
yvan300there is a key combination which can restart ubuntu even if the gui freezes, anyone know's what it is?00:17
pedro3005yvan300, it works for every linux, and it's ALT + SysReq + REISUB00:17
yvan300pedro3005: REISUB?00:18
pedro3005You press ALT along with SysReq then press R E I S U B one by one00:18
yvan300pedro3005: oh i see thanks man :)00:18
pedro3005yvan300, you can memorize it as the inverse of BUSIER00:18
yvan300pedro3005: naw reisub is easier for me :P00:19
ShadowKnighthey, really quick. how can you check how much space you have used up on ubuntu?00:44
collinpShadowKnight: Terminal command "df" (without quotes)00:46
ShadowKnightokay thank you collinp00:46
pedro3005ShadowKnight, or perhaps Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer00:46
ShadowKnighthaha wow i didnt notice that. sorry for the question00:47
pedro3005ShadowKnight, np :)00:48
ShadowKnightthanks pedro3005 :D00:48
ShadowKnightif ubuntu comes with firefox 3.5.8 is it good to upgrade to 3.6.3? and how would you do it exactly?00:53
phillwShadowKnight: there is really good person to ask about firefox, you can catch him over here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119356701:01
ShadowKnightokay, thank you phillw01:02
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thewrathjrhey i need some help here01:14
thewrathjri need some help with creating a name for an open source project01:14
thewrathjrit is an inventory tracking system01:14
thewrathjrany ideas01:15
pedro3005thewrathjr, sorry, I suck at naming things01:15
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DuvelhedzHow about Stoktrak01:51
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thewrathjrhey all03:22
thewrathjranyone home03:25
paultagthewrathjr, nevah :)03:27
hobgoblinhi bgs00008:31
ajmorrisPlacko, D. (2007). Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Measurement. United States: ISTE Ltd.08:50
hobgoblinis it good ajmorris ?08:50
ajmorrislol, sorry08:50
hobgoblinhow are you anyway?08:50
ajmorrisnot bad elfman08:50
ajmorrisand you?08:50
hobgoblinyep - day off today and the sun is out so I am GOOD :)08:51
ajmorrisnice :D08:51
ajmorrisPlacko, D. (2007). Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Measurement. United States: ISTE Ltd.08:51
hobgoblinstill busy with travel to uni?08:51
ajmorrisnah, i transferred unis08:51
hobgoblinwrong channel I guess ha ha ha08:51
hobgoblinaah - much better then I guess08:52
ajmorrisnah, not wrong channel... my clipboard is screwing up my scroll capabilities08:52
hobgoblinha ha ha08:52
Akoshi team08:53
ajmorrisohaider akos08:53
hobgoblinhi akos08:55
hobgoblinnot sure if any of the team are awake though :)08:56
* ZachK_ is awake08:56
ajmorrisZachK_ is talking in his sleep again08:57
ZachK_lol ajmorris08:57
hobgoblini'll be off now then - cya ajmorris08:57
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man0riaXDoes anyone of you know if I am able to start a daemon with a parameter? Say I have a program that I can start with the command "programname -parameter" and I want to start that program as a daemon, I know that I can do "/etc/init.d/programname start", but am I also able to start the daemon with the parameter, then?11:55
geirhaYou make a file /etc/default/programname, in there you put something like   OPTIONS=-parameter  then you source that from the init script and add $OPTIONS to the programs argument list.11:58
geirhaThat's how I've generally seen it done at least.11:59
man0riaXOkay, I'll try this out. Thanks.12:01
geirhaLook at /etc/default/ntp and /etc/init.d/ntp for an example.12:04
man0riaXI think I'm missing that program, as those files do not exist in my computer. ^^12:05
geirhaAh, I thought that got installed by default.12:06
man0riaXI'm having a look at /etc/init.d/lm-sensors12:06
man0riaXI think that's also a good example12:06
man0riaXOr what do you think?12:06
geirhaDon't know, I don't have that one ^^12:06
man0riaXOkay, lm-sensors was a bad idea since it does not have a file in /etc/default/12:07
C-Rayhow ar u?12:14
C-Rayplease, i have a simple question concerning a very minor issue12:14
C-RayI am using Ubuntu 9.10, and open office.org
C-RayWhen am trying to export my .odt file to a pdf, i am seeing that the security tab is disabled12:16
C-Rayhow to enable that tab?12:16
C-Rayany ideas?12:16
C-Rayor suggestions?12:16
C-Ray[the security tab in the PDF option during the export]12:17
geirhaI'm not very familiar with openoffice ... is the security tab enabled when you convert a different format to pdf?12:17
C-Raywell it was working when i had 9.0412:17
C-Rayafter the upgrade it is not12:18
C-Rayno i tried it now under .doc, the same thing12:18
C-Rayit is still disabled12:18
C-Rayis this a problem of java?12:19
C-Rayor something like a plugin?12:19
C-Raythough java is installed by default under 9.10 i think, anyway it is installed on mine12:20
geirhaI do have a security tab here, I'm also running Ubuntu 9.1012:20
geirhaI don't think java is involved12:20
C-Rayis it also disabled?12:21
C-Rayi don't know12:21
C-Rayi was just guessing12:21
geirhaNo, there are two buttons in the security tab, and the rest is greyed out12:21
C-Raywell for me everything is grayed out12:22
C-Rayi can't apply any settings within the security tab12:23
C-Rayare u using KDE or GNOME?12:23
C-RayI am using Gnome12:23
geirhaThe rest is enabled once I set a access password.12:23
geirhaGnome, yes12:24
C-Rayaccess password?12:24
geirhaThe second button. It's translated to my native language. I probably didn't use the right term when I translated it back ;)12:24
C-Raybut i can't set that, the whole page is disabled. with Gray, are you talking about the security tab or different tab?12:26
geirhaThe security tab.12:26
C-Rayyeah, everything is disabled there not even the first two buttons12:27
C-Raydo u think i should go to an IRC of open office or something?12:27
C-Rayis there any irc for open office?12:27
geirhaThat's roughly how it looks for me12:28
geirha(Just googled for images)12:28
C-Rayhere is mine12:31
geirhaHm. Well according to that link I just posted, there's an #Openoffice.org channel here on freenode12:31
C-Raythat's really good12:32
geirhaThey'll probably be better at helping you with this than I am :)12:32
C-Rayi will try them12:32
C-Raythanks a lot though for your time12:32
C-Raysorry for the trouble12:32
geirhaNah, no trouble :)12:33
C-Raythe problem was from the version of ubuntu i think13:56
C-Rayi downloaded the new version and updating and removing all openoffice.org13:56
C-Rayand it worked13:56
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fine_line1/join #ubuntufrums14:31
mohi1hey fine_line14:31
ZachK_fine_line: why?14:32
mohi1ZachK_, he wrongly typed ;)14:32
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paultaghey man0riaX19:34
paultagman0riaX, thanks for introducing yourself :)19:34
Genei have usb wireless keyboard and mouse, the comp sees them and lets me use the keyboard for bios, no prob,    the grub(2) ignores the keyboard,,, (can't use it to select boot option), then the ubuntu loads and sees it and it works fine there . is there a way to fix that?19:34
paultagGene, interesting. Let me think that over real quick.19:35
man0riaXpaultag: Hey. Yes, I thought it could be useful and, not at last, polite.19:35
paultagGene, do you have any other devices on USB or PS/2 ?19:35
paultagman0riaX, naturlich ;)19:35
Geneonly keyboard and mouse19:36
paultagGene, Interesting. Hold on19:36
paultagGene, I had this issue, but enabling USB Keyboards via BIOS fixed it for me. Let me look into this deeper19:36
paultagman0riaX, Woher kommst du aus Deutschland? ( kann ich duzen? )19:37
man0riaXpaultag: Natürlich darfst du duzen. Ich komme aus der Nähe von Siegen, wenn dir das etwas sagt. :)19:38
paultagman0riaX, Nein, aber ich kann dass googlen ;) -- Ich habe studert aus München als ich 16 war :)19:39
paultagGene, Have you tried legacy USB support?19:40
Genei thought that i had that enabled, but i'm not totally sure, i will check that in a while19:40
paultagGene, I'll keep looking :)19:40
Genei'll hibernate it and check that, i'll be back19:41
man0riaXpaultag: München ist eine ziemlich schöne Stadt. Woher kommst du ursprünglich?19:41
paultagman0riaX, Ich Komme aus USA -- Boston ( es ist nord von New York ), und jezt ich wohne aus Ohio, USA19:42
man0riaXThat's cool. I intend to visit the US some time.19:44
paultagman0riaX, :)19:45
paultagman0riaX, My German is very rusty, I'm sorry if it sounded rough :P19:45
man0riaXIt didn't, don't worry. :D19:45
matiasMXi tryin to undertandin englis bun avove i dint19:45
Genewhat a simple fix19:45
paultaggeirha, :)19:45
paultagerm Gene19:45
paultagnot you geirha, ignore the ping :)19:46
paultagmatiasMX, we were speaking in German :P19:46
matiasMXhoo my firts language is spanish19:46
paultagman0riaX, Do let me know if you make a trip to the USA :)19:46
Genepaultag, that was so simple, i'm amazed i missed it. it works fine now. i thought i had already done that.19:47
paultagmatiasMX, pedro3005 here as well ;)19:47
Raidsongpaultag, ping but ignore this ping19:47
paultagGene, outstanding :) -- I'm glad to hear it19:47
pedro3005paultag, what?19:47
paultagGene, sure thing19:47
paultag<matiasMX> hoo my firts language is spanish19:47
paultagRaidsong, kk19:47
Genehave a good day19:47
paultagGene, you too19:47
pedro3005paultag, ... I've told you it's portuguese :P19:47
pedro3005I don't speak spanish well19:47
paultagevery time!19:47
paultagpedro3005, I'm sorry again :(19:47
paultagpedro3005, I don't know any language other then English and a bit of German, so don't hold it against me!19:48
man0riaXpaultag: First of all I need to start my studies on university by the end of next year. Maybe I will visit Canada, though, since there's a friend of mine living there19:48
matiasMXyes, but i'm learnin with you19:48
pedro3005paultag, no problem! can't expect people to know this crap19:48
paultagpedro3005, No, that's not right. I'm sorry, I won't make that mistake again19:48
matiasMXgrasias pedro19:48
paultagman0riaX, Have you done your Civeldienst ( or however it's spelled ) ?19:49
nose_pick Hey all19:49
pedro3005paultag, alright, but don't worry..19:49
paultaghowdy nose_pick19:49
pedro3005man0riaX, hola19:49
nose_pickHow is everything going atm?19:49
paultagpedro3005, no man. What if someone asked if I spoke Canadian. That's not cool. I know I'm American, but c'mon. I'm better then that19:49
paultagnose_pick, not bad. And yourself?19:49
meindian523What's the Canadian language?19:49
nose_pickJust came back from the city19:49
nose_pickhad a huge night19:50
meindian523French IIRC19:50
paultagmeindian523, English, but they say "Eh" a lot19:50
paultagmeindian523, and French ;)19:50
man0riaXpedro3005: Hola, qué tal? (I don't know how to make that reversed question mark :D)19:50
nose_picki have always wanted too goto canada19:50
pedro3005man0riaX, Estoy bien (is that right? who knows...)19:50
man0riaXpaultag: I'm about to. Currently I'm finishing school. My "Zivildienst" (<- that's how it's spelled :>) is starting on the 1st of October.19:51
paultagman0riaX, are you doing service in the Army or are you doing Ambulance work or something?19:51
man0riaXpaultag: I refused to serve for the Army, thus I'll work on a workplace for disabled people19:53
paultagman0riaX, :D19:53
pleia2paultag: thanks a ton for helping Gene :) he's a texas loco guy who was having a rough time finding help19:53
paultagpleia2, sure thing, seems like a cool guy :)19:53
pleia2yeah, he's a nice guy19:53
paultagpleia2, so how are things?19:55
pleia2paultag: busy, I need a vacation :)19:55
paultagpleia2, tell me about it. Phew.19:56
pleia2paultag: you?19:56
paultagpleia2, busy, I need a vacation ;)19:56
paultagpleia2, school is kicking my ass19:56
pleia2school+work, I don't know how you do it19:56
meindian523idle, I need a kick in my ass to get my pending schoolwork done19:57
paultagpleia2, I can't stand sitting idle, I always need something19:57
man0riaXpaultag: I think my English is likely as rusty as your German. :D19:57
paultag+100 meindian52319:57
hobgoblinpractice I should guess pleia2 - I had to do that19:57
DiegoTcpaultag pleia219:57
* meindian523 doesn't imply he wants to be kicked from the channel19:57
DiegoTca question19:57
DiegoTcwhich of these one do you prefered?19:57
paultagman0riaX, dann du kannst auf Deutsch sprechen zu mich, und ich kann English sprechen zu dir :)19:57
paultagDiegoTc, that's _AWESOME_19:58
DiegoTcor this one http://effiejayx.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/ubuntu-hn.png19:58
meindian523DiegoTc, the 2nd19:58
meindian523and +1 paultag19:58
paultagtop one DiegoTc :)19:58
man0riaXpaultag: Das wird sicher ein Spaß. :D19:58
hobgoblinDiegoTc: excellent :)19:58
paultagman0riaX, Awesome, then we will do that :)19:58
meindian523paultag, and the wordpress file is better19:58
DiegoTcwe are having the dabete if we should chabge the logo or leave the one we have always used19:58
paultagmeindian523, I like the new artwork more19:59
paultagDiegoTc, I think the new artwork looks a lot better19:59
meindian523paultag, I dunno the old artwork19:59
meindian523for me its all new19:59
paultagmeindian523, imageshack == new art, wordpress == old art19:59
* meindian523 likes old art19:59
meindian523more explicit19:59
paultagI want to change Ohio, but I don't have that font20:00
meindian523and if you are going with new art, the 1 on top20:00
meindian523DiegoTc, ^20:00
paultagmeindian523, +120:00
DiegoTcwell I will tell this to the members of the team20:00
paultagIt makes it look like ubuntu:hn20:00
paultagand that's cool as hell20:01
paultagDiegoTc, sure :)20:01
meindian523DiegoTc, could do with a bit more space betw the ubuntu logo and the honduran flag I think20:02
meindian523imageshack image, the top20:02
meindian523*the top one20:02
DiegoTcthanks meindian523  and paultag20:02
meindian523np DiegoTc20:02
DiegoTcwe hope to do the new tshirts for the release20:02
meindian523excellent work20:03
DiegoTcthe only problem with the new tshirts is that according to this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand220:03
DiegoTcthey are going to be purple20:03
DiegoTcand almost 70% of the team is not white and purple with brown not a good combination :p20:03
pleia2DiegoTc: I still like the old one http://effiejayx.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/ubuntu-hn.png20:04
DiegoTcpleia2: there is a suggestion of leaving the ubuntu circle of friends of the old version and just add the new letters20:05
hobgoblingoodbye everyone20:05
pleia2DiegoTc: I like that suggestion20:05
DiegoTcpaultag, pleia2 , duanedesign , lukjad86 , duanedesign  http://blog.diegoturcios.net16.net/?p=46020:27
paultagDiegoTc, :)20:27
DiegoTcI am leaving20:40
AJH101hi if i want to share home patition btwn ubuntu and u studio should i wait till lucid - i will run a clean install at that point anyway!20:44
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ghostofmybrain_i have a linux computer on my network and a windows 7 computer. I'm trying to move some files from teh linux machine to the windows 7.21:21
ghostofmybrain_does anybody know any good links?21:22
ghostofmybrain_by the way, I'm using server edition ubuntu, so everything needs to be executable from teh command line21:22
michae1I've got two boxes, one set up as a LAMP. the desktop box can see the LAMP box in places, but not through the web browser. Why?21:29
duanedesignhello ghostofmybrain_21:32
duanedesignghostofmybrain_: I would use ssh21:36
duanedesignghostofmybrain_: you can use the 'scp' command21:36
duanedesignghostofmybrain_: you can use Putty to set up SSH on windows21:37
duanedesignscp command is something like: scp greenmist.jpg
duanedesignbut i have a  secure key-pair between the two computers. you can use something like this to add username and destination directory 'scp a.file me@remote-server.com:remote.file'21:43
mj8741Can I ask a question about Ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 or do I need to wait until it's released?22:23
drubinmj8741: ask away22:23
mj8741Well, I tried the live cd - using nvidia geforce 6150 le graphics card - just blank screen.  I'm just hoping that will work when final 10.04 comes out.22:24
mj8741It works on a friends computer with ati card.  I hope they still support nvidia cards.22:25
mj8741Guess I should just wait until the final 10.04 is out.  Must be lots of people using nvidia - doubt ubuntu would not support it.22:27
ghostofmybrain_duanedesign: can you walk me through using ssh?22:27
ghostofmybrain_do I need to change any sort of firewall type settings? I can see teh computer on my windows machine, but I can't access it22:29
mj8741drubin - guess I was just afraid I would not be able to use ubuntu 10.04 -22:31
duanedesignghostofmybrain_: http://www.sharms.org/blog/2009/07/05/connecting-to-ubuntu-from-windows/22:34
duanedesignyou will need to install PuTTY on your windows box22:34
drubinmj8741: it might work if you install it22:37
drubinremeber the alternate cd doesn't always install all proprietary drivers and stuff22:38
mj8741drubin: yeah, you're  right.  I was just going to take a look at it via live cd... no big deal.  I'll just wait.  9.04 works fine for me for now... Thanks22:39
ghostofmybrain_duanedesign: oohhh, that's pretty spiffy.22:43
running_rabbit07What will be the code name for 10.10?23:49
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: Maverick Meerkat23:50
running_rabbit07Seriously? Kool =)23:50

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