
eggonleahi guys, I just noticed that lots of device nodes in /dev dir has "+" attribute. Could anybody point me to any doc/wiki about ACL implementation in Ubuntu? E.g. which CONFIG_XXX_ACL should be enabled in kernel and which user space utilities are using ACL to fine control FS or other stuffs. Thanks!08:23
* eggonlea is reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ACL-OnByDefault.08:24
eggonleaBut these two doc seem not provide a whole view of ACL in Ubuntu.08:25
looleggonlea: + attribute?08:37
loolhow do you see that?08:37
eggonlealool, just with "ls -l"08:38
eggonlealli5@sh-dt-4513:/vobs/ubuntu$ ls -al /dev/snd08:39
eggonleatotal 008:39
eggonleadrwxr-xr-x   3 root root      240 2010-03-24 11:18 .08:39
eggonleadrwxr-xr-x  15 root root     4100 2010-04-02 18:48 ..08:39
eggonleadrwxr-xr-x   2 root root       60 2010-03-24 11:18 by-path08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116, 10 2010-03-24 11:18 controlC008:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  9 2010-03-30 18:12 pcmC0D0c08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  8 2010-04-09 15:43 pcmC0D0p08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  7 2010-03-24 11:18 pcmC0D1c08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  6 2010-03-24 11:18 pcmC0D2c08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  5 2010-03-24 11:18 pcmC0D3c08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  4 2010-03-24 11:18 pcmC0D4p08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  3 2010-03-24 11:18 seq08:39
eggonleacrw-rw----+  1 root audio 116,  2 2010-03-24 11:18 timer08:39
looleggonlea: Hmm indeed08:43
eggonleaThis troubled us because we didn't enable ACL in kernel by default. :)08:44
eggonleaAny doc to describe this?08:44
eggonleaI'm wondering if we have to enabled all ACL configuration in kernel.08:45
loolI wonder whether it's an ACL08:46
eggonleaEr, so, what's this?08:49
loolstracing ls and getfacl, it appears to query ACL indeed08:51
loolgetxattr("/dev/video0", "system.posix_acl_access", "\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x06\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x02\x00\x06\x00\xe8\x03\x00\x00\x04\x00\x06\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x10\x00\x06\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff \x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff", 132) = 4408:51
ograthe + usually notates an ACL08:51
loolYes; I checked the info page from ls and it says + is for ACL other than SELINUX08:51
ograand we definately support ACL in ubuntu08:51
ogranot sure why its set on audio devices though08:52
loolWhen I actually query acls, I do see that there's an ACL in place, but I wonder where it comes from08:52
ograi was under the impression while we support them, we dont set up any ACL's by defualt08:52
loole.g. getfacl /dev/video0 gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/411491/08:52
ograwell, i would start looking at udev rules08:52
eggonleaSo we need to know who's using ACL and what's the requirement to kernel.08:53
loolIt's clear that plain owner + group differ from the ACL, but what I don't understand is why an ACL is needed at all08:53
looleggonlea: So the device noces are created by udev08:53
eggonlealool, it should be.08:53
looleggonlea: /lib/udev/rules.d/70-acl.rules08:54
loolSo it seems that's for consolekit integration, misc devices get an ACL on top08:54
loolIt seems that this is to allow access to the devices depending on who's logged in08:55
ograeggonlea, for the kernel just enable CONFIG_GENERIC_ACL and the _POSIX_ACL functions for each filesystem08:56
eggonlealool: Wow, it seems so.08:56
loolit kind of makes sense, but it's a bit scary at the same time08:56
eggonleaogra: I did not see any "acl" keyword in /etc/fstab08:56
eggonleado you think FS_ACL is needed?08:57
ograwell, its enabled in all ubuntu kernels08:57
ograso to prevent later issues i would just try to build my kernel config as close to ubuntu as possible08:57
eggonleaYou are right. I'll check if there's any drawback or impact.08:58
ograas i said above, i dont think we use ACL by default, the devices might be an exception because of console/policykit08:58
looleggonlea: In practice, things might work via groups, but it's best not to rely on that08:59
loolMy user isn't in the audio group for instance08:59
eggonleaYes, that's why we have to add ubuntu user to audio group with non-ubuntu kernel.09:00
eggonleaWe'll enable it if nothing get impacted. Thanks!09:00
DanaGhmmm, I hope the omap kernel will have all the usb-gadget device-type drivers enabled.09:01
ograi think though that the audio group will persist for some releases still ... people still tend to remove pules which then forces you to use the group09:01
DanaGMUSB_HDRC (or whatever it is) needs to =y, but all the g_ether and g_audio shouldn't need that.09:02
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
amitkDanaG: do you have a point to a known working USB (peripherals + OTG) on Beagleboard?09:13
DanaGA point?  Not sure I get the question.09:13
DanaGI'm using rcn-ee's images, for now, anyway.09:13
DanaGI'm using ehci as host and otg as peripheral.09:13
amitkogra: does the config on bug 541030 work for you? It doesn't give me keyboard/mouse yet09:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 541030 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "omap kernel musb/ehci ports not enabled on beagleboard (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54103009:14
amitkDanaG: sorry, pointer09:14
amitkI was looking for known working configs on 2.6.3309:14
ograamitk, i only tried it on sunday, i think you updated the patch inbetween, the sunday build didnt work at all for me (USB wise)09:15
amitkI've got my USB hub on ehci, and that isn't working09:15
DanaGI have weird behavior with my asix adapter: doesn't work if plugged in during boot -- has to be unplugged and replugged.09:16
ograamitk, i tried both, HUB and direct connection09:16
amitkogra: direct connection won't work, the ehci port only support high speed usb, not full speed (keyboard/mice)09:18
ograoh, thanks09:19
ograi didnt know that09:19
amitkOTG port supports both, but I don't have a mini-mini (whatever it is called) USB cable09:23
ograi have a mini to normal adapter here09:24
ograhmm, i wonder how risky it is to bump compcache to 50% for all armel arches09:26
ograwe have no subarch concept at packaging level09:27
amitkhttp://trisoft.de/pics/ZHost.JPG <-- this is what I need09:27
ograso if i do it in the casper package it would happen for all09:27
ograamitk, isnt that the one with two shortened pins ?09:27
ogramy adapter looks the same but doesnt have pin shortening09:28
ograor is that only necessary for nokia ?09:28
ogra(that adapter works with the revB board i have)09:28
amitkogra: yeah, there are two kinds.09:29
ograah, good09:29
amitkyou need the pins shortened09:29
ogranot so good thenm09:29
amitkyou could do it on the board as described in the wiki09:29
amitkjust short the J6 pad09:29
ograi definately dont want to solder on HW i'm relying on for getting the image done :)09:29
amitkogra: you will have to to get working keyboard/mouse through the OTG board, AFAIK09:31
amitkDanaG: ^^09:31
ograwhy ? i have a powered hub i can attach to the normal USB port09:32
ograand also several unpowered ones09:32
amitkogra: ok, try out the kernel on people and see if that works for you09:32
DanaGoh, "shortened"... I thought you meant "less long"09:32
amitkogra: this enabled rcn-ee's 'good' config09:32
ograis USB compiled in so i can test it with the server image ?09:32
amitkogra: yes09:33
ograyeah, seems so ...09:33
* ogra just had to dig out the patch :)09:33
ograamitk, no go with unpowered hub09:39
* ogra digs for the powered one09:40
ograamitk, nor with powered ... tried both ports (OTG and normal)09:42
amitkogra: and did you verify that the config is identical to what rcn-ee recommended in the bug?09:45
ograamitk, i just took your kernel and replaced the uImage on the SD09:45
ograif its compiled in it should just work09:45
* ogra switches back to serial console to check dmesg09:46
amitkogra: please confirm the config. So I'm not crazy for not uploading the 'simple' fix09:46
amitkI wonder if any other long-time beagleboard users have any inputs here...09:46
amitklrg: ^09:47
ograamitk, no mentioning in dmesg and no plug events (i see its a codesourcery kernel so i'm sure its yours)09:48
* ogra checks the config 09:48
amitkogra: try "modprobe ehci-hcd"09:49
ograamitk, i cant, its a server image09:49
ograthats why i asked if everything is compiled in09:49
* amitk prepares another kernel with ehci-hcd compiled in09:49
ogralet me try with a live image first09:49
ograit just takes endless to boot compared to server09:49
ograand i have no SD ready with one, takes a while09:50
amitkogra: good idea, I'll switch to a server image too09:53
ogranote that only works if you dont need any modules09:54
lrghey amitk,  ogra09:54
ograyo lrg09:54
amitkogra: people now has a kernel with ehci compiled in10:05
ograi see ehci in dmesg now, but the kbd doesnt get powered on10:11
ograi guess hci stuff is modules10:11
* ogra tries live10:12
ograwell, input drivers10:13
amitkaah, HID10:16
ograamitk, live works10:17
ogratell me what you will do with HID since i need to include the udeb in d-i if it stays modular10:17
ograhey, even my moschip USB->ETH works out of the box now10:18
* ogra fires up firefox to see if it survives with 25% compcache10:19
NCommandereggonlea: ping?10:20
ograwww.ubuntu.com works \o/10:20
* ogra tries something havier10:20
amitkogra: so EHCI needs to be compiled in for now... I plan to keep HID modular10:21
ograbah, hello OOM10:21
eggonleaNCommander: ack10:23
ograthe framebuffer definately has some issues with plymouth10:27
ograok, compcache with 50% doesnt let firefox OOM anymore10:53
amitkand confirmed that ehci is reqd to be compiled in10:54
amitkwill finalise the patches and prep for upload10:54
ograamitk, what about sound ?10:54
ograi dont seem to have any sound device atm10:54
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
hrware there plans to keep kernel+initrd in nand on omap platform?10:57
amitkogra: do you care about sound ATM?10:57
hrwas you want to have rootfs on usb stick then this would drop requirement of sd card for boot10:57
ograamitk, well, if we can have it it would be great, not essential though10:57
ograamitk, what breaks it ? USB ?10:58
ograhrw, probably later, for 10.04 not10:58
ograway to much to do to even make the installer work in the next 7 days10:58
loologra: Hey do you know if the OMAP daily images work somewhat already?10:59
ogralool, they dont, we're waiting for a kernel10:59
ogralool, no USB support atm10:59
loologra: Do they boot without USB?10:59
loole.g. if I write them to SD, will they show some UI?10:59
ogralool, yes, but you dont have input devices and no target to install to10:59
ogralool, you get all the way to the live desktop11:00
loologra: Ok thanks; What about the netboot ones?11:00
ogralool, i havent tested them for a while, they might work ... server definately does to a certain point if you modify boot.scr for serial11:00
ogra(and the preseed file, i havent rebuilt since i changed debian-cd)11:01
ogralive has a to low compcache value for installing atm11:01
loologra: Do you intend to build a SD image for d-i images?11:01
ograi'm pondering to use only-ubiquity11:02
ogralool, no, time is to short, i'll try to get server and live working ... in case there is time left i'll look into netinst d-i images like we have for imx5111:02
ograbut its unlikely11:02
ogralool, getting partman and flash-kernel hacked up to do what we need will be time consuming11:03
looloh we disabled alternate desktop images for armel11:04
ogralool, thats what i was talking about yesterday :)#11:04
ogralool, server is your best bet11:04
loologra: It's disabled or simply broken?11:04
ograunless you want a live image11:04
loologra: Did you push the fix I suggested?11:04
ogralool, disabled, we dont support desktop on armel anymore11:05
ogralool, yup11:05
ograthanks for that suggestion again :)11:05
loolno xubuntu image anymore either hmm11:05
ograonly netbook11:06
ograand server11:06
amitkogra: compiling a final kernel for test with all changes after reworking... once that is verified, I'll ask for an upload11:06
loologra, asac: Can you guys confirm that the subarch name we've been using for omap is "armel+omap"?11:06
ograwe have massively cut down on images11:06
loolI see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseManifest mentions armel+OMAP3, and would like to write armel+omap there11:06
ogralool, confirmed11:06
ograamitk, yay11:06
ogralool, i think davidm added the 3 to indicate that we will only support omap3 by release (probably note it in brackets or something)11:11
loologra: added, thanks11:15
ograamitk, i see weird errors in dmesg if ubiquity tries to start partman11:17
amitkogra: if you'll confirm the kernel on people, we're good to upload11:17
amitkogra: pastebin?11:17
* ogra weaits for ubuntu-paste to return the prompt11:19
ogragrrr, paste.ubuntu.com is broken again11:20
ograamitk, http://pastebin.com/khbv1c5i11:20
ograamitk, see the parted messages at the bottom11:20
amitkogra: something not using setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, ...) correctly?11:26
ogramight be11:26
amitkman 5 core11:27
amitkogra: it is a warning message printed by do_coredump() inside the kernel11:30
amitkif (cprm.limit == 0) {11:30
amitk * Normally core limits are irrelevant to pipes, since11:30
amitk * we're not writing to the file system, but we use11:30
amitk * cprm.limit of 0 here as a speacial value. Any11:30
amitk * non-zero limit gets set to RLIM_INFINITY below, but11:30
ograyeah, RTLIMIT_CORE being 0 is wanted cjwatson tells me11:30
amitk * a limit of 0 skips the dump.  This is a consistent11:30
amitk * way to catch recursive crashes.  We can still crash11:30
amitk * if the core_pattern binary sets RLIM_CORE =  !011:30
amitk * but it runs as root, and can do lots of stupid things11:30
amitk * Note that we use task_tgid_vnr here to grab the pid11:30
amitk * of the process group leader.  That way we get the11:30
amitk * right pid if a thread in a multi-threaded11:30
amitk * core_pattern process dies.11:30
amitk */11:30
amitk"Process %d(%s) has RLIMIT_CORE set to 0\n",11:31
amitktask_tgid_vnr(current), current->comm);11:31
amitkprintk(KERN_WARNING "Aborting core\n");11:31
amitkgoto fail_unlock;11:31
amitkin that case, please give the ack for the latest kernel on people11:31
amitkogra: ^11:31
ograi'll test it, one sec11:31
ubot4`Launchpad bug 498525 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[lucid] breaks apport: core dumps get aborted even if core_pattern is a pipe (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [High,Fix released]11:32
ograamitk, so that fix is missing from the omap kernel ?11:34
amitkapw: this bug above ^^11:34
amitkogra: I think so11:34
amitkapw: I guess the patch you created should be applied to all flavours?11:34
apwamitk, it is allplied to all flavours based on .3211:35
apwits that .33 was not taken from leaans rebase means you didn't get it11:35
amitkapw: I'm going to try cherry-picking it into omap11:35
apwamitk, ok11:35
apwwe likely need to put that on the release sprint agenda too11:35
apwdeciding what to do about .3311:35
ograapw, we have no committed support for omap at all11:36
apwpersonally i think it should be synced with leaans pass though .33 version.  she was said to have kept it11:36
ograapw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseManifest11:37
apwi wonder what N/A means in that context11:38
ograapw, its pretty much "get something out that runs and install roughly and dont care anymore"11:38
apwbut regardless of what you say we will be expected to do secirity on it11:38
apwwhich means it doesn't want to be an unmaintainable mess11:38
ograwe need to have an installable image by release but dont do any further stuff with it11:38
apwi will believe that when we get to M without updating it11:39
amitkogra: feedback?11:49
ograamitk, installing ...11:52
ogracrap, OOmed when trying to install it on the running system11:55
NCommanderogra: 364MiB is the lower bound. How much are you running with omap?12:03
NCommanderogra: ^we ever successed ran with on Dove12:03
ograNCommander, i know the minimal values12:04
ogra256M plus 50% compcahce atm12:04
NCommanderogra: hrm, that should push you just enough to complete installation. Doesn't ubiquity activate swap space like d-i does?12:04
ograsigh, only-ubiquity dies too in ubi-partman12:27
NCommanderogra: OOM got it?12:38
NCommanderor something else?12:38
ograno OOM12:43
NCommanderogra: oh. I though ubi-partman was dying due to OOM before12:44
ograno, it does with "error 10"12:46
ograi suspect its caused by udisks-part-id failing12:47
NCommanderogra: why is that failing12:48
ograno idea yet12:48
* NCommander decides this is a good time to fix apport12:48
ograapport works fine for me12:48
NCommanderogra: the retracer been down for two weeks, chroot broke12:49
ograi just filed bug 559144 with it12:49
ubot4`Launchpad bug 559144 in udisks (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "udisks-part-id crashed with signal 7 in memcpy() (affects: 1)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55914412:49
NCommanderand I couldn't rebuild the chroot on jocote12:49
* NCommander points to apport stauts in the topic12:49
* ogra glares at the bugreport12:52
ograProcCmdLine: quiet splash vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 file=/cdrom/preseed/hostname.seed -- boot=casper12:52
ogramust be something that parses the line its surely not in the actual cmdline13:04
OlivierPmsg ndechesne comment ca va?13:08
* ogra hands OlivierP a /13:08
loologra: Just checking lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img, apparently it doesn't follow the chs expectations for beagleboard?13:14
loolPartition 1 has different physical/logical endings: phys=(1023, 3, 32) logical=(8283, 2, 1)13:14
ograit woprks so who cares13:15
ograit just uses the dove scripts in slightly modified ways, CHS is only relevant if you use MLO on the image which we dont do13:15
loologra: Do you have u-boot on the image?13:16
ogralool, nopüe13:16
XorAerks, I have no MLO on any of my boards13:16
ograthe expectation is that x-loader and u-boot sit in NAND13:16
loologra: So the image only works if people have a working x-loader and u-boot in NAND with proper config?13:16
ografor 10.04 thats the most minimal13:16
loolI thought you were trying to change the image scripts to use proper partitions13:17
ografor later we'll come up with something better13:17
ogralool, i will, but not for 10.0413:17
ograwe're way to late, my target is to have something installable at all by release going the path of least resistance13:17
XorAyou guys do have the script to make correct partitions?13:19
loolXorA: No; only the public (manual) instructions13:21
loolXorA: unfortunately, our scripts are usually based on parted which has a rigid view of what values one should use for chs addressing13:21
XorAlool: http://git.openembedded.net/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/contrib/angstrom/omap3-mkcard.sh13:21
XorAlool: for reference13:22
loolXorA: Thanks; we considered using other disk utilities such as fdisk or sfdisk or others, but that's an helpful example13:23
XorAlool: I still get 50 odd downloads of that a day from new beagleboard owners13:23
ogralool, i'll need to have partman-uboot, flash-kernel etc changes before final freeze (and whatever else bugs we find during next week) thats work enough given we only have a usable kernel today13:23
* ogra sighs about reconnects13:23
ograi'll dd the working live image off my Sd and upload it to people.u.c so others can play as well13:24
loolXorA: it might make sense to round the size down to the nearest cylinder boundary before dd-ing zeroes13:24
XorAlool: that makes sense13:24
loolXorA: For our particular case, I wish we wouldn't need root (we currently don't have root on the image build server)13:25
loolXorA: Also, I'm afraid the scripts relies on using real hardware of type MMC to create the image?!13:25
loolIt seems to rely on a /dev/foop2 device for instance13:25
ogracould you repost the script ? i was disconnected13:26
XorAyou can do it be prepping a blank image in a file once, then writing your FS on top of that13:26
loolThat only exists for real devices (unless you ask kpartx) and not for USB attached MMC drives13:26
ograthanks :)13:26
ograah, yeah, i had a similar approach using sfdisk13:27
* ogra uploads http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img13:30
ograthat uses 50% compcache and has working USB13:30
ogra40min to go13:31
NCommanderogra: on what?13:31
ograNCommander, ??13:31
* NCommander does his first likewise-open build13:31
NCommanderogra: 40 mins to go on what?13:31
loolECC Failed, page 0x0008000013:31
ograNCommander, the upload13:31
ogralool, wait for the image above13:32
ogralool, the cdimage images all have the broken kernel13:32
NCommanderogra: ugh, your upload bandwidth supassing mine in spades; with my up, that would take about 4 hours13:32
ograNCommander, SDSL 2Mbit13:32
NCommanderogra: I have 15 down burst up to 50Mbit, with 1Mbit up13:32
ograwhile it sucks wrt downloading i have a guranteed 2M upload all the time13:32
NCommanderand the 1 is questionable13:33
NCommanderogra: I'll trade :-P13:33
ograNCommander, costs a fortune though13:33
* XorA has that ADSL where I can request to boost my upload at cost of download13:33
NCommanderogra: can't be as bad as what I'm paying to get 1 Mbit up versus 264k13:33
NCommanderXorA: I envy you13:33
ograXorA, germany doesnt have such offers sadly13:33
XorAogra: its rare in the UK, I think this ISP is the only one13:34
NCommanderXorA: nor do most ISPs int he states13:34
XorAI havent here, but my office does have it boosted13:34
loologra: This is before the kernel13:36
ogralool, urgh13:36
ograbad u-boot ?13:36
XorAwrote u-boot with the wrong mixed up sw/hw ecc settings I would guess13:37
ograXorA, yeah, lool doesnt trust me so he doesnt use my packages :P13:38
ograwe have MLO and u-boot.bin in the archive :)13:38
* XorA hasnt ubuntud any of his beagles yet13:38
loologra: I'm using MLO and u-boot.bin from the archive...13:38
ogralool, aw, C4 ?13:38
ograi tested it on C413:39
ogralool, qemu-maemo-system-arm might emulate a different revision in which case you probably need a different MLO13:42
* ogra considers to be brave and try what the live image does on his B613:43
loologra: I just managed to load our u-boot, but can't break into it13:45
NCommanderogra: er, doesn't your B6 only have 128M?13:45
ograNCommander, thus "brave" :)13:45
NCommanderogra: ah. Ping me when its done booting sometime after final freeze ;-)13:46
ograseems though our DSS2 already fails on it i get no graphical output13:46
ograits stuck on the u-boot splash13:46
loolIs there anyway to break the start of our u-boot?13:46
NCommanderlool: it should break on any key13:47
ogralool, only hitting a key13:47
ograwhile the countdown runs13:47
loolI don't see any coundtown13:47
ograare you sure its our u-boot ?13:47
loolNote that it uses the default environment; I don't have any default binary environment13:47
loolU-Boot 2010.03-rc1 (Mar 24 2010 - 15:50:56)13:48
ograit definately defaults to a 10 sec countdown13:48
loologra: I don't see which other one it could possibly be13:48
NCommanderits up ot date13:48
* NCommander is sad being on u-boot 1.4.3 ;.;13:48
loolwhat I get is http://paste.ubuntu.com/411595/13:48
ograNCommander, yes, i pulled the very latest upstream that upstream recommended to me13:48
NCommanderogra: Dove's u-boot is a dinosaur. Although its not as bad as things still shipping u-boot 1.1, and Marvell has added some nice features13:49
ogralool, seems it'S stuck, the countdown appears after that13:49
NCommanderlike mounting NFS in u-boot :-)13:49
ogralool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/411596/13:49
rcn-eeah yes, ran into that in real hardware, if you us angstrom's u-boot 2010.03-rc1 you have to use the new 1.4.4ss x-loader...13:50
NCommanderStart in 49 minutes (5000000) - wow, buildds are getting slammed this morning13:50
* ogra hopes thats not the omap kernel13:51
loologra: that assumes you have some delay13:51
loolrcn-ee: Ah13:51
NCommanderogra: no, that's compiz13:51
loolrcn-ee: Do you have a binary x-loader I could try out to confirm?13:51
ograah, k13:51
loolrcn-ee: Preferably signed13:51
NCommanderogra: ti kernel is building, I set it so high that it was picked up as soon as a buildd freed up13:51
ograNCommander, yup, i see it13:52
rcn-eelool, they are uploaded here http://rcn-ee.net/deb/tools/13:52
amitkogra: why are you hoping it isn't the kernel?13:52
* NCommander watchs his racing OOo builds13:52
ograamitk, ??13:52
ograamitk, i said i suspect it *is* the kernel13:52
amitk15:51  * ogra hopes thats not the omap kernel13:52
NCommanderamitk: he was worried that the 50 minute build delay was for the kernel13:53
ograi was referring to the 49min delay13:53
* NCommander looks at the build queue to shuffle things around13:53
ograamitk, i thoght you referred to the SIGBUS errors13:53
NCommanderGot to love crunch time13:53
rcn-eeso heads up, that'll be in the FAQ's.. on boards with an older x-loader (1.4.2 is on C4's) when you upgrade u-boot to 2010.03, you need to flash the new 1.4.4ss X-loader... (or hold the user botton down on reset with the MLO on the sd card)13:53
rcn-eeotherwise it'll just stall at u-boot load....13:54
* ogra twiddles thumbs ... 13:54
loolrcn-ee: Your x-loader is unhappy with my qemu13:54
loolReading boot sector13:54
loolError: reading boot sector13:54
loolu-boot.bin not found or blank nand contents - attempting serial boot . . .13:54
ograanother 15min until the image is uploaded13:54
loolTexas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.4ss (Apr  1 2010 - 07:01:03)13:54
loolBeagle xM Rev A13:54
loolrcn-ee: it waits for an u-boot over kermit13:54
ograXM ?13:54
* amitk starts debugging OTG and kernel boot on XM now13:55
rcn-eeah crap... it's build directly in angstrom...13:55
* ogra really doubts qemu can emulate XM already13:55
ograamitk, kernel doesnt boot on revB13:56
ogra(not that i expected it to work)13:56
rcn-eelool, the last version that worked before the 1.4.4ss change, was 2009.11 (in the same directory)13:56
amitkogra: I don't have a revB. Only C4 and XM13:57
ograamitk, lucky you ... revB is crap13:57
ogra128M simply dont cut it :)13:57
loolrcn-ee: Wee!13:58
rcn-eelaughs, it's sad I use Rev b's for all my testing because my C's and Xm's are doing all the real grunt work on the server.. ;)13:58
loolrcn-ee: So I understand that we effectively packaged conflicting x-loader + u-boot in Ubuntu?13:58
amitkit is still good for lots of things, like running a server, but I'll need someone else to debug the problem13:58
ogralool, huh ?13:58
ogralool, we packaged what sarkoman recommended13:59
* NCommander pedals faster13:59
ogralool, for revC boards13:59
amitkrcn-ee: want to see what is preventing the lastest kernel upload from booting on revB?13:59
loologra: our x-loader + our u-boot == fail, our x-loader + rcn-ee's older u-boot == work13:59
rcn-eelool, no the x-loader and u-boot in ubuntu has all the XM tweaks, i think qemu might be missing one of the new changes...13:59
ogralool, in qemu13:59
loolrcn-ee: Ok13:59
ograrcn-ee, it doesnt13:59
rcn-eeamitk, will do, i took half of today off, so starting noon (central) i'm free for regression stuff.14:00
ograrcn-ee, XM support landed after my checkout, i asked sarkoman explicitly for the best combo for revC14:00
loolat least I can get qemu as far as loading the kernel and uncompressing it14:00
ograamitk, even if the kernel boots it wont be usable anyway14:00
loolI'm afraid nothing happens afterward14:00
amitkrcn-ee: thanks! people.canonical.com:~/amitk/ti/ has the .deb if you don't want to wait for the official builds14:01
rcn-eeogra, i guess i haven't looked too closely at which checkout ubuntu pulled...14:01
amitkogra: why can't you pull an update of xloader and uboot?14:01
ograamitk, because i'm busy debugging your kernel and the SIGBUS ?14:02
ograamitk, i can pull an update on the weekend14:02
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amitkaah, I thought there was some more sinister reason14:02
ograamitk, but since we wont support XM for 10.04 thats moot, i dont want to break Cx support14:02
rcn-eeare you guys planning a 10.04.1 arm rebuild? (i'm hoping to sneak some xm patches for that.. with amitk's blessing of course. ;))14:04
ograrcn-ee, nope14:04
ogra10.04 will be a one shot omap3 revC image14:04
amitkrcn-ee: we can always do PPA if these mean devs don't let us push stuff into the archive ;)14:04
ograright, PPA is fine14:05
loolrcn-ee: Do feel free to push as many interesting patches on launchpad14:05
rcn-eeokay good to know...  and i can always write a script to tweak the image.... ;)14:05
ografor 10.04 the plan is to have *something*14:05
ograwhich we are still far away from14:05
rcn-eeit's good ground work for 10.10... More of the omap stuff should be upstream by then, including the multi omap stuff..14:06
amitkrcn-ee: I'm curious though if you were using your EHCI port for the USB bug? Or do you plug in your hub into the OTG port?14:06
rcn-eeFor that bug testing, I'm just using a Bx board. so only OTG (otg to usbA adapter and hub..)14:07
NCommanderWOOO, OOO EXPLODED!14:08
NCommander(I think)14:08
amitkrcn-ee: aah, the revBs have no EHCI port soldered onto the pad, I believe...14:09
amitk(broken ehci implementation and all that)14:09
ograEVERYONE: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img ********* please help debugging this image !!! **************14:09
ograshould properly work on Cx boards14:10
NCommanderogra: do we have a guide for doing omap on QEMU?14:10
rcn-eeCorrect...  however the EHCI still pops up in lsusb, it's just not soldered to anything, since that port was snafu on the omap35x. the Cx boards route to a different pin..14:10
ograNCommander, ask lool, he does the qemu-maemo playing atm14:10
* XorA grabs ogras image14:10
XorAdoes it have zippy patches?14:10
ograyou'll get into a live session properly14:11
ograit has whatever will end up in the archive tonight14:11
ograplus using 50% compcache to prevent OOM14:11
rcn-eeXorA, last i tried you have to be careful with the zippy patches, as it causes boards to lock up post 2.6.29... (but i haven't testd my zippy2 witk Koen's new u-boot that reads the i2c)14:11
ograi.e. you can run firefosx in the live session without running out of ram14:12
rcn-ee(zippy2 patch kernel + board with no zippy2 = lockup)14:12
ograi dont think amitk added zippy patches14:12
XorAbang goes me network :-)14:12
amitkXorA: no zippy patches14:12
rcn-eeXorA, do you have a zippy1 or zippy2? I have pre-build lucid chroot *.deb on rcn-ee.net for zippy2..14:13
ogramy USB->ETH adapter works fine though14:13
XorArcn-ee: zippy1, zippy2 wasnt public when I met prpplague14:13
rcn-ee*heads off to work..14:15
amitknosse1: you could test out the above image too; I've disabled sound on the EVM boards for now. So if you can tell me if this allows you to boot, that would be great.14:16
dmartDoes anyone know how the apport retracing service works?  Currently it doesn't generate useful output because gdb needs debug symbols in order to make a reasonable attempt at the backtrace.14:26
looldmart: We should be providing these debug symbols in the form of -dbgsym packages14:28
ograwohooo !!!14:29
ogramy zoom2 arrived14:29
dmartlool: yes, but retracing service doesn't seem to have them installed when it generates backtraces14:29
dmartogra: very 80s look14:30
XorAogra: zoom2 or 3?14:30
dmartlots of black plastic14:30
ograXorA, zoom2 with upgrade kit14:30
XorAogra: bah14:30
ogradmart, giant blackberry14:31
XorAogra: Ive been waiting weeks for mine14:31
looldmart: I think you can try replicating the apport behavior locally with apport-retrace14:32
looldmart: the ddebs should be fetched from ddebs.ubuntu.cim14:32
dmartIs apport-retrace supposed to do that automatically?14:33
loolI think :)14:33
dmartAlso, I find the name of the debug package is unpredictable, because some package generate their own -dbg in the main archive, others generate -dbgsym on ddebs.ubuntu.com, and there seems not always to be a 1:1 relationship between binary packages and debug packages14:34
dmartIs there an easy way to guess the correct debug packages?14:34
persiaUnfortunately not.14:36
looldmart: Ignore -dbg packages14:36
looldmart: We only care about -dbgsym ones which should be generated almost all the time14:36
looldmart: We just inherit -dbg from Debian14:36
persiaUm, not quite.  We have some -dbg native to Ubuntu, and packages with nostrip don't generate -dbgsyms14:37
loolpersia: I'm not sure what you mean14:38
persia1) There exist packages in the Ubuntu archive that have -dbg packages that do not have -dbg packages in Debian.  2) Packages that don't call dh_strip in the usual fashion don't get dbgsyms: this is not uncommon for packages that also have -dbg variants.14:39
NCommanderdmart: it does14:39
NCommanderdmart: the retracer isn't very happy this morning, and the image may have had stale debs installed14:40
dmartWhen the apport retracing service appends backtraces to bug reports they tend to look like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411615/14:40
dmartI was hoping we might be able to improve it...14:40
NCommanderdmart: I'm aware, but if the dbgsym's are out of date/newer than what is available, the retrace explodes. Also some kernel bugs can cause crappy retraces14:41
NCommanderdmart: I'm working on the broken OOo segfault, I think we're looking at a toolchain regression, bisecting now14:41
loolWell I can't go past Uncompressing Linux... with any kernel I try, hmm14:41
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dmartDo we not keep old debug packages on the servers for a bit?14:45
looldmart: Not too much I'm afraid14:45
loolpersia: Concerning -dbg which we add in Ubuntu, we still have -dbgsym for them; we only provide -dbg for end-users, not apport, right?  and concerning packages not using dh_strip and not having -dbgsym as a result, these are bugs/limitations, but the apport model still relies on -dbgsym AFAIK14:47
NCommanderdmart: /win 3114:47
loolThe vast majority of packages with ELF binaries have -dbgsym packages and that's the main use case I believe14:47
loolNCommander: /win 42 to you too14:48
NCommanderlool: heh, I've jumped from x-chat to irssi14:49
persialool: I'll agree with you that apport relies on -dbgsym.  I just want to make sure everyone understands that it's not quite perfect yet.14:49
dmartlool: sure, but many key projects have their own -dbg packages instread, so it's hard to automate fetching the debug packages.14:50
looldmart: As I said, the machine-usable service is based around -dbgsym packages -- not -dbg; we can fix these if they are missing for this or that package/architecture14:51
dmartForcibly pulling in libc6-dbg might help14:51
looldmart: or what do you mean with "key projects"?14:51
dmartThings like eglibc, firefox etc.14:52
looldmart: Well you typically want libc6-dbgsym_2.11.1-0ubuntu5_armel.ddeb14:52
* dmart wonders why he failed to find that in the past...14:52
looldmart: You need to add the ddeb repo to your sources.list and then call apport-retrace I think14:53
lool(and apt-get update inbetween)14:53
looldmart: -dbg are not meant for apport, but for end-user or specific use cases (e.g. valgrind)14:53
dmartDoes apport-retrace pull in the debug packages for the whole library stack?  This is the other problem we get: the backtrace will tend to die whenever it reached a frame with no debug info.14:53
loolor to help Debian-style debugging14:53
looldmart: In theory it should do something ensuring it gets the proper -dbgsym packages installed14:53
dmartDo you know whether old debug packages are mirrored / backed up somewhere?  Maybe there is a problem with them often having disappeared by the time a bug gets reported.14:55
looldmart: there's an apport-retracer chroot creation script which comes at least in the apport source14:55
dmartHmmm, I'll try and have a play with that at some point14:55
looldmart: Yes, that's common indeed; I'm afraid we don't keep them for too long as this is huge; pitti might have some details there14:55
dmartI think some work is being done to improve gdb's backracing, but I don't think it's all merged yet, unfortunately...14:57
looldmart: ack; -dbgsym are meant exactly for what you need in the mean time I guess14:57
dmartok, I'll try to persevere with that14:57
dmartNCommander: it sounds like you might need to grab some dbgsyms if you want a better backtrace for the bash segfault in the OOo build14:58
looldmart: Basically, we divert dh_strip during package builds and take a copy of the debug symbols just before calling the real dh_strip14:58
loolbecause it's made automatically for all build, it covers almost all packages14:58
dmartMaybe the difficulties I had previously were to do with disappeared package versions.  It was a while ago now.14:59
dmartNCommander: Am I understanding the OOo build issue correctly?  It looks to me like a bash crash in the build and not something directly connected with the OOo sources?15:05
NCommanderdmart: its not a bash crash15:09
dmartIs this bug 555977?15:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 555977 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "openoffice.org FTBFS on armel (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55597715:12
NCommanderdmart: thats it15:13
ograndechesne, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/live-initrd-roller.sh (note that your kernel needs squashfs and aufs at least)15:13
NCommanderdmart: I'm confirming if we're looking at regression in gcc. If it is, at least its a lot less of a nightmare to debug it15:13
dmartWhat's the nature of the problem exactly?  I thought it was a build failure:15:14
dmart /bin/bash: line 1: 24891 Segmentation fault15:14
NCommanderdmart: it is, due to saxparser segfaulting, which appears to be a regression caused by a toolchain update15:14
dmartOh, right--- my confusion15:15
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* NCommander pedals faster15:15
asacbug 559295, bug 559301 and bug 559297 for omap issues15:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 559295 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "flash-kernel-installer needs to learn to handle omap (affects: 1)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55929515:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 559301 in partman-uboot (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "partman-uboot needs to handle omap installs (affects: 1)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55930115:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 559297 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "flash-kernel needs to learn to handle omap (affects: 1)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55929715:56
asacbug 55914415:58
ubot4`Launchpad bug 559144 in udisks (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[armel] udisks-part-id crashed with signal 7 in memcpy() (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55914415:58
asacbug 54139916:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 541399 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "netboot image fails to boot. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54139916:03
ndechesneogra: thanks. will try this.16:10
asacndechesne: i asked cpearson something in pmsg ;)16:12
asacNCommander: can you poke him to look at his client ;)16:12
asacndechesne: oh sorry16:12
asacndechesne: figured that you are not on the same continent ;)16:12
ograndechesne, just stretch your arm !16:14
plarsasac: bug #541030 is omap related for your list, and just went to fix committed16:16
ubot4`Launchpad bug 541030 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "omap kernel musb/ehci ports not enabled on beagleboard (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54103016:16
asacplars: hmm ogra said thats fixed ... so didnt mention it at all16:17
asaclet me add16:17
plarsasac: also, bug #542041 was dropped, unless it becomes reproducible again (it was from before we had images)16:17
ubot4`Launchpad bug 542041 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "ext4 support broken on omap kernel (affects: 2)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54204116:17
plarsasac: hmm... he probably knows better than I, I didn't go look to see if it had already been uploaded.  If it's not fixed, then it's *just* about to be16:17
ograplars, it was also a different kernel16:18
ograleave the ext4 one out for now16:18
asacplars: yeah. now its fix committed in the report ;)16:18
asacogra: so we should untarget the ext4 bug16:18
asacogra: #16:18
asac559295: flash-kernel-installer needs to learn to handle omap16:18
asac559297: flash-kernel needs to learn to handle omap16:18
asacshouldnt that be one bug ;)?16:18
ograno, its two apps16:18
plarsthe untarget that is16:19
ograi want the two implementation details distinct16:19
asacthanks plars16:19
ograits the same package though16:19
asacogra: then its one bug ;)16:19
asacsourc epackage needs to learn ompap16:19
asacbut ok16:19
asacwe will survive i am sure16:19
ograwell, one part affects the installer only, the other the general upgradeability16:20
ogratheir possibility of impact is different16:20
ograand i will neeed FFe bugs for both features i guess16:20
asacbug 54139916:26
ubot4`Launchpad bug 541399 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "netboot image fails to boot. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54139916:26
prpplagueogra: ping16:26
ograprpplague, yep16:26
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nosse1amtik, I'm testing the image now. However, I don't think support for the specific LCD panel of the EVM has been compiled into the kernel, so the panel doesn't work.17:21
nosse1Is there a boot parameter for making the installer run solely in text mode (against console) ?17:22
ogra_cmpcnosse1, no, its a live image17:23
ogra_cmpcidentical to UNR on i38617:23
amitknosse1: remove "quiet splash" to atleast be able to see the kernel bootup. And add "console=.... serialtty=ttyS2" to enable serial console in your boot.cmd17:24
nosse1ogra_cmpc, ok. Is it possible to run the _live image_ without a gfx scereen?17:24
amitkand then compile it to a uboot script format17:24
nosse1amitk, done that. The last thing the console displays is:17:24
ogra_cmpcno, you can have a serial login though17:24
nosse1Here's the output I got: http://pastebin.com/Lii2QqZx17:26
ogra_cmpcyou are missing serialtty=ttyS2 in your cmdline17:28
nosse1ogra_cmpc, No, I didn't. But I did initially. Thats why there are two lines with setenv bootargs17:29
ogra_cmpcnote serialtty != console17:30
nosse1ah, sorry17:30
* nosse1 retrying17:30
ogra_cmpcyou need serialtty=ttyS2 additionally17:30
ogra_cmpcthat will tell casper to spawn a login shell on the serial tty oyu defined17:30
ogra_cmpcamitk, hmm, i guess with adding the DSS2 stuff the kernel doesnt work on zoom anymore17:33
ogra_cmpci dont get it to uncompress17:33
nosse1Sorry, It stops at the same place as the pastebin above.17:34
ogra_cmpccan you pastebin it again ?17:36
nosse1I should note that I have not been able to run Ubuntu yet on target, even with rootstock images17:36
nosse1Yes, sure. Hold on17:36
ogra_cmpcand disk access stops at that point ?17:38
amitkogra_cmpc: uncompressin almost never has anything to do with drivers17:39
nosse1Yes it seems so. I don't really know, as there's no led on the sdcard activity.17:40
nosse1I *could* bring out my scope17:40
ogra_cmpcamitk, hmm, it saw it booting with the old archive kenrel in nice17:40
nosse1amtik, How long time does it take to until the new omap kernel makes it to ports.ubuntu.com ?17:43
ogra_cmpcstill building17:43
ogra_cmpconce thats done an archive admin needs to approve it to move it out of the NEW queue17:44
nosse1When its done, I'll give it another go on the AM3517 EVM17:44
ogra_cmpcthen apw needs to upload a new meta17:44
ogra_cmpcnosse1, the kernel just building is identical to the one in the image you just tried17:45
apwogra_cmpc, shouldn't need a meta for ti-omap, no abi-bump17:45
ogra_cmpcapw, ah, sweet17:45
ogra_cmpchmm, no abi bump should also mean no NEWing17:45
apwonce you have a good kernel which boots in an image, then we'll bump so you keep that17:46
apwogra_cmpc, indeed it should17:46
MartynI just re-installed the Dove board, and the tegra2, and the smooth-stone prototype board, and the versatile express 2 with the latest lucid build .. looks good17:46
nosse1ogra_cmpc, Ah, so I can take the uImage and extract the kernel/modules from the rootfs. I'll try17:46
Martyntasksel server takes FOR-frigging-ever to run on the versatile express 217:46
apwogra_cmpc, in theory its a no-watch situation, of course pkgmgler will core dump and we'll have to put it back17:46
ogra_cmpcMartyn, so you like the new themes ? :P17:46
Martynogra : I'm ... ambivalent17:46
Martynogra : I've gotten _so_ used to the old brown theme, that the new theme is .. disturbing17:47
* ogra_cmpc likes it17:47
ogra_cmpcthe brown got tiring17:47
ogra_cmpcand i have seem whats ahead the road for M :)17:47
ogra_cmpcchanging the color is only the first step towards revolution :)17:48
Martynright now though, I'm less worried about THEME as getting server -stable- on lucid17:48
ogra_cmpcwhats unstable about it ?17:48
Martynwe're missing some mission-critical libraries, and there's nothing that can be done for Lucid17:48
Martynthere will be no way to compile hiphop on the ARM platform until libtbb2 is ported and tested17:49
Martynmemcached is unstable, but useable17:49
ogra_cmpcah, yeah, armel PPAs would really be a good thing17:49
Martynlatest mysql runs, but has performance issues even when the proccessor is quad core and there are 4MB of L2 cache.   No idea where the slowness is coming from, but doing the streams benchmark is giving me an idea17:49
ogra_cmpcso you could easily build your own stuff on top of the distro17:49
Martynogra : Yeah .. well .. you know my goal is to make M //the// distribution for server17:50
Martynon armel17:50
ogra_cmpcMartyn, indeed you filed a huge pile of bugs for all these issues :)17:50
Martynogra : no, I //will// be filing them for M17:50
MartynL wasn't the right plaef17:50
Martynplace rather17:50
ogra_cmpcthen stop moaning :P17:50
Martynbesides, I didn't get server-class hardware until two weeks ago17:50
MartynOh, I'm not moaning... in fact I just got my tickets for Brussels17:51
MartynI wish the hotel was cheaper though...17:51
Martyn130euro a night, and 150euro on weekends17:51
ogra_cmpcthere is a discount pointed out onm the wiki17:51
Martynthat's WITH the discount17:51
Martynogra : Yeah, makes me wish I had an apartment in Brussels17:51
ogra_cmpcyou should move to a place with a decent currency ;)17:52
Martynfor 1600 euros.. I could rent a REALLY nice place for a month17:52
ogra_cmpcthen it hurts less17:52
Martynhas nothing to do with the currency .. it's the venue, taking advantage that there are three conferences in Brussels all at once, and one of them is UN related17:52
Martynogra : Canonical pays for you, Smooth-Stone pays for me :)  I'17:52
MartynI'm just ... frugal ...17:53
ogra_cmpcthe good thing is that the hotel is in the middle of nowhere17:53
Martynand anything I don't have to pay for hotel, could be used for more entertaining purposes17:53
ogra_cmpcso you cant spend money running around in the city17:53
MartynBAH, humbug17:53
Martynlike the one they picked for Dallas.17:53
ogra_cmpcthat was relatively close to the city17:54
armin76thats what happens when you go to ubuntu stuff :P17:54
ogra_cmpcwe had worse hotels17:54
ogra_cmpcthe paris one was 40km away ... next to the airport17:54
ogra_cmpcand a beer at the hotel bar was 9euro17:55
armin76in some conf they made our distro build the stand :D17:57
ndechesneogra: what are the bootargs you use on the live image for omap?18:03
loolndechesne: quiet splash vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 + seed + -- boot=casper18:04
loolfor live images18:04
ogra_cmpcquiet splash vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed -- boot=casper18:04
ndechesnelool: you were faster ;-)18:04
ogra_cmpcubuntu.seed is wrong btw18:04
ndechesnelool, ogra: thanks18:04
ogra_cmpctomorrows image will have the right seed name18:05
loolndechesne: Do you have a reference of SYS_BOOT information passing between ROM and x-loader?18:05
loolndechesne: Is this in some public doc somewhere?18:05
ndechesneogra: basically, what bootargs should I use to try to boot the image on the Zoom2/318:05
ogra_cmpcndechesne, i havent succeeded yet to boot it on the zoom18:05
ndechesnelool: i think it should be in the OMAP3 TRM18:05
ogra_cmpci suspect i use the wrong load adresses for initrd and uimage18:06
ndechesneogra: up to where are you going?18:06
loolndechesne: ok thanks18:06
ogra_cmpci tried the defaults that were in the nand18:06
ogra_cmpc0x8c100000 for uImage and a guessed 0x82000000 for uInitrd18:06
ogra_cmpcbut the kernel doesnt uncompress18:07
ogra_cmpci suspect i'm overwriting something somewhere18:11
Martynomap4 kernel, omap4 hardware not working with the current build18:12
Martynupstart is failing18:12
ndechesneogra: where did you get these addresses? it's been a while since i haven't used my zoom18:12
ndechesnemartyn: omap4? which kernel are you using?18:12
MartynI'm going to recreate the rootfs, and try again18:12
Martynndechesne: Same as the standard ubuntu kernel, but patched with omap4 support.  It worked last week, so something changed18:13
MartynI can single mode, so it's not the kernel18:13
ogra_cmpcndechesne, the 0x81c00000 was the default load address in uboot in nand18:13
ogra_cmpcthe 0x8200000 is just a guess18:13
ndechesneogra: but you need to put the uImage and initrd in DDR, not NAND, right?18:14
ndechesnemartyn: where did you get the OMAP4 patches? I am asking because there are many places ;-)18:14
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
ndechesnemartyn: I have 10.04 latest + UNE running on OMAP4. I built root fs with rootstock (e.g. it's not a live image), and I am based of TI OMAP4 kernel: http://dev.omapzoom.org/?p=integration/kernel-omap4.git18:15
ogra_cmpcndechesne, i fatload them18:16
MartynYeah, I've been skipping some of the kernel-omap4.git patches, because they start forking from mainline too far18:16
Martynand that means I can't get other patches to work, like the OpenVZ patch set18:16
ndechesneogra: ok, so dst address need to be in DDR range, and 0x82000000 is not18:17
ogra_cmpcwell, even if i omit uInitrd and only load to 81c00000 it doesnt uncompress18:17
ndechesneogra: i usually put the uImage at 80300000 or 8020000018:19
* ogra_cmpc tries 8020000018:20
ndechesneogra: oops I forgot you are on Zoom3. Zoom3 has a different CPU than beagle (3630 vs 3430). I am not sure your current kernel has full support for 3630. can you try on zoom2?18:21
ogra_cmpcyeah, need to replace the CPU though18:21
ogra_cmpcah, only 256M18:26
ndechesneogra: just tried on my Zoom2, and the kernel boots at @8020000018:27
ndechesneogra: yes 256Mb ;-(18:27
ogra_cmpcfatload mmc 0:1 0x80200000 /casper/uImage18:29
ogra_cmpcbootm 0x8020000018:29
ogra_cmpcStarting kernel ...18:29
ogra_cmpcnothing ...18:29
ndechesneogra: on zoom2 or zoom318:29
ndechesneon my side, kernel boots until it tries to mount the root fs18:30
ogra_cmpci just changed the SOM back to the one that was in the device18:30
ndechesnehum, it could be your uboot/mlo18:30
ogra_cmpcNAND OMAP34XX ZOOM2 #18:30
ogra_cmpcin any case 34xx18:30
ogra_cmpcif i can trust the installed uboot18:30
ogra_cmpcU-Boot 1.1.4-dirty (Mar 27 2009 - 11:27:11)18:31
ndechesneU-Boot 1.1.4 (Jun  5 2009 - 15:00:50)18:31
ogra_cmpcx-loader doesnt generate any output18:31
ndechesneso I just need to fatload uImage, and initrd? and use the bootargs you gave me, right?18:32
ogra_cmpcand indeed buse both load addresses with bootm18:32
ogra_cmpcso it switches to the initrd18:33
ogra_cmpc(there is a boot.scr in the image toplevel dir)18:33
ndechesnewhat do you mean? can you give your commands?18:33
ogra_cmpc        fatload mmc 0:1 0x80000000 /casper/uImage18:34
ogra_cmpc        fatload mmc 0:1 0x81600000 /casper/uInitrd18:34
ogra_cmpc        setenv bootargs quiet splash vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed -- boot=casper18:34
ogra_cmpc        bootm 0x80000000 0x8160000018:34
ogra_cmpcthats the default boot.scr on the image18:34
nosse1ogra_cmpc, how does the kernel where to find the root image? Or is the initrd all that's needed? I mean how can the system know that it needs to access the /casper/filesystem.squashfs on /dev/mmc0p1...18:34
ogra_cmpcthe initrd scans all devices it finds for that file18:35
ogra_cmpcif you set boot=casper on the cmdline the casper script is executed... casper is the tool that sets up the live environment and mounts the squashfs in an aufs mount18:35
nosse1ogra_cmpc, Would it be possible for you to post a console output of a working target?18:36
ogra_cmpcnot atm, the zoom doesnt boot and i dont have any other target around18:36
nosse1:D sure, np18:36
ogra_cmpcnosse1, but your paste clearly shows you end up in the initrd18:37
nosse1or :( is perhaps more correct18:37
ogra_cmpcLoading, please wait...18:37
ogra_cmpcthats the first line the initramfs writes18:37
ogra_cmpctry booting with break=top18:37
ogra_cmpcand see if you end up in a busybox shell18:37
nosse1Yes, clearly initrd, however I doubt is has completed and ready to pass over to rootfs18:38
nosse1I'll try, thanksw18:38
ogra_cmpcnosse1, also how long did you wait for a console18:38
ogra_cmpcit might be very slow on 256M18:38
ogra_cmpc(its relatively decent on beagle though)18:39
Martynomap4 didn't boot because one of the NAND chips has a bit error on it18:40
Martynand that error is in the first block.  Fuck18:40
ogra_cmpcndechesne, you really need to update to a decent uboot that 1.4.x series is just annoying (hush shell support rules)18:41
ndechesneogra: this is weird, if i set bootargs, then my kernel does not boot. if I run bootm without setting the bootargs it does boot....18:42
ogra_cmpctry dropping the video stuff18:42
ogra_cmpcthats clearly for beagle18:42
ndechesneogra: i know... the problem when you don't stick to mainline, is that the more you wait the more painful it is to catch up ;-)18:42
nosse1I didn't get any output from kernel until I added console= (and ogra later told to add serialtty=)18:43
ogra_cmpcserialtty is really only for getting a login prompt18:43
ogra_cmpcsweet ... kernel finished18:44
nosse1Argh. The break=top had no effect18:45
nosse1"Loading please wait..." is the last lifesign from the board18:45
ogra_cmpcyou cond get the ramzswap stuff anymore >18:45
ogra_cmpcsigh, that cmpc knbd is so small18:46
nosse1BTW: How can I force a module to load during boot? I thought editing /etc/modules would, but looking in the initrd, there's no conf/modules file present18:48
ogra_cmpcthere is a special /etc/initramfs-tools/modules you can use18:49
ogra_cmpcbut you need to rebuild the initrd18:49
nosse1sure, thanks18:49
nosse1What is the real difference between update-initramfs's -c (create) and -u (update)?18:51
ogra_cmpcu updates and creates a backup of the old one18:53
ndechesneogra: still something weird on my board. if I don't set the bootargs and load uimage and uinitrd, i can get the initramfs prompt18:54
ogra_cmpcwhat bootargs do you use now ?18:55
ndechesnenevermind... it's too late ;-) i forgot the console stuff.18:56
ogra_cmpcndechesne, the only arg thats actually necessary is boot=casper18:56
ogra_cmpcyou shouldnt need console if you have any external display you can drive18:57
ndechesnewith setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS3,115200n8 mem=256M splash file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed -- boot=casper', kernel boots, but omapfb fails, so there is no display.18:57
ogra_cmpctry adding serialtty=ttyS318:58
ndechesnewhat does it bring?18:58
ogra_cmpcshould spawn a getty on ttyS318:58
ogra_cmpcso you get a serial login18:58
ndechesnewith the normal bootargs, on zoom2, kernel crashes with some usb problems.. but I am using the old .img from 2 days ago....18:59
ndechesneyup ... ;-)19:00
ogra_cmpcyeah, use the img from my people.canonical.com page19:00
ogra_cmpcthat has a kernel with fixed USb19:00
ndechesnei need to go now... i will try the new image on monday ... but I think that the new image will not resolve the omapfb issue. i will look into that on monday.19:01
ogra_cmpcyeah, unliklely that omapfb works on anything but beagle i guess19:02
nosse1ndechesne, you say Zoom2, is that the beagle you're talking about?19:02
ogra_cmpcnosse1, nope thats the zoom19:02
nosse1What CPU? Because this kit (AM3517-EVM) is also a Zoom kit (IMHO)19:03
ndechesnenosse1: zoom2 has 3430, zoom3 has 3630.19:03
ndechesneogra: is that the one: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img19:03
ndechesneok. i will start download now, and leave, bye.19:04
ogra_cmpcyou should have usb19:04
ogra_cmpchave a nice weekend19:04
* ogra_cmpc also calls it beer'o clock now19:04
nosse1Yeah! for good product (re)naming....19:05
* ogra_cmpc slaps forehead19:13
ogra_cmpcoh my19:13
ogra_cmpcindeed that cant boot19:13
* ogra_cmpc wonders how that got in the default env19:14
ogra_cmpcsweet, it seems to boot19:18
ogra_cmpchmm, no, boot ends at squashfs19:20
ogra_cmpcoh, its just slow19:20
* ogra_cmpc twiddles thumbs 19:21
ogra_cmpcnosse1, so on the zoom2 i get a boot but it takes about 2 min19:22
ogra_cmpcubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep Hard19:22
ogra_cmpcHardware        : OMAP Zoom2 board19:22
ogra_cmpcsetenv bootargs console=ttyS3,115200n8 serialtty=ttyS3 file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-netbook.seed -- boot=casper19:23
ogra_cmpcfatload mmc 0:1 0x80200000 /casper/uImage19:23
ogra_cmpcfatload mmc 0:1 0x81000000 /casper/uInitrd19:23
ogra_cmpcbootm 0x80200000 0x8100000019:23
ogra_cmpcthat gets it going for me19:23
* ogra_cmpc goes to try 3630 now19:25
nosse1It gets going for me as well, except it stops somewhere down the line19:25
ogra_cmpcwell, its takes quite long19:25
ogra_cmpc2-3 min19:26
nosse1On my other test (trying to run roostocked lucid), it stops in the initrd on "+ wait-for-root /dev/mmcblk0p1 30"19:26
nosse1BTW: Why do you explicitly specify mem=xxM ?19:26
ogra_cmpci dont ?19:26
nosse1well you don't, but I've seen it around here19:26
nosse1it was a general q19:27
ogra_cmpcyou normally dont need to19:27
ogra_cmpcthe kernel handles that fine19:27
* nosse1 is giving it yet another go. Stopwatch on19:30
nosse1How many minutes until declared dead?19:31
ogra_cmpcmax 5 i'd say19:33
ogra_cmpcamitk, any chance we can have 3630 together with 34xx in our kernel ?19:33
nosse1Do you guys use any JTAG tools in case of deep crash, or do you rely solely on SW mechanisms? In case which tools do you use?19:34
* ogra_cmpc didnt have to debug such deep crashes yet 19:35
ogra_cmpcand all targets we support are usually unbrickable19:35
ogra_cmpci.e. they support getting the bootloader from SD19:35
prpplaguenosse1: i personally recommend the flyswatter and openocd, but i'm biased19:36
* XorA recomands flyswatter as well19:36
nosse1Ah. Point is we are bringing forth new HW based on the OMAP, so for the custom driver development we need JTAG for observability. I was curious what other linux devlp. are using19:36
prpplagueXorA: hehe thanks19:36
* ogra_cmpc is a glue guy ... my work usually starts above kernel and with already existing bootloader sources 19:37
prpplaguenosse1: openocd is not as robust as something like a BDI or lauterbach, but it generally works well enough to debug most issues with driver development19:37
nosse1I had a demo one of lauterbach with extremely smoooth kernel & userspace integration, however my boss wont agree on the pricetag :D19:38
amitkogra_cmpc: yes, you can have 3630 support in the same kernel19:41
nosse113 mins passed. I think it's dead.19:43
=== JaMa|Away is now known as JaMa
* nosse1 would be happy if he had a JTAG tool to see if target is really dead19:43
amitknosse1: I've used lauterbach in my previous job, I've just acquired the tincan tools jtag, haven't tried it yet19:44
nosse1A local company is making a new tool named ZY1000: http://www.zylin.com/zy1000.html19:45
nosse1...oh forgot - we've switched to A8 - which isn't listed yet19:46
nosse1Since the boot hangs on "+ wait-for-root /dev/mmcblk0p1 30", how can I modify Ubuntu for NFS root?19:49
nosse1Edit /etc/fstab, put up the NIC driver in /etc/initramfs/modules. More?19:49
* nosse1 will try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto19:52
prpplaguenosse1: openocd is free, and the flyswatter retails for $49.0019:53
nosse1prpplague, yeah, I saw that. Cheap!19:54
prpplaguenosse1: i prefer inexpensive!19:54
nosse1prpplague, hehe we don't have that distinction in my language... Anyway they ship to Europe I hope19:55
prpplaguenosse1: we do19:56
XorAheh, defineately not cheap19:56
prpplaguenosse1: the USPS service is the cheapest shipping19:56
rcn-eeamitk, just tested your 500.4 link from this morning, the ehci port looks good on my C4 board.  Found all the random assorment of usb based devices...19:57
prpplaguenosse1: i said i was biased19:58
* prpplague designed the flyswatter19:58
nosse1prplague, I'd like to talk more about the flyswatter. However I haven't got the time now. Can I PM you later on this?20:00
prpplaguenosse1: you can feel free to message me over in #edev to discuss it at any time20:01
prpplaguenosse1: or pm me20:01
nosse1YYYEEESSS!!!!! I finally got Ubuntu up and running on target!20:13
* nosse1 VERY HAPPY!20:13
ogra_cmpcwhat was it ?20:13
ogra_cmpcjust slowness ?20:14
nosse1it's the kernel. I have compiled a new kernel using a newer one from TI20:14
nosse1And I'm running NFS root. The MMC is probably not working on the vanilla omap target20:15
ogra_cmpcworks on the beagle and zoom20:15
cpearson@ogra: how is the Zoom coming along?20:16
ogra_cmpccpearson, well, the 34xx version boots slower than the beagle, the 36xx one doewsnt work with our kernel20:16
cpearsonsame issue as with the XM?20:17
ogra_cmpcit just doesnt have 36xx support built in20:17
ogra_cmpcbut amitk just said its possible20:17
ogra_cmpcso if we can we will enable it20:17
ogra_cmpcbeyond that, our current image is indeed targeted for beagle so the framebuffer etc have issues20:19
amitkrcn-ee: \o/20:31
amitkogra_cmpc: is 36xx support a priority over OTG/PM/ etc.?20:31
rcn-eeamitk, is there anything else on your check list?  I'm downloading ogra's latest *img file..20:32
rcn-eemaking up a sd card for the xm to see how bad it is. ;)20:32
amitkrcn-ee: XM is on my wishlist next20:32
amitkbut I need to do some family time (it being friday evening and all that)20:32
rcn-eeof course family first ;) My goal is to get this XM booted and benched against it's older boards this weekend (inbetween beer and golf)..20:34
amitkbeer, great idea.20:35
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
rcn-eeand someone broke gcc trunk...  i think i need 2-3 more beagles for faster bisecting..20:36
JaMaisn't trunk expected to be broken a bit sometimes, now after branching 4.5?20:37
rcn-eeyeah.. it's perfectly fine at this stage.. ;)20:38
nosse1OK. I got lucid running, but only with custom kernel (based on non-ubuntu source).20:38
nosse1The last kernel ti-omap   -5 does not work on AM3517, see http://pastebin.com/RdiMijNL20:39
rcn-eehey nosse1, which kernel repo did you use again?20:39
nosse1For the one that works, I'm using TI's git repo20:39
nosse1So, I'm ready to conclude that the official kernel wont work for my target.20:40
rcn-eeactually that's not bad...  nosse1 does the console ever come up with 500.4?20:40
nosse1But it's not tragic, because we will have custom HW (hence kernel) anyways20:40
nosse1The cheering from me was for running Ubuntu userspace!20:41
rcn-eenosse1, is that their psb/bsp repo?  I'm going to steal/browow some xm stuff20:42
nosse1rcn-ee: It's this repo: git://arago-project.org/git/people/sriram/ti-psp-omap.git   I know TI has two repos: This one and the one on the official kernel server20:44
nosse1According to the other developers here the former is the most updated one, while the last is for what is pushed upstream20:45
rcn-eeThanks nosse1, wasn't 100% where it was, I normally pull from tmlind's tree and after 2.6.31 i kinda was off in the woods doing my own thing.. ;)20:45
nosse1I haven't a full understanding of the difference between those two repos.20:46
nosse1We need to base our HW branch from one of them, but I'm not sure which yet20:47
rcn-eetalking with my buddies at TI it's their new, more upstream kernel policy then years past, 'plan'..20:47
nosse1I spent some considerable time to ubuntuize the kernel config for the ti-kernel20:49
rcn-eeIt's kind of a challlenge, in years past you've allways had one specific config for one specific board, but now for distrutors, you need one config for all..20:50
nosse1Now we are ready to evaluate _if_ we are going to run Ubuntu at all on the device...20:51
prpplagueogra: ping20:51
rcn-eei can give you one hint... it's faster then debian.. ;)20:52
nosse1Thanks, that answers one ;)20:52
nosse1I need to get the SVX-stuff and Qt on top (either fb or X11) to eval the end user GUI20:53
rcn-eethe sgx modules are pretty easy to build, i have a couple scripts in my bzr repo... Haven't messed around with the QT-SGX setup thou...20:54
nosse1bzr repo?20:55
rcn-eesorry: https://launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel  in the 2.6-stable and 2.6-dev tree's theirs a build_sgx_modules.sh script...20:56
nosse1Can one cross-compile apps for Ubuntu target?20:58
nosse1Some of our developers are worried about having to compile Qt on target for the target, while we have a rather large build farm20:59
rcn-eeYeah, it's not always 100%, but it's fast for a quick test, i usually build on either a qemu based chroot or native chroot...21:00
rsalvetinosse1: qt is going to be very slow if you compile it inside qemu21:00
rsalvetinosse1: cool to see that you finally made to boot ubuntu :-)21:00
nosse1Oh yes! Tried it!21:00
nosse1rsalveti, hi yes. I got it to boot only an half hour ago! Finally!21:00
rsalvetinice :-)21:01
rsalvetinosse1: you could probably use your build farm inside qemu, but you have to setup the cross compiler correctly21:02
rsalvetiand depends on what system you're currently using21:02
nosse1Yes. I'm running qemu/chroot to update and prepare packages from target, and that work fine (however slowly)21:03
rsalvetiat least with sbox I already saw it working with icecream21:03
rsalvetic++ sucks even when you build it at your native invironment21:04
nosse1Should I use serialtty=ttyS2 on installed Ubuntu as well?21:04
nosse1(I solved this by adding my own /etc/init/ttyS2.conf instead)21:05
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=== nosse1_away is now known as nosse1
nosse1Try telling the app developers that C++ sucks....21:14
nosse1Interesting: https://code.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6-stable, clicking on a revision like this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6-stable/revision/64 then I get internal server error21:17
rcn-eeyeah noticed that too.. something wrong with launchpad.. click reload works for me...21:20
nosse1rcn-ee, how do you experience Ubuntu against say Arago/OE or any other cross compiled into-one-large-image distro?21:26
nosse1size is obvious, but we've got nearly 1G available for entire system, so that's handled21:27
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
rcn-eewell, from my experience (pre lucid) Angstrom has always been the fastest and most polished, mostly due to many arm developers working on it for many years...21:27
rcn-eeother then the 'feel' i haven't run any numbers for load comparisons yet...21:28
rcn-eeone interesting side note, i do have a touchbook running both Angstrom and ubuntu Karmic...  Although Karmic is slower, more things do work out of the box, vs some of hte applications in the Angstrom image..21:32
nosse1Yes, that another point. I expect customer upgrade/maintenance/security fixed to be easy with Ubuntu. I have no idea what that would imply on Ångström21:33
rcn-eeThey use a tool called ipkg very similar to dpkg, but i haven't figured it out 100%.. Long term maintance is ubuntu/debian's strong point...21:34
nosse1Yeah. If we can stick with vanilla Ubuntu arm, and then our own custom kernel + our app, then I'd be /very/ happy21:35
nosse1Theres one product requirement though. Boottime from off until GUI is shown must be minimized, so perhaps some customization to the boot process must be added as well21:38
rcn-eethere is the 10second wait in most u-boot that's easy to remove...21:39
nosse1Timing it now, it takes 21 secs from u-boot bootm to login is shown (i.e. kernel and initrd loading is not included).  This is with NFS root and all so I'm very optimistic about shaving off seconds.21:43
rcn-eeconsole login or gui?21:44
nosse1console. I have no gui as of now21:45
rcn-eeokay, i had a user report that "console-setup-mini" shaved some more seconds in the lucid alpha releases...21:45
nosse1rcn-ee, perhaps you know what is needed to get the display up and running (I have the AM3517-EVM)?21:46
rcn-eei'm comparing the ti-psp-omap repo with ubuntu's. to figure out xm stuff ;) what git checkout did it work in ti-psp's?21:47
nosse1Uhm. /me git newbie: How to check?21:48
rcn-eeti does things like OMAPSP_03.00.00.04/etc.. which will get us in the ball park...21:49
nosse1No, I've pulled their working git repo for the kernel21:49
rcn-eewell they have about 12-15 more commits vs ubuntu's... your using the LCD panel?21:51
nosse1I'm about to...21:53
rcn-eeI'm going to try to merge them in..21:54
nosse1I can give you my head git revision if I just knew how to get it21:55
rcn-eegit log (top one sha) is the easist that i know off21:56
nosse1This one 7b8926aa62621:57
rcn-eeokay it's going to take quite a bit more cherry picks, but i think i got the lcd, it'll take about 5mins to finsih building..22:03
rcn-eeyeah, it's going to take more... it doesn't like the board-am3517evm at all... it's just too new with very little upstream...22:04
nosse1Yeah, I think I have logged over 50 hrs on this thing now. But part of that is to get oneself up to speed on Ubuntu booting internals22:07
nosse1So the positive result this evening is most welcome :D22:07
rcn-eeit's very possible and doable, both tree's are based off 2.6.33, but ti has about 100 new patches....22:08
rcn-eei really hope they merge some of that inthe next cycle...22:09
* nosse1 is trying xserver-xorg-video-omap322:22
nosse1Adam want long in Eden: [ 5577.017395] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [dpkg:681]22:29
* NCommander isn't doing good.22:54
crimsundoes dave martin frequent this channel?23:08
crimsun(I need someone to look at some gutsy v7 asm)23:08
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
nosse1I see I get a lot of unresolved packages when I try to get "ubuntu-netbook".23:53
nosse1What's a good target for the standard gnome desktop?23:53

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