
bioshoxHey Guy's10:19
bioshoxI need a little bit of help10:21
knomebioshox, probably better to just ask :P10:32
bioshoxhha :P10:32
bioshoxWell, I@m just confused at how you actually add artwork or propose it to Ubuntu D:10:32
knomesee the wiki page for artwork10:32
bioshoxHow do you submit to it? Iv looked there but there are no immediate instructions on how to submit10:33
knomeeg., for lucid, you should create a subpage for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid10:33
knomei think you need to be logged in to be able to add attachments10:33
bioshoxI read on the Ubuntu forums that you ask what people think here then they will get it submitted, but thank's I'll give that ago :3!10:34
knomeyou're always free to submit proposals10:34
bioshoxOkay, thankyou :)10:35
knomeno problem10:36
thorwilthe forum seems to be quite good as breeding ground for misinformation10:40
knomemisinf.? ;)10:42
bioshoxYeah, if it's not official it's probably incorrect10:42
darkmatterelky: kwwii: vish: http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/4504866485/ :O15:35
kwwiidarkmatter: I like the dark top better than the light15:36
kwwiiotherwise you make you life soooo hard just for dark menus15:36
darkmatterkwwii: well. the light isn't the correct shade. it will be tweaked and unified with the menubar. they'll look roughly the same shades as the combobox as far as the gradient goes15:40
darkmatterbut yeah. I like the dark better two. just started on them about 15 minutes before uploading that ;p15:41
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