_what is the diff between beta1 and beta2??.. which is more recent?20:22
raphab_: what number is greater? 1 or 2?20:22
guntbertJohnTed: there were a few days when the alternate image wasn't on the website20:23
Pici!final | b_20:23
ubottub_: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:23
b_rapha, then how come when i went to upgrade from karmic today it offfered me beta1 and not beta2?20:23
JohnTedguntbert: I see20:24
JohnTedthanks for the help yofel and guntbert , I appreciate it.20:24
kklimondab_: sounds like a bug but it doesn't matter - it will update to  the newest version anyway20:25
b_guys im noob to ubuntu.. just curious is apt-get better or aptitude?20:26
raphab_: fluke in the update script maybe ... who cares20:26
yofel!noob | b_ (even if you use them for yourself)20:27
ubottub_ (even if you use them for yourself): Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.20:27
git__does anyone know if Lucid support TRIM?20:27
b_rapha, kklimonda aptitude, apt-get, update manager??.. which is easier n gets the job done?20:27
yofelb_: for the command line use aptitude, update-manager is the gnome app20:28
b_btw wat does jfgi and rtfm mean?20:28
maurii have just buy scanner cannon lide 100 but it seems not support by lucid20:28
b_yofel, wat abt apt-get?20:28
yofelb_: aptitude is a package manager just like apt-get, but usually does a better job20:29
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:29
b_thanks guys.20:30
ZykoticK9mauri, according to SANE http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl the lide 100 doesn't seem to be supported20:30
mauriZykoticK9: i know.....but is there any way to solve it or i have to waste the just buyed scanner20:31
b_yofel, Pici ubottu kklimonda when you right click in gnome panel u get add to panel n then u get cpu frequency scaling monitor... is there something like that in kde??20:31
guntbert!u | b_20:32
ubottub_: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:32
Picib_: I don't use KDE, sorry.20:32
ZykoticK9mauri, all i know is what that page says - i don't own that particular canon scanner - my lide 25 works fine.  Best of luck.20:32
b_ubottu, i named the user accounts on my pc as a,b,c,d,etc...20:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:32
b_Pici, is it advisable to get gnome 3.0 on lucid beta?20:35
Picib_: We're shipping gnome 2.30.  Whether you want to use gnome-shell (3.0) is up to you.20:36
ZykoticK9b_, gnome 3 isn't available yet - gnome-shell is the beta interface, but it's not feature complete by any means -- it's cool to test but its no gnome replacement20:36
frxstremdoes Lucid use other repositories than other versions of Ubuntu?20:37
b_Pici, ZykoticK9  is ubuntu gonna remain free forever? or just like bsd fedora mandriva suse it will start charging after it gets enough popularity and users  that depend on it?20:38
HtronWhen I boot up Lucid's 32bit or 64bit live cd, I seem to get getting stuck after selecting languages and that I want to run off of the livecd on a splash screen; any way to turn that splash off?20:38
Picib_: It will always be free20:38
Picifrxstrem: What do you mean?20:38
karlhuntwould sudo apt-get update20:38
bjsniderZykoticK9, what is th nature of the current compiz bug?20:38
Htronkarlhunt, no20:38
karlhuntdist-upgrade put me on20:38
karlhuntbeta 220:38
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:38
ZykoticK9bjsnider, metacity and compiz are mutually exclusive for some reason20:39
Pici!final | karlhunt20:39
ubottukarlhunt: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:39
frxstremno, but I just want to install a version of PHP (in Karmic) that is only available in the Lucid repositories20:39
b_Pici, u know the other distros had started free too ... but when they gained alot of popularity and users they started two versions free and non free u may know better what im talkin abt!20:39
karlhuntThanks Pici20:39
karlhuntI thought as much20:39
Picib_: Canonical charges for support contracts, they do not sell the distro itself though.20:39
FishsceneUbuntu is considered to be one of the most popular linux distros already.20:40
Picifrxstrem: You may want to look for a PPA then, because lucid packages often depend on versions that are only in Lucid.  Using them to install even just a single package can pull in dependencies and break things.20:40
frxstremPici: okay, thanks anyway20:41
b_Pici, ubottu kklimonda ZykoticK9 i switched from windows 7 to ubuntu just cause of compiz fusion....i installed windows7 on a vmware now.. but cant get it to boot when i restart pc..!!20:42
ZykoticK9b_, ubottu isn't a real person, she's a (ro)Bot.  Don't use VMWare myself, thus have no idea.20:44
b_ZykoticK9, is there any virtual machine vmware or openbox or virtual box or anythin that can help u to boot at startup... i dont want to partition my pc..!  it might erase data..20:45
ZykoticK9b_, not that i'm aware of, Virtualization doesn't typically work in that manner20:46
b_ZykoticK9, i heard vmware workstation and not the vmware player can do that .. so i got it ,.. just dont know how to make it boot from it at startup20:47
b_there is a bug in compiz fusion?? my skydome is not working or being displayed properly on cube rotate20:50
karlhuntI am getting red outlines around icons on the taskbar after I click on them. Is this normal?20:51
* Oxymoron wonders if the new nvidia-current update will solve anything :P20:52
ubuntujenkinskarlhunt: i haven't seen read outlines before. the power button goes red after a kernel update20:53
OxymoronHmm: update-alternatives: varning: forcing reinstallation of alternative /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ld.so.conf because link group gl_conf is broken.20:54
karlhuntAfter I click on a shortcut on the task bar it leaves a red line around the icon20:54
karlhuntuntil I click another icon20:55
brontosaurusrexbeta1 should update itself to beta2 i assume?20:55
ubuntujenkinskarlhunt: doesn't happen here20:56
ubuntujenkins!final | brontosaurusrex20:56
ubottubrontosaurusrex: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:56
TohuwIs anyone else getting crashes of desktopcouch-service on every start?20:57
TohuwU1 is not working for me right now.20:58
OxymoronHey guys, whats this about kdesudo appear on login that says: Type password to use this device? :S20:58
ubuntujenkinsOxymoron: do you have automatic login?21:04
brontosaurusrexwhat would i need to backup to get the same gnome look for another user?21:04
Oxymoronubuntujenkins: Yes now I have, but I had same problem before that too.21:04
nonameNNbrontosaurusrex: all .gconf .gnome .etc etc it depends what you want to save... and restore in /etc/skel21:05
neuredoes lucid work in vmware now?21:05
Oxymoronubuntujenkins: Is it a known issue/bug?21:05
waltercoolis lucid using more mono?21:05
blue-frognonameNN, you can install sabayon, dowhatever for a user then copy/paste the . files for this user21:05
waltercoolmore mono apps*21:05
bjsnider!find libawt.so21:06
* Oxymoron is exciting to see how fast developers will work to fix all issues left before stable LTS release of Lucid Lynx 10.04 :P21:06
bjsnider!find libjvm.so21:06
ubottuFile libawt.so found in openjdk-6-dbg, openjdk-6-jre-headless21:06
ubottuFile libjvm.so found in cacao, gcc-snapshot, gcj-4.4-jre-headless, icedtea-6-jre-cacao, jamvm (and 7 others)21:06
ubuntujenkinsOxymoron: not that i am aware off, i have no other suggestions. but working out what device is asking for the password woul dbe a good place to start21:06
Oxymoronubuntujenkins: I dont know, its no info I only got kdesudo window to type password and it doesnt matter if I click abort or type in root password.21:07
brontosaurusrexnonameNN: just the look of the panels basically21:07
neurecould someone point me to beta2 netinstall mini cd?21:07
nonameNNbrontosaurusrex: .gconf .gnome .gnome2 in /etc/skel modify all files in each folder as you wish21:07
brontosaurusrexnonameNN: ok, ty21:08
* Oxymoron would also like to know how to change resolution and bit depth for plymouth? gfxpayload doesnt really work, then system crashed and CPU fan or GPU fan goes like crazy and you need to turn it off xD21:08
ubuntujenkinsOxymoron: not a kde user i am afraid but i would be careful typing in your password if you don't know what it is for. Usually it would say in gnome21:08
nonameNNubuntu developers should give chromium a chance... its working so much better than firefox21:09
Oxymoronubuntujenkins: Alright, well I dont type in password anymore. The boxes/windows recently got there.21:09
ubuntujenkinsnonameNN: i don't know about you but i find the odd page doesn't work expecially ubuntu geek21:09
OxymoronnonameNN: I agree ;) Before I mostly used Firefox, but Chromium is lovely if you dont take a look on all minor details that doesnt work xD21:10
ZykoticK9Oxymoron, thanks to yofel i just (a few minutes) got higher plymouth resolution (on proprietary nvidia) by editing /etc/default/grub and adding 2 lines, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/plymouth-resolution21:10
ubuntujenkinsequally on crome there is the odd setting i miss once in a while21:10
nonameNNi didnt have any problem with chromium browser... all i wanted to do works ok... i dont know any web page that doesnt work,,,21:11
NalfCan anyone help me with this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411783/21:11
OxymoronZykoticK9: Thanks, I have the gfxmode turned on but If I use gfxpayload the fans goes crazy as hell :D21:12
rohanare lucid ISOs directly dump-able to usb stick?21:12
OxymoronZykoticK9: And why do you have to add those lines yourself btw? :P21:13
ZykoticK9Oxymoron, that i wouldn't know about sorry.  good luck man21:13
guntbertrohan: no - different file system if I remember correctly21:13
OxymoronZykoticK9: Well thanks :)21:13
ubuntujenkinsrohan: yep use start up disk creator21:13
rohanubuntujenkins: no i am not talking about that.. i am talking about directly using dd21:13
rohana facility all latest distros provide (fedora,suse,mandriva)21:13
rohanguntbert: oh ok :(21:14
ubuntujenkinsrohan: i see dd = directly dump-able21:14
rohanubuntujenkins: not really :) dd is just a command.. but yes, dd is used to 'dump' the iso to a stick, which keeps the stick in isofs, as opposed to using usb-creator which uses fat3221:18
ubuntujenkinsrohan: fair enough21:18
avisrohan, can you make a usb stick with a persistant file system that way ?21:20
guntbertrohan: what surprises me is " all latest distros provide": I cannot imagine an isofs on an usb stick21:20
duffydackrohan, I use this.. with great success http://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html21:20
rohanavis: no21:20
duffydackrohan, baically just create a fat16 for the bootloader, then however many partitions for isos and cat iso > /dev/sdb1  for eg21:21
rohanduffydack: your way is longer.. in newer distros you can just do dd if=iso of=/dev/sdX and boot it21:22
rohanhybrid isolinux or something21:22
NalfAnyone here good with X? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411783/ It keeps core dumping. :(21:22
duffydackrohan, more than 1 ?21:22
rohanubuntu ISOs up until karmic did not support it21:22
rohanduffydack: not more than 1, no21:22
jason86i'm having a little trouble extracting a winrar folder. can someone help me with opening the folder as root?21:22
duffydackrohan, well thats the difference then..21:22
rohanguntbert: why not? of course that pen drive won't be readable in windows21:23
duffydackrohan, good to know tho.21:23
rohansure, i've been trying fedora ISOs that way, because i am using old ubuntu 8.04 which has older syslinux and hence can't create pen drives using new usb-creator21:23
guntbertrohan: I'll make sure to read up on that - thx for the hint21:24
rohanthey are called hybrid ISOs - http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Docs/Installing_Mandriva_Linux#Installation_from_a_USB_stick21:26
LinuxGuy2009Big improvments in Beta2 I think. Looks/feels better.21:26
jason86is there a command to open a folder as root without having to use the terminal?21:27
rohanjason86: gksudo nautilus21:28
LinuxGuy2009jason86:ALT+F2 "gksudo nautilus"21:28
neurelet's try again.. where can i find the mini install cd image?21:28
jason86thanks, i'm used to the right-click open folder as root21:28
LinuxGuy2009google ubuntu minimal21:29
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:29
phibxrHmm. I'm getting 'E: Broken packages' when I'm trying to install the gnucash-package from the repositories. Is this a known issue?21:30
neurethanks but that page doesnt have download link for lucid21:30
Picineure: Use those links on that wiki page, but change karmic to lucid, etc.21:30
ZykoticK9neure, i don't see a Lucid mini at all???21:30
kklimondaphibxr: no, it sounds like a local problem21:30
LinuxGuy2009 phibxr: Look in launchpad21:30
phibxrIt gives me "gnucash: Depends: slib (>= 3a2-5) but it is not installable".21:31
kklimondaah, my bad21:31
neurethat wroked, but i'd say it's a bit hacky21:31
kklimondaI hav both karmic and lucid terminals opened21:31
spphibxr: means that slib in the required version is not available from the archive21:31
kklimondaphibxr: yeah, it's broken21:31
cuznti need help to undo my lucid21:31
cuzntlucid broke my w00kie21:31
spcuznt: what do you mean with undo your lucid? and what do you mean with lucid broke your "w00kie"?21:32
cuznti can not even get to recovery21:32
cuznti can not boot my kde21:33
cuznti upgraded and for sure should not have21:33
arandcuznt: You get to the grub menu? any messages on boot? etc.?21:33
cuzntsomething about plymouth21:34
Prettodoes anyone knows where can i find the new ubuntu font used in the new brand?21:34
arandSurprise, surprise, surprise...21:35
cuznti could redo and write it down. that i did not consider. I CAN get to grub. i have like 6 possibilities and each a recovery. I also have dual boot win7 and xp21:35
cuzntyou can rub it in i deserve it21:35
arandcuznt: You could try booting with the nomodeset kernel flag.21:35
cuzntand how would i do that please?21:36
arandcuznt: alternatively, use a liveCD to chroot into the install, remove plymouth and hope that might work21:36
jadamsanyone else having problems with smbfs?  I just apt-get upgrade'd, and now it says it has an unmet dependency and is broken, can't install, didn't mount my shares, etc.21:36
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
arandcuznt: from the boot menu, edit one entry, edit the linux ***** line and add nomodeset at the very end.21:37
cuzntand by chroot you mean a terminal root@cuznt ?21:37
cuznti will try the nomodeset thank you...21:38
arandcuznt: chroot ~~ mounting the installed ubuntu filesystem from a liveCD and logging into a root terminal in it that way.21:39
newansry my system do not start, or have no graphic setting, the screen is black...21:39
DonaldShimodaso, how perform the beta? so so or bad bad21:41
cuzntthats what i thought thanks arand21:42
arandDonaldShimoda: so so for some, bad bad for others.21:42
alvinDepens on what you are using. If you use lvm, do not upgrade21:42
DonaldShimodaarand, LOL, then go as expected. ;)21:42
DonaldShimodaalvin, no, i dont use lvm21:42
alvinI do, and I'm feeling a bit left in the cold here21:43
newanhow do you start the grub menü21:43
DonaldShimodaalvin, i know thet feeling...21:43
rohananyone notice that in beta2, the sound icon in the top panel does not reflect the actual volume you've set? just shows 3 '-' next to the speaker icon?21:43
DonaldShimodaalvin, i will stay on 9.10 then...21:44
guntbertnewan: press the right shift key during boot21:44
rohanthat's one more thing that sucks.. how is one to know that the shift key is to be pressed? it's not written anywhere!21:45
historohan: mine reflects level21:45
historohan: if I turn it down it goes down.21:45
guntbertnewan: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 , search for GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT21:45
rohanhisto: hmm strange. it's not just 3 dashes?21:45
historohan: grub2 has been around for a while know.21:46
historohan: no ones I go down to half way it goes to 2 dashes21:46
alvinNo, that is grub2 beta21:46
historohan: I see what you mean now21:46
rohanhisto, i am not talking about GRUB2. i am talking about booting from the actual CD iso21:46
historohan: if volume is all the way down its --- instead of )))21:46
johnnyCbadQuestion: Anyone here using the vanilla "Extra Visual Effects" compiz setting on Lucid, or indeed just the Wobbly Windows plugin?21:47
historohan: turn your sound up and see it change21:47
rohanhisto, no even on full volume it is showing --- not )))21:47
historohan: you mentioned not nowing about the shift key thats a grub question21:48
historohan: hrm. thats odd21:48
rohansorry, i must have framed it wrong. i mentioned not knowing how to show up the menu while booting a d21:48
rohana CD21:48
rippsThe recent updates today cause Xorg to become really slow after about a half hour. I've already ruled out the usual candidates (compiz, flash, etc) but I can't figure out what's causing it to slow down. Does anybody know of someway to isolate the problem?21:49
ZykoticK9rohan, i've had the --- vs ||| issue with the volume control on-and-off for all of Lucid's development (right now it's working fine, but give it a day or two and I might be back to --- again)21:49
arandrohan: just press any button, isn't it?21:49
phibxrripps: Have you tried starting a session with just a failsafe terminal?21:49
ZykoticK9rohan, i'm just happy the mouse wheel controls volume again (I missed that feature)21:50
rohanarand, that should still be mentioned.21:51
rippsphibxr: that's about the only thing I haven't done. Leaving my computer alone for a half-hour doesn't set it off, I have to be using it, but I can't isolate what's causing the slowdown. Even closing everything doesn't eliminate it. Restarting GDM, on the otherhand does temporarily fix the issue, but it eventually come back.21:51
rohanzyko, i am not sure how to check, since there is no visual feedback21:51
phibxrripps: I'd recommend trying to start an 'epty' x-session, perhaps with just a terminal. Should be available from your GDM, if they haven't changed it. :)21:52
phibxrripps: s/epty/empty21:52
rippsphibxr: than what?21:53
phibxrripps: See what happens, do 'top' in the terminal and monitor the usage. :)21:53
gatlinI know someone here filed a bug regarding nforce chipsets21:56
gatlinspecifically, that plymouth doesn't work correctly with two monitors and the nouveau driver21:56
gatlinI don't recall the bug number and I am curious to see if any improvements have been made to plymouth.  alpha3 worked on my machine, beta1 did not21:57
gatlinhaven't had the chance to try beta2 yet21:57
shakeukhi i was wondering if one of you fine folk can help me set up my connection to my exchange 2007 account using evolution21:57
shakeukapparently i need the evolution-mapi plugin installed but i cant figure out how to make it work21:58
arandgatlin: No change from what I've seen on the reports, hang on while I dig a bit...21:58
gatlinCool, thanks arand.  I find it odd that for an LTS release they decided to add a new bootsplash system21:59
shakeuki have the plugin installed i mean thats not what i cant figure out but once i select that option as a connection i dont know what details im ment to be putting in to log in to my exchange 2007 OWA account22:00
arandgatlin: Bug #532984 and Bug #532047 (Pro Tip: subscribe to them for email notifications of changes).22:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532984 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 won't boot, with (process 239): GLib-WARNING **: getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0), on HP Compaq Pentium 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53298422:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532047 in plymouth "Plymouth text-mode splash causes X to crash on first run due to shared tty7" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53204722:00
gatlinthat's actually why i was asking for them again, so I wouldn't have to bother anyone again :)22:01
shakeukanyone here using evolution to connect to their exchange 2007 account?22:01
arandgatlin: They tried adding plymouth in Karmic, but it got pulled early since it was considered not ready to go, or if it was just in the planning stage... Anyhow, the've decided to go for plymouth, and it makes sense to get it into an LTS seeing how long the'll have to support it; nice to have consintency in all coexisting ubuntu versions.22:03
gatlinI hadn't thought of it that way, but I agree with you22:03
shakeukanyone have any idea how they can solve my problem?22:04
FishsceneDo you have the information needed to connect to your exchange 2007 account?22:04
shakeuki have my server URL yes and my username and password22:05
Fishsceneaka: Port number, user name, password, domain, etc..22:05
shakeukit doesnt ask for all that info22:05
shakeukit asks for server, username and domain name22:05
arandIt is trading stability, and in my opinion, possibly a to big a tradeoff, seeing how many have issues with it... It works for me though, so I can't complain that much, and I don't have to worry about it if I don't choose to :/22:05
shakeukim putting my OWA url in the server box and my username in the username box22:05
shakeukbut not too sure about domain name but I put what i thought in their22:06
shakeukbut this fails22:06
FishsceneI'm not really sure at this point. I assume it is known to work in other scenarios (such as Windows or Ubuntu 9.10).22:07
VigoFishscene: I would agree.22:08
shakeukit works in windows 7 using outlook22:08
shakeukofcourse but i dont have outlook on ubuntu22:08
viniciusawesome, telepathy irc :)22:09
VigoLucid is BETA! very Beta,22:09
shakeukanyone can help me?22:10
FishsceneAre you able to get it working under 9.10?22:11
shakeuki havent tried but i guess not22:11
raphawhah! is there no way anymore to minimize rhythmbox to the traY?!22:12
viniciusDo I leave irc channels if I close the windows?22:13
spvinicius: depends on the IRC client you are using, but usually you leave those channels, yes22:13
NalfCan anyone help me with this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411783/22:14
viniciusI'm used to irssi on a screen in the background, so this is a lot of clutter in the window panel :/22:14
spvinicius: I don't know for sure to be honest, but usually closing a window makes you leave the channel22:15
orangejuiceQuick question, I'm loading lucid lynx beta1 from a USB, I was wondering how long does it generally take to load (this is my first usb install), loading screen has been going for ~10 minutes, is it most liekly stalled?22:15
Nalforangejuice: Takes me about 20seconds, on a slow boot to load.22:15
orangejuiceI see22:16
Nalforangejuice: And as far as I know, there are known boot/shutdown issues with the livecd.22:16
FishsceneYou usually can press esc to view the boot process22:16
VigoFishscene: Boot logs can also be viewed.22:17
Fishscene...or whatever the technical term is for watching the boot line-by-line.22:17
VigoI saw on one boot that BSDutilities had a  misconfiguration, I am old, and had to look at the /var/logs to fix it, then I noticed the GUI log thing, that was easier to use.22:18
orangejuiceHmm what I see is "Glib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id(0)"22:18
uikxxhallo ppl any one have any  issues whit skype mic ,,, ?22:18
arandorangejuice: Bug #532984 and/or Bug #53204722:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532984 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 won't boot, with (process 239): GLib-WARNING **: getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0), on HP Compaq Pentium 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53298422:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532047 in plymouth "Plymouth text-mode splash causes X to crash on first run due to shared tty7" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53204722:20
uikxxMy hard ware are "as aspier one d20-1dw"  any one have same  issues?22:20
gatlinorangejuice: i have the same exact problem22:20
gatlinsystem specs?22:20
huerlisigot the following error when updating a karmic server installation to lucic:22:20
huerlisiE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall22:20
mrweswelp -- made it to beta 222:21
huerlisimanual run of mountall showed problem with swap22:21
huerlisidid disable swap22:21
huerlisimanual run of mountall did not show errors afterward22:21
huerlisiany idea?22:21
orangejuicegatlin: it's an amd ii phenom x4 94022:22
orangejuiceWith the amd64 cd.22:22
gatlinequivalent setup here. gfx card/22:22
orangejuiceATI 4890HD22:22
Vigohuerlisi: Does the media check out good sectors and such?22:22
huerlisiit's a 64 bit KVM virtual guest in a karmic KVM host22:22
arandorangejuice: Are there any dual monitors involved?22:22
orangejuicearand: nope, single monitor.22:23
huerlisiVigo: it's a virtual host, no such thing like media check;-)22:23
uikxxskype... bug the mic ... pps.... any one have  issues ? like to now22:23
huerlisiVigo: simply replaced karmic with lucid in sources.list, but used update-manager-core after it didn't work out as expected...22:24
switchgirlok bleachbit hasnt worked22:24
Nalfhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/544508 < Does anyone know of a work around for this?22:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544508 in fglrx-installer "fglrx-modaliases do not allow Jockey to find/offer fglrx driver" [Undecided,New]22:24
Fishsceneuikxx: Is it just with Skype? Have you tried the sound recorder?22:24
uikxxyes it work ...22:25
uikxxevery thing work ,,,,22:25
huerlisiapt-get upgrade does work, but holds back quite a few important packages, apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't...22:25
viniciusyay ubuntu world store working! just purchased two albuns :)22:25
uikxxi on acer spier one d250-1dw22:25
Vigohuerlisis: I had a like problem on a single install, grabbed the ISO, all works.22:26
uikxxdo u have any solution? fish22:26
Fishsceneuikxx: I trust you've already tried to configure skype to use your mic.. but beyond that, I'm not much help.22:26
huerlisiVigo: thanx, but that's no real solution in my case;-)22:27
huerlisiExact steps i took are documented in https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/55958222:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,New]22:27
uikxxsii.. i did and i ben google my problem all day still no luck22:27
FishsceneGoogle won't have much to tell you on yesterday's release of Ubuntu 10.04 Beta2.22:28
uikxxu now i m mac user ... linux GNU is not my theme but i do love t :)22:29
orangejuiceHmm I suppose I should give beta2 a try.22:29
uikxxbut the ubuntu updater did ... :)22:29
VigoDoesn't the uname thing display it?22:30
arandswitchgirl: Did you find out which of the log files was the huge one?22:30
uikxxMan i love the linux pps can chat and help one n other ... macs sucks and dos 2 :)22:32
Zenkerim having an issue with the package installer for example, im trying to install limewire deb from limewire.com and the package installer says that "Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk"  i verified that OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime, OpenJDK Java 6 Web Start and Icedtea Java Plugin are installed, what do i need 2 do?22:32
uikxxdoss what ever the call it22:32
switchgirlno i dunno howto22:33
uikxxZenker .... limewire is badcode try thepiratebay :)22:34
jakenbeckyanyone out there how can help with connecting to an exchange 2007 account using evolution?22:35
arandswitchgirl: the preview in bleashbit should list the logs by size, did that not show it...22:35
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P22:35
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information22:35
switchgirlhuh why no "dont use for illegality"   ?22:36
kwtmLet's hear your opinions: I downloaded about 25% of the Kubuntu DVD (lucid beta-2) but I don't need it any more, since I did a straight (non-torrent) download off the web.  I can't stop downloading and seed only what I have, for some reason.  Does it help the torrent more if I continue downloading so I can seed, or would it be better to just stop torrenting?22:36
arandswitchgirl: That is taken as common sense.22:36
arandI suppose.22:36
uikxx" illegel " hahh22:37
kwtmOn the one hand, if I stop now, I've wasted what others have transmitted to me, but they start transmitting to others.22:37
switchgirlarand: kernlog22:37
kwtmOn the other hand, if I continue, then others will continue transmitting to me when they could be transmitting to others.22:37
switchgirlat 22.2 GB22:37
Fishscenep2p is about sharing. If you want to share, then share the DVD. If not, might as well stop downloading.22:38
spkwtm: that's true... if you continue, become a seed and stay a seed for a while your help is probably the best22:38
uikxxthepiratebay is like google all the torrent coms from google ,.,.,. so u now :)22:38
jakenbeckyanyone out there how can help with connecting to an exchange 2007 account using evolution?22:38
arandkwtm: you can always put the completed DVD in the torrent directory, and share that.22:38
kwtmsp: True.  Unfortunately it's probably going to take several days to download, and just when I'd start seeding, I will be travelling for several weeks. :(22:38
kwtmarand: Oh, the lucid dvd image will fit into the directory?  And KTorrent will use that to share?22:39
virtualdkwtm: after burning the complete iso you could move it to replace the torrented incomplete iso, AFTER closing the bittorrent program22:39
kwtmUsually KTorrent lets me say, "Okay, stop downloading, just share what you have" but this version doesn't, for some reason.22:39
zombie0hey guys, after a fresh update of my beta 1 install I am getting blank screen after kernel selection.  I know it has something to do with my vid drivers but I can seem to get in using recovery mode either.22:39
virtualdsorry i'm slow and redundant22:39
jakenbeckyanyone out there how can help with connecting to an exchange 2007 account using evolution?22:39
zombie0I tried deleting xorg.conf using a livecd but that didnt seem to help either.  anyone have any other troubleshooting ideas?22:40
kwtmvirtuald: Not redundant at all; good to hear more opinions.  Good idea about replacing the torrent result with the complete ISO.22:40
arandkwtm: make sure you "rescan" or something like that in the torrent app, so that it verifies the now "completed download"22:41
switchgirlkernlog syslog ufwlog and messages22:41
switchgirlthats the 82gb22:41
arandswitchgirl: All of them equally huge?22:41
Zenkerdoes anyone know how to install the limewire linux package?22:42
switchgirlyup pretty much though slightly different sizes they aint all 22.2gb some are like 10gb22:42
spkwtm: it's your choice really... but nobody will mind if you just stop downloading22:43
User_007Hello, i have installed the last beta and i want to know how is it so fast after gdm. Does anyone know?22:43
zombie0anyone have any ideas on getting recovery mode to work?  If I just had video for that I think I could work this out22:44
arandswitchgirl: if you open the log file viewer in the administration menu, and look at them (hopefully won't hang the viewer) If there some specific thing that's repeated over and over again?22:44
uikxx<Zenker> http://www.limewire.com/sv/download/?os=linux22:45
uikxxjust download the dep file and installet22:46
switchgirlkern.log = 22.2  messages and ufw.log= 22.422:46
switchgirlarand: this may take time... it looks from the small % i can see so far ufw audit repeated22:47
uikxxskype isuss .. help """22:47
kwtmyess!!  I am now the 5th seed for the Kubuntu DVD.  Thanks, people!  I never thought of seeding from the other download.  Hopefully this will get Kubuntu out there faster.22:47
vbabiyis the default compiz broken for everyone22:48
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
kwtmsp: It's not who minds, it's just what's best for the torrent: what strategy will get the data out there?22:49
switchgirlApr  4 07:40:32 sara kernel: [125503.624877] [UFW AUDIT] IN= OUT=eth0 SRC=**.**.***.** DST=**.***.**.** LEN=** TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=28856 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=44493 DPT=80 WINDOW=8191 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=022:49
switchgirlApr  4 07:40:32 sara- kernel: [125503.628495] [UFW AUDIT] IN=eth0 OUT=22:49
switchgirlthat (with the ip that i starred out) repeated over and over and over again22:50
alex_mayorgais there a gwibber channel?22:51
elmojois the Applications menu not showing anything in Beta2 a know issue?22:51
zombie0no video love?22:51
jcastroalex_mayorga: #gwibber on irc.arstechnica.com22:52
arandswitchgirl: Ok, I'd note those messages down, for a future appropriate bug report...22:52
alex_mayorgajcastro: thanks22:52
tonyyarussoDoes anyone know how to suspend and/or hibernate in Lucid?  I don't seem to have those options in my menu.22:52
switchgirlarand: wadda i do to reclaim the hdd then?22:55
switchgirli only have 8gb left22:55
arandswitchgirl: Hang on, gonna test what command to use22:57
zombie0I could really use some help here guys.  I have no video after grub for regular and recovery boot.  I really dont know what else to do short of a reinstall at this point23:01
phibxrzombie0: No video?23:03
zombie0nope.  After I ran update/upgrade a couple of hours ago and rebooted I have nothing after grub.23:04
zombie0booting into recovery is doing the same thing23:04
zombie0Im sure it has something to do with the current driver in place but I have no way to reset back to default, or at least I dont know how23:05
arandswitchgirl: Then I'd try running "sudo logototate /etc/logrotate.conf", which will hopefully compress the logs, and if the lines are repeated compression might do wonders, hopefully...23:07
arandswitchgirl: "sudo logototate /etc/logrotate.conf -f" will probably work better.23:08
zombie0pibxr any ideas?23:09
zombie0opps I mean phibxr23:09
switchgirlsara@sara-desktop:~$ logototate /etc/logrotate.conf23:09
switchgirllogototate: command not found23:09
switchgirlsara@sara-desktop:~$ logototate23:09
switchgirllogototate: command not found23:09
switchgirlsara@sara-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install logototate23:09
switchgirlReading package lists... Done23:09
switchgirlBuilding dependency tree23:09
switchgirlReading state information... Done23:09
switchgirlE: Couldn't find package logototate23:09
joaopinto!pastebin | switchgirl23:09
ubottuswitchgirl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:09
arandswitchgirl: You might have to run that a few times with a short pause between, hopefully that should move the logs into archives23:10
phibxrzombie0: do you use any restricted drivers like nVidia?23:10
jakenbeckyanyone in here know how i can connect to exchange 2007 account using evolution?23:10
arandswitchgirl: sorry ↑ joaopinto is correct, logrotate23:10
zombie0I dont believe so.  I think I was just using the intel ones since my vid card isnt really supported yet23:11
switchgirli removed peercast icecast and apache why still logging?23:12
zombie0my laptop is running a nvidia g210m hardware card along with an intel internal graphics23:12
Vigojakenbecky: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-July/152994.html <<maybe23:13
auki upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4 yesterday23:13
auknow the keyboard input works only in one of two user accounts23:13
auki can type fully and correctly (several layouts) in my account "test", however in my actual account i get nothing23:14
nsswhen i set in simple compiz config cube desktop and then i tried to increse the number of desktops to 4 i got a crash message23:14
Vigoauk: Did you upgrade/update?23:15
auki also cannot get any successful keyboard input in the gdm login screen, or EVEN (it appears) to get to the grub screen before ubuntu has booted23:15
zombie0phibxr so heres something funny.  If I boot with a vga monitor plugged into the second port on my laptop I can get video on both screens just fine.  Then I can remove the vga and the laptop screen takes over no problem23:15
aukVigo: most recently apt-get dist-upgrade was an hour ago23:15
arandswitchgirl: Have you rebooted since removing them, are you sure it was them who were the cause of the messagges to start with?23:15
zombie0but on boot it crashes by itself23:15
phibxrzombie0: This really does sound strange. I've had a bit too much wine to respond properly to your issue though, so I hope someone more knowledgeable and sober is able to take over. :)23:16
Vigoauk: I mean the standard update and upgrade , apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, <that is not the CLI text, but it is close.23:16
zombie0phibxr no worries, thanks though23:16
nssi've just sent a report23:17
switchgirlno to both it was ufw....23:17
aukVigo, others: i get an xkb error upon logging in to my main account, but not when logging in to the test account23:18
aukVigo: i'll try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade now23:18
aukand reboot, and come back here?23:18
Vigoauk: Certainly23:18
arandswitchgirl: ufw, that's "uncomplicated firewall" (the irony of names) right? is that installed?23:19
switchgirli think i may remove that23:19
aukok doing now... i went to bed last night hoping by the time i got up it would be fixed with an update, but no luck :/23:20
arandswitchgirl: if it is, you might want to step down the logging of it a notch ot two, or remove it , yea.23:20
Vigoauk: It may be now, I have not looked at any bug reports like that, yet.23:21
arandswitchgirl: hmm, hang on, ufw are normally installed by default, so proably it's not the cure problem..23:21
switchgirlit says if i remove the ufw t will also remove the sound indicator app23:22
Zenkerwhat program do i need to use in order to burn a avi as a dvd movie that will play in my dvd player?23:22
aukVigo: i thought about filing one but i only just recently discovered the keyboard works in the test account. i could be a rather rare case, it's amd64, i use a whole bunch of keyboard layouts...23:22
aukok rebooting, bbiaminute23:24
ZykoticK9Zenker, check out devede23:24
FishsceneI have to admit, Lucid looks very nice on a macbook pro23:24
Vigoauk: Is it a USB device?23:24
switchgirl  gufw indicator-sound{u} libaudclient2{u} libaudcore1{u} libaudid3tag2{u}   libaudutil1{u} libbinio1ldbl{u} libido-0.1-0{u} libmcs1{u} libmowgli1{u}  libmpdclient2{u} libprojectm-data{u} libprojectm2{u} libsad2{u}  will be removed...23:25
arandswitchgirl: probably a bad idea then... did you install or configure anything in particular apart from icecast peercast and apache?23:30
switchgirli dont know23:32
switchgirlwhy cant i just sudo rm /var/log23:33
neurewhat is plural of axis?23:33
phibxrneure: axae? no idea. :P23:34
FishsceneI was thinking axiom :P But it's a bit off topic.23:35
DASPRiDaxises ;P23:35
DASPRiD(dunno actually)23:35
arandswitchgirl: I tried just installing those, and I can't see the issue, you could rm the logs, yes, but logs might come in handy otherwise... What I would do in that case is to rm only the ones that are humonguous.23:35
arandneure: oftoppixes.23:35
neureyeah i ended up asking on wrong channel :)23:35
kklimondaswitchgirl: sure you can but the fact that got so big means that there is something wrong23:36
kklimondaswitchgirl: the safest route would be to do find /var/log -type f -exec rm "{}" \;23:37
arandswitchgirl: but as kklimonda points out, if we don't know what the cause is, they might just grow back..23:37
kklimondaswitchgirl: it's logrotate, not logototate23:37
switchgirlok where can i file the bug reports ill uplod the files and then delete them as tommorrow when the power goes off the machene may not boot again23:38
kklimondaswitchgirl: what do you mean?23:38
switchgirlwell if its too big it may not boot i have 2gb or somthing left23:39
kklimondawell, yes - if you don't have space left on the root device system may not boot23:40
Linuxrevolutionis keyboard layout problem solved?23:41
Vigoswitchgirl: How much space did you allocate on install?23:41
kklimondaswitchgirl: but your question still makes no sense - what files do you want to upload?23:41
switchgirlyeah so can i upload the log files and then delete them?23:41
kklimondaswitchgirl: please don't, that won't help us23:41
switchgirlkernlog syslog ufwlog and messages23:41
kklimondaswitchgirl: can you do logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf 2>&1 |pastebinit and upload it?23:42
kklimondaand paste link*23:42
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
zombie0so now I have some sort of video back but no 3d accel23:45
zombie0I really wish they would get these new nvidia drivers sorted out, getting sick of troubleshooting this23:45
bjsniderthere's nothing wrong with nvidia-current23:46
zombie0yea there is23:46
zombie0for g210m23:46
kklimondaswitchgirl: and your /var/log/ufw.log is how big?23:46
NalfWhat about ati? D: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411783/23:46
jakenbeckywhen will they fix the ati drivers man apparent my onboard HD3300is supported accoring to ati but after installing the proprietary drivers and restarting it crashes and starts in low res mode23:47
FishsceneApparently, *none* of her logs need rotating.23:48
bjsniderzombie0, what does glxinfo give you?23:48
aukit seems the problem was having a gujarati layout among the possible layout-switching options23:48
switchgirlkklimonda: 20gb23:48
auki rebooted, but the symptoms were the same. then i remembered i had a gujarati layout option in my own account, but not in the test account23:48
Vigoauk: Is fixed?23:49
aukremoved it from my account, and text worked instantly23:49
aukVigo: yes, i think so23:49
kklimondaswitchgirl: interesting, it shouldn't really happen23:49
arandswitchgirl: You don't happen to have set guwf loggin to full? (In that case, /var/log grows by 0.1MB per page-browse)23:49
aukthen both user accounts worked for typing, but not the login screen23:49
jakenbeckyanyone know if there is a problem with the ati drivers?23:49
aukso i clicked apply system-wide on the user layout option settings23:50
Nalfjakenbecky: There are problems.23:50
zombie0bjsnider "name of display :0.0"  Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display  Error couldnt find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig23:50
aukand then typing works at login too23:50
auki guess i'll file a bug report saying gujarati layout breaks xkb23:50
jakenbeckyanyone know how i can get the drivers working so i get 2d support?23:50
rjcroyI think the release notes say something about an bug with ATI drivers23:50
Vigoauk: Sweet! Please post the solutions if any, on Forums or Launchpad .23:50
kklimondaswitchgirl: can you run logrotate as a root?23:50
aukVigo, thank you23:50
kklimondaand not as a user...23:51
bjsniderzombie0, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:51
auki do have another problem... my user account seemingly has no window manager23:51
aukthough i can move windows around by dragging on the menu-bar space23:51
Vigoauk: Gnome?23:51
zombie0bjsnider I dont have one currently23:51
aukVigo, yes23:51
aukis compiz still default wm?23:51
aukor should i start somehting else...23:52
zombie0bjsnider I can re-activate the nvidia driver and let it create one23:52
Vigoauk: Which desktop?23:52
bjsniderzombie0, then you aren't using nvidia-current. go to jockey and select it23:52
aukVigo: gnome23:52
zombie0bjsnider : Yea I know I am not because I go no video at boot when I select it.  I will try it again though23:52
switchgirlok here is a solution i have23:52
switchgirli want to remove the log files23:53
Vigoauk: I meant like Clearbooks, and stuff, the default on mine was sour, I switched to another and it worked fine.23:53
switchgirli will move them to my external hdd23:53
aukVigo: if i start compiz, it runs23:53
switchgirland then remove23:53
kklimondaswitchgirl: but we don't need logs - you can just remove them23:53
switchgirlhow to do that as sudo?23:53
zombie0bjsnider : it is failing install23:53
zombie0bjsnider want me to pastebin the error log?23:53
aukVigo: the new theme Radiance23:53
kklimondaswitchgirl: there is nothing in logs that will tell us why they are not being cleaned up23:53
bjsniderzombie0, sure23:54
Vigoauk: If that is the default, yes, it was way buggy on my box, I simply switched to Human, then Clearbooks, works great.23:54
aukVigo: ok i'll try them out successively. did your compiz refuse to start, or have issues after starting?23:55
Vigoauk: I know that is not a fix, but I am working on that on another box I have here.23:55
zombie0bjsnider : pastebin.com/Jt2Q6sC623:55
Vigoauk: Compiz worked, so did Desklets and other eye candy stuff. so far.23:56
bjsniderzombie0, pay it no mind. how new is that laptop?23:57
zombie0bjsnider :  a month old23:57
zombie0asus ul50vt23:58
zombie0bjsnider now xorg.conf is listing glx and nvidia23:59
zombie0but when I goto reboot it will hang up23:59
viniciuson my desktop install, I can't seem to be able to add my computer to ubuntu one23:59

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